scheme of work for primary 2 physical and health education

Primary 2 Physical Health Education Scheme of Work

Download the Unified Basic 2 Scheme of Work for Physical Health  Education, to serve as a guide for educators and primary school teachers

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About Physical and Health Education Scheme of Work for Primary 2

Physical education is a course that is essential to be taught in primary school because it helps the pupils to understand how to stay healthy. In this academic session, the pupils will be taught hygiene as well as different sports and games.

The topics treated in this class include the following; Movement of the body. Safety rules in movement, athletics, game, safety in basketball, swimming and safety rules in swimming, health and hygiene, rest and sleep, safety education, first aid and road users.

The topics listed above need to be demonstrated and practiced for the objectives to be properly achieved. At the end of the session, the pupils should be able to discuss movement and demonstrate them correctly, identify safety rules in athletics, perform demonstrated skills in basketball, discuss swimming and its safety rules, etc.

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Primary 2 First Term Scheme of Work for Physical and Health Education

Physical and Health Education Scheme of Work for Primary/Basic 2
 CLASSPrimary/Basic 2
 SUBJECTPhysical and Health Education
 TERMFirst Term
WEEKTOPICSLearning Objectives
1Movement of the body 
2Movement of the bodyAt the end ome lesson, pupils should able to
i. perform basic movement such as match past, jogging acivities,
carryout galloping
3MovementAt the end of the lesson. should be able to
i. Perform basic such as galopping, skipping and squatting.
4MovementAt the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to
i. imitate movement and sounds madc by people
ii. Animals
iii. Machine and sound them
5Safety rules in movementAt the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:
i. Identify safety rules in shooting heading, bending and stetching.
6AtheleticsAt the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to
1.Perform 50m dash
2.Perform 75m, showing the start and the finish
8AthleticsAt the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to
i. list the basic skills in long jump
9Safety Rules in AthleticsAt the end ofthe lesson, pupils should be able to
i.1ist the safety rules in athletics
ii. explain the safety rules in athletics

Primary 2 Second Term Scheme of Work for Physical and Health Education

 CLASSPrimary/Basic 2
 SUBJECTPhysical and Health Education
 TERMSecond Term
WEEKTOPICSLearning Objectives
1GameAt the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to
i. list the basic skills in Basket ball
ii. explain some skills mentioned
iii. perform the skills mentioned
2GameAt the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to
i.identify basket ball
ii.perform the skill bouncing in basketball
3GameAt the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to
l.identify basket ball
2.perform the skill bouncing in basketball
4GameAt the end ofthelesson, pupils should be able to:
i. 1mitate movement and sounds made by people
ii. Animals
iiiMachine around them,
5Safety in BasketballAt the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to
i.state the safety rules in basket ball
ii.explain the safety rules in basketball
6SwimmingAt the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to
i. Idenüfy skills in swimming
ii. exlain tie skills in swimming
8Safety rules in SwimmingAt the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:
Explain mainframe and super computers
9SwimmingAt the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to
i. List the skills in swimming
e.g. free style, butter fly stroke, breast stroke e,t.c
ii. .Demonstrate skills in swimming

Primary 2 Third Term Scheme of Work for Physical and Health Education

 CLASSPrimary/Basic 2
 SUBJECTPhysical and Health Education
 TERMThird Term
WEEKTOPICSLearning Objectives
1Health and HygieneAt the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:
I.Enumerate some ways of purifying water.
2-Describe some ways of purifying water.
2HygieneAt the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to
i. demonstrate the process of purifying water.
ii.explain how they purify water at home
3HygieneAt the end of the lesson, pupils should able to
-purification of hand at home
4Rest and sleepAt the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to
i. identify proper way of resting and sleeping
5Safety EducationAt the end ofthe leson, pupils should be able
i. explain the meaning of safety education
ii. list the safety education condition for first aid treatment.

