
NGOs Business Plan

NGOs Business Plan

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Home > Business Plan Templates > 10-Part Nonprofit Business Plan Template (With Examples)

10-Part Nonprofit Business Plan Template (With Examples)

Mar 26, 2024 | Business Plan Templates

A woman who works for a non profit business.

Table of Contents

Does a Nonprofit Need a Business Plan?

Yes. A nonprofit needs a business plan just as much as any for-profit enterprise. A business plan for a nonprofit organisation serves several critical purposes: it outlines the mission and vision, sets clear goals and objectives, and details the strategies for achieving them. Additionally, it plays a vital role in securing funding from donors, grants, and other sources by demonstrating the organisation’s potential for impact and sustainability.

A well-crafted business plan helps nonprofits to effectively allocate resources, manage risks, and measure progress towards their goals. It also provides a roadmap for growth and development, ensuring that the organisation remains focused and aligned with its core values and objectives.

In essence, a business plan is indispensable for a nonprofit organisation’s success, guiding its efforts to make a meaningful difference in its community.

So, without further ado, here is our nonprofit business plan template!

1. Executive Summary

The executive summary provides a concise overview of your nonprofit organisation and summarises the main aspects of your plan. Although it comes first in your business plan, you might find it easier to write this part last, ensuring it captures all the important points from the rest of your document.


Begin with a brief introduction to your organisation. What is its name? What causes does it support? Whether you’re focusing on environmental conservation, community development, etc., make it compelling and engaging.

Example: The Helping Hands Foundation is a nonprofit organisation committed to uplifting disadvantaged communities through access to quality education, healthcare, and basic amenities.

Organisation Overview

Here, provide a high-level summary of your organisation. Discuss the core activities and why the work is crucial. Include the types of services offered and any significant initiatives.

Example : Our organisation mainly operates in rural areas, where we undertake various community development projects and run a healthcare centre and a school.

Mission and Vision Statement

Write your Nonprofit’s mission and vision statement. This should communicate your organisation’s purpose, its strategic goals, and its commitment to the cause.

Example: Our mission is to empower underprivileged communities by providing education, healthcare services, and resources that foster a sustainable livelihood. Our vision is to create an equitable world where every individual has access to basic human rights and opportunities needed for personal and communal growth.

Geographic Reach and Accessibility

Discuss where your nonprofit operates, explaining where you have the most significant presence or impact and the communities you are serving in those regions.

Example: The Helping Hands Foundation currently extends its services to the marginalised communities in two rural towns in Montana, reaching over 5,000 individuals directly.

Service Type

Explain the kind of work your nonprofit does. Whether you provide direct services, advocacy, research, etc., describe in detail.

Example: We offer direct services, including running a healthcare centre that provides basic medical services and a school that offers quality education from Kindergarten to 5th grade. We also have several livelihood programs that equip adults with skills to earn a living.

Key Goals and Objectives

Outline what you’re striving for in the short and long term. These should be SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, and Time-bound) goals.

Example: Our main goal for the coming year is to expand our services into two more towns and to increase our direct beneficiaries by 20%. In the long term, we aim to establish a network of schools and healthcare centres across Montana.

2. Programs and Services

This section provides the reader with a detailed understanding of your organisation’s specific programs and services, their purpose, and their impact.

Program Definition and Theme

Describe the programs or services your organisation offers in detail. Explain the principles guiding these programs and the kind of expertise involved.

Example: We run three main programs: the Community Health Initiative, the Learning Support Program, and the Adult Skill-building Program. Each of these programs follows a participatory model, where community members are active participants, ensuring culturally and contextually relevant interventions.

Service Range

Enumerate the range of services you offer under each program. Highlight key elements and features of these services.

Example: The Community Health Initiative includes services like regular medical check-ups, basic treatments, immunisations, and health awareness workshops. The Learning Support Program offers a comprehensive curriculum, while the Skill-building Program offers vocational classes in various trades.

Beneficiary Analysis

Describe who benefits from your programs or services, detailing how they are chosen and why they are the focus of your efforts.

Example: Our beneficiaries predominantly include underserved individuals and families from the marginalised communities in rural Montana. The selection is made based on household income, with priority given to those below the poverty line. We focus on these groups because we believe that providing them with access to healthcare, quality education, and skill-building can lead to a significant upliftment.

3. History and Governance

This section provides a glimpse into the historical background of your nonprofit and an insight into its governance structure.

Legal Status and Structure

Specify the legal status of your nonprofit. Is it a nonprofit corporation, a public charity, a private foundation, or another type of legal entity? Why was this type chosen?

Example: The Helping Hands Foundation is a Public Charity under section 501(c)(3) of the IRS code. This structure allows us to accept donations, contributions, and gifts that are tax-deductible for donors, which is beneficial in raising funds for our cause.

Board of Directors

Introduce your board of directors briefly, highlighting their experience and roles. Point out their key contributions to the organisation.

Example: Our board comprises five dedicated members, including a physician, an educator, a social worker, a business entrepreneur, and a legal professional, each offering expertise in their respective fields to help guide and govern our organisation.

Key Milestones

Highlight significant milestones in your organisation’s history to show the progress and impact over time.

Example : Founded in 2015, the Helping Hands Foundation started as a health outreach program serving a single community. By 2017, we expanded our services to education, and in 2019 added our Adult Skill-building Program. We’re now serving multiple communities across Montana and have positively impacted over 5,000 lives directly.

4. Business Model

This section will outline how the nonprofit organisation functions and generates revenue to support its mission and programs.

Main Income Sources

Discuss your nonprofit’s main sources of income. These could include individual and corporate donations, grants, fundraising events, service fees, etc.

Example: Our main income sources include individual donations, corporate partnerships, and grants. We also generate revenue through our annual charity run – “Run for Help”.

Planned Collaborations/ Partnerships

Discuss any planned collaborations or partnerships. These could be with other nonprofit organisations, for-profit businesses, government institutions, etc.

Example: We are planning to partner with local businesses for some of our skill-building programs. These businesses will not only provide practical training but also potential job placements for our beneficiaries.

Special Projects

If there are any special projects or initiatives planned that will bring substantial funds or support to the organisation, detail them.

Example: We plan to launch a “Sponsor a Child’s Education” initiative that encourages donors to cover educational expenses for a specific child for a period of one year.

5. Market Analysis

This section provides an understanding of the broader context in which your nonprofit operates, including the current need, target beneficiaries, and competitive landscape.

Current Community Need

Describe the current community need that your nonprofit is addressing. Use data and real examples to illustrate the need.

Example: According to the latest census, the rural parts of Montana that we serve have 35% of the population living below the poverty line. Lack of access to quality healthcare, education, and job opportunities persist as significant challenges.

Beneficiary/ Constituency Analysis

Detail the demographic, geographic, socioeconomic, and other relevant characteristics of the people your organisation serves.

Example: Our primary beneficiaries are families living below the poverty line, struggling with limited access to education, healthcare, and employment opportunities. They present a diverse age group, from children requiring educational support to adults needing vocational training.

Related Organisations and Competitive Analysis

Identify other nonprofit organisations working on similar issues, examine their approach, and highlight what sets your organisation apart.

Example: While other nonprofits in the region primarily focus on either healthcare or education, The Helping Hands Foundation sets itself apart by offering a holistic approach – providing access to healthcare, quality education, and skill-building programs for sustainable livelihoods.

Positioning and Strategy

Explain how your nonprofit is positioned in response to the need, target beneficiaries, and competitive landscape. Describe your strategy to deliver your mission.

Example: Our organisation is positioned as an all-encompassing solution for the challenges faced by our target community. Our strategy involves a holistic, participatory approach that acknowledges and works around the cultural and contextual realities of the community.

6. Public Relations and Fundraising Strategy

This section deals with how you plan to generate awareness about your organisation’s purpose and work, as well as how you plan to solicit donations.

PR Strategy

Outline your strategy to garner visibility and positive coverage in the media and community.

Example: Our PR strategy includes issuing press releases about milestone achievements, hosting town hall meetings to engage community members, and inviting local influencers or media to cover our key events and initiatives.

Fundraising Plan

Describe your approach to raising funds. This may include details of fundraising events, online campaigns, donor recognition strategies, and plans to apply for grants.

Example: We plan to conduct an annual charity run event, “Run for Help”, which is our major fundraiser. We also run online crowdfunding campaigns around specific causes like “Back-to-School” and “Vaccinate a Village”. We acknowledge our generous donors through a ‘wall of fame’ on our website and an annual appreciation dinner.

Community Engagement/ Volunteer Plans

Discuss how you plan to engage community members and volunteers in your work. This can bring additional resources to your organisation through volunteer time and word-of-mouth advertising.

Example: We welcome community members to volunteer in our learning centres, health camps, and other initiatives. We also encourage volunteer involvement in event organisation, fundraising, and spreading the word about our work.

7. Operations

This is where you’ll outline how your nonprofit will function day-to-day, including details about staff recruitment, facility needs, technology, and overall operational flow.

Team Recruitment and Roles

Describe how you plan to staff your nonprofit. This includes the roles you require, criteria for each position, expected number of hires you plan to make per year, and any recruiting strategies.

Example: We plan to hire qualified professionals for roles like Program Managers, Field Coordinators, and Fundraising Coordinators. We also rely on volunteers to help us in various capacities. We actively participate in job fairs and conduct regular recruitment drives to find passionate and committed individuals for our team.

Board Composition and Roles

Discuss the current and expected composition of your board. What roles do they play in your nonprofit, and how often do they meet?

Example: Our board comprises five members, specialising in different areas like healthcare education, legalities, business, and social work. They meet quarterly to review our progress and annual plan. They are instrumental in providing strategic direction to our organisation.

Technology Needs

What kind of technology does your nonprofit require to function seamlessly? This might include software for managing donor data, a website for online presence, project management tools, etc.

Example: We use a donor management software to streamline our fundraising efforts, an accounting software to track our income and expenses, and social media platforms to reach out to our followers and prospective donors.

Facility Needs (If Applicable)

What are your facility needs? Do you need an office space, a storage room, a community centre, etc.?

Example: We currently operate from a rented office space in downtown Montana. Due to the expansion of our programs, we plan to rent additional storage space for our education and healthcare supplies.

8. Marketing and Communications Strategy

This section involves how the nonprofit plans to market its programs and services to its beneficiaries and prospective donors.

Marketing and Outreach

Describe how you plan to increase awareness of your nonprofit in the community you serve, among potential donors, and the public in general.

Example: We plan to conduct regular community awareness programs in schools and public places to educate people about our work. Also, we use digital marketing channels like social media, email newsletter, and our website to increase our visibility among potential donors.

Website and Social Media

Discuss your organisation’s online presence. This may include details about your website, blog, and social media accounts.

