How to Introduce a Guest Speaker (with Examples)

May 25, 2023

people sitting on gang chairs

Introducing a guest speaker is an important responsibility that sets the stage for their presentation and creates an atmosphere of anticipation. A well-crafted introduction not only provides essential information about the speaker but also captivates the audience and builds excitement. In this article, we will explore the art of how to introduce a guest speaker and how to craft a brilliant script for introducing a guest speaker.

From the best way to introduce a speaker to example speeches and tips for making a memorable impact, we will equip you with the tools to deliver introductions that engage, entertain, and leave a lasting impression.

What Is the Best Way to Introduce a Speaker?

Introducing a speaker effectively requires careful planning and consideration. Here are some key elements to keep in mind for how to introduce a guest speaker successfully.

1. Research and gather information.

Before introducing the guest speaker, conduct thorough research to gather relevant information about their background, achievements, and expertise. This will help you create an introduction that is both personalized and impactful.

2. Establish credibility.

Highlight the speaker’s credentials and accomplishments to establish their credibility in the eyes of the audience. Share their relevant experience, expertise, and any notable achievements that are relevant to the topic of their presentation.

3. Create a connection.

Find a compelling way to establish a connection between both the speaker and the audience. This can be through shared interests, experiences, or values. For example, if you’re introducing a guest speaker at your university who happens to be an alumnus of your school, make sure you draw attention to that in your introduction. Creating a relatable connection helps the audience connect with the speaker right from the start.

4. Build anticipation.

Engage the audience’s curiosity by giving a glimpse of what the speaker will later cover in their presentation. Tease key points, intriguing anecdotes, or unique perspectives that the audience can look forward to during the talk. This builds anticipation and captures attention for the following presentation.

5. Keep it concise and engaging.

Aim for a concise, but also interesting, introduction. Use short, direct sentences that convey information clearly. In addition, avoid lengthy biographies or unnecessary details that may lose the audience’s interest. Finally, craft your words carefully to maintain a lively and engaging tone.

How to Use AI to Practice Introducing a Guest Speaker

When it comes time to practice your guest speaker introduction speech, Yoodli , an AI-powered communication coach, becomes your invaluable practice partner. With Yoodli’s cutting-edge technology and generative AI , you can rehearse and refine your introduction in a virtual, judgement-free environment. Its personalized feedback helps you fine-tune your tone, pacing, and overall delivery, ensuring that you make a powerful impact when introducing a guest speaker.

A screenshot demonstrating how to use Yoodli to practice how to introduce a guest speaker.

Furthermore, Yoodli automatically generates a transcription of your speech, analyzing it for keywords. This means you can get a sense of how your audience might interpret your speech’s overall message and main points. With Yoodli’s assistance, you can gain confidence, practice your high income skills (like your storytelling skills, for example) and create an introduction that captivates as well as energizes the audience.

Examples of How to Introduce a Guest Speaker

To illustrate the power of a great guest speaker introduction, let’s take a look at an example of how to introduce a guest speaker.

Example of a general introduction for a guest speaker

Good morning, all! Today, we have the privilege of being in the presence of a true visionary and leader in the field of environmental sustainability. Our guest speaker has dedicated her career to finding innovative solutions for a greener and more sustainable future. [Speaker’s name], the CEO of [organization/company name], has successfully spearheaded numerous initiatives that have had a profound impact on our environment. Under her leadership, the company has revolutionized the way we approach sustainability challenges, pushing boundaries and inspiring change. With over two decades of experience in environmental engineering, [Speaker’s name] has been at the forefront of designing groundbreaking technologies and implementing sustainable practices in industries ranging from renewable energy to waste management. Her expertise has earned her international recognition and multiple prestigious awards. But it’s not just her professional achievements that make her special. [Speaker’s name] is a passionate advocate for educating the next generation on the importance of environmental stewardship. Her engaging speaking style and ability to connect with audiences of all backgrounds make her an inspiration to many. Today, [Speaker’s name] will be sharing her insights on how we can create a more sustainable future through innovation and collaboration. Get ready to be inspired, challenged, and empowered to take action. Please join me in giving a warm welcome to the exceptional [Speaker’s name]!

This example highlights the speaker’s credentials, builds a connection, creates anticipation, and sets the stage for an engaging and informative presentation.

Example of a personal anecdote for a guest speaker introduction

“Picture this: It was a sunny afternoon in the heart of our city, and I found myself walking through the bustling streets, surrounded by the sound of honking cars and the hum of conversation. Amidst the chaos, I stumbled upon a small park nestled between towering buildings — a hidden oasis of greenery and serenity.

As I entered the park, I noticed a group of children huddled around a captivating woman who stood in front of a majestic oak tree. It was none other than our esteemed guest speaker, [Speaker’s name]. She was engaging the children in a lively discussion about the wonders of nature and the importance of preserving our environment.

What struck me most was the way [Speaker’s name] effortlessly connected with these young minds, sparking their curiosity and inspiring them to take action. I watched as she shared stories of her own childhood adventures exploring forests, climbing trees, and discovering the beauty of our natural world.

In that moment, I realized the profound impact [Speaker’s name] had on these children: instilling a deep love and respect for the environment. Her passion was contagious, and it reminded me of the power we all possess to make a difference, no matter how small.

From that day forward, I became an avid follower of [Speaker’s name]’s work. Her commitment to environmental stewardship and her ability to connect with people from all walks of life is truly remarkable. Today, we have the incredible honor of welcoming her to this stage to share her insights and inspire us all to join the movement for a greener and more sustainable future.

Please finally join me in giving a warm welcome to the extraordinary [Speaker’s name]!”

What Do You Say First When Introducing a Guest Speaker?

The first few sentences of a guest speaker introduction are crucial in capturing the audience’s attention and setting the tone for the entire introduction. Here are some effective opening lines to consider adding to your script when introducing a guest speaking.

1. Engage listeners with a thought-provoking question.

Start with a thought-provoking question related to the speaker’s topic or expertise. This immediately grabs the audience’s attention and, what’s more, encourages them to actively participate in the introduction. For example: “Have you ever wondered how a single individual can make a significant impact on global environmental issues?”

2. Begin with a captivating anecdote or story.

Introduce the speaker by sharing a captivating anecdote or story that relates to their work or accomplishments. This narrative approach instantly draws the audience in and also builds an emotional connection.

3. Use a powerful quote.

Start with a powerful quote that encapsulates the essence of the speaker’s message or expertise. Quotes are attention-grabbing and can also convey a sense of authority and relevance. For example: “As Albert Einstein once said, ‘We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.'” You can find some powerful quotes from the best motivational speeches , too.

4. Make a bold statement.

Begin your script to introduce your guest speaker with a bold and impactful statement that immediately captures the audience’s attention. This statement should be concise yet intriguing, sparking curiosity as well as setting the stage for the speaker’s presentation. Attention getters are perfect for this. For example: “Today, you’re about to witness a groundbreaking approach to tackling one of the most pressing challenges of our time: climate change.”

Remember, the opening lines of your script to introduce a guest speaker are the gateway to engaging the audience and setting the stage for a memorable presentation. Choose an approach that aligns with the speaker’s personality as well as the event’s atmosphere, and don’t be afraid to be creative and captivating.

The Main Takeaway

Giving an introduction for a guest speaker is an art that requires careful planning, research, and an understanding of the audience’s expectations. By following the principles discussed in this article and using examples as inspiration, you can deliver introductions that engage, entertain, and leave a lasting impression. Remember, the goal is to set the stage for the speaker’s presentation and create a sense of excitement and anticipation.

So, go ahead, embrace the power of a well-crafted introduction, and make every guest speaker’s presence an unforgettable experience for your audience.

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Welcome Speech in English: Best Samples, Examples & Tips

microphone for speech

Why are Welcome Speeches Necessary?

Most of the gatherings and ceremonies are held with a purpose. They are either planned events or spontaneous gatherings. In both cases, it is important to know how to organize such events. We must prepare ourselves to conduct the event properly.

Let us imagine that you are hosting a gathering. You have prepared everything, including food, drinks, decorations, etc., and even set up the stage. However, you forgot one thing – a welcome speech. What happens next? Do you start talking immediately without waiting for everyone to arrive? Of course not!

The same goes for a meeting. How many times did you attend meetings where people didn’t introduce themselves? Or worse, they talked about themselves too much during the meeting. In addition, some speakers talk directly to the audience without introducing themselves. This makes it difficult for the attendees to comprehend the event’s process and connect with its objectives.

So why is a welcome speech in English needed? To begin with, it is necessary to give a brief overview of the topic. Secondly, it helps to provide information about the organization and its history. Thirdly, it allows us to highlight our achievements. And finally, it creates a good impression on guests. Otherwise, they might ask questions like “Where is this event going?”.

Significance of welcome speech

The significance of the welcome speech won’t be apparent without understanding what makes up the history of an event. An event can be defined as a sequence of activities carried out over a period of time. These activities are usually organized into stages, each with a specific purpose. For example, an event may start with opening remarks, followed by a keynote address, and finally concluded with closing remarks. Each stage of an event has a different set of responsibilities.

In the case of a welcoming ceremony, the welcome speech is considered to be one of the most important parts of the whole gathering. In fact, it is the most crucial aspect of the entire event. This is because the welcome speech serves several purposes.

First, it introduces the guests to the host. Second, it provides information regarding the upcoming program. Third, it creates a positive impression among the attendees. Fourth, it helps in creating a sense of unity among the participants. Fifth, it helps in establishing good relations between the hosts and the guests. And finally, it ensures that the guest feels comfortable during the occasion.

Objectives of a Welcome Speech in English

The objective of a welcome speech in English is to introduce yourself and the rest of the attendees at the event. This is done through a short introduction about who you are, what you do, why you’re attending, etc. The following are the objectives of a welcome speech:

  • Introduce yourself
  • Provide Information regarding the event
  • Create a positive impression among attendees
  • Establish good relations between hosts and guests
  • Ensure guests feel comfortable during the event
  • Help build unity among participants
  • Explain the purpose of the meeting/event
  • Set up the agenda for the meeting/event
  • Make introductions
  • Give background info about the organization
  • Highlight achievements (if any)

a speaker talking to an audience

Welcome Speech Samples in the Education Field

There is a number of school gatherings that require welcome speeches, be it an official school gathering or an informal event. In this segment, we’ve sorted samples according to the typical events organized in schools. Take note of each paragraph and determine its purpose. You’ll be able to create a workable framework or basis for your current and future speech requirements.

Welcome Address in English For Students

It’s natural for attendees of any event to expect an introductory speech, which sets the tone for the occasion. A host can easily command attention with an effective welcome. Even the longest speeches have the capacity to hold an audience’s interest when delivered in a catchy and impressive manner.

A short opening speech for a commencement ceremony

To everyone present, good morning. A very warm welcome to our respected faculty, our remarkable parents, and our dear students. Special recognition is due for our Chief Guest (name of chief guest). It’s a true honor to have such a successful alumnus (or state the chief guest’s job title). We express our biggest gratitude for accepting our invitation to deliver today’s keynote speech.

I’m standing here as a lucky witness to our dear students’ academic journey. Our school is very proud of everything you have accomplished and your small but not minor contributions to society. You’ve brought prestige to our name and deserve the title of one of our school’s most successful and dedicated batch of students.

With your teachers’ guidance and parents’ support, you’ve reached remarkable heights. I’d like to take this time to extend my gratitude to our faculty and our parents, for understanding, encouraging, and nurturing our students.

Graduates, you are about to start another chapter in your life. An exciting yet scary period. From now on, you will face more challenges, but I am confident that you’re adequately equipped to face any tribulation that comes your way. Remember that with conviction and self-belief, no mountain is too high to climb. The laurels you’ve brought back to our school are only the beginning. I am genuinely excited to see the astonishing feats that your futures hold.

English Banner

A long opening speech for a commencement ceremony

Good morning everyone! I would like to extend a very warm welcome to our esteemed faculty, astounding parents, and our dear students. I’m honored to open our commencement ceremony and stand here where many of our accomplished alumni who I look up to once stood.

I extend a particularly warm welcome to our Chief Guest (name of chief guest), who as one of our outstanding alumni, has really set the standard for exemplary accomplishments.

(enumerate key achievements of chief guest)

Her/his professional and philanthropic endeavors attest to their upbringing and the values she/he lives by. We want to thank you for responding positively to our invitation to be the keynote speaker on today’s auspicious occasion.

As another academic year reaches its end, I’m sure that our dear students are anxious and also filled with hope and excitement. This is their final school event in our renowned school/college/university (name of school). But hopefully, it won’t be their last awarding ceremony.

We are extremely fortunate to have such a talented and passionate group of graduates who have earned laurels in honor of our school, adding to its distinction and great reputation. The amazing encouragement and unconditional support of our parents throughout the school year have been extraordinary. They have stood by their children in every school event. Our teachers and staff are truly thankful for the trust you’ve given us. Your children’s journey wouldn’t have been a huge success without your guidance and nurture.

It’s been a remarkable experience to witness the passion and commitment our students have exhibited in all their undertakings. I am filled with certitude that you will achieve whatever goal you’ve set your mind on. Adulthood is going to be jammed with more trials you’ve never imagined before. I am kidding. Maybe. Joking aside, you will win as long as you work hard and believe in yourself.

Remember that you are valuable and take every challenge you face as an opportunity to prove your worth and get better. Also, surround yourselves with people who are good for your well-being and treat them the way you’d like to be treated.

Maintain your sense of humor because not much else will get you through when the going gets rough. Life can be very special and you can truly make a mark, which doesn’t always need to have global proportions. Be accountable for your mistakes and learn from them. Keep nurturing your passions and remain as driven, bright, and astonishing as you are today. You are all wonderful and I can’t wait to see your future accomplishments, because they will be great.

Thank you and do us proud!

Welcome Speech for a College Function

(General greeting, i.e. good morning/afternoon/evening) to all (the audience attending the event, e.g. the parents, teachers, students, etc.) and our respected Principal (name of principal). It’s with great pleasure that I welcome everyone to (name of school)’s (name of event or ceremony).

Our college nurtures the ideologies of discipline and pride in one’s work and aims to hone our students as responsible and productive members of society. It is in this spirit that we celebrate today.

To commence our festivities, allow me to introduce one of our most esteemed alumni. Our Chief Guest (title and name of chief guest) has embodied the values fostered by our prominent and respected college. (Enumerate the main accomplishments of the chief guest). We honor you for your contributions to society and our city, most especially, which future generations will surely benefit from. With your hard work, dedication, and charitable spirit, you have set the goalposts we aspire to reach in order to make the world a much better place than we’ve found it.

(Initiate a round of applause)

Welcome Speech for a Yearly Function

(General greeting, i.e. good morning/afternoon/evening to all)

Honorable Chief Guest (name of guest), our beloved Principal (name of principal), our amazing faculty and staff members, our dearest parents and fellow students, and to everyone present, I welcome you all to (name of school/college/university)’s annual function.

My name is Lakshmi Gupta, a student of the Information Technology Department, and also the president of our school’s Cultural Exchange Organization and founder of the Languages Club.

It is with tremendous pride that I announce our prestigious school’s Silver Jubilee anniversary. We’re gathered today to celebrate 25 years of estimable service and success. The remarkable accomplishments of our elite school since its foundation won’t be possible without its long history of dedicated and respected teachers and passionate students, its tireless staff, and the unconditional support from our parents.

It’s also a great honor to introduce our Chief guest and keynote speaker. Any introduction won’t do justice to the extraordinary achievements she/he has attained throughout her/his career. (Enumerate the main accomplishments of the chief guest). She/he is truly one of the most treasured and incredible alumni our school has produced. Without further ado, let’s give a round of applause to (title and name of chief guest).

Woman preparing for a speech

Welcome Speech for the School Principal

Ladies and Gentlemen, good morning!

I’m truly pleased and honored to welcome our new principal (title and name of principal). He has previously worked for 5 years at Lumos International as principal and has succeeded in revitalizing their academic standing and programs, especially in English and Cultural Studies.

I have gotten to know her/him over the last few days during the transition phase and found her/him to be a brave and progressive intellectual, with a great ideology and vision for the future of (name of school), our beloved school.

On behalf of the current administration, our board of trustees, the faculty, the staff, and our student body, we wholeheartedly extend a great welcome to you (title and name of principal).

We hope that with your leadership, energy, and enthusiasm, we shall start a new era of learning and reach greater excellence.

Congratulations and welcome!

Welcome Speech for Teachers Day

Good morning! We welcome everyone today who is here to celebrate this annual event for their beloved teachers. We don’t always get to thank our teachers, but on this day, we pay tribute to our second parents.

