case study books for upsc

case study books for upsc

[Ethics] Sample Questions, Case studies for UPSC General studies paper 4 based on Donald Menzel’s book

Essay-ish / abstract questions, disobeying an informal order, returning unspent money, misleading for good purpose, private matter of public employee, political neutrality, political neutrality part.2, salary hike vs team spirit, holding charity auctions in the office, spouse in the same office, private endorsement by public official, man of word or man of money, courage with a price tag.

So far in the [Ethics] mock-question series

  • UPSC’s sample paper for GS4
  • Samples questions based on ethics courses of San Diego and Texas University

Now this this articles contains case-studies/questions are based on Donald C. Menzel’s book Ethics Moments in Government:Cases and Controversies .

  • For the Essay-ish questions I’ve merely lifted statements from the book. Because UPSC seems to be doing similar thing for Public Administration (lift sentences from some book and ask the candidate to ‘comment’ on it).
  • for the case-studies questions, I’ve given Indian flavor to those American cases and included a few answer key points but by no means they’re sacred/official/final/marksworthy- they’re only meant to serve as lighthouse for the utterly confused.

Answer following questions 12 marks/120 words each:

  • What do you understand by ethics audit? How is it different from financial audit?
  • Are ethics practices and behaviors in the business world different than those found in public service? If so, why?
  • Describe an ethical issue you have had to address in your school or college life and the way you handled it. If confronted with the same issue today, would you handle it in the same way?
  • Are ethical standards in business organizations higher or lower than those in public service organizations?
  • Is there more unethical behavior in government than in business?
  • Do you believe the ethical performance of an employee can be evaluated fairly and accurately? Yes/No/Why?
  • Is a professional code of ethics that is not enforceable a satisfactory code? Yes/No/Why?
  • How does corrupt behavior resemble or differ from unethical behavior?
  • Should we hold appointed officials, such as collectors and tehsildaars, to a higher standard of behavior than elected officials such as municipal councilors? Yes/No/Why?
  • Gandhi always advocated the purity of means- with respect to that, do you think it is unethical for a military officer to mislead the enemy? Yes/No/Why?

Comment on following statements (12 marks/120 words each)

  • Ethics are less a goal than a pathway, less a destination than a trip, less an inoculation than a process.
  • Righteous disobedience is better than Moral muteness.
  • Exemplary leadership is critical to encouraging ethical behavior in government organizations.
  • Openness and transparency are critical safeguards that keep our democracy alive and well.
  • Ethical codes are merely veneers. Shiny on the outside but hollow on the inside.
  • Living up to the public trust is much more than just an act of compliance.
  • Ethics is the cornerstone of effective, efficient, democratic governance.
  • Ethics may be only instrumental, it may be only a means to an end, but it is a necessary means to an end.
  • The relationships between ethics, service, and trust are mutually reinforcing.
  • Ignorance is not an excuse for misconduct.
  • Those who commit misconduct out of ignorance should be treated less harshly.
  • If men were angels, no government would be necessary
  • Humans roam the earth, not the heavens, so ethics are indispensable.
  • Honesty and truthfulness have to be practiced and balanced with delicate diplomacy on some occasions.
  • List the reforms necessary to encourage ethical behavior and prevent misconduct in public organizations of India.

Ethics Case Studies / Role playing Questions

DevAnand is working as a clerk in Collector’s office. Due to staff shortage, Dev also performs the task of raising flag over the office building every morning and taking it down every evening, although it is not part of his official job description.

One day a criminal turned politician Madan Puri dies. Years ago, Devanand’s best friend was murdered during a riot allegedly orchestrated by Madan Puri.

Nonetheless, State secretariat passes an order to all District collectors, to keep National flag at “half-mast” over their offices, to mourn the death of the Mr.Madan Puri.

DevAnand sees this news on TV, gets angry with such mockery of our national flag. He decides not to goto office next morning and keeps the door key of rooftop with himself. He is confident, “ no formal punishment can be given to me, because this was not part of my official duty. At most Collector sahib will reprimand me informally but I don’t care because Madan Puri killed my best friend. ”

Do you think DevAnand has made the right decision? Yes/No/Why?

Answer keypoints

DevAnand made a wrong decision because:

  • It prevents other staff members from carrying out the ‘official’ order from StateHQ.
  • It puts his boss in an embarrassing position in front of the StateHQ.
  • If Dev’s conscience doesn’t permit him carrying out a task, he should inform his boss. But running away with keys, without informing anyone = irresponsible.
  • Such behavior is not expected from a good team player / a public servant.

DevAnand is running an NGO to help street children. He receives government grant of Rs.2 lakh rupees for a project to teach the “out of school” children, who work at tea-stalls, do boot-polishing etc. A year passes, but Dev managed to utilize only 50,000 rupees from the grant. Despite his best efforts, he couldn’t convince many poor children or their families to join his NGO’s program.

As per the grant rules, Dev has to return all the unspent money back to government by the end of March 31 st . But his colleague Pran suggests following:

  • If we honestly return Rs.1.5 lakh back, then government officials will think we are amateur, ineffective NGOs and they’ll substantially reduce our grant for next year or even worse- they’ll not give us any project next time!
  • We should take help of CA Prem Chopra to manipulate our account books and show majority of the grant was utilized for education.
  • Many other NGOs do the same thing- there is no problem – nobody will raise any objection, as long as we give 20% of the grant to SDM in charge of this project.
  • Although it sounds unethical but we won’t use this money for personal needs, we’ll use it on street children only. Hence our act is fully ethical and moral.

What should DevAnand do with the money?

Answer keypoints:

  • “Because others are also doing it” – is never the valid justification to commit an unethical or criminal act.
  • Manipulating account books to keep the grant money.
  • Bribing SDM to keep the grant money.
  • The shelf life of lie and deception is very low- especially when manipulating the account books – ask Ramalinga Raju, ex-chief of Satyam.
  • DevAnand was unable to use 75% of the grant money, it implies
  • Dev didn’t try hard enough OR
  • Government had exaggerated the amount of money required to educate the out of school children OR

In anycase, If Dev keeps the unspent grant, government will continue pumping more money- other NGOs and the SDM will keep amassing wealth. Therefore, DevAnand should return the unspent grant back to the government.

DevAnand is the inspector in charge of Rampur Police station. The police station building is in dire need of repairs, but hasn’t received any grants for years. One day, a cyclone hits a nearby area, damaging most of the houses and shops. Although Dev’s police station gets partially damaged, but most of the building remain intact . Government sends a disaster assessment team to ascertain the level of damage and pay relief money. The DSP Mr. Pran, orders DevAnand to do following:

  • Hire some laborers and destroy the remaining parts of your police station building.
  • When disaster assessment team comes, you tell them building collapsed by the cyclone, and ask them to give priority in funding after all police station is one the most important public offices in a town.

Should DevAnand obey his boss’s order?

Answer keypoints The shelf life of lie and deception is very low. Especially when many people are involved. In this case: laborers and any bystanders. Both Dev and Pran are risking themselves to an unnecessary negative publicity and possible departmental inquiry and punishment for professional misconduct. Indeed police building needed repairs and should have been given a grant months ago, but three wrongs don’t make a right:

  • Wanton destruction of a public building.
  • Misleading the disaster assessment team.
  • Police officer DevAnand spending his time and energy in such activity rather than doing rescue-relief-patrolling duty after the disaster.

DevAnand is working as an under Secretary in the pension department. One day, his friend GuruDutt, an SBI PO, narrates following incident:

  • For last two years, a retired Government employee Mr.Ashok Kumar is giving away 30% of his monthly pension to Mrs.Bindu Chopra every month through cheque.
  • I found Mrs.Bindu Chopra happens to be the wife of Mr.Prem Chopra, a section officer in the pension office under you (DevAnand.)
  • I feel something is fishy- may be this is part of a large bribe scam where senior citizens are forced to pay money to clear their pension files from Prem Chopra, and have to submit bribes in his wife’s account.

DevAnand visits Mr.Ashok Kumar’s house but he is suffering from Alzheimer’s disease, unable to give coherent answers. Frustrated DevAnand directly confronts Prem Chopra. But Prem says “Mr.Ashok Kumar was a friend of my father. He has no relatives or children and my wife Bindu has been taking care of him like daughter since a long time. Therefore, Mr.Ashok Kumar gives us money out of good will, so we can send our son to an expensive IIT coaching class @Kota, Rajasthan. Besides this is a personal family matter and none of your damn business.”

Do you think DevAnand made a blunder or was he merely performing an ethical duty?

Here, both GuruDutt and DevAnand has failed to act in responsible manner. Because:

  • A banker must keep his clients’ data confidential, unless required by the law to disclose it.
  • GuruDutt didn’t even wait to cross verify who else is giving money to Mrs.Bindu Chopra’s account. Because if there was a ‘large scale bribe scam’ then lot other senior citizens would be making payment to Bindu’s account, and not just Mr.Ashok Kumar alone.
  • Even in that situation, Gurudutt had to consult his boss within his own bank first. He cannot go around giving informal tips to outsiders. This is an unethical act for a banker.
  • DevAnand too acted in hasty manner. First, he starts ‘investigation’ based on an informal tip from a banker who is not supposed to tip him in the first place. He should have consulted the vigilance department before moving further.
  • Second, Dev Anand confronts Prem Chopra, without any hardcore evidence. When you’re holding a public office, you can’t go around accusing people in such haste. It breaks the office discipline, destroys the staff morale and allows the guilty person to cover his tracks.

Prem Chopra, a civil society activist, has launched a mass-movement to change Prime-ministerial form of government to presidential form of government. Dev Anand is an undersecretary in the PMO. Before joining civil service, he had done Ph.D on the demerits of presidential form of government. He is invited by a news channel for prime-time debate. The newschannel anchor, Mr.Arnab Goswami assures DevAnand following:

  • It’ll be only an educational-intellectual debate among scholars.
  • No politicians from ruling or opposition party are invited in our show.
  • You’re invited in your capacity as a scholar in political science and not as a bureaucrat.

Should DevAnand accept Arnab Goswami’s invitation for news-debate?

