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Causes of Car Accidents

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Causes of Car Accidents

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Car Accidents: Causes And Consequences

We live in a generation where it’s important to have a car for transportation, but this had come with a downfall which is car accidents. A car accident is also referred to traffic collision. This occurs when one vehicle collides with another vehicle, object, or even an animal. Car accidents always come with damage, it can either be only car damage, other can result in injuries or death. There are many causes of a car accident and sometimes car accidents have consequences.

Car accidents come with a lot of costs, which are very hard to pay off sometimes. The causes of car accidents can be speeding, using a device or poor weather conditions and so many other reasons.

In this report, we have analyzed the number of car accidents in Oman and how many people in Oman got into a car accident. Oman is known to have the highest traffic accident rate in the world nearly half of the causes are traffic accidents and involve young people under the age of 25 years.

This research is analyzed from 2009 till 2020 and there has been a decrease over the years, nowadays people are more aware and considerate of their actions. The purpose of this research is to compare and see if there has been a change in human actions when it comes to driving.

Statistical Terms and Objectives:

Traffic accidents are fatal to healthy people according to traffic accident statistics around the world in 2019. Some of these incidents may have been fatal in one year in the tens of thousands, others may cause deep wounds or permanent disability and injure about 2.

cause and effect essay car accidents

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5 million people. Despite the progress of technology, the numbers are constantly increasing, so it is necessary to do statistics to find out the reasons that may be a key factor in the continuous occurrence of accidents. Checking the vehicle before driving is important to avoid any sudden failure while driving and therefore more prone to accidents.

Accident Statistics:

  • Over 40,000 fatal car accidents per year in the U.S.
  • Each day, more than 90 Americans die in car accidents.
  • On average, 2 million drivers experience a permanent injury every year.
  • Almost 8,000 people are killed in traffic accidents involving drivers aged 16-20.
  • The most common causes of death on the road are drunk driving (40%), speeding (30%), and irresponsible driving (33%).
  • Some 58% of fatal car accidents involve only one vehicle, and 38% are caused by a traffic collision.

A technique used by risk managers for forecasting future events, such as accidental and business losses. This process involves a review of historical loss data to calculate a probability distribution that can be used to predict future losses.

The objective of this project is to find possible solutions to reduce car accidents and to gather statistics that have been established to find out the causes through different types of analyses.

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Car Accidents: Causes And Consequences. (2022, Apr 28). Retrieved from

"Car Accidents: Causes And Consequences." , 28 Apr 2022, (2022). Car Accidents: Causes And Consequences . [Online]. Available at: [Accessed: 25 Jul. 2024]

"Car Accidents: Causes And Consequences.", Apr 28, 2022. Accessed July 25, 2024.

"Car Accidents: Causes And Consequences," , 28-Apr-2022. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 25-Jul-2024] (2022). Car Accidents: Causes And Consequences . [Online]. Available at: [Accessed: 25-Jul-2024]

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Occupational Health and Safety Blog

10 Effects Of Road Accidents | Devastating Consequences

The effects of road accidents are profound and far-reaching, spanning from immediate physical harm to lingering emotional scars. These tragedies not only affect the victims but also send ripples throughout communities, inflicting broader social and economic consequences. Beyond the evident distress and damage, road accidents impose a weighty burden on families, often leading to financial strain and relationship challenges.

In this blog, we will explore the 10 primary consequences of road accidents, from immediate and financial to emotional and psychological. We will also look at the long-term effects of accidents and the legal and social implications they can have. By understanding the full scope of the consequences of road accidents, we can take steps to prevent them and mitigate their impact when they occur. Let’s dive in and explore the ripple effect of road accidents.

10 Effects Of Road Accidents

Road accidents can have devastating effects on individuals, families, and communities. Some of the common effects of road accidents include:

1. Physical Injuries

Road accidents can result in a wide range of physical injuries, from minor cuts and bruises to severe injuries such as broken bones, spinal cord injuries, traumatic brain injuries, and amputations. These injuries can impact a person’s health and well-being, leading to long-term disabilities and reduced mobility.

Victims may require extensive medical treatment and rehabilitation, which can be costly and time-consuming. They may also experience chronic pain and discomfort, affecting their ability to work, socialize, and enjoy life as they once did. Physical injuries can also have a psychological impact, leading to anxiety, depression, and other mental health conditions.

2. Emotional Trauma

The emotional trauma of a road accident can be just as devastating as physical injuries. Survivors may experience shock, anxiety, depression, and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and struggle with guilt, anger, and fear. These emotional reactions can be long-lasting, affecting a person’s ability to function normally and enjoy life.

The emotional trauma of a road accident can also impact a person’s relationships and social interactions, leading to isolation and further mental health problems. Survivors need professional help to manage their emotional reactions and prevent long-term psychological damage.

10 Effects Of Road Accidents

3. Loss of Life

Road accidents can result in the tragic loss of life, leaving families and communities devastated. Losing a loved one in a road accident can profoundly impact family members, friends, and communities.

The emotional and psychological toll can be significant, and grieving can take a long time. For some, it may take years to come to terms with losing a loved one. Families and communities need to support each other during these difficult times and seek professional help if needed.

4. Financial Burden

Road accidents can also have a significant financial impact. Victims may face medical bills, property damage, and lost wages, which can add up quickly. In some cases, victims may also face legal fees and other expenses related to their accident.

