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Research Report writing MCQs with answers

Every research leads to the creation of a research report. The report is the formal logical presentation of the research that has been conducted. The purpose of the research report is to convey to the interested persons the whole result of a study in sufficient detail and to determine the validity of the conclusions.

In this post, we have listed 21 Multiple Choice Questions on Report Writing with answers .

1. What is a legal report?

 A report which deals specifically with a legal problem

It’s a brief statement of the most significant facts necessary for the investigation

 Both a and b

2. Guidelines for report writing includes:

 Knowledge of the research material

 Organizing of research material

 Rough drafts

 Bibliography, footnotes and head notes

 All o.f the above

3. Bibliography is :

 At the end of the study arranged in alphabetical order

 Anywhere in the study

 Beginning of the study

 Not necessary to be included

4. Which of the following become the initial part of a report:



 Table of cases

 List of abbreviations

 All of the above

5. The conceptual framework and background of research which will become the source for formulation of the hypothesis is known as:


 Review of literature

 Data analysis

 None of the above

6. Appendix to the report includes:


 Sample information

 Mathematical derivations

7. Bibliography is;

 all the consulted sources of data whether primary or secondary, reference books, articles, reports, unpublished material

8. The purpose of bibliography is:

 Add to the volume of the study

Provide cross-reference and authenticity to the report

9. Formatting, spaces, spellings and grammar becomes part of:


Proofreading +

10. Diagrammatic representation is used:

 To confuse the reader

  To make the report more interesting and easy

11. In the research process, report writing is:


 The final step in the research

 Only a

12. One of the useful skills for a researcher is:

 The ability to understand the research

 The ability to write an effective research report

13. The introduction of a report should state which of the following:

 Nature of the study

 Sources of information

 Scope of the study

14. Which of the following must be mentioned by the researcher in the report:

 Problems in collecting the data

 Possible discrepancies in data collection

 Suggestions to subsequent investigators on the same topic in the same context

15. The main text provides the complete outline of the research report along with all details. It includes:


 Analysis and interpretation

 Findings and Recommendations

16. Report is the formal logical presentation of the research that has been conducted.


17. A report which deals specifically with a legal problem is said to be a legal research report.

18. Which of the following forms part of the preliminary section of a legal research report:

 Title page

 Preface/ Acknowledgement

19. Report is a:

 Formal logical presentation of the research

 Summary of the research

No, the answer is incorrect.

20. The objective of a research report  are:

 Conveying of knowledge to the concerned people in the field of research

 Proper presentation of the findings for further utilization of the recommendations.

 Give impetus to research in the concerned knowledge area.

 To re-examine the validity of generalizations drawn by the researcher after the report has been submitted.

21. Which of the following is not a form of research report?


 Enquiry report of a commission



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These MCQS are very helpful in getting the basic kn.owledge of research.Thanks for publishing

Thanks for the appreciation.

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Center for Teaching

Writing good multiple choice test questions.

Brame, C. (2013) Writing good multiple choice test questions. Retrieved [todaysdate] from

Constructing an Effective Stem

Constructing effective alternatives.

  • Additional Guidelines for Multiple Choice Questions

Considerations for Writing Multiple Choice Items that Test Higher-order Thinking

Additional resources.

Multiple choice test questions, also known as items, can be an effective and efficient way to assess learning outcomes. Multiple choice test items have several potential advantages:

english for research paper writing mcqs with answers

Reliability: Reliability is defined as the degree to which a test consistently measures a learning outcome. Multiple choice test items are less susceptible to guessing than true/false questions, making them a more reliable means of assessment. The reliability is enhanced when the number of MC items focused on a single learning objective is increased. In addition, the objective scoring associated with multiple choice test items frees them from problems with scorer inconsistency that can plague scoring of essay questions.

Validity: Validity is the degree to which a test measures the learning outcomes it purports to measure. Because students can typically answer a multiple choice item much more quickly than an essay question, tests based on multiple choice items can typically focus on a relatively broad representation of course material, thus increasing the validity of the assessment.

