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critical thinking cards instructions

How to Play 52 Essential Critical Thinking Cards

Ways to play, level 1: knowledge-building.


"Bias Blitz"

Announce the cognitive bias name on the top of the card. Players shout out the definition based on the name. The first to guess correctly wins the card. If no one does, reveal the definition and return the card to the draw pile.

"Critical Contemplation"

Read the definition and quote on the card without revealing its name. Players take turns naming this cognitive bias. The player with the closest or funniest name wins the card.



"Cognitive Conquest"

Read the example on the card out loud. Players take turns guessing the bias name and the cognitive assumptions it involves. The player who guesses correctly collects the card.

"Bias Breakdown"

Explain the concept on your card in terms a 5-year-old would understand. If your explanation helps others guess correctly, you collect the card.



"Gaslight Gambit"

Place all cards face up. Watch the news or a political debate. The first player to verbally identify a bias being committed collects the card. BONUS: explain why the bias happened.

"Bias Baffle"

Players take turns describing a scenario from their personal or professional life without naming the bias. Player who guesses correctly collects the card.


"cognitive clash".

Players take turns choosing two cards that either amplify or counteract each other’s effect. Collect the cards if you successfully persuade the other players of your logical reasoning behind the pairing.

"Bias Breakthrough"

To collect a card, explain strategies we can take to mitigate or avoid the bias. Bonus: describe how implementing these strategies could lead to positive changes.



"BS Buster"

Review a social media post, ad, or an opinion article. Identify and summarize any sentences that use cognitive bias to persuade you to do or think a certain way. What impact could these have on readers' views or choices?

"Bias Beacon"

Come up with questions that would expose the bias (assumptions, flaw in thinking) in the identified sentences from above.

Take the Implicit Bias Quiz

Coming soon: bonus scenarios..

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James Taylor

10 Critical Thinking Cards to Enhance Your Problem-Solving Skills

Annie Walls

Annie Walls

Critical thinking is a valuable skill that helps individuals approach problems and make informed decisions. By developing problem-solving skills and using critical thinking cards, you can enhance your ability to analyze situations, consider different perspectives, and generate creative solutions. In this article, we will explore 10 critical thinking cards that can improve your problem-solving skills. Let's dive in!

Key Takeaways

  • Critical thinking is essential for problem-solving and decision-making.
  • Problem-solving skills can be developed through practice and experience.
  • Critical thinking cards are a useful tool for enhancing problem-solving abilities.
  • Using critical thinking cards can help you analyze problems, consider different perspectives, and generate creative solutions.
  • Reflecting on the problem-solving process is important for continuous improvement.

Understanding Critical Thinking

What is critical thinking.

Critical thinking is a fundamental skill that involves analyzing , evaluating , and interpreting information to make informed decisions and solve problems. It goes beyond simply accepting information at face value and requires a deeper level of reflection and reasoning . Critical thinking enables individuals to question assumptions , consider alternative perspectives , and apply logical reasoning to arrive at well-reasoned conclusions. It is an essential skill in today's complex and rapidly changing world.

Why is Critical Thinking Important?

Critical thinking is essential in today's complex and fast-paced world. It allows individuals to analyze information, evaluate arguments, and make informed decisions. By developing critical thinking skills , individuals can navigate through challenges, solve problems, and adapt to changing circumstances. Critical thinking is particularly important in professional settings, where decision-making can have significant consequences. It helps professionals identify biases, consider multiple perspectives, and find innovative solutions. Moreover, critical thinking promotes intellectual curiosity and lifelong learning, enabling individuals to continuously improve their problem-solving abilities.

The Components of Critical Thinking

Critical thinking is composed of several key components that work together to enhance problem-solving skills. These components include analytical thinking , which involves breaking down complex problems into smaller, more manageable parts to gain a deeper understanding. Logical reasoning is another important component, as it allows individuals to evaluate information and draw logical conclusions. Additionally, creative thinking plays a crucial role in critical thinking by encouraging individuals to think outside the box and generate innovative solutions. Lastly, open-mindedness is essential in critical thinking as it involves considering different perspectives and being receptive to new ideas.

Developing Problem-Solving Skills

The importance of problem-solving skills.

Problem-solving skills are crucial in both personal and professional settings. They enable individuals to identify and overcome challenges, make informed decisions, and find innovative solutions. Effective problem-solving requires a combination of analytical thinking, creativity, and critical evaluation. By developing these skills, individuals can navigate complex situations, adapt to change, and achieve their goals.

How to Develop Problem-Solving Skills

Developing problem-solving skills is essential for overcoming challenges and finding effective solutions. Here are some strategies to help you develop your problem-solving skills:

  • Practice critical thinking : Engage in activities that require you to analyze, evaluate, and generate solutions. This could include solving puzzles, playing strategy games, or participating in brainstorming sessions.
  • Seek diverse perspectives : Gain different viewpoints by seeking input from others. This can help you consider alternative solutions and broaden your understanding of the problem.
  • Learn from past experiences : Reflect on previous problem-solving experiences and identify what worked well and what could be improved. Use these insights to enhance your future problem-solving approaches.
  • Embrace creativity : Explore creative problem-solving techniques, such as brainstorming, mind mapping, or lateral thinking. These approaches can help you generate innovative solutions.
  • Develop effective communication skills : Effective communication is crucial for problem-solving. Practice active listening, ask clarifying questions, and communicate your ideas clearly and concisely.

By incorporating these strategies into your daily life, you can enhance your problem-solving skills and become a more effective critical thinker.