6First AidAt the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:
i. state conditions that requires first aid treatment
ii. Decribe how to treat the treatment
7Mid-Term Assessment
8-9First Aid ContinueAt the end of the leson, pupils should be able to:
i.explain more condition that requires first aid treatment
10Road user
-Meaning of road
-Road users Correct use of the road
Pupils should be able to.
i. say the meaning of roads;
ii. identify different road users (e.g. cars, bicycles, motor cycle,
humans, animals etc)
iii how each user correctly use road;

scheme of work for primary 2 physical and health education

Recommended Physical and Health Education Textbooks for Primary 2

  • Ayegbusi, Fitness and Fun, Learn Africa, 2015.
  • Samuel Sodipe, Basic Science and Technology, Tanus, 2015.
  • Naomi Baba Gbefol, WABP P.H.E, . WABP, 2014.
  • B.A. Adeniyi, Melrose P.H.E, Melrose, 2012.
  • S. Oriaifo, Evans P.H.E, .Evans 2015
  • S.O. Olurankinse, Comprehensive P.H.E, Literamed, 2015.
  • Fadoju A.O., Nelson P.H.E., Nelson, 2015.
  • J.O. Ilesanmi, Ilesanmi P.H.E. Ilesanmi Press, 2014.

Supplementary(Safety Book)

  • Oluwakemi Oluwaseyi, Safety Talk, Top Fight Consult.
  • S. Oriaifo, Evans P.H.E,. Evans 2015
  • J. O Ige, B.A. Adeniyi, Melrose P.H.E, Melrose, 2012.
  • Naomi Baba Gbefol, WABP P.H.E, .WABP, 2014.

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Unlocking the Potential: How PE Schemes of Work Enhance Physical Education in Primary Schools

Lance Craswell

Are you ready to empower young learners to lead healthy and active lives? In today's world, where physical activity is more important than ever, providing students with the tools for a well-rounded education in physical fitness, sports, and overall wellness is crucial. This is where PE schemes of work come into play. These comprehensive and innovative programs are designed to enhance physical education in primary schools, ensuring that students receive a structured and engaging curriculum that promotes lifelong health and teamwork.

In this blog, we will explore the benefits of PE schemes of work and discover how they can transform physical education in primary schools.

What are PE Schemes of Work?

PE schemes of work are structured plans that outline the curriculum and activities for physical education in primary schools. They provide a framework for teachers to deliver effective and engaging PE lessons, ensuring students receive a well-rounded education in physical fitness, sports, and overall wellness. These schemes cover a range of areas, from developing fundamental movement skills to fostering a love for physical activity and teamwork.

The flexibility of PE schemes of work allows teachers to adapt the curriculum to meet the needs and abilities of their students while also ensuring a logical progression of skills and knowledge. Additionally, they offer teachers a wealth of resources, including lesson plans, assessment tools, and equipment recommendations, which saves time and effort in lesson planning.

Benefits of Using PE Schemes of Work:

Implementing PE schemes of work in primary schools offers numerous advantages for both teachers and students:

Structured and Coherent Curriculum: PE schemes of work provide a clear roadmap for teachers, leading to coherent and progressive lessons. This ensures that students can build upon their skills over time, resulting in better learning outcomes.

Engaging and Inclusive Lessons: Designed to be inclusive, PE schemes of work cater to students' diverse needs and abilities. They offer a variety of activities and resources, enabling all students to participate and succeed, regardless of their skill level or background.

Aligned with National Curriculum Standards: PE schemes of work align with national curriculum standards, ensuring consistency and quality in physical education across primary schools.

Promotes Fitness and Well-Being: Focusing on developing fundamental movement skills and promoting physical fitness, PE schemes of work help students develop healthy habits and improve their overall well-being.

Enhances Teamwork and Cooperation: Through activities that promote teamwork and cooperation, students learn to communicate, collaborate, and work together towards common goals.

Supports Assessment and Evaluation: PE schemes of work provide assessment tools and guidelines, facilitating the evaluation of student's progress and providing constructive feedback.

Research and Statistics on the Impact of PE Schemes of Work:

Numerous studies highlight the positive impact of PE schemes of work on physical education in primary schools:

A study by the University of Exeter reported increased student engagement and enjoyment in PE lessons in schools using PE schemes of work. Students were more motivated to participate in physical activities and showed improved attitudes towards physical education.

