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Cyber Crime Complaint Letter Format & Sample

If you are looking for some of the best cyber crime complaint letter formats & samples, then here you will get 10+ complaint letter samples on this topic.

Usually, if you have been cheated on any social media, email or internet, then it is a serious crime and it is considered a cybercrime.

There are also many other types of cybercrime, such as identity fraud on the Internet, stealing financial or card payment data, or extorting money to prevent a threat attack. Also, we have some samples of money fraud complaint letter to police, that can help you to write your own complaint letter.

If any of these incidents happen to you, you can take legal action on it, and also you can inform your cyber cell by writing a cyber crime complaint letter.

Cyber Crime Complaint Letter Format In English

To, The Police Superintendent, [Local Police Station Name], [District Name], [Date].

Subject: Complaint letter for cyber crime.

Dear Sir/Madam,

I would like to inform you that I am a regular internet user. So, yesterday night when I was checking my email I saw a mail from the bank and it informed me to complete the KYC of my bank account.

After that, when I click on it and fill it with my bank information, I notice that Rs. 5000 is withdrawn from my account. Then I realized that a fraud had been committed against me.

So I request you to take strict action against this fraud that happened to me and report it to your cyber crime department.

Thanking you in advance for your efforts.

Regards, [Name], [Mobile Number], [Your Bank AccAccount Details].

Cyber Crime Complaint Letter Format

To, The Sub-inspector, Cyber Crime Cell, [Police Station Name], [Address], [Date].

Subject: Cyber crime complaint letter.

I _____ [Your Name], I write this letter on behalf of a fake account on Facebook. When I was browsing Facebook yesterday, I noticed a person opening a fake account in my name and making bad comments to some peoples.

After seeing the whole thing, when I asked him to delete my account and stop making such bad comments, he scolded me in reply and said “I am doing exactly what I am doing. I will do it again and again. Do whatever you want.”

All these incidents are creating a bad image of me in society, which could lead to many problems for me in the future. I want it to be stopped as soon as possible and legal action taken against that person.

Urgently look into this matter and start investigating it as soon as possible.

Thank you in advance.

Yours Faithfully, [Your Name], [Your Mobile No], [Real FB Account Link], [Fake FB Account Link].

Application For Cyber Crime In English

To, The Cyber Crime Cell, [Police Station Name], [Address], [Date].

Sub: cyber crime complaint letter.

Respected Sir/Madam,

I am _____ [Your Name], a permanent resident of _______ [ Mention your permanent address]. I am writing this letter to bring to your kind notice that last night I got a call from an unknown number and there was a person using very bad language and talking nonsense.

I dropped the number on the block list at night without thinking about it. But this morning the same person started disturbing me by calling me from another new unknown number.

So I request you to take legal action against that person and try to block those numbers. Also, I have put those unknown numbers below.

Yours Sincerely, [Your Name], [Your Contact Details]. [Mention those Unknowns No].

Cyber Crime Complaint Letter Sample India

To, The Cyber Cell, [Address], [Date].

Subject: Cybercrime complaint letter for digital fraud.

I would like to inform you that this morning while I was searching for some information on the internet, an advertisement came to me and some digital marketing courses were being sold in that advertisement.

I purchase it to enroll in the Digital Marketing course. After purchasing it, the amount was deducted from my bank account but then I did not get any digital marketing course from them.

Then I call the customer care number given to them and tell them everything. But they did not help me in this matter and they completely ignored me.

So, I request you to kindly look into this matter and do the needful so that I can get my money back.

Thanking you.

Yours Sincerely, [Your Name], [Your Mobile No], [Course Details].

Read Also: Police Complaint Letter Format & Samples

Complaint Letter Format For Cyber Crime

To, The Officer-in-charge, [Address], [Date].

Subject: Cybercrime complaint letter under section 66A of the IT act.

I _______ [Write your name], resident of ________ [Mention your address] I am obliged to report you the criminal act of using my photos and videos on social media by the accused [Mention name of accused with his I’d]. The said individual has used to post my photos and videos on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter from the last one year without my permission.

I also attached all the required snap shots and documents related to this matter. I would request you to promptly investigate this matter and take legal action against the culprit at the earliest.

Thank you in advance for your co-operation.

Yours Sincerely, [Your Name], [Your Contact Details].

Fraud Transaction Complaint Letter To Police

To, The Officer-In-Charge, Cyber Crime Cell, [Police Station Name], [Police Station Address],

Data: dd/mm/yyyy

Sub: Money fraud complaint letter to police.

I am _____ [Your Name], a resident of ________ [Your Address] in your police station area. I am writing this letter to bring to your notice that, this morning a message came to my WhatsApp number. After reading the message, I see that it says that my number has won in KBC lucky draw.

I massage them and ask them how I will get the prize. They said that first I have to send 2000 rupees to their number, then they will give me the prize. And then, when I send money to their number, they block my number and do not keep in touch with me. Then I realized that I had been deceived.

Therefore, I request you to please register a complaint & take legal action on it.

Yours Sincerely, [Your Name], [Contact Details].

Cyber Crime Complaint Letter Format In Hindi

सेवा, प्रभारी अधिकारी, [विभाग का नाम], [पता], [तारीख]।

विषय: धोखाधड़ी लेनदेन के लिए साइबर अपराध शिकायत पत्र।

आदरणीय सर/मैडम,

मैं आपका ध्यान उस घटना की ओर आकर्षित करना चाहता हूं जो कल मेरे साथ हुई थी, मुझे अपने बैंक प्रतिनिधि से एक अज्ञात कॉल आया जिसमें मैंने अपना एटीएम और सीवीवी नंबर ओटीपी रीसेट करने के लिए कहा।

आज मुझे एक संदेश मिला कि मेरे खाते से नकद निकासी की गई है। इस धोखाधड़ी लेनदेन से मैंने अपनी कुल बचत खो दी। मैं इस धोखाधड़ी के बारे में अपने बैंक प्रबंधक को भी सूचित करता हूं।

अतः आपसे निवेदन है कि इस मामले में गंभीरता से कार्यवाही करने की कृपा करें। ताकि मैं अपनी मेहनत की कमाई की वसूली कर सकूं।

आपको धन्यवाद।

सादर, [तुम्हारा नाम], [आपका बैंक विवरण], [आपका संपर्क विवरण]।

Cyber Crime Complaint Letter Format Pdf

Cyber Crime Complaint Letter Format Pdf, Cyber Crime Complaint Letter Sample India, Cyber Crime Complaint Letter Format In English, Complaint Letter Format To Cyber Cell

Download This PDF & Image.

Cyber Crime Complaint Form

You can complain online about the cybercrime that happened to you. You can easily fill up a cyber crime complaint form and make your complaint by clicking the link below.

Cyber Crime Complaint Form – CLICK HERE

cyber crime complaint form

Hopefully, you are looking for complaint letter formats for the type of cyber crime that happened to you, here you have found it very easily. If you don’t like these samples, you can let us know in the comments section below what kind of samples you are looking for.

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Letter Templates

application letter format for cyber crime

application letter format for cyber crime 1

If you need to file a complaint regarding cyber crime, it’s important to use the correct format for your application letter. In this article, we’ll provide you with tips and examples of application letter formats for cyber crime complaints.

When filing a complaint regarding cyber crime, it’s important to use the correct format for your application letter. The format of your application letter will help ensure that your complaint is taken seriously and is handled promptly.

The format for an application letter for cyber crime is similar to that of other application letters. However, it’s important to provide specific details about the cyber crime you experienced, including the type of crime, the date and time it occurred, and any supporting evidence you have.

You can find many examples of application letter formats for cyber crime online. You can use these examples as a starting point and edit them as needed to fit your specific situation.

Example Letters

Unauthorized access to bank account.

On August 10th, 2021, I discovered that my bank account had been accessed without my permission. I noticed several unauthorized transactions totaling $1,500. I immediately contacted my bank and reported the unauthorized activity. I have attached copies of the transactions and a letter from my bank confirming that they are investigating the matter.

Thank you for your prompt attention to this matter,

Identity Theft

Dear Sir/Madam,

I am writing to report an instance of identity theft that occurred on August 15th, 2021. I received a notice from my bank that someone had opened a credit card account in my name without my consent. I have never applied for this credit card and believe that someone has stolen my personal information.

I have attached a copy of the notice from my bank, as well as a copy of my driver’s license for your reference. I would appreciate any assistance you can provide in resolving this matter.

