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Lamb to the Slaughter

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Interesting Literature

A Summary and Analysis of Roald Dahl’s ‘Lamb to the Slaughter’

By Dr Oliver Tearle (Loughborough University)

‘Lamb to the Slaughter’ is a 1953 short story by Roald Dahl (1916-90), which was initially rejected for publication but was later adapted for television on several occasions. Included in Dahl’s collections Someone Like You (1953) and Tales of the Unexpected (1979), the story is about a wife who murders her unfaithful husband with a frozen leg of lamb before hatching a plan to ensure she isn’t caught for her crime.

Before we offer an analysis of ‘Lamb to the Slaughter’, it might be worth recapping the plot of Dahl’s story.

Plot summary

Mary Maloney is waiting at home for her husband, Patrick, to get home from work. He is a detective. She is six months pregnant with their child. When he gets home, she pours them both a drink and notices that Patrick has drained his glass more swiftly than he usually does. He pours himself another whisky before revealing to his wife that he plans to leave her.

Mary is stunned by this revelation, and initially wants to act as though it hasn’t happened. She decides to go and get some food from the freezer that she can cook for their dinner. She finds a leg of lamb in the freezer, and when her husband announces he’s going out, she strikes him on the back of the head with the lamb leg, killing him.

Immediately she starts to think about how to cover her tracks so she won’t be caught. She puts the meat in the oven to cook. After rehearsing what she will say to the nearby grocer, she goes out to his shop and buys some potatoes and peas to go with the roast lamb. When talking to the grocer, Sam, she acts as though everything is all right and her husband is waiting for her back home.

When she returns home, she talks herself into believing her husband is still alive, so she is genuinely shocked when she sees his body lying on the floor. She phones the police to report that he has been murdered, and a group of detectives – who knew Patrick from work – show up to investigate his death.

The detectives make a thorough search of the house, believing that Patrick was murdered by a heavy metal implement. So they search for something that could have been used as the murder weapon. They remain in the house for so long that Mary offers them all a drink. They reluctantly accept and, when she is reminded of the lamb cooking in the oven, she suggests that they eat it since they must be hungry.

Again, they agree, and as they sit around the table eating the leg of lamb which killed their former colleague, they remain oblivious to the fact that they are, in fact, destroying the evidence themselves. In the next room, Mary giggles.

Dahl’s story was suggested by his friend Ian Fleming, who created James Bond. Dahl adapted Fleming’s Bond novel You Only Live Twice for the big screen; he also co-wrote the screenplay for the film Chitty Chitty Bang Bang , which was also based on a Fleming novel. And it was Fleming who suggested the idea for ‘Lamb to the Slaughter’, telling his friend that he should write a story about a woman who murders her wife with a leg of mutton (not lamb) which she then serves to the investigating officers.

‘Lamb to the Slaughter’ can be categorised as a horror story (although given the lack of any supernatural element, ‘thriller’ is perhaps a more apposite label), although we should also pay attention to the darkly humorous elements of the tale: features in keeping with Dahl’s writing as a whole.

The story reflects – but then subverts – a common trope of the early 1950s: namely, the wife as the faithful homemaker while the husband goes out to work. At the beginning of ‘Lamb to the Slaughter’, Mary Maloney cannot do enough for her husband, waiting patiently and eagerly for him to arrive home, fetching his drink, asking him about his day.

But when the stability of her world crumbles in a few minutes, when Patrick tells her that he is leaving her (although it isn’t mentioned, we assume he has met someone else), she changes very quickly – and easily – from dutiful wife to cold-blooded murderer.

In other words, once the role she has settled into over the years, that of being ‘Mrs Patrick Maloney’, is taken away from her, she finds herself able to switch in and out of that role with ease. After a brief rehearsal at home, she is able to convince the grocer that she is still the dutiful wife once again: an act she performs again for the policemen.

Dahl makes it clear that she doesn’t murder her husband out of fear of being penniless without the money from him, the breadwinner of the family: he makes it clear he will continue to provide for her financially. Instead, her motive is more complex. Does she kill him out of jealousy or spite, or resentment at having conceived the child of a man who doesn’t even intend to hang around long enough to see it born?

Dahl leaves these questions open for us to discuss. Note how, in the moments preceding that decisive moment when she strikes her husband with the leg of lamb, her movements become automatic, as if she is being guided by some other force. Her unconscious? The concentrated righteous anger of ‘a woman scorned’? Dahl tells us that she ‘simply’ walked up to her husband and struck him with the lamb.

