Memory Management in Operating System

  • August 2018
  • Volume-2(Issue-5)
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Durgesh Raghuvanshi at IILM Academy of Higher Learning

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Memory Management

Last updated: March 18, 2024

memory management essay

1. Introduction

Memory management regards how computer systems tackle the main memory.  In summary, the main memory maintains resources (instructions and data) directly accessible by the computer’s processing units. So, the processing units can use these resources to execute different processes. However, managing the main memory is a complex task handled, over the years, with distinct strategies.

In this tutorial, we’ll particularly explore the management of  Random Access Memory (RAM). First, we’ll examine the operating system’s memory manager and its specific activities. Next, we’ll briefly review some mapping strategies of programs in the main memory of a computer system. At last, we’ll study memory management schemes, considering both the ones adopted in early systems and based on virtual memory , used in most modern computer systems.

2. Memory Manager

The memory manager of an operating system handles the main memory of a computer, especially RAM. In this way, the memory manager must perform a myriad of activities to enable the processing units to access code and data and then execute processes. Next, we briefly describe some relevant activities of the memory manager:

  • Validation of requests : The memory manager checks the validity of a memory request and if the claimant has the proper permissions to request memory allocations
  • Allocation : The searching of free memory portions that satisfy a particular memory request, allocating them with the required resources
  • Deallocation : The deallocation of memory of terminated or idle processes or jobs of a processes
  • Defragmentation : The rearrangement of memory to establish more usable free memory portions

The strategies and policies employed by the memory manager to execute these activities may change according to the adopted memory management scheme.  There are multiple memory management schemes. Some of these schemes have higher performance (in terms of the execution time of the memory manager’s activities) but lower efficiency (in terms of utilizing all the available memory). On the other hand, modern schemes are often more complex, typically presenting lower performance but higher efficiency.

3. Memory Mapping

Memory mapping refers to the allocation strategies to allocate a program to the main memory. In early systems, the general strategy was the straightforward mapping of a requested program to physical positions in contiguous spaces of the main memory.  Thus, even memory addresses accessed by the programs corresponded to physical memory addresses.

As the programming possibilities increased, the programs grew bigger in terms of how much memory they occupy. Many programs, eventually, got bigger than the available memory in the computer systems. So, allocating an entire program in memory and direct mapping the program to physical memory positions turned unfeasible.

This context promoted the creation of virtual memory. With virtual memory, a program can be divided into multiple pieces mapped to virtual addresses.  These pieces of programs, in turn, are on-demand allocated and deallocated in the physical memory, linking only the necessary virtual addresses to physical addresses.

The following image exemplifies a memory allocation in early systems and virtual memory-enabled systems:


4. Memory Management Schemes

Memory is a crucial resource for computing. It is relevant to notice that the total amount of available memory and its speed in manipulating data affect the performance of computers. However , besides hardware characteristics, logical decisions impact how memory is used to allow processes execution, typically also affecting the performance of computer systems.

A prominent logical decision in our context is the management scheme employed by the memory manager. So, in the following subsections, we’ll explore different memory management schemes and how the memory manager acts with each one of them.

4.1. Memory Management Schemes of Early Systems

The memory management in early computer systems is, in general, quite simple. Let’s see few pieces of information about the most common memory management schemes of these systems next.

The Single User Contiguous is the first and simplest scheme of memory management. In such a case, the memory manager allocates all the available memory to a unique program. So , the memory manager can only allocate a new program if it already deallocated the previous one.

The Fixed Partitions scheme divides the available memory into fixed-size partitions, thus allowing multiple and simultaneous allocations of programs. These memory partitions are defined on the computer system startup and aren’t modified unless it reboots. The memory manager, in this case, adopts a partition memory table to track the memory and determine on which partition a specific program should be allocated.

The Dynamic Partitions scheme divides the computer memory into dynamically specified partitions, avoiding memory-wasting scenarios. A partition memory table is also required here. However, this scheme enables the memory manager to modify the memory table lines (partitions) during the execution of a computer system.

Memory management schemes with partitions demand a strategy to allocate programs. Let’s see two of them:

  • First Fit Allocation : The memory manager allocates a program on the first found partition with sufficient memory
  • Best Fit Allocation : The memory manager finds the best partition to allocate a program. The best fit refers to allocating a program in the smallest free partition possible (fixed partitions) or maintaining the maximum free memory in a contiguous partition (dynamic partitions)

All the schemes used in early systems, however, have a common problem:  they store the entire program in the main memory and can’t execute a program bigger than the available physical memory. This problem boosted the development of new memory management schemes based on virtual memory.

4.2. Memory Management Schemes Based on Virtual Memory

The virtual memory allowed on-demand allocation of program pieces into non-contiguous portions of memory. Consequently, new management schemes emerged, as presented next.

The Paged Memory scheme allows the separation of programs into equal size pieces, called program pages. Similarly, this scheme divides the main memory into multiple page frames to allocate program pages. Thus, before allocating a program, the memory manager defines how many pages compose a program and which page frames to use on its allocation. The paged memory allocates the entire program at once, but now it isn’t necessary to employ contiguous memory spaces to do it. Furthermore, the memory manager tracks the occupied page frames employing tables of program pages, page mapping, and memory mapping.

The Demand Paging  scheme generally operates as paged memory. However, the memory manager can now allocate pages of a program on-demand.  It means that the demand paging removed the requirement of keeping the entire program in memory simultaneously. This on-demand allocation expanded the page map table, which now contains status flags of pages’ allocation, modification, and recent use.

The Segmented Memory scheme inherits most of the operational characteristics of demand paging. In this scenario, however, the program is divided into multiple segments with heterogeneous sizes representing the logical structures of a program. Thus, instead of using a page map table, the memory manager controls the allocation and deallocation of a program’s segments using a segment map table.

The Segment Demand Paged Memory scheme merges the demand paging with segmented memory. In practice, it represents that the memory manager divides segments into pages of equal size.  So, the memory manager benefits from the logical segmentation of a program and the simplified management of equal-sized pages.

Finally, schemes that on-demand allocates programs frequently replace pages/segments in memory, requiring the adoption of replacement policies .

5. Conclusion

In this article, we studied memory management in computer systems. First, we investigated concepts regarding the memory manager. Then, we analyzed how the memory is mapped to the physical memory in both early and modern systems. Finally, we outlined several memory management schemes, from the simpler to the most complex ones.

The choice of a specific memory mapping strategy or memory management scheme can direct impact, for example, the performance of processing units (that can expend more time waiting for memory operations) and the efficiency of using the memory itself (increasing or reducing the memory wasting). Thus, we can conclude that well-designed memory management is a critical requirement for modern computers.

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201 Memory Research Topics & Essay Examples

Memory is a fascinating brain function. Together with abstract thinking and empathy, memory is the thing that makes us human.

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In your essay about memory, you might want to compare its short-term and long-term types. Another idea is to discuss the phenomenon of false memories. The connection between memory and the quality of sleep is also exciting to explore.

If you’re looking for memory topics to research & write about, you’re in the right place. In this article, you’ll find 174 memory essay topics, ideas, questions, and sample papers related to the concept of memory.

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  • How is short-term memory different from long-term memory?
  • What memory-training techniques are the most effective?
  • What are the reasons for memory failures?
  • Memory and aging: what is the connection?
  • What are the key types of memory disorders?
  • How to improve memory?
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IvyPanda. (2024, March 2). 201 Memory Research Topics & Essay Examples.

