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How to Write The Perfect Resume in 2024 (With Examples)

The ultimate guide to learn how to quickly create a resume utilizing best practices to help you land your next job.

Ed Moss

Introduction to writing a resume

We’ve all been there. You’re ready to apply for a new job or looking for a career change, and you haven’t updated your resume in quite some time. Or it’s your first job, and you’re not sure where to start. Resumes are a standard part of the job application process. Not having one - a good one - makes it very difficult to near impossible to land your dream job.

Unless you have some incredible connections that can help you bypass the interview stage, which is pretty rare, we highly recommend you give your resume a second look (or first!).

Beautiful resume templates to land your dream job


Why do you need a good resume?

Your resume is a way for you to market yourself and promote your career experience. Creating a resume lets hiring managers see how you'll bring value to their company.

It's important to know that your resume doesn't need to present all there is to know about you. It should summarize the most important aspects of your professional experience. As well as your education, interests and activities - when applicable. We recommend you tailor your resume to the position you're seeking. This means highlighting specific accomplishments and skills to the job you're applying for.

In this guide, we'll walk you through the following sections to help you craft the perfect resume:

  • Understanding the basics of creating a resume
  • Breaking down the resume layout and formats
  • Maximizing information on your resume to provide the most value

What tools should you use to build your resume?

Tip: Use an online resume builder . Don't use Microsoft Word. Always use an online resume builder. You'll never have to worry about finding files and you can export your resume as a PDF.

So you’re ready to get started on your resume. The most obvious of choices is to open up Microsoft Word, create a new document and get writing. If you haven’t already done this before, formatting in Microsoft Word is a painful experience.

You'll end up with an ugly resume template that has poor legibility and incorrect margins. Or due to the lack of design options, you’ll end up with a resume that looks standard and boring. In both cases, the chances of potential employers overlooking your resume are pretty high!

Crazy isn’t it? You've spent years building job experience but have to use Microsoft Word to tell that story. And if you can’t navigate around complicated tools, it'll lead to poor results. You might miss the opportunity to land your dream job. That doesn’t sound fair, and it isn’t.

Why should you use a resume builder?

Luckily, there are other options that exist. We’ve created the fastest and easiest resume builder available online. With a variety of pre-existing templates that are professional and field-tested. And there’s no messing around with font sizes, margins or colors. We’ve taken care of all that for you.

The benefits of using an online resume builder like the one we’ve created are much higher. Here are some of the top reasons to use a resume builder:

  • Hosting your resume online (in the cloud)
  • This means you can access your resume at any time and anywhere. Your resume will always be available through our website. You'll never worry about having the right computer programs installed. Or finding files on a messy desktop.
  • Creating unlimited resumes at no cost
  • We manage it for you and make finding your resumes super easy, so you never have to worry about things getting lost. Go ahead and create unlimited versions of your resumes!
  • High-quality resume designs
  • This is where we specialize. Our design team has tested the exact elements required for perfecting resume templates. We sweat the details so you never have to. We’ve spent countless hours choosing the most appropriate font and color combinations. Including ones that pass the stress tests of relentless Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS).

The other benefits of using Easy Resume’s online resume builder are:

  • Download your resume as a PDF. We recommend this file format so your resume always looks consistent.
  • Share a direct link to your resume. We’ll even host it for you at no cost.
  • Get exclusive access to guides, tutorials, and tips from career and industry professionals.

Understanding the 3 types of resume formats

Let’s break down the different types of resumes that employers generally look for.

  • Reverse Chronological
  • Combination
Tip: When in doubt, use a reverse chronological resume format. - About 95% of resumes use the reverse chronological format. Hiring managers are used to this as it lets employers see how your career has progressed.

1. Reverse Chronological Format

The most common is the Reverse Chronological format. It’s the most used and formatted to tell the story of your work experience in a chronological way. Employers prefer this format, as it gives them a historical overview of your career. Including the different job titles and responsibilities that you’ve had.

When should you use a reverse chronological resume template?

  • You have had a lot of prior work experience. This means either the number of jobs or the amount of work experience you’ve had.
  • You want to show how your career has progressed. For example, if you started as an associate and worked your way up to a senior-level position. The reverse-chronological format is a great way of showing your progression.

What if you have gaps between your work experience?

This is a very common question that we often receive. It’s usually in the form of:

“I’ve been out of work for 6-7 years after a certain life situation (i.e. having kids). The last job I had was in 2012, but recently I'm starting to apply for jobs again in 2019. What’s the right resume format for someone like me?”

First of all, no worries. This is a very common situation and happens with many people. As a hiring manager, having a gap like this can lead to questions and uncertainty about your resume. Which is why we recommend that you use a combination format.

2. Functional Format

The second type of resume format is the Functional or Skills-Based resume. This can be common for students and recent graduates starting to apply for their first job.

When should you use a functional / skills-based resume template?

  • You’re a student or recent graduate applying for jobs for the first time with no prior work experience.
  • You’re looking to make a career change.

Reasons why this is common for students and recent grads is due to their lack of prior experience. Given the fact that they’re starting to enter the workforce and apply for their first job. It’s well understood amongst employers that students won’t have a huge depth of work experience. There are other ways to let them know what you can help bring to the role you’re applying for by showcase the list of skills that you excel at.

It usually depends on the role you’re applying for. But there are some common ones that you can try to focus on like: Communication, Organization, Customer Driven, Effective Listener, Teamwork, etc.

What else can you add to your resume besides skills?

We recommend adding some extra activities for your career. Even if you haven’t attained any professional work experience yet. The few ways you can do that as a student is:

  • Find internships
  • Help volunteer at student-led or non-profit organizations
  • Participate in extracurricular activities
  • Take on side-projects

Not only will you have more examples of experience to show on your resume. You can show employers how much initiative and leadership you’ve performed on your own. This helps you stand out much better than a candidate who only lists generic skills.

For example, instead of only listing skills like:

  • Communication
  • Collaborative

An employer might prefer to move forward with a resume that looks like this:

  • Summer Intern at XYZ
  • Volunteered for non-profit at XYZ
  • Ran student organization for XYZ

What if you’re unable to get any kind of experience?

Fear not, your chances towards landing your first job can still be within grasp. We recommend taking an approach that explains the skills you’ve acquired. And how you’ve applied them in real-world settings.

Here’s an example of adding depth to your skill sets:

  • Demonstrated effective teamwork and leadership in various class projects by taking the initiative to organize group’s goals, objectives, and tasks.
  • Received consistent praise and admiration from course professors and team members as being highly collaborative, an effective communicator and group leader with clear presentation skills and abilities.
  • Organization
  • Meticulous about even the smallest of details. Always taking the extra effort towards making sure that filenames, folder hierarchy and labeling are descriptive, versioned, tagged and easily discoverable.
  • Received constant praise from past and present team members who were able to jump into any collaborative project and accurately trace back previous versions to see how decisions were made.

Do you see how this can be more effective than listing out a set of skills? Taking this approach will let employers know that you’re not only listing skills. But have also demonstrated how you were able to apply these skills and put them into action.

3. Combination Format

The final type of resume that we mentioned earlier is the Combination or Hybrid format. This combines concepts from both reverse chronological and functional/skills-based formats.

We recommend this format for jobs that expect relevant experience and technical skills. An example might be a Graphic Designer who has experience working in design agencies. As well as necessary skills like Branding, Sketching, Illustration, and Adobe Creative Suite.

Take a look at our in-depth guide on how to select the right resume format .

IT Specialist

Choosing the best resume template

Now that we know which software to use and the most common resume formats, let’s break down the actual template. This is the make-or-break deal. Picking the right resume template can be the deciding factor if a hiring manager gives you a call. Or if they skip past your resume and never bother to read it.

Our mission here at Easy Resume is to make sure that never happens to you! We’re working hard to make sure your resume is high quality and presented in a way that will impress recruiters.

When speaking with hiring managers, we found that 78% of the time they skip your resume is because of the design. Again, we don’t think that’s fair.

Here’s a checklist to use for your resume

We always use this checklist whenever creating any new resume template.

Use a clear heading structure

Incorrect : Don’t make all headings and body copy the same size.
Correct: Do use typographic hierarchy by using varying heading sizes and font weights.

Use legible, friendly and professional font combinations

Incorrect : Don’t use quirky and eccentric fonts like comic sans or papyrus.
Correct : Do use professional fonts that are easy to read and familiar. Fonts like Georgia, Helvetica, Calibri, and Cambia.

Use an ample amount of spacing

Incorrect : Don’t go overboard with spacing. Using a lot of white-space might spark joy, but not when your resume becomes three pages long because of it.
Correct: Do keep your margins tight but spaced even enough that your text isn’t hugging the borders of the page.
Incorrect : Don’t try to write your entire life story with every single job responsibility you’ve ever had. Recruiters on average spend about 7-8 seconds skimming through resumes. If it's two pages, the chances of them not spending even more than 2-3 seconds reading the second page is pretty low.
Correct: Do keep your information brief, relevant, and clear. If you REALLY need another page, make sure it’s valuable information. Otherwise, choose the right template that can fit the most words on a single page.

Use bullet points

Incorrect : Don’t write very long paragraphs about your work experience. Remember, your resume is a summary and a brief overview of your career. Your resume is not an autobiography of everything you’ve ever done.
Correct: Do use 3-4 bullet points to briefly describe your responsibilities. Feel free to add more bullet points if you have worked at only one or two jobs to fill up some more space.

Overview for writing a resume

Whew, that was a lot of information. Let's quickly summarize what we've learned.

1) Always use an online resume builder, instead of Microsoft Word

  • It’s always better to use an online tool instead of Microsoft Word.
  • Creating a resume template on Easy Resume will allow you to access your resume at any time. And access to unlimited resumes and a great selection of professional design templates.

2) There are 3 types of resume formats

  • Reverse Chronological -This is the most common. Use it if you have a lot of work experience and want to show your career progression over the years. ‍
  • Functional - If you lack work experience, use this format to emphasize your skill set. It’s great for students or recent graduates entering the workforce for the first time. ‍
  • Combination - If you have a lot of experience and a diverse skill set that is relevant to your job, use this advanced technique. For example, a web developer who has worked at a few technology startups. And has programming skills in languages like Python, PHP, and Javascript.

3) Follow our resume design guidelines

  • Utilize clear heading hierarchy, don’t make all fonts the same size. This will help your resume be easy to parse. Remember, recruiters spend an average of 6 seconds scanning your resume. Highlight the most important sections! ‍
  • Use legible fonts that are easy to read . Using professional fonts will make your resume more legible. Choose from fonts like Georgia, Calibri, Garamond, Arial, Helvetica, Cambria, Times New Roman, Verdana, Trebuchet, Gill Sans, and Tahoma
  • ‍ Use white-space conservatively . If you rely too much on white-space, you might end up with a 2-3 page resume. Keep your margins tight but spaced evenly to make it easy on the eyes for the reader. ‍
  • Use 1 page . As previously mentioned, hiring managers and recruiters spend an average of 6 seconds. They might look at hundreds of resumes and applications every week. The chances of them reading every single page from top to bottom is pretty slim. ‍
  • Use limited amount of color depending on your industry. Hiring managers need to notice the right parts of your resume. Using the right amount of color on your resume can help. ‍
  • se bullet points . As previously mentioned, hiring managers and recruiters spend an average of 6 seconds. They might look at hundreds of resumes and applications every week. The chances of them reading every single page from top to bottom is pretty slim.

Resume sections and details

Let’s take a closer look at the resume itself now. Resumes are typically broken down into the common sections:

Common sections to add on your resume

Resumes tend to have some common sections that employers are used to seeing. Here's a list of what's generally expected as best practice:

  • Heading / Name
  • Additional Contact Info
  • Your Objective
  • Your Education
  • York Work Experiences
  • Your Skills

Of course not all people are alike. There’s no one-size-fits-all model for resumes. Depending on your job, you might want to include more unique sections. Remember any information you include on your resume should have valuable insight into your experience. Employers want to know why you would be a great hire.

Other sections to include on your resume

If you don't have enough information for the sections described above, you can try to add some of these sections below. Keep in mind that you should only add it if it's relevant to the position you're applying for.

  • Volunteering
  • Achievements
  • Organizations
  • Certificates
  • Publications

As you can see, there are many sections to add depth to your resume. So don’t be alarmed if you’re lacking skills or experiences, there are other ways to let employers learn of your potential.

Tip: Only add information that’s relevant to the job you’re applying for. As a best practice, always remember that the most valuable details is the information that recruiters are specifically looking for in the job description that you’re applying to.

Let’s break down each of these sections and how to add the most value to them.

Adding contact information

Information about yourself is a critical element for your resume. It provides a brief description of who you are, where you're based and how to get in touch with you.

The most necessary contact information to add on your resume

There are quite a few ways to add your contact details, but here's what's most necessary.

  • Your First & Last Name . You may use a preferred name if that's what you'd rather go by. So for example, someone named "Robert" might prefer to go by a nickname like "Bob". You may also optionally include your middle name or initial. ‍
  • Your Email Address. Your email address is necessary if employers want to be able to reach you. Email is generally the most common way that recruiters use to get in contact with applicants.

Always use a professional email address.

Incorrect : Don't use an email address that sounds like you're still in grade school. Something like [email protected] will not look professional on your resume.
Correct : If you don't already have one, create a professional email address with your name on a service like Gmail. An email like [email protected] sounds much more professional.
  • Your Phone Number. Adding a phone number will let recruiters know that they can also reach you via phone call if that proves to be more convenient for them. If possible, use your work or cellphone number instead of your home number. ‍
  • Your Location. Adding your location lets employers know that you'll be able to physically make it to work. It's preferred that you list your city and state. Some people like to add their full mailing address. However, based on our research, we learned that it's not always important to add in your entire street address.

Let employers know where you're based, not your exact address.

Incorrect : Don't list your entire mailing address like 305 Main St, Apt#25. It's not always necessary. If an employer needs to know your mailing address, ask them and only provide if required.
Correct : You can simply list your city state and sometimes zip code, for example: New York, NY 10010. This will let employers know that you live and work in this geographic location. If you need a work visa or are looking to relocate, be sure to call that out.

Secondary contact information to add on your resume

  • Your Website or Blog. If you have a website or a blog, feel free to add it on your resume. Having a website can add to the professionalism of your experience.

Unnecessary contact information for your resume

  • Your Photo or Headshot. Adding a photo to your resume is a bit of a controversial topic. While it's not always recommended, and most ATS (Applicant Tracking Systems) will ignore it - some countries like South Korea may prefer it. However, in most cases, it's not necessary. ‍
  • Your Date of Birth. To avoid any kind of age-based discrimination, it's best to leave your birthday out of your resume.

Adding social media profiles

If you have accounts on social networks, you might want to include them depending on how relevant it is. This will let employers know that you're active and knowledgeable about commonly used platforms online.

  • Linkedin is the most popular platform for networking amongst professionals. We recommend that you create a Linkedin profile if you don't already have one.
  • If you use Twitter for professional reasons, adding your Twitter handle can be a good way to show off your personality and interests for topics that you like to talk about. However, if you use it purely for personal reasons, you shouldn't add it.
Tip: Only add social media profiles if they showcase your professional experience. Normally, you shouldn't add your personal social media profiles on your resume. Unless you're using social media networks like Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest to demonstrate your expertise and interests, there's no reason to include them on your resume. For example, if you're a web developer, you might want to include your Github or if you're a designer, you can include a link to your Behance portfolio.

Writing the perfect resume objective

Your resume summary or objective gives employers a very brief overview of your goal and what kind of position you're looking for. It should always be at the very top of the resume. Usually placed directly below your name and contact information. It's always important to leave a great first impression. Remember, hiring managers are spending only 6 seconds scanning your resume.

Here are the key pieces of information that your resume objective should include:

  • Your Job Title = e.g. Server
  • Your Experience (in years) = e.g. 10+ Years
  • Your Achievements = e.g. Managed parties and events upwards of 250+ guests and maintained customer satisfaction rate above 98%
  • Your Desired Goal = e.g. Looking for new opportunities to bring expertise to fine-dining establishments
  • Your Desired Goal (Personalized) = e.g. Looking to gain new skills and further develop fine-dining expertise at an upscale establishment like Janes Riverside Restaurant

Personalizing your resume objective to the specific company you're applying for can be a great way to make a first impression. We highly recommend tailoring each resume objective to the specific job and company you're applying to.

Follow these tips to write a great resume objective

This checklist will help summarize your experience into a resume objective that leaves a good first impression.

Avoid writing your resume objective in first person.

Incorrect : I am a server and have lots of experience working in various restaurants. I love working with customers.
Correct : Dynamic and engaged server with over 10+ years of experience who loves to provide warm and friendly customer service.

Quantify your achievements.

Incorrect : I worked many catering events and parties, and provided good customer service.
Correct :  Managed parties and events upwards of 250+ guests and maintained customer satisfaction rate above 98%.

Be clear about your desired goal.

Incorrect : I'm looking for a new job to get better at managing people and stores.
Correct : Looking for new opportunities to further develop hospitality and personnel management experience at fine-dining restaurants.

Putting all this together, a bad example of a resume objective might be the following:

Bad example of a Registered Nurse's objective

I am an experienced registered nurse, that has worked at large hospitals with experience taking care of patients and providing medical expertise. I'm looking for a position to help grow my nursing career.

Let's turn that into a better example of a resume objective, based on our guidelines:

Good example of a Registered Nurse's objective

Experienced and veteran RN with 12+ years of experience taking care of patient health. Skilled in providing high quality patient care in ER situations under intense pressure. Hired and trained a staff of 27 nurses and nurse assistants. Looking for a new role to bring empathetic care to the patients at Lincoln Hospital.

Take a look at our guide on how to write a killer resume summary or resume objective to learn more.


Summarizing your job experience

Your resume experience section is the most important aspect of your entire resume. It's a summary of your career experience and progression that outlines your responsibilities and achievements.

This is the section that you'll most likely spend most of your time on. It's good practice to make sure you consistently jot down any new experiences you've had, even if you're not looking for a job.

For example, if you recently landed a $200,000 deal by bringing on a new client at your firm, write that down somewhere you can remember. Over time, you'll have dozens of bullet points you can copy over to your resume when you are ready for a new job.

Here's a simple example of work experience

Server, red lobster.

November 2018 - Present • New York, NY

  • Greeted incoming guests and directed them to comfortable seating.
  • Memorized and informed guests of daily menu specials.
  • Made recommendations about food and beverages as well as other services provided by the restaurant.
  • Provided exceptional and friendly customer service by taking food and beverage orders and entering them in our PoS system.
  • Job Title = e.g. Server
  • Company Name = e.g. Red Lobster
  • Start & End Dates = e.g. November 2018 - Present
  • Location = e.g. New York, NY
  • Responsibilities & Tasks = e.g. Made recommendations and answered questions about our food, beverages and other restaurant functions and services.

This is a simple example, but it can be improved by adding more detail.

Follow these guidelines to really maximize your career experience

These principles will make your resume look more professional, relevant and attractive to hiring managers. This is where most job-seekers have the toughest time when writing their resume.

We highly recommend emphasizing your experience section with these guidelines:

  • Focus on achievements and outcomes. Instead of just writing about all of the tasks you did. Try your best to quantify some of the most key and impactful achievements you've made at the company. Using actionable verbs can help. ‍
  • Use keywords from the job description. If you're applying to multiple jobs, make sure you tailor each resume to the job description . A great way to tailor your resume is to use keywords from the job description itself. Not only will this feel more relevant to recruiters, but it significantly increases the chances of your resume passing an ATS which scans for common keywords. ‍
  • List only key responsibilities. Your experience section isn't meant to be a huge list of every single task you've ever done. Try to narrow your responsibilities to the ones that most relevant ones.

Here's a better example of work experience

  • Implemented Happy Hour pre-dinner special that drove an extra $7,500 in weekly revenue.
  • Trained and onboarded 6 servers to help increase waitstaff.
  • Promoted to Team Lead after receiving exceptional feedback from repeat customers.
  • Made food recommendations to customers that helped increase ordering by up to 15% for select items.

Adding skills to your resume

Showcasing skills on your resume lets employers understand the variety of your strengths. While skill sets can vary, the best approach is to use keywords from the job description to show how your skills are relevant.

In general, there are two types of skills you should consider adding to your resume.

  • Soft or Transferable Skills
  • Hard or Technical Skills

What are soft skills?

Soft skills (sometimes known as "transferable skills") are self-developed skills that will be valuable to employers to many different types of jobs. Some examples of these include communication, teamwork, organization and leadership. Listing soft skills is recommended if you're thinking about a career change where your skills would serve both industries.

For example, there might be a job that requires candidates to be very strong in teamwork skills. If you’ve worked in team settings, and enjoy collaborating with other group members, this is a skill that you might want to call out.

