• CBSE-The Fundamental Unit of Life
  • NCERT Solutions

The Fundamental Unit of Life-NCERT Solutions

Has a cell wall. Has cell wall made up of cellulose.
It does not contain chloroplast. It contains chloroplast.
It has centrosome. It does not has centrosome.
Vacuoles are smaller in size. Vacuoles are larger in size.
Lysosomes are larger in number. Lysosomes are absent or very few in number
Prominent Golgi bodies are present. Subunits of Golgi bodies are present.
Most prokaryotes are unicellular. Most eukaryotes are multi-cellular.
Size of the cell - (0.5- 5 μ). Size of the cell - (50- 100 μ).
It contains a single chromosome. It contains more than one chromosome.
Nucleolus is absent. Nucleolus is present.
Membrane-bound cell organelles such as plastids, mitochondria, endoplasmic reticulum, Golgi apparatus, etc. are absent. Cell organelles such as mitochondria, plastids, endoplasmic reticulum, Golgi apparatus, lysosomes, etc. are present.
Cell division occurs through binary fission Cell division occurs by mitosis.
  • Chapter 1 - Diversity in Living Organisms
  • Chapter 2 - Improvement in Food Resources
  • Chapter 3 - Natural Resources
  • Chapter 4 - Why do we fall ill
  • Chapter 5 - The Fundamental Unit of Life
  • Chapter 6 - Tissues

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NCERT Solutions For Class 9 Science Chapter 6 Tissues

NCERT Solutions Class 9 Science Chapter 6 Tissues – Here are all the NCERT solutions for Class 9 Science Chapter 6. This solution contains questions, answers, images, step by step explanations of the complete Chapter 6 titled Tissues of Science taught in class 9. If you are a student of class 9 who is using NCERT Textbook to study Science, then you must come across Chapter 6 Tissues. After you have studied lesson, you must be looking for answers of its questions. Here you can get complete NCERT Solutions for Class 9 Science Chapter 6 Tissues in one place. For a better understanding of this chapter, you should also see Chapter 6 Tissues Class 9 notes , Science.

Topics and Sub Topics in Class 9 Science Chapter 6 Tissues:

  • Are Plants and Animals Made of Same Types of Tissues?
  • Plant Tissues
  • Animal Tissues

These solutions are part of NCERT Solutions for Class 9 Science . Here we have given Class 9 NCERT Science Textbook Solutions for Chapter 6 Tissues.


NCERT Textbook for Class 9 Science – Page 69

Question 1. What is a tissue? Answer:  A group of cells that are similar in structure and work together to do a peculiar function is called tissue.

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Question 2. What is the utility of tissues in multicellular organisms? Answer:  Tissues provide structural strength, mechanical strength, show division of labour.

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Class 9 Science NCERT Textbook – Page 74

Question 1. Name types of simple tissues. Answer:  The types of simple tissues are parenchyma, collenchyma, sclerenchyma and aerenchyma.

Question 2. Where is apical meristem found? Answer:  Apical meristem is found at the tip of root or shoot of the plant.

Question 3. Which tissue makes up the husk of coconut? Answer:  The husk of coconut is made of sclerenchymatous tissue.

Question 4. What are the constituents of phloem? Answer:  Phloem is made up of four types of elements sieve tube, companion cells, phloem fibres and phloem parenchyma.

Class 9 Science NCERT Textbook – Page 78

Question 1. Name the tissue responsible for movement in our body. Answer:  1. Muscular tissue, 2. Nervous tissue, combination of both the tissues are responsible for movement in our body.

NCERT Solutions For Class 9 Science Chapter 6 Tissues Intext Questions Page 78 Q2

Question 3. Give three features of cardiac muscles. Answer:  Feature of cardiac muscles (1) Heart muscles (cardiac muscles) are cylindrical, branched and uninucleated (2) They are striated muscle fibres. (3) They are involuntary muscles, cannot be controlled by us.

Question 4. What are the Junctions of areolar tissue? Answer:  Areolar tissue are connective tissues found in animal. It is found between skin and muscles, around blood vessels and nerves and in the bone marrow. It fills the space inside the organs, supports internal organs and helps in the repair of tissues.

Questions From NCERT Textbook for Class 9 Science

Question 1. Define the term “tissue”. Answer:  Group of cells that are similar in structure and perform same function is called a tissue.

Question 2. How many types of elements together make up the xylem tissue? Name them. Answer:  The xylem is made up of vessels, trachieds, xylem fibres and xylem parenchyma.

Question 3. How are simple tissues different from complex tissues in plants? Answer:  Simple tissues are made up of one type of cells which coordinate to perform a common function. Complex tissues are made up of more than one type of cells. All these coordinate to perform a common function.

Question 4. Differentiate between parenchyma, collenchyma and sclerenchyma on the basis of their cell wall.  Answer:  Parenchyma: The cells have thin cell walls made up of cellulose. Collenchyma: The cells have cell walls thickened at the comers due to pectin deposition. Sclerenchyma: Their walls are thickened due to lignin deposition.

Question 5. What are the functions of stomata? Answer:  The outermost layer of the cell is called epidermis and is very porous. These pores are called stomata. These stomata help in transpiration and exchange of gases.

NCERT Solutions For Class 9 Science Chapter 6 Tissues Textbook Questions Q6

Question 7. What is the specific function of the cardiac muscle? Answer:  (1) Cardiac muscles cells are cylindrical, branched and uninucleated. (2) They are involuntary muscles. (3) They show rhythmically contraction and relaxation throughout life. (4) Their rhythmic contraction and relaxation helps in pumping action of heart.

biology assignment answer class 9

Question 10. Name the following: (1) Tissue that forms the inner lining of our mouth. (2) Tissue that connect muscle to bone in humans. (3) Tissue that trar-carts food in plants. (4) Tissue that siwea j’ut in our body. (5) Connective tissue with a fluid matrix. (6) Tissue present in the brain. Answer:  (1) Squamous epithelium (2) Tendons (3) Phloem (4) Areolar tissue (5) Blood (6) Nervous tissue

Question 11. Identify the type of tissue in the following: Skin, bark of tree, bone, lining of kidney tubule, vascular bundle. Answer:  (a) Skin—Striated squamous epithelium (b) Bark of tree—Cork, protective tissue (c) Bone—Connective tissue (d) Lining of kidney tubule—Cuboidal epithelium tisse (e) Vascular bundle—Conducting tissue

Question 12. Name the regions in which parenchyma tissue is present. Answer:  In the pith of the roots and stems. When it contains chlorophyll, it is called chlorenchyma, found in green leaves. In aquatic plants, parenchyma contains large air cavities and help them to float. Such type of parenchyma is called aerenchyma.

Question 13. What is the role of epidermis in plants? Answer:  Cells of epidermis forms a continuous layer without intercellular spaces. It protects all the parts of plants.