Research published in the British Journal of Sports Medicine found that students who received regular PE lessons through a structured scheme of work were more likely to engage in physical activity outside of school and maintain healthy habits into adulthood.

A survey by the National Association for Physical Education (afPE) revealed that teachers in schools with PE schemes of work reported increased confidence in delivering high-quality PE lessons that met national curriculum standards.

Statistics from the Department for Education demonstrated that primary schools implementing PE schemes of work witnessed improvements in students' physical fitness levels, including cardiovascular fitness, coordination, and motor skills.

Components of an Effective PE Scheme of Work:

To ensure an effective PE scheme of work, the following components are essential:

Clear Learning Objectives: The scheme should have clear and measurable learning objectives, providing direction for both teachers and students.

Progression and Continuity: A well-designed scheme of owrk should enable students to build upon their existing skills and knowledge, ensuring a logical flow of learning experiences.

Inclusive Activities: The scheme of work should encompass activities catering to students' diverse needs and abilities, promoting inclusivity.

Differentiation and Adaptation: Teachers should be able to modify activities and resources to suit individual student needs, fostering an inclusive learning environment.

Assessment and Feedback: A comprehensive scheme should include assessment tools and guidelines to evaluate student's progress and provide constructive feedback.

Creating a PE Scheme of Work: Step-by-Step Guide:

Developing a PE scheme of work may seem daunting, but with a step-by-step approach, it becomes more manageable:

Review the National Curriculum: Familiarize yourself with the national curriculum requirements for physical education in primary schools.

Identify Key Skills and Concepts: Determine the key skills and concepts you want to focus on in your PE scheme of work.

Plan for Progression: Map out the progression of skills and concepts across each key stage.

Select Activities and Resources: Choose various activities and resources that align with your learning objectives.

Adapt and Differentiate: Consider your students' diverse needs and abilities and plan for differentiation and adaptation.

Create a Lesson Plan Template: Develop a lesson plan template with key components such as learning objectives, activities, resources, assessment strategies, and differentiation options.

Trial and Refine: Pilot your PE scheme of work with a small group of students and gather feedback.

Implement and Evaluate: Once satisfied, implement the scheme with your students, monitor its effectiveness, and make necessary adjustments.

Integrating PE Schemes of Work with the National Curriculum:

PE schemes of work play a vital role in integrating physical education with the national curriculum. They ensure that PE lessons align with national standards and learning objectives. To achieve this integration:

Align Learning Objectives: Ensure that the activities and resources in the scheme address the learning objectives specified in the national curriculum.

Meet Content Expectations: Cover the required content areas specified in the national curriculum, including fundamental movement skills, various physical activities, and healthy lifestyles.

Adapt to Key Stages: Tailor the scheme to meet the developmental needs of students at different key stages.

Assessment and Reporting: Incorporate assessment tools and guidelines aligned with the national curriculum's requirements.

Case Studies:

Successful Implementation of PE Schemes of Work in Primary Schools: Several case studies demonstrate the successful implementation of PE schemes of work in primary schools:

Oakwood Primary School: Increased student engagement and enjoyment in PE lessons, improved coordination, motor skills, and fitness levels.

Willowbrook Academy: Enhanced student motivation, better problem-solving skills, and critical thinking abilities through cross-curricular activities.

Maplewood Primary School: Improved social skills, increased confidence, and self-esteem through team sports and group activities.

Evaluating and Assessing the Effectiveness of PE Schemes of Work:

To ensure the effectiveness of PE schemes of work, adopt these evaluation and assessment strategies:

Student Assessments: Regularly assess students' progress and achievement in physical education.

Student Surveys and Feedback: Gather feedback from students about their experiences in PE lessons.

Teacher Observations and Reflections: Observe teachers delivering PE lessons and provide constructive feedback.

Parent and Community Feedback: Engage parents and the community in the evaluation process.

Data Analysis and Comparison: Analyse data collected from assessments, surveys, and observations.


PE schemes of work are transformative tools that unlock the potential of physical education in primary schools. Their structured and comprehensive approach promotes students' fitness, teamwork, and overall well-being. The positive impact of PE schemes of work is supported by research and real-world case studies, making them indispensable in today's education landscape.