Here's a list of common soft skills:

  • Taking Initiative
  • Problem Solving
  • Attention to Detail
  • Collaboration
  • Time Management
  • Critical Thinking
  • Decision Making
  • Presentation
  • Facilitation

What are hard skills?

Hard skills (also known as "technical skills") are specific skills that are learned to perform a certain task or master a craft. These skills are often completed during your job, and sometimes require specific education or training to learn and master. For example, some technical skills can include computers or hardware for jobs like a Web Developer or an IT person.

Adding technical skills to your resume will let employers know how you can solve different challenges using these skills you've acquired. We recommend using your career experience, as described above, to show real examples of how you applied your hard skills at your job. Make sure to keep them relevant to the job you're applying for.

Here's a list of hard skills for specific roles:

Web Developer

  • Ruby on Rails
  • HTML & CSS
  • Cross Browser Testing

Graphic Designer

  • Adobe Photoshop
  • Adobe InDesign
  • Adobe Illustrator
  • Wireframing

Data Analyst

  • Database Management
  • Google Analytics
  • Microsoft Excel

We have come up with a list of over 100 skills that you can include on your resume .

Data Analyst

Listing your education

The education section of your resume is an important call-out for showing your school experience and the degree(s) you've received. It's important that the education section of your resume is relevant to fit the position you're applying for.

Here's an example of the information you should add for your education.

  • School / University Name = e.g. Harvard University
  • Degree & Major = e.g. B.F.A in Arts & Literature
  • Minor = e.g. Minor in Spanish
  • Years Attended = e.g. Fall 2004 to Spring 2008
  • GPA ( optional ) = e.g. 3.8/4.0 GPA
  • Honors ( optional ) = e.g. Magna Cum Laude

The most important information to include is your degree (multiple if you have more than one), the schools you attended and during which dates. If relevant, providing more specific pieces of information like your major and minor can also help.

Tip: Always be truthful on your resume. It's not worth lying on your resume. Employers will quickly find out whether you're telling the truth or lying during an interview if they ask specific questions that you are unable to answer. Same goes for your Education. Employers can request a transcript to verify that your school information is correct.

You'll notice we also added GPA and Honors as optional. For GPA, it's not necessary nor required, and should be generally avoided unless you have a high GPA (greater than 3.8). Adding honors and achievements is also likely to be ignored by recruiters. Only add it if you have plenty of extra space on your resume. Otherwise save that space for more important and relevant information.

Additional sections for your resume

Now that we've learned about the most important sections to add on your resume, let's explore some other ways to demonstrate your full potential to future employers.

Remember, there's no one-size-fits-all model. Every person, every situation and every job is different. Your resume should be tailored based on a variety of these circumstances.

Here are some sections you can include on your resume:

Keep in mind, that you should only add these sections if 1) you have extra space or 2) it's very relevant to the job you're applying for.

  • Hobbies & Interests. This is a great way to show off your individual personality. Employers often care about maintaining company culture. Showcasing your different hobbies and interests can be a great way for them to get to know you, before even meeting you! Our advice on how to include hobbies on your resumes will be helpful.
  • Languages. Do you speak multiple languages? This is a skill that can become useful, even if it isn't required for the job. When listing languages, you may also write a proficiency level (native, fluent, basic) to show how skilled you are at communicating in that language. ‍
  • Volunteering Experience. If you spend time volunteering at different organizations, this can demonstrate to future employers that you're mission-driven and passionate about solving problems for others. If you're a student, acquiring volunteer experience can be a great way to substitute (with real impact!) for any lack of work experience. ‍
  • Certifications & Awards. Have you received any certifications and awards that celebrates achievements you've made in your career? If it's relevant to the job you're applying to, then this could be a great way to level up your expertise and skills. Take a look at our guide on including achievements and awards on your resume as well as including certifications on your resumes.

Browse more resume templates that fit your role

Ed Moss is an author for Easy Resume

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Do You Need a Combination Resume? Here's How to Know (and How to Write One)

How To Make A Resume 101 (Examples Included)

Mike Simpson 0 Comments

how to make a resume for a job examples

By Mike Simpson

how to make a resume for a job examples

If you are reading this article, I think it is safe to say that we can call you a “job seeker”, correct?

But what kind of job seeker are you?

Are you looking for a change of pace from your everyday job?

Are you just starting out in the workforce?

Maybe you’re a seasoned veteran trying to make the leap up the chain of command?

Or perhaps you’re just fed up with the way things are going (or not going) with your career and it’s time for a change?

Well, no matter what stage you are in your career, you’re going to need to know how to write a good resume for a job interview … and we are going to show you how! So start by downloading our Free “Perfect Resume” Checklist that will help you overhaul your resume and will get you more interviews.  Click here to get the “perfect resume” checklist

What Is a Resume?

Don’t laugh.

Believe it or not, some people (especially those who are completely new to the workforce) have never seen a resume before, let alone written one.

If you’re one of those people, this section is for you!

So what is a resume?

A resume   is a document used by job seekers to help  provide a summary of their  skills , abilities and accomplishments .

In other words,  a resume is typically a short and quick way for a job seeker to introduce themselves to a potential employer. (In North America a resume should not be confused with a CV . Check out our blog post on the difference between a CV and a resume if you’re interested.)

Resumes are normally submitted to hiring managers along with a cover letter (Need help writing a cover letter? Check out our article How To Write a Cover Letter 101 ), usually via email or on online job posting.

Sounds pretty easy, right? Just take a piece of paper and put some basic info on it and “wham, bam, thank you, ma’am, I’m right for the job and can start tomorrow,” right?

Unfortunately (or fortunately, which I’ll explain later) it’s not that easy.

In fact, writing a bad resume is much easier than writing a good one…and trust me, there are lots of bad ones out there…which is why you want to make sure you have good one…no wait, a GREAT one so when employers look at it, they say, “Heck yes, bring this kid in for an interview!”

Why Do I Need a Resume?

I know the (company CEO, boss, hiring manager, owner’s dog walker who works on Tuesday’s and they’ve totally promised me a job no matter what.)

If that’s true, then hey, you probably don’t need a resume…you’re essentially guaranteed the job already… but what about when that job ends?

Betcha no matter how great your hookups are right now, at some point in your career, you’re gonna need a killer resume, and luckily we’re here to tell you how to create a resume.

And not just any resume… a professional resume .

For those of us who don’t have direct connections to killer jobs, a resume is essential to getting your foot in the door.

Employers use resumes as a way to quickly screen potential applicants , selecting only the individuals they feel are right for the position, so making sure your resume is in tip-top shape is absolutely vital.

Here, let me walk you through a quick little scenario and we’ll see just how important those little pieces of paper actually are:

Imagine you’re a hiring manager and it’s your job to find the perfect candidate for an open position with your company.

You’ve trolled the usual job listing sites and posted what you’re looking for and the response has been…overwhelming.

Your desk is COVERED with resumes. Pile after pile. Stack after stack.

All you need is that one qualified person, but as you look through the piles of paperwork, you feel your stomach starting to knot up. These resumes are a mess. Most of them are sloppy, with spelling errors, confusing headings, and lists of qualifications that have absolutely NOTHING to do with the job at all. You need an IT specialist and a third of these resumes have things like ‘underwater basket weaving specialist,’ and ‘professional poodle groomer’ listed under relevant skills. How is that relevant?

You call maintenance and ask them to empty your trash can, again. It’s filling up too quickly with all these rejected candidates.

You continue to slog through the pile of papers, your eyes growing heavy with each rejection. You’re sleepy, you’re bored, and you’re frustrated. Does NOBODY really qualify for this job?

And then you see it. A single resume that’s clean, crisp and clearly written. The font is professional, the layout is well organized and thoughtful and the qualifications are…gasp…actually on target! You smile as you read it, your heavy eyes suddenly snapping open in excitement as you realize you’ve got someone here who might actually be able to do the job!

You carefully set that resume to the side, a bright yellow note stuck on top of it: “ Interview THIS one. ”

Then you turn back to your unending mountain of resumes. Back to the slog.

Okay. Story time is over…back to reality. How would you like to be that hiring manager?

No fun, eh? Absolutely not!

Unfortunately, odds are, your current resume is probably buried in that mountain of not quite right resumes…or worse yet, in the trash waiting to go out with the next trash run.

Wouldn’t you rather be the one with the yellow “Interview THIS one” sticky?

Okay, then… it’s time to give you all the resume help you need! That’s why we created this fantastic (and free) Resume Checklist for you to use to make sure your resume stand out against your competition.  Click here to get the “perfect resume” checklist .

In this article, we’ll show you SECTION 1 , “How to Build a Resume” or proper resume format and SECTION 2 , “How to Write a Resume.”

Section 1 – How To Make a Resume (or Proper Resume Format)

Good resume writing (and proper resume format) is an art form and can make the difference between getting lost in the pile and being invited in for an interview.

(Here’s the good news. We’ve dedicated an entire blog article just to resume format and the best practices for 2017 and beyond! Click here to head over to that article now! )

The problem is, a lot of people don’t see it as an art form…rather an obligation. Most people look at writing a resume as just something you have to do to get a job.

There’s no time put into it. No thought. And certainly no enthusiasm.

Just a bunch of stuff thrown on a page with the expectation that if the company really want to hire you, they should be able to look at that mess and pull what they need out of it and bring you in based off of that.

Reality check!

Research has proven that hiring managers only bring in about 1 person per 200 resumes received .

Those are some pretty miserable odds!

Time to step up your game and go from one of the 200 to that one out of 200!

Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS)

Okay, so we just finished telling you that writing a resume is an art form and that you need to stand out. BUT (there’s always a “but” isn’t there?) this doesn’t mean that you should paint your resume in water colors or build a resume diorama out of Play-Doh and Legos.

In fact, you should know that a lot of companies today are using Applicant Tracking Systems to help them screen resumes and find the best candidates.

How does this work exactly?

Well, a piece of software analyzes your resume for certain keywords and gives you a score based how well your resume matches a predetermined list of keywords chosen by the company you’re interviewing with.

There are a few things you can do to ensure your resume gets past the software and into the hands of hiring managers, which Lifehacker does a nice job of outlining here .

In the meantime, here are our best practices to follow when it comes to formatting your resume.

Resume Fonts

Of course you want your resume to stand out, but for the right reasons…and you have to understand that it starts with the very first second someone looks at it.

Your resume is a marketing tool to sell you to an employer and that means making sure it clearly represents you in a professional manner.

Notice the word professional. That’s what this is. PROFESSIONAL .

This isn’t a time for artistic expression or a place to make a personal statement using gimmicks or tricks..and that means say goodbye to cartoon fonts.

how to make a resume for a job examples

No. Comic. Sans.


Look at it. It’s ridiculous.

Who is ever going to take that font seriously? Nobody. That’s who.

You get, on average, 10 to 20 seconds to make a first impression with your resume… so make it count!

If your resume is sloppy or has unprofessional font, odds are those 20 seconds are going to end with you in the trash.

For anyone with a basic word processing program, it’s easy to see there are hundreds of fonts out there to choose from and picking the right one can be difficult. We’ve already discussed Comic Sans (no) but what fonts are good ones to use?

There are two categories of font. Serif and San-serif .

Serif fonts are stylized fonts with tails and other (subtle) decorative markings. Examples of serif fonts include Times New Roman . They are perceived as being reliable, authoritative, and traditional.

Other serif fonts include: Bell MT , Bodoni MT , Bookman Old Style , Cambria , Goudy Old Style , Calibri , Garamond, and Georgia .

San-serif fonts are also often used and are characterized as being simpler and no-frills. San-serif fonts include Helvetica and Arial and are associated with being clean, universal, modern, objective and stable.

Examples of san-serif fonts include: Verdana , Trebuchet MS , Century Gothic , Gill Sans MT , Lucida Sans , and Tahoma .

No matter which font you use, the biggest consideration you have to keep in mind is legibility .

You need to make sure that your typeface is easy on the eyes and shows up well both in print and on screen, regardless of formatting or size.

Another consideration to keep in mind is that not everyone has the same operating system on their computer so unique or gimmicky fonts that look great on one computer system might show up as absolute nonsense on another.

Also, remember in today’s increasing digital age that most resumes are first scanned by an automated applicant tracking software program and any form that can’t be read will be automatically discarded!

Which one is right for you? It’s up to you really, but if you really want a recommendation then I suggest keeping it simple and going with  Helvetica . It’s the perfect combination of style and clarity.

Mike's Tip:

Resume layout & formatting.

Okay, now that you’ve got your font picked out, it’s time to focus on your resume formats (or layouts).  Don’t worry if you can’t remember all of this stuff, because we summarize it all on our “Perfect Resume” Checklist we made for you.  Simply click here to get your copy .

The first rule of layout is, keep it clean and clear. You want a resume that’s easy to read and easy to follow.

Again, remember, you get 10-20 seconds to catch a hiring manager’s eye so handing in something that’s messy, unorganized or confusing is going to end up in the trash.

Margins – Keep your margins to ½ to 1 inch on all sides of the paper, especially if you’re sending your resume to anyone you think might print it out. The last thing you want is to have a printer crop your resume and leave off important information!

Font Size – With the exception of your name which can be larger, you want to keep your font size at between 10 and 12 point. Keep in mind that some fonts are larger and/or smaller than others so an Arial 12 is larger than a Times New Roman 12. Ideally you want your resume to be a single page so feel free to tweak your font size a bit to make it fit (some programs allow you to adjust sizes by half points) but remember, keep it readable! Don’t sacrifice legibility in order to get everything on the page .

Spacing – Generally single spacing works the best, with a blank line between each section of content.

Paper – If you’re printing out your resume make sure to use a laser printer or inkjet printer that produces high-quality results. Use off-white , ivory or bright white paper and always stick to the standard 8 ½ X 11 paper in the highest quality you can afford. Make sure if there is a watermark on the paper that it’s facing the correct way and whatever you do, keep it readable. Don’t cram so much on the page that it’s crowded or confusing!

Resume Categories

Resumes are really nothing more than a bunch of specific categories that quickly outline who you are and what you’ve done and can do. Making sure your categories are well organized is a quick way to help put you in the “yes” pile and keep you out of the “trash” pile.

One of the biggest problems with many resumes is they lack focus and clarity. Double check yours and make sure your categories are well defined and organized.

Header – Start your resume off with the most important information first: your personal information! Include your full name, phone number, email and personal branding website if you have one . It’s also appropriate to include your permanent mailing address, but this can be optional.

Objective or Resume Summary – Depending on what sort of job seeker you are and what job you’re applying for, you will have to choose between an objective statement (what your employment goals are with the company you’re applying to) or a resume summary (a quick recap of your skills and experiences that highlight your value to a potential employer.) Regardless of whether you include an objective or a summary, keep this short and sweet (no more than a sentence or two.)

  • For our in-depth article on how to write a resume objective, click here .
  • For our in-depth article on how to write a resume summary statement, click here .

Experience/Qualifications – This part is all about your work history and should not only include who you worked for but what you did and how long you did it. Include the title you held and a quick bulleted list of responsibilities and/or duties. This is listed in reverse chronological order with your most recent job first .

Skills & Abilities – This section is a quick outline of the skills to put on a resume that relate to the position/career you’re applying to. These can include things like computer skills , technical skills , language skills , anything that can help make you the perfect candidate!

References – Including references is no longer a requirement. It’s a good idea to have references, but the days of listing them at the bottom of your resume is a thing of the past. Instead, have them as a separate list, and if requested, you’ll be able to provide it. Check out our article on professional reference letters if you need more info. (If you need a character reference, check out our article .)

Interests – This category is a tough one. Not every resume should include an interests section…this isn’t Facebook and your potential IT employer probably doesn’t need to know you spend your weekends dressing up as a troll warlord and reenacting great battles… Interests and hobbies can be a double-edged sword and listing something that has nothing to do with the job you’re applying for can not only waste valuable resume space but can also make you seem unfocused or scattered. HOWEVER…there are times when including interests can help you out…especially if they’re related to the job you’re applying for and show interest outside of the office, such as volunteering for an organization you know the corporation is already involved in (do you research first)! This category should be carefully considered before you add it. Weigh the pros and cons very seriously.

Types of Resumes (And 3 Resume Samples)

There are three major types of resumes: chronological, functional and combination (sometimes called targeted or hybrid), and we’ve included a description of each below along with some good resume examples.

Chronological Resume

Chronological resumes are the most commonly used layout and is exactly what it sounds like, a chronological listing of all your work history with your most recent positions listed first.

Employers tend to really like this type of a resume because it’s easy for them to quickly see what jobs you’ve held and how long you’ve held them. It also often includes an objective or career summary as well as education, certifications, and special skills.

For job seekers with a strong working background, this is a great way to showcase what you’ve done!

Here is a great chronological sample resume:


Source: Vault.com

Functional Resume

Functional resumes focus more on skills and experiences rather than on chronological work history and are perfect for people who are changing careers or have a gap in their work history as they focus attention on specific skills and capabilities.

Rather than displaying a timeline of your work history, the functional resume focuses on the actual skills you possess and highlights what you know rather than when you did it.

If you’re applying for a job with specific skills or clearly defined requirements and/or traits, this is the one you want to choose!

Here is a great functional sample resume:


Combination Resume

Combination resumes are exactly that, a combination of chronological and functional. A combination resume lists both your skills and experiences as well as your employment history in chronological order.

The idea is to not only highlight the skills you have that are relevant to the job you’re applying to, but also provide your potential employer with a chronological record of the jobs you’ve held in the past.

Because this type of resume is essentially two different types mashed together, it’s typically broken into two parts. The first part is your functional resume section and highlights your skills, achievements and qualifications and the second part is your timeline of work experience.

Although more complicated to pull together and keep cohesive and clear, this type of format is effective when used by an applicant who wants to show off the most relevant skills while still documenting work history. It’s also a great way to explain gaps in work history as well as career changes.

Here is a great combination sample resume:


So How Long Should A Resume Be?

Once upon a time the fast and hard rule was keep your resume to one-page MAX! Job seekers who found their resumes exceeding the one page limit were forced to either cut out valuable information or tweak their formatting, font sizes and/or margins to make it work, often resulting in either difficult formatting or incomplete histories.

Nowadays the rules are a little more relaxed and the new rule is: Your resume should be long enough to entice the hiring manager to call you in for an interview.

Confused? Don’t be.

First off, your resume is an introduction to who you are…give them enough information to get them comfortable, but brief enough that they’re left wanting more (and call you in for an interview!)

This isn’t a novel. It isn’t a 10-page dissertation on who you are or a 20-page essay on everything you’ve done from your first moments on earth to the moment you sent it to the company.

It’s a career marketing tool and should be used exactly like any good advertising is used…to build excitement, pique curiosity, and encourage the viewer to ask “ Okay, I like this so far…what else? ”

Remember our hiring manager from story time at the beginning of this article? Remember, they’re looking through hundreds, if not thousands of resumes and the last thing you want to do is to hand them a long document they’ll have to pour over to get the info they need.

Be concise . Be brief . Be clear . Be professional .

The best way to determine how long your resume should be is to follow these simple rules:

If you have less than 10 years of experience, are in the middle of a career change, or held multiple positions with one single employer, keep your resume to one page.

If you have more than 10 years of experience, your field is technical or engineering related and you need space to list all your skills and qualifications then two pages is appropriate.

And only in the most rare of situations, usually scientific or academic fields where extensive lists of publications, speaking engagements, professional courses, licenses or patents are normal, can you have a resume three or more pages long…

Okay, got all that? Ready to move onto Section 2 – “How to Write a Resume?”

If you haven’t already, now would be a good time to get your free Resume Checklist. It will help to have it open as you go through the next section!  Click here to get it now .

Section 2 – How To Write a Resume

Now that we have a general idea of what a resume should include, let’s look at how to write one that helps you stand out from the crowd.

Again, let’s go back to our poor beleaguered hiring manger toiling away over mountains of unfocused resumes…and while we’re there, I’m going to let you in on a little secret.

Out of all of those resumes, there are hundreds of qualified candidates…people who would probably do an amazing job and would be great additions to any company.

Sure, there are those in that pile who have NO business applying for the job…but I guarantee there’s a big chunk of applicants who are qualified and would be great hires…problem is, their resumes…well…suck.

Luckily yours…doesn’t. In fact, yours is brilliant and you are the perfect candidate! You’re the answer to the hiring manager’s prayers. You’re the reason they post jobs and slog through piles of paper poo and when they finally stumble on your little nugget of job history gold, jump to their feet in excitement and yell “Bring this one IN!”

Or at least, if you follow these guidelines and rules, you will be!

Tailoring Your Resume

No, we don’t mean tailoring like getting a nice suit and having it professionally fitted to you (not a bad idea for interview wear, but that’s a different post for a different time.) but tailoring as in making your resume absolutely perfect for the job you’re applying for.

Job hunting is exactly that, hunting…and if you’ve ever done any sort of hunting, you know each and every animal requires different skills. And before you get all upset and tell me “Hey, I’ve never hunted an animal and I never plan on doing it and your analogy is horrible,” let me TAILOR this even further down.

