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12 Marketing Report Templates You Can Use Right Now

12 Marketing Report Templates You Can Use Right Now

Written by: Orana Velarde

Marketing-Report Templates You Can Use Right Now Header

Knowing how to write a marketing report is a requisite for every marketing position you’re hoping to get. Might as well get acquainted with them before you have to present one.

For those of you who already know how to write this type of document, you’ll find inspiration for your next issue right here.

Do you know how many ways you can present data from your marketing campaigns? Not just charts and graphs, but also diagrams, data widgets, timelines, and maps.

If you had to choose between presenting another long spreadsheet or a visually rich document, which one would it be?

Give yourself a little time this week and turn your spreadsheet report into a reusable, branded marketing report your entire team can collaborate on, right now.

Table of Contents

12 marketing report templates to help you present data, what is a marketing report and when do you need one.

What To Include in a Marketing Report

5 Tips for Using a Marketing Report Template to its Max Potential

1. marketing kpis report.

Key Performance Indicators laid out in an Excel spreadsheet are what everyone is expecting. Surprise them with an easy-to-understand visual report that shows the most current data at all times. And they won’t even have to download it. One live Visme link is enough to keep a current dashboard of metrics for the team to work with.

Across ten pages of this marketing report, you’ll find line charts, bar graphs and pie charts ready to visualize your KPIs. This is the perfect marketing report template to integrate with your Google Analytics dashboard. Our integration has options to visualize different metrics that you can then personalize to match your brand.

Keep a subtle color theme across the pages of your document report. Use a light base or background and a set of three or four vibrant colors for text, visualizations and charts. In this template, the base color is a light gray, alternating with a dark green gray. The accent color is turquoise. The combination brings attention to the points you highlight with the accent color.

marketing assignment report

2. Quarterly Email Analytics Report

Track your email marketing data with a quarterly report. Include an overview of goals and projections, plus add a conclusion with a review of the most notable data. Color code your charts to match the content and update it automatically with our Google Sheets integration.

On the flip side of email marketing with Visme, connect your Visme account to Mailchimp to easily export designs to your newsletters and emails. Along with being able to export visuals to emails, with Visme you can also share content on social media directly.

Let’s say you’re working on a marketing campaign that includes a couple of emails and several social media posts. You create all the visuals with Visme, schedule some to social media channels and send others and duplicates to Mailchimp to make newsletters. Finally, use a report to share your email data about the campaigns.

marketing assignment report

3. Social Media Marketing Weekly Report

Sometimes one page is all you need for an effective marketing report. This social media weekly report is a great way to show a quick overview of your top-level metrics. Perfect for larger teams with people in different areas. Everyone can log on to the file and fill in their relevant information.

Collaboration within teams is simple when creating reports for different areas . You’re a social media marketing manager in charge of different teams for each social channel. A designer uses Visme to create all the visual graphics for each campaign or promotion. They’re stored in the Visme library and then scheduled by the social media content managers.

Every week, the team members gather the relevant data for the report and log on to the weekly social media report file. To ensure the data is placed correctly, block sections of the document to specific people who aren’t involved in that area.

Social Media Marketing Weekly Report

4. Content Marketing Weekly Report

A weekly content marketing report is the perfect companion to a more extended marketing report presented monthly or quarterly. You can include an overview of what your team is working on one page.

This template is the perfect opportunity to use as a simple template for the content team to report the most crucial information. A more complete monthly or quarterly report can be linked to the bottom of this one with a hyperlink. Another option to use hyperlinks is for sharing the best posts of the week.

No need to ever print this report. Just keep digital copies in a file and keep the Visme version up to date week to week. Share the template with your content marketing workspace and work on inputting the information together.

Content Marketing Weekly Report

5. Promotional Sales Report

Need to explain the sales results of two different marketing campaigns? The promotional sales report is just what you need. The funnel strategy is visualized with timelines, data widgets and custom tables.

Then each consecutive page compares the results from both campaigns, giving insight to your team about which one worked best. A/B testing in sales strategies is a great way to know how your brand can get ahead of the sea of competition. It offers valuable knowledge about your customers , and how they convert.

The color palette for this template is a smooth combination of gray tones and a bright yellow. This classic pop of color design looks great with any type of content. It makes your report look sleek and thoughtful. Make sure to use yellow as an accent color that brings life to your data and information.

marketing assignment report

6. Influencer Marketing Report

Your team of influencer marketers has lots of data to report. How are they performing? What results are they getting for your brand? Use custom charts and data widgets to visualize the activity metrics on social channels and analysis of engagement percentages.

Show results of surveys conducted with your influencers. Find out how they feel about the program and their vision of your brand and your message. Use one of our integrated survey platforms and use Visme to conduct the survey and report the results.

Include the survey result percentages or numbers in data widgets like percentage gauges, radial thermometers, etc. Use icons to visualize the question and answer content, giving your data a more inviting angle.

marketing assignment report

7. Weekly Marketing Report

Every week, your marketing team creates a report to share with the other teams in your company. It is highly likely that not everyone on the team is in the same office; many of them work from home or other parts of the country or world. That’s why digital reports are the way to go nowadays. Gone are the days when you had to print out a report six times and bind it for each attendee of your meeting. Also, what a waste of paper!

Take advantage of the no print angle to use bright color backgrounds and combinations that would simply waste ink if you printed them out. Use high-quality images to make your report more enticing to look at. Forget about boring data sets; make them fun with color and design elements.

Mix pie charts, tables and data widgets on one page to show different results depending on the campaign you’re reporting about. Use colors to show the difference in the data. Add a legend to keep things clear for everyone.

marketing assignment report

8. Competitor Analysis Interactive Report

Marketing teams need a competitor analysis report to get started on their strategy. Before building a plan , the competitor analysis gives insight into what other brands are doing in the same industry. Furthermore, it can give the marketing team ideas for creative strategies and campaigns.

This is an interactive presentation template with animated icons and hyperlinks in the table of contents. Adding more interactive elements is easy. For example, on page 2, the statistics can include hotspots with popups that include more information. Alternatively, hyperlink the icons to other longer documents with more data.

The best way to share interactive presentations is through a live Visme link. When you publish reports to the web with Visme, the information isn’t indexed by Google. Only the people you invite can see the report if you add a password entry. Your data is safe with Visme, and all proprietary information stays within your company.

marketing assignment report

9. Annual Digital Marketing Report

Annual marketing reports tend to be long and bulky to print. They’re much better suited for digital experiences that offer a lot more than a lot of data and long text. An annual marketing report includes every angle of your marketing strategy. From the goals you had in the first quarter to all the collected results and the analysis you conducted throughout the year.

This template has all the pages needed to get you started with the key metrics and stats overview. For additional pages, insert blank pages and build with pre-designed content blocks or duplicate a page already in the document. Maintain a visual unity from page to page by using the same colors, fonts, spacing and margin dimensions.

Are you looking for a simple way to share your annual report that doesn’t involve downloading a PDF or printing out a bunch of pages? Try embedding your digital annual marketing report on a page on your website. Add password protection if the content is private. The best part about embedding your report is that you can make it interactive with videos, animations, voiceovers, music, etc.

marketing assignment report

10. Social Media Report Presentation

Show the engagement rate for the week on each channel your brand is active on . Keep everyone in the loop with a visual approach to data sharing. Make your slides look inviting and interesting while sharing important information about your social media marketing results.

This is the perfect opportunity to create a branded template for your social media team. Instead of creating a new presentation every time they need to report, they can use the template instead.

With a Visme for Teams subscription, you can create workspaces for each team in your organization. Then inside each workspace, make a set of templates for them to use whenever it’s time to report, not just for marketing but also for other projects. Make proposals, communication documents, employee handbooks, pretty much anything you can think of.

marketing assignment report

11. Market Analysis Report

The slides on this template showcase your data sets for market analysis. Each slide has data visualization options for all your data sets, from overviews to detailed metrics. With this clean-cut presentation template, you can create a simple but beautiful marketing report presentation.

It's always helpful to include demographic data with maps and data widgets to support the information in your market analysis . Use color themes to make sure all the graphs in your presentation have the same color scheme, unifying the visuals of your report.

Not enough slides? Need more space to visualize additional data sets? Duplicate the ones you have in the template and simply change the data and content. If there are too many slides, just delete the ones you don’t need!

marketing assignment report

12. Sales Report Chart

Not all marketing reports have many pages or slides. A marketing report can be a chart about just one metric. Sometimes all you need is a chart to start. Thankfully, when you create a singular chart like this one, it’s easy to then add it to a longer report. Simply select all the elements and create a block.

Then, from another project, you have to select the chart block in your blocks directory, and you’re done! To go one step further, connect the data in the chart to a live Google Sheets link. When you change the data in the Google Sheet, the changes will reflect on your chart.

If an area chart isn’t the best option for your data, the Visme data tools offer lots of options to choose another type of graph. You only need to add your data once, and the AI populates the chart for you. When you change to a different chart, the data stays the same. Every chart and graph type has settings and options to change things like how the data is presented and explained.

QHD TV Sales Report 2023 Area Chart Square

Marketing reports are all about presenting results—anything from a social media marketing campaign to a market research analysis. A marketing report can be a one-page list, a multi-page document, a presentation, a single chart, or an infographic. As long as the document shows the results of your efforts in a marketing project, you’ve got a marketing report.

How do you know when you need a marketing report? Whenever someone on your marketing team needs to share data about a project with the rest of the team, they’ll need a marketing report. Everyone in marketing needs to make a marketing report at some point.

Stakeholders and higher-up managers ask for marketing reports to track what’s going on with campaigns across the organization. You can create weekly, monthly, quarterly and annual marketing reports. The frequency and depth of information depend on what metrics you’re following and what you want to share.

What to Include in a Marketing Report

The number one thing your marketing report always needs to share is data. You’ll need data visualizations for tracking, analyzing and projecting metrics. But what about the rest of the report?

Here’s a complete list of what a marketing report can look like. The entirety of this list would suit something like an annual marketing report. Weekly reports can be one-pagers and still include everything your stakeholders need to know.

  • Table of contents
  • Short description and who it's prepared by
  • All relevant metrics for the project in charts and visualizations
  • Projections
  • Conclusions

Every marketing report is different depending on the project and scope. The metrics for a content marketing report aren’t the same as a social media report, nor for an in-store campaign. To create a truly engaging report, you’ll need to go beyond a hard-to-follow spreadsheet.

We make marketing report templates look amazing so you don’t have to present your data in boring spreadsheets anymore. Have a little fun, and lay down the information with style.

With Visme, your reports can be so much more than just data. Here are five tips for using a marketing report to its full potential.

1. Integrate Your Systems

First up, take advantage of the integrations available for your marketing reports. For example;

  • Google Analytics
  • Google Sheets
  • Google Drive

The fewer apps you use, the easier it is to get things done. With integrations, everything is connected. Import files and assets from cloud services, export finished graphics to email providers, present your Visme with Livestorm, include surveys in your projects and then report the results.

The list of integrations in your Visme workspace is always growing. We aim to make it easier for you and your team to get work done by connecting Visme to the apps you already use.

Google Analytics data slide

2. Get Digital

Stop downloading and sending status PDF reports. Why are you still doing it? There’s a better way. Create digital reports and share them with a link and password.

Not only is it easier to share, but if you notice that you made a mistake somewhere—from a typo to a data error—you won’t need to download and resend anything!

When you make an edit in the file, everyone with the link will also see the new version. They won’t even notice that anything has changed.