The financial burden of a road accident can be overwhelming, particularly for those who cannot work due to their injuries. This can lead to financial instability, debt, and even bankruptcy.

5. Disability and Reduced Mobility

Severe injuries sustained in road accidents can result in disabilities and reduced mobility, affecting a person’s ability to work, socialize, and enjoy life as they once did. Disabilities can be temporary or permanent and require ongoing medical treatment and rehabilitation. This can be costly, time-consuming, and impact a person’s mental health and well-being.

6. Impact on Families and Relationships

Road accidents can strain families and relationships, with loved ones having to provide physical and emotional support to those affected. The stress and strain can sometimes lead to marital problems, divorce, or family breakdowns. Families need to seek support and counseling to manage the impact of a road accident on their relationships.

7. Impact on Mental Health

The emotional trauma of a road accident can also impact mental health, leading to anxiety, depression, and other mental health conditions. Survivors may struggle to cope with the psychological impact of their accident for years to come. Survivors need professional help to manage their emotional reactions and prevent long-term psychological damage.

8. Loss of Confidence

Road accidents can be traumatic, and survivors may struggle with various psychological effects, including losing confidence. After an accident, a person may feel hesitant or fearful about driving or leaving home. They may worry about being involved in another accident and feel vulnerable and unsafe on the road. These fears can be particularly challenging for those who rely on driving for work or daily activities, such as running errands or caring for family members.

Losing confidence following a road accident can also lead to social isolation and mental health problems. If a person feels too fearful or anxious to leave their home, they may become socially isolated, exacerbating loneliness, depression, and anxiety. They may also struggle with losing independence and a sense of helplessness, leading to hopelessness and despair.

Therefore, it is important for those who have experienced a road accident to seek support and guidance from mental health professionals or support groups to help them rebuild their confidence and regain control of their lives.

Effects Of Road Accidents

9. Reduced Quality of Life

Road accidents can profoundly impact a person’s quality of life. Survivors may experience physical injuries, emotional trauma, and financial stress that can limit their ability to perform daily tasks and participate in activities they once enjoyed. Seeking support and rehabilitation is crucial to improving their quality of life and regaining independence.

Through counseling, medical treatment, and support groups, survivors can manage pain, address emotional trauma, and rebuild confidence to resume normal activities. By doing so, survivors can improve their overall well-being and regain control over their lives.

10. Social and Economic Impact

Road accidents can also have a broader social and economic impact, affecting communities and entire countries. The cost of medical care lost productivity.

Property damage can be staggering, and the impact on families and individuals can lead to increased reliance on social services and support programs. Governments and communities need to invest in road safety initiatives and support programs for those affected by road accidents.

In conclusion, road accidents have devastating consequences that affect individuals, families, and communities. A road accident’s physical, emotional, and financial impact can be overwhelming and long-lasting, leading to disabilities, emotional trauma, and financial stress. However, by understanding the effects of road accidents, we can take steps to prevent them and support those affected.

Through better road safety measures, education, and awareness, we can reduce the number of road accidents and prevent the devastating consequences they bring. For those who have experienced a road accident, seeking support and rehabilitation services is essential to improve their quality of life and regain their independence.

In addition, governments and organizations need to provide resources and support programs to those affected by road accidents, including counseling, medical treatment, and financial assistance. By working together, we can make our roads safer and help those affected by road accidents rebuild their lives.

Student Essays

Essay on Road Accident

Essay on A Road Accident [ Causes, Effects, Solutions ]

This essay talks about a road accident of car and coach, Causes of increase in Road accidents and what efforts can be taken to minimize the threat of Road Accident. This essay is written in simple English and in easy to understand words. It is very helpful for children and students.

Essay on a Road Accident | Causes & Effects of Road Accidents, Ways how to Control Accidents

Road accidents are one of the most common problems that everyone is facing everywhere. So, here we will discuss the causes of road accidents and what efforts can be taken to minimize the threat of road accident.

A road accident is an unpleasant incident that happens due to the careless driving of a vehicle. It often results in damage to public property, vehicles and sometimes even human lives. There are many factors that contribute to such accidents.

Essay on Road Accident

A Road Accide nt

I was traveling from Manchester to London by car. It was a pleasant journey as the weather was fine. On the way, I saw a road accident. A car had collided with a coach. The coach was overturned and many passengers were lying on the road injured. Some of them were shouting for help. People had gathered there. The police had also arrived there. They were trying to help the injured passengers. An ambulance was coming. The accident had caused a big traffic jam. The vehicles were stranded on the road for a long time. It was a shocking and disturbing sight.

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The Causes of Road Accidents:

There are many causes of road accidents. They are as follow;

1. Over-speeding : The most common cause of road accidents is over-speeding. Many drivers do not follow the speed limit and drive at a very high speed. This increases the chances of accidents as they cannot apply brakes on time in case of an emergency.

2. Drunken Driving: Drunken driving is another major cause of road accidents. Many drivers drive under the influence of alcohol and this reduces their ability to concentrate on the road. This increases the chances of accidents.

3. Distraction: Another cause of road accidents is distraction. Many drivers use mobile phones while driving which distracts their attention from the road. This increases the chances of accidents.

4. Lack of sleep: Another cause of road accidents is lack of sleep. Many drivers drive for long hours without taking a break. This makes them tired and increases the chances of accidents.