Overcoming Common Problem-Solving Challenges

Problem-solving can be a complex process that requires careful consideration and analysis. It is not uncommon to encounter challenges along the way. However, with the right strategies and mindset, these challenges can be overcome effectively.

Using Critical Thinking Cards

What are critical thinking cards.

Critical Thinking Cards are a tool used to enhance problem-solving and critical thinking skills. They are a set of cards, each containing a specific prompt or question that encourages individuals to think critically about a problem or situation. These cards can be used individually or in a group setting, and they provide a structured approach to analyzing problems and generating creative solutions. By using Critical Thinking Cards, individuals can improve their ability to identify assumptions, evaluate evidence, consider alternative perspectives, and make informed decisions. They are a valuable resource for anyone looking to develop their problem-solving skills and enhance their critical thinking abilities.

Benefits of Using Critical Thinking Cards

Using critical thinking cards can provide several benefits in enhancing problem-solving skills. One of the key benefits is that they offer a structured approach to analyzing and evaluating problems, allowing individuals to break down complex issues into manageable components. This helps in gaining a deeper understanding of the problem and identifying potential solutions.

Another benefit is that critical thinking cards promote collaboration and teamwork . By using these cards, individuals can engage in discussions and brainstorming sessions with their peers, sharing different perspectives and ideas. This collaborative approach fosters creativity and encourages innovative thinking.

Additionally, critical thinking cards can improve decision-making . They provide a framework for considering various factors, such as assumptions, evidence, and alternative perspectives, which helps in making informed and rational decisions. By using these cards, individuals can evaluate the pros and cons of different options and choose the most suitable course of action.

Furthermore, critical thinking cards enhance problem-solving skills . They encourage individuals to think critically, analyze information, and generate creative solutions. By practicing with these cards, individuals can develop their problem-solving abilities and become more effective in addressing complex challenges.

In summary, using critical thinking cards offers a structured approach to problem-solving, promotes collaboration and teamwork, improves decision-making, and enhances problem-solving skills.

How to Use Critical Thinking Cards Effectively

When using critical thinking cards, it is important to follow these guidelines:

  • Format at most one important keyword in bold and use italics for subtle emphasis where needed.
  • Do not include the H3 heading in the paragraph.
  • Implement a table for presenting structured, quantitative data. Ensure it's succinct and formatted correctly in Markdown.
  • Use a bulleted or numbered list for less structured content, like steps, qualitative points, or a series of related items.
  • Optionally, include a Markdown blockquote for important tips or advice, avoiding citing sources.
  • Do not include images.
  • Content should be split into multiple short paragraphs.

10 Critical Thinking Cards for Problem-Solving

Card 1: analyzing the problem.

Analyzing the problem is a crucial step in the problem-solving process. It involves breaking down the problem into smaller components and examining each one individually. This allows you to gain a deeper understanding of the problem and identify any underlying issues or root causes. By analyzing the problem, you can uncover important insights that will guide your problem-solving approach.

Card 2: Identifying Assumptions

Identifying assumptions is a crucial step in critical thinking and problem-solving. Assumptions are the underlying beliefs or ideas that we often take for granted without questioning. By identifying assumptions, we can uncover hidden biases and challenge our own thinking. This process allows us to consider alternative perspectives and explore new possibilities. It is important to be aware of our assumptions and examine them critically to ensure that they are valid and reliable.

Card 3: Evaluating Evidence

Evaluating evidence is a crucial step in the critical thinking process. It involves carefully examining the information and data available to determine its reliability, validity, and relevance to the problem at hand. By evaluating evidence, you can make informed decisions and avoid basing your conclusions on faulty or biased information. It is important to consider the source of the evidence, the methodology used to gather it, and any potential biases that may be present. Additionally, critically analyzing the evidence allows you to identify any gaps or inconsistencies that may exist. This helps you to develop a more comprehensive understanding of the problem and potential solutions.

Card 4: Considering Alternative Perspectives

In the realm of problem-solving, considering alternative perspectives is crucial. It's about stepping outside your own viewpoint and examining the problem from different angles. This approach not only enhances creativity but also leads to more robust solutions.

Why is this so important? In a world where 45 percent of jobs are expected to be automated in the next two decades, the distinctly human competitive advantage lies in our ability to be creative and innovate. By considering alternative perspectives, we tap into this potential.

  • Look at the problem through the lens of different stakeholders.
  • Ask 'What if?' to challenge the status quo and explore new possibilities.
  • Use tools like colorful post-it notes, pens, and paper to visually map out various perspectives.
Tip: Remember that collaboration often sparks innovation. Embrace the concept of SUPERCOLLABORATION™, where human and AI efforts combine to create solutions that neither could achieve alone.

Whether you're working alone or in a team, make space for diverse viewpoints. If possible, utilize a flipchart or whiteboard to help visualize and compare different perspectives. The more colorful and engaging the process, the more likely you are to unlock creative solutions.

Card 5: Generating Creative Solutions

Generating creative solutions is a crucial step in problem-solving. It involves thinking outside the box and exploring unconventional ideas. By breaking free from traditional thinking patterns, you can uncover innovative solutions that may not have been considered before. This process requires open-mindedness and a willingness to challenge assumptions. It is important to encourage brainstorming and idea generation without judgment or criticism. Creativity is key in this stage, as it allows for the exploration of new possibilities and perspectives.