Answerkey point:

No. Because bureaucrats should not voice their opinion about political matters on public platform. Even if no politician is invited, some other scholar/participant/anchor might raise points in favour or against the ruling party during the debate, and Dev will find himself in a political minefield.

To curtail the mounting fiscal deficit, Finance Minister Pran Chindu decides to merge agriculture ministry with forest ministry; coal ministry with oil ministry and reduce personnel in the central services by 30%. But opposition party is hardly raising any objection –they are occupied with onion price rise issue. Media is too busy covering MS Dhoni’s new hairstyle.

DevAnand, an employee in the Cabinet secretariat feels both Opposition party and media have failed to perform their ethical duty to inform citizens about matters of public interest. Therefore, he starts writing anonymous blogs and tweets to inform public about the negative consequences of Chindu’s austerity measures. Is DevAnand doing the right thing?

Answer key points:

  • No. DevAnand is not doing the right thing.
  • Role of public servant is to obey the will of the community- articulated through the elected members including the said Finance Minister.
  • Public servant has to remain politically neutral. Dev is crossing that Laxman-Rekha by his anonymous blogs.

DevAnand has been serving as the Chief fire officer in city for over 3 years. Because of his efficient management, there were very few fire incidents, no lives were lost and property damage was minimum. He enjoys almost a celebrity like status in local media and city dwellers. As the election year comes, Mayor Pran, with an aim to garner goodwill among voters, frames a budget with 10% pay raise to fire bridge staff and 25% pay raise for the Chief fire Officer. Should DevAnand accept it or not/Why?

  • Firefighting is a team work. Team leader must display fairness and equity.
  • If Dev accepts 25% raise, it could promote his image as an aloof, insensitive, self-serving boss. Staff may not follow his lead with same enthusiasm afterwards.
  • Therefore, Dev should not accept more than what is being offered to other employees of Fire brigade. (10%).

Pran, the bank employee, approaches Bank Manager DevAnand and says following:

  • My child is suffering from blood cancer. I don’t have health insurance policy and my salary is insufficient to meet these medical expenses.
  • But over the years, I’ve been collecting autographed bats and balls of various cricketers.
  • I seek your permission to hold a charity auction in the office. I’ll also send fliers to clients of our bank. Everyone is welcome to bid for these bats and balls, so I can raise money for the medical treatment of my child.

Three other bank employees-Prem Chopra, Madan Puri and Ranjith overhear this conversation. They also inform DevAnand – indeed Pran’s financial situation is very bad and his child will die if the treatment is not done on time, therefore permission should be given to hold this charity auction.

Should Dev give permission or not?

  • No. Because some members may informally feel pressured to give money -Especially Pran’s juniors and subordinates.
  • It might create a feeling of alienation between employees who bid and those who don’t.
  • Next time another employee will try to do the same, may be with a trivial reason e.g. I’m willing to auction t-shirts autographed by filmstars to repay the last EMI of my home loan, allow me to hold auction in the office. And if Dev says no that time, it might create an impression Dev is biased towards certain employees- staff morale goes down.
  • Therefore, it is best to keep auctions and other money raising activities out of the workplace irrespective of their noble aims.

DCP DevAnand marries Sub inspector Rosie. In the office, Rosie doesn’t directly report to DevAnad but Dev has responsibility for signing off on her annual evaluation. Although Dev doesn’t give any preferential treatment to Rosie but one of her colleague, Prem Chopra, complained several times to the DIG Pran: “Dev saab always gives highest ratings to his wife and I’m always given average ratings despite my best performance in criminal investigations.“

DIG conducts inquiry, doesn’t find anything against DevAnand. Later Dev officially reprimands Prem Chopra for this unprofessional behavior.

Frustrated Prem Chopra narrates this incident to his wife Bindu. Bindu decides to take matters in her own hands, writes an anonymous email to the local press, informing how Rosie hasn’t legally divorced her first husband Marco, yet she is staying with DCP DevAnand and gives vivid details of their “adulterous” live-in relationship.

Rita reporter, an expert on such masala news, starts giving ball by ball commentary in her newspaper about Rosie’s past by interviewing her college friends, neighbors, relatives etc. Everybody in the town starts gossiping about this. Dev asks his IT expert friend GuruDutt to investigate. GuruDutt digs out that email originated from Prem Chopra’s home computer.What should DevAnand do:  Reprimand Prem Chopra once more?  Suspend him for indiscipline? Sue him for defamation? Is doing nothing an option?

  • Doing nothing is not a viable option since situations like this only fester and become more problematic.
  • It is never a good practice for a public official to have a relative in a subordinate position. Despite efforts to avoid perceived acts of favoritism, sooner or later the official will find himself being accused of an inappropriate action. Therefore, Police and Military organizations often have anti-fraternization policies. (e.g. As per the US Air Force rules, one of the couple has to quit from the service.)
  • This situation is all about the perception of favoritism. The perception may or may not be true whether DevAnand is giving preferential treatment to Rosie during annual performance evaluation.
  • To prevent this from happening, DevAnand needs to stop chasing Prem Chopra and take steps to get his wife posted in another office, or seek his own transfer to another office.
  • Last but not least, the DevAnand should put to rest the question of the legality of his marriage to avoid future accusations.

Prem Chopra runs a company that offers private security guards, CCTV, burglary alarm and other security devices.

DCP DevAnand learns that everytime after a theft or robbery takes place, Police Inspector Pran advices the victim and bystanders to install security devices from Prem Chopra’s company to make their home and shops secure from criminals. Pran even tells them “ When you goto Prem Chopra’s office, tell him I’ve sent you, he’ll give you special discount. ”

Dev confronts Pran about this matter. Pran justifies his action by saying:

  • Yes, I take money for Prem Chopra to endorse his security products for homes and offices.
  • I use this money to pay my informers and keep a check on criminal elements. I don’t spent this money on myself or my family.
  •  Even municipal buses and railway-wagons have advertisements, then why is an endorsement by a city official unethical or illegal?
  • Besides, Prem Chopra’s security devices are very effective at preventing burglary.

Should DevAnand permit Pran to continue this endorsement activity? Yes/No/Why?

  • Advertisement on bus / railway wagon is not same as a public official promoting a brand. Because those bus/railway ads don’t interfere with vehicle’s primary function of transporting persons from one place to another. But when a public official promotes a brand, he is spending part of his office time and energy for private gain rather than serving the citizen.
  • If Dev permits Pran, then other staff members will also start similar marketing. Thus part of the office-time will diverted to selling products rather than solving crime
  • Might even lead to internal rivalries about who is earning more commissions.
  • Citizens may feel informal pressure to buy such products fearing their file / matter will not be cleared by the public officials otherwise.
  • Endorsements of commercial products by public officials can easily result in an unethical situation: sharing financial gain through bribes, kickbacks, or postemployment opportunities for government officials.

In short, it will open a Pandora’s box. Therefore, DevAnand should order Pran to stop this activity at once.

DevAnand is a brilliant maths teacher in a private English medium school in Ahmedabad and gets yearly package of Rs.3 lakhs. Another school at Baroda offers him package of Rs. 3.5 lakhs. Dev makes a verbal commitment to the Baroda school principle, “Sure,I’ll join your school from next month.“

But when Dev submits his resignation to A’bad school, its Principle Mr.Pran requests him to stay and offers new package of Rs.3.8 lakhs. Should Dev take back his resignation? yes/no/why?

  • from ethical perspective, even verbal acceptance = contract. And contract must be honored.
  • Even if Pran’s counteroffer is higher, Dev has a moral obligation to remain consistent with his original intention (of joining Baroda school).

(Copy pasting a news report from TheHindu )

December 7, 2012, Chandigarh.

Robanjit Kaur, 23-year-old daughter of ASI Ravinderpal Singh was returning home after her IELTS coaching class when Shiromani Akali Dal leader Ranjit Singh Rana and his goons started teasing her. She called up her father Mr.Ravinderpal Singh, an ASI with Punjab Police.

When her father arrived and confronted the group, a heated argument followed and Rana pulled out his pistol and began firing at both father and daughter. Both received bullet injuries and father collapsed.

Even as Ms. Kaur struggled to shift her father into a vehicle to take him to hospital, Rana and his gang returned with a rifle and shot Ravinderpal Singh again in full public view.

Ms. Kaur said to media, “Rana kept kicking and hitting us in full public glare. I cried and pleaded for help but everyone ran away. Even when the ambulance came, I had to lift my father into it as no one came to help me.”

End of news.

A Sociologist remarks: “Our government has not set up a system to encourage civilians to fight against criminal acts. Why should someone risk injury or their life to save another if one’s life or livelihood is endangered? Government needs to enact a new scheme named after you know who , to reward any civilian with Rs.10 lakh, a government job and a 3 BHK flat, if he prevents a crime in a public place.”

Do you believe announcing big financial rewards to pedestrians who standup against a criminal, will change the situation? Does or can courage have a price tag? Yes/No/Why?

  • Indeed an act of courage should be rewarded and applauded.
  • But running a scheme with Rs.10 lakh and a government job, might lead to vigilante mobs of unemployed youth, roaming around with hokey sticks and baseball bats looking for a crime to happen (or orchestrating a crime by themselves) in order to get the money and the job.
  • In the given case, goons were armed with pistols and rifles. No unarmed civilian can be expected to fight with them. In future, might lead to a situation where a poor man intentionally jumps in the fight, knowing fully well that he’ll be killed- but only doing so his family can get Rs.10 lakh.
  • Maintenance of law and order is state’s responsibility not civilians’. Money is better spent on recruiting more policemen and judges.

For more on case studies & revision notes, visit

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Thank u buddy

epic(awe)some ;) as always

Wonderful adaptation from ASPA Book Mrunal. Exemplary work.


Thank you sir..

This is very good article on UPSC, thank you very much for providing such a nice article, for more about UPSC, please visit to

sir should we buy this book and from where,I mean what material should we read to answer your questions

anyone having this book pls share

thank you very much have done very good job.

really commendable job…thanx sir

Hi Mrunal, I have recently started following your Blog and I must say that you are doing a great job. Can you please suggest me some books or reading resources for preparing for “Ethics” section of the exam ? Can any of the other aspirants suggest something on this? Thanks.