"201 Memory Research Topics & Essay Examples." IvyPanda , 2 Mar. 2024,

IvyPanda . (2024) '201 Memory Research Topics & Essay Examples'. 2 March.

IvyPanda . 2024. "201 Memory Research Topics & Essay Examples." March 2, 2024.

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IvyPanda . "201 Memory Research Topics & Essay Examples." March 2, 2024.


Top 25 Memory Management Interview Questions and Answers

Prepare for your next technical interview with our comprehensive guide on Memory Management. Explore key concepts, common questions, and expert-approved answers to enhance your knowledge in this critical area of computer science.

memory management essay

Memory management is an integral part of any modern computer system. It involves the allocation and reallocation of physical and virtual memory space to programs at their request, and freeing it for reuse when no longer needed. The effectiveness of a system’s memory management can greatly impact overall system performance, making this a critical area in computing.

Whether you’re working on embedded systems with limited resources or high-performance servers processing vast amounts of data, understanding how memory management works is key to developing efficient software and resolving issues that may arise during its operation.

In this article, we delve into a carefully curated set of interview questions focused on memory management. These questions will help you explore the depths of this topic, from basic concepts such as stack vs heap memory, garbage collection, and paging, through to more complex areas like memory leaks and fragmentation. Whether you’re a budding programmer or an experienced developer, this resource aims to enhance your knowledge and prepare you for technical interviews.

1. Can you explain the concept of memory management and why it is important in a computing environment?

Memory management is a critical function of an operating system, responsible for handling the computer’s primary memory. It involves keeping track of each byte in a computer’s memory and which processes are using which parts of it at any given time. This ensures efficient use of memory resources and prevents conflicts that could cause programs to crash or run incorrectly.

The importance of memory management lies in its role in maintaining system stability, performance, and security. By managing memory allocation, it allows multiple applications to share memory space without interfering with one another. It also helps prevent memory leaks, where unused memory isn’t released back into the pool, leading to inefficient usage and potential system slowdowns.

In addition, memory management plays a crucial part in protecting data integrity. It isolates each process, preventing unauthorized access to memory spaces by other processes. This isolation safeguards sensitive information from being accessed or modified by rogue processes, contributing to overall system security.

2. Can you describe the difference between stack and heap memory in the context of memory management?

Stack memory is a region of computer’s RAM that follows LIFO (last in, first out) order. It’s used for static memory allocation and stores local variables and function calls. Stack size is limited and its lifespan is until the function call ends.

Heap memory, on the other hand, is used for dynamic memory allocation and doesn’t follow any specific order. Variables can be accessed globally and it has larger size compared to stack. However, heap management requires manual handling and improper use may lead to memory leaks or corruption.

3. How would you address memory leaks in a highly concurrent application?

Memory leaks in a highly concurrent application can be addressed by using garbage collection, smart pointers, and leak detection tools. Garbage collection automatically reclaims memory that the program is no longer using. Smart pointers are objects which store pointers to dynamically allocated (heap) memory. They delete the memory when they go out of scope, preventing memory leaks. Leak detection tools like Valgrind or LeakSanitizer can help identify where leaks occur.

In addition, proper synchronization mechanisms should be used to avoid race conditions leading to memory leaks. Mutexes, semaphores, and condition variables can be employed for this purpose.

Lastly, adopting good programming practices such as avoiding global variables, not returning pointers to local variables, and freeing memory after use can prevent memory leaks.

4. Can you explain the principles and mechanisms behind garbage collection?

Garbage collection (GC) is a form of automatic memory management. It aims to reclaim the memory occupied by objects that are no longer in use by the program. The primary principles behind GC include identifying which objects should be disposed, halting the execution of programs temporarily (“stop-the-world”), and compacting the remaining objects to reduce fragmentation.

The mechanisms involved vary based on the type of garbage collector used. Mark-and-sweep, for instance, marks all accessible objects then sweeps through memory, freeing unmarked ones. Tracing collectors identify reachable objects from root references while reference counting maintains count of object references, deallocating when count hits zero. Generational GCs segregate objects into generations, focusing on younger ones as they’re likely to become unreachable sooner.

5. How do you manage memory in a virtual memory system?

In a virtual memory system, memory management involves the use of both hardware and software components. The operating system creates a virtual address space that is larger than physical memory. Each program operates in its own virtual address space, unaware of physical memory constraints.

The process begins with the division of memory into fixed-size blocks called pages. When a program needs to access data, it uses a virtual address which consists of a page number and an offset within the page. This virtual address is translated into a physical address by the Memory Management Unit (MMU) using a translation lookaside buffer (TLB).

If the required page isn’t in physical memory (a page fault), the OS retrieves it from secondary storage (disk). To make room for this new page, the OS may need to evict another page using a replacement algorithm like Least Recently Used (LRU).

To optimize performance, frequently accessed pages are kept in physical memory while less used ones are moved to disk. This technique is known as paging or swapping.

6. Can you describe how paging and segmentation relate to memory management?

Paging and segmentation are two methods of memory management in operating systems. Paging divides physical memory into fixed-size blocks called pages, which correspond to a range of addresses in virtual memory. This allows for non-contiguous allocation, reducing external fragmentation.

Segmentation, on the other hand, partitions memory into variable-sized segments based on logical divisions such as functions or data structures. Each segment has its own base and limit register, allowing for more efficient use of memory by only allocating what is needed.

Both methods have their advantages: paging simplifies memory allocation but can lead to internal fragmentation, while segmentation provides flexibility but may cause external fragmentation. Modern operating systems often combine both techniques to optimize memory usage.

7. Explain the impact of poor memory management on system performance.

Poor memory management can significantly degrade system performance. When a program doesn’t release unused memory, it leads to memory leaks causing the system to slow down or crash due to lack of resources. This is because the operating system must constantly swap data between RAM and disk storage, which is time-consuming and inefficient.

Fragmentation is another issue caused by poor memory management. It occurs when memory is allocated and deallocated in such a way that free memory is divided into noncontiguous blocks. This makes it difficult for the system to find large contiguous spaces of memory, leading to inefficiency and slower performance.

Moreover, if garbage collection isn’t implemented properly, it can lead to pauses in program execution, negatively impacting real-time systems where consistent response times are crucial.

In multi-tasking environments, improper synchronization may result in race conditions, affecting data integrity and potentially causing system crashes.

8. Describe any strategies you use to ensure efficient memory utilization in the applications you develop?

In developing applications, I employ several strategies for efficient memory utilization. One is garbage collection, which automatically reclaims memory that isn’t in use by the program, reducing the risk of memory leaks. Another strategy is object pooling, where objects are reused instead of being created and destroyed repeatedly, saving memory allocation time.

I also utilize lazy loading, a technique where data is only loaded when it’s needed, conserving memory resources. Additionally, I make use of caching to store frequently accessed data in memory, speeding up retrieval times while minimizing memory usage.

For large datasets, I implement pagination to load data in chunks rather than all at once, preventing unnecessary memory consumption. Lastly, I optimize data structures and algorithms to minimize their space complexity, ensuring they use as little memory as possible.

9. Can you explain how the Linux kernel handles memory management?

The Linux kernel manages memory through a combination of paging and segmentation. It uses demand paging, where pages are only loaded when they’re needed, reducing memory usage. The kernel also employs a page replacement algorithm to decide which pages should be replaced when the physical memory is full. This includes the Least Recently Used (LRU) algorithm.

