
Essay on Bucket List

Students are often asked to write an essay on Bucket List in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on Bucket List

What is a bucket list.

A bucket list is a collection of dreams and goals that a person wants to achieve in their lifetime. It’s like a wish list for adventures, experiences, and achievements. People make such lists to remind themselves of all the exciting things they want to do before they get too old or run out of time.

Why Make a Bucket List?

Creating a bucket list can inspire you to live life to the fullest. It can help you focus on what’s truly important to you and encourage you to make decisions that add excitement and joy to your life.

What Can Be On a Bucket List?

Your bucket list can include anything! It might have travel destinations, skills to learn, or even simple joys like watching a sunrise. It’s all about personal dreams and what makes you happy.

Sharing Your List

Sharing your bucket list with friends or family can be fun. They can help you achieve your goals, and you can help them with theirs. It’s a way to make memories together and support each other’s dreams.

250 Words Essay on Bucket List

Why have a bucket list.

Having a bucket list can give you something to look forward to. It can help you feel excited about the future. When you write down your wishes, it can also help you work harder to make them come true. Plus, it’s a great way to keep track of your dreams and celebrate when you achieve them.

What Can Be on a Bucket List?

Your bucket list can have anything you dream of. It might be places you want to visit, like Disneyland or the Great Wall of China. Maybe you want to learn something new, like playing the guitar or speaking another language. It could also include helping others, like volunteering in a community garden.

Sharing Your Bucket List

Sharing your bucket list with friends or family can be fun. They can help you think of new ideas, and you might even find someone who wants to do some of the same things. This way, you can make memories together.

Start Your Own List

Creating a bucket list is easy. Just grab a piece of paper and start writing down anything that makes you smile or gets you excited. Remember, this is your list, so there are no rules. Dream big, and have fun planning your adventures!

500 Words Essay on Bucket List

A bucket list is a collection of dreams, goals, and experiences that a person hopes to achieve or have during their lifetime. The term “bucket list” comes from the phrase “to kick the bucket,” which means to pass away. This list is like a to-do list for your life, filled with things you want to do before you get too old or run out of time.

A bucket list can have all sorts of things that you find exciting or important. Some people might want to travel to different countries, see the wonders of the world, or learn a new language. Others might want to go skydiving, swim with dolphins, or climb a mountain. Your list can also include simple things like reading a certain book, learning to cook a new dish, or spending more time with family and friends.

How to Create Your Own Bucket List

Creating your own bucket list is a fun and easy process. Start by thinking about what makes you happy and what you have always wanted to do. Write these ideas down on a piece of paper or in a notebook. You can add to the list anytime you think of something new. Remember, this list is personal to you, so there are no right or wrong things to include.

Working on Your Bucket List

Having a bucket list is just the start. The real fun begins when you start doing the things on your list. It might take time and effort to check off each item, but the joy and satisfaction you get from accomplishing these goals are worth it. Some goals might be easy to achieve, while others might take years of saving and planning. The key is to keep working towards them and enjoy the journey.

In conclusion, a bucket list is a powerful tool that helps you focus on what you want to experience in life. It is not just about doing thrilling activities; it is about making your life richer and more fulfilling. Whether your list has five things or fifty, it represents your hopes and dreams. So, think about what you would love to do, create your bucket list, and start living your life to the fullest!

Apart from these, you can look at all the essays by clicking here .

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Essay Samples on Bucket List

A bucket list is a list of things one hopes to do before they die. It can be a powerful tool for self-reflection and goal-setting. Writing the bucket list essay can be a fun and meaningful way to explore your dreams and aspirations.

There are many different ways to approach a bucket list essay. Some people focus on their long-term goals, while others focus on more immediate desires. You could also organize your essay around different categories, such as travel, career, and personal development.

To write a compelling bucket list essay, it’s important to be honest and specific about your goals. Use vivid language to bring your dreams to life and convey your passion for achieving them. Be sure to include both big, ambitious goals and smaller, more achievable ones.

Remember, the purpose of bucket list essays is not just to list your goals, but to reflect on what matters most to you and why. So take the time to explore your dreams and aspirations, and don’t be afraid to be bold and adventurous in your writing.

If you’re struggling to come up with ideas for your bucket list, try brainstorming with friends or family members or better use our platform to find numerous bucket list essay examples for free.

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The Step-By-Step Guide to Writing Your Bucket List

bucket list title

At the age of 26, Ted thought he had it all.

But little did he know his world was about to get shocked to the core. He had just grown and sold a company for a boatload of cash. Bought his family houses, a fleet of cars, and was traveling the world. Things seemed like they couldn’t get better…

Until one fateful day, he not only had a very close brush with death, but he spent a harrowing 35 minutes waiting for it.

He was 30,000 feet up, and his plane was going down. And as the minutes ticked by, and as he prepared for a crash landing, he realized he would die unhappy:

“As you are praying and thinking, none of the things that you had were the things that you were going to miss. It was not like “Oh, if I only bought that third car.” So, you just go through this and think “I just have so much more to do…”

After luckily making it out alive, one of the first things Ted Leonsis did was create his, now famous, “ 101 things to do before you die .”

It was years later that I found myself asking the same questions Ted was forced to ask himself as he propelled back to earth. Mainly, what makes a good life, and what does that look like for me? I’m not sure what it was, but I came to the realization that although we may be breathing, it does not mean we are actually living.

“Most men lead lives of quiet desperation and go to the grave with their song still in them.” Henry David Thoreau

The status quo is fundamentally unremarkable; therefore, we need to live awry… I know you agree, otherwise, you wouldn’t be reading this right now. And writing your bucket list is pretty much the number one way to do this because it shifts your life in a couple of profound ways:

First, it holds you alone accountable. It’s your list, and yours alone. Anything and everything you add is something you are choosing to accomplish someday, regardless of anyone else.

Second, it creates a blueprint for an intentional life. You may have heard me beat the drum on “living an intentional life” before, and that’s because there’s no other way to LIVE. Creating a bucket list puts you in the driver’s seat of your short life.

And that’s my hope for you with this guide…

That you will dig deep, find out what makes you happy, build out a killer bucket list around those things, and work towards accomplishing them. I promise you that doing this WILL drastically change your life and that you’ll never look back.

But First, before we dive in, let’s go over a few helpful things that will ensure your list doesn’t fall by the wayside.

It’s not all about travel.

bucket list

I get it… You’re a travel junkie just like me. So, it’s going to be hard not to fill your entire list with far-off places and experiences you’ve always daydreamed of. But it’s not all about travel.

As you’ll soon see, we’ve broken things based on main categories like family, learning, health, etc. So, don’t forget that just because you can’t be traveling year ’round it doesn’t mean you still can’t be hammering out some awesome bucket list items.

It’s a living document.

Things change… and that’s good. So, your bucket list will have to follow suit.

For example, I used to have ‘bike through India for 4 months’ as a bucket list goal. But considering that it would be a bit tough with two little kids, I will either toss it, alter it, or keep it for later knowing it might not happen. And I’m fine with that. When life changes, change your bucket list. This is absolutely cool, as long as you’re still actively doing it!

Mix in the small with the big.

Similar to it not being all about travel, it doesn’t all have to be wildly large goals. So, consider adding smaller items—things you’ve always wanted to do but just haven’t gotten around to yet.

Maybe it’s planting a tree, learning to sew, paying for the person’s coffee behind you in line at the cafe, or running the pool table.

The same goes for adding things you want to do in your hometown or nearby because it’ll keep you progressing… And this will keep you activated with your list, while you simultaneously work towards the big ones (and it’s so much fun crossing off an item, even if it’s a small one!).

Be specific.

In order to actually check off your goals, they need to be specific. For example, “lose weight” is a good goal, but it’s not nearly specific enough to add to your list. And that’s because you have no idea when you’ve got there.

Instead, “drop to XXlbs” is perfect (if the weight is your goal, it might be body fat %, etc.) and you’ll know exactly when you can cross it off.

Do it for YOU.

This list is about you. So, don’t add items based on whether other people will think they’re cool.

Here’s the litmus test: Would you still do it if you couldn’t tell another soul? Do you really want to climb Everest? Do you really want to skydive? Do you really want to read Infinite Jest? If so, add ‘em! If not, skip them and add items that get YOU jacked up, whether anyone else on earth knows about it or not.

Add items you’ve already done.

If you have already accomplished stuff you would have added to your bucket list, then toss them into the mix with a big fat checkmark beside it!

What’s cool about this list is that over time it’s a great way to reminisce about the things you’ve done, the experiences you’ve had… all of which will have had a big part in shaping who you ended up being as a human (and I’d bet a better one with a list than not).

Be accountable.

To really spark a fire under your tush, find accountability. Inside our Life Listr app, we have a step in the creation of a new goal that allows you to share that goal with friends or family over Facebook or Twitter.

You don’t have to go as far as posting it for everyone on your social feed to see (although that’s not a bad idea), but the premise behind it is important: get someone to hold you accountable (or join you in that goal) so you don’t let it slip.

