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In this forward-thinking book, fifteen leading scholars set forth cutting-edge agendas for research on significant facets of federalism, including basic theory, comparative studies, national and subnational constitutionalism, courts, self-rule and shared rule, centralization and decentralization, nationalism and diversity, conflict resolution, gender equity, and federalism challenges in Africa, Asia, and the European Union. More than 40 percent of the world’s population lives under federal arrangements, making federalism not only a major research subject but also a vital political issue worldwide.

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Introduction: A Research Agenda for Federalism Studies

In John Kincaid, ed., A Research Agenda for Federalism Studies, Edward Elgar 2019

14 Pages Posted: 13 Feb 2020

John Kincaid

Lafayette College

Date Written: 2019

This book conveys current and original reflections of 16 leading scholars from five continents on the past, present, and future of federalism research. They analyze the state of research on key facets of federalism worldwide and present ideas for new research to further understanding of federalism as a principle and mode of governance. Although only about 28 countries are arguably federal, more than 40 per cent of the world’s people live in federal systems, making federalism a leading mode of governance, potential basis for democracy, and means to accommodate diverse, territorially based national, linguistic, ethnic, racial, and/or religious communities in a single polity. Federalism is a very important principle of governance, one that is, in many cases, the only viable means to achieve unity peacefully and democratically in the face of human diversity. The contributors address research gaps, needs, and directions in normative political theory, constitutionalism, comparative governance, fiscal systems, gender, territorial diversity, nationalism, conflict resolution, shared rule, and federalism challenges in Africa, Asia, and the European Union.

Keywords: federalism, intergovernmental relations, political theory, constitutions

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Easton, PA 18042 United States

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Introduction: A Research Agenda for Federalism Studies

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A Research Agenda for Federalism Studies , edited by John Kincaid

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Erika Arban, A Research Agenda for Federalism Studies , edited by John Kincaid, Publius: The Journal of Federalism , Volume 50, Issue 3, Summer 2020, Page e6, https://doi.org/10.1093/publius/pjaa026

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Federalism is a relatively sophisticated concept that can be observed and scrutinized through a variety of epistemological lenses. Usually intended to reconcile diversity and social cohesion (especially in societies divided along ethnic, linguistic, socio-economic, or religious lines) by balancing “self-rule” and “shared-rule” ( Elazar 1987 ), federalism fuses social, historical, philosophical, economic, political, and legal/constitutional elements that intersect with each other, and all together contribute to sculpt an elaborate system of government and nurture a rich debate around it.

As is well known, federalism in its modern conceptualization has stemmed from the U.S. Constitution of 1787. For a long time afterwards, the U.S. understanding of federalism has profoundly shaped its view, and a U.S.-based literature has emerged to rapdly dominate the whole intellectual debate around federalism, both in theoretical and practical terms. But the swift emergence, especially after WWII, of new federal models—not necessarily mirroring the U.S. archetype—has added layers of complexity to the field. At times ostracized but more often praised for its innate elasticity in adapting to the specific context, federal and federal-like solutions have multiplied all over the world, fashioning new patterns, such as (asymmetrical) regional, devolved or otherwise hybrid federal solutions, supra-national systems, and the like. Similarly, from a model of coming together of previously sovereign units, federalism has progressively evolved into a holding together solution, where incremental decentralization (often along asymmetrical lines) has been carried out from a formerly unitary state, in the hope of containing centrifugal trends.

In recent years, federalism has become a topical theme in debates on global challenges such as climate change or environmental issues, the deepening of socio-economic cleavages, the management of natural resources, migratory patterns, and globalization more generally. Even the pandemic crisis that we are all so dramatically experiencing has elicited lots of attention on federalism and on the best ways to deal with health emergencies. But also at a domestic level, the rise of cities and local governments as important players, increasingly tasked with new responsibilities, testify to the complexity of federalism and the new challenges it is called to confront. The scholarly debate and interest around federalism and federal solutions is thus more than ever intellectually vibrant.