5. Bad weather: Bad weather is also a cause of road accidents. In bad weather conditions, visibility is reduced and this increases the chances of accidents.

Efforts to reduce Road Accidents

There are many efforts that can be taken to reduce road accidents. They are as follows;

Speed limit: The speed limit should be enforced strictly and drivers should be fined for driving over the speed limit. This will help to reduce the number of accidents.

Education and Awareness: There should be awareness campaigns to educate people about the causes of road accidents and how to avoid them.

Punishment to careless drivers: Careless drivers should be punished severely to set an example for others. This will help to reduce the number of accidents.

Better road infrastructure: There should be better road infrastructure with wider roads and better signage. This will help to reduce the number of accidents.

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Road accidents are a major problem and they need to be addressed urgently. There are many measures that can be taken to reduce road accidents. If these measures are implemented, the number of road accidents will decrease significantly.

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Causes and effect of car accidents.

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                          As the world continue its journey of technology in the 21st century many changes and inventions are made almost each day. Many forget about the problems with us for years and years. No matter how hard we all try to eliminate those problems it gets harder and harder with many people refusing to cooperate with others, giving a total stop to these problems. As a teenage driver, I recently got a speeding ticket, which became the purpose of attending a four-hour class in the Alabama Safety Institute. There were approximately forty students in the class. I realized how little do we all have knowledge of the problems on the road. There is an endless list of problems on the road, which include road rage, not following the signs and regulation etc. The most dangerous and serious problem Americans deal with is accidents on the road. In the essay I will discuss the causes of car accidents. .              There are many causes of accidents on the road. Driving under the influence of alcohol is one of them. It is an extremely deadly act. Alcohol impairs the decision-making ability of brain. Drinking and driving is an offence which when turned into .              serious problem can kill someone. At many points of our lives we hear quotes such as "Don't Drink and Drive," "Drinking and Driving Don't Mix," but how many of us give a serious thought to them? How many of us follow them? Thousands of Americans die each year as a result of drunk driving. High DUI level is becoming one of the top causes of fatal car crash. Organizations such as MADD, although play an important role in elimination of drunk driving but its up to every single person to make the right decision. To think that their wrong decision can cost lives of many innocent victims. Prevention of car accidents caused by drunk driving is hundred percent possible by strict laws and education. If a person decides to drink, they should make sure they have someone else driving them home.

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Recognizing the potential cause of a car accident, as well as who may be responsible for the injuries, means knowing about the different situations in which car accidents can happen. Some causes are more common than others and you should be aware of the ways to look out for them.

Some of the common causes of car accidents, and who may be liable, include:

  • Drunk driving:  Drunk driving accidents are some of the most common that occur and most often it is the fault of the drunk driver. However, in some situations, separate legal action may be taken against a bar or establishment which may have served alcohol to an already intoxicated individual and allowed them to drive.
  • Distracted driving:  When a driver is distracted, it takes just a few seconds for the driver to lose focus or control and create a large collision. This may be due to the driver checking his or her phone, or even situations in which a passenger does something that directly impacts the driver’s ability to see the road.
  • Fatigued driving:  Far too many times, individuals drive longer than they should and late at night when they are tired. If this happens, they may start to doze off while at the wheel. This can cause them to lose control, putting other drivers, pedestrians, and many more at risk of serious harm.
  • Product defects:  Unfortunately, there are problems that may exist outside of driver negligence when a part on the vehicle is not working correctly. For instance, if a car’s brakes fail and prevent a driver from stopping in time, they can cause serious crashes. The manufacturer may be liable when this happens.

There are other situations in which crashes can occur, including simple reckless behavior such as when a driver is speeding, trying to weave in and out of traffic, or they don’t obey traffic lights and go through intersections at a high rate of speed.

This gives you the idea of who you may be able to file a lawsuit against, which should be known prior to taking the action.


We mentioned before that after an injury, those who have been hurt often deal with various hardships, including financial, emotional, and physical. These are real damages that need to be considered when moving forward after the crash.

  • Financial hardships  stem from the medical expenses associated with the injury, as well as the lost income that may arise should the injured party no longer be able to work the job they had prior to the accident.
  • Emotional hardships  may arise after a car accident when individuals sustain trauma. This means the injured party may experience triggers when they’re involved in similar situations, oftentimes preventing them from driving due to the feat and anxiety.
  • Physical hardships  would be the injuries that the person may sustain. For instance, a car accident victim may sustain traumatic brain injuries, spinal cord damage, broken bones, lacerations, and more.

Depending on the severity of the injury sustained, the individual may face long-term medical needs, rehabilitation, and more. There are lifelong issues that may be faced and it can be difficult to endure. However, injured individuals have rights to pursue justice through legal matters.


Following a car accident, there are a number of potential things that must be considered by the injured party before moving forward. What are my rights? What are my options to pursue justice? What are some of the problems that may exist?

You have the right to pursue compensation and it’s important to work with someone who can protect your rights throughout the process. With legal representation, you can learn more about economic and non-economic damages and the most favorable ways to pursue them.

At Monge & Associates, we are truly dedicated to helping individuals during their time of need. We know that the time following a serious accident can be extremely daunting and difficult to endure. As such, we aim to stand by your side every step of the way.

Our  Atlanta car accident attorneys  are here for you when you need us most. When you have been injured as a result of someone else’s negligent actions, you have rights and it is our job to protect them from the negligent party and their insurance company.