Let’s Get Started… It’s now time for the real fun stuff – writing your bucket list!

Follow these steps to create a bucket list of your very own.

Step 1: Give It A Name

give it a name

For more than any other reason, it’s just fun to name your list. If you remember, Ted Leonsis named his “101 things to do before you die,” which is a classic title (although I’d change to “… before I die.”) but also has a definitive number, which you might not want to do.

Some other ideas are:

  • My Life List
  • 101 Things To Do While Alive (if you want to give it a number)
  • My Dream List
  • My Life’s Aspiration List
  • My Lifetime Goals
  • Things to Achieve in My Lifetime
  • My Life’s To Dos
  • My Life’s Bucket List
  • Things to Conquer
  • [YOUR NAME]’s How To Live Guide
  • The Life Plan
  • My Life Blueprint In XXX Goals (if you want to give it a number)
  • My Life’s Must Dos
  • My Livin’ Right Blueprint

…and on and on. You get the point. Play around with your favorites on the next page and, remember, all of this can be changed so don’t overthink it.

Step 2: Brain Dump!

brain dump

We’ll get into fine-tuning and categorizing your bucket list shortly but, for now, just start tossing your BIG ideas down on paper or, of course, inside Life Listr ).

Don’t even think twice about them—about the money involved, the difficulty, or the criticism—just get ‘em down! We’ll walk you through plenty more ways to top up your list, but this step is about brain-dumping the big ones, the ones that you’ve always wanted, the ones that you always think about. Go for it.

Step 3: Pick Your Categories


Now that you’ve unloaded the big ones, let’s pick your categories.

Here’s our recommended list:

  • Adventure & Experience
  • Health/Fitness
  • Learn (Skills/Knowledge)
  • Do Good (Charity)
  • Work (Career/Business)
  • Family & Friends

If any categories don’t fit your list, toss or ignore them.

Step 4: Categorize Your Brain Dump


Now take your initial brain dump list and place each item in its most-fitting category. You’ll probably see that some overlap, and that’s totally fine. In fact, many will overlap in some regard. So just choose the most fitting category and plug them in. As you can see, your list is beginning to take shape!

Step 5: Brainstorm Time!


Before we load you up with more ideas than you can handle (don’t skip ahead! This is important!)… I want you to first brainstorm more ideas on your own because doing this will ensure that your list is as true to you as possible, without you having to over-think all your goals later and decide.

So think about these questions and add items to your list.

  • What’s something you’ve said “Oh, I could NEVER do that” but have secretly dreamed of doing?
  • What’s the wildest thing you can think of that would give you massive bragging rights? (and only add things that you’d still do if no one could ever know)
  • What major life changes would you like to make one day?
  • In the last year, have you done anything that seems bucket list worthy? Add it and use it to think of similar things that might also be bucket list worthy for you.
  • Think of your hobbies… are there any big goals related to them that you’d like to accomplish one day?
  • If you were to die tomorrow, what would you wish you could do before it happens?
  • What would you do if you had unlimited time, money and resources?
  • What have you always wanted to do but have not done yet?
  • Any countries, places or locations you want to visit?
  • What have you always dreamed of laying your eyes on?
  • What family dreams do you want to have? What about with friends?
  • What experiences do you want to have/feel?
  • Any work or business goals you’ve always had?
  • What activities or skills have you always wanted to learn?
  • Any fitness goals you want to achieve?
  • What about your finances—any big goals you have?
  • Look again into each of your categories… are there any goals you can think of that fit? Take any ideas you’ve derived from these questions and add them.

Those questions will certainly put the hamster wheel in high gear. Now, let’s take it deeper… See, you probably already have a sweet list of cool things to do, have, and experience. But I’d be remiss if I didn’t share with you the #1 way, I know of to dig deeper and find out what would give your life the greatest meaning it could. Here’s the deal…

If I offered you a crystal ball to peer into your future, to find out exactly how your life would be laid out, would you take it? We don’t have that. We have something better because what follows puts you in the driver’s seat before it’s too late and all in hindsight. But it’s going to take some kahunas because you’re going to have to face your own death… 

Introducing, The Obituary Exercise. It comes from our friend Roz Savage’s technique on getting more of what YOU want out of life while you still can.

Click to Download The Obituary Exercise

I have no doubt that going through this exercise is a LIFE CHANGER. It was the beginning of Roz becoming an ocean rowing world record holder (multiple times) and even the National Geographic Adventurer of the Year!

Please take the time to go through this. Who knows where you’ll end up! And that’s the best part because this process may light up some repressed dreams—stuff that makes you truly you. After you go through the exercise, take what you’ve created and write them as goals.

Step 6: My Bucket List

bucket list

Now that you’ve brainstormed, categorized, and piled up a slew of bucket-list-worthy ideas in this guide, it’s finally time to compile your master list.

Psst! Need some more inspiration? We got you covered with a list of Bucket List Travel Experiences here .

Step 7: Give It A Once-Over

look it over

Now that you’ve finished creating your list, go over it one last time and cut anything that isn’t truly compelling… that isn’t truly you.

And it’s okay to be tough with this because the goal is for you to accomplish your list, right? So anything that you’re not going to put in the work to do because you don’t want it bad enough, nix it. Then, what’s left will be the stuff you’re jacked up to get done!

Step 8: Get Specific

be specific

The last thing you’re going to do is go over your finalized list and make sure everything is specific enough like we discussed earlier.

So go over your list now and add the details that will allow you to KNOW you’ve done them, without a doubt. Now let’s get into the easy process for living your list.

Step 9: How To Actually Get It Done

get it done

Congrats on creating your very own bucket list! And if you thought that was fun, you’re in for a treat because dreaming is only the beginning of living a bucket-list worthy life… now you have to actually LIVE IT! And here’s how:

Phase 1: Create A Focus List 

The big problem with creating such a grandiose list as you’ve just done is that it’s hard to know where to start. Now all you need to do is pick 1-5 goals to focus on, and no more than that. Of course, this can be tough too. So let’s walk through a few ways to make it easier on ya…

First things first, pick one item you can do in the very near future. The reason is that it’ll get you off on the right track with a skip in your step because you’ll actually be accomplishing your bucket list and not just dreaming about it. (You can even use 2 fairly easy goals you can accomplish fairly soon if you’d like.) Another idea is to create mini-lists within your main list so have a smaller, more manageable group of goals to accomplish.

For example, you could create a seasonal mini-list, such as a “Spring 2020 Mini-List,” or a “#WinterGoals” list. Then, mark all the items you can accomplish during that season. Another example is to make a list for your current year (“Nailing Life In 2020”), or one based on your age (“40 Before 40”).

What’s good about these mini-lists is that they put a deadline on a group of goals, which will inevitably light a fire under your butt to get on with them!

And outside of mini-lists and adding an easier goal or two, you ideally want to add 2-3 tasks that need work, so you can continually be working towards them and crossing off the big life goals at the same time as some smaller ones. 

Phase 2: Plan Your Focus Goals

You know the goal, you know it’s a focus, now let’s set you up with the easiest way to eat an elephant (one bite at a time). For each of your Focus Goals, do the following:

Choose a realistic deadline:  It’s okay to be aggressive, but also be realistic.

Create your action steps plan: This is the meat of why you’ll live your list because you’ve created action steps and took action on them! Without doing this, you’ll be leaving it all up to luck and, most likely, time will zip by and you’ll realize you didn’t do nearly the amount of stuff you wanted.

For each goal have a spot for 3 action steps, a title, a due date, and a cost. Many tasks, like “research the smartest way to learn guitar,” won’t have a cost associated, so just leave it blank. But I suggest you do put a title and a due date for each. Then, I recommend you add that task to whichever ToDo List app you may use, or even just to your phone’s calendar, so you can be alerted of these deadlines so you stick to them (we also alert you of your deadlines in the LifeListr app if you’d like).

Phase 3: Get Started!

This new bucket list journey you’re on is exactly that: a journey . It’s not a sprint, it’s a way of life.

And your main priority in all of this is to simply keep progressing. That’s it! What will happen as you work on the action steps of your focus goals will be magical, and your life will never be the same. You’ll feel like you’re living with purpose and intention.

This will snowball into more adventure, more experiences, and an even stronger drive to live the width of your short life, not just the length of it. 

I applaud you for grabbing your life by the reigns. After you’ve hammered out a few items on your list, please share them with us over Facebook , Instagram , Twitter , email us . We LOVE to hear about and brag about our community members making incredible things happen in their lives!

Onwards and upwards, amigo.

P.S. If you want a dedicated place to keep your bucket list brainstorming, master list and focus goals – you’ll want to check out The Bucket List Blueprint!

Bucket List Blueprint

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Inspiring Bucket List Essay Samples

6 samples on this topic

Have you ever made a bucket list or a list of what you want to do in life? Are you aiming for a happy family, a successful career, traveling around the world or your own coffee shop? Not only is this an exciting experience that will allow you to determine goals for the future, but also one of the essay topics you should definitely brainstorm for your personal growth.

