acceptance speech for head girl

Head Girl Sample Speech

[Note: The following is a sample speech for the position of Head Girl. Please personalize it with your own experiences and values to make it more authentic.]

Good morning, respected teachers, honored guests, fellow students, and dear friends,

I stand before you today with a heart filled with gratitude and excitement as I accept the great honor and responsibility of being elected as your Head Girl. First and foremost, I would like to express my deepest thanks to all of you who have put your trust in me to serve our school community.

When I reflect on my journey so far, I see a myriad of experiences that have shaped me into the person I am today. From the first day I walked through the school gates, I knew this place was special. Our school is more than just a building; it's a thriving community that nurtures not only academic excellence but also character development and personal growth.

As Head Girl, my mission is to be a dedicated and approachable leader, to represent and support each and every one of you. Together, we will build an even stronger school spirit, foster a sense of belonging, and create an environment where everyone feels valued and included.

One of my main goals is to encourage open communication and collaboration among students, teachers, and the administration. I believe that every voice deserves to be heard, and I am committed to being a channel for your thoughts, ideas, and concerns. Together, we can bring about positive change and improvements in our school life.

Academic excellence is at the core of our journey, but it is not the sole purpose of our education. As Head Girl, I will strive to promote a holistic approach to learning. I want us to embrace extracurricular activities, sports, arts, and community service. These experiences not only shape our personalities but also teach us valuable life skills such as teamwork, resilience, and empathy.

Furthermore, I am determined to work with the student body to address important issues that affect us, our society, and our planet. From promoting sustainability to championing diversity and inclusion, we can make a difference and set an example for the world.

I also believe that each of us has unique talents and passions. As Head Girl, I will support and encourage our students to explore and develop their interests fully. Whether it's in academics, sports, arts, or any other field, our achievements should be celebrated, and our efforts should be recognized.

Finally, let's remember that the journey ahead may have its challenges, but together, we are capable of overcoming any obstacle. Let's create an atmosphere of kindness, respect, and understanding, where we uplift and inspire one another.

In conclusion, I am truly honored and humbled by the opportunity to serve as your Head Girl. With your support and cooperation, we can make this academic year memorable and impactful for all of us. Together, let's write a story of success, friendship, and growth. Thank you for your trust, and I look forward to working with each and every one of you.

acceptance speech for head girl

Best Head Girl Speech: A Student’s Top 10 Tips

  • by Ajah_Excel
  • March 29, 2024
  • 12 minute read

best tips for head girl speech

So, you’ve been picked to lead your school as Head Girl! Greetings, it’s a great honor to have you. 

But now comes the challenging part: creating and delivering an attention-grabbing speech that inspires everyone.

We’ve got you covered with our list of the top 10 suggestions for crafting and delivering memorable speeches, so don’t worry. 

You may ensure that your speech is distinctive and interesting enough to excite students about student leadership opportunities at your school by using these professional recommendations.

These easy tips can help you create an address that will have an impact on everyone who hears it. Therefore, let’s get going and make your speech something genuinely exceptional!

Table of contents

1. introduction.

  • 2. Body Content 
  • 3. Conclusion 

1. Planning is Key

2. consider your audience, 3. consider the tone.

  • 4. Use Persuasive Language 

5. Memorise Parts of Your Speech

6. prepare to answer some questions.

  • 7. Rehearse 
  • 8. Adopt Some Simple Healthy Habits 

9. Consider Your Personal Appearance

10. go for it.

  • Frequently Asked Questions 
  • Conclusion 
  • References 


How can you structure your speech.

It can be challenging to know how to structure and what to include in an effective speech. You don’t have to become a student writer before you write a speech as an head girl. You must first understand what a speech is in order to succeed.

A speech is a talk, whether formal or informal, given to an audience. To grab the attention of your audience and give your speech an elegant vibe, there are numerous elements of a speech that you should take into account. These ten tips that we have compiled should help you.

Additionally, to leave a lasting impression, introduce yourself, your cause, and your credentials in the introduction. Use examples to support your claims in the body content, and transitions to keep your speech moving. Then, final paragraph should be succinct and memorable.

Timing is essential, so prepare your speech and check that it stays inside the allotted time. Make sure your discourse should have a warm yet professional tone.

Use captivating tales and stories to draw in the audience. Make sure your delivery is strong and entertaining, and speak in plain, direct terms.

Making genuine eye contact will help you connect with the audience, so practice it. Practice in front of loved ones and friends to gain feedback and confidence.

Below is how to structure you can structure your head girl speech.

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Make sure your speech is organized in a way that engages your audience as the Head Girl of your school. You can make sure that your message is understood by setting the basis and developing credibility.

Create an engaging introduction at the outset to pique the listener’s interest in what you have to say. For a more conversational feel, use pronouns and contractions. However, you should also refrain from making any sweeping statements that could damage your reputation.

Additionally, be aware of how much time you are consuming. Nobody likes speeches that drag on interminably! Find inventive ways to convey oneself without being over the top to keep it brief, pleasant, and memorable.

2. Body Content 

Focusing on your body content comes next after you’ve nailed your introduction.

Here, you get to the meat of your argument and motivate your audience by seeming assured.

Keep things organized so that the audience can follow along; when necessary, utilize bullet points or numbered lists.

Additionally, remember to pause sometimes for emphasis and keep the discussion engaging by sharing anecdotes or stories as examples.

Attempt to incorporate thinking or contemplation as well, as this heightens tension while you wait for what will happen next.

Finally, keep in mind that it’s not just what you say, but also how you say it. Change up your tone depending on the point you’re trying to make, and don’t forget to show some emotion.

By doing all of these, you can make sure that those who heard your Girl’s speech leave feeling inspired and encouraged.

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3. Conclusion 

It’s time to conclude your speech and make a lasting impact when you get to the end.

Invite audience comments to assist you in making your point more impactful. This will allow the audience to interact with you more and not simply feel like they are listening.

Additionally, use straightforward language when recapping what was said during your speech to ensure that everyone is comprehending. For students to flourish as leaders, it is important to convey what has to be done moving ahead.

Never forget that it’s your job as Head Girl to keep your peers inspired and involved!

So get out there and make sure you finish strong by motivating everyone around you with confidence and passion as you work together to accomplish shared objectives.

What are the 10 Tips for a Head Girl’s Speech? 

We strongly advise you to read the rest of this post for a list of our top 10 tips for creating and delivering your head girl speech if you are having trouble writing it or are worried about giving it. 

It’s crucial to plan before writing a speech to achieve success. Many students will simply start composing their speeches right away. You can organize your speech and divide specific information into sections by making a plan. You’ll be able to stay organized as a result, which will make writing your speech much simpler.  

You should have an introduction, a body, and a conclusion when organizing your speech. You should identify yourself and the key reasons why you want the head girl position in your introduction. 

The major body of your speech should then come next. The majority of your speech will be this. You might want to use subheadings to further segment your discourse within this.  

Discuss your motivations for wanting the position of head girl, as well as your qualifications for the position. For instance, you might talk about what you would add to your sixth form or school to improve it for students or what you believe needs to be changed and why this change is required.  

Additionally, your speech must end with a conclusion. This should be a concise explanation of why your peers should select you as their head girl and how.

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It is crucial to keep your audience in mind when making a speech. Age, gender, and school year group are a few factors you could take into account when defining your audience. The audience you are speaking to is crucial since it will affect the tone and vocabulary you use.  

When addressing kids in your year group at school or in the sixth form, you might decide to use humor and planer language. This will guarantee that your audience comprehends and enjoys your speech.  

You might decide to use more advanced language in a more formal format if your audience included both instructors and pupils in the sixth form, for example.

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It’s crucial to keep your tone in mind when writing and delivering your speech. You might choose to give your speech, among other things, a humorous, passionate, or serious tone. 

However, the tone you employ will convey a variety of emotions, such as happiness, humor, melancholy, or optimism. The tone you adopt might also be influenced by your audience. 

Many students may attempt to adopt a humorous tone to engage their audience, along with a passionate tone to underpin their goal to accomplish the role, to make their speech a head girl.  

It’s crucial to think carefully about your tone choice because it can provide the impression that your communication is polite.

Your tone comes across in both the written word and the spoken word when you give a speech. When you speak, your tone of voice and speech rate might affect how your words are understood.  

Additionally, if you maintain the same tone throughout your speech, your audience can find it boring. To change the tone of your voice and sound more enthusiastic about what you are talking about, utilize a comedic tone when appropriate.

4. Use Persuasive Language 

It’s crucial to use persuasion while writing a speech for the head girl. Make yourself stand out if you want to convince the audience to pick you for the part.  

To influence your audience, use strategies like rhetorical questions. Personal anecdotes can also be used to influence others. For instance, you might discuss a situation that inspired you to apply for the position of head girl. 

Additionally, you may ask your peers what they would want to see changed about your school or sixth form college , and then in your speech, talk about how you propose to alter it. Students will recognize this as a problem they are not satisfied with, and because you are voicing their views, they may decide to elect you as the head girl. 

Check this: Best Head Boy Speech: A Student’s Top 10 Tips

Some students may opt to memorize their speech in its entirety and deliver it verbatim to the audience. Many kids would probably find this a challenging exercise, even though it would show the pupils’ commitment. It is preferable to make an effort to recall important details from your speech.

You can demonstrate a level of commitment to your speech by keeping in mind certain important details. Additionally, you won’t just be reading your speech verbatim from a piece of paper, allowing you to look your audience in the eye. 

Making eye contact may make some students uncomfortable, but doing so will show that you are interested in the audience. Additionally, it means that others are more likely to listen to you and accept your argument.

Your audience might want to quiz you once you finish your speech. To feel more confident, it is helpful to have some prepared responses to possible queries.  

You might be asked to reiterate a comment you made or an issue you brought up. It could also be about what sets you apart from the other candidates or why you want to be head girl.  

Your audience will be able to see your enthusiasm for the head girl position as well as your dependability in the role by listening to you respond to queries. It will assist in keeping your audience interested and further demonstrate your enthusiasm for the position.

Also, check this: Top 15 Head Boy Ideas to Improve School: Ways We Can Improve Schools Today

7. Rehearse 

Practice makes perfect, as you may have heard. This is undoubtedly true of speeches. Your speech will be more confident and effective when you deliver it to your audience the more you practice and rehearse it. 

Rehearsing your speech in front of an audience, such as family or friends, is one way you could accomplish this. They could even be able to provide you with some advice on how to make your speech more effective.

This can help you feel more assured on the big day and give you a chance to get more comfortable with your speech. 

In front of a mirror, you may also practice speaking to yourself. It’s also helpful to practice your word pronunciation; if there’s a term in particular that you find difficult to say, it might be worthwhile to eliminate it from your speech.  

You will sound more fluent when you speak if you practice your pronunciation. The more you practice giving your speech, the more assured you’ll feel, which will make it sound more polished. 

8. Adopt Some Simple Healthy Habits 

Adopting healthy behaviors before giving your speech can improve how well you perform. 

You should try to consume whole grains, and fruit, like berries, or eggs the day before and the day of your speech. These foods can enhance memory and brain function. However, eat sparingly or skip the meal just before your speech because a full stomach can make you feel lethargic.  

Additionally, apples are a better choice right before your speech because they might support a clearer voice. You can also eat from foods in dorm room food ideas for colleges .

Additionally, you should refrain from consuming dairy products, coffee, and soft drinks right before you speak because these substances can impair your voice and pronunciation. 

When giving your speech, you should also bring a bottle of water with you to keep you hydrated and avoid your throat from becoming dry. 

Light activity before your speech, such as a quick walk or gentle jog, can improve your mood and cognitive functioning while also reducing anxiety. If you frequently have anxiety before speaking in front of an audience, you might find it helpful to practice basic breathing techniques. This will enable you to speak with confidence and calmness. 

Finally, getting a good night’s sleep the night before your speech will help you feel energized and happy the next morning. 

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Your physical presence can say a lot while you’re speaking to an audience. Your audience will be more likely to listen to and be interested in your speech if you appear professional and intelligent.  

First impressions are crucial, particularly when aspiring to a position like head girl. Therefore, if you present yourself well and dress formally, it will appear that you are taking your speech seriously.

This will show your audience how passionate you are about playing the head girl, as well as how capable and determined you are. 

Additionally, it’s critical to project a cheerful attitude. If your audience believes that you are a conscientious student and are playing the part seriously.

Our final piece of advice is to just go for it. Throughout your speech, do your best to talk slowly and clearly while maintaining eye contact with the audience.

If you are chosen to be head girl, this will demonstrate to your audience that you are interested in them and want to accommodate their interests. 