Call our legal team at to discuss your potential case with someone who knows your rights and knows how to protect them. We’re here to help you seek the compensation you not only need, but also you deserve.


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What We Know About the Global Microsoft Outage

Airlines to banks to retailers were affected in many countries. Businesses are struggling to recover.

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By Eshe Nelson and Danielle Kaye

Eshe Nelson reported from London and Danielle Kaye from New York.

Across the world, critical businesses and services including airlines, hospitals, train networks and TV stations, were disrupted on Friday by a global tech outage affecting Microsoft users.

In many countries, flights were grounded, workers could not get access to their systems and, in some cases, customers could not make card payments in stores. While some of the problems were resolved within hours, many businesses, websites and airlines continued to struggle to recover.

What happened?

A series of outages rippled across the globe as information displays, login systems and broadcasting networks went dark.

The problem affecting the majority of services was caused by a flawed update by CrowdStrike , an American cybersecurity firm, whose systems are intended to protect users from hackers. Microsoft said on Friday that it was aware of an issue affecting machines running “CrowdStrike Falcon.”

But Microsoft had also said there was an earlier outage affecting U.S. users of Azure, its cloud service system. Some users may have been affected by both. Even as CrowdStrike sent out a fix, some systems were still affected by midday in the United States as businesses needed to make manual updates to their systems to resolve the issue.

George Kurtz, the president and chief executive of CrowdStrike, said on Friday morning that it could take some time for some systems to recover.

cause and effect essay car accidents

How a Software Update Crashed Computers Around the World

Here’s a visual explanation for how a faulty software update crippled machines.

How the airline cancellations rippled around the world (and across time zones)

Share of canceled flights at 25 airports on Friday

cause and effect essay car accidents

50% of flights

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Car Accidents Prevention Research Paper

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Car accidents happen daily and can significantly change the life of a person. Accidents occur without warnings and sometimes result in death. Everyday, unforeseen, innocent victims are killed in car accidents. It is important to note that anything can cause a car accident (Transport Canada par. 1).

The first cause of car accidents is impaired driving. Many drivers drive their cars while under the influence of drugs, making the road very dangerous for other innocent users. Drugs affect the decision making part of the brain, this includes the response time. Drugs include: cocaine, marijuana, alcohol, counter medication and other drugs.

The second cause of car accidents is the use of mobile phone while driving. When drivers are using cell phones, their attention is divided leading to lack of focus, causing sudden lane changing, severe increase or decrease of speed and likely fender splurge. It is critical to state that the use of mobile phones do not only endanger the lifes of drivers, but also other motorists and pedestrians (Robertson 40).

The third cause of car accidents can be attributed to aggressive drivers. Some drivers can actually drive stupidly or race, normally considered “sporty”.

Drivers moving at a high speed make them more vulnerable to crashing because high speed cars have high possibility to swerve harder within a short time leading to lose of control. Other general causes of car accidents include the presence of high numbers of vehicles and continuous expansion of road networks and increased number of emigrants from different parts of the world with different driving habits and cultures which are not similar to a given local driving requirements and conditions.

Car accidents cause both tangible and intangible effects to the economy because it has medical, social and economic effects on a person. Some of the tangible costs consist of: insurance costs, damage to car which include the repair and replacement cost and medical treatment which includes the resources used at the scene and pre-hospital care because some of the victims need long-term care due to the residual disabilities and administration costs.

Intangible costs consist of suffering, grief, pain and the danger of being involved in a car accident. In economical terms the cost of car accidents to the economy is usually estimated to be 3% of the Gross Domestic Product of any country in the world.

The annual costs of car accidents to the economy are estimated to be billions of USD and it is more in countries that import medicines and vehicles. Car accidents have direct effects on the social and physical environment due to the medical burden or death. This makes family members to be financially vulnerable (Transport Canada par. 10).

Car accidents are unavoidable; however, many causes of these disastrous occurrences can be preventable. There should be a compulsory use of safety belts for all the drivers and passengers. Also, a firm punishment should be imposed to those violating traffic rules such as ignoring crossing signals, excess overspeeding and unsafe overtaking. Therefore, it is clear that errors and negligence are the major causes of accidents.

In addition other factors like poor road construction, poor road users and corrupt law enforcers also cause road accidents. Finally, more information is needed on the various factors that lead to car accidents in order to develop effective measures that can alleviate more accidents.

Robertson, McCormick, Injury Epidemiology . World Bank, New York: Oxford University Press, 1998. Print

Transport Canada: About Anti-lock Braking Systems (ABS) 2007 . Web.

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IvyPanda. (2018, June 19). Car Accidents Prevention.

"Car Accidents Prevention." IvyPanda , 19 June 2018,

IvyPanda . (2018) 'Car Accidents Prevention'. 19 June.

IvyPanda . 2018. "Car Accidents Prevention." June 19, 2018.

1. IvyPanda . "Car Accidents Prevention." June 19, 2018.


IvyPanda . "Car Accidents Prevention." June 19, 2018.

Norilsk: The city built by gulag prisoners where Russia guards its Arctic secrets

Environmental activists are frustrated by how authorities handled a diesel spill which poured into two Arctic rivers in late May.

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International correspondent @DiMagnaySky

Friday 3 July 2020 23:41, UK

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Arctic suffers worst ever industrial spill

The drive from Norilsk airport to the city takes you past mile after mile of crumbling, Soviet-era factories.