Card 6: Assessing Risks and Benefits

Assessing the risks and benefits is a crucial step in the problem-solving process. It involves evaluating the potential positive outcomes and negative consequences of different options or solutions. By carefully considering the risks and benefits, you can make more informed decisions and minimize potential pitfalls. One effective way to assess risks and benefits is by using a decision matrix. A decision matrix is a tool that helps you compare and evaluate different options based on their potential risks and benefits. It allows you to assign weights to different factors and calculate a score for each option. This can help you objectively analyze the risks and benefits and choose the best course of action.

Card 7: Making Informed Decisions

Making informed decisions is a crucial aspect of problem-solving. It involves gathering relevant information, analyzing the available options, and considering the potential outcomes. By making informed decisions, you can minimize risks and maximize the chances of finding effective solutions. To make informed decisions, it is important to:

Card 8: Reflecting on the Process

Reflecting on the problem-solving process is an essential step in developing critical thinking skills. It allows you to evaluate the effectiveness of your approach and identify areas for improvement. By taking the time to reflect , you can gain valuable insights and learn from your experiences. Here are some key points to consider when reflecting on the process:

  • Assess the outcomes: Evaluate the results of your problem-solving efforts. Did you achieve the desired outcome? Were there any unexpected outcomes?
  • Analyze your decision-making: Reflect on the decisions you made throughout the process. Were they based on sound reasoning and evidence?
  • Identify strengths and weaknesses: Recognize your strengths in problem-solving and areas where you can improve.
Tip: Keep a reflective journal to document your thoughts and observations. This can help you track your progress and identify patterns or trends in your problem-solving approach.

Welcome to my article section on my website, where I share valuable insights and resources to inspire creative problem-solving. In this article, I will introduce you to 10 critical thinking cards that can help you enhance your problem-solving skills. These cards are designed to stimulate your thinking and encourage innovative solutions. Whether you are a business professional, an entrepreneur, or a student, these cards will provide you with a fresh perspective and empower you to tackle challenges with confidence. To learn more about problem-solving and unleash your creative potential, visit my website Keynote Speaker James Taylor - Inspiring Creative Minds. Discover how I can help you and your team develop critical thinking skills and drive innovation in your organization. Take the first step towards unlocking your problem-solving abilities and visit my website today!

In conclusion, these 10 critical thinking cards provide a valuable tool for enhancing problem-solving skills. By utilizing these cards, individuals can develop their ability to think critically, analyze information, and make informed decisions. Whether you are a student, professional, or simply looking to improve your problem-solving abilities, incorporating these cards into your routine can have a significant impact. So, why wait? Start using these critical thinking cards today and unlock your full problem-solving potential!

Frequently Asked Questions

What is critical thinking.

Critical thinking is the ability to objectively analyze and evaluate information to form a reasoned judgment or decision.

Why is critical thinking important?

Critical thinking is important because it helps individuals make informed decisions, solve complex problems, and evaluate arguments and evidence.

How can I develop problem-solving skills?

You can develop problem-solving skills by practicing critical thinking, seeking out new challenges, and learning from your experiences.

What are critical thinking cards?

Critical thinking cards are a tool that prompts individuals to think critically and consider different aspects of a problem or situation.

What are the benefits of using critical thinking cards?

Using critical thinking cards can enhance problem-solving skills, encourage creative thinking, and improve decision-making abilities.

How can I use critical thinking cards effectively?

To use critical thinking cards effectively, start by analyzing the problem, consider different perspectives, generate creative solutions, and evaluate the risks and benefits.

critical thinking cards instructions

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Emily Jane Valenza

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Click each image for an abbreviated description of conversation prompts. 

Critical Thinking for Understanding Deck

Goals: to foster regular critical analysis of any creative endeavor, particularly: visual arts, performing arts and literature. , uses: teacher-lead group discussion, student pairings, individual written response, or in a museum setting as a stimulus for conversation and deeper appreciation. .

I plan to publish this activity as a playing card deck for classroom and home use with accompanying curriculum links and lessons to adapt for many educational settings. I'm excited about the wonderful student conversations that have formed as a result of this activity and I look forward to sharing it with others.

Download and print a deck to use in your classroom!

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  • Thinker's Guides

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Laminated Card Set: Critical Thinking for Learners and Educators (set of 6)

Normal 0 false false false en-us x-none x-none.

These laminated cards highlight the essential concepts in critical thinking, as well as the basic applications of those concepts. They are ideal study companions and desk reminders for anyone learning critical thinking, teaching it to others, and/or using it in their daily work. The full set can be used by students, professionals, and anyone else looking to internalize key ideas and tools in critical thinking. Likewise, it can be used by educators and trainers as explicit reminders of the foundations of critical thinking, and how to apply those foundations in the classroom. Educators will also find the cards useful in helping students to incorporate these ideas into their everyday classwork. Dimensions: 5.5" x 8.5"

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52 Essential Critical Thinking: Smart Flash Cards to Uncover Implicit Biases, Detect Cognitive Biases in Social Media, AI, Writing, Speech, Debate, for Teens & Adults - by Harvard Educator

  • To view this video download Flash Player

52 Essential Critical Thinking: Smart Flash Cards to Uncover Implicit Biases, Detect Cognitive Biases in Social Media, AI, Writing, Speech, Debate, for Teens & Adults - by Harvard Educator

Conversation Skills

Coping Skills

Coping Skills for Kids

Critical Thinking

Emotional Intelligence

Gratitude Attitude

Inclusion Skills

Interview Skills

Life Skills

Social Dilemmas

Social Situations

Social Skills

  • Developed by Harvard Educator: Help uncover cognitive biases with 52 flash cards that align with Bloom's Taxonomy.
  • Learn while having fun: Become a wiser communicator, faster BS detective, and smarter consumer and investor.
  • Smarter problem solving: Includes 10 levels of play from beginner to expert for youth to adulthood.
  • Improve discussions: Use in English Language Arts, Social Studies, Media Literacy, Speech and Debate.
  • Combines knowledge: Practical card game that combines core knowledge from behavioral science, social psychology, economics, cognitive science books and workbooks.
  • Updated 2nd edition: Now with improved gameplay and content.