Example: Our website provides comprehensive information about our programs, stories of impact, and ways to get involved. We also maintain an active presence on various social media platforms, where we share updates, appeal for donations, and engage with our followers.

Community Engagement

Discuss how you plan to engage with the community beyond the direct provision of services.

Example: We regularly host town hall meetings to engage with community members and gather their feedback. We also participate in local events and festivals to further integrate ourselves into the community culture.

9. Financial Plan

This section focuses on your nonprofit’s financial aspects, detailing how funds will be raised and spent.

Startup Budget/ Current Annual Budget

Lay out the current or expected budget for your organisation, including income and expenses.

Example: Our annual budget for this year is $500,000, with the majority of the funds divided between education and healthcare programs. We allocate 10% for administrative expenses, and the remainder is used for fundraising and marketing.

Proposed Financing

Discuss your proposed financing options. These could include a detailed breakdown of expected revenues from various sources like donations, grants, government funding, special events, etc.

Example: We hope to raise 40% of our funds from individual and corporate donations, 30% from grants, 20% from special events like ‘Run for Help’, and the remainder 10% from government funding and other sources.

Key Financial Assumptions and Justifications

Clarify any assumptions in your financial plan, explaining why these assumptions have been made.

Example: We have assumed a 5% increase in donations from last year as we have seen a steady growth in our donor base. We also anticipate securing a major grant that we’ve applied for based on our past successes with similar applications.

10. Appendices

This section includes any additional documents or supportive material related to your business plan, such as:

Organisational Chart

Include a visual representation of your nonprofit’s structure, showing the roles and departments within the organisation.

Example: Our organisational chart distinguishes between our board members, management team, employees, and volunteers, providing a clear understanding of the functioning of our nonprofit.

Resumes of Key Staff/Volunteers

Attach resumes or brief bios of key team members to provide a sense of their skills, expertise, and experience.

Example: We have included the resume of our Program Manager who holds a master’s in Public Health and has over seven years of experience working in the nonprofit sector.

Detailed Budget

If your financial plan refers to a detailed budget, include a copy here.

Example: A detailed breakdown of our annual budget, including income and expenditure, reflects our judicious allocation of resources.

Related Market Research

Include any market research that validates the need for your nonprofit’s services.

Example: A Local Community Survey report, conducted by us, indicates a significant need for our healthcare and educational services among the local populace.

Wrapping Up Our Nonprofit Business Plan Template

In essence, a business plan helps you articulate and present your nonprofit organisation’s mission, operations, and financial activities with accuracy and persuasiveness. It enables you to highlight your organisation’s unique vision, services, and strategies robustly.

From charting organisational history and governance, presenting market analysis, to detailing your PR and fundraising strategy – a perfect business plan showcases your nonprofit in a compelling light. Remember, it’s crucial to tweak and adjust our guidance to fit your specific context, allowing your unique story, approach, and goals to shine through.

Follow this roadmap, and remember, a well-crafted business plan is more than just a document – it’s an opportunity to bring your organisation’s work to life, foster stakeholder understanding, build support, and ultimately, amplify your nonprofit’s impact.

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Nonprofit Business Plan

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However, a business plan can still be an invaluable tool for your nonprofit. Even a short nonprofit business plan pushes you to do research, crystallize your purpose, and polish your messaging. Without a nonprofit business plan, you’ll have a harder time obtaining loans and grants, attracting corporate donors, meeting qualified board members, and keeping your nonprofit on track. A nonprofit business plan describes your nonprofit as it currently is and sets up a roadmap for the next three to five years. It also lays out your goals and plans for meeting your goals. Your nonprofit business plan is a living document that should be updated frequently to reflect your evolving goals and circumstances. Compile materials related to any secured funding sources and operational funding projections, including anticipated costs. Formulate the essence of the project and sketch the main sections. Write about your product or service, what problems it will solve. Provide marketing, operational and financial plans. Normally written last but placed first in your business plan, your nonprofit executive summary provides an introduction to your entire business plan. The first page should describe your non-profit’s mission and purpose, summarize your market analysis that proves an identifiable need, and explain how your non-profit will meet that need. Include extra documents in the appendix that are pertinent to your nonprofit: organizational flow chart, current fiscal year budget, a list of the board of directors, your IRS status letter, balance sheets, and so forth.

Non-profit Business Plan template contains four slides, made in light cold colors. The first slide contains a world map and some graphs. You can use this slide when preparing materials on a global problem. For example, you can specify countries where people continue to go hungry. You can also specify the countries with the highest carbon dioxide emissions. This slide will be useful for conservationists and ecologists. The second slide can be used in preparing the main goals of your nonprofit plan. The next slide can be used to prepare a Third World Assistance Plan. You can specify goals here such as the construction of a new school and hospital, new houses and treatment facilities. The slide can be used by political parties in the preparation of their election programs. The last slide gives you the opportunity to enable analytics and present your data as a bar chart. This slide can be incorporated into your financial plan. The slide will also be useful for economists and financiers.

Non-profit Business Plan template is specially designed for non-profit organizations. This template can also be used by charities when preparing fundraising materials. The presence of a large variety of infographics, charts and timelines makes the slides of this template versatile in use. You will be able to use this template when updating your old presentations.

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Nonprofit Business Plan

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There are more than 1.5 million nonprofit organizations in the United States, according to the National Center for Charitable Statistics. If you want to promote your good cause or secure investment from clients, you need to stand out from the crowd. This is where a good non profit business plan template comes in. This document lets you showcase your organization in an innovative way.

Our nonprofit business plan template lets you include images, graphs, and other graphics to grab the attention of your audience and boost readability. This way, you can engage your readers and convey complicated information.

Why do you need to use this template?

Compiling a business plan for your nonprofit can take a long time. You need to collect information from various sources and keep all of this data in one place. If you forget to include important details, you could lose investment and jeopardize future opportunities.

Our non profit business plan template includes high-quality slides that will make it easier for you to create your business plan. The end result? One single document for prospective investors and clients. Use our template to outline your current objectives and future goals. It could be one of the most important documents you create this year.

Like all of our templates, you can embed your nonprofit business plan on your website with a single line of code. Plus, your clients can view your pitch deck on both desktop and mobile devices.

Use our nonprofit business plan template as a standalone presentation or send it to clients with a company profile template for even more effective results.

Here are some of the slides in our nonprofit business plan template:

Executive summary Summarize your non profit business plan on this opening slide. Introduce your organization and tell your audience what your business plan is all about.

Main objectives Describe your non profit objectives on this slide. Include details about a future fundraising project, for example.

Mission statement This slide lets you describe the purpose of your nonprofit engagingly. Include your organizational goals and values here.

Our mission You can describe the mission of your non profit in greater detail on this slide. Include information about your commitment to a good cause, for example, or how you support the local community.

Keys to success Outline the steps you plan to take to achieve success. This could convince companies to sponsor your fundraising efforts or donate money to your organization. Using bullet points to convey this information will make it easier for your audience to understand your objectives.

Organization summary Detail the organizational structure of your nonprofit — how your organization works and the key people who make everything happen.

The team This slide lets you introduce your team to companies and other nonprofits that you want to work with. You can even include photos of your key team members.

Opportunities Identify opportunities for growth on this slide. You can use charts to convey important data and forecast the future of your nonprofit.

Our projections Prospective clients will want to see how you plan to grow your nonprofit. This slide lets you include predictions about future growth.

Next steps Where do you see your nonprofit in the next five years? The next ten years? Outline the steps you plan to take for your organization to flourish.

The financials Include important financial information on this slide — how you plan to finance future fundraising drives in the short and long term, for example.

Legal entity Detail any legal information that you want your audience to know. This might include recent legislation that will influence the way you run your nonprofit.

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Nonprofit Business Plan Template & Guide [Updated 2024]

Nonprofit business plan template.

Are you passionate about making a positive impact in your community? Are you part of a nonprofit organization or considering starting one? If so, you need a business plan and you’re in the right place to do that!

Below, we’ll guide you through the essential elements of a nonprofit business plan, sharing valuable insights and a user-friendly template to set you on the path to success.

  • How to Write a Nonprofit Business Plan

Growthink’s nonprofit business plan template below is the result of 20+ years of research into the types of business plans that help nonprofit organizations (NPOs) to secure funding and achieve their goals.

Follow the links to each section of our non-profit business plan template:

  • Executive Summary – The Executive Summary will provide a brief overview of each section of your nonprofit business plan including your mission statement, goals and objectives, key achievements, and financial highlights.
  • Organization Overview – The Organization Overview which should include a description of your organization, its guiding philosophy, and the programs and services it provides.
  • Products, Programs, and Services – In the Products, Programs and Services section, you will describe in detail the services or products your nonprofit provides to its target audience.
  • Industry Analysis – The Industry Analysis section should provide an overview of the market in which your organization operates, including key trends, competitors, and potential opportunities for growth.
  • Customer Analysis – The Customer Analysis section will identify the key customer segment(s) your NPO serves and then provide demographics and psychographic details about them.
  • Marketing Plan – In the Marketing Plan section, you will outline how you plan to reach and engage with your target audience through various marketing and communication strategies.
  • Operational Plan – The Operational Plan will include all the details of your day-to-day operations, including staffing, facilities, and any necessary equipment or technology.
  • Management Team – The Management Team section will describe the organizational structure of your NPO, including key personnel, board members, and their roles and responsibilities.
  • Financial Plan – The Financial Plan section will include a detailed budget, financial projections and analysis, as well as information on how your organization plans to generate revenue and manage expenses.
  • Appendix – In the Appendix, you will include supporting documents and research for your business plan which may include the IRS status letter, financial statements, market research, and any additional information to support your organization’s financial goals and specific objectives.

NPO Planning Resources & FAQs

Below are answers to the most common questions asked by nonprofits:

Is there a nonprofit business plan template I can download?

Where can i download a nonprofit business plan pdf, what is a nonprofit business plan.

A non-profit business plan describes your organization as it currently exists (which could be just an idea) and presents a road map for the next three to five years. It lays out your goals, challenges, and plans for meeting your goals. Your business plan should be updated frequently, as it is not meant to be stagnant. It is particularly important to create/update your business plan annually to make sure your nonprofit remains on track towards successfully fulfilling its mission.

A nonprofit business plan template is a tool used to help your nonprofit business quickly develop a roadmap for your business.

Why do you need a business plan for your nonprofit?

What are the types of nonprofit organizations (npos).

There are several types of nonprofits. These are categorized by section 500(c) by the IRS for tax exempt purposes. Listed below, are some of the frequently filed sections:

Corporations formed under Act of Congress. An example is Federal Credit Unions.

Holding corporations for tax exempt organizations. This group holds title to the property for the exempt group.

