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50+ Trending Tourism Essay Topics 2020 to Catch Professor's Eyes

Tourism Essay Topics

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Unique dark tourism essay topics, best marketing tourism essay topic ideas.

  • Medical Tourism Topics for College Students

Interesting Ecotourism Essay Ideas 2020

Trending education tourism essay topics, cultural tourism essay topics & ideas, why should you take tourism essay writing help from us, handpicked list of 50+ tourism essay topic ideas on different branches.

The tourism industry is so wide that it contributes a good amount of revenue to the nation’s GDP. Since tourism is a crucial field, students wish to make a career in it and get enrolled in the course. But, while pursuing the course, they have to undergo several tasks like writing assignments, preparing presentations, working on case studies, and so on.

They also receive a task of essay writing, but due to the lack of knowledge about choosing a compelling topic, they fail to complete it. To cope with the situation, many students seek help with tourism essay writing  from the professionals of Assignment Prime. Our writers always make sure to deliver quality content on the most effective and strong topics when students take essay help from them. 

In this blog, they have shared the most engaging topics related to tourism on different fields that will ensure a top grade.

Let’s get started with dark tourism essay topics.

  • What affects the attitude and perception of tourists towards African countries?
  • How to investigate and identify the factors that contribute to tourists’ decision to visit backward areas of the globe?
  • Why is the Mercat Tour in Scotland considered as a grief tourism site for many of the tourists?
  • What are the primary factors that are influencing American and European tourists’ decision to choose grief sites?
  • Why are authorities focusing on developing a marketing strategy for promoting Beaumaris Prison in Wales as another darktourism site in Britain?
  • How to compare man-made darktourism sites with the natural disaster grief sites from the view point  of tourists?
  • How do the local people of any country economically benefit from tourists visiting dark tourism sites?
  • A qualitative study: How can local people benefit economically and socially from tours to death/casualty sites? 
  • How to evaluate potential marketing and communication tools used for promoting the tourism sector in any country?
  • How low budget airline services impact the tourism industry in any country?
  • Top 7 factors that affect the marketing channels of tourism.
  • Why do you analyze the growth of the tourism industry in a financial year?
  • Does online marketing help in promoting tourism destinations in any country?
  • How the high-pricing and low-pricing affect the tourism industry?
  • What are the unique and interesting marketing strategies used by the tourism sector of any country to promote the business across the globe?
  • 101 best strategies for promoting modern Ecotourism destinations
  • What are the measures taken by the UK government to strengthen the tourism sector of the country?
  • Do employees working in the tourism sector get incentives? If yes, then on what basis?

Medical Tourism Topics for College Students  

  • Efficacy of marketing and communication tools employed by Japanese plastic surgery and extreme makeover service providers – A survey into the attitude and view point of British traveler.
  • Factors that directly and indirectly affect buying decisions to benefit from extreme makeover tour packages in Western Europe
  • How to measure customer satisfaction of British customers after purchasing products reassignment at Yanhee International Airport, Bangkok?
  • What ways help in investigating the reasons why American citizens travel to different regions and countries for their dental procedures?
  • 15 most popular cosmetic surgical process for medical travel.
  • What things you need to know about medical tourism in Europe.
  • Why is it important to get all the vaccination done before leaving your home country?
  • How is the USA working to make itself a hub for medical tourism?
  • How do local communities get the advantage of ecotourism?
  • 21 factors impacting the management of ecotourism: A case of Zimbabwe
  • What measures can help fragile ecosystems of the Bahamas Islands’ endangered plant and animal species?
  • What factors are contributing to growing ecotourism in South Asia?
  • What role does the internet play in promoting ecotourism in African countries?
  • What key antecedents shape overseas and domestic ecotourism preferences of British tourists?
  • Is price the critical influence of ecotourism destinations among American customers?
  • What are the solidarity threats to the environmental well-being of a tourist site? 
  • What is the attitude and perception of university students towards working and studying in European countries after the COVID-19 pandemic?
  • Do students get travel allowance from the government after securing scholarship worth of more than $10K?
  • How does a gap year improve skills and competencies among students?
  • How to evaluate the employability of Indian students after a gap year exchange student program in the USA?
  • Why students more likely to check out educational tourism in countries which are enormously renowned tourism choices?
  • What are the factors affecting British students choosing dream destinations in foreign countries for their further studies?
  • How does the global recession will affect the placement cell of renowned universities?
  • What are the key things that students learn while travelling from one country to another?
  • Why visiting historical sites and temples come under cultural tourism?
  • How does the lifestyle of any person is affected in both ways due to cultural tourism?
  • 17 features that change cultural tourism in Asian countries.
  • How does the world tourism organization (WTO) promotes cultural tourism in any country?
  • What role do cathedrals, churches, and monasteries play in enchanting tourists?
  • How are UNESCO, ICOMOS, and ICOM like organizations working to make the cultural tourism standout globally?
  • Do cultural values play any role in transforming the tourism industry in any way?
  • Why does a specific tourist product distinguish cultural tourism?
  • How cultural tourism satisfies particular needs and wants of a tourist that are objective and occur at a certain stage of socioeconomic development of society, corresponding to the occurred lifestyle changes?