They have provided guidance and given their light to educate and lead us to a journey of wonder, discovery, and knowledge. For their efforts, they deserve the greatest of honors and our utmost respect.

Our steadfast yet affectionate teachers should be our role models. They inspire us daily and motivate us to reach our greatest potential. They impart wisdom so that we don’t only excel academically, but as good people and responsible members of our society.

So on Teacher’s Day, it’s all about them and giving them the honor that many take for granted. Thank you, dear teachers!

Welcome Speech for Children’s Day

Good morning everybody!

Today we extend our appreciation and the warmest embrace to our beloved students to celebrate Children’s Day!

It’s been a blessing to be a part of nurturing children’s sense of wonder and imagination. These are qualities we often lose as we grow up, and it’s awesome to witness them happen every day.

Children’s innocence and love are incomparable and difficult to resist. Their smile is the closest thing to heaven that we can glimpse in the world.

School is your children’s second home, and we teachers are their second parents. We thank you for the opportunity to take care of and guide your little angels.

Join us to celebrate our students and make this day as eventful and fun as it can be!

Welcome Speech for Freshers Party

Welcome everyone to our Fresher’s party!

We’ve all gathered here today to celebrate the gift of possibilities and commence the experience of a new beginning.

It’s of utmost pleasure to welcome everyone, especially all my freshers to today’s festivities. I extend my deepest gratitude to all my teachers and everyone who helped make this event a reality. Look at this place, it’s amazing!

University or school life isn’t just about getting a higher education – brace yourself for the adventure of a lifetime! This is the period to create good memories and meet people who can be a permanent part of your academic and later professional lives. May you develop the relationships and acquire the necessary skills to succeed in life.

But for now, let’s leave our worries and cares out in the hall. Let’s celebrate your wise decision to matriculate in our institution. Our college has prepared special events and an entertainment program highlighting some of our talented students.

The next few hours will be memorable and exciting! Thank you for listening and let’s get on with it!

Have a good time!

Business books

Welcome Speech Samples for Business

Much like in academic settings, there are more formal events that happen in professional contexts. Some may need a welcome address to introduce special guests or welcome the attendees of a conference. Some are informal events that welcome those who are invited to special occasions at the office and the people they’re honoring. Note down the key phrases and objectives of the samples below and use the same structure in your own welcome or introduction speech in English.

Sample of Welcome Speech for a Goodbye Get-together

Good evening everyone!

Welcome to my farewell party. I know, I know. You all said you’re sorry to see me go, but that you all would need food and entertainment first to deal with your sadness. So here we are. I shall deliver.

As the Semisonic song goes “Every new beginning comes from some other beginning’s end.” And so it is with great gratitude that the VP in Japan decided to retire early, so the end of his role can mark the beginning of mine. To Toni Takitani, thanks for deciding you’ve had enough!

Kidding aside, I’d like to thank my friends who made this very corporate event a huge success. Look at this, my goodness!

Most importantly, I want to impart my profound gratitude to my boss (name of the boss). Without you, this party won’t have a band. I couldn’t ask for a better mentor. Or I could, but none of them would have changed my life as positively as you have. It saddens me to leave you the most, but it comforts me that you were my biggest source of encouragement to go. Or it may have been your plan all along. Genius!

So to everyone who came, thank you. I’ll have time to thank you properly later, but for now, let’s eat!

Welcome Speech Sample for a Business Conference

Good morning to everyone who came out to join us here today. My name is Julius Kaizer and I’ll be hosting today’s events.

Before anything else, I’d like to take this moment to thank Merville & Posque Inc., their CEO Mr. Hyori Asano and his team for putting this event together in record time. It won’t be possible without your tireless dedication and contributions. I also want to thank everyone who came, our remarkable associates from Osaka, Chiang Rai, and Quezon, our wonderful clients who have stuck with us through thick and thin, and our amazing consultants in various fields of energy conservation. Your interest and patronage are very much appreciated.

A great welcome to all our extraordinary employees and staff members, some of whom have worked and grown along our company’s 23-year history. A big welcome, too, to our interns who have recently joined and brightened our corporate offices.

Today marks the 15th annual MPBC and it’s an honor to be a host in this glorious congress. I myself will be staying for the conference’s entirety to learn what I can about sustainable energy systems and their various implications and impact on the future of our planet.

The activities today will include an overview of all the forums, seminars, and exhibits around the MPBC complex. Second, we will have the inauguration of the new bio-dome on the grounds where we will also honor this year’s retirees. The afternoon’s seminars will kick off after lunch, and I encourage you to attend the discussions and learn about our future plans and projects. Finally, I’d like to encourage everyone to help yourselves to the snack stations in the hallway. Refreshments and sandwiches are on us for the duration of the conference.

I won’t keep you long and let’s begin the day. I wish all of you a valuable and wonderful time! Thank you.

Welcome Speech for a Business Workshop

Good afternoon everyone!

I am so pleased to see you all here. Welcome to my workshop, or should I say “our” workshop. I am truly overjoyed and excited about learning together and helping you reach a breakthrough in industry-scale coding practices.

This workshop aims to cover new software and the importance of earning certificates in several computer applications such as VM Suite, Landscape 5.0, and NF Tech.

I hope you’ll learn a lot in the next few hours and I promise to try to make our activities as engaging and hands-on as possible. Good luck and thanks again for participating in our workshop.

Welcome Speech for Office Events

My name is (your name), the (position in the company), and your host for this meeting. To our CEO (title and name of the CEO), (next are the dignitaries for the company hierarchy if any), all the staff members and their loved ones, and our beloved employees. I welcome you all to the (name of the event) of (name of company).

We are here today to honor our employees’ achievements in their respective fields and departments. Your efforts to attain and sustain the standards we keep aren’t unnoticed. This awarding ceremony seeks to remind us about the value and pride we should have in our accomplishments, and the significance of collaboration and teamwork. It is our spirit of community and faith in our abilities that represent the vision of (name of company). May we continue to grow through hard work, accountability, and cooperation.

To start off with our first award, let’s call up (title and position of the presenter), (name of the presenter).

meeting people

Welcome Speech Samples for Family Functions

Huge family events often have speeches: weddings, birthdays, farewell parties, funerals, anniversaries, and so on. Some of these events normally have hosts and esteemed guests. Here are some tips and samples to inspire you.

Tips on Welcoming the Chief Guest?

If you’re searching for tips on how to make a welcome speech for guest, here are some things you can do:

  • When drafting your speech, do the research.
  • Highlight the key qualities that are worth mentioning in an opening welcome speech for event.
  • Take note of the welcome address speech sample in this article and create a framework from them.
  • Look up welcome speech quotes and choose the best one to use somewhere in your speech.
  • Greet the chief guest at the event personally and introduce yourself if you don’t know each other.
  • Extend your hard for a handshake and smile to express that they are honored and welcome to the event.
  • Smile and suggest they are being welcomed.
  • Address them formally with the usual Miss or Mr.
  • Escort the chief guest before you assume host duties.

Welcoming the Chief Guest with a Short Speech

It’s a great honor to welcome our Chief guest and tonight’s keynote speaker. I was worried at first about how to introduce (title and name of Chief guest) because any introduction would pale in comparison to the reality and immensity of her/his accomplishments.

(Enumerate the main accomplishments of the chief guest).

She/he is the ultimate inspiration for young professionals everywhere who want to succeed in the field of international trade. Here to inspire us with her career journey and all the experiences she accumulated along the day, join me in giving a round of applause to (title and name of chief guest).

Welcoming the Chief Guest (Longer Version of the Speech)

Introducing our next attendee is a great pleasure of mine. When she/he accepted our invitation to be tonight’s Chief guest and keynote speaker, I almost jumped for joy. Then I realized I would naturally receive the task of introducing her/him. At first, this gave me great anxiety. How would I be able to pull it off and deliver an introduction that would give her background justice? Then I thought, no introduction would ever compare, so it was foolish to aim for success when failure is guaranteed. So I decided to just do it. Our chief guest has accomplished the following, to name a few:

As I looked at her/his professional and personal successes, I realized here is a woman/man who was faced many times with the certainty of failure but had given her circumstances a grad twist by attaining success against all odds. Then I thought, perhaps I should aim for success in this speech, after all.

She/he is an inspiration to many, not only for all the fields of expertise she has earned and the extreme success that went with the process, but she/he has also set the benchmark for philanthropy and good deeds. She/he has done this quietly, too, and she/he might strangle me for revealing it to the public. I didn’t even know half of the wonderful things she/he has done for our community before my research.

Without further ado, and here to inspire us with her wisdom and grand skill, join me in welcoming our Chief guest (title and name of chief guest).

Welcome Speech for Parents

Hi everyone!

As host and brother of the groom, I’d like to take this time to introduce the parents of the bride. Without them, my brother wouldn’t be the lucky and happy man he is today. More than that, I have witnessed how they accepted my brother and treated him as a son long before the engagement. I often tag along on family trips and have spent hours of wonderful conversations with them. Apart from my own parents, they are two of the most affectionate and hospitable people I’ve ever met. If I could meet a woman whose parents are just like them, I’d consider myself half as lucky as my brother.

Let’s give a round of applause for (names of the bride’s parents). Thank you for embracing my brother into the fold.

Person talking

Welcome Speech Samples for National Holidays

Below is a sample of a welcome speech typically delivered during Annual Day. Substitute the appropriate details to match your information and use the framework in other speeches reserved for national holidays.

Welcome Speech for Annual Day

I am overjoyed to have this chance to welcome all of you to our elite institution’s 25th Annual Day. Today’s children are the hope of the next generation. All these graduates we see today, receiving awards for their achievements will go on to lead successful lives. Let them live up to the expectations set before them.

I am very happy to be a member of such an elite school where we learned from such great professors who teach us beyond the boundaries of the ordinary classroom. They’re also the minds and hands behind such a big event every year. I’d like to use this chance to organize such a wonderful event this year. It’s also a great pleasure of mine to introduce our Chief Guest.

Welcome speeches are necessary at events. They usually set the tone or expectations of the people who attended or participated in the occasion. There are many ways in going about delivering a welcome address speech. Review the samples in this article and do your due diligence to craft an outline, framework, or skeleton from the contents that you can use in welcome speeches of your own.

Frequently Asked Questions

A good welcome speech has the following qualities: * It is sincere. * It can hold the attention of the audience. * The ideas don’t ramble. * Welcome address quotes are used. One for a short welcome speech, and 2 for a longer one. Never 3, unless the speaker is trying to be funny. * The contents are relevant to the event. * It has an impressive anecdote. * The length doesn’t exceed 5 minutes.

The last segment of this article contains tips on welcoming chief guests, esteemed guests, or guests of honor. The tips contained here can be divided into things to consider while drafting the welcome speech, and things to do at the event itself when meeting the chief guest.

A simple thank you would suffice. Make sure you reiterate your gratitude. Some welcome speeches can end with a line that welcomes the guest of honor.

Depending on the context, a welcome speech doesn’t always need to be impressive. In some situations, a straightforward introduction is all you need. However, in some circumstances like commencement ceremonies, farewell parties, dinners, and some others, the audience is prepared to listen to long speeches. In this case, the speech needs to catch the attention of the attendees and maintain their interest. An impressive welcome speech often has an emotional element. Not just parroting big words to describe a person’s achievements or flatter them. Try to use humor if you’re funny by nature or if you can deliver the punchline well. Use popular quotes in your speech. Tell anecdotes relevant to the attendees. Or reveal an epiphany. These are how you should draft a welcome speech set to impress.

Make sure that it is relevant to the content of your welcome speech or the point you’re making. You can use phrases such as the following: * According to… * As the old saying goes… * There’s a quote that has always stuck with me… * Events like this always remind me of one of my favorite quotes… Try to find quotes that are unique and not cliche. You can find some in the lyrics of contemporary music, or lines and dialogues from books and movies, and so on.

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How to Introduce a Speaker (With Examples)

  • The Speaker Lab
  • April 2, 2024

Table of Contents

Ever stood at a podium, your palms sweaty as you look out over a crowd? In this case, though, you’re not the main attraction — just the person who gets to introduce the star of the show. That moment before you introduce a speaker is crucial. It’s not just about saying names right or getting the titles in order. Knowing h ow to introduce a speaker can set the tone for their entire presentation and potentially shape the audience’s perception from the get-go.

A well-crafted introduction does more than inform; it engages the crowd and draws them in to pay attention to the upcoming speech. A poor one, on the other hand, falls flat, sounding more like a dry reading of someone’s LinkedIn profile rather than an exciting prelude to what’s ahead. But a good speaker introduction is powerful — transforming that brief moment into a perfect kickoff of the main event. You might feel overwhelmed trying to write your introduction, but don’t stress about it! With some insight into human psychology and strategic communication techniques, we’re here to guide you.

Crafting the Perfect Introduction for a Guest Speaker

Introducing a guest speaker is more than just reading off a script. It’s about setting the stage and grabbing the attention of the audience. A good guest speaker introduction builds anticipation, connects the dots for your audience, and sets up the speaker and their topic — all in 60-90 seconds.

To achieve this, you first need to know your crowd . Are they tech geeks at a Silicon Valley conference? Or maybe they’re teachers eager to soak up new ways of engaging their students? Understanding who is in your audience will help you create an introduction that resonates with your listeners.

As you begin your introduction, it’s important to grab the audience’s attention . Start with a thought-provoking statement or question that relates to the topic and prepares the audience for what’s to come. For example, you could ask “Have you ever wondered how technology will shape our future?” before introducing a tech speaker.

Next, be sure to mention the speaker’s credibility . Share the speaker’s education, experience, and provide specific examples of their expertise. It’s also helpful to mention notable achievements or awards related to their main topic.

As you continue, it’s often helpful to preview the topic . Give the audience a quick overview of what the speaker will be talking about. You can also explain why the topic is important to the audience and what they can expect to learn.

Finally, as the speaker joins you on stage, make them feel welcome . Smile, be energetic and enthusiastic, and ask the crowd to give them a warm welcome. You can also compliment the speaker and share something special about them.

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Essential Steps to Introduce a Speaker Effectively

Before you can introduce a speaker, you first have to know who they are. In some cases, you can request a short bio from the speaker, but in other cases you may have to prepare one yourself. As a result, a little research is in order. As you compose your speaker bio, make sure it’s clear why your speaker is credible. Even if you don’t explicitly state it, you want your audience to know that they’re about to hear from someone who knows their stuff.

Researching the Speaker

First things first: dig deep into who the speaker is. What have they achieved? What about their journey inspires? To gather this information, dive into their professional background. Depending on how well-known the speaker is, there might be articles or interviews that they’ve featured in. Scan these for insights into their achievements as well as their personality. Remember to cross-check sources to ensure you have your facts straight. Mispronouncing names or getting details wrong can quickly undo all your good work.

As you research your speaker, aim to understand why they matter to your audience at this particular point in time. The accomplishments that you mention in your introduction should align closely with what your audience values or finds intriguing. In addition, tie these accomplishments directly to the speech topic—why is what they’ve done informing what they’ll say?

Weaving together a narrative of accomplishments with reasons why it matters creates more than just interest—it builds respect. You’re telling everyone present: “This person knows their stuff, and you’re going to want to listen.” It turns “just another talk” into one people couldn’t stop thinking about. That’s how powerful the right introduction can be.

The Role of Credibility in Effective Introductions

Ever heard the saying, “You never get a second chance to make a first impression”? Well, when it comes to introducing speakers, this couldn’t be more true. The initial moments can either set the stage for success or lead to an uphill battle for your speaker’s attention and respect.

But why does credibility matter so much right off the bat? It’s simple. Before someone decides if they like what you have to say, they need to buy into why they should listen. That’s where speaker credibility kicks in. It essentially bridges the gap between an audience’s initial hesitation and their eventual engagement.

  • Credibility builds trust: When you highlight a speaker’s accomplishments and relevance upfront, it reassures your audience that their time is well invested.
  • Tailored introductions hit home: Craft introductions that resonate with audience needs while emphasizing why this particular person has something unique to offer on the subject at hand.
  • Audience connection is key: An effective introduction goes beyond just listing accolades; it makes listeners feel personally connected and eager to hear more from the guest speaking powerhouse standing before them.

In essence, a strong start fueled by credibility doesn’t just introduce; it captivates, making sure everyone leans in closer rather than tuning out. Your role is to elevate that sense of anticipation.

Engaging Examples of Guest Speaker Introductions

When preparing to introduce a speaker, it helps to have some examples to look at. Below we have just that: two examples of speeches that you can tweak for your own personal use.