Sir,cAn u suggest some boooks for this paper

Great job Mrunal…. This is my first site by first surfing on the internet for the ethics …so I appreciate u for data… So I am starting for ethics right now….

Please suggest a good book for GS Paper 4…Subbarao or Arihant…or any other.

Sir,please post important study materials for preparation of

UPSC(GS -4) mains paper on my Email.I need your help sir .please!!!

#Case Study : You have an opportunity for an internship in a respected business in the community. Part of your qualifications comes from a Senior Project that you worked on with several other students. Through the interview process, you discover that you are given credit for a key section of the project that really impressed the company. In fact, another member of your senior team, with little input from you, did that section. How do you proceed?

Firstly if you are aware that your senior has helped you out to get your work done then say the truth.

Mrunal sir ur site has been extremely beneficial fo my mains prep

Commendable perspective..

Lovely article – one of the best things I’ve recently read, and by far the most useful. I think it could also be useful for everyone to know how and where to fill a form online. Try PDFfiller to fill a form here . It allows you to to fill out PDF files.

Dear Mrunal Greetings from Nepal,

The Public Service Commission (PSC) of Nepal recently changed the syllabus of Joint Secretary. It includes one of the chapters “Ethics and Morality” has covered different topics which almost you are mentioned in your site. Here (Kathmandu) most of the aspirants of PSC competition exam (especially Joint Secretary competition ) has been suffering from the materials in this topics. Actually, I benefited…

Thank u very very much for ur great job….

Bal Sagar Giri Under Secretary Government of Nepal

Plz sir which books are study for ethics

Sir, Please provide a list of materials that are needed to ace the ethics paper.

Sir, Please update it to the next level. Thank you for the great work.

Sir Aap jo abhi case study newspaper analysis me dete ho uske model answer bhi diya kro

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Red Book – Ethics Integrity and Aptitude book for UPSC Mains Exam in 2024

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Ethics integrity and aptitude book for upsc in 2024

For aspirants, scoring high in the UPSC Civil Services Mains exam is the most important factor in securing the ranks in final list. However, one paper often overlooked until the last minute is, General Studies Paper 4 – Ethics, Integrity and Aptitude. Which becomes the reason of low score in mains examination. Ethics integrity and aptitude book for upsc in 2024

However, in recent years, it is proved by the toppers that Ethics can be the highest scoring subject in all the written papers. That, too, can be achieved with the lesser efforts compared to other General Studies papers.

  • 1 Why Aspirants Ignore or fail to give importance to GS Paper 4?
  • 2 How Red Book for Ethics, Integrity and Aptitude for UPSC Helps?
  • 3 How to get Shipment & Delivery of the Red Book? 
  • 4 Red Book’s Table of Content
  • 5 What was the need of including Ethics integrity and aptitude in the UPSC?

Why Aspirants Ignore or fail to give importance to GS Paper 4?

The main factor behind it is a lack of proper understanding of the subject, due to use of multiple books or improper ethics integrity and aptitude book for UPSC Mains Exam. Which can lead to:

Difficulty in Applying Theory to Practice in real-world scenarios, which is a crucial skill for the ethics paper, for solving the case studies.

Difficulty in Articulating Ethical Arguments  in a coherent and persuasive way. Aspirants frequently struggle to express their ethical reasoning clearly, impacting their scores.

Difficulty in Keeping Up with Evolving Questions : The dynamic nature of the ethics paper requires materials that are regularly updated to reflect the latest examination trends.

How Red Book for Ethics, Integrity and Aptitude for UPSC Helps?

It is certainly the best Ethics, Integrity and Aptitude Study Material for UPSC Mains Examination. Following are some of the features of the book:

1) Unlike piecemeal resources, the Redbook offers a comprehensive, structured approach to prepare ethics.

2) The book is regularly updated, keeping up with the dynamic demand of the UPSC Mains Exam.

3) Its holistic perspective ensures no crucial aspect is overlooked, giving you a 360-degree command over GS Paper 4.

4) Administrators require sharp decision-making, problem-solving, and analytical competence. The Redbook meticulously evaluates your aptitude through mock cases and exercises that simulate real-world challenges accurately.

5) The concepts and theories are presented in an easily understandable way. Focus has been kept on creating a good understanding of the user, instead of making the book, look good.

6) Even after all the features, Ethics integrity and aptitude book’s length is kept at an optimum, as per the need of UPSC CSE exam. It is because only the necessary and important details are kept, and anything unnecessary has been avoided.

7) Previous Year’s Questions (PYQ) have been added within the relevant topics.

How to get Shipment & Delivery of the Red Book? 

  • Once you make the payment, you will get an email from Instamojo for your payment confirmation.
  • When your orders are shipped, you will get an email with a tracking code so that you know when your orders will be delivered.
  • If order is not serviceable by private courier, then we will send it by India Post.
  • Expected time for delivery of orders is 10-12 days from dispatch time excluding national holidays. However, 80% of shipments are delivered within 3 days.

Red Book’s Table of Content

1. ETHICS AND HUMAN INTERFACE …..1 – 52 1.1 Essence, Determinants and Consequences of Ethics …..1 1.2. Dimensions of Ethics …..14 1.3. Ethics in Public and Private Relationships …..22 1.4. Human Values …..28 1.5. Role of Family, Education and Society in Inculcation Values …..44

2. ATTITUDE …..53 – 88 2.1. Content, Structure and Function …..53 2.2. Attitude Influence and Relation with Behaviour …..61 2.3. Moral Attitude …..64 2.4. Political Attitude …..65 2.5. Social Attitudes …..69 2.6. Social Influence …..73 2.7. Persuasion …..78

3. APTITUDE AND FOUNDATIONAL VALUES FOR CIVIL SERVICE …..89 – 109 3.1. Aptitude …..89 3.2. Foundational Values for Civil Service …..91

4. EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE …..110 – 123 4.1. Introduction …..110 4.2. Emotions …..110 4.3. Emotional Intelligence …..113 4.4. Models of Emotional Intelligence …..114 4.5. Utilities and Application in Administration and Governance …..117 4.6. Improving Emotional Intelligence …..121 4.7. Social Intelligence and Emotional Intelligence …..122 4.8. Emotional well-being during the Pandemic …..123

5. CONTRIBUTIONS OF MORAL THINKERS AND PHILOSOPHERS FROM INDIA AND WORLD …..124 – 149 5.1. Western Moral Thinkers and Philosophers …..124 5.2. Indian Thinkers and Philosophers …..132 5.3. Indian Ethics …..146

6. PUBLIC/CIVIL SERVICE VALUES AND ETHICS IN PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION …..150 – 201 6.1. Administrative Ethics …..150 6.2. Ethical Concerns and Dilemmas in Government …..158 6.3. Law Rules and Regulations as the Sources of Ethical Guidance …..1171 6.4. Accountability and Responsibility …..179 6.5. Ethical Issues in International Relations and Funding …..180 6.6. Corporate Governance …..137

7. PROBITY IN GOVERNANCE …..202 – 260 7.1. Concept of Public Service …..202 7.2. Philosophical Basis of Governance and Probity …..209 7.3. Information Sharing and Transparency in Governance …..213 7.4. Right to Information …..215 7.5. Citizen’s Charters …..226 7.6. Work Culture …..234 7.7. Quality of Service Delivery …..241 7.8. Utilization of Public Funds …..247 7.9. Challenges of Corruption …..251

What was the need of including Ethics integrity and aptitude in the UPSC?

The inclusion of ethics, integrity, and aptitude in the UPSC syllabus underscores its importance in building a competent and morally upright civil service.

This isn’t just a test of knowledge, but a reflection of one’s moral compass and decision-making capabilities in the face of dilemmas.

Ethics refers to the moral principles that govern a person’s behavior or the conducting of an activity. It’s about knowing what’s right or wrong and choosing to do right.

Integrity is the quality of being honest and having strong moral principles. It’s about being the same person in both public and private life, adhering steadfastly to ethical codes.

Aptitude measures one’s ability to perform certain types of tasks. In the context of UPSC, it’s about the mental readiness and ethical reasoning to face the challenges of public service.

For civil servants, possessing a strong ethical foundation enables them to navigate complex scenarios with moral clarity and integrity, ensuring their actions benefit society and uphold the principles of justice and equality. Ehtics book for UPSC in 2024

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Lukmaan IAS

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Call/whatsapp, [email protected].

  • Instructor Lukmaan IAS
  • 0 Students Enrolled
  • Course Duration 15 day
  • Price ₹7,500.00
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  • Total No. of Classes/Videos : 08
  • Online Video Validity :20 Days
  • Only Recorded Video Will be Given

Features and Resource support

  • Every day 4 mains case studies model answers and evaluation of the script of Extempore Test
  • A compilation of 100 best case studies model answers for practice
  • Online students can write their test and submit through portal for evaluation
  • A mock test consisting of 6 Case Studies at the end of the session.


TOTAL FEE- Rs 7,000/- Rs-5,500/-


TOTAL FEE- Rs 7,000/- Rs-6,000/-


TOTAL FEE- Rs 7,000/- Rs-6,200/-



Case studies play strategic role without which, one cannot secure above 110 marks in ethics paper. A good number of students lack confidence in case studies, and they fail to do justice with the demands of the questions. Overall, Ethics paper remains among the most important factor in getting top ranks.

Lukmaan IAS has the patent(unofficially) of case studies course, which started in 2013 with the name of 100 Case Studies Batch. This batch has continuously produced top ranks including AIR 01 Pradeep Singh & AIR 02 Athar Amir, AIR 05 Abhilash Mishra in past and this year AIR 08, Ashish Kumar . The students of this batch have also created records in securing the highest marks in ethics paper.

The case studies batch has total 8 classes. Each day, 4 important expected case studies are properly discussed after Extempore Test (students are supposed to write each day four case studies) and then other important case studies are discussed.

Since case studies are prepared theme-wise as UPSC asks only in this fashion, students become familiar with most of the the common subjects and issues which help them in exam. In fact, not only themes but also Lukmaan IAS case studies match with that of UPSC papers.