Question 14. How does the cork act as a protective tissue? Answer:  Cork acts as a protective tissue because its cells are dead and compactly arranged without intercellular spaces. They have deposition of suberin on the walls that make them impervious to gases and water.

biology assignment answer class 9

NCERT Solutions for Class 9 Science Chapter 6 Tissues (Hindi Medium)

NCERT Solutions for Class 9 Science Chapter 6 Tissues Hindi Medium 1


NCERT Solutions for Class 9 Science Chapter 6  Multiple Choice Questions Choose the correct option: 1. The cells of cork are dead and have a chemical in their walls that makes them impervious to gases and water. The chemical is (a) lignin (b) suberin (c) cutin (d) wax 2. The flexibility in plants is due to a tissue called, (a) chlorenchyma (b) parenchyma (c) sclerenchyma (d) collenchyma 3. The tissue present in the lining of kidney tubules and ducts of salivary glands is (a) squamous epithelium tissue (b) glandular epithelium tissue (4 cuboidal epithelium tissue (d) columnar epithelium tissue 4. The connective tissue that connects muscle to bone is called (a) ligament (b) tendon (d) cartilage (d) areolar 5. The tissue that helps in the movement of our body are (a) muscular tissue (b) skeletal tissue (c) nervous tissue (d) all of the above 6. Monocyte, basophil, eosinophil and neutrophil are the examples of different types of (a) red blood cells (b) white blood cells (c) areolar tissue (d) compact bone 7. The spindle shaped cells, uninucleated and unbranched are present in muscular tissue of  (a) striated muscles (b) smooth muscles (c) cardiac muscle (d) both (a) and (b) 8. Sieve tubes and companion cells are present in (a) xylem (b) phloem (c) cork (d) cambium 9. The size of the stem increases in the width due to (a) apical meristem (b) intercalary meristem (c) primary meristem (d) lateral meristem 10. Blood and lymph are types of (a) muscular tissue (b) epithelial tissue (c) connective tissue (d) permanent tissue 11. Cartilage and bone are types of (a) muscular tissue (b) connective tissue (c) meristematic tissue (d) epithelial tissue 12. Xylem and phloem are examples of (a) epidermal tissue (b) simple tissue (c) protective tissue (d) complex tissue 13. A tissue whose cells are capable of dividing and re-dividing is called (a) complex tissue (b) connective tissue (c) protective tissue (d) meristematic tissue 14. The tissue that helps in the secretion and absorption and is found in the inner lining of the alimentary canal is (a) ciliated epithelium (b) cuboidal epithelium (c) squamous epithelium (d) columnar epithelium Answer:  1—(b), 2—(d), 3—(c), 4—(b), 5—(d), 6—(b), 7—(b), 8—(b), 9—(d), 10—(c),11—(b), 12—(d), 13—(d), 14—(d).

Ncert solutions for class 9 science chapter 6 very short answer type questions.

Question 1. Name the tissues responsible for the movement of the body. Answer:  Muscle tissue and nervous tissue

Question 2. How does neuron look like? Answer:  A neuron is the unit cell of nervous tissue. It is a thread-like structure with cell body and axon.

Question 3. Name the types of simple tissues. Answer:  (a) Parenchyma (b) Collenchyma (c) Sclerenchyma

Question 4. Name the types of complex tissues. Answer:  Xylem and phloem.

Question 5. Where is apical meristem found? . Answer:  It is present at the growing tips of stem and root, it increases the length of the stem and roots.

Question 6. Which tissue make up the husk of coconut? Answer:  Sclerenchyma.

Question 7. What are the constituents of phloem? Answer:  Phloem constitutes the sieve tubes, companion cell, phloem parenchyma and phloem fibres.

Question 8. Define aerenchyma. Answer:  When the cells have air-filled large cavities of parenchyma, it is called aerenchyma. Aerenchyma helps aquatic plants in floating.

Question 9. What is the utility of tissues in multicellular organisms? Answer:  It helps in growth, organisation of different organs and performing functions.

Question 10. Name the two types of tissues. Answer:  Plant tissues and animal tissues.

Question 11. Name the two types of plant tissue. Answer:  Meristematic tissue and permanent tissue.

Question 12. What is differentiation? Answer:  The process of taking up a permanent shape, size and function by cells is called differentiation.

Question 13. Name the three types of meristematic tissues. Answer:  The three types are: (a) Apical tissue—tips of root and shoot (b) Lateral tissue—sides of stem (c) Intercalary tissue—at nodes

Question 14. Where is apical tissue found? Answer:  Present at the tips of roots and stems.

Question 15. Tissues present at the lateral surface of the stem are called apical tissues. Put (T) if true and put (F) if false. Rewrite the answer if (F). Answer:  (F). Tissues present at the lateral surface of the stem are called lateral tissue.

Question 16. Which tissues are present at the nodes of the plants? Answer:  Intercalary tissue.

Question 17. What are the various types of blood cells? Answer:  There are three types: (a) RBC’s (b) WBC’s and (c) Platelets.

Question 18. What are tracheids? Answer:  They are elongated cells with tapering ends.

Question 19. What are guard cells? Answer:  Each stomata is bounded by a pair of specialised kidney-shaped epidermal cells called guard cells.

Question 20. Epithelial tissue is the simplest tissue. Write (F) for false or (T) for true. Answer:  (T).

Question 21. What are the functions of cuboidal epithelium? Answer:  It helps in absorption, excretion, secretion, it also provides mechanical support.

NCERT Solutions for Class 9 Science Chapter 6 Short Answer Type Questions

NCERT Solutions For Class 9 Science Chapter 6 Tissues SAQ Q1

Question 2. Give the functions of bone. Answer:  The functions of bone are: (i) It provides shape to the body. (ii) It provides skeletal support to the body. (iii) It anchors the muscles. (iv) It protects the vital body organs like brain, lungs, etc.

Question 3. Give the functions of cartilage. . Answer:  (i) It provides support and flexibility to the body parts. (ii) It smoothens surface at joints.

Question 4. Fill in the blanks: (i) Water and minerals are conducted by …………………. (ii) In higher plants food is conducted by …………………….. (iii) Blood is a ……………. tissue. (iv) Bone consists of………….cells. (v) Cartilage consists of………………..cells. (vi) Fibres are absent in………….type of connective tissue. Answer:  (i) Xylem (ii) Phloem (iii) Connective (iv) Osteocyte (v) Chondrocyte (vi) Blood

Question 5. What are the functions of areolar tissue? Answer:  Functions are: (i) It helps in repair of tissues after an injury. (ii) It also helps in combating foreign toxins. (iii) It fixes skin to underlying muscles.

NCERT Solutions For Class 9 Science Chapter 6 Tissues SAQ Q6

Question 8. Name the tissues for the following: (a) Stores fat in animal body. (b) Divides and re-divides to grow in plants. (c) Tissue that joins hone to hone. (d) Covers the external surface of animal body. Answer:  (a) Adipose tissue (b) Meristematic tissue . (c) Ligament (d) Epithelial tissue.

Question 9. What is stomata? Answer:  Stomata are small pores present on the surface of a leaf which helps in the exchange of gases and in transpiration.

Question 10. Why does epidermal tissue have no intercellular space? Answer:  The epidermal (layer) tissue forms a protective outer covering for the plants and it protects the internal parts of the plant. It aid in the protection against loss of water, mechanical injury and invasion by parasitic fungi. For this protective role to play the continuation of cells is necessary, hence it does not have intercellular space.

Question 11. Name and give the function of each cell of xylem:. Answer:  Xylem consists of tracheids, vessels, xylem parenchyma and xylem fibres. Tracheids and vessels—Allows the transport of water and minerals. Xylem parenchyma—Stores food and helps in the sideways conduction of water. Xylem fibres—Are supportive in function.

Question 12. What is the function and location of stratified squamous epithelium? Answer:  Stratified squamous epithelium is present in the skin. The layers of cells are arranged to prevent wear and tear.

NCERT Solutions For Class 9 Science Chapter 6 Tissues SAQ Q13

Question 16. Name all different types of tissues present in animal. Answer:  There are four main types of tissues present in animal. ‘ (a) Epithelial tissue present on the outer and inner lining of the body. (b) Muscular tissue are made up of muscles, help in movement. (c) Connective tissue connects the different organs in the body. (d) Nervous tissue consists of nerve cells and are present in the nervous system.

Question   17. Why is blood called connective tissue? Answer:  The blood is composed of cells and plasma. Plasma is a fluid and cells like red blood cells, white blood cells and platelets are present in it. All these cells are connected due to plasma. It also transports food, water to different parts of the body and connects them.