Additional Details

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Product information

Age Range (Description) Teen, Adult
Number of Pieces 52
Product Dimensions 4"L x 3"W
Global Trade Identification Number 00860258002238
Item Weight 4.9 ounces
Manufacturer recommended age 8 years and up
Best Sellers Rank #821 in Toys & Games ( )
#31 in
Customer Reviews
4.4 out of 5 stars
Manufacturer Mind Brain Emotion

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From the brand

52 Essential cards by Mind Brain Emotion and Mind Brain Parenting Life Skills Social Emotional deck

Award-winning Skills-Building Cards. In 50+ countries.

Mind Brain Emotion Pledges 1% of profit to youth, education, children and family health services

Proud Member

We donate 1% of our profit toward youth, education, and health services.

Mind Brain Emotion Logo Mind Brain Parenting, maker of 52 Essential Social Skills EQ Books Card Game


To equip kids & adults with the language, skills, and confidence to be courageous, capable, and compassionate humans.

To enable access to caring relationships.

We create cleverly simple, practical, and actionable learning tools. Evidence-based, expert-approved.


as seen in ted tedx parents usa today womens world us weekly business insider forbes berkeley times

As seen featured in CNBC

How did we get our start.

Mind Brain Emotion was born at the world-famous Harvard Innovation Lab.

Anchored on Harvard University's longest-running study, we teach kids and adults essential skills and strategies to become happier, calmer, and wiser.

Why do we love what we do?

Our Founder, Dr. Jenny Woo, is passionate about helping people achieve their potential at home, school, and work.

What makes our products unique?

We focus on QUALITY: evidence-based, research-backed, and user-approved.

Our cards are cleverly practical, modern, actionable, and helpful.

Certified Woman Minority-owned Small Business.

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As seen in Forbes Article Can Leadership be Taught? Emotional Intelligence Starts with Our Kids Woo

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52 Essential Interview Skills: Prep for Private School, College, Job Entrance Interviews| 200+ In...

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As Seen in Us Weekly Magazine

52 Essential Inclusion Skills A to Z Guide to Kindness Compassion Respect for Diverse Abilities

Tell me about 52 Essential Social Skills Series.

The Series comprises 52 Essential Social Skills, Social Situations, and Social Dilemmas.

These three card decks provide modern-day, age-appropriate social scenarios and stories to help kids and teens thrive in Kindergarten, Elementary, and Middle School.

Used by parents, teachers, special education, counselors, therapists, and social workers nationwide.

"The kids LOVE having a voice, being actively listened to, and sharing about themselves!"

"Helpful for building relationships between children and their peers, families, and other trusted adults."

Product Description

Award Winning 52 Essential Cards Series

Gain skills to become a...

  • faster BS detector,
  • smarter consumer,
  • wiser communicator,
  • savvier investor,
  • better human being.

A game to help you evaluate attitudes, behaviors, and decisions.

5 difficulty levels. 10 play modes. Card includes focus area, definition, example, quote.

"A series of simple card games that connect generations while teaching essential life skills." - Forbes

Customer Reviews
Ages 5+ 10+ 10+ 10+ 8+ (3-6th) 11+ (6-8th)
Focus Social Emotional Learning Competencies Emotional Intelligence, Relationship Skills Coping Skills, Emotional Resilience & Agility Communications, Admissions, Job Interviewing Friendships, Character Ed, Social Cues Life Skills, Responsible Decision Making
What's Inside? CASEL-aligned SEL competencies to develop social and emotional skills Guided language, strategies to strengthen relationships Actionable exercises to manage big emotions, anxiety 200+ Insider Questions, Interview Criteria & Focus Areas Real situations, prompts to build social & academic confidence Relatable dilemmas to practice problem-solving
Use at Home
Use at School/Camp
Use in Therapy
Use in Workplaces
Sample Skills/Exercises Recognizing emotions, growth mindset, empathy, mindfulness, impulse control, curiosity, mastery, identity, self-confidence, inclusion, dignity… Building trust, conflict resolution, giving and receiving feedback, mentorship, teamwork, negotiation, empathy, influence, asking for help... Stress management, mindfulness, cognitive behavioral therapy, DBT, ACT, adaptive coping, goal-setting, problem-solving Adaptability, Self-Advocacy, Open-mindedness, Confidence, Purpose, Growth, Motivation & Drive, Problem-Solving, Independence & Self-Direction Handling peer pressure, dealing with a bully, advocating for self, demonstrating patience, working in team, communicating boundaries… Coping with exclusion, facing awkward decisions, taking initiative, staying positive, overcoming imposter syndrome, making amends...
Also Included (Free with Purchase) Online lessons by card topic featuring teachers and researchers, SEL Checklist EQ Assessment, Online Relationship Skills Course Coping Assessment Online Interview Videos with Experts & Alumni Interviewers, 101 Real Essay Prompts Social Skills Assessment, Online Learning Library Grade-by-Grade Assessment, Online Learning Library

Evidence-based tools for in-person AND online!

Mental health, emotional intelligence skills, and well-being support tools used in 50+ countries.

What's in the box

Videos for this product.

Video Widget Card

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Video Widget Video Title Section

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Great prompt for gaining connection with your kiddos!