The Six popular themes are:

  • Ethical dilemma and ethical issues
  • Civil services, administration/bureaucracy
  • Probity, integrity and corruption
  • Social justice, gender justice and vulnerable sections
  • Ecology and environment and environmental governance
  • Corporate Governance & Transparency and Accountability

Therefore, the classes give quite adequate practice on such matters. The case studies’ discussion work as an enlightening experience for the students as it opens up their mind to all those issues, problems and debates of society and governance which are to be solved with ethical perspective. It also gives so many facts, examples and philosophies which students can also apply in ethics theory section.

Towards the end of the course, one overcomes fears of case studies and become more confident. One is able to improve one’s ethical bent of mind as the most important thing is how to write an ethical answer.

Brainstorming session to get the entire knowledge of all instructions, UPSC trends, themes, and how to write case study answer as ethical answer including introduction, body and conclusion.
General/random case studies to test the ethical understanding of students
Theme-ethical dilemma/ethical issues relating to probity, integrity and corruption with PYQs
Theme-civil services/administration/bureaucracy with PYQs
Theme-social justice including gender justice
Theme-social justice including children, civil society, shelter homes, tribes and other related issues with PYQs
Theme-ecology and environment and environmental governance with PYQs
Theme- transparency, whistleblowing, corporate governance, quality of service, emotional intelligence, attitude and other related topics with PYQs
Theme-ethics in international relations, other important and expected topics


  • Trend Analysis from 2013 to 2023.
  • More than 180 case studies.
  • Subject Matter based Case Studies focusing on all major topics.
  • Case Studies based on Current Developments
  • Case Study you will learn: approach, structuring, content & how to write ethical answeres based on Current Developments

"Some Case Studies have matched exactly the same as asked by the UPSC"

Conditions for online access -.

  • All Live classes will be provided only through Mobile App.
  • All recorded lectures will be accessible to students only through Mobile App.



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Top 20 Books to Help You Crack UPSC Civil Service Exam

Preparing for UPSC CSE? Recommended by IAS toppers, this checklist of 20 books (that you can buy on Amazon) will help you get a good hold on subject fundamentals for Prelims and Mains.

Top 20 Books to Help You Crack UPSC Civil Service Exam

P ioneering aviator Antoine de Saint-Exupéry once said, “A goal without a plan is just a wish.” This also holds in the case of the Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) Civil Service Exam (CSE). Hence – our suggestions for UPSC books!

Among the toughest exams in India, UPSC CSE requires more than just hard work. It requires proper planning and a strategy for study material that makes your preparation more productive with fewer inputs.

So to give you a head start, we have created this checklist of the best books for UPSC (IAS) Prelims and Mains preparation, along with links to where you can buy them on Amazon. Recommended by IAS toppers, these 20 books (apart from NCERTs) will help you get clarity and a good hold on subject fundamentals.

1. Indian Polity for Civil Services Examinations by M Laxmikanth (Polity)

Otherwise known as the ‘ Bible of polity ’, this UPSC book gives a comprehensive idea about the subject. Going through the book multiple times helps in attaining good marks for prelims as well as mains. It is one of the bestselling UPSC preparation guides. The author is a political science graduate with years of experience in training UPSC aspirants.

Buy the book here.

2. Indian Art and Culture by Nitin Singhania (Culture)

It is an in-depth guide into the diverse culture and art of the country. It contains all information regarding knowledge on Indian art, paintings, music and architecture for both prelims and mains examinations. The author is a chartered accountant turned civil servant who guides aspirants in this subject.

Buy the book here .

3. International Relations: Pushpesh Pant (International Relations)

From the time of the emergence of sovereign states to the present global issues, this UPSC book covers all major events. It is best-loved by all students appearing for any competitive examinations. The Padma Shri-recipient author is an academician and historian who retired as a professor in International Studies from Jawaharlal Nehru University.

4. Challenge and Strategy: Rethinking India’s Foreign Policy by Rajiv Sikri (International Relations)

This book is compiled from a policy-oriented perspective covering all major challenges in the current foreign policy of the country. It also analyses the latest trends in foreign policy formulation. The author was an officer of the Indian Foreign Service and a career diplomat with 36 years of experience.

5. Indian Economy For Civil Services by Nitin Singhania (Economy)

The book contains a systematic arrangement of fluctuations in economic growth and development in the country. For a better and more comprehensive understanding various flowcharts, tables, graphs and examples are incorporated in it. Economic diplomacy, energy security, interactions between diplomacy, defence and foreign organisations are some of the many topics discussed. The civil servant author is also a post-graduate in economics.

6. Economic Development & Policy in India – Jain & Ohri (Economy)

This book is part of the syllabus of Bachelor of Arts/Commerce graduates. It gives a basic idea of the major economic policies formulated in the country post-independence. It is useful for all competitive examinations including UPSC. T R Jain and V K Ohri are both economists who have jointly authored multiple books which are part of CBSE and UGC syllabi.

7. Oxford School Atlas by Oxford Publishers (Geography)

An atlas is a must-have for a UPSC aspirant and the Oxford Atlas is one among the best available at present. It consists of a wide variety of comprehensive data with quality print. The accuracy and depth are perfect even for researchers. It is most useful for aspirants who choose geography as an optional subject.

8. Geography of India by Majid Husain (Geography)

This UPSC book is a reference for India’s geographical landscape and gives a well-detailed idea about the same. It includes maps, data and statistics of the country’s geographical position. The latest ninth edition is updated with the change in status of Jammu & Kashmir and Ladakh. Government schemes and initiatives are also incorporated in the book. The author is a well-known geographer and teacher.

9. Certificate of Physical & Human Geography by GC Leong (Geography)

The major elements of physical geography, world climatic and vegetational regions as well as their relationship with human geography is discussed in detail in this book. It contains many local examples which makes comprehension much easier and faster. The book comes with questions and exercises that prepare aspirants for their respective exams.

10. Environmental Ecology, Bio-Diversity, Climate Change & Disaster Management – Dr Ravi Agrahari (Environment)

Published by McGraw Hill, this book explains all major environmental issues and suggests workable solutions to those. It equips aspirants with answers to disaster management related questions which are significant in CSE. The otherwise complicated syllabus is easily covered by this single book.

11. Challenges to Internal Security of India – Ashok Kumar and Vipul Anekant (General Studies)

Challenges regarding the internal security of the country and other contemporary issues are discussed in this book published by McGraw Hill. The latest fourth edition contains the current status of Jammu & Kashmir, new social media code, internet restriction in India and effects of COVID-19. The book is co-authored by Ashok Kumar IPS and Vipul Anekant DANIPS.

Buy this book here .

12. Ethics, Integrity and Aptitude for Civil Services Main Examination by Subba Rao and P.N. Roy Chowdhury (Ethics)

This is one of the frequently updated and most comprehensive books available to cover these subjects. It comes with solved papers, writing techniques, confidence-boosting exercises. Co-authored by G Subba Rao and P N Roy Chowdhury, it is a best-seller for UPSC or any similar competitive exam preparation.

13. India’s Struggle for Independence by Bipan Chandra, Mridula Mukherjee, Aditya Mukherjee, Sucheta Mahajan, K N Panikkar (History)

UPSC preparation is never complete without studying history and the independence struggle. This book is authored by Bipan Chandra, Mridula Mukherjee, Aditya Mukherjee, Sucheta Mahajan and K N Panikkar, all of them well-acclaimed historians. The text gives a detailed idea about the period between 1857-1947. It is compiled using primary sources and in-depth research.

14. India after Independence by Bipan Chandra, Mridula Mukherjee, Aditya Mukherjee (History)

Sequel of India’s Struggle for Independence, this book is authored by Bipan Chandra, Mridula Mukherjee and Aditya Mukherjee. It widely analyses the success and challenges the country came across after gaining independence from British rule. It explains the story of five decades which includes the political and economic agenda as well as the foreign policy during the Nehru government.

15. A History of Medieval India by Satish Chandra (History)

The in-depth history of the Indian subcontinent between the 8th and 18th centuries is reflected in this book. The series of invasions and the major social/economic changes that occurred pertaining to these invitations are explained well. The author is a popular historian and retired professor of JNU.

16. India’s Ancient Past by RS Sharma (History)

It is an NCERT history textbook that was later published as a work called India’s Ancient Past. The text travels through neolithic and chalcolithic times to Harappan civilization, Vedic times, the rise of Mauryas and Guptas. The rise and fall of empires, the varna system, developments in science and technology, commerce and trade are some of the many areas covered. The author was a historian who specialised in the ancient era.

17. A Brief History of Modern India by Rajiv Ahir (History)

Published by Rajiv Spectrum, the book dives into the advent of the Portuguese to the country and related events. It travels to the point where the Europeans establish complete power over the Indian subcontinent. The fall of powerful emperors and their well-built kingdoms also come as subjects.

18. Mastering Modern World History by Norman Lowe (History)

The book examines major events that happened in the modern world and their end results. The language used makes for an easy read. Other than being a book referred by aspirants it is best-loved by history enthusiasts. The author is a historian and teacher with more than three decades of experience in the field.

19. Important Judgements that Transformed India by Alex Andrews George (Polity)

In this book, the most significant court cases which made an impact in the society, as well as the entire judiciary of the country, are mentioned in detail. These distinguished Supreme Court judgements paved the way for several changes in the constitution too. The author who compiled these judgements is a mentor and civil service exam trainer.

20. ‘Facets of Indian Culture’ by Spectrum (Culture)

Studying the diverse culture and traditions of India can become cumbersome. This UPSC book is a complete guide to the art forms, architecture, literary and intellectual traditions, beliefs and myths about the country. It also consists of various solved and unsolved question papers for practice. It is edited by experts in the field and published by Spectrum.

Edited by Yoshita Rao

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Ethics Foundation Course

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Ethics Foundation Course By

Tirthankar roychowdhary sir.

Comprehensive coverage of GS IV : Classes ,Case Studies Workshop, Class Notes, Study Material,  Daily Writing Practice, Personalised Mentorship, Sectional and Mock Tests.