These are the topics related to tourism that you can choose to write an essay on. If you opt for any of the above-mentioned topics, you can impress the professor and score the best grades. In case you are confused about which topic to choose and how to write an essay on it, you should consider taking help from us.

Assignment Prime is considered the best when it comes to writing an essay on tourism. Our writers are PhD certified and have years of experience in the academic writing. They use their knowledge and skills to bring perfection to work. You can even check out our samples to understand how qualified and skilful our writers are.

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Tourism Essay: Topics, Writing Tips, & Essay Samples [2024]

Do you like traveling?

Adventures, meeting new people, and trying local foods are always exciting.

Tourism can be different, involving various purposes and characteristics. Besides just relaxing, you can travel on business, to improve your health or help the locals. Tourism has also changed significantly due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Today, we will discuss the types of traveling and think of how to write about them. You will find writing prompts for an essay on tourism, writing samples, and over 100 topics.

Let’s begin our journey!

📋 Tourism Essay Prompts

  • đŸ›« 137 Tourism Topics
  • ✍ Tourism Essay Samples

Traveling might involve enjoying new sights, seeking career and educational opportunities, or pursuing other goals. There are countless reasons for people to travel.

Here are different types of tourism and their main features.

Essay on Tourism during Pandemic

Lockdowns and restrictions made it hard for many companies to provide their services successfully. The sphere of tourism experienced one of the biggest hits. In 2020, the number of tourists worldwide went down by 84%. You can discuss the changes and their effects in your paper. 

As a result, representatives of the field had to invent new rules. Rules should’ve protected the industry from the crash and made traveling safe. Some include obligatory vaccination or taking a COVID-test, limiting the number of people in a plane, and the requirement to wear face masks. You can discuss these precautions in your essay on tourism.

The number of tourist arrivals.

Niche Tourism Essay

Niche tourism is a definition of specific types of tourism that meet particular needs.

We will describe some examples of niche tourism below.

  • Leisure Tourism The primary goal of such travel is to rest and have fun. It might be your vacation or just a small break from daily life. Most of the things you do during leisure tourism is for pleasure.
  • Business Tourism It means you still work with or without getting paid for your trip. Traveling to meetings, conferences, or international events connected with your work are all examples of business tourism.
  • Wellness Tourism It is all about maintaining or enhancing your physical, mental, and social wellbeing. You can do it with sports, alternative medicine, healthy nutrition, meditation, and other activities.
  • Medical Tourism Mostly, the primary purpose of this travel is to get medical or dental procedures at a lower price. Also, some tourists might look for alternative medicine that is not legal in the United States.
  • Cultural Tourism Cultural tourism is about immersing in the culture of the place you visit. This might include local cuisine, traditions, features of a society, spiritual and historical heritage, arts, modern lifestyle, etc.
  • Ecotourism Ecotourism is sustainable traveling that includes taking care, observing, and preserving nature or local communities. It should minimize all the negative impacts on the environment and contain educational or interpretation features.

The picture provides six examples of niche tourism.

Tourism Seasonality Essay

Seasonal tourism means that some destinations are more attractive to tourists due to weather conditions or other factors during a particular season.

For example, most Mediterranean countries become popular destinations when the temperature is high enough to swim in the sea. Some places do not depend on the weather, but there are still more tourists during the summer and winter holidays.

Here are the matters you can discuss in your paper:

  • Employment of the locals.
  • Environmental impact of tourism.
  • Businesses and countries’ economies.
  • Peak seasons and their frequency.

Digital Nomadism Essay

Digital nomads are people who travel to various places and continue working remotely.