Thank you for your time,

Online Fraud

Dear Cyber Crime Unit,

I am writing to report an instance of online fraud that occurred on June 1st, 2021. I received an email claiming to be from my bank, stating that there was suspicious activity on my account and prompting me to provide my account and personal information.

Unfortunately, I fell for this scam and provided my information. I later discovered that the email was not from my bank and that my account had been compromised. I have already contacted my bank and taken steps to secure my account, but I wanted to report this incident to prevent others from falling victim to the same scam.

Thank you for your assistance in this matter,

Best regards,

Online Harassment

I am writing to report an instance of online harassment that I have been experiencing for the past month. An individual has been sending me threatening emails and messages on social media, and has even posted personal information about me online.

I have already blocked the individual on all my social media accounts and changed my passwords, but I am still concerned for my safety. I have attached copies of the threatening messages and screen shots of the posts made about me.

Please let me know what steps I can take to protect myself, and thank you for your attention to this matter.

Ransomware Attack

To Whom It May Concern,

I am writing to report a ransomware attack that occurred on my computer on July 1st, 2021. I received a pop-up message stating that my files had been encrypted and that I needed to pay a ransom to regain access. I did not pay the ransom, but I am still unable to access many of my important files.

I have attached a copy of the pop-up message and a list of the files that are currently inaccessible. Please let me know what steps I can take to recover my files and prevent future attacks.

Thank you for your assistance,

I am writing to report an instance of sextortion that I have been experiencing for the past week. An individual has been sending me threatening messages and demanding that I send them explicit photos in exchange for not releasing compromising photos of me that they claim to have.

I have not sent any photos, but I am concerned that this individual may follow through on their threats. I have attached copies of the threatening messages and any other evidence that may be helpful in identifying the individual.

Please let me know what steps I can take to protect myself and prevent this individual from releasing any compromising material.

Thank you for your help,

Tips for Writing an Application Letter for Cyber Crime

Include specific details.

Include as much detail as possible about the cyber crime you are reporting, including the type of crime, the date and time it occurred, and any supporting evidence you have.

Use Professional Language

Use professional and formal language when writing your application letter. This will help ensure that your letter is taken seriously and is handled promptly.

Provide Your Contact Information

Include your contact information in your application letter, including your phone number and email address. This will allow the authorities to contact you if they need additional information or clarification.

Keep a Copy of Your Letter

Make sure to keep a copy of your application letter for your records.

Investigating cyber crimes can be a complex process, so be patient and allow the authorities to conduct their investigation thoroughly.

Frequently Asked Questions

What should i do if i am a victim of cyber crime.

If you are a victim of cyber crime, you should immediately report the crime to your local authorities and to the appropriate agencies, such as the Cyber Crime Unit or the Federal Bureau of Investigations (FBI).

What information should I include in my application letter?

You should include as much detail as possible about the cyber crime you experienced, including the type of crime, the date and time it occurred, and any supporting evidence you have.

Can I use an application letter format for cyber crime that I find online?

Yes, you can use an application letter format for cyber crime that you find online. However, make sure to edit it as needed to fit your specific situation.

Will I be notified if the authorities make an arrest in my case?

It depends on the policies of your local authorities. However, you can reach out to them to inquire about the progress of your case.

How long does it take to investigate a cyber crime?

Investigating cyber crimes can be a complex process and can take anywhere from a few weeks to several months, depending on the severity of the crime and the resources available to the authorities.

What can I do to prevent cyber crime?

You can take steps to prevent cyber crime by using strong passwords, keeping your software up to date, being cautious when opening emails or clicking on links, and using anti-virus software.

If you are a victim of cyber crime, it’s important to use the correct format for your application letter to ensure that your complaint is taken seriously and is handled promptly. Use the tips and examples provided in this article to help you write an effective application letter for cyber crime.

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Application Wallah

Cyber Crime Complaint Letter Format – 5+ Different format

In today’s social media age, cybercrimes have become increasingly prevalent, posing threats to individuals, businesses, and organizations alike.

If you’ve fallen victim to an online scam, fraud, or any form of cybercrime, it’s crucial to file a formal complaint.

In this blog post, we’ll talk about how to write a Cyber Crime Complaint Letter Format. We’ve also included a 5+ Different format to help you get started.

Cyber Crime Complaint Letter Format

To, The Police Superintendent [Local Police Station Name] [District Name]

Subject: Cyber Crime Complaint

Dear Sir/Madam,

I am writing to report a cybercrime incident that occurred recently. On [Date], I encountered a fraudulent email from what appeared to be my bank, requesting me to complete my KYC (Know Your Customer) process. Trusting the email, I filled in my bank information, only to discover that Rs. 5000 had been fraudulently withdrawn from my account.

I request your immediate attention to this matter and kindly ask for strict action against the culprits responsible for this fraud. Please forward this complaint to your cybercrime department for further investigation.

Thank you for your prompt assistance.

[Your Name]

[Your Address]

[City, State, ZIP Code]

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Cyber Crime Complaint Letter Format

Money Fraud Complaint Letter To Police

To, The Police Superintendent, [Local Police Station Name], [District Name]

Subject: Complaint Regarding Money Fraud

I am writing to report a case of financial fraud that I recently experienced. On [Date], I received an email that appeared to be from my bank, instructing me to complete my KYC (Know Your Customer) process. Believing it to be genuine, I provided my bank information, resulting in an unauthorized withdrawal of Rs. 5000 from my account.

I respectfully request your intervention to investigate this matter thoroughly and take appropriate action against those responsible for this fraudulent activity. Please forward this complaint to your cybercrime department for further inquiry.

Thank you for your swift attention to this issue.

Application For Cyber Crime Complaint

To, [Local Police Station Name] [District Name]

Subject: Application for Cyber Crime Complaint

I am making an application to report a cybercrime incident that occurred on [Date]. [Briefly describe the incident]. I request your immediate attention to this matter and your assistance in resolving it.

Thank you for your cooperation.

Cyber Cell Cyber Crime Complaint Letter Format

To, Cyber Cell, [Local Police Station Name] [District Name]

I am writing to report a cybercrime incident that occurred on [Date]. [Briefly explain the nature of the cybercrime]. I kindly request the expertise of your Cyber Cell to investigate this matter and bring the culprits to justice.

Thank you for your expertise in this field.

Cyber Crime Complaint Letter Format For Credit Card

Subject: Cyber Crime Complaint – Credit Card Fraud

I am writing to report a cybercrime incident related to credit card fraud that occurred on [Date]. [Provide details of the fraudulent activities]. I urge you to take immediate action to investigate this matter and protect other potential victims.

Thank you for your swift response.

Cyber Crime Complaint Format

I am writing to formally submit an application regarding a cybercrime incident that I fell victim to. On [Date], I received a deceptive email claiming to be from my bank, urging me to complete my KYC (Know Your Customer) process. Regrettably, I entered my bank information, resulting in an unauthorized withdrawal of Rs. 5000 from my account.

I kindly request your assistance in taking immediate action against the perpetrators of this fraudulent act. I urge you to forward this application to your cybercrime department for a thorough investigation.

FBI Logo

Internet Crime Complaint Center (IC3)

Cybersecurity image with a lock in the center surrounded by media types overlayed with locks.

Protect one another.

The Internet Crime Complaint Center, or IC3, is the Nation’s central hub for reporting cyber crime. It is run by the FBI, the lead federal agency for investigating cyber crime. Here on our website, you can take two vital steps to protecting cyberspace and your own online security.

First, if you believe you have fallen victim to cyber crime, file a complaint or report. Your information is invaluable to helping the FBI and its partners bring cybercriminals to justice.

Second, get educated about the latest and most harmful cyber threats and scams. By doing so, you will be better able to protect yourself, your family, and your place of work.

Anyone can become a victim of internet crime. Take action for yourself and others by reporting it. Reporting internet crimes can help bring criminals to justice and make the internet a safer place for us all.

With your help, the FBI can respond faster, better defend cyber networks, and more effectively protect our nation.

Consumer Alerts

Read about recent trends and announcements that may affect you.​

Be Proactive

Knowledge is the key to prevention. Educate yourself about threats to individuals and business and ways to protect yourself.