Course Overview

EDEN IAS presents a comprehensive Ethics course for UPSC Mains, led by India's most  loved Faculty for GS IV  Tirthankar Roychowdhary Sir . This course covers all aspects of GS Paper IV, including theoretical concepts, thoughts and philosophies of thinkers, case studies, and  moral terminology . With personalized guidance and daily practice sessions, students gain the skills and knowledge needed to excel in UPSC  CSE.

What You will  Learn in this Course?

  • Comprehensive coverage of the entire ethics syllabus for UPSC CSE through Theory Classes, Case Studies Sessions, Daily Answer Writing, Class Notes, Study Material,  Sectional and Mock Tests.
  • A connecting approach between classes and test series, starting from basic concepts and gradually progressing to advanced levels.
  • Thorough preparation for theoretical concepts followed by sectional tests and Workshops focusing on case studies.
  • Special emphasis on ethics case studies, covering different scenarios and ethical situations.
  • Practice workbook and daily practice questions for writing skill development.
  • Discussion of previous years questions , personalized guidance and mentorship.

This course offers a comprehensive approach to master  GS Paper IV. Through a blend of theory classes, case study sessions, daily answer writing, and more, you will receive thorough preparation from basic to advanced levels. Special focus is placed on ethics case studies, with 100 scenarios covered, alongside practice materials and personalized mentoring it is a one stop solution for GS IV.

Course Content

What do we cover under Ethics Foundation?

1. Basic Concepts of Ethics, Integrity & Aptitude

2. Moral Thinkers and Philosophers from  World and India 

3. Meta Ethics, Normative Ethics, Descriptive Ethics and Applied Ethics

4. Ethics in Public Administration

5. Probity in Governance

6. Corporate Ethics, Media Ethics and Ethics in Civil     Services

7. Personal and Professional Ethics

8. Case Studies 

Course Structure

Course Duration : 2.5 months (75 days)

Total Number of Classes : 50 lectures (40 Theory Classes + 10 Case Studies)

Class Duration and Weekly Extent : 3 Hours (Monday to Friday)

Special Session on Case Studies  : 100 case studies to be discussed in 10 classes

Study Material : 6 Printed Booklets  (Theoretical Framework, Ethical Glossary, 70 Thinkers & 70 Thoughts, Ethics Workbook on Case Studies,Compendium of Core Thoughts and Ethics Snippets) .

 3 Sectional Tests : 2 Theory + 1 Case Study

2 Mock Test :  Theory and Case Studies

Unique Value Proposition

100 % Syllabus Coverage within the stipulated time

Conceptual Clarity and Writing skill development

Personalised Guidance and Mentorship

Comprehensive Study Material covering entire syllabus

Rs. 23,500-/ (Including GST)

80-100 students, 3 hrs (mon-fri), online & offline modes, 6 booklets ( study material ), syllabus coverage in 2.5 months, case studies workshops, personalised mentorship, daily practice questions, 3 sectional and 2 mock tests .

case study books for upsc

Embark on a Journey of Knowledge and Discovery.  Join  EDEN IAS  Today

List of books included in this course.

case study books for upsc

EDEN IAS | Ethics Integrity & Aptitude

case study books for upsc

EDEN IAS | Ethics Case-Study Work Book

case study books for upsc

EDEN IAS | Ethics 70 Thinkers 70 Thoughts

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EDEN IAS | Ethics Compendium Of Core Thoughts

case study books for upsc

EDEN IAS | Glossary Of Ethics Terminology

Related Course

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Ethics GS-4

Ethics Integrity and Aptitude commonly known as General studies paper IV is one of the high-scoring subjects for the UPSC Mains examination.

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Essay Writing UPSC Mains

Essay writing is crucial to attain high marks in the Civil Services Mains Written Examination. It requires a lot of preparation & practice.

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UPSC Mains Answer Writing

EDEN IAS has come up with an Answer writing course for beginners – SUGAM, which means “Easy”. This course covers the complete syllabus of UPSC Mains – GS I, II, III, IV.

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UPSC Books - Best IAS Books For UPSC Civil Services Exam 2024

In this article on UPSC Books, we endeavour to provide you with the list of best books for the IAS Exam 2024 Prelims & 2024 Mains exam. The IAS Exam or the Civil Services Exam is conducted by the Union Public Service Commission (UPSC). The highly prestigious exam is also one of the toughest exams in the country.

UPSC IAS Books List PDF Download PDF Here

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CRM IAS Push Noti

Importance of Good IAS Books

UPSC Prelims 2024 was held on 28th May, 2023.

UPSC Prelims 2024 is scheduled for 26th May 2024.

To follow up on the upcoming civil services examination, aspirants may check UPSC Calendar in the linked article.

Out of a plethora of study material available both online and offline, it is crucial that the candidates select the best books for UPSC IAS preparation .

IAS toppers recommend that aspirants start their UPSC preparation with NCERT books and then move on to the standard reference books.

The best IAS books can vary from candidate to candidate depending on their previous expertise and knowledge of the subject matter. However, the UPSC booklist recommended by experts are listed in this article subject-wise.

Choosing the right IAS exam books online for different stages of the UPSC exam is quite important. The UPSC Prelims comprises only objective type questions while the IAS Mains contains descriptive essay type question papers.

Not only should the candidates be selective about the UPSC preparation books but also divide the reading list into Prelims and Mains preparation.

Read/download the UPSC Syllabus for the upcoming examination of civil services.

UPSC Books – Best Books For UPSC Prelims

There are two papers in Prelims (GS 1 and CSAT) and both are of objective type with negative marking. The best IAS books for Prelims are given below:

Indian Polity
International Relations
CSAT Solved Papers

For more information on , check the linked article

UPSC BookList – Best Books For UPSC Mains

Candidates who clear the Prelims reach the Mains stage of the IAS Exam. There are 9 theory papers in UPSC 2023 out of which two papers are on the optional subject. Candidates should follow the important IAS general studies Mains books for the best preparation.

Given below are the best general studies books for the UPSC Mains:

History, Indian Heritage & Culture

[GS Paper 1]

[GS Paper 1]
Polity & International Relations

[GS Paper 2]

[GS Paper 3]

[GS Paper 4]
Solved Papers

In the UPSC mains exam, a candidate has to choose an optional subject also. The optional papers count for 500 marks in total and therefore, it is imperative that the right books are read for the optional subjects also. The following table gives the links to the list of IAS books for the respective optional subjects.

The linked articles for UPSC books for Optional subjects are given in the table below:

UPSC Books For Optional Subjects

Study Material for UPSC

Apart from the books mentioned above, the essential UPSC Study Material includes:

  • 2nd ARC Report (To read more on ARC Reports , check the linked article.)
  • Economic Survey (Latest)
  • Budget (Latest)
  • Finance Commission Report (Latest)
  • Annual reports by central ministries
  • The Hindu Newspaper
  • Yojana Magazine
  • Press Information Bureau Releases
  • Niti Aayog Action Agenda

UPSC Online Books

Currently, candidates also have an option to download e-books. These are easily available online and candidates can easily avail of these. For every subject, a different book is required and aspirants cannot carry the entire bundle along with them anywhere.

Thus, these UPSC online books are easily available and can be accessed from anywhere. Candidates can download them for free using the internet and carry along their PDF files on their laptops or tablets.

These e-books have also become popular as with technology, candidates can get the desired information within seconds without going through every single detail under any of the topics. A PDF format of NCERT books, monthly magazines and other important books is available for free use on the internet and candidates can easily download these UPSC online books.

Read only the Best UPSC Books

  • The UPSC syllabus is vast and it takes at least one year to comprehensively cover it. Therefore, you cannot waste precious time by reading books that are below standard or worse, contain incorrect and unauthenticated information. In this case, you would have to unlearn what you had previously read and this can prove difficult.
  • Learning from the recommended sources would mean you can directly make notes out of it, if necessary.
  • There are many books that give information tailor-made for the IAS exam. For instance, Laxmikanth for Polity is a book that you must read if you are taking the UPSC exam . Many questions have been asked that seem to come directly from this book.
  • In addition, many books including the one discussed above, contain information in a ‘notes’ format. So, they are readymade for IAS preparation. You don’t have to waste time trying to make notes.
  • There are many books that are excellently written and contain a whole lot of valuable information. But you have to decide whether they are valuable for the UPSC exam or not. They might make a good read for academics and research scholars. But not necessarily for the UPSC exam. So, you need UPSC books that will help in your preparation and fetch you marks in the IAS exam.

Download NCERT books in Hindi here.

IAS Exam Questions related to Books for UPSC

Which books are the best for hindi medium aspirants in upsc exam.

Hindi Medium Aspirants should read UPSC Hindi Medium Books from NCERT as well as Hindi translations of popular IAS Books.

Where can I find NCERT books for IAS Exam?

NCERT books are widely available in bookstores across the country as well as major e-commerce sites. If you cannot find the book you require in a bookstore, you can download NCERT Books/ UPSC Books PDF here.

Which Economy book is best for UPSC?

Nitin Singhania – Indian Economy is one of the best books for UPSC Economy.

Which book is best for Art and Culture for UPSC?

Nitin Singhania – Indian Art & Culture is a must-read book for UPSC Prelims and Mains.

Is NCERT book enough for IAS?

NCERTs are first books for UPSC preparation. They are better when complemented with reference books.

Which book is best for Indian Polity?

M.Laxmikanth – Indian Polity is considered as the best book for UPSC.

IAS General Studies Notes Links

case study books for upsc



Really! That was very Helpful – Thanks

Should I only refer ncert books for the entire process or exam or should I refer another sources.

Hi, IAS Toppers recommend the NCERT books as the ideal starting point because of the concise nature of the information, especially the basic facts. However, after NCERT books, an aspirant should refer to subject-specific books like Lakshmikant, Bipin Chandra, Majid Hussain etc. You can find the booklist on this very page.

It’s really helpful for me because my all doubts are cleared about UPSC

It’s really helpful

Dear Sir Please let me know how to start IAS preparation from begining.

Hi Abhay You can first understand the UPSC Syllabus given in the linked article. Later, you can take help from our Free IAS Prep page.

why don’t you provided a booklist for management optional

Hi Punit Check Management Booklist for UPSC in the linked article.