Have you ever tried to get an animal to come to you?

Have a cat? Have a dog? Have a bird? Even a fish?

Each one requires a different approach and what works for one won’t work for another.

Ever tried to entice a horse to come to you with a juicy steak? How about tossing some hay to a tiger and wondering why it isn’t eating? Of course not! That’s because you tailor what you’re doing to the situation you’re in.

Give the steak to the tiger and the hay to the horse!

Cats typically respond well to string and lasers. Dogs love to chase balls. And job hunting is exactly the same!

If you’re sending out the exact same resume to 500 job listings, then you’re not doing it right.

Odds are, you’re not getting many interviews either, and you’re probably wondering what’s wrong with all those hiring managers.

Is it possible all 500 are idiots and can’t tell how amazing you are and how you’re incredible and they’re totally missing out by not hiring you?

Possibly, but I doubt it.

Tailoring means making sure that every resume is unique and specifically written to appeal to the hiring manager for the job you’re applying to. That means if you send out 500 resumes for 500 job listings, each and every one of those 500 resumes will be different.

Exhausting? Hell yes.

Worth it? When you get the job of your dreams…you bet!

The problem is, each job is different and what each hiring manager is looking for is different. There is no physical way to satisfy each and every employer’s individual hiring requirements using just one blanket resume.

If you want to catch the attention of the hiring manager, you have to give them what they want. You need to invest the time into each application and ensure that your resume is tailored to each employer and the job you’re applying to.

Of course, we’re not saying you have to write 500 resumes from the ground up…it IS okay to start with a basic resume that lists your skills and qualifications…but you have to make sure you customize it for each job you apply for.

Let’s start with our categories from the previous section, shall we?

Header – Again, this is your basic personal information. It’s your name and contact info and really shouldn’t change.

Objective or Resume Summary – Again, you need to decide which one will work for you…an objective statement or a resume summary . We recapped the difference between both in the above section. The key here is be concise and clear. One to two sentences MAX.

Experience/Qualifications – This is where WORK EXPERIENCES go. Include anything you’ve done for which you’ve been paid. This includes full-time and part-time work as well as anything you did that qualifies for self-employed work.

Make sure for each job you list:

  • The name of the company or organization where you were employed.
  • The city and state for that company or organization.
  • Your last position and/or title you held while there.
  • Your employment period for each job in Month/Date format
  • A brief description of your duties and responsibilities in a short, bulleted list

The hardest part about writing this section is making sure that you list your contributions to the company while still being concise and clear, as well as accurate.

Highlight the relevant information that relates directly to the job you’re now applying for and cut out any clutter that might add unnecessary length to your resume.

Speaking of length, keep your bullets short and sweet.

Wrong : “Daily I worked hand in hand with the company’s most important clients assisting them with problem-solving and ensuring that they were happy and satisfied with our work.

Right : Worked daily with high profile clients to solve problems.

Do not include unpaid , volunteer or charitable work in this section. If you feel you have an unpaid experience or volunteer job that a hiring manager would find valuable, consider creating a new category labelled “Relevant Experience” or “Other Experience” and be sure to include the same identifying information you include for your “Experience/Qualifications” lists.

Skills/Abilities – Every employer is looking for specific resume skills and abilities for the job they’re trying to fill. Your job (while you’re trying to get a job) is to make sure you fit what they’re looking for. These are the job specific skills and should be tailored (there’s that word again!) for each application you submit. But did you know there are skills to put on a resume  that are almost universally valued by potential employers???? Those skills go HERE in this section.

Skills like:

Communication (listening, verbal and written) – This is the number one skill mentioned by employers when asked what they valued in an applicant.

Computer/Technical Literacy Skills – Almost every job these days requires some level of computer proficiency including basic word processing, spreadsheets, and emails.

Interpersonal Skills – Basically how well you work in a team and your ability to relate to co-workers.

Planning/Organization Skills – How well you can design, plan, organize and execute projects and tasks within a specific time frame. Can also apply to goal setting and achievement.

This is just a small sampling of what can go in this section. For a more in-depth look at what to put in this section, check out our previous blog all about it here!

Education – This one, much like your personal information, is pretty straight forward. You want to list your education in reverse chronological order (degrees or licenses first followed by certificates and advanced training).

If you include your college information, list only the school, your major and distinctions and or awards you’ve won. If you’re still in college or a very recent grad , include your GPA ONLY if it’s over a 3.4.

Dropped out or had to leave school because of extenuating circumstances but still want to include the fact that you went? No worries! List the field you were studying, then the school and then the dates that you attended.

If you’re listing just schooling, keep the title of this section “Education.” If you’ve graduated, are including other training, and or other certifications, try to include that in the title. Examples can include “Education and Training,” or “Education and Licenses.” Make the title fit what you’re listing…

Awards – This section is NOT for school-related awards. Include those in your education section. Rather, this section is for awards received, commendations or praise from senior sources. Make sure to mention what the award was for if you can.

Affiliations – If you are affiliated with an organization, guild or club that is relevant to the job you are applying for, the go ahead and include it. Include leadership roles if appropriate. It’s also a great idea to include any sort of affiliation or membership to any organization that might increase your appeal as a prospective employee to an employer.

For almost anything you want to include on a resume, there is a category to help organize it. We’ve listed the most popular above but feel free to do your own research online, especially if what you’re trying to include is unique or hard to categorize.

Action Verbs and Power Words

Speaking of unique, the primary goal of your resume is to make you stand out from the rest of the people applying for the same job and another way to make that happen is to use action verbs and power words (also referred to as “resume verbs”).

Action verbs and power words are exactly that…they’re words that help catch a hiring manager’s eye and give you an edge. After reading hundreds of resumes, many using the same words and phrases, it’s nice to have one that stands out and one of the best ways to do that is by incorporating action verbs and power words!

You’re not exaggerating and you’re certainly not lying, you’re just swapping out old and tired words for ones that are a bit more…dynamic and exciting!

When listing skills , accomplishments, or job described, try using the most impressive words you can think of (without overstating what you actually did).

Were you a leader of a project ? Instead of saying “Led,” use one of these words:

Chaired, controlled, coordinated, executed, headed, operated, orchestrated, organized, oversaw, planned, produced, programmed.

Did you pull a project from conception all the way to completion? Instead of saying “developed, created, or introduced,” try:

Administered, built, chartered, designed, devised, founded, engineered, constructed, established, formalized, formed, formulated, implemented, spearheaded, incorporated, initiated, instituted, introduced, launched, pioneered.

Are you an organizing wizard? Are you increasing productivity ? Sales ? Efficiency? Use these words to really hit home how dynamic you are:

Accelerated, achieved, advanced, amplified, boosted, capitalized, delivered, enhanced, expanded, expedited, furthered, gained, generated, improved, lifted, maximized, outpaced, stimulated, sustained.

Did you achieve something ? Did you hit your goals? Try these words:

Attained, awarded, completed, demonstrated, earned, exceeded, outperformed, reached, showcased, succeeded, surpassed, targeted.

This is just a small selection of action verbs and words you can use to spice up your resume and help you stand out in the crowd. (Need more? Head over to our blog article “68 Dynamic Action Verbs to Enhance Your Resume.” )

Grab your thesaurus and go through your resume…find words that are common and pedestrian and swap them out!

Wow, that’s a ton of information…can you just distill all this epic awesomeness down into a top ten list of tips for creating a resume??

Drum roll, please…

Here Are Our Top 10 Resume Tips

If you’re one of those people who likes to skim through an article or if you plan on coming back for a quick review before your interview, here are our best resume writing tips.

1) Tailored

You’re bringing steak to the tigers with your resume. The employer can look at it and know immediately that not only are you qualified but that you’ve done your research into what the job is and what they’re looking for in an employee. Your goal s are clear as are your skills , areas of expertise and or body of experience .

2) Aesthetically Pleasing

Remember what we said about a resume being a work of art? It should be clean, concise and have a simple structure that invites a reader to glance at it and immediately know what they’re looking at. It’s balanced and flows between sections smoothly. It’s not crowded, the margins are clean, and the font is professional. It’s also devoid of ANY ERRORS . No missing periods, no misspelled words, no grammar issues. It’s also correct and the information included is current and accurate.

3) Complete

That means everything you need to include is included, including (but not limited to) your name, current phone number and accurate email address, a listing of all the jobs you’ve held (in reverse chronological order), educational degrees (including any certifications and the highest degree achieved – again in reverse chronological order) and any targeted information that will help a hiring manager realize you are the perfect candidate.

The easiest way to make sure you remember all of this is to keep track using the “Perfect Resume” Checklist we made for you. You can simply check off the boxes as you complete them. Click here to your “perfect resume” checklist .

4) Accurate

Jobs listed also include your title, the name of the company or organization you worked with, the city and state where you worked and the years you were employed. The bulleted lists are summarized in a clear way that highlights the key ideas without taking up too much space.

And PLEASE! No fibs. Hiring Managers can easily verify anything you put on your resume, and getting busted lying isn’t exactly a winning formula for getting job offers.

The hiring manager can look at your resume and immediately know what you’re applying for and what you bring in value to the company. It’s clear and concise. There’s no confusion as to what your profession is and what you can do.

One page to two pages max, depending on your field, level of experience and skill set. Don’t bore people with details, keep them wanting more…but also learn the balance between not saying enough to saying just enough.

7) Relevant

Never include anything on a resume that might turn off an employer including political or religious affiliations, anything controversial, or that could be taken in a negative light.

8) Professional

This includes font, layout, and paper as well as content. Again, this is for a job and should be used as such. This isn’t a platform for personal statements or a novel detailing every job you’ve ever had since birth to present. It’s printed on high-quality paper in an appropriate color and is clean of any smudges, tears or wrinkles.

Every time you apply for a new job, check your resume to ensure that it’s not only targeted, but also current. Make sure your dates are correct and that you include the most up to date information (this is especially important if you’ve changed your phone number or contact email!)

10) It Is YOURS

That’s right…it might seem strange to say this, but the number one thing you have to remember when applying for any job is to be honest! Use action verbs and power words to give your resume life, but don’t let yourself get carried away and overstate your skills, positions, or abilities. Remember, they’re hiring you …and the last thing you want is to get a job you can’t do.

11) BONUS TIP – Your Resume Contains A Link To Your Personal Website

We’ve been seeing an interesting trend in 2017. Job seekers who add a link to a personal branding website are getting more job interviews and in turn getting more job offers. The fact is, having a simple personal website that highlights your skills and more importantly your personality go a long way to creating a three dimensional persona for the hiring manager . A personal website makes you stand out when compared to all the other candidates who just hand in a resume and cover letter. To find out more check out this blog post .

What Not To Put On Your Resume

Don’t title your resume “resume.” The hiring manager should know what it is just by looking at it. If they don’t, then it’s not a resume and you should re-read this article.

Don’t “fluff” your sentences with unnecessary words. Remember, short and sweet.

Don’t include salary requirements or information. For more info on how to discuss your salary and when and how to bring it up, check out our blog on “When to bring up Salary.”

Don’t list why you left your last job or jobs…and on that same topic, don’t trash former employers…ever…

Don’t include personal information beyond your name and contact. They don’t need your age, race, marital status, sexual orientation or hobbies.

Don’t include a photo of yourself. Unless you’re an actor and applying for a role…otherwise, it’s just creepy.

Don’t get sloppy. Double-check for errors. Then check again.

Resume Templates

Now, we imagined that you’d like some resume templates to help you build a resume, so we combed the internet for some job-specific free resume templates that you can use as a guiding tool.

Customer Service Resume

Administrative Assistant Resume

Teacher Resume

Nursing Resume

Receptionist Resume

Medical Assistant Resume

Project Manager Resume

Cashier Resume

NOTE : These are templates, meaning they are a good place for you to start. But keep in mind that other applicants will also have access to these templates so you don’t want to copy them exactly. Don’t forget you want to stand out among the other applicants, not blend in!

Putting It All Together

So there you have it! How to make a resume …or better yet, how to make an AWESOME resume! Just remember that no single resume is right for every job…make sure to keep it short, sweet, and relevant.

Now re-read this article, but as you do, go through your old resume and see where you can make improvements . Clean it up , pare it down , punch up your action verbs and make it the best possible resume you can…

And above all…good luck!

FREE : "Perfect Resume" PDF Checklist

Ok the next thing you should do is download our handy "Perfect Resume" Checklist PDF ".

In it you'll get a 38 point checklist that will let you overhaul your resume and make sure you aren't missing any critical components.


how to make a resume for a job examples

Co-Founder and CEO of TheInterviewGuys.com. Mike is a job interview and career expert and the head writer at TheInterviewGuys.com.

His advice and insights have been shared and featured by publications such as Forbes , Entrepreneur , CNBC and more as well as educational institutions such as the University of Michigan , Penn State , Northeastern and others.

Learn more about The Interview Guys on our About Us page .

About The Author

Mike simpson.

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Co-Founder and CEO of TheInterviewGuys.com. Mike is a job interview and career expert and the head writer at TheInterviewGuys.com. His advice and insights have been shared and featured by publications such as Forbes , Entrepreneur , CNBC and more as well as educational institutions such as the University of Michigan , Penn State , Northeastern and others. Learn more about The Interview Guys on our About Us page .

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how to make a resume for a job examples

How to Write Your First Job Resume [For 2024]

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So there you are, sitting in front of a screen, staring at a blank Word page for hours, with one task at hand: writing your first job resume.

Where do you even start?

And most importantly: How do you fill those 1-2 pages when you have no work experience?

We feel your struggle and we’re here to help!

In this article, we’re going to guide you through the entire process of creating a first job resume from start to finish.

Let’s dive right in, shall we?

How to Write Your First Job Resume

  • Pick the right resume template
  • Write down your contact information (correctly)
  • Include a resume objective
  • List your education (in detail)
  • Instead of work experience, focus on…
  • Highlight your skills
  • Mention optional sections
  • Stick to the one-page limit
  • Get inspired by a first-job resume example

Don’t worry, we’re going to cover all of the above in detail!

Starting with the first step:

#1. Pick the Right First Job Resume Format and Template

There are 3 main resume formats you can pick from. Each of them highlights a different part of your resume.

  • Reverse-Chronological Resume - In this format, your work experiences and education are listed in reverse-chronological order. 
  • Functional Resume - Instead of work experience, this format focuses on your skills and achievements.
  • Combination (or Hybrid) Resume - This format focuses on both your skills and work experience.

For 99% of job-seekers, we recommend sticking with the reverse-chronological format.

While a functional resume can sometimes help for career changers or recent graduates, it’s still nowhere near as common as the reverse chronological one.

Plus, recruiters world-wide are familiar with the reverse-chronological format, making it a safer bet.

A reverse-chronological resume looks as follows:

reverse chronological format for first job

Once you’ve picked the format, the next step is to perfect your layout, font, and the like. Here’s what we recommend for that:

  • Use a Two-Column Layout. A two-column resume layout allows you to fit a lot more content into your resume.
  • Pick a Common Font. We recommend Ubuntu, Overpass, or Roboto.
  • Use Bullets to Describe Your Experiences.
  • Don’t Go Over One Page. Unless you’re a professional with a decade of work experience, we recommend sticking to the one-page resume limit.

Want to avoid all the hassle of formatting your resume layout? We don’t blame you - if you wanted to build a good-looking resume from scratch, it would take you hours before you could even start filling it in.

Thankfully, there’s an easier way out: using a resume builder.

With Novoresume, all you have to do is pick a template, and fill in the contents. It’s that simple.

And on top of that, Novorésumé resumes are ATS-friendly . Meaning, your resume won’t be swallowed up by an applicant tracking system just because it can’t read it.

Want to get started with Novorésumé? Browse our resume templates .

first job resume examples

#2. Write Down Your Contact Information (Correctly)

It’s important for the recruiter to have at least two ways of reaching back to you.

Meaning, you should always provide your contact information in your resume . That includes: 

  • First and last name
  • Phone number

Apart from these must-haves, you can also provide:

  • LinkedIn URL - This is a good way to complement your resume. It also makes the recruiter’s life easier since they usually check your LinkedIn profile anyway. Make sure all information is updated and consistent with your resume, though.
  • Relevant social media (like Quora or StackOverflow) - Any social media that is related to the job position and puts you in good light should be included in your resume. In most cases. If you’re a developer, it could be projects on GitHub. Writer? Personal blog.
  • Website or blog - Again, this should be something related to the job. It shows your interest and dedication to the industry and how you spend some of your free time.

When it comes to your contact information, the key is to write everything correctly . Double-check you’ve spelled your name and email right, make sure the phone number you’ve listed can be reached, and that the accounts you have linked to are up to date . 

Something else you should know regarding location is how much detail you should be providing. 

The reason recruiters want to know your location is so that they have an idea of whether you’re in the vicinity of the company or not (and if you’ll need to relocate for work). 

That means, providing the city and country where you live will be enough. No need for your full home address. 

#3. Include a Resume Objective

Recruiters spend on average 7 seconds scanning each resume before deciding if it’s worth more consideration or not. 

That means your resume has about 7 seconds to leave a great first impression and convince the recruiter you’re the person they’re looking for.

A good resume objective does that for you. 

A resume objective is a 2-3 sentence snapshot of your skills, achievements, and career goals . Its purpose is to communicate your motivation for getting into the field and your interest in this particular position. 

This makes it ideal for the first job resume of a recent graduate or somebody who’s changing careers. Basically, any resume with no work experience . 

Your resume objective should be tailored to the position you are applying for and highlight skills that will help the company achieve its goal. Use as many facts and numbers as you can to back up any statements or achievements. 

  • Creative and motivated recent graduate with a B.A. in Marketing from the University of Michigan. Seeking permanent employment in the field of marketing after completing successful internships in 2 major media companies. Looking to further develop my market analysis skills and contribute to future marketing strategy developments at XY Company.
  • I am looking to put my marketing skills into action by initially working for the marketing department of a well-known company until I can finally get to an executive position.

#4. List Your Education (In Detail)

For starters, you should know how to list your education entries correctly in the following format:

  • Program Name e.g.: B.A. in Information Systems
  • University Name e.g.: University of Chicago
  • Years Attended e.g.: 07/2013 - 05/2017
  • GPA (only if really high)
  • Honors (If applicable) e.g. Cum Laude

Exchange Program (If applicable) e.g. Exchange program in Berlin, Germany

Apart from your skills, your education is the biggest selling point in your first job resume. This is not the place to be humble and play down your achievements!

Write down your GPA (if it’s something impressive), emphasize your honors, and most importantly, highlight your academic achievements by describing them in detail.  

What you can also do is list specific courses that you have taken that are relevant to the position you are applying for. 

Here’s an example of what an entry on the education section should look like:

B.A. in English Literature (Cum Laude)

Boston University

07/2014 - 05/2018

  • Courses: Advanced Topics in Literature: Shakespeare’s Work 
  • Clubs: Boston University Drama Club
  • Exchange program in London, UK

job search masterclass novoresume

#5. Instead of Work Experience, Focus On This

As a recent graduate, the recruiter knows you don’t have any work experience - and that’s OK. As long as you’re applying for a junior or entry-level position, the experience isn’t something expected from you.

Instead, the recruiter will be looking for other experiences that enrich your profile, like:

  • Internships
  • Extracurricular Activities

When talking about these experiences, format them just like you’d format your work experience. 

Business Analyst Internship

AAA Company

Milan, Italy

05/2019 - 12/2019

  • Ran weekly and monthly analysis on diverse areas of the business
  • Created insightful reports of the analysis to present to managers and teams
  • Defined strategic KPIs, in order to monitor the efficiency of commercial operations

When possible, try to focus on listing your achievements and not your responsibilities. This will help you stand out from the rest of the applicants.

Haven’t done any internships? Include extracurricular activities.

More often than not, an applicant with extracurricular activities and an average GPA will impress the recruiter much more than a 4.0 GPA student with nothing else to show. When listing your extracurricular activities, each entry should have the following format:

Moot Court Club Member

2017 - 2019

  • Participated for two years in a row at the Philip C. Jessup International Law Moot Court Competition, making it to the finals in 2019
  • Researched and prepared written pleadings, called memorials addressing timely issues of public international law
  • Helped train the new club members in topics of international law

Finally, you can also list independent projects, if you have any. Think, something you did on the side just for yourself. This can be a personal project, small business or startup, side-gig, blog, etc.

Amy’s Book Club Blog

2018 - Present

  • Created my own book club website for reviewing and discussing the latest books.
  • Curated a monthly book calendar for my followers to follow, combining trending, relevant, and classic books.
  • Created over 40 book review articles.
  • On average, received 2000 visitors per month to the blog.

#6. Highlight Your Skills

The two types of skills you can mention on your resume are soft skills and hard skills.