The key to taking advantage of these strengths, however, is construction of good multiple choice items.

A multiple choice item consists of a problem, known as the stem, and a list of suggested solutions, known as alternatives. The alternatives consist of one correct or best alternative, which is the answer, and incorrect or inferior alternatives, known as distractors.

english for research paper writing mcqs with answers

1. The stem should be meaningful by itself and should present a definite problem. A stem that presents a definite problem allows a focus on the learning outcome. A stem that does not present a clear problem, however, may test students’ ability to draw inferences from vague descriptions rather serving as a more direct test of students’ achievement of the learning outcome.

english for research paper writing mcqs with answers

2. The stem should not contain irrelevant material , which can decrease the reliability and the validity of the test scores (Haldyna and Downing 1989).


3. The stem should be negatively stated only when significant learning outcomes require it. Students often have difficulty understanding items with negative phrasing (Rodriguez 1997). If a significant learning outcome requires negative phrasing, such as identification of dangerous laboratory or clinical practices, the negative element should be emphasized with italics or capitalization.

english for research paper writing mcqs with answers

4. The stem should be a question or a partial sentence. A question stem is preferable because it allows the student to focus on answering the question rather than holding the partial sentence in working memory and sequentially completing it with each alternative (Statman 1988). The cognitive load is increased when the stem is constructed with an initial or interior blank, so this construction should be avoided.

english for research paper writing mcqs with answers

1. All alternatives should be plausible. The function of the incorrect alternatives is to serve as distractors,which should be selected by students who did not achieve the learning outcome but ignored by students who did achieve the learning outcome. Alternatives that are implausible don’t serve as functional distractors and thus should not be used. Common student errors provide the best source of distractors.

english for research paper writing mcqs with answers

2. Alternatives should be stated clearly and concisely. Items that are excessively wordy assess students’ reading ability rather than their attainment of the learning objective

english for research paper writing mcqs with answers

3. Alternatives should be mutually exclusive. Alternatives with overlapping content may be considered “trick” items by test-takers, excessive use of which can erode trust and respect for the testing process.

english for research paper writing mcqs with answers

4. Alternatives should be homogenous in content. Alternatives that are heterogeneous in content can provide cues to student about the correct answer.

english for research paper writing mcqs with answers

5. Alternatives should be free from clues about which response is correct. Sophisticated test-takers are alert to inadvertent clues to the correct answer, such differences in grammar, length, formatting, and language choice in the alternatives. It’s therefore important that alternatives

  • have grammar consistent with the stem.
  • are parallel in form.
  • are similar in length.
  • use similar language (e.g., all unlike textbook language or all like textbook language).

6. The alternatives “all of the above” and “none of the above” should not be used. When “all of the above” is used as an answer, test-takers who can identify more than one alternative as correct can select the correct answer even if unsure about other alternative(s). When “none of the above” is used as an alternative, test-takers who can eliminate a single option can thereby eliminate a second option. In either case, students can use partial knowledge to arrive at a correct answer.

7. The alternatives should be presented in a logical order (e.g., alphabetical or numerical) to avoid a bias toward certain positions.

english for research paper writing mcqs with answers

8. The number of alternatives can vary among items as long as all alternatives are plausible. Plausible alternatives serve as functional distractors, which are those chosen by students that have not achieved the objective but ignored by students that have achieved the objective. There is little difference in difficulty, discrimination, and test score reliability among items containing two, three, and four distractors.

Additional Guidelines

1. Avoid complex multiple choice items , in which some or all of the alternatives consist of different combinations of options. As with “all of the above” answers, a sophisticated test-taker can use partial knowledge to achieve a correct answer.

english for research paper writing mcqs with answers

2. Keep the specific content of items independent of one another. Savvy test-takers can use information in one question to answer another question, reducing the validity of the test.