Apart from being able to share a document so easily, there are plenty of other ways to make your digital document even better:

  • Embed online content.
  • Add animated graphics.
  • Create hotspots with additional data.
  • Hyperlink to other pages in the document.

Interactivity is the hype of digital content. Make your reports worth looking at by adding a bit of interactive sparkle.

Share privately in Visme

3. Make Data Look Good

Any type of data can be made to look good. Even a simple pie chart has the potential to look like a great pie chart. Make bar graphs look better with inspiring color palettes and interesting backgrounds. Choose animation for the graph to enter the page with a bit of flair.

In some cases, data doesn’t always fit into a chart or graph. For example, singular data sets look great as data widgets and processes can be turned into diagrams and flowcharts. A list of tasks could be a timeline or a Gantt chart. Include icons to represent the type of data being shared.

Use the same color theme throughout the pages of your document. Take note of the color hex codes so you can apply them to your charts in a way that works with the rest of the design. Sometimes the charts have more bars than the colors you’ve already been using, in this case, try monochromatic palettes or complementary colors.

4. Add Visuals

Visuals don’t mean just images. It also involves all sorts of shapes, lines, backgrounds, frames, icons, and illustrations.

Adding visuals to your reports makes the pages more interesting to look at. If you don’t know what to use, try with any brand graphics you might have. You can also do a search inside your editor to discover plenty of visual elements to work with.

When you have long sections of text, try adding visual elements to that page, so it welcomes the viewer to read. On pages like the table of contents, use color shapes or lines to bring attention to the information.

Create subtle backgrounds with images and a color overlay with low transparency. Use boxes with colors to hold text and create compositions with images or illustrations on the same page.

5. Present Better

If you won’t be presenting the marketing report in person, then you can personalize the document or slideshow for easy remote asynchronous presenting with Visme Presenter Studio.

Record your marketing report presentation and send it out to busy managers. They’ll be able to watch asynchronously when they wish. It saves everyone from having to figure out the perfect time for the presentation meeting.

Use the Livestorm integration to present directly from Visme while in a conference call with your team members. Share marketing report tips in live webinars as a Visme ambassador. Are you interested? Sign up here in the form.

Make Better Marketing Reports With Visme

Stop dreading report day! Tap into your creative brain and use one of our templates to make an unforgettable report your team will look forward to.

Collaborate on multi-level reports by giving team members access to their specific page with data metrics. With one report and a Visme Team plan, your teams will be creating inspiring reports in no time.

Check out our document maker right inside your Visme dashboard. You’ll find all these templates and many more. Not only for creating marketing reports but also for many other types of reports. We have templates for the sales team as well as students. Because with Visme, you can do it all.

Create stunning marketing reports with Visme.

marketing assignment report

Trusted by leading brands


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marketing assignment report

About the Author

Orana is a multi-faceted creative. She is a content writer, artist, and designer. She travels the world with her family and is currently in Istanbul. Find out more about her work at oranavelarde.com

marketing assignment report

From Data to Insights: How to Write a Marketing Report That Converts

Whether you work as an in-house marketing manager or within an agency, you probably have to report your work to someone. Unfortunately, just doing great work with your marketing strategy is not good enough unless you can convince others about the progress and value of your marketing campaigns.

Whatagraph marketing reporting tool

Nov 16 2022 ● 10 min read

From Data to Insights: How to Write a Marketing Report That Converts

Table of Contents

What is a marketing report, types of marketing reports, what to include in a marketing report, goals and executive summary, detailed analytics, website metrics, conversions and sales data, explanations of metrics, numbers, and marketing activities, creating a marketing report: a step-by-step process, determine the data sources, collect the data and add it to the report, create the report design, send out the report at your desired intervals, common challenges when creating marketing reports, #1 scalability, #2 flexibility, build a marketing report in whatagraph, pick a template from our library, start from a blank page.

For a long while, writing marketing reports was something considered tedious and time-consuming but thanks to modern tools and reporting systems, you can create marketing reports within minutes instead of hours.

Today, we’ll show you how to write a marketing report, no matter what type of platform or marketing campaign you are working on.

A marketing report is a document that shows the progress of an ongoing marketing campaign to interested parties — clients, managers, and leaders of different departments. A marketing report contains marketing KPIs and metrics that show the progress of your marketing efforts and how they affect the bottom line.

Depending on the person who is the target audience for the report, marketing reports will have different levels of detail. However, all marketing reports have one thing in common — showing what was done, how it was done, and what the results are.

There are plenty of reasons to create and send marketing reports to your clients or managers, but here are some of the most important ones:

  • Goal setting
  • Progress tracking
  • More efficient communication
  • Increased accountability
  • More transparency for the client on where their marketing budget is being spent

In the old days, you’d send a marketing report using an Excel spreadsheet, a PowerPoint file, or something similar. Nowadays, you can send marketing reports using marketing reporting software such as Whatagraph.

Depending on the platforms, the marketing plan, and the stakeholders reading the report, there are different types of reports that you can create.

Web analytics report

This is a more general type of web analytics report where you show the website performance, including website traffic, landing page performance, number of leads, organic search results, and more.

Search engine optimization is important for any online business, and you can report on it with this type of report, with KPIs such as organic traffic, inbound leads, non-branded search traffic, and more.

Social media marketing report

Whether you run Facebook Ads, Instagram, or TikTok Ads, a social media marketing report is a superb way to show clients what’s happening with their ads or organic performance.

PPC marketing is a favorite for many marketers because of how accurate it is and how well you can predict the ROI. Being precise with your metrics (click-through rate or CTR, cost per click, and others) is crucial for this type of report.

Here is an example from our PPC report template :

Compare PPC performance of different channels in Whatagraph

This way we can quickly compare the cost per conversion for every paid channel, as well as their share in total traffic.

Cross-channel marketing report

If you want to report on different types of marketing, such as email marketing, SEO, and others, you can do it in a single marketing analytics report . Just list the different platforms and key performance indicators, and you’re good to go.

Here’s an example of a cross-channel analytics report template :

Cross-channel marketing report in Whatagraph

Before you start doing the actual writing, you need to carefully consider who is going to read your report. Depending on the seniority of the person and their knowledge of marketing, the report can have a completely different structure and contents.

At the same time, consider the frequency at which your reports go out. The more frequently you send them, the more details you can cover. For example, a weekly report can cover a wider range of metrics compared to a high-level report you send out per month or let alone an annual marketing report .

With this in mind, make sure that your company’s marketing report includes:

The overall marketing goals should be the first element to include in your marketing report. Whether it’s to increase conversions, lower your cost per acquisition, or something else, you should report on how well your overall marketing department initiatives are contributing to reaching your client’s goals.

Marketing report goals in Whatagraph

Note that a goal is not the same as an individual KPI. For example, lowering ad spend would be a goal while your average CPC is a KPI. If you’re wondering what type of goals to include in your specific report, using a marketing report template is a good idea.

The executive summary is a quick overview at the beginning of your marketing report. If anyone wants high-level marketing insights, this is where they can find them.

Once goals are out of the way, you can include detailed analytics for a specific marketing channel. For example, for SEO/content marketing, you would include:

  • Organic traffic,
  • Branded/non-branded traffic,
  • Average keyword position,
  • Keyword movements,
  • Conversion rate from organic traffic,
  • And many others.

Choosing the metrics that matter is essential, so only list the marketing data that impacts the overall goal. You can display this information in the form of numbers, graphs, bar charts, or similar visualizations.

A client’s website is the most important frontier for their marketing activities, so make sure to cover the most important website metrics and KPIs in your marketing report. Examples include:

  • Page views,
  • Bounce rate,
  • Conversion rate,
  • Average time on page,
  • Average session duration,
  • Traffic sources,
  • And others.

Website metrics in Whatagraph marketing report

Your typical Google Analytics 4 report has all of these and more, so it’s a good idea to link your Google Analytics 4 account to your favorite marketing reporting tool to get this data automatically.

Views, likes, and shares are great for market research, but they don’t pay the bills. A portion of your marketing report should be focused on the metrics that have an impact on the client’s revenue. These include:

  • Cost per acquisition,
  • The average revenue per user,
  • Cost per click,
  • Average deal size,
  • Return on ad spend,
  • The overall return on investment,
  • And others, depending on the marketing channel that you’re using.

For company leaders, this is probably the most important portion of each report, so it’s worth your time to make it accurate, actionable, and pretty.

We recently ran research to find out what agency clients think about the reports they get. It turns out that many clients lack explanations of what the numbers in their reports mean. For example, you can include:

  • A comparison of what a metric means against industry benchmarks. A 5% conversion rate for a website may sound poor to a layman, but in reality, it’s an excellent result.
  • An explanation of what has been done in a specific channel. Let’s say you drove 30% more organic traffic in a quarter — explain how this was achieved with your marketing process.
  • Explanation of the next steps. Whether the KPIs are looking good or bad, you can elaborate on them and explain what happens next.

Now you have a good idea of what a report is and what you should include in it, so let’s create one.

Depending on the type of campaigns you’re running and the goals you have for your clients, you’re going to use different platforms. For example, you could be using:

  • Google Analytics 4,
  • Google Search Console,
  • Facebook Ads,
  • LinkedIn Ads,
  • TikTok Ads,
  • Or something completely different.

First, determine which of these you’re using, and then you can collect the data from the dashboards in these tools. Doing this manually will take a lot of time and work, so it’s better to use a reporting tool like Whatagraph instead.

Let’s say you need to report on a Facebook Ads campaign that you ran, with several different ad sets, each with its own creatives and results. Copying these manually to your report can be time-consuming, especially if you must repeat it weekly or even more often.

Instead, use a tool like Whatagraph. Connect your data sources once to your report, and every time a new report is created, the data gets refreshed. You no longer need to spend hours digging through dashboards — just connect your platforms once, and the data gets filled and updated automatically in the future.

Things get even more complicated if you do a cross-channel analytics report, e.g. combining Google Ads with SEO performance data. Whatagraph lets you connect all of this in one place instead of going through different platforms. This makes it easy to create an advertising report and over a hundred other report examples.

Depending on the medium you want to use, you’ll create a different design for your reports. You could create one in PowerPoint or Excel, but this is not the year 2002, so why bother? There are also tools like Looker Studio (previously known as Google Data Studio), but they don’t allow for a lot of creativity in your design.

Instead, use Whatagraph to create a beautiful report in minutes. You can grab a report template (we have 100+ of them) and your report gets filled out with stunning…

  • Bar charts,
  • Single-value widgets.
  • And much more.

You don’t have to bother with the details because the report templates have everything you need.

Once you start creating your report, you change all the details you want, such as the widgets, their placement, the colors of the design elements, and logos (yours and your client's). And for that fully custom feel, you can white-label the report and remove the Whatagraph branding.

Some clients want to get the data from your marketing team weekly. Others want to see it on a monthly basis . You need to ensure that whatever this interval is, you send the reports out on time and with the most accurate marketing metrics.

Automate report sending in Whatagraph

No need to worry, as Whatagraph lets you schedule your reports. Once you connect the data sources, the data is updated in real time. So, just set your intervals, and each digital marketing report will be delivered on autopilot.

Marketing reporting is essential, yet, large organizations often face difficulties when managing and consolidating their marketing data.

For companies, it’s the vast volume of data and the necessity to integrate data from multiple sources, while for agencies, the main challenge is custom reporting to a large number of clients with specific requirements.