This is the most popular type of NPO. Examples include educational, literary, charitable, religious, public safety, international and national amateur sports competitions, organizations committed to the prevention of cruelty towards animals or children, etc. Organizations that fall into this category are either a private foundation or a public charity. Examples include Getty Foundation, Red Cross, Easter Seals, etc.

Examples include social welfare groups, civil leagues, employee associations, etc. This category promotes charity, community welfare and recreational/educational goals.

Horticultural, labor and agricultural organizations get classified under this section. These organizations are instructive or educational and work to improve products, working conditions and efficiency.

Examples include real estate boards, business leagues, etc. They work to ameliorate business conditions.

Recreation and social clubs that promote pleasure and activities fall into this category.

Fraternal beneficiary associations and societies belong to this section.

Voluntary Employees’ beneficiary associations which provide benefits, accidents and life payments to members are a part of this section.

When filling in your nonprofit business plan template, include the type of nonprofit business you intend to be.

What are the primary sources of funding for nonprofit business plans?

The primary funding sources for most nonprofit organizations are donors, grants and bank loans. Donors are individuals that provide capital to start and grow your nonprofit. Major donors, as the name implies, write large checks and are often instrumental in launching nonprofits. Grants are given by organizations and others to achieve specific goals and often nonprofits qualify for them. Business loans, particularly for asset purchases like buildings and equipment, are also typically used by nonprofits.

NPOs may also sell products or services, work with investors or develop their own investments. The expertise of the non-profit staff, members and board of directors will impact funding options for a nonprofit organization. The nonprofit’s mission, resources, goals and vision will all impact the funding sources a nonprofit business will place in it’s business plan as well.

How do you write a nonprofit business plan?

How do you start a nonprofit, how many nonprofit organizations are in the us.

According to the National Center for Charitable Statistics , there are approximately 1.54 million nonprofits registered in the United States (data pulled from registrations with the Internal Revenue Service (IRS)).

The nonprofit sector has annual expenses exceeding 2.46 trillion U.S dollars.

Does your action plan and fundraising plan belong in your plan?

Yes, both belong in your plan.

Include your action plan in the operations plan section.  

Your fundraising plan goes in your financial plan section. Here you will discuss how much money you must raise and from whom you plan to solicit these funds, as well as outlines your fundraising events. It should clearly outline your fundraising goals and potential donors.

Where do you include your non profit mission in your plan?

What do you include in a nonprofit’s financial projections.

Your financial projections must include an Income Statement, Balance Sheet and Cash Flow Statement. These statements within your business plan show how much money your organization will bring in from donors and customers/clients and how much your organization will spend.

The key purpose of your these projections is to ensure you have enough money to keep your organization operating. They also can be an important component of your nonprofit business plan template, as donors, your board of directors, and others may review to understand financial requirements of your nonprofit.

How do nonprofit owners get paid?

How much does it cost to start a nonprofit business.

NPOs must complete Form 1023 with the IRS in order to get exemption status. The filing fee for this form is $600. If neither actual nor projected annual income for the organization exceeds $50,000, you can file form Form 1023-EZ which costs just $275.

In addition to the filing fee, there are other costs associated with starting a nonprofit organization based on the type of organization you are developing (for example, if you require buildings and equipment). Gathering information through the business planning process will help you accurately estimate costs for your nonprofit business plan template.

Where can I download a nonprofit business plan template doc?

Additional nonprofit resources.

  • How to Start a Non-Profit Organization
  • Sample Nonprofit Business Plan
  • Nonprofit Marketing Plan + Template
  • How to Write a Mission Statement for Your Nonprofit Organization
  • NonProfit Business Plan PDF
  • National Council of Nonprofits
  • Nonprofit Quarterly
  • The Fundraising Authority

Helpful Video Tips for Nonprofit Business Plans

Below are tips to create select sections of your nonprofit business plan:

How to Write Your Nonprofit Business Plan’s Executive Summary

Writing the management team section of your nonprofit business plan, how to write the operations plan of your nonprofit business plan, writing the customer analysis section of your nonprofit business plan, finish your non profit business plan in 1 day.

Don’t you wish there was a faster, easier way to finish your business plan?

With Growthink’s Ultimate Nonprofit Business Plan Template you can finish your plan in just 8 hours or less!

Click here to finish your Nonprofit business plan today.


  • Nonprofit Business Plan Home
  • 1. Executive Summary
  • 2. Organization Overview
  • 3. Products, Programs, and Services
  • 4. Industry Analysis
  • 5. Customer Analysis
  • 6. Marketing Plan
  • 7. Operations Plan
  • 8. Management Team
  • 9. Financial Plan
  • 10. Appendix
  • Nonprofit Business Plan Summary

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  • Sample Business Plans
  • Nonprofit & Community

How to Write a Nonprofit Business Plan

Executive summary image

As noble and inspiring as they are, nonprofit businesses often don’t start out with much funding or acclaim.

The only thing they have in ample is passion regarding the vision. So how do they turn it into a business? Crafting a nonprofit business plan . There’s no better way to turn that vision into reality.

It provides the nonprofit’s idea a strong backing with how the business will work and where the money will be used.

So are ready with your passion and vision? Combine it with a business plan that we will guide you in writing through this detailed guide along with examples.

What is a nonprofit business plan?

A nonprofit business plan is a strategic document that outlines the mission, goals, and operational strategies of a nonprofit organization. It includes detailed sections on programs and services, market analysis, organizational structure, financial plans, and impact measurement.

This plan serves as a roadmap for the nonprofit’s activities, helping to align resources toward achieving its mission. Additionally, it also showcases the organization’s viability and strategic planning to potential donors and partners.

Why do you need a nonprofit business plan?

Creating nonprofit business plans is necessary to convey the purpose of your business. But that’s just one reason. Here are other reasons why you need a non-profit business plan:

  • Serves as a strategic roadmap, outlining how to reach the goals.
  • Proves to be essential for attracting potential donors or investors by proving the viability of your business idea.
  • Helps in creating realistic financial projections and budgets.
  • Supports in defining the roles and responsibilities of everyone in the organization.
  • Helps you identify risks and prepare strategies around them.
  • Supports you in monitoring progress and measuring success.

You see! There’s no way we can ignore the importance of a nonprofit business plan. Let’s move forward with the guide.

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How to Write a Nonprofit Business Plan?

There are nine steps to writing a nonprofit business plan. Each section will provide you with the necessary guidance to craft a robust and effective plan.

Let’s get started and get into the nonprofit business plan outline:

1. Create an executive summary

The executive summary provides a synopsis of the whole business plan. Business people prefer to write this section last, after gaining knowledge of every other section.

Here’s what to include in the executive summary :

  • A brief introduction to your nonprofit, including the name and mission
  • The primary objective and vision of your nonprofit
  • Summarize the key programs and services you offer
  • Briefly mention the impact of your nonprofit on society
  • Define who you serve and your key stakeholders
  • Introduce the key members of your business
  • A brief of your current financial situation and future projections
  • Very subtly you should even mention the ask for your nonprofit or what you want from your readers (the CTA slide)

This summary should be no longer than two pages maximum, clear, compelling, concise, and engaging for readers.

2. Provide organizational description

The organizational description section provides an in-depth look at what your nonprofit aims to achieve. It includes the nonprofit’s mission, vision, core values, and strategic goals.

So begin this section with the name of your nonprofit, and then identify the structure of your organization. But since it’s a nonprofit, exempted from tax, you still need to choose from the below structures for registration purposes:

Unincorporated association

This is the simplest structural form. It’s basically an s-corporation of nonprofit organizations. Unincorporated associations are easy to set up but provide limited liability protection.

Trust is managed by trustees who hold assets for the benefit of beneficiaries. It’s often used for charitable purposes.

Nonprofit corporation

This is a more formal structure that provides liability protection for directors. It can earn tax-exempt status so it has become the most common structure for nonprofits.


This is the structure of an organization owned and operated by its board members, who share the profits and decision-making responsibilities.

Though less common for nonprofits, an LLC can be used for nonprofit activities. It offers flexibility and liability protection but doesn’t automatically qualify for tax-exempt status.

Now, after deciding on the structure, move forward with the mission and vision statement (like you would in any business plan).

Mission and vision statement

Remember, your mission and vision statement will give the picture of what your nonprofit does and why it does that. So, don’t forget to keep it engaging and in storytelling form.

For example, Our Genetic Legacy (OGL) is an NGO dedicated to preserving and promoting the history and contributions of Blacks, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC) in American history. So, their statement is clear and engaging:

mission and vision statement example of nonprofit business

3. Conduct market analysis

The market analysis section requires a lot more market research, but the first thing you need to do is clearly define your organization’s goals.

For example, STREAM Academy helps students apply classroom learning to real-world situations. Clearly defining this goal allows them to identify their target market effectively.

Without a defined goal, it’s difficult to understand and identify who actually needs your programs or services.

Once, you define your goals, it is time to differentiate them into various segments. You can do that by differentiating them through these behaviors:

  • Demographic: age, gender, income, education level
  • Geographic: location, region, urban vs. rural
  • Psychographic: values, interests, lifestyles or
  • Behavioral: donation habits, event attendance, volunteer participation

Now that you’ve segmented your audience, it’s time to get information about the market through:

Gathering data from government sources

Go to the official government websites and collect relevant statistics or data. Now, use the data to your nonprofit’s focus. For example, if your nonprofit supports homeless youth, find the number of homeless youth in your region.

Conducting competitive analysis

Identify similar nonprofits in your area. Study their services, target audience, and strategies. Include your findings to understand your position in the market and identify unique opportunities.

Performing SWOT analysis

Conduct a SWOT (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats) analysis keeping both internal and external factors in mind, to better understand your nonprofit business.

SWOT analysis example of The Educare learning center

Researching industry trends

Stay informed about the latest trends in your industry by subscribing to newsletters, participating in forums, and attending events.

By following these steps, your nonprofit can better understand its environment, identify opportunities, and plan for future growth.

4. Mention programs, products, and services

Half of the revenue of nonprofit organizations comes from either selling products or rendering services. So, the next step is to mention your programs, products, and services here to clarify everything about how you earn money, where your money goes, and what you provide.

For example:

Recycling Breeze is earning revenue from selling various recycling products like reusable bags, water bottles, dishes, etc. They also accept donations. Besides, they support educational workshops for the underprivileged youth and finance beach-cleaning activities.

In short, this section should include:

  • Detailed descriptions of each program and product.
  • How each revenue source supports specific initiatives.
  • The impact of your programs and services on your community.

Ensure you outline future plans for each program to show long-term commitment and viability.

5. Create marketing and outreach strategies

Creating effective marketing and outreach plans is essential for raising awareness, attracting donors, and achieving your nonprofit’s mission.