General Introduction Example for a Guest Speaker

“Ladies and gentlemen, imagine someone who’s not just mastered their field but reshaped it. This evening, we’re graced with the presence of an individual whose brilliance has not only illuminated their field but also redefined it. Meet [speaker’s name] , the brain behind groundbreaking innovations in [speaker’s field] . With a career spanning over two decades, [he/she] has earned accolades like [specific achievement] , transforming challenges into triumphs. Today, [he/she]’ll dive deep into [speech topic or title] , offering insights that promise to change the way you think about this important subject.”

Personal Anecdote Example for a Guest Speaker Introduction

“I’ll never forget the day I stumbled upon an article by our next speaker; my perspective on [topic related to speech] was forever changed. Fast forward to today, and I’m thrilled beyond words to introduce you all to [speaker’s name] . Not only is [he/she] a titan in the realm of [professional title or industry] , but also someone with heartwarming resilience facing personal hurdles head-on and emerging victorious. Brace yourselves as [he/she] shares [topic or name of speech] , enlightening us on overcoming obstacles while chasing dreams.”

In these introductions, did you catch how we used a bit of storytelling to introduce the guest speakers? That wasn’t just fluff. Storytelling helps grab attention instantly while connecting the audience with the speaker even before they’ve started speaking. So when you’re introducing a speaker, don’t just rattle off achievements. Find a way to highlight what makes your speaker an interesting person, someone worth knowing and listening to. Storytelling is one great way to achieve this.

Leveraging AI to Practice Introductions

If you’ve been chosen to introduce a guest speaker, then you definitely want to practice what you’re going to say beforehand. Thanks to AI, doing so is now a bit easier. For those tired of rehearsing in front of a mirror or roping in an unenthusiastic roommate as your practice partner, there’s now an alternative. With AI tools designed for speech practice, it’s like having a personal coach who’s always ready when you are. Take a look at some additional benefits below.

  • No Judgement Zone: First off, these platforms offer a safe space free from judgment. So if you mess up? No one but the algorithm will know.
  • Tailored Feedback: You get real-time feedback on everything from pacing to tone.
  • Infinite Do-Overs: Practice makes perfect because with AI, you can repeat until those nerves turn into confidence.

It’s more than smoothly navigating an opener; it’s about leaving a lasting imprint with your words. Thanks to AI tools like Orai or Speeko, and even VR tools like VirtualSpeech , you can introduce your speaker with confidence.

Delivering Your Guest Speaker Introduction with Impact

As the big day approaches, there are a few more things to consider for your speaker introduction. For instance, how will you start it? How important is it to keep it brief? And will you use humor? We have the answers to all these questions below.

Starting with a Thought-Provoking Question or Statement

When introducing a speaker, it’s best to start strong. A thought-provoking question or statement can be just what you need to grab the audience’s attention from the get-go. It sets up not only your speaker but also primes your audience for what’s about to unfold. For instance, asking “Have you ever wondered how technology will shape our future?” could lead into introducing a tech visionary. Similarly, saying something like “Imagine achieving all your goals without sacrificing happiness” is perfect for setting up a motivational speaker .

The goal here is to craft an opening that resonates with every person sitting there, making them think, “This is going to be good.”

Balancing Brevity with Substance in Your Introduction

Speaker introductions can be tricky because they must be both concise and engaging . Here’s the secret: It’s not about stuffing every accolade or achievement into those first few sentences. Instead, it’s about sparking curiosity, establishing credibility, and making a connection—fast. Remember, you only have about 60-90 seconds, so you want each word to count. The trick lies in choosing each word carefully so every sentence serves multiple purposes—it informs, intrigues, and invites.

Determining When Humor Is Appropriate

Before you add humor to your speaker introduction, it’s important to first consider your audience. Who all is attending and are they the sort of people to appreciate a little humor? If so, how much and what type? The setting will also help you gauge whether humor is appropriate. For instance, a somber conference room isn’t usually the place for stand-up comedy routines. If you do decide to crack a joke or two, ensure your humor aligns with both the topic at hand and doesn’t stray into offensive territory.

Humor has its place. When used correctly, it can create an instant connection between speaker and audience. But if in doubt, play it safe. The goal here is to make them anticipate your guest speaker, not leave them puzzled or offended. So read the room before you decide your move.

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Techniques for Seamlessly Transitioning to the Keynote Speaker

After you’ve introduced your speaker, it’s time to welcome them onstage. As you transition, there are a few important things to take care of as the speaker steps up to the podium.

  • Greet with gusto: Kick things off by warmly welcoming your speaker on stage. A smile or a friendly nod goes miles here.
  • Name drop: Announce their name clear and proud—but please get it right. Nothing says “oops” like botching up someone’s name in front of everyone.
  • The warm-up act: Lead the applause by clapping first. This isn’t just good manners; it signals everyone else to join in and sets a positive vibe right from the get-go.

Ensuring a smooth transition isn’t rocket science. It just requires checking off a few important steps before you step offstage. That way, the audience brimming with anticipation for what’s coming next.

Together, we’ve explored the art of introducing a speaker. This journey isn’t just about listing facts; it’s about connecting an audience with a speaker, preparing them for what the speaker has to share. To achieve this, it’s important to research your speaker. You want to be able to explain why this speaker is credible without sounding like a Wikipedia page, building interest for your guest speaker’s presentation. Using our examples (and maybe a little AI help), you can nail a speaker introduction that is brief, humorous, and thought-provoking. Transitioning over to the event speaker doesn’t have to be nerve-wracking either. With these insights, you’re all set to connect your audience with a speaker they’ll anticipate.

  • Last Updated: June 4, 2024

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How to Write and Deliver an Engaging Guest Speaker Introduction

Last Updated: July 3, 2024 Fact Checked

Sample Speeches

Writing the introduction, delivering the speech, expert q&a.

This article was co-authored by Deb DiSandro and by wikiHow staff writer, Ali Garbacz, B.A. . Deb DiSandro is the Owner of Speak Up On Purpose, an organization dedicated to improving and teaching public speaking. Deb has over 30 years of experience as a national speaker and has presented at the Erma Bombeck Writer’s Conference and the National Society of Newspaper Columnists. She was awarded the National Speakers Association Member of the Year 2007 and has been published in Writer's Digest, Daily Herald, Women's Day, and Better Homes & Gardens. There are 8 references cited in this article, which can be found at the bottom of the page. This article has been fact-checked, ensuring the accuracy of any cited facts and confirming the authority of its sources. This article has been viewed 1,207,133 times.

Introducing a guest speaker is quite an honor. As the introducer, you get the audience excited about the talk they’re about to hear and play a crucial role in connecting the speaker to their audience on a more human level. Writing the perfect introduction speech requires some research and rehearsal on your part, but rest assured that you’ll be left with a speech that’ll leave your audience wanting more. Keep reading for our complete guide to writing the best introduction speech. Also, take a look at the samples we’ve included to get help you get started.

Things You Should Know

  • Establish the guest speaker’s credibility by mentioning notable achievements and experiences that relate to the topic of their speech.
  • Share a quick anecdote or surprising fact about the guest speaker to paint a picture of their personality and character.
  • Get the audience excited for the upcoming presentation with a short sentence stating what the guest speaker will be talking about.
  • Wait until the very end to introduce the guest speaker by their full name and title.

welcome speech to a guest speaker

Researching the Speaker

Step 1 Ask the speaker what they’d like you to say.

  • When the speaker provides an introduction for you, use it. Read it over a few times and don’t hesitate to ask them for any clarification if you need it.

Step 2 Find out the speaker’s topic and who their audience is.

  • For example, if the speech is about encouraging young girls to learn computer programming, don’t spend time explaining how the speaker can teach these skills to adults.
  • Additionally, if the audience is mostly people who work in the education field rather than computer programming, avoid using a lot of jargon specific to computer programming so the audience can follow along better.

Step 3 Gather biographical information about the speaker.

  • Another method is to ask the speaker for their resume. Use this to pick out their most notable achievements to help establish their credibility.
  • A good introduction goes beyond just reciting the speaker’s personal history. However, noting their most relevant and impressive achievements will help establish them as an authoritative figure to the audience.

Step 4 Avoid using sensitive or embarrassing information without approval.

  • Always get the speaker’s permission before using these details. If you need to use this information, have an explanation ready as to why it’s important to your introduction.

Step 5 Find other speeches the speaker has given.

  • Be careful if you’re using pieces from another speech since it is copyrighted material and can’t be used without the speaker’s permission. Talk directly to the speaker about using these portions, or rephrase the section in your own words.

Step 6 Include a surprising detail if it works in your intro.

  • “Many don’t know that John Doe originally went to school for law, but ended up choosing psychology instead. Just like many of you, he didn’t have much of an idea of where his life would take him. Little did he know that his legal studies would actually help him to become one of the most renowned therapists we know today.”

Step 7 Master pronouncing the speaker’s name.

  • Avoid using overly casual language to refer to the speaker, such as “guy,” “girl,” or “kid.” Instead, use “person,” “woman,” or “man.”

Step 1 Keep the introduction under 1 minute.

  • “Jane’s passion for creative writing goes back to her high school days where she began the draft for her very first novel at the age of 15. By the time she was entering her sophomore year of college at 19 years old, she had already published her first book.”
  • “John has received recognition and praise from some of the largest Fortune 500 companies for his dedication to creating curriculums to help strengthen teamwork in the workplace. He’s received multiple awards for his work and has even gone on to write a book sharing his unique insights and perspective.”

Step 3 Tell the audience what they’ll be learning from the speaker.

  • “Jane will tell you exactly how you can manifest every single one of your goals by making just five simple changes in your daily life.”
  • “John is here today to share the secret to maximizing your savings so you can live freely without ever having to worry about finances again.”

Step 4 Include a short personal anecdote if you have one.

  • “John and I met a few years back and immediately bonded over the struggle of maintaining a healthy work-life balance. I’m sure many of us can relate to this.”
  • “Jane’s book on navigating childcare in our current economy struck me at a very deep level. I’ve never read such relatable and honest words, and her work has given me comfort and reassurance during these unpredictable times.”

Step 5 Focus more on the speaker’s credibility rather than humor.

  • For example, you might say, “John Smith’s story working in the lumber industry inspired me to go out and build a cabinet. Unsurprisingly, it fell apart within five minutes of being built. I went back to him, and he was sure to reassure me that it’s a practice that requires much patience.”

Step 6 Introduce the speaker’s name at the end.

  • “Please join me in welcoming Dr. John Smith!”
  • “Here to discuss her newest book, “How to Live a Happier Life,” please give a warm welcome to Jane Doe.”
  • “Here to share his unique perspective on the current political climate, please welcome Professor John Doe.”

Step 7 Read your speech aloud to catch any errors.

  • Also, practice using a friendly and relaxed tone when you give your speech to avoid coming off as super stiff and nervous.
  • To overcome stage fright , recite the introduction while looking in a mirror. Once you feel comfortable, rehearse it in front of family and friends.

Step 2 Rehearse the introduction sparingly before going on stage.

  • For example, “Good evening. My name is Alex Brown, and I’m the organizer of this event.”
  • If everyone in the audience is familiar with you, there’s no need to introduce yourself.

Step 4 Show lots of enthusiasm while speaking.

  • Get the speaker’s approval of the introduction you’ve written. Thanks Helpful 0 Not Helpful 0
  • Forget about cliches such as “This person needs no introduction.” Instead, focus on making your introduction unique and descriptive. Thanks Helpful 0 Not Helpful 0
  • Ask the speaker to revise a provided introduction if you don’t feel that it’s right for the audience they’ll be presenting to. Thanks Helpful 0 Not Helpful 0

welcome speech to a guest speaker

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About This Article

Deb DiSandro

Before introducing your guest speaker, introduce yourself in case there are people in the audience who don't know you. Then talk about the speaker’s background and qualifications, and give the audience a high-level overview of what they might learn from the presentation. See if you can include a short, personal anecdote about the speaker, like "I read their book and really loved it," for example. Try to keep your introduction to less than 3 minutes, and finish it by welcoming your speaker and telling the audience their name. For more advice on introducing a guest speaker, including how to research them in advance, keep reading! Did this summary help you? Yes No

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Introduce a guest speaker speech sample

This page contains a sample introduction speech template for introducing a guest speaker or key note speaker for an event, banquet, conference, lecture and more. It also contains tips for how to write an introduction speech and techniques for delivering introductory remarks.

Sample introduction speech

Ladies and gentlemen, I am (say your name) and I am the (say your title in relations to why you're introducing the speaker, for example, you are president of an organization). I am so pleased to be with you tonight and to have the chance to introduce our guest speaker, (say speakers name). He / She is the (say speaker's positions in relations to why they're speaking). He / She has been one of the main proponents of this program for several years, and it a true stand out in this field. He / She has a great understanding of the program and a great appreciation of what it takes to truly make (state theme or topic of event or conference) continue on a path of progress, and a remarkable vision of the future of (State topic). Besides that, He / She (Add a few interesting personal notes here. Mention if the person was the first to do something, if they have published anything, have held impressive positions, done impressive things, etc. Use the speaker's bio or ask them or their staff for this information). Finally, he / she is also just a fascinating person and we're all in for a treat today. Without further ado, please join me in welcoming (name of speaker).

Tips for introducing a guest speaker

1. Don't talk too long. Keep your introduction to between 45 seconds to 3 minutes. 2. Bios are a great place to get information. Almost all speakers will have a bio online or the event planner may have a copy of their bio. You can also search their name online for other interesting tidbits about them, but do not to include something that may be controversial or potentially embarassing to them, unless you ask them first. 3. Ask the speaker what he or she would like you to say in their introduction. If they are very high-profile and hard to speak with personally, ask their staff or administrative assistant for information. 4. If possible, find out what the speaker plans to focus on in advance, so you don't imply they will be speaking about one thing when they will actually talk about something else. 5. If it is a professional forum, do not talk about the guest speaker's family unless you ask them first. 6. Try to find transcripts of other speeches they have done online. Often the introductory remarks will be included and you can use them to frame your own remarks.

Did you like this sample speech template for introducing a guest speaker or key note speaker? Since you were interested in this introductory speech, chances are you will like the following topics as well: Itroductory letter for Conference or Event and Anecdotes for speakers .

More information : We hope this page was helpful and provided you with some information about How to introduce a guest speaker sample template . Check out our main page for more articles here Can U Write .

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How to write a welcome speech in 3 steps

With a printable welcome speech planner, outline and a sample welcome speech

By:  Susan Dugdale  

So, you've been asked to give a short welcome speech for an event. Congratulations! And now you want to be doubly sure you get it right. The right content. The right tone. Plus, the right length!

You'll find everything here you need to do that easily, from start to finish. 

Jump in. You are just three steps away from a completed welcome speech. Shall we start?

The fastest and best way to get your speech done is to:

  • skim read this page to get an overview of the speech writing process, ( the welcome speech template and the planner you're going to use), to  read the example welcome speech , and to find out more about the function of a welcome speech and the importance of its tone .
  • then download, print and complete the welcome speech planner .
  • and lastly, use the notes you made in the planner to write your welcome speech . To help with that, you can download and print the outline of my example welcome speech to use.  Edit, and add your information to make the speech your own.

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The welcome speech template

To be effective your welcome speech needs to meet expected, as well as any specific, requirements dictated by the occasion.

The 6 standard welcome speech content ingredients

A woman with a cookbook reading a welcome speech recipe. Plus, a list of ingredients.

There are six common or standard content items in a good welcome speech.

  • Greetings to welcome everyone and thanking them for coming along.
  • Acknowledgement of special guests, if there are any.
  • An introduction of the event itself and a brief overview of special highlights the audience will want to know about.
  • Any important housekeeping information, for instance: where the bathrooms are, where lunch will be served and when...
  • An introduction for the next speaker, if there is one.
  • Thanking everyone for coming once more and then concluding having made everybody feel at ease, eagerly anticipating what is to come.

Numbers 1, 3, and 6 are basic essentials you cannot do without. Numbers 2, 4 and 5 may, or may not, be applicable. Pick what you need from them to fit your occasion.

dividing line dark green

Short sample welcome speech for a conference 

Now let's put all six ingredients into an example of a short welcome speech to open a conference that you can adapt for your own speech.

* (This speech is pure fiction! I made it up to show you how it's done. You'll see its tone is formal rather than informal to fit the occasion. I don't think there is a group called Parents United. However, there are others with a similar mission: 10 Inspiring Organizations that Promote Literacy and Education .)  

Example welcome speech - "Readers by Right"

"Sue-Ellen Thomas, Jim Smith, Jane Brown and all of our guests, good morning!

My name is April Molloy, and it's my privilege and great pleasure on behalf of Parents United to welcome you all here today.