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I know that it is unusual for someone my age to have a “bucket list”. But there are so many things to see out there in the world that I felt I should write these goals down early on to give myself incentive to seek and discover my passions.

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Master's degree.


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Becoming a ceo, works cited.

  • What Is a Master's Degree? | Career Center | GetEducated, www.geteducated.com/career-center/detail/what-is-a-masters-degree."About Skydiving." Skydiving Croatia, skydivingcroatia.com/about-skydiving/.
  • Brain, Marshall. "How Skydiving Works." HowStuffWorks, HowStuffWorks, 27 Aug. 2002, adventure.howstuffworks.com/skydiving.htm
  • "Defining the Master's Degree." Graduate School Group Seeks a Framework for Master's Degrees, <a>www.insidehighered.com/news/2016/12/08/graduate-school-group-seeks-framework-masters-degrees."Europe." Europe - Wikitravel, wikitravel.org/en/Europe.
  • "How to Become a CEO." How To Become - Practical Guide for Careers, www.howtobecome.com/how-to-become-a-ceo."How to Be Successful." I Will Teach You To Be Rich, 9 Sept. 2017, www.iwillteachyoutoberich.com/blog/how-to-be-successful/.Mayberry, Matt.
  • "The 4 Habits You Need to Be Successful." Entrepreneur, 22 Sept. 2014, www.entrepreneur.com/article/237479.Stadler, Christian.
  • "How To Become A CEO: These Are The Steps You Should Take." Forbes, Forbes Magazine, 14 June 2015, www.forbes.com/sites/christianstadler/2015/03/12/how-to-become-a-ceo-these-are-the-steps-you-should-take/#3a9c5f0f1217.
  • Windley, Brian Frederick, et al."Europe." Encyclopædia Britannica, Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc., 20 Dec. 2017, www.britannica.com/place/Europe.

My Bucket List: Becoming Successful. (2024, Feb 23). Retrieved from https://studymoose.com/my-bucket-list-becoming-successful-essay

"My Bucket List: Becoming Successful." StudyMoose , 23 Feb 2024, https://studymoose.com/my-bucket-list-becoming-successful-essay

StudyMoose. (2024). My Bucket List: Becoming Successful . [Online]. Available at: https://studymoose.com/my-bucket-list-becoming-successful-essay [Accessed: 28 Jul. 2024]

"My Bucket List: Becoming Successful." StudyMoose, Feb 23, 2024. Accessed July 28, 2024. https://studymoose.com/my-bucket-list-becoming-successful-essay

"My Bucket List: Becoming Successful," StudyMoose , 23-Feb-2024. [Online]. Available: https://studymoose.com/my-bucket-list-becoming-successful-essay. [Accessed: 28-Jul-2024]

StudyMoose. (2024). My Bucket List: Becoming Successful . [Online]. Available at: https://studymoose.com/my-bucket-list-becoming-successful-essay [Accessed: 28-Jul-2024]

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The Transformative Power of a Bucket List

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Words: 818 |

Published: Mar 16, 2024

Words: 818 | Pages: 2 | 5 min read

  • Reflect on your values and passions: What are the things that truly matter to you? What activities or experiences bring you joy and fulfillment? By identifying your values and passions, you can set goals that resonate with your true desires.
  • Embrace new experiences: A bucket list is an opportunity to step out of your comfort zone and embrace new experiences. Whether it's traveling to a new destination, learning a new skill, or trying a new activity, be open to new opportunities that can enrich your life.
  • Set specific and achievable goals: When creating your bucket list, be specific about the goals you want to achieve. Whether it's running a marathon, volunteering for a cause you care about, or learning a new language, setting clear and achievable goals will help you stay focused and motivated.
  • Prioritize experiences over material possessions: While material possessions can bring temporary satisfaction, experiences and memories have a lasting impact. When creating your bucket list, focus on experiences and adventures that will create lasting memories and enrich your life.

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A panoply of teaching resources.

My Bucket List

For example, some students don’t like the word “essay” because it seems like work. So, I used the word ‘letter’ instead or ‘essay.’ I asked my students to write a letter to describe their ‘bucket list.’ My students’ results were impressive (considering that they are exhausted from studying for grade 7 tests).

Photo by Longhorndave

Writing Lesson

In this writing lesson, write a five-paragraph letter that talks about things you want to do in your life.

‘My bucket list’ is the subject of the letter. ‘Bucket list’ is a slang phrase for your life goals. It’s the things you want to do before you die. Bucket list comes from the English expression – kick the bucket – which means to die.

The letter about your life dreams should tell a story, with a beginning, middle, and conclusion. Your letter should include:

  • details about what you wan to do
  • good paragraph structure
  • an introduction and a conclusion
  • sentences that read smoothly

Writing Prompts

Here is the writing prompt to start your thinking. “Before I go, I want to …”

In this sentence ‘go’ means die.

Choose one (or more) of these ideas for your letter: “Before I go, I want to …”

Student Writing

Here are two examples of student writing. They are grade 7 students. English is not their first language. This is what they wrote after one edit. I have not changed their writing.

Dear Grandpa,

It’s me. It’s been almost 2 years since you kicked the bucket. I want to do things you couldn’t before I kick the bucket.

Before I go to meet you, first I want to go to an amusement park with my grandma. You always told me your stories about when you were young. Also you told me about when you hoped to get better and go to an amusement park with grandma. So, before I kick the bucket, I would like to visit an amusement park with my grandma.

Second, I want to go into FNC Academy. FNC is a place where FT Island and Oh Won-bi work. When I go to FNC Academy, I will learn very much and go out to the world. You always wanted me to be a talk show host! I will try to become the legend of talk show hosts.

Third, as you wanted, I will make my sister become a famous violinist. When she becomes a famous violinist, I promise to visit you. I think she can be the next famous violinist in the world.

Fourth, I want to become a scientist. I will make a time machine and go back to the time when you were not sick. I will give you the medicine to make you better. And we will live happily ever after.

Lastly, I hope you come back. I hope you come back and have a nice time with me and do everything we couldn’t do when you were sick. This is the thing I have always wanted. Then let’s meet after I kick the bucket.

Have a nice Christmas,

Dear Santa Claus,

Hi Mr. Santa. It’s me. I am a 14 year old girl who has many dreams. There are some things I would like to do before I kick the bucket.

I would like to visit the DMZ. A school teacher said the DMZ is the cleanest place in the world because no one has been there for 60 years. I heard that there are many explosives but I hope to avoid a landmine if I go there.

I would like to see FT Island in concert. Preferably, a front row center seat. Then I can see them easily. Even thinking about it makes me happy. It would be cool to sit in the front seat and scream.

I would like to go to FNC Academy. FNC Academy is where FT Island, Oh Won-bi and CN Blue work. These are my favorite singers. I will like to go there with J and look around inside. Maybe Han Sung -ho will let J go on a comedy show.

These are the things I want to do before I kick the bucket. I hope you help me do these things. Thank you for reading my letter, Santa Claus. I will wait for your present on X-mas. Bye. ASAP.

2 thoughts on “My Bucket List”

Great idea! Thank you.

Thanks for the super positive comment, Kristen. If you try this writing exercise, let me know how it works.

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My Bucket List

Most bucket lists include things like skydiving or bungee jumping, but I want to do things that leave a mark, because people are not remembered for the things they never did. To back up my claim that my bucket list is unique, I would like to give evidence. It would be worth my while to save a life as a successful doctor before I die. To be a successful doctor, I would have to go to school, and I would love it to be an Ivy League school. When I am done with all that, I am going to travel the world and see and do things most people only dream about. I am going to live before I die, because I refuse to die before I have lived. I like to aim big, and to me, an Ivy League school is big. I want to graduate from a school like Harvard or Yale because I want to know what it feels like to be the best; to be able to look at the wall and see my certificate hanging there, stating to anyone observant enough to look, that I, Hope, did not just go to school and get my credentials, but that I went to the school and got my credentials. Nobody comes from a place like that only to go nowhere. For me, it could open so many doors to success that there would be no way I could fail, including the door to my long pursued medical career. It may take a lot of time and resource, but it is time and resource I can afford with a little bit of hard work. With the help of my grades and sports (and my ethnicity), I could qualify for scholarships that could be my ride to school. Whatever I do to get there will be well worth it, but just because I am willing to work hard and wait for this particular goal does not mean it is the last thing on my list. Oh no, I am far from done. It is hard to believe that a couple of television shows could influence my life in such a way that it has, but alas, it did. I started watching shows like Scrubs, Untold Stories Of The ER, and House, M.D., and I was hooked. After that, I was drawn to all things medical. I started reading any medical texts I could get my hands on and I could not get enough. The more I was exposed to these things, the more interested I became, and the more my dream of becoming a big, successful doctor and saving lives grew. I can truthfully say that on this goal, I will not give up, but everyday my determination will expand until this gossamer web of dreams becomes an adamant reality. Once again, I must remind the reader of this list that this is not the end, for this list is unrelenting until I breathe my last breath. I would like to be the one who came, the one who saw, not the one who wished they had. I want to see everything my eyes can take, and I want to learn every language my brain can hold. I want to travel the world. On this seemingly endless trip, I would most likely look forward to New York and Japan the most. Forget about the Statue of Liberty. I want to visit the National 9/11 Memorial ,which lies on the exact spot the disaster of 9/11 took place, and learn every detail I can because like Mahatma Gandhi said, “Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever.” The Japanese culture has always interested me and to learn its language and culture in Japan would be a great feat for me. I want to experience all the cultures, speak all the languages, and see everything. In the event that I graduate from an Ivy League school, become a world-renowned doctor, and travel the world, I will not sit down and wait to die, but I will continue to make the most of the world. Having a bucket list does not mean I am getting ready to die; it means I am trying to live. I have much more to do after that, like maybe writing a book or creating a clothing line. A bucket list is not a bunch of things to do so that you can die; it is a list to urge you to live and not just be. It is a reminder to anyone who took the time to make one that you have to die sometime and you can only live once. As I change my paths, I change my destinations, and this bucket list is a list of my destinations. Like Chuck Palahniuk once said, “We all die. The goal isn’t to live forever. It is to create something that will,” and by reaching these goals, I am creating a legend and leaving my mark: a mark that will live forever.