Soft skills are attributes that help you adapt to work environments, work in a team, and apply your hard skills effectively. They are related to your personality, social skills, communication, attitude, etc.

Hard skills refer to technical knowledge and specific tools. They are skills that one learns and applies directly to the job. Some examples of hard skills include:

  • Financial accounting
  • Adobe Illustrator

Although soft skills are becoming more and more in demand by employers , for your first job resume, we recommend sticking to hard skills. 

Sure, attributes like “teamwork” or “critical thinking” are much appreciated by just about any employer. 

The thing is, though, the recruiter can’t really tell if you actually have critical thinking skills, or just listed it on your resume to fill space.

Hard skills, on the other hand, are very easy to test.

Tailor Skills to the Job Ad

Not sure which skills to mention in your first job resume?

The simplest way to find the essential ones is to check the job ad.

The recruiter themselves mentioned the skills they’re looking for - the only thing you need to do is mention them in your resume (as long as you have them, anyway).

Let’s say you’re applying for a graphic designer position that wants the following qualifications and skills:

  • Adobe Creative Suite proficiency, particularly InDesign, Illustrator, Photoshop and Acrobat; XD, Animate and/or After Effects are a plus
  • Working knowledge of presentation software (Canva, PowerPoint and/or Keynote)
  • Ability to work under pressure, manage work on multiple projects daily, manage a large workload and meet deadlines.
  • Detail-oriented, highly organized

Based on that, your skills section should include the following:

  • Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop, and Acrobat
  • After Effects and Cinema4D
  • Canva and Keynote
  • Time management
  • Detail-oriented

If the job ad isn’t too descriptive, you can also check out these 101+ most in-demand skills for 2024 . 

#7. Mention Optional Sections

Still have some space on your resume?

That’s not a bad thing! You can use this space to your advantage and add some other useful sections.

Here are some ideas:

  • Volunteering - If you have some volunteering experience, make sure to include it in your first job resume. Such a section shows commitment, dedication, and a sense of purpose, something most recruiters will appreciate.
  • Languages - With companies becoming more and more international, additional languages are always appreciated.
  • Hobbies - You can show your genuine interest in the industry or field by listing some relevant hobbies/interests.
  • Awards & Certifications - Whether it’s an award from an essay competition in college or a certificate from an online course, anything that flatters your profile should be added.

#8. Stick to the One-Page Limit

“ How long should a resume be? ” seems like an eternal dilemma at this point. 

Generally, the answer is: it depends. 

Since you’re making a first job resume, the answer is: definitely one page . 

Unless you have an extensive employment history that can’t fit into one page, there’s no need to go over that limit. 

It’s unlikely that the recruiter will want to look at two pages of extracurriculars and hobbies. 

#9. Get Inspired by This First-Job Resume

Need some inspiration for your resume? Check out the resume examples below.

resume for first job

First Job Resume FAQ 

Still have some questions on how to write a convincing first job resume?

We’ll answer them here.

1. What do I put on my no-experience resume?

There’s plenty of other things you can include in your resume instead of work experience. For starters, you should:

  • Focus on your education, making sure the entries are formatted correctly.
  • Pick the right skills that match what the employer is looking for.
  • Talk about internships, personal projects, or extracurricular activities. Describe your achievements in detail.

If you still have some space left, you could use it to your advantage and add extra sections like volunteer work, languages, awards & certificates, or hobbies.

2. Is a resume necessary for a first job?

Depending on the region, a resume or CV is always necessary for a job application, be it the first or the 20th. 

Before deciding if they should call you for an interview, the recruiters need to have some insight into you and your skills.

3. Do I need work experience to land my first job?

Short answer: You don’t! 

If you’re a recent graduate, it’s a given that you won’t have any work experience. Most employers don’t actually expect years of work experience for an entry-level or junior position. 

Instead, they’ll be looking at your other types of experiences (internships, extracurricular activities, etc.) to decide on whether you’re a good fit for the job or not.

4. How do you write a resume for your first job?

The process is quite similar to the one for writing a regular resume, but with a few tweaks.

The exact steps for creating a first job resume are:

  • Instead of work experience, focus on extracurricular activities, internships, projects, etc.

Key Takeaways

Writing your first job resume doesn’t have to be stressful!

Remember the following tips and you’ll do just fine:

  • Pick the right format and template to avoid the hassle of formatting your resume. Make sure to pick an ATS-friendly resume template.
  • Write a concise and attention-grabbing resume objective. Show the recruiter that you’re relevant for the role and that they should read the rest of your resume.
  • Instead of work experience, include information on your internships, projects, and extracurricular activities.

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Career Sidekick

24 Resume Summary Examples That Get Interviews

By Biron Clark

Published: November 8, 2023

Biron Clark

Biron Clark

Writer & Career Coach

A resume summary statement usually comes right after a job seeker’s contact info and before other resume sections such as skills and work experience. It provides employers with a brief overview of a candidate’s career accomplishments and qualifications before they read further. Because of how early it appears on the document, your resume summary statement (or your CV “profile” in the UK) is one of the first places recruiters and employers look. And without the right information, they’ll doubt that you’re qualified and may move to another resume.

So I got in touch with a select group of professional resume writers, coaches and career experts to get their best resume summary examples you can use and adapt to write a resume summary that stands out and gets interviews.

As a former recruiter myself, I’ll also share my best tips to write your resume summary effectively.

Why the Resume/CV Summary is Important

You may have heard that recruiters only spend 8-10 seconds looking at your resume. The truth is: they spend that long deciding whether to read more. They do glance that quickly at first and may move on if your background doesn’t look like a fit. However, if you grab their attention, they’ll read far more. Recruiters aren’t deciding to interview you in 8-10 seconds, but they are ruling people out in 8-10 seconds. And this is why your resume summary is so crucial. It appears high up on your resume (usually right after your header/contact info) and is one of the first sections employers see. So it’s part of what they’ll see in the first 8-10 seconds.

Your resume summary statement is one of your first (and one of very few) chances to get the employer to stop skimming through their pile of resumes and focus on YOU.

Watch: Resume Summary Examples That Get Interviews

10 resume summary examples:.

These career summary examples will help you at any experience level – whether you’re writing a professional summary after a long executive career, or writing your first resume summary without any experience! After you finish this article you’re NEVER going to have to send out a limp, weak resume summary statement again (and you’ll get far more interviews  because of it).

1. Healthcare Sales Executive Resume Summary Example:

Turnaround & Ground Up Leadership – Concept-to-execution strategies for untapped products, markets + solutions that yield 110% revenue growth – Negotiates partnerships with leading distributors + hospitals—Medline to Centara + Novant Health to Mayo Clinic –  Revitalizes underperforming sales organizations via scalable, sustainable infrastructures emulated as best practice –  C-Level networks of clinical + supply chain leadership acquired during tenures with XXX, XXX and XXX

Why this resume summary is good:

This resumes summary example’s strength lies in the detailed, unique information that has been included. By including revenue stats, names of past employers and partners, the reader right away sees that this person will bring to the role a strong networking ability with key players in his industry, and more importantly can build, grow and revitalize a sales organization, market or product.

By:  Virginia Franco, Founder of Virginia Franco Resumes  and Forbes contributor.

2. 15+ Year Business Owner Resume Summary Statement:

Dynamic and motivated marketing professional with a proven record of generating and building relationships, managing projects from concept to completion, designing educational strategies, and coaching individuals to success. Skilled in building cross-functional teams, demonstrating exceptional communication skills, and making critical decisions during challenges. Adaptable and transformational leader with an ability to work independently, creating effective presentations, and developing opportunities that further establish organizational goals.

Why this is a good summary section:

This is a resume summary statement that was for  a candidate returning to work after having her own business for 15+ years. Because of this, we needed to emphasize her soft skills and what she can bring to this potential position. In addition, we highlighted the skills she has honed as a business owner so that she can utilize these qualifications as a sales professional, account manager , and someone knowledgeable about nutrition, medicine, and the overall sales process.

By: Dr. Heather Rothbauer-Wanish. MBA, Ph.D., CPRW, and Founder of Feather Communications

3. Human Resources Generalist Resume Summary Example:

Human Resources Generalist with progressive experience managing employee benefits & compliance, employee hiring & onboarding, performance management processes, licensure tracking and HR records. Dependable and organized team player with the ability to communicate effectively and efficiently. Skilled at building relationships with employees across all levels of an organization. Proficient with HRIS, applicant tracking and benefits management.

Why this is a good resume summary:

The applicant highlights their experience across a wide range of HR functions from the very first sentence, and continues this pattern throughout the rest of the summary. They then use easily digestible langue to showcase their hard skills (in the first & fourth sentences) and soft skills (in the second & third sentences). They also integrate a variety of keywords to get past automated job application systems , without sounding spammy or without overdoing it.

By: Kyle Elliott, MPA/CHES,  Career Coach and Consultant

4. Social Media Marketing CV Profile Example (UK):

Social media expert with successes in the creation and management of social media strategies and campaigns for global retail organisations. Extensive experience in the commercial utilisation of multiple social media channels including Facebook, Twitter and YouTube; I build successful social strategies that increase brand awareness, promote customer engagement and ultimately drive web traffic and conversions.

Why this summary is good:

This summary is well-written, short, sharp, and gives recruiters a high-level explanation of the candidate’s core offerings in a persuasive and punchy style. A quick scan of this profile tells you the exact type of social media platforms the candidate is an expert in, as well as the campaigns they have experience running and types of organizations they have worked for. Most importantly, the summary is rounded off by showing the results that this person achieves for their employers, such as increased web traffic and conversions.

Editor’s note: This CV profile summary was written for the UK market… this is a great one to use/copy, but make sure you put it through a spell-checker if you’re applying for jobs in the US (utilisation vs. utilization, etc.)

By: Andrew Fennell, Director at StandOut CV , contributor for The Guardian and Business Insider

5. Marketing Manager Professional Summary Example:

Marketing Manager with over eight years of experience. Proven success in running email marketing campaigns and implementing marketing strategies that have pulled in a 20% increase in qualified leads. Proficient in content, social media and inbound marketing strategies. Skilled, creative and innovative.

This resume summary stands out because it gets straight to the point. By immediately introducing the number of years of experience the candidate has, the HR manager doesn’t need to spend time adding up years. The candidate also jumps right into his or her strongest skill, provides a statistic , then gives additional skills.

By: Sarah Landrum, career expert and contributor at Entrepreneur.com and Forbes

6. Warehouse Supervisor Resume Summary Example:

Warehouse Supervisor with Management, Customer Service, & Forklift Experience –  Dependable manager with 15+ years of experience in warehouse management and employee supervision. –  Skilled at managing inventory control, shipping & receiving, customer relations and safety & compliance. –  Certified Power Equipment Trainer, Forklift Operator and Reach Operator skilled at coaching other staff. –  Promoted to positions of increased responsibility given strong people and project management skills.

The applicant was applying for a warehouse supervisor position that required them to have demonstrated management, customer service and forklift experience. As such, the applicant showcased their experience in these areas with a few keywords in the title, followed by additional details in the accompanying bullet points. Their final bullet shows a record of promotions, while reinforcing the applicant’s customer service and project management skills.

7. IT Project Manager Resume Summary Example:

Experienced Project Manager with vast IT experience. Skills include computer networking, analytical thinking and creative problem solving. Able to apply customer service concepts to IT to improve user experience for clients, employees and administration.

Because this candidate is switching career paths, it’s important he or she take skills used for previous positions and apply those skills to the new job listing. This is a great example because the candidate makes it clear that his or her experience is not in the new field, but that they are still able to bring relevant experience to the table. When writing your resume summary, keep these tips in mind: Use writing that is straight to the point, clear and concise, you’ll have a higher chance of getting noticed by the hiring manager.

8. Career-Changer Resume Summary Example:

Earn trust, uncover key business drivers and find common ground as chief negotiator and identifier of revenue opportunities in sales, leadership and account management roles spanning e-Commerce, air travel and high-tech retail. Navigate cultural challenges while jumping time zones, lead international airline crews and manage corporate accounts to deliver an exceptional customer experience. A self-taught techie sought after as a go-to for complex billing systems and SaaS platforms alike—bridging the divide between technology and plain-speak. – Tenacious Quest for Success + Learning . Earned MBA and BS in just 3 years while working full-time – gaining hands-on experience in research- and data-driven product roadmap development, pricing and positioning. – Results-Driven Leadership. Whether leading Baby Boomers, Gen X or Millennials—figures out what makes teams tick, trains and transforms individuals into top-performers. – Challenger of Conventional Wisdom. Always ask the WHY. Improve the user experience through smart, strategic thinking that anticipates outcomes. Present cases that influence, and lead change that drives efficiency and profitability.

This client was eager for a career change and had moved from role to role and industry to industry. After completing her Master’s degree, she was eager to tie her skills together to land a role – which she did – as a Senior Technology Account Strategist for a global travel company. Although a bit longer than a traditional summary, its strength lies in the details. Without ever getting to the experience section, the reader gets a clear idea of the scope of responsibility, and hard and soft skills the candidate brings to the table.

By: Virginia Franco, Founder of Virginia Franco Resumes  and Forbes contributor.

9. Project Management Executive Professional Summary Example:

15+ years of initiating and delivering sustained results and effective change for Fortune 500 firms across a wide range of industries including enterprise software, digital marketing, advertising technology, e-commerce and government. Major experience lies in strategizing and leading cross-functional teams to bring about fundamental change and improvement in strategy, process, and profitability – both as a leader and expert consultant.

Why this resume summary is good:

“Project Manager” is one of those job titles that’s REALLY broad. You can find project managers earning $50K, and others earning $250K. The client I wrote this for was at the Director level, and had worked for some of the biggest and best tech companies in her city. So this resume profile section shows her level and experience, and the wide array of areas she has responsibility for in her current work. You can borrow or use some of the phrasing here to show that you’ve been responsible for many important areas in your past work.

By: Biron Clark, Founder of  CareerSidekick.com.

10. Startup And Finance Management Consultant Career Summary Example:

Experienced strategist, entrepreneur and startup enthusiast with a passion for building businesses and challenging the status quo. 8+ year track record of defining new business strategies, launching new ventures, and delivering operational impact, both as a co-founder and management consultant. 

Why this resume summary example is good:

This summary was for a highly-talented management consultant looking to break out of finance, and into trendier tech companies like Uber . His track record and educational background were great, so the goal of this summary section was to stand out and show he’s more than just the typical consultant with a finance background. So we emphasized his passion for startups, and his ability to think outside the box and challenge the status quo. That’s something that companies like Uber and other “disruptive” tech companies look for.

14 Resume Summary Examples for Various Industries

Compassionate and effective 5th-grade teacher with experience overseeing the classroom and preparing lessons. Extensive experience encouraging students through positive reinforcement and motivational techniques. Collaborate well with school administration and other members of the teaching team. Ensure all students meet learning requirements, including literacy, social, and arithmetic skills.

2. Teacher’s Assistant

Goal-oriented teacher’s assistant with ten years of experience working with elementary school children. Aid teachers with lesson planning, classroom settings, and group instruction. Model positive behavior and maintain order in the classroom. Willingness to take on additional responsibilities to meet learning objectives.

Tech Industry

3. computer programmer.

Innovative computer programmer with a proven track record of writing high-quality code and supporting team needs with subject matter expertise. Adept in multiple programming languages, including Python, JavaScript, and C++. Ability to troubleshoot complex programming issues with inventive solutions. 

4. Cybersecurity Analyst

Dedicated cybersecurity analyst with ten years of experience in online security research, execution, planning, and maintenance. Proven track record of identifying business risks and proactively resolving them. Experience designing and instituting layered network security for large-scale organizations. Train users and other staff members on IT safety procedures and preventive techniques.
Skilled healthcare professional with ten years of experience in patient care, diagnosis, and providing appropriate treatments and medical services. Manage medical staff and resolve complex medical cases with maximum efficiency. Communicate the patient’s condition and treatment plan in easily understood terminology. Remain current with the latest advancements in medicine and research to ensure patients receive proper care.

6. Registered Nurse

Seasoned registered nurse offering comprehensive patient care in emergency room settings. Experience handling diverse patient populations and caring for various conditions. Proven leadership managing nursing teams and other staff. Focus on enhancing patient care and satisfaction through empathetic communication and excellent customer service. 

7. Digital Marketing Manager

Forward-thinking digital marketing manager experienced in all facets of digital marketing, including social media management, PPC advertising, SEO, and email marketing. Proven experience creating comprehensive marketing plans that improve lead prospecting and enhance brand awareness. Up to date with the newest tools available for digital marketing campaigns.

8. Marketing Analyst

Industrious marketing analyst well-versed in analyzing marketing campaign analytics and making recommendations to improve performance. Collaborate with account managers and use KPI metrics to explain the results of marketing initiatives. Meticulous with a strong work ethic and robust communication skills.

Food and Service Industry

Experienced wait staff member capable of managing orders, processing payments, and upselling menu items. Ensure restaurant guests feel welcome with attentive service catered to their needs. Remain current on updates to the menu and assist guests with selecting orders to meet their dietary requirements. Maintain a positive attitude and focus during busy restaurant periods.

10. Hotel Receptionist

Friendly hotel receptionist with extensive experience handling guest check-ins, check-out, and payments. Facilitate a positive guest experience with polished customer service skills and a readiness to address common inquiries and complaints. Collaborate well with other hotel team members, including executive administration and on-site restaurant staff.

Business/Office Jobs

11. financial analyst.

Highly motivated financial analyst with a proven track record of recommending appropriate financial plans based on financial monitoring, data collection, and business strategizing. Experienced in qualitative and quantitative analysis, forecasting, and financial modeling. Excellent communication skills for building and fostering long-term business relationships across the organization.

12. Tax Accountant

Experienced tax accountant with ten years of experience preparing federal and state tax returns for corporations and partnerships. Monitor changes in laws to ensure the organization properly complies with reporting requirements. Assist with tax audits, ensuring the team receives proper supporting evidence for tax positions. Analyze and resolve complex tax issues. Look for available tax savings opportunities for corporations with an aggregate savings of $500K last year. Excellent analytical skills and attention to detail.

Sales and Customer Service

13. sales representative.

Enthusiastic sales representative with expertise in identifying prospects and converting qualified leads to paying customers. Provide quality customer service and contribute to team sales success. Offer exceptional communication skills and seek to understand client needs before making the appropriate product recommendations. Continually meet and exceed sales goals. Leverage extensive knowledge of available products to provide appropriate client solutions and enhance customer loyalty and retention.

14. Customer Service Associate

Knowledgeable customer service professional with extensive experience in the insurance industry. Known as a team player with a friendly demeanor and proven ability to develop positive rapport with clients. Maintain ongoing customer satisfaction that contributes to overall company success. Highly articulate, with a results-oriented approach that addresses client inquiries and issues while maintaining strong partnerships. Collaborate well with the customer service team while also engaging independent decision-making skills.

Now you have 24 professional resume summary statements and some explanations of why they’re effective. Next, I’ll share tips for how to write your own in case you’re still unsure how to begin based on these examples above.

How to Write a Resume Summary: Steps and Hints

We’ve looked at 10 great resume summary examples above. As you begin writing a resume summary for yourself, here are some helpful tips to keep in mind:

  • Read the employer’s job description. Your career summary shouldn’t be a long list of everything you’ve done; it should be a refined list of skills and experiences that demonstrate you’re a fit for their job.
  • Mention your current job title if relevant. One common way to begin your resume summary is to state your current job title.
  • Explain how you can help employers achieve their goals or solve their problems.
  • Consider using bold text to emphasize one or two key phrases.
  • Include any relevant metrics and data like dollar amounts, years of experience, size of teams led, etc. This helps your resume stand out.
  • Focus on making the employer want to read more. The goal of your resume summary isn’t to show everything you can do, but to grab their attention and show enough that they continue reading.

Creating a Customized Resume Summary

While general summaries are appropriate when applying for jobs requiring similar skills and experience, a customized resume summary can enhance your chances of moving on to the next step in the hiring process. 

That’s because most companies use automated tracking systems (ATS) to review submitted resumes for content directly related to the job posting. If you use keywords and natural language phrases in your summary that interlink to the job description, you’ll have a much higher chance of passing the ATS review.

Let’s look at an example of a resume summary that is customized for the specific job description below:

Social Media Specialist Job posting

“Highly motivated social media specialist with strong project management skills. Creative marketer skilled in crafting innovative social media campaigns that resonate with a target audience. Regularly develop compelling copy and social media content to enhance lead generation and brand awareness. Detail-oriented with extensive project management skills that ensure proper prioritization of tasks and projects. Work with various social media management and analytics tools to examine results and make adjustments as necessary.”

This summary directly addresses the key points in the job description but rewrites them so the customization is natural and flows well. It’s personalized for the open role and uses similar terms with a few strategically placed keywords, such as “social media content” and “project management.”  

How Long Should a Resume Summary Be?