The books you have mentioned above is that mean we don’t have to read other material that material would be enough for upsc?

Hi Samiksha It is best to keep your resources limited. You can rely on NCERT Books and a reference book for each subject. You can get NCERT Notes for UPSC in the linked article.

why don’t you provided a booklist public administration optional

Strategy & Booklist for Public Administration Optional

Sir please provide me study material for ias examination

You can take help from the following links: 1. NCERT Notes for UPSC 2. UPSC Notes PDF

hii sir/madam please help me in getting online access for free NCERT books&standard reference books of UPSC

Check NCERT Books PDF for UPSC

sir/ma’am can you please tell me how should i begin with the preperation because it is vast. and also which subject is mandatory for being an ias officer

1. Understand UPSC Syllabus 2. Start with NCERTs and complement with daily newspaper. 3. Refer to UPSC previous years’ question papers. 4. Read Rajiv Ahir’s Brief of Modern History, M. Laxmikanth’s Indian Polity for GS 1 and 2 respectively. 5. Revise often. 6. Take mock tests periodically.

Any special book for science and environment

Science can be covered from NCERTs and current affairs and so can be the environment. For notes on both of these, check links below: 1. Science & Technology Notes For UPSC – General Science Notes For IAS Preparation 2. Environment And Ecology Notes For UPSC – Environment Notes For IAS Preparation

In prelims upsc exam have an optional subjects or not Only in mains exams we have an optional subject please tell me the full information about upsc exams

Hi please refer to the UPSC Exam Pattern at the linked article.

Dear sir/madam, Please let me know how to start IAS Preparation from beginning

Please prescribe books for sociology as optional

UPSC Sociology Optional Books

Sir/ma’am Do we chose 1 book for a GS papers out of the 3-4 given options or are all mandatory to buy and read ?? I mean to say do I need to read all the 3-4 books corresponding to each paper that have been given?

Hi For prelims, one has to read all the books mentioned. For Mains, you can choose one for Polity. For History, if Bipan Chandra’s books look hefty, you may refer to NCERTs, Rajiv Ahir’s Spectrum and Poonam Dahiya’s ancient and medieval history books. Rest books can be read as it is. Make sure that after one reading, you are able to answers previous years UPSC questions .

Plz provide me a booklist for marathi literature [optional subject ]

Hi UPSC Marathi Literature Booklist

Hi sir It’s really very helpful And I have one doubt only this much book is enough for upsc preparation??

Hi, Yes, you can filter down the books as per your comfort. One has to note that not all books have to read from cover to cover. Go through the UPSC syllabus and old UPSC question papers and then start reading. We are aiming to provide a comprehensive booklist as everyone has a different strategy to study.

Do we have to choose one or two optional subject? Or just one and give that specific subject paper twice?

Hi, A candidate has to choose one optional subject.

I have douts about mpsc

Find MPSC related information here .

Can I get law optional booklist

Dear Aspirant, The Law Optional Booklist for UPSC is given here .

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Following are the links which have details about IAS preparation books needed for General Studies Papers and Optional papers. Apart from IAS exam preparation books, these are a part of UPSC books list recommended for Interview purpose as well. Also included are motivational books. The list has all time great books names that must be read in one’s lifetime. However, you should read them only after Mains.

These IAS Preparation books are categorised into Prelims and Mains books. There are some free e-books as well.

These books must be selectively bought and more emphasis should be on NCERT and few standard books. Apart from books, the main backbone of IAS exam preparation is understanding current issues very well. Hence, newspapers especially The Hindu is indispensable.

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CSAT Books for UPSC Prelims 2024

by Vajiram & Ravi

CSAT Coaching - CSAT Course for UPSC 2024

UPSC Prelims 2024 Test Series

CSAT Practice Questions

CSAT Study Material

UPSC 2024 Study Plan

CSAT Books for UPSC 2024 are designed to help the aspirants qualify the Preliminary Examination. UPSC CSAT Books are curated to cover a wide range of questions on comprehension, logical reasoning and basic numeracy based on the UPSC Syllabus. Familiarity with question patterns and regular practice with the help of the best CSAT books builds your confidence, reducing exam-day anxiety.

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CSAT Book for UPSC

The CSAT Paper in the UPSC CSE Prelims encompasses topics like decision-making, problem-solving, communication skills, general mental ability, logical reasoning, analytical ability, English comprehension, basic numeracy (up to class X), and data interpretation (up to class X). These topics demand proficiency in both numerical and reasoning aspects. Reliable CSAT books are crucial here, as they expedite comprehensive preparation within a shorter span while delving deep into these subjects.

List of Best CSAT Books for UPSC

The following are the best CSAT Books for UPSC. Regularly practising CSAT Questions from these books can help you qualify the UPSC Prelims exam with ease.

Analytic ReasoningM K Pandey

Analytical Reasoning stands out as a top-recommended CSAT book for UPSC CSAT Paper, aiding aspirants in enhancing their analytical reasoning capabilities. The book is split into two distinct sections:

Cracking the CSAT PaperArihant ExpertsThis book includes previous year question papers with solutions along with a set of 20 CSAT practice question papers.
A Modern Approach to Verbal and Non- Verbal reasoningRS AggarwalThe book helps the aspirants enhance their reasoning abilities. Consists of a wide range of reasoning-based questions along with their solutions and explanations.
The Mantra of Csat Paper IIGautam PuriThis book helps you develop a strong foundation for the UPSC CSAT Paper.
General Studies Paper II for UPSC Preliminary ExaminationTata Mcgraw Hill

This book aims to deliver high-quality questions encompassing the complete .

 It includes all the previous year's question papers and 15 CSAT practice papers designed according to the present patterns.

CSAT ManualPearsonThis book covers the CSAT practice questions for comprehension, logical reasoning, and mathematics. All the questions come with solved answers and explanations.

Vajiram & Ravi CSAT Module

The goal of the V&R CSAT Course is to help students prepare more effectively and efficiently to improve their CSAT preparation .

The V&R CSAT Course is offered in a Classroom and Live-Online Mode. The Course's main objective is to give the CSAT preparation a reliable framework for comprehensive knowledge and its implementation. In accordance with the specifications of the UPSC CSE syllabus , the classes are deliberately designed to impart the students with years of curated expertise, techniques, and methods and to have them practise the same during the classes and at home.

Vajiram & Ravi CSAT Books Postal Course

The UPSC CSAT Books consist of volumes on Quantitative Ability + Quantitative Ability and Data Interpretation Workbook, Comprehension Work Books and Logical Reasoning + Logical Reasoning Workbook. Aptitude Test (CSAT) material of around 1300 pages cost Rs.1200/-.

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FAQs on CSAT Books

Which are some of the best csat books for upsc preparation.

Some of the recommended CSAT books for UPSC preparation include "Analytical Reasoning" by M.K. Pandey, "CSAT Manual" by Pearson, "CSAT Paper-II" by Arihant, and "Crack Civil Services General Studies IAS Prelims" by McGraw Hill. These books offer valuable content and practice material to enhance the aptitude, comprehension, and reasoning skills required for the UPSC CSAT exam.

What are the CSAT Books recommended by IAS toppers?

IAS toppers often recommend books like "Analytical Reasoning" by M.K. Pandey, "CSAT Manual" by Pearson, "CSAT Paper-II" by Arihant, and "Crack Civil Services General Studies IAS Prelims" by McGraw Hill for CSAT preparation. These books are known for their comprehensive coverage and effective practice exercises to excel in the UPSC CSAT exam.

Which is the Best Book for English for CSAT UPSC?

One of the top-recommended books for English in CSAT UPSC preparation is "A Modern Approach to Verbal & Non-Verbal Reasoning" by R.S. Aggarwal. This book covers various aspects of English comprehension and reasoning required for the CSAT exam.

Is there any CSAT Book that also provides solutions for the previous year's questions?

Yes, many CSAT books come with solutions for previous year's questions. "CSAT Paper-II" by Arihant and "CSAT Manual" by Pearson are examples of books that provide solutions for previous year CSAT questions, aiding in better understanding and practice.

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Recommended UPSC Books 2025 for Prelims & Mains Preparation

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The list of UPSC Books 2025 for Prelims and Mains preparation is available. Explore the top recommended books for UPSC 2025 along with tips.

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UPSC Books 2025: Preparing for the UPSC Civil Services Examination requires the right set of resources. The UPSC Books 2025 are essential tools that can make or break your preparation journey. Whether you are aiming for the Prelims or Mains, having the best books by your side is crucial. Candidates preparing for UPSC 2025 l guide you through the recommended book list for UPSC 2025, covering Prelims, Mains, and CSAT, along with where to buy these books online and essential NCERT resources.

UPSC Booklist for Prelims 2025

The UPSC Prelims is the first hurdle in your Civil Services journey. To crack this stage, you need books that cover the vast syllabus effectively. Here is the essential UPSC booklist for Prelims 2025:

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“India’s Struggle for Independence” Bipan Chandra
“Certificate Physical and Human Geography” G.C. Leong
“Indian Polity” M. Laxmikanth
“Indian Economy” Ramesh Singh
“Environment and Ecology” Shankar IAS
NCERT Science Textbooks (Class 6-12) NCERT
Physics Wallah

Best Books for CSAT 2025

The Civil Services Aptitude Test (CSAT) is a critical component of the Prelims. It assesses your logical reasoning, analytical ability, and comprehension skills.


Comprehensive Preparation with Prahaar Mains Wallah Combo Set

Prahaar Mains Wallah by PWOnlyIAS is a complete study package for UPSC Mains aspirants. It includes 14 booklets that cover the entire UPSC Mains syllabus . Each booklet has a mix of static and current topics, including Economy, Environment, Ethics, and Polity. The content is well-researched and updated with the latest facts and examples. It also includes Previous Years’ Questions (PYQs) and important keywords to help students write better answers and revise quickly. Prahaar is the best resource for students serious about cracking the UPSC exam.

  • Comprehensive coverage of the entire UPSC Mains syllabus.
  • Integration of static and current topics with updated data.
  • Includes Previous Years’ Questions (PYQs) for better preparation.
  • Designed for efficient revision with a focus on essential keywords.