When writing multiple choice items to test higher-order thinking, design questions that focus on higher levels of cognition as defined by Bloom’s taxonomy . A stem that presents a problem that requires application of course principles, analysis of a problem, or evaluation of alternatives is focused on higher-order thinking and thus tests students’ ability to do such thinking. In constructing multiple choice items to test higher order thinking, it can also be helpful to design problems that require multilogical thinking, where multilogical thinking is defined as “thinking that requires knowledge of more than one fact to logically and systematically apply concepts to a …problem” (Morrison and Free, 2001, page 20). Finally, designing alternatives that require a high level of discrimination can also contribute to multiple choice items that test higher-order thinking.

english for research paper writing mcqs with answers

  • Burton, Steven J., Sudweeks, Richard R., Merrill, Paul F., and Wood, Bud. How to Prepare Better Multiple Choice Test Items: Guidelines for University Faculty, 1991.
  • Cheung, Derek and Bucat, Robert. How can we construct good multiple-choice items? Presented at the Science and Technology Education Conference, Hong Kong, June 20-21, 2002.
  • Haladyna, Thomas M. Developing and validating multiple-choice test items, 2 nd edition. Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 1999.
  • Haladyna, Thomas M. and Downing, S. M.. Validity of a taxonomy of multiple-choice item-writing rules. Applied Measurement in Education , 2(1), 51-78, 1989.
  • Morrison, Susan and Free, Kathleen. Writing multiple-choice test items that promote and measure critical thinking. Journal of Nursing Education 40: 17-24, 2001.

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Research Methodology

Student resources, multiple choice questions.

Research: A Way of Thinking

The Research Process: A Quick Glance

Reviewing the Literature

Formulating a Research Problem

Identifying Variables

Constructing Hypotheses

The Research Design

Selecting a Study Design

Selecting a Method of Data Collection

Collecting Data Using Attitudinal Scales

Establishing the Validity and Reliability of a Research Instrument

Selecting a Sample

Writing a Research Proposal

Considering Ethical Issues in Data Collection

Processing Data

Displaying Data

Writing a Research Report

English MCQs With Answers [Solved] for All Tests and Exams

In today’s competitive age, being proficient in English is of paramount importance. Whether you’re preparing for competitive exams and tests, seeking to enhance your language skills, or simply aiming to improve grammar and vocabulary, our extensive compilation of “English MCQs With Answers” is tailor-made to aid you on your journey to success.

English MCQs With Answers [Solved] for All Tests and Exams

Whether you’re a student preparing for standardized tests, a job seeker honing your interview abilities, or a language enthusiast looking to fortify your linguistic dexterity, these solved English MCQs are your pathway to proficiency. We have collected the most important and repeated MCQs of English. These include Noun MCQs, Pronoun MCQs, Verb MCQs, Adverb MCQs, Preposition MCQs, Conjunction MCQs, Interjection MCQs, Tenses MCQs, English Grammar MCQs and Direct and Indirect MCQs for English Test Online Preparation. 

Table of Contents

Basic english grammar mcqs, antonyms and synonyms mcqs, mcqs on nouns, pronouns, and verbs, english tenses mcqs for practice, adverb, conjunctions and interjections mcqs, preposition mcqs for english tests, direct and indirect mcqs for english test preparation, english vocabulary mcqs with answers, advance english mcqs with answers, english aptitude mcqs.

In this unit we have added the most important and repeated MCQs of English Grammar for English Test Online Preparation. 

1: What is the plural form of “child”?

c) children

  • d) child’s

2: Identify the abstract noun in the following sentence:

“Honesty is the best policy.”

3: Choose the correct pronoun to complete the sentence:

“She and _____ are going to the store.”

4: Which of the following sentences contains a reflexive pronoun?

  • a) She gave the book to him.
  • b) He saw himself in the mirror.
  • c) They went to the park.
  • d) I like ice cream.

5: Which of the following is a transitive verb?

6: In the sentence, “She had been studying for hours,” what is the tense of the verb “studying”?

d) past perfect continuous

7:  He ran quickly to catch the bus.

Identify the adverb in the above sentence: 

8: Which adverb means “in a shy or timid manner”?

9: Choose the correct preposition to complete the sentence:

The cat is sitting ____ the table.