Between staying connected with family and friends, shopping and banking online, and working remotely, we all depend on security in our interconnected digital world. Criminals from every corner of the globe attack our digital systems on a near constant basis. They strike targets large and small—from corporate networks to personal smart phones. No one—and no device—is immune from the threat. The only way forward is together. In cyber security, where a single compromise can impact millions of people, there can be no weak links. Every organization and every individual needs to take smart, reasonable steps to protect their own devices and systems and to learn how to spot and avoid scams.

Combined with other data, it allows the FBI to investigate reported crimes, track trends and threats, and, in some cases, even freeze stolen funds. Just as importantly, IC3 shares reports of crime throughout its vast network of FBI field offices and law enforcement partners, strengthening our nation’s collective response both locally and nationally.

Due to the massive number of complaints we receive each year, IC3 cannot respond directly to every submission, but please know we take each report seriously. With your help, we can and will respond faster, defend cyber networks better, and more effectively protect our nation.

This chart displays total complaints and loses over the last five years. In 2018 there were 351,937 complaints and $2.7 billion in loses. In 2019 there were 467,361 complaints and $3.5 billion in loses. In 2020 there were 791,790 complaints and $4.2 billion in loses. In 2021 there were 847,367 complaints and $6.9 billion in loses. In 2022 there were 800,994 complaints and $10.3 billion in loses. In the total five-year period from 2018 to 2022 IC3 received a total of 3.26 million complaints, reporting a loss of $27.6 billion.

Chart includes yearly and aggregate data for complaints and losses over the years 2018 to 2022. Over that time, IC3 received a total of 3.26 million complaints, reporting a loss of $27.6 billion.

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Home » Letters » Complaint Letters » Complaint Letter to Bank for Fraud Transaction

Complaint Letter to Bank for Fraud Transaction

how to write application letter to cyber crime

Table of Contents:

  • Sample Letter

Live Editing Assistance

How to use live assistant, additional template options, download options, share via email, share via whatsapp, copy to clipboard, print letter, letter to bank regarding fraud transaction.

To, The Branch Manager ________ (Bank Name) ________ (Address)


SUBJECT:  Fraudulent Transaction Complaint in Account Number _________

This letter is in regard to the message I received on ________ (Date), stating that my account was debited by Rs. ________ (Amount) from my account ________ (Account Details).

I want to draw your attention to the incident that happened before the said transaction message. On ______ (Date), I had received _______ (call/sms/message) from (bank representative, bank e-mail ID etc.) asking for Bank details _________ for (purpose) and asked to confirm ATM card and CVV number. (explain all the relevant information you have regarding the transaction done like otp).

To my next breath, I realized transaction/ Cash withdrawal was made from my account (give the details). It was quite obvious by now that I had been cheated and hence I lodged the complaint with cyber cell and investigations are still on.

I am attaching the screenshot of the message received so that you can be sure and check if the action has been initiated by any of your account holders.

Please let me know further steps to protect my account in the future.

Also, let me know if there is a possibility to recover my hard-earned savings.

Regards, ________ (NAME) ________ (SIGNATURE) ________ (PHONE NUMBER)

Live Preview

The Live Assistant feature is represented by a real-time preview functionality. Here’s how to use it:

  • Start Typing: Enter your letter content in the "Letter Input" textarea.
  • Live Preview: As you type, the content of your letter will be displayed in the "Live Preview" section below the textarea. This feature converts newline characters in the textarea into <br> tags in HTML for better readability.

The letter writing editor allows you to start with predefined templates for drafting your letters:

  • Choose a Template: Click one of the template buttons ("Start with Sample Template 1", "Start with Sample Template 2", or "Start with Sample Template 3").
  • Auto-Fill Textarea: The chosen template's content will automatically fill the textarea, which you can then modify or use as is.

Click the "Download Letter" button after composing your letter. This triggers a download of a file containing the content of your letter.

Click the "Share via Email" button after composing your letter. Your default email client will open a new message window with the subject "Sharing My Draft Letter" and the content of your letter in the body.

Click the "Share via WhatsApp" button after you've composed your letter. Your default browser will open a new tab prompting you to send the letter as a message to a contact on WhatsApp.

If you want to copy the text of your letter to the clipboard:

  • Copy to Clipboard: Click the "Copy to Clipboard" button after composing your letter.
  • Paste Anywhere: You can then paste the copied text anywhere you need, such as into another application or document.

For printing the letter directly from the browser:

  • Print Letter: Click the "Print Letter" button after composing your letter.
  • Print Preview: A new browser window will open showing your letter formatted for printing.
  • Print: Use the print dialog in the browser to complete printing.
  • Start with a polite salutation to the branch manager or appropriate authority. Clearly state the issue, including the date of the unauthorized transaction, the amount involved, and any relevant details leading up to the incident.
  • Include details such as the date of the incident, the amount debited, any suspicious communications received beforehand, and actions taken following the discovery of the unauthorized transaction. Attach any supporting evidence if available.
  • After sending the letter, follow up with the bank to ensure they received it. Monitor your account closely for any further unauthorized activity. Cooperate with the bank's investigation process and consider reporting the incident to relevant authorities such as the cyber cell.
  • Regularly monitor your account activity, avoid sharing sensitive banking information, and be cautious of unsolicited communications requesting personal or financial details. Enable transaction alerts and additional security measures provided by your bank.
  • Recovery options depend on various factors, including the bank's policies, the nature of the fraudulent activity, and the timeliness of reporting. Contact your bank immediately upon detecting unauthorized transactions to maximize the chances of recovering lost funds.

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Cyber Crime Complaint Letter

Cyber Crime Complaint Letter sample

A cybercrime complaint letter is a written document that is used to report a cybercrime incident to law enforcement agencies or other relevant authorities. The main purpose of the letter is to provide a detailed description of the incident and request an investigation into the matter.

The letter consists of several parts, including the date of the incident, the type of cybercrime committed, the details of the victim, and any supporting evidence or documentation. Important fields to consider when writing the letter include the victim's personal information, the nature of the crime, and any relevant details about the perpetrator.

When writing the letter, it is important to provide as much information as possible about the incident, including any evidence that may be available, such as emails, chat logs, or screenshots. It is also important to include any relevant documents, such as police reports or medical records.

Examples of situations where a cybercrime complaint letter may be necessary include cases of online harassment, identity theft, or financial fraud. The letter is an important tool for victims to seek justice and hold perpetrators accountable for their actions.

Strengths of the letter include its ability to provide a detailed account of the incident and support an investigation into the matter. Weaknesses may include the potential for the letter to be ignored or overlooked by law enforcement agencies.

Opportunities for improvement may include the development of standardized forms or online reporting systems that make it easier for victims to report cybercrime incidents. Threats may include the potential for cybercriminals to exploit vulnerabilities in these systems to commit further crimes.

Cyber Crime Complaint Letter sample

[Your Name] [Your Address] [City, State ZIP Code] [Your Email Address] [Date] [Law Enforcement Agency Name] [Address] [City, State ZIP Code] Dear Sir/Madam, I am writing to file a complaint regarding a cybercrime incident that occurred on [date of incident]. On this day, I was the victim of [type of cybercrime committed], which has caused me significant distress and financial loss. The details of the incident are as follows: [provide a detailed description of the incident, including any relevant information such as the perpetrator's username, IP address, or email address]. I have attached [any supporting evidence or documentation, such as screenshots or emails] to support my complaint and request that an investigation be launched into the matter. I would also appreciate any guidance or support that your agency can provide in resolving this issue. I am willing to cooperate fully with any investigation and provide any additional information that may be required. I am hopeful that your agency will take swift action to bring the perpetrator to justice and prevent further incidents from occurring. Thank you for your attention to this matter. Please contact me if you require any further information or documentation. Sincerely, [Your Name]

Alternative forms or analogues to the cybercrime complaint letter may include online reporting forms, phone hotlines, or in-person visits to law enforcement agencies. The main difference between these forms is the level of detail and evidence required to support the complaint.

The submission and storage of the letter may vary depending on the specific agency or organization receiving the complaint. It is important to follow any instructions provided by the agency or organization and keep copies of all documentation for your records.

Overall, the cybercrime complaint letter is an important tool for victims to seek justice and hold perpetrators accountable for their actions. It is important to provide as much detail and evidence as possible to support an investigation into the matter.

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Cover Letter Examples

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The best way to start a Cybersecurity cover letter is by addressing the hiring manager directly, if their name is known. Then, introduce yourself and briefly mention your current role or relevant experience. Make sure to express your interest in the cybersecurity position and the company. For example, "Dear [Hiring Manager's Name], As a cybersecurity professional with [number of years of experience], I am excited about the opportunity to bring my unique skill set and proactive approach to [Company's Name]." This shows that you've done your research and are genuinely interested in the role.