For segmentation, each process has its own virtual address space divided into segments like text, data, stack, etc. These segments can grow or shrink dynamically as per the needs of the process.

Memory management in Linux also involves swapping, where inactive pages are moved from RAM to disk storage, freeing up memory for active processes. Kernel Samepage Merging (KSM) is another technique used by Linux to share identical memory pages among different processes.

10. How would you detect and deal with fragmentation in memory management?

Fragmentation in memory management can be detected by monitoring the system’s performance. A decrease in speed or an increase in page faults may indicate fragmentation. To deal with this, defragmentation is used. This process reorganizes data to make it contiguous and free up space. In external fragmentation, compaction technique is applied which moves all the free memory blocks together to create a large block of free memory. For internal fragmentation, proper memory allocation strategies are implemented such as best fit or worst fit strategy. These methods allocate memory blocks that closely match the request size, reducing wasted space. Additionally, using paging or segmentation can also help manage fragmentation. Paging divides memory into fixed-size pages while segmentation divides it into variable-sized segments based on user requirements, both minimizing internal fragmentation.

11. Can you describe the difference between static and dynamic memory allocation?

Static memory allocation involves allocating a fixed amount of memory during compile time. This method is faster but less flexible, as the size cannot be changed once allocated and unused memory can’t be freed up for other processes.

Dynamic memory allocation, on the other hand, occurs at runtime where memory can be allocated and deallocated as needed. It provides flexibility but requires more processing power due to overheads from managing dynamic memory.

12. Can you explain how memory management is handled in Java?

Java uses automatic memory management, primarily through garbage collection. When an object is created in Java, memory is allocated on the heap. As long as references to that object exist, it remains alive. Once no more references to an object are present, it becomes eligible for garbage collection.

Garbage collection (GC) is a process that automatically reclaims the runtime unused memory. It’s performed by a daemon thread known as Garbage Collector. The GC operates primarily in two simple steps: Mark and Sweep. During the ‘Mark’ phase, the collector identifies which pieces of memory are in use and which are not. In the ‘Sweep’ phase, the garbage collector frees up the memory marked as not in use and makes it available again to the heap.

In addition to this, Java provides methods like System.gc() and Runtime.gc() for requesting JVM to run Garbage Collector, but it’s not guaranteed that the GC will start immediately upon calling these methods.

13. How would you handle memory allocation and deallocation in C++?

In C++, dynamic memory allocation and deallocation are handled using the new and delete operators. The ‘new’ operator is used to allocate memory on the heap for an object of a certain type, returning a pointer to the first byte of the allocated space. For instance, int* p = new int; allocates an integer on the heap and assigns its address to p.

The ‘delete’ operator is used to free up the memory that was previously allocated by ‘new’. It takes a pointer to the memory as an argument and deallocates it, making it available for future allocations. For example, delete p; would deallocate the memory pointed to by p.

For array allocations, we use new[] and delete[]. If you allocate an array with new[], you must deallocate it with delete[]. Using delete instead of delete[] can lead to undefined behavior.

It’s crucial to ensure every ‘new’ has a corresponding ‘delete’ to prevent memory leaks. Also, once memory is deleted, avoid accessing or deleting it again to prevent undefined behavior (dangling pointers).

14. Can you explain how a buddy system works in memory management?

The buddy system is a dynamic memory allocation technique that reduces fragmentation. It works by dividing memory into partitions to satisfy a memory request as suitably as possible. This system makes use of splitting memory into halves to try and fit a memory request.

When a process requests for space, the system performs an internal search for a block of available memory which is closest in size to the requested space. If the exact match is not found, then it splits larger blocks into two buddies or halves, recursively until it finds the best fit.

Once the process no longer needs the allocated memory, it’s returned to the system. The system then checks if the ‘buddy’ of this block is also free. If so, they are combined back together to form a larger block, reducing external fragmentation.

15. Can you describe a situation where you had to implement memory management in a real-time system?

In a project involving an embedded system for real-time data acquisition, memory management was crucial. The system had limited RAM and needed to process high-speed sensor data continuously. To handle this, I implemented a circular buffer in C++. This allowed the system to store incoming data temporarily before processing it, without risking overflow or loss of data. Additionally, I used dynamic memory allocation sparingly to avoid fragmentation and potential memory leaks. Instead, most objects were allocated statically at compile time. For those dynamically allocated, I ensured they were properly deallocated after use.

16. How would you go about diagnosing a memory-related issue in an application?

To diagnose a memory-related issue in an application, I would first use a profiling tool to monitor the application’s memory usage. This can help identify any unusual patterns or spikes that may indicate a problem. If the profiler indicates high memory usage, I would then examine the code for potential memory leaks. These are often caused by objects being created but not properly disposed of.

Next, I would check for inefficient data structures or algorithms that could be consuming more memory than necessary. For example, using an array where a linked list would suffice, or vice versa.

If these steps do not reveal the source of the problem, I might also consider whether there is a hardware issue at play. For instance, if the system does not have enough RAM to support the application’s needs.

Lastly, it’s important to test different scenarios and workloads, as some issues only manifest under specific conditions.

17. Can you explain the process of swapping in memory management and its implications on system performance?

Swapping in memory management is a method for increasing the amount of virtual memory available on a system. It involves moving inactive or less frequently used data from RAM to disk storage, freeing up space in RAM for active processes. This process is managed by the operating system’s kernel.

The implications of swapping on system performance can be both positive and negative. On one hand, it allows for more efficient use of RAM, enabling larger applications to run smoothly even if physical memory is limited. However, excessive swapping, known as thrashing, can degrade system performance significantly. Disk access times are much slower than RAM, so frequent swapping can cause delays, leading to reduced system responsiveness and increased CPU usage.

In addition, constant read/write operations to the hard drive due to swapping can lead to wear and tear over time. Therefore, while swapping is an essential part of memory management, it needs to be carefully controlled to avoid negatively impacting system performance.

18. Can you describe how garbage collectors work in languages such as Java and C#?

Garbage collectors (GC) in Java and C# automatically manage memory, freeing developers from manual allocation and deallocation tasks. They work by tracking object use throughout a program’s execution. When an object is no longer referenced, the GC considers it “garbage” and reclaims its memory.

The process involves three steps: Marking, Sweeping, and Compacting. In the Mark phase, the GC identifies which pieces of memory are in use and which are not. It starts from root nodes, marking all accessible objects. During Sweep, the GC clears unreferenced objects to free up memory. Finally, in Compact, it rearranges remaining referenced objects to optimize space usage.

Java uses Generational GC, dividing heap into Young and Old generations for efficiency. Short-lived objects reside in the Young Generation, while surviving ones move to the Old Generation. This approach minimizes garbage collection time as most objects are short-lived.

C#, on the other hand, employs a similar but more complex system with additional features like Finalization and Resurrection, allowing objects to clean up resources before being collected or even resurrect themselves.

19. Can you explain the difference between physical and virtual memory?

Physical memory refers to the actual hardware, such as RAM chips, where data is stored temporarily for quick access by the CPU. It’s finite and directly accessible.

Virtual memory, on the other hand, is a software abstraction of physical memory. It allows programs to use more memory than physically available by swapping inactive parts of memory to disk storage when needed. This creates an illusion of unlimited memory space for applications.

The key difference lies in their implementation and usage. Physical memory provides real-time storage while virtual memory extends this capacity, improving system performance and enabling larger, more complex applications to run smoothly.