Before creating the marketing plan, understand your unique selling propositions (USPs). Just determine what sets your programs, products, and services apart from others.

Now, don’t forget to highlight these pointers in your marketing messages to gain more attention and differentiate your nonprofit.

Once you know the USPs and have crafted the marketing message, it’s time for you to select the channels where you should pose. You can use a website, various social media platforms, newsletters, local newspapers, host workshops or events, and a lot more.

Plan regular updates across all channels to actively engage with your audience. Partner with local businesses, schools, and other nonprofits to spread awareness.

Lastly, track key performance indicators like website traffic, social media engagement, funds raised, etc to know the effectiveness. You can also collect feedback from your audience to refine your strategies.

6. Make an operational plan

The operations plan section of your nonprofit business plan includes your daily operations regarding who will work on what. It includes information on:

Hiring plan & staffing

The nonprofit sector is considered the third-largest employer in the United States. Thereupon, the competition is high and ensuring that the right person is in the right role is crucial for your nonprofit’s success.

Develop a comprehensive staffing plan that includes effective recruitment, thorough training, and strong retention strategies.

Ignoring retention can lead to high staff turnover, significantly impacting your organization’s performance. Make a strong team by giving training and various perks.

Organizational structure

Describe the organizational hierarchy, including the board of directors, executive team, and staff. Mention the role of each team member of the organization.

This could refer to suppliers who provide your products, donors who offer financial contributions, and individuals or groups who organize fundraising events.

Processes and procedures

Describe the standard operating procedures (SOPs) for key activities and functions of your organization. Also, mention how you will ensure the quality and consistency of your product and services.

List which tools and technology your nonprofit will use. You can include any software like donor management, fundraising platforms, etc. Remember to include everything else including computers, vehicles, and machinery.

If your nonprofit sells products online or needs any shipping method, mention here the way you will ship the products or reach your customers.

In short, this section mentions everything that affects the daily operations of your non-profit business to give a clear idea of how your organization works and who works on what activities.

7. Write your impact plan

The impact plan should clearly define the changes your nonprofit will bring to society.

Outline specific goals, like your organization wants to reduce plastic waste by 10% in three years. Or increase recycling program participation by 10% in one year.

Include KPIs like the number of workshops, participants, and the volume of waste recycled. Describe data collection methods such as government data, surveys, program records, etc.

Then, detail how you will analyze this data and use feedback to continuously improve and adjust your programs.

Highlight the importance of adapting strategies based on data and feedback to ensure ongoing effectiveness and responsiveness to community needs. This approach ensures your nonprofit’s efforts make a positive difference in society.

8. Outline the financial plan

A financial plan is the base of how you will collect and utilize the funds. It generally includes:

Revenue forecasts

Identify all potential income sources, such as donations, grants, fundraising events, and product sales. Then provide a detailed revenue forecast for the next 3-5 years, using real data or practical assumptions.

Expense budget

List all operational expenses, including salaries, and rent. Also, detail the costs associated with your programs and services. Include significant purchases or investments needed for your nonprofit to function smoothly.

  • Financial statements

Provide all the necessary financial statements in this section such as:

  • Cash flow statement: Detail your expected monthly cash flow, showing where funds are coming from and where it’s going.
  • Income statement: Calculate total revenue and subtract total expenses to get the income.
  • Balance sheet: List current and long-term assets and liabilities, such as cash, equipment, and investments to understand the business’s financial position.

9. Include an appendix section

The appendix of a nonprofit business plan includes additional information that supports the main content. Here is what you can include in nonprofit appendix section:

  • Supporting documents like resumes of the key staff, legal documents, financial statements, etc.
  • Detailed market analysis, demographics, and other market research.
  • Important policies and procedures that govern your nonprofit’s operations.
  • Include detailed job descriptions for key positions.
  • Include copies or links to any significant media coverage.
  • Provide a list of your board members with their bios.
  • Attach partner agreements (if any).

By including these elements in your appendix, you provide comprehensive evidence and context, strengthening the credibility of nonprofit business plans.

Download the free nonprofit business plan template

Ready to write your nonprofit business plan, but not sure where to start? Here you go, download our free nonprofit business plan template PDF and start writing your plan. It’s easy. All you need to do is download and edit it to meet your nonprofit needs.

Prepare your nonprofit for the future using Upmetrics

In conclusion, writing a nonprofit business plan involves thorough research, clear goal-setting, and a detailed strategy for achieving your mission.

To smoothen your process, you can try Upmetrics ! Like various other nonprofits have tried and trusted the tool for its excellent business plan writing features.

See what one of the nonprofit owners has to say about her experience with Upmetrics “Signing up for Upmetrics was game-changing for our business. It helped us increase our revenue and secure funds over $142,000—Shellie Baxter – Founder and CEO of Our Genetic Legacy.”

So, wait no more and get your nonprofit off the ground in no time!

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Frequently asked questions, how long should a nonprofit business plan be.

The average length of a nonprofit business plan is around 15 to 30 pages depending on the complexity of the business idea and scope of the organization.

Can a nonprofit business plan help with fundraising?

Yes, a nonprofit business plan can help in fundraising. It clearly outlines financial needs, program impacts, and strategies, showcasing the idea and depth of the nonprofit business.

What tools and resources can help me create a nonprofit business plan?

There are various business planning tools and resources that can guide you to create a nonprofit business plan like:

  • Upmetrics – Offers customizable templates, step-by-step guidance, collaborative features, AI assistance, and a lot more.
  • SCORE – Offers business plan templates and workshops.
  • GrantSpace by Candid – Offers resources and sample documents.

How detailed should the financial section of a nonprofit business plan be?

The financial section of a nonprofit business plan should be very detailed to ensure transparency. It should include:

  • Financial forecasts
  • Funding sources
  • Contingency plans

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Upmetrics Team

Upmetrics is the #1 business planning software that helps entrepreneurs and business owners create investment-ready business plans using AI. We regularly share business planning insights on our blog. Check out the Upmetrics blog for such interesting reads. Read more

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Free Nonprofit Business Plan Templates

By Joe Weller | September 18, 2020

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In this article, we’ve rounded up the most useful list of nonprofit business plan templates, all free to download in Word, PDF, and Excel formats.

Included on this page, you’ll find a one-page nonprofit business plan template , a fill-in-the-blank nonprofit business plan template , a startup nonprofit business planning timeline template , and more. Plus, we provide helpful tips for creating your nonprofit business plan .

Nonprofit Business Plan Template

Nonprofit Business Plan Template

Use this customizable nonprofit business plan template to organize your nonprofit organization’s mission and goals and convey them to stakeholders. This template includes space for information about your nonprofit’s background, objectives, management team, program offerings, market analysis, promotional activities, funding sources, fundraising methods, and much more. 

Download Nonprofit Business Plan Template

One-Page Business Plan for Nonprofit Template

One Page Business Plan for Nonprofit Organizations Template

This one-page nonprofit business plan template has a simple and scannable design to outline the key details of your organization’s strategy. This template includes space to detail your mission, vision, and purpose statements, as well as the problems you aim to solve in your community, the people who benefit from your program offerings, your key marketing activities, your financial goals, and more.

Download One-Page Business Plan for Nonprofit Template

Excel | Word | PDF

For additional resources, including an example of a one-page business plan , visit “ One-Page Business Plan Templates with a Quick How-To Guide .”

Fill-In-the-Blank Nonprofit Business Plan Template

Fill-in-the-Blank Nonprofit Business Plan Template

Use this fill-in-the-blank template as the basis for building a thorough business plan for a nonprofit organization. This template includes space to describe your organization’s background, purpose, and main objectives, as well as key personnel, program and service offerings, market analysis, promotional activities, fundraising methods, and more. 

Download Fill-In-the-Blank Nonprofit Business Plan Template

For additional resources that cater to a wide variety of organizations, visit “ Free Fill-In-the-Blank Business Plan Templates .”

Startup Nonprofit Business Planning Template with Timeline

Startup Nonprofit Business Planning Template with Timeline

Use this business planning template to organize and schedule key activities for your business. Fill in the cells according to the due dates, and color-code the cells by phase, owner, or category to provide a visual timeline of progress.

Download Startup Nonprofit Business Planning Template with Timeline

Excel | Smartsheet

Nonprofit Business Plan Template for Youth Program

Nonprofit Business Plan Template for Youth Program Template

Use this template as a foundation for building a powerful and attractive nonprofit business plan for youth programs and services. This template has all the core components of a nonprofit business plan. It includes room to detail the organization’s background, management team key personnel, current and future youth program offerings, promotional activities, operations plan, financial statements, and much more.

Download Nonprofit Business Plan Template for Youth Program

Word | PDF  | Google Doc

Sample Nonprofit Business Plan Outline Template

Sample Nonprofit Business Plan Outline Template

You can customize this sample nonprofit business plan outline to fit the specific needs of your organization. To ensure that you don’t miss any essential details, use this outline to help you prepare and organize the elements of your plan before filling in each section.

Download Sample Nonprofit Business Plan Outline Template

Nonprofit Startup Business Planning Checklist Template

Nonprofit Startup Business Planning Checklist Template

Use this customizable business planning checklist as the basis for outlining the necessary steps to get your nonprofit organization up and running. You can customize this checklist to fit your individual needs. It includes essential steps, such as conducting a SWOT analysis , fulfilling the research requirements specific to your state, conducting a risk assessment , defining roles and responsibilities, creating a portal for board members, and other tasks to keep your plan on track.

Download Nonprofit Startup Business Planning Checklist Template

Tips to Create Your Nonprofit Business Plan

Your nonprofit business plan should provide your donors, volunteers, and other key stakeholders with a clear picture of your overarching mission and objectives. Below, we share our top tips for ensuring that your plan is attractive and thorough.

  • Develop a Strategy First: You must aim before you fire if you want to be effective. In other words, develop a strategic plan for your nonprofit in order to provide your team with direction and a roadmap before you build your business plan.
  • Save Time with a Template: No need to start from scratch when you can use a customizable nonprofit business plan template to get started. (Download one of the options above.)
  • Start with What You Have: With the exception of completing the executive summary, which you must do last, you aren’t obligated to fill in each section of the plan in order. Use the information you have on hand to begin filling in the various parts of your business plan, then conduct additional research to fill in the gaps.
  • Ensure Your Information Is Credible: Back up all the details in your plan with reputable sources that stakeholders can easily reference.
  • Be Realistic: Use realistic assumptions and numbers in your financial statements and forecasts. Avoid the use of overly lofty or low-lying projections, so stakeholders feel more confident about your plan. 
  • Strive for Scannability: Keep each section clear and concise. Use bullet points where appropriate, and avoid large walls of text. 
  • Use Visuals: Add tables, charts, and other graphics to draw the eye and support key points in the plan.
  • Be Consistent: Keep the voice and formatting (e.g., font style and size) consistent throughout the plan to maintain a sense of continuity.
  • Stay True to Your Brand: Make sure that the tone, colors, and overall style of the business plan are a true reflection of your organization’s brand.
  • Proofread Before Distribution: Prior to distributing the plan to stakeholders, have a colleague proofread the rough version to check for errors and ensure that the plan is polished.
  • Don’t Set It and Forget It: You should treat your nonprofit business plan as a living document that you need to review and update on a regular basis — as objectives change and your organization grows.
  • Use an Effective Collaboration Tool: Use an online tool to accomplish the following: collaborate with key personnel on all components of the business plan; enable version control for all documents; and keep resources in one accessible place.