As you read the resume summaries above, you probably noticed there are some short single-paragraph resume summary examples and much longer career summaries that are two to three paragraphs plus bullet points. So how long should YOUR professional summary be? If you have relevant work experience, keep your summary to one or two paragraphs. The piece you really want the hiring manager to read is your most recent work experience (and you should make sure you tailored that info to fit the job description). The resume summary is just a “bridge” to get the hiring manager into your experience.

If I were writing my own career summary right now, I’d likely use one single paragraph packed with skills, accomplishments, and exactly why I’m ready to step into the job I’ve applied for and be successful!

Even for a manager resume summary, I recommend a very short length. However, if you’re changing careers, or you’re looking for jobs without any work experience , the summary section needs to stand on its own, and should be longer. That’s why some examples above are a bit longer.

Formatting Your Resume/CV Career Summary

You may have noticed a variety of different formats in the career summary examples above. There isn’t one “right” way to format this section on your resume or CV. However, I recommend either using one or two brief paragraphs, or combining a short sentence or paragraph with bullets. Avoid writing three or four long paragraphs with no special formatting like bullet points. That’s simply too much text for your summary section and will cause recruiters and hiring managers to skip over it in some cases.

Should You Include a Resume Objective?

You do not need to include an objective on your resume, and doing so can make your resume appear outdated. Use a resume summary instead of an objective. Follow the resume summary examples above and focus on discussing your skills, qualifications, and achievements, rather than stating your objective. Employers know that your objective is to obtain the position you’ve applied for, and the resume objective has no place on a modern resume/CV in today’s job market.

Examples of Bad Resume Summaries

Now that we’ve seen a few exemplary resume summaries, let’s look at some that you should avoid at all cost.

1. Typos and Grammatical Errors

“Experienced cashier who knows how to run the register cash. Responsible with the money and can talk with the customer. Knows when to stoc up the invenory and checks it all the time. Can count change and run credit card tranactions. Get the customer happy by good service. I am always cheerful and organized.”

Why this resume summary is bad:

If you read the summary carefully, you’ll notice several spelling errors. The words “stock,” “inventory,” and “transactions” are all spelled wrong. Grammatical errors make the summary choppy and difficult to follow (“Get the customer happy by good service”).  A summary like this probably won’t fly with a company looking for a detail-oriented cashier responsible for managing in-person sales.

2. Lacks Relevant Keywords

“Talented worker with experience managing a team of staff. Creative and responsible with knowledge of organizational processes. Can keep up with the busiest of environments. Stays focused when at work, ensuring prompt task completion. Dependable and willing to collaborate with a team to get things done.”  

In this example, the chef doesn’t use keywords relevant to cooking, restaurants, or kitchens. The summary is very generic and can apply to nearly any job. A manager who receives the application isn’t likely to understand what value the candidate can bring to the restaurant.  To fix the summary, the applicant must rewrite it to include relevant keywords and phrases. 

3. No Numbers to Quantify Achievements

“An experienced and hardworking manager ready to align procedures for maximum revenue and profits. Proven track record of streamlining and strengthening processes, resulting in higher sales and better customer satisfaction. Collaborate well with sales team members, ensuring they have the resources and knowledge to support customer purchases and inquiries. Develop strong rapport with clients and maintain ongoing relationships.”

This isn’t a terrible summary for a sales manager, but it has room for improvement. For one, the first two sentences essentially duplicate each other, mentioning an aptitude for improving processes with the objective of higher sales. The other issue is a lack of quantifying achievements. 

The applicant mentions they have a proven record of increasing sales, but they could strengthen the summary by quantifying their results. For example, they might say, “Proven track record of streamlining and strengthening processes, resulting in a 25% increase in sales over the past year.” The quantifier provides additional credibility. 

4. Not Targeting the Specific Job

“Looking for work in a role that requires great customer service, project management, and communication skills. Able to collaborate with people from diverse and varying backgrounds. Highly organized and reliable worker with a strong work ethic. Responsible and reliable worker you can count on.”

While the candidate lists various skills they have, including customer service and project management, there’s no indication of prior roles held or what position they’re applying for. The summary could apply to numerous positions in a variety of industries. To improve the resume summary, the applicant must specify the job they’re applying for and indicate their prior experience in a similar role, if they have any.

After You Start Getting Interviews, Make Sure to Take Advantage…

If you follow the advice above, you’ll have a great professional resume summary to make your qualifications stand out to employers. But landing the interview is only half the battle… So make sure you go into every interview ready to convince employers that they should hire you, too! If you write a great resume summary example that gets employers excited to interview you, they’re going to ask you questions like, “tell me about yourself” early in the interview to learn more about your background. So make sure you’re prepared with an answer.

I also recommend you review the top 20 interview questions and answers here.

Your resume caught their interest, so naturally, they’re going to follow up with a variety of questions to learn more about your professional background.

The bottom line is: A strong professional resume summary, followed up by other well-written resume sections will get you the interview, but your interview performance is what determines whether you get the job offer!

Biron Clark

About the Author

Read more articles by Biron Clark

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I would recommend to customise the skills section of your resume, and ensure that it matches the job posting. The higher the number of phrases within the resume matching the job requirements the more are the chances that the recruiter will pick you for the job.

I just wanted to say, “thank you!”. This was very helpful. Instead of jumping from one website to the next there’s so much useful, relevant information right here.

Hi, I have been having trouble creating a resume as My old one is so long, I’ve worked for a government agency for the past 14 years and held multiple positions doing many different duties for each and now I have to relocate to another area where they do not have an agency like mine in my new area within a 3 hour drive, how can I squeeze all my experience and duties on one page and where do I even start, I’m so nervous, it’s been so long since I’ve attempted the job hunt. So I’m wondering, I do not want to cut anything out that may hurt my chances and I can’t afford to have my resume rewritten by a professional. Can you guide me as to where you think would be a good place to start, I’ve been staring at this laptop for weeks trying to decide on a resume template, there are so many. I thank you for your time and any input will help.

Hi, I am a new graduate and do not have any experience in my field which is Nursing. I want to apply for the jobs but I have no idea about what to mention in my resume.

Hi, this article should help with the resume summary, at least: https://careersidekick.com/summary-for-resume-no-experience/

Other than that, you need to put your academic experience. And internships/part-time jobs if you’ve had any.

Dear Biron,, Thanks for sharing the 10 examples of professional summaries in your article, and especially the reasons why they were considered to be good. However, as a HR professional, I would most likely skip over most of them and would not read much past the first or second sentence. The summaries were mostly too wordy and boring, and did not demonstrate ‘oomph’ at first cursory reading. Simply indicating certain skills or behaviors does not give an idea of the level of expertise, and could simply be wishful thinking on the part of the resume writer.

Just goes to show that there are many ways to see what makes a good summary.

I am a chemical engineer and project management professional with 15+years experience. My experience is between process engineering and project management . How can I marry the two in my profile summary?

It’s not about showing everything you’ve done. It’s about showing employers evidence you’ll succeed in their job. You can show a bit of both but focus heavily on what’s most relevant for the jobs you’re applying for right now. 80/20.

This was absolutely helpful and amazing! Thank you very much!

Hello, I am an active job seeker. I hold a law degree from a foreign country and currently in college for an associate degree. My question is, how do I blend both my foreign job experience with that of the United States in my resume. Thank you.

I’d put your work history in chronological order, starting with the most recent up top. That’s what I’d recommend for 95% of people actually. Then it doesn’t matter where you held each job.

And then in your Education section, I’d include your foreign degree and the current degree you’re pursuing in the US, too (for the US degree, you can say “in progress” or “graduating May 2019” for example).

I am 40 years old & B.A degree holder I have experience in many fields.I would like to join any one fields

I am a fresh graduate, who has five years teaching experience and some months customer service representative experience. Pls kindly assist me to put the resume summary together

I’m an active duty service member and finding in a little difficult creating a good transitional summary from 20 year profession in tactical communications to a drug and alcohol counselor. Do you have any recommendations how I should approach this? Any assistance would be helpful. Thanks

Great piece

How to write the CAREER ABSTRACT in resume for ware super visor retail business?

Just wanted to say thank you.Your advise and information was clear and easy to understand , sometimes there is nothing pertaining to what im looking fot in particular, buy you have sermed to cover everything I n a short quick easy to understand method.It will help tremendously.

Thanks! Glad to hear it helped :)

Very informational

What if you have work experience, but the job your going for(teachingeducation) has nothing to do with warehouse work? How should I build my resume?

In the summary, describe yourself and then say, “…looking to transition into ___” (the type of work you want to be doing now).

This is a bit like a resume “Objective”. I normally don’t recommend an Objective section (and I recommend a Summary section instead), however the one time an Objective does make sense is when you’re trying to change industries or make a big change in the type of role you have.

So that’s why my advice here might seem like I’m telling you to combine an Objective with your resume Summary.

Then “tailor” your previous work to be as relevant as possible. Even if you worked in a different industry you can still show things like leadership, accountability, progress/improvement, hard work, achieving goals, strong teamwork skills, etc. You can do all of that in your resume bullets and work history.

Don’t u have Resume Summary of legal secretary/legal assistant?

No, sorry about that. There are hundreds of different professions/job titles, and we aren’t able to include an example for every scenario out there. These resume summary examples are designed to give you a general idea of how to write yours.

The summaries listed are excellent example and have helped me develop a stand out summary for a new position.

Hello, I been trying to land the job of my dreams. I need help with my resume if i want the recruiters in airlines to notice me. I’ve applied before but haven’t had complete success to making it to a face-to Face Interview. It is a career change – yet i feel i am a great candidate bc i have had many customer service and I even attended an academy for that specific position. Can you please tell me what I am doing wrong on my resume ?

what if i never had a job experience?

Great question. If you don’t have any work experience, take one of the formats/examples above and put your accomplishments and qualifications from your academic studies.

Your headline could say: “Motivated Bio-Sciences Graduate With Expertise in ____”.

And then you might talk about accomplishments in school, group projects you worked on or led, etc.

Basically, when you have no work experience, your school/studies BECOMES your recent work. You should talk about that like it’s a job, because that’s the experience you do have.

really amazing article and too useful , thanks

Hi Mr. Clark, I have been out of the work force for about 18+years and I have been a small business owner for the same number of years. However, I want to go back to the work force. But my problem is that, I don’t know how to prepare my resume or resume summary statement. I had a degree in Communication,Arts and Sciences and a postgraduate degree in Public Administration. I’m a bit confused as to how to incorporate all these experiences into my resume. Please can you help?

Hi Dorothy, I can recommend a professional resume writer if you want. But they’re typically not cheap, so it’s something you’d have to be willing to invest in. If not, there’s a lot of free info online about how to “tailor” your resume for specific jobs. I can’t help one-on-one unfortunately, but I’d recommend thinking about which type of jobs you want, and think of what experience you have that is most relevant. that’s what to put on your resume. Your resume isn’t only about you, it’s about them – what do they want/need? (if you want to get a ton of interviews, that’s how to do it :) ).

Can I have a professional resume writer?

I use a similar format when writing my opening statement for my coverletter. How do you recommend differentiating the two? Or is it ok to use largely the same language?

I think it’s okay to use something similar. I might be more brief in the cover letter… it needs to be about them just as much as it’s about you. Whereas the resume is all about you, at least in the summary section. (The later sections should still be tailored to THEIR needs..)

Struggling to write a Summary Statement for a Secretary/Administrative Assistant position. I have 15 years government experience but have been away from the government since 9/1993 and have spent 15 years as a Substitute Teacher after taking off for 10 years to raise my children.

Hiya! I am a mother of three attempting to return to the workforce. I have been a stay at mom for about 13 years, so I have a (large) gap in my employment history; which doesn’t look great. I have a college education and have obtained a few certifications whilst not employed, plus many volunteer hours. I know that I should probably use a functional resume format. Would love some advice on what I should include in my summary statement.

Hi Juniper,

I rarely like functional resumes, but it might be worth trying. I’d “split-test” it (a marketing term). Create two resume styles, send out 50% one way, 50% the other way, and track results for a week.

I’d treat the resume summary statement just like any other resume. Highlight your skills and past wins/accomplishments.

how do i explain long term gaps in employment? leave them out?

Hi Paulette,

Don’t mention them on a resume summary. But do mention the gaps on a cover letter or lower down on the resume. Here’s an article on how to explain gaps in employment:


I am student in civil engineering field. Have 1.5 yrs of work ex. How should i structure my resume. Thanks.

Hello My name is Shataka and I’m a current job seeker trying to land my dream job as a Counselor. I have Master degree in Counseling Psychology and a Bachelor’s degree in Social Work. My experience lies in many different fields. I’m currently a Substance Abuse Counselor, with a teaching background and over 5 years of social service experience. I guess my question is how would I sum up all my experience to help me find a job as a Counselor.

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  • Resume Profile Explained...

Resume Profile Explained (with Examples)

13 min read · Updated on January 17, 2024

Ken Chase

Make an impact with a knock-out profile

When it comes to job search success, nothing is more important than ensuring that your resume captures an employer's attention. After all, even the best resumes are useless if no one reads them. Of course, that raises an important question: is there anything you can do to make your resume get the attention it deserves?

In this post, we'll explain how a great resume profile can help you to solve that challenge. We'll explain how a resume profile works, when you should use it in your resume, and how to create a profile that immediately commands interest. Finally, we'll provide several resume profile examples that you can customize and use in your own resume.

What is a resume profile?

If you're already familiar with the resume objective statement or resume summary, then the concept of a resume profile should be easy to understand. Put simply, the resume profile is an introductory paragraph that quickly summarizes your skills and experiences in a way that motivates hiring managers to continue reading your resume.

As you'll discover in our resume profile examples later in the post, a great profile focuses attention on your best skills, experience, and achievements. You can think of it as an elevator pitch for your resume - a quick snapshot that provides just enough information to make the reader want to learn more about you.

Related: Make the Perfect First Impression With Your Resume

What types of resume profiles can you use?

To better understand the resume profile, it may help to look at some of the different types of resume profiles that job seekers can use. There are three different types of common profiles, including the objective statement, summary, and summary of qualifications.

Objective statement

The resume objective statement is often considered obsolete, since it tends to focus more on your career goals than the employer's needs. It's often used by entry level workers with little experience or career-changers who need to explain why their skill set makes them a good candidate for the job. To use it effectively, job candidates need to ensure that they include some language that explains how they can benefit the employer if they're hired. For example:

“Creative social media professional with 3 years of experience and proven results. Skilled in cross-platform engagement enhancement and brand development. Looking for an opportunity to work with a company that prioritizes customer experience and brand loyalty. Experience includes increasing customer engagement by 130% over a six-month period.”

Related : Resume Objective Examples: A Career Objective Guide

Summary paragraph

The resume summary has replaced the objective statement in most modern resumes - and for good reason. This brief paragraph may also mention one or two key skills, but its primary focus is on detailing your important work experience and measurable achievements. As a result, the summary is a preferred option for job seekers with significant experience, since it's designed to demonstrate your value as an employee. Below, is an example of this type of profile statement:

“Accomplished Project Manager with more than ten years of successful team building and project execution expertise. Skilled in process development, workflow management, and collaboration with stakeholders. Received Agile Leader award in 2018. While at ABC Corporation, developed personnel resource allocation program that increased project efficiency by 48% in the first year of use.”

Summary of qualifications

The third option is the summary of qualifications. The main difference between this type of summary and the summary paragraph involves the format choice. Instead of being one block of text, it combines a brief paragraph with several bullet point examples of notable achievements. For example:

Dynamic Team Leader with 7 years of experience in customer management, problem-solving, and team building. Proven to increase team productivity, enhance the customer service experience, and provide real value to an employer.

  • Led 30-person team of technical professionals, with 95% customer satisfaction
  • Reorganized project workflow for ABC Corporation, increasing efficiency by 45%
  • Developed training program that reduced employee onboarding costs by 17%

What elements should you include in your resume profile?

Before you create a resume profile, it's important to think about the types of information you want to include for your reader. What types of qualification is the employer evaluating as part of its hiring decision? Does the job description focus primarily on core skills ? Do you have achievements that are likely to make a positive impression on the hiring manager?

There are many different profile elements that you can include, so you'll need to prioritize based on the employers' needs. The fact is that you won't have room in your profile to cover all these different types of information, so choose wisely:

Skills that are relevant to the position you're seeking

Your length of experience

Notable achievements, preferably ones that you can quantify with real numbers

Core personal characteristics that make you a good fit for the role

Your career aspirations - preferably noted in a way that shows how they align with the company's vision

Related : Top 15 Professional Goals and How to Achieve Them

Again, make sure that you focus attention on the job posting, taking note of every key skill and experience that the employer cites as required qualifications. You'll want to tailor your profile - and the rest of your resume - to align with those stated employer needs.

Pro tip: Make special note of those job requirements, since you will want to use the same language in your resume. Those keywords are essential for ensuring that your resume can satisfy any applicant tracking system screening the employer might be using.

You should also do some research to learn more about the company's culture. That will enable you to further tailor your resume profile to include personal traits that highlight how well you'll fit into that environment. Sometimes, those little details can make the difference between you and another similarly qualified candidate.

How to write your own resume profile: tips

When you're ready to create your resume profile, it's important to know how to do it the right way. Since it's the first thing employers will see after they're done reading your contact details, you need to make sure that it's as compelling as possible. The following tips can help.

Write this part of your resume last

Even though your profile section will be near the top of your resume, you should still create this important section last. Why? Well, it's simple: since the resume profile serves as a summary of your qualifications, it's helpful to get the rest of the resume done before you start on that summary.

Make it brief

Be as concise as you can. Again, think of this profile section as a salesperson's elevator pitch. It doesn't need to tell your entire employment story, but should instead serve as a brief highlight of your greatest hits. As a rule, try to restrict this paragraph to no more than four sentences. If you use a summary of qualifications, include just one or two brief sentences and three or four bullet points.

Choose the best profile type for your job search needs

Which type of profile should you create? If you're an entry-level employee, you may want to focus on a modified objective statement - one that focuses on your career goals, while highlighting the ways in which your skills can benefit the employer. If you have more experience, you may want to rely on the summary paragraph. Just be sure to include at least one measurable achievement to highlight your value.

If you're switching careers and need to focus attention on transferable skills, you may even want to rely on a summary of qualifications. Those bullet points can be a great way to emphasize specific skills and highlight the value that you've provided for previous employers.

Tailor the profile to your desired position

Make sure that your profile aligns with the job you're seeking. You can do this by including some core keywords from the job posting, detailing your qualifications. However, make sure that your profile ultimately aligns with who you are as an employee. If you take the tailoring to extremes, you may end up with a profile that fails to accurately represent your personality and character.

Don't be afraid to add personality

Speaking of personality, this is the place to add that personal touch. Your skills, work experience, and education sections are not appropriate for adding personality, but a few well-chosen words in your profile can help the employer to better understand you as a person.

Of course, make sure that your personal flourishes fit with the type of job you're seeking. For example, a few words about your fun work style will be appreciated if you're applying for a customer service or similar position. That same language may not be as useful if you're seeking a role in a law firm. Use your best judgment as you determine how much personality to put into any profile.

Use measurable achievements

We've already mentioned measurable achievements several times, but it's important to highlight them once again. Your resume profile should include at least one quantifiable accomplishment, backed by real numbers that demonstrate the value you've provided. For example:

  • Implemented new networking system that reduced downtime by 33%, improving both efficiency and productivity and providing 12% cost savings for the company
  • Led sales team effort that increased new customer acquisition by 13% while generating $12 million in new revenues in the first six months of the fiscal year
  • Created an online customer engagement program that increased website visits by 45%, enhanced new sales activities by 13%, and boosted revenues by 10% within one quarter of implementation

Resume profile examples you can use

As you might expect, your approach to creating a resume profile can also differ based on the type of job you're seeking. That's because different job roles require different skill sets, experiences, and personal qualities.

To get you started, we've compiled resume profile examples covering a wide variety of professions. You can use these professional profile examples as templates for your profile, or simply refer to them for guidance as you create your own unique resume opening.

Resume profile examples for students

Recent Information Technology graduate focused on operating and security software management. Seeking employment with a dynamic software firm in need of advanced networking and troubleshooting expertise. Experience includes a one-year internship with DynacorpX, providing testing and problem-resolution that helped increase company productivity by 14%.

Resume profile example for entry-level applicants

Friendly, detail-oriented, and organized customer service professional looking to be part of an energetic, mission-focused team.

  • Skilled at developing organizational processes, managing records, and engaging customers
  • Successfully resolved customer complaints, with 90% satisfaction rate while volunteering with FreshStart
  • Broad computer systems expertise, including database and presentation platforms

Resume profile example for career-changers

Personnel-focused Sales Team Leader with 10+ years of experience in team building, training, and sales program development. Looking to transition to a project management role to better use organizational and project implementation skills. While at ABC Corporation, successfully created and executed a sales process reorganization that cut waste by 45%, saving the company more than $40,000 per year.