It is as if she is performing some perfunctory task, almost as though the mundane and automatic business of housework has been extrapolated to incorporate the business of murder. She doesn’t appear to lash out in a moment of fury, cold or otherwise. It is almost as if she feels she has no other choice.

There is obviously a grim irony in the method she uses to dispatch her husband. The roast joint cooking in the oven is the symbol par excellence of the good 1950s housewife, feeding her husband after a long day at work. There is also symbolism in the fact that this food, meant to be an offering from wife to husband, is used instead to kill the husband, with the deadly weapon being given instead to a host of other men (who, as policemen, are also stand-ins for the dead husband in some respects).

In the last analysis, then, ‘Lamb to the Slaughter’ is a short story about how easily the meek and loving housewife can transform into a cold and calculating killer. It is Mary’s sudden change that makes the story so unsettling, and the lack of remorse she shows for her crime; but her choice of murder weapon and method of disposing of the evidence make this story as much black comedy as out-and-out horror tale.

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"The Landlady" and Other Short Stories

By roald dahl, "the landlady" and other short stories summary and analysis of "lamb to the slaughter".

Six-months-pregnant Mary Maloney sits in her home with the curtains drawn as she waits for her husband, Patrick, to come home from work. She calmly looks at the clock, and at 10 minutes to 5, his car pulls into the driveway and she leans in to kiss him as he comes to the door. She hangs his coat, and makes them drinks. This is a blissful time of day for Mary, and she waits quietly by her husband while he finishes his drink. Mary really loves her husband and enjoys basking in his warmth "as a sunbather feels the sun" (404).

Mary asks her husband if he is tired, and he downs his whiskey soda, which is very unusual for him. Her husband stands up to get another drink, but Mary jumps up and asks to bring it to him. Her husband tells her to sit down, and when he returns she notices the drink is filled with significantly more whiskey. Mary comments on how her husband should not be on his feet all day given how senior of a policeman he is, and her husband does not respond. Mary's husband continues to sit in silence as she tells him she can make him dinner, even though they usually go out to eat on Thursdays. He does not respond, so Mary insists that her husband must eat something until he tells her to sit down.

When her husband sits her down, Mary sees him sitting motionlessly, shrouded by a shadow, as he tells her that he is going to leave her. Mary watches him with a "dazed horror" (405), and her husband tells Mary not to make a fuss about the divorce, as it would be bad for his job.

After hearing this, Mary walks down the stairs to the cellar and lifts the first object she grabs, a leg of lamb, from the freezer. She decides to make lamb for dinner as she holds the lamb by the thin bone-end. Since he is going out, her husband tells her not to bother making dinner. In response, Mary walks up behind him, swings the leg of lamb, and brings it down onto the back of his head.

Her husband remains standing for four or five seconds, then falls to the carpet, dead. She snaps out of shock and thinks clearly about her next steps. Mary initially decides the penalty for killing her husband would be a relief. But, she worries about her unborn child, and whether they would kill both her and her child or wait until the child was born.

Mary carries the meat into the oven and begins to cook it. She then begins to tidy up her face and smile strangely at the mirror. After rehearsing in the mirror, Mary smiles and speaks more naturally, and she goes to the grocery store to buy some potatoes and peas. At the grocery store, Mary lies to the cashier that she and her husband decided to eat in.

Returning from the grocery store with potatoes, peas and cheesecake, Mary decides to make supper as she usually would, and to make it as tasty as possible. Mary's plot is to tell the police her husband is murdered while she is buying vegetables, and she finds his body when she returns home. Mary plans to keep her actions as natural as possible, and even calls to her husband as she walks through the door with the groceries. As she is acting out her plan, she truly feels the shock of his death, and she begins crying over his dead body. Mary then calls the police to report her husband's murder, and the police car arrives at her home.

Two policemen from the precinct walk into her home, and she knows both of them. She falls into one of the policemen's arms, weeping hysterically, and he gently puts her in a chair. Mary tells the policemen about her visit to the grocer, and after one of the policemen finds a small patch of blood on Patrick's head, more men come into her home. A doctor and two detectives examine the body and the crime scene.

Eventually, the photographer and doctor leave, and two other men carry Patrick's body out on a stretcher. Mary asks to stay in the house while the two policemen search her home, and they tell her that her husband was killed by a heavy blunt object, most likely a large piece of metal. The policemen continue to search her home for the murder weapon, and Mary offers them whiskey.