Question 18. Name three types of muscle tissues and give function of each. Answer:  Three types of muscle tissues are: (a) Striated muscle (b) Smooth muscle (c) Cardiac muscle (a) Striated muscle: These muscles show alternate light and dark bands or striations. They are involuntary and present in skeletal tissues,, help in movement of body and bones. (b) Smooth muscle: These are involuntary muscles, control the movement of food in alimentary canal, contraction and relaxation of blood vessels. Present in iris, uterus etc. (c) Cardiac muscle: These muscles are present in heart, help in the rhythmic contraction and relaxation throughout the life.

NCERT Solutions For Class 9 Science Chapter 6 Tissues SAQ Q19

Question 22. Explain the structure, function and location of nervous tissue. Answer:  Structure: Nervous tissue consists of cells called nerve cells joined end to end (neurons). A neuron (nerve cell) consists of a cell body with nucleus and cytoplasm. From these cell body a long thin hair-like parts arise called axon and many short branched parts called dendrites. Location: Nervous tissue are present in brain, spinal cord and nerves. Function: Nervous tissue receives the stimuli and transmit the stimulus rapidly from one place to another within the body. The nerve impulse allows us to move our muscles and respond to any stimuli.

NCERT Solutions For Class 9 Science Chapter 6 Tissues SAQ Q23

NCERT Solutions for Class 9 Science Chapter 6 Long Answer Type Questions

NCERT Solutions For Class 9 Science Chapter 6 Tissues LAQ Q1

Question 4.Describe ‘epidermis’ in plants. Answer:  Epidermis forms the entire outermost layer of the plant. It is made up of single cell layer. It protects all the internal parts of the plant. On aerial parts, epidermis secretes waxy, water-resistant layer on their outer surface. This helps in protection against loss of water, mechanical injury and invasion of parasitic fungi. In leaves, epidermis consists of small pores called stomata. These pores helps in the transpiration and exchange of gases, like oxygen and carbon dioxide for plants. In roots, epidermis have long hair-like parts that provide greater surface for water absorption. In desert plants, epidermis has a thick waxy coating of cutin which acts as a water proofing agent.

Question 5. Explain the “complex tissue” of plants. Answer:  Complex tissues are made up of more than one type of cells. All these cells co-ordinate to perform common function. These are—xylem and phloem. Both are conducting tissues and form a vascular bundle. Xylem consists of—tracheids, vessels, xylem parenchyma and xylem fibres. Most of these cells are dead. Tracheids and vessels helps in water transportation, parenchyma stores food and helps in the sideways conduction of water and fibres are mainly supportive in function. Phloem is made up of four types of elements—sieve tubes, companion cells, phloem fibres and phloem parenchyma. It helps in the transportation of food in both the directions, i.e. from leaves to roots and to other parts of the plant.

NCERT Solutions for Class 9 Science Chapter 6 Activity-Based Questions

NCERT Solutions For Class 9 Science Chapter 6 Tissues Activity Based Q1

NCERT Solutions for Class 9 Science Chapter 6 Value-Based Questions

Question 1. A group of students completed the project of finding the botanical names of all the trees present in the school campus. They prepared metal plates with names carved on it, to fix it on the plant trunks. Shreya was concerned that if the metal plate is fixed into tree many cells of the tree may get damaged. But the group members explained her that the outer layer of trunk does not have living cells and there won’t be any damage to the tree. (a) What type of cells are present on the outer layer of the bark/tree trunk? (b) How does the cprk act as a protective tissue? (c) What value of the group is seen in the above cast? Answer:  (a) On the outer layer of the tree trunk/bark all thick layer of dead cells is present which acts as protective tissue. (b) In cork, all cells are dead without intercellular spaces, the walls of the cells have deposition of suberin. (c) The students in a group show team effort, peer learning and co-operatiye.

Question 2. A paralytic patient was unable to walk. ‘The family member of the patient took the outmost care of the patient. (a) Name two tissues responsible for the movement of a body. (b) Name the tissues present in brain and spine. (c) What value of the family members is seen in the above case? Answer:  (a) The two tissues responsible for movement of the body are muscular tissue and nervous tissue. (b) The tissues present in brain and spine are nervous tissues. (c) The family members showed the value of being caring, responsible, dutiful and kind.

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NCERT Solutions for Class 9 Science Chapter 5 Free PDF Download

Ncert solutions for class 9 science chapter 5 the fundamental unit of life:.

NCERT Solutions for Class 9 Science Chapter 5 provide all the needed knowledge in the simplest and lucid manner. We also facilitate you with an authentic solution to the chapter which is easily available in pdf format. Toppr also offers NCERT Solutions for Class 9 Science Chapter 5 The Fundamental Unit of Life as per latest chapter wise notes for quick preparation of CBSE exams and school-based annual exams.

NCERT Solutions describe all about information related to cell and its structure in a detailed manner. So students will get a step-by-step Concept of The fundamental organizational unit of life which is cell. You will find the solution of exercise questions, important for your main exams.

NCERT Solutions for The Fundamental Unit of Life are very useful to grasp the concept with practical exposure and will prepare a strong base for the CBSE board exam.

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CBSE Class 9 Science Chapter 5 – The Fundamental Unit of Life NCERT Solutions

NCERT Solutions for Class 9 Science Chapter 5 The Fundamental Unit of Life is the step towards the world of anatomy. This chapter is about basic knowledge of a cell which is the smallest unit of life. Students will know about to define three basic parts to a cell such as a cell membrane, nucleus, and cytoplasm. Students will get to know about the structure and specify the functions of each cell part.

Sub topics covered under NCERT Solutions for Class 9 Science Chapter 5

5.1: What are Living Organisms Made Up of?

5.2: What is a Cell Made Up of? What is the Structural Organisation of a Cell?

  • 5.2.1: Plasma Membrane or Cell Membrane
  • 5.2.2: Cell Wall
  • 5.2.3: Nucleus
  • 5.2.4: Cytoplasm
  • 5.2.5: Cell Organelles
  • 5.2.5  (i) Endoplasmic Reticulum (ER)
  • 5.2.5  (ii) Golgi Apparatus
  • 5.2.5  (iii) Lysosomes
  • 5.2.5  (iv) Mitochondria
  • 5.2.5  (v) Plastids
  • 5.2.5 (vi) Vacuoles

NCERT Solutions for Class 9 Science Chapter 5

Cells are the root building blocks of all living things. The human body is having trillions of cells, which provide structure for the body. They help to take nutrients from food, convert those nutrients into energy, and carry out functions. Cells also contain the body’s hereditary material and can make copies also. NCERT Solutions for Class 9 Science Chapter 5 The Fundamental Unit of Life is a concept-oriented solution in the elaborating method.

Let us discuss the sub-topics in detail.

The fundamental and organizational unit of life is the cell.

Plasma membrane composed of lipids and proteins covers the cells.

5.2.1: Plasma Membrane or Cell Membrane:

The cell membrane is a very active part of the cell. It handles the movement of materials between the ordered interior of the cell and the outer environment.

5.2.2: Cell Wall:

In the plant cells, a cell wall is comprising of mainly of cellulose is located outside the cell membrane.

5.2.3: Nucleus:

The nucleus serves as the cell’s control center and sends directions to the cell to grow, mature, divide, or die. It also contains DNA the cell’s hereditary material. Nuclear envelope membrane encloses the nucleus. It protects the DNA and separates the nucleus from the rest of the cell.

5.2.4: Cytoplasm:

Within cells, the cytoplasm is made up of a jelly-like fluid which is called cytosol and other structures that surround the nucleus.

5.2.5: Cell Organelles:

Every cell has a membrane to keep itself separate from the surroundings. Large cells need a lot of chemical activities for supporting their complicated structure and function.