By following the step-by-step guide, integrating the scheme with the national curriculum, and continuously evaluating its effectiveness, schools can ensure that their PE programs empower young learners to lead healthy, active, and fulfilling lives. Let's join hands and make physical education a way of life for the next generation!

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Second Term Physical and Health Education (PHE) Plan Lesson Notes According to the the Lagos State Scheme of Work for Primary 4 (Basic 4) Lesson Notes





WEEKS/CONTENT LINKS WEEK 1 – Importance of Community Efforts for Health Promotion
WEEK 2 – Community Efforts for Health Promotion
WEEK 3 – Meaning and Types of Waste Disposal
WEEK 4 – Meaning of Physical Fitness Exercise
WEEK 5 – Performing Physical Fitness Exercises
WEEK 6 – Importance of Physical Fitness
WEEK 7 – Basic Movements in Gymnastic I
WEEK 8 – Basic Movements in Gymnastic II
WEEK 9 – Basic Movements in Gymnastic with Apparatus
WEEK 10 – Meaning and Importance of Food Nutrition
WEEK 11 – Nutritional deficiency and Diseases
WEEK 12 – Safety at Home (to and fro school) 
SECOND TERM EXAMINATION – Second Term Examination Physical and Health Education Basic 4
DOWNLOAD – Basic Science and Technology (BST) – New Lagos State Unified Scheme of Work for Primary 4 – 6 2021 Edition     NEXT TERM Third Term Physical and Health Education Plan Lesson Notes for Primary 4 (Basic 4)
PREVIOUS TERM First Term Physical and Health Education Plan Lesson Notes for Primary 4 (Basic 4)

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scheme of work for primary 2 physical and health education

Alabi M. S.

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Physical and Health Education PHE Scheme of Work JSS2 Lagos State

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Physical and Health Education for Junior Secondary Schools in Nigeria. JSS2 PHE Scheme of Work – Schemeofwork


Subject: BST (PHE)

TOPIC:  Revision /Welcome Test

Learning Objectives:

 Students should be able to:

1. Revises the last term work on Athletics (Track and Field Events).

2. Summarizes the last term work on Ball Games e.g (Volleyball and Soccer).                                      

Learning Activities:

 1. Students in pairs analyze Track and Field event.

2. Students in small group demonstrate different skills in Volleyball and Soccer at each station until the whole task is executed.

Embedded Core Skills:

 1. Digital Literacy.

2. Collaboration & Communication.

3. Student Leadership & Personal Development.

4. Critical Thinking & Problem Solving     

Learning Resources:

Video Resource:

Website Resource:

Instructional Materials:

1.            Video clips

2.            Flash Card

3.            Poster


1.            Explain the concept of recreation and Leisure.

2.            Classify the types of recreational activities.

3.            Distinguish between indoor and outdoor activities with examples. (Indoor: Ludo, Watching film show, Playing music, sewing etc. Outdoor: Camping, Excursion, Football, Tennis etc)                                   

 1.           Students as a class will discuss recreation and leisure.

2.            Students in pairs will classify the type of recreational activities.

3.            Students in small group differentiate between indoor and outdoor activities.

4.            Students in group demonstrate recreational activities such as table tennis, ludo and soccer.

1.            Collaboration & Communication.

2.            Student Leadership & Personal Development.

3.            Digital Literacy.

4.            Critical Thinking & Problem Solving.

5.            Creativity & imagination.

 Video Resource:

Dance and Rhythm

Learning Objectives:     

Students should be able to:

1.            Explain the concept of Dance and Rhythm.

2.            Classify the types of Dance with examples.

3.            Deduce the values of Dance / Rhythmic activities.                           

 1.           Students as a class discuss the concept of Dance and Rhythm.

2.            Students in pairs classify the type of Dance with examples.

3.            Students in group analyze the values of Dance / Rhythmic activities.

                1.            Collaboration & Communication.

3.            Creativity & Imagination.

4.            Digital Literacy

5.            Critical Thinking & Problem Solving.

Different Dance Costumes

1.            Demonstrate different dancing steps in Atilogwu.

2.            Dramatize different dancing steps in Bata.

3.            Perform different dancing steps in Pokiti.

 1.           Students in small group demonstrate different dancing step in Atilogwu

2.            Students in group dramatize different dancing steps in Bata.

3.            Students in small group perform different dancing steps in Pokiti.           

Embedded Core Skills: 