It is against this backdrop of increased complexity and animated debate that John Kincaid’s edited volume, A Research Agenda for Federalism Studies , shall be saluted as a very valuable tool and an ambitious resource to appreciate the complexity of contemporary federalism and navigate through the challenges that lie ahead, guiding scholars to direct their attention where it is most needed.

As spelled out by the editor in his Introduction, the main purpose of the book is to “provide important insights into key facets of federalism and directions for future research” (p. 1). To pursue this objective, the volume is divided into sixteen chapters, all authored by leading experts in the field, and each devoted to a specific sub-theme. As Kincaid further delineates, chapters are divided along five broad themes: federalism and political theory (chapters 1–2); federalism, constitutions and courts (chapters 3–5); comparative federalism (chapters 6–9); federalism and diversity (chapters 10–13); and three area studies (chapters 14–16). Each chapter follows a clear and coherent pattern: all contributors first distil core theories and state-of-the-art research in the specific sub-field before sketching strands of inquiry for future research. This is done by resorting to a crisp and engaging style, equally accessible to novices and experienced students of federalism. The rich bibliography at the end of each chapter also provides a valid resource for the reader.

The book has several merits that are worth illustrating in more detail. Of particular note is the breadth of the intellectual project, a claim that is three-pronged. On the one hand, mindful of the fact that federalism is a multifarious concept, the volume features an ample selection of sub-themes, although they are all traceable back to the five areas mentioned supra. While it is not the purpose of this review to recapitulate each chapter in detail, the collection has the quality to bring together classic themes in federalism studies and less explored lines of inquiry. As an example, alongside standard topics like federalism and diversity (chapter 10 by Gagnon and Tremblay), federalism and nationalism (chapter 11 by Lecours), and federalism as a tool for conflict resolution (chapter 12 by Keil), the collection includes issues that are often overlooked in ordinary federalism scholarship, such as the intersection of gender and federalism (chapter 9 by Vickers). The Introduction does not explain the specific reasons behind the choice of these, rather than other, sub-themes: this however does not in any way prejudice the value and breadth of the themes treated. Linked to this is the comprehensive methodological reach of the book, since the chapters featured in this collection blend theoretical, analytical, comparative, and empirical perspectives, all contributing to offer a far-reaching portrait of the many facets of the discipline. Likewise, the volume succeeds in approaching federalism from a variety of perspectives and in presenting it as a multidisciplinary phenomenon. In fact, the various contributors observe federalism from different frames of reference, especially from the social/political sciences and constitutional law: although independent from each other, these various angles intersect with one another, thus enriching the theoretical and practical discourse underpinning federalism.

Another merit of the book is that it presents federalism as a global phenomenon, as a constitutional and institutional mechanism whose intrinsic resilience has been adapted to address several challenges in a variety of contexts. Quite appropriate in this sense are the two chapters specifically devoted to federalism in the Global South , specifically Africa (chapter 14 by Steytler, exploring the concept of non-centralism as a the most appropriate lens to study the phenomenon in the continent) and Asia (chapter 15 by Bhattacharyya, where he proposes—among other things—further inquiry into the “appropriateness of federal design” in the region). Here, linguistic, ethnic, religious, and socio-economic cleavages render federalism both desirable (and in fact increasingly discussed) and feared (and as such contested and stymied). In this regard, it could be asked why the book does not contain a chapter specifically dedicated to federalism in Latin/South America to complement the two chapters on Africa and Asia: I believe this can be explained by the fact that federalism in this region (particularly Brazil, Argentina, Mexico, and Venezuela) was historically accepted long time ago, and as such it has rarely represented a contested feature as is the case in other parts of the Global South . The chapter on the European Union as a hybrid federal system (chapter 16 by Palermo) also adds to the global scope of the volume, since this experiment in supra-national integration can offer useful responses to commonly encountered challenges in federal systems worldwide, such as secession, asymmetry and public policy in areas like immigration and economic governance (pp. 203–204). More generally, however, most of the sub-themes discussed in the book are highly relevant to most federations around the world, both old and new, both in developed and developing countries, although the institutional and constitutional solutions engineered in each specific context through one form of another of federalism might differ. For example, issues of boundary dynamics in federations (chapter 2 by Bednar), the role of subnational constitutions (chapter 4 by Dinan), the reciprocal interaction between courts and federal institutions (chapter 5 by Aroney), or fiscal federalism (chapter 7 by Valdesalici) are also present in most federations. Some broad theoretical and comparative themes raised in the volume, such as methodological aspects related to the study of comparative federalism (chapter 6 by Fenna), de/centralization dynamics (chapter 8 by Dardanelli), or the theory and real meaning behind the classic federal concept of “shared rule” (chapter 13 by Mueller) are equally applicable to the vast majority of federal systems. Finally, both Hueglin in chapter 1 and Saunders in chapter 3 lament the fact that both political theory and constitutional theory have neglected to seriously engage with federalism principles, so that federalism has remained largely on the margin in both disciplines: a more substantial engagement in the field—as suggested by both scholar—would highly benefit federations globally.