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Customer reviews.

  • 5 star 4 star 3 star 2 star 1 star 5 star 71% 13% 9% 4% 3% 71%
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  • 5 star 4 star 3 star 2 star 1 star 3 star 71% 13% 9% 4% 3% 9%
  • 5 star 4 star 3 star 2 star 1 star 2 star 71% 13% 9% 4% 3% 4%
  • 5 star 4 star 3 star 2 star 1 star 1 star 71% 13% 9% 4% 3% 3%

Customer Reviews, including Product Star Ratings help customers to learn more about the product and decide whether it is the right product for them.

To calculate the overall star rating and percentage breakdown by star, we don’t use a simple average. Instead, our system considers things like how recent a review is and if the reviewer bought the item on Amazon. It also analyzed reviews to verify trustworthiness.

Customers say

Customers like the coping skills, content and versatility of the tabletop game. For example, they mention it's a great therapy tool, provides excellent approachable ways to build coping skill, and is relevant to mindfulness and DBT. They appreciate the fun. Opinions are mixed on ease of use, quality, and value.

AI-generated from the text of customer reviews

Customers find the content educational, helpful, and informative. They say the questions lead to great thinking and discussions, and the cards provide good ideas for coping skills. Customers also say the game is a great way to open up conversations with loved ones.

"Cards are very relevant to mindfulness and dbt. Has been an asset to my therapy . Easy to use and relate to. Cards are easy to read and sturdy." Read more

"...For veterans, these cards offer a unique blend of benefits , aiding both in the transition to civilian life and in managing stress and emotional well-..." Read more

"...easy to use and help explain situations . worth the money" Read more

"Very cool! Great learning tool ! Glad I bought it." Read more

Customers find the coping skills in the game great, useful, and relevant to mindfulness and DBT. They also say the cards come in handy and are great in a therapeutic atmosphere. Customers also say they're fantastic tools to use in many situations and can really help change their behavior.

" Cards are very relevant to mindfulness and dbt. Has been an asset to my therapy. Easy to use and relate to. Cards are easy to read and sturdy." Read more

" Great for therapy " Read more

"...I'm glad I know now". I feel this would be great in a therapeutic atmosphere as well as a gift for those trying to make life better and easier." Read more

"...a variety of developmental/mental health disorders and these cards come in super handy ...." Read more

Customers find the game super fun, awesome, and great for talking through situations with kids. They also say it's an interactive activity that promotes good life skills and is engaging. Customers also mention that the game is inspiring and helpful for adolescents.

"...We've always struggled to communicate and this was a fun , nonthreatening way for us to practice better communication skills...." Read more

"This deck was let down and I'm not even sure why. The exercises are good and very concrete but I found myself hoping for something more - I just do..." Read more

"... All 3 games are great , but I would highly recommend coping skills game. It's a very practical tool that you can use in daily basis. Thank you!!!" Read more

"...Awesome buy. Recommend highly. Kiddo finds it to be very fun too and wants to play it often and thereby engages hubby who is reluctant but now he..." Read more

Customers find the game versatile and great for all families. They say it makes for a great family bonding experience, is interesting, and a win-win for the family. Customers also say it's great for parents looking to engage in deeper communication with their children. They mention the game provides the opportunity to develop a strong relationship and understanding friendships.

"...These are truly great for all families that simply want to raise good kids with polite conversational abilities." Read more

"...They can be done as a family , or just by yourself...." Read more

"...I love how the cards are categorized into different social and emotional focus areas which is useful when planning social emotional learning..." Read more

"...They offer a variety of categories from relationships to self-awareness and the extra resources that come with this pack is invaluable!..." Read more

Customers like that the tabletop game is portable. They mention it's easy to throw in the purse and use on road trips. They also say it fits perfectly in their purse.

"...Practically speaking, they are portable and great to carry around in my jacket pocket or bag...." Read more

"It's fairly small . A little bigger then a deck of cards." Read more

"...I also love that they are so portable so I can keep them with me." Read more

"...Nicely packaged in a metal container. Easy to throw in the purse and use on road trips! Highly recommend!" Read more

Customers are mixed about the quality of the tabletop game. Some mention it's well thought out, intuitive, and well designed. They also appreciate the good quality of cards and the storage can. However, some customers feel the content is weak and not close to the hype. They say the actual product was a complete disappointment and a little too cerebral.

"...Easy to use and relate to. Cards are easy to read and sturdy ." Read more

"... Waste of my time is what it is...." Read more

"...the cards themselves is top-notch; they are sturdy and the design is visually appealing . But the true value of this product lies in its content...." Read more

"I bought this deck of cards, and they are amazing , but the package was damaged." Read more

Customers are mixed about the ease of use. Some mention that the cards are easy to read and sturdy, and the game is an easy way to take those first steps. They also say the ideas are easy yet very helpful. However, some customers feel the cards lack explanations and instructions. They say the questions and concepts are generic and do not match the advertisement.

"...Has been an asset to my therapy. Easy to use and relate to . Cards are easy to read and sturdy." Read more

"I like the cards. However, there are no directions as to how to use the cards as a card game. I wasn’t able to find anything on the site either." Read more

"this is utilized on therapy sessions with clients. easy to use and help explain situations. worth the money" Read more

"...Not even close to the hype, no explanations on the cards , just a huge waste of money." Read more

Customers are mixed about the value of the tabletop game. Some mention that it's worth the money, while others say that it is overpriced for a small deck of cards.