3.            Digital Literacy

4.            Different Dance Costumes

1.            Explain First Aid

2.            Classify the objectives of First Aid.

3.            Discover the qualities of a First Aider.

4.            Show the content of a First Aid box and uses.

5.            Determine the basic principles of First Aid.                                          

 1.           Students as a class discuss the concept of First Aid.

2.            Students in pairs classify the objectives of First Aid.

3.            Students in small group identify the qualities of a First Aider.

4.            Students in group identify the content of a First Aid box.

5.            Students as a class determine the principles of First Aid.


Students in small groups construct a first box with the use of a cardboard, shoe box

4.            Critical Thinking.

5.            Creativity & Imagination.

4.            First Aid box

5.            Charts

Safety Education 

1. Compare the concept of Safety, Safety Education, and Accident.

2. Differentiate the Classification of Accident. (Home/Domestic, School, Transportation and Workplace).

3. Investigate the causes and prevention of Accident. (Home/Domestic, School, Transportation and Workplace).

4. Recommend the safety measure to be taken.                              

 1. Students as a class discuss the concept of Safety, Safety Education, and Accident.

2. Students in small group differentiate the classification of Accident. (Home/Domestic, School, Transportation and Workplace).

3. Students in group investigate the causes and prevention of Accident.

4. Students as a class recommend the safety measure to be taken.

5.            Creativity & Imagination.     

4.            Charts


Subject:               BST (PHE)

Sport Injuries

Learning Objectives:      

1. Analyze sports injuries.

2. Distinguish the common sports injuries. (Wound, Dislocation, Sprain, Strain, Fracture, Muscle fatigue, Muscle cramp, etc.).

3. Assess the common sports injuries under the following heading (causes, symptom, and treatment)  

 1.           Students as a class analyze sports injuries.

2.            Students in group discuss common sports injuries.

3.            Students as a class discuss the causes, symptom, and treatment.

4.            Creativity & Imagination.

Field Event

1.            Identify the equipment used for Throws and Jumps Events.

2.            Construct the sectors of throw events.

3.            Dramatize the basic phases in throws events (Javelin, Shot-put, and Discus)

4.            Demonstrate the basic phases in Jumps events (High jump, Long jump)

5.            Appraise the General rules & regulations of various throws and jumps event.                                    

 1. Students in pairs identify the equipment used for Throws and Jumps Events.

2. Students as a class construct the sectors of Throws events.

3. Students in small group dramatize the basic phases in throws events (Javelin, Shotput, and Discus).

4. Students in group demonstrate the basic phases in Jumps events (High jump, Long jump).

5. Students as a class appraise the general rules &regulations of various Throws and Jumps event.

  Video Resource:

4.            Diagrams

5.            Javelin

6.            Shotput

7.            Discus

8.            Upright /Crossbar

Learning Objectives :     

1.            Write brief history on Judo.

2.            Classify the type of facilities and equipment used in Judo.

3.            Demonstrate the basic skills and techniques in Judo.

4.            Examine the rules and regulations in Judo.

5.            Identify the Officials in Judo.                     

 1.           Student as a class discuss the history of Judo.

2.            Students in pairs classify the type of facilities and equipment used in Judo.

3.            Students in small group demonstrate the basic skills and techniques in Judo.

4.            Students in group examine the rules and regulations in Judo.

5.            Students as a class identify the officials in Judo.

 1.           Collaboration & Communication.

5.            Critical Thinking & Problem Solving.





TOPIC: Revision (Welcome Test)