Related : 21 Project Management Skills Every Project Manager Needs to Succeed

Resume profile example for a Graphic Designer

Dynamic and innovative Graphic Designer with 4 years of experience in the gaming and entertainment industry. Skilled in developing storyboards, character animation, typography, and general layouts. Creative successes include development work on more than 200 unique graphic design projects that helped to generate more than $300 million in revenue.

Resume profile example for a Marketing Manager

Creative Marketing Manager focused on data-driven solutions. More than 8 years of experience in building collaborative teams capable of overcoming any challenge. While at XYZ Inc., led a 10-person team responsible for broadening target audience by 200%, increasing company revenues by 120% over a three-year period. Expertise includes digital marketing campaigns focused on driving new customer acquisition and target audience engagement.

Resume profile example for an Accountant

Detail-oriented finance professional with 7 years of accounting expertise. Proficient in accounting best practices, including creation and management of financial reports, regulatory compliance, tax issues, and budget management and forecasting. Reorganized DEF Corporation's accounting department, reducing inefficiencies by 28%, cutting costs by 19%, and improving productivity by 33%.

Resume profile example for an Administrative Assistant

Reliable Administrative Assistant with 8 years of experience in office management and personal assistance. Comprehensive expertise in presentation development, scheduling management, reporting, and confidentiality. Reorganized filing and reporting systems at Beagle Law, improving client response times by 40%, reducing redundancies, and cutting labor costs by 12%.

Resume profile example for a Data Scientist

Fact-driven Data Scientist with 8 years of experience in data analysis, predictive modeling, and data mining. Proficient with SQL, Python, Tableau, and other common data visualization systems. While at DataCore, took the lead on development of new processes that increased decision-making efficiency by improving the company's ability to use data to gain useful insights. Project resulted in an 18% increase in overall departmental productivity.

Resume profile example for an HR Manager

Personnel-focused HR Manager with 7 years of experience managing human resources functions. Expertise in recruitment, onboarding processes, employee training and relations, and performance reviews. Designed AmAm's new HR policies to align with new firm policies, emphasizing progressive discipline and promotion of a positive work environment. Effort resulted in a 33% reduction in turnover and 43% increase in employee satisfaction.

Resume profile example for a Teacher

Results-oriented educator with 6 years of experience as a middle school Teacher. Expertise in crafting challenging but engaging lesson plans designed to encourage critical thinking and classroom participation in an inclusive way. Dedicated to professional development to stay abreast of current educational best practices and focused on enhancing each student's ability to achieve success. Specific competencies include English, US History, and Basic Civics.

Resume profile example for a Construction Manager

Task-oriented construction professional with more than 10 years of experience in both commercial and residential project management. Led teams responsible for completing more than 60 construction projects valued at more than $40 million dollars, with a 99% on-time and under-budget record of success. Bilingual (English and Spanish) manager with expertise in budget allocation, resource management, project estimates and implementation.

Craft the best possible intro for your resume!

No matter what type of resume profile you decide to use to introduce yourself to prospective employers, your goal should always be the same: to create a powerful and compelling message that inspires employers to read the rest of your resume. The tips and resume profile examples we've provided should ensure that you have everything you need to craft your own profile narrative.

Still not sure if your resume profile has what it takes to capture your reader's interest? Get a free resume review from our team of top experts today!

Recommended reading:

47 Accomplishment Examples for Your Resume: Expert Picks

The Best Resume Format to Get Hired

How to Advance Your Career (plus 10 Insightful Tips)

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Do Hiring Managers Actually Read Cover Letters?

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Why You Lose When You Lie on Your Resume: Learning From Mina Chang

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  • All CV Examples
  • Design Resumes/CVs

9 Architecture CV Examples - Here's What Works In 2024

Here's the deal. if you're looking to shape skyscrapers or design city parks, your cv needs to reflect your talent. this article provides you with heartening examples, useful samples, and effective templates for creating a top-notch architecture cv. it's tailor-made for ambitious architects, carrying the perfect blueprint to catch a hiring manager's eye. building the right cv you're in the right place..

Hiring Manager for Architecture Roles

Envision a grand building. Every line, every curve, every detail, crafted with care and precision - that's architecture. A well-structured CV should mirror this exact essence of an architect's job; a carefully mapped out design. Architects create spaces where people live, work, and play. Their CVs need to reflect their knack for crafting innovative designs and tackling complex construction. As an architect, you ensure buildings stand strong over time, so should the career history outlined in your CV. Many architects take a dynamic path to progression, starting out as interns and moving on to junior roles, right up to senior positions. Your CV should echo this journey, like a blueprint plotting each crucial advancement in your career. Advances in sustainable and green architecture are breaking ground in 2023-2024, pushing architects to demonstrate adaptive and eco-friendly design skills. Here's where it gets tricky - CVs vs Resumes. In the architectural field, don't be fooled by conflicting advice online. Whether you call it a CV or a resume might simply depend on whether you're in Europe, Australia, or the UK. Both terms are interchangeable and expectations are the same - a concise, 1-2 page document that elegantly encapsulates your skills, experiences, and achievements. In this article, we'll be your builder's guide. We'll help you construct a compelling CV, explore valuable skills to prioritize, and dive into 2024 templates that highlight your expertise. Remember, an architect's work is a testament to their skills. Let your CV be your foundation.

Architecture CV Templates

Jump to a template:

  • Architect / Architecture
  • Architecture Intern
  • Minimalist Architect
  • Landscape Architect
  • Architectural Designer
  • Architectural Project Manager
  • Architectural Intern/ Entry Level Architect

Jump to a resource:

  • Keywords for Architecture CVs
  • Action Verbs to Use
  • Related Design CVs
  • Similar Careers to a Architecture
  • Architecture Resume Examples

Template 1 of 9: Architect / Architecture CV Example

As an architect, your role is to design, envision and structure our physical environment. Your CV must be an embodiment of your creativity blended with great problem-solving skills. Remember that your potential employer is not only assessing your technical abilities but also your knack for innovation and your eye for aesthetics. The architecture industry is evolving towards collaborative, cross-functional teams, so show how you've worked in that dynamic. Also, there's been a rise in 'green building' design – familiarity with LEED or similar certification can be a real plus. When you're crafting your CV, focus on your key projects and their outcomes. Tailor your CV to the specific needs of the job you're applying for. For instance, if the job ad mentions AutoCAD or Rhino skills, make sure those skills are apparent and easily spotted on your CV.

An Architect's CV outlining key projects, software skills, and certifications.

Tips to help you write your Architect / Architecture CV in 2024

   showcase universally recognized projects.

Not all works of architecture are well-known, but if you've worked on a project that has broad recognition, be sure to mention it. This can give your potential employer a clear insight into your experience level and your ability to handle high-profile projects.

Showcase universally recognized projects - Architect / Architecture CV

   Include software skills and certifications

Architects use a wide range of software, from design and drafting like AutoCAD, 3D modeling software like SketchUp, to visualization tools like Lumion. If you're certified in these or have taken relevant courses, include these details. Showing your technological competencies will make you a more attractive candidate.

Include software skills and certifications - Architect / Architecture CV

Skills you can include on your Architect / Architecture CV

Template 2 of 9: architect / architecture cv example.

As an architect, your CV is your blueprint. It's the design that showcases your skills, experience and creativity. The industry right now prizes innovation and sustainability, and companies want someone who can design something extraordinary yet practical. When crafting your CV, you need to communicate not just your technical abilities but also your vision, the same way an architect turns a concept into a tangible, functional structure. It's also important these days for architects to demonstrate an understanding of the latest digital tools. Crafting a CV that shows you're tech-savvy can make you stand out. Remember, your CV should show your story through your projects.

An architect's CV showcasing their strongest projects and software proficiency.

   Emphasize your strongest projects

In your CV, place significant emphasis on the projects you've been involved with. Include descriptions, your role, and the challenges you overcame. Be concise and specific. This showcases your practical experience and problem-solving abilities, which are crucial for an architect.

Emphasize your strongest projects - Architect / Architecture CV

   Outline architectural software proficiency

Employers in architecture heavily favour candidates proficient in architectural software such as AutoCAD, Revit, and SketchUp. Include a dedicated section in your CV outlining the software tools you are familiar with and to what extent. This shows employers you can readily adapt to their technical environment.

Outline architectural software proficiency - Architect / Architecture CV

Template 3 of 9: Architect / Architecture CV Example

Architecture is a rich and evolving profession, requiring both artistic creativity and technical acuity. As an architect, you're not merely tasked with designing aesthetically pleasing buildings, but also making sure they're structurally sound, sustainable, and meet the needs of their inhabitants. Today's architecture industry is seeing a shift towards sustainability and technology-enhanced design, making software proficiency and green building design knowledge highly prized. When crafting your CV, it's crucial to illustrate your design prowess and your ability to stay on the cutting edge of industry trends.

CV screenshot showcasing an architect's experience and software skills.

   Showcase your past projects

Architects are visual thinkers, and future employers need to see what you can do. Include a 'Projects' section in your CV, where you detail the buildings or designs you've worked on. Discuss the project's context, your role, and any specific challenges you overcame.

Showcase your past projects - Architect / Architecture CV

   Include relevant software proficiency

As architecture increasingly relies on technology, demonstrating competence in relevant software is critical. This might range from AutoCAD for 2D or 3D modelling, to Revit for building information modelling, or SketchUp for interactive design. Be specific about your proficiencies in your 'Skills' section.

Include relevant software proficiency - Architect / Architecture CV

Template 4 of 9: Architecture Intern CV Example

An architecture intern role offers a stepping stone into the profession, providing practical exposure to the real-life application of architectural principles. You'll be expected to keep up with evolving architectural trends, such as the current focus on sustainable design and digital drafting tools like AutoCAD. Your CV should reflect an understanding of these trends, along with a commitment to continual learning. It's important to showcase your ability to contribute to architectural projects in a meaningful way, despite your intern status. Remember, a CV needs to balance technical expertise with soft skills, showing your potential to grow into a full-fledged architect.

Architecture intern CV displaying technical skills and project contributions.

Tips to help you write your Architecture Intern CV in 2024

   include courses and certifications.

In the architecture field, it's essential to show that you're up-to-date with recent technologies and sustainability practices. Include relevant courses and certifications in your CV, such as Software proficiency (Autodesk, Revit) or LEED accreditation, to demonstrate your commitment to ongoing learning.

Include Courses and Certifications - Architecture Intern CV

   Showcase Project Contributions

Even as an intern, you must have participated in various projects. Detail your role in these projects, and use architectural language to describe your contributions. This will show your understanding of the architectural process and your ability to work in a professional setting.

Showcase Project Contributions - Architecture Intern CV

Skills you can include on your Architecture Intern CV

Template 5 of 9: minimalist architect cv example.

As a minimalist architect, your role is fundamentally about creating structures that speak volumes through simplicity. You're all about making each line and angle intentional, letting the simple beauty of the space take precedence. Recently, the minimalist architecture sphere has seen a growing trend toward sustainable materials and practices. So, when you're crafting your CV, remember to weave in your knowledge and application of these trends. Moreover, don't forget to include your ability to convey complex ideas with simple designs. Your CV is your first design project for the prospective employer - make it a masterpiece of minimalism. In the ongoing digital revolution, more and more employers are employing technology in their hiring processes. To stand out, you need to make sure your CV aligns with the latest digital trends. For example, the use of digital portfolios has become widespread. Your CV must in some way, capture the essence of your architectural style, providing a teaser of your digital portfolio.

Screenshot of a minimalist architect's CV showcasing sustainability skills and a link to a digital portfolio.

Tips to help you write your Minimalist Architect CV in 2024

   showcase your sustainability skills.

Under your skills section, be sure to include your familiarity with sustainable materials and practices. As an architect, you not only plan aesthetically pleasing structures, but also consider the environmental impacts.

Showcase your sustainability skills - Minimalist Architect CV

   Include a link to digital portfolio

In the age of technology, a paper CV alone won't cut it. Include a link to your digital portfolio. This enables prospective employers to view your work firsthand, providing a visual representation of your minimalist design skills.

Include a link to digital portfolio - Minimalist Architect CV

Skills you can include on your Minimalist Architect CV

Template 6 of 9: landscape architect cv example.

Landscape Architecture is a fascinating field, blending creativity with technical knowledge in a seamless dance. It's a demanding job that requires not just artistic vision, but also a deep understanding of the natural environment and how to integrate human needs within it. The industry has recently leaned towards sustainable and eco-friendly designs, with a focus on enhancing biodiversity and conservation. So, your CV must encapsulate your ability to create visually stunning, environmentally friendly designs. What's more, it's essential to show how you meet the industry's technical demands in your CV, such as proficiency in digital design tools and knowledge of native plants and local regulations.

A landscape architect's CV showcasing a diverse project portfolio and technical proficiencies.

Tips to help you write your Landscape Architect CV in 2024

   showcase your project portfolio.

Your project portfolio should be a central element of your CV. Include a diverse range of design approaches and project types - urban parks, residential landscaping, ecological restoration, etc. Include sketches, 3D renderings, and completed project photos to demonstrate your skill level and versatility.

Showcase your project portfolio - Landscape Architect CV

   Mention your technical proficiency

Technical skills are essential in landscape architecture. Detail your proficiency with software like AutoCAD, Rhino, SketchUp, or Adobe Suite. Include any experience with GIS systems or sustainable design certifications like LEED. Showing your familiarity with these tools will assure employers of your technical competence.

Mention your technical proficiency - Landscape Architect CV

Skills you can include on your Landscape Architect CV

Template 7 of 9: architectural designer cv example.

An architectural designer is a creative individual with a knack for crafting functional and aesthetically pleasing spaces. They live in a world where form meets function, and where artistry and technicality go hand in hand. Recently, many companies are seeking designers who can harness technology and embrace sustainable practices in their designs. When crafting your CV, it's crucial to show not just your creative prowess, but also your technical proficiency and ability to meet contemporary demands. The job of an architectural designer revolves around creating, revising, and executing design plans. As such, your CV needs to show your ability to communicate ideas effectively, both verbally and visually. This is a profession where portfolios often speak louder than words, but it's essential to ensure your CV complements your portfolio and effectively tells your story, your skills and your experiences.

A CV of an architectural designer showcasing software skills and involvement in sustainable design projects.

Tips to help you write your Architectural Designer CV in 2024

   display proficiency in software used in architecture.

Architectural designers often use software such as AutoCAD, Revit, Rhino, or SketchUp in their work. Make sure to mention your proficiency in these or similar tools in your CV. It's a good indicator of your technical skills and your ability to keep up with industry changes.

Display proficiency in software used in architecture - Architectural Designer CV

   Detail your involvement in sustainable design projects

Sustainability is a hot topic in architecture today. If you've been involved in green design projects, be sure to detail this in your CV. It shows your commitment to staying current and contributing to important industry trends.

Detail your involvement in sustainable design projects - Architectural Designer CV

Skills you can include on your Architectural Designer CV

Template 8 of 9: architectural project manager cv example.

An Architectural Project Manager is an exceptional mix of artistry and strategic thinking, as they handle everything from design conception to project completion. As you're crafting your CV, remember that in today's industry, managers often juggle multiple projects simultaneously. Companies are increasingly embracing sustainable design, advances in technology like AutoCAD and Building Information Modelling (BIM), which means you should emphasize your skills in these areas. For the CV, focus less on the artistic aspects and more on your managerial acumen - it's about demonstrating your capacity to lead a team, manage resources, ensuring to budget, and meeting deadlines.

A screenshot of a CV for an Architectural Project Manager.

Tips to help you write your Architectural Project Manager CV in 2024

   showcase your technological expertise.

In the architecture industry, technological proficiency is vital. Show off your skills with industry-specific software like AutoCAD, Revit, and BIM. Don't just list them, give examples of how you've used them to successfully manage and complete a project.

Showcase your technological expertise - Architectural Project Manager CV

   Highlight project management skills

Your job involves much more than design savvy; you need to demonstrate your ability to manage multiple projects, budgets, and stakeholders. Instead of vague statements, be specific about your role in projects, how you overcame challenges and met deadlines, and the results you achieved.

Highlight project management skills - Architectural Project Manager CV

Skills you can include on your Architectural Project Manager CV

Template 9 of 9: architectural intern/ entry level architect cv example.

In the world of architecture, being an intern or an entry level architect is all about establishing your foundation in the industry. It's a unique position where you're bridging the gap between your architectural education and the real-life practice of design, construction, and project management. With the recent trend of more sustainable and eco-friendly designs, firms are seeking candidates who can demonstrate knowledge of green design principles. When crafting your CV, remember to tailor it to this unique context. Architectural firms aren't just looking for theoretical knowledge - they're looking for practical experience, proof of hands-on skills, and your understanding of the latest industry software and tools. Therefore, your CV must not only highlight your academic achievements but also demonstrate how you've applied your knowledge in practical scenarios.

An example of a CV for an architectural intern or entry level architect role.

Tips to help you write your Architectural Intern/ Entry Level Architect CV in 2024

   showcase your software expertise.

Architecture firms now rely heavily on various software tools for designing, modeling, and visualizing architectural projects. You should clearly list the software you're proficient in, such as AutoCAD, Revit, SketchUp, Rhino, and any BIM software.

Showcase your software expertise - Architectural Intern/ Entry Level Architect  CV

   Include relevant projects

Because practical experience is so valued, make sure to include any architectural projects you've participated in. This could be during your studies, volunteer work or even personal projects. Briefly describe the project, your specific role, and any notable outcomes or achievements.

Include relevant projects - Architectural Intern/ Entry Level Architect  CV

Skills you can include on your Architectural Intern/ Entry Level Architect CV

Skills for architecture resumes.

In a world of blueprints and models, an architect's core role is about much more than just drawing pretty pictures. Precision, technical know-how, and problem-solving underpin this profession. Reflect these skills in your CV. Look at the job description. Note the skills listed there. Slide them into your CV. It's like fitting the final piece into a puzzle. For example, use phrases like 'Created 3D design using Revit' in your Skills section or as a bullet point under your work experience. This not only speaks of your hard skills but exhibits a tangible proof of your mastery. When it comes to CV screening, think of it as an automatic scanner. Hiring managers use Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS) to sift through mountains of CVs. By using the right skills in your CV, you can sail past this filter. Remember, your CV is your blueprint to success. Keep it clear, precise, and tailored to the job.

  • Interior Design
  • Adobe InDesign
  • Architectural Design
  • Interior Architecture
  • Architecture
  • Autodesk 3ds Max
  • 3D Modeling
  • Sustainable Design
  • Construction
  • Model Making
  • Design Research
  • Adobe Photoshop
  • AutoCAD Architecture
  • Urban Design
  • Construction Drawings
  • Architectural Drawings
  • Adobe Illustrator

Skills Word Cloud For Architecture CVs

This word cloud highlights the important keywords that appear on Architecture job descriptions and CVs. The bigger the word, the more frequently it appears on job postings, and the more 'important' it is.

Top Architecture Skills and Keywords to Include On Your CV

How to use these skills?

Action verbs for architecture resumes.

Writing a CV for an architect job is like sketching a blueprint for your career. It shows how you build success. One way to show this is using action verbs. They can say a lot about your skills. Action verbs are clear, neat drawings of what you can do. Let's take "designed" as an example. You could write, "Designed a 20-story office building in downtown New York." Do you see the picture it paints? It's more than just drawing. From one word, we learn that you design on a big scale. You know city architecture. Or, and more simply, use "managed" instead of "led." You could write, "Managed a team of five junior architects on a $5 million project." It’s clear. It’s simple. You could manage people and big-budget projects. This way, your architect CV will stand out, built strong on concrete action verbs.

  • Constructed
  • Coordinated
  • Collaborated
  • Administered
  • Synthesized

For a full list of effective CV action verbs, visit Resume Action Verbs .

Other Design Resumes

Civil engineer.

Structural Engineer resume highlighting certifications and complex projects.

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  • UX Researcher CV Guide

Architecture CV Guide

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  • 3D Artist CV Guide
  • Game Design CV Guide
  • Interior Design CV Guide
  • Production Assistant CV Guide
  • Instructional Design CV Guide
  • Art Director CV Guide
  • Design Director CV Guide
  • Architect / Architecture CV Example
  • Architecture Intern CV Example
  • Minimalist Architect CV Example
  • Landscape Architect CV Example
  • Architectural Designer CV Example
  • Architectural Project Manager CV Example
  • Architectural Intern/ Entry Level Architect CV Example
  • Skills and Keywords to Add
  • Related Design Resumes
  • All Resume Examples
  • Explore Alternative and Similar Careers
  • Architecture Cover Letter
  • Architecture Interview Guide

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Part Time Job Resume

Ai generator.

how to make a resume for a job examples

Dive into a resourceful guide infused with professional insights on creating a compelling part-time job resume. This comprehensive piece not only offers tangible examples to emulate but also provides accessible, step-by-step instructions on crafting your tailored resume. Elevate your application with proven tips and grab the opportunity to download a selection of refined resume samples, meticulously designed to set you apart in the competitive job market. Your journey to securing that coveted position begins here!