Let’s take the example of Rekom Group , a nightlife industry leader with a presence across four countries and over 200 venues.

This company struggled to track all the assets divided by brand names and custom styles and ultimately bring it all together for both executive- and department-level analytics.

The main concerns were:

for all those venues to one platform. into cross-channel marketing dashboards and reports. by venue, country, brand, etc. internally and with board members.

Solution: all-in-one data platform

Whatagraph was a natural match for Rekom due to the scalable nature of its reporting infrastructure.

Whether it’s hundreds of venues across multiple countries or multiple branches within one country, Whatagraph makes it easy to connect all marketing data from multiple channels in one report or dashboard.

whatagraph bigquery sources

Here, you can see all Rekom sources and well which channels are connected for each venue. Folders represent different countries, but Whatagraph allows you to create a custom folder structure depending on your business organization.

The success of marketing campaigns largely depends on data quality, which translates to having the right metrics in front of the right people.

Marketers spend a considerable time creating tailored reports for different clients, only to find that they can’t reuse the same report.

On the other hand, agencies that serve clients from similar industries regularly create similar reports which they need to edit one by one.

33social Digital Marketing is an example of a digital marketing agency that faced the same challenges.

At one point, this digital marketing agency from Charlotte, North Carolina, required functions that Looker Studio (Google Data Studio back then) couldn’t deliver.

As the agency grew, it needed flexibility to integrate and compare paid social media campaigns and Google campaigns.

Solution: native integrations and custom API

With Whatagraph, they can easily build insightful reports to compare their lead-gen channels. Such a level of flexibility was possible thanks to Whatagraph’s direct channel integration feature.

Whatagraph has native integrations to connect data from more than 45 marketing platforms, from social media and paid ads to email campaigns and CRMs.

If that’s not enough, users can connect any channel they have using a custom API, Google Sheets, or Google BigQuery.

Through a powerful API, data is pulled into Whatagraph clean, processed, and ready for reporting.

Compare paid lead generation metrics in Whatagraph

33social drives lead generation with multiple social media.

Apart from creating cross-channel reports with side-by-side metrics comparison, 33social is now also able to bulk edit reports. This feature comes in handy for an agency that focuses on clients within the same industry — in the case of 33social — home services and franchise companies.

Whatagraph gives you two ways to start a marketing report — from a template or from a blank page. Each path is easy to follow and intuitive, whether you have previous experience or not.

It doesn’t get any easier than this. Just grab a marketing report template , add your client’s marketing channels, and schedule sending at the arranged interval.

  • Log in to Whatagraph,
  • Click on the Create new button in the upper right corner,
  • Select Create from template .

Once in the template library, use the drop-down menus to filter the templates into categories to find the one you need more easily.

Can’t find a template that fits your use case? Create one for yourself with ease! All you have to do is connect your accounts and drag and drop widgets on the blank report page.

  • Go to Create new button in the upper right corner,
  • Select Blank .

Now you can choose the channels and drag and drop the widgets you need. Customize each widget with custom metrics, filters, and separate data sources. You can also change the color and branding for each report you create and save it as a template.

But beware!

Creating new reports with Whatagraph is really addictive!

But don’t worry — even with the basic pricing plan you can create an unlimited number of reports and dashboards !

Writing a marketing report used to be a chore, but not anymore. It doesn’t matter what you’re reporting on or how many reports you need to send out, you can now do it in a matter of minutes.

Ready to create your first automated marketing report?

Request a free trial of Whatagraph today and get ready to blow your client or manager away.

Published on Nov 16 2022

Mile is the head of content at Whatagraph in charge of all content and communications for Whatagraph’s marketing data platform. A marketing heavy with almost a decade of SaaS industry experience, Mile has managed multiple content marketing teams without losing an ounce of his writing passion. The author behind some of the most-read pieces on our blog.

Create your first marketing report using Whatagraph

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Nandini Sharma

Marketing Reporting: Types, Best Practices, & Examples

Marketing reporting

Marketing reporting provides organizations with valuable insights into various marketing channels, campaigns, and initiatives, enabling businesses to track progress, identify opportunities, and mitigate challenges effectively.

Marketing reporting serves as a compass that helps businesses make informed and strategic decisions. It is a powerful tool for businesses seeking growth, drive innovation, and achieve sustainable success.

In this article, we will understand everything about marketing reporting, its types, and best practices for generating reports.

What is marketing reporting?

Marketing reports gather and analyze marketing metrics to notify future marketing decisions, strategies, and performance. Marketing reports reveal meaningful, actionable data that helps you draw essential conclusions and meet organizational goals. The reports vary depending on what information you are reviewing and the purpose of each report. They can determine where your traffic and leads are coming from, what content they interacted with when they converted, and how long it took them to become users.

In short, marketing reporting is a precious process if used and implemented correctly. In the next section, we’ll learn why marketing reporting matters.

Why is reporting important in marketing?

A marketing report will help you make a firm decision. According to research, 75% of teams use marketing reports for their campaigns. A marketing report is simple; however, it is how you will use the data to decide or draw a conclusion. Once you determine the goal of your marketing report, you’ll have a better idea of what reports to run and how to use said data.

Marketing reports are valuable because they can inform decisions made by various people across the organization. Whether you’re delivering a marketing report to the team lead, department manager, or CEO, your marketing report is tailored to whoever may be reading and using it.

Marketing reports can save you a lot of time. Here are some of the reasons that uphold why marketing reports matter. Whether you create a recurring reminder on your calendar or set your reports to run, schedule your marketing reports ahead of time automatically. Marketing reports will take the guesswork out of your reports and send them to the relevant audiences.

To succeed in a dynamic marketplace, companies need to know which campaigns are striking the right chord and which aren’t. Marketing reports are an effective way to get clarity on campaign performance.

Key benefits of marketing reports

Benefits of marketing reports

1. Tracking the journey of customers

As a marketer, one thing you need the most is the prospective customers and when they will purchase your products and services. A marketing report gives you exactly that. Once you’ve all the details, you can offer your customers exactly what they want.

2. Aligning marketing and sales team

Did you know that the off-balance between sales and marketing departments costs businesses more than a trillion dollars annually? That’s like $1 trillion (yes, 12 zeros)!

Data must flow across the entire organization so the teams can do what’s needed to reach the goals. And this can be achieved with marketing reports. The marketing team can look into the marketing report, find things that are not going well with the target audience, make changes to their strategy, and bring sales on track.

3. Measuring and proving your efforts

Marketing reports show the worth of your efforts. It can display your campaigns, generate leads, bring revenue, and turn your prospects into customers. It will tell you what’s working, what isn’t, and what needs to be improved. Without marketing reports, companies are flying blind, and they’ll probably end up getting hit by something they didn’t see coming.

Types of marketing reports

Types of marketing reports

For effective tracking of digital marketing activities, there are reports that you can run to dig into your marketing efforts. We’ve pulled together these five marketing reports examples for you to get started. 

There are many marketing reports, and all come with a unique purpose. Breaking down the marketing activities into reports makes reviewing and taking an in-depth look at each strategy easier. Marketing reports refer to standard-set Key Performance Indicators to track progress within a period. 

Marketing reports will generally have the following:

1. General Marketing Report

The general marketing report provides the big picture, showing an overview of all marketing activities. One of the main inclusions in a general marketing report is digital marketing ROI. General reports may also include the volume of leads, origin, the best-performing campaign or funnel, and the cost of each charge. It may also include information about conversion rates. The conversion rate measures how visitors perform a valuable action. It overviews all your marketing efforts – from content marketing to e-commerce analytics.

2. SEO Marketing Report

SEO handles SEO (Search Engine Optimization) performance reports. The report monitors organic and paid traffic, ranking positions and factors in the SERPs, overall keyword strategy, new blog posts created, backlink reports, and more. It aims to consider how well the business is doing, what is helping it, and what could be improved. This report keeps you, your team, and your clients in the loop as to how your SEO efforts are performing.

3. Email Marketing Reports

Email marketing reports enable you to monitor whether campaigns reach your audience and fulfill their engagement goals. Marketers will also use tools like Mailchimp to track campaigns automatically when going over email reports. The reports also include how many emails are landing in the recipient’s inbox, the open rate, and the reply rate. 

4. Content Marketing Reports

These reports assess your digital content performance in terms of engagement and brand awareness and tend to track different channels, such as video, podcast, and blog performance. Some important metrics to track include how many people visit your page, how long they stay on the page, and how many likes, shares, and comments every post receives. This information is valuable as it allows marketing teams to understand what their audience likes and therefore create future content that is similar in style. 

5. Campaign Reports

Stakeholders often want to see a report once the marketing campaign has ended. Perhaps your teams did a ThanksGiving campaign that consisted of the following:

  • Newsletters to existing customers
  • Advertisements on social media
  • Display ads through the Google Display network
  • Affiliate Marketing

You can find KPIs, goals runtime, and budget in this initial plan. Then, compare the plan with the results of the campaign.

How to create a marketing report

If you want to create a marketing report that your stakeholders, clients, and CEOs want to read, consider including the things below.

What is your marketing report analyzing? Whether you are running a report on campaign performance, quarterly blog performance, or monthly leads, make sure to title your report, so the intent is always clear. This becomes important when sharing your report with people outside of marketing.

  • Reporting period

Your marketing report should reflect a certain time period. This period can be from a few days, months, or even years. Analyzing your data within a time period will allow you to compare performance to past periods.

The report summary should reflect the key points of the report, including your accomplishments, losses, and goals for the next reporting period. It is the TL;DR (too long, didn’t read) of the report.

Marketing reporting best practices

Marketing reporting best practices

Marketing reports can take up a lot of your time. Here are some best practices to help you work more smartly.

1. Know your audience

The first marketing report question that you need to ask yourself is, “Who is this report for?” A report that is just for you and your team will cover all the nuances rather than a report that you’ll be presenting to your executive team. It is for your purposes to assess their effectiveness and inform your future decisions.

How many times was your post shared on Twitter, or what your email open rates were like that might be considered important and differ from the business? This type of information will be too granular for executives who want to see the big picture.

2. Work backward

While assembling the report, it can be helpful to start with your company’s objectives and work backward to ensure you’re covering all the key metrics to show the value you’re contributing to the organization. 

How many customers are required to meet the revenue target? How many MQLs need to be generated to reach that number of conversions? And so on ..

In this way, you can work through all the stages of the buyer’s journey – awareness, consideration, and decision, that will help you to show customers are moving through the journey. For example, a key metric that demonstrates awareness would be your monthly website traffic, which can be broken down to show you which marketing channels are most effective.

It is a good idea to narrow down the crucial KPIs and focus on them to tell a story and show how well you’re progressing.

3. Set SMART goals

So if you’ve decided which KPIs to measure your success, that’s fantastic – but it isn’t the end. Once you’ve got your data, the next step is to create SMART goals based on that data. What’s working? What isn’t working, and how can you build on that success?

For example, suppose your paid strategy isn’t quite generating web traffic. In that case, a goal might be to direct your budget from low-performing to high-performing keywords to get more visibility.

These goals should then be addressed in the following report – where were they achieved or not? This helps you track your progress and focus on your strategy. 

4. Keep a relentless focus on ROI

According to a report, just over 75% of marketers report on how their campaigns directly influence revenue, but only 35% said that understanding the ROI of their campaigns was extremely important. 

Not only does it prove marketing’s value to the organization, but it also serves as another metric to help you refine your strategy. For example, how much time are you spending on social media, only to find those efforts are not generating high-quality leads? In that case, you might want to redirect your efforts to those channels where you can focus on ROI.