In regard to the authors selected for this book, I have already pointed out that they are all stellar federalism scholars. In addition to being recognized experts in the specific sub-fields in which they write, most of them share a comparative understanding of the subject and can thus situate their analysis as part of a global discourse. As with the selection of topics, the Introduction does not clarify the criteria followed for the selection of the authors: however, this does not weaken the quality and value of the whole project.

I believe that the book could have benefitted from the inclusion of a final, concluding chapter—written by the editor or by some other contributor—distilling the main lessons learned and main themes as transpired from the various contributions featured in this collection, and perhaps some reflections on the future directions of federalism as a field of scholarly study. In any case, A Research Agenda for Federalism Studies remains an indispensable research tool for all scholars interested in federalism studies broadly construed. While its main purpose is to spell out avenues for future research in the field, thus guiding the researcher to gauge her research where it is most needed or helpful, this collection also succeeds in encapsulating the gist of state-of-the-art research conducted so far. As such, the book could also become a valuable subsidiary educational resource for academics teaching Comparative Federalism courses at graduate and postgraduate level.

This work was fully funded by the Australian Government through the Australian Research Council (ARC) Laureate Program “Balancing Diversity and Social Cohesion in Democratic Constitutions.

Elazar, Daniel J. 1987. Exploring Federalism . Tuscaloosa: University of Alabama Press.

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John Kincaid

A Research Agenda for Federalism Studies Hardcover

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A Research Agenda for Federalism Studies 1st Edition

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Introduction to A Research Agenda for Federalism Studies

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John Kincaid

A Research Agenda for Federalism Studies (Elgar Research Agendas)

  • ISBN-10 180088947X
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  • Publisher Edward Elgar Publishing
  • Publication date June 21, 2021
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Editorial Reviews

' A Research Agenda for Federalism Studies is a treasure-trove of solid federalism scholarship as well as a compilation of questions as yet unanswered. The contributors provide a first rate research agenda for scholars--especially new scholars--seeking to make a difference in this subfield.' --Carol S. Weissert, Florida State University, US

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  • Language ‏ : ‎ English
  • Paperback ‏ : ‎ 232 pages
  • ISBN-10 ‏ : ‎ 180088947X
  • ISBN-13 ‏ : ‎ 978-1800889477
  • Item Weight ‏ : ‎ 12.6 ounces
  • Dimensions ‏ : ‎ 6 x 0.75 x 9 inches
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Federalism and courts intersect in two important ways. The first concerns court adjudication of constitutional disputes about the structure and composition of federal and state institutions of government and the distributions of power between them. The second concerns the design of court systems within federations, with particular emphasis on their organizational features and allocated jurisdictions at federal and state levels. This chapter reviews the ways in which courts understand the constitutional presuppositions of particular federations, and how those presuppositions shape court interpretations of the governing institutions and distributions of power within federations. The chapter shows how such interpretations bear on the degree of centralization and decentralization within federations and how they can either safeguard or undermine the integrity of each federal system of government. Methodological issues associated with the comparative study of courts in federations are also discussed, and key questions for further inquiry are identified.