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The Ultimate Guide to Writing a Nonprofit Business Plan

A business plan can be an invaluable tool for your nonprofit. Even a short business plan pushes you to do research, crystalize your purpose, and polish your messaging. This blog shares what it is and why you need it, ten steps to help you write one, and the dos and don’ts of creating a nonprofit business plan.

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Nonprofit business plans are dead — or are they?

For many nonprofit organizations, business plans represent outdated and cumbersome documents that get created “just for the sake of it” or because donors demand it.

But these plans are vital to organizing your nonprofit and making your dreams a reality! Furthermore, without a nonprofit business plan, you’ll have a harder time obtaining loans and grants , attracting corporate donors, meeting qualified board members, and keeping your nonprofit on track.

Even excellent ideas can be totally useless if you cannot formulate, execute, and implement a strategic plan to make your idea work. In this article, we share exactly what your plan needs and provide a nonprofit business plan template to help you create one of your own.

What is a Nonprofit Business Plan?

A nonprofit business plan describes your nonprofit as it currently is and sets up a roadmap for the next three to five years. It also lays out your goals and plans for meeting your goals. Your nonprofit business plan is a living document that should be updated frequently to reflect your evolving goals and circumstances.

A business plan is the foundation of your organization — the who, what, when, where, and how you’re going to make a positive impact.

The best nonprofit business plans aren’t unnecessarily long. They include only as much information as necessary. They may be as short as seven pages long, one for each of the essential sections you will read about below and see in our template, or up to 30 pages long if your organization grows.

Why do we need a Nonprofit Business Plan?

Regardless of whether your nonprofit is small and barely making it or if your nonprofit has been successfully running for years, you need a nonprofit business plan. Why?

When you create a nonprofit business plan, you are effectively creating a blueprint for how your nonprofit will be run, who will be responsible for what, and how you plan to achieve your goals.

Your nonprofit organization also needs a business plan if you plan to secure support of any kind, be it monetary, in-kind , or even just support from volunteers. You need a business plan to convey your nonprofit’s purpose and goals.

It sometimes also happens that the board, or the administration under which a nonprofit operates, requires a nonprofit business plan.

To sum it all up, write a nonprofit business plan to:

  • Layout your goals and establish milestones.
  • Better understand your beneficiaries, partners, and other stakeholders.
  • Assess the feasibility of your nonprofit and document your fundraising/financing model.
  • Attract investment and prove that you’re serious about your nonprofit.
  • Attract a board and volunteers.
  • Position your nonprofit and get clear about your message.
  • Force you to research and uncover new opportunities.
  • Iron out all the kinks in your plan and hold yourself accountable.

Drawing of a nonprofit business plan.

Before starting your nonprofit business plan, it is important to consider the following:

  • Who is your audience?  E.g. If you are interested in fundraising, donors will be your audience. If you are interested in partnerships, potential partners will be your audience.
  • What do you want their response to be? Depending on your target audience, you should focus on the key message you want them to receive to get the response that you want.

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10-Step Guide on Writing a Business Plan for Nonprofits

Note: Steps 1, 2, and 3 are in preparation for writing your nonprofit business plan.

Step 1: Data Collection

Before even getting started with the writing, collect financial, operating, and other relevant data. If your nonprofit is already in operation, this should at the very least include financial statements detailing operating expense reports and a spreadsheet that indicates funding sources.

If your nonprofit is new, compile materials related to any secured funding sources and operational funding projections, including anticipated costs.

Step 2: Heart of the Matter

You are a nonprofit after all! Your nonprofit business plan should start with an articulation of the core values and your mission statement . Outline your vision, your guiding philosophy, and any other principles that provide the purpose behind the work. This will help you to refine and communicate your nonprofit message clearly.

Your nonprofit mission statement can also help establish your milestones, the problems your organization seeks to solve, who your organization serves, and its future goals.

Check out these great mission statement examples for some inspiration. For help writing your statement, download our free Mission & Vision Statements Worksheet .

Step 3: Outline

Create an outline of your nonprofit business plan. Write out everything you want your plan to include (e.g. sections such as marketing, fundraising, human resources, and budgets).

An outline helps you focus your attention. It gives you a roadmap from the start, through the middle, and to the end. Outlining actually helps us write more quickly and more effectively.

An outline will help you understand what you need to tell your audience, whether it’s in the right order, and whether the right amount of emphasis is placed on each topic.

Pro tip: Use our Nonprofit Business Plan Outline to help with this step! More on that later.

Step 4: Products, Programs, and Services

In this section, provide more information on exactly what your nonprofit organization does.

  • What products, programs, or services do you provide?
  • How does your nonprofit benefit the community?
  • What need does your nonprofit meet and what are your plans for meeting that need?
E.g. The American Red Cross carries out its mission to prevent and relieve suffering with five key services: disaster relief, supporting America’s military families, lifesaving blood, health and safety services, and international service.

Don’t skimp out on program details, including the functions and beneficiaries. This is generally what most readers will care most about.

However, don’t overload the reader with technical jargon. Try to present some clear examples. Include photographs, brochures, and other promotional materials.

Step 5: Marketing Plan

A marketing plan is essential for a nonprofit to reach its goals. If your nonprofit is already in operation, describe in detail all current marketing activities: any outreach activities, campaigns, and other initiatives. Be specific about outcomes, activities, and costs.

If your nonprofit is new, outline projections based on specific data you gathered about your market.

This will frequently be your most detailed section because it spells out precisely how you intend to carry out your business plan.

  • Describe your market. This includes your target audience, competitors, beneficiaries, donors, and potential partners.
  • Include any market analyses and tests you’ve done.
  • Outline your plan for reaching your beneficiaries.
  • Outline your marketing activities, highlighting specific outcomes.

Step 6: Operational Plan

An operational plan describes how your nonprofit plans to deliver activities. In the operational plan, it is important to explain how you plan to maintain your operations and how you will evaluate the impact of your programs.

The operational plan should give an overview of the day-to-day operations of your organization such as the people and organizations you work with (e.g. partners and suppliers), any legal requirements that your organization needs to meet (e.g. if you distribute food, you’ll need appropriate licenses and certifications), any insurance you have or will need, etc.

In the operational plan, also include a section on the people or your team. Describe the people who are crucial to your organization and any staff changes you plan as part of your business plan.

Pro tip: If you have an organizational chart, you can include it in the appendix to help illustrate how your organization operates. Learn more about the six types of nonprofit organizational charts and see them in action in this free e-book . 

Example of a top-down organizational chart.

Step 7: Impact Plan

For a nonprofit, an impact plan is as important as a financial plan. A nonprofit seeks to create social change and a social return on investment, not just a financial return on investment.

Your impact plan should be precise about how your nonprofit will achieve this step. It should include details on what change you’re seeking to make, how you’re going to make it, and how you’re going to measure it.

This section turns your purpose and motivation into concrete accomplishments your nonprofit wants to make and sets specific goals and objectives.

These define the real bottom line of your nonprofit, so they’re the key to unlocking support. Funders want to know for whom, in what way, and exactly how you’ll measure your impact.

Answer these in the impact plan section of your business plan:

  • What goals are most meaningful to the people you serve or the cause you’re fighting for?
  • How can you best achieve those goals through a series of specific objectives?
E.g. “Finding jobs for an additional 200 unemployed people in the coming year.”

Step 8: Financial Plan

This is one of the most important parts of your nonprofit business plan. Creating a financial plan will allow you to make sure that your nonprofit has its basic financial needs covered.

Every nonprofit needs a certain level of funding to stay operational, so it’s essential to make sure your organization will meet at least that threshold.

To craft your financial plan:

  • Outline your nonprofit’s current and projected financial status.
  • Include an income statement, balance sheet , cash flow statement, and financial projections.
  • List any grants you’ve received, significant contributions, and in-kind support.
  • Include your fundraising plan .
  • Identify gaps in your funding, and how you will manage them.
  • Plan for what will be done with a potential surplus.
  • Include startup costs, if necessary.

If your nonprofit is already operational, use established accounting records to complete this section of the business plan.

Knowing the financial details of your organization is incredibly important in a world where the public demands transparency about where their donations are going.

Pro tip : Leverage startup accelerators dedicated to nonprofits that can help you with funding, sponsorship, networking, and much more.

Step 9: Executive Summary

Normally written last but placed first in your business plan, your nonprofit executive summary provides an introduction to your entire business plan. The first page should describe your non-profit’s mission and purpose, summarize your market analysis that proves an identifiable need, and explain how your non-profit will meet that need.

The Executive Summary is where you sell your nonprofit and its ideas. Here you need to describe your organization clearly and concisely.

Make sure to customize your executive summary depending on your audience (i.e. your executive summary page will look different if your main goal is to win a grant or hire a board member).

Step 10: Appendix

Include extra documents in the section that are pertinent to your nonprofit: organizational chart , current fiscal year budget, a list of the board of directors, your IRS status letter, balance sheets, and so forth.

The appendix contains helpful additional information that might not be suitable for the format of your business plan (i.e. it might unnecessarily make it less readable or more lengthy).

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Do’s and Dont’s of Nonprofit Business Plans – Tips

  • Write clearly, using simple and easy-to-understand language.
  • Get to the point, support it with facts, and then move on.
  • Include relevant graphs and program descriptions.
  • Include an executive summary.
  • Provide sufficient financial information.
  • Customize your business plan to different audiences.
  • Stay authentic and show enthusiasm.
  • Make the business plan too long.
  • Use too much technical jargon.
  • Overload the plan with text.
  • Rush the process of writing, but don’t drag it either.
  • Gush about the cause without providing a clear understanding of how you will help the cause through your activities.
  • Keep your formatting consistent.
  • Use standard 1-inch margins.
  • Use a reasonable font size for the body.
  • For print, use a serif font like Times New Roman or Courier. For digital, use sans serifs like Verdana or Arial.
  • Start a new page before each section.
  • Don’t allow your plan to print and leave a single line on an otherwise blank page.
  • Have several people read over the plan before it is printed to make sure it’s free of errors.