To buy Prahaar Mains Wallah Booklets Click here .

UPSC Booklist for Mains 2025

The UPSC Mains examination is a descriptive test that requires an in-depth understanding of various subjects. Here are the recommended books for Mains preparation:

Check Out UPSC CSE Books From PW Store

General Studies Paper I 

General Studies Paper I covers a wide range of topics including Indian Heritage, History, Geography, and Society. To excel in this paper, you need a deep understanding of these subjects. Below are the recommended Subject-wise books for UPSC Mains to help you prepare thoroughly for each section.

General Studies Paper II 

General Studies Paper II focuses on Governance, Constitution, Polity, Social Justice, and International Relations. This paper requires a comprehensive understanding of the Indian political system and global affairs.

General Studies Paper III

General Studies Paper III covers Economic Development, Technology, Environment, Security, and Disaster Management. To tackle this paper effectively, focus on understanding both the theoretical concepts and their practical applications.

General Studies Paper IV (Ethics, Integrity, and Aptitude)

General Studies Paper IV is centered around Ethics, Integrity, and Aptitude. This paper tests your moral and ethical thinking abilities, as well as your attitude toward various issues.

  • Ethics, Integrity, and Aptitude by Subba Rao and P.N. Roy Chowdhury
  • Lexicon for Ethics, Integrity & Aptitude for IAS General Studies Paper IV by Niraj Kumar
  • UPSC Prahaar Mains Wallah ( Static + Current Affairs) 2024 by PWOnlyIAS

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Where to Buy UPSC Books Online?

Finding the right books is crucial for effective preparation. You can buy all the recommended UPSC Books 2025 from various online platforms. PW’s online store offers a wide range of UPSC preparation materials, including the CSAT Wallah series and other essential books.

PW OnlyIAS offers a comprehensive selection of UPSC books, including exclusive PW publications. You can find the UPSC 2025 booklist PDF to cover all the comprehensive syllabi in classified booklets.

Sign up for the PWOnlyIAS Online Course by Physics Wallah and start your journey to IAS success today!


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FAQs On UPSC Books 2025

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UPSC Important Topics for Prelims and Mains from NCERT Books: Check Complete List of Chapters

Check upsc prelims important chapters from ncert books for history, geography, polity, general science, and other subjects on this page. also, learn the strategy to cover upsc important chapters from ncert books..

Mohd Salman

UPSC Important Topics from NCERT Books : The UPSC Prelims Exam is divided into two sections, such as General Studies Papers I and II. To excel in UPSC Prelims GS Paper 1, it is essential to choose the right set of books and resources. However, you need to study NCERT books for all the subjects before referring to advanced books, as it will help you gain conceptual clarity for all the topics. To help, we have compiled below the UPSC Important Chapters from NCERT Books along with the techniques to cover the chapters for the reference of the candidates.

Strategy to Cover UPSC Important Topics from NCERT Books

  • Check the UPSC Prelims syllabus to cover high-weightage topics first and then pick topics that are rarely asked in the exam.
  • Jot down important events, names, and other topics from each subject in a separate notebook, as it would be beneficial for quick revision.
  • Solve mock tests to understand the exam format and improve the speed of solving questions in less time.
  • Practice the previous year's question paper to get an idea of topics asked frequently in the exam along with question weightage and difficulty level.

UPSC Important Topics from NCERT Books for History

UPSC Important Topics from NCERT Books for Geography

UPSC Important Topics from NCERT Books for Polity

UPSC Important Topics from NCERT Books for General Science

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Best Books to Study International Relations for UPSC CSE

Last updated on October 14, 2023 by ClearIAS Team

Best Books to Study International Relations for UPSC Exam

The study of international relations is an integral part of the UPSC (Union Public Service Commission) Civil Services Examination, specifically under the General Studies Paper II (GS-II).

This paper focuses on governance, polity, and international relations. Understanding international relations is a must for aspirants willing in this highly competitive examination.

This International Relations topic comprises a wide range of topics, including global politics, diplomacy, foreign policy, international organizations, and India’s role in the world.

Table of Contents

Candidates are advised to stick to the syllabus while covering the International Relations topics. Aspirants with International relations as an optional subject required a greater depth of knowledge related to this topic compared to the other aspirants.

This booklist is majorly helpful for those who have chosen Political Science and International Relations as their optional subject. The rest of the aspirants are advised not to go too deep into these books and should stick strictly according to the syllabus.

Here, we have provided a list of valuable resources to help aspirants prepare for the international relations section of the UPSC CSE Mains.

UPSC CSE 2025: Study Plan ⇓

(1) ⇒ UPSC 2025: Prelims cum Mains

(2) ⇒ UPSC 2025: Prelims Test Series

(3) ⇒ UPSC 2025: CSAT

Note: To know more about ClearIAS Courses (Online/Offline) and the most effective study plan, you can call ClearIAS Mentors at +91-9605741000, +91-9656621000, or +91-9656731000.

“The Globalization of World Politics: An Introduction to International Relations” by John Baylis, Steve Smith, and Patricia Owens

This book provides an excellent introduction to the field of international relations. It covers key theories, concepts, and actors in global politics.

With its clear language and detailed coverage, it is an important resource for understanding the dynamics of the international system.

“Global Politics” by Andrew Heywood

This book is written in an accessible style and provides a broad overview of global politics. It covers topics such as power, globalization, international organizations, and security.

In this book, the author presents complex ideas in a simplified manner, making it ideal for UPSC aspirants.

“Theories of Comparative Politics The Search for a Paradigm Reconsidered” by Ronald H. Chilcote

This book presents the theories of comparative politics and provides insights into different approaches and paradigms.

It explores the complexities of political systems, institutions, and societal factors. With its easy language, it helps aspirants grasp the nuances of comparative politics.

IGNOU notes on Comparative Politics

The study materials provided by IGNOU on comparative politics are valuable resources for UPSC aspirants.

They offer concise yet informative content on various themes related to comparative politics, facilitating a deeper understanding of different political systems and their comparative analysis.

The preparation for the International Relations topic can be supplemented by further readings:

“Theories of International Relations” by Palgrave Publications

This book provides a detailed overview of theories in international relations. It covers realism, liberalism, constructivism, and other important approaches.

“The Oxford Handbook of International Relations” by Christian Reus-Smit and Duncan Snidal

This handbook offers in-depth insights into various aspects of international relations. It covers a wide range of topics, including international institutions, security, and global governance.

“Understanding International Relations” by Chris Brown and Kirsten Ainley

This book provides the key themes and debates in international relations. It covers topics such as globalization, terrorism, and human rights.

The authors of this book presented complex concepts in a clear and accessible manner, making it suitable for UPSC aspirants.

“Introduction to International Relations: Theories and Approaches” by Georg Sorenson and Robert Jackson

This book provides a solid foundation in international relations. It introduces different theoretical perspectives and analyzes their applications.

India and the World Section of International Relations

To have a better understanding of India and the World Section of International Relations it is important to read these books to improve their preparation.

“Indian Foreign Policy: An Overview” by Harsh Pant

This book provides an overview of India’s foreign policy. It covers India’s historical context, key principles, challenges, and strategic priorities.

“International Relations” by Mcgraw Hill Education

This book focuses on India’s role in the international scenario. It covers various aspects of India’s foreign policy, including bilateral and multilateral relations.

Important Websites to Follow

When preparing for international relations for UPSC CSE Mains, staying updated with current affairs and gaining insights from reputable sources is crucial. Here are some websites that provide valuable information and analysis on international relations:

  • Institute for Defence Studies and Analyses (IDSA): The IDSA website ( ) offers a wide range of articles, research papers, and policy briefs on international relations, security issues, and strategic affairs. It is a valuable resource for understanding regional dynamics and emerging global trends.
  • Ministry of External Affairs (MEA): The official website of the Ministry of External Affairs ( ) provides updates on India’s diplomatic engagements, official statements, and foreign policy initiatives. It is an essential source for understanding India’s foreign relations and the country’s stance on various international issues.
  • United Nations (UN) website: The official website of the United Nations ( ) provides access to reports, publications, and resolutions related to international relations and global governance. It is a reliable source for understanding the UN’s role in promoting international peace and cooperation.
  • Foreign Policy: Foreign Policy ( is a widely respected magazine that covers international affairs, diplomacy, and global politics. Their website offers articles, analysis, and expert commentary on a range of international issues.

Supplement Preparation by Using an Online Platform

When preparing for the international relations section of the UPSC Mains examination, online platforms can be valuable resources for accessing study materials. One such platform is, which provides free study material for international relations.

Aspirants are advised to follow the news related to international affairs closely on a day-to-day basis. To assess their progress in their preparation, it is required to attempt a reliable mock test. ClearIAS provide mock test based on the latest pattern of UPSC CSE to supplement the preparation of aspirants.

Tips to Prepare for International Relations

Tips to Study International Relations for UPSC Mains:

  • Understand the Syllabus: Begin by thoroughly understanding the syllabus for the international relations section of UPSC Mains. Identify the key topics and sub-topics to prioritize your study.
  • Read Comprehensive Study Materials: Choose reliable study materials that cover a wide range of international relations topics. Refer to standard textbooks, recommended books, and study guides specifically designed for UPSC preparation.
  • Make Notes: While studying, make concise notes on important concepts, theories, and current affairs related to international relations. These notes will serve as quick revision material closer to the exam date.
  • Stay Updated with Current Affairs: International relations is a dynamic field, heavily influenced by current events. Regularly read newspapers, online platforms, and international relations magazines to stay updated with global affairs and their impact on India’s foreign policy.
  • Analyze Case Studies: Analyze real-world case studies to understand the application of international relations theories and concepts. Study historical events, diplomatic crises, and international conflicts to gain insights into decision-making processes and their consequences.
  • Practice Answer Writing: Develop the skill of writing clear, structured, and well-articulated answers. Practice answering previous years’ question papers and simulate the exam environment to enhance your writing speed and time management skills.
  • Revise Regularly: Allocate dedicated time for revision, focusing on key concepts, theories, and case studies. Regular revision helps consolidate knowledge and improves retention.
  • Practice Mock Tests: Take regular mock tests to evaluate your progress and identify areas that need improvement. Mock tests will familiarize you with the exam pattern and boost your confidence for the actual examination.