Be courteous to your audience, and smile most of all. Your body language and the way you show yourself to your audience are both parts of your look.

You want to demonstrate to others your best traits and your commitment to upholding their interests as head girl. 

Most crucial, have pleasure in speaking to your audience. This is an opportunity for you to hone your public speaking abilities and experience. Make sure you appreciate the event and take it positively.

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Frequently Asked Questions 

The head boys and head girls are typically in charge of representing the school at events and giving speeches in front of large crowds. Additionally, they act as role models for students and may convey students’ suggestions to the administration of the school. They can be expected to guide other prefects in their responsibilities.

If chosen, I pledge to be a responsible, devoted, and aggressive leader who constantly prioritizes the needs of our school and its children. I think a head girl should be an inspiration to others, a link between the student body and the administration, and a role model. 

Here are some tips to help you write a successful speech: Begin with a strong introduction: Start with a warm welcome to everyone present and express gratitude for being given the opportunity to speak. You can also briefly mention the theme of the event or any achievements of the school that you are proud of.

My skills, my leadership skills, my friendly behavior, my frankness with all the students, my image in front of all the teachers, the ease with which I can put up and clarify my views, my interaction with teachers and there are much more qualities which you’ll see when I’ll be the head boy/girl.


As a student leader, your speech should demonstrate your zeal and dedication to the cause. Your peers will remember what you said long after you have finished speaking, therefore they must find inspiration and significance in it.

Keep in mind these ten tips to ensure that your head girl’s speech is flawless. You can generate a powerful message that resonates with everyone in the room with proper planning and practice!

Imagine your audience as a garden, and each phrase as a seed that needs to be maintained to grow into something lovely. You aim to create an atmosphere where their concepts can grow and shine throughout the academic year.


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  • – Head Boy & Head Girl Speeches: A Student’s Top 10 Tips
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Think Student

Applying for Head Boy or Head Girl at School – The Comprehensive Guide

In A-Level , GCSE , General by Think Student Editor March 29, 2021 6 Comments

Up and down the country, boys and girls apply to be Head Boy and Head Girl. These roles are common in both secondary schools and sixth form colleges. Of course, there is often competition for these high positions at school, so what is the best way to apply and have a good chance at becoming Head Boy or Head Girl?  

Table of Contents

Why Would You Want  to  Be Head Boy Or Head Girl?  

So, why should you aspire to be Head Boy or Head Girl? There are so many benefits to gaining this role , and here are a few of them:  

  • This position looks great on your CV.   When you are applying for a job (especially a position of leadership), being Head Boy/Girl will show your potential employer that you have had experience in leadership and organising things. Not to mention the people skills being Head Boy/Girl will give you.   
  • Being Head Boy/Girl gives you experience in leadership and organisation –  you will most likely be asked to attend events outside of school time and play a part in organising these events too, which will give you an idea as to what it is like to have a position of leadership in the future (possibly even your career).  
  • The position usually sets your university application apart from the rest.  If you are looking to apply to university (especially Russell Group Universities), being a Head Boy/Girl shows them that you have the enthusiasm to study at their university. However, it is important to remember that being Head Boy/Girl will not guarantee your place at university – academic ability takes precedence.  It is also important to note that certain universities (including Oxford) do not look at whether you were Head Boy or Girl at all on your application.   

Think About What  the  Role May Involve  

The amount of work you are given to do as Head Boy or Girl may differ depending on your school,  and it is important to think about the responsibilities you will have to take on before you  apply.   

Head Boys and Girls tend to be involved with events which happen outside of school time such as networking events and parent’s evenings for any year group.  Being a Head Boy or Girl means that you are setting the example for the school , so you will probably be needed at open evenings for prospective students and subsequently  Year 6 induction days.  You should be willing to turn up to these events, and they should take priority over any extracurricular activities you may be a part of.  Because you are setting the example for younger students, your grades at school may play a part in whether you are picked to be Head Boy or Girl.  

As a Head Boy or Girl, you may also be required to deliver speeches to a variety of people , whether it be staff, your own year group, or those lower down the school than you.  This means that you will need at least basic public speaking skills.  

No matter where you become Head Boy or Girl, it will require dedication to what you are doing . A good Head Boy or Girl will put work into everything they organise and show enthusiasm about their role in the school.  

Before you apply for the role of Head Boy or Girl, you should have a good think about whether it is the role for you. Remember, if you decide it isn’t, there are plenty more positions you could take up which may be more suited to you with the same prestige as Head Boy or Girl.   

What Qualities Do You Need  to  Be Head Boy or Girl?  

The majority of  schools have a good idea/picture as to how they want their Head Boy and Girls to behave, and the qualities that they want them to have.  Firstly, you must be willing to take on the responsibilities that the position would involve – writing speeches, meeting new people and being there when and where you are needed.  The whole point of being a Head Boy or Girl is to take on a huge responsibility for the school, so if you are not willing, then maybe it’s not the position for you.   

One of the most important skills you need to be a Head Boy or Girl are leadership skills.  You will most likely be asked to organise events either by yourself or with the other Head Boy/Girl opposite you, and you will most definitely need resilience and management skills to do this. Of course , being Head Boy/Girl is an opportunity to work on these qualities/skills through experience,  but you must have some idea of what you are to do when you apply for the position.   

Another important skill which schools tend to look for is public speaking.  Head Boys and Girls must deliver speeches to their fellow students, as mentioned above. However, do not worry if you feel like this is a weak spot of yours – there are many ways in which you can improve your public speaking before you apply for your position.  For example,  delivering speeches to your friends or family may improve your confidence in speaking in front of people .  For some  more  ideas about how to improve your public speaking, check out  Better Public Speaking – Becoming A Confident, Compelling Speaker .   

Something which some schools may look at is your involvement with the school in general. You may want to join clubs or other extracurricular activities so that your school knows how you interact with the school as a student before you as a Head Boy or Girl.  Schools often looks for Head Boys and Girls who are very enthusiastic about school both in and out of the classroom.  

If you want to read more about the qualities that schools look for in Head Boys and Girls, I would recommend that you have a read of  this useful article , which discusses the top qualities that a Head Boy/Girl should have.   

Famous Head Boys  And  Girl s  

You may be surprised to find out that  many famous faces have been Head Boy or Girl during their time at school.   For some, it  is possible that  their position  at school  even helped them get to where they are today!  

Famous actors who have been Head Boy and Girl include  Kate Winslet  (Titanic) , Matt Smith  (Doctor Who) , Hayley Atwell  (Captain America) , Jenna Coleman  (Doctor Who)  and Christopher Eccleston  (Doctor Who) .   

Notable politicians who were Head Boy or Girl at their schools were  Jeremy Hunt, Alison McGovern and Margaret Thatcher.  

Other famous faces who were Head Boy or Girl include  J.K Rowling  (author, Harry Potter series) , Leigh-Anne Pinnock ( singer,  Little Mix), Prince Charles and Princess Beatrice.   

These all did it, and so could you!  

Tips  For  Applying For Head Boy or Girl  

Obviously,  the way in which you apply for Head Boy or Girl will determine your chance of getting the position , so it is important to really have a think through each step of the process.  The three most common application techniques for Head Boy or Girl are application letters, in-person interviews and speeches, so here are some ways in which you can polish up your skills for them.   

Effectively Compose Your Head  B oy/ G irl  Le tter  

When applying to be Head Boy or Girl in most schools, you will be asked to write a letter to  a senior staff member stating your reasons as to why you want the position.  This letter could be  written to your Head of Year, Head of Sixth Form, or even your Headteacher – it will all depend on which school you go to, so make sure you check!   

Your letter should show off examples of when you have shown the qualities which your school is looking for in their Head Students.  Perhaps you have shown teamwork skills in your sports team or have shown leadership skills when organising a charity event in the past. You should also mention how being Head Boy or Girl would benefit you personally (try not to make it sound as if you only want the position to put it on your CV). It is good to mention the experiences you are looking to gain by being Head Boy or Girl. You may also want to consider discussing the issues that you would like to face within your school, and what practical solutions you have come up with to improve them (if you are looking for ideas,  this article   could be very useful!).   

Of course,  the application letter should use accurate, good English , and you should  proofread  it multiple times.  Leaving spelling and grammar mistakes in your letter will leave a bad impression on the school  and will significantly lower your chances of being asked back for an interview. The best way to proofread your letter is to read it aloud or get your family and friends to read it  as they are more likely to spot mistakes which you might have missed.  

Most importantly, in your application letter, you should really introduce yourself to the reader. Let them know about your hobbies, interests and possible future career paths. This will bring a sense of uniqueness to your application, and make you stand out from the rest. If you don’t do this, your letter could be boring to read.   

Prepare For Your Head Boy/Girl Interview  

If your letter of application is successful, you will be asked to meet a member of staff for an interview.  This may seem nerve-wracking, especially if you are applying to be a younger Head Boy or Girl at your school, but there is no need to panic!  

You should treat this interview as you would a job interview  – following these simple rules can ensure that you appear as a worthy candidate for the role.  

  • Arrive early/on time.  Turning up late to your interview, no matter when it is, will give a bad impression of you to your interviewer. If you cannot turn up on time for your interview, then how are you going to be on time to an open evening or speech in the future? Arriving early will show preparedness for your interview and enthusiasm for the position.  
  • Dress appropriately . Again, not doing this will create a bad first impression for your interviewer. You may be asked to wear your school uniform if you have one . Make sure you have the basics covered – shirt tucked in, tie straightened, hair tidied, and shoes polished. If you are in sixth form, you should arrive in clothes which are smart, modest and not too uncomfortable – you don’t want to be distracted by your clothes while talking to your interviewer. For more information about what you should and shouldn’t wear to an interview, check out  What Should You Wear  To  A University Interview.    
  • Have a think about what you want to talk to your interviewer about  – they may ask about why you applied for the position again, and past experiences you have had with leadership and public speaking. You will most likely be discussing what you have written in your application letter, so it is important not to lie. By thinking through what you want to say beforehand, you will be giving yourself some confidence for when you walk into the interview room.   
  • Thoroughly read the email or letter about your interview . Some schools may ask you to deliver a speech to your interviewer for them to see your public speaking skills. You don’t want to turn up unprepared for something you could have made preparations for beforehand.  Read on for some tips on writing and delivering your speech.  

Write Your Head  B oy/ G irl  S peech  

You may be asked to deliver a speech either before or after you get given the role of Head Boy or Girl . As stated above, some schools get their applicants to show an example of their public speaking through them delivering a speech.   

By the time you are applying for Head Boy or Girl, you will have probably studied speech writing in your English Language classes, but here are a few tips to keep in mind when writing a speech for Head Boy or Girl.   

  • Use paragraphs . This may seem obvious, but it is a technique that many students tend to forget when coming up with a speech. Each paragraph you write should have a slightly different topic, however, these topics will of course depend on the general topic of your speech.   
  • Use anecdotes and personal experiences to make yourself more relatable to your audience.  By doing this, you are making yourself more likeable, and using an advanced literary technique at the same time.  
  • Make sure that you know exactly what your point is and what you want to convey.  There’s no use in writing a speech with no clear conclusion – you should ensure that you know exactly what you want the audience to gain from listening to you. 
  • Proofread your speech! The most important thing to ensure when writing a speech is that it makes sense – if you can’t understand your own speech, then how can you expect your audience to? You may want to ask a friend or family member to do this for you as a fresh pair of eyes often helps when spotting mistakes.
  • Practice!  It is a bad idea to turn up on the day and recite your speech for the first time. It doesn’t matter if you are memorising your speech or reading it from a script – you will need practice in delivering it. This is another good way to proofread your speech while also practicing the way you want to deliver it.  Perhaps you would like to put emphasis on certain words or phrases, or simply just need to go over it a few times to help with some tricky parts which you find difficult to read aloud.   

What If You Don’t Get It?  

If you don’t end up getting offered the position of Head Boy or Girl, then there is no reason to panic!  You will be given plenty more opportunities in the future for positions and experiences which look just as prestigious on your CV. As stated at the beginning of the article,  being Head Boy or Girl will not swing the decision of  whether or not  you get into university.  

It is also important to remember that if you are applying to be Head Boy or Girl  from Year 7 to 11, then you will most likely have another chance to apply for the position again in sixth  form  –  you could even use this time to prepare for the application process even more!  

If you are looking to apply for Head Boy or Girl, you should definitely consider the tips given in this article as they will boost your chances of being successful by a lot. Remember, there are lots of applicants for this position every year up and down the country, so you shouldn’t be hard on yourself if your application is unsuccessful. If you have applied to be Head Boy or Girl lower down the school, you can always apply again in the future for your sixth form.   


i really like this . it was really creative .