One of the police officers remarks that Mary still has lamb in the oven, and Mary persuades the policemen to have the lamb for dinner. The story ends with the policemen discussing the murder weapon that it is likely "right under" their noses, as they eat the leg of lamb.

In "Lamb to the Slaughter," the tranquility of Mary's home life as a doting wife and soon-to-be mother is destroyed by her husband's wish to divorce her. The beginning of this story sets up her complete servility. Indeed, she is given no interests or thoughts outside of caring for her husband and waiting for him to arrive, as she notices every move her husband makes. When her husband unsettles their marriage by asking for a divorce, he also unsettles Mary's stability, shattering her internal life and beginning her transformation into a murderer.

As Mary's husband tells her that he is going to leave her, Mary acutely observes several changes in his usual demeanor. Like a predator, Mary observes that he downs his drink too quickly. Mary does not see this, but hears it, as the ice clinks in his glass. She then notices "the light from the lamp beside him [falling] across the upper part of his face, leaving the chin and mouth in the shadow" (405). This light casts her husband ominously, as the darkness around his mouth foreshadows his impending dark confession as he unravels the stability of their marriage.

Indeed, Mary changes instantaneously, as her movements become "automatic" (406) while she walks down to the freezer, picks out the leg of lamb, and kills her husband with it. Murdering her husband only requires one precise blow, and Mary's transformation from docile wife to calculating murderer is immediate. Mary's previous daze is replaced by a feeling of "cold and surprise," and a mental clarity that allows her to think quickly. The shift into cold and surprise symbolizes Mary's rebirth as a calculating killer, as Mary devises a plot to clear herself of any suspicion.

After the beginning of the story establishes Mary as someone whose only thought is to care for her husband, her inability to access emotion naturally after her murder, to the extent that she must practice her expressions in the mirror, shows her external and internal transformation. Her husband's ill-treatment of her, and the revenge that she exacts, change her immensely. As Mary returns to her home and calls the police, she reassures herself that she does not have to act. But this repetitive thought casts doubt on Mary's credibility: can she really still lament her husband's death after murdering him? Mary tells herself to "do everything right and natural" (408) so she will not need to act, as she pretends to be the faithful wife that she was before the murder.

Mary's final murderous act, her decision to feed the detectives the leg of lamb that she used to kill her husband, shows the extent of Mary's depravity. But, this act also displays a reaffirmation of power. After devoting herself to her husband patiently, she is dumped by him while she is six months pregnant. Her servility to her husband is upturned when she kills him with the dinner she planned to make him, as she vengefully murders her husband after he metaphorically kills their marriage. This act, though insidious, allows her to break from her obedience. When she feeds the police officers the murder weapon, she again unsettles the expectation that she will be a good wife. Indeed, her act of hospitality, an expectation from a good housewife, is instead an act of exoneration, as she removes the evidence and any chance that she will be convicted. Mary feeds her rebellion and revenge directly to the detectives, as they unknowingly consume Mary's disruption of her expected domestic and gender roles.

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“The Landlady” and Other Short Stories Questions and Answers

The Question and Answer section for “The Landlady” and Other Short Stories is a great resource to ask questions, find answers, and discuss the novel.

Which quote from paragraph 12 best support the answer to Part A?

Possible Answer: "forcing him to stay where he was and not walk away from that house". .. note, only is Part A is questioning the definition of another word. Please include all information in your posts.

In "Lamb to the Slaughter," what is a mistake Mary makes when establishing her alibi at the grocery store.

I suppose she establishes her alibi after she kills her husband.Before she left the house after hitting her husband over the head with the frozen leg of lamb, she put the leg of lamb in the oven to begin cooking. This however doesn't end up being...

The Landlady

The emphasis of conflict and sense of foreboding mystery all lies with the character of the landlady hence the title.

Study Guide for “The Landlady” and Other Short Stories

"The Landlady" and Other Short Stories study guide contains a biography of Roald Dahl, literature essays, quiz questions, major themes, characters, and a full summary and analysis.

  • About "The Landlady" and Other Short Stories
  • "The Landlady" and Other Short Stories Summary
  • Character List

Essays for “The Landlady” and Other Short Stories

"The Landlady" and Other Short Stories essays are academic essays for citation. These papers were written primarily by students and provide critical analysis of "The Landlady" and Other Short Stories by Roald Dahl.