10: In the sentence, “She walked through the tunnel,” what is the preposition?

Understanding Antonyms and Synonyms is important for English proficiency tests. That is why we have included some  MCQs of antonyms and synonyms in our English MCQs With Answers series. 

11: What is the antonym of “vivid”?

  • c) colorful

12: The teacher provided a __________ explanation of the complex math problem, making it easier for the students to understand.

  • a) confusing
  • b) perplexing

13: What is a synonym for “exquisite”?

b) beautiful

  • c) ordinary

14: Her bright and cheerful personality is the __________ of his gloomy disposition.

  • a) contrast
  • d) repetition

15: Despite the __________ weather, they decided to go for a picnic.

16: Which word is a synonym for “tenacious”?

  • a) forgetful

b) stubborn

  • c) flexible
  • d) forgiving

17: Choose the word that is a synonym for “vibrant.”

18: The comedian’s jokes were so hilarious that the audience couldn’t stop __________ with laughter.

b) chuckling

  • c) frowning

19: What is a synonym for “benevolent”?

b) generous

  • c) indifferent

20: What is the antonym of “frugal”?

  • a) economical

Unit 3 of English MCQs With Answers is all about the most important Multiple Choice Questions about nouns, Pronouns, and verbs. 

21: What is the past participle form of the verb “sing”?

22: Which of the following is a collective noun?

23: In the sentence, “The cat’s tail is fluffy,” what is the possessive noun?

24: Select the correct pronoun to complete the sentence:

______ are coming to the party.

25: Which sentence contains an indefinite pronoun?

  • a) She saw me.

b) Everyone is here.

  • c) The car is fast.
  • d) He likes ice cream.

26: What is the past tense of the verb “to swim”?

  • d) swimming

27: The ___________ of the school organized a charity event.

  • b) students

c) principal

28: Sarah invited Lisa and ___________ to her birthday party.

  • d) mineself

29: She ________ her homework when the phone rang.

30: They __________ their new house last month.

For the English language Test, tenses play an important role. Therefore we have also added some important questions about tenses in our English MCQs With Answers series. 

31: Which sentence is in the past perfect tense?

  • a) I am going to the store.
  • b) She will visit us tomorrow.
  • c) They had already left when I arrived.
  • d) He is eating lunch.

32: In the sentence, “They will be playing soccer,” what is the tense of the verb “playing”?

  • d) past continuous

33: By the time I ___________ home, dinner _________ already.

a) get / served

  • b) got / serves
  • c) gets / serving
  • d) gotten / serving

34: By the time she _________ the party, everyone ___________.

a) arrives / leaves

  • b) arrived / leave
  • c) arrives / leave
  • d) arrived / leaves

35: Which of the following sentences is grammatically incorrect?

  • a) She had already eaten when I arrived.
  • b) She had already ate when I arrived.
  • c) She already ate when I arrived.
  • d) She has already eaten when I arrived.

36: He said he _______ the project by the end of the month.

  • a) will finish
  • b) finishing

c) would finish

  • d) have finished

37: They will have been working at the company for ten years next month.

What tense is used in this sentence?

a) Future Perfect Continuous

  • b) Present Perfect Continuous
  • c) Past Continuous
  • d) Past Perfect Continuous

38: I wish I _______ what to do tomorrow.

  • a) will know
  • d) have known

39: Which of the following sentences is in the correct future perfect continuous tense?

  • a) She will have been studying for hours.
  • b) She will be studying for hours.
  • c) She will have studied for hours.
  • d) She will be studied for hours.

40: By the time we _______ for the meeting, everyone ________.

  • a) will arrive / will leave
  • b) arrived / left
  • c) will have arrived / will leave
  • d) will arrive / left

It is also important for your English online test preparation to cover Parts of speech MCQs. Unit 5 of English MCQs With Answers is all about Adverb, Conjunction, and Interjection multiple-choice questions. 

41: Which of the following is a coordinating conjunction?

  • a) although

42: Choose the interjection in the sentence:

Wow, that was an amazing performance!