5.2.5  (i) Endoplasmic Reticulum (ER):

This organelle supports process molecules created by the cell. The endoplasmic reticulum also transports these molecules to their destinations may be inside or outside the cell.

5.2.5 (ii) Golgi Apparatus:

The Golgi apparatus molecules processed by the endoplasmic reticulum to be transported out of the cell.

5.2.5 (iii) Lysosomes:

These organelles are working as the recycling center of the cell. They digest foreign bacteria invading the cell, rid the cell of toxic substances.

5.2.5 (iv) Mitochondria:

It is a complex organ cell that converts energy from food into a form that the cell can use. They have their own genetic material other than DNA in the nucleus.

5.2.5 (v) Plastids:

Plastids are present only in plant cells.

5.2.5 (vi) Vacuoles:

Vacuoles are storage for solid or liquid contents.

You can download NCERT Solutions for Class 9 Science Chapter 5 PDF by clicking on the button below.

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Class 9 Chapter 5 Science NCERT Solutions FREE PDF Download

Vedantu offers Class 9 Chapter 5, Fundamentals of Life Science, insights into the essential principles governing life and its processes. Ch 5 science class 9 serves as a foundational exploration of life sciences, covering topics such as cell structure and functions, tissues, and various life processes occurring within organisms. Through detailed explanations and illustrations, students understand the fundamental concepts underlying living organisms' structure, behaviour, and interactions with their environment. 


Download the FREE PDF of NCERT Solutions for Class 9 Fundamental Unit of Life updated according to the new NCERT Syllabus for Class 9 Chemistry created by Vedantu Master Teachers.

Quick Insights of “Fundamental Unit of Life” Class 9 NCERT Solutions

The fundamental unit of life, class 9, will give you insights about the general introduction, which is to understand the basic structure and function of the cell.

Chapter 5 of Science Class 9 will teach you about the various cell organelles, such as the nucleus, mitochondria, and endoplasmic reticulum,  and their roles in maintaining cellular functions.

Detailed information on exploring the differences between plant and animal cells, highlighting unique features like the cell wall and chloroplasts in plant cells, and delving into cell division and its types.

The fundamental unit of life class 9 PDF can help students analyse their level of preparation and understanding of concepts.

Class 9 science chapter 5 question answers topics are included according to the revised academic year 2024-25 syllabus.


Access NCERT Solutions for The Fundamental Unit of Life Class 9

1. Who discovered cells and how?

Ans: The dead cells were first discovered by Robert Hooke in 1665. He observed in cork cells that the cells are like honeycomb structures with the help of a basic microscope while the living cells were first discovered by Antoine van Leuwenhoek after the discovery of the electron microscope.

2. Why is the cell called the structural and functional unit of life?

Ans: Cell is the basic unit of life and is present in all living organisms. Each living cell performs its specific functions that are the characteristics of all living forms. The cell consists of various cell organelles which help the cell to live and perform all its functions. The various cell organelles perform their special function that includes making new material in the cell, removal of the waste material from the cell and so on. Thus, cells are called basic structural and functional units of life as they perform all these functions.

3. How do substances like $\mathbf{CO_2}$ and water move in and out of the cell? Discuss.

Ans: By the process of diffusion the substances like carbon dioxide and water move in and out of a cell from the region of high concentration to the region of low concentration. When the concentration of carbon dioxide and water is higher outside the cell than carbon dioxide and water moves inside the cell and when the concentration of carbon dioxide and water is lower outside the cell and is higher inside the cell then they move out of the cell.

4. Why is the plasma membrane called a selectively permeable membrane?

Ans: The plasma membrane or the cell membrane is known as a selectively permeable or semipermeable membrane because it is responsible for the regulation of the various substances in and out of the cell. This results in the entry of certain substances and inhibits the entry of other substances through the plasma membrane.

5. Fill in the gaps in the following table illustrating differences between prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells.

Prokaryotic Cell

Eukaryotic Cell

1. Size: generally small $(1- 10^\mu)$ m $1^\mu$ m = $10^{-6}$ m.

1. Size: generally large ($5-{100}^\mu$ m).

2. Nuclear region: _____________________________ and is known as ________.

2. Nuclear region: well-defined and surrounded by a nuclear membrane

3. Chromosome: single

3. More than one chromosome

4. Membrane-bound cell organelles are


4. ________________________________

                    Prokaryotic Cell

                        Eukaryotic Cell

1. Size: generally small $(1- 10^\mu)$ m $1^\mu$ m = $10^{-6}$ m.

1. Size: generally large ($5-{100}^\mu$ m).

2. Nuclear region is poorly defined because of the absence of a nuclear membrane and is known as a nucleoid.

2. Nuclear region: well-defined and

surrounded by a nuclear membrane

3. Chromosome: single

3. More than one chromosome

4. Membrane-bound cell organelles are absent.

4. Membrane-bound cell organelles such as mitochondria, plastids, etc., are present

6. Can you name the two organelles we have studied that contain their own genetic material?

Ans: The two organelles we have studied that contain their own genetic material are mitochondria and plastids. Mitochondria help in respiration in the cell while plastids are responsible for the process of photosynthesis in leaves.

7. If the organization of a cell is destroyed due to some physical or chemical influence, what will happen?

Ans: If the organization of a cell is destroyed due to some physical or chemical influence then the cell will not be able to perform many basic functions like photosynthesis, respiration, nutrition, etc., and may also result in the stopping of all life activities in the cell. Due to the cell damage, the lysosome bursts, and their enzymes digest such cells.

8. Why are lysosomes known as suicide bags?

Ans: Lysosomes are the cell organelles that are vesicular structures and contain the digestive enzymes. The function of these enzymes inside the lysosomes is to break down any foreign body that enters the cell. Sometimes, the lysosome may also act suicidal by releasing the digestive enzymes inside the cell and leads to self-destruction. Thus lysosomes are known as suicidal bags.

9. Where are proteins synthesized inside the cell?

Ans: Proteins are the building blocks of the body that are made up of various amino acids. They are synthesized inside the ribosomes that are the small structures present in the cytoplasm or might be attached to the surface of the endoplasmic reticulum. The endoplasmic reticulum is called the rough endoplasmic reticulum due to the presence of ribosomes on its surface. 

10. Make a comparison and write down ways in which plant cells are different from animal cells.

Ans: The difference between the plant cells and the animal cells are:

Animal Cell

Plant Cell

Animal cells are found to be smaller when compared to the plant cells.

Plants cells are found to be larger in size.

The cell wall is absent.

The cell wall is present.

Plastids are absent except Euglena.

They consist of plastids to perform photosynthesis.

Vacuoles are much smaller in size than plant cells and are several in numbers.

One central large vacuole is present.

11. How is a prokaryotic cell different from a eukaryotic cell?

Ans: The difference between a prokaryotic cell and a eukaryotic cell are:

Prokaryotic Cell

Eukaryotic Cell

They are unicellular, made up of single cells.

They are multicellular, made up of several cells.

They are smaller in size.

They are larger in size.

The cell does not contain a true nucleus or nuclear membrane.

The nucleus is prominent and bounded by a nuclear membrane that is present in the cell.

A single chromosome is present.

More than one chromosome is present.

They lack nucleolus.

They consist of a proper nucleolus.

Cell organelles are not membrane-bound and are absent.

Membrane-bound cell organelles are present.

By mitosis, only the cell division occurs.

By mitosis and meiosis, the cell division occurs.

Examples - bacteria and blue-green algae.

Example - fungi, plants, and animal cells.

12. What would happen if the plasma membrane ruptures or breaks down?

Ans: The function of the plasma membrane is to act as a semipermeable membrane and regulate the entry and exit of the various substances in and out of the cell by the process of diffusion or osmosis and if the plasma breaks or ruptures then the contents of the cell might leak. This will result in the cells getting less nutrition than required.