Cybersecurity professionals should end a cover letter by summarizing their interest in the role and their qualifications. They should reiterate their passion for cybersecurity, how their skills align with the job requirements, and their eagerness to contribute to the company's security initiatives. A strong closing might be: "I am excited about the opportunity to bring my unique blend of skills to your team and help enhance your cybersecurity efforts. Thank you for considering my application. I look forward to the possibility of discussing my qualifications further." Always remember to end with a professional closing such as "Sincerely" or "Best regards," followed by your name. This ending reaffirms your interest in the role and leaves a positive, professional impression.

A cover letter for a cybersecurity position should ideally be about one page long. This length is sufficient to introduce yourself, explain why you're interested in the cybersecurity field and the specific role, highlight your relevant skills and experiences, and conclude with a strong closing statement. It's important to keep it concise and focused, as hiring managers often have numerous applications to review. Overly lengthy cover letters may not be read in their entirety. Remember, the goal of the cover letter is to entice the reader to look at your resume for more detailed information about your qualifications and experiences in cybersecurity.

Writing a cover letter with no direct experience in cybersecurity can be challenging, but it's not impossible. Here's how you can approach it: 1. Research: Understand the role and the company you are applying to. What are the skills and qualifications they are looking for? What is their company culture? This will help you tailor your cover letter to their specific needs. 2. Highlight Relevant Skills: Even if you don't have direct experience, you may have transferable skills from other roles or your education. For example, if you have a degree in computer science or have taken courses related to cybersecurity, mention these. If you have experience in IT or programming, these skills are also highly relevant. 3. Show Enthusiasm: Show your passion for cybersecurity. This could be through personal projects, self-study, or your reasons for wanting to enter the field. 4. Demonstrate Learning Ability: Cybersecurity is a rapidly changing field. Show that you are someone who can learn quickly and stay up-to-date with the latest trends and threats. 5. Network: If you have any connections in the field, mention them. This could be a professor, a professional contact, or even someone you met at a cybersecurity conference. 6. Professionalism: Regardless of experience, make sure your cover letter is professionally written. Proofread for any errors, keep it concise and to the point, and make sure it is formatted correctly. Remember, everyone starts somewhere. Even if you don't have direct experience, your enthusiasm and transferable skills can still make you a strong candidate.

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18+ Cyber Cell Cyber Crime Complaint Letter Format – Samples

  • Letter Format
  • March 7, 2024
  • Complaint Letters , Legal Letters

Cyber Cell Cyber Crime Complaint Letter Format: With the increasing prevalence of cybercrime, it is important to have a proper channel for reporting such incidents . The Cyber Cell Cyber Crime Complaint Letter Format is a specialized department of law enforcement agencies that deals with cybercrime . If you have been a victim of cybercrime, you can file a complaint with the Cyber Cell. In this article, we will discuss the Cyber Cell Cyber Crime Complaint Letter Format.

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Firstly, it is important to gather all the relevant information and evidence related to the cybercrime. This Cyber Cell Cyber Crime Complaint Letter Format may include screenshots of the incident, emails or messages exchanged, and any other information that may help the Cyber Cell in their investigation . Once you have all the necessary information, you can start drafting the Cyber Cell Cyber Crime Complaint Letter Format.

Cyber Cell Cyber Crime Complaint Letter Format Tips

Content in this article

The Cyber Cell cybercrime complaint letter Format is as follows:

  • Your personal information: Start the Legal letter by providing your personal information such as your name, address, phone number, and email address. This will help the Cyber Cell to contact you if they require any further information.
  • Details of the cybercrime: In this section, provide details of the cybercrime that you have been a victim of. Be as specific as possible and include details such as the date and time of the incident, the website or platform on which it occurred, and the type of cybercrime that was committed (such as hacking, phishing, identity theft, etc.).
  • Evidence: Attach any evidence that you have collected related to the incident. This may include screenshots, emails or messages exchanged, and any other relevant information.
  • Request for action: In this section, request the Cyber Cell to take action against the perpetrator of the cybercrime. You can also request for the Cyber Cell to keep you updated on the progress of their investigation.
  • Signature: End the letter by signing it.

It is important to note that the Cyber Cell may require additional information or evidence from you during the course of their investigation. Therefore, it is important to provide accurate and complete information in your Cyber Cell Cyber Crime Complaint Letter Format.

Cyber Cell Cyber Crime Complaint Letter Format – Sample Format

Below is a Sample format of for Cyber Cell Cyber Crime Complaint Letter Format:

[Your Name]

[Your Address]

[City, State, ZIP Code]

[Email Address]

[Phone Number]

[Head of Cyber Crime Unit]

[Address of Cyber Crime Cell]

Subject: Cyber Crime Complaint

Dear Sir/Madam,

I am writing to bring to your attention a matter of cybercrime that I have recently encountered. I am a victim of online fraud and believe that my personal information has been compromised. Below are the details of the incident:

  • [Describe the nature of the cybercrime, such as online fraud, hacking, identity theft, etc.]
  • [Provide the specific date and time when the cybercrime occurred or was first noticed.]
  • [Provide a detailed description of how the cybercrime unfolded and any relevant information about the fraudulent activity.]
  • [List any evidence attached to support your complaint, such as screenshots, emails, or transaction records.]
  • [Explain the impact of the cybercrime on you, including financial loss, emotional distress, or any other consequences.]

I kindly request the Cyber Crime Cell to investigate this matter thoroughly and take necessary actions against the perpetrators. I am willing to cooperate fully in providing any additional information required for the investigation.

Your prompt attention to this matter is highly appreciated, and I trust that appropriate action will be taken to address this cybercrime.

Thank you for your cooperation.

[Your Full Name]

[Your Signature, if sending a hard copy]

Cyber Cell Cyber Crime Complaint Letter Format – Example

Here’s an Example of Cyber Cell Cyber Crime Complaint Letter Format:

[Cyber Crime Cell]

Subject: Report of Cyber Crime Incident

I am writing to report a cybercrime incident that I have recently experienced, and I seek your assistance in addressing this matter promptly. The details of the incident are as follows:

  • I have fallen victim to an online phishing scam where I received a fraudulent email impersonating a reputable banking institution, leading to unauthorized access to my financial accounts.
  • The incident occurred on [Date] at approximately [Time], and I discovered the unauthorized access shortly afterward.
  • I received an email that appeared legitimate, prompting me to provide sensitive information, such as login credentials and personal details. Subsequently, I noticed unauthorized transactions and suspect that my personal data has been compromised.
  • Please find attached screenshots of the fraudulent email, transaction records showing unauthorized transactions, and any other relevant documentation.
  • The cybercrime has resulted in financial loss and raised concerns about the security of my personal information. I am seeking immediate action to address and rectify the situation.

I kindly request the Cyber Crime Cell to initiate an investigation into this matter and take appropriate legal actions against the individuals involved in perpetrating this cybercrime.

I am fully committed to cooperating with the investigation and providing any additional information required.

Your immediate attention to this matter is crucial, and I appreciate your efforts in combating cybercrime.

Thank you for your prompt action.

Cyber Cell Cyber Crime Complaint Letter Format for phishing attack

Here’s a Cyber Cell Cyber Crime Complaint Letter Format for phishing attack:

[Your Name] [Your Address] [City, State Zip Code] [Phone Number] [Email Address]

The Inspector Cyber Cell [Address] [City, State Zip Code]

I am writing to file a complaint regarding a phishing attack that I have been a victim of. On [date], I received an email from what appeared to be my bank, requesting me to update my account details. I followed the link provided in the email and entered my personal information. Soon after, I received a notification from my bank informing me that my account had been compromised.

I have attached screenshots of the email and the website where I entered my information as evidence. I request the Cyber Cell to take action against the perpetrator and keep me updated on the progress of their investigation.

Thank you for your attention to this matter.

Sincerely, [Your Name and Signature]

Cyber Cell Cyber Crime Complaint Letter Format for Phishing Attack

Cyber Cell Cyber Crime Complaint Letter Format for online harassment

This is a Cyber Cell Cyber Crime Complaint Letter Format for online harassment:

I am writing to file a complaint regarding online harassment that I have been a victim of. On [date], I started receiving threatening messages from an unknown person on my social media account. The messages contain personal attacks and threats to harm me and my family.