When can you apply to this position? At the start of year, or during summer? Is it okay to apply in the mid term or something ?


in my school they do it near the end of year 10 so around late may to early June


probably you get told when to apply

Montavious Jammy

Wow….this is incredibly helpful. Thank you

acceptance speech for head girl

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acceptance speech for head girl

Messages   >>   Head Girl's Message

acceptance speech for head girl

Being the Head girl is not just a title, but a responsibility that I take with utmost dedication.

My vision for our school is simple - unity, growth and inclusivity. I believe that by working together, we can create an environment where every student feels valued and supported.

Let's celebrate our diversity and embrace each other's unique talents and perspectives.

I also want to address the challenges we may face. We all have our struggles but remember, we are a team. Let's support one another, lend a helping hand and uplift one other during difficult times. Together we can overcome any obstacles that come our way.

I am committed to being a leader who listens, understands and advocates for the needs of the students. Your voice matter and I promise to be a voice for you. Together, let's create positive change and leave a lasting impact on our school.

Shika Suman Murmu

Head Girl (2024-25)

acceptance speech for head girl

It is rightly said that a leader is the one who knows the way, goes the way and shows the way.

I stand before you today, as the newly appointed Head Girl, humbled and honoured to have been given this prestigious position. A great responsibility is bestowed upon me by our schooland I see this as a great opportunity; anopportunity to win the trust of the Student Council to organise and represent them with honesty and enthusiasm.

St. Xavier’s High School, my second home, has given me a lot to learn from during the past ten years and now that I have been entrusted with such a responsibility, I look upto all the past leaders who have done so much for our school and I look forward to doing the same and carrying forward the legacy and dignity of our school.

As our school song says:



It has carved in me a tendency of dreaming to reach pinnacles of success. It is a place where we can grow and thrive and work together for success. With integrity, insight and a relentless spirit, we can unlock the hidden treasures of our talents and abilities. I would like to urge each and every Xaverian to abide by the motto of our school, to serve ‘FOR GOD AND COUNTRY’ and for the ‘GREATER GLORY OF GOD’ with full devotion, zeal and determination, to keep our school's flag flying high up in the sky, mounted with love, hoisted with dignity and fluttering with grace.

I am excited for the year ahead and the opportunities that lie ahead of us. So let us try for excellence in everything we do, whether it is in our academics, sports or extra curricular activities and be the best version of ourselves. Let us work together and support one other to take our glorious school to a NEW ZENITH OF SUCCESS AND EXCELLENCE and make this a year to remember for the ages to come.


Head Girl (2023-24)

acceptance speech for head girl

It is rightly said that leaders are not born, they are made, meaning to become different from the crowd; the one who takes the courage to step first. 

"The objective of leadership is to help those who are doing well to do even better " Being elected as the head girl of St. Xavier's high school session 2022-23 , I  see this as a great opportunity; an opportunity to inculcate values, discipline and harmony in the lives of others;  it is a chance to lead by example.  This indeed is an opportunity to create a shared vision forced better society.  I express my gratitude towards the enlightening and indwelling visions of our school's heads and all the  teachers and student aspirants who have put trust in my ability to lead and produce results. For me, being the head girl is not about position or title but it is about action and example which can make a difference. It is an honour and privilege for me to be the head girl of our school. I stand here as a leader not just to lead you but to work in collaboration with each one of you to achieve the best for our school. I promise to work hard with all the zeal, devotion and determination. I will try my best and work persistently for the excellence of our school and to serve for "God and country".

Shreya Bhaskar (10-D) Head Girl 2022-203

acceptance speech for head girl

Right from the very beginning, St. Xavier’s has been producing all its students as great achievers of fine personalities, those who keep up the motto of the school, ”For God and Country”. Thus being the Head Girl of such a reputed institution comes great responsibilities with trust upon me to maintain the order and discipline in the school so that we can uphold the legacy of Xavier’s and Xaverians. But this task cannot be achieved at all without your co-operation and support. I will try to give the best of me to my school and expect the same from all the students. One may not excel in every sphere of life and be a great achiever, but I believe, being a good human makes a person a great achiever in itself. Thus one shall learn these virtues while being a Xaverian, to serve for God and Country so that one shall also carry these virtues throughout one’s life and remain a Xaverian always.

acceptance speech for head girl

First and the Foremost, I would like to thank the almighty and will pray that his blessings are always showered on us. I am also thankful to my teachers and principal who nurtured me and thought of me as being capable to serve the post of a head girl. Thanks is infact a very little word to describe the opportunity that I have been provided. Being a head girl, a dream and aspiration running in each next girl of the school, with me being not an exception. With me getting such a coveted post comes the great responsibility. And I will be highly delighted the day when I will look back after one year to notice that yes I lived my job as a head girl to the fullest, fulfilling my whole responsibility. And to my friends batch mates and juniors, I will just say one thing that I am still your friend, batch mates and senior with the tag and batch not coming our way. Just looking for a beautiful and enriching journey with the support of you all. I will also pray for my school students to excel in every field and keep up the Legacy of Xavierians. And, last but not the least being a true Xavierian, plus a head girl, I will also try to excel in academic and extra-curricular to my best.

acceptance speech for head girl

ST. XAVIER’S, PATNA is such an institution which is giving opportunity to thousands of students from last 75+ years to achieve success in their life and become a great role model for the coming generation.

When it comes to be the head girl of such a glorious school, it brings a lot of responsibilities and expectations from each one of you. But I can never complete these responsibilities and stand on your expectations without help, trust and guidance of each one of you. My dear friends, I will always stand next to you whenever it is needed but at the same time your support is also expected.


But education is not received, it is achieved. Our school is giving us the opportunity to achieve this quality education. A child comes here with a dream and this school makes that dream come true. I want to wish you all the very best for your dreams. May God shower his blessings upon all of us and guide us on the true path. At last, whenever you enter this campus remember one thing – This school has its own glorious history and being a part of it, it is your duty to maintain its honor and legacy.

acceptance speech for head girl

It is always hard work that gives you result: talent and interest are just stairs that take you towards the start of your journey of success. School is not a building or a place to visit for a few hours for fun and enjoyment instead it's a factory by profession is created with grid zeal and zest. St. Xavier's School is surely playing a very active and positive role in it. It's been a great pleasure for me to study here and be a part of it.

It is said "Great leaders set examples in front of others and inspire them" As students it is necessary for you to share your ideas and views so that we can do better in the future, keeping in mind that discipline is a must in life as it develops a character.

All of us are building blocks of this institution and it is our duty to create a Fresh, friendly and disciplined atmosphere. We are here to prove ourselves and to show the world our talent and ability, So don't be shy of it. "To become a Diamond you have to be cut and polished" and "To be a Shining Star you have to be burnt".

So my friends work with full enthusiasm and exuberance to achieve your goals because leadership is nothing but the capacity to transform vision into reality. We know that United we stand and divided we fall.

So throughout this academic session we will try to work together as a team and we will always stand by each other because we believe that unity is strength.

Take care of the things around you, to be good in yourself and bring the best spirit of Xaverians within you.

acceptance speech for head girl

© Copyright 2017 All Rights Reserved by St. Xavier’s High School, Patna Designed & Maintained by: Franciscan Solutions Pvt. Ltd

acceptance speech for head girl

July 2024

What should be my thanking speech as I am selected as a head girl in my school?

How do you write a speech as the head girl of a school.

  • Use professional language. As a head girl, you must be both professional and reliable. ...
  • Address your audience. ...
  • Discuss your history with the school. ...
  • Outline your appropriateness for the position. ...
  • Integrate some quotations.

What makes a good head girl speech?

How do you introduce yourself as a head girl, what should be my thanking speech as i am selected as a head boy in my school, head boy speech after being elected in school student council election acceptance speech thank you.

How do you thank when you are selected?

What will i do if i become the head girl of school, why do you want to become the head girl of the school, how can i introduce myself in a beautiful way.

  • I don't think we've met (before).
  • I think we've already met.
  • My name is ...
  • Nice to meet you; I'm ...
  • Pleased to meet you; I'm ...
  • Let me introduce myself; I'm ...
  • I'd like to introduce myself; I'm ...

How do you introduce yourself in a cute way?

  • “I'm shy, please come say hi.” ...
  • A name is worth a thousand conversations. ...
  • Highlight something that makes you unique. ...
  • Start with a pop culture reference. ...
  • Confess your nickname. ...
  • Let the way you dress reflect who you are. ...
  • Make a T-shirt. ...
  • Make a “business” card.

How do you end a speech?

How do you introduce yourself in a speech.

  • Start with a strong introduction. ...
  • Address the subject of your speech. ...
  • Relate your story to the audience. ...
  • Add examples. ...
  • Check for overall tone and errors.

What makes a speech attractive?

How can i write an attractive speech.

  • Know Your Audience. Learn as much as possible about the audience and the event. ...
  • Choose Your Core Message. If the core message is on target, you can do other things wrong. ...
  • Research and Organize. Research until you drop. ...
  • Develop Structure to Deliver Your Message. ...
  • Spice it Up.

What is a female head of school called?

How do you write a head girl statement, how to start an introduction.

  • Start with a quotation.
  • Open with a relevant stat or fun fact.
  • Start with a fascinating story.
  • Ask your readers an intriguing question.
  • Set the scene.

How do you introduce yourself without saying my name is?

How do you introduce yourself in a short example, why do you want to be a head girl answer, how do you introduce yourself in a head girl interview, what it means to be a head girl, how do you say thank you in unique way.

  • 1 Thank you for all your hard work on this. ...
  • 2 Thanks again, we couldn't have pulled this off without you. ...
  • 3 Thank you, you're amazing! ...
  • 4 I'm so thankful for everything you bring to the team. ...
  • 5 Thank you kindly.
  • 6 Thanks a million. ...
  • 7 Many thanks.

How do you say thank you in unique?

  • I'm so grateful.
  • I appreciate it.
  • Thanks for your hard work on this.
  • I couldn't have done it without you.
  • I owe you one.
  • Much obliged.
  • Thanks for having my back.
  • Please accept my deepest gratitude.

What is a professional way to say thank you?


Head Boy & Head Girl Speeches: A Student’s Top 10 Tips

Photo of author

So, you’ve been chosen to be the Head Boy or Head Girl of your school! Congratulations – it’s a huge honour. But now comes the tough part: crafting and delivering an inspiring speech that captures everyone’s attention.

Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered with our top 10 tips for creating and presenting memorable speeches. These expert tips will help you make sure your speech is unique and engaging enough to get students fired up about student leadership opportunities at your school.

With these simple pointers, you can craft a powerful address that leaves a lasting impact on all those who hear it. So let’s get started and turn your speech into something truly special!

  • 1 Define Your Goals
  • 2 Identify Your Audience
  • 3 Brainstorm Ideas
  • 4.1 Introduction
  • 4.2 Body Content
  • 4.3 Conclusion
  • 5 Craft The Body Of Your Speech
  • 6 Practice And Rehearse
  • 7 Conclusion

Define Your Goals

As head boy and head girl, it is important to set goals that will allow us to pursue our passions and lead with integrity.

Take the example of John, a student leader in his final year at school who had two main objectives: to help create an inclusive environment for all students and to shine as a role model for younger generations.

To accomplish these ambitions, John embraced challenges, planned strategies, and worked diligently towards achieving success. He was unafraid to take risks; he knew that by doing so he could unlock new opportunities for himself and others.

Throughout this process, John remained true to himself; he did not let fear or negativity steer him away from his purpose. If obstacles arose during the journey, he would reflect on them and use what he learned going forward.

This kind of open-mindedness enabled him to grow into a more confident individual while helping those around him reach their highest potentials.

By having clear objectives in mind, embracing challenges along the way, and planning effective strategies accordingly – we too can strive towards becoming successful leaders within our community!

Identify Your Audience

When giving a speech as head boy or head girl, it is critical to identify your audience. Knowing who you are speaking to will help you create an effective message that resonates with the crowd.

Analyze the age group of those attending, their interests and passions, and any other relevant information related to the context of your speech.

Once you have identified your audience, use this knowledge to engage peers emotionally and connect with them on a personal level. If possible, tailor certain parts of your speech specifically for the crowd in front of you – such as references to specific events or stories they can relate to.

Remember that no matter how well prepared you may be, if your words don’t capture people’s attention or draw out their emotions, then all of your hard work won’t mean much when delivering the speech itself.

A great way to make sure that doesn’t happen is by engaging with fellow students before taking the stage so you know exactly what messages resonate best with them. Ultimately, knowing your audience inside-and-out will ensure everyone gets something positive from listening to your speech!