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This graphic organizer helps students plan their writing. One of the Grade 8 Virginia writing prompts is to write about a goal or ambition, and here they begin the planning and organization for their essay. Great for a station activity. www.literacystationinspiration.com


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Which is More Worthy? Go on Safari, Bungee Jump, or Find Your Soulmate?   Vote Here

Search our 1817 Bucket List Ideas

101 Bucket List Ideas You Must Try at Least Once (With 1700+ More to Choose From)

Designing your bucket list, but struggling for inspiration? Bucket lists create an opportunity to reflect on what you really want to achieve before you die, focusing you on what’s truly important. Whether you dream of traveling to Everest Base Camp, or you simply want to be able to bake that perfect loaf of bread, creating a bucket list can help you prioritize, focus, and achieve your goals.

Everyone’s bucket list is different, and by definition, is deeply personal. However, sometimes it can be useful to look further afield for a bit of inspiration. If you’re short of ideas, here’s our selection of the 101 best bucket list ideas.

Adventure Bucket List - Push Your Boundaries

1. go skydiving.

There’s no greater thrill than leaping from an airplane thousands of feet up in the air. Skydiving is one of the most popular adventure sports, and a perennial fixture on bucket lists all over the world. Although the idea of hurtling through the air towards the earth is a somewhat terrifying prospect, the natural high created by the subsequent adrenaline rush is an ample reward. What’s more, once your parachute has opened, you’ll enjoy a real bird’s eye view of the world as you float peacefully down to the ground.

2. Swim With Sharks

Sharks are some of the most fascinating creatures of the sea, but they are also perhaps the most terrifying. With their muscular, strong bodies and sharp teeth, sharks are often regarded as aggressive, wild and deadly: the ultimate underwater predator. However, swimming with these creatures might just change your perspective. Few shark species are aggressive towards humans, and seeing them up close in the water can be a fascinating experience. Either way, this bucket list idea is sure to give you a thrill.The b est places to swim with sharks (in the world)

3. Scale Half Dome in Yosemite National Park

The distinctive Half Dome, that famous rock in the heart of the Yosemite National Park, is a mecca for hikers and mountaineers. This iconic trail is a real challenge for walkers, spanning 16 miles and ascending 5500 feet, providing a real sense of achievement for those who make it all the way to the top. This is adventure hiking at its best: the steep scramble up the last 400 metres, clinging to the specially installed steel cables, is a little hair-raising, but the magnificent view from the summit makes it all worthwhile.

4. Mount Huashan Plank Walk, China

The Mount Huashan Plank Walk is certainly not a bucket list item for the faint of heart. This adrenaline-inducing trek has been called the world’s most dangerous hike, and it’s easy to see why. This sacred mountain contains a death-defying stretch along a narrow wooden plank, precariously positioned over a long, sheer drop down the mountain. Although you will be firmly strapped into a harness for the plank walk, the trail itself is known for the high number of accidents each year, usually caused by tourists focused on capturing the perfect photo of the magnificent surroundings. The danger is real, but the views are incredible.

5. Go Rafting on the Zambezi

The Zambezi River offers some of the best white-water rafting experiences you can find anywhere in the world. Commercial river-rafting has been going here since the early 1980s, making it an ideal place to try your hand at this exhilarating activity. Head to the Zambezi in the low water season when conditions are at their most exciting. Between July and February, the river boasts huge, crashing rapids and frothing waters, for the most thrilling white-water rafting experience possible.

6. Visit an Active Volcano in Guatemala

Hiking up a mountain that is ready to launch tonnes of molten lava down its slopes is not everyone’s idea of a relaxing stroll. However, visiting a volcano can be an incredible experience, allowing you to see mountains as you’ve never seen them before, and to reflect on the awesome power of the molten rock beneath the earth’s crust. Guatemala boasts a number of active volcanoes that are safe for hiking, with viewing points to allow you to look down upon bubbling lava and smoking craters. This is the mountain, as you’ve never seen it before.

7. Go Bungee-Jumping in New Zealand

Queenstown is known as the adventure capital of the world, and doing a bungee-jump here is considered to be a rite of passage for many travellers. The highest bungee-jump in the country is the Nevis Bungy in Queenstown, rising to a nail-biting 134 metre jump, with an impressive 8.5 second free fall. If you’re searching for the ultimate adrenaline rush, make sure you add this to your bucket list.

8. Zipline Over the Niagara Falls

Since 2016, there’s been a new way to experience the awesome power of the Niagara Falls. The 2200-foot MistRider is a zipline that spans all the way from the top of the Falls to close to the bottom of the gorge, at a jaw-rattling top speed of 40 miles per hour. You won’t find a better view of this epic natural phenomenon.

Culture - Experience the Cultures and People of the World

9. celebrate chinese new year in china.

Chinese New Year is a cultural highlight on any calendar, and today it’s celebrated all over the world. However, for the full authentic experience, head to China in February to see in the New Year and be immersed in the traditional rituals and festivities associated with this ancient festival. Listen to the drums pounding, watch the dragon process through the streets, and marvel at the dazzling fireworks that light up the skies: this is New Year like you’ve never seen it before.

10. Dance at Carnival in Rio de Janeiro

Rio Carnival is a must for anyone’s bucket list. This explosion of colour and music on the streets of Brazil’s Rio de Janeiro is legendary, and is widely considered to simply be the best party in the world. This is the place to completely let your hair down and be free. Throw your cares to the wind, shake your hips, and party!

11. Visit the Louvre, Paris

The Louvre Museum, once a palace and the residence of the French monarch, is now a temple for culture lovers. This epic museum houses an embarrassment of riches, including the Mona Lisa , the Venus de Milo and the Great Sphinx of Tanis. The collection covers art and artefacts spanning thousands of years and the entire world, so there’s sure to be something to suit all tastes and interests.

12. Spend the Summer Solstice at Stonehenge

Stonehenge is one of the most enigmatic and tantalising monuments of Britain’s ancient past, and historians are still unsure of its precise use and purpose. One thing is clear, the alignment of the stones means it was likely used for rituals at both the summer and winter solstices, and this tradition continues to this day. Thousands of people gather at the stones on the shortest and longest days of the year, ready to mark the transformation of the seasons with an all-night ritual. A bucket list idea for all culture and history buffs.

13. Attend the Tomatina Festival in Valencia, Spain

The festival of tomatoes in the town of Buñol near Valencia, Spain is one of the country’s cultural highlights. This fantastic celebration of the humble yet delicious tomato fruit always ends in a food fight, accompanied by street parties, music and dancing. Whether you’re a tomato fan or not, the Tomatina Festival must be experienced at least once, if only for the vibrant colours and festive atmosphere of this joyful summer celebration.

14. Mardi Gras in New Orleans

Mardi Gras literally translates to ‘Fat Tuesday’, and is known as the day before the annual Lenten fast in the Christian calendar. Traditionally, this was a day to eat up all of the culinary items that would be forbidden during Lent, including meat, butter and eggs. Today Mardi Gras is celebrated all around the world, but the most epic festivities take place in New Orleans, Louisiana. Spanning several days, the city is taken over by parades, music and lavishly decorated floats. Wild, extravagant, and always messy, Mardi Gras in New Orleans should not be missed.

15. Visit Sapporo Snow Festival, Japan

The Sapporo Snow Festival is one of the most iconic and spectacular winter cultural events in the world, attracting millions of visitors every year. In February, thousands of artists gather in Sapporo to create incredible statues made out of snow and ice, displaying an incredible range of talent and dedication. In addition to the gallery of glistening sculptures, visitors can also get lost in a maze constructed entirely from snow, and sample a range of delicious local delicacies.  

16. Celebrate St. Patrick’s Day in Ireland

The feast of St. Patrick falls on the 17 th of March each year, and there’s no better place to celebrate it than in Ireland, where the famous saint made his name. St. Patrick may be known for Christianizing the pagan tribes of Ireland, but today we celebrate him with music, food and often, a lot of alcohol. There’s no better place to enjoy this wild night than in Ireland itself. It’s sure to be a bucket list experience you will never, ever forget.