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  1. A Research Agenda for Federalism Studies

    'A Research Agenda for Federalism Studies remains an indispensable research tool for all scholars interested in federalism studies broadly construed. While its main purpose is to spell out avenues for future research in the field, thus guiding the researcher to gauge her research where it is most needed or helpful, this collection also ...

  2. A Research Agenda for Federalism Studies (Elgar Research Agendas)

    ' A Research Agenda for Federalism Studies is a treasure-trove of solid federalism scholarship as well as a compilation of questions as yet unanswered. The contributors provide a first rate research agenda for scholars--especially new scholars--seeking to make a difference in this subfield.'--Carol S. Weissert, ...

  3. A Research Agenda for Federalism Studies

    In this forward-thinking book, fifteen leading scholars set forth cutting-edge agendas for research on significant facets of federalism, including basic theory, comparative studies, national and subnational constitutionalism, courts, self-rule and shared rule, centralization and decentralization, nationalism and diversity, conflict resolution, gender equity, and federalism challenges in Africa ...

  4. A Research Agenda for Federalism Studies

    Alexander D. Gulyakov. Last Updated: 28 Apr 2023. Request PDF | On Dec 2, 2019, John Kincaid published A Research Agenda for Federalism Studies | Find, read and cite all the research you need on ...

  5. Index in: A Research Agenda for Federalism Studies

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  6. A Research Agenda for Federalism Studies

    Downloadable! In this forward-thinking book, fifteen leading scholars set forth cutting-edge agendas for research on significant facets of federalism, including basic theory, comparative studies, national and subnational constitutionalism, courts, self-rule and shared rule, centralization and decentralization, nationalism and diversity, conflict resolution, gender equity, and federalism ...

  7. PDF Introduction to A Research Agenda for Federalism Studies

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  8. A Research Agenda for Federalism Studies

    A Research Agenda for Federalism Studies. Edited by John Kincaid. in Books from Edward Elgar Publishing. Abstract: In this forward-thinking book, fifteen leading scholars set forth cutting-edge agendas for research on significant facets of federalism, including basic theory, comparative studies, national and subnational constitutionalism, courts, self-rule and shared rule, centralization and ...

  9. Introduction: A Research Agenda for Federalism Studies

    Abstract. This book conveys current and original reflections of 16 leading scholars from five continents on the past, present, and future of federalism research. They analyze the state of research on key facets of federalism worldwide and present ideas for new research to further understanding of federalism as a principle and mode of governance.

  10. Introduction: A Research Agenda for Federalism Studies

    This book conveys current and original reflections of 16 leading scholars from five continents on the past, present, and future of federalism research. They analyze the state of research on key facets of federalism worldwide and present ideas for new research to further understanding of federalism as a principle and mode of governance. Although only about 28 countries are arguably federal ...

  11. Introduction : A Research Agenda for Federalism Studies

    This book conveys current and original reflections of 16 leading scholars from five continents on the past, present, and future of federalism research. They analyze the state of research on key facets of federalism worldwide and present ideas for new research to further understanding of federalism as a principle and mode of governance. Although only about 28 countries are arguably federal ...

  12. A Research Agenda for Federalism Studies

    Hardback. A Research Agenda for Federalism Studies. Elgar Research Agendas. Edited by John Kincaid, Robert B. and Helen S. Meyner Professor of Government and Public Service and Director, Meyner Center for the Study of State and Local Government, Lafayette College, US. Publication Date: 2019 ISBN: 978 1 78811 296 3 Extent: 232 pp.