"They are good conversation starters but I thought they were a little overpriced ...." Read more

"...easy to use and help explain situations. worth the money " Read more

"...Waste of my time is what it is. You get an overpriced deck of cards with each having a question like what would you do if your friend don't want you..." Read more

"...I purchased them on my own as we so often have to but the price is so manageable compared to anything else I have been researching!..." Read more

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critical thinking cards instructions

Cognitive biases make our judgments irrational. We have evolved to use shortcuts in our thinking, which are often useful, but a cognitive bias means there’s a kind of misfiring going on causing us to lose objectivity. This website has been designed to help you identify some of the most common biases stuffing up your thinking. Click on the icons above to see full explanations on link-able pages e.g. yourbias.is/confirmation-bias and share this website to help make the world a more rational and thinky place:

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Critical Thinking Cards

Get yourself a deck of these pretty great high-quality cards featuring 24 logical fallacies, 24 cognitive biases, and 3 game cards. Play watching cable news or a political debate!

Visit The Thinking Shop

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Help Save the World from itself

Back our non profit on Patreon & get instant access to our posters, critical thinking cards, & exclusive content like our Critical Thinking Presentation document in PPT/Key formats. Also, when the apocalypse comes you can say 'well, at least I tried'.

Join us on Patreon

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Get a free biases poster

This handy reference poster highlights 24 of the most common biases that affect our thinking. Download a printable PDF version or get a nice printed wall poster delivered.

Click here to visit The Thinking Shop

Get kitted with thinking superpowers.

Kitted Thinking Tools provide mental models as a visual, interactive, modular system of physical and digital cards. Think of them like building blocks for higher-order thinking that you can use to optimize opportunities, reduce risks, and create many amazing things. Published free online under Creative Commons and as beautifully designed decks of cards Kitted donates 5% of profits to The School of Thought and we thank them for their support.

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3 x Critical Thinking Cards Bundle

3 x Critical Thinking Cards Bundle

Featuring 24 common logical fallacies and cognitive biases, plus three game cards, this is what the world – and your extended family, friends and associates need.

Available only until current stocks run out (no matter how many decks of cards we order we always seem to run out each year, so best to get in early. What we lack in inventory planning we make up for in product design!).

This deck of Critical Thinking Cards will help spot manipulation, dodgy logic, propaganda and persuasion techniques from advertisers, politicians, the media, and your own brain.

Each deck includes:

  • 24 Logical Fallacies
  • 24 Cognitive Biases
  • 3 Game Cards
  • 3 Call-out Cards

Check out the   Kickstarter campaign   that launched these cards and raised over $78,000.

They’re printed on the highest quality 310gsm Airfoil card stock, and make for excellent gifts.

Protip: adapt the G-rated games cards for drinking games while watching the news or a political debate. Disclaimer: we take no responsibility in the quite likely outcome of alcohol poisoning in such a situation.

Proceeds from every purchase help to support our non profit so we can create more resources available under Creative Commons licenses (free digital downloads via the homepage).

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Explore 24 common logical fallacies that advertisers, politicians and the media use to manipulate you.

Level up your workshops

Level up your workshops

This deck of 58 workshop thinking tools will raise the level of engagement, professionalism, and outcomes



The School of Thought is a registered 501c3 non profit organization

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Mental Blox® Critical Thinking Game

Product Description

Safety Warning

Instruction & Guides

Product Specifications

  • Learning Styles: Visual, Tactile
  • Skill Development: Critical thinking, problem solving, fine motor skills, eye-hand coordination, communication, following directions, verbal skills
  • 20 Chunky plastic blocks
  • 20 Activity Cards
  • Activity Guide

Warnings: CE


  • Case Pack Quantity: 12

Critical Thinking & Brainstorming Cards

Ideation card decks have been used to stimulate ideas since the beginning of movable type. Brainstorming cards will stretch and flex your mental muscles to find ideas that would have been easily overlooked.

This is a curated list of creativity and innovation card decks that we use in our workshops and innovation efforts.

Subscribe to our newsletter today for updates on new tools and exclusive discounts only available to subscribers.

Plus, we promise not to spam your inbox . Your privacy is important to us!

Math Enrichment Activities - Challenge - Critical Thinking - Early Finisher Math

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What educators are saying

Also included in.

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Keep your students excited about learning with this fun set of pirate themed critical thinking math challenge riddle cards , designed to enrich your second grade and third graders' addition, subtraction, and place value skills.

Here's how these challenging math riddle cards work!

Choosing from the nine possible answers on each of the cards, your students will determine the Pirate's Secret Number by using a variety of math clues plus critical reasoning to eliminate eight of the options.

What does this math review set include?

  • 24 printable riddle puzzle cards in color, printed with four cards on each page
  • The same 24 printable cards in black and white , as an option to save your ink
  • A 24-page color set of the full page version of the same riddles, for use on your interactive board
  • 24 jpegs with one riddle on each page, for easy use on your digital devices with your favorite apps

What math skills are included in these activities?

♦ Add and subtract two-digit numbers, with and without regrouping

♦ Compare numbers using > and < symbols

♦ Distinguish even and odd numbers

♦ Know the value of US coins and use them in problem-solving

How can I use these addition, subtraction, and place value activities with my class?

♦ Use in a math center for individual or partner work

♦ Use for whole class review with your document camera

♦ Use as a skills review rotation , with students moving to stations around the classroom individually or with a partner to solve the riddles

♦ Use for morning “bell ringers”

♦ Use as enrichment or for early finishers

♦ Use the full page versions as morning work - engage your students right from the start in fun and productive activities to prepare them for the day!

♦ The slides are a great way to introduce the cards, and to model the critical thinking skills required to solve them, like identifying key details, making inferences, and drawing conclusions.