Travel - See the Bucket List Sights of the World

17. visit the great barrier reef, australia.

The Great Barrier Reef is one of nature’s most spectacular marvels. Stretching over 3000 kilometres, this extraordinary habitat is home to an abundance of marine life and is the number one spot in the world for snorkelling and diving enthusiasts. The underwater coral gardens of the reefs provide a dazzling display of colours, textures and shapes, teeming with fish, reptiles, birds, dolphins, birds, molluscs and rays. This delicate eco-system is under threat from warming seas and climate change, so there’s never been a better time to fulfil this one-of-a-kind bucket list ambition.

18. Explore the Catacombs of Paris​

Paris is one of the world’s most beautiful cities, and the Eiffel Tower, the Louvre and the Moulin Rouge justifiably feature on many bucket lists. However, few visitors to the city realise that there is an entire world to explore beneath their feet. The subterranean labyrinth of the catacombs of Paris is a marvel to behold, and it is home to the remains of over 6 million Parisians, removed from cemeteries and buried deep underground to stop the spread of disease in the early 19 th century. It’s estimated that there are around 320 kilometres of tunnels to explore below the chic streets of Paris. Just don’t get lost…

19. Visit Antarctica

The world’s only uninhabited continent is a wild, inhospitable place. The extremes of weather and temperature in Antarctica make a trip here a thrilling experience, unlike any other bucket list destination. Despite its remote location, it’s possible to hitch a ride on a boat and take a tour to Antarctica, with the promise of some incredible wildlife-spotting opportunities to go with it. This is the ultimate traveller’s dream.

20. Camp Out Under the Northern Lights

The Aurora, also known as the Northern Lights, is one of nature’s most impressive displays. In parts of the northern hemisphere, it’s possible to see this strange, ethereal phenomenon light up the sky, creating a perfect ballet of light and colour. There is no better way to experience this than by camping out in the wilderness with your loved ones, without the interference of man-made lights to disturb the show. This bucket list favourite is sure to please just about everyone.

21. Follow The Inca Trail to Machu Picchu

Machu Picchu is one of the Inca civilisation’s most epic legacies. This stunning ruined city, perched atop a hill bathed in lush, green vegetation, is one of the ultimate travel bucket list ideas. For the most satisfying experience, take the three/four day hike along the historic path through the jungle, arriving at the Sun Gate of Machu Picchu at sunrise on the final morning. That is one sunrise you’re guaranteed never to forget.

22. Explore the Ancient Ruins of Petra, Jordan

Movie lovers will recognise Petra from epic big screen adventures such as Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade , among others. This ancient Nabataean city, carved into the rose-coloured sandstone cliff, is a wonder to behold, and certainly creates an atmosphere. For the best experience, visit during the day and then return at night for one of the candlelit tours that run three nights per week, when you can walk through these deep rocky chasms, guided by the soft light of more than 1500 flickering candles.

23. Walk the Camino de Santiago

The Camino de Santiago, literally the ‘Way of Saint James’, is a medieval pilgrimage route that traverses France, Spain and Portugal and finally converges at the Cathedral of Santiago de Compostela. Walk in the footsteps of countless medieval pilgrims, and stay in ancient hostels and monasteries along the way. On the camino , the old adage rings true – it’s all about the journey, not the destination, and the people and places you’ll see on this epic route will leave you transformed.

24. Cross the Bolivian Salt Flats

The Salar de Uyuni, Bolivia’s magnificent salt flats, extends over 4500 square miles, creating a shimmering, mirror effect that draws the eye until the horizon. This salt desert is actually the remains of a lake, which collects a thin film of water during the rainy season and produces a dazzling veneer that glistens in the sunlight. This is the ultimate bucket list destination for photographers, as the unusual, otherworldly landscape is ideal for creating epic images. A trip here will certainly not disappoint.

25. Hike to Everest Base Camp, Nepal

Few people will ever be able to look at the world from its highest point, the peak of Mount Everest in the Himalayas. However, the next best thing is a Himalayan trek through the stunning Nepalese mountains, culminating at Everest Base Camp. This is a location brimming with mountaineering history, and is a fabulous spot in its own right. If you’re looking for a challenging, memorable trek on the roof of the world, this is the one for you.

26. Go Rafting in the Grand Canyon

The Grand Canyon is one of nature’s magnificent wonders, and a rafting trip offers an opportunity to see it from a whole new perspective. Getting a permit to go rafting down the Grand Canyon can be a lengthy process, but it’s definitely worth the wait. As you gently wind your way through the gorge, you’ll have a view of the cliffs like no other: truly the best way to admire this beautiful corner of the United States.

27. Hike the Appalachian Trail

Spanning 2180 miles across the Appalachian mountain range, this epic walking trail is a bucket list highlight. These mountains are some of the most beautiful in the world, offering glorious views, stunning wild flowers and fascinating geography. Hiking the entire trail in one go would take a long time, but luckily, you can tackle this challenging activity in instalments. Set a date for completion, and aim to cover the entire trail!

If you want to travel more often , or even travel internationally for the first time, you will want to have a look at our blog post:   How to Travel on a Budget: the Ultimate Resource on Getting More For Your Money. Bookmark it and share it with friends and family. This guide could save you a lot of money!

New Skills - Expand Your Life by Learning New Things

28. learn a new language.

Learning a new language is a popular bucket list item, as many of us wish that we could communicate in a tongue that isn’t our own. Research suggests that learning a new language can be good for your health, helping to stave off degenerative conditions such as dementia. Learning to speak a foreign language is a challenging, but immensely rewarding activity. If you’ve always wanted to brush up your French, try a little Japanese, or learn to order coffee in Italian, now is the time to start!

29. Learn to Juggle

Ever wanted to run away and join the circus? While you may not be cut out for the trapeze, learning to juggle is a skill within the reach of most people, and it’s a useful talent to have up your sleeve. Juggling is a great party trick and will keep younger family members entertained for hours. All it takes is a few balls, a little space, and plenty of patience. Remember, practice makes perfect!

30. Learn a Musical Instrument

Most of us love listening to music, but learning how to make it is another skill entirely. If you’ve always yearned to pick up a guitar, or to tinkle the ivories, now is the time to have a go. It’s never too late to try something new, and you might find that you have a hidden talent!

31. Go Back To School

Many of us didn’t get the chance to go to university first time, and instead have built careers and lives without ever having had the opportunity to do a degree. But, it’s never to late to get your notebooks out again, and return to school to acquire some new skills. Perhaps you’ve always been fascinated by history, but never had the chance to study it? Or you might be passionate about chemistry, or electronics, or graphic design. Going back to school can be the start of a new career, or simply a new way to indulge your passions.

32. Learn to Ballroom Dance

Traditional ballroom dancing is witnessing an explosion in popularity, thanks to shows like Dancing With the Stars and Strictly Come Dancing . This activity is fun, sociable, suitable for any level of fitness, and great exercise. It’s been proven that the combination of concentration, movement and music is an excellent way to get in shape, but beware – this bucket list item is addictive! Get your dancing shoes on and release your inner Fred Astaire or Ginger Rogers.

33. Learn to Scuba Dive

Learning to scuba dive might seem like hard work, but the rewards offered are substantial. As a trained diver you’ll have the opportunity to explore coral reefs across the world, marvelling at the countless natural wonders found under the sea. Scuba diving is by far the best way to explore the reefs and abundant marine life in our oceans, and it’s no surprise that this is one of the most popular bucket list items going.

34. Learn Falconry

Birds of prey are some of the most beautiful and intimidating creatures on this earth. For centuries and across cultures, man and bird have formed a powerful partnership, hunting for food in tandem. The connection between falconer and bird is a special one, and you can experience it by taking a falconry course. This will get you up close and personal with some of nature’s fiercest hunters, and you’ll experience the thrill of releasing the bird off in flight. Although these beautiful birds may seem scary at first, this bucket list item is a very special experience indeed.

35. Learn to Raise Bees

Bees, nature’s workers, are under threat all around the world, and there are fears that their dwindling numbers could seriously affect delicate eco-systems. You can play your part in protecting this important species by learning how to raise bees, and keeping them on your own land. This is a deeply rewarding, meditative experience, and what’s more, you’ll reap a rich, delicious harvest of honey.

Creativity - Be a Creator, Not a Consumer

36. design and build your dream house.

Designing and building a house is no easy feat. But a few determined people spend years dreaming up their ideal home and then making that dream a reality. Whether you imagine an eco-friendly, off-grid haven set in stunning nature, or a modern urban pad with a sleek design, now’s the time to put those dreams into action. You have to spend your life living in your home – why not make it the one you’ve always wanted?

37. Start a Blog

The blogging revolution has created countless new ways for ordinary people to express their ideas and creativity online. If you have a particular skill, interest or area of knowledge, why not share your experiences and ideas with the world and build an online community around your content? Blogging doesn’t have to be a commercial or profitmaking venture – it’s easy to get started and this could be the creative outlet you’ve been searching for.