Marketing reports examples

Marketing reports are designed with the most relevant KPIs and they are fully customizable so that you can change them according to your or your client’s requirements. 

1. PPC Marketing Report

A pay-per-click marketing report is a detailed snapshot of all your paid advertising and promotion activities for platforms like Google, Instagram, Twitter, Linkedin, Facebook, and YouTube. A PPC marketing report will include stats on:

  • Clicks and cost per click
  • Ad performance by platform
  • Conversion rates for all platforms
  • Number of leads 

2. Social Media Marketing Report

The two aspects of social media marketing are paid (Facebook Ads) and organic (content marketing). Among them, the most popular social networks are Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, and LinkedIn. Key KPIs that should be in your report:

  • Likes and followers
  • Impressions and reach 
  • Demographics of the target audience
  • Top performing posts

How will ProofHub help you as your marketing reporting software?

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Misfortunes always come to those who are unaware of the changes occurring in marketing reporting. The key to staying abreast of the marketing niche is to know all about the marketing reports and this article does exactly that.

Marketing reporting is an important part of the marketing efforts and the growth of your business. Start with these marketing reporting examples today and expand your reporting as you begin to utilize more data.

What do marketing reports provide?

A marketing report provides an analysis of all the data gathered from a particular marketing strategy or campaign and makes recommendations regarding potential future campaigns.

What are the tools used in reporting?

Marketers save their time by using marketing reports like Google Analytics, Campaign Monitor, DashThis, Klipfolio Inc, Zoho Corporation, among others.

What metrics should be included in a marketing report?

Marketing metrics like traffic and engagement rates, sales, expenditures, and revenue should be included in a marketing report.

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How to Write a Marketing Strategy? (5 Ready-to-Use Report Templates Included)

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Peter Caputa

To see what Databox can do for you, including how it helps you track and visualize your performance data in real-time, check out our home page. Click here .

A good marketing strategy report can make or break your business.

Well, this is the report that will help senior management decide whether the strategy works in the first place. No wonder marketing is the most monitored and reported operation – as Databox’s state of business reporting revealed.

Your report should address company performance under the strategy and clearly show whether the strategy had been effective in achieving business goals.

Lastly, analysis of the strategy and how the company implemented it is key for future marketing strategic planning.

Sounds complicated? It doesn’t have to with our guide. Here is the framework that you can follow to draft a great marketing strategy report.

What is a Marketing Strategy Report?

Why do you need a marketing plan, what should be included in a marketing strategy plan, how to write a marketing strategy report, free marketing plan and strategy templates.

  • Monitor Your Marketing Performance on One Screen


Marketing strategies are the plans and frameworks you execute to achieve previously set business goals (for example, for SaaS, it could be converting your target audience into paid customers). A marketing strategy report should be a comprehensive document that includes the s trategies and tactics that will be used to promote and market your company. This type of report provides an overview of your company’s marketing strategy and the competitive landscape in which it operates.

Related : Business Report: What is it & How to Write a Great One? (With Examples)

Your company may be spending thousands of dollars on marketing, but if you don’t have an overall marketing plan in place, you may not be getting the best return on your investment . By following a proven marketing planning process and focusing on key performance indicators (KPIs), you can determine what is working and what needs improvement. You can then develop a strategy that covers all aspects of your company’s marketing activities.

Related : How to Write a Meaningful Marketing Plan: Starting with These 8 Tips

Here are some key components that should be included in your marketing strategy plan:

  • Business information . A section of your plan that gives the reader a brief overview of the most important aspects of your business. This includes information about your business’s headquarters , mission statement , contact information , and marketing team .
  • Introduction/Goals , A section that lays out the basics of your marketing plan: what you’re hoping to achieve and how. The introduction should also include some background on your business — a brief overview of who you are and what you do.
  • Competitive Analysis . Understanding your competitors’ tactics , as well as their target audience, will help you develop a winning marketing strategy.
  • SWOT Analysis . The SWOT (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats) analysis provides a snapshot of the internal and external environment of your business.
  • Target Market . This can be as simple as deciding whether you will be targeting men or women, people in their 20s or 40s, Hispanics, African Americans, Caucasians, and so on.
  • Buying Cycle . The buying cycle is the process your customers go through when they purchase something from you. It’s not a rigid, set-in-stone process, but there are some common stages your buyers will go through no matter what they are buying.
  • Unique Selling Proposition (USP) . The USP is something that will convey to your customers what makes you stand out from the rest of the businesses in your niche. It has to show them how you can help them solve their problem and how they will benefit from choosing your business over others.
  • Brand . The perception of your brand can make or break a business. For most companies, the term “brand” means more than simply slapping a logo on a product and calling it good.
  • Website . The most important thing to remember is that your website must be optimized for search engines as well as for regular readers.
  • Marketing Channels . List down all the marketing channels that you’ll use to reach out to prospective customers and explain how each channel fits into the big picture.
  • SEO . With a good SEO plan, you’ll be able to effectively increase organic traffic to your website and start generating more leads for your business.
  • Measurements and KPIs . Measurements and KPIs ( Key Performance Indicators ) are the foundation of how you’ll be evaluating your marketing plan.
  • Marketing Strategy and Tactics . Tactics are the individual actions that make up the overall marketing strategy.

In order to write a marketing strategy report, you need to present facts , figures , and recommendations in a logical manner. The analysis of the strategy in relation to company objectives presents guidance for future strategic planning. That is the reason why the focus of your report should be on developing a clear understanding of how the subject strategy had an influence on favorable or unfavorable results.

The following 4 pillars should be the core of the marketing strategy report:


No matter if a company sets out to formulate an overall marketing strategy or develop a specific marketing campaign, it has to be able to describe its business and marketing objectives. An objective is a concrete and measurable result, which the company wants to achieve with its strategy or specific campaign. For example, if a company wants to sell more of its product range in the next 5 years, then the objective of the overall strategy could be “to increase sales volume by 15%.”

The strategy performance section provides a good opportunity to evaluate the validity of the strategic choices made and whether they were appropriate for the set goals. This section of the report is not just a summary of facts. If a strategy was not successful, you will want to explain why. You might refer to your discussion of external or internal factors that affected the strategy, and how you can improve the strategy in the future.

This section addresses the specific issues that encompass the company’s marketing challenges. The issues may include something as large as addressing a new market or as small as reconciling two different sales regions’ approaches to pricing. Even if you have already considered these issues, writing them down in this section forces you to be more objective about them.

The most common mistake companies make when preparing a marketing strategy report is not including solutions to problems. Your report is a chance to present your solutions. It’s not just an opportunity for you to say what happened and why it happened, but also for you to provide answers. If you’re proposing a new strategy, your report can include the information needed to implement it. To make these reports easier to build and present, use marketing reporting software (like Databox).

PRO TIP: How Well Are Your Marketing KPIs Performing?

Like most marketers and marketing managers, you want to know how your efforts are translating into results each month. How is your website performing? How well are you converting traffic into leads and customers? Which marketing channels are performing best? How does organic search compare to paid campaigns and to previous months? You might have to scramble to put all of this together in a single report, but now you can have it all at your fingertips in a single Databox dashboard.

Our Monthly Marketing Performance Dashboard includes data from Google Analytics 4 and HubSpot Marketing with key performance metrics like:

  • Website sessions, new users, and new leads. Basic engagement data from your website. How much traffic? How many new visitors? How many lead conversions?
  • Lead generation vs goal. Did you reach your goal for lead conversion for the month, quarter, or year? If not, by how much did you miss?  
  • Overall marketing performance . A summary list of the main KPIs for your website: sessions, contacts, leads, customers, bounce rate, avg. session duration, pages/session, and pageviews.
  • Email response . Overall, how effective were your email campaigns, measured by email opens?
  • Blog post traffic . How much traffic did your blog attract during a certain period?
  • New contacts by source. Which sources drove the highest number of new contacts 
  • Visits and contacts by source. How did your sources compare by both sessions and new contacts in a certain period of time?

Now you can benefit from the experience of our Google Analytics and HubSpot Marketing experts, who have put together a plug-and-play Databox template that contains all the essential metrics for monitoring and analyzing your website traffic and its sources, lead generation, and more. It’s simple to implement and start using as a standalone dashboard or in marketing reports, and best of all, it’s free!


You can easily set it up in just a few clicks – no coding required.

To set up the dashboard, follow these 3 simple steps:

Step 1: Get the template 

Step 2: Connect your HubSpot and Google Analytics 4 accounts with Databox. 

Step 3: Watch your dashboard populate in seconds.

Marketing dashboards help visualize your marketing efforts and can help you track progress, identify areas for improvement, and help you come up with even more effective marketing tactics. This source includes 200+ ready-to-use marketing dashboard templates that you can use for free. All templates are fully customizable and work across multiple devices. Lastly, they are based on some of the most popular marketing and analytics tools like Google Analytcs, Google Seacrh Console, Ahrefs, Semrush, Google Ads, HubSpot Marketing, etc.

Marketing Overview Dashboard

Google analytics (website measurement plan) dashboard, google analytics (content marketing overview) dashboard, social media (social media overview) dashboard, monthly marketing performance dashboard.

A glance at this dashboard can tell you whether you’re getting enough traffic to your website and if you’re converting those visitors into leads. Download our Marketing Overview Dashboard to instantly visualize the following metrics:

  • Monthly Visits
  • Monthly Contacts Created
  • Email Opens/Clicks
  • Blog Post Views
  • Landing Page Submissions

Marketing Overview Dashboard

This simple Google Analytics (Website Measurement Plan) Dashboard is designed to help you present the strategy behind your’s or your client’s website, marketing efforts, and/or campaign. The dashboard provides key metrics that can be broken down into sections for clarity and context. The template includes the following Google Analytics metrics:

  • Bounce rate
  • Loyalty metric – Return users (QB)
  • Ecommerce conversion rate
  • Goal conversion rate

Google Analytics (Website Measurement Plan) Dashboard Template

This Google Analytics (Content Marketing Overview) dashboard is a great starting point to identify opportunities, set goals, and measure the success of your content marketing strategy. You’ll get a snapshot of your performance by visualizing the following metrics:

  • Sessions by channel
  • Events by event action
  • Audience behavior
  • Goal completions by goals

Google Analytics (Content Marketing Overview)

Do you want to know if your social media efforts are yielding results? If the answer is yes, then the Social Media (Social Media Overview) dashboard can help you. Using data from Google Analytics, this report helps you measure the performance of different content types on each channel. The key metrics this dashboard includes are:

  • Facebook page impressions
  • Instagram impressions
  • LinkedIn impressions
  • Twitter overview
  • Facebook overview (Page: Engagement, Clicks, Impressions, Reach, Reactions, Shares, Comments)
  • Instagram overview (Profile visits, Reach, Impressions)
  • LinkedIn overview (Impressions, Unique impressions, Reactions, New followers)
  • YouTube overview (Views, Likes, Shares, Subscribers)

Social Media (Social Media Overview)

This template is useful for both small and large companies. Small businesses often don’t have the time or resources to put together a detailed analysis of their marketing efforts. Large companies struggle to fight with big data. The Monthly Marketing Performance Dashboard Template allows you to visualize your most important marketing data in one place and easily compare different metrics and spot trends. It combines data from HubSpot Marketing and Google Analytics.