They choose extended stays instead of short trips and are not attached to any specific place. As more and more people select remote jobs during the pandemic, we will see more and more digital nomads over the years.

Space Tourism Essay

Space traveling is only an evolving industry with possible growth in the next decade. Blue Origin , owned by Amazon, and Virgin Galactic have already launched multiple private suborbital flights.

Describe the economic, scientific, and other benefits of space travel. Discuss the prospects, opportunities, and risks of the industry.

đŸ›« 137 Tourism Essay Topics

Take a look at our selection of topics on all types of travel:

  • What is the place of your dream? Explain your motivation.
  • Contemporary tourism business growth in the UAE.
  • Describe your best traveling experience.
  • Forecasting Taiwan’s medical tourism.
  • Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of traveling alone.
  • The intercontinental hotels group: hospitality management.
  • What dangers might you face due to cultural differences as a tourist?
  • How would your life be different without traveling?
  • Hotel industry performance & environmental consciousness.
  • Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of traveling with family.
  • What popular destinations are overrated? Explain your position and include your experience.
  • Radisson Blu hotel quality management.
  • What should people do to become a part of sustainable tourism?
  • Is there any difference between a traveler and a tourist?
  • Paris major tourist attractions: artwork, architecture, sceneries.
  • What are the ways for the traveling industry to recover from the COVID-19 pandemic?
  • Obscuro business in the tourism market.
  • What do you need to know if you travel to Africa for the first time?
  • Customer service department management on the example of Etihad Airways.
  • How to spend less money without losing your comfort while traveling?
  • WeChat e-marketing tool prospects in the tourism industry.
  • What are the advantages and disadvantages of traveling in a van?
  • How to plan your time wisely on a short trip?
  • International hospitality development: how do hotels and restaurants use marketing principles?
  • What are the pros and cons of tourism for the environment?
  • The prospect and constraint of ecotourism in Malaysia.
  • Why is tourism important for the world economy?
  • Branding Abu Dhabi as a tourist destination.
  • What European countries depend on tourism the most?
  • Airline industry and customer satisfaction: how to deliver quality service?
  • Would you rather spend on clothes or on traveling?
  • What are the most critical factors that define a good traveling experience?
  • Restaurant review on a business trip.
  • The most well-known destinations for medical tourists from the United States.
  • The international tourism hotel for elderly service: Internal marketing practices.
  • Why do you travel? Describe your goals and motivation.
  • What are the things you need to consider when choosing a traveling destination?
  • Studying abroad: how to maintain a good environment between domestic and international students?
  • How can you use your traveling experiences in daily life?
  • Total logistics costs and strategic planning in tourism.
  • What is the essential life lesson traveling has taught you?
  • Descriptive analysis of Pacific Palms Hotel, Los Angeles.
  • What kind of traveling suits you the best and why?
  • The role of gastronomy in tourism development.
  • How to survive jet lag and recover after a long flight?
  • As an ecotourist, what place would you choose to visit?
  • Comparative analysis of two vacation destinations: Dubai and Cape Town.
  • How did digitalization change our traveling experiences?
  • What are the possible outcomes of time traveling?
  • Effects of ecotourism on Eskimos in Canada.
  • Is space-traveling a safe experience for ordinary people?
  • The impact of social media on the tourism industry.
  • What role does traveling play in your life?
  • What are three things essential for all tourists?
  • Emirates Airlines: operations and high quality of one of the most luxurious airlines.
  • Describe the worst experience you had while traveling.
  • Empowering leadership practices and job satisfaction in tourism.
  • If time travel was possible, what epoch would you choose to visit?
  • Tourists’ trends in the Albaha region in Saudi Arabia.
  • What is your favorite transport for traveling and why?