43: Identify the adverb in the sentence:

“She spoke softly.”

  • d) She spoke

44: Which adverb means “immediately”?

45: Identify the conjunction in the sentence:

“I neither like tea nor coffee.”

46: Which of the following is a subordinating conjunction?

47: Alas, the beautiful garden was destroyed by the storm.

Choose the interjection in the sentence: 

  • a) beautiful

48: He sings ____________ in the choir.

b) beautifully

  • c) beautify

49: I wanted to go swimming, _________ it started raining.

50: _________! You scared me.

Put the correct interjection: 

In this part of English MCQs With Answers we have included the most important and repeated MCQs of Preposition. 

51: The keys are ____ the table.

Choose the correct preposition to complete the sentence: 

52: In the sentence, “They went by train,” what is the preposition?

53: The cat is hiding __________ the table.

54: She’s allergic ___________ cats.

55: The book is ___ the shelf.

56: He arrived ___ the party early.

57: I’m interested ___ learning Spanish.

58: They walked along the beach.

Which one is Preposition:

59: She is excellent ___ playing the piano.

60: The keys are ___ the car.

Unit 7 of English MCQs With Answers is all about direct and indirect MCQs questions with answers for English Exams and tests preparation.

61: Sarah said, “I ___________ the book.”

  • a) am reading

b) will read

  • d) was reading

62: He asked me where ___________.

  • a) do I live

63: She said, “They are going to the party, ___________.”

  • a) she said
  • b) she says
  • c) she had said

d) she would say

64: “I have finished my homework,” he told us ___________.

  • a) that he had finished his homework
  • b) he has finished his homework
  • c) I have finished my homework
  • d) he had finished his homework

65: She said, “I cannot solve this puzzle because ___________.”

  • a) I said I cannot solve this puzzle
  • b) the puzzle was unsolvable
  • c) she said that she couldn’t solve the puzzle
  • d) it is difficult

66: He said, “I am going to the store ___________.”

  • a) that he is going to the store
  • b) if he is going to the store
  • c) he was going to the store
  • d) that he was going to the store

67: “Please help me with this,” she asked ___________.

  • a) to help her with that
  • b) if I can help her with that
  • c) help her with that
  • d) that I help her with that

68: She said, “I will come tomorrow if ___________.”

  • a) she says
  • b) she would say
  • c) I will come tomorrow

d) she could come

69: He said, “I have lost my keys.”

Reported speech: He said that he ________________ his keys.

  • c) had lost

d) has lost

70: She said, “I’ll come to your party if I can.”

Reported speech: She said that she ____ to my party if she ________.

  • a) will come / can

b) would come / could

  • c) comes / can
  • d) came / could

Understanding English vocabulary is important for Competitive Exam aspirants. Unit 8 of English MCQs With Answers is all about preparing for your English vocabulary test. 

71: What does “benevolent” mean?

b) kind-hearted

  • c) mysterious

72: What does “ephemeral” mean?

  • a) Long-lasting

b) Temporary

  • c) Permanent
  • d) Invisible

73: Choose the correct word for “to express disapproval.”

74: What is the meaning of “ubiquitous”?

c) Everywhere

  • d) Abundant

75: What does “alleviate” mean?

  • a) Exacerbate
  • b) To make worse

c) To make less severe

  • d) To intensify

76: What does “voracious” describe?

77: The meaning of “ephemeral” is?

  • b) Persistent
  • d) Unchanging

78: What does “magnanimous” mean?

b) Generous

  • d) Compassionate

79: What does “surreptitious” mean?

  • a) Open and honest

b) Secretive and sneaky

  • c) Unintentional
  • d) Careless

80: What is the meaning of “eloquent”?

  • a) Confusing

b) Fluent and persuasive in speech

  • d) Arrogant

In this section, we have covered some advanced English MCQs With Answers for online test preparation. 

82: What is the literary term for a figure of speech in which two contradictory words or phrases are combined to create a paradoxical effect?

b) Oxymoron

  • c) Anaphora
  • d) Synecdoche

83: Which of the following sentences contains a misplaced modifier?