♦ Project a slide for something new and different in daily number talks!

Here's what teachers are saying about these pirate math challenges!

⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Donnalyn said, "I loved this resource! It was just challenging enough to keep my students engaged without becoming discouraged . Thanks so much!"

⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Mary Ann said, "My students LOVE these! The cards have been a great review of certain concepts, and an introduction to others . I like that these are challenging to my students, but not beyond their ability to figure out ."

☛ Are you looking for more riddle sets like these? Click here to see a money-saving bundle!

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Linda Nelson

Copyright © Primary Inspiration by Linda Nelson

Permission to copy for single classroom use only.

Please purchase additional licenses if you plan to share this product.

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Primary inspiration by linda nelson.

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Critical thinking definition

critical thinking cards instructions

Critical thinking, as described by Oxford Languages, is the objective analysis and evaluation of an issue in order to form a judgement.

Active and skillful approach, evaluation, assessment, synthesis, and/or evaluation of information obtained from, or made by, observation, knowledge, reflection, acumen or conversation, as a guide to belief and action, requires the critical thinking process, which is why it's often used in education and academics.

Some even may view it as a backbone of modern thought.

However, it's a skill, and skills must be trained and encouraged to be used at its full potential.

People turn up to various approaches in improving their critical thinking, like:

  • Developing technical and problem-solving skills
  • Engaging in more active listening
  • Actively questioning their assumptions and beliefs
  • Seeking out more diversity of thought
  • Opening up their curiosity in an intellectual way etc.

Is critical thinking useful in writing?

Critical thinking can help in planning your paper and making it more concise, but it's not obvious at first. We carefully pinpointed some the questions you should ask yourself when boosting critical thinking in writing:

  • What information should be included?
  • Which information resources should the author look to?
  • What degree of technical knowledge should the report assume its audience has?
  • What is the most effective way to show information?
  • How should the report be organized?
  • How should it be designed?
  • What tone and level of language difficulty should the document have?

Usage of critical thinking comes down not only to the outline of your paper, it also begs the question: How can we use critical thinking solving problems in our writing's topic?

Let's say, you have a Powerpoint on how critical thinking can reduce poverty in the United States. You'll primarily have to define critical thinking for the viewers, as well as use a lot of critical thinking questions and synonyms to get them to be familiar with your methods and start the thinking process behind it.

Are there any services that can help me use more critical thinking?

We understand that it's difficult to learn how to use critical thinking more effectively in just one article, but our service is here to help.

We are a team specializing in writing essays and other assignments for college students and all other types of customers who need a helping hand in its making. We cover a great range of topics, offer perfect quality work, always deliver on time and aim to leave our customers completely satisfied with what they ordered.

The ordering process is fully online, and it goes as follows:

  • Select the topic and the deadline of your essay.
  • Provide us with any details, requirements, statements that should be emphasized or particular parts of the essay writing process you struggle with.
  • Leave the email address, where your completed order will be sent to.
  • Select your prefered payment type, sit back and relax!

With lots of experience on the market, professionally degreed essay writers , online 24/7 customer support and incredibly low prices, you won't find a service offering a better deal than ours.


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  1. Critical thinking cards fallacies review

  2. Creative Thinking Cards

  3. Using Critical thinking cards as part of training

  4. Elden Ring's tarnished UX/UI

  5. Relate to loved ones with Alzheimers or Dementia

  6. My mind is that of a Thinker...(MTG Arena)


  1. How to Play 52 Essential Critical Thinking Cards

    WAYS TO PLAY LEVEL 1: KNOWLEDGE-BUILDING TAKE TURNS DRAWING A CARD COLLECT 15 TO WIN. "Bias Blitz" Announce the cognitive bias name on the top of the card. Players shout out the definition based on the name. The first to guess correctly wins the card. If no one does, reveal the definition and return the card to the d

  2. Critical Thinking Cards Deck

    This deck of Critical Thinking Cards will help you spot manipulation, dodgy logic, propaganda and persuasion techniques from advertisers, politicians, the media, and your own brain. Includes: Check out the Kickstarter campaign that launched these cards and raised over $78,000. They're printed on the highest quality 310gsm Airfoil card stock ...

  3. Lucid critical thinking Cards

    With LUCID critical thinking cards, you can teach critical thinking skills in a new and engaging way. ... Detailed instructions for several games for 2-6 players are included in the documentation. Via this "gamification" of critical thinking, students become active participants in acquiring critical thinking skills and more readily applying ...

  4. 10 Critical Thinking Cards to Enhance Your Problem-Solving Skills

    Card 2: Identifying Assumptions. Identifying assumptions is a crucial step in critical thinking and problem-solving. Assumptions are the underlying beliefs or ideas that we often take for granted without questioning. By identifying assumptions, we can uncover hidden biases and challenge our own thinking.

  5. PDF Printable Critical Thinking Cards

    PAGE 1 Published under a Creative Commons BY-NC license 2018 by School of Thought SCHOOL OF THOUGHT IS A REGISTERED 501C3 NON PROFIT ORGANIZATION BASED IN AUSTIN, TEXAS.


    As a non-profit our mission is to popularize critical thinking, reason and understanding. All of our resources are 100% free to download under Creative Commons licenses, thanks to our sponsors Kitted Thinking Tools (they sell beautiful decks of thinking tools cards for professionals and business owners over at kitted.shop). Simply enter your email and we'll send your download link.