20. How would you prevent or handle memory thrashing in an application?

Memory thrashing can be prevented or handled by implementing several strategies. One approach is to use efficient memory management techniques such as paging and segmentation, which allow the operating system to allocate memory more effectively. Another strategy involves using a Least Recently Used (LRU) algorithm for page replacement, which replaces pages that have not been used for the longest time, reducing the likelihood of thrashing.

Additionally, it’s crucial to optimize your code to minimize unnecessary memory usage. This could involve reusing objects where possible, avoiding creating large temporary objects, and releasing memory when no longer needed.

In cases where thrashing occurs despite these measures, you may need to increase the amount of physical memory available. However, this should be considered a last resort, as it does not address the root cause of the problem.

21. What are the considerations when choosing between contiguous and non-contiguous memory allocation?

Contiguous memory allocation is simpler and faster, but it can lead to fragmentation issues. It’s best used when the process size is known in advance and won’t change significantly. Non-contiguous allocation, on the other hand, allows flexibility as processes can be divided into pieces that fit into available spaces, reducing external fragmentation. However, this method requires more complex management and may slow down access times due to increased overhead from maintaining additional information about fragments. The choice between these two depends on factors such as the nature of the processes, system resources, performance requirements, and the trade-off between speed and efficient space utilization.

22. Can you describe what happens during a page fault?

A page fault occurs when a program attempts to access data or code that is in its address space, but not currently located in the system RAM. The operating system needs to:

1. Interrupt the process running. 2. Save its state for resumption later. 3. Determine whether the reference was valid (if invalid, terminate). 4. Find where the required page is residing on disk. 5. Choose a frame in main memory where the page will be loaded (may involve swapping out another page). 6. Schedule a disk operation to read the desired page into the newly allocated frame. 7. When the disk read is complete, modify the process’s page table and the frame table to reflect the new situation. 8. Restore the state of the process and continue execution.

23. Can you explain how you would implement a least recently used (LRU) page replacement algorithm?

An LRU page replacement algorithm can be implemented using a queue and hash. The queue is used to store pages with the most recently used at the front and least recently used at the back. The hash is used for O(1) access to pages in memory.

When a page is referenced, it’s checked in the hash. If it’s not there (a ‘page fault’), we add this page to the front of the queue and in the hash. If the queue is full i.e., all frames are filled, we remove a page from the rear of queue, and add the new page at the front of queue.

If the page is present in memory, we move the page to the front of the queue. To do this efficiently, we must use a doubly linked list as our queue so that moving pages takes O(1) time. We also need to update the corresponding node address in the hash.

24. What are the benefits and drawbacks of automatic garbage collection versus manual memory management?

Automatic garbage collection (AGC) and manual memory management (MMM) both have their benefits and drawbacks. AGC’s main advantage is its simplicity, as it automatically reclaims unused memory, reducing the risk of memory leaks. It also simplifies coding by eliminating the need for explicit deallocation commands. However, AGC can be unpredictable in terms of when it will run, potentially causing performance issues. Additionally, it may not always correctly identify all unused memory, leading to wasted resources.

On the other hand, MMM provides more control over memory allocation and deallocation, which can lead to more efficient use of resources if done correctly. This can result in improved application performance. However, MMM requires a higher level of skill and attention from the programmer. Mistakes such as forgetting to free up memory can lead to memory leaks, while freeing up memory that is still needed can cause crashes or bugs.

25. Can you discuss a challenging memory management issue you faced in your previous projects and how you resolved it?

In a previous project, I encountered a memory leak issue in our application. The application’s performance was degrading over time due to excessive memory consumption. To identify the source of the problem, I used profiling tools like Valgrind and LeakSanitizer. These tools helped me pinpoint the exact location where memory allocation was happening but not being freed.

The root cause was improper use of dynamically allocated memory. In certain scenarios, we were allocating memory but failing to free it when no longer needed. This was particularly prevalent with our usage of C++’s new operator without corresponding delete calls.

To resolve this, I refactored the code to ensure proper pairing of new and delete operations. Additionally, I introduced smart pointers (unique_ptr and shared_ptr) wherever possible to automate memory management. Smart pointers automatically deallocate memory when they go out of scope, reducing the risk of leaks.

Post-refactoring, I ran the same profiling tools again to confirm that the memory leak had been fixed. The application’s performance improved significantly as a result.

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Windows Memory Management

The memory management in the operating system is to control or maintain the main memory and transfer processes from the primary memory to disk during execution. Memory management keeps track of all memory locations, whether the process uses them or not. Determines how much memory should be allocated to each process. Specifies how much memory each process should be given. It decides which processes will be remembered and when. It tracks when memory is released or when it is shared and changes the status accordingly.

Microsoft Windows has its own virtual address space for each 32-bit process, allowing up to 4 gigabytes of memory to be viewed. Each process has 8-terabyte address space on 64-bit Windows. All threads have access to the visible address space of the process. Threads, on the other hand, do not have access to the memory of another process, which protects one process from being damaged by another.

Architecture for 32-bit Windows: The automatic configuration of the 32-bit Windows Operating System (OS) allocates 4 GB (232) of accessible memory space to the kernel and user programs equally. With 4 GB physical memory available, the kernel will receive 2 GB and the app memory will receive 2 GB. Kernel-mode address space is shared by all processes, but application mode access space is provided for each user process.

Architecture for 64-bit Windows: The automatic configuration of the 64-bit Windows Operating System (OS) allocates up to 16 TB (254) of accessible memory space to the kernel and user programs equally. As 16 TB real memory is available, the kernel will have 8 TB of virtual address (VA) space and user application memory will have 8 TB of VA space. Visible address space in the kernel is allocated for all processes. Each 64-bit functionality gets its place, but each 32-bit system works on a 2 GB (Windows) virtual machine.

Virtual Address Space

The process’ visible address space is the range of memory addresses that you can use. The address area of ​​each process is private, and can only be accessed through other processes if it is shared.

A virtual address does not reflect the actual location of an object in memory; instead, the system stores a table for each process, which is an internal data structure that converts visible addresses into local addresses. The program converts the virtual address into a local address every time the chain refers to it.

The virtual address area of Windows is divided into two parts: one for process use and the other for system usage.

Virtual Memory Functions

A process can alter or determine the state of pages in its virtual address space using virtual memory functions.

The width of the visible address space is reserved for the process. Although saving address space does not provide material storage, it prevents scope from using other sharing processes. It does not affect other active address spaces for other processes. Page storage reduces unnecessary use of virtual storage while allowing the process of setting aside part of its address space for the flexible data structure. As required, the procedure can provide a physical repository for this area.

Provide a set of cached pages in the address of the process so that only a shared process can access real storage (either RAM or disk).

For the most dedicated pages, specify read/write, read-only, or no access. This differs from the general distribution procedures, which often provide read/write access to the pages.

Release a set of saved pages, making the visible address set accessible for the following call process sharing actions.

We can withdraw a group of committed pages, freeing up portable storage that can be assigned to any process in the future.

To prevent the program from changing pages in the file, lock one or more memory pages bound to the virtual memory (RAM). Find information about a set of pages in a call process or the address space of a specific process. It may change the access protection of a set of pages bound to the physical address of the call process.