Google Analytics metrics:

  • Avg. session duration
  • Pages / Session

HubSpot Marketing metrics:

  • New contacs (w/o offline source)
  • Contacts goal
  • New contacts by source
  • New customers (w/o offline source)
  • Emails opened
  • Sessions by source

Monitor Your Marketing Performance On One Screen

It can be hard to create accurate marketing reports and make sense of data coming from multiple tools, especially when you have a lot of day-to-day tasks to complete and simply lack time to create a report from scratch.

That is where Databox comes into play!

With our marketing dashboard software , you can better track progress towards strategic goals, ensure accountability, and align all stakeholders around data-supported decision-making – all from just one screen.

So, sign up for a free trial today and see for yourself why we have 120,000+ satisfied users!

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How to Write a Marketing Report

Last Updated: March 21, 2024 References

This article was co-authored by Michelle Arbeau . Michelle Arbeau is a Numerologist & Life Strategist, and the CEO of Authentic You Media and Eleven Eleven Productions. She’s based in West Hollywood, California. With over 20 years of experience, she specializes in numerology, mediumship, and business advice. In 2015, Best Businesses named her the Best of West Hollywood Celebrity Numerologist, and she’s been hailed as the #1 Numerologist in the World and the #1 Celebrity Numerologist. There are 10 references cited in this article, which can be found at the bottom of the page. This article has been viewed 305,563 times.

Your business may spend a large amount of time and money on marketing. A smart business owner needs to assess how well their marketing plans are working. Specifically, your marketing efforts should get the attention of prospects. Eventually, a percentage of those prospects should become clients. You can perform market research to ask your clients about the effectiveness of your marketing message. Companies summarize the results of their research in a marketing report. Use the results of the report to make improvements in your business.

Evaluating Your Marketing Efforts

Step 1 Consider why you should perform market research and write a report.

  • Market research is the process of evaluating how well your marketing efforts are working. Specifically, does your marketing get the attention and interest of prospects? Are you converting enough of those prospects into clients?

Step 2 Identify your customer.

  • The more specific you can be about the identity of your customer, the better you can address their needs. Ask yourself, "Who am I targeting with this product?" and "What do they want?"
  • Look at your current customers. What's the average age? Gender? Education level? Personality? Lifestyle? Hobby? Occupation? Marriage status? Values? [3] X Research source
  • It is also important to know where your customers are coming from. Sources include search engines, social media, backlinks, referral traffic, and subscriber lists.

Step 3 Evaluate your customer’s problem.

  • For example, based on customer surveys and your industry knowledge, you uncover a customer problem. In this case, customers are losing time working or studying when their cell phone dies. If they forget their charger, they may lose hours of productivity.

Step 4 Detail your solution to the customer's problem.

  • For example, to solve the problem of dying cell phones, you create a phone charger built into a backpack. Your customers use backpacks to store computers and other work or school items. As a result, the worker or student can always charge their phone.

Step 5 Determine how well your product solves your customer's problem.

  • Over time, more customers buy your backpack and like using the built-in phone charger. These clients also believe that your product is different and better than competing products. You are building brand equity with your customers. To find out more about brand equity, see how to build brand equity.

Step 6 Identify your competitive advantage.

  • You continually add blog posts, articles and other content to your website. Adding content drives traffic to your site. Your content also keeps a percentage of your audience coming back for new content.
  • Your site offers an opt-in button for readers to subscribe to additional content that is emailed to them. This group gets a weekly email from you with new content links.
  • You have an attractive home page that includes a picture of someone using your backpack phone charger. The site allows the user to easily navigate to your content page and to web pages with product information.
  • You provide an e-commerce option for customers. Clients can buy your product online and receive their backpack in just 2-3 business days.
  • This should also include information about the sales channels used, like online, bricks & mortar, types of retailers, etc. Analyze how well your product is doing in each of these channels.

Step 8 Evaluate the effectiveness of your marketing.

  • Note your market share compared to competitors and market share trends. Are you gaining market share, losing it, or holding your own?
  • For more on market share, see how to calculate market share.
  • Keeping a close eye on your ROI is essential in order to stay abreast of how much you’re spending on marketing versus your return on that investment. Comparing what you’re spending on marketing versus your return on that investment is paramount to a good report.

Step 9 Summarize your findings for your marketing report.

  • Your report should include such items as definition of the market size, competitors and their marketing size, as well as estimates of market share.
  • You can use the market report to make changes to your marketing process. These changes can help you get more business from the time and money you spend on marketing.

Writing Your Executive Summary

Step 1 Think about the purpose of an executive summary.

  • The summary should include specific, numeric details from the rest of your report. These details should be condensed into bullet points and made prominent on the report. [8] X Research source

Step 2 Describe your company.

  • For example, if your backpack charging company had plans to expand into purse chargers or another similar product line, include these plans in your summary.
  • This should also include the sales channels being used by your business, as well as competitors and their sales channels. Are you different? Why? If not, do you have a competitive advantage that can be exploited in your marketing and sales efforts?

Step 3 Detail the objective of your research.

  • For example, you could be examining how well advertisements for your backpack are reaching college students, as they would be a likely audience for your product. If your ads are primarily reaching adults, who don't generally carry backpacks, this would be an issue to raise in your evaluation.

Step 5 Display marketing conversion data.

  • For example, if only 1 in 20 of your site's visitors actually buy one of your backpacks, you may want to reconsider the design of your websites, the ease of purchase, or the price of your product.

Step 6 Admit any data collection difficulties or incomplete sections.

Completing Your Marketing Report

Step 1 Forecast future trends.

  • You should also consider the fact that other competitors will arise if you are successful. Significant returns attract more competition, so if you don't have direct competitors now, rest assured that you will in the future. Have a plan in place to sustain your competitive advantage in spite of new entrants to the market.
  • For example, perhaps you perceive that college students may be carrying backpacks less often as they switch to an all-digital education. You could remark on how this will hurt your business and explain how you will respond to it.

Step 2 Calculate marketing return on investment.

  • To get the most out of your focus group, carefully plan the exact series of questions you want to ask. Your marketing report should include the questions you ask and why those questions are important to you.
  • In your survey or focus group, ask people how they first heard about your product. If you’re the backpack company, you might determine that most customers find you when they read a blog post or article that is posted to your site.
  • Document the results of both your surveys and your focus groups. Your report should provide both questions and responses. Give the reader the percentage of each type of response. For example, maybe 40% of respondents first learned about the backpack company by finding a blog post or article that was posted on the website.
  • Your qualitative research (survey and focus group questions) may be 5 to 10 pages of your report. The responses to those questions will also be 5 to 10 pages of material.

Step 4 Use your marketing report to make changes in your business.

  • Evaluate the extent to which your customers view your product as different and better than the competition. If they don’t see a difference, dig into their responses and find out why.
  • Say, for example, that most clients see you backpack and built-in phone charger as about the same as a competitor’s product. In fact, your phone charger includes a reinforced case that makes your charger much more durable.
  • Decide on some conclusions. You conclude, for example, that your website needs to emphasize that your phone charger case is much more durable than the competition.
  • You decide to make changes to your website and your other marketing communication pieces. After a period of time, you can assess these changes to see how they have impacted your market share. Perform more market research to evaluate the impact of your changes.

Expert Q&A

Michelle Arbeau

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  • ↑ http://www.forbes.com/sites/michaelskok/2013/06/14/4-steps-to-building-a-compelling-value-proposition/
  • ↑ http://www.investopedia.com/terms/c/competitive_advantage.asp
  • ↑ https://www.shopify.com/blog/13444793-how-to-evaluate-market-demand-for-your-new-product-idea
  • ↑ http://www.marketingmo.com/strategic-planning/how-to-write-an-executive-summary/
  • ↑ https://www.ironistic.com/good-marketing-report/
  • ↑ http://www.tdbank.com/small_business/workshops/IdentifyYourTargetMarket/texttarget_market.htm
  • ↑ https://neilpatel.com/blog/10-ways-to-make-customers-fall-in-love-with-your-business/

About This Article

Michelle Arbeau

To write a marketing report, start by creating a 1-2 page executive summary that provides a description of the company’s goals. Next, detail the objective of your research and evaluate how well the company is reaching their intended audience. Then, include figures that represent how many visitors to your website purchased the company's product. Additionally, report on the returns the company is getting from its marketing dollars so you can tell if the money was well-spent. To learn more from our Business co-author, like how to use the marketing report to make improvements, read on! Did this summary help you? Yes No

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  • How to create a winning marketing plan, ...

How to create a winning marketing plan, with 3 examples from world-class teams

Caeleigh MacNeil contributor headshot

A marketing plan helps leaders clearly visualize marketing strategies across channels, so they can ensure every campaign drives pipeline and revenue. In this article you’ll learn eight steps to create a winning marketing plan that brings business-critical goals to life, with examples from word-class teams.

quotation mark

To be successful as a marketer, you have to deliver the pipeline and the revenue.”

In other words—they need a well-crafted marketing plan.

Level up your marketing plan to drive revenue in 2024

Learn how to create the right marketing plan to hit your revenue targets in 2024. Hear best practices from marketing experts, including how to confidently set and hit business goals, socialize marketing plans, and move faster with clearer resourcing.

level up your marketing plan to drive revenue in 2024

7 steps to build a comprehensive marketing plan

How do you build the right marketing plan to hit your revenue goals? Follow these eight steps for success:

1. Define your plan

First you need to define each specific component of your plan to ensure stakeholders are aligned on goals, deliverables, resources, and more. Ironing out these details early on ensures your plan supports the right business objectives, and that you have sufficient resources and time to get the job done. 

Get started by asking yourself the following questions: 

What resources do I need? 

What is the vision?

What is the value?

What is the goal?

Who is my audience?

What are my channels?

What is the timeline?

For example, imagine you’re creating an annual marketing plan to improve customer adoption and retention in the next fiscal year. Here’s how you could go through the questions above to ensure you’re ready to move forward with your plan: 

I will need support from the content team, web team, and email team to create targeted content for existing customers. One person on each team will need to be dedicated full-time to this initiative. To achieve this, the marketing team will need an additional $100K in budget and one new headcount. 

What is the vision?  

To create a positive experience for existing customers, address new customer needs, and encourage them to upgrade. We’ll do this by serving them how-to content, new feature updates, information about deals and pricing, and troubleshooting guides. 

According to the Sales Benchmark Index (SBI) , CEOs and go-to-market leaders report that more than 60% of their net-new revenue will come from existing customers in 2023. By retaining and building on the customers we have, we can maintain revenue growth over time. 

To decrease the customer churn rate from 30% to 10%, and increase upgrades from 20% to 30% in the next fiscal year. 

All existing customers. 

The main channel will be email. Supporting marketing channels include the website, blog, YouTube, and social media. 

The first half of the next fiscal year. 

One of the most important things to do as you create your marketing strategy is to identify your target audience . As with all marketing, you need to know who you’re marketing to. If you’re having a hard time determining who exactly your target audience is, try the bullseye targeting framework . The bullseye makes it easy for you to determine who your target audience is by industry, geography, company size, psychographics, demographics, and more.

2. Identify key metrics for success 

Now it’s time to define what key marketing metrics you’ll use to measure success. Your key metrics will help you measure and track the performance of your marketing activities. They’ll also help you understand how your efforts tie back to larger business goals. 

Once you establish key metrics, use a goal-setting framework—like objectives and key results (OKRs) or SMART goals —to fully flush out your marketing objectives. This ensures your targets are as specific as possible, with no ambiguity about what should be accomplished by when. 