Article Written By: Priti Raj

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UPSC CSE 2025: Study Plan

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Cover the entire syllabus of UPSC CSE Prelims and Mains systematically.


  1. 80 CASE STUDIES (Q & A) (Ethics)

    Skills Required to Excel in UPSC CSE. The preliminary stage gauges foundational knowledge and cognitive abilities to identify serious aspirants for the Mains Examination. The Mains examination evaluates the aspirant's ability to think critically, analyze complex issues, and communicate effectively through coherent and compelling answer writing.

  2. Ethics Case Studies

    Mains Marathon 2024 UPSC IFoS Prelims Result 2024 UPSC CSE Prelims Result 2024 UPSC Prelims 2024 CSAT ... NCERT Books; NIOS Study Material; IGNOU Study Material; Test Series. UPSC. Prelims Test Series; Mains Test Series; BPSC. ... Ethics Case Studies; filter Hide Menu. Case Study - 28: Environment v/s Development .

  3. Ethics Case Studies

    The ClearIAS Ethics Course will help aspirants master Ethics, Integrity, and Aptitude. This course will help candidates understand the difficult concepts connected with ethics case studies. We will also train you with the right approach to write high-scoring answers. Know more about the ClearIAS Ethics Course.

  4. 5 Best Selling Books to Study Ethics for UPSC Civil Services ...

    General Studies Paper 4 (GS4) in UPSC Civil Services Mains Exam is about Ethics, Integrity, and Aptitude. Candidates can score high in this paper if one is familiar with the concepts and case studies. In this post, we discuss the most-read books by IAS aspirants for studying ethics paper.

  5. 12 Ethics Case Studies for UPSC with Sample Answers

    Essay-ish / Abstract Questions. Ethics Case Studies / Role playing Questions. Disobeying an informal order. Returning unspent money. Misleading for good purpose. Private matter of Public employee? Political neutrality. Political neutrality Part.2. Salary hike vs Team spirit.

  6. 200 Ethics & Integrity Case Studies for UPSC Civil Services Main Exam

    The book 200 Ethics & Integrity Case Studies with Discussions from multiple topics and perspectives is designed to instil confidence and develop the skills to handle ethical Case Studies successfully in the actual exam. The various Topics used pertain to General Studies subjects - Polity, Economy, Social Issues, Ecology, etc. ...

  7. Ethics books for UPSC; Best book for Ethics UPSC; UPSC Ethics Books

    The paper is equally divided between theory and case studies. Read on for the best books to study for the Ethics, Integrity and Aptitude paper in UPSC civil service mains exam. Ethics Books for UPSC. 1. Ethics, Integrity & Aptitude - G Subba Rao & P N Roy Chowdhury. This book by Access Publishers is authored by two retired IAS officers.

  8. Case Studies Upsc

    200 Ethics & Integrity Case Studies with Discussions for UPSC Civil Services Main General Studies Paper 4 Exam | CSE | IAS & State Administrative Exams | State PSC Exams. ... Best Anthropology Optional Case Studies Book for UPSC : Navigating Cultures through Case Studies for UPSC Anthropology Optional Mains Examination.

  9. Redbook

    The main factor behind it is a lack of proper understanding of the subject, due to use of multiple books or improper ethics integrity and aptitude book for UPSC Mains Exam. Which can lead to: Difficulty in Applying Theory to Practice in real-world scenarios, which is a crucial skill for the ethics paper, for solving the case studies.


    The case studies batch has total 8 classes. Each day, 4 important expected case studies are properly discussed after Extempore Test (students are supposed to write each day four case studies) and then other important case studies are discussed.. Since case studies are prepared theme-wise as UPSC asks only in this fashion, students become familiar with most of the the common subjects and issues ...

  11. Best Books to Study Indian Society for UPSC CSE

    In addition to NCERT textbooks, you can refer to the following books for a deeper understanding of Indian society: Indian Society: Themes and Social Issues by Nadeem Hasnain. Indian Society: Structure and Change by S.C. Dubey. Social Problems in India by Ram Ahuja.

  12. Case Studies for UPSC Mains 2024 Tips, Strategies, and Examples

    Case Studies for UPSC Mains 2024: Practising the Case Studies for UPSC Mains 2024 can be proven as an effective strategy for the aspiring candidates, as case studies are a significant part of the UPSC Civil Services Exam.UPSC's mains case study questions generally test problem-solving skills, ethical judgment, and ability to apply theoretical knowledge to real-world situations.

  13. Top 20 Books to Help You Crack UPSC Civil Service Exam

    This also holds in the case of the Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) Civil Service Exam (CSE). Hence - our suggestions for UPSC books! Among the toughest exams in India, UPSC CSE requires more than just hard work. It requires proper planning and a strategy for study material that makes your preparation more productive with fewer inputs.

  14. Ethics Course By Tirthankar Roychowdhary Sir

    EDEN IAS presents a comprehensive Ethics course for UPSC Mains, led by India's most loved Faculty for GS IV Tirthankar Roychowdhary Sir.This course covers all aspects of GS Paper IV, including theoretical concepts, thoughts and philosophies of thinkers, case studies, and moral terminology.With personalized guidance and daily practice sessions, students gain the skills and knowledge needed to ...

  15. UPSC Books

    Importance of Good IAS Books. UPSC Prelims 2024 was held on 28th May, 2023.. UPSC Prelims 2024 is scheduled for 26th May 2024. To follow up on the upcoming civil services examination, aspirants may check UPSC Calendar in the linked article.. Out of a plethora of study material available both online and offline, it is crucial that the candidates select the best books for UPSC IAS preparation.

  16. Case Studies For Upsc

    Select the department you want to search in ...

  17. 60 Case Studies : Ethics

    Download UPSC Mains 2023 Question Papers PDF Free Initiative links -1) Download Prahaar 3.0 for Mains Current Affairs PDF both in English and Hindi 2) Daily Main Answer Writing , 3) Daily Current Affairs , Editorial Analysis and quiz , 4) PDF Downloads UPSC Prelims 2023 Trend Analysis cut-off and answer key

  18. General Studies Books for UPSC CSE Prelims and Mains

    Ethics Case Studies Book for UPSC Mains Exam-2024. Buy Now. Environment & Ecology for UPSC IAS Exam - 2024. ... Our General Studies Books for UPSC not only equip aspirants with essential knowledge on diverse subjects such as History, Geography, Polity, Economy, and Science & Technology but also enhance their analytical and critical thinking ...

  19. IAS Preparation Books

    Insights IAS - Branches. 1-10-209/1 Kamala towers , 1st floor above Punjab National Bank , Ashoknagar X roads, Ashoknagar Hyderabad 500020. IAS preparation books details. UPSC books list needed for General Studies Papers & Optional papers for exam preparation. The best IAS training centre, India.

  20. Drishti IAS: Online Portal & Study Material for UPSC & PCS Exam Preparation

    Drishti IAS - India's largest online study portal for UPSC & PCS exam preparation & also provides daily current news, best ias study material, test series for ias prelims & mains exam.

  21. IAS Books for UPSC Civil Services Prelims and Mains Exam

    Prelims Manual for CSAT (All-in-One Guide) Cracking the CSAT Paper-2 - by Arihant Experts. 11. IAS Books for Essay (UPSC Mains Essay Paper) Fundamentals of Essay and Answer Writing - by Anudeep Durishetty. The Answer Writing Manual - by Srushti Deshmukh Gowda. Mastering Essay and Answer Writing - by Awdesh Singh. 12.

  22. CSAT Books for UPSC Prelims 2024

    CSAT Books for UPSC 2024 are designed to help the aspirants qualify the Preliminary Examination. UPSC CSAT Books are curated to cover a wide range of questions on comprehension, logical reasoning and basic numeracy based on the UPSC Syllabus. Familiarity with question patterns and regular practice with the help of the best CSAT books builds ...

  23. UPSC Ethics Simplified

    Relevance: The topic is a part of UPSC CSE General Studies Paper-IV Ethics syllabus. Concepts are particularly relevant in the theory section. Aspirants will also find the article useful for their Essay paper and situation-based questions in personality tests. Moreover, the article's essence will ...

  24. Recommended UPSC Books 2025 for Prelims & Mains Preparation

    UPSC Books 2025: Preparing for the UPSC Civil Services Examination requires the right set of resources. The UPSC Books 2025 are essential tools that can make ... Prahaar Mains Wallah by PWOnlyIAS is a complete study package for UPSC Mains aspirants. It includes 14 booklets that cover the entire UPSC Mains syllabus. Each booklet has a mix of ...

  25. UPSC Important Topics for Prelims and Mains from NCERT Books: Check

    UPSC Important Topics from NCERT Books: The UPSC Prelims Exam is divided into two sections, such as General Studies Papers I and II. To excel in UPSC Prelims GS Paper 1, it is essential to choose ...

  26. Delhi L-G writes: Our Capital is a case study in misgovernance

    This monsoon should have been a sobering experience for the political leaders who promised a Parisian makeover for Delhi. The complete collapse of civic infrastructure exposed the maladministration in the city. UPSC aspirants drowned to death in a basement which illegally doubled up as a library. Children died while playing in a flooded ground.

  27. Best Books to Study International Relations for UPSC CSE

    Table of Contents. Best Books to Study International Relations for UPSC CSE. "The Globalization of World Politics: An Introduction to International Relations" by John Baylis, Steve Smith, and Patricia Owens. "Global Politics" by Andrew Heywood. "Theories of Comparative Politics The Search for a Paradigm Reconsidered" by Ronald H ...

  28. UPSC Essays Simplified

    About our Expert: Ravi Kapoor (Ex-IRS) offers free quality mentorship to UPSC aspirants, drawing upon his ten years of experience to create customised and productive curriculum. Through a free mentorship programme, he integrates tailored educational materials, psychological principles, visual learning techniques, and a strong emphasis on mental well-being into his teaching skills granting ...