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All three advanced levels

Hello apprentices,

I am making this post as someone who passed all three of the advanced level exams in the November 2023 sitting with the following results:

Corporate Reporting - 74% Strategic Business Management - 70% Case Study - 55%

I wanted to share my experience and the key tips I learnt throughout the process for those in a similar situation for the upcoming July sitting.

I have broken this down by exam type with an overall key tips section at the end. Feel free to ask any questions and I will try to respond if not already addressed in this post.

It should be noted that my tuition provider was Kaplan and I sat the BPT pathway during my professional level exams.

Corporate Reporting:

This was by far the most technical of the 3 exams. I spent about 60% of my studying time preparing for corporate reporting and I would suggest you follow a similar time allocation for several reasons.

The breadth of the content covered in this course is enormous and the examiner likes to cover multiple topics at once during the exam. Although a strong grounding in FAR and AA will help, there are many new topics that aren’t covered at FAR level and it can take some time to understand the content and apply it to questions which can seem overwhelming at first.

Corporate reporting content will be very useful for the Strategic Business Management exam. Many questions in SBM will leverage knowledge from CR without requiring the detail of the CR exam. Having a strong understanding of the CR material will allow you to pick up quick marks in SBM and allow you the precious time needed to complete the SBM paper.

As everyone will know from BPT/BPB, the open book does not make the exam easier and the time pressured nature of the exam means you don’t have more than 2-3 minutes to look up material in the open book. Candidates need to be fully prepared for questions and have a good idea of where the crucial information is in their notes or they will not be able to manage the time expectations in CR. Learn your content well and don’t rely on the open book for too much.

Specific study tips:

The ACA masters notes are great for the open book as they are concise and laid out by section. These allows for quick reference of the open book when needed. I would suggest taking in your Kaplan integrated workbook in case you need more detail for a specific question but mainly using the ACA masters notes for prep and the actual exam.

The ACA masters notes also have a great analysis of the 11 month inflo data set which can help score quick marks in the 2nd question of the paper.

I would advise doing the inflo question first as you have the most advantage on this question from the preparation you do for the exam and the software tends to crash later on in the exam as student try to access the twelve month data set.

Strategic Business Management:

I spent about 20% of my remaining study time preparing for SBM. This exam is much more like BST where candidates are required to interpret the questions without specific reference to the materials. This exam requires you to think on your feet and be decisive as indecision can cost valuable time in the exam.

Preparing for this exam can feel difficult as the papers are very unique. Don’t worry too much about the technical aspects of the exam, NPV + hedging etc, as the actual exam is more concerned with your written analysis rather than the accuracy of your calculations.

Try to develop a commercial mindset when practicing for the exam as this will make you more comfortable thinking on your feet and developing positive and negative points out of the information provided.

I don’t think the ACA masters notes are worth it for this exam. I would recommend making your own open book and using the ACA masters notes from the CR exam for the CR related content.

Don’t spend too much time on the content itself and rather use the time to practice the exam questions to help develop that SBM mindset. It is very important that you are able to write quickly.

Case study:

The case study is probably the hardest exam to prepare for as you only know what you really need to know on the day of. That being said, the tutors do a good job of explaining the marking rubric which is the key to passing the exam.

Don’t worry too much about the past papers you write before the advanced information is released. The key is going through the advanced information as often as possible and trying to immerse yourselves in the focus of the case study.

Be comfortable with the calculations for question 1 as these are always the same and the analysis will largely be generic based on whether the company has performed well or badly.

Remember that this is the most time pressured exam and requires a lot of writing. The most important preparation technique is to understand the structure of the exam and be able to fill in the sub headings to hit the key rubric points.

The ACA masters past papers are amazing for this exam. I really regret not doing all of them as the one I didn’t do was a carbon copy of the question 2 that came up on the day.

The most important part of the preparation is understanding the calculations that can come up in the exam as these will form the basis for the discussion to follow and are crucial to passing each requirement.

Overall tips:

Writing all 3 exams can be an extremely stressful process. It is important to be consistent in your preparation and ensure you are exercising, sleeping well and eating the correct foods. Manage your stress levels throughout as you don’t want to burn out before the exams come around. Try your best to focus during college time and complete the sections with the tutors as this will reduce time spent catching up which can increase stress levels significantly.