Heap Functions

The system provides a default heap for each process. Private heaps can help applications that make frequent allocations from the heap perform better. A private heap is a block of one or more pages in the caller process’s address space. After constructing the private heap, the process manages the memory in it via operations like HeapAlloc and HeapFree.

File Mapping

The association of file content with a piece of visible address space in the process is known as a file map. To track this relationship, the system creates a file map maker (also known as a category object). File view is the physical address area are used for the file content access process. The process may use both input and outgoing sequences (I/O) thanks to the file map. It also allows the process to work effectively with large data files, such as websites, without requiring the entire file to be mapped to memory. Files with a memory map can be used with many processes to exchange data.

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How to Improve Memory Effectively

Research-Backed Ways to Boost Memory Power

If you've ever found yourself forgetting where you left your keys or blanking out information on important tests, you've probably wondered how to improve memory. Fortunately, there are plenty of things that you can do to increase memory power. Tactics like reminders, organization, minimizing distractions, visualization, and repeating information out loud can help cement information in your memory.

Obviously, utilizing some sort of reminder system can help. Setting up an online calendar that sends reminders to your phone helps you keep track of all those appointments and meetings. Creating daily to-do lists can ensure you don't forget important tasks that need to be completed.

But what about all the important information that you need to cement into your long-term memory ? It will take some effort and even involve tweaking or dramatically changing your normal study routine, but there are several strategies you can utilize to get more out of your memory.

At a Glance

If you want to know how to improve memory, it's important to start with research-proven strategies. This can include memorization techniques, study habits, and lifestyle changes that can help you make the most of your memory. Keep reading to find ways to effectively improve memory, enhance recall, and increase retention of information.

Focus Your Attention

If you want to commit something to memory, it's important to start by working on how you attend to the information. After all, attention is a lot like a spotlight, shining light on the important details.

Attention is one of the major components of memory. In order for information to move from your short-term memory into your long-term memory, you need to actively attend to this information.

Set aside a short period of time to be alone. Try to study in a place free of distractions such as television, music, and other diversions.

Getting rid of distractions might be a challenge, especially if you are surrounded by boisterous roommates or noisy children. Ask your roommates to give you some space or ask your partner to take the kids for an hour so you can focus on your work .

Avoid Cramming

While you might be tempted to try to learn everything in one long session, this tactic can actually make it harder to remember the information later.

Studying materials over several sessions gives you the time you need to adequately process information. Plus, it's just a more realistic strategy. By breaking your review sessions up into smaller blocks, you're more likely to stick with it.

Plus, it gives you a chance to review key details several times. Repetition is one of the best ways to improve your memory.

Research has continuously shown that students who study regularly remember the material far better than those who do all of their studying in one marathon session.

Structure and Organize the Information

When you are trying to learn how to improve memory, looking at some of the ways that memory is organized and retained can be helpful. For example, researchers have found that information is organized in memory in related clusters.

You can take advantage of this by structuring and organizing the materials you're studying. Try grouping similar concepts and terms together, or make an outline of your notes and textbook readings to help group related concepts .

Utilize Mnemonic Devices

Mnemonic devices are a technique often used by students to aid in recall. A mnemonic is simply a way to remember information. For example, you might associate a term you need to remember with a common item that you are very familiar with. The best mnemonics are those that utilize positive imagery, humor, or novelty.

Come up with a rhyme, song, or joke to help remember a specific segment of information.

Evidence indicates that mnemonic strategies can be a powerful tool for improving memory. In one study, using a mnemonic acronym improved learning of a task sequence. The research also showed that this strategy was also useful for reducing the effects of interruptions in tasks that involve following a certain set of procedures.

Another study found that mnemonic training led to changes in how information was structured in the brain. Such findings suggest that using memory tricks like mnemonics doesn't just help you remember stuff better—it actually makes your brain more adept at remember information in general.

Elaborate and Rehearse

To recall information, you need to encode what you are studying into long-term memory. One of the most effective encoding techniques is known as elaborative rehearsal.

While it sounds complicated, it's actually pretty simple. Simply put, it's all about connecting new information with things you already know. So if you are learning a new term, you would start by learning the meaning. Then, you might think about how that might fit in with other things you know about the concept and then think of a story or create a mnemonic device to help tie them all together.

For example, as you learn more about elaborative rehearsal, you might start by learning the term's definition. Then, you might think of how this fits with other things you know about memory, including how information is consolidated into long-term memory. After repeating this process a few times, you'll probably notice that recalling the information is much easier.

Visualize Concepts

Many people benefit greatly from visualizing the information they study. Research has found there is an overlap between visual imagery and visual working memory. Creating mental imagery about things you are trying to remember may help improve later recall.

Pay attention to the photographs, charts, and other graphics in your textbooks. If you don't have visual cues to help, try creating your own. Draw charts or figures in the margins of your notes or use highlighters or pens in different colors to group related ideas in your written study materials.

Sometimes even just making flashcards of various terms you need to remember can help cement the information in your mind.

Relate New Information to Things You Already Know

When you're studying unfamiliar material, take the time to think about how this information relates to what you already know. Establishing relationships between new ideas and previously existing memories can dramatically increase the likelihood of recalling the recently learned information.

Read Out Loud

Research published in 2017 suggests that reading materials out loud significantly improves​ your memory of the material.   Educators and psychologists have also discovered that having students actually teach new concepts to others enhances understanding and recall.

Use this approach in your own studies by teaching new concepts and information to a friend or study partner.

Pay Extra Attention to Difficult Information

Have you ever noticed how it's sometimes easier to remember the information at the beginning or end of a chapter? Researchers have found that the order of information can play a role in recall, which is known as the serial position effect.

While recalling middle information can be difficult, you can overcome this problem by spending extra time rehearsing this information. Another strategy is to try restructuring what you have learned so it will be easier to remember.

When you come across an especially difficult concept, devote some extra time to memorizing the information.

Vary Your Study Routine

Another great way to increase your recall is to occasionally change your study routine . Adding an element of novelty can help improve your memory for that information.

If you're accustomed to studying in one specific location, try moving to a different spot during your next study session. If you study in the evening, try spending a few minutes each morning reviewing the information you studied the previous night.

By adding an element of novelty to your study sessions, you can increase the effectiveness of your efforts and significantly improve your long-term recall.

Get Some Sleep

Researchers have long known that sleep is important for memory and learning. Research has shown that taking a nap after you learn something new can actually help you learn faster and remember better.

In fact, one study found that sleeping after learning something new actually leads to physical changes in the brain. Sleep-deprived mice experienced less dendritic growth following a learning task than well-rested mice.

So the next time you're struggling to learn new information, consider getting a good night's sleep after you study.

Get Regular Exercise

Exercise is great for physical and mental health, and it can help strengthen memory. Research has shown that exercise can have important memory-boosting benefits.

Meta-analyses of the research indicate that shorter bursts of exercise, 20 minutes or less, are good at boosting short-term memory. If you want to have better long-term memory, however, medium-duration, moderate-intensity exercise for around 40 minutes is more effective.

It can also help protect the overall health of your brain and memory as you age. Evidence shows that exercising regularly during mid-life helps lower your risk of developing dementia as you age.

Manage Your Stress

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Stress can have a detrimental effect on memory, so it is important to find ways to manage your stress levels. Traumatic events can negatively affect your memory, but so can everyday chronic stress. One study found that experiencing stress had a negative impact on memory retrieval.