What is a Part Time Job Resume? – Definition

A part-time job resume is a tailored document that effectively showcases an individual’s skills, experiences, and qualifications relevant to a part-time position they are applying for. Unlike resumes for full-time roles, these are often more concise and focused on flexibility and efficiency, highlighting the applicant’s ability to contribute value in a part-time capacity. It includes essential elements like contact information, a summary or objective, work history, education, and specific skills aligning with the job requirements.

What is the Best Resume Example for a Part Time Job?

[your name].

Phone: [Your Phone]

Email: [Your Email]

LinkedIn: [LinkedIn Profile] (optional)

Address: [Your Address] (optional)

Enthusiastic and dedicated professional with strong communication, organizational, and multitasking skills. Eager to bring a positive attitude and contribute to [Company Name]’s team while gaining hands-on experience in a [Industry/Field] environment.

[Degree Earned, e.g., High School Diploma, Associate’s Degree in Business]

  • [School Name], [City, State]
  • Graduated [Month, Year]
  • (Include any relevant coursework or achievements if applicable)

Work Experience

Sales Associate | [Previous Employer Name], [City, State] | [Month, Year] – [Month, Year]

  • Assisted customers in selecting products, offering recommendations and providing product information
  • Handled transactions and provided excellent customer service, increasing customer satisfaction by 30%
  • Maintained cleanliness and order in the store, restocking shelves and organizing displays

Volunteer | [Organization Name], [City, State] | [Month, Year] – [Month, Year]

  • Organized and participated in community cleanup, collecting over 500 lbs of waste
  • Assisted in planning and coordinating events, improving community engagement
  • Conducted outreach to increase participation, raising awareness for environmental conservation
  • Customer Service
  • Time Management
  • Communication
  • Organizational Abilities
  • Basic Computer Skills
  • Cash Handling

Certifications (if applicable)

CPR and First Aid Certified, [Month, Year]

[Any other certification relevant to the job]

Extracurricular Activities (optional)

Member, [Club or Organization Name]

Volunteer, [Volunteer Organization Name]

Languages (optional)

English (Native)

[Any other language] (Intermediate)

Available upon request.

1. Part Time CV Example for Care Assistant

Part Time CV Example for Care Assistant

Size: 85 KB

Discover our detailed “Part-Time CV Example for Care Assistant,” crafted to showcase skills, experiences, and qualifications tailored for aspiring care assistants. This template highlights compassionate care, efficiency, and adaptability, offering a standout CV that aligns with the unique requirements and expectations of top healthcare employers. Elevate your application and step into a rewarding care role!]

2. Sample Resume for Student Seeking a Part Time Job

Sample Resume for Student Seeking a Part Time Job

Size: 157 KB

Explore our “Sample Resume for Student Seeking a Part-Time Job”, a resource designed to help students effectively showcase their academic achievements, extracurricular activities, and developing skills. Tailored to highlight adaptability and eagerness to learn, this resume is a stepping stone to landing rewarding part-time employment while studying. Make your first career steps count!

3. Part Time Casual Resume Example

Part Time Casual Resume Example

Size: 186 KB

Uncover our “Part-Time Casual Resume Example,” ideal for those seeking flexible employment. This template emphasizes adaptability, informal experiences, and versatile skills. It’s meticulously crafted to appeal to employers offering casual, part-time roles, ensuring your abilities and character shine. Navigate casual employment opportunities with confidence and professionalism!

4. Part Time Job Resume Example

Part Time Job Resume Example

Size: 131 KB

Dive into our “Part-Time Job Resume Example,” a guide tailored for professionals eyeing part-time positions. Showcasing strategic formatting and keyword optimization, this example illuminates your pertinent skills and experiences. Adapt and personalize to narrate your career story effectively, making a lasting impression on potential employers in the part-time job market.

5. Part Time Job Resume For Freshers

Part Time Job Resume For Freshers

Size: 154 KB

Explore our “Part-Time Job Resume for Freshers” template, especially designed for new entrants in the job market. This resource emphasizes educational achievements and innate skills, offering freshers a foundation to project their potential. Make your first impression count with a resume tailored to secure that desired part-time position!

6. Part Time Job Resume with Experience

Part Time Job Resume with Experience

Size: 150 KB

Discover “Part-Time Job Resume with Experience,” a template crafted for seasoned professionals. Highlighting significant achievements and advanced skills honed over the years, this resume is your key to standing out. Tailored to encapsulate your journey and potential, it’s engineered for those seeking to make a marked impact in part-time roles.

7. Part Time Job Resume and Cover Letter

Part Time Job Resume and Cover Letter

Size: 42 KB

Unlock our “Part-Time Job Resume and Cover Letter” package, a dual toolset designed to enhance your job application. Expertly crafted to weave your skills and experiences into a compelling narrative, this combo not only highlights your qualifications but also adds a personalized touch, elevating your profile in the competitive job landscape.

8. Undergraduate Student Part Time Job Resume Examples

Undergraduate Student Part Time Job Resume Examples

Size: 280 KB

Dive into our “Undergraduate Student Part-Time Job Resume Examples,” curated for college students seeking part-time employment. These samples skillfully meld academic accomplishments and extracurricular involvements to showcase a budding professional’s potential. Navigate and conquer the job market by presenting a resume that resonates with employers and underscores your talents!

9. Part Time Job Resume Guide Example

Part Time Job Resume Guide Example

Size: 657 KB

Explore our “Part-Time Job Resume Guide Example,” your roadmap to crafting an impactful resume. This comprehensive guide, infused with examples, navigates each resume section, offering insights to articulate your skills and experiences compellingly. Step into the part-time job market armed with a resume that speaks volumes about your potential and readiness.

10. Part Time Sample Resume Example

Part Time Sample Resume Example

Size: 135 KB

Delve into our “Part-Time Sample Resume Example,” a blueprint for job seekers eyeing part-time opportunities. Balancing conciseness and comprehensive detail, this example underscores key skills and accomplishments. Tailor it to your journey, ensuring your application not only meets employer expectations but exceeds them, securing your spot in the part-time workforce.

11. Part Time Job Resume Format Example

Part Time Job Resume Format Example

Size: 41 KB

Unveil our “Part-Time Job Resume Format Example,” engineered for aspirants desiring impactful part-time roles. This format highlights precision and aesthetic, ensuring your skills and experiences are showcased efficiently. Every section is optimized for readability and appeal, making your application a standout in the crowded part-time job market. Elevate your application’s potency now!

Job Description Example for Part Time Job Resume

Sales associate (part-time).

[Company Name] – [City, State]

Duration: [Month, Year] – Present

Key Responsibilities:

  • Customer Service: Assist customers in a friendly and professional manner, addressing queries and offering solutions based on their needs.
  • Product Knowledge: Maintain up-to-date knowledge of store products to offer accurate information and current promotions to customers.
  • Sales Transactions: Operate the cash register, handle cash and card payments efficiently, and provide receipts.
  • Store Upkeep: Restock shelves as needed, organize displays to maintain an appealing store environment, and assist with inventory counts.
  • Team Collaboration: Work closely with team members to meet daily sales targets and participate in team meetings to discuss strategies and improvements.
  • Returns and Exchanges: Handle customer returns and exchanges by ensuring company policies are followed and customers leave satisfied.
  • Safety and Cleanliness: Ensure the store environment is clean and safe for both customers and staff, reporting any potential hazards to management.


  • Recognized as “Employee of the Month” in [Month, Year] for outstanding customer service.
  • Assisted in achieving store’s highest monthly sales record in [Month, Year].
  • Introduced and implemented a product display technique that increased product visibility and sales by 20%.

Skills on Resume Required for a Part Time Job

Customer service skills:.

Communication: Clearly conveying information and ideas to individuals or groups to ensure that they understand and retain the message.

Listening: Paying attention to others, understanding, and acknowledging their points, and responding appropriately.

Problem Solving: Identifying and resolving issues promptly and effectively.

Technical Skills:

Computer Literacy: Basic understanding of computer operations, including the use of word processing and spreadsheet software.

POS Systems: Experience with handling Point Of Sale systems (if applicable).

Organizational Skills:

Multitasking: Handling multiple tasks simultaneously and effectively.

Time Management: Efficiently managing your time and the time of others.

Interpersonal Skills:

Teamwork: Collaborating with others to achieve common goals.

Adaptability: Being open to change and adjusting to new environments or work structures.

Sales Skills (for retail or sales roles):

Persuasion: Convincing others to change their minds or behavior.

Negotiation: Bringing others together and trying to reconcile differences.

Numeracy Skills (for cash handling roles):

Mathematical Reasoning: The ability to choose the right mathematical methods or formulas to solve a problem.

Number Facility: The ability to add, subtract, multiply, or divide quickly and correctly.

Other Soft Skills:

Initiative: Taking on responsibilities and challenges willingly.

Dependability: Being reliable, responsible, and dependable in fulfilling obligations.

Part Time Job Resume Objectives Examples

1. retail sales associate.

“Motivated retail professional with over 2 years of experience in fast-paced environments. Adept at customer service and upselling, aiming to leverage skills to contribute to the success of [Company Name] as a Part-Time Sales Associate.”

2. Waitstaff/Server

“Friendly and detail-oriented server with 3 years of experience in busy restaurant environments. Seeking to provide exceptional customer service and enhance the dining experience at [Restaurant Name] as a part-time server.”

3. Administrative Assistant

“Organized and results-driven administrative professional with excellent communication and multitasking skills, eager to support [Company Name] with administrative and organizational tasks as a part-time assistant.”

4. Customer Service Representative

“Customer-centric individual with a strong background in solving problems and promoting positive customer experiences. Aspiring to support [Company Name] in maintaining excellent customer service standards as a part-time representative.”

5. Library Assistant

“Detail-oriented and organized student with a passion for literature and education. Looking to assist [Library Name] in offering top-notch services to the community as a part-time library assistant.”

“Enthusiastic and knowledgeable tutor experienced in assisting students improve academic performance. Eager to contribute to [Learning Center Name] by offering individualized support to students as a part-time tutor.”

“Creative and customer-oriented barista with a passion for crafting memorable coffee experiences. Seeking a part-time role at [Café Name] to contribute to a warm and inviting atmosphere for customers.”

How do I write a good resume for a part-time job?

1. understanding the job requirements.

Research: Thoroughly read the job description to understand the skills and experiences the employer values.

Keywords: Identify specific keywords and phrases in the job description and integrate them into your resume where applicable.

2. Formatting and Structure

Layout: Choose a clean, professional layout. Online templates can be helpful.

Length: Keep it concise; one page is typically sufficient for part-time job applications.

3. Contact Information

Include your name, phone number, email address, and optionally, a LinkedIn profile or personal website.

4. Objective Statement (optional)

Write a brief statement mentioning the job you’re applying for, your main skills, and how you aim to benefit the employer.

5. Experience

  • Relevance: List past jobs, focusing on the most relevant tasks and accomplishments.
  • Action Words: Start bullet points with action verbs to demonstrate what you’ve achieved.
  • Quantify: Use numbers to highlight your achievements, such as “increased sales by 25%.”

6. Education

Include your most recent educational achievements, along with relevant coursework or honors if applicable.

Job-Related: List skills that are directly applicable to the job, like “customer service” for a retail position.

Transferable Skills: Identify skills from other experiences that are relevant.

8. Volunteer Work and Extracurricular Activities

Highlight experiences that demonstrate relevant skills and a strong work ethic.

9. Tailoring Your Resume

Customization: Adjust your resume for each job application, emphasizing the most relevant skills and experiences.

Company Culture: Research the company’s culture and values, and reflect similar language in your resume.

10. Proofreading and Editing

Attention to Detail: Proofread meticulously to avoid typos or grammatical errors.

Feedback: Consider seeking feedback from mentors or peers.

11. Digital Optimization

File Format: Save your resume in a widely accepted file format, like PDF.

ATS Friendly: If applicable, ensure your resume is optimized for Applicant Tracking Systems.

12. Cover Letter

Although not always required, consider including a tailored cover letter to expand on your suitability for the job.

Example Part-time Job Resume

Here’s a basic template, including essential elements for a strong part-time job application:

  • Contact Information: Clearly listed at the top.
  • Objective Statement: Tailored to the specific role and company.
  • Experience: Chronological listing, with emphasis on relevant skills and achievements.
  • Education: Concise, including relevant accolades or coursework.
  • Skills: A mix of hard and soft skills, tailored to the job description.
  • Volunteer Work/Extracurriculars: Demonstrating character, skills, and work ethic.

How do I write a part-time CV with no experience?

Positive mindset.

Focus on Strengths: Concentrate on your skills and strengths. Everyone starts somewhere, and employers understand that.

2. Professional Layout

Readability: Use a clean, easy-to-read layout. Make use of online templates if necessary.

Clearly list your name, phone number, email address. Consider adding a LinkedIn profile if you have one.

4. Objective Statement

Clarity: Clearly state your career objective. Be specific about the role you’re applying for and how you can contribute.

5. Education

Details: Include your schooling and any relevant coursework, projects, or achievements.

List Skills: Include both hard and soft skills. Focus on those that are transferable to the workplace.

Examples: Provide examples of where you’ve applied these skills, perhaps in a school or volunteer setting.

7. Volunteer Work

Experience: List any volunteer experience. Focus on roles and responsibilities that align with the job you’re applying for.

8. Extracurricular Activities

Involvement: Include clubs, sports, or other group involvements. Highlight leadership roles and team collaborations.

9. Personal Projects

Showcase: If you have personal projects that demonstrate your skills, include them. They can be blogs, art, coding projects, etc.

10. Certifications and Awards

Include: Any certificates or awards, even those not directly related to the job, can demonstrate your skills and commitment.

11. Language Skills

Multilingual: If you’re multilingual, list the languages you speak and your proficiency levels.

12. Tailoring Your CV

Adapt: Adapt each CV to the specific job. Emphasize the most relevant skills and experiences.

13. Professional Tone

Language: Use professional language. Avoid slang and maintain a formal tone.

14. Proofread

Errors: Proofread meticulously. Consider using online grammar tools or seek feedback from others.

Example CV for Someone with No Experience:

  • Contact Information: Clearly listed.
  • Objective Statement: Tailored, concise, focusing on what you can offer.
  • Education: Emphasized, including relevant projects or achievements.
  • Skills: A comprehensive list, with examples of application.
  • Volunteer Work: Detailed, focusing on applicable skills and achievements.
  • Extracurricular Activities: Highlighting leadership and teamwork.
  • Certifications and Awards: Listed to show achievement and initiative.

Crafting a resume for a part-time job involves highlighting your relevant skills, experiences, and education. Be concise, tailor content to the specific role, and showcase transferable skills. Use a professional format, incorporate keywords from the job description, and proofread for a polished, error-free presentation. Each tailored resume is your personal marketing tool for potential employers.


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How to Write a Letter of Recommendation in 6 Steps (+5 Templates)

  • Julia Mlcuchova , 
  • Updated July 24, 2024 9 min read

You must be really good at your job if someone has asked you to write a recommendation for them. But here you are, googling 'how to write a letter of recommendation,' in search of the ultimate guide or template to help you craft the perfect letter. 

All because your favorite coworker emotionally blackmailed talked you into writing one. 

Of course, you want to do your best. Especially when you realize that your letter of recommendation might be just the thing that tips the scale in their favor. 

But with great power comes great responsibility. And a great amount of stress, am I right? So, why don't you just relax and let us do the explaining.  

In this article, you'll find:  

  • What is a letter of recommendation;
  • How to write one in 6 steps;
  • Letter of recommendation template(s);

Table of Contents

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What is a letter of recommendation?

Why do employers ask for letters of recommendation, how to write a letter of recommendation in 6 steps, letter of recommendation example, letter of recommendation template (copy & paste), flip the script: asking for a letter of recommendation, key takeaways: how to write a letter of recommendation.

A letter of recommendation is exactly what it sounds like — a recommendation letter. Its main purpose is to have a professional vouch for the skills, qualifications, character, and expertise of a job applicant in the form of a formal document . 

People often mistake letters of recommendation with references . And while both serve to endorse a job candidate, they are quite different.

These are the key differences between a reference and a recommendation :

  • Reference. A reference is usually included in the resume in a professional references section. It contains a reference's name, job, and contact info.
  • Letter of recommendation. On the other hand, a letter of recommendation is a written document that delves deep into what exactly makes the candidate a perfect fit for the job.

In other words, if you're listed as a reference on someone resume, you can expect a call or an email from an employer to speak about the person's credentials.

While if you're asked to write a letter of recommendation, you can prepare a letter beforehand, and dive deeper into the person's skills and qualities.

When can you be asked to provide a letter of recommendation

You might be wondering, "When would I actually need to write a letter of recommendation?" Well, it happens more often than you think. 

Here are some common scenarios:

  • Job applications. If a colleague or employee is applying for a new job, they might ask you to write a letter to help them stand out. 
  • Academic admissions. Similarly, students often need recommendation letters when applying to colleges, universities, or grad schools. 
  • Internships. Letters of recommendation are especially valuable for recent graduates seeking to land their first internship. 
  • Volunteering position. Lastly, you may even be asked to write a letter for someone who's trying to get into volunteering. Organizations want to know they're bringing in dedicated and trustworthy people, and your letter can help paint that picture.

At first, you were probably taken aback when you were asked to vouch for your colleague's credentials. But looking at this list, you’re probably more surprised that nobody has asked you to write one before.

Is your resume missing that special spark?

Don't settle for a mediocre resume. Let our AI Resume Builder and templates elevate your job application!

But why do employers still ask for this kind of assessment of their candidates? After all, isn’t their resume enough? 

Well, not quite. A recommendation letter offers something a resume can’t: a personal touch. It’s a way for employers to get a deeper look into how well they perform in a real work setting. 

Here are reasons why employers might ask for letters of recommendation:

  • To verify a candidate's skills and experience. When you list skills and accomplishments on your resume, they sound great on paper. But employers want to hear from someone who’s seen those skills in action. And a letter of recommendation from a credible source provides that extra layer of validation. 
  • To learn about their work ethic. While resumes highlight your achievements, they don't really show how you go about your work. So, a recommendation letter can give employers insight into your work ethic, reliability, and dedication. 
  • To get an insight into their character. Beyond skills and qualifications, employers also want to know who you are as a person! Are you a team player? Or, do you handle stress well? Are you someone who contributes positively to the work environment? 
  • To assess cultural fit. Let’s not forget that every company has its own culture. And if the letter shows you mesh well with the company’s values, you're one step closer to landing the job.

The point is, you need to understand exactly what employers are looking for. How else would you know how to write a letter of recommendation that can actually make a difference?

So, you've been asked to write a letter of recommendation. Congrats! This gesture means that the person asking you for this favor thinks highly of you. 

And when the first wave of excitement finally washes over, you’re a bit unsure of where to start. But no worries!

Here’s a detailed, 6-step guide to help you craft a letter of recommendation that’s clear, impactful, and gets the job done:

So, no “Hello there!” or “How's it going?” You need to make sure your greeting matches the level of formality required in a professional setting. Stick to “Dear Mr. Smith,” instead.

Next, you need to explain who you are and how you know the person you’re recommending. So, mention your position and the nature of your relationship with the candidate — whether you’re their supervisor, colleague, or professor.

Here’s where you dive into the candidate’s qualifications. Focus on their key strengths, skills, and accomplishments. And don't forget to use specific examples and evidence to back up your claims.

But make sure it's relevant and appropriate. There's a fine line between humanizing and humiliating the candidate! Always highlight their strengths! For example, if they went above and beyond to help a team member or tackled a difficult project with ease.

What contributions did they bring to the table? Positive ones, of course. And go into detail. Because their future employer must understand the value this person can bring to their company.

In the previous chapter, we've shown you all the necessary steps that will lead you to an outstanding letter of recommendation.

And now, it's time to put all the pieces together and look at a specific example .

Dear Mr. Crane,

I’ve had the pleasure of working with Robert for the past three years as his supervisor at KinsCorp.

Robert is an exceptional project manager. He led a team that successfully completed a major project ahead of schedule and under budget. His leadership and problem-solving skills were instrumental in this success.

I remember a time when he stayed late to troubleshoot a major issue that came up unexpectedly. His dedication ensured that our client’s deadline was met, and he even took the time to train the team on the solution.

Robert’s innovative approach to project management significantly improved our team’s overall efficiency. His strategies led to a 20% increase in productivity and enhanced client satisfaction, resulting in several new business opportunities for our company.

Based on my experience, I wholeheartedly recommend Bob for the position of Senior Project Manager. His skills, dedication, and professionalism will undoubtedly be a valuable asset to your team.