Brainstorm Ideas

As the head boy or girl of a school, it can be daunting to write and present an engaging speech that your peers will appreciate. But with a few simple tips, you’ll be able to craft a powerful speech that will leave your audience inspired.

Start by developing confidence in yourself – think about why you were chosen for this role and how you are uniquely suited to take on this challenge.

Then research topics related to student leadership or what matters most to the students at your school. Doing so will give you insight into the issues that matter most to those who will hear your words. This research is key in crafting a relevant and unique message tailored specifically for your audience.

Once you understand their wants and needs, begin writing down specific points that resonate with them and focus on using clear language when speaking out loud.

Incorporate stories from personal experiences as well as humorous anecdotes which provide interesting visuals for your listeners to remember long after they’ve left the auditorium.

With practice comes mastery and soon enough delivering an impactful speech won’t feel like such an overwhelming task!

Structure Your Speech

Introduce yourself, your cause and your credentials in the introduction to make a great impression.

In the body content, explain your points with examples and use transitions to keep your speech flowing.

The conclusion should be concise and memorable.

Timing is key, so practice your speech and make sure it is within the allocated time.

The tone of your speech should be professional yet friendly.

Eye contact will help you to connect with the audience, so practice making meaningful contact.

Engage the audience with interesting stories and anecdotes.

Use language that is clear and direct, and ensure your delivery is strong and engaging.

Visual aids can help to emphasize your points, so use them judiciously.

Practice your speech several times, and strive for brevity to keep your audience’s attention.

Humour can be powerful, but use it sparingly and with confidence.

Rehearse in front of family and friends to get feedback and to build your confidence.


As the Head Boy or Girl of your school, it’s important to make sure that you structure your speech in a way that connects with your audience. By laying groundwork and building credibility, you can ensure that your message resonates.

To start off strong, create an introduction that will hook the listener into wanting to hear more about what you have to say. Use pronouns and contractions for a conversational feel, but also avoid making any grandiose claims as this may diminish your credibility.

Additionally, be mindful of how much time you are taking up – no one likes speeches that veer on forever! Make sure to keep it short, sweet and memorable by finding creative ways to express yourself without going over-the-top.

Body Content

Once you’ve got your introduction down, the next step is to focus on your body content.

This is where you deliver the bulk of your message and inspire peers with a confident delivery.

It’s important to stay organized so that the audience can follow along – use bullet points or numbered lists when appropriate.

Additionally, make sure to take pauses throughout for emphasis and keep things exciting by using stories or anecdotes as examples.

You should also try to include moments of reflection or contemplation as this helps build suspense in anticipation of what comes next.

Finally, remember that it’s not just about what you say but how you say it – vary up your tone depending on the point you’re making and be sure to inject some emotion into your speech!

Doing all these will help ensure that people walk away feeling inspired and motivated by the words they heard from their Head Boy/Girl.

When you reach the conclusion, it’s time to wrap up your speech and leave a lasting impression.

To help drive home your message, invite feedback from the audience – this will give them an opportunity to engage with you further and not just feel like they’re merely listening.

Additionally, use clear language when summarizing what was said throughout your speech so that everyone is on the same page in terms of understanding. This kind of clarity helps communicate what needs to be done moving forward in order for students to succeed as leaders.

As Head Boy/Girl, it’s important to always keep your peers engaged and motivated – never forget that!

So go out there and make sure you end on a high note by inspiring those around you with confidence and enthusiasm as you strive towards achieving common goals together.

Craft The Body Of Your Speech

As a student leader, crafting the body of your speech is essential to make it both informative and memorable. It’s important to ensure that you include relevant information while being conscious of time management. To help you in this endeavor, here are 10 tips for creating an engaging yet meaningful speech:

Invite feedback from peers and teachers regarding your content; it could provide valuable insight into the effectiveness of delivery.

Develop confidence by practicing your talk in front of friends or family before delivering it publicly. This will give you the opportunity to get comfortable with speaking in front of others and strengthen any weak areas in your presentation.

Use stories when possible – these humanize experiences and can add depth to abstract concepts.

Utilize humor appropriately as this helps to keep attention levels high during longer talks.

Keep language simple but powerful, avoiding complex words that may not be understood by everyone within the audience.

Your aim should always be to hold their interest throughout so they come away feeling inspired or motivated by what was said; use personal examples where appropriate as these often resonate with listeners more than general statements do.

Don’t forget to leave room for questions at the end if people need clarification on certain points or if they would like further details on something related to your topic. If delivered correctly, a head boy/head girl speech can have lasting impact and motivate others towards positive change!

Practice And Rehearse

The path to success doesn’t have a one-way street. It takes practice, dedication and determination to be an effective head boy or girl – it doesn’t happen overnight!

For example, if you want to give the perfect speech on election day, you must begin practicing and rehearsing your words well in advance. This is not only important for helping with memorization but also improves confidence when discussing ideas in front of others.

Rehearsing is especially critical when it comes to delivering speeches as it allows you to gauge audience reaction before actually speaking. It’s also beneficial to discuss potential topics with a mentor who can provide guidance throughout the process. Doing this will help ensure that your words are powerful enough to capture attention while accurately conveying your message.

So don’t forget: regular practice makes perfect! With hard work, persistence and proper mentorship, any aspiring head boy or girl has the ability to make their dreams of being elected come true.

The speech you deliver as a student leader should be a reflection of your passion and commitment to the cause. Your words will stay with your peers long after you have finished speaking, so it’s important that they are meaningful and inspiring.

To make sure you nail your head boy or head girl speech, remember these ten tips. With careful planning and practice, you can create an impactful message that resonates with everyone in the room!

Think of your audience as a garden – every word is like planting a seed, which needs to be nurtured if it’s going to blossom into something beautiful. Your goal is to cultivate an environment where their ideas flourish and shine throughout the entire school year.

You’ve got this!

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Who Do You Want To Be?

Head girl’s speech for prizegiving ceremony, july 2016.

By Eysia Garland


Mrs Woodhouse, Honourable guests, parents, teachers and fellow students, it is a privilege to be standing here in front of you all today (although, perhaps a little bit scary). It is my pleasure to extend a warm welcome to our guest speaker Ms Carey and to thank her on behalf of the school for giving up her time to be here today to deliver a speech that, I think we can all agree, was inspirational and thought-provoking to say the least.

Ms Carey, is an old girl of MGC, which just goes to show what you can achieve after your days at this school. Not only has she been exceptionally successful as a journalist for national newspapers around the world, and as an author, but she has also managed to tackle the difficult challenge of explaining how girls’ minds work, which to many, including most girls, is still very much a mystery. Ms Carey, thank you for not only giving a fantastic speech but for providing proof that leaving school is just the end of the first chapter and the beginning of the next.

Although many of my friends say I don’t look nearly old enough to be leaving, that time has finally arrived. The last 5 years have definitely been an experience and this experience wouldn’t have been nearly as rewarding without the people who surround me today. Teachers, I thank you for putting up with us, for giving up your valuable time for us and for never giving up on us. Without you we would be lost! To our families you have been there for us through thick and thin, celebrating our successes as well as picking us up when we fall. And finally, to my peers: without you I probably would have managed to get a lot more work done, but I wouldn’t have had nearly as much fun. Many of us came to MSJ at different times and for different reasons: for the sport, for the excellent standard of teaching, for the location or maybe it was just because the building looked like Hogwarts, as was the case for some in our year. Whatever the reason we have all come together, creating good memories along the way, from our Year 9 trip to Gilwern, surviving our many field trips to Snowdonia and Nettlecombe, evenings in the Houses and Christmas dinners, to our end of term camp-out just a couple of nights ago. However, we have also experienced the tough times together like when they run out of hash browns on Wednesday mornings, when P.E. surprises you with a cross country run or the far more serious issue of approaching exams; all of which have only made our friendships stronger. I will always measure my time here, not in the 24,000 hours spent on the premises but in the friendships I have made and the times we have laughed together. Because of that I will remember my time with great affection and fond memories.

I know it’s not particularly original to talk about how school has made you the person you are today but to me, my speech would seem incomplete if it did not at least mention the impact MSJ has had on my life and the lives of the girls surrounding me. Yes, it may have taught us to always associate Thursdays with bun day and has made us forget that it’s not socially acceptable to walk around with Sudacrem on our faces or to randomly pull up our tights outside of the school. But much more importantly it has also taught us the value of comradeship; not to be afraid of failure, as those who try and fail achieve more than those who never try at all; and the sporting mentality that you should always try your hardest whether you are winning or losing. These lessons have made us the people we are today, the kind of people who say yes to new opportunities and don’t take no for an answer.

Being sporty, I have loved every moment on the field, playing with my teammates. However, I have also enjoyed learning and my time spent in the class room – yes, even the Maths class room. Maths lessons have taught me more than just how to solve difficult equations. My favourite question for Mrs Perkins, my Maths teacher, was “is it going to get any harder?” the answer to which I found, to my disappointment, was almost always yes. But this has taught me that even though things will get harder, you are more prepared to face these new challenges as they arise. I think this is an invaluable lesson for our lives ahead, not just in the Maths classroom. Even though for some of us the next step is daunting and maybe unknown, remember that MSJ has given us the skills set, courage and tenacity to embark upon our next adventures.

To me, and I’m sure to many others, education is more than acquiring knowledge and developing the powers of reasoning and judgment; // it is the key to freedom. Freedom to find your true calling in life, freedom from an already pre-planned future and freedom to move in whichever direction you choose. This is one of the reasons I’m so grateful to MSJ because it has provided us all with this freedom, helped broaden our horizons and enabled us to pick the path less travelled.

While I was in the process of writing this speech I was sent an email with a link to a list of wise phrases. I thought it would be appropriate to pass on some of these thoughts to the leavers of 2016: forgive yourself for your mistakes; when you’re travelling keep your wits about you; it’s never too late for an apology;  remember you only get one chance to notice a new hair cut; you don’t get to choose your own nickname (as people like T-dawg and Wones have already learnt); know at least one joke; carry your mum’s bags, she carried you for 9 months; your dance moves (if they’re anything like mine) might not be the best, but I promise you, making a fool of yourself is more fun than sitting on a bench alone; if you decide to wear heels – commit to them; and finally, and probably most importantly, you are what you do, not what you say.

To the leavers of 2016, some of you may not know what you want to do, and that’s ok, you have plenty of time to decide, it’s never too late. So dive into opportunities, change your mind and change it again, never settle and keep striving to learn more, as you never finish learning and eventually you’ll end up in the right place. Take your future into your own hands.

It has been a privilege to be part of such an entertaining and innovative prefect team. A big thank you must go, especially, to my two deputies, Issy and Nadia. Your support, creativity and technological abilities have been invaluable. Without you my laptop may have exited left out of the window.

To finish I would like to quote the famous words of Louise Hayes, one of my friends and peers at MSJ: “You don’t climb the mountain to half way – you see it through to the top.” So my final words to you are: keep climbing!

Filed under Speeches Sixth Form MSJ Malvern St James

acceptance speech for head girl

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How to Write an Acceptance Speech

Last Updated: March 21, 2024 Fact Checked

This article was co-authored by Lynn Kirkham and by wikiHow staff writer, Kyle Hall . Lynn Kirkham is a Professional Public Speaker and Founder of Yes You Can Speak, a San Francisco Bay Area-based public speaking educational business empowering thousands of professionals to take command of whatever stage they've been given - from job interviews, boardroom talks to TEDx and large conference platforms. Lynn was chosen as the official TEDx Berkeley speaker coach for the last four years and has worked with executives at Google, Facebook, Intuit, Genentech, Intel, VMware, and others. This article has been fact-checked, ensuring the accuracy of any cited facts and confirming the authority of its sources. This article has been viewed 1,103,247 times.

When you win an award or honor, it's traditional to share a few words. Writing an acceptance speech can be challenging, so it helps to brainstorm and prepare in advance. You should open your speech with a brief introduction of gratitude, move on to thanking your benefactors, and conclude your speech with some inspiration and optimism. This is your time to shine, but showing humility will leave your audience feeling truly pleased for you and your success.

Brainstorming Ideas

Step 1 Make a list of reasons you're thankful for receiving the award or honor.

  • After you make an initial list of people you want to thank, walk away and come back to the list later. There might be people you forgot to include that you'll remember at a later time.
  • If you're worried about leaving someone important out of your speech, ask a close friend or coworker to help with your list. They might think of someone you forgot to include.

Step 3 Read other acceptance speeches for inspiration.