Remember that you have got this far and are more than capable of passing, no matter how difficult it may seem in the run up to the exams. Feel free to leave any questions below and I will try my best to respond. Best of luck everyone.

icaew case study advanced information november 2023

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Organised for super-quick reference.

Whenever we mention the "open book" nature of some ACA papers to our non-accountant friends, we are often told that this makes the exams too easy. Not quite! Having access to unlimited notes sounds great, but the more notes you have, the more searching you'll be doing, so if you do not have the right resource, there is definitely a risk of "losing more than you gain" from your open book notes. With this in mind, all our Exam Room Notes books have been carefully designed for quick alphabetical reference to provide all the answers you need in double-quick speed. We have also largely relied on the available ICAEW past paper and Mock model answers, rather than trying to summarise everything in the Workbook, when creating our Exam Room Notes. This ensures that we focus on the most examinable content, again saving you precious time.

Some stats on our Exam Room Notes.

We review the 30 most recent ICAEW past paper model answer files as part of the process of writing each set of Exam Room Notes, ensuring that any content which has been recently examined definitely features in our notes, ensuring relevance of our content.

We have split the CR and SBM syllabus content into just over 100 different topic areas each, all organised alphabetically. This allows you to go straight to the specific information that you need with laser-guided precision, rather than losing time hunting for info.

Discover the most commonly asked questions about our CR and SBM Exam Room Notes.

We know that students like to study and revise in different ways, so for 2024, we are offering our Exam Room Notes books in hardcopy or PDF formats. An advantage of the hardcopy option is that you don't have to print the resource and you have a bound copy of the book. An advantage of the PDF option is that you can print the book in sections and slot it into your existing notes if you prefer to work that way. Please note that we ask students to choose either the hardcopy or the PDF version: purchasing one format does not entitle you to a copy in the other format, for operational reasons.

Time-saving summaries.

Our Exam Room Notes save you time both before and during the examination through sensibly-organised, summarised notes which incorporate our expert tutor guidance on the likely mark allocation, typical student errors to avoid and other tips. All purchasers of our Exam Room Notes PDF publications have the option to upgrade to our "Enhanced Edition" supporting resources, consisting of videos, interactive questions and additional notes and links to support your learning.

Fully updated for 2024

We have carefully worked through all the syllabus changes for 2023 (as well as the key learning points from model answers to the latest 2022 past papers) to ensure that the latest editions of our Exam Room Notes are fully up-to-date.

Sensible organisation

Rather than relying on the large number of Workbook chapters (yet another cause of "overwhelm" for students), all content in our Exam Room Notes has been organised alphabetically, meaning that you can instantly go to the information that you need.

Fully cross-referenced

To give you the maximum chance of developing your points in the right way, we always provide direct page cross-references to other topic areas within the Exam Room Notes which may be useful to your answer. This allows our Exam Room Notes to serve as a kind of "ideas stimulator" so that you don't forget to include the further follow-on points needed to max your score.

What our students say.

I won the AB Snow Regional Prize for Corporate Reporting at the August 2020 sitting with a score of 86%! Feel I should write in as I used all your Exam Room Notes books for 2020. I found them easy to follow as I used them every day since I bought them. They're logically written and very useful for quick referencing. As I barely have any time to study (my employer does not provide  any allocated study time), they saved me a lot of time compared to compiling  notes.

I passed CR and SBM. Wanted to once again say a huge thank you for all the help in preparing me for this battle. I felt prepared going into these exams and the insights that you were providing proved invaluable during the process. It was a refreshing approach after the big tuition providers and I am glad that you capitalised on the market gap. Also, incredible CR summary notes. After a bit of tabbing, the book becomes lethal in scoring exam marks!

I just want to say a massive thank you!! I took both Corporate Reporting and Case Study courses this year. It was my 4th attempt at CR and I passed. I really liked the repetitive nature of the CR RRQB and the organised nature of the Exam Room Notes. I wish I had  come to you guys sooner for some of my earlier papers to avoid all the frustration and fails.