If you have any questions or need further information, feel free to contact me at [email protected] or +111 123 456 789. 

Best regards, 

Claire Williams, 

Project Manager at KinsCorp

Knowing how to write a letter of recommendation really isn't rocket science. But we also understand that writing formal letters isn't necessarily everybody's cup of tea. Especially if you're not used to handing recommendation letters left and right. 

But don't worry, we're not gonna let you drown! 

We've prepared 5 professional letter of recommendation templates to help you do your very best. Find the one that suits you the most, copypaste, and get right to it!

Employee letter of recommendation templates

Firstly, let's check out 3 templates you can use to write a recommendation letter to your employee (or even your colleague):

#1 Employee letter of recommendation template

Dear [Recipient’s Name],

I am writing to recommend [Candidate’s Name] for [the position/role] at [Company/Organization/Institution]. I have had the pleasure of working with [Candidate’s Name] for [number] years at [your company], where [he/she/they] [held a specific role/worked on specific projects].

During [his/her/their] time with us, [Candidate’s Name] consistently demonstrated [mention specific skills/qualities]. One instance that stands out is when [he/she/they] [provide a specific example that showcases the candidate’s strengths and achievements].

[Candidate’s Name] is not only skilled but also a great team player who helped foster a positive and productive work atmosphere. For example, [provide an example if relevant, such as how the candidate supported a team member or contributed to a successful project].

I am confident that [Candidate’s Name] will be an excellent addition to your team. [His/Her/Their] [specific qualities or skills] make [him/her/them] a perfect fit for [the position/role]. I wholeheartedly recommend [Candidate’s Name] and am certain that [he/she/they] will bring the same level of dedication and excellence to your organization.

Please feel free to contact me at [your email] or [your phone number] if you need any further information.

Best regards,

[Your Name] [Your Job Title]

#2 Employee letter of recommendation template

I am delighted to write this letter of recommendation for [Candidate’s Name]. I have known [him/her/them] for [number] years in my capacity as [your job title] at [your company/organization]. During this time, it was impossible to overlook [his/her/their] outstanding skills, dedication, and professionalism.

[Candidate’s Name] has consistently demonstrated exceptional [mention specific skills/qualities]. For instance, [he/she/they] [provide a specific example that illustrates these qualities].

Beyond [his/her/their] technical abilities, [Candidate’s Name] is a wonderful team member. [He/She/They] [mention qualities related to teamwork, work ethic, communication, etc.]. A notable example of this is when [he/she/they] [provide an example of teamwork, collaboration, or support].

Moreover, [Candidate’s Name] is highly respected by peers and supervisors alike for [his/her/their] [mention additional qualities such as integrity, reliability, enthusiasm]. [His/Her/Their] ability to [mention any unique contributions or strengths] has greatly benefited our team and the company.

I am confident that [Candidate’s Name] will be a valuable asset to your organization. I sincerely believe that [his/her/their] [specific qualities or skills] make [him/her/them] ideally suited for [the position/role]. I wholeheartedly recommend [Candidate’s Name] without reservation.

Should you need any additional information, please do not hesitate to contact me at [your email] or [your phone number].

#3 Employee letter of recommendation template

I’m reaching out to share my recommendation for [Candidate’s Name] for [the position/role] at [Recipient’s Company/Organization]. I’ve had the privilege of working closely with [him/her/them] at [Your Company/Organization] for [number] years, and [he/she/they] have consistently impressed me with [his/her/their] skills and dedication.

[Candidate’s Name] has a knack for [mention a specific skill or quality]. For instance, [he/she/they] [describe a notable example, such as leading a key project, driving innovation, or significantly improving a process]. [His/Her/Their] [mention another relevant skill or trait] really shines through in [his/her/their] work.

In addition to [his/her/their] professional skills, [Candidate’s Name] is also a pleasure to work with. [He/She/They] always brings a positive attitude and a collaborative spirit to the team. [He/She/They] has consistently shown [mention personal qualities like reliability, enthusiasm, or excellent communication skills], which has made a notable impact on our work environment.

I am confident that [Candidate’s Name] will be a great fit for your team and will contribute positively to [Recipient’s Company]. If you have any questions or need more details, don’t hesitate to contact me at [Your Email] or [Your Phone Number].

Letter of recommendation template for student

But what if you're in a situation where you've been asked to write a recommendation by one of your students? Well, we thought about that too:

#1 Letter of recommendation template for student

I am pleased to write this letter of recommendation for [Student’s Name]. I have had the pleasure of teaching [him/her/them] in [course name/subject] at [University/College Name] for [duration]. During this time, [Student’s Name] has never ceased to impress me with [his/her/their] exceptional academic abilities and dedication.

[Student’s Name] has consistently demonstrated a strong understanding of [subject area], and [his/her/their] work is always of the highest quality. One particular instance that stands out is [provide a specific example, such as a project, research paper, or class presentation that the student excelled in].

In addition to [his/her/their] academic strengths, [Student’s Name] is also a wonderful human being and a joy to have in class. [He/She/They] [mention qualities related to collaboration, communication, and interpersonal skills]. For example, [he/she/they] [provide another example, such as how the student contributed to a group project or helped peers understand complex concepts].

[Student’s Name] is not only academically talented but also highly motivated and passionate about [his/her/their] field of study. [His/Her/Their] ability to [mention any unique contributions or strengths] has greatly benefited our class and the broader academic community.

I am confident that [Student’s Name] will excel in [the program/scholarship at [Organization/Institution Name]. [His/Her/Their] [specific qualities or skills] make [him/her/them] an excellent candidate for this opportunity. I wholeheartedly recommend [Student’s Name] and am certain that [he/she/they] will bring the same level of dedication and excellence to your program.

Should you require any further information, please do not hesitate to contact me at [Professor’s Email] or [Professor’s Phone Number].

[Professor’s Name] [Professor’s Title] [Department Name] [University/College Name]

#2 Letter of recommendation template for student

I am pleased to write this letter of recommendation for [Student’s Name], who is applying for an internship position at [Recipient’s Company/Organization]. As [his/her/their] professor in [Course Name] at [University/College Name], I have had the opportunity to observe [Student’s Name]’s academic growth and personal development over the past [number] semesters.

[Student’s Name] has demonstrated a strong aptitude for [mention relevant skills or subjects]. [He/She/They] consistently excelled in [specific projects, assignments, or coursework], showcasing [his/her/their] ability to grasp complex concepts and apply them effectively. For example, [describe a specific project or achievement, such as a noteworthy research paper, presentation, or assignment].

In addition to [his/her/their] academic abilities, [Student’s Name] has proven to be a diligent and motivated individual. [He/She/They] actively participates in class discussions, seeks feedback, and shows a genuine enthusiasm for learning. [His/Her/Their] positive attitude and strong work ethic have made a notable impression on both [his/her/their] peers and faculty.

Although [Student’s Name] is seeking [his/her/their] first internship, [he/she/they] already possesses many qualities that will contribute to [his/her/their] success in a professional setting. [He/She/They] is a quick learner, adaptable, and eager to gain hands-on experience in [relevant field or industry]. [His/Her/Their] strong analytical skills and collaborative approach make [him/her/them] an excellent candidate for an internship opportunity.

I am confident that [Student’s Name] will make a valuable contribution to your team and benefit greatly from the experience at [Recipient’s Company/Organization]. Please feel free to contact me at [Professor’s Email] or [Professor’s Phone Number] if you have any questions or need further information.

Thank you for considering [Student’s Name] for this opportunity.

Alternatively, you may find yourself on the other side of the recommendation request — be the one asking for the letter. 

Maybe it’s for a job, an internship , or grad school. Either way, asking for a letter of recommendation can feel a bit awkward. 

But if you follow these tips, you can make the whole process stress-free:

  • Pick the right person. Firstly, you need to think about who knows you well. Moreover, this should be someone who's seen you in action. Because the more familiar they are with your work, the better the recommendation will be.
  • Respect their time. Crafting a thoughtful recommendation takes time, so don’t wait until the last minute to ask. For example, a month or more in advance is usually a good timeframe.
  • Go into detail on your request. Thirdly, be straightforward and precise about what you need. For instance, explain what the letter is for and mention any key skills and achievements you’d like them to highlight. In short, the more guidance you provide, the better the result. 
  • Don't be stingy with gratitude. Lastly, be sure to thank your recommender sincerely once they’ve received the letter. A handwritten note or a thoughtful email can go a long way in showing your appreciation.

And remember, most people are happy to help — you just need to ask politely! If you don't know where to start, you can draw inspiration from our templates.

How to ask for a letter of recommendation template

In case you want to persuade your colleague or a supervisor to be your recommender, you can formulate your request like so:

#1 How to ask for a letter of recommendation template: from a colleague

Hi [Colleague’s Name],

I hope you’re doing well. I’m writing to ask if you could do me a favor and write a letter of recommendation for me. I’m applying for [mention the purpose, e.g., a job, an internship, graduate school], and I think your perspective would be really helpful.

Working with you over the past [time period] has been a great experience, and I’ve learned so much. Now, I’m looking to [briefly explain why you are applying], and a recommendation from you would really boost my application.

If you could mention [specific skills, achievements, or experiences you want to be emphasized], that would be awesome. I’ve attached my resume and a draft of my cover letter to give you more info.

The deadline for the recommendation is [mention the deadline], but if you need more time or any other details, just let me know.

Thanks so much for considering this. I really appreciate your help and support.

Best, [Your Name]

#2 How to ask for a letter of recommendation template: from a supervisor

Dear [Supervisor’s Name],

I hope this message finds you well. I am writing to seek your help with a letter of recommendation. I am currently applying for [a new job, an advanced degree program, an internship], and I believe your endorsement would make my application shine. 

Over the past [time period], I have greatly valued your leadership and the opportunities I’ve had to contribute to our team at [Company Name]. Your insight into my work ethic and achievements would provide a fair evaluation that I feel would increase my chances at landing this opportunity. 

Specifically, I would appreciate it if you could highlight [mention specific skills, achievements, or experiences you want to be emphasized]. I have attached my resume and a draft of my cover letter for your reference.

The deadline for the submission of the letter is [mention the deadline]. If you need any additional information or have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Thank you very much for considering my request. I am grateful for your support and assistance.

How to ask for a letter of recommendation from professor template

Or, maybe you're a student in dire need of a great recommendation from your professor so you can strengthen your internship/scholarship/doctoral program/first job application.

Dear Professor [Professor’s Last Name],

I hope my email finds you well. I am reaching out to ask if you could write a letter of recommendation for me. I am applying for [mention the purpose], and I think your insights into my work and character would be incredibly helpful.

I have really enjoyed and learned a lot from your [class/course/lab], and to say that your guidance has been invaluable to me would be an understatement. I believe your perspective on my efforts there would really strengthen my application.

It would be fantastic if you could mention [specific skills, achievements, or qualities you want to emphasize]. I have attached my resume and a draft of my personal statement to give you more context.

The deadline for the recommendation letter is [mention the deadline]. If you need any more information or if there is anything I can do to help, please let me know.

Thank you so much for considering this. Your support means a lot to me.

[Your Name] [Your Major/Program]

In conclusion, a letter of recommendation is an excellent way to strengthen any job or internship application. 

Having a fellow professional or supervisor vouching for a job candidate’s credentials is a powerful endorsement. Because it provides a layer of credibility and personal insight that a resume alone simply can’t offer. 

When you get contacted by your colleague or team member with request for recommendation, following these 6 steps will help you craft a compelling letter:

  • Start with a friendly greeting but keep it professional. 
  • Introduce yourself and your relationship with the job candidate.
  • Illustrate why they're the right person for the job. 
  • Don't shy away from sharing a personal story. 
  • Broadcast the candidate’s impact on their former workplace. 
  • Close your letter with an undisputable endorsement. 

Not the letter you wanted? No worries! If this isn't quite what you were looking for, you might want to check out guides on writing a cover letter or, you know, a resignation letter instead.

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As she is poised to be the Democratic nominee, here are 5 facts about Kamala Harris

Jeongyoon Han

US Vice President and Democratic presidential candidate Kamala Harris speaks at her campaign headquarters in Wilmington, Delaware, on July 22, 2024.

Vice President and Democratic presidential candidate Kamala Harris speaks at her campaign headquarters in Wilmington, Delaware, on Monday. Erin Schaff/POOL via Getty Images hide caption

For more on Biden's decision and the now open 2024 race, head to the NPR Network's live updates page .

Just one day after President Biden threw his support behind Vice President Harris for the 2024 Democratic presidential nomination after dropping out of the race, Harris secured enough delegates to win the nomination, according to the Associated Press.

While she has not officially become the nominee, if she does when the DNC holds its virtual roll call on Aug, 7, Harris will become the first woman of color to be a major party presidential nominee.

Harris, the daughter of immigrants from Jamaica and India, has had a career with many firsts: She became the country's first Indian American senator when she was inaugurated in 2017. She is California’s first female and South Asian attorney general. In 2021, she became the first woman to become vice president, in addition to being the first Black or Asian American person in the position.

And, if she were to win the general election against former President Donald Trump, she would become the first woman president of the United States.

Here are five things to know about Harris:

1. She ran for president in 2020 but didn’t get very far.

Senator Kamala Harris holds her niece Amara as she and her husband Douglas Emhoff wave to the crowd after hosting her first presidential campaign rally in her hometown of Oakland, California, on Sunday, Jan. 27, 2019.

Senator Kamala Harris holds her niece Amara as she and her husband Douglas Emhoff wave to the crowd after hosting her first presidential campaign rally in her hometown of Oakland, California, on Sunday, Jan. 27, 2019. Gabrielle Lurie/The San Francisco Chronicle via Getty Images hide caption

Harris announced in 2019 she would run for the White House, and while Harris notably pushed Biden on his previous record over desegregation and busing, that was the high point of her run. Most of her bid, in fact, was riddled with campaign hiccups and minimal momentum.

She was criticized for how she championed tough truancy policies when she was the attorney general for California, which some said perpetuated inequities in the criminal justice system and disproportionately affected families of color . Harris later said she regretted the " unintended consequences " that law had on families.

More broadly, Harris failed to distinguish her positions on key issues, in ways that her competitors, such as Massachusetts Sen. Elizabeth Warren and Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders, were able to. In the months following, Harris failed to gain steam with limited funds and little excitement behind her campaign, and she dropped out by December 2019.

2. She has a mixed legacy in criminal justice

California Attorney General-elect Kamala Harris holds a press conference top discuss the hard fought Attorney General race. The vote tally took over a month to decide the outcome, with each side leading at various times. Harris finally won with approximately 50 thousand vote lead.

California Attorney General-elect Kamala Harris holds a press conference top discuss the hard fought Attorney General race. The vote tally took over a month to decide the outcome, with each side leading at various times. Harris finally won with approximately 50 thousand vote lead. Ted Soqui/Corbis via Getty Images hide caption

During her 2020 presidential bid, Harris ran to the left of Biden on several criminal justice issues, like ending solitary confinement and implementing a national standard on the use of deadly force.

But her “tough on crime” track record as a prosecutor, district attorney, and attorney general in California during the 1990s and 2000s is a clear reminder of her complicated and sometimes contradictory legacy on the criminal justice system . 

On the one hand, she established a reentry program in the early 2000s that was seen as a form of restorative justice. She supported legislation that would expand voting rights to those serving felony sentences. She also opposed the death penalty — and stood by that when she did not seek the death penalty against a gang member who killed a police officer in 2004. But when the opportunity came to get rid of the death penalty in California, Harris appealed that ruling . Then, when California Gov. Gavin Newsom put a moratorium on the death penalty in 2019, Harris praised Newsom for the decision, and subsequently called for a federal moratorium on executions .

It took her years as San Francisco’s district attorney to adopt a defendant’s rights policy known as the Brady doctrine, even though her staff recommended the policy to her in 2005 . As state attorney general, she rejected the use of advanced DNA testing in the case of a Black man who was — and still is — on death row for a notable murder case, though she has since said she felt “ awful ” about that decision. She also did not go after cases that involved killings by the police in San Francisco shortly after the 2014 killing of Michael Brown in Ferguson, Mo., which brought on the ire of protesters in Oakland. The year after, she declined to support a bill that would have her office investigate officer-involved shootings, and she did not back statewide standards over body cameras worn by police officers.

3. She is known for high-profile grillings early in the Trump administration

Sen. Kamala Harris, D-CA, listens to Christine Blasey Ford, the woman accusing Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh of sexually assaulting her at a party 36 years ago, testifying before the US Senate Judiciary Committee on Capitol Hill in Washington, DC, September 27, 2018.

Sen. Kamala Harris, D-CA, listens to Christine Blasey Ford, the woman accusing Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh of sexually assaulting her at a party 36 years ago, testifying before the US Senate Judiciary Committee on Capitol Hill in Washington, DC, September 27, 2018. Saul Loeb/AFP via Getty Images hide caption

It was 2018. Harris was still a relative newcomer in the Senate. And yet, she made a splash when she grilled Brett Kavanaugh, Trump’s then-nominee for the Supreme Court.

“Can you think of any laws that give government the power to make decisions about the male body?” she asked Kavanaugh in a question pointedly about reproductive rights.

After Kavanaugh struggled to give an answer, Harris repeated the question. Kavanaugh’s final response: “I'm not thinking of any right now, senator.”

That was one of several viral moments of Harris as she went after officials and politicians tied to the Trump administration, including former Attorney General Jeff Sessions, former White House chief of staff John Kelly, and former Attorney General William Barr .

While Trump called her “ nasty ” for how she questioned Kavanaugh, her line of questioning piqued Trump’s interest when she was freshly nominated by Biden to be his running mate in 2020, showing him and Republicans she was capable of going after them.

4. It took a while to find her footing as VP, but when she did, she focused on issues that are key to younger voters

U.S. President-elect Joe Biden, center right, wife Jill Biden, right, U.S. Vice President-elect Kamala Harris, center left, and husband Douglas Emhoff hold hands while wearing protective masks during an election event in Wilmington, Delaware, U.S., on Saturday, Nov. 7, 2020.Sarah Silbiger/Bloomberg via Getty Images

U.S. President-elect Joe Biden, center right, wife Jill Biden, right, U.S. Vice President-elect Kamala Harris, center left, and husband Douglas Emhoff hold hands while wearing protective masks during an election event in Wilmington, Delaware, U.S., on Saturday, Nov. 7, 2020. Sarah Silbiger/Bloomberg via Getty Images hide caption

Despite Harris’ underwhelming performance in the 2020 Democratic presidential primary, Biden nominated her to be his running mate, making her the first Black woman and person of Indian descent to be nominated by a major party for national office. The announcement was celebrated by many in the party: She had been seen as a rising leader among Democrats, and capable of leading an increasingly diversifying party and country.

But things went off to a rocky start when she entered the White House. She misstepped in an interview with NBC’s Lester Holt when answering why she had not yet visited the border at the time, had turnover in her staff, and had consistently low approval ratings early into her tenure as vice president.

Although Harris was initially seen as uncomfortable in the role, she quickly grew into the job. Harris said the Supreme Court’s overturning of Roe v. Wade in 2022 galvanized her, and she rewrote an entire speech she was supposed to deliver at an event about maternal health that day. She became the primary messenger on abortion and reproductive rights. Additionally, she campaigned aggressively for gun safety, has tried to connect with more women and people of color during her tenure, and was praised by progressives for her forceful call for a ceasefire in the Israel-Hamas war.

5. Her race and gender have made her subject to sexist and racist attacks

US Vice President and Democratic Presidential candidate Kamala Harris speaks at West Allis Central High School during her first campaign rally in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, on July 23, 2024.

US Vice President and Democratic Presidential candidate Kamala Harris speaks at West Allis Central High School during her first campaign rally in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, on July 23, 2024. Kamil Krzaczynski/AFP via Getty Images hide caption

While many women in politics are often victims of sexist remarks and verbal abuse, a 2020 study tracking more than 300,000 instances of gendered abuse and disinformation against 13 women political candidates found that Harris was the target of such attacks 78% of the time.

Nina Jankowicz, who researches disinformation targeting women in politics and is the co-founder and CEO of the American Sunlight Project, said harmful narratives are “part of the criticism and abuse that women in public life frequently receive.”

The attacks against Harris in particular have often come from many on the right, including Trump and his running mate, Ohio Sen. JD Vance. Trump advanced a birtherism conspiracy theory about Harris that falsely stated she was not qualified to run as vice president back in 2020. Trump also called Harris “ crazy ,” and often ridicules the way she laughs — yet another display of hyper-criticizing women’s voices.

And Jankowicz said that it’s important to call out the sexist and racist online trolling against Harris that’s only grown since Biden’s announcement on Sunday.

“And I just think it's really important at this historic moment that we label these narratives and lies as what they are: an attempt to undermine Kamala Harris' public service and her record of public service because of her gender, her background and her skin color,” she said.


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