Example: If a goal of your marketing plan is to increase email subscriptions and you follow the SMART goal framework (ensuring your objective is specific, measurable, achievable, realistic, and time-bound) your goal might look like this: Increase email subscription rate from 10% to 20% in H1 . 

3. Research your competition 

It’s easy to get caught up in your company’s world, but there’s a lot of value in understanding your competitors . Knowing how they market themselves will help you find opportunities to make your company stand out and capture more market share.

Make sure you’re not duplicating your competitors’ efforts. If you discover a competitor has already executed your idea, then it might be time to go back to the drawing board and brainstorm new ways to differentiate yourself.  By looking at your competitors, you might be surprised at the type of inspiration and opportunities you’ll find.

To stay ahead of market trends, conduct a SWOT analysis for your marketing plan. A SWOT analysis helps you improve your plan by identifying strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. 

Example: If your competitor launches a social media campaign identical to what you had planned, go back to the drawing board and see how you can build off their campaign. Ask yourself: How can we differentiate our campaign while still getting our message across? What are the weaknesses of their campaign that we can capitalize on? What angles did they not approach?

4. Integrate your marketing efforts

Here’s where the fun comes in. Let’s dive into the different components that go into building a successful marketing plan. You’ll want to make sure your marketing plan includes multiple supporting activities that all add up into a powerful marketing machine. Some marketing plan components include: 

Lead generation

Social media

Product marketing

Public relations

Analyst relations

Customer marketing

Search engine optimization (SEO)

Conversational marketing

Knowing where your consumer base spends the most time is significant for nailing this step. You need to have a solid understanding of your target audience before integrating your marketing efforts. 

Example: If your target audience is executives that spend a lot of time on LinkedIn, focus your social media strategy around placing branded content on LinkedIn. 

5. Differentiate with creative content

Forty-nine percent of marketers say visual images are hugely important to their content strategy. In other words, a clear brand and creative strategy is an essential component to every marketing plan. As you craft your own creative strategy, here are some tips to keep in mind: 

Speak to your audience: When defining your creative strategy, think about your audience—what you want them to feel, think, and do when they see your marketing. Will your audience find your creative work relevant? If your audience can’t relate to your creative work, they won’t feel connected to the story you’re trying to tell. 

Think outside the box: Find innovative ways to engage your audience, whether through video, animations, or interactive graphics. Know what screens your creative work will live on, whether desktop, mobile, or tablet, and make sure they display beautifully and load quickly across every type of device. 

Tie everything back to CTAs: It’s easy to get caught up in the creative process, so it’s important to never lose sight of your ultimate goal: Get your audience to take action. Always find the best way to display strong Calls to Action (CTAs) in your creative work. We live in a visual world—make sure your creative content counts.

Streamline creative production:   Once you’ve established a strong creative strategy, the next step is to bring your strategy to life in the production stage. It’s vital to set up a strong framework for your creative production process to eliminate any unnecessary back and forth and potential bottlenecks. Consider establishing creative request forms , streamlining feedback and approval processes, and taking advantage of integrations that might make your designers’ lives easier.

Example: If your brand is fun and approachable, make sure that shows in your creative efforts. Create designs and CTAs that spark joy, offer entertainment, and alleviate the pressure in choosing a partner.

6. Operationalize your marketing plan

Turn your plan into action by making goals, deliverables, and timelines clear for every stakeholder—so teams stay accountable for getting work done. The best way to do this is by centralizing all the details of your marketing plan in one platform , so teams can access the information they need and connect campaign work back to company goals.  

With the right work management tool , you can: 

Set goals for every marketing activity, and connect campaign work to overarching marketing and business objectives so teams focus on revenue-driving projects. 

Centralize deliverables for your entire marketing plan in one project or portfolio .

Mark major milestones and visualize your plan as a timeline, Gantt chart, calendar, list, or Kanban board—without doing any extra work. 

Quickly loop in stakeholders with status updates so they’re always up to date on progress. This is extremely important if you have a global team to ensure efforts aren’t being duplicated. 

Use automations to seamlessly hand off work between teams, streamlining processes like content creation and reviews. 

Create dashboards to report on work and make sure projects are properly staffed , so campaigns stay on track. 

With everything housed in one spot, you can easily visualize the status of your entire marketing plan and keep work on track. Building an effective marketing plan is one thing, but how you operationalize it can be your secret to standout marketing.

Example: If your strategy focuses on increasing page views, connect all campaign work to an overarching OKR—like “we will double page views as measured by the amount of organic traffic on our blog.” By making that goal visible to all stakeholders, you help teams prioritize the right work. 

See marketing planning in action

With Asana, marketing teams can connect work, standardize processes, and automate workflows—all in one place.

See marketing planning in action

7. Measure performance

Nearly three in four CMOs use revenue growth to measure success, so it’s no surprise that measuring performance is necessary. You established your key metrics in step two, and now it’s time to track and report on them in step eight.

Periodically measure your marketing efforts to find areas of improvement so you can optimize in real-time. There are always lessons to be learned when looking at data. You can discover trends, detect which marketing initiatives performed well, and course-correct what isn’t performing well. And when your plan is complete, you can apply these learnings to your next initiative for improved results. 

Example: Say you discover that long-form content is consistently bringing in 400% more page views than short-form content. As a result, you’ll want to focus on producing more long-form content in your next marketing plan.

Marketing plan examples from world-class teams

The best brands in the world bring their marketing plans to life every day. If you’re looking for inspiration, check out these examples from successful marketing teams.

Autodesk grows site traffic 30% three years in a row

When the Autodesk team launched Redshift, it was initially a small business blog. The editorial team executed a successful marketing plan to expand it into a premier owned-media site, making it a destination for stories and videos about the future of making. 

The team scaled content production to support seven additional languages. By standardizing their content production workflow and centralizing all content conversations in one place, the editorial team now publishes 2X more content monthly. Read the case study to learn more about how Autodesk runs a well-oiled content machine. Trinny London perfects new customer acquisition 

In consumer industries, social media is crucial for building a community of people who feel an affinity with the brand—and Trinny London is no exception. As such, it was imperative that Trinny London’s ad spend was targeted to the correct audience. Using a work management tool, Trinny London was able to nail the process of creating, testing, and implementing ads on multiple social channels.

With the help of a centralized tool, Trinny London improved its ad spend and drove more likes and subscriptions on its YouTube page. Read the case study to learn more about how Trinny London capitalized on paid advertising and social media. 

Turn your marketing plan into marketing success 

A great marketing plan promotes clarity and accountability across teams—so every stakeholder knows what they’re responsible for, by when. Reading this article is the first step to achieving better team alignment, so you can ensure every marketing campaign contributes to your company’s bottom line. 

Use a free marketing plan template to get started

Once you’ve created your marketing strategy and are ready to operationalize your marketing plan, get started with one of our marketing templates . 

Our marketing templates can help you manage and track every aspect of your marketing plan, from creative requests to approval workflows. Centralize your entire marketing plan in one place, customize the roadmap, assign tasks, and build a timeline or calendar. 

Once you’ve operationalized your entire marketing plan with one of our templates, share it with your stakeholders so everyone can work together in the same tool. Your entire team will feel connected to the marketing plan, know what to prioritize, and see how their work contributes to your project objectives . Choose the best marketing template for your team:

Marketing project plan template

Marketing campaign plan template

Product marketing launch template

Editorial calendar template

Agency collaboration template

Creative requests template

Event planning template

GTM strategy template

Still have questions? We have answers. 

What is a marketing plan.

A marketing plan is a detailed roadmap that outlines the different strategies your team will use to achieve organizational objectives. Rather than focusing solely on the end goal, a marketing plan maps every step you need to reach your destination—whether that’s driving pipeline for sales, nurturing your existing customer base, or something in-between. 

As a marketing leader, you know there’s never a shortage of great campaign and project ideas. A marketing plan gives you a framework to effectively prioritize work that aligns to overarching business goals—and then get that work done. Some elements of marketing plans include:

Current business plan

Mission statement  

Business goals

Target customers  

Competitive analysis 

Current marketing mix

Key performance indicators (KPIs)

Marketing budget  

What is the purpose of a marketing plan?

The purpose of a marketing plan is to grow your company’s consumer base and strengthen your brand, while aligning with your organization’s mission and vision . The plan should analyze the competitive landscape and industry trends, offer actionable insights to help you gain a competitive advantage, and document each step of your strategy—so you can see how your campaigns work together to drive overarching business goals. 

What is the difference between a marketing plan and a marketing strategy? 

A marketing plan contains many marketing strategies across different channels. In that way, marketing strategies contribute to your overall marketing plan, working together to reach your company’s overarching business goals.

For example, imagine you’re about to launch a new software product and the goal of your marketing plan is to drive downloads. Your marketing plan could include marketing strategies like creating top-of-funnel blog content and launching a social media campaign. 

What are different types of marketing plans? 

Depending on what you’re trying to accomplish, what your timeline is, or which facet of marketing you’re driving, you’ll need to create a different type of marketing plan. Some different types of marketing plans include, but aren’t limited to:

General marketing plan: A general marketing plan is typically an annual or quarterly marketing plan that details the overarching marketing strategies for the period. This type of marketing plan outlines marketing goals, the company’s mission, buyer personas, unique selling propositions, and more. A general marketing plan lays the foundation for other, more specific marketing plans that an organization may employ. 

Product launch marketing plan: A product launch marketing plan is a step-by-step plan for marketing a new product or expanding into a new market. It helps you build awareness and interest by targeting the right audience, with the right messaging, in the right timeframe—so potential customers are ready to buy your new offering right away. Nailing your product launch marketing plan can reinforce your overall brand and fast-track sales. For a step-by-step framework to organize all the moving pieces of a launch, check out our product marketing launch template .

Paid marketing plan: This plan includes all the paid strategies in your marketing plan, like pay-per-click, paid social media advertising, native advertising, and display advertising. It’s especially important to do audience research prior to launching your paid marketing plan to ensure you’re maximizing ROI. Consult with content strategists to ensure your ads align with your buyer personas so you know you’re showing ads to the right people. 

Content marketing plan: A content marketing plan outlines the different content strategies and campaigns you’ll use to promote your product or service. When putting together a content marketing plan, start by identifying your audience. Then use market research tools to get the best insights into what topics your target audience is most interested in.

SEO marketing plan: Your SEO marketing plan should work directly alongside your content marketing plan as you chart content that’s designed to rank in search results. While your content marketing plan should include all types of content, your SEO marketing plan will cover the top-of-funnel content that drives new users to your site. Planning search engine-friendly content is only one step in your SEO marketing plan. You’ll also need to include link-building and technical aspects in order to ensure your site and content are as optimized as possible.

Social media marketing plan: This plan will highlight the marketing strategies you plan to accomplish on social media. Like in any general or digital marketing plan , your social media strategy should identify your ideal customer base and determine how they engage on different social media platforms. From there, you can cater your social media content to your target audience.  

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6 Steps to Create an Outstanding Marketing Plan [Free Templates]

Rebecca Riserbato

Published: July 23, 2024

Without planning, marketing can get messy. It’s hard to estimate budget for projects, hiring, and outsourcing over the course of a year — especially if you don't have a marketing plan, email schedule, or social media marketing plan template.

marketer using a free marketing plan

To make creating your plan easier, I've put together a list of what to include. I’ve also compiled a few different strategic marketing plan templates where you can easily fill in the blanks.