  • For example, if you're receiving an award for your volunteer work, try searching “volunteer award acceptance speeches” in a search engine. If you're referencing speeches in a physical book, try to find a book that has the speeches organized by award type.

Writing Your Speech

Step 1 Write a brief introduction.

  • For example, you could write “I am so honored to be standing here today to receive this community leadership award. Serving my community has been a joy and a privilege that I am grateful for every single day. I wouldn't be able to do it if it weren't for all the amazing people in this city."

Step 2 Write the body of your speech, focusing on the people you want to thank.

  • You don't have to say someone's name to show you're thankful for them. For example, instead of thanking all of your coworkers individually, you could say “I can't express enough how grateful I am for all of my amazing colleagues.”
  • You can thank the members of the organization giving you the award without listing off their names by saying something like “Thank you so much to the team at the New York Nonprofit Conference for recognizing me with this incredible award.”

Step 4 Be careful using your speech as a platform.

  • For example, if you're winning an award in recognition of your volunteer work with kids, you could mention how you think more work needs to be done to combat childhood illiteracy.
  • Don't use your acceptance speech as a time to rant about your political viewpoints or talk heatedly about a controversial topic (unless it's directly connected to the award you're receiving). You'll likely alienate members of the audience and upset the organization that gave you the award.

Step 5 Conclude your speech on a positive note.

Rehearsing Your Speech

Step 1 Read your speech out loud.

  • If there's someone mentioned in your speech that can't attend the event, invite them to practice with you. That way they get to hear your speech and you have someone to give you pointers.

Step 3 Record yourself reading your speech.

  • Notice how your voice sounds. Make sure you're speaking loud enough and that what you're saying is clear and understandable.

Step 4 Use a timer to monitor the length of your speech.

Writing Help

acceptance speech for head girl

Community Q&A

Community Answer

  • Make eye contact with members of the audience to appear more engaged. [11] X Research source Thanks Helpful 0 Not Helpful 0
  • Bring a copy of your speech with you onstage. You might not need to use it, but it's helpful if you forget someone's name. Thanks Helpful 0 Not Helpful 0
  • Avoid reading the copy of speech, but use notes and make sure to look up at the audience more tha you read what you write. Thanks Helpful 0 Not Helpful 0

acceptance speech for head girl

  • Avoid negative or apologetic statements during your speech. They can make you seem ungrateful. Thanks Helpful 10 Not Helpful 1

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Lynn Kirkham

To write an acceptance speech, start with a brief introduction that expresses your gratitude and makes a connection with your audience. Then, in the body of your speech, focus on the people that you want to thank. Try to avoid thanking too many people so your audience doesn't grow impatient by sticking with the people directly involved with the award and your immediate support system. Finally, conclude your acceptance speech on a brief, positive note and thank the audience one last time. To learn how to rehearse an acceptance speech, scroll down! Did this summary help you? Yes No

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Nadi Sangam School

Go forth to serve, head girl’s speech.

Head Girl Of Nadi Sangam School of the Year 2013

Namaskaram to you all.

It is indeed a great honour and privilege to be the head girl of a reputable school as Nadi Sangam. I would like to show my sincere

Our head girl namarata chand

Our head girl namarata chand

gratitude to the head teacher Mr Jay ram, the member and staff for having faith in me that I’m capable of taking up this role I know it will be the most challenging and remarkable year for me, it is a well known fact that being a head girl is not an easy task. It requires a lot of sacrifice , hard work , tolerance and gratitude. With the help and co-operation of both the teachers and the students. I assure you that I will successfully be able to fulfil my responsibilities. Once again I’d like to thank the management head teachers and the teachers for their support thank you very much.

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Acceptance Speech

Acceptance speech generator.

acceptance speech for head girl

Being recognized or awarded is one of the best feelings in the world. It gives us the feeling of being overwhelmed with so much gratitude and that we would also want to share our achievement with people who helped in the sidelines. One way of giving back and showing sincere gratitude is through acceptance speeches. The heart of every acceptance speech is gratitude. Acceptance speeches are also a way of acknowledging people who helped the recipient of the award or the recognition in acquiring all his or her achievements.

Acceptance Speech

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What Is an Acceptance Speech?

An acceptance speech is a speech with an aim to simply express gratitude after receiving a recognition or an award.

10 Tips for Writing an Award-Winning Acceptance Speech

We all know that acceptance speeches are often delivered after receiving an award but it does not mean that your acceptance speech shouldn’t be award-winning either. Here are ten steps on how to make and deliver an acceptance speech that can even make you earn another award if there is a contest for acceptance speeches:

1. Know Your Time Limit.

If you already know what award you will be receiving, you have to make sure that you asked about the duration of the entire awarding ceremony before starting your speech . In that way, you would know your time limit for your speech. You have to make sure that your speech would fit the given time frame in order to make sure that it does not exceed and make unnecessary changes in the program just because your speech was too long.

3. Acknowledge All that Has to be Acknowledged

It’s only right that you should recognize the people who have helped you in the sidelines. Most people would acknowledge their family, friends, and colleagues but this is too common; acknowledge the people who, even with their small contribution has made a great impact in helping you achieve your smart goals and successes.

4. K.I.S.S. and Brevity.

Most of the awarding ceremonies would often take 2-3 hours and oftentimes, there are a lot of people to be given an award and you may also add the myriad of performances and presentations in between. If you would have a speech with a length of more than five minutes for a single award or recognition, you will be taking too much of the awarding ceremony’s time and you have to keep in mind that you are not the only person to be awarded or given with a recognition. That is why you have to maintain the brevity, or keep your acceptance speech short and simple or else it will bore your audience and you would be taking too much time from the allotted time duration of the awarding ceremony.

If you are a natural entertainer, then make good use of this in your acceptance speeches. Awarding ceremonies can be boring and it is only in ad-libs from hosts or emcees and speeches by awardees that a ceremony can be on the light side. But caution: do not focus solely on making your speech humorous or else your focus would stray away from what your acceptance speech is actually about and that is your expression of gratitude.

6. Tell a Story.

If you have found a difficulty in making your audience laugh, you can always tell a story. Good storytellers, without humor, can always entertain its audience. You can always share your struggles and mini-successes as you make your way to your main goal. In this way, you can actually inspire people who may actually share the same path and struggles as yours. People would always want to have a company in their miseries.

7. Do Not Bring Notes.

Aside from the fact that reading our acceptance speech on pieces of small notes would not make a good impression, memorizing and familiarizing our own speech can somehow improve or establish our credibility. Memorizing our own speech would also help us gain confidence in delivering the speech.

8. Always End with a Bang

If you want to make a great impact on your audience, always end your acceptance speech with a bang. You can summarize and condense the groups of people who helped you but this is not anymore necessary. What’s necessary is that you would make a statement that would give you a solid impression. One sign that you would be making a good impression is that you whatever you said in your speech, even if it is in the introduction, will be remembered by the audience. Although it is not necessary to end with a bang, it would actually make you feel good other than receiving the award or the recognition.

9. Speak From the Heart

Even if it is good to memorize our speech, sometimes it is only best that we would familiarize our acceptance speech so we that we will have a chance to speak from the heart. Memorizing would sometimes make us sound robotic as if we’re reading something, but if we familiarize and just speak form the heart, we actually become genuine in all the words and in the expression of our gratitude and honest appreciation to all the people we are acknowledging.

10. Make The Fact Clear that this Is Not Just About You

You should always make it clear that if ever there were people who helped you along the way, you should always and also acknowledge them and let them share your achievements. Always be humble but do not be overly modest to the point that you would sound fake and just act for the sake of trying to look down to earth. But that does not mean you could not be proud of the people who helped you along the way; again, remember to acknowledge their contributions, no matter how big or small that contribution is.

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3 Simple Ways in Writing an Award-Winning Acceptance Speech

If you already know that you would be recognized and awarded, you should always prepare your acceptance speech beforehand. Unless you’re eloquent and confident enought that you would be able to ace an imprompty acceptance speech, then you may go ahead and skip the following list. But if you feel like you would still need to work on your writing your speech, then read this:

1. Make an Outline

Always start any writing composition with an outline. The outline will serve as your guide through out your writing process. This will give you direction. Make sure that in your oultine, you will have the parts of your speech as headers and right below the headers or the major parts of your speech are the ideas that you would want that part to contain with.

2. List Down the People You Would Want to Thank and Acknowledge

List down all the possible names of people and groups or organization that you would want to share your recognition or award so that you would not have a difficulty in remembering them when you would actually be already delivering your speech. You wouldn’t want to get any chances of being a person who shows no gratitude if ever you would forget to thank even one person or group of people, right?

3. Be Sincere and Genuine

Remember that the heart of every acceptance speech is gratitude and we all know that gratitude should always be sincere and genuine. It is not real gratitude if you would be all fake in your expression of thanks. It does not take a million to be genuine in thanking people that you should really be thanking. Always make sure that you have recognized every effort made by the people who helped you along the way and make sure that in thanking them, you sincerely and truly do.


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acceptance speech for head girl

I Siddhant Kumar, the head boy of this institution would like to thank the management and staff who found me capable to take up this responsibility. This feeling is something which I can’t express in words. From now on, my new journey is going to start and I will try my best to reach the pinnacle of this journey.

So, I request all to please guide and support me in this journey. However I will not give any promises as action speaks louder than words.

Well, I will try my best to fulfill this responsibility and I am extremely thankful to all the sisters and teachers who believed in me. Trust me, I will forever work for the betterment of the school and will work sincerely and lead by example.

acceptance speech for head girl

I, Shreya Johari feel privileged to be selected as the junior Head Girl of this prestigious academic temple for the academic session 2022-2023. It’s indeed a pleasure for me to carry out the assigned responsibilities in a sincere, systemic and dedicated manner. For me, being the head girl is not about position or the title but it is about action and example which can make a difference. My prime duty will be to take care of the norms of discipline of our school. It is an honor and priviledge for me to be a head girl of the school. I stand here as a leader not just to lead but to work in collaboration to achieve the best for our school. I promise to work hard with devotion and determination. I’ll try my best and work persistently for the excellence of our school.

I assure you that I will leave no stone unturned to make our school scale the heights of success. I promise that I shall put in my best efforts to prove myself worthy of your selection. I assure everybody that this post will not affect my behavior. Instead, after being a head girl I will try to improve myself as much as I can and not let your expectations down.

And at last, I express my gratitude towards the enlightening and indwelling visions of our school head, our principal Rev. Sr. Princy, and all the untiring teachers, the kind staff and the student who put trust in my ability to lead and produce results.

acceptance speech for head girl

A very good morning to everyone present here. Today I Pulkit Singh am standing here as the Head Boy for this prestigious institution. Firstly, I would like to thank the management staff who thought me capable to take up this opportunity. The dream that I dreamt in class IV has now become a reality. And I don’t have words to express my extreme happiness. Actually 26 letters of English are small enough to bind up my happiness in them. I am not standing here to tell you my achievement. I am actually standing here to tell you my expectations from myself being the Head Boy this year. As a loyal Head Boy is asked to accomplish all his duties with utmost sincerity and determination to give justice to this badge. Today is the happiest day for me but at the same time this badge makes me remind that I am not given this badge just to be happy, it is given to accomplish all these duties which I ought to do. Secondly, I would not make any fake promises to you because I believe that I will do then prove, rather we will do and then prove. I don’t want to become any politician and show you big-big dreams, we will walk together and make those dreams reality. At this moment I am filled with enthusiasm to begin this fantastic new journey of my life and it would be successful only with your valuable support and God’s Blessings.

acceptance speech for head girl

May our learning be holistic that conjoins our body, mind and heart. May our dreams so beyond individual destinations and kind humanity. May our growth be realistic that leads us to maximum happiness. May our contribution be significant to the greater good of the society.

We all are here to learn, to dream, to grow and to contribute. This is what makes our lives worthwhile!

Being elected as the head girl of the school, I, Khushi Kaushik, see this as a great opportunity; an opportunity to inculcate values, discipline and harmony in lives of others; an opportunity to lead by example. This indeed is an opportunity to create a shared vision force better society.

I will lead the school with the only agenda of staging exemplary results. But how will I do it? Let me narrate a short story.

Once in a Sunday Christian school, a teacher asked the students to paint something about Jesus. One child painted an aero plane. It was a very happen act attempt as it only looked like an aero plane. There were four people keeping out of the four windows on the plane. The teacher was intrigued. “Who are these four people looking from the window?”

The child said, “One is God, the father, second is Jesus Christ, the son and the third is the Holy Spirit.”

After knowing three, the teacher was even more curious. He asked, “Three are all right, but who is this fourth?” The child said, “It’s me, the pilot.”