It looks like an endless, rusting scrapyard - a jumble of pipes, industrial junk and frost-bitten brickwork. If you were looking for an industrial apocalypse film setting, this would be your place - but you're unlikely to get the permissions.

Norilsk was built in Stalin's times by gulag prisoners. This gritty industrial city is a testament to their endurance both of the cruelty of Stalin's regime and of the harsh polar climate. There were no thoughts then on how to build to protect the environment, just to survive it.

Norilsk in Russia. Pic: Anastasya Leonova

Vasily Ryabinin doesn't think much has changed, at least in ecological terms. He used to work for the local branch of the federal environmental watchdog, Rosprirodnadzor, but quit in June after exposing what he says was a failure to investigate properly the environmental impact of the gigantic diesel spill which poured into two Arctic rivers in late May.

At 21,000 tonnes, it was the largest industrial spill in the polar Arctic .

Despite the Kremlin declaring a federal emergency and sending a host of different agencies to participate in the clean-up, just last week Mr Ryabinin and activists from Greenpeace Russia found another area where technical water used in industrial processes was being pumped directly into the tundra from a nearby tailing pond. Russia's investigative committee has promised to investigate.

"The ecological situation here is so bad," Mr Ryabinin says.

"The latest constructions such as the tailing pond at the Talnack ore-processing plant were built exclusively by Nornickel chief executive Vladimir Potanin's team and supposedly in accordance with ecological standards, but on satellite images you can see that all the lakes in the vicinity have unnatural colours and obviously something has got into them."

Nornickel Plant and container (on the left) which had the leak. Pic: Anastasya Leonova

Mining company Nornickel would disagree. It has admitted flagrant violations at the tailing pond and suspended staff it deems responsible at both the Talnack plant and at Norilsk Heat and Power plant no 3 where the diesel spill originated from.

On Thursday it appointed Andrey Bougrov, from its senior management board, to the newly-created role of senior vice president for environmental protection. It has a clear environmental strategy, provides regular updates on the status of the spill, and its Twitter feed is filled with climate-related alerts.

But what investors read is very different to the picture on the ground.

21,000 tonnes of diesel oil has spilled into two rivers in Norilsk

Norilsk used to be a closed city - one of dozens across the Soviet Union shut off to protect industrial secrets. Foreigners need special permissions approved by the Federal Security Service (FSB) to enter the region. It would take an invitation from Nornickel to make that happen and, for the past month since the spill, that has not been forthcoming.

Unlike in Soviet times, Russian citizens are now free to come and go. That's why our Sky News Moscow team were able to fly in and travel around the city, even if getting to the spill site was blocked. What they were able to film provides a snapshot of the immense challenge Russia faces in upgrading its Soviet-era industrial infrastructure, particularly at a time when climate change is melting the permafrost on which much of it was built.

The Russian city of Norilsk. Pic: Anastasya Leonova

Just downwind from one of the rusting factories on the city outskirts is a huge expanse of dead land. The skeletal remains of trees stand forlorn against the howling Arctic winds. Sulphur dioxide poisoning has snuffed the life out of all that lived here. Norilsk is the world's worst emitter of sulphur dioxide by a substantial margin.

"For 80km south of here everything is dead," Mr Ryabinin says, "and for at least 10km in that direction too. Everything here depends on the wind."

Sample took by Vasily Ryabinin near the Nornickel plant in Norilsk, Russia, on the day of an accident. Pic: Vasily Ryabinin

Immediately after the spill, Mr Ryabinin filmed and took samples from the Daldykan river just a few kilometres from the fuel tank which had leaked. By that point the river was a churning mix of diesel and red sludge dredged up from the riverbed by the force of the leak. Norilsk's rivers have turned red before and the chemical residues have sunk to the bottom, killing all life there. Nothing has lived in those rivers for decades.

In his capacity as deputy head of the local environmental watchdog, Mr Ryabinin says he insisted that he be allowed to fly further north to check the levels of contamination in Lake Pyasino and beyond.

Nornickel at the time claimed the lake was untouched by the spill. Mr Ryabinin says his boss encouraged him to let things be.

"I can't be sure I would have found anything, but this sort of confrontation - making sure I didn't go there with a camera, let alone with bottles for taking samples, it was all very clear to me. It was the final straw."

Rosprirodnadzor refused to comment to Sky News on Mr Ryabinin's allegations or suggestions that the agency was working hand in hand with Nornickel.

The Nornickel plant and the place where diesel meets red water (polluted by other chemicals). Pic: Vasily Ryabinin

Georgy Kavanosyan is an environmental blogger with a healthy 37,000 following on YouTube. Shortly after the spill, he set out for Lake Pyasino and to the Pyasina River beyond to see how far the diesel had spread.

"We set out at night so that the Norilsk Nickel security wouldn't detect us. I say at night, but they've got polar nights there now, north of the Arctic Circle. So it's still light but it's quieter and we managed to go past all the cordons."

He is one of the few to have provided evidence that the diesel has in fact travelled far beyond where the company admits. Not just the 1,200km (745m) length of Lake Pyasino but into the river beyond.

He says his measurements indicated a volume of hydrocarbons dissolved in the water of between two and three times normal levels. He thinks after he published his findings on YouTube, the authorities' vigilance increased.