  7. Critical Thinking Cards

    Critical Thinking for Understanding Deck Goals: To foster regular critical analysis of any creative endeavor, particularly: visual arts, performing arts and literature. Uses: teacher-lead group discussion, student pairings, individual written response, or in a museum setting as a stimulus for conversation and deeper appreciation. I plan to publish this activity as a playing card deck for ...

  8. PDF Clinical Critical Thinking (CT) Cards..

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  9. Laminated Card Set: Critical Thinking for Learners and Educators (set

    Laminated Card Set: Critical Thinking for Learners and Educators (set of 6) These laminated cards highlight the essential concepts in critical thinking, as well as the basic applications of those concepts. They are ideal study companions and desk reminders for anyone learning critical thinking, teaching it to others, and/or using it in their ...

  10. 52 Essential Critical Thinking: Smart Flash Cards to Uncover Implicit

    52 Essential Critical Thinking: Smart Flash Cards to Uncover Implicit Biases, Detect Cognitive Biases in Social Media, AI, Writing, Speech, Debate, for Teens & Adults - by Harvard Educator . Visit the Mind Brain Emotion Store. 4.4 4.4 out of 5 stars 2,173 ratings | Search this page .

  11. PDF When Every Hand is a Winner: Developing Critical Thinking with a Card Game

    The Texas Education Agency (TEA) demonstrated their commitment to critical thinking when they stated, "Even at the initial phase-in level, the STAAR passing standards require students to demonstrate more in-depth knowledge, critical thinking, and application skills than did the Texas Assessment of Knowledge and Skills (TAKS)" (TEA, 2012 ...

  12. 24 Cognitive Biases stuffing up your thinking

    Critical Thinking Cards Get yourself a deck of these pretty great high-quality cards featuring 24 logical fallacies, 24 cognitive biases, and 3 game cards. Play watching cable news or a political debate! Visit The Thinking Shop. Help Save the World from itself Back our non profit on Patreon & get instant access to our posters, critical thinking ...

  13. Download Critical Thinking Cards for Free

    This deck of Critical Thinking Cards will help you spot manipulation, dodgy logic, propaganda and persuasion techniques from advertisers, politicians, the media, and your own brain. Includes: 24 Logical Fallacies 24 Cognitive Biases 3 Game Cards 3 Call-out Cards Check out the Kickstarter campaign that launched these ca

  14. Critical Thinking Cards by School of Thought

    Funding period. Dec 13, 2017 - Jan 12, 2018 (30 days) School of Thought is raising funds for Critical Thinking Cards on Kickstarter! 54 fallacies and biases cards for honing critical thinking skills, calling out people you're arguing with, or spotting actual fake news.

  15. 3 x Critical Thinking Cards Bundle

    3 x Critical Thinking Cards Bundle. $30.00. Shipping calculated at checkout. Add to cart. Featuring 24 common logical fallacies and cognitive biases, plus three game cards, this is what the world - and your extended family, friends and associates need. Available only until current stocks run out (no matter how many decks of cards we order we ...

  16. Free critical thinking resources

    This escape room activity is ideal for small groups, advisory periods, morning work, resource rooms, or just for fun! Note that this is a free sample puzzle that includes only one challenge. If you are interested in more similar challenges p. 4 th - 8 th. Critical Thinking, School Counseling, Special Education. FREE.

  17. Mental Blox® Critical Thinking Game

    Product Description. Put your critical thinking to the test and fire up strategic problem-solving! Stack, pattern, and match the multicolor shapes. Don't be fooled by appearances, these endlessly enjoyable blocks mean brain-boosting business. Mental Blox helps children practice following verbal instructions, asking questions, and building ...

  18. Free critical thinking task cards

    The Boom Cards provide students with INSTANT feedback and randomizes cards and answers with each play. Our Boom Cards target critical thinking and thinking outside the box for Grade 7 to 9. Deck Size: 12 Cards (12 unique pundles)MS Content focus: Common phrases in picture formThe digital task car. 6 th - 9 th.

  19. Critical thinking cards: An innovative teaching strategy to bridge

    Critical thinking cards were designed as a learning activity that combines the use of several different strategies linked to improving critical thinking and clinical decision-making. ... A deck of critical thinking cards was presented to each of the four faculty teaching in the course with instructions to utilize them in the clinical setting in ...

  20. Card Decks For Critical Thinking

    Killer Questions Card Deck. $ 19.95 $ 21.95 saving $ 2.00. Thinkpak: The Ultimate Brainstorming Card Deck for Unleashing Creativity and Innovation. $ 16.99. Critical Thinking & Brainstorming Cards Ideation card decks have been used to stimulate ideas since the beginning of movable type. Brainstorming cards will stretch and flex your mental ...

  21. Enhance critical thinking & decision-making with Decision Decks

    This insight inspired Decision Decks: real-world safety and security scenarios that enhance your critical thinking and decision-making, preparing you for any curveball life throws. Browse our flagship decks designed to improve your critical thinking skills. Church Safety and Security Conflict De-Escalation Scenario Cards to to Enhance Critical ...

  22. Math Enrichment Activities

    Keep your students excited about learning with this fun set of pirate themed critical thinking math challenge riddle cards, designed to enrich your second grade and third graders' addition, subtraction, and place value skills. Here's how these challenging math riddle cards work!Choosing from the nin...

  23. Using Critical Thinking in Essays and other Assignments

    Share via: Critical thinking, as described by Oxford Languages, is the objective analysis and evaluation of an issue in order to form a judgement. Active and skillful approach, evaluation, assessment, synthesis, and/or evaluation of information obtained from, or made by, observation, knowledge, reflection, acumen or conversation, as a guide to ...