 By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

1.            Revises the last term work on Recreation and Dance.

2.            Summarizes the last term work on First Aid, Safety Education, and Sports Injury.

3.            Revises the last term work on Field event and Judo.


1.            Students as a class discuss the concept of recreation and dance.

2.            Students in small group summarize First Aid, Safety Education, and Sports Injury.

3.            Students in group engage Field event and Judo.


2.            Student Leadership &Personal Development.



Table Tennis

By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

1. Write brief history on Table Tennis

2.  Analyze the skills used in Table Tennis

3.  Categorize the type of equipment used in Table Tennis.

1.            Student as a class discuss the brief history of Table Tennis.

2.            Students in pairs analyze the skills used in Table Tennis.

3.            Students as a class categorize the type of equipment used in Table Tennis.

4.            Racket

6.            Ball

7.            Table Tennis board

Practical Demonstration

1.            Design a Table Tennis board.

2.            Examine the basic rules and regulations in Table Tennis.

3.            Identify the Officials in Table Tennis

4.            Demonstrate the skills in Table Tennis (e.g. Service, Grip, Footwork, Backhand stroke/drive, Forehand stroke/drive, and Smash etc.).

1.            Students in group design a Table Tennis board with sightseeing from other groups.

2.            Students as a class examine the basic rules and regulations in Table Tennis.

3.            Students in pairs identify the Officials in Table Tennis.

4.            Students in group demonstrate the skills in Table Tennis.

1.            Write brief history on Tennis

2.            Categorize the Facilities and equipment used in Tennis.

3.            Demonstrate the skills and techniques in Tennis.

4.            Appraise the rules and regulations in Tennis.

5.            Identify the officials and their duties in Tennis.

1.            Students as a class discuss brief history on Tennis.

2.            Students in pair’s categories the facilities and equipment used in Tennis.

3.            Students in group demonstrate the skills and techniques in Tennis.

4.            Students in small group examine the rules and regulations in Tennis.

5.            Students as a class identify the official and their duties in Tennis.

4.            Creativity & Imagination

6.            Tennis Ball

7.            Canvass


1.            Demonstrate the skills in Tennis (e.g. Service, Grip, Footwork, Stance, Backhand stroke/drive, Forehand stroke/drive, volley, and Smash etc.).

1.            Students in group demonstrate the skills in Tennis.

1.  Collaboration & Communication.

1.            Student Leadership &Personal Development.

2.            Digital Literacy

7.            Canvas

 School and Community Health

1.            Explain School Health programmer.

2.            Classify the objectives of School Health programmer.

1.            Students as a class discuss School Health programmer

2.            Students in small group classify the objectives of School Health programmer.

4.            Critical Thinking & Problem Solving .


School and Community Health

Analyses the components of school health programmer

Students in small groups exhibit the components of school health programmed

4.            Critical Thinking &Problem Solving.

Environmental Pollution

1.            Write short note on Environmental Pollution.

2.            Categorize the types of Environmental Pollution.

 1.           Students as a class discuss Environmental Pollution.

2.            Students in small group categorize the types of Environmental Pollution.

1.            Determine the sources and causes of environmental pollution.

2.            Investigate the effects of environmental pollution.

3.            Recommend the preventive measures on environmental pollution.

1.            Students in small group determine the sources and causes of Environmental Pollution.

2.            Students in group investigate the effects of Environmental Pollution.

3.            Students as a class recommend the preventive measures on Environmental Pollution.




1.            Revises the last term work on Table Tennis, and Tennis.

2.            Summarizes the last term work on School and Community Health, and Environmental Pollution.

1.            Students in small group demonstrate skills and techniques in Table Tennis and Tennis.

2.            Students in group summarize School & Community Health and Environmental Pollution.

5.            Pictures

Non-Communicable Diseases and their Prevention

1.            Explain Non-Communicable Disease.

2.            Categorize the examples of non-communicable disease (E.g., Epilepsy, Asthma, Sickle cell, Obesity, Kwashiorkor).