We are delighted to have you with us to participate and share in this special occasion, our 5th annual Children's Day Conference. Thank you for coming. That many of you have willingly traveled long distances to be here serves as a reminder to us all just how important our work is.

Quote extract: We want all children, regardless of race, creed or circumstance to achieve their full potential.

Parents United is committed to actively raising the quality of life for every child. We want all children, regardless of race, creed or circumstance to achieve their full potential. Our task is to make it possible. Our mission is to provide practical, step by step assistance.

This year our theme is literacy. We've named the day 'Readers by Right'.

Thanks to the 1948 United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights, we are aware of 'rights' in many spheres, including education.  Article 26 declared it should be compulsory and free for children.

That goal is as pertinent today as it was then. And it's a goal I know we all share - the full development of every child. As a body, Parents United recognizes good reading skills established in childhood as the foundation of fulfilling, and ongoing education.

Quote extract: Jim and Jane bring their passion and knowledge of how to reach those in our communities who are frequently overlooked or bypassed.

We are honored to have Sue-Ellen Thomas, Jim Smith and Jane Brown with us today. All three are esteemed specialists in teaching young children to read.

Sue-Ellen has worked for a long time with educational authorities to establish programs putting in place necessary pre-reading skills. Her hard work needs no introduction. The results speak for themselves.

Jim and Jane bring their passion, and knowledge of how to reach those in our communities who are frequently overlooked or bypassed. Their work among disadvantaged English-as-a-second-language families has bridged gaps that were deep dark chasms.

Prepare yourself to be challenged, excited and inspired.

And before I handover to Lesley Watts, our coordinator for 'Readers by Right', who will outline the day's various events, I want to say once more on behalf of the Parents United organizing committee, welcome. It's wonderful to see so many of you here." 

Get your welcome speech started

To shortcut wondering, "Should I say this?" or "Maybe I should say that?" and "Then again there's also ...", I have a very simple solution for you.

Get yourself a printable welcome speech planner

Illustration of an audience listening intently with text overlay saying: Click to download a welcome speech planner

Download and print my  special greeting address planner .

It covers ALL the necessary ingredients that go into preparing a successful welcome speech. It's simple to use and easily filled out. Once it's done, writing your speech will be a lot less hassle as you'll have the core content ready to work with.

Writing your welcome speech

Tips to help you get your speech right.

When you're entering information into your speech planner:

  • ensure you've got all the names of individuals or special guests you need to mention specifically and, that you know how to pronounce each of them. Also check that you know and use their preferred pronouns: them/they, she/her, he/him...
  • double check the remarks you're going to make about them, or anything else, are factually correct.

Use your introduction of your guests/or the event, as a "teaser" for what is going to come. It will help create anticipation in the audience. Don't ruin it by giving too much away! Just enough to tempt and no more.

Keep it brief. One to two minutes is generally sufficient.

(The word count of my sample welcome speech is 357. It will take approximately 2 minutes to say .) 

Use the S-S-S formula for success: Short, Simple and Sincere. Your listeners will appreciate it.

Infographic: SSS speech formula: simple, short and sincere

Get a printable welcome speech outline

If you would like to use and adapt the structure I used in my sample speech as the foundation for your welcome speech, click the link to download the printable: welcome speech outline .

Then edit; delete, amend and add, until you are done.

Illustration of an audience listening intently with text overlay saying: Click to download a welcome speech outline

Get a hand with vocabulary

If you're stuck for words, here's a large selection of  adaptable welcoming phrases with example s entences.  Reading through them could help you to find exactly what you want.

What does a good welcome speech do?

Audience members listening intently.

An effective welcome speech has three important functions. It:

  • ï»żsignals the official beginning of an event . It says to the audience, hush, sit down, stop talking and listen. What you came for is starting!
  • sets the tone for the occasion through the choice of language used . For example, using light-hearted and informal words to welcome guests to a dear friend's birthday party may be completely appropriate.  However, the same type of language to welcome family and friends to a memorial service is unlikely to be. In that setting, people generally expect a more solemn and formal word choice. They could be deeply offended and think the use of casual language is disrespectful.  Understanding and getting tone right is a key element in the overall success of your welcome speech.  
  • unites the audience . It draws everyone together in the common purpose at the heart of the occasion. For example, at a birthday party, the welcome speech invites everyone to join in celebrating the person whose birthday it is. The welcome speech opening a specialist conference will affirm its principal purpose: the coming together of people with mutual interests to meet and share new knowledge. Or if a welcome speech is given to newcomers in a workplace, club or educational setting, its purpose is to give an introductory overview of how things work to help them feel more at ease in their new situation - to help them develop a sense of belonging.ï»ż

Getting the tone right for an event

What is tone.

Tone is the combined impact of the words chosen to express something, with how they are structured and, delivered.  All three elements come together to create tone * . 

Get tone wrong, and your welcome speech is a disaster.

Get it right, and it's a triumph!

(Yes, that's hyperbole but I'm sure you get the idea. â˜ș)

* Tone - a mood, quality or feeling

How to choose the right words

The beginning of getting tone right is to think about your audience and the event itself. Your goal is to unite and bring them together in the main purpose at the core of the occasion. What type of language will do that most appropriately and easily?

Infographic illustrating the principal differences between formal and informal language to create tone

To answer that question, think about the common interest everybody shares - the principal reason behind them getting together.  It will help guide your language choice.

Is it a fun event like a birthday party for close friends and family? If so, then informal language is likely to be the most apt.

You might hear something along the lines of: "Well, here we all are! The big day has finally arrived. Jean-Marie is 50! Half a century! How on earth did that happen?"

If it's a remembrance service for someone who has recently died, the language you're likely to hear is more formal.

For example: "Friends, family, colleagues, thank you for joining us today to celebrate and give thanks for our dear Jean-Marie. Your presence is gratefully appreciated." 

What is appropriate? What is expected?  Do spend some time thinking tone through. Misunderstanding and getting it wrong can be very embarrassing for everyone. If in doubt, ask someone whose opinion you trust.

Related helpful pages

Help rehearsing your welcome speech.

Get  step by step instructions on how to rehearse  including how to make and use cue cards.

Image: Young man rehearsing his welcome speech.

And please do rehearse. It makes a huge difference! You'll sound, and look better. Taking the time to rehearse shows respect for yourself, the audience and the event. Truly.

Help to manage pre-speech jitters

Label: 14 ways to manage public speaking fear.

Nervous? If you're shaking in your boots at the thought of having to speak in front of an audience, click  overcoming public speaking fear  for assistance. Take your time. The page has 14 tried and tested suggestions to consider.

Help with other types of welcome speeches

Or perhaps you need  welcome to the family speeches   or a  church welcome speech sample ? Click the links to find easily adaptable examples.

speaking out loud 

Subscribe for  FREE weekly alerts about what's new For more see  speaking out loud  

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How to Write a Great Welcome Speech

Table of Contents

Writing an effective welcome speech is a form of art. It requires a delicate balance of knowledge, wit, charm, and the right dash of emotion to make your audience feel valued and at home.

Knowing how to write a welcome speech that resonates with people and draws them in is no small feat — it takes practice and finesse!

In this article, we’ll delve into the intricacies of writing a successful welcome speech. This will help you confidently greet guests, create lasting impressions, and set the tone for any event.

What Is a Welcome Speech?

A welcome speech is an important part of any event that marks the beginning of a new journey or celebrates a milestone. It sets the tone for the rest of the event and helps create a sense of community amongst guests and participants alike.

A well-crafted welcome speech should have a captivating opening, personalized introductions, acknowledgments, humor, and appreciation for those present. It must also highlight other key elements to ensure that everyone in attendance has an enjoyable experience.

Crafting such a speech can be gratifying as it gives a voice to people’s collective enthusiasm and will help make the event truly special.

Great Tips on How to Write a Welcome Speech

We have compiled some effective tips on how to write a welcome speech that will set the tone and engage the audience. Follow these suggestions and make your speech stand out.

Establish a Connection

Greet the guests at your event with warmth and enthusiasm, welcoming them to the occasion. A few personalized touches can go a long way in making attendees feel welcome and appreciated.

Set the Tone of the Event

Start by thanking everyone for coming, and be sure to use language that reflects the tone of your event. This is especially important if you are having an informal gathering versus a more formal one.

Express Gratitude

Make it a point to thank special guests or anyone who went above and beyond to help make the event possible. Doing so will show how much their efforts were appreciated.

Give an Overview

Summarize what attendees can expect from the event and provide any key information they should know before participating.

Offer Words of Encouragement

Provide encouraging words to guests and remind them why attending this particular event was important to them. Invite them to make the most out of this experience while also stressing the importance of taking some time to relax as well.

End on a High Note

Conclude the speech by wishing everyone a good time. Express your appreciation once again, or provide an inspiring quote that encapsulates the purpose of the gathering. Be sure to thank each person present for being part of the day.

A white Welcome text LED light over a black background

Examples of Effective Welcome Speech

Take inspiration from the examples below to help you write an effective welcome speech based on your requirements.

Example 1: Welcome Speech for a Corporate Event

Good evening everyone, and welcome to our special corporate event. I’d like to start by introducing myself; my name is [Name], and I’m honored to be here with all of you today.

I would like to extend a warm greeting to our esteemed guests who joined us this evening. Your presence truly makes this night that much more special. It’s great to see such a lively audience here tonight!

As we begin, let me remind each of us how essential it is to include the various perspectives gathered in this room. Only when we come together can we form solutions tailored to fit each individual’s needs.

So without further ado, let’s get started on making this an unforgettable night. Thank you for being here!

Example 2: Welcome Speech for a Church Event

Greetings and welcome to our church event! Let us take a moment to express gratitude for the many blessings and the special opportunity to come together like this today.

We are delighted to introduce you to the amazing speaker who will be presenting here today. He is an individual with vast knowledge of the topic at hand. He has graciously agreed to work with us and share their wisdom with us.

I’m sure by the end of the presentation, we’ll be feeling invigorated, enlightened, and ready to put into practice what we have learned today. So let’s show appreciation for this good fortune, and bid our guest a warm welcome!

Example 3: Welcome Speech for a Cultural Event

Greetings, everyone! Welcome to our cultural event of the evening!

I want to thank all of you for coming here today and participating in this unique experience. I am confident all of us will leave with an appreciation for our cultures and a better understanding of how similar we truly are.

This is a great opportunity to learn about different customs and traditions from around the world. With luck, skill, and hard work, this year could bring success to our mission of global unity through shared experiences.

Good luck to everyone who is showcasing their talent or displaying traditional artifacts! We are eager to witness your ingenuity and creativity. Like all meaningful endeavors, there will be challenges along the way, but the rewards will outweigh them if we work together.

So let’s make sure that this cultural event succeeds by collaborating effectively and celebrating each other’s differences!

Example 4: Welcome Speech for a Fundraising Event

Good evening everyone. I am honored to be here on this very special occasion! Let’s all take a moment to show our respect for the people who have come together tonight with one common purpose. That is – raising funds for an incredibly important cause.

I want to welcome each and every one of you warmly in a formal manner to this function which we are hosting annually. As many of us know, the money raised tonight will go toward helping those affected by natural disasters in our own country. We need your help to make this event successful so we can continue providing aid in the upcoming year.

So let’s make tonight count and work together to reach our fundraising goals! Thank you again for joining us; it is truly appreciated.

Example 5: Welcome Speech for a College Event

Good evening everyone! I am excited to welcome you all to the annual college event tonight. It has been my privilege and joy to be a part of this school and see the amazing students come through each year. So it is a special night when we get together to celebrate our achievements!

I want to take a moment to recognize the incredible job our staff has done in the past year. They helped us focus on improving our skills and growing as individuals. Our faculty members are some of the best around, and they are truly committed to seeing every student reach their highest potential.

Finally, let’s not forget why we’re all here: to have fun and enjoy the company of friends. We’ve worked hard and deserve a break, so with that said, join me in celebrating another successful year for our college. Enjoy the rest of the evening!

This article explains how to write a welcome speech effectively, along with examples. Nail your welcome speech by making it personal, informative, friendly, and outgoing.

The key to a great welcome speech is a brief and well-crafted introduction. As the first speaker, it is important that you establish rapport with your audience. It will leave them in a positive and receptive mood , leading to a successful event for everyone present.

How to Write a Great Welcome Speech

Abir Ghenaiet

Abir is a data analyst and researcher. Among her interests are artificial intelligence, machine learning, and natural language processing. As a humanitarian and educator, she actively supports women in tech and promotes diversity.

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welcome speech to a guest speaker

How to Introduce a Guest Speaker + Templates

Guest speakers themselves aren’t the reason most people attend the event. They may be a bonus, but the audience is there for the main speaker. Which means learning how to introduce a guest speaker can surprise your audience in the best way.

It creates excitement and guests will be more engaged in the speech being given.

But it’s more than just announcing a string of accolades. While there are many methods you can use to introduce a guest speaker, we’ll teach you some of the best and why.

What you’ll learn about how to introduce a guest speaker:

  • Preferences
  • Personal info
  • Applicable accolades

5 Steps for Introducing a Guest Speaker

Introducing a guest speaker can set the tone for their presentation and help the audience connect with their message. Here are five steps to ensure a smooth and impactful introduction:

1. Ask if they have any preferences

Before the event, check if the speaker has any preferences for their introduction, such as specific accolades they’d like highlighted or a particular topic they want emphasized. Some who speak for a living will have a specific way they’d like to be introduced.

It’s important that if they have a request, you understand why and if they’re firm on that boundary.

Because some speakers will use their introduction and play off of it during the opening of their speech. If that’s the case, you want to make sure to follow their guidance so you don’t throw them off their game right away. But keep in mind that in order to learn how to introduce a guest speaker, you don’t have to always follow what they say.

That’s why it’s good to know the reason for their specific introduction.

2. Give a personal tidbit

Make the speaker personable. Nobody wants to sit and learn from someone they can’t relate to in any way. The more the audience feels they know about the speaker, the more engaged they’ll be.

Start the introduction with a personal tidbit about the speaker to humanize them and make them relatable to the audience. This could be a fun fact, a shared interest, or a brief anecdote. If you know the speaker from somewhere, give a brief note of that background.

Since the audience is most likely there for the main speaker, drawing a connection can further help engagement.

3. Share applicable accolades

Highlight the speaker’s relevant accomplishments, credibility and credentials . This could include their professional background, relevant awards, or notable projects they’ve been involved in.

But remember, nobody wants a huge long list of all the amazing things someone has done. Many speakers have accomplished several things. The audience should know about the ones that will lend authority to their topic or to the main purpose of the event.

  • What makes them the best person to speak on this topic?
  • How long have they been in this field?
  • Why did they agree to give this talk at this conference?

Answering some of these might point you in the right direction for which accolade to include.

4. Tell us what they’ll talk about

Of course, their topic will need to be introduced. Now, if you’re learning how to introduce a guest speaker, you might be gung-ho to list off the title of their presentation. However, some speakers prefer to have their title come after the introduction of their speech.

Make sure to ask before listing the title.

You can also introduce their topic in a way that doesn’t give the title or main topic away, either. By already sharing their accolades and experience, that can be enough. Or you can be vague and simply tell your audience that this guest speaker is here to “share their wisdom” with them.

5. Connect the speaker with the purpose of the event

Explain why the speaker is relevant to the event and how their expertise aligns with the event’s goals. This helps the audience see the value in listening to the speaker.

Much of this will already be done if you follow the steps above. That said, it’s important to make sure your audience knows that you vouch for this person and the reasons why, and also why you believe they’re a strong addition to the speaker line up at the event.

Your guest might not be the keynote speaker , but they do have value to add. Make sure your audience knows this!

BONUS: This should be common sense, but we find it important to note that if your guest has a name in which the pronunciation of it isn’t clear, ask them. Get a voice memo from them, not just an email or a text. And practice it. This is basic, being-a-good-person manners when introducing a guest speaker.

3 Guest Speaker Introduction Templates

If you need a hand, and want a template you can fill in, these are helpful. Just remember to add your own flare and follow the tips above to do your guest justice.

1. The Standard Introduction

“Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome [Speaker’s Name]. [Speaker’s Name] is a [brief description of their professional background]. Today, they will be sharing their insights on [topic of their presentation]. Please join me in welcoming [Speaker’s Name].”

2. The Personal Touch

“Good [morning/afternoon/evening], everyone. It’s a pleasure to introduce [Speaker’s Name]. I had the opportunity to [personal experience with the speaker, if applicable]. Their expertise in [speaker’s field] is truly remarkable. Today, they will be enlightening us on [topic of their presentation]. Let’s give a warm welcome to [Speaker’s Name].”