Greenpeace Russia have spent the last two weeks trying to obtain samples from Lake Pyasino and the surrounding area. They have faced difficulties getting around and flying their samples out for independent analysis.

They are now waiting for results from a laboratory in St Petersburg but say the samples remain valid technically for just four days after collection and that they weren't able to make that deadline due to the authorities' actively obstructing their work.

Vasily Ryabinin and Elena Sakirko from Greenpeace. Pic: Anastasya Leonova

Elena Sakirko from Greenpeace Russia specialises in oil spills and says this has happened to her before. This time, a police helicopter flew to the hunter's hut where they were staying and confiscated the fuel for the boat they were using. Then a deputy for the Moscow city parliament tasked with bringing the samples back from Norilsk was forced to go back empty-handed.

"We were told at the airport we needed permission from the security department of Nornickel," Ms Sakirko says. "We asked them to show us some law or statement to prove that this was legal or what the basis for this was, but they haven't showed us anything and we still don't understand it."

Nornickel announced this week that the critical stage of the diesel spill is over. The company is now finalising dates for a press tour for foreign media and for other international environmentalists.

Mr Ryabinin thinks this should have happened weeks ago.

"If we don't let scientists come to the Arctic region to evaluate the impact of the accident, then in the future if anything similar happens, we won't know what to do."

A spokesperson for Nornickel said the company "is actively cooperating with the scientific community and will meticulously assess both the causes and effects of the accident."

The Russian city of Norilsk. Pic: Anastasya Leonova

Nornickel considers permafrost thawing to be the primary cause of the accident, but is waiting for the end of investigation before making a final statement, the spokesperson said.

They added that the company "accepts full responsibility for the incidents on its sites these past two months and holds itself accountable for any infrastructural deficits or poor decisions by personnel.

"The imperative is to do everything to clean up our sites, instil a stronger culture of transparency and safety in our workforce, and ensure that such situations do not occur in the future."

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Mayor claims drone intercepted near Moscow

Russian air defense units allegedly intercepted a drone over the city of Elektrostal in Moscow Oblast, Moscow Mayor Sergey Sobyanin reported in a Telegram post on Nov. 19.

Sobyanin claims the drone was heading towards central Moscow.

The Mayor also said emergency services were at work at the crash site but no casualties or damage to infrastructure have been reported.

The Kyiv Independent could not independently verify the reports.

Since the launch of Russia's full-scale invasion, Ukrainian forces have targeted Russian military, logistics, and infrastructure sites in the occupied territories and within Russia.

Today's drone report comes just hours after Ukraine's alleged drone attack was intercepted over the Bogorodskoye municipal district in Moscow Oblast.

While claims of Ukrainian attacks within Russian territory have increased since summer 2023, Kyiv rarely comments on these reports.

Read also: Ukraine war latest: Zelensky replaces Medical Forces Commander

We’ve been working hard to bring you independent, locally-sourced news from Ukraine. Consider supporting the Kyiv Independent .


Crash of an Antonov AN-24 in Moscow

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cause and effect essay car accidents

Helping our customers through the CrowdStrike outage

Jul 20, 2024 | David Weston - Vice President, Enterprise and OS Security

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On July 18, CrowdStrike, an independent cybersecurity company, released a software update that began impacting IT systems globally. Although this was not a Microsoft incident, given it impacts our ecosystem, we want to provide an update on the steps we’ve taken with CrowdStrike and others to remediate and support our customers.  

Since this event began, we’ve maintained ongoing communication with our customers, CrowdStrike and external developers to collect information and expedite solutions. We recognize the disruption this problem has caused for businesses and in the daily routines of many individuals. Our focus is providing customers with technical guidance and support to safely bring disrupted systems back online. Steps taken have included:  

  • Engaging with CrowdStrike to automate their work on developing a solution.   CrowdStrike has recommended a workaround to address this issue and has also issued a public statement. Instructions to remedy the situation on Windows endpoints were posted on the Windows Message Center .   
  • Deploying hundreds of Microsoft engineers and experts to work directly with customers to restore services.   
  • Collaborating with other cloud providers and stakeholders, including Google Cloud Platform (GCP) and Amazon Web Services (AWS), to share awareness on the state of impact we are each seeing across the industry and inform ongoing conversations with CrowdStrike and customers.  
  • Quickly posting manual remediation documentation and scripts found here .
  • Keeping customers informed of the latest status on the incident through the Azure Status Dashboard here .  

We’re working around the clock and providing ongoing updates and support. Additionally, CrowdStrike has helped us develop a scalable solution that will help Microsoft’s Azure infrastructure accelerate a fix for CrowdStrike’s faulty update. We have also worked with both AWS and GCP to collaborate on the most effective approaches.    

While software updates may occasionally cause disturbances, significant incidents like the CrowdStrike event are infrequent. We currently estimate that CrowdStrike’s update affected 8.5 million Windows devices, or less than one percent of all Windows machines. While the percentage was small, the broad economic and societal impacts reflect the use of CrowdStrike by enterprises that run many critical services.  

This incident demonstrates the interconnected nature of our broad ecosystem — global cloud providers, software platforms, security vendors and other software vendors, and customers. It’s also a reminder of how important it is for all of us across the tech ecosystem to prioritize operating with safe deployment and disaster recovery using the mechanisms that exist. As we’ve seen over the last two days, we learn, recover and move forward most effectively when we collaborate and work together. We appreciate the cooperation and collaboration of our entire sector, and we will continue to update with learnings and next steps.  