The story underlines the message which I want to convey. A child knows how to carry the whole society his back, in his aero plane. He knows his dreams, his strengths and his space. He is not bothered about the divinity or any sort of limitations, because he knows how to create his castle on the sea-shore irrespective of the tides. He knows how to survive in a little space, because he knows how to paint the color of his own choice on the plain sheet of destiny. But gradually as we keep moving into adulthood, we tend to forget the child in us and a life of limitations Awaits us – so, whether in the classroom, in the playground or in the survival of the fittest, we should always carry the child within our heart.

The school cabinet selected from the masses, by the masses and for the masses will surely help students grow and excel and become better humans by keeping the child within them awake.

Coming together is the beginning, keeping together is progress, working together is success. For me, being the head girl is not about position or the title but it is about action and example which can make a difference. It is an honour and privilege for me to be a head girl of the school. I, stand here as a leader not just to lead you but to work in collaboration with each one of you to achieve the best for our school. I promise to work hard with all the zeal, devotion and determination. I’ll try my best and work persistently for the excellence of our school

And at last, I express my gratitude towards the enlightening and indwelling visions of our school heads our manager Rev. Sr. Rose, our principal Rev. Sr. Zita, our vice principal Rev. Sr. Ambika and all the untiring teachers, the kind staff and the student aspirants who put trust in my ability to lead and produce results.

I assure you that I will leave no stone unturned to make our school scale the heights of success trying to keep the child to intact within all.

acceptance speech for head girl

Good morning to respected sisters, teachers and all my dear friends. Every human being has multiple roles to play in life. A boy can be a brother, a son, a friend and I am honored and humbled to have another identity – Head Boy of St. Francis Convent School, Sikandra, Agra. It is a certain privilege for me to be addressing you as the head boy of this school. Today I am happy because I got a chance to interact with you, to work with you, to understand your feelings. I am thankful and grateful to respected Sr. Rose, Our Manager, Rev. Sr. Joyce, Our Principal and Rev. Sr. Abha, Our Vice Principal and to all my respected teachers who have given me a chance to help them to guide our school in right direction.

Many of you might not be knowing me as I joined this institution six months ago. I hope that we will be familiar with each other. After I joined I saw the admirable behaviour and leadership of our sisters, the right direction by our teachers and the helping nature of companions. I have felt drastic change in myself. I understood the importance of helping others and self discipline in life. Now I would like to share a small story with you,

Once in a Sunday Christian School, a teacher asked the students to paint something about Jesus. One child painted an aeroplane. It was a very haphazard attempt as it only looked like aeroplane. There were four people peeping out of the four windows of the plane. The teacher was intrigued “Who are these four people looking from window?” The child said, “One is God, the father, Second is the Jesus Christ, the son and the third is the Holy Ghost.” After knowing the three the teacher was even more curious. He asked “Three are alright, but who is the fourth?” The child said, “It’s me, pilot.” The story underlined a deep message that a child knows his dreams, his strength, the only thing is that he needs to get a right guidance. So wherever you are always carry the child with in you.

This year will no doubt be a challenging year for me but I will try to play my part to help and lead the school in positive direction and I am at ease knowing that I am not alone in this quest. Behind me there are a unique group of boys and girls who will form the perfect team.

I know that you will not hesitate and we too are expressing our feelings and expectations with each other and I am confident that we will together make a great change. At last I express my gratitude towards the enlightening and enabling visions of our school.

acceptance speech for head girl

“God grant me the serenity to accept the things, I cannot change, courage to change the things I can and wisdom to know the difference”

Good morning everyone! Today I, Tanisha Sharma am standing here to put into words the insuppressible feelings of my heart well after I have been chosen as the Head Girl of this esteemed institution for academic year 2017-18. I was bemused about how to begin this speech and I concluded that starting with Lord’s name will be the most thoughtful decision.

I have given many speeches on this podium and I am familiar with my audience as well but still I must honestly admit I have never felt so nervous speaking on the stage which is well known to me, this is indeed the most special speech for me and the closest to my heart.

It’s not that I don’t have anything to say, In fact It’s just that I have too much to say but I still feel I will be failing my duty If I don’t begin with a ‘Thank You’. I would like to deliver my sincere gratitude towards Rev. Sr. Rose, Rev. Sr. Joyce and Rev. Sr. Abha for showing such great faith on me and for believing that I am capable for this position. I would like to thank my loving and caring teachers for guiding me, inspiring me and making me what I’m today. And of course I would like to thank my friends, classmates and schoolmates for their never ending cooperation and friendly attitude.

Mother Teresa once said “You can do what I cannot do, I can do what you cannot do, together we can do great things” so this year I promise together we will do lot many things, because we have many goals to accomplish both academic and co-curricular and I believe we learn only when we are involved.

Now, I would like to end up my words by saying that ‘leadership is about action not about position’. I won’t walk ahead of you, instead I will walk beside you and together we will do great things. Let’s work hard today and make the dream of our patron saint and venerable mother foundress the reality of tomorrow.

acceptance speech for head girl

A very fine morning to Rev. Sr. Rose, Rev. Sr. Abha and all the reputed staff members of Franciscan family. I, Akshat Singh Kaira is here to thank you for selecting me as the junior head boy of the school. I feel extremely proud to be a member of the school council and I promise to live up to your expectations. Thank you all once again for putting your trust in me.

acceptance speech for head girl

Good Morning to all present here, Rev. Sr. Rose, Rev. Sr. Abha and all the staff members. I, Shreya Johari stand here today before you as I am filled with immense gratitude. I am really thankful for being selected as the junior head girl of this esteemed institution. I promise you all that I shall put in my best efforts and will leave no stone unturned to prove myself worthy of your selection.

acceptance speech for head girl

It’s really over whelming to be standing in front of you at a pivotal point in my life. You see, I wasn’t convinced I was fill for the role of a Head Boy, But what I realized is that everyone has a room to grow. I’ve to thank the teachers who never lost sight of my potential even when I was so adamant in concealing it, whether it is carelessness or bad hair. I thank them for giving me so much including this chance to give back. I cannot be perfect but would always strive for the same with sincerity in my responsibilities. With this I again thank you all and have a pleasant morning.

acceptance speech for head girl

Eleven years back when I stepped into this institution of knowledge, I was quite nervous and my heart was like ‘Dhak-Dhak’ and today Eleven years later I am standing on this podium with this badge and my heart is still going ‘Dhak- Dhak’. It is like a dream come true from a no one to being a someone in this prestigious institution. The way the school has groomed me and has made me a good chick out of an ordinary egg. I stand elated to hold this range of the Head Girl of St. Francis Convent School, Sikandra, Agra. I would like to say special thanks to almighty God, our patron Saint St. Francis of Assisi. I would express my heartfelt gratitude to our reverend Principal Sr. Joyce, all the teachers and my dearest friends. A very special mention to all my juniors without whom I won’t be able to carry on my duties sincerely. Looking forward to your co-operation!

acceptance speech for head girl

To respected sisters, teachers and all my dear friends I, Ayushman Sirohi, By the grace of God and blessings of all I have been appointed as the Junior Head Boy of St. Francis Convent School, Sikandra, Agra. Every organization requires discipline & proper system to grow. I would like to thank my sisters and teachers who acknowledge my potential. One greatest lesson what I have learnt is that we should always give more than we get, thank you all for giving me so much including this chance to give back. It is really a great responsibility and I assure you all to shoulder it with sincerity. I would like to thank all my elders and friends for showing faith in me. I hope with the cooperation of my elders. I will be able to fulfill my duties.

acceptance speech for head girl

Very fine morning to all of you, today I, Gargi feel privileged to be selected as the junior Head Girl of this prestigious academic temple. I’m grateful and thankful to the Lord on this special occasion. It’s indeed a pleasure for me to carry out the assigned responsibilities in a sincere, systemic and dedicated manner. My prime duty will be to take care of the norms of discipline of our school. Once again I thank our Manager Rev. Sr. Rose, Principal Rev. Sr. Joyce and Vice Principal Rev. Sr. Abha and all my teachers for showing the truth in me and also by giving me the opportunity to prove myself. I thank God for this great moment and ask him to shower his blessings upon us throughout the year.

acceptance speech for head girl

I would like to thank you all for giving me this chance and I think, “I can, I will & I must”.

acceptance speech for head girl

I am thankful to respected sisters, teachers & all my fellow mates who realized my potential to play a key role in the functioning of School. As I told you earlier that I came here last year, so it really feels amazing & privileged to be head girl of this school. My efforts and all my dear teachers’ cooperation have resulted in such a success. However I assure everybody that this post will not affect my behavior. Instead, after being a head girl I will try to improve myself as much as I can & not let your expectations down. I will try to maintain discipline in my as well as my fellow mates’ behavior. Lastly, I am thankful to God whose grace brought me to such a great school & my parents who raised with utmost affection & care.

acceptance speech for head girl

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Head Boy's And Head Girl's Message

Warm greetings to all. I felt short of words to express my emotions, my gratitude for the opportunity, I have received to be the Head boy of the school.

First of all, I would like to thank the entire school management, who has shown immense faith in me by selecting me as the Head boy of our prestigious institution. Today, I take the oath that I shall do all that I can, and make this academic year a memorable one.

I may not be perfect and might not always get things right, but I promise that I will do everything in my power to get things right. I will stand firm with my cabinet as blessed grade with our own remarkable talents and using out the proper functioning of school by performing our duties.

My dear fellow cabinet members!

From now onwards, the responsibilities of our school belong to us, so we shall stand as a unit against all the obstacles in these coming days.

A team is like a tool set, not one tool can do all the jobs, but together it can and yet, something incredible happens when teamwork happens the way it’s supposed to. Things change when everyone on the team is equally invested in the overall purpose and goal. You find yourself working faster, finding mistakes more easily and innovating better. So let’s join our hands together to work with team spirit.

Conducting my promises I would like to express my gratitude towards Honorable Managing Director Sir and our Respected Principal Ma’am for trusting me and choosing me as the Head boy of our school. I shall never let you down.

Let’s take our school to the greater height of success.

I would like to express my sincere gratitude to our Honorable MD Sir, Respected Principal Ma'am, Admin Head Ma'am, Coordinators and all my teachers for providing me a platform to develop leadership.

A great responsibility is bestowed upon me by the college. In this very graceful Investiture ceremony, a surge of enthusiasm was there when I received the badge, sash and college flag from the MD Sir.

I thank all the coordinators and teachers for having faith in me that I am capable of taking up the role. My responsibilities are now entrusted where I am going to lead a large cabinet of 58 members of the college cabinet.

I stand here to work in collaboration with each one of the Josephian to achieve the best for our college. I promise to work hard with all my devotion, determination, zeal and enthusiasm. I will try my best and work persistently for the excellence of our college.

We will travel this road together and work in unison to keep St. Joseph's flag flying high up in the sky, mounted with love, hoisted with dignity and fluttering with grace.

Respected MD Sir, Principal Ma’am, Ma’am Pallavi, Ma’am Samreen, Coordinators, Sir Mudit, Sir Manish, and respected teachers.

School is not only an infrastructure, but it is a paradise to build future; the things taught in school are not only to gain education but to become skilful for life. Being a student for two years in my school, I can assuredly say that it is the best institute to be a student of. It is the confluence of well educated ‘guiding-light’ – the teachers, who burn themselves through their hard work to light up the developing candles: a perfect Head to lead the institution - our Principal, all our supporting staff who help us through their visible and invisible ways.

Undoubtedly, I can say that my school is helping me to emerge as a good student with an effective personality. For me, being the Head Boy is not about the position or a title but it is about action and example which can make a difference to all my schoolmates. It is an honor and privilege for me to be the Head Boy of the school. My dear fellow students, I stand here as a leader not just to lead you but to work in collaboration with each one of you to achieve the best for our school. I promise to work hard with all my zeal, devotion and determination.

I’ll try my best and work persistently for the excellence of our school and always obey my Director, Principal and Teachers. Once again I thank Director Sir and Principal Ma’am who have given me the chance to be the Head Boy of our school.

Today, I Avantika Singh of standard – 12th B is invested as the Head Girl of our school. I am here before you all to express my sentiments on this occasion of the Investiture Ceremony of the student cabinet.

“The intellect of a wise is like glass, it admits the light of heaven and reflects it”

The Investiture Ceremony holds on a special place in an institution we gain wisdom in school. School is a temple of learning and not a mere building. Here we learn not only formal education but values and integrity. We are also shaped intellectually to face life later.

“ Don’t study to earn, study to learn because what you learn today is what you will become tomorrow.”