3. The Interactive Introduction

“Hello, everyone! Are you ready to be inspired? Our next speaker is [Speaker’s Name]. Before we dive into their presentation, let’s have a quick show of hands. How many of you have [shared experience or interest related to the speaker’s topic]? Well, you’re in for a treat because [Speaker’s Name] is here to talk about [topic of their presentation]. Please join me in welcoming [Speaker’s Name].”

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Sample Introductory Speeches - Setting The Tone

Sample introductory speeches don't come better than an introductory speech for Usain Bolt.

sample introductory speeches

Wow! Who will ever forget his moment of glory as he did his victory lap after winning 3 golds and smashing world records at the Olympics?

Take a look, read, adapt and in record breaking speed you'll have a great speech.


Good morning Ladies and Gentlemen,

It is both and honor and a privilege to be able to introduce you to a role model of note, a man of distinction - Usain bolt.

Usain Bolt is a Jamaican sprinter and he was born on 21st of August 1986.

Usain has distinguished himself as a world class sprinter and he holds the Olympic and World Records for the 100 meters in 9.69 seconds and the 200 meters in 19.30 seconds. Usain has taken his level of excellence one step further - and together with his teammates - he also won the 4X100 meters relay in the amazing time of 37.10 seconds.

What makes Usain's achievements all the more remarkable is the fact that they were all set at the 2008 Summer Olympics. Usain became the first man to win all three events at a single Olympics since Carl Lewis in 1984 and the fist man in history to set world records in all three events at a single Olympics. His name and his achievements in sprinting have earned him the media nickname "Lightning Bolt".

I am sure that you all know a great deal about his public sprinting life, but there is more to Usain than just running.

  Sidebar: great sample introductory speeches always show the speaker's human side too.

Usain enjoys dancing and he is often described as a laid-back and relaxed character. The first sport to interest him was cricket and he said that if he was not a sprinter, he would be a fast bowler instead. He is a fan of Sachin Tendulkar, Chris Gayle and Matthew Hayden.

Ladies and Gentlemen, I'm sure you will  agree that the world of cricket has lost out - but the world of sprinting has gained a legendary role-model.

Please join me in welcoming Usain Bolt to address you this morning with his words of wisdom.

Our sample introductory speeches are based on  less-is-more. Your introduction speech should welcome and honor your guest speaker, not steal their limelight.

Guest Speaker Introduction: How to Prepare, Write and Deliver

Introducing a guest speaker is more than just a routine task. It’s an important step for both the audience and the speaker. For the audience, a good introduction sets the stage, providing context and sparking interest in what the speaker has to say. It helps them understand why they should listen and what they can expect to learn.

For speakers, a thoughtful introduction acts as a warm-up, giving them credibility and a connection with the audience. It’s a way of showing respect and appreciation for their expertise and the effort they’ve put into their presentation.

I’ll be sharing some practical tips on how to introduce a guest speaker effectively. Whether it’s a formal event or a more casual setting, the right introduction can make a big difference in how the speaker’s message is received. So, let’s get started on learning how to make every introduction clear, concise, and engaging.

Introducing a guest speaker.

I once heard a guest speaker’s introduction that was longer than the speech. At first, I was amused because the person assigned to introduce the guest speaker was introduced for about 11 minutes.

He greeted everyone on the stage. He made some comments about the dignitaries who seemed to love the spotlight focused on them. The last time I saw something similar was at a conference of barangay officials.

At first, he read the curriculum vitae word for word. He mentioned every award and degree earned. It was evident that the speaker stayed in school longer than any of us.

Then, he shared stories of how he met the speaker, his first impressions, and the common values they hold. I counted that he mentioned “finally” seven times to signal that he was about to call the speaker.

“Without further ado, let us welcome my idol, the one and only, the honorable…”

It was not the longest introduction I have seen, but nine minutes is a long time to introduce a speaker.

When I was in college, I realized that the more insecure the speaker is, the longer the introduction becomes.

For example, the President of the Philippines is often introduced only with “Ladies and gentlemen, the President of the Republic of the Philippines.” The more dignified the person is, the shorter the introduction is.

I am not suggesting that introducing a speaker is not important. An excellent introduction by the guest speaker establishes rapport and trust, and it helps the audience understand why they must stay and listen.

You can write an excellent introduction to the guest speaker. It is easier than most people imagined. You can learn patterns and ways of delivery.

And I will share with you some tips that you will not find elsewhere as I am going to speak based on experience.

public speaker

Inadequate Research

Failing to research the speaker adequately can lead to inaccurate or irrelevant information being shared, which can confuse or mislead the audience. Taking the time to understand the speaker’s work and relevance to the event can make for a more meaningful and impactful introduction.

Vague or Generic Introductions

Overly vague or generic introductions can also be problematic. Simply stating the speaker’s name and title without providing context about their expertise or the value they bring to the audience misses an opportunity to build anticipation and interest. Specific anecdotes or notable achievements can help personalize the introduction and capture the audience’s attention.

Irrelevant Upgrading of Credentials

Once, I was introduced as a Doctor in Public Administration in a talk to government employees, and another time as a Doctor of Education when introduced to teachers. While the introducers may have aimed to upgrade my credentials to impress the audience, this is very wrong. It’s important to provide accurate information to maintain credibility and trust.

Failing to Connect with the Audience

Neglecting to connect the speaker’s topic to the audience’s interests and the event’s purpose is another oversight. Highlighting how the speaker’s insights will benefit the audience can create a sense of relevance and urgency, making the audience more receptive to the message.

Monotone Delivery

Being unprepared and reading from a script in a monotone voice can also detract from the introduction. Practicing the introduction and delivering it with enthusiasm and confidence can set a positive tone for the speaker’s presentation.

Lack of Coordination with the Speaker

Another mistake is forgetting to coordinate with the speaker beforehand. This can lead to discrepancies between the introduction and the speaker’s own presentation, potentially confusing the audience. Discussing the introduction with the speaker in advance ensures alignment and coherence.

Poor Time Management

Lastly, it’s important to manage time effectively. Rambling introductions can eat into the speaker’s allotted time, while rushed introductions can feel abrupt and lack warmth. Striking a balance ensures the speaker is given the proper context and the audience is primed without unnecessary delay.

Prepare A Guest Speaker Introduction

Introducing a guest speaker is akin to selling the speaker to your audience. You want people to fall in love with the guest speaker even before he or she opens her mouth.

A great introduction may results in a standing ovation even before the speech is delivered.

Your introduction is also a speech. But it serves to highlight the speech of the speaker you are introducing. You will support, not overshadow the speaker.

You may find excellent speaker intros at

Know Your Audience

Your introduction is also a speech that needs to serve its purpose. Understand who your audience is and what they expect to get from the event.

The best way to  get people’s attention  is to enter the ongoing conversation in their heads. Every audience member has a purpose for attending a conference, a workshop, or an assembly. Find out what’s worthwhile to them.

One of your jobs is to make it easy for them to welcome the speaker.

Interview the Speaker

Typically, professional speakers have a one-sheet where you can get the information you need. Unfortunately, the one-sheet is for marketing purposes. It is not meant for your audience.

Other guest speakers send their curriculum vitae. It is as if they are job applicants. A common mistake is to wow the audience with academic awards and personal achievements, which have nothing to do with the topic.

I recommend that you interview the speaker before the event. You can do that via Zoom. You may ask the following questions:

  • What do you know about your audience? And what do you have in common with them?
  • Why do you think your audience needs to hear your message now?
  • What are the three most important points of your speech?
  • What do you want the audience to think and feel after your speech?
  • What do you want me to tell you about them?
  • What’s the title of your speech?
  • How will I pronounce your name?

You may ask more questions than these. Interviewing a speaker will give you the confidence that you will do your job well. You will sell to people someone you know better than anyone in the audience.

Ask for the title of the speech. Most introductions do not include the title of the speech, as many of the introductions do not go beyond the CV or one sheet. The title of the speech previews what the audience will get from the speaker.

motivational speaker

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Welcome Speech in English: Best Examples & Tips

iit-jee, neet, foundation

Table of Contents

A welcome speech is like a warm greeting, setting the tone for an event, meeting, or gathering. It’s an opportunity to make people feel comfortable and valued. Whether you’re delivering a speech to greet an individual or a group in diverse settings like schools, colleges, institutions, government offices, private firms, or industries, it’s essential to convey a concise, heartfelt message. Your speech should be tailored to your specific audience, which may include students, teachers, officers, principals, and others. The aim is to leave a positive and inspiring impression on the recipient, whether they are a guest or a new member of your team or organization. Your words should make them feel genuinely welcomed and comfortable, fostering a positive perception of the organization.

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All the Welcome Speeches are well-articulated to mark the significant arrival of a guest or team member. They strike the right tone in welcoming and acknowledging the person concerned publicly. They are imbued with appreciation and good wishes for the new person adding to the organization’s strength. Here we provide you with a number of Welcome Speeches on various occasions to be delivered by teachers, colleagues, seniors, boss, students, and many more.

What is a Welcome Speech?

A speech is a formal address given by a person to welcome and greet an audience or group of people. It is typically delivered at the beginning of an welcome speech for an event , such as a graduation ceremony, conference, or other special occasion. The purpose of a speech is to set a positive and inviting tone, to express gratitude for the attendees’ presence, and to introduce the main event or speaker. It is essential to grab the audience’s attention and make them feel comfortable and excited about being a part of the gathering.

The structure of a good speech usually involves an introduction, body, and conclusion. In the introduction, the speaker greets the audience and provides a warm opening that captures their attention. Next, in the body, the speaker expresses gratitude towards the attendees, highlights the significance of the event, and often shares a personal anecdote or two.

The conclusion wraps up the address by summarizing the key points, reiterating appreciation for the audience’s participation, and building anticipation for the main event. Overall, a speech acts as a bridge between the audience and the event and aims to create a positive and engaging atmosphere for everyone involved.

Why is a Welcome Speech Important?

A welcome speech plays a crucial role in shaping the overall experience of an event or gathering. It serves as the initial point of contact between the organizers and the audience, allowing for effective communication, connection, and the establishment of a welcoming and engaging environment.

Setting the Tone: A well-delivered speech sets the tone for an event or gathering. It helps create the right atmosphere, whether it’s a formal business conference, a festive celebration, or an academic orientation. The tone you set can influence attendees’ attitudes and expectations.

Building Connection: It establishes a connection between the speaker (host or organizer) and the audience. By acknowledging and appreciating the attendees’ presence, a speech fosters a sense of belonging and inclusion.

Providing Information: A speech often includes essential information about the event or occasion. It can communicate the event’s purpose, agenda, schedule, and any logistical details that attendees need to know. This ensures everyone is on the same page and aware of what to expect.

Acknowledging Participants: It’s an opportunity to recognize and thank attendees, special guests, sponsors, and contributors. Expressing gratitude makes people feel valued and appreciated, which can enhance their engagement and participation.

Creating Positivity: A well-crafted speech can infuse positivity and enthusiasm into the audience.

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Tips for Crafting an Engaging Speech

Here are a few tips to build an engaging speech:

Know Your Audience:  Understand the expectations, interests, and demographics of your audience to tailor your speech accordingly.

Be Concise:  Keep your speech brief and to the point. It should be warm but not lengthy.

Express Warmth:  Start with a friendly greeting and a smile. Make your audience feel valued and appreciated.

Highlight the Purpose:  Clearly state the reason for the event and what attendees can expect.

Introduce Key Individuals:  Acknowledge and introduce important people, such as guest speakers or honorees.

Add Personal Touch:  Share a personal anecdote or connection to the event to make it more relatable.

Engage the Audience:  Ask a question, share a fun fact, or use humor to engage your audience.

Express Gratitude:  Thank the attendees, organizers, and sponsors for their support and participation.

Welcome Speech Examples For Various Events

Here we have provided our collection of Welcome Speeches for different occasions, suitable for delivery by teachers, colleagues, seniors, bosses, students, and more. Feel free to select and customize any of these speeches to match the specific event you’re hosting. We’ve prepared different speeches for each topic, offering options with different word limits.

Also Read Related Speeches

A welcome speech is a powerful tool to engage and connect with your audience, leaving a lasting impression and setting the stage for a memorable event. By following these tips and drawing inspiration from the examples provided, you can craft an engaging and effective speech for any occasion.

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What is a good short welcome speech.

A good short welcome speech warmly greets the audience, expresses gratitude for their presence, sets the tone for the event, and introduces what attendees can expect

How do you start a welcome speech?

Begin a welcome speech by greeting the audience with a warm and appropriate salutation, express gratitude for their presence, and briefly introduce the purpose or theme of the event.

How do you write an opening speech?

When writing an opening speech, consider starting with a greeting, expressing gratitude for attendees, setting the tone or purpose of the event, and outlining what the audience can anticipate throughout the gathering. Crafting a compelling opening speech involves setting the right tone, acknowledging the audience, expressing appreciation, and offering a glimpse into what lies ahead in the event. Whether it's a warm greeting or an inspiring introduction to an event's theme, the aim is to engage the audience and set a positive atmosphere.

What is an example of a welcome speech for new students?

Welcome, new students! We're thrilled to have you join our academic family. Embrace the opportunities, make connections, and enjoy your exciting journey ahead.

What is an example of a welcoming speech?

Good morning, everyone. Welcome to this gathering where we celebrate new beginnings. We're thrilled to have each of you here, ready to embark on this exciting journey together.

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Adam Christing

How To Introduce a Guest Speaker In 4 Foolproof Steps

The audience is ready for a good evening, lights illuminate the podium, and you are introducing the next guest speaker to take the stage.

Seems simple, but there is an art to making a great introduction – and I have four tips to guide you. Join me!

See Related:  What is a Guest Speaker – And How Can They Take Your Event to the Next Level?

Quick reminder: what is a guest speaker?

To put it plainly, guest speakers are people who are invited to speak at all sorts of events . They are formally introduced by the master of ceremonies and deliver ideas that are relevant to the interests of the people in attendance.

Let’s get started!

Tip #1: You Are the Opening Act

What was the last concert or live comedy show you attended? Was there an opening act ? In many ways, your introduction serves the same purpose:

Ease the audience

Whether you are the first person onstage or are introducing the closing speaker, guests need time to adjust to a new presence.

Give a word of praise to the presentation that preceded your introduction and share the importance of the speaker to come.

Set the tone

Audiences look to the person onstage for communication on what to expect. Make your speaker’s life easier by warming guests up with an authentic and approachable onstage presence .

Join guests with confidence and deliver your introduction like you are exchanging words with a good friend. The audience will relax and look forward to the speaker’s presentation .

Cue the audience

As the person onstage, all eyes will be on you. Therefore, the audience will look to you to guide their behavior.

If it’s time to begin clapping for the guest speaker or motivational speaker so they know to come onstage, then start the clapping. If ongoing laughter is causing your introduction to run too long, then you are a success for making a fantastic joke, but respectfully request that folks quiet down.

A good introduction is like a roadmap

Think of it this way: you are like the cue cards at a   live sitcom taping … except you probably won’t want to instruct the audience to “boo” at any point!

Accomplished professional makes welcoming address

Tip #2: Inspire Confidence in Your Audience

Remember, this introduction is not a speech of your own . The focus must remain on the professional speaker and what they are about to contribute to the event.

Guest speakers bring varying levels of name recognition, so your audience may or may not be aware of their qualifications.

Your task as a corporate emcee ? Help the audience understand the guest speaker’s connection to the event and why they are worth listening to .

Touch on the speaker’s credibility

Why was this speaker invited to talk? Chances are, they have expertise in your industry. Let the audience know that!

A speaker’s credibility and knowledge can take many forms: an advanced degree in your field, a volunteer background, or personal experience with the topic at hand.

Personal connections pique the audience’s interest

Even if a speaker’s qualifications shine on paper, I recommend mentioning their personal connections to the subject matter during your communication with the crowd.

Why did the doctor you are introducing want to work in breast cancer research ? What inspired the wildlife photographer to switch career paths after spending ten years as a pharmacist?

This context will pique the audience’s interest and create a good introduction.

Tip #3: Preparation is Power

I know, you are very familiar with the guest speaker. But please, do not stand at that podium without notes.

Check your run time

Your own introduction should not be more than a few minutes. An important skill to practice is rehearsing your speech and timing it beforehand .

It can be difficult to gauge the actual length of an introduction simply by looking at it on paper. Factor in laughs and applause, and you’ll be onstage longer than anticipated.

Write notes that serve your needs

As I mentioned earlier, be sure to have a written introduction in front of you . But remember – your notes need to actually help you!