The Exam Room Notes were particularly helpful for determining whether an entity was an associate, outlining a number of indicators in a format which mirrored the information provided in the exam question.

I am currently preparing for the 3 Advanced Level papers and have bought your Exam Room Notes for CR and SBM. I previously used your BPT Exam Room Notes and similar to that resource, I think they're really great.

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icaew case study advanced information november 2023

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  • May 1, 2020

How to Pass the ICAEW ACA Case Study Exam

Updated: Feb 22, 2023

This article offers advice on how to pass the ACA Case Study exam. Written by a multiple prize-winning ACA tutor who scored 92% in the Case Study exam and won the ICAEW prize for the highest score in the world, this is essential reading for any student preparing for their Case Study exam.

How to Ace the ACA Case Study Exam

The Case Study is unlike most other ACA exams as there is very little technical content to learn. Therefore, students who are used to memorising technical concepts and then ‘smashing out the question bank’ will be perplexed when they are presented with 40+ pages of advance information and a Case Study exam paper seemingly testing nothing they have learnt in their other 14 exams.

However, the Case Study is actually very similar to the other ACA exams in that the three exam requirements are always the same, as are the mark schemes. By appreciating the consistency in the exam requirements and the mark schemes, you can develop your exam technique to ensure that you tick all the 'boxes' on the mark scheme and complete your ACA qualification in style.

In light of this, we believe that there are 5 steps to Case Study success:

1. Understand how Case Study is marked

2. Understand what each of the three requirements involve

3. Understand what information is provided in the Advance Information (AI) and what is provided in the exam

4. Learn the Case Study exam technique which ensures that you hit all the boxes on the mark scheme

5. Practice mock exams to master your exam technique

Step 1: Understand how Case Study is marked

The Case Study marking process is objective: there is a set marking key for each requirement and if a student’s report includes a point which is on the mark scheme, they will get the mark. This is not like an academic essay where the examiner forms an overall opinion of the piece of work and then decides whether it is good enough to pass; the Case Study marking grid is rigid. Whilst it can be frustrating that making a valid point which is not on the mark scheme does not score a mark, it does mean that the marking process is very transparent and easy to navigate. Below is an example from a Case Study mark scheme to illustrate what I mean by points and boxes.

icaew case study advanced information november 2023

Step 2: Understand what each of the three requirements involve

As explained above, the three requirements are broadly the same in each Case Study exam.

R1: Analyse the financial performance of the company

R2: Evaluate a financial proposal

R3: Evaluate an opportunity or issue

The mark scheme for each requirement is also the same. This makes the exam fairly predictable.

By having a look at recent past papers, you will soon start see the consistency in the requirements and build an understanding of what each requirement involves.

Step 3: Understand what information is provided in the AI and what is provided in the exam

In addition to the exam requirements and mark schemes being in the same format every time, the AI is also in the same format every time (albeit a different business with different issues).

By working through past Case Study exams, you will soon start to see that the AI always has the same exhibits with very similar types of information e.g. industry background, prior year accounts, key customers / suppliers, strategic goals and risks. Similarly, all the exams include the same exhibits with very similar types of information.

Having completed the exam, it is important to mark it and reflect on what information came from the AI and what came from the exam exhibits. You will soon start to see that the majority of mark scoring points come from the exam exhibits rather than the AI. You will also learn which types of information in the AI tend to be rewarded in the mark scheme and where in the mark scheme they are rewarded, i.e. which box.

Step 4: Learn the Case Study exam technique which ensures that you hit all the boxes on the mark scheme

Having understood what the exam requirements are and how they are marked, you need to develop an exam technique which ensures that your report includes the points which are included on the mark scheme. Fortunately for you, we have developed an exam technique which does this and it has resulted in two students winning the prize for the highest mark in the world (90% and 92%), another winning a prize for the highest mark in their region (88%) and another achieving the highest mark in their firm (81%)!

Given the practical nature of exam technique, it is not possible to explain this in text so you can watch a free class here which teaches you exactly how to ace Requirement 1 and get a prize-winning mark.