  13. Author Interview: A Research Agenda for Federalism Studies

    John Kincaid (ed) John Kincaid tells us about his new book A Research Agenda for Federalism Studies. Tell us a little bit about the book. This book conveys current and original reflections of 16 leading scholars from five continents on the past, present, and future of federalism research. These scholars analyze the state of research on key ...

  14. A Research Agenda for Federalism Studies

    A Research Agenda for Federalism Studies Kincaid, John (Editor) Cheltenham & Northampton, Edward Elgar Publishing (2019), 218 p., ISBN 978-1-78811-3 ... The volume demonstrates how different approaches to the study of federalism have stimulated debates about the core characteristics of federal systems, about the differences between federalism ...

  15. Research Agenda for Federalism Studies, edited by John Kincaid

    In any case, A Research Agenda for Federalism Studies remains an indispensable research tool for all scholars interested in federalism studies broadly construed. While its main purpose is to spell out avenues for future research in the field, thus guiding the researcher to gauge her research where it is most needed or helpful, this collection ...

  16. A Research Agenda for Federalism Studies Hardcover

    Up to 90% off Textbooks at Amazon Canada. Plus, free two-day shipping for six months when you sign up for Amazon Prime for Students.

  17. Chapter 11: Federalism and nationalism in: A Research Agenda for

    Introduction to A Research Agenda for Federalism Studies. Chapter 1: Federalism and political theory: a case of mutual neglect? Chapter 2: Federalism theory: the boundary problem, robustness and dynamics. Chapter 3: Federalism and constitutionalism: challenges presented by dominant conceptions of the unitary state.

  18. PDF Kincaid, John (ed.) (2019): A Research Agenda for Federalism Studies

    Ganzes - „the whole of federalism" (S. 13) - in den Blick zu nehmen, um nicht, ... A Research Agenda for Federalism Studies 637 Die in diesem Artikel enthaltenen Bilder und sonstiges Drittmaterial unterliegen ebenfalls der genannten Creative CommonsLizenz, sofern sich ausder Abbildungslegende nichts anderes ergibt. Sofern dasbetref-

  19. A Research Agenda for Federalism Studies

    Elgar Research Agendas outline the future of research in a given area. Leading scholars are given the space to explore their subject in provocative ways, and map out the potential directions of travel. They are relevant but also visionary. This timely and insightful Research Agenda for Federalism Studies brings together comparative reflections ...

  20. A Research Agenda for Federalism Studies 1st Edition

    A Research Agenda for Federalism Studies 1st Edition is written by John Kincaid and published by Edward Elgar Publishing. The Digital and eTextbook ISBNs for A Research Agenda for Federalism Studies are 9781788112970, 1788112970 and the print ISBNs are 9781788112963, 1788112962. Save up to 80% versus print by going digital with VitalSource.

  21. Introduction to A Research Agenda for Federalism Studies

    December 2019. DOI: 10.4337/9781788112970.00005. In book: A Research Agenda for Federalism Studies (pp.1-14) Authors: John Kincaid. Lafayette College. To read the full-text of this research, you ...

  22. A Research Agenda for Federalism Studies (Elgar Research Agendas)

    Amazon.com: A Research Agenda for Federalism Studies (Elgar Research Agendas): 9781800889477: Kincaid, John: Books. Skip to main content.us. Delivering to Lebanon 66952 Update location Books. Select the department you want to search in. Search Amazon. EN. Hello, sign in. Account & Lists ...

  23. A research agenda for US land use and planning law, edited by John J

    A Research Agenda for US Land Use and Planning Law summarizes existing research and identifies areas ripe for additional study. It embraces the broad universe of planning law, from zoning policies ...

  24. Chapter 5: Federalism and courts: research avenues in: A Research

    Abstract. Federalism and courts intersect in two important ways. The first concerns court adjudication of constitutional disputes about the structure and composition of federal and state institutions of government and the distributions of power between them. The second concerns the design of court systems within federations, with particular ...