13. What would happen to the life of a cell if there was no Golgi apparatus?

Ans: The function of the Golgi apparatus is packaging and transferring substances from one part of the cell to another. If the Golgi apparatus is absent in a cell then packaging of the proteins or the arrangement of the structural protein will not take place inside a cell. Proteins are essential for cells to perform various metabolic functions and if the proteins fail to reach the cell then this metabolism in the cell will not take place and eventually this will cause the cell to die.

14. Which organelle is known as the powerhouse of the cell? Why?

Ans: Mitochondria are known as the powerhouse of the cell as they produce the energy which is required by the cell to perform various functions. The energy which is released by the mitochondria is in the form of ATP molecules and is required for various chemical activities needed for. The energy stored in ATP is used by the body to make new chemical compounds and to perform mechanical work. Thus, mitochondria are known as the powerhouse of cells.

15. Where do the lipids and proteins constituting the cell membrane get synthesized?

Ans: Lipids and proteins are the essential part of the plasma membrane which is synthesized through the endoplasmic reticulum. The endoplasmic reticulum is found to be of two types based on the substances they synthesize. The smooth endoplasmic reticulum is responsible for the synthesis of lipids while the rough endoplasmic reticulum is responsible for the synthesis of proteins.

16. How does an Amoeba obtain its food?

Ans: Amoeba contains pseudopodia which are responsible for engulfing as well as removing food. The process by which amoeba acquires their food is called endocytosis. The plasma membrane of the amoeba is quite flexible thus enabling the cell to engulf the food particles and other materials from its external environment and also excrete the waste outside through the process called exocytosis.

Nutrition in Amoeba

17. What is osmosis?

Ans: The process of movement of water molecules from a region of high water concentration to a region of low water concentration through a selectively permeable membrane is called osmosis. This process continues until the solute concentration reaches equilibrium. The movement of water takes place across a concentration gradient to maintain equity on both sides of the cell.

18. Carry out the following osmosis experiment:

Take four peeled potato halves and scoop each one out to make potato cups. One of these potato cups should be made from a boiled potato. Put each potato cup in a trough containing water. Now,

Keep cup A empty

Put one teaspoon sugar in cup B

Put one teaspoon salt in cup C

Put one teaspoon of sugar in the boiled potato cup D.

Keep these for two hours. Then observe the four potato cups and Solution the following:

(i) Explain why water gathers in the hollowed portion of B and C.

(ii) Why is potato A necessary for this experiment?

(iii) Explain why water does not gather in the hollowed-out portions of A and D.

Ans: The Solutions Are as Follows:

(i) The concentration of water that surrounds the potato is found to be more than inside which results in the flow of water inside the potato by the process of osmosis. Thus, the water gathers in the hollowed portions of setup B and C.

(ii) Potato A in this experiment is necessary since it is kept as a control set-up that helps in comparing the changes that have taken place in the other two setups of the experiment. By this, we can easily detect the changes in the different setups.

(iii) Since there is no change in the concentration of water in cup A so the water will not gather in the hollowed-out portions while in the case of cup D, due to boiling plasmolysis has taken place which leads to the absence of osmosis thus here also the water will not gather in the hollowed-out portions.

Class 9 Chemistry Chapter 5 Quick Overview of Topics

Detailed Structure of Topics and Subtopics Covered in Chemistry class 9 Chapter 5 NCERT Solutions is given below: 


Sub Topics 

Cell Theory

Principles and scientists involved

Types of Cells

Prokaryotic vs. Eukaryotic

Cell Structure

Organelles and their functions

Cell Membrane

Structure, functions, and transport processes

Cell Wall

Composition and role in different organisms


Composition, functions, and cellular processes


Structure, functions, and genetic material

Endoplasmic Reticulum (ER)

Rough and smooth ER, protein synthesis

Golgi Apparatus

Structure, functions, and protein processing


Powerhouse of the cell, ATP production


Types and functions in plant cells


Structure, functions, and role in plant cells


Structure, functions, and intracellular digestion

Cell Division

Mitosis and its phases, significance


Process, significance, and genetic variation

Cell Cycle

Phases and regulation

Some Important Concepts of Class 9 Chapter 5 -  Fundamental Unit of life

Class 9 NCERT solutions help the students to go through the Concepts easily. Here, find the Important topics of  Chapter 5 -  Fundamental Unit of Life to crack your exams.

Lysosomes: Lysosomes contain enzymes that break down cellular waste and foreign materials, playing a crucial role in intracellular digestion and recycling.

Cell Division: Mitosis is the process of cell division, ensuring growth, repair, and maintenance by producing identical daughter cells with the same genetic information.

Meiosis: Meiosis is a type of cell division in sexually reproducing organisms, leading to the formation of gametes (sperm and egg cells) with genetic variation due to crossing over and independent assortment.

Cell Cycle: The cell cycle encompasses phases like interphase (growth and DNA replication) and mitotic phase (mitosis and cytokinesis), tightly regulated by checkpoints to ensure accurate cell division and proper cellular functions.

Chapter 5 Science Class 9 Exercises with Question Count

Vedantu makes learning easy and enables the students to go through the exercises and Question count to avoid hustle and bustle!

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Exercises with Question Count for Chapter 5 - Fundamentals Unit of Life 

Exercise 5.1

Page number 59- Solution of 2 Questions

Exercise 5.3

Page number 63- Solution of 4 Questions

Exercise 5.4

Page number 63- Solution of 2 Questions

Exercise 5.5

Page number 65- Solution of 4 Questions

Chapter Exercise 

Page number 67- Solution of 10 Questions

Benefits of Class 9 NCERT Solutions For Chemistry Chapter 5 

The Vedantu’s Class 9 NCERT Solutions For Chemistry Chapter Chapter 5 Fundamentals Unit of Life provided here in PDFs offer various benefits, including:

Detailed explanations and step-by-step solutions for all topics in Chapter 5.

Solutions curated by experienced educators to ensure accuracy and clarity.

Covers important concepts like cell cycle, cell division, and processes like Meiosis.

Clear and concise explanations using precise chemical terminology.

In-depth analysis of key concepts and their applications in real-life scenarios.

A detailed explanation of important reactions such as the Plastids, vacuoles, and Golgi apparatus.

Solutions to a variety of problems to strengthen analytical and problem-solving abilities.

Related Study Materials for Class 9 Chemistry Chapter 5 NCERT Solutions

Students can access extra study materials on the Fundamental Unit of Life. These resources are available for download and offer additional support for your studies.

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Study Materials Links for Chemistry Chapter 5- Fundamental Unit of Life




The NCERT Solutions for Class 9 Science Chapter 5 - "The Fundamental Unit of Life" provides a comprehensive understanding of the chapter's content. This chapter focuses on the fundamental unit of life, which is the cell. NCERT Solutions offers detailed explanations, diagrams, and examples to help students grasp the concepts effectively.

The solutions cover various topics related to cells, including the discovery of cells, the structure and functions of different cell organelles, and the differences between plant and animal cells. They also provide answers to the questions and exercises given at the end of the chapter, aiding students in their exam preparation.

By studying these solutions, students can gain a deeper insight into the structure and functions of cells, understand the importance of cells in living organisms, and appreciate the complexity of cellular organisation. The solutions also promote critical thinking and scientific inquiry by encouraging students to explore the diverse aspects of cell biology. 

NCERT Solutions Class 9 Chemistry | Chapter-wise Links 

Access Vedantu’s chapter-wise NCERT Chemistry Class 9 Solutions PDFs below for all other chapters.

NCERT Solutions Class 9 Science Chapter-wise List

  Important Study Resources for Class 9 Science

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Important Links for Class 9 Science






FAQs on NCERT Solutions for Class 9 Chemistry Chapter -5 The Fundamental Unit of Life

1. What do Osmosis and Diffusion mean as per the fundamental unit of life class 9?

Osmosis is a process through which water moves in and out of the cell membrane. The movement is always from a region of higher concentration to lower concentration of water through a selectively permeable membrane until it reaches an equilibrium.