Step 5: Practice mock exams to master your exam technique

By this stage in your ACA journey, you will already know that question practice is key to success. Having learnt the prize-winning technique, you then need to practice mock exams on your case study business under exam conditions so that you master the technique and sign off your ACA in style!

Need Help Passing the ACA Case Study Exam?

Details of our live tuition, video tuition, mock exams and proforma reports can be found here .

About the Author

Kieran Doe is a Senior ACA Tutor at ACA Masters. Kieran won ICAEW prizes for his performance in Financial Accounting and Reporting, Tax, Financial Management, Audit, Business Strategy and Case Study. This is in addition to winning several prizes at university for various Accounting, Management, Business and Economics subjects.

Kieran’s tuition is based around the learning techniques and exam strategies which enabled him to win prizes for all the subjects he teaches. Under his guidance, several of his ACA students have also won ICAEW prizes.

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Some 5,741 students sat the November 2023 Advanced Level examinations, with 9,417 exams ‘attempted’.

The drop in the Strategic Business Management pass rate to 83.9% might be a worry for some students and tutors alike. It was 88.5% last August and 87.3% a year ago. Both the Case Study and Corporate Reporting pass rates are also down on the August results (see results below).

In all 837 students opted to sit all three advanced papers. Of these 73.2% passed them all, with another 16% picking up at least two out of the three.

Just under 500 students sat just the Corporate Reporting exam, and the pass rate here was a miserly 50.2%. The pass rate for those just sitting Strategic Business Management was only slightly better at 54.8%.

icaew case study advanced information november 2023

Students from RSM picked up two of the three ‘order of merit’ prizes for the November sitting – James Blackwell for the case study and Louise Fitzgerald for the Strategic Business Management (joint first).

ICAEW ADVANCED LEVEL NOVEMBER 2023 EXAM RESULTS*: Case Study 80.3%; Corporate Reporting 80%; Strategic Business Management 83.9% *All candidates

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Advanced Level Corporate Reporting advance information

The Advanced Level Corporate Reporting exam includes advance information released prior to the exam sitting. This allows you time to become familiar with the information and to undertake any other appropriate research and analysis.

Select the relevant product below, depending on the exam sitting, and proceed to check out to get the product in your ICAEW Bookshelf. You will be able to access this within your exam and see any notes and highlights you’ve made, as well as using the search function.

This document is also available as a standard PDF that you can print and use in your exam sitting.

To access the pdf and for more information on the Corporate Reporting exam, please visit .

Please note: there is an errata sheet for the July 2022 Advanced Level Corporate Reporting advance information. The errata sheet will be available to students within the exam software, and can be downloaded from the Corporate Reporting exam resources page.

Available editions:

November 2023 Corporate Reporting - Advance Information £0.00
July 2024 Corporate Reporting - Advance Information £0.00

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ICAEW Faculties are 'centres of technical excellence', strongly committed to enhancing your professional development and helping you to meet your CPD requirements every year. They offer exclusive content, events and webinars, customised for your sector - which you should be able to easily record, when the time comes for the completion of your CPD declaration. Our offering isn't exclusive to Institute members. As a faculty member, the same resources are available to you to ensure you stay ahead of the competition.

Communities by industry / sector

Communities by life stage and workplace, communities by professional specialism, local groups and societies.

We aim to support you wherever in the world you work. Our regional offices and network of volunteers run events and provide access to local accounting updates in major finance centres around the globe.

Election explainers

ICAEW experts offer simple guides to help understand the technical, economic jargon that will be at the heart of political debates in the coming weeks.

Insights pulls together the best opinion, analysis, interviews, videos and podcasts on the key issues affecting accountancy and business.

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ICAEW podcasts

ICAEW produces two podcast series that count towards your CPD: Accountancy Insights for news from across the profession, and The Tax Track for specialist analysis from the ICAEW Tax Faculty.

Professional development and skills

With new requirements on ICAEW members for continuing professional development, we bring together resources to support you through the changes and look at the skills accountants need for the future.

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  • Diversity and Inclusion

Diversity and inclusion is a key pillar of ICAEW's strategy. Discover the latest insights on equality, diversity and inclusion. You can also join our Diversity & Inclusion Community.