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What we know about the computer update glitch disrupting systems around the world

Bobby Allyn

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Bill Chappell

Fatima Al-Kassab

A Crowdstrike office in Sunnyvale, Calif. An overnight outage was blamed on a software update that the cybersecurity firm sent to Microsoft corporate customers, including many airlines.

Microsoft, which hosts cloud services with businesses and governments, said it was grappling with service outages after a glitch triggered by software distributed by cybersecurity firm CrowdStrike. Haven Daley/AP hide caption

A technological meltdown left employees of airlines, banks, hospitals and emergency services around the world staring at the dreaded “blue screen of death” on Friday as their computers went inert in what is being described as a historic outage.

“This is basically what we were all worried about with Y2K, except it's actually happened this time,” internet security analyst Troy Hunt said via X .

Security experts race to fix critical software flaw threatening industries worldwide

Security experts race to fix critical software flaw threatening industries worldwide

From continent to continent, Microsoft users reported being suddenly knocked offline, and the culprit was determined to be cybersecurity company CrowdStrike, which says one of its routine software updates malfunctioned.

“CrowdStrike is actively working with customers impacted by a defect found in a single content update for Windows hosts,” the company said in a statement.

Customers using Mac and Linux operating systems were not affected, CrowdStrike said.

When the faulty update crashed computer systems, scores of airport travelers were stranded, hospital appointments were delayed and live news broadcasts were cut short.

How big is the outage?

It is massive, far-reaching and sudden.

Some computer problems cascade, creating ripples of failures. But in this case, the flaw permeated Microsoft systems worldwide nearly immediately. The company says its Windows 365 Cloud PCs, apps and services were affected.

Microsoft remains the dominant desktop operating system worldwide, with more than 72% market share, according to the Statcounter website . The CrowdStrike problem does not directly affect all of those machines: its security software is mainly used by businesses and large organizations. The company says its customers include 43 U.S. states and nearly 300 companies in the Fortune 500.

Hundreds of thousands of Microsoft outages were reported on Friday, according to Downdetector , the website that tracks outages based on users’ reports.

In 16 hours, 311,000 global outage reports came in, Michelle Badrian, senior communications manager at Ookla, which owns Downdetector, told NPR. Of that figure, she added, 58,000 reports were from the U.S., 26,000 from the U.K., and 20,000 from India. Large numbers of reports also came in from Germany, Canada and Australia.

There are signs that relief is on the way: Badrian said that as of midday Friday ET, “we are observing report volumes declining both for Microsoft services and for all services overall.”

While server-related outages are common, the scale of the CrowdStrike disruption was astonishing to many tech observers.

“This IT outage is a stark reminder of how dependent we are on technology and many other things that happen behind the scenes that most of us are unaware of,” said Louisville-based tech executive Adam Robinson on X . “Modern society and the many comforts we enjoy is a fragile thing.”

Passengers wait in front of check-in counters at the capital's Berlin Brandenburg Airport, in Schönefeld, Germany, on Friday after a widespread technology outage disrupted flights, banks, media outlets and companies around the world.

Passengers wait in front of check-in counters at the capital's Berlin Brandenburg Airport, in Schönefeld, Germany, on Friday after a widespread technology outage disrupted flights, banks, media outlets and companies around the world. Christoph Soeder/AP/DPA hide caption

What about air travel?

More than 2,000 flights originating or landing in the U.S. were canceled as of noon ET Friday, and more than twice that number were delayed, according to the FlightAware tracking site.

Delta Airlines, United Airlines and American Airlines announced they were resuming some or all of their scheduled flights after initially being grounded when the problem struck their systems. The airlines also said they were issuing waivers to affected customers.

Amsterdam’s Schiphol Airport — a major hub for long-distance flights — said a "global system failure" impacted incoming and outgoing flights on one of the busiest days of the year.

Landings at Zurich airport were suspended and flights in Hungary disrupted.

Spanish airport operator Aena reported a computer systems “incident” at all Spanish airports that it said could cause delays.

What other kinds of services went offline?

In some states, including Alaska and Ohio , 911 phone lines were down.

The U.K.’s National Health Service has been widely affected. The NHS said Friday that doctors’ appointments and patient records had been affected but that there was no known impact on emergency services. The BBC reported that two-thirds of doctors’ practices in Northern Ireland had been affected, with doctors unable to access patient records, generate prescriptions or see the result of laboratory tests.

In Germany, some hospitals canceled non-emergency operations.

Broadcasters around the world were also affected. In France and Australia , live television broadcasts were knocked offline.

Sky News, a major U.K. news channel, was off air for a time on Friday morning. It later returned, but without “ full capabilities , ” its chairman, David Rhodes, said on X Friday afternoon. A post on Australia’s ABC News website said the broadcaster was experiencing a “major network outage.”

The London Stock Exchange’s news service stopped working. Shipping in the Baltic was also impacted, with the container hub of Gdansk in Poland hit by major disruptions.

How do people fix their computers?

CrowdStrike says the problem was not a cyberattack, but rather a software glitch. The company said that after identifying the issue, it withdrew the "problematic channel file" that was affecting customers' systems.

Because of that move, if a Windows system with CrowdStrike's Falcon sensor was brought online after 1:27 a.m. ET Friday , the company said, it wouldn't be affected.