Nonprofit Business Plan Template

To help you get started we’ve created a nonprofit business plan outline. This business plan outline will work as a framework regardless of your nonprofit’s area of focus. With it, you’ll have a better idea of how to lay out your nonprofit business plan and what to include. We have also provided several questions and examples to help you create a detailed nonprofit business plan.

Download Your Free Outline

Image showing the title page of the Nonprofit Business Plan Outline e-book.

At Donorbox, we strive to make your nonprofit experience as productive as possible, whether through our donation software  or through our advice and guides on the  Nonprofit Blog . Find more free, downloadable resources in our Library .

Many nonprofits start with passion and enthusiasm but without a proper business plan. It’s a common misconception that just because an organization is labeled a “nonprofit,” it does not need to operate in any way like a business.

However, a nonprofit is a type of business, and many of the same rules that apply to a for-profit company also apply to a nonprofit organization.

As outlined above, your nonprofit business plan is a combination of your marketing plan , strategic plan, operational plan, impact plan, and financial plan. Remember, you don’t have to work from scratch. Be sure to use the nonprofit business plan outline we’ve provided to help create one of your own. 

It’s important to note that your nonprofit should not be set in stone—it can and should change and evolve. It’s a living organism. While your vision, values, and mission will likely remain the same, your nonprofit business plan may need to be revised from time to time. Keep your audience in mind and adjust your plan as needed.

Finally, don’t let your plan gather dust on a shelf! Print it out, put up posters on your office walls, and read from it during your team meetings. Use all the research, data, and ideas you’ve gathered and put them into action!

If you want more help with nonprofit management tips and fundraising resources, visit our Nonprofit Blog . We also have dedicated articles for starting a nonprofit in different states in the U.S., including Texas , Minnesota , Oregon , Arizona , Illinois , and more.

Learn about our all-in-one online fundraising tool, Donorbox, and its simple-to-use features on the website here .

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Raviraj heads the sales and marketing team at Donorbox. His growth-hacking abilities have helped Donorbox boost fundraising efforts for thousands of nonprofit organizations.

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Charity Organization Business plan

It seems that you like this template, charity organization business plan presentation, free google slides theme, powerpoint template, and canva presentation template.

Charity organizations need the support of institutions and citizens to be able to carry out their work and continue helping others. With this Slidesgo template you have at your disposal a complete structure to present your association and encourage others to support your cause. Its style is sober and professional, with a black background and text in white and green, representing peace and hope. It has graphs, maps, tables, infographics and an organization chart.

Features of this template

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  • 37 different slides to impress your audience
  • Contains easy-to-edit graphics such as graphs, maps, tables, timelines and mockups
  • Includes 500+ icons and Flaticon’s extension for customizing your slides
  • Designed to be used in Google Slides, Canva, and Microsoft PowerPoint
  • 16:9 widescreen format suitable for all types of screens
  • Includes information about fonts, colors, and credits of the free resources used

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  • Presentations

20 Best Free Nonprofit PowerPoint PPT Templates for Charity Presentations 2024

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Cassava - Free Nonprofit Pitch Deck Example

  • PPT and PPTX files
  • 35 total slides
  • drag-and-drop easy editing

Zapnu - Free Nonprofit Organization PowerPoint Presentation

Zapnu - Free Nonprofit Organization PowerPoint Presentation

  • 12 PPT and PPTX files
  • 30 unique slides
  • 3 color variations (green, orange, teal)
  • dark and light versions

Neumo - Free Nonprofit PowerPoint Template

Neumo - Free Nonprofit PowerPoint Templates

  • 40 total slides
  • 16:9 widescreen aspect ratio
  • fully resizable and editable graphics

Exhaustive - Free Nonprofit PowerPoint Template

Exhaustive - Free Nonprofit PowerPoint Templates

  • more than 40 unique slides
  • 90+ XML files
  • light and dark background options
  • handmade infographics

Before we move on to the free items from around the web, here are four of the very best fundraising presentations PPT templates from Envato Elements .

These winning nonprofit fundraising PowerPoint presentation templates help you make a great impression every time.

Charitya - Fundraising Presentation Template

Charitya - Fundraising Presentation Template

  • 3 pre-made color schemes
  • widescreen and standard aspect ratios

Charity - Sample Fundraising PowerPoint Presentation Template

Charity - Sample Fundraising PowerPoint Presentations 

  • 30 unique templates
  • full HD 1920x1080 resolution
  • smooth animations and transitions

Helper - Nonprofit Pitch Deck Example

Helper - Nonprofit Pitch Deck Example

  • fully and easily editable colors, shapes, and content
  • documentation

Fluence - Nonprofit Organization PowerPoint Presentation Template

Fluence - Nonprofit Organization PowerPoint Presentation Template

  • 35 unique slides
  • free icon pack

If you still need a free PowerPoint template for your nonprofit, here are some of the best fundraising PowerPoint templates for free from around the web.

Be mindful that these templates are from outside sources, so they may not be available nor have the features/quality you look for.

Charity - Free Nonprofit Fundraising PowerPoint Presentation

Free Nonprofit Fundraising PowerPoint Presentation

  • 3 premade slides
  • green background with a darker green side

Water - Free Sample Fundraising PowerPoint Presentation

Free Sample Fundraising PowerPoint Presentations

  • 5 premade slides
  • background of water being poured from a water bottle into a glass

Car Donation - Free Nonprofit Pitch Deck Example

Free Nonprofit Pitch Deck Example

  • 2 premade slides
  • features a car with a word cloud in it and a green background

Water Drops - Free Nonprofit PowerPoint Template

Water - Free Nonprofit PowerPoint Template

  • background picture of water droplets

Green Nature - Nonprofit Fundraising PowerPoint Presentation

Green Nonprofit Fundraising PowerPoint Presentation

  • 4 premade slides
  • features a water droplet with a green ripple effect around it

Philanthropic - Free Fundraising Presentation Template

Free Fundraising Presentation Template

  • the background features human hands

Liquid Drop - Free Sample Fundraising PowerPoint Presentation

Liquid Free Sample Fundraising PowerPoint Presentation

  • background of a drop of liquid with a field reflected on it

Color - Free Nonprofit Organization PowerPoint Presentation

Free Nonprofit Organization PowerPoint Presentation

  • 9 premade slides
  • clean and modern design

Balance - Free Nonprofit PowerPoint Template

Balance - Free Nonprofit PowerPoint Template

  • 10 premade slides
  • minimal design in white, gray, and red

Science Knowledge - Free Fundraising Presentation Template

Science - Free Fundraising Presentation Template

  • background of a blackboard with math equations and an electrifying blue orb

Blockchain - Free Nonprofit PowerPoint Template

Blockchain - Free Nonprofit PowerPoint Template

  • "read me" file

FREE Nonprofit Organization PowerPoint Presentation

  • 1920x1080 full HD resolution
  • 80+ unique slides

Shapes – Free Nonprofit PowerPoint Template

Shapes – Free Nonprofit PowerPoint Template

  • 101+ unique slides

Minimal – Free Download Nonprofit Pitch Deck Example

Minimal – Free Download Nonprofit Pitch Deck Example

  • over 250 slides

Feminine - Free Sample Fundraising PowerPoint Presentation

Free Sample Fundraising PowerPoint Presentation

  • blue background with a pink female symbol

By now, you've looked at premium PPT templates and free premium PPT templates from Envato Elements , and fundraising PowerPoint templates for free from around the web. With these best fundraising presentations PPT, you're ready to create your nonprofit presentation.

Remember that Envato Elements offers 12 different hand-selected files every month for free! This means that you may find what you're looking for there, free and at premium quality.

Editorial Note: This article has been completely rewritten to make it more usable for the reader.

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  • Human Resources
  • Project Management
  • Timelines & Planning
  • Health & Wellness
  • Environment
  • Cause & Effect
  • Executive Summary
  • Customer Journey
  • 30 60 90 Day Plan
  • Social Media
  • Escalation Matrix
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  • Go to Market Plan/Strategy
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NGO Company Profile Presentation - Free Download

(12 Editable Slides)

NGO Company Profile PPT Slide 1

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Organizational Profile Presentation

NGO PPT Cover Slide

NGO PowerPoint and Google Slides Template

(6 Editable Slides)

Download our NGO Company Profile Presentation template for PowerPoint and Google Slides to portray your organization’s mission, values, and objectives. NGO owners can use this deck to describe their company’s founding story, key milestones, major projects undertaken, and more. Public relations and communications teams use this set to spread awareness about the shared achievements of their NGO in collaboration with other NGOs, government agencies, and corporations. Further, you can portray real-life examples of how your NGO has made a difference, upcoming projects and goals, and vision for growth and expansion.

The slides comprise a white background, pastel-colored infographics, self-explanatory icons, and elegant typography in the foreground. Leverage these design elements to make your presentations vibrant and engaging!

Slides’ Overview

  • Elevate your presentation’s beginning using the beautiful cover slide.
  • Illustrate your presentation’s agenda with the Table of Contents slide.
  • Portray your NGO’s overview, including growth trajectory, through a compelling illustration.
  • You can depict your company’s vision, mission, and objectives via an aesthetic design.
  • An infographic of a trophy and a timeline can be used to illustrate your NGO’s achievements and milestones.
  • Your NGO's collaborations and partnerships can be clearly shown.
  • A bar graph can be used to demonstrate your NGO’s funding and financial management.
  • Present your team members’ introduction using a profile infographic.
  • Your organization’s sustainability and future plans can be portrayed through an exquisite infographic.
  • Showcase your presentation’s summary using a conclusion slide.
  • Thank your audience for their time and focus throughout the presentation with our ‘Thank You’ slide.
  • Easy customization enables users to perform changes to the deck, regardless of technical proficiency.
  • Each visual element ensures the same quality and resolution on all screen dimensions.
  • All attributes are thoughtfully designed to keep copyright issues at bay.

Get this PPT to deliver an insightful and meaningful presentation!

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Top 10 Non-Profit Organization Proposals for Grant and Funding With Samples and Examples (Free PDF Attached)

Top 10 Non-Profit Organization Proposals for Grant and Funding With Samples and Examples (Free PDF Attached)

Nawsheen Muzamil


In 2021, the UN Food Program Organization (FPO) said that if billionaires like Elon Musk were to spend 2% of their wealth, it was enough to eradicate world hunger.

When the media played this up, even Musk was curious enough to know more on how he could help.

This is an example of how you get stakeholders to invest; by giving a positive incentive. As a general rule, there are six ways you can do this as given below:

  • A powerful motive or vision.
  • An efficient plan.
  • A practical budget.
  • A capable team.
  • A compilation of past achievements or at least a firm resolution to make things happen! 
  • A repayment model whether it is as publicity, or partnership in the organization's projects; remember, there are no free lunches in life.