Some strategies that can be helpful in lowering your stress levels include:

  • Guided imagery
  • Mindfulness
  • Listening to music
  • Progressive muscle relaxation
  • Deep breathing
  • Going for a walk
  • Practicing gratitude

Taking steps to improve your memory can come in handy in school, at work, and in your everyday life. Fortunately, there are many different strategies that can help.

Focusing on how you learn the information is important, including minimizing distractions, focusing on the material, and organizing the information in related categories. Other techniques like visualization, mnemonics, and elaborative rehearsal can help you max out your memory powers.

Frequently Asked Questions

Research suggests that both the Mediterranean and MIND diets may help prevent memory loss issues, and each of these dietary eating plans is rich in veggies, whole grains, and fish.

Many factors can contribute to memory issues, some of which include certain medical conditions, medication side effects, diet, head injury, and more.

American Psychological Association. Study smart .

Manning JR, Kahana MJ. Interpreting semantic clustering effects in free recall .  Memory . 2012;20(5):511-517. doi:10.1080/09658211.2012.683010

Radović T, Manzey D. The impact of a mnemonic acronym on learning and performing a procedural task and its resilience toward interruptions .  Front Psychol . 2019;10:2522. doi:10.3389/fpsyg.2019.02522

Dresler M, Shirer WR, Konrad BN, et al. Mnemonic training reshapes brain networks to support superior memory .  Neuron . 2017;93(5):1227-1235.e6. doi:10.1016/j.neuron.2017.02.003

Kheirzadeh S, Pakzadian SS.  Depth of processing and age differences .  J Psycholinguist Res . 2016;45(5):1137-49. doi:10.1007/s10936-015-9395-x.

Pearson J, Naselaris T, Holmes EA, Kosslyn SM. Mental imagery: Functional mechanisms and clinical applications .  Trends Cogn Sci . 2015;19(10):590-602. doi:10.1016/j.tics.2015.08.003

Forrin ND, Macleod CM. This time it's personal: the memory benefit of hearing oneself . Memory. 2018;26(4):574-579. doi:10.1080/09658211.2017.1383434

Cortis Mack C, Cinel C, Davies N, Harding M, Ward G. Serial position, output order, and list length effects for words presented on smartphones over very long intervals .  J Mem Lang . 2017;97:61-80. doi:10.1016/j.jml.2017.07.009

Yang G, Lai CS, Cichon J, Ma L, Li W, Gan WB. Sleep promotes branch-specific formation of dendritic spines after learning .  Science . 2014;344(6188):1173-1178. doi:10.1126/science.1249098

Loprinzi PD, Roig M, Etnier JL, Tomporowski PD, Voss M. Acute and chronic exercise effects on human memory: What we know and where to go from here .  J Clin Med . 2021;10(21):4812. doi:10.3390/jcm10214812

Gholamnezhad Z, Boskabady MH, Jahangiri Z. Exercise and dementia .  Adv Exp Med Biol . 2020;1228:303-315. doi:10.1007/978-981-15-1792-1_20

Klier C, Buratto LG. Stress and long-term memory retrieval: a systematic review .  Trends Psychiatry Psychother . 2020;42(3):284-291. doi:10.1590/2237-6089-2019-0077

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National Institute on Aging. Do memory problems always mean Alzheimer's disease?

By Kendra Cherry, MSEd Kendra Cherry, MS, is a psychosocial rehabilitation specialist, psychology educator, and author of the "Everything Psychology Book."

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In March 1932, the cover of Fortune magazine featured a painting of Red Square by Diego Rivera. A numberless crowd of faceless men marched with red banners, surrounding a locomotive engine emblazoned with hammer and sickle. This was the image of communist modernization the Soviets wished to transmit during Stalin’s first five-year plan: The achievement was impersonal, technical, unquestionable. The Soviet Union was transforming itself from an agrarian backwater into an industrial power through sheer disciplined understanding of the objective realities of history. Its citizens celebrated the revolution, as Rivera’s painting suggested, even as it molded them into a new kind of people.

But by March 1932, hundreds of thousands of people were already starving to death in Soviet Ukraine, the breadbasket of the country. Rapid industrialization was financed by destroying traditional agrarian life. The five-year plan had brought “dekulakization,” the deportation of peasants deemed more prosperous than others, and “collectivization,” the appropriation of agrarian land by the state. A result was mass famine: first in Kazakhstan, then in southern Russia and especially in Soviet Ukraine . Soviet leaders were aware in 1932 of what was happening but insisted on requisitions in Ukraine anyway. Grain that people needed to survive was forcibly confiscated and exported. The writer Arthur Koestler, who was living in Soviet Ukraine at the time, recalled propaganda that presented the starving as provocateurs who preferred to see their own bellies bloat rather than accept Soviet achievement.

Ukraine was the most important Soviet republic beyond Russia, and Stalin understood it as wayward and disloyal . When the collectivization of agriculture in Ukraine failed to produce the yields that Stalin expected, his response was to blame local party authorities, the Ukrainian people and foreign spies. As foodstuffs were extracted amid famine, it was chiefly Ukrainians who suffered and died — some 3.9 million people in the republic , by the best reckoning, well over 10 percent of the total population. In communications with trusted comrades, Stalin did not conceal that he was directing specific policies against Ukraine. Inhabitants of the republic were banned from leaving it; peasants were prevented from going to the cities to beg; communities that failed to make grain targets were cut off from the rest of the economy; families were deprived of their livestock. Above all, grain from Ukraine was ruthlessly seized, well beyond anything reason could command. Even the seed corn was confiscated.

The Soviet Union took drastic action to ensure that these events went unnoticed. Foreign journalists were banned from Ukraine. The one person who did report on the famine in English under his own byline, the Welsh journalist Gareth Jones, was later murdered . The Moscow correspondent of The New York Times, Walter Duranty, explained away the famine as the price of progress. Tens of thousands of hunger refugees made it across the border to Poland, but Polish authorities chose not to publicize their plight: A treaty with the U.S.S.R. was under negotiation. In Moscow, the disaster was presented, at the 1934 party congress, as a triumphant second revolution. Deaths were recategorized from “starvation” to “exhaustion.” When the next census counted millions fewer people than expected, the statisticians were executed. Inhabitants of other republics, meanwhile, mostly Russians, moved into Ukrainians’ abandoned houses. As beneficiaries of the calamity, they were not interested in its sources.

After the Soviet Union came to an end in 1991, citizens of a newly independent Ukraine began commemorating the dead of the 1932-33 famine, which they call the Holodomor. In 2006, the Ukrainian Parliament recognized the events in question as a genocide. In 2008, the Russian Duma responded with a resolution that provided a very different account of the famine. Even as Russian legislators seemed to acknowledge the catastrophe, they turned it against the main victims. The resolution stated that “there is no historical proof that the famine was organized along ethnic lines,” and pointedly mentioned six regions in Russia before mentioning Ukraine.

This inability to recognize a tragedy led to an inability to recognize a people.

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Memory Management in an Operating System

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Checked : Mark A. , Olivia S.

Latest Update 22 Jan, 2024

Table of content

Memory Management Requirements

Protection and sharing, static relocation, dynamic relocation, memory organization, memory management, memory partitioning.

RAM is a fairly valuable resource, which must be managed according to certain principles. There are different management concepts, which lead to different techniques, with their pros and cons.

The management of main memory (RAM, primary, or as we call it) is one of the most important aspects of the operating systems. Like all computer resources,  RAM  must also be managed according to the usual principles of fairness and performance.