  • Choose a font large enough for you to read onstage . You don’t want to lift up the paper and squint to make out what you wrote.
  • If you are unsure of proper pronunciation , look up the answer and make a note. When you introduce a speaker , it is extremely disrespectful to mispronounce their name. Writing phonetic spellings down beforehand can help prevent this during your speeches.

Before you start speaking, take five minutes to do vocal warmups . You can find examples on YouTube and you’d be surprised at how much they help!

Lots of people feel nervous before giving presentations or introductions. Warming up your voice before your intro is a great way to release tension and make sure you speak with resonance and clarity – what every event emcee must do well!

Tip #4: It’s All in the Details

Your introductory speech is just the right length, spotlights the speaker’s accomplishments and credentials, and gets the audience excited for the speech ahead. Nice job!

Now is the time to cross the t’s and dot the i’s:

The best events have a seemingly effortless flow between speakers. As the person making introductions, you have the opportunity to get the audience into that flow. How?

Make eye contact with the audience

For many speakers, making eye contact is their worst nightmare! But your guests will feel comfortable and enthusiastic about the speech to come if you make eye contact while you talk to them.

Making eye contact is a critical skill because it creates moments of connection with your guests and tells them you are prepared for and interested in the speech to come.

Start the applause

After you introduce a speaker, be the person to begin applauding . Most guests don’t want to be the first to clap, so they will listen until they hear someone else start.

A handshake marks the transition

Remain onstage until the speaker has entered and shook your hand.

This moment marks the end of your intro and the beginning of their speech . Clear buttons like this help the audience know exactly where to place their attention.

Colleague shakes hands with speaker who is presenting at organization

Adam Christing  has been called “The Tom Brady of emcees.” He has hosted more than 1,000  company meetings ,  special events ,  gala celebrations , and more. He is the  author of several books  and founder of .   For more event tips, follow Adam Christing on  Instagram ,  Facebook ,  Pinterest ,  LinkedIn , and  YouTube .

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70 Short Welcome Speech Samples To Address any Event

May 1, 2024

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A big hello to my chivalrous crowd. How about that for a mind-altering beginning to Short Welcome Speech Samples ? Welcome – the most paramount gesture to make your guest feel attended and addressed and respected! Yes, the host is loaded with uncountable responsibilities to make their guests feel special and counted on. And all of it starts with a nice, heart-warming “#Velkommen” that you mark the event and tell what that day is all about. If you are preparing for an event and need someone to tell you that you are doing great, let it be you. Check on this list of Powerful Quotes to Boost Your Self Confidence , It helped me a lot, see if it could do a little magic for you as well.

Short Welcome Speech Samples That You Can Use

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Feeling stuck and not being able to find just the right words to introduce events is so irritating that it could make you smash your own head (by personal experiences; wink). A welcome could either cheer them up or make them leave the event and rather have cozy sleep at home . Martin Luther King, in 1943, delivered a speech “I have a dream” and that still doesn’t fail to inspire people.

Short Welcome Speech Samples To Address any Event

Welcome speech for annual day.

short-welcome-speech-samples/Welcome Speech for Annual Day

I am extremely overwhelmed to get this opportunity to address you all on this auspicious occasion of 50th Annual day of our elite institution. Children are the future of tomorrow. All these students we witness today, receiving honours for their talents will grow up to be the responsible citizens of tomorrow. May they grow up to make us proud and achieve the highest human values.

I feel proud to be a part of such an elite institution where we are taught by such great teachers, whose teaching goes beyond the classroom. Also, they are the ones to be thanked for organizing such a huge function. We all have assembled here today, today to motivate and cherish the young minds present among us. Apart from it, this is a great occasion to welcome our Chief Guest of today.

Welcome of the Chief Guest

short-welcome-speech-samples/Welcome of the Chief Guest

On behalf of the school, I welcome our chief guest Mr. James, who is a dean of the most renowned institution functioning under the government of India. She is working towards connecting young minds to strive toward success and achievement. We are grateful to him for accepting our invitation and becoming a chief guest of today’s event.

Our chief guest doesn’t require an introduction as he is a well-recognised figure in our city. She is known for his wonderful administration and high achievements of the Institution she is in charge of. Apart from this, she is a Philanthropist and renders selfless services to society. She has moulded the life of students and served people with her kindness.

We are so honoured to have her as the Chief guest for the evening. I am certain that all the parents present here are also moved and assuredly want their children to be like him.

Welcoming Parents

short-welcome-speech-samples/Welcoming Parents

Parents are the world for children. Not to overlook that we are here, joined by the wonderful parents who have raised the best students this school possesses. With immense admiration and affection, we welcome all the parents who made the efforts to join this ceremony.

At last, I would like to thank all the teachers, other staff members and all the students present here to make this ceremony worthwhile.

Welcome Speech for Freshers Party

short-welcome-speech-samples/Welcome Speech for Freshers Party

Good Morning to everyone present here!

We all have gathered here today on the occasion of a Fresher’s party. Welcoming people is part of Indian culture, followed for centuries. We maintain this custom and welcome today the fresh faces in the college with a fresher’s party.

I thank all my teachers and everyone who gave me this opportunity to welcome all my fresher’s today. It’s a moment of great pleasure for me to welcome you all.

My dear friends, studying in our institution is pure joy, the professors, students, and other staff members are an epitome of compassion and we are quite sure you will be perplexed by their sagacity.

All in all, I would like to say that you have made an absolutely secure decision to be a part of this institution. Our college welcomes all the students joining us today. I hope all of you will operate along with the values of the college and magnify its reputation at every go of life.

Now, I will halt my words and start with the programmes for the day which includes some astounding performances by the students of our college.

I guarantee, your next few hours will be delightful and memorable. Thank you for being a patient audience and hearing my thoughts.

Welcome Speech for a Farewell Party

short-welcome-speech-samples/Welcome Speech for a Farewell Party

I welcome you all on this occasion of the farewell party, for which we have assembled here today.

First of all, I would like to thank everyone who gave me this opportunity to welcome all my seniors and teachers on this memorable occasion.

School life is undoubtedly the best phase of life for everyone. Our parents, teachers and friends all have made this phase of life so memorable for us. We learned so many things, from our inspiring teachers. Made mistakes, made memories with friends, and whatnot. It was a long journey in itself.

Today marks the end of this school life of sweet and bitter moments to cherish all our lives. We do feel a touch of sadness but it is the nature of life, to move forward. So, today we will celebrate this moment with our beloved teachers and friends to bid a good farewell to all who have to leave now, with a smiling face.

Welcome Speech for College Function

short-welcome-speech-samples/Welcome Speech for College Function

Good Morning to all!

Honourable Chief Guest Mr. Swamy, Principal Sir Dr. Reddy, Staff Members, and all the students present here. I welcome you all to the annual function of our esteemed college.

My name is Lakshita Kumar, a student of B.Sc. and also a secretary of cultural programs organized under our college authority.

I feel extremely proud to announce that our elite college has completed 25 years and we all have gathered today to celebrate the Silver Jubilee of the same. Behind huge success over the years are the dedicated teachers, motivated students, and helpful staff who give their best to make the college achieve great heights of success.

Also, It is a great honour for me to pronounce that today we are joined by a lady who hardly needs an introduction. She is well known for her work in educating poor children. Besides, he is a published and extensively read author of the contemporary world. (the title of his book) is one of her treasures that have gained a huge international acknowledgment.

Moreover, she is extremely loved and respected by her readers which include the youth population of the country, whom she has influenced the most with her writing. With that being said, let us call upon none other than Miss/ Mrs. (name of the chief guest).”

Welcome Speech for Teachers Day

short-welcome-speech-samples/Welcome Speech for Teachers Day

Respected Principal Sir, Teachers and dear students!

We welcome you all today, to celebrate this auspicious occasion of teacher’s day. We celebrate teacher’s day every year on 5th September, to commemorate the birth anniversary of Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan.

Teachers are our ideals. They inspire us each day and make us strive towards the route of success. They equip us with the power of knowledge and propel us with endless wisdom to become better citizens of the future.

On that note, I would now like to invite our Principal mam on the stage and to deliver her thoughts on the day.

Welcome Speech for Children’s Day

Good Morning Everyone!

We welcome all the students as we celebrate Children’s day today.

It is true, the imagination of a child is incomparable. Children are a creation of God and their smile is irresistible to not make us smile alone. Their innocence is overwhelming.

For children, school is a second home and teachers are equivalent to the parents in times when students need them the most. This day is celebrated with many events which cannot be possible without the contribution of our lovely teachers.

Thanking you all, I would like to start the events for the day without any further delay. 

Short Welcome Speech Samples That You Can Use-19

It is simply not possible for everyone to come up with the right kind of words to use in a welcome speech. It is something that one has to plan and think about so that the right tone is set for the person you are welcoming to make his or her speech. Plus care has to be taken to ensure that none of the vital details are missed but at the same time, the speech cannot be too long. It is not as simple as writing a heart melting long distance relationship quote and requires a lot more consideration.

Focus on the TONE While Delivering the Introductory Speech For an Event

Short Welcome Speech Samples That You Can Use

Understanding the basic idea and being able to think about the feel is really important in order to make the listener feel connected. Make sure they don’t yawn or even doesn’t end up rolling on the floor laughing too! Your speech should be making them feel eager to know what going to come up next. If at all it is the professional conference that you are conducting, you can’t pour in too much fun in your speech but a family function demands the same. Choosing tone and focus on how you talk to the audience will vary with the different types of event. Decide if its “Howz it going peepz?” event or “Blesses morning, ladies and gentlemen.” event. A few Maid of Honor Speeches if at all you are thinking to make the #Bigday special for your BFF.

Important Points to Consider while Giving Welcome Speech For an Event

Short Welcome Speech Samples That You Can Use

  • What is the purpose of the event and what it aims to achieve out of it? The objective, unless made clear to the audience, leaves the speech incomplete. Be specific as you introduce the event and its significance ’cause being brief helps people register it seriously. Tempting them is all you have to do and then stop – make them feel excited about the event.
  • Welcome speech must address all the guests and the chief guests of the event (if any) thanking them for being present and giving the auspicious event their valuable attention.
  • Make proper introductions of the Chief guests and hosts along with the motive of the function to achieve more attention and appreciation. Make sure you have all the names beforehand and you know how to pronounce them correctly.

SSS Mantra for Appreciable Hosting

Short Welcome Speech Samples That You Can Use

Short-Simple-Sincere, it should be! The speech better not exceed a minute or two. Use simple and understandable language along with a sincere tone and vocab as to make sure your audience gets impressed by your way of expression.

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Wonderful, very Nice, super…..

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awesome content. really worth!

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It’s really wonderful and meaningful it will help for others who is really In need……

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dear sir/madam greetings.very useful tips.thank u… regs veerabadran guna

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Welcome Speech In English: Guest Introduction, How to Welcome Chief Guest

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Reported by Pankaj Bhatt

Published on 13 August 2024

Welcome Speech for Chief Guest : Speeches are important to any professional or formal function. Expressing gratitude to the people who joined and became a part of the ceremony is essential. Whether in a School, University, or any organization, you will need a welcome speech to influence the people you want to address.

Welcome speeches generally include welcoming the eminent Chief guests and the others present. You will need an influential speech to make people sense the welcome. Here, we are presenting such welcome speeches that you can use to overwhelm your guests. We have listed these speeches under different heads. You can use any of these for your upcoming events.

Welcome Speech In English

Welcome Speech in English for Annual Day

Greetings to each one of you present here!


“I am extremely overwhelmed to get this opportunity to address you all on this auspicious occasion of the 50th Annual Day of our elite institution. Children are the future of tomorrow. All these students we witness today, receiving honors for their talents, will grow up to be responsible citizens of tomorrow. May they grow up to make us proud and achieve the highest human values.

I feel proud to be a part of such an elite institution where we are taught by great teachers whose teaching goes beyond the classroom. Also, they will be thanked for organizing such a huge function. We all have assembled here today to motivate and cherish our young minds. Apart from that, this is a great occasion to welcome our Chief Guest of today”.

Chief Guest Introduction Speech

“On behalf of the school, I welcome our chief guest, Mr. [name of the chief guest], dean of the most renowned institution functioning under the government of India. She is working towards connecting young minds to strive toward success and achievement. We are grateful to him for accepting our invitation and becoming a chief guest of today’s event.

Our chief guest doesn’t require an introduction as he is a well-recognized figure in our city. She is known for his wonderful administration and high achievements of the Institution she is in charge of. Apart from this, she is a Philanthropist and renders selfless services to society. She has molded the lives of students and served people with her kindness.

We are honored to have her as the Chief guest for the evening. I am certain that all the parents here are moved by her and want their children to be like her.

Welcoming Parents

“Parents are the world for children. Not to overlook that we are here, joined by the wonderful parents who have raised this school’s best students. With immense admiration and affection, we welcome all the parents who tried to join this ceremony.

Finally, I would like to thank all the teachers, other staff members, and all the students present here for making this ceremony worthwhile.

Welcome Speech for Freshers Party

Good Morning to everyone present here!

“We all have gathered here today during a Fresher’s party. Welcoming people is part of Indian culture, followed for centuries. We maintain this custom and welcome the fresh faces in the college with a fresher’s party today.

I thank all my teachers and everyone who gave me this opportunity to welcome all my freshers today. It’s a moment of great pleasure for me to welcome you all.

University life will give you much more than just a degree – get ready for all the adventure!

My dear friends, studying in our institution is pure joy. The professors, students, and other staff members are the epitome of compassion, and we are quite sure you will be perplexed by their sagacity.

All in all, I would like to say that you have made an absolutely secure decision to be a part of this institution. Our college welcomes all the students joining us today. I hope all of you will operate along with the values of the college and magnify its reputation at every go of life.

Now, I will halt my words and start with the programs for the day, which include some astounding performances by our college students.

I guarantee your next few hours will be delightful and memorable. Thank you for being a patient audience and hearing my thoughts.

Enjoy the day!

Welcome Speech for a Farewell Party

“I welcome you all on this occasion of the farewell party, for which we have assembled here today.

“Every new beginning comes from some other beginning’s end.” Semisonic

First, I would like to thank everyone who gave me this opportunity to welcome all my seniors and teachers on this memorable occasion.

School life is undoubtedly the best phase of life for everyone. Our parents, teachers, and friends all made this phase of life so memorable for us. We learned so many things from our inspiring teachers, made mistakes, made memories with friends, and whatnot. It was a long journey in itself.

Today marks the end of this school life, a life of sweet and bitter moments to cherish all our lives. We do feel a touch of sadness, but it is the nature of life to move forward. So, today, we will celebrate this moment with our beloved teachers and friends to bid a good farewell to all who have to leave now, with a smiling face.”

Welcome Speech for College Function

Good Morning to all!

“Honourable Chief Guest Mr. XYZ, Principal Sir Dr. ABC, Staff Members, and all the students present here. I welcome you all to the annual function of our esteemed college.

My name is Lakshita Kumar. I am a B.Sc. student and the secretary of cultural programs organized under our college’s authority.

I feel extremely proud to announce that our elite college has completed 25 years and we all have gathered today to celebrate the Silver Jubilee of the same. Behind huge success over the years are the dedicated teachers, motivated students, and helpful staff who give their best to make the college achieve great heights of success.

Also, It is a great honour for me to pronounce that today we are joined by a lady who hardly needs an introduction. She is well known for her work in educating poor children. Besides, he is a published and extensively read contemporary world author. (the title of his book) is one of her treasures that has gained a huge international acknowledgment.

Moreover, she is extremely loved and respected by her readers, including the country’s youth population, whom she has influenced the most with her writing. That said, let us call upon none other than Miss/ Mrs. (name of the chief guest).”

Welcome Speech for Teachers Day

Respected Principal, Sir, Teachers, and dear students!


“We welcome you all today to celebrate this auspicious occasion of Teacher’s Day. We celebrate Teacher’s day every year on 5 September to commemorate the birth anniversary of Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan.

“Those who educate children well are more to be honoured than parents, for these only gave life, those the art of living well.”  Aristotle

This quotation cannot be more true! Teachers are parents to children when needed. They light us up and lead us through the pathway of life. They seek nothing but respect in return for their persistent efforts to give their best.

Teachers are our ideals. They inspire us each day and make us strive towards success. They equip us with the power of knowledge and propel us with endless wisdom to become better future citizens.

On that note, I would like to invite our Principal mam on the stage and deliver her thoughts on the day”.

Welcome Speech for Children’s Day

Good Morning Everyone!

“We welcome all the students as we celebrate Children’s Day today.

“There are no seven wonders of the world in the eyes of a child. There are seven million.” Walt Streightiff

It is true the imagination of a child is incomparable. Children are a creation of God, and their smile is irresistible not to make us smile alone. Their innocence is overwhelming.