In a similar manner, diffusion refers to the process by which Carbon Dioxide moves in and out of the cell membrane. The cellular wall contains a high level of CO 2 , whereas the CO 2 concentration outside is significantly low. This causes the CO 2 to move from a region of higher concentration to that of low concentration to maintain a level of equilibrium.

2. What are the important topics in the Fundamental Unit of Life as per the NCERT Solutions?

The important topics that students must learn in the chapter fundamental unit of life are – Discovery of the cell, Unicellular organism, Multi-cellular organism, characteristics of the cell, structural organization of cell-like plasma membrane, nucleus, and cytoplasm, DNA, Chromatin material, Chromosomes, and proteins.

Apart from this, students must also focus on topics like Mitochondria, Plastids, lysosomes, chloroplast, leucoplast, vacuoles, Golgi apparatus, Ribosomes, Endoplasmic reticulum, and Cell organelles. Students should focus on learning the topics extensively. Diagrams of every structure and its parts should be learned in detail to answer MCQ, long answer and questions based on diagrams.

3. What is the difference between Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic cells as per the NCERT Solutions?

There are four main differences between Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic cells, which are largely related to their structures and size.

Prokaryotic cells are smaller in size, but Eukaryotic cells are bigger in general. The nucleoid is the nuclear portion of a prokaryotic cell that lacks a nuclear membrane. In comparison, the nuclear membrane of a Eukaryotic cell is strongly defined. Prokaryotic cells have a single chromosome, whereas Eukaryotic cells have many chromosomes. Membrane-bound cell organelles are not found in prokaryotic cells, but they are present in eukaryotic cells. Vedantu ch 5 science class 9 provides best practices to crack the exams.

4. How many questions are present under each exercise of the NCERT Solutions for Class 9 Science Chapter 5?

In Chapter 5, Science Class 9, each practice has 4 to 7 problems. All of the questions have thorough answers. Samples from the textbook are also addressed. If possible, the solutions are described in detail using tables and diagrams. All expert-designed answers are presented in a simplified format to ensure that students grasp the idea quickly. If you're seeking high-quality solutions, check out Vedantu's class 9 science chapter 5 PDF for a better understanding of the chapter.

5. How are the NCERT Solutions for Class 9 Science Chapter 5 designed in Vedantu?

All answers from the NCERT book are answered by Vedantu. Vedantu makes learning and memorising answers easier by making the answers interactive with the help of tables and diagrams. The diagrams are also labelled to help the students memorise easily. All questions are answered with the help of professionals. You can download these solutions free of cost. You can download The Fundamental Unit of Life Class 9 questions and answers, save them on your computer and refer to them anytime while preparing for exams. 

6. Why is the cell the basic unit of life according as per the NCERT Solutions?

A cell is the basic unit of life as it is the unit that forms anything in our body. They form the tissues that further form the organs and different systems in our body. Tissues help in the functioning of these systems and processes like digestion, respiration, etc. in our bodies. This is why cells are referred to as the structural and fundamental units of life.

7. Who discovered the cell and how, according to as per the NCERT Solutions?

Robert Hooke, in 1665, discovered the cell. He was examining a thin slice of cork through a microscope when he observed its honeycomb-like structure. It seemed to comprise mini compartment-like structures. These structures were then called cells. To study more and learn through diagrams students can refer to vedantu website or the app. Vedantu offers best class 9 science chapter 5 question-answer practices to get expertise in the chapter.

8. Can NCERT Solutions help you in the overall preparation for Class 9 Science Chapter 5 for the exam?

Yes, The Fundamental Unit of Life class 9 questions and answers introduces students to crucial subjects and foundations that students must be familiar with in order to succeed in later courses. Students should thoroughly review what they have learned in school and take regular notes. Taking notes will help students learn and remember the material. Try to practise all of the questions in the NCERT textbook, as well as the supplementary problems in The Fundamental Unit of Life Class 9 PDF, which is available online at the Vedantu website. The PDF will also allow you to modify more quickly.

9. How does cell division contribute to growth and repair in multicellular organisms?

Cell division, particularly through mitosis, allows for the growth of tissues and organs by producing new cells. Additionally, it facilitates the repair of damaged tissues by replacing old or injured cells with new ones. Students can also visit other important resources of the fundamental unit of life provided by Vedantu.

10. How does the cell cycle ensure proper cell growth and division?

The cell cycle consists of stages like interphase (cell growth and DNA replication) and mitotic phase (cell division). It ensures that cells grow, replicates their DNA accurately, and divide properly, maintaining tissue integrity and functionality. Students can visit other resources of the fundamental unit of life class 9 questions and answers to boost their chapter knowledge.

NCERT Solutions for Class 9 Science

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biology assignment answer class 9

Biology is a branch of science that deals with living organisms and their life processes. Biology recognizes the cell as the basic unit of life, genes as a unit of inheritance, and evolution as a motor that stimulates the formation of new species. The study of life helped shape the world. It has credible answers as to why things happen scientifically. Entrancei is a platform where CBSE class 9 biology students can study different behaviors of living beings and also discover interesting facts.


Entrancei study resources instill in-depth knowledge, and our textbook solutions, put together by our subject matter experts. Here you will find all the answers to CBSE Class 9 textbook questions. All of our solutions for CBSE Class 9 have been developed with the latest CBSE program in mind and change from time to time. Our Class 9 CBSE biology solutions strengthen your core principles and can help you get more grades on the exam. Refer to our textbook solutions at any time while you are doing your homework or preparing for the exam. Entrancei provides step-by-step solutions to each question in each chapter of the textbook. Our Class 9 biology solutions are built by our experts. These solutions help you review the entire chapter and you can increase your knowledge of biology.


  • Improve problem-solving skills for 9th-class biology.
  • Improve speed and accuracy by resolving these questions.
  • Help students develop a good strategy to approach and solve the class 9 standard biological questions.
  • It helps to identify weak areas well in advance of exam time so that students can spend more time on troubleshooting and clear concepts in the various chapters found in the biology class 9 textbook.
  • Helps review the entire program and familiarize you with important questions.
  • Develop a better understanding of all topics in the Class 9 biology book.
  • Become familiar with the exam pattern for upcoming biological exams.

Frequently Asked Questions

Solving last year's Biology questionnaires is the best strategy to prepare for the grade 9 exam. Getting a perfect score in grade 9 exams is a dream for every student as it always helps in the future and helps to achieve a good grade in school. By solving class 9 biological questionnaires you will be able to improve your knowledge and understand the pattern and weight of critical questions and topics that are repeated in the exam. This will greatly increase your chances of getting a better grade on the exam. You need to do homework and solve these biology papers from last year.

Some of the best tips to help you get more points in the Class 9 Biology exam are as follows-

  • Prepare an appropriate plan and schedule for the study.
  • Focus on the basics and try to focus on the weaker areas.
  • Spend time on each of the concepts.
  • Practice as much as possible to get good results.
  • Read the chapters and understand all the important points. Write down all concepts and important points from chapters in notes.
  • The diagram is an important part of the chapter for understanding the concepts, repeating each diagram over and over, and helping you pass the exam.
  • The textbook is required for students in Grade 9 Biology, so read the chapters of the textbook, understand the concepts and points, and try to solve the questions of the exercises in the Grade 9 Biology textbook.