I have attached screenshots of the messages as evidence. I request the Cyber Cell to take action against the perpetrator and ensure my safety.

Cyber Cell Cyber Crime Complaint Letter Format for Online Harassment

Cyber Cell Cyber Crime Complaint Letter Format – Template

Here’s a Template of Cyber Cell Cyber Crime Complaint Letter Format:

[Your Name] [Your Address] [City, State, ZIP Code] [Email Address] [Phone Number] [Date]

[Head of Cyber Crime Unit] [Cyber Crime Cell] [City, State, ZIP Code]

Dear [Head of Cyber Crime Unit],

I am writing to formally report a cybercrime incident that I recently encountered. I believe that I have become a victim of online fraud, and I am seeking your assistance in addressing this matter.

  • [Briefly describe the nature of the cybercrime, such as phishing, hacking, identity theft, etc.]

Sincerely, [Your Full Name] [Your Signature, if sending a hard copy]

Cyber Cell complaint letter

A formal letter reporting a cybercrime incident, detailing the nature of the incident, date and time, providing evidence, and requesting the Cyber Cell’s intervention for investigation and legal action. The template ensures a clear and concise format for effective communication.

I am writing to report a cybercrime incident that I recently experienced, and I seek your assistance in addressing this matter promptly. The details of the incident are as follows:

[Your Full Name] [Your Signature, if sending a hard copy]

Cyber Cell Complaint Letter

Cyber crime report letter

A formal report detailing a cybercrime incident, outlining the nature of the incident, date and time, providing evidence, and urging the Cyber Crime Unit’s intervention for investigation and necessary legal actions. The letter follows a structured format for effective communication.

Subject: Cyber Crime Report

I am writing to formally report a cybercrime incident that I recently encountered. The details of the incident are as follows:

Cyber Crime Report Letter

Letter to Cyber Cell for online fraud

A formal letter reporting an online fraud incident, outlining the nature, date, and impact, accompanied by evidence and a request for immediate investigation and action. The template ensures a clear and concise format for effective communication with the Cyber Crime Cell.

Subject: Report of Online Fraud

I am writing to report a case of online fraud that I have recently fallen victim to, and I am seeking your assistance in addressing this matter urgently. The details of the incident are as follows:

  • I have encountered fraudulent online transactions on my banking account, indicating unauthorized access and financial loss.
  • The fraudulent activities took place between [Start Date and Time] and [End Date and Time], as observed from my bank statements.
  • I suspect that my sensitive banking information was compromised, leading to unauthorized transactions. I have attached relevant bank statements and transaction details for your reference.
  • Please find attached documents, including bank statements, transaction records, and any other supporting evidence that may aid in the investigation.
  • The online fraud has resulted in a significant financial loss, and I am deeply concerned about the security of my personal information.

I urgently request the Cyber Crime Cell to investigate this matter thoroughly and take immediate actions against those responsible for perpetrating this online fraud.

I am fully committed to cooperating with the investigation and providing any additional information required. Your prompt attention to this matter is crucial, and I appreciate your efforts in combating online fraud.

Thank you for your immediate action and support.

Letter to Cyber Cell for Online Fraud

Cyber Cell Cyber Crime Complaint Letter Format – Email Format

Here’s a Email Format of Cyber Cell Cyber Crime Complaint Letter Format:

Subject: Complaint regarding cybercrime incident

Dear Cyber Cell Team,

I am writing to file a complaint regarding a cybercrime incident that I have been a victim of. On [date], I discovered that [provide details of the incident]. I have attached [provide details of the evidence that you have collected] as evidence.

I request the Cyber Cell to investigate this matter and take necessary action against the perpetrator. I also request to be kept updated on the progress of the investigation.

Please find below the details of the incident and my personal information:

Personal Information:

Name: Address: Phone Number: Email Address: Details of the Incident:

Type of Cybercrime: Date and Time of the Incident: Website or Platform involved: Thank you for your attention to this matter. I am looking forward to hearing back from you.

Cyber Cell Cyber Crime Complaint Letter Format for unauthorized access

This is a Cyber Cell Cyber Crime Complaint Letter Format for unauthorized access:

I am writing to file a complaint regarding unauthorized access to my email account. On [date], I received a notification from my email service provider that my account had been accessed from an unknown device in a different location. I immediately changed my password, but I am concerned about the security of my personal information.

I have attached the notification from my email service provider as evidence. I request the Cyber Cell to investigate this matter and take necessary action against the perpetrator.

Cyber Cell Cyber Crime Complaint Letter Format for Unauthorized Access

Cyber Cell Cyber Crime Complaint Letter Format for identity theft

Here’s a Cyber Cell Cyber Crime Complaint Letter Format for identity theft:

I am writing to file a complaint regarding identity theft. On [date], I discovered that someone had used my personal information to open a bank account and make unauthorized transactions. I have already informed my bank, but I am concerned about the security of my personal information.

I have attached the bank statement showing the unauthorized transactions as evidence. I request the Cyber Cell to investigate this matter and take necessary action against the perpetrator.

Cyber Cell Cyber Crime Complaint Letter Format for Identity Theft

FAQS About Cyber Cell Cyber Crime Complaint Letter Format – Samples

What information should be included in a cyber cell cyber crime complaint letter format to the cyber cell.

This Cyber Cell Cyber Crime Complaint Letter Format Include details about the nature of the incident, date and time, a thorough description of the incident, evidence, and the impact on the victim.

Why is it essential to attach evidence in a Cyber Cell Cyber Crime Complaint Letter Format?

Cyber Cell Cyber Crime Complaint Letter Format, Attaching evidence, such as screenshots, emails, or transaction records, provides concrete support for the reported incident and aids the Cyber Cell in their investigation.

Can I use the same format for reporting various types of cyber crimes, such as phishing or hacking?

While the basic formatof Cyber Cell Cyber Crime Complaint Letter Format remains similar, it’s advisable to tailor the letter to include specific details relevant to the type of cyber crime encountered.

How long does it typically take for the Cyber Cell Cyber Crime Complaint Letter Format?

Response times can vary, and it depends on the severity and complexity of the case. This Cyber Cell Cyber Crime Complaint Letter Format, Victims may follow up with the Cyber Cell for updates on the investigation.

Is it necessary to send a hard copy of the Cyber Cell Cyber Crime Complaint Letter Format, or is an email sufficient?

The mode of submission depends on the Cyber Cell’s preferred method. Cyber Cell Cyber Crime Complaint Letter Format, some may accept emailed complaints, while others may require a hard copy. It’s recommended to check their specific guidelines.

Filing Cyber Cell Cyber Crime Complaint Letter Format is an important step in combating cybercrime . By following the above format for a complaint letter, you can ensure that your complaint is taken seriously and that the Cyber Cell has all the necessary information to investigate the incident . Remember to stay safe online and protect your personal information from cybercriminals .

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Letter Solution

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Cyber Crime Complaint Letter Format In English 3+

Cyber crime complaint letter format.

Table of Contents

Cyber crime complaint letter format is very important in our modern life. In the technological era, everybody has social media account and bank account. We use ATM cards and different types of applications and net banking for money transactions. Behind these activities, scams are being occurred silently. Hackers control our social media account and steal our secret document from our mobile phone but we can not know anything. If we want to protect from such type of scam we take help from the cybercrime police. In this reason, they tell us to lodge an F.I.R. At present, writing applications is a very hard matter for the young generations. So I have presented 3 Cyber Crime Complaint Letter formats in my blog to solve this problem.

Cyber Crime Complaint Letter Format

Social Media Related Complaint Application Format

Format No. 01

Cybercrime  Police Station                                        [Date: …/…./…..

          Subject: [Name of the topic]

Dear Sir/ Madam,

           With due respect, I beg to state that I am ____________ [Name of the appiciant] resident of ___________ [Address]. I am compelled to report you that ____________[Reason of complaint]. I have enclosed all the required documents related to this matter.

[You can write more sentences]

           Therefore I request you to investigate this matter and take legal action against the culprit as soon as possible.

Thanking you

                                                                                Yours sincerely


                                                                                Mobile Number: 

Letter Writing Format About Cyber World By Prakash

Format No. 02

The sub-inspector

Cybercrime cell,

[Name of the police station]                                  Date: 00/00/00

          Subject: [Name of the Topic]

              I, ____________[Name], a resident of village/town: __________[Village/town name], P.O: ________ [Name of post office] P.S: __________ [Name of police station], Dist: __________ [Name of dist]. Hereby I inform you that _________________ [Write reason of complaint letter].