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ICAEW Regulation

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Strengthening trust in the profession

Our role as a world-leading improvement regulator is to strengthen trust and protect the public. We do this by enabling, evaluating and enforcing the highest standards in the profession. 

Regulatory applications

Find out how you can become authorised by ICAEW as a regulated firm. 

ICAEW codes and regulations

Professional conduct and complaints, statutory regulated services overseen by icaew, regulations for icaew practice members and firms, additional guidance and support, popular search results.

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  • It’s time for chartered accountants to save the world
  • Video: The CFO who tried to trick the market
  • Video: Could invoice fraud affect your business?
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  • Corporate reporting update and VAT on private hire vehicles
  • AI in audit: the good, the bad and the ugly
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  • A busy new tax year, plus progress on the Economic Crime Act
  • Does Britain have a farming problem?
  • Budget 2024: does it change anything?
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  • Tech news in brief

Tech news in brief April 2024


Published: 19 May 2024 Update History

ISSB publishes its digital sustainability taxonomy 

Financial Reporting | 30 April 2024  The International Sustainability Standards Board (ISSB) has  published  the IFRS Sustainability Disclosure Taxonomy enabling investors to search, extract and compare sustainability-related financial disclosures. 

IFAC proposes enhancements to International Education Standards 

Financial Reporting | 24 April 2024  The International Federation of Accountants (IFAC) has  announced  proposed amendments to the International Education Standards introducing sustainability reporting concepts and embedding them across aspiring professional accountants’ training. The deadline for comments is 24 July 2024. 

IASB embarks upon comprehensive review of accounting for intangibles 

Financial Reporting | 23 April 2024  The International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) has  launched  an in-depth review of accounting requirements for intangibles, assessing whether the extant requirements of IAS 38 Intangible Assets should be improved to fairly reflect current business models.  

ISSB to commence research projects about risks and opportunities related to nature and human capital 

Financial Reporting | 23 April 2024  The International Sustainability Standards Board (ISSB) has  announced  its intent to undertake projects researching the risks and opportunities associated with biodiversity, ecosystems and ecosystem services as well as with human capital. The ISSB will then assess and define the limitations with current disclosure in these areas and ultimately decide whether standard setting is required. 

IASB publishes Business Combinations under Common Control project summary

Financial Reporting | 17 April 2024  The International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) has  concluded  its project on Business Combinations under Common Control (BCUCC) publishing a project summary which explains the reasons behind its decision in November 2023 not to develop requirements for reporting BCUCCs.  

IPSASB proposes amendments considering IFRIC interpretations 

Financial Reporting | 16 April 2024  The International Public Sector Accounting Standards Board (IPSASB) has  launched  a consultation on proposed amendments based on five IFRS Interpretations Committee interpretations which the IPSASB had not considered. The deadline for comments is 17 June 2024.  

IAASB releases new strategy and work plan 

Audit and Assurance | 11 April 2024  The International Auditing and Assurance Standards Board (IAASB) has published a new strategy and work plan for 2024 – 2027 aimed at enhancing consistency and quality of audit and assurance standards worldwide. Highlights include completing the fraud, going concern and sustainability assurance projects and commencing new projects such as establishing an IAASB Technology Position. 

IESBA releases new strategy and work plan 

Ethics | 11 April 2024  The International Ethics Standards Board for Accountants (IESBA) has  published  its strategy and work plan for 2024 – 2027 setting out its strategic roadmap to place ethics at the heart of corporate decision-making. Highlights include an expansion of activity to address culture and governance at accounting firms and an exploration of increased scope and applicability of the IESBA Code to all individuals who perform the same activities as professional accountants. 

IFAC sets out key areas where updated knowledge is required by accountants to meet increasing sustainability demands 

Financial Reporting & Audit and Assurance | 10 April 2024  The International Federation of Accountants (IFAC) has  issued  a publication which lays out four key areas where accountants need to update their knowledge and skills to meet the growing demand for high-quality sustainability information. These are technical expertise, business acumen, behavioural competence and ethics and professional values.   