  • Comparison of all-inclusive hotels in Turkey and Greece.
  • Internal marketing practices of the international tourism hotel for elderly service.
  • What are the advantages and disadvantages of seasonal tourism?
  • Human resource management in the Saudi tourism sector.
  • If a tourist wants to see your town, what would you recommend them to do?
  • Sustainability and responsible tourism in Dubai.
  • The positive and negative effects of traveling on the human mind.
  • Abu Dhabi’s brand as a tourists’ destination.
  • How are traveling experiences different for adults and children?
  • Tell about the traveling experience you will never forget.
  • Strategies employed by Fairmont Mayakoba Riviera Maya Resort management.
  • What do you need to know to make traveling easier?
  • Medical tourism in Tunisia and Morocco.
  • How does knowing foreign languages help while traveling?
  • The positive and negative effects of tourism for a country.
  • How do airlines satisfy customers? Emirates Airlines case study.
  • What is the riskiest thing you have done while traveling?
  • Terrorism effects on tourism in the United Kingdom.
  • How has world tourism changed because of the COVID-19 pandemic?
  • What do you feel when you get home after traveling?
  • The influence of globalization on tourism in France.
  • Describe the longest journey that you made while traveling.
  • Concepts of tourism in the UAE.
  • How to make your traveling less harmful to nature?
  • Why do people tend to spend more money while traveling?
  • Human resource management as a core success factor in airlines industry.
  • What are the famous tourist destinations that you would not like to visit?
  • The Hong Kong tourism industry.
  • Describe your first traveling experience in a foreign country.
  • Location planning for tourist attractions.
  • The evolution of tourism as an industry.
  • Innovations in the tourism sector: hospitality management.
  • How does seasonal tourism affect the economy of a country?
  • How does hospitality differ in different cultures?
  • Intercultural communication and staff in tourism.
  • Are low-cost airlines harmful to the environment?
  • H1N1 in the elderly and its impact on the tourism industry.
  • The reasons why traveling is always a good topic for discussion.
  • What are the easiest ways to save money while traveling?
  • The UAE hotel industry: quality management strategies.
  • Is traveling a luxury or a natural need of a human?
  • What are the main dangers of traveling for a developing country?
  • Taiwan: Tourism industry for the elderly.
  • What is the most exciting thing about traveling to you?
  • The typical types of tourists in the United States.
  • Environmental management in the hospitality industry.
  • Lifehacks for students: the things to need to know to travel smartly.
  • The reasons why you should study a country’s culture before you visit it.
  • Effects of tourism industry innovation on elderly care.
  • How to become a digital nomad and combine tourism and work?
  • The most exciting professions in the tourism industry.
  • American Airlines’ environment and strategies.
  • Top of the most useful mobile applications for tourists.
  • Indian and Hungarian medical tourism.
  • Do geography lessons help you in real life when you travel?
  • Innovations and changes in the hospitality industry.
  • What is the best traveling destination to heal your soul?
  • Emirates Airlines customer need analysis.
  • How do you see the future of the space tourism industry?
  • Would you like to work in tourism? Why or why not?
  • The sex tourism industry in Thailand.
  • How to know that you need to visit a new place?
  • Have you ever wanted to move to a place you’ve visited before?
  • The Ritz-Carlton Hotel quality management system.
  • Discuss the ecological effects of seasonality on seaside areas.
  • Influenza in the elderly and tourism demand in Asia.
  • What is the next place you want to see and why?
  • Would you like to try space traveling?
  • Medical tourism in Jordan and international competition.
  • What are the prevalent stereotypes about American tourists?
  • The potential for community-based ecotourism development.
  • Where would you like to go on your honeymoon?
  • If you had unlimited money and time, where would you go?
  • Causes and effects of employee turnover in hospitality industry.
  • Why do people want to travel to new places?
  • What precautions ensure your safety while traveling alone?
  • Health services and medical tourism in Taiwan .