  • A Rose for the Landlady: A Dissection of the Affections of the Dahl and Faulkner’s Macabre Murderesses
  • The Landlady: An Enigma
  • "Lamb to the Slaughter": Roald Dahl's Sacrificial Killing of Criminal Profiling

Lesson Plan for “The Landlady” and Other Short Stories

  • About the Author
  • Study Objectives
  • Common Core Standards
  • Introduction to "The Landlady" and Other Short Stories
  • Relationship to Other Books
  • Bringing in Technology
  • Notes to the Teacher
  • Related Links
  • "The Landlady" and Other Short Stories Bibliography

Wikipedia Entries for “The Landlady” and Other Short Stories

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lamb to the slaughter essay thesis

“Lamb to the Slaughter” and “A Jury of Her Peers” Essay

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Mary maloney and minnie foster, the fate of women, the problem of justice, works cited.

Two short stories, Lamb to the Slaughter (1953) by Roald Dahl (1953), and A Jury of Her Peers (1917) by Susan Glaspell, both have a woman who killed her husband as a key part of their plot. However, both stories touch upon the complicated issues that stand behind the fact of murder.

In our essay, we will compare the situations of the two women who committed these crimes, and will see how they were pushed to such an act by the circumstances which made them dependent. We will also discuss the role of gender in these situations and the notion of justice in connection with their deeds.

Mary Maloney, the main character of Lamb to the Slaughter , is a woman whose only role in life is a loving housewife. Caring about her husband seems to be her only aim in life. Yet her world turns into a smoking ruin as her husband notifies her of their forthcoming divorce.

This policeman was not satisfied with a life with an obedient slave; it had apparently turned into an irritating burden for him. “For God’s sake,” he says upon hearing her offer to make a meal after he announced his plans for divorce, “don’t make supper for me. I’m going out” (Dahl par. 41).

The destruction of her world made Mary’s brain “wake up”, leaving her consciously unaware at the same time. Having killed her husband and apparently disbelieving his death, she obliviously makes everything up in a way which would save the child she is pregnant with from being killed along with her when she undergoes the death penalty.

The twistedly ironic way she gets rid of the weapon of murder by feeding it to the detectives doesn’t interfere with her obliviousness until the very last line of the story, when, hearing the policemen talk about the weapon being under their nose, she giggles.

In contrast, Minnie Foster from A Jury of Her Peers does not appear to be satisfied with her life. Even though we never see Mrs. Wright in the story, it is evident that she also plays the role of a housewife, and nothing else. However, her world is much unlike the (apparent) sweet dream of Mary’s.

Her husband is “like a raw wind that gets to the bone” (Glaspell par. 201), a cruel man who would abuse his wife and wrung her bird’s neck to inflict pain on her. Even Mrs. Wright’s house is situated in a hollow from where it is impossible to see the road, hinting at her loneliness. While Mary Maloney, seeing the smoldering ruin her life was turned into, acted suddenly and impulsively, the despair which led Minnie Foster to kill her husband is “honed” over the span of 20 years of their mutual life.

The theme of women’s fate appears to be obvious in both stories. Women, being turned into housewives and having no other way to follow, are trapped in a situation regardless of whether they feel happy or not. A Jury of Her Peers tells a story of an abused woman; the murder makes it stand out, but behind it there hide millions of stories of abused housewiving slaves who never got the chance to let their scream out. The disregard that the men show for the women who came to Minnie Foster’s house shows that such a scream would not be heard in any case.

Lamb to the Slaughter , in contrast, provides an insight into the bonds that even the “happy” only-housewives are subjected to, being entirely dependent on the will (or on a whim) of a single person. Notably, the story also hints at the adversities that the situation has for men, at the boredom and irritation one might face when their every single motion causes a surge of tenderness from a person who never shows any signs of emotions or thoughts other than their persistent love and care.

The issue of justice is also touched upon in both stories. Lamb to the Slaughter shows us a number of injustices that happen after one another; the betrayal, then the murder. Still, however shocking the fact that Mary killed her husband is, the reader is pushed to side with her in this situation.

The murder does not even appear to be revenge; it seems to be some kind of an involuntary act driven by a sudden burst of chemicals into the woman’s brain; her pregnancy came to our mind when we were trying to comprehend her actions. Despite the cruelty and pointlessness of the murder, the punishment that awaits Mary (and the fate of her child) if the woman is to be judged would appear to create even more injustice even if this punishment was not the death penalty.

Similarly, the punishment that awaits Minnie Foster appears unjust whatever it would be. Yes, she is the murderer; but she is also a person who suffered from abuse over the span of 20 years and could do nothing about it. The women in the kitchen could understand a fact that men upstairs apparently wouldn’t even take into consideration – that the murder, even though planned, was an act of self-defense rather than homicide.