          I request you to take strict action against the accused who occurred __________ [Name of the topic] me and report it to your cyber crime department.

                                                                                Yours faithfully


Complaint Letter Format Relevant Bank

Format No.03

The Police Superintendent

[Name of the police station]                             Date: 00/00/00

[Name of the dist]

            Subject: Request for [name of the topic]

       With the best regard I would like to intimate you that I am an account holder [A/c no. 000000000000] of _________ bank. Today I discovered that ___________[Reason of complaint]. But I herein fervently inform you that I have not ___________ [Write what you want to say about it].

      I, therefore, would pray to your goodness for looking into the matter for recovering the afore-cited money and thereby I shall be highly obliged.

                                                                          Yours faithfully

                                                                       Your name

                                                                       Contact Number


What is Cyber Crime?

In a word, to do any operation in a wrong way taking the benefit of technology is called cybercrime. There is no definition of cybercrime. But when any person does act in an illegal way using technology, it is considered a white color crime.

Cyber cell departments are always ready to deal with cyber complaints throughout India.

The Government has arranged both online and offline complaints. Nowadays, the number of cybercrime is increasing.

Kinds of cybercrime

There are many cyber crimes that have been identified in the cyber world. Hacking, online theft, blackmailing, misuse of photos and videos of a person without permission and so on are also crimes.

How to file a Complaint to Cyber Crime online?

At first, go to website and then click on the “Other cyber crimes” menu next click on “File a complaint” and then read the terms and conditions and accept them. After that register your mobile number and fill-up the form. Fill in the relevant details about the offence.

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A Quick Guide on How to File a Cybercrime Complaint?

how to write application letter to cyber crime

This post is written by Shelal Lodhi Rajput, a first year student of Symbiosis Law School, Pune.

As law cannot remain static in the same manner, we see changing nature of crime in every aspect. The concept of crime is not new but it has been existing from time immemorial. In the era of 20 th century with the advent of computer, criminals have changed the way of committing crime and now we are world where whole world is a global digital village and at every point we are covered from technology. The new nature of crime committed in field of technology is termed as Cybercrime (first recorded in 1820). Here you will get to see a step by step guide to lodge a Cybercrime complaint with cyber cell of police. Before it we see what, is actually termed as cybercrime?

What is Cyber Crime?

If we want a definition of cybercrime it is not possible to define it, as it can be done in any way from computer and use of technology, that’s why it is not defined in Information Technology Act 2000 nor in the I.T. Amendment Act 2008 nor in any other legislation in India. But in simple terms “ Any criminal activity or unlawful act that uses a computer or networked device either as an instrumentality, target or a means for perpetuating further crimes comes within the ambit of cybercrime”.

Some of the common cybercrimes are cyber terrorism, Hacking, Virus attack, DoS (Denial of Service attack), Phishing & credit card fraud etc. To facilitate society on the issue of cybercrimes, there are various cybercrime cells in different cities. The I.T. Act of India states clearly that when a cyber crime has been committed, it has a global jurisdiction, and hence a complaint can be filed at any cyber cell, so jurisdiction is mainly not an issue.

Three Steps to File a cybercrime complaint in India?

Here below are few simple steps to file cybercrime complaint against suspected in India.

STEP I : If you are victim of cybercrime, the first thing you must do is file a  written cybercrime complaint with the cybercrime cell of your city and also cybercrime complaint can be registered anywhere in India as jurisdiction is not an issue according to I.T. Act 2000 . Complaint can be made both through online and offline method, one can also give a call at cybercrime helpline number for same.

STEP II :  An application letter for filing cybercrime complaint along with the name, email id and phone number must be written by you and it should be addressed to the Head of the Cybercrime cell .

STEP III : When you are filing the complaint for cybercrime you will must provider certain documents in order to register a complaint, the list of documents varies with each crime its dynamic. One requisite is that you have to attach or annex the documents which support the facts of case fully. The type of documents must be in consonance with the nature of crime for which you are lodging complaint.

Below here a list is provided that what are different documents you needed to provide for filing a complaint in that particular crime.

For filing complaint against E-mail abuse.

  • A written complaint stating the complete incidence.
  • Must submit the copy of the suspected mail from original receiver.
  • The entire header of the mail which is suspected.
  • Both soft and hard copy of suspected emails. (in CD-R only).

For filing complaint against social media.

  • A screenshot or copy of the alleged profile or content.
  • A copy of the URL of the alleged content or profile.
  • Both hard and soft copy of the alleged content
  • Soft copy must be provided in CD-R form.

For filling complaint against online transactions/ ATM transactions/Fake call/Internet banking

  • Copy of bank statement for last 6 months.
  • Copy of SMS received regarding the alleged transactions.
  • Copy of your ID Proof and address proof as shown in bank records

For filing complaint against data theft complaints.

  • A copy of the stolen data and brief.
  • The copyright certificate of the stolen data.
  • Details of the suspected employee/ employees.
  • Letter of appointment of suspected employment.
  • Non disclosure agreement of the above said employee

For filing complaint against business Email.

  • A written brief about the incident.
  • Name as in the email or offender and location.
  • Bank name and account number as per the email.
  • Recipient’s name, bank account number as in bank records.
  • Date and amount of transaction.
  • SWIFT number.

What are the steps to lodge an online complaint?

A quick step by step guide to lodge online complaint against cybercrime.

1 .Open “,in ” and click on ‘File a complaint button’

Cybercrime gov in

2. Now, accept the terms and conditions at the next page.

Cyber complaint

3. Then click on the ‘Report other cybercrime’ button

how to write application letter to cyber crime

4 .Choose the option ‘citizen login’ and fill in the key details.

how to write application letter to cyber crime

5 . Enter the OTP received, fill in the mathematical captcha and proceed to submit button.

6 . At the next screen, you will be asked to enter key details in a form, which is divided into four parts and preview and submit it.

7. At the incident details page, enter all the details and then click on ‘Save and next’.

Cyber complaint

8 .You might also need to enter social media account details, website URL and update supporting evidence of the crime.

9. Click on ‘Save and next’ button

how to file cyber complaint online: How to register cybercrime ...

10 . After this enter the details of alleged or suspect if you have.

What is Cyber Crime in India & How to File Cyber Crime Complaints?

11 . At the above step (i.e. complaints details) enter your details and proceed to next step.

12. Now, verify each and every details and click on the ‘Confirm and Submit’ button to successfully file the complaint.

13 .You can also download the PDF file for same by clicking on the ‘Download PDF’ button at last step.

List of Cybercrime cells in India

CID HQ, Dy.SP. Assam Police Ph: +91-361-252-618, +91-9435045242 E-mail: [email protected]

Cyber Crime Police Station C.O.D Headquarters, Carlton House, # 1, Palace Road, Bangalore – 560 001 +91-80-2220 1026 +91-80-2294 3050 +91-80-2238 7611 (FAX)

Cyber Crime Investigation Unit ADDL. SP (CYBER CELL), Kotwali Police Station, Patna Ph: +91 8986912829 E-mail: [email protected]


Assistant Commissioner of Police Cyber Crime Cell, Central Crime Branch, Commissioner office Campus Vepery, Chennai- 600007 Contact Details: +91-40-2345 2348, 2345 2350


CBI Cyber Crime Cell: Superintendent of Police, Cyber Crime Investigation Cell Central Bureau of Investigation, 5th Floor, Block No.3, CGO Complex, Lodhi Road, New Delhi – 3 +91-11-4362203, +91-11-4392424 E-Mail: [email protected]


Cyber Crime and Technical Investigation Cell, Joint Commissioner of Police Old S.P. Office complex, Civil Lines, Gurgaon E-mail: [email protected]


Cyber Crime Police Station Crime Investigation Department, 3rd Floor, D.G.P. office, Lakdikapool, Hyderabad – 500004 +91-40-2324 0663, +91-40-2785 2274 +91-40-2785 2040, +91-40-2329 7474 (Fax)

CID Cyber Cell, Superintendent of Police, cyber crime, State CID, Himachal Pradesh, Shimla-2 Ph: 0177-2621714 Ext: 191, 0177-2627955 E-mail: [email protected]