In particular, memory management must:

  • Being economic (low overhead).
  • Maximize its use.

A little better, you don't have to waste CPU time putting and taking stuff out of the primary memory, and you have to use all the available space efficiently.

To ensure efficiency and ease of management, data protection, and a minimum of code portability, we need these requirements.

Generally, we don't want a process to access memory areas of other processes. Imagine having a password manager running: in RAM, you certainly have your credentials in the clear. we are sure you wouldn't like any process to access that piece of memory and read your credentials.

At the same time, however, we also ensure that some memory zones are shared between processes.

Imagine you have a large 500 kB library, which is used by 20 processes: instead of having the library copied in each of the 20 processes (for which 500 * 20 kB = 10 MB), we leave it shared and saved at least 10 MB.

This is a nice concept. let's see what it means.

We know that:

  • The size of the RAM is not the same for each device.
  • The operating system decides where to allocate in memory.
  • A process can be taken out of memory, and put back later (swapping).

A process must be able to execute its instructions without thinking about where they actually are in RAM. This is the essence of relocation, making the process independent of its memory position. The information is stored in two specialized registers, called the base register and the bounds register, respectively.

In practice, the relocation is implemented by introducing relative addresses, also called logical ones. The process uses these relative addresses, which are then translated by the operating system into real physical addresses. To finish this concept, let's talk about the two types of relocation.

It is basic and not good. In this phase, all the logical addresses are translated into physical and calculating them starting from the initial one.

  • Pros: none.
  • Cons: the process is not swappable -> the memory cannot be reorganized.

It is good and modern technique. We can translate the addresses at runtime.

  • Pros: we can relocate the process around the RAM -> we can reorganize the memory
  • Cons: none.

We must distinguish between physical and logical.

  • Physically, in memory, we implement overlaying, or we can allocate different modules/processes in the same memory zone, but at different times. Furthermore, the management is done transparently to the user/programmer.
  • Logically, we see memory in a linear fashion, with permissions for each module/process.

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The primary memory is a linear space in which the operating system allocates and de-allocates the memory. These two operations seem very trivial in words, but in reality, they are a big problem.

Over the years, several ideas have been introduced to make these operations possible. Modern operating systems use techniques called segmentation and paging (also used together), which allow the main memory to be used efficiently and without waste.

The basic idea of this cave technique was to divide the RAM into blocks of a certain length, called partitions.

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Computer Memory Management and Algorithms

Words: 665
Pages: 3


Logical and physical addresses, video voice-over.

It is paramount to guarantee a high quality of memory management or operating systems (OS) to be competitive in the modern market. Understanding resource management and how processes and OS govern it is vital to creating a stable, safe, and usable environment. This essay will discuss memory management, its principles, algorithms, and methods and explain the differences between logical (virtual) and physical (real) addresses.

There are several core concepts that outline the goals of memory management. The primary principle is the most efficient allocation of memory by all operating programs (Silberschatz et al., 2018). It is necessary for each program to function without causing disruptions to other processes. An OS must clearly outline the boundaries of each program, ensuring that each byte is adequately marked as free or allocated (Silberschatz et al., 2018). Moreover, depending on the goal of each application, the portion of memory it uses must be secured yet made available under proper requests to keep its functionality intact (Silberschatz et al., 2018). A system is only as functional as it allows the scalability of new and existing resources to be appropriately incorporated into its processes (Marufuzzaman et al., 2019). Any OS relies on these principles to present its users with feasible functionality.

Memory management relies on algorithms that allow systems to map addresses in a way that will be usable by other programs. The first algorithm that reads all available physical addresses occurs when a computer’s hardware initializes memory read to outline OS and processes’ necessary base spaces and limits (Silberschatz et al., 2018). CPU later utilizes this data to reallocate this memory in accordance with programs’ necessities, analyzing their requirements and limitations to ensure the most efficient usage of existing physical space (Silberschatz et al., 2018). User programs also follow similar orders to ensure step-by-step execution. Their initial goal is to compile a code that will begin the process of memory allocation (Silberschatz et al., 2018). The object files are then selected to be loaded and utilized through a software’s functions (Silberschatz et al., 2018). This function of management is critical for the stability and clarity of all operations within an OS.

Optimizing these algorithms requires modern methods to be open to complex manipulations. For example, dynamic loading is an approach to memory allocation that loads data only when called, leaving space as available for other processes as possible (Silberschatz et al., 2018). Dynamic linking is also a regularly utilized method that creates libraries accessed by different processes that share similar functions (Silberschatz et al., 2018). Static linking is a less preferable method, as it treats libraries as objects loaded into memory by a program alongside its image (Silberschatz et al., 2018). All these techniques give an OS advantage in managing limited hardware space without the need for its constant expansion.

There are two types of addresses that OS utilizes in its processes. The first one is the physical address, which represents the direct physical location of any given data on a device’s memory unit (Bisht, 2021). This information is constant and unavailable to users openly, requiring a program to assign a logical address to it (Bisht, 2021). Unlike physical addresses, logical ones are generated by the CPU at the moment a software requests one to be assigned for its operations (Bisht, 2021). Logical addresses can be shared or briefly passed between programs to ensure communication (Silberschatz et al., 2018). These addresses create an ever-changing environment that supports processes that would be otherwise too complicated to implement.

In conclusion, memory management is a set of functions and techniques aimed at distributing any available space for programs in the most resource-efficient way. An OS has a complex set of mechanisms that govern memory usage, considering programs’ requirements and limitations. Algorithms and methods behind these processes enable users to access data by creating necessary links for any stored information. Efficient manipulation of physical and logical addresses is what gives an operating system an advantage.

Bisht, A. (2021). Logical and physical address in operating system . GeeksforGeeks.

Marufuzzaman, M., Al Karim, S., Rahman, M. S., Zahid, N. M., & Sidek, L. M. (2019). A review on reliability, security, and memory management of numerous operating systems . Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Informatics (IJEEI) , 7 (3).

Silberschatz, A., Galvin, P. B., & Gagne, G. (2018). Operating system concepts (10 th ed.). John Wiley & Sons.

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Premium Papers . "Computer Memory Management and Algorithms." January 20, 2024.

Improving Quality of Service (QoS) in Wireless Multimedia Sensor Networks using Epsilon Greedy Strategy

  • Senthil Kumar, S.
  • Alzaben, Nada
  • Sridevi, A.
  • Ranjith, V.

Wireless Multimedia Sensor Networks (WMSNs) are networks consisting of sensors that have limitations in terms of memory, computational power, bandwidth and battery life. Multimedia transmission using Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) is a difficult task because certain Quality of Service (QoS) guarantees are required. These guarantees include a large quantity of bandwidth, rigorous latency requirements, improved packet delivery and lower loss ratio. The main area of research would be to investigate the process of greedy techniques that could be modified to guarantee QoS provisioning for multimedia traffic in WSNs. This could include optimization of routing decisions, dynamic allocation of resources and effective congestion management. This study introduces a framework called Epsilon Greedy Strategy based Routing Protocol (EGS-RP) for multimedia content transmission over WSN. The framework focuses on energy efficiency and QoS by using reinforcement learning to optimize rewards. These incentives are determined by a number of variables, including node residual energy, communication energy and the effectiveness of sensor type-dependent data collection. Experimental analysis was conducted to evaluate the effectiveness of the proposed routing strategy and compare it with the performance of standard energy-aware routing algorithms. The proposed EGS-RP achieves a throughput of 217 kbps, a bandwidth of 985 bps, a packet delivery ratio of 94.45% and an energy consumption of 32%.