38. Write a Novel

According to a popular saying, everyone’s got one novel in them. Whether it’s your dream to pen a children’s book, become a crime writer, or throw yourself into fantasy and science fiction, there’s no better to time to get started. Writing takes discipline and hard work, but it’s a therapeutic process and one that could transform your life. Who knows? You might create the next Harry Potter…

39. Start to Paint

Painting is an activity we all do while we are children, but very few of us continue into adulthood, despite the fact that research suggests that those who paint or draw regularly are more happy, stable and fulfilled than those who do not. Painting offers a creative outlet and encompasses many different artistic styles and approaches. Take up a course, or simply set yourself the challenge of painting something every day.

40. Plant a Herb Garden​

Gardening is a seriously therapeutic activity – what could be more satisfying than nurturing plants as they grow from seed to full maturity? Although many of us don’t have the space to design and raise a full garden, anyone can grow herbs. All it takes is a windowsill, a balcony or a patio, and it’s amazing what you can do even with limited space. And at the end of your labours you’ll have a fine selection of fresh herbs whenever you want them. And it’s true – they do taste better if you grow them yourself.

41. Act in a Play

Have you always imagined yourself on the stage? Taking up acting is a popular bucket list activity, but many of us feel intimidated at the thought of performing in front of a large group of people. However, amateur dramatics can be an extremely rewarding activity, allowing you to meet new people, boost your confidence, and learn new skills.

42. Build a Treehouse

For many children, having a treehouse is a magical experience, creating space for a hideaway literally embedded in nature. Even as adults, many of us still love the idea of having a private space high up in the trees, where we can retreat from the world. The good news is, as adults, it’s possible to make this bucket list goal a reality. Design and build your ultimate treehouse, either for you or for your children. Whether you want a luxury treetop cabin or a rustic hideaway for reading and painting, the choice is yours.

43. Set Up A Darkroom

If photography is your passion then why not set up your own dark room? Despite advances in digital camera technology, many photographers continue to shoot film, and exposing your own film can be a creative and rewarding experience, allowing you to play with the results and create some seriously cool works of art. Setting up a darkroom needn’t take too much effort, and at the end you’ll have a quiet, peaceful retreat where you can experiment with photography to your heart’s content.

Food and Drink - Another Way to Get to Know a Country or Culture

44. try a deep fried mars bar.

This Scottish delicacy really is a heart attack on a plate. In principle, this strange culinary treat – an entire Mars bar, coated in battered and deep-fried – really shouldn’t work. However, miraculously, it’s delicious. Perhaps it’s the delectable combination of salty and sweet flavours, or perhaps it just hits the spot after a night of drinking and dancing the night away. Either way, this is one thing you mustn’t miss on a trip to Scotland. Here is a recipe if you want to try it at home.

45. Eat Peking Duck in Beijing

Peking duck was served up to Chinese emperors for centuries, and is the quintessential Chinese dish. Consisting of crispy skin, tender meat, and crunchy vegetables, all wrapped in a soft pancake, this certainly a meal fit for royalty. By far the best place to enjoy this Chinese national dish is in Beijing itself, where countless talented chefs compete for the accolade of best duck in town.

46. Try a New Food Every Month

We spend most of our lives eating the same thing, recycling familiar recipes and shopping at the same grocery stores. This bucket list item aims to widen your palate by seeking out a weird and wonderful new food product every month. Go crazy and try some things that you’ve never dared to before!

47. Eat Snails in France

Most of us turn our nose up at the idea of eating snails. These small, slimy, ugly creatures are not the most visually appetizing of treats! But this will change once you head to France and try escargots – the French speciality that everyone must sample once in a lifetime. These little creatures may be small but they pack a nutritious punch, and once smothered in butter a la francaise , they are simply delicious.

48. Learn to Mix Cocktails

49. go truffle hunting.

Truffles are some of the rarest delicacies found on the planet, and their distinctive taste will add a touch of luxury to any dish. Truffles are traditionally hunted by pigs, whose delicate sense of smell allows them to root them out in the damp, cool forests where they grow best. Foraging courses in France and Italy allow you to follow specialist truffle hunters and their pigs, and learn how to find these elusive gastronomic treats. There’s nothing more satisfying than a delicious dinner made from truffles that you’ve sniffed out all by yourself.

50. Make Your Own Pasta

With the ubiquity of different types of fresh and dried pasta in the supermarket, it can seem like a waste of time and energy to make your own. However, homemade fresh pasta always tastes better, and it’s well worth taking the time to learn more about this ancient Italian art. You only need three basic ingredients, but you’ll earn plenty in terms of flavour and texture. Once you’ve gotten the hang of making your own, you’ll never look back.

51. Tour a Vineyard

Touring a vineyard is one of the most popular culinary travel bucket list ideas. Whether you pick the south of France, California, Capetown or Auckland, the pattern is the same. On these tours you can learn about wine production, see the beautiful landscapes in which the grapes are grown, and of course, sample the products. Don’t be surprised if you come away with a few bottles for the cellar, and beware – you might have a headache in the morning.

52. Brew Your Own Beer

The craft beer industry has exploded in recent years, thanks to the newfound popularity of thousands of local, small-scale, micro breweries. However, these new beers can come at an increasingly steep price tag. A far better, if more lengthy process, is to make your own. Home brewing kits are widely available now online, and these simple installations don’t take up much room. Once you get the hang of it, you can start to be creative and brew concoctions that suit your own flavour preferences.

53. Learn to Make Latte Art

It’s not only the trained, professional baristas that can make beautiful patterns on top of your regular cup of morning Joe. Get creative with your own coffees by taking a course and learn how to make the perfect espresso, as well as dazzling your friends with some killer latte art. There are plenty of courses where you can learn from the best in the business, and you’ll be soon making creative designs that are guaranteed to impress!

54. Enter an Eating Competition

This bucket list item might not be for everyone, but if you have the stomach for it, an eating competition can be a real adventure. Competitive eating is more popular in the United States than anywhere else in the world, and you’re sure to find a contest that suits you. These competitions can encompass all kinds of eating activities, including the famous ‘chicken wing challenge’, or the world pie-eating competition. If you’ve got a talent for eating at speed, you could find yourself winning some impressive prizes.

55. Try Haggis on Burns’ Night

Robert ‘Rabbie’ Burns is Scotland’s national poet. Every year on the 25 th of January, the Scots celebrate Burns’ Night, during which they eat a traditional meal of ‘neeps’ (swede), ‘tatties’ (potatoes) and haggis, a sheep’s stomach stuffed with offal, onion and spices. The haggis is often piped into the room and then Burns’ poem, Address to a Haggis , is recited before the hungry guests tuck in. Haggis certainly isn’t for everyone, but it’s something everyone should try at least once in a lifetime.

alternatively :

56. Wade in a Cranberry Bog

If you’ve never seen the way in which cranberries are grown, you’ve got a surprise coming. These beautiful crimson fruits are grown in artificial ‘bogs’, flooded with water to allow the ripe fruit to float to the top for easy harvesting. This bucket list idea is unusual, but allows for some stunning photos as you wade through a sea of crimson in search of a delicious crop of juicy cranberries. This is fruit picking with a difference.

Spiritual - A Bucket List That Goes Beyond This World

57. go on a pilgrimage.

Pilgrimage is an age-old tradition that spans religions and cultures. Whether it’s the Camino de Santiago in northern Spain, the Hajj to Mecca, or the holy Buddhist mountain of Kailash in the Himalayas, we can find examples of pilgrimage all over the world and throughout history. A pilgrimage can be a deeply meditative experience, involving a combination of physical exertion and reflection. Wherever you choose to go, it’s sure that you won’t return unchanged.

58. Pray Once Every Day

In our busy modern lives, many of us forget to stop and pray, reflecting on our hopes, fears and gratitude. Whatever prayer means to you, whether it’s to a god, or gods, or simply a matter of meditation, make space at least once a day to do it. You won’t regret taking the time, and it will make you more mindful and grateful for all of the wonderful things in your life.

59. Join a Church Choir

Singing is a particularly spiritually fulfilling activity, and joining a church choir often features as a popular bucket list idea. Spiritual music has shaped and influenced much of our modern music, providing uplifting melodies with profound lyrics. The feeling of being part of a group of voices, surging in unison, is one of the most powerful musical experiences you can have.

60. Take Up Yoga

Yoga has been appropriated in our Western culture, and is largely marketed as a good way to get in shape and improve flexibility. However, yoga is also a deeply spiritual activity, embedded in Hindu doctrines, which focuses on the relationship between body and spirit. This form of meditation through movement is an ideal way to transform your outlook, promote relaxation and reflection, and understand your body. Find a good instructor and learn about the spiritual origins of this ancient practice.