“Action is what you are capable of doing” and motivation determines what you do and attitude determines how well me do it”. I assure everyone that I shall abide by the rules and follow my duties with dedication and devotion and lead the student body with commitment to you. To serve the school, to be a comrade fellow to my cabinet members and school mates, to be embellished with the badge, a dream that stayed during day and night to see St. Joseph to miraculous heights.

“If our hearts can desire it, mind can believe it, we are sure we can achieve it”

Lastly I would like to express any gratitude to the Almighty for showering his blessings upon us each day.

May God Bless us.

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RNC recap: With Day 4 over, that's a wrap on the Republican National Convention in Milwaukee

It was the final day of the 2024 Republican National Convention .

Former President Donald Trump made his long-awaited speech Thursday night after being officially nominated as the GOP presidential candidate in the November election against President Joe Biden.

It came just days after he was shot in the ear during an assassination attempt at a campaign rally Saturday in Pennsylvania.

Here's the Journal Sentinel's live coverage from Thursday:

Watch Milwaukee Journal Sentinel's RNC replay of Thursday night's session, including Donald Trump's speech

Former Gov. Tommy Thompson officially ends RNC in Milwaukee

After Trump gave his long-awaited acceptance speech, and once thousands of red, white and blue balloons dropped onto delegates below, there was one final step to close out the Republican National Convention.

That was making the final motion to adjourn. And Trump's campaign extended the honor to former Republican Gov. Tommy Thompson, a fixture in Wisconsin politics for decades.

Though many delegates had started leaving Fiserv Forum, the camera panned to Thompson standing with the Wisconsin delegation. Thompson moved to adjourn, Republican National Committee chair Michael Whatley adopted it and the convention was officially over.

(12:45 a.m.)

— Hope Karnopp

Trump needed to 'liven it up a little' during speech, says RNC guest

Scott Evorik now has two Republican National Conventions under his belt.

Evorik — a city councilman in Crown Pointe, Indiana — attended his first RNC in Cleveland in 2016, when Trump was just beginning his transformation of the Republican Party.

Milwaukee's convention was a much better show than Cleveland's was, Evorik said.

"The lineup of speakers this week has been 10 times better," he said.

Only one thing felt a bit off about this convention, he said: Trump's keynote speech.

Trump "was too soft tonight," Evorik said, standing outside Fiserv Forum as Trump wrapped up his 93-minute address. "He was trying to be a little sentimental after what happened Saturday."

Evorik understands why the former president struck a different tone, just days after he survived an assassination attempt. Still, he would've liked to see more of the old Trump. 

"Liven it up a little," Evorik said. "Get the party going."

(12:40 a.m.)

— Genevieve Redsten

Gold Star brother is hopeful Vance will bring fresh perspective

Army specialist Nick Idalski was just 23 when he was killed in combat during a 2005 tour of duty in Iraq. 

This week, his older brother, Steve Idalski, was among the Gold Star families at the RNC. 

As the convention wrapped up late Thursday night, Idalski was in good spirits, standing outside Fiserv Forum. He felt particularly hopeful about the GOP's vice presidential candidate, Marine Corps veteran and U.S. Sen. JD Vance.

As a veteran, Vance has "seen it; he's more in tune; he knows what's going on," Idalski said.

Idalski believes American politicians should understand what it really means to deploy troops to foreign conflict zones. They shouldn't be starting wars they don't plan to finish, he said.

Idalski said he appreciated the sober tone of Trump's keynote speech Thursday, which he saw as a display of humility.

"I think the No. 1 characteristic of a great leader is humility," he said.

(12:35 a.m.)

Lone protester greets delegates exiting convention

As delegates trickled out of Fiserv Forum during the final hours of the RNC, a lone protestor greeted them with a large banner condemning Trump.

Nadine Seiler, a woman from Waldorf, Maryland, traveled to Milwaukee for the convention specifically to protest the Republican Party's platform and Trump's nomination.

People passing behind her got a view of the message on her T-shirt, warning of "Trump's Project 2025." The set of policy goals developed by the Washington, D.C. think tank The Heritage Foundation proposes sweeping changes, including altering personnel rules to ensure government workers are more loyal to the president, according to the Associated Press.

Trump has distanced himself from the project, which is run by several top appointees from his previous administration.

“I want to shame the people who are attending this convention,” Seiler said. “I’m shocked that somebody of that character is somebody who anyone in America will elevate.”

— Claudia Levens and Maia Pandey

This is It drag performers impersonate Republicans on final night of RNC

Donald and Melania Trump made an appearance at Milwaukee's oldest gay bar Thursday night. 

No, it wasn't actually them. Local drag performers impersonated them at This Is it in parody of the game show "Match Game," or as it's popularly known on the show Ru Paul's Drag Race, "Snatch Game." 

Performers also impersonated Republican congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene and conservative internet personality Candace Owens as a way to poke fun at the RNC and its party's anti-LGBTQ+ rhetoric. 

A performer dressed as the former president entered the bar in an orange prison jumpsuit, lip-syncing to the song "Prisoner" by Miley Cyrus. The performer held a bandage to their ear, then used it to wipe their brow until their Secret Service agent whisked them off the stage.

Performer-Owens entered the bar in a red, sequined dress to the song "Jesus Take the Wheel" by Carrie Underwood, while performer-Greene entered to a remix of Rep. Jasmine Crockett's "bleach-blonde, bad-built, butch body" insult. 

Throughout the gameshow, the performers riffed on the Republican Party's discomfort with the LGBTQ+ community. For example, the host asked what three homophobic people should do after entering a bar, and performer-Owens insisted they should stay. At another point, Trump seemed confused as to why so many people tweeted peach emojis at him. He thought it stood for "I'm peach" while the host tried explaining people were calling for impeachment. 

Performer-Greene repeatedly proclaimed their love for Trump, and performer-Trump repeatedly denied knowing her. Meanwhile, performer-Melania huffed a Sharpie because she was "busy trying to feel something." 

The show drew about 60 people, including a woman in a red T-shirt that said "Make American Gay Again." 

"Our intent is to entertain and encourage lightheartedness and laughter," said This Is It general manager Darnell Watson. 

(11:58 p.m.)

— Kelly Meyerhofer and Quinn Clark 

String ensemble serenades passersby during final hours of RNC

Across the street from Fiserv Forum, in the final hours of the RNC, the Black String Triage Ensemble serenaded passersby with classical music.

The group, an all-volunteer orchestra of Black and Latinx musicians , set up an eight-person string ensemble on the corner of North Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Drive and West Highland Avenue.

Dayvin Hallmon, music director and founder of the group, said it performs at scenes of civil unrest or in the immediate aftermath of shootings. On Tuesday, Columbus, Ohio, police shot and killed a man who lived in an encampment west of downtown Milwaukee.

“The goal is to use music to address the grief and trauma of civil unrest, to use music to hold off violence from occurring for anybody,” he said.

The group closed its set with the song, “Nobody Knows The Trouble I’ve Seen,” a Black spiritual, the type of song Hallmon called, “the bedrock of American music.”

(11:53 p.m.)

— Maia Pandey and Claudia Levens

'Thank you, Wisconsin': Trump's speech ends after about an hour and a half

Trump's speech is now the longest nomination acceptance speech in the modern era, stretching over an hour and a half, Bloomberg said.

The previous record was broken by Trump in 2016.

Closing his speech, Trump remarked, "Thank you, Wisconsin, and God bless America."

At 76 minutes and counting, Trump’s speech is now the longest nomination acceptance speech of either party in the modern era. The previous record? Trump in 2016. Latest updates: — Bloomberg (@business) July 19, 2024

(11:14 p.m.)

Trump puts Ron Johnson's graphic on center stage during RNC acceptance

In his acceptance speech Thursday night, Trump detailed what happened during the assassination attempt Saturday. 

"I was discussing the great job my administration did on immigration at the southern border," Trump said. "Behind me, and to the right, was a large screen that was displaying  a chart of border crossings under my leadership . The numbers were so amazing.

"In order to see the chart, I started to like this turn to my right. And was ready to begin a little bit further turn, which I'm very lucky I didn't do, when I heard a loud whizzing sound and felt something hit me really, really hard, on my right ear. I said to myself 'Wow, what was that? It can only be a bullet.'

"The amazing thing is that, prior to the shot, if I had not moved in my head at that very last instance, the assassin's bullet would have perfectly hit its mark."

(10:57 p.m.)

Dozens gather to watch Trump's speech at Major Goolsby's

As the sun set on the RNC in Milwaukee, several dozen people hunkered down in Major Goolsby’s, 340 W. Kilbourn Ave., to watch Trump address delegates just blocks away. The customers, locals and out-of-town visitors alike, cheered as Trump took the stage.

Brookfield residents and married couple Linda and Nick Russo said they drove into the city to get as close to the convention center as possible without having credentials to the event.

“We’ve never had an RNC here, and it probably will be the last time in my lifetime that we do,” Nick Russo said.

He said some of the performers and speakers before Trump, such as professional wrestler Hulk Hogan, were “not expected,” but he enjoyed Eric Trump’s speech.

Several patrons said they noticed a more somber tone to the former president’s address, especially in the wake of the assassination attempt against him.

Hillsdale College student Michael Rupe said he noticed “a humility you don’t usually see from the guy.”

“Anyone who has been that close to death understands how frail human life is,” Rupe said. 

Some patrons built friendships across the aisle on the last day of the RNC. Around three hours before Trump's speech, Tim Skaleski, a Democrat and Biden supporter, was grabbing food at the Third Street Market Hall when he met a Republican who supports Trump and is also named Tim.  

Over drinks, the two bonded, then made their way to Goolsby’s to watch the speech and observe the atmosphere. 

“It’s important people know that Democrats and Republicans can come together, have old fashioneds and have fun,” Skaleski said.

(10:38 p.m.)

Trump gives Milwaukee, Packers a callout in acceptance speech

Trump gave Milwaukee and Wisconsin a shoutout in his speech. 

"A very special thank you for the extraordinary people of Milwaukee," he said, before noting that the Wisconsin delegation is "easy to spot" as they waved their cheeseheads in the air.

Trump added that Wisconsin is going to have "a great team this year," referring to the Green Bay Packers. "Most of the audiences didn't like it, but it's true," he added.

Trump is looking to win back Wisconsin, a crucial battleground state, after losing it to Biden in 2020 and carrying Wisconsin in 2016. 

"And by the way, Wisconsin, we are spending over $250 million in creating jobs and other economic development all over the place. So I hope you'll remember this in November and give us your vote," Trump said. "I am trying to buy your vote.

(10:21 p.m.)

— Hope Karnopp and Mary Spicuzza

Trump honors man who was fatally shot during assassination attempt

Prior to his highly anticipated speech at the RNC, Trump paid respect to the man who was fatally shot at his rally Saturday.

Corey Comperatore, 50, was the former fire chief of Buffalo Township, Pennsylvania. His helmet and uniform with the word “Buffalo” affixed to it were placed on stage as Trump arrived to give his speech. The former president kissed Comperatore’s helmet before calling for a moment of silence.

Comperatore worked as a project and tooling engineer, was an Army reservist and spent many years as a volunteer firefighter after serving as chief, according to his obituary.

According to the U.S. Secret Service, he was shot and killed at a Trump rally Saturday after 20-year-old Thomas Matthew Crooks opened fire on Trump and the crowd, injuring the former president and two others.

(10:24 p.m.)

— Drake Bentley

Meet the Trump supporters sporting ear patches

Outside the RNC in downtown Milwaukee, a new fashion accessory was taking off — ear patches.

“I put it on to honor Trump,” said Zachary Lansdowne of Washington state, who first put the patch on Tuesday. “The man’s willing to stand in front of extreme danger to do the job we need him to do and I respect that, so it's a tribute.”

Trump is wearing an ear bandage at the convention after a bullet grazed his ear Saturday during a campaign rally in Pennsylvania. In the days that followed, convention-goers started sporting their own patches of gauze, cotton or napkins.

(10:06 p.m.)

— Rachel Hale

Trump accepts GOP nomination 

Trump formally accepted the Republican presidential nomination Thursday, on the final day of the GOP convention.  

"I am running to be president for all of America, not half of America, because there is no victory in winning for half of America,” Trump said in the beginning of his acceptance speech. 

Unity was a leading theme in Trump’s address, rewritten in the wake of the assassination attempt against him over the weekend. 

— Savannah Kuchar, USA TODAY

Hulk-a-mania ran wild at the RNC

Hulk Hogan delivered a WWE-worthy style promo during the final night of the 2024 RNC in Milwaukee that had the crowd on its feet as he called Donald Trump his hero.