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Assignments For Class 9 Biology

Assignments for Class 9 Biology have been developed for Standard 9 students based on the latest syllabus and textbooks applicable in CBSE, NCERT and KVS schools. Parents and students can download the full collection of class assignments for class 9 Biology from our website as we have provided all topic wise assignments free in PDF format which can be downloaded easily. Students are recommended to do these assignments daily by taking printouts and going through the questions and answers for Grade 9 Biology. You should try to do these test assignments on a daily basis so that you are able to understand the concepts and details of each chapter in your Biology book and get good marks in class 9 exams.

Assignments for Class 9 Biology as per CBSE NCERT pattern

All students studying in Grade 9 Biology should download the assignments provided here and use them for their daily routine practice. This will help them to get better grades in Biology exam for standard 9. We have made sure that all topics given in your textbook for Biology which is suggested in Class 9 have been covered ad we have made assignments and test papers for all topics which your teacher has been teaching in your class. All chapter wise assignments have been made by our teachers after full research of each important topic in the textbooks so that you have enough questions and their solutions to help them practice so that they are able to get full practice and understanding of all important topics. Our teachers at https://www.assignmentsbag.com have made sure that all test papers have been designed as per CBSE, NCERT and KVS syllabus and examination pattern. These question banks have been recommended in various schools and have supported many students to practice and further enhance their scores in school and have also assisted them to appear in other school level tests and examinations. Its easy to take print of thee assignments as all are available in PDF format.

Some advantages of Free Assignments for Class 9 Biology

  • Solving Assignments for Biology Class 9 helps to further enhance understanding of the topics given in your text book which will help you to get better marks
  • By solving one assignments given in your class by Biology teacher for class 9 will help you to keep in touch with the topic thus reducing dependence on last minute studies
  • You will be able to understand the type of questions which are expected in your Biology class test
  • You will be able to revise all topics given in the ebook for Class 9 Biology as all questions have been provided in the question banks
  • NCERT Class 9 Biology Workbooks will surely help you to make your concepts stronger and better than anyone else in your class.
  • Parents will be able to take print out of the assignments and give to their child easily.

All free Printable practice assignments are in PDF single lick download format and have been prepared by Class 9 Biology teachers after full study of all topics which have been given in each chapter so that the students are able to take complete benefit from the worksheets. The Chapter wise question bank and revision assignments can be accessed free and anywhere. Go ahead and click on the links above to download free CBSE Class 9 Biology Assignments PDF.

Assignments For Class 9 Biology

You can download free assignments for class 9 Biology from https://www.assignmentsbag.com

You can get free PDF downloadable assignments for Grade 9 Biology from our website which has been developed by teachers after doing extensive research in each topic.

On our website we have provided assignments for all subjects in Grade 9, all topic wise test sheets have been provided in a logical manner so that you can scroll through the topics and download the worksheet that you want.

You can easily get question banks, topic wise notes and questions and other useful study material from https://www.assignmentsbag.com without any charge

Yes all test papers for Biology Class 9 are available for free, no charge has been put so that the students can benefit from it. And offcourse all is available for download in PDF format and with a single click you can download all assignments.

https://www.assignmentsbag.com is the best portal to download all assignments for all classes without any charges.

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  • NCERT Solutions
  • NCERT Class 9

NCERT Solutions for Class 9

Ncert solutions for class 9 – download pdfs.

NCERT Solutions for Class 9 lays a foundation for Class 10 as well as for higher studies. The curriculum of Class 9 Maths, Science and Social Science is vast and quite difficult. It involves all the basic concepts that will also be useful for competitive exams such as IIT JEE, Olympiads, NEET etc. So, it is important for students to prepare and perform well in their CBSE Class 9 exams. To help them in their studies, we have provided the NCERT Class 9 Solutions.

A team of subject experts prepared the NCERT Solutions for Class 9, and the format is well-structured, as per the NCERT procedures. It describes each solution in a step-by-step manner so that students can understand it easily. As  marks are allocated to each step, students will also acquire answer writing skills from an exam perspective. The annual exam question paper is designed from the NCERT Class 9 Book. So, solving the questions by referring to the NCERT Solutions will help the Class 9 students in exam preparations as well.

NCERT Class 9 Solutions for Maths, Science and Social Science

The NCERT Book is a good resource for students. It explains each chapter in a simple and easily understandable way. At the end of each chapter, there are exercise problems which contain questions based on it. These questions are provided to check whether students have understood the concepts taught in a particular chapter. Solving all the questions from NCERT Class 9 books for Maths, Science, and Social Science will ensure a positive result for the students.

Here, we have provided the NCERT Solutions for Class 9 for the subjects Maths, Science and Social Science. It contains answers to all the questions present in the 9th standard textbooks, especially prescribed for CBSE students. Those students who have trouble finding answers to complicated questions can refer to Class 9 NCERT Solutions from the links below. By clicking on the links, students will also find the PDFs for free download, which they can refer to offline as well.

NCERT Solutions for Class 9 Maths

The NCERT Class 9 Maths book consists of a total of 15 chapters. Each chapter has various exercises inside them. Students who aim to score high marks must solve all the questions in this book. For a better understanding of the topics, students must read the theory part of the topic and solve the examples provided in the book. After that, they should solve the exercise questions. Some of the chapters also contain optional exercises which have high-level questions. Although these questions are not asked in the exam, students must solve them to increase their problem-solving and analytical skills.

The NCERT Solutions for Class 9 Maths covers the answers to all the chapters. Referring to them during studies will help the students understand the concepts well. Subsequently, students can easily solve these types of questions without getting stuck anywhere. These solutions are provided in the simplest form and cover the answers to optional exercises as well. For students’ convenience, we have also provided the weightage of marks allocated to each unit of Maths below. This will be useful for students during their preparation, and they can make a study plan accordingly.

Unit 1: Number System 10
Unit 2: Algebra 20
Unit 3: Coordinate Geometry 04
Unit 4: Geometry 27
Unit 5: Mensuration 13
Unit 6: Statistics and Probability 06

NCERT Solutions for Class 9 Science

The Class 9 Science subject develops the spirit of enquiry, creativity, objectivity and aesthetic sensibility among the students. This subject provides an opportunity for the students to ask their doubts that arise during their studies. Thus, it creates a qualitative reasoning ability in them. The NCERT Class 9 Science book also has 15 chapters similar to Maths. The book has been designed around seven broad themes, i.e. Food, Materials, The World of the Living, How Things Work, Moving Things, People and Ideas, Natural Phenomenon and Natural Resources. The Physics, chemistry and biology disciplines are not separately defined in Class 9 Science; instead, they have been provided in the form of chapters.

The best way to study Science is to read a particular topic before it is taught in class. Then during the class, they should listen carefully to what the teacher is explaining. This will clear all their doubts and make the concepts more clear. Next, they should answer the questions that are provided at the end of each chapter. In case they cannot find the answer to any question, they must refer to the NCERT Solutions of Class 9. We have also provided the weightage of each unit of Science in the table below.

Matter – Its Nature and Behaviour 25
Organisation in the Living World 22
Motion, Force and Work 27
Food: Food Production 06

NCERT Solutions for Class 9 Social Science

The NCERT Solutions for Class 9 Social Science created by the expert faculty at BYJU’S aims to provide the students of Class 9 with a clear idea of how to write the answers in an exam. Understanding the solutions and the methodology of writing the answers will help them score high marks in the exam. The Subject of Social Science in Class 9 is divided into History, Geography, Political Science and Economics. We have made sure that all the questions in these books have been solved meticulously to help the students in their exam preparation.

Students can access the NCERT Solutions for History, Geography, Political Science and Economics of Class 9 Social Science from the links provided underneath.

Why It’s Important to Follow NCERT Solution for Class 9

Quite often, students are not able to get the answers to some questions. These NCERT Solutions for Class 9 will help them find the answers to all such questions. The subject experts provide these solutions for the students to understand easily. The answers contain step-by-step solutions to each problem. These answers are written from an exam point of view so that students can write the same answers for the exam. This will help them in fetching more marks.