3.            Determine the causes of non-communicable disease.

4.            Classify the types of non-communicable diseases.

5.            Recommend the ways of preventing non-communicable diseases.

1.            Student as a class explain Non-Communicable Disease.

2.            Student in pairs categorize the examples of non-communicable disease.

3.            Students in pairs determine the causes of non-communicable disease.

4.            Students in small group classify the types of non-communicable diseases.

5.            Students as a class recommend the ways of preventing non-communicable diseases.

Posture and Postural Defects

1.            Distinguish between Posture and postural defects.

2.            Deduce the characteristics of good posture.

3.            Prescribe the causes of postural defects e.g. Heredity, Habit, Diseases, accident etc.

1.            Students in pairs distinguish between Posture and Postural defects.

2.            Students in small group deduce the characteristic of good Posture.

3.            Students as a class prescribe the causes of Postural defects.

1.            Write on postural defects e.g. scoliosis, kyphosis, flat foot, lordships, k-leg, bowleg etc.

2.            Discover the effects of poor posture on the body.

3.            Recommend the ways of maintaining good posture.

 1.           Students in group design Postural defect with its features for sightseeing to other groups.

2.            Students in small group discover the effects of poor Posture on the body.

3.            Students as a class recommend the ways of maintaining good posture.

5.            Creativity & Imagination

  Sports and Society

1.            Distinguish between Sports and Society.

2.            Appraise the Functions and Values of Sports in the Society.

3.            Design the ways sports can be used to control youth’s restiveness.

1.            Students in pairs distinguish between Sports and Society.

2.            Students in small group appraise the functions and values of Sports in the Society.

3.            Students as a class discuss the ways sports can be used to control youth’s restiveness.

Issues and Challenges in Physical and Health Education (Human Trafficking)

1.            Write on Human Trafficking.

2.            Categorize the examples of human trafficking.

3.            Determine the Causes of Human trafficking.

1.            Student as a class discuss Human Trafficking.

2.            Students in pairs categorize the examples of Human Trafficking.

3.            Students in group determine the causes of Human Trafficking.

4.            Pictures

Human Trafficking

1.            Discover the Health implications of human trafficking.

2.            Recommend the solutions to human trafficking

1.            Students in small group design health implications of human trafficking for sightseeing to other group each.

2.            Students as a class recommend the solutions to human trafficking.

Sports Laws

1.            Write on the concept of Sports Law.

2.            Distinguish between Tort, Negligence, and Legal Liability.

3.            Examine various Assaults in Sports.

1.            Students as a class discuss the concept of sports law.

2.            Students in small group distinguish between Tort, Negligence, and Legal Liability.

3.            Students as a class examine various Assaults in Sport.

Ball Game (Basketball)

1.            Explain the nature of the game in Basketball.

2.            Categorize the facilities and equipment in Basketball.

3.            Design and label a standard Basketball Court.

4.            Demonstrate the basic skills in Basketball.

5.            Appraise the rules and regulations in Basketball Game.

1.            Students as a class explain the nature of the game in Basketball.

2.            Students in pairs categorize the facilities and equipment in Basketball.

3.            Students in group design and label a standard Basketball Court.

4.            Students in small group demonstrate the basic skills in Basketball.

5.            Students as a class discuss the rules and regulations in Basketball game.

2.            The Basketball

3.            The Stop Watch

4.            The Whistle

5.            The Score sheet/board

6.            The Basketball rule Book.

7.            Hand Bell.

Field Trip to National Agency for the Prohibition of Traffic in Persons (NAPTIP)

Explain mode of Human Trafficking through their visit to the nearest NAPTIP office.

1.            Students in pairs analyze mode of Human trafficking base on their observation

WEEK: 12-13


At the end of the session, students are able to;

  • Understand the difference between indoor and outdoor activities in recreation.
  • Perform& classify the types of dance with examples.
  • Identify the content of first aid box with their uses and its application to common sports injuries.
  •   Classify the causes of accident and their prevention.
  • Perform the basic phases in throws (Javelin, Shot-put, and Discus) and Jumps (High jump, Long jump).
  • Demonstrate the basic skills & techniques in Judo.
  • Perform the skills & techniques in Table Tennis and Tennis.
  • Understand the components of school Health Programmer.
  • Understand the types, causes, effects and preventive measures on Environmental Pollution.
  • Identify the examples, causes, and ways of preventing Non-Communicable Diseases.
  • Describe the causes and types of Postural Defect.
  • Understand the ways sports can be used to control youth’s restiveness.
  • Identify the examples, causes, Health implication and solutions to Human Trafficking.
  • Understand the difference between Tort, Negligence and Legal Liability.
  • Demonstrate the basic skills & techniques in Basketball.

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