✍ Essay on Tourism – 2 Samples

And here are a couple of essay samples to get a general idea of the essay about tourism.

Tourism in Pakistan Essay

The British Backpacker Society marked Pakistan as the best adventure destination of 2018 . It might not be a prominent place for a vacation, but it is definitely worth attention. Pakistan is an attractive traveling destination for cultural tourism and nature lovers. While Pakistan’s potential in tourism is just developing, it is an excellent opportunity to visit a beautiful and not overcrowded place. Pakistan’s mountain ranges are rich with spectacular views, flora, and fauna. Various activities are available for tourists that will let you interact with nature. Everyone can find something to do depending on their preferences. You can choose from extreme sports such as mountain climbing and white water rafting or quiet time spending such as fishing and birdwatching. Located in South Asia, Pakistan is home to Indus Valley Civilization various dynasties. This country was part of several empires that made its cultural legacy unique. Pakistan is also a country where several UNESCO world heritage sites are located. Some of them are Historical Monuments at Makli, Thatta, Rohtas Fort and Taxila, Archaeological Ruins at Moenjodaro, and Buddhist Ruins of Takht-i-Bahi. Avoiding big crowds and long queues is one of the advantages of traveling to Pakistan. Enjoying virgin nature and seeing sights without any distractions is something that many tourists look for. This country is not on everyone’s bucket list. That is why your experience of visiting Pakistan becomes unique and sacred. Being among the firsts to discover something worthy is always a pleasure. Pakistan is a perfect traveling destination for those who like to explore nature and enrich their cultural knowledge. If you are a fan of unusual places and beautiful scenery, Pakistan will win your heart.
Space tourism might have sounded like a fantasy a couple of decades ago. While it is still not a cheap adventure, progress makes it more and more accessible to people. Space tourism has massive potential as a business and stimulus to scientific progress and new career opportunities. Virgin Galactic, Space X, Blue Origin, Orion Spain, and Boeing already offer commercial travel to space for recreational purposes. Each of them hopes to launch suborbital flights regularly, making it a profitable business. Virgin Galactic experienced growth in demand by 15% for suborbital flights in autumn 2021, selling a seat for $450,000. As we can see, space tourism is a promising and highly lucrative sphere. With such wealthy and innovative companies leading the market, there is no doubt that scientists will have more opportunities to conduct experiments in space . The central aspect of any space travel is power generation, making it so expensive. Space tourism might become more affordable with advancements and research on this issue. The development of space tourism also means that there will be new jobs and careers. Some of them might be completely new. Others might be like regular jobs but with adjustments and special training. For example, doctors, nurses, fitness trainers, or excursionists. These and many other professions will require special or additional education to function in space tourism successfully. Space tourism is a dream that has become a reality in the 21 st century. As for now, not so many people can afford it, but there will be more opportunities available with the development of the sphere. Rising demand stimulates the growth of companies offering space tours as well as the science and job market expansion.

Essays on tourism may seem too easy to write. However, until you have identified your topic, you cannot know how complicated is this task.

Use our free essay topic generator for more tourism essay ideas. Our expert team is also ready to help you with any kind of assignment 24/7 – feel free to contact us .

Now we wish you lots of inspiration and adventurous trips!


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129 Tourism Management Essay Topic Ideas & Examples

Inside This Article

Tourism management is a thriving industry that offers a wide range of opportunities for research and study. Whether you are a student looking for essay topics or a researcher seeking inspiration, here are 129 tourism management essay topic ideas and examples to help you get started.

  • The impact of COVID-19 on the tourism industry
  • The role of technology in shaping the future of tourism management
  • Sustainable tourism practices and their importance for the environment
  • The influence of social media on tourist behavior and decision-making
  • The rise of ecotourism and its benefits for local communities
  • The role of government policies in promoting tourism development
  • The impact of climate change on tourism destinations
  • The importance of cultural heritage in attracting tourists
  • The relationship between tourism and economic development
  • The ethical considerations of wildlife tourism
  • The challenges of managing overtourism in popular destinations
  • The role of marketing in promoting tourism destinations
  • The impact of events and festivals on tourism
  • The benefits of community-based tourism initiatives
  • The role of transportation in enhancing tourist experiences
  • The influence of food and cuisine on tourism
  • The importance of customer service in the tourism industry
  • The impact of social trends on tourism management
  • The role of tour operators in shaping tourist experiences
  • The challenges of managing tourist safety and security
  • The impact of globalization on tourism management
  • The role of partnerships and collaborations in tourism development
  • The benefits of cultural exchange programs for tourism
  • The impact of natural disasters on tourism destinations
  • The role of cultural institutions in promoting tourism
  • The influence of online reviews on tourist decision-making
  • The importance of sustainability certifications for tourism businesses
  • The challenges of managing cultural differences in the tourism industry
  • The impact of technology on the travel experience
  • The benefits of investing in tourism infrastructure
  • The role of storytelling in promoting tourism destinations
  • The impact of political instability on tourism
  • The challenges of managing tourist behavior in cultural heritage sites
  • The importance of destination branding in attracting tourists
  • The influence of celebrity endorsements on tourism

In conclusion, tourism management is a diverse and dynamic field that offers a wealth of opportunities for research and study. Whether you are interested in sustainability, technology, marketing, or cultural heritage, there are plenty of fascinating topics to explore in this exciting industry. We hope these 129 essay topic ideas and examples have inspired you to delve deeper into the world of tourism management and uncover new insights and perspectives. Happy researching!