  • a) “She served the cake on a plate covered in chocolate.”
  • b) “With a smile, the cat approached the friendly dog.”
  • c) “Quickly, he finished his homework before dinner.”
  • d) “The chef prepared the delicious meal in the kitchen.”

84: In Shakespeare’s play “Hamlet,” what is the name of Hamlet’s love interest?

  • b) Desdemona
  • d) Cordelia

85: What is the term for a word or phrase that is spelled the same backward as forward?

a) Palindrome

86:  In F. Scott Fitzgerald’s “The Great Gatsby,” what does the green light symbolize?

  • a) Wealth and success

b) Hope and dreams

  • c) Love and romance
  • d) Corruption and decadence

87: Which of the following sentences uses an ellipsis correctly?

  • a) “She said…that she would be late.”
  • b) “He couldn’t believe it, … she was gone.”
  • c) “The book was…interesting.”
  • d) “I saw him yesterday…he looked fine.”

88: What is the term for a brief and indirect reference to a person, place, thing, or idea of historical, cultural, literary, or political significance?

c) Allusion

  • d) Allegory

89: Which sentence uses the subjunctive mood correctly?

  • a) “If I was you, I would go.”
  • b) “I wish I were taller.”
  • c) “He acts like if he knows everything.”
  • d) “They should of come earlier.”

90: In George Orwell’s “1984,” what is the name of the totalitarian regime led by Big Brother?

a) The Party

  • b) The Brotherhood
  • c) The Resistance
  • d) The Rebellion

In unit 10 of English MCQs With Answers, we collected English aptitude multiple-choice questions (MCQs) along with their answers. These questions cover various aspects of English aptitude, including vocabulary, grammar, and language usage.

91: Which of the following is a collective noun?

92: Choose the correctly spelled word.

  • A) Accommadate

B) Accommodate

  • C) Acommodate
  • D) Acommadate

93: What is the past tense of “eat”?

94: Which sentence is in the passive voice?

  • A) She baked the cake.
  • B) The cake was baked by her.
  • C) She is baking the cake.
  • D) She will bake the cake.

95: Choose the correct sentence.

  • A) Him and I went to the store.
  • B) He and me went to the store.
  • C) He and I went to the store.
  • D) Me and he went to the store.

96: Which of the following is a comparative adjective?

97: Identify the figure of speech in the sentence:

“The stars danced in the night sky.”

  • A) Metaphor

C) Personification

  • D) Hyperbole

98: In the sentence, “I neither like coffee nor tea,” what is the coordinating conjunction?

99: Which of the following sentences is in the subjunctive mood?

  • A) She will go to the store.
  • B) If I were you, I would apologize.
  • C) They are playing in the park.
  • D) He eats pizza every Friday.

100: Identify the following sentence type:

Would you like some tea?

  • A) Declarative

B) Interrogative

  • C) Imperative
  • D) Exclamatory


I hope all the above 100 most important English MCQs with Answers will be helpful for your English tests and exam online preparation. These Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) will help you ETEA, NTS, PTS, BTS, CSS, PMS, KPPSC, BPSC, FPSC, SPSC, Entry Tests and competitive exams and tests online preparation. If you need more solved English MCQs, you can easily find them below. 

More English MCQs for Online Test Preparation

  • Active And Passive Voice MCQ For Competitive Exams
  • Direct And Indirect Speech MCQ with Answers
  • Basic English Grammar MCQs Online Test Preparation
  • Parts of Speech MCQs
  • Articles MCQs Questions with Answers
  • English Language MCQs with Answers

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If you have good research skills, then when you’re doing research, you should feel a bit like you are:

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Rate this question:

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As a student writing for your instructor.

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A semi-colon.

A question mark.

In academic writing, the square brackets [ ] are used for

To qualify statements.

To add minor comments.

To make insertions in quotations.

To indicate deleted material.

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To imply something that isn’t actually stated.

In your research paper, you must include your research question.

In your introduction.