IASB announces new Standard to aid investor analysis of companies’ financial performance

Financial Reporting | 9 April 2024 The International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) has  unveiled  new standard IFRS 18 Presentation and Disclosure in Financial Statements. The standard introduces three sets of new requirements to improve companies’ reporting of financial performance and give investors a better basis for analysing and comparing companies.

PCAOB launches consultation on two public reporting proposals

Audit and assurance | 9 April 2024 The Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (PCAOB) has  issued  for public comment a proposal regarding public reporting of standardised firm and engagement metrics as well as a proposal regarding the PCAOB framework for collecting information from audit firms. If adopted, the proposals will require certain registered public accounting firms to publicly report specified metrics and facilitate the disclosure of more complete, standardized, and timely information. The deadline for comments is 7 June 2024.

Read out this code to the operator.


  1. How to Pass the ICAEW ACA Case Study 2023: Requirement 1

    icaew case study advanced information november 2023

  2. How to Pass ICAEW Case Study

    icaew case study advanced information november 2023

  3. Case Study

    icaew case study advanced information november 2023

  4. icaew case study syllabus

    icaew case study advanced information november 2023

  5. Advanced Level Examinations November 2023- Analysis of Results : r/ICAEW

    icaew case study advanced information november 2023

  6. ICAEW Annual Report

    icaew case study advanced information november 2023


  1. ICAI Important Announcements CA EXAM November 2023 & Grace marks Update


  3. CAP III Advanced Financial Management

  4. Practice News

  5. CA Inter Taxation Nov 2023 Paper Analysis

  6. How to Pass ICAEW Case Study


  1. Case Study module study resources

    The Case Study exam will assess your understanding of providing advice on complex business issues in the form of a written report. The scenario may be based on a variety of different organisational structures or operations, and you will be provided with advance information ahead of the exam. The exam is four hours long and will consist of three ...

  2. Advanced Level Case Study advance information

    The Advanced Level Case Study exam includes advance information released prior to the exam sitting. This allows you time to become familiar with the information and to undertake any other appropriate research and analysis. Select the relevant product below, depending on the exam sitting, and proceed to check out to get the product in your ICAEW ...

  3. Advanced Level exam notices

    To improve your experience of accessing the practice software while studying towards your November Advanced Level exams, you have been allocated access to the online practice software. This means you can use this instead of downloading the packaged software to use offline. To access questions from the 2023 ICAEW question bank, please use this link.

  4. Advanced Level Case Study

    Advanced Level Case Study. The Case Study module covers the following topics: Ensure you order the correct edition of the materials. The 2023 edition is aligned with the syllabus and exams for 2023 only. The 2024 edition is aligned with the syllabus and exams for 2024 only. You risk losing exam marks if you use a different edition.

  5. ICAEW ACA Case Study Course 2023: Introduction

    Learn how to pass the ACA Case Study exam with our multiple ICAEW prize-winning ACA tutor, Kieran Doe. The full course and our 2023 AI-based materials can be...

  6. All three advanced levels : r/ICAEW

    All three advanced levels. Hello apprentices, I am making this post as someone who passed all three of the advanced level exams in the November 2023 sitting with the following results: Corporate Reporting - 74% Strategic Business Management - 70% Case Study - 55%. I wanted to share my experience and the key tips I learnt throughout the process ...

  7. Advanced Level

    Two Case Study walkthroughs (containing marking keys) The advance information and exams for each walkthrough are accessed on the ICAEW exam resources page. Make sure to visit the Exam Resources pages where you can access questions within the practice exam software, articles, errata sheets, study tips, examiner guidance, and study webinars that ...

  8. ACA Advanced

    The Advanced Case Study resit course balances exam practice, case study skills development, and analysis of the Advanced Information in order to provide you with a path to success in your resit exam. ... /Strategic Business Management (SBM) July, Case Study (CS) November). Students must be in the final years of a training contract to sit the ...

  9. Case Study November 2021 Advance Information

    The marks in the Case Study are awarded for professional skills, allocated broadly as follows: Assimilating and using information 22.5%. Structuring problems and solutions 22.5%. Applying judgement 22.5%. Drawing conclusions and making recommendations 15.0%. ive and multidisciplinary skills 17.5% Of the total marks available, 15% are awarded ...