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Greatest Travel and Tourism Essay Topics

Travelling can be a tremendous practice that brings pleasure to people as they leave their dull routines behind and explore the world. This is what makes travel and tourism so attractive to the academic sector, inspiring scholars to probe into the subject by generating good travel and tourism essay topics and developing informative papers. Let’s take a peek at the outstanding essay topics on travelling from the WritingCheap experts who not only share helpful articles with you, but also guarantee high-quality “ write my essay for cheap ” help!

Travel and Tourism Essay Topics

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Essay Topics About Travelling

  • The current challenges of the tourism industry and how they influence its improvement.
  • Tourism to Chernobyl: “Ghost city” as one of the main attractions of dark tourism.
  • The phenomenon of ecotourism as one of the most popular leisure activities of today.
  • How ecotourism benefits governments and what threat it poses to ecology.
  • The perks of traveling to Edinburgh Dungeon.
  • Understanding the dark tourism of today.
  • The principles of developing a marketing plan.
  • Poland as a popular destination of medical tourism.
  • The trends in European tourism.
  • The use of digital technologies in the tourism industry.
  • How film settings influence travel choices.
  • The impact of social media on travel choices.
  • Tourism in Australia and natural disasters.
  • How travel bloggers increase the interest in traveling for other people.
  • The popularity of educational tourism and the factors contributing to it.

Essay Topics on Travelling

  • The growing popularity of urban tourism and its dominance over rural tourism.
  • The human resource strategies for the tourism industry.
  • The problem of equality of tourism organizations.
  • The management systems of the tourism and hospitality industry.
  • The influence of environmental factors on the development of tourism in certain areas of the world.
  • Traveling to India: the problems of organizing tourism in one the most conservative countries of the world.
  • Cultural exchange as the medium for traveling the world for poorer students.
  • The factors that impact the tourist behavior in the United States.
  • Economic welfare as the main trigger of the development of tourism in European countries.
  • The advancement of virtual tourism as the threat to the traditional tourism industry.
  •  The methods many travel agencies use to attract tourists from abroad.
  • The outlook for global tourism in the era of digital technologies.
  • The colossal impact of the COVID-19 outbreak on the tourism industry worldwide.
  • The strategies for resuscitating the tourism sector after the end of the coronavirus pandemic.
  • The seasonal factor as one of the main influencers on the tourism industry.

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Home / Essay Samples / Travelling / Tourism

Tourism Essay Examples

Exploring the fascination of traveling as a hobby.

Traveling as a hobby is a pursuit that captivates individuals with a sense of wanderlust and a desire to explore new horizons. This essay delves into the allure of traveling as a hobby, examining the reasons behind its popularity, the benefits it offers, and the...

Hawaii: the State of Tourism Industry

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Philippine Tourism in the Pandemic: Balancing Safety and Promotion

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The Living Legacy of Banaue Rice Terraces: a Cultural Marvel

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The Burj Khalifa was designed by Adrian Smith, Marshall Strabala, William F. Baker and George J. Efstathiou. The company that made it was Samsung C&T. Four people died while constructing the Burj Khalifa. As of 2017, its net worth is $1.55 billion. It required 12,000...

Dubai Burj Khalifa - the Tallest Structure of the World

Explore “A living Wonder”, a stunning feat of engineering, “the Vertical City”, Burj Khalifa. Also known as Burj Dubai, it is the tallest building of the World. It stands with a height of 828 meters, over 200 story’s having 160 habitable levels. The incredible structure...

Cultural Prosperity Miami: Positive and Negative Observations

The representation of Miami as a prosperous and financially virile city can be largely attributed to images of the city’s glistening sky scrapers, flourishing nightlife and luxurious lifestyles; the familiar scenes from movies, news publications and television series such as Miami Vice. Although many of...

The Brief Description of Lake Victoria

Africa as a continent is blessed with several remarkable rivers and lakes which has attracted several explorers, geologists and researchers over the decades. Lake Victoria isnt an exception especially being the largest in Africa and second largest in the world. This enormous lake which is...

Spectacularized Jerusalem: an Analysis Of jerusalem

Jerusalem and the Holy Land represent the beginning of Christianity, where Jesus was born and thus where Christianity was born. Christians often travel to the Holy Land to embrace prayer and worship on a more involved level, to observe the landmarks discussed in the Bible...

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