  • Wireless Multimedia Sensor Networks (WMSNs);
  • video transmission;
  • packet transmission;
  • energy efficiency;
  • Quality of Service (QoS)


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  1. Memory Management in Operating System

    In a multiprogramming computer, the Operating System resides in a part of memory, and the rest is used by multiple processes. The task of subdividing the memory among different processes is called Memory Management. Memory management is a method in the operating system to manage operations between main memory and disk during process execution.

  2. Computer's Memory Management

    Memory management is one of the primary responsibilities of the OS, a role that is achieved by the use of the memory management unit (MMU). The MMU is an integral software component of the operating system that resides in the OS's kernel. The OS manages both types of memory that are categorized into primary and secondary.

  3. (PDF) Enhancing OS Memory Management Performance: A Review

    Abstract. Memory management refers to all methods used in memory to store code and data, track use, and, where possible, retrieve memory space. This means that the physical chips and a logical ...

  4. (PDF) Memory Management in Operating System

    Memory is a resource that must be carefully managed in computing systems due to its importance in job executions and in saving information. This paper is based on the techniques that operating ...

  5. PDF Operating Systems Memory Management

    8: Memory Management 4 MEMORY MANAGEMENT • The concept of a logical address space that is bound to a separate physical address space is central to proper memory management. • Logical address - generated by the CPU; also referred to as virtual address • Physical address - address seen by the memory unit • Logical and physical addresses are the same in compile-time and load-

  6. Memory Management In Unix Operating System Computer Science Essay

    Memory is an important resource in computer. Memory management is the process of managing the computer memory which consists of primary memory and secondary memory. The goal for memory management is to keep track of which parts of memory are in use and which parts are not in use, to allocate memory to processes when they need it and de-allocate ...

  7. Memory Management

    1. Introduction. Memory management regards how computer systems tackle the main memory. In summary, the main memory maintains resources (instructions and data) directly accessible by the computer's processing units. So, the processing units can use these resources to execute different processes. However, managing the main memory is a complex ...

  8. Memory Management Essay Examples

    Memory Management Essays. Mobile Operating System Project: A Context-Aware Scheduling and Memory Management OS for Android. Abstract The operating system, commonly called the OS, is responsible for managing computer hardware resources. According to Lee et al. (2017), understanding context awareness is crucial for optimizing tasks, task ...

  9. Memory management

    Essay on Cis Memory Management. to show how memory is used in executing programs and its critical support for applications. C++ is a general purpose programming language that runs programs using memory management. Two operating system environments are commonly used in compiling, building and executing C++ applications. These are the windows and ...

  10. Computer Science : Memory Management

    1. Hardware memory management. 2. Operating system memory management. 3. Application memory management. In most computers all of these three level techniques are used to some extent. These are described in more details below. Hardware memory management Memory management at the hardware level is concerned with the physical devices that actually ...

  11. The Memory Management Of Operating Systems Information Technology Essay

    1.1 Memory Management. Memory management is a field of computer science which develops techniques to efficiently manage the computer memory. Basically, memory management involves allocation of memory portion to various programs at their request, and then freeing it, so that it can be reused.

  12. Home

    Welcome to the Memory Management Reference! This is a resource for programmers and computer scientists interested in memory management and garbage collection. A glossary of more than 500 memory management terms, from absolute address to zero count table. Articles giving a beginner's overview of memory management.

  13. 201 Memory Research Topics & Essay Examples

    201 Memory Research Topics & Essay Examples. Updated: Mar 2nd, 2024. 22 min. Memory is a fascinating brain function. Together with abstract thinking and empathy, memory is the thing that makes us human. Table of Contents. In your essay about memory, you might want to compare its short-term and long-term types.

  14. Top 25 Memory Management Interview Questions and Answers

    Top 25 Memory Management Interview Questions and Answers. Prepare for your next technical interview with our comprehensive guide on Memory Management. Explore key concepts, common questions, and expert-approved answers to enhance your knowledge in this critical area of computer science. InterviewPrep IT Career Coach. Published Sep 6, 2023.

  15. Windows Memory Management

    Architecture for 32-bit Windows: The automatic configuration of the 32-bit Windows Operating System (OS) allocates 4 GB (232) of accessible memory space to the kernel and user programs equally.With 4 GB physical memory available, the kernel will receive 2 GB and the app memory will receive 2 GB. Kernel-mode address space is shared by all processes, but application mode access space is provided ...

  16. PDF Characterizing a Memory Allocator atWarehouse Scale

    optimizing memory management in the kernel to improve physical memory contiguity and provide better hugepage support [40, 53, 54, 56, 66, 70]. Ingens [40] manages contigu-ity as a first-class resource and tracks utilization and access frequency of memory pages. Contiguitas [70] proposes to separate movable allocations from unmovable ones by plac-

  17. How to Improve Memory: 13 Ways to Increase Memory Power

    Fortunately, there are plenty of things that you can do to increase memory power. Tactics like reminders, organization, minimizing distractions, visualization, and repeating information out loud can help cement information in your memory. Obviously, utilizing some sort of reminder system can help. Setting up an online calendar that sends ...

  18. Memory management Essays

    Essay On Memory Management 811 Words | 4 Pages. Memory Management. Memory management is the process of controlling and coordinating computer memory, Assigning portions called blocks to various running programs to optimize. This is the functionality of an operating system which manages primary memory. It keeps track of each and every memory ...

  19. The War on History Is a War on Democracy

    Essay. The War on History Is a War on Democracy. ... The memory management enables the voter suppression. The history of denying Black people the vote is shameful. This means that it is less ...

  20. Memory Management in an Operating System

    The management of main memory (RAM, primary, or as we call it) is one of the most important aspects of the operating systems. Like all computer resources, RAM must also be managed according to the usual principles of fairness and performance. In particular, memory management must: Being economic (low overhead). Maximize its use.

  21. Essay On Memory Management

    Memory management is the process of controlling and coordinating computer memory, Assigning portions called blocks to various running...

  22. Computer Memory Management and Algorithms

    Memory management relies on algorithms that allow systems to map addresses in a way that will be usable by other programs. The first algorithm that reads all available physical addresses occurs when a computer's hardware initializes memory read to outline OS and processes' necessary base spaces and limits (Silberschatz et al., 2018).

  23. Free Essay: Memory Management

    MEMORY MANAGEMENT. Research Paper. ABSTRACT: To manage the contents of the processor's memory and storage, memory management is used. To use applications and data, first, it should be brought to memory. Memory use also increases as workload on system increases. To optimize the use of processor's memory, we hence use memory management.

  24. Free Essay: Memory Management

    Raven. POS 355. July 10, 2013. Matt Bestrand. Memory Management Requirements. With memory management there are certain requirements that it is intended to satisfy. Those requirements are relocation, protection, sharing, logical organization, and physical organization. As an essential part of memory management these areas will be discussed below.

  25. Improving Quality of Service (QoS) in Wireless Multimedia Sensor

    Wireless Multimedia Sensor Networks (WMSNs) are networks consisting of sensors that have limitations in terms of memory, computational power, bandwidth and battery life. Multimedia transmission using Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) is a difficult task because certain Quality of Service (QoS) guarantees are required. These guarantees include a large quantity of bandwidth, rigorous latency ...