We celebrate Children’s Day every year on 14th November in memory of Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru, a great admirer of children. We celebrate this day on his birth anniversary.

School is a second home for children, and teachers are equivalent to the parents when students need them the most. This day is celebrated with many events, which cannot be possible without the contribution of our lovely teachers.


Thanking you all, I would like to start the day’s events without further delay”.

Sample Welcome Speech for Seminar

Good Morning to each one of you present today!

“It is a moment of extreme pleasure to welcome the guests who are present here to attend this workshop.

On behalf of the Institution, I offer my regards to all the judges and the people joining us. I convey my regards to the chief guest of the day, Mr. ABC . Thank you so much, Sir, for accepting our invitation and coming over for the seminar.

The seminar schedule will focus on (your topic) and include more issues to address all aspects of the topic.

I hope this conference enlightens us all and provides solutions to tomorrow’s problems.

Thanks to everyone who made this conference possible with their opinions and views”.

Welcome Speech for the Workshop

Good Morning, everyone!

“I am thoroughly pleased to witness you all in this workshop. It’s my privilege to address you all on behalf of Mr. ABC. I welcome all the participants in the workshop. We are truly delighted with your presence.

We all have gathered here today to attend this workshop to enhance managerial skills. We as a company aim to achieve great heights. This workshop intends to resolve the practical hurdles faced by the Institution during this difficult time.

Closing the speech, I hope everyone is well aware of the themes concerning the workshop. We had a great time having you all and looking forward to many more such workshops engaging more people and on a greater level”.

To conclude, I wish you all great success in your pursuits!

Welcome Speech Sample for the Conference

First, I would like to thank each of you for joining this one-day inter-school conference. I am proud to say that our school has organized this conference for over five years and has chronicled huge success each year. The school organizes such conferences to enlighten young minds and promote the participation of students at all levels.

I bid a very warm welcome to all the renowned speakers and delegates who took their valuable time and joined us today to be a part of this conference. We are honored to have you all with us.

I also thank everyone who made this seminar functional in such hard times. Last year, the theme of the conference was based on global problems, which hugely helped the students in inducing a thought for the problems the world is sustaining.

This year, the theme is sustainability to help students understand the results of human actions. The conference will focus on the major issues, solutions, and long-term effects associated with human activities. In addition to this, students will also learn about social skills. The conference will include debates and the judges’ votes.

Even though this conference marks the success of our Institution, it also allows us to meet some of the country’s brilliant minds, who will be the chief guests on this occasion.

With all those words, I’m extremely delighted to announce that the chief guest for the day is none other than the state’s Education Minister. I also welcome all the speakers and eminent delegates who have joined us today. I guarantee the conference will be productive and worth your precious time.”

Sample Welcome Speech for Any Event

“Thank you to everyone who joined us this evening. Today marks the 2nd anniversary of our prestigious institution. I am extremely delighted to be the host for the evening and address you all.

Before we proceed with the events, I would like to express my gratitude to everyone who made this occasion a reality and this institution successful. This could not have been possible without your contributions. We are all part of this Institution due to our shared passion for its vision. Our passion unites us, and our hard work strengthens the Institution.

On that note, let me introduce and welcome the chief guest of this startlingly beautiful evening, Mr ABC, a renowned Social activist who has made the country a better place through his work.

Without any further delay, I would like to start with the events. We would be delighted to have your suggestions and questions at the end of the event. Enjoy the Event!”

Thank you very much!

Welcome Speech for Chief Guest

“I am profoundly delighted to take an opportunity to introduce the chief guest for the day/ evening. He/ She is none other than Mr./ Miss ABC. He/ She is the CEO of XYZ, one of the topmost companies in this city.

Other than this, he/ she is known for her work in girl child education. He/ She has uplifted many little girls’ lives with the light of education. So, heavy applause for the chief guest is much needed!

Now, we request the honorable chief guest to address the gathering and cast the light of his/ her knowledge upon us. His/ Her comments are quintessential for the students who want to be like him one day. Sir/ Ma’am, you have motivated us enough by being an example of light in the darkness. We would be delighted with your expertise and knowledge in every way possible.

So, without consuming any time, I would like to call upon Mr/Miss ABC to accompany us on the stage to enlighten us with his/ her words of true wisdom.”

How to Welcome the Chief Guest?/ Chief Guest Introduction

Is there an upcoming event where you need to introduce a chief guest, and you don’t know how to invite a chief guest on stage for a speech?


Then we are here to the rescue. We have some great tips for you all, which you can use in your next upcoming ceremony/ occasion.

  • The first step in welcoming a chief guest is greeting them in person. As soon as the chief guest arrives, it is best to go ahead and greet them personally. Welcome them; a handshake will be the best way to do so!
  • Smile and suggest they are being welcomed.
  • Always address the chief guest with a formal title. If someone is a doctorate, do not forget to use the formal title of Dr or, in other cases, use Mr./ Miss/ Mrs.
  • Introduce yourself to the chief guest before the formal event and escort him to the venue.
  • At the end of the event, make sure to bid thanks to the chief guest.

How to Write a Welcome Speech?

A welcome speech should contain : An Introduction Acknowledgment Event Purpose Concluding Next Part

Why welcome speech is important?

Welcome Speech shows your gratitude to the person who wants to be a part of your function or ceremony. Therefore, a welcome speech is important.

How do you start a Welcome Speech?

The best way to start a welcome speech is by warmly welcoming everyone who joined the ceremony. Give a brief introduction about the occasion and then continue with the main aim of the ceremony.

How to write a guest introduction?

A guest introduction should be majorly focused on the guest. His professional work, life achievements, and introducing him to the audience who may not know him/ her properly.

What to say while welcoming the chief guest?

While presenting a formal welcome to a person/ Chief Guest, use warm welcome tones and greetings. For example: “I feel delighted to welcome you” “It’s my pleasure to have you” “We are looking forward to having you again as our chief guest.” “I am thoroughly pleased to witness you” “I am extremely overwhelmed.”

How to write a welcome speech for a Seminar?

Writing a welcome speech for a Seminar. Give a short welcome to everyone attending the seminar. Stress a little on the topic of the seminar and describe what the seminar has to offer to the people. Describe the themes and topics to be discussed before proceeding with the seminar. At last, do not forget to thank all the people who listened to you with patience.

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Pankaj Bhatt

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Biden, Obama, Clintons to headline Democratic National Convention speakers

welcome speech to a guest speaker

WASHINGTON — President Joe Biden , former President Barack Obama and Bill and Hillary Clinton are among the headline speakers at next week's Democratic National Convention in Chicago, according to a source familiar with the plans.

Biden will speak Monday night during an opening evening of the convention that will pay tribute to the 81-year-old Democratic president, who last month ended his reelection campaign . Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, who ran unsuccessfully for president in 2016, will also address the convention Monday.

Obama is expected to speak Tuesday night, while former President Bill Clinton will deliver remarks Wednesday night before Democratic vice presidential nominee Tim Walz , the governor of Minnesota, gives his address. Democratic nominee Kamala Harris will close out the convention with her acceptance speech Thursday night.

NBC News reported that President Jimmy Carter's grandson Jason Carter will speak on behalf of his grandfather. The DNC speaker schedule is subject to change and a full list of speakers will be released at a later time.

The convention will serve as Harris and Walz last stop on a bus tour dubbed "on the Road to Chicago," which will embark from Pittsburgh Sunday. On the way, the candidates and their spouses will stop to meet voters at volunteer canvass events and local retailers.

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Harris plans to hold a mid-week rally at Fiserve Forum in Milwaukee, the site of the Republican National Convention , on Tuesday.

Reach Joey Garrison on X, formerly Twitter, @joeygarrison and Rachel Barber on X, formerly Twitter, @rachelbarber_

Watch CBS News

DNC speakers include Biden, Obama, Bill and Hillary Clinton

By Aaron Navarro , Ed O'Keefe , Caitlin Yilek

August 13, 2024 / 3:21 PM EDT / CBS News

Washington — The Democratic National Convention will feature speeches by three presidents when the party gathers next week in Chicago to formally recognize Vice President Kamala Harris as its nominee. 

President Biden, former President Barack Obama, former President Bill Clinton, and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, who was the party's nominee in 2016, are set to make remarks at next week's four-day event, according to a source familiar with the planning.

Mr. Biden and Hillary Clinton are expected to deliver speeches on Monday. Obama is planned for Tuesday and Bill Clinton on Wednesday.

Harris' running mate, Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz , is expected to officially accept the vice presidential nomination Wednesday night. Harris will take the stage on Thursday, the final night of the convention, to formally accept the presidential nomination. 

An official schedule has not yet been released. NBC News was first to report the inclusion of the former presidents and Hillary Clinton. 

The convention comes weeks after Mr. Biden ended his reelection campaign amid growing pressure from Democrats to withdraw after he struggled in a June debate against former President Donald Trump, the Republican nominee. 

The party quickly coalesced around Harris, who secured the majority of delegates to win the nomination earlier this month. She named Walz as her running mate last week. 

  • Bill Clinton
  • Hillary Clinton
  • Kamala Harris
  • Democratic National Convention
  • Barack Obama

Aaron Navarro is a CBS News digital reporter covering the 2024 elections. He was previously an associate producer for the CBS News political unit in the 2021 and 2022 election cycles.

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Democratic National Convention speakers include Biden, Obama and the Clintons

Several prominent Democratic figures are set to speak at the Democratic National Convention in Chicago this month, two sources familiar with the plans told NBC News.

President Joe Biden, former presidents Barack Obama and Bill Clinton and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton have been confirmed as speakers at the convention. Obama and the Clintons delivered speeches during the 2020 DNC, which was largely held virtually to prevent the spread of Covid-19 amid the pandemic.

A source familiar said that former President Jimmy Carter’s grandson Jason Carter is also confirmed to be speaking as a representative for his grandfather.

Barack Obama, Joe Biden, and Bill Clinton stand next to each other on stage

The convention, which is scheduled for Aug. 19-22 in Chicago, takes place weeks after Biden announced his withdrawal from the race following widespread calls from Democrats to drop out after his disastrous June debate performance against former President Donald Trump. His campaign suffered major losses in donations and some backers withdrew their support for the president amid the fallout.Vice President Kamala Harris, who ran unopposed for the Democratic presidential nomination after Biden dropped out of the race, secured the majority of delegate votes to win the nomination during the virtual voting process earlier this month. The Harris campaign last week announced Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz as her running mate .

Harris, who is the first Black woman and first Indian American in U.S. history to secure a major party’s presidential nomination, will formally accept the Democratic Party’s nomination at the convention.

The momentum leading up to the convention has surged since Harris announced her presidential campaign last month, with a significant increase in requests for entry into the main event space at the United Center and other convention-related events in the city, people close to the convention and event planning told NBC News.

The Harris campaign raised a historic $310 million last month , and $36 million in the 24 hours after she announced Walz as her running mate.

Yamiche Alcindor is an NBC News Washington correspondent.

welcome speech to a guest speaker

Summer Concepcion is a politics reporter for NBC News.


Welcome Address Speech

Ai generator.

welcome speech to a guest speaker

A Welcome Address Speech is a formal or informal speech delivered at the beginning of an event, ceremony, conference, or gathering to greet and acknowledge the attendees.

What is Welcome Address Speech?

A welcome address speech is a formal or informal oration given at the beginning of an event, gathering, or ceremony. Its primary purpose is to greet the attendees, set a positive tone, and provide an overview of what to expect. This speech serves as the opening remarks that pave the way for the proceedings and establish a sense of warmth and hospitality.

welcome speech to a guest speaker

Welcome Address Speech Bundle Download

Welcome Address Speech Format

1. opening salutation.

Greeting: “Good [morning/afternoon/evening], everyone!” Acknowledgment: “Honorable [guests/speakers/participants], esteemed colleagues, ladies and gentlemen,”

2. Introduction

Event Introduction: “It is my great pleasure to welcome you to [name of the event].” Background: “This event is [brief description of the event’s purpose/significance].”

3. Warm Welcome

Expression of Hospitality: “We are delighted to have you all here today.” Special Recognitions: “I would like to extend a special welcome to [name important guests or dignitaries].”

4. Main Points

Overview of the Event: “Today, we have [outline the main activities, speakers, or sessions].” Expectations: “We hope you find this event [inspiring, informative, enjoyable, etc.].”

5. Closing Remarks

Thank You: “Thank you for being here and contributing to the success of this event.” Encouragement: “Let’s make the most of this opportunity and enjoy the event!”

6. Transition

Handing Over: “Now, I would like to invite [next speaker’s name] to the stage.”

Welcome Address Speech Example

Good morning, everyone!   Honorable guests, esteemed colleagues, distinguished speakers, and dear students,   It is my great pleasure to welcome you to the Annual Education Conference 2050 . This event is dedicated to exploring innovative teaching methods and advancing our educational practices to meet the demands of the future.   We are delighted to have you all here today. Your presence is a testament to your commitment to education and your dedication to making a difference in the lives of students.   I would like to extend a special welcome to our keynote speaker, Dr. Jane Smith, whose groundbreaking research in educational technology has revolutionized classrooms around the world. We are honored to have her share her insights with us today.   Today, we have an exciting lineup of activities, including keynote speeches, interactive workshops, and panel discussions. Our esteemed speakers and facilitators will cover a range of topics from digital learning innovations to strategies for fostering student engagement and success.   We hope you find this event both inspiring and informative. It is our aim to provide you with valuable knowledge and practical tools that you can apply in your educational environments.   Thank you for being here and contributing to the success of this conference. Your participation is what makes this event truly special.   Let’s make the most of this opportunity to learn, share, and grow together. Enjoy the conference!   Now, I would like to invite Dr. Jane Smith to the stage to deliver her keynote address.

Short Welcome Address Speech Example

Good morning, everyone! Honorable guests, esteemed colleagues, and dear students,   It is my great pleasure to welcome you to the Annual Education Conference 2050 . This event is dedicated to exploring innovative teaching methods and advancing our educational practices.   We are delighted to have you all here today. Your presence shows your commitment to education and your dedication to making a difference in the lives of students.   I would like to extend a special welcome to our keynote speaker, Dr. Jane Smith, whose groundbreaking research in educational technology has revolutionized classrooms around the world.   Today, we have an exciting lineup of activities, including keynote speeches, interactive workshops, and panel discussions. We hope you find this event both inspiring and informative.   Thank you for being here and contributing to the success of this conference. Let’s make the most of this opportunity to learn, share, and grow together. Enjoy the conference!   Now, I would like to invite Dr. Jane Smith to the stage to deliver her keynote address.

Welcome Address Speech for an Event

Welcome Address Speech for an Event

Welcome Address Speech for Graduation

Welcome Address Speech for Graduation

Welcome Address Speech for Seminar

Welcome Address Speech for Seminar

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  • Welcome Address Speech for Family Reunion
  • Welcome Address Speech for Holiday Celebration
  • Welcome Address Speech for New Employee Orientation
  • Welcome Address Speech for Religious Festival
  • Welcome Address Speech for Talent Show

How to Write Welcome Address Speech

Start with a warm greeting: “Good [morning/afternoon/evening], everyone!”

Acknowledge the presence of guests, dignitaries, and participants: “Honorable guests, esteemed colleagues, ladies and gentlemen,”

Introduce the event: “It is my great pleasure to welcome you to [name of the event].”

Provide a brief description of the event’s purpose or significance: “This event is dedicated to [brief description].”

Express hospitality: “We are delighted to have you all here today.”

Acknowledge special guests or key individuals: “I would like to extend a special welcome to [names of important guests].”

Give an overview of the event schedule: “Today, we have [outline of main activities or sessions].”

Set expectations: “We hope you find this event [inspiring, informative, enjoyable, etc.].”

Thank the audience: “Thank you for being here and contributing to the success of this event.”

Encourage participation: “Let’s make the most of this opportunity and enjoy the event!”

Introduce the next speaker or activity: “Now, I would like to invite [next speaker’s name] to the stage.”

Tips to Deliver Welcome Address Speech

  • Write and rehearse your speech to ensure smooth delivery.
  • Familiarize yourself with the key points and transitions.
  • Stand tall, maintain good posture, and make eye contact with the audience.
  • Speak clearly and at a moderate pace.
  • Start with a warm and enthusiastic greeting.
  • Use a friendly and welcoming tone throughout the speech.
  • Stick to the main points and avoid unnecessary details.
  • Aim for a speech duration of 2-3 minutes.
  • Express genuine excitement about the event and appreciation for the attendees.
  • Use positive language and a cheerful demeanor.
  • Mention important guests, speakers, and organizers to show respect and gratitude.
  • Be specific in your acknowledgments to make them feel valued.
  • Have bullet points or key phrases written down to keep you on track.
  • Avoid reading the speech verbatim; instead, use notes as a guide.
  • Allow for brief pauses to let important points sink in.
  • Ensure your speech transitions smoothly to the next part of the event.
  • Close your speech with a hopeful and encouraging note.
  • Introduce the next speaker or activity seamlessly.