61. Complete Vipassana

Vipassana is one of the latest trends to hit the spirituality and well-being market. This extreme form of meditation promises deep spiritual benefits, but it’s not for the faint of heart. Vipassana requires 10 days of complete silence, sitting or standing very still, in a monastic retreat. You will be guided by instructors during scheduled sessions during the day, and the aim is to push yourself through discomfort to achieve a deeper meditation. It’s a challenging process, but many adherents report a significant transformation at the end of the experience. Here is a quick guide by wikihow

62. Meet the Dalai Lama

The Tibetan spiritual leader, the 14 th Dalai Lama, is a widely loved figure. His wisdom, compassion and keen sense of humour have touched many people, even outside of the Tibetan Buddhist religion. He holds regular audiences at his residence in McLeod Ganj, in northern India, and often tours other parts of the world to give speeches. Hearing this important spiritual leader speak is a profoundly moving experience.

63. Read a Spiritual Text in Full

Although many of us are adherents of a particular faith, few of us have ever read the foundational texts of our own religion in full, let alone the texts of other religions. Perhaps your bucket list will include reading a religious text in full, whether it’s the Qur’an, Bible, Torah, Upanishads or any other foundational spiritual text. Take the time to immerse yourself in one of these complex, revelatory scriptures, and you might discover a whole range of new ideas and lessons that don’t usually feature in your daily worship.

64. Visit Jerusalem

The eternal city is the locus point for three major world religions: Judaism, Christianity and Islam. While it’s a site that has been significantly contested over time, this place remains a spiritually potent space. Visit the Wailing Wall, walk in the footsteps of Christ on his journey to Calvary, and see the incredible magnificence of the Dome of the Rock, site of Muhammad’s night journey. Always challenging, this ancient, sacred city is sure to move you deeply.

65. Take Part in a Spiritual Fast

All major religions incorporate some form of fasting. For example, Muslims fast during daylight hours during the month of Ramadan, and Christians give up meat, fish and other luxury foods for 40 days during Lent, mimicking the actions of Christ in the desert. Fasting has known health benefits, but it can also have spiritual ones too, focusing the mind, helping you prioritise what’s important, and reflect on what you have achieved. In essence, fasting offers the perfect way to strip back the comforts of the modern world and focus on what’s really important.

66. Give to Charity

While this is a somewhat unusual bucket list idea, giving to charity is often seen as an important spiritual activity. Giving to others mimics the actions of spiritual leaders such as Jesus or Muhammad, and connotes the idea of sacrifice for the greater good. Charitable giving also allows us to reflect on what we have and express our gratitude. Whether you want to do some fundraising for your favourite cause, or just give away a part of your own wealth or possessions, however small, this bucket list item can really make a difference to others.

Sports Bucket List

67. complete a triathlon, 68. run a marathon.

Marathon running has really taken off in recent years, and this activity remains an important test of endurance for many people looking to get in shape. Running 26 miles is no easy feat, but the good news is that organised marathons are usually joyful, shared experiences where the adrenaline, the goodwill of the crowd and the comradeship of your fellow runners will pull you across the finish line, even when you feel like you can’t make it yourself.

69. Coach a Kid’s Sports Team

If you’ve got a talent for football, rugby or any other team sport, why not put your skills to use and set up a kid’s sports team. Children’s sporting groups often rely on adult volunteers, especially in deprived communities where resources are scarce, so this is a great way to get fit, put something back into the community and have a lot of fun. You’ll also get to enjoy the satisfaction of seeing a young team flourish under your care.

70. Go to the Super Bowl

Attending the Super Bowl is a once-in-a-lifetime bucket list opportunity, and a must for all American football fans. This annual extravaganza gets bigger and better every year, and offers an exhilarating experience for the crowd. Not only will you enjoy an intense game of football, the half time entertainments are the stuff of legend. This is a bucket list experience you’ll never forget.

71. Do An Ironman Challenge

For fitness fanatics looking for an extra challenge, this is a bucket list idea for you. Ironman is essentially a triathlon, but it’s widely regarded as the most challenging one-day fitness competition in the world. Participants complete a 2.4-mile swim, a gruelling 112-mile bicycle ride, and finish it all off by running a marathon. This challenge has become increasingly popular in recent years, and is the ultimate test of fitness and stamina.

72. Learn archery

For all those budding Robin Hood fans out there, one of the best bucket list items has to be an archery course. This sport requires skill, patience and a keen eye, but find a good teacher, and you’re sure to be hitting the target board in no time. For those who are particularly keen, it’s possible to learn to fashion your own bow and arrow too, making this a fantastic sport for developing creative as well as physical skills.

73. Go Cross Country Skiing

Downhill skiing is a popular sport for many of us, but fewer people try cross-country skiing. This requires rather more endurance, but will allow you to travel through snow-clad forests and fields, seeing the scenery at a more leisurely pace. It’s a great workout too, so get your skis on and cross this brilliant activity off your bucket list.

74. Enter a Body Building Competition​

If you’re a gym bunny, then a fun amateur body building competitions may be just the bucket list item for you. Body building has taken off in recent years, as men and women search for that perfectly ripped physique achieved through weightlifting. Find your peak physical condition and enter a body building competition today.

75. Learn to Abseil

Tackling steep, sheer mountain faces and buildings is no mean feat, and this bucket list item is certainly not for those with a fear of heights. Abseiling involves lowering yourself down the side of a tall building or cliff, using your feet to push off the wall and a rope around your waist. This is definitely a bucket list item for adrenaline junkies. If you can bear the heights, however, the views are likely to be fantastic.

76. Attend the Olympics

The Olympic Games happen every four years, and represent an extraordinary feat of international cooperation. This global sporting event brings together athletes in all sporting areas and from all over the world in order to compete and celebrate sporting greatness. Watching the Olympics in person is a bucket list must – attend this incredible event at least once in your lifetime and soak up the electric atmosphere created by so many talented sportsmen and women.

Money and Career - Financial Goals to Aim For

77. clear your debt.

Debt is a prominent feature of modern-day living, and for many of us, it feels like a heavy anchor, an inescapable weight that stands in the way of many other items on our bucket lists. However, clearing debt is possible. If you’re struggling to become debt free, seek advice, audit your spending and find ways to make savings, however small. With a long-term plan you’ll soon be on your way to losing that debt.

78. Go Freelance

The 21 st century economy is increasingly mobile, and the internet has created a wide variety of opportunities for people who want a more flexible approach to working. If the 9-to-5 office job isn’t your thing, perhaps now is the time to go freelance. The benefits include working for yourself, determining where and when you work, and using your own skills and creativity to make your way in the world. Freelance, and flexible working, is the future.

79. Find Your Dream Job

Are you stuck in a job that you don’t enjoy? Don’t hang around waiting for that dream offer to land on your lap. If you know the job you want, it’s time to make a plan to secure your dream position. Finding the perfect job is high on many people’s bucket lists, but realising this goal can be difficult. Nevertheless, don’t despair – set your sights on your professional goals and focus your efforts on attaining them.

80. Buy a House

An Englishman’s home is his castle, so the saying goes, and many of us are working towards that time where we can save up enough money to put towards our own little piece of paradise. Settling down into your very own home is a powerful feeling, and offers security and stability, especially for young families. For many of us, this is a big-ticket bucket list item, and one that can be truly life changing.

81. Create a Scholarship

For some people, a sign of real success in life is earning enough money to be able to give a little back. Occasionally, this involves donating funds in order to set up a scholarship endowment, thereby funding future students through their degrees. This is an altruistic and rewarding way to spend a little cash, and can make a profound difference to the lives of people who have not had a privileged start in life.

82. Take a Sabbatical

While many of us have plenty of ideas for things we’d like to do in our spare time, the reality is that a full time career leaves little space for ticking items off your bucket list. For this reason, it’s becoming increasingly popular to take a sabbatical, allowing a little break from the grind of the 9-to-5 to fulfil those long-standing ambitions, or simply have some time to reflect. Use your sabbatical to write a book, set up a blog or website, or to learn new skills. A change is as good as a rest, and you’re sure to come back to work feeling refreshed and reinvigorated.

Healthy Mind and Body Bucket list

83. achieve your ideal weight.

Losing weight is a regular feature on health and wellness bucket lists. With obesity levels rising, and many of us adopting an increasingly sedentary lifestyle, now is the perfect time to go on a health kick and watch the number on those scales come down. Nobody said losing weight was easy, but with the right plan and plenty of support this is an achievable bucket list goal. The ideal weight calculator

84. Quit Smoking

Smoking is one of the most dangerous vices in our modern society, with cigarettes known to cause at least 15 different kinds of cancer. The good news is, however, even if you’re a life long smoker, it’s never too late to stop. The risks of cancer and heart disease drop with every month that you stop smoking, and you’ll soon notice a difference in your overall health and well being.

85. Go Vegan

Veganism may offer the key to saving the planet, according to a recent study commissioned by the United Nations. The biggest impact you can have on your carbon footprint as an individual is to go vegan, and its also been shown to have considerable health benefits. You don’t have to eschew meat and dairy entirely, but adopting a vegan lifestyle for a month or even longer could seriously reduce your risk of heart attack and also help you to shift a few pounds.