In your thesis statement in your introduction.

In the first sentence of your introduction.

In the last sentence of your introduction.

What should not be done in your paper’s conclusion?

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Important Essay Writing MCQs. All of these are types of essays, except? (A). Narrative essay (B). Personal essay (C). Argumentative essay (D). Descriptive essay (E). None of these Answer: b The introductory paragraph of an essay requires the topic, thesis and (A). main ideas (B). supporting details (C). both a and b (D). a and b (E). None of these Answer: a An essay is a (A). song with a novel or a story (B). poem that has multiple stanzas (C). some kind of writing that has organized paragraphs (D). some kind of writing that requires research (E). None of these Answer: c Which of the following essays describes a subject? (A). Narrative essays (B). Reflective essays (C). Argumentative essays (D). Expository essays (E). None of these Answer: d A good essay has the characteristics except? (A). Fakeness (B). Dignified style (C). Brevity (D). Personal touch (E). None of these Answer: a Which of the following is the essay that uses to increase the imagery of the setting? The five senses means the sense of taste, sound, touch, smell, and sight. (A). Narrative essays (B). Expository essays (C). Descriptive essays (D). Argumentative essays (E). None of these Answer: c Which of the following essay tells a Story? (A). Argumentative essay (B). Descriptive essay (C). Reflective essay (D). Narrative essay (E). None of these Answer: d We can write a short or long essay. (A). True (B). False (E). None of these Answer: a Which of the followings essays are a set of one’s thoughts. (A). Reflective (B). Expository (C). Argumentative (D). Narrative (E). None of these Answer: a A good write must avoid in a good essay? (A). Brevity (B). Dignified words (C). Slang (D). Unity (E). None of these Answer: c Descriptive essays explains a person or a place. (A). True (B). False (E). None of these Answer: a The writer concludes by logical reasoning in ____ essays. (A). Narrative essays (B). Reflective essays (C). Argumentative essays (D). Descriptive essays (E). None of these Answer: c

Narrative Essay MCQs

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Research Methods MCQs

Research methods mcqs topics.

General MCQs

Analyzing Quantitative Research Data MCQs

Our team has conducted extensive research to compile a set of Research Methods MCQs. We encourage you to test your Research Methods knowledge by answering these multiple-choice questions provided below. Simply scroll down to begin!

1: Intensive interviewing seeks in-depth information using _____________ questions.

A.   Indexes based on many closed-ended

B.   Probing, systematically structured

C.   Open-ended, relatively unstructured

D.   Many systematically structured

2: The number of main effects that need to be examined is _____ the number of independent variables.

A.   Main effect

B.   The same as

C.   A difference in differences

D.   Generalizes // interacts

3: A major advantage of case studies is ________.

A.   It is easy to generalize your findings

B.   You have a large sample size

C.   You get a lot of detailed information

D.   You can collect a large amount of data very quickly

4: A ____________________ is a relationship between two variables that allows us to make predictions.

A.   Correlation

B.   Regression

C.   Causation

D.   Covariance

5: An experimental study is one that _____.

A.   Attempts to capture a population's characteristics by making inferences from a sample's characteristics and testing resulting hypotheses

B.   Involves manipulation of one or more variables to determine the effect on another variable

C.   Discovers answers to the questions who, what, when, where, or how much

D.   Attempts to reveal why or how one variable produces changes in another

E.   Provides repeated measures over an extended period of time

6: Foreign-born _____ have highest levels of education in the hispanic population overall.

A.   Venezuelans

B.   Chileans

C.   Ecuadorians

D.   Columbians

E.   Argentineans

7: A scientific poll uses ________ sampling techniques.

A.   Exit poll.

B.   Straw poll.

C.   Random sampling.

D.   Representative sampling.

8: Ideally, everything in the experimental situation except the __________ is held constant.

A.   Inferential statistic

B.   Hypothesis

C.   Independent variable

D.   Placebo

9: A true experiment involves the _____ of the independent variable.

A.   Manipulation

B.   Elimination

C.   Measurement

D.   Correlation

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