As we have seen, both murders are, in fact, very complicated situations that have many underlying aspects. Both the women were utterly dependent on their husbands. Although they had different motives, their deeds were caused by the terrible inequity resulting from the social perception of the role of a woman. Although their actions (especially Mary’s) appear to be unjust, the punishment that awaits them according to the law definitely appears only to result in even more injustice.

Dahl, Roald. Lamb to the Slaughter . n.d. Web.

Glaspell, Susan. A Jury of Her Peers . n.d. Web.

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IvyPanda. (2020, April 15). "Lamb to the Slaughter" and "A Jury of Her Peers".

"Lamb to the Slaughter" and "A Jury of Her Peers." IvyPanda , 15 Apr. 2020,

IvyPanda . (2020) '"Lamb to the Slaughter" and "A Jury of Her Peers"'. 15 April.

IvyPanda . 2020. "Lamb to the Slaughter" and "A Jury of Her Peers." April 15, 2020.

1. IvyPanda . "Lamb to the Slaughter" and "A Jury of Her Peers." April 15, 2020.


IvyPanda . "Lamb to the Slaughter" and "A Jury of Her Peers." April 15, 2020.

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Essays on Lamb to The Slaughter

Brief description of lamb to the slaughter.

"Lamb to the Slaughter" is a short story by Roald Dahl that tells the story of a woman who murders her husband with a frozen leg of lamb and then serves it to the investigating officers. The story explores themes of betrayal, revenge, and the unexpected consequences of actions. It is an important work in the mystery and thriller genre, and is often studied in literature classes for its clever plot and character development.

Importance of Writing Essays on This Topic

Essays on "Lamb to the Slaughter" are significant for academic and personal exploration because they allow students to delve into the complexities of the story, analyze its themes, characters, and plot, and develop critical thinking and writing skills. The story presents a rich tapestry of literary elements that can be dissected and examined, making it an excellent subject for academic study and personal reflection.

Tips on Choosing a Good Topic

  • Consider the themes: Choose a topic that explores the themes of betrayal, revenge, or the unexpected consequences of actions in the story.
  • Analyze the characters: Select a topic that focuses on the characters' motivations, actions, and development throughout the story.
  • Explore the plot: Pick a topic that delves into the plot twists, pacing, and structure of the narrative.

Essay Topics

  • Analyze the theme of betrayal in "Lamb to the Slaughter."
  • Discuss the significance of the frozen leg of lamb as a murder weapon.
  • Explore the character of Mary Maloney and her transformation throughout the story.
  • Argue whether Mary Maloney is a sympathetic or unsympathetic character.
  • Reflect on the theme of revenge in the story and its implications.
  • Compare and contrast the portrayal of gender roles in "Lamb to the Slaughter."
  • Analyze the use of irony and dark humor in the story.
  • Discuss the significance of the title "Lamb to the Slaughter" and its implications for the narrative.
  • Explore the role of the investigating officers in the story and their impact on the plot.
  • Argue whether the ending of the story is satisfying or unsatisfying.

Concluding Thought

Exploring "Lamb to the Slaughter" through essay writing allows for a deeper understanding of the story's themes, characters, and plot, and encourages critical engagement with the text. By choosing a meaningful and engaging topic, students can develop their analytical and writing skills while gaining insights into the complexities of the narrative.

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Symbol of The Lamb in Lamb to The Slaughter by Roald Dahl

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1954, by Roald Dahl

Short story

The short story is about the murder of police detective Patrick Maloney by his wife Mary. Driven to homicide after her husband's unexpected announcement that he's leaving her and their unborn child, Mary quickly regains her senses after fatally killing him with the leg of lamb.

The main theme in 'Lamb to the Slaughter' is concerned with how we overlook the true nature of a person or situation when we allow preconceived notions to cloud our judgment.

Mary Maloney, Patrick Maloney, and Sergeant Jack Noonan

"Lamb to the Slaughter" demonstrates Dahl's fascination with horror (with elements of black comedy), which is seen in both his adult fiction and his stories for children. The story was suggested to Dahl by his friend Ian Fleming: "Why don't you have someone murder their husband with a frozen leg of mutton which she then serves to the detectives who come to investigate the murder?"

Once the policemen are called to investigate Patrick's murder, then, the lamb comes to represent both a sacrifice for the detectives (as food) and a weapon against them (as that sacrifice as food entails the destruction of evidence).