IG-CID, Organized Crime Rajarani Building, Doranda Ranchi, 834002 Ph: +91-651-2400 737/ 738 E-mail: [email protected]


SSP, Crime CPO Complex, Panjtirthi, Jammu-180004 Ph: +91-191-257-8901 E-mail: [email protected]


Hitech Cell Police Headquarters Thiruvananthapuram +91-471 272 1547,  +91-471 272 2768 E-mail: [email protected]


SCRB, Superintendent of Police Meghalaya Ph: +91 98630 64997 E-mail: [email protected]


IGP, Cyber Cell, Police Radio Headquarters Campus, Bhadadhadaa Road, Bhopal (M.P.) Ph: 0755-2770248, 2779510


Cyber Crime Police Station, CID, CB, Odisha, Cuttack-753001 Ph. No.0671-2305485 E-mail ID:- [email protected]


Deputy Commissioner of Police(Crime) Office of the Commissioner Office, 2, Sadhu Vaswani Road, Camp, Pune 411001 +91-20-26123346, +91-20-26127277, +91-20-2616 5396 +91-20-2612 8105 (Fax) E-Mail: [email protected], [email protected]


Cyber Crime Police Station DSP cyber crime, S.A.S Nagar, Patiala, Punjab Ph: +91 172 2748 100

3rd Floor, Police Commissioner Office Near Court Naka, Thane West, Thane 400601. +91-22-25424444, E-Mail: [email protected]


Cyber Crime Cell, Agra Range 7, Kutchery Road, Baluganj, Agra-232001 Uttar Pradesh Ph:+91-562-2210551 e-mail: [email protected]

 Cyber Crime Cell, Crime Branch, Law Enforcement Agency, Police Line, Agra – 282001


A crime free society is utopian and it is not possible in reality, especially when we are talking about society that is dependent more and more on technology. The cybercrime is still is in its initial phase and we require a lot to develop for same. Hence its should be duty of three stake holders to ensure that technology grows in a healthy manner and not to be misused by criminals for different offences.

  • Rulers, regulators, law makers.
  • Technology providers or network service providers or banks or other bodies like that.
  • The users to take care of information security and being aware always, comply with the laws of land and with changing time become more aware and show diligence.

The ultimate responsibility lies on the citizens to get aware about cybercrime related transaction. At last it’s the people who must safeguard their own information by becoming security for same then only cyber crimes can be prevented easily. The ways in which you can protect yourself from cyber crime is that use a good internet security site, strong passwords, strong firewall, antivirus in devices and know what to do if you got in the trap of cyber-attack and become victim

To sum up I would like to quote:  “Passwords or Data are like underwear: don’t let people see it, change it very often, and you shouldn’t share it with strangers .” –  Chris Pirillo.

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How to Register Cyber Crime Complaint with Cyber Cell of Police?

These days, coding, computers, the internet, data, and digitization are all part of everyday life. They have improved accessibility and convenience, which has made our lives simpler. It does have a drawback, though, in that it makes individuals more open to assaults from anywhere in the world. Over time, cybercrime has evolved from telecom hacking to cryptojacking. Cybercriminals are causing havoc on the internet by developing new methods of tricking people. Let’s look at how to file an online complaint against cybercrime below.

Key Takeaways

Identify the Crime: Recognize the type of cybercrime to report it accurately. Collect Evidence: Gather all necessary evidence to support your complaint. Use the Official Portal: Report the crime via the National Cyber Crime Reporting Portal. Detail the Complaint: Provide thorough and precise information in the complaint form. Follow-up: Contact the local cyber cell for additional assistance and updates.

Table of Content

Types of Cybercrime

How to register cybercrime complaint in india, cyber crime complaint- faqs.

Cybercrime is any crime that takes place online using technology. It is characterized as illegal or criminal activity involving a computer or networked device, directly or indirectly, to perpetrate other crimes. Below are some common types of cybercrimes and important information about filing a complaint:

1. Credit Card Fraud: Unauthorized use of someone’s credit card information to make purchases or withdraw funds. For example, cybercriminals steal credit card details through phishing schemes or hacking databases and use the information for illegal transactions.

2. Malware Attacks: The use of malicious software to damage, disrupt, or gain unauthorized access to computer systems. For example, ransomware encrypts a user’s files and demands payment for the decryption key, while spyware secretly monitors and collects personal information.

3. Phishing: Deceptive attempts to obtain sensitive information by pretending to be a trustworthy entity. For example, an email appearing to be from a legitimate bank asks recipients to enter their login details on a fake website, thereby stealing their credentials.

4. Hacking: Unauthorized access to or control over computer systems, networks, or data. For example, hackers breach a company’s network to steal confidential data, such as trade secrets or customer information.

5. Cyberterrorism: The use of the internet to conduct violent acts that threaten or cause harm for political or ideological goals. For example, coordinated cyber-attacks on critical infrastructure, such as power grids or financial systems, to create widespread disruption and fear.

To register a cybercrime complaint in India, follow these steps:

1. Determine the Mode of Registration

  • Offline: Visit the nearest cybercrime unit or local police station.
  • Online: File your complaint through the National Cyber Crime Reporting Portal (

2. Gather Required Information and Document

  • Prepare an application letter addressed to the head of the cybercrime cell.
  • Include your contact details: name, address, email address, and phone number.
  • Collect any specific documents required based on the type of cybercrime, such as evidence or supporting documentation.

3. Filing the Complaint

  • Cybercrime Unit: Submit your application letter and required documents to the nearest cybercrime cell.
  • Local Police Station: If there is no cybercrime unit in your city, you can file the complaint at the local police station. Ensure that your complaint is documented and a copy is provided to you for reference.

4. Alternative Contact

  • Dedicated Helpline: Contact the Ministry of Home Affairs’ dedicated cybercrime complaint helpline at 155260, available on weekdays between 9:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m.

5. Escalation

If the local police station refuses to accept your complaint, notify the city’s police commissioner or the judicial magistrate to ensure your complaint is formally registered.

Filing a cybercrime complaint in India is a straightforward process designed to protect individuals from the growing threat of cybercriminal activities. By understanding the steps involved, from determining the mode of registration to gathering necessary documents and contacting the appropriate authorities, victims can ensure that their complaints are taken seriously and investigated promptly. Utilizing both online and offline resources, as well as dedicated helplines, empowers citizens to take action against cybercrime. By staying informed and proactive, individuals can contribute to a safer digital environment and help authorities combat cyber threats more effectively.

1. What classifies as a cybercrime?

Any illegal behavior involving a computer or computer network is referred to as cybercrime. This can include a variety of offenses such as hacking, identity theft, internet fraud, and cyberbullying.

2. What is the process for reporting cybercrime?

Online: Many countries have a national website for reporting cybercrimes. In India, you can register a complaint at In person: You can also report cybercrimes at the nearest cybercrime cell or police station.

3. Will I get my money back if I am scammed?

Unfortunately, there is no guarantee that you will recover your money if you fall victim to a scam. However, reporting the crime can help law enforcement authorities to catch the perpetrators and prevent further harm to others.

4. What happens if someone submits a fraudulent complaint or false information?

According to the Indian Penal Code, submitting false information or a fraudulent complaint can lead to legal consequences for the person making the false report.

5. Can I check the status of my complaint?

Yes, if you have reported a complaint through the online portal, you can monitor its progress. Use the “Report and Track” option or “Report Other Cybercrime” section on the portal. After logging in and selecting the “check status” option, you can use the acknowledgment number provided at the time of complaint registration to track the status.
Note: The information provided is sourced from various websites and collected data; if discrepancies are identified, kindly reach out to us through comments for prompt correction.


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Crime Emergency Response Team

how to write application letter to cyber crime

How to register a Cyber Crime Complaint?

The crime investigation team has been establishing many cyber crime cells in different cities of India, taking care of the reports and investigations of the cyber crimes. At present, most cities in India have a dedicated cyber crime cell. You can make a complaint anytime to the cyber police or crime investigation department either offline or online. In order to give punishment for cyber crime, the first & foremost step is to lodge complaints against the crime. You need to file a written complaint with the cyber crime cell of any jurisdiction. In the written complaint, you need to provide your name, contact details, and address for mailing. You need to address the written complaint to the Head of the cyber crime Cell of the city where you are filing the cyber crime complaint.

According to the IT Act, a cyber crime comes under the purview of global jurisdiction which means that a cyber crime complaint can be registered with any of the cyber cells in India, irrespective of the place where it was originally committed or the place where the victim is currently residing/ staying.