In this article, we're going to discuss:

  • What should a marketing plan include?

Marketing Plan Timeline

How to create a marketing plan, hubspot’s free marketing plan template, one-page marketing plan template.

  • Simple Marketing Plan Generated by AI

Strategy-specific Marketing Plan Templates

  • Marketing Campaign Plan
  • Digital Marketing Plan
  • Product Marketing Plan
  • Social Media Marketing Plan

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Free Marketing Plan Template

Outline your company's marketing strategy in one simple, coherent plan.

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What should a marketing plan include? [Marketing Plan Outline]

A marketing plan is a roadmap that businesses like yours use to organize, execute, and track their marketing strategy over a given period.

The marketing plan outline we discuss will help you create an effective plan that easily generates buy-in from stakeholders.

free marketing plan outline

Download This Marketing Plan Outline for Free

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Screenshot of the “business summary” in a sample marketing plan template

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marketing assignment report

Marketing Assignment Topics

Table of Contents

The Importance of Marketing Assignments

99 marketing assignment topics, 📱 digital marketing, 🛍️ consumer behaviour marketing, 📺 telemarketing, 📣 word-of-mouth marketing, 📧 personalized marketing, 💬 influencer marketing, 🤳 social media marketing, 📍 local marketing, 📔 print media strategies, 🏷️ niche marketing , narrowing things down helps.

Marketing Assignment Topics

Regardless of whether you are majoring in Digital Marketing, MBA, or Sociology, taking a look at the various marketing assignment topics will be essential for your success. The most important is to determine what kind of sub-topic you require or what promotional take is studied. Starting with the case study ideas to analysis and comparison of the different methods, you must explore your initial requirements and think about a good topic. Our friendly marketing assignment writing service has collected a selection of relevant marketing ideas to keep you inspired. Take your time to explore them and choose the one that fits!

In simple terms, digital marketing relates to promotion and advertisement of certain ideas and services via electronic means. While it’s mostly related to Internet technologies, digital marketing also covers mobile phones, digital street banners, online intellectual property protection, and anything where electronic platforms are used. It makes exploring digital marketing assignment topics a rather popular choice for college researching as can be seen below:

  • How has content marketing changed during Covid-19 times?
  • The pecularities of search engine optimization and political bias.
  • The legislation in the United States used to protect intellectual property online.
  • Google Ads vs YouTube advertisement systems: the pros and cons.
  • The role of website design for the digital marketing.
  • Sustainability of Internet of Things.
  • The role of Machine Learning technology for the digital marketing.
  • The use of Livestreaming in education.
  • Leadership styles through the lens of account-based marketing.
  • Telling a story online vs physical interaction in 2022.

In your exploration of innovative approaches, consider Airtable Alternative —an emerging alternative to conventional spreadsheets. Stackby’s no-code, spreadsheet-style database empowers collaborative efforts in building, managing, and streamlining workflows, projects, or databases, all within a unified platform.

The purpose here is to estimate and understand how people (customers) make certain decisions when they choose particular services or puchase what they want. It’s a study of their needs and related behaviors. See some consumer behavior assignment topics below:

  • How important is the variety of available products for behavior patterns?
  • The use of AI-based tools to predict consumer behavior.
  • The role of family influencing for consumer choices.
  • Available resources through the lens of Maslow’s Theory of Needs.
  • Search for information and the reasoning to purchase things.
  • Consumer behavior and tourism marketing during pandemic times.
  • Perception of risks when dealing with unknown products.
  • Evaluation of product alternatives: analysis vs experience.
  • Recognition of needs: what drives consumers in 2022?
  • Modern data collection method: digital means vs word-of-mouth.

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Also known as the phone marketing, this type of sales is still quite popular these days. It involves both initiation and closure of commercial operations by making a call to certain customers. It is usually based on already existing services where specific groups of people are targeted.

  • Establishment of strong customer relations in outbound vs inbound practices.
  • Dealing with technical issues and the role of recommendations.
  • Selling things from a distance: global vs local sales approach.
  • Transformation of a phone call into a deal: the role of the time factor.
  • What does represent a quality lead in 2022?
  • Cold calling vs inside sales: persuasive rhetorics.
  • Setting objectives in telemarketing: how long should an introduction be?
  • Business to Business approach: why does taking a special niche helps?
  • Improving marketing data: the most efficient method to study your customers’ needs.
  • Analysis of modern telemarketing methods via online messengers.

It’s one of those areas where every college student majoring in marketing can turn to personal experience or focus on various case studies. When marketing data is being passed from person to person, among friends or family members, it belongs to word-of-mouth. See the subjects below for inspiration:

  • Product giveaways: how much risk does it include?
  • Brand ambassadors and the degree of honesty in marketing.
  • Sharing buzzworthy skills: is using psychological processing acceptable?
  • Referrals on social media: can one person become an influencer?
  • Pinterest: the network that uses individual marketing approach.
  • Coca-Cola and the branding strategies: popularity factor.
  • Identification and nurturing: professional word-of-mouth marketing vs amateur techniques.
  • Word of mouth for the small business: should testimonials be obligatory?
  • How to create personal recommendations using marketing management?
  • Brand generation methods: like-minded individuals or knowing your audience matters.

While it can take virtually any form thesedays, turning to personalization in the field of modern marketing is essential. It always starts with a detailed research of the target market by focusing on individuals that are already interested in services on offer. For example, promoting car safety tools among street racers or cargo companies can be one of the examples.

  • The pros and cons of the “always on” marketology.
  • Targeted emails: is email marketing still relevant in 2022?
  • Custom video messages and online learning.
  • The phenomenon of the fear of missing out.
  • Product recommendations based on data mining methods.
  • Adjusting brands to investor’s expectation: target market changes.
  • Amazon’s case study: content personalization.
  • Privacy of the purchase history online: what are the safety guarantees.
  • Purchase recommendations based on artificial intelligence.
  • In-store personal guidance vs online customer service marketing methods.

This type of marketing is one of the most relevant and important these days when we have celebrities, bloggers, and various athletes using their status to promote certain products. At the same time, every college student can become an influencer by setting a positive example. Here are some ideas to consider:

  • The negative influence of celebrities for promotion of low-quality products.
  • Quality matters: why do customers ignore quality concerns when the fame factors comes up?
  • The role of YouTube marketing mix feature for promotion of influencers.
  • Child influencers: does it help to promote business skills and responsibilities?
  • Marketing agreements: what are the limitations of being an influencer?
  • Social campaigns: the most important social marketing campaigns.
  • Negative body image and marketing influencers: beauty models and healthcare concerns.
  • The culture of shout outs by media personalities: a “sponsor me” controversy.
  • Branded hashtags: what are the pros and cons of digital branding?
  • The role of online bloggers for promotion of products and services.

Contrary to the popular belief, social media marketing (SMM) is not limited to Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. We also have platforms like TikTok, LinkedIn, and Snapchat that also generate a lot of traffic. SMM is further divided into six sub-sections that are: social networking, creation of bookmarks, sharing social news, media sharing, addressing blog posts, and participating in online forums like Reddit and Quora. Here are some ideas to consider:

  • Transition of Facebook into Meta Inc: what marketing challenges became apparent?
  • Instagram and the role of intellectual property protection online.
  • Twitter and the political bias encountered in microblogging.
  • LinkedIn’s approach to business networking: marketing research case study analysis.
  • Methodology of attracting new users via Instagram’s feed.
  • Discord and the ethical limitations of promotion.
  • The use of trends and the youth culture for modern marketing.
  • Publication of news on social media: the problem of a primary source.
  • Motivational posts: cryptic media promotion methods.
  • Generation of social lift in 2022: from green energy to the rules of engagement.

Local marketing represents a special market niche where your products and services are advertised within a limited geographic area. Unlike global digital marketing, in most cases, you are focusing on the local customers by using street advertisement methods and even various print outlets like promotional leaflets and flyers.

  • The use of promotional coupons: what information must be included?
  • Creation of the local marketing plan and the prognosis aspect.
  • Brand perception by the local audience vs national marketing’s vision.
  • The challenges of Local Relevance in the rural areas of the United States.
  • What customer data is acceptable to ask for locally?
  • Cooperation with Google for local marketing.
  • The role of public relations and territorial television for promotional purposes.
  • Legal sources of data collection that are acceptable for regional marketing.
  • The use of governmental funding for localized marketing.
  • Socio-cultural factor of the brand perception of the American South.

The use of print media still remains relevant today, which became even clearer during the times of social distancing when people have turned to explanatory materials and various print outlets that they had available. These include manuals and promotional data that has been sent. The examples include real estate advertisement techniques and product manuals.

  • Are newspapers in print becoming obsolete?
  • The role of marketing in print for the fashion industry.
  • Magazines and the role of business promotion.
  • Healthcare articles and promotion of pharmacology.
  • Politics and the role of leaflets for elections.
  • The role of frequency of publications.
  • Limitations of print media strategies.
  • The use of questionnaries in the print advertisement.
  • The art of telling a story: the unique benefits of print media.
  • The tactile factor: why marketing requires something one can hold.

As the name implies, niche marketing aims for those areas where we have specific, limited appeal with low competition. At the same time, it represents a strong demand and the needs that have not been met. For example, specific sports equipment or ethnic musical instruments. Here are some good topic ideas to consider:

  • Creation of brand loyalty in 2022.
  • The most efficient methods to improve one’s outreach.
  • The use of monetization and digital solutions vs in-store contact.
  • How to analyze one’s target audience when dealing with global markets?
  • Faster business growth vs cost-effective methods.
  • Reverse engineering and study of the competitors.
  • Content creation system: simplification with the AI.
  • SEO optimization and conversion of contacts to sales.
  • The art of the thought leadership method for niche marketing.

Choosing assignment topics for marketing, remember that you should narrow things down for the best results as it will help you to focus on particular events or practices. It makes it easier to set an example and provide at least one piece of evidence for your marketing assignment. Take your time to research the subject first and play with the wording to make your paper’s title reflect your thesis statement. By doing so, you will be able to create a strong hook for your introduction and the topic sentence for each relevant paragraph. Solve your problems with assignment writing help from AssignmentBro

marketing assignment report

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The subject of business management is one of the most varied fields...

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Logistics is the science and art of planning, implementing, and...

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How to Write a Report: A Guide to Report Format and Best Practice

Matt Ellis

A report is a nonfiction account that presents and/or summarizes the facts about a particular event, topic, or issue. The idea is that people who are unfamiliar with the subject can find everything they need to know from a good report. 

Reports make it easy to catch someone up to speed on a subject, but actually writing a report is anything but easy. So to help you understand what to do, below we present a little report of our own, all about report writing and report format best practices. 

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Table of contents

What is a report?

Types of report formats

What is the structure of a report, what should be included in a report, how to write a report in 7 steps, what is a report .

In technical terms, the definition of a report is pretty vague: any account, spoken or written, of the matters concerning a particular topic. This could refer to anything from a courtroom testimony to a grade schooler’s book report . 

Really, when people talk about “reports,” they’re usually referring to official documents outlining the facts of a topic, typically written by an expert on the subject or someone assigned to investigate it. There are different types of reports, explained in the next section, but they mostly fit this description. 

What kind of information is shared in reports? Although all facts are welcome, reports, in particular, tend to feature these types of content: 

  • Details of an event or situation
  • The consequences or ongoing effect of an event or situation
  • Evaluation of statistical data or analytics
  • Interpretations from the information in the report
  • Predictions or recommendations based on the information in the report
  • How the information relates to other events or reports

Reports are closely related to essay writing , although there are some clear distinctions. While both rely on facts, essays add the personal opinions and arguments of the authors. Reports typically stick only to the facts, although they may include some of the author’s interpretation of these facts, most likely in the conclusion. 