86. Go on a Spa Weekend

Staying healthy doesn’t have to mean constant diets and gruelling exercise plans. Sometimes it’s just as important to pamper yourself, so why not treat yourself to a luxury spa weekend, get a massage or another treatment to leave yourself feeling fresh and clean. Building in time for relaxation and rest is an important part of self-care too!

87. Build a Six Pack

The six pack is the ultimate abs challenge, and is a physical testimony to hours of work put in at the gym. Building a six pack doesn’t have to be about endless crunches, however, and many different forms of exercise are now geared towards targeting that middle section and producing defined abs. Try Pilates, weightlifting or body weight exercises to get the ultimate six pack and cross this item off your bucket list!

88. Quit Sugar

Sugar is one of the most addictive substances on the planet, and is so deeply integrated into our everyday diets that it can be extremely difficult to wean ourselves off it. However, an increasing number of studies indicate that sugar is responsible for obesity, diabetes, heart disease, and the whole range of other health conditions. Cutting sugar out of your diet can have a dramatic effect, even leading to changes in taste and appetite, as well as reducing your risk of developing some of these deadly diseases.

89. Do 100 Push Ups

Some of us struggle to do one complete push up without shaking and crumbling to the floor. However, the good news is that this activity is one that anyone can do, with a little training, just by practising every day for a few months. Set a goal of 20, 50 or 100 push ups, depending on your level, and gradually work your way up to it. Before you realise you’ll be doing 100 push ups in one go and you’ll never look back!

90. Do a Juice Fast

Fasting has proven health benefits, providing it’s done under controlled conditions and not for long periods of time. Juice fasts have become increasingly common in recent years, and are thought by some to be effective ways to detox your body. Follow an approved plan, under medical supervision, and you could end your juice fast feeling healthier, lighter and more clear headed than you have for a long time.

91. Embrace a Minimalist Lifestyle

In this age of consumerism, our houses and lives are fast becoming more cluttered than ever before. It’s no surprise, therefore, that there’s a new trend for de-cluttering and dramatically stripping back our lives to embrace minimalism. This bucket list idea aims to help you identify what’s really important in your life, whittling all your possessions down to the last 300 objects in your home: the ones that truly bring you joy and meaning.

Animals - Interacting With the Creatures of the World

92. own chickens.

If you can’t cope with an entire menagerie, but still want to create a farmyard feel in your home, why not invest in some chickens? These feathered creatures will provide a ready supply of eggs, and help to keep your land bug-free and well fertilised. Owning chickens is a rewarding activity, and you’ll benefit from making sure that your eggs are from happy, healthy hens that have lived a full, peaceful life.

93. Rescue a Dog

94. visit a butterfly house.

This bucket list item is a joyful experience: who wouldn’t enjoy walking around a hothouse of tropical plants, looking at countless species of colourful, dancing butterflies? There are many dedicated butterfly houses around the world, and they often perform important conservation work, preserving rare species and educating the public about the lives, habitats and varieties of different butterflies.

95. Learn to Ride a Horse

Horses are one of man’s oldest companions, and for many of us, horse riding is a childhood dream. These noble animals are deeply empathetic and social, and they form deep bonds of trust with their riders. Learning to ride a horse is a challenging activity, requiring training, patience and practice, but it is definitely worth the effort.

96. Swim With Dolphins

Swimming with dolphins is a universally popular bucket list item. These intelligent, powerful, underwater creatures are known to be social and empathetic, and swimming among them can be a very special, even therapeutic, experience. There are many areas around the world that provide opportunities to swim with dolphins in safe, beautiful surroundings. For many of us, this is simply a dream come true.

97. See the Big Five in Tanzania

If big cats are on your bucket list, then look no further than the Serengeti National Park, Tanzania. Here you can take part in an epic safari that could bring you into contact with lions, leopards, rhinos, elephants and buffalo, in addition to many other impressive creatures of the savannah. This is a truly memorable, once-in-a-lifetime activity that will bring you close to some of Africa’s most impressive creatures in the wild.

98. See the Giant Panda

The Giant Panda is the least intimidating of bears, with its distinctive black and white fur and gentle countenance. Unfortunately, this stunning animal is particularly ill-adapted to its habitat, leaving it vulnerable to both predators and habitat loss. Luckily, conservation efforts have been successful, and it’s possible to visit pandas in the reserve near Chengdu, Sichuan Province, China. Here, these famously shy creatures are thriving.

99. Visit the Giant Tortoise of the Galapagos

The Galapagos Islands are rich in all kinds of animal life, but most people come here for a close encounter with the record-breaking Giant Tortoise. These remarkable creatures can live up to 150 years, and in this time, they grow to an enormous size. Like many other rare and wonderful creatures, the species is under threat and some types are considered critically endangered. Visiting the Galapagos and seeing these ancient animals is an unforgettable experience.

100. See Mountain Gorillas in Uganda

The mountain gorillas of Central Africa are some of the world’s most fascinating creatures. These intelligent, sociable and gentle creatures are also under threat as their habitat is increasingly reduced as a result of human settlement. Seeing these wonderful animals in the wild is a true privilege, and is guaranteed to take your breath away, Visit the lush, dense jungle of Uganda’s Bwindi National Park to see mountain gorillas in their natural habitat, while supporting the important ongoing conservation efforts to keep them from extinction.

101. Whale Watching

Seeing the giants of the sea close up in the water is one of the most awe-inspiring things you can do. There are many places around the world where you can head out into the open water to swim with these magnificent, gentle creatures of the deep. Whether you plump for Australia, Canada or Sri Lanka, this is one bucket list adventure that should be high on your list.

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The world’s top 15 bucket list trips ranked—according to a new report.

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Hot air ballooning over Cappadocia in Turkey is a bucket list item for many travelers.

Bucket list travel aspirations tend to vary by individual, with every traveler curating a personalized list of places they’d like to go and experiences they’d like to try out one day. But some adventures around the world are universally enticing and tend to make the cut on many people’s trip bucket lists. To determine which bucket list travel experiences hold the most appeal, adventure travel company Skyhook surveyed 4,000 people from around the world about their travel preferences.

As part of the Skyhook survey, participants picked three activities that would be at the top of their bucket lists. The travel company provided 15 common bucket list activities for them to choose from, which ranged from climbing Kilimanjaro, hot air ballooning over Cappadocia in Turkey, embarking on an Antarctica cruise, venturing into space and gorilla trekking.

A tent pitched up in snow at night with the northern lights flickering in the sky above. Aurora ... [+] Borealis and travelling. Photo composite.

The No. 1 bucket list travel activity in the world, according to the ranking, is seeing the Northern Lights. Traditionally, travelers will plan trips to countries like Iceland, Norway, Sweden, or Finland for a shot at seeing the Northern Lights—receiving middle-of-the-night wake-up calls from hotels or lodges when the night sky is swirling with shades of green, pink, and purple or staying in glass igloos to watch the spectacle. Seeing the Northern Lights ranked highest among Gen Z, with 6 in 10 respondents in the generation notating it as a top bucket list experience.

While the Northern Lights are sometimes visible from the United States in states like Alaska, Minnesota, Michigan, Maine, and other Northern states, larger swaths of night skies in lower latitudes showed off the aurora borealis in May thanks to a global geomagnetic storm .

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A family of four King penguins walking on the black sandy beach of South Georgia with the sea and a ... [+] cruise ship in the background

Cruising Antarctica was a top choice for Baby Boomers, with 46% choosing it as a top bucket list experience. Cruises to Antarctica to see penguin colonies and humpback whales among the ice glaciers have spiked in popularity in recent years, but environmentalists have cautioned that more restrictions need to be put in place to protect the continent’s wildlife from the “last-chance” tourism.

The only U.S.-based location to make it on the top 15 bucket list activities was a trip to the Grand Canyon, which is one of the country’s most-visited attractions drawing more than 6 million visitors each year to see the Arizona landmark. The Grand Canyon stretches 277 miles with rocky walls plunging more than a mile to the canyon’s floor. Visitors come to take in the beauty from viewing points at the rims (the South Rim is most popular), camp in the national park, or raft the Colorado River that cuts through the canyon.

A view of the rugged yet beautiful Grand Canyon national park during a bright day shows the ... [+] intricate details of the ridges and formations.

Top Bucket List Trips Ranked in 2024

Ahead, here’s the top ranked bucket list trips around the world, according to the Skyhook survey:

No. 1: See the Northern Lights

No. 2: Trekking the Inca Trail to Machu Picchu

No. 3: Visit the Galapagos Islands

No. 4: Climb Kilimanjaro

No. 5: Take an Antarctic cruise

No. 6: Explore the ancient city of Petra

No. 7: Everest Base Camp Trek

No. 8: Go on an African safari

No. 9: Dive the Great Barrier Reef

No. 10: Space travel

No. 11: Gorilla trekking

No. 12: See the Grand Canyon

No. 13: Ride in a hot air balloon above Cappadocia

No. 14: Visit Angkor Wat

No. 15: Surf in Indonesia

How many of these bucket list experiences have you checked off?

Brittany Anas

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