The NCERT Solutions for Class 9 are beneficial for students who are weak in their studies and are shy to ask their doubts. Through this, they not just get to know the answers but also understand the concept well. Such students can improve their performance by working hard throughout the year.

How to Study Through NCERT Class 9 Solutions

Just blindly going through NCERT Solutions and mugging them up will not give any fruitful results to the students. To make the full utilisation of these NCERT Class 9 Solutions, first, they must read the entire chapters thoroughly. Upon understanding the concepts, they should solve the examples (if given in that chapter). Finally, they should solve the exercise questions. Students must try to solve the questions by themselves. Before looking into the NCERT Solution for Class 9, they should attempt 2-3 tries to questions that they were not able to solve. After that, they should match the answer written by them and the answer that is provided in the solution PDF. It will give them a better idea of writing the answers. For those questions that they were not able to solve, they should carefully understand how it is solved and then try to solve them again without looking at the answers.

Other NCERT Resources

Apart from the solutions, there are other NCERT resources for the students, which will help them prepare better for the annual exam. After grasping the concepts from the NCERT Book, students must solve the NCERT Exemplar. The question provided in the exemplar is of a higher level, which will enhance their analytical and aptitude skills. Other than exemplars, students can also solve the RD Sharma  and RS Aggarwal books for more practice.

How to Prepare for Competitive Exam Through NCERT Class 9 Solutions

NCERT is the fundamental book that provides a basic understanding of the topics that are taught in Class 9. For most competitive and Olympiad exams, the basic foundation of the students needs to be very solid. For this, students must start building their concepts from Class 9. This is the stage from where self-study begins playing a major role in students’ lives.

The pressure of studies is less in Class 9, so students can also use this time to learn other things as per their interests. Also, they can start their preparation for the Olympiad and other competitive exams at this stage. NCERT Solution for Class 9 will also help in this preparation. Whatever concepts students learn will help them further in solving the problems of competitive exams.

Apart from NCERT Solutions, students can also get other preparation material at BYJU’S, such as previous years’ papers, syllabus , study notes, sample papers , and important questions for all the classes to prepare more efficiently. Keep learning and stay tuned for further updates on CBSE and other competitive exams. Download the BYJU’S App and subscribe to our YouTube channel to access interactive Maths and Science videos.

Frequently Asked Questions on NCERT Solutions for Class 9

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its so nice

Thank for heping us

Sponge is solid, but we can still compress it, why?

A sponge is solid, but we can still compress it because the sponge contains tiny pores in it that are filled with air. Hence, when a sponge is pressed, the air filled in these pores would be expelled from the holes making it highly compressible.

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Class 9 Assignments Download Pdf

Please refer to Assignments for Class 9 for all subjects given below. We have given below free printable Assignments for Class 9 for easy and free download in PDF. The assignments have been developed based on the current year’s NCERT Books for Class 9. These Assignments for Grade 9 cover all critical topics which can come in your standard 9 class tests and exams. Free printable Assignments for CBSE Class 9 , school and class worksheets, and practice test papers have been developed by our experienced class 9 teachers. You can free download CBSE NCERT printable assignments for Class 9 with solutions and answers. All assignments and test sheets have been prepared by expert faculty as per the latest curriculum in Class 9. Students can simply click on the links below and download all Pdf assignments for class 9 for free. Latest Kendriya Vidyalaya Class 9 assignments and test papers are provided below.

Assignments for Class 9 Pdf Download

We have provided the largest collection of free CBSE NCERT KVS Assignments for Class 9 . You can download all free assignments in Pdf for standard 9th. Our expert faculty members have covered Class 9 questions and answers for all subjects as per the latest curriculum for the current academic year. All practice test papers and question banks for Class 9 subjects and CBSE Assignments for Class 9 will be really useful for students to properly prepare for the upcoming exams. Class 9th students are advised to free download in Pdf all printable question banks given below.

Subjectwise Assignments for Class 9 for Download in Pdf

Class 9 Assignments

Advantages of Solving Class 9 Assignments

  • By clicking on the links above you can access the largest collection of assignments for Grade 9, you will be able to find critical and scoring questions which can come in your exams and school tests.
  • While you do the assignments, it is also important to go through all your CBSE textbooks for Class 9 .
  • All assignments for standard 9 for all subjects have solutions and step by step answers. Students and parents will be able to understand then easily.
  • Class 9 students who are currently studying in CBSE, NCERT and KVS schools will be able to easily download subjectwise and chapterwise worksheets and assignments in Pdf
  • Class 9 practice question banks will help to further strengthen subject understanding which will help to score better rank in exam

FAQs by Students in Class 9

At https://www.cbsencertsolutions.com, we have provided the biggest database of free assignments for Class 9 which you can download in Pdf

We provide here Standard 9 subject-wise assignments which can be easily downloaded in Pdf format for free. Our teachers have provided these Grade 9 test sheets for all subjects given in your books.

You can click on the links above and get assignments for all subjects in Grade 9, all subject and topic-wise question banks with solutions have been provided here. You can click on the links to download in Pdf.

We have provided here subject-wise Grade 9 question banks, revision notes and questions for all difficult topics, and other study material. You can download it all without any charge by clicking on the links provided above.

We have provided the best quality question bank for Class 9 for all subjects. You can download them all and use them offline without the internet.

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Solutions for Class 9 ICSE Concise Biology Selina

2025 syllabus.


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  6. Class 9 Biology Assignment Answer 2021 (14th Week)

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  5. NCERT Solutions For Class 9 Science 2024-25

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  6. CBSE Class 9 Biology Solution,Notes,MCQ,Sample Questions

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  9. NCERT Solutions for Class 9 Science Chapter 5 Free PDF Download

    NCERT Solutions for Class 9 Science Chapter 5 The Fundamental Unit of Life is the step towards the world of anatomy. This chapter is about basic knowledge of a cell which is the smallest unit of life. Students will know about to define three basic parts to a cell such as a cell membrane, nucleus, and cytoplasm.

  10. NCERT Solutions for CBSE Class 9 Biology

    NCERT Solutions for CBSE 9 Chemistry Chapters. Chapter 5 - Fundamental Unit of Life. This chapter helps you learn about the cell as a basic unit of life. Biology experts will give you step-wise answers to explain concepts such as eukaryotic cells, prokaryotic cells, chloroplast, Golgi apparatus, chromosomes, nucleus and more. Chapter 6 - Tissues.

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  12. NCERT Solutions For The Fundamental Unit of Life Class 9 FREE PDF

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  13. Biology Questions & Answer For class 9 Science

    CLASS 9 BIOLOGY QUESTIONS AND ANSWER. Biology is a branch of science that deals with living organisms and their life processes. Biology recognizes the cell as the basic unit of life, genes as a unit of inheritance, and evolution as a motor that stimulates the formation of new species. The study of life helped shape the world.

  14. NCERT Solutions for Class 9 Science Chapter 5 The Fundamental Unit of Life

    Exercises with question count covered in NCERT Solutions for Class 9 Chapter 5. Exercise 5.1: Page number 59 - Solution of 2 Questions. Exercise 5.3: Page number 63 - Solution of 4 Questions. Exercise 5.4: Page number 63 - Solution of 2 Questions. Exercise 5.5: Page number 65 - Solution of 4 Questions.

  15. Class 9 Science Assignments Download Pdf with Solutions

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  16. Class 9 Biology Assignment Solution 2021- 14th Week

    September 3, 2021 by Desk Job. Without any charge, Secondary Education Board authority published class 9 Biology assignment answer 14th week 2021. They has been published 9 class Biology assignment solution, 14th week, all education board with question solve. We also posted and you can get your Nine 9 Biology Assignment at chakrirkhobor.net.

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