Moreover, reports are heavily organized, commonly with tables of contents and copious headings and subheadings. This makes it easier for readers to scan reports for the information they’re looking for. Essays, on the other hand, are meant to be read start to finish, not browsed for specific insights. 

There are a few different types of reports, depending on the purpose and to whom you present your report. Here’s a quick list of the common types of reports:

  • Academic report: Tests a student’s comprehension of the subject matter, such as book reports, reports on historical events, and biographies 
  • Business reports: Identifies information useful in business strategy, such as marketing reports, internal memos, SWOT analysis, and feasibility reports
  • Scientific reports: Shares research findings, such as research papers and case studies, typically in science journals

Reports can be further divided into categories based on how they are written. For example, a report could be formal or informal, short or long, and internal or external. In business, a vertical report shares information with people on different levels of the hierarchy (i.e., people who work above you and below you), while a lateral report is for people on the author’s same level, but in different departments. 

There are as many types of reports as there are writing styles, but in this guide, we focus on academic reports, which tend to be formal and informational. 

>>Read More: What Is Academic Writing?

The report format depends on the type of report and the requirements of the assignment. While reports can use their own unique structure, most follow this basic template:

  • Executive summary: Just like an abstract in an academic paper, an executive summary is a standalone section that summarizes the findings in your report so readers know what to expect. These are mostly for official reports and less so for school reports. 
  • Introduction: Setting up the body of the report, your introduction explains the overall topic that you’re about to discuss, with your thesis statement and any need-to-know background information before you get into your own findings. 
  • Body: The body of the report explains all your major discoveries, broken up into headings and subheadings. The body makes up the majority of the entire report; whereas the introduction and conclusion are just a few paragraphs each, the body can go on for pages. 
  • Conclusion: The conclusion is where you bring together all the information in your report and come to a definitive interpretation or judgment. This is usually where the author inputs their own personal opinions or inferences.  

If you’re familiar with how to write a research paper , you’ll notice that report writing follows the same introduction-body-conclusion structure, sometimes adding an executive summary. Reports usually have their own additional requirements as well, such as title pages and tables of content, which we explain in the next section. 

There are no firm requirements for what’s included in a report. Every school, company, laboratory, task manager, and teacher can make their own format, depending on their unique needs. In general, though, be on the lookout for these particular requirements—they tend to crop up a lot: 

  • Title page: Official reports often use a title page to keep things organized; if a person has to read multiple reports, title pages make them easier to keep track of. 
  • Table of contents: Just like in books, the table of contents helps readers go directly to the section they’re interested in, allowing for faster browsing. 
  • Page numbering: A common courtesy if you’re writing a longer report, page numbering makes sure the pages are in order in the case of mix-ups or misprints.
  • Headings and subheadings: Reports are typically broken up into sections, divided by headings and subheadings, to facilitate browsing and scanning. 
  • Citations: If you’re citing information from another source, the citations guidelines tell you the recommended format.
  • Works cited page: A bibliography at the end of the report lists credits and the legal information for the other sources you got information from. 

As always, refer to the assignment for the specific guidelines on each of these. The people who read the report should tell you which style guides or formatting they require. 

Now let’s get into the specifics of how to write a report. Follow the seven steps on report writing below to take you from an idea to a completed paper. 

1 Choose a topic based on the assignment

Before you start writing, you need to pick the topic of your report. Often, the topic is assigned for you, as with most business reports, or predetermined by the nature of your work, as with scientific reports. If that’s the case, you can ignore this step and move on. 

If you’re in charge of choosing your own topic, as with a lot of academic reports, then this is one of the most important steps in the whole writing process. Try to pick a topic that fits these two criteria: 

  • There’s adequate information: Choose a topic that’s not too general but not too specific, with enough information to fill your report without padding, but not too much that you can’t cover everything. 
  • It’s something you’re interested in: Although this isn’t a strict requirement, it does help the quality of a report if you’re engaged by the subject matter. 

Of course, don’t forget the instructions of the assignment, including length, so keep those in the back of your head when deciding. 

2 Conduct research

With business and scientific reports, the research is usually your own or provided by the company—although there’s still plenty of digging for external sources in both. 

For academic papers, you’re largely on your own for research, unless you’re required to use class materials. That’s one of the reasons why choosing the right topic is so crucial; you won’t go far if the topic you picked doesn’t have enough available research. 

The key is to search only for reputable sources: official documents, other reports, research papers, case studies, books from respected authors, etc. Feel free to use research cited in other similar reports. You can often find a lot of information online through search engines, but a quick trip to the library can also help in a pinch. 

3 Write a thesis statement

Before you go any further, write a thesis statement to help you conceptualize the main theme of your report. Just like the topic sentence of a paragraph, the thesis statement summarizes the main point of your writing, in this case, the report. 

Once you’ve collected enough research, you should notice some trends and patterns in the information. If these patterns all infer or lead up to a bigger, overarching point, that’s your thesis statement. 

For example, if you were writing a report on the wages of fast-food employees, your thesis might be something like, “Although wages used to be commensurate with living expenses, after years of stagnation they are no longer adequate.” From there, the rest of your report will elaborate on that thesis, with ample evidence and supporting arguments. 

It’s good to include your thesis statement in both the executive summary and introduction of your report, but you still want to figure it out early so you know which direction to go when you work on your outline next. 

4 Prepare an outline

Writing an outline is recommended for all kinds of writing, but it’s especially useful for reports given their emphasis on organization. Because reports are often separated by headings and subheadings, a solid outline makes sure you stay on track while writing without missing anything. 

Really, you should start thinking about your outline during the research phase, when you start to notice patterns and trends. If you’re stuck, try making a list of all the key points, details, and evidence you want to mention. See if you can fit them into general and specific categories, which you can turn into headings and subheadings respectively. 

5 Write a rough draft

Actually writing the rough draft , or first draft, is usually the most time-consuming step. Here’s where you take all the information from your research and put it into words. To avoid getting overwhelmed, simply follow your outline step by step to make sure you don’t accidentally leave out anything. 

Don’t be afraid to make mistakes; that’s the number one rule for writing a rough draft. Expecting your first draft to be perfect adds a lot of pressure. Instead, write in a natural and relaxed way, and worry about the specific details like word choice and correcting mistakes later. That’s what the last two steps are for, anyway. 

6 Revise and edit your report

Once your rough draft is finished, it’s time to go back and start fixing the mistakes you ignored the first time around. (Before you dive right back in, though, it helps to sleep on it to start editing fresh, or at least take a small break to unwind from writing the rough draft.) 

We recommend first rereading your report for any major issues, such as cutting or moving around entire sentences and paragraphs. Sometimes you’ll find your data doesn’t line up, or that you misinterpreted a key piece of evidence. This is the right time to fix the “big picture” mistakes and rewrite any longer sections as needed. 

If you’re unfamiliar with what to look for when editing, you can read our previous guide with some more advanced self-editing tips . 

7 Proofread and check for mistakes

Last, it pays to go over your report one final time, just to optimize your wording and check for grammatical or spelling mistakes. In the previous step you checked for “big picture” mistakes, but here you’re looking for specific, even nitpicky problems. 

A writing assistant like Grammarly flags those issues for you. Grammarly’s free version points out any spelling and grammatical mistakes while you write, with suggestions to improve your writing that you can apply with just one click. The Premium version offers even more advanced features, such as tone adjustments and word choice recommendations for taking your writing to the next level. 

marketing assignment report

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Resources: Discussions and Assignments

Module 13 assignment: marketing mix examples.

Open Pedagogy Assignments are assignments in which students use their agency and creativity to create knowledge artifacts that can support their own learning, their classmates’ learning, and the learning of students around the world. (See this peer-reviewed article for more details.) The assignment on this page is aligned to the learning outcomes of Introduction to Business and we’ve identified the module where the reading appears. All of the assignments can be created with a cell phone camera or any video recording device, Google or Word documents, and your learning management system.

In the Marketing Function module, we cover the 4Ps: Products, Promotion, Place, and Price. Even if you haven’t had experience with marketing, you have a lot of experience as a customer. What is the marketing mix of one of your favorite brand? Think of the marketing mix as a recipe that can be adjusted—through small adjustments or dramatic changes—to support broader company goals.

Using your cell phone or any other recording device, create a short video about the 4Ps of one of your favorite products. You don’t have to edit or create a professional-grade film. You’ve most likely have done this type of recording already on social media, so feel free to use the same informal conversational tone.

Do an internet search for a product of your choice. Research for areas of their website where they mention details about their products, promotions, places, and price. Think of your audience as fellow students who are interested to learn about these ideas because they want to learn important marketing concepts. In your video, you can address the following:

  • What are some interesting points on the website about the product?
  • What are their promotions? What’s the price? Where can you find the product?
  • If you have had experience with the company of your choice, and you feel comfortable sharing your experience, tell your audience what worked or didn’t work for you about their marketing. What can they improve?

A Note To Teachers: For this assignment, the first term students will be creating the videos, and then the next term’s students can respond to the videos. After you have two terms of examples, use the best three from the batch as examples and start the process over again. Using the videos as starting points for OL discussion boards may work as well. If you are using the Salty Paws Case Study, you could refer back to that assignment as guidance for your students who may be learning these concepts for the first time.

  • Open Pedagogy Assignment: Marketing Mix Examples. Authored by : Lumen Learning. License : CC BY: Attribution

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The  marketing concept involves identifying consumer needs and wants and then producing products (which can be goods, services, or ideas) that will satisfy them while making a profit.

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Q&A And Marketing Assignment Sample: PESTEL Factor with References and Conclusions

Question Scenario:

The marketing audit is a significant element of marketing activities and evaluating the microenvironment and macro environment is an important aspect of it. Analysis of microenvironment and macro environment consists of many important frameworks such as SWOT analysis, PESTEL analysis, etc. In this manner, ALDI is the company that is chosen for the analysis. ALDI is a leading grocery chain in Australia that is famous for serving grocery products at a cheaper price (ALDI, 2015)…………………….

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    MKT243 Marketing Plan Report; MKT243 assignment draft; Pricing - Mkt; Related Studylists Mkt243 Assignment marketing mkt. Preview text. FACULTY OF BUSINESS AND MANAGEMENT UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY MARA (UITM) CAMPUS MERBOK, SUNGAI PETANI DIPLOMA IN BUSINESS STUDIES (KBA111) FUNDAMENTALS OF MARKETING (MKT243)

  21. Marketing Assignment Sample & Example PDF for University Student

    Marketing Assignment Sample. The marketing concept involves identifying consumer needs and wants and then producing products (which can be goods, services, or ideas) that will satisfy them while making a profit. Marketing is a topic that deals with identification, anticipation and satisfaction of consumer requirements profitably.

  22. Assignment 2 Business Report Assignment Brief and Guide

    Module Title and Code: Tourism Marketing Principles - MGBBT1TMP Module leader: Dr Olusegun A. Olugbade Samia Tariq Assignment type: Business Report (2,000 words) Assessment weighting: 50% Submission due dates: Friday, 9 th August 2024 by 2.00 P.M. Target feedback time and date: 3 weeks from the date of final submission Assignment Overview The objective of the assignment is to provide students ...