Who typically delivers a welcome address speech?

The host, event organizer, or a prominent figure often delivers the welcome address speech.

How long should a welcome address speech be?

The speech should be concise, typically lasting between 2 to 5 minutes.

What key elements should a welcome address speech include?

Include a greeting, introduction, purpose of the event, key highlights, and a warm welcome to attendees.

How do you start a welcome address speech?

Start with a warm greeting and an expression of gratitude to attendees for their presence.

What tone should a welcome address speech have?

The tone should be welcoming, friendly, and enthusiastic to engage the audience.

How do you conclude a welcome address speech?

Conclude with a brief summary, expression of gratitude, and a positive note for the event ahead.

Can humor be included in a welcome address speech?

Yes, appropriate humor can make the speech engaging, but keep it respectful and relevant.

What role does a welcome address speech play in an event?

It sets the stage, builds anticipation, and creates a positive atmosphere for the event.

How should you address different types of audiences?

Tailor your language, tone, and content to suit the specific audience’s interests and expectations.

Should you acknowledge special guests in a welcome address speech?

Yes, acknowledging special guests and dignitaries shows respect and appreciation.


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Harris, Walz bring historic campaign to Michigan, rallying at Detroit Metro Airport

Taking the stage before a rollicking crowd gathered at a hot Detroit Metro Airport hangar on Wednesday night, Vice President Kamala Harris made her first appearance as the Democratic presidential nominee in Michigan, introducing Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz as her running mate, and saying "the path to the White House runs right through this state."

"I know we are all clear about what we are up against," Harris told the crowd, referring to the threat she said is posed by the Republican nominee, former President Donald Trump and his conservative agenda. But she said in the speech that began just before 8 p.m. that Democrats were not grim about their chances or the effort ahead. "Understand that in this fight, we are happy warriors," she said. "Hard work is good work."

"This election is going to be a fight," she said as the speech got underway. "We like a good fight. When you know what you stand for, you know what to fight for and we know what we stand for."

Moments into her speech, Harris rebuked a small group of hecklers chanting slogans about genocide in Gaza.

"If you want Donald Trump to win, then say that, otherwise I'm speaking." Harris said as she flashed a withering stare at the protesters, who were drowned out by the rest of the crowd before being escorted out.

Harris said Trump's election, if it were to happen, would threaten fundamental freedoms, exacerbate climate change and damage health care access.

"In the next 90 days we need you to use your power ... we need you to energize and organize and mobilize and make your voices heard," she said, as she wrapped up a speech that lasted for about a half hour. "When we fight, we win!"

Come back to for updated coverage.

Speaking before Harris came out, Walz revved up a crowd he said he was told was the largest to date of any rally of the Democratic campaign this year.

"It’s been a pretty interesting 24 hours for me, I have to be honest," said Walz, referring to his joining Harris for their first rally together Tuesday in Philadelphia. Noting that thousands came out to the airport and stood in the heat to be part of the effort to elect Harris, he said. "This is a place full of working folks, students, folks who care ... you did it (attended the rally) for one simple and beautiful and eloquent reason, you love this country."

Walz also said while Republicans "try to steal the joy from this country," Harris "emanates" it. Several speakers echoed the joy theme, calling Trump dark and divisive.

Both Walz and Harris gave shout-outs to union leaders, including UAW Shawn Fain, who spoke at the rally as well.

The UAW, said Harris, "knows what they fight for and knows how to win."

The rally was boisterous and at times profane but the crowd loved it swaying to the music and waving campaign placards.

Gov. Gretchen Whitmer scored the loudest welcome of the warm-up speakers. She spoke just before Harris and Walz took the stage, praising their background while denouncing Trump.

"The truth is we can’t afford another four years of Donald Trump," she said. "A second term of Donald Trump would be an unmitigated disaster
. You wouldn’t buy a used car from this guy, much less trust him with the auto industry."

"We need a strong woman in the White House and it’s about damn time," Whitmer shouted to thunderous applause.

She also said she's been in a friendly competition to outdo Walz' accomplishments as governor for years. "He's the only governor I know who curses more than I do," she said.

Rally comes as the Democrats' fortunes have turned

Harris and Walz' appearance in metro Detroit comes just weeks after President Joe Biden, beset by questions about his age and mental and physical acumen being raised by critics in his own party, agreed to step aside as the presumptive Democratic nominee , endorsing Harris.

That touched off a political whirlwind that quickly saw Harris, a former U.S. senator and state attorney general from California, become the first Black woman and South Asian woman to secure a major party's nomination for president. In a span of days, Harris locked down support across the party without any serious effort to challenge her, as a burst of enthusiasm propelled her polling numbers higher nationally and in Michigan.

According to the average of polls done in the state, Harris had a 2-percentage-point lead on Trump in Michigan as of Wednesday. Prior to Biden's leaving the race, the Republican former president had a lead of about that much over Biden. On the day Biden stepped aside, a Free Press poll showed Trump with a 7-point lead over Biden , the highest such showing for a Republican presidential candidate in Michigan in decades.

Michigan is considered, along with Pennsylvania and Wisconsin, a key part of the "blue wall" that Democrats need to hold the White House. In 2016, Trump narrowly won all three in route to winning the race over Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton; Biden beat Trump in all three four years ago.

Trump has made five visits to Michigan this year, the most recent being a rally in Grand Rapids on July 20, a week after an assassination attempt against him at a rally outside Pittsburgh. Biden has been in the state four times, most recently at a rally at Detroit's Renaissance High on July 12. Harris also visited Kalamazoo in July and in February was part of a roundtable discussion on the need for abortion access in Grand Rapids.

By the beginning of this week, Democrats had voted in a virtual roll call to make Harris the nominee ahead of the national convention in Chicago beginning Aug. 19. On Tuesday, she ended two weeks of speculation over who her vice presidential nominee would be by naming Walz, an avuncular and popular governor in Minnesota, who as a hunter, former high school coach and plainspoken Midwesterner is expected to play well in Michigan. The two kicked off a swing state tour on Tuesday in Philadelphia before heading to Eau Claire, Wisconsin, on Wednesday ahead of the trip to metro Detroit.

Harris and Walz were set to hold another event in metro Detroit on Thursday before heading to Phoenix.

Energy high at rally but several in crowd need medical attention

The energy among the crowd in the packed and hot airport hangar on Wednesday was palpable, with several thousand supporters lining up hours in advance to get inside. By 4:30 p.m., 2 1/2 hours before Harris and Walz were to speak, the hanger was full, with many guests wearing Harris pins or carrying pre-printed signs. Loudspeakers blasted upbeat music and the crowd, which was standing, began dancing at times. After the event got underway, the Detroit Youth Choir got a huge ovation when they completed their set.

There were several instances where it appeared some in the audience needed medical attention because of the heat. Harris, Walz and Whitmer all had to stop their speeches at various moments to call for medics to help people in the audience.

The rally at the hangar also appeared to steal a page from Tump's playbook. He's hosted rallies at hangars in Waterford and Saginaw this year. The crowd in Romulus was pulsing as the Vice President's plane, Air Force Two, pulled up outside with its robin's egg nose cone glistening in the sunshine.

Harris emerged from the plane with "Freedom" by Beyoncé and Kendrick Lamar blasting over the loudspeakers.

Gloria Polk, 79, of Detroit, was sweating in the heat but excited to be at the rally. She’d tried to get onto an earlier Harris rally on Zoom but couldn’t get in.

“I was at the Obama rally in Detroit (in 2008) and I sense a similar vibe,” she said. “But this energy came in two weeks.”

Polk said she likes Harris and what she stands for. “I think the fact that that she cooks and dances makes her everybody's person,” she said.

Leslie Wagner, 61, of Grosse Pointe, is a psychologist who was giddy at the thought of seeing Harris. “I saw Geraldine Ferraro (who was the Democratic vice presidential nominee to Walter Mondale in 1984 and the first woman to be a major party's vice presidential nominee) speak, when she ran,” she said. “I saw Hillary Clinton when she was supporting her husband and I'd really like the first woman president to be Kamala Harris.”

Sandra Richardson-Smith of Detroit, said she considers the election crucial to the future of the country. She refused to say Trump's name, saying she only refers to him as 45, the number president he was.

"I'm concerned about the prospect of losing our democracy," she said. "That other president has no program. He's a felon,"

But the Democratic tour wasn't going without challenge: Ahead of Wednesday's rally, U.S. Sen. JD Vance of Ohio, who Trump has named as his vice presidential nominee, made remarks outside the police department in Shelby Township in Macomb County, which Trump has won in each of the last two elections. Vance specifically hit Harris for the Biden administration's failure to stop a surge in undocumented immigrants coming across the southern border for months. Trump has promised to round up illegal immigrants and institute a mass deportation policy if reelected.

Harris' campaign, however, is expected to underscore the argument that the Biden administration had reached a bipartisan deal in Congress to increase funding for border agents and detention facilities only to see it fail when Trump came out against it.

Before the rally, Republican National Committee Chairman Michael Whatley issued a statement blaming Harris for high inflation rates and gas prices. "Michiganders won’t be fooled by the Harris-Walz campaign focused on memes, celebrity endorsements and pushing their extreme agenda far and wide," he said.

And some of the criticism came from a crowd of around 50 pro-Palestinian demonstrators gathered outside the event to oppose Harris' appearance.

"As the Biden-Harris administration continues to facilitate almost daily massacres across Gaza, we see through the empty attempts to distance a presidential nominee from her complicity in genocide," said Assmaa Eidy of Dearborn.

Protesters wore Palestinian keffiyehs and waved Palestinian flags as they held signs reading "abandon genocide." Loudspeakers and drumming accompanied chants like "Harris, Harris you can't hide, you are funding genocide." Police vehicles and officers on foot blocked off traffic outside the terminal to allow for the protest and legal observers were onsite.

JD Vance: GOP VP nominee takes aim at Harris, Walz on immigration, policing in Michigan speech

Other Democratic leaders speak before Harris

Prior to the 7 p.m. remarks by Harris and Walz at Detroit Metro Airport, a host of speakers took the stage, including Lt. Gov. Garlin Gilchrist and Democratic members of Michigan's U.S. House delegation. U.S. Rep. Debbie Dingell, D-Ann Arbor, who urged Democrats to take the threat posed by Trump in Michigan more seriously eight years ago, said, “I feel a lot better now than I did in 2016."

"Donald Trump is not going to win Michigan,” Dingell said. “Michigan will not let them win. We’re going to hold them accountable.”

U.S. Rep. Dan Kildee, D-Flint Township, reminded the crowd of Harris’ visit to Flint during the city’s water crisis when lead contamination was found in the drinking supply. "She didn’t have to do that,” Kildee said. “She did it because she believes that everybody deserves a shot.”

Detroit Mayor Mike Duggan praised Biden and Harris for passing the infrastructure bill that authorized billions in aid to Michigan . He also recalled a visit to the Trump White House when he thought he was going to get word of Trump’s infrastructure plan. Duggan said Trump complained for 30 minutes about how mean CNN had been to him before discussing infrastructure.

“He said there’s no federal money for infrastructure but if you mayors want to build toll roads, you can do that,” Duggan said. “That was his plan.”

Fain, in his remarks, praised Harris as a "badass woman who has stood on the picket line" with workers, including with UAW workers when they struck General Motors in 2019, and denounced Trump − who has repeatedly attacked Fain and UAW brass for endorsing the Democratic ticket − as a "lapdog of the billionaire class," doing little when union auto plants in Michigan, Ohio and Maryland closed during his presidency.

He also noted that Trump began to speak much more favorably about electric vehicles, which he had criticized as expensive and impractical, when Tesla founder Elon Musk endorsed him and committed to helping fund a Super PAC supporting Trump. None of Tesla's plants are unionized.

As for Walz, the UAW president said labor urged that he be selected as Harris' running mate, calling him "a working class guy with working class values."

Contact Todd Spangler: [email protected]. Follow him on Twitter@tsspangler.

Republicans gather at Illinois State Fair to drum up excitement for election, urge early voting

Craig Wall Image

SPRINGFIELD, Ill. (WLS) -- Thursday was Republican Day at the Illinois State Fair in Springfield.

The party faithful gathered to drum up energy and excitement for the November election.

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And party leaders are pushing for early voting and party unity.

Republicans may be the super minority party in Illinois, but, as they came together Thursday, there was a sense of hope that maybe this election cycle they can bring about some change.

At the Republican county chair's breakfast, leaders rallied the troops, and issued a call to action with a different approach toward voting.

"We will work hard to bank as many pre-Election Day votes as possible, and overwhelm the Democrats with Republican votes because the political party that votes for weeks and months will mathematically beat the party that only goes for one day," Illinois GOP Chair Kathy Salvi said. "If we can look at what joins us, not what divides us, there's no stopping us. Because Republican unity on this mission for all candidates on the ballot puts us on the right track."

Republicans are hoping to regain some momentum that they felt after the Republican National Convention last month, to blunt the Democrats' current wave of enthusiasm for Kamala Harris ahead of their own convention.

SEE MORE: Democrats rally at Illinois State Fair days ahead of DNC in Chicago

"I mean, the excitement was there. It was real. It was palpable. And certainly on the heels of that, the Democrats saw, and they had to make a change really quickly. I call what they've got going on now a blip. And it certainly is a blip," Chair Rhonda Belford said.

House Republican Leader Tony McCombie agreed.

"I think they are excited because it's not Biden. They didn't plan properly, and now they're cleaning up their mess," McCombie said.

Guest speaker Matt Whitaker was acting attorney general when Donald Trump was president.

"What I see right now is what you would expect. We're in a honeymoon period with Kamala Harris; the left is so excited that they have a candidate with a pulse. That's a fairly low bar," Whitaker said.

Republicans are honing their messaging around grass roots, kitchen table issues, seeing the economy as a top concern for voters.

"I think it's really incumbent upon us right now to stop, reflect and make sure we remind people what this party truly stands for and what this party has done," said state Sen. John Curran, Senate minority leader. "This is about cost of living. This is about corruption; this is about crime and taxes. We got to stick to those core issues here in Illinois and continue to message that."

"When you're out doing a speech, the three Cs: Crime, corruption, cost of living, it resonates with everyone. And you can fit everything into those silos," state Senate Assistant Republican Leader Terri Bryant said.

Republicans are also hopeful about gaining a few seats in the state legislature, and maybe even flipping some suburban congressional districts.

A rally Thursday was delayed by rain, but the enthusiasm of party members who came from around the state was not dampened.

"Look, I'm feeling really good about November from a national standpoint, because, and actually even a little bit into the state, because, for the first time, Trump's policies have coattails," said Jeanne Ives, a former state representative.

Taunya Madden was an alternate delegate at the RNC.

"I just got back from Milwaukee, and I'm on fire. So, I'm excited to be here today," Taunya Madden said.

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When is the Democratic National Convention in Chicago? What to know about DNC 2024

The Democratic National Convention is preparing to meet in just one week.

The event follows last month's Republican National Convention in Milwaukee when Former President Donald Trump formally accepted his nomination as the Republican presidential candidate and  announced Ohio Sen. JD Vance as his running mate .

Here's what to know about the DNC.

More: What is Vice President Kamala Harris' ethnicity?

When is the DNC 2024?

The DNC  will begin on Monday, Aug. 19, and conclude on Thursday, Aug. 22.

More: Is VP Kamala Harris a law enforcement officer? Why she was called California's 'Top Cop'

Where is the DNC 2024?

The 2024 DNC will take place in Chicago for the first time since 1996, when Former President Bill Clinton accepted the nomination for his second term.

The United Center will host evening events, including programming and speeches intended for the public, while McCormick Place will host daytime events, which largely consist of official business and meetings.

Find a map of venues for special events on the Chicago 2024 DNC website.

Who will attend the DNC 2024?

Vice President Kamala Harris and her newly selected running mate, Gov. Tim Walz of Minnesota, will both speak during this year's convention. President Joe Biden is also expected to speak.

The entire list and schedule of speakers have not yet been released. The RNC unveiled schedules to the public each day.

Why this year's convention won't formally nominate the Democratic candidate

The DNC, like the RNC, typically hosts a roll-call vote to formally select the party nominees. However, Harris and Walz were officially nominated earlier through an online roll-call vote.

Therefore, the main activities at this year’s convention will focus on speeches and confirming the party platform.


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