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  10. "The Landlady" and Other Short Stories Essay

    Join Now Log in Home Literature Essays "The Landlady" and Other Short Stories "Lamb to the Slaughter": Roald Dahl's Sacrificial Killing of Criminal Profiling "The Landlady" and Other Short Stories "Lamb to the Slaughter": Roald Dahl's Sacrificial Killing of Criminal Profiling Anonymous 12th Grade. One of Roald Dahl's most popular, anthologized, and filmed stories is "Lamb to the Slaughter."

  11. Lamb to the Slaughter Critical Essays

    The critical reception of Dahl's story ''Lamb to the Slaughter'' needs to be put in the context of his critical reception generally. First of all, Dahl achieved commercial success and ...

  12. "The Landlady" and Other Short Stories "Lamb to the Slaughter" Summary

    Summary. Six-months-pregnant Mary Maloney sits in her home with the curtains drawn as she waits for her husband, Patrick, to come home from work. She calmly looks at the clock, and at 10 minutes to 5, his car pulls into the driveway and she leans in to kiss him as he comes to the door. She hangs his coat, and makes them drinks.

  13. "Lamb to the Slaughter" and "A Jury of Her Peers" Essay

    Lamb to the Slaughter, in contrast, provides an insight into the bonds that even the "happy" only-housewives are subjected to, being entirely dependent on the will (or on a whim) of a single person. Notably, the story also hints at the adversities that the situation has for men, at the boredom and irritation one might face when their every ...

  14. Main Themes in "Lamb to The Slaughter"

    In conclusion, Roald Dahl's "Lamb to the Slaughter" delves into numerous thought-provoking themes, including deception, gender roles, and the fragility of appearances. Through the narrative and actions of its characters, the story challenges societal norms and expectations, forcing readers to question their own biases and assumptions.

  15. Is the following a good thesis for "Lamb to the Slaughter": Mary

    Quick answer: This is a good thesis statement to "Lamb to the Slaughter" because it stands alone as a claim about the text that can be supported with evidence.

  16. Lamb to the Slaughter Essays

    As "Lamb to the Slaughter" begins, Mary Maloney, who is six months pregnant, is patiently waiting for her husband, Patrick, to return home from his job as a police detective.Once Patrick arrives, Mary makes him a drink and sits beside him in blissful contentment. However, something is off about Patrick's demeanor—he is drinking far more whiskey than usual and seems very aloof.

  17. lamb to the slaughter essay

    Comparison Of Slaughter And Lamb To The Slaughter. titled "Lamb to the Slaughter" follows the story of the pregnant woman, Mary Maloney, and her husband Patrick. The story begins when Patrick decides to end his marriage. Out of anger and shock, Mary kills Patrick by hitting him on the back of the head with a leg of lamb.

  18. Concluding an essay on "Lamb to the Slaughter" using dialogue, imagery

    To conclude an essay on "Lamb to the Slaughter," emphasize how Roald Dahl effectively uses dialogue, imagery, and setting to build suspense and develop the plot. Highlight how the dialogue reveals ...

  19. Lamb To The Slaughter Theme: [Essay Example], 581 words

    Published: Mar 13, 2024. In the short story "Lamb to the Slaughter " by Roald Dahl, the theme of the deceptive facade of normalcy is prominent throughout the narrative. This theme is depicted through the seemingly ordinary marriage of Mary and Patrick Maloney and the shocking turn of events that follows. The story delves into the idea that ...

  20. Essays on Lamb to The Slaughter

    1 page / 325 words. Prompt Examples for the "Lamb to the Slaughter" Essays The Power of Irony: Analyze the role of irony in "Lamb to the Slaughter" and its impact on the story's development and reader's perception. Mary Maloney's Transformation: Explore how Mary Maloney's character evolves from a loving... Lamb to The Slaughter.

  21. Free Essay: Lamb to the Slaughter

    Lamb to the Slaughter Thesis Paper Essay Example. 381 Words; 2 Pages; ... Lamb to the Slaughter is a very powerful short story in that it is only nine pages, yet it still has the ability to get my brain flowing and creep me out completely. This story shows how a dedicated housewife can change into a cold blooded murderer and a psychopath in a ...

  22. How would you conclude an essay on "Lamb To The Slaughter"?

    Another theorizes that the weapon is probably ''right under our very noses.''. Dahl double meaning with the title '' Lamb to the Slaughter ,'' reflect aspects of human perversity ...