  10. ICAEW Prize-Winning Tutor

    Having scored 92% in the Case Study exam, and winning the ICAEW prize for the highest score in the world, Kieran now teaches students the analytical skills and exam technique required to emulate this success. Under his guidance, one of our students also went on to win the ICAEW prize for the highest score in the world (score of 90%), whilst ...

  11. Exam Room Notes

    Time-saving summaries. Our Exam Room Notes save you time both before and during the examination through sensibly-organised, summarised notes which incorporate our expert tutor guidance on the likely mark allocation, typical student errors to avoid and other tips. All purchasers of our Exam Room Notes PDF publications have the option to upgrade ...

  12. How to Pass the ICAEW ACA Case Study Exam

    3. Understand what information is provided in the Advance Information (AI) and what is provided in the exam. 4. Learn the Case Study exam technique which ensures that you hit all the boxes on the mark scheme. 5. Practice mock exams to master your exam technique. Step 1: Understand how Case Study is marked.

  13. ACA Advanced Level CR/SBM/Case November 2022

    devangna.kanth. 1. SBM is a disaster. I spent a lot of time to study hedging and statistics, thought it would be highly examinable but it didn't come up at all. The NPVs are more complicated than I expected. SBM was meant for a rough and ready calculation but this time they wanted a lot of NPV calculations.

  14. ACA dates and deadlines

    ACA Professional and Advanced Level exam dates, results dates and exam booking deadlines. ... ICAEW produces two podcast series that count towards your CPD: Accountancy Insights for news from across the profession, and The Tax Track for specialist analysis from the ICAEW Tax Faculty. ... November: Case Study: Tuesday 10 September . 2025 key ...

  15. ACA advanced level results are…

    15/12/2023. Some 5,741 students sat the November 2023 Advanced Level examinations, with 9,417 exams 'attempted'. The drop in the Strategic Business Management pass rate to 83.9% might be a worry for some students and tutors alike. It was 88.5% last August and 87.3% a year ago. Both the Case Study and Corporate Reporting pass rates are also ...

  16. Advanced Level

    Understanding the Advanced Level - for top-up/MOU students. This webinar is specifically for top-up/MOU students who start their ACA studies at the Advanced Level. It looks at the challenges of these exams, how they differ from other exams you would have previously sat, and how to approach these exams.

  17. Advanced Level Examinations November 2023

    Case Study 3,133 2,516 80.3% 2,649 2,191 82.7% ... Advanced Level Examinations November 2023 Passed All candidates A total of 5,741 students sat the November 2023 session. 9,417 exams were attempted in total, with 4,277 students passing all the exams they took. Exam combination Total

  18. ACA

    ACA - Case Study 2023; Watch. 1 year ago. ACA - Case Study 2023. Ljt14. 4. Hi, am planning to take case study in july independently. ... ACCA vs ICAEW. Finance, investment banking and accountancy. 4. 3. Trending. Last reply 9 hours ago. PWC graduate programs 2024. Finance, investment banking and accountancy. 150. 780.

  19. Advanced Level Corporate Reporting advance information

    The Advanced Level Corporate Reporting exam includes advance information released prior to the exam sitting. This allows you time to become familiar with the information and to undertake any other appropriate research and analysis. Select the relevant product below, depending on the exam sitting, and proceed to check out to get the product in ...

  20. Aca Planner 2023

    ACA PLANNER 2023 ICAEW reserves the right to vary times and dates of: exams, booking deadlines, application details and results, if necessary and in case of circumstances beyond our control. ... November Case Study advance information released November exam booking deadline September results December exam booking ... deadline Exams Exams Exams ...

  21. Approaching the advance information for the Case Study exam

    Article. Published: 15 Sep 2021. This guide is designed to help you understand how to approach the advance information for your Case Study exam. It will cover what the advance information is, what should you do with the advance information before your exam and tips for success. This series of Case Study exam resources will cover everything you ...

  22. Tech news in brief April 2024

    The International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) has concluded its project on Business Combinations under Common Control (BCUCC) publishing a project summary which explains the reasons behind its decision in November 2023 not to develop requirements for reporting BCUCCs. IPSASB proposes amendments considering IFRIC interpretations