How to report an FIR for a Cyber Crime?

If you do not have access to any of the cyber cells in India, you can file a First Information Report (FIR) at the local police station. In case your complaint is not accepted there, you can approach the Commissioner or the city’s Judicial Magistrate.

Certain cyber crime offenses come under the IPC. You can register a cyber crime FIR at the nearest local police station to report them. It is mandatory under Section 154 of CrPC, for every police officer to record the information/complaint of an offense, irrespective of the jurisdiction in which the crime was committed.

How to file a Cyber Crime Complaint online?

The online portal where a victim can file a cyber crime complaint is https://cyber, an initiative of Government of India that caters to complaints pertaining to the online Child Pornography (CP), Child Sexual Abuse Material (CSAM) or sexually explicit content such as Rape/Gang Rape (CP/RGR) content and other cyber crimes such as social media crimes, online financial frauds, ransomware, hacking, cryptocurrency crimes, and online cyber trafficking. The portal also provides an option of reporting an anonymous complaint about reporting Child Pornography (CP) or sexually explicit content such as Rape/Gang Rape (RGR) content. One can follow below-mentioned steps to report a cyber crime online –

STEP 1: Go to https://cyber

STEP 2: Click on ‘Report other cyber crimes’ on the menu.

STEP 3: Click on ‘File a Complaint’.

STEP 4: Read the conditions and accept them.

STEP 5: Register your mobile number and fill in your name and State.

STEP 6: Fill in the relevant details about the offence.

Report Cyber Crime

Note: You can also report the offence anonymously.

how to write application letter to cyber crime

Format of a Cyber Crime Complaint:

There is no separate format for filing the complaint about cyber crime. You need to write a letter specifying all the details about the crime and file it in the nearest police station/cyber cell. You need to provide a name, mailing address & telephone number along with an application letter addressing the head of a cyber crime investigation cell and related documents as attachment. 

How to file a complaint against Cyber Stalking?

Cyber Stalking is the persistent use of the internet, e-mail, social networks, instant messaging or related digital devices to irritate, badger or threaten people. Prior to the February 2013 amendment, there was no specific law against it, now it falls under the purview of the Criminal Law Amendment Act, 2013.

Under Section 354(d), if any person follows a woman and tries to contact her in order to foster personal interaction despite the woman’s disinclination towards it, then he is committing stalking and can be charged against it. Also, if a person monitors the use by a woman of the internet, email or any other form of electronic communication, he commits the offence of stalking.

Filing a complaint against Cyber Stalking:

  • Register a written complaint to your immediate cyber cell in the city.
  • File an F.I.R. in the local police station. In case of non-acceptance of your complaint, you can always refer the complaint to the commissioner or judicial magistrate of the city.
  • A legal counsel/assistance to help you file a case will be provided to you.

How to file a complaint about Cyber Bullying?

Cyberbullying is the bullying executed through digital devices like computers, laptops, smartphones, and tablets leading to humiliation. It also comprises posting, sending or sharing negative, nasty or false information about another individual for causing humiliation and what is popularly known as character assassination.

  • Most social media platforms such as Facebook, WhatsApp, Instagram, Twitter, etc. have clear guidelines with respect to reporting and curbing cyberbullying. Such platforms can help you in having the offensive post removed.
  • Further, you can report cyberbullying in India by mailing a complaint to complaint  [email protected] describing the details.
  • You can also lodge a complaint at your nearest cyber cell unit.

What to do if your Cyber Cell refuses to accept your complaint?

If the cyber cell refuses to file or accept your cyber complaint, you can fill a direct representation to the nearest Judicial Magistrate stating the fact that the complaint has not been accepted under any/certain circumstances.

What are the documents required to file a Cyber Crime complaint?

Following  are the documents required to file a Cyber Crime complaint,

For Email Based Complaints:

  • A written complaint explaining the complete incidence and offence,
  • Copy of the alleged Email taken from the original receiver. Copy of the forwarded email should be avoided.
  • Full Header of the alleged Email.
  • Copy of email and header should be in both hard & soft forms (in CD-R only).

For Social Media Based Complaints:

  • A copy or screenshot of the alleged profile and/or the content or a screenshot of the URL of the alleged content,
  • Hard and soft copies of the alleged content (ensure that the soft copy is provided in a CD-R form).

For Mobile App-Based Complaints:

  • A screenshot of the alleged app,
  • The location from where it was downloaded,
  • The victim’s bank statements in case any transactions were made after/before/during the incident,
  • Soft copies of all the above-mentioned documents.

For Business Email Based Complaints:

  • A written brief about the offense and the incident,
  • Originating name (as in the email or offender) and location,
  • Originating bank name and account number (as per the email),
  • Recipient’s name (as in bank records), bank account number and bank location (not mandatory),
  • Date and amount of transaction as done,
  • SWIFT number,
  • Additional Information (if available) – including “FFC”- For Further Credit; “FAV” – In Favor Of.

For Data Theft Complaints:

  • A copy of the stolen data and brief,
  • The copyright certificate of the allegedly stolen data,
  • Details of the suspected employee/(s),

The following documents are required in relation to the suspected employee(s):

  • Letter of Appointment,
  • Non-disclosure Agreement,
  • Assigned list of duty and gadgets,
  • List of clients that the suspect handles,
  • The proof of breach of your copyright data,
  • Devices used by the accused during his/her term of service (only if available) with the company.

For Ransomware/Malware Complaints:

  • Email id /phone number (or any details) or any other means of communication through which ransom has been demanded,
  • If malware was sent in the attachment of the mail, screenshots of the mail with full header of first receiver be provided.

For Internet Banking/Online Transactions/Lottery Scam/Fake Call Related Complaints:

  • Bank statement of the concerned bank for the last six months,
  • A copy of the SMS/(s) received related to the suspected transactions,
  • Copy of the victim’s ID & address proof as per the bank record.

For Net Banking/ATM Complaints:

  • A print out of the alleged emails with its complete header as received by the original receiver (forwarded emails should be avoided),
  • Victim’s bank statement,
  • Details of the suspected transactions,
  • Soft copies of all the aforesaid documents.

For Bitcoin Based Complaints:

  • A written brief about the offense,
  • The address of the bitcoin,
  • The amount of bitcoin in question,
  • The address from/to whom the purchase/sale of the bitcoins has been done.

Cyber crime against Women & Children

The rise of cyber crime has resulted in targeting the most vulnerable segment of the society, i.e. women and children. The most common and frequently reported sorts of cyber crimes against the women include cyberstalking, pornography, morphing, online harassment, trolling and bullying, threat and intimidation, and email spoofing. While against the child, the types of cyber crime are the circulation of pedophilic videos/ messages, child pornography, etc. The extent of mischief has degraded to a level where the top searches for a porn site show result in rapes and child pornography. Also, there are some online social games such as Blue Whale which led to the unfortunate deaths of the many innocent teenagers.

The Ministry of Home Affairs introduced the scheme for cyber crime Prevention against Women and Children (CCWC) to handle cyber crimes against women and children effectively in the country with an estimated outlay of Rs. 223.198 crores (approx), for formulating:

  • Online cyber crime reporting unit,
  • Forensic Unit,
  • Capacity building Unit,
  • Research and Development Unit and
  • Awareness creation Unit.

What are the Consequences of Cyber Crime?

It is really important to know how to report cyber crime as the consequences of cyber crime are borne by the victim.

  • Revenue Loss – Cyber Crimedone against the company results in huge revenue losses or income loss to the company especially when the company’s sensitive data and information is compromised.
  • Reputation Damage – The reputation of an organization can go haywire when its information is hacked. In most cases, where hacking occurs with bank accounts or credit/debit cards, often customers lose trust in the organization.
  • Aftermath of Cyber Terrorism –  Cyber terrorism is one of the most serious cyber crime and thus affects the victims badly, as it affects a significantly large number of people at once. It can weaken countries’ economy greatly, thereby stripping them of its resources and making it more vulnerable to military attack. It could affect the economy by loss of money during the downtime which is a part of cyber crime strategy.
  • Impact on Society and Government – Since computers have replaced manual work in almost every field and the government is also going digitized, cyber crime has its impact on the government and society as well. One can witness in the case when some young hackers hacked the Maharashtra government’s website. This has become a cost-efficient method of making money for the criminals. 

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