It was classic Hogan, the wrestling icon from the 1980s and 90s, and even delivered his famous tagline before ripping off his shirt to feature a Trump and JD Vance shirt.

"Let Trump-a-mania run wild brother, let Trump-a-mania roll again. Let Trump make America great again."  

(9:44 p.m.)

— Christopher Kuhagen

Who was the little girl sitting on Trump's lap?

Another one of former Trump's grandchildren has taken the spotlight during Thursday's RNC event.

Carolina Dorothy Trump, the youngest child of Eric and Lara Trump, was seen sitting on the former president's lap while her dad gave his remarks.

(9:40 a.m.)

Melania Trump arrives at RNC

acceptance speech for head girl

Former First Lady Melania Trump has arrived at the RNC.

It’s Melania’s first public appearance at the convention.

She took her spot with Trump’s family at 9:09 p.m. in the stands at Fiserv Forum ahead of her husband’s acceptance speech.

(9:13 p.m.)

— Chris Kuhagen

Who's sitting next to Donald Trump at the RNC? Jason Aldean, Eric Hovde and more

Trump was flanked by some notable names as he took his seat at Fiserv Forum to take in the final night of the RNC on Thursday night.

Among those sitting with him was Wisconsin U.S. Senate candidate Eric Hovde and country music star Jason Aldean and his wife, Brittany Aldean.

Trump entered the arena well before he was scheduled to formally accept the nomination on the stage later Thursday night, taking a seat in a box above the stage.

(8:44 p.m.)

— Alison Dirr and Mary Spicuzza

Democrats charter plane, buy billboards to remind Wisconsin voters about Republican abortion policies

The Democratic National Convention will spread its message Friday morning by plane, highlighting accomplishments by the Biden administration.  

The group chartered a plane to fly over Milwaukee, reading, "Trump: Ban Abortion, Punish Women," according to Addy Toevs, a Biden-Harris campaign spokesperson.  

A set of 16 new billboards will also go live at 8 a.m. in preparation for the departing Republican delegates and convention attendees. They'll highlight how the Biden administration worked to cap the price of insulin for those on Medicaid to $35 per month, created 180,000 new jobs in Wisconsin and provided student loan relief for thousands. 

The billboards will be in both English and Spanish, and will be placed along major highways throughout the city. 

The marketing is meant to show that Democrats are continuing to invest in Wisconsin, while Republicans "dine and dash," Toevs said.  

(8:38 p.m.)

— Laura Schulte

Communist group denounces Trump and Biden, attracts few spectators

In a demonstration that drew few spectators, a national communist organization called for a "revolution" to abolish the United States' political and economic systems. 

About a dozen people from the Chicago chapter of Revcom Corps demonstrated in Haymarket Square Park around 7 p.m. Thursday. They were the only group to show up to the north side protest zone that day, according to security staff. 

Revcom Chicago spokesperson Leo Pargo lamented the lack of political activism at the RNC. The crowd of roughly 20 people were mostly reporters. 

"Just to be frank, this protest zone is empty," he said. "And it's been empty all week. You know, this should be teeming with people who can't stand what Republicans are doing, stripping away the right to abortion, the virulent support for police brutality that they have."

Pargo said Revcom opposes Trump's policies, but also Biden's, including his handling of the Israel-Hamas war. 

"The whole damn system has to go," Pargo said. "We're saying Trump, Biden — they're not the only choices." 

The group ended the demonstration by burning an American flag. 

(8:28 p.m.)

Makers' market celebrates 'joyful rebellion' against RNC

Two miles south of the RNC, Milwaukee residents trickled into The Cooperage Thursday night for a market offering a break from the nonstop politics taking over downtown Milwaukee. More than a dozen local artists and business owners set up booths with their merchandise, while a DJ spun music for the attendees. 

The free event was hosted by the Great MKE Block Party , which has curated over 50 events “in acts of joyful rebellion during the week of the RNC."

Vendor Liz Koetting, who co-edits a queer-focused zine , said: “People in my community are stressed about people who vote against our rights coming into our city. It makes the city feel like not a safe space.” 

Two attendees, cousins Kylie and Maureen McFadden, said they've been avoiding downtown and the RNC. They showed up to bring business to a part of town they love, knowing that most around the city aren't getting the increased business promised by local officials.  

They weaved between a number of vendor booths set up, including Alicia Clark's booth, selling laser-cut jewelry and sun catchers as Lux Candela Studio . 

Clark said she plans to donate a portion of her proceeds to Street Angels , a local group that supports Milwaukee County’s unhoused population. The events of Tuesday — when five police officers from Ohio shot and killed a man living in a tent encampment near downtown — are fresh in her mind.

“Because the unhoused population has been so affected by the RNC in so many ways, between displacements and disconnection from resources, I thought they could use some extra help this week," she said.

(8:27 p.m.)

RNC takedown already underway as sun sets over Milwaukee

Vendors and food carts are packing up shop ahead of final speeches. The inner perimeter is mainly empty as delegates, guests and media pack into Fiserv Forum to hear Trump’s remarks Thursday night.

(8:20 p.m.)

Country star Jason Aldean headlining a private RNC party in Milwaukee

The RNC will host its biggest music act yet as it plans to close out the convention with a performance by country star Jason Aldean at Potawatomi Casino Hotel.

Reince Priebus, chair of the RNC host committee, told the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel Thursday that the singer would be performing at a party the committee is throwing after the RNC ends Thursday night.

Aldean and his wife, Brittany, have been spotted in the front row of Donald Trump's VIP box.

(7:34 p.m.)

— Jordyn Noennig

Wisconsin billionaire Diane Hendricks speaks to RNC about path to success

Billionaire Wisconsin businesswoman Diane Hendricks told the crowd at Thursday's RNC about her path from growing up on a Wisconsin dairy farm to running the biggest roofing supply company in North America.

"I'm living proof the American dream is possible through hard work and determination," she said to applause.

Hendricks is the co-founder of ABC Supply, the largest wholesale distributor of roofing supplies and a major distributor of siding and windows in North America. She started the Beloit-based company in 1982 with her husband, Ken, and has been the chairwoman and sole owner since his death in 2007.

"We risked everything we had to start that company. Today, ABC supply employs over 22,000 Americans," she said. 

(7:22 p.m.)

— Mary Spicuzza

Donald Trump returns to the RNC for his big night

Donald Trump returned for the final night of the Republican National Convention in downtown Milwaukee.

Trump arrived earlier than the other three nights, but Thursday night is a big night for him — he's scheduled to deliver his speech accepting the Republican nomination for president.

As with every night, he walked in to a standing ovation, loud applause and cheers shortly after "Y.M.C.A." blasted through Fiserv Forum.

(6:58 p.m.)

Transgender Milwaukeean wears U.S. Constitution to spark conversations outside RNC

Hannah Tahtinen, of Milwaukee, sparked conversations with passersby outside the RNC the way Tahtinen knows how — through performance art.

A giant replica of the U.S. Constitution hung across Tahtinen’s front. It was a way of making Tahtinen, a transgender, nonbinary person, more approachable, they said. In their hands was a sign saying, “Which side are you on?”

“I think it helps disarm people who might think, because of the way I present as a transgender, gender-nonconforming person, that I am the enemy,” Tahtinen said. “This (Constitution) is as much a document that protects me as anyone else, no matter what political affiliation you have.”

Tahtinen believes people have more in common than they might think and wanted to spark conversations and call attention to people’s cognitive dissonance, including around trans issues. 

“If you don’t know a single trans person, it can seem like some ideology, some movement, some scary thing,” Tahtinen said. “I think Republicans are using that to their advantage, to use fear and the fear of the unknown, the fear of someone who may be a stranger to them, to drive people to the (ballot) boxes.”

Over three hours Thursday morning, Tahtinen said they drew a range of responses, some cold, some heartwarming. Some asked to take pictures with them.

(6:27 p.m.)

— Gina Lee Castro and Sarah Volpenhein

Protesters meet with police outside Hyatt

After hearing from the family members of D’Vontaye Mitchell and Samuel “Jah” Sharpe, Jr., protesters at Red Arrow Park marched to the Hyatt hotel, where Mitchell was killed by security guards last month. 

Protesters arrived around 6 p.m. to find dozens of officers from multiple agencies guarding the hotel. After pausing outside and chanting Mitchell’s name, the protesters headed back without any confrontations with police.

Family members of Mitchell said they would keep protesting until seeing charges against the four guards who held down Mitchell with their knees on his back. Police referred four charges of felony murder in Mitchell’s death to the Milwaukee County District Attorney's Office, which has not made a decision.

“No one should be comfortable until some arrests and charges have been made,” said Latrisa Giles, Mitchell’s cousin. 

Family members of Sharpe said police didn’t give enough time for Sharpe, who had multiple sclerosis, to turn around before shooting and killing him Tuesday. His sister, Angelique Sharpe, asked whether anyone would want police to intervene the way they did if their own family member was in such an altercation. 

“There’s no way you would want a situation to be escalated like that that did not have a gun,” she said. 

(6:14 p.m.)

— Rory Linnane and Genevieve Redsten

Wisconsin delegation busts out cheeseheads at RNC

The cheeseheads were out in force for the final night of the Republican National Convention in Milwaukee. 

The Wisconsin delegation kicked off the convention wearing cheeseheads, the legendary Milwaukee-made foam headpieces. But they did take them off for the national anthem, with at least one delegate holding his cheesehead close to his heart.

The cheesehead was first worn by Ralph Bruno at a 1987 Milwaukee Brewers game. He used foam from inside his mother’s couch to cut it into a triangle, burned some holes into it and spray-painted it yellow.

In 2023, the Green Bay Packers acquired the company that now manufacturers the iconic hats, Foamation.   

(6:02 p.m.)

— Mary Spicuzza and Drake Bentley

Usha Chilukuri Vance dined in the Tosa Village, but business typical otherwise in west suburbs

Usha Chilukuri Vance, wife of GOP vice presidential candidate U.S. Sen. JD Vance, dined Wednesday afternoon at Le Rêve Patisserie & Café, bar manager Chris Paape told a Journal Sentinel reporter. Secret Service scoped out the restaurant ahead of her visit, he said.

While a waitress who served Chilukuri Vance declined to share what dish the vice presidential candidate’s wife chose for lunch, Paape said Secret Service agents didn't order any food themselves.

Lion's Tail Brewing Company, 8520 W. North Ave., was packed Monday and Tuesday nights, but quiet Wednesday, two employees told a Journal Sentinel reporter.

Discover Wauwatosa partnered with the hotels in the community to put together welcome gifts to place in guest rooms for their arrivals, said Beth Gleesing, tourism specialist for the City of Wauwatosa.

Two employees at hotel Twenty-Three03, formerly the Radisson Hotel, said they were in from Florida to staff the hotel that's hosting Alabama delegates. The hotel and the adjacent Jimmy's Island Grill and Iguana Bar closed months ago, but reopened to host around 150 convention guests before it will shut down permanently, multiple sources told the Journal Sentinel.

In Brookfield, the Utah delegation planned for lunch at WhirlyBall Brookfield Thursday afternoon.

— Bridget Fogarty

Here's how to watch Trump's speech at RNC tonight

Tonight is the final and much anticipated night of the 2024 Republican National Convention in Milwaukee.

The main event, of course, will be Trump, who will deliver a speech for the first time since Saturday's assassination attempt at a rally in Pennsylvania. He'll accept the nomination as the Republican candidate for president.

The event began at 5:30 p.m. and ends at 10:30 p.m. Thursday's theme is "Make America Great Once Again,."

Here's how you can watch Thursday's RNC coverage and who will deliver speeches .

(5:53 p.m.)

— Caitlin Looby

Does Trump still think Milwaukee is a 'horrible city'? Riverside Theater asks the question

It's the fourth and final day of the RNC, and that means one of Milwaukee's historic landmarks has one last message for visiting Republican delegates.

This week, the Riverside Theater marquee has become known for its quippy yet informative messages spotlighting why the Cream City is so great.

Thursday's message from the Pabst Theater Group read: "So, Milwaukee... Not so horrible, eh?"

(5:49 p.m.)

When is Trump speaking at the RNC tonight?

On the heels of an  assassination attempt against Trump , the announcement of his vice president pick and a packed week at the Republican National Convention , many are awaiting Trump's speech Thursday night at Fiserv Forum to wrap up the fourth and final day of the convention in Milwaukee.

Here's what we know about Trump's speech accepting the Republican nomination for president:

(5:30 p.m.)

— Claudia Levens

Former Gov. Tommy Thompson wants to see Trump rally in Milwaukee or Madison

acceptance speech for head girl

Former