Non-profit organizations (NPOs) that operate without financial aid are looking for investors and philanthropists to fund their activities. But considering that there are roughly 1.8 million NPOs in the US alone, how can you attract their interest towards your NPO? Whether it is the top business persons you are approaching or a board of directors, make sure your organization proposal stands out from the rest with our 10 best presentation templates. Explore now!

Template 1: Sponsorship Proposal for Nonprofit Organization PowerPoint Presentation

Declare the privileges of your sponsorship program with this non-profit organization proposal template. Deploy this comprehensive PPT Presentation to introduce your organization, its vision, and current objective of pursuit. Declare the benefits of levels of sponsoring with this template deck. Go ahead with downloading this PPT layout.

Sponsorship Proposal for Nonprofit Organization PowerPoint Presentation Slide

Download this template

Template 2: NGO Funding Proposal PowerPoint Presentation Slides

Is your organization dedicated towards uplifting the specially abled, especially with their health and education, then this PPT Design is for you. Propose your funding request for your current and upcoming programs with this PPT Compilation. Introduce your organization, its vision, along with a mention of your previous successful projects. Woo your investors with your aspirations of building a better society where equal opportunities exist for all. Then, propose the money you need to make your program a success. Download this PPT layout now.

NGO Funding Proposal PowerPoint Presentation Slides

Template 3: NGO Project Proposal PowerPoint Presentation Slides

Impress your benefactors with your vision and appeal to them on humanitarian grounds when it comes to helping the specially-abled. With this presentation template, you can guide your supporters through your journey as a NPO. Showcase your successes, and the adversities you overcame. Demonstrate your current undertaking and the amount you seek in light of that. Introduce your dynamic team to show the quality of people you have. Use all these components to win them over. Don’t wait, download now!

NGO Project Proposal PowerPoint Presentation Slides

Template 4: Non-profit Organization Project Proposal PowerPoint Presentation

If your NPO is in dire need of funds, then use this professional set of slides to vouch for your credibility. Disclose your program details in an organized manner including budget, team build up, and project activities with this PPT presentation. Help your donors know your past projects and start winning them with your capabilities. Download this PPT Compilation to build good rapport with your donors and sponsors starting today!

Non Profit Organization Project Proposal PowerPoint Presentation Slides

Template 5: Missionary Services Proposal PowerPoint Presentation Slides

If yours is a missionary organization with a zeal to support the less fortunate, then use this presentation template to win donations. Appeal to your most generous donors and pitch your proposal with this sophisticated PPT template. It comprises organized content to guide your sponsors into donating for your beneficiaries. Just fill in the necessary information and propose your planned budget to them with this comprehensive PPT presentation. Start winning funds to power your programs today, download this template now!

Missionary Services Proposal PowerPoint Presentation Slides

Template 6: Charity Funding Proposal PowerPoint Presentation Slides

Charities require funds or grants to grow and promote new programs. Reach out to potential sponsors with this non-profit organization proposal template. Elaborate on the role your organization plays in the society and how your current program is worth donating to. Specify the amount expected to kick-start your dynamic program and invite donors to be part of these. Infuse this content-ready presentation with facts and figures relevant to your organization and leap ahead of the other NPOs in line. Download now!

Charity Funding Proposal PowerPoint Presentation Slides

Template 7: Pitch Deck to Raise Government Grant From Public Corporations Complete Deck

If your non-profit organization is seeking a government grant from any public corporation then we have a custom designed ready-made template. Showcase your organization's work to put your best foot forth, then proceed to propose your present requirement. Match your anticipated budget with the activities to claim your needed approval. Without waiting any more, download this PPT design now!

Pitch deck to raise government grant from public corporations complete deck

Template 8: Event Funding Proposal PowerPoint Presentation 

If you are looking to host an event and need funding for that, interest your sponsors with our event funding proposal presentation. Enlist the benefits for your organization and those of the sponsors to render your proposal pretty convincing for them. Share the event details and the expected budget in this PPT Compilation. List your team, other sponsors affiliated with the project, and also share performances of your previous event organizing activities. Download this PPT Presentation now!

Event Funding Proposal Powerpoint Presentation Slides

Template 9: One-Page Funding Proposal for NGO Presentation Report Infographic 

Here is a one pager template to convince clients to fund your NPO project. Highlight the key parameters of your project namely purpose, expected benefits, and fund requirement. You can also go into more detail by discussing the project team and activities that are innate to your program. Delve into all these details with this PPT layout. Download now!

One Page Funding Proposal for NGO Presentation Report Infographic PPT PDF Document

Template 10: One-Page non-profit Corporate Sponsorship Proposal Presentation Report Infographic

This is a one-page PPT template to enlist your proposal for winning a corporate sponsorship for an upcoming event. List out your top assets in terms of past achievements, and how your event is different from your competitors. Showcase the vendors and exhibitors, along with other sponsors who will be fueling your program. Let your sponsors know yours is the activity worth engaging with. Download this classic template now!

One Page Non Profit Corporate Sponsorship Proposal Presentation Report Infographic PPT PDF Document

Download this template 

Put your best foot forward with these 10 best professional non-profit organization proposal templates. 

PS: Is it that easy to lead an organization to growth success? Know how to be a transformational leader and preach this idea to your peers with our content-ready templates. Check out this blog to know more.

What classifies an organization to become a non-profit Organization (NPO)?

As the name suggests, an NPO doesn’t aim at profits to benefit its owners. Rather, any profit earned is re-invested in its goals. This principle of selflessness grants most of them tax exemptions.Different categories of organizations fall under non-profit such as political organizations, schools, business associations, churches, social clubs, and consumer cooperatives. The success of any NPO is a subject of the trust it gathers from the investors and general public who donate for its cause. Donors, founders, volunteers and the public community are its active members.

What are categories of non-profit organizations that can use our proposal templates?

Some of the categories of non-profit organizations are:

  • Charitable Organizations: They deal with relieving hunger, providing education, representing animal welfare groups, and financing low-income households.
  • Social Advocacy Groups: They promote social and political activities and organize fundraising and crowdfunding activities. 
  • Foundations: They fund other NGOs and programs for social causes.
  • Leagues, Welfare Organizations, and Associations: They tend to the needs of the less privileged as well as their own members.
  • Trade and Professional Associations: They are formed by traders or professionals for themselves by assisting in their members’ educational and personal pursuits.
  • Social and Recreational Groups: These NPOs are designed for the members to look after their social well-being.

What are the 6 Main Funding Sources for non-profit organizations? 

Non-profit organizations can secure fundings via following means:

  • Individual Donations: These are the one-time or recurring donations that statistically comprise 71% of the donations made to charities and NPOs.
  • Grants: These are the fundings that NPOs can apply so as to claim them. Grants can be offered by institutions or private or semi-private organizations.
  • Corporate Sponsorship: Applying to corporate sponsorship to amp their philanthropic statuses is another way for non-profit organizations to secure funds.
  • Membership Fees:   The 501(c)(7) Social Club and the 501(c)(6) Business Association are examples of rulings that allow NPOs to offer chargeable services to its members or affiliators. These also cover activities and events for which the members are charged a certain amount of fee for their participation. 
  • Selling Goods and Services: Sometimes NPOs manufacture merchandise that have the dual purpose of advertising and selling them. This generates another mode of revenue for the NPOs.
  • In-kind Donations: Sometimes NPOs supporting the underprivileged accept donations in kind like clothes, food, and other articles. This also saves them the expenses of buying those things hence can prove cost-effective to them.

What is the ruling for tax exemption for NPOs in the US?

Under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, an organization that operates without incurring any profit to its owners or stakeholders is liable to be tax exempted. These organizations must also be free from any political influence nor should they influence any government wing. Churches and gross receipts up to a certain limit are automatically treated as tax exempted under the same section.

Download the free Non-Profit Organization Proposals Template PDF. .

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  • Presentations

Nonprofit Presentation Templates

Your nonprofit presentation needs to be effective, if you are going to get your group the funding it needs. That is why nonprofit presentation templates are so important to what you do. To really impress your audience, you need templates that draw the eye with an array of appealing colors and professional-looking designs. With these templates, you can do just that, with easy editing and customizing features available.

Nonprofit Presentation Templates

Nonprofits 25

Nature Background Presentation Template

Nature Background Presentation

Educate your audience on environmental topics or organic products with this nature presentation template.

Women Empowerment Presentation Template

Women Empowerment Presentation

Drive support for an important cause with this bold women empowerment presentation template.

Poverty Alleviation Presentation Template

Poverty Alleviation Presentation

Use this customizable presentation template to raise awareness on important topics like poverty alleviation.

Cancer Awareness Presentation Template

Cancer Awareness Presentation

Spread knowledge about important health concerns with this cancer awareness presentation template.

Nature Background Presentation Template

Use this beautiful nature presentation template to captivate your audience. Perfect for all industries and businesses. 

Education Support Program Presentation Template

Education Support Program Presentation

Spread the word about the community projects you believe in using this education support presentation template.

Nonprofit Animals Presentation Template

Nonprofit Animals Presentation

Raise awareness for a cause you believe in with this nonprofit presentation template.

Nonprofit Event Presentation Template

Nonprofit Event Presentation

Raise awareness for a cause and help generate funds to support it with this pitch deck template.

Mental Health Presentation Template

Mental Health Presentation

Use this presentation template to educate people on the importance of mental health and the consequences of neglecting it.

Health Awareness Presentation Template

Health Awareness Presentation

Share the importance of vaccines with your audience using this health awareness presentation template.

Charity Presentation Template

Charity Presentation

Educate your audience on the importance of charity using this impactful presentation template.

Nonprofit Stakeholder Presentation Template

Nonprofit Stakeholder Presentation

Educate, engage and impress stakeholders with this nonprofit donor relations presentation template.

Green and Pink Nature Presentation Template

Green and Pink Nature Presentation

This beautiful nature presentation template is perfect for organic or environmental businesses and nonprofits.

Product Presentation Template

Product Presentation

Share product features and pricing with potential clients using this presentation template.

Pet Adoption Slideshow Template

Pet Adoption Slideshow

Help an animal find its forever home using this image-focused presentation template.

Luxury Safari Presentation Template

Luxury Safari Presentation

Make the most of your images with this simple yet effective luxury safari presentation template.

Nonprofit Report Presentation Template

Nonprofit Report Presentation

Educate and engage with your audience using this simple yet effective nonprofit report presentation template.

Wildlife Conservation Presentation Template

Wildlife Conservation Presentation

Raise awareness or draw attention to serious issues with this wildlife conservation presentation template.

Nonprofit Art Presentation Template

Nonprofit Art Presentation

Spread awareness about the projects you believe in using this nonprofit presentation template.