It also published a workaround that involves booting a Windows machine in a recovery environment, deleting a single file in the CrowdStrike directory, and restarting.

An airport information screen displays an error message rather than travel information at San Francisco International Airport on Friday, after a computer problem unraveled systems in the U.S. and dozens of other countries.

An airport information screen displays an error message rather than travel information at San Francisco International Airport on Friday after a computer problem unraveled systems in the U.S. and dozens of other countries. Talia Smith/NPR hide caption

What is CrowdStrike?

It’s a U.S. cybersecurity firm based in Austin, Texas. The company went public in 2019 and is currently in the S&P 500 index. As of early July, CrowdStrike’s stock had been riding months of gains. But share prices fell sharply in early trading Friday.

“This is clearly a major black eye for CrowdStrike,” said WedBush analyst Dan Ives.

CrowdStrike made headlines in 2016, when the company was hired by the Democratic National Committee to investigate a breach of its data systems . CrowdStrike determined that the hack was a case of foreign interference — the work of Russian-backed hacking groups.

The company’s marquee product is its “Falcon” cybersecurity software — and it traced the current problem to a change in a sensor in that system. That also helps explain how and why the resulting failures might have spread so quickly: Rather than being stored locally, the Falcon security platform “is 100% cloud-based.”

The company apologized for the outages on Friday, stating, "We understand the gravity of the situation and are deeply sorry for the inconvenience and disruption."

This is a developing story and will be updated.

Major US carriers restore some flight operations amid global cyber outage

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Reporting by Shivansh Tiwary, Maria Ponnezhath and Shivani Tanna ; Additional reporting by Chandni Shah, Nathan Gomes, Surbhi Mishra, Angela Christy and David Shepardson; writing by Abinaya Vijayaraghavan and Shubham Kalia; Editing by Nivedita Bhattacharjee and Sriraj Kalluvila

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  18. Car Accidents: Cause and Effect and What You Can Do

    For instance, a car accident victim may sustain traumatic brain injuries, spinal cord damage, broken bones, lacerations, and more. Depending on the severity of the injury sustained, the individual may face long-term medical needs, rehabilitation, and more. There are lifelong issues that may be faced and it can be difficult to endure.

  19. Outage caused by a CrowdStrike update

    Hundreds of US flights were canceled early Monday, as carriers, particularly Delta Air Lines, work to recover four days after a global tech outage caused massive delays and left travelers stranded ...

  20. CrowdStrike issue causes major outage affecting businesses ...

    An update by cybersecurity firm CrowdStrike led to a major IT outage on Friday, impacting businesses around the world.

  21. What We Know About the Global Microsoft Outage

    Flights continued to be disrupted at some U.S. airports into the morning because of the cascading effect of flight delays and cancellations. The Federal Aviation Administration said in a statement ...

  22. Car Accidents Prevention

    Car accidents have direct effects on the social and physical environment due to the medical burden or death. This makes family members to be financially vulnerable (Transport Canada par. 10). Conclusion. Car accidents are unavoidable; however, many causes of these disastrous occurrences can be preventable.

  23. Norilsk: The city built by gulag prisoners where Russia guards its

    A spokesperson for Nornickel said the company "is actively cooperating with the scientific community and will meticulously assess both the causes and effects of the accident." Image: Norilsk is an ...

  24. Tupolev TU-144

    Crash of a Tupolev TU-144D in Kladkovo: 2 killed. Built by the Voronezh Aircraft Factory, the airplane came out of the plant last April 27. Test flights were conducted on April 27, May 12, 16 and 18. On May 23, the crew completed a fifth test flight from 1111LT and 1307LT without any incidents. At 1730LT, the crew departed Ramenskoye Airport ...

  25. Mayor claims drone intercepted near Moscow

    Russian air defense units allegedly intercepted a drone over the city of Elektrostal in Moscow Oblast, Moscow Mayor Sergey Sobyanin reported in a Telegram post on Nov. 19.

  26. Crash of an Antonov AN-24 in Moscow

    Crash of an Antonov AN-24 in Moscow. Date & Time: Jul 29, 1962 Type of aircraft: Antonov AN-24. Operator: Registration: CCCP-46708. Flight Phase: ... Probable cause: Poor flying techniques on part of the crew who decided to take off with one engine off in difficult flight conditions. Navigation. Home; Crash archives;

  27. Helping our customers through the CrowdStrike outage

    While software updates may occasionally cause disturbances, significant incidents like the CrowdStrike event are infrequent. We currently estimate that CrowdStrike's update affected 8.5 million Windows devices, or less than one percent of all Windows machines. While the percentage was small, the broad economic and societal impacts reflect the ...

  28. CrowdStrike update glitch disrupts flights and banking around the ...

    A tech meltdown left workers at airlines, banks and hospitals staring at the dreaded "blue screen of death" as their computers went inert in what is being described as a historic outage.

  29. Recovering from the global tech outage could be a long, arduous ...

    The problem with CrowdStrike's update was that it wasn't formatted correctly "and causes Windows to crash every time," Beaumont posted on X. CNN's Olesya Dmitracova and Chris Isidore ...

  30. Major US carriers restore some flight operations amid global cyber

    Top U.S. carriers including Delta Air and United Airlines are restoring some operations on Friday after a technical issue related to an IT vendor forced multiple carriers to ground flights.