Nonprofit SWOT Analysis - Presentation Template

Nonprofit SWOT Analysis - Presentation

Help your nonprofit succeed with this customizable SWOT Analysis presentation template.

Food Bank Non Profit Presentation Template

Food Bank Non Profit Presentation

Highlight your nonprofit's impact and reach with this meaningful and engaging food bank presentation template.

Shelter Homes Non Profit Presentation Template

Shelter Homes Non Profit Presentation

Present your shelter's mission, impact, and services with this comprehensive and effective shelter homes presentation template.

Animal Shelter Homes Non Profit Presentation Template

Animal Shelter Homes Non Profit Presentation

Tax Regime For Non Profit Presentation Template

Tax Regime For Non Profit Presentation

Free nonprofit presentation templates by visme.

Whenever you're designing a presentation for your nonprofit, it's safe to say that the stakes couldn't be higher. This is especially true if you're trying to get your group the funding it needs to carry on with its important mission. You need to convey your message in a compelling, captivating way... but it also can't be boring or visually unappealing. You don't want it to look like it was put together by amateurs and now it won't - even if you have NO design or coding experience to speak of.

Thanks to our nonprofit presentation templates, you have everything you need to get started right in your Web browser. Everything is easy to edit and features a drag-and-drop interface, all while delivering an end product that looks like a true professional made it. With these templates, you can finally know the benefit of easy editing and even easier customization in a presentation tool so simple that literally anybody can use it.

Create Your Presentation Now

Free Nonprofit Presentation Templates by Visme

creating a business plan for your ngo

Creating a Business Plan for Your NGO

Apr 03, 2019

370 likes | 619 Views

Creating a Business Plan for Your NGO. 6 th Annual Microenterprise Conference BYU Troy Holmberg March 14, 2003. Overview. Introduction – What is a business plan and why should I have one? Elements of a Business Plan for an NGO Description of Organizational Focus Target Market

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  • byu entrepreneurship center
  • byu communications advisory board
  • introduction
  • your management team


Presentation Transcript

Creating a Business Plan for Your NGO 6th Annual Microenterprise Conference BYU Troy Holmberg March 14, 2003

Overview • Introduction – What is a business plan and why should I have one? • Elements of a Business Plan for an NGO • Description of Organizational Focus • Target Market • Viability • Growth Strategy • Management • 10-15 minute work sessions between each section • Your goal: Create the building blocks for your organization’s business plan

Part I: Description of Organizational Focus • Identify the problem or need • Describe your proposed solution to the problem • Mission Statement • What you do • How you intend to solve the problem

Identify the problem or need • 49% of Filipinos live in poverty

69% of LDS Filipinos live in poverty. Over 60% live in rural areas

Senator Sergio Osmena “There is clearly a need for Filipinos to undergo a paradigm shift in the way they view their future economic well-being as individuals and as a nation. From the prevailing mind-set of depending on government or large business to create jobs for them, the Filipinos’ outlook should radically shift toward their giving importance togenerating their own income and jobs for others through the entrepreneurial path.”

The Problem • 900 Filipino missionaries released each year • Return to rural provinces • Few jobs in the provinces • No money for school • Limited economic future • Somewhat less church activity when poor • Tend to migrate to Manila • Emigrate to Hong Kong, U.S., Canada, and Arab countries

A Solution • Create a non-profit academy to teach Micro-Entrepreneurship skills to Filipino Returned Missionaries

The Mission Statement • A mission statement must be simple and clear • It has focus on what your organization really tries to do, then do it in a way that everyone can recognize their contribution to the goal -Peter Drucker, Managing the Non-profit Organization

Critical Elements to an Effective Mission Statement • OPPORTUNITIES • Where can we, with our limited human and financial resources, really make a difference? • COMPETENCE • What are we good at? What can we do better than everyone else? • COMMITMENT • What do we really believe in? -Peter Drucker, Managing the Non-profit Organization

Examples of Mission Statements • The academy will annually provide 125 Filipino returned missionaries with the necessary hope, motivation, education, and tools needed to plan, start, and build their own province-based businesses.

Yehu Bank Mission Statement the mission of the bank is to combat poverty by empowering the very poor women of rural kenya to help themselves by giving them access to very small loans and other basic financial services, which can be used to start or expand their small businesses

Description of Organizational Focus • Who you are • What you do • How you solve the problem

what is the yehu bank? • the yehu bank is a project being administered by choice humanitarian in the rural costal region of kenya • yehu in the swahili dialect means our • it is a bank for the poor, of the poor, offering savings and small loans to women for income-generating ventures

what kinds of small businesses? • animal husbandry • vending agricultural products • vending handmade crafts • kiosks vending basic necessities

typical bank member kiosk

how does it work? • 5 women form a group and join an existing bank centre • they meet weekly in their own village with a bank worker and each contribute a small amount of savings for six months • The first small loan is made to a member of the group • social collateral • the peer group encourages solidarity among members who effectively co-guarantee each other's loans

woman receiving a loan at a weekly centre meeting with bank manager

Part II: Target Market • Who is your customer? What is your niche? • Who else is addressing this need or problem? • How do you reach your customers and market your services? • What is your organization’s competitive advantage? What do you do best?

ACE serves Filipino Returned Missionaries • 900 Filipino returned missionaries released each year • Over 7,500 Filipino RM’s • 500,000 members of the LDS Church in the Philippines

Marketing Strategy • Local church leaders • LDS Employment Resource Centers • LDS Church Education System • LDS Church Philippines Area Presidency • Word-of-mouth by ACE graduates

ACE Strengths & Competitive Advantage (what can we do better than anyone else?) • Entrepreneurship Education • Case-based, hands-on learning • Relevant, practical training for job creation in the rural areas

Part III: Viability • How do we measure results? How do we know we are fulfilling our mission? • Do we have a plan for sustainability? • What does it cost to provide our services? • What is our fund-raising strategy?

yehu bank key metrics • # of members = 2000 members in 60 villages • Repayment rate = over 97% • # of loans given = 1515 • Cumulative $ saved by bank members = $40,000 • Cumulative $ loaned = $115,000 • # of employees = 14 all native Kenyans • Retention rate of members = 93% • Cost per unit loaned = .59 cents • Portfolio at Risk = 3.9% • Active clients per Credit Officer = 227 • Operational Self-Sufficiency = 57%

Part IV: Growth • What will we look like in 5 yrs? • What is our strategy for growth? • Do we desire growth? • Do we increase number of clients served, introduce new services, or both? • Do we expand geographically, or try to penetrate deeper into the current countries we are serving?

ACE Growth Strategy • Fixed capacity for number of students attending ACE (125 per year) • Growth by adding services, particularly business development services (BDS) • Joint Ventures • 10 Distance Learning Centers • Community Payback Program • Create opportunities for contracts with LDS Church

Yehu Bank Growth Strategy • 16,000 members by end of 2005 • Operating in 530 villages • 6 branch offices • 70 employees of the bank • 119% Operating self-sufficiency • Growth funded by loans from capital markets rather than grants • Become the leading microfinance organization serving rural Kenya

Part V: Management • Brief description of the people who are responsible for executing your organization’s mission • Include members of your board or advisory committee if they add expertise, credibility, or are key participants in the organization • Your management team is critical...it is not how good your idea is, it is how capable your team is of executing that idea that matters to funders!

Part V: Management - ACE • Steve Gibson – Co-founder of ACE • Started nine ventures, one of which ranked as a top 500 fastest growing private business in US • Entrepreneur-in-residence at BYU Entrepreneurship Center. Taught many entrepreneurship courses • Weekly columnist for Deseret News, entrepreneurship and small business advice • Former board member of EMI, Philippines Area and BYU Communications Advisory Board • Married to Bette Gibson, 4 children

Management Bios • Bette Gibson – Co-founder of ACE • 5 yrs at BYU, Early Childhood Development • Masters from University of Colorado, Denver • Created a project-based, participatory curriculum for ACE • Tony San Gabriel – Director of ACE • Masters from Asia Institute of Management – the premier business school in Asia • 7 yrs with MFI, Philippines Enterprise Development Fund • LDS Church Education System • Four ACE graduates teach, coordinate outreach, student life and biz development services

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  2. Top 10 Non-profit Business Plan Templates with

    Template 4 : Red Cross non-profit organization PPT Slide. Strategic planning models help you to streamline your efforts and get the desired results. This ready-made PowerPoint template outlines the efforts of a non-profit organization with respect to products, programs, and services.

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    Template 3: Non-profit Strategic Planning PPT. No strategy works all the time; this goes for non-profit organizations as well, especially if there are multiple charities competing. So, if you want to revamp your existing plans, ruminate on new ideas with this expert preparation. Revive your principles, and in light of those, develop new ...

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  5. 10-Part Nonprofit Business Plan Template (With Examples)

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  6. Nonprofit Business Plan Template

    Non-profit Business Plan template is specially designed for non-profit organizations. This template can also be used by charities when preparing fundraising materials. The presence of a large variety of infographics, charts and timelines makes the slides of this template versatile in use. You will be able to use this template when updating your ...

  7. Top 7 NGO Strategic Plan PowerPoint Templates- Free PPT & PDF

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  8. How to Create a Nonprofit Presentation Using a PowerPoint Template

    NGO has great default colors, but they may not match your organization's branding. The first thing we'll do is change the color scheme. Click on the Design tab at the top. You'll see a theme gallery in the top left. Click the down arrow to expand the theme gallery. You can choose one of these theme alternatives for your nonprofit business plan ...

  9. Nonprofit Business Plan [Download]

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  11. How to Write Nonprofit Business Plan + Template

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    Spread the word about your cause with this free nonprofit PowerPoint template. Whether you're a social enterprise, charity, or NGO, these templates will help you create presentations that make an impact. With a wide range of customizable slides, you can easily promote your mission and values, and encourage donations. And the best part?

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  19. NGO PowerPoint Presentation Template :: Behance

    Professional PowerPoint presentation template for creating perfect NGO slides.Now you don't need to spend time preparing complicated slides. ... Modern template with attractive design to showcase your business idea in the best possible way. Totally alterable, designed to fit all of your requirements. Every slide is fully editable, well ...

  20. Free Nonprofit Presentation Templates to Customize

    Thanks to our nonprofit presentation templates, you have everything you need to get started right in your Web browser. Everything is easy to edit and features a drag-and-drop interface, all while delivering an end product that looks like a true professional made it. With these templates, you can finally know the benefit of easy editing and even ...

  21. Creating a Business Plan for Your NGO

    Creating a Business Plan for Your NGO 6th Annual Microenterprise Conference BYU Troy Holmberg March 14, 2003. Overview • Introduction - What is a business plan and why should I have one? • Elements of a Business Plan for an NGO • Description of Organizational Focus • Target Market • Viability • Growth Strategy • Management • 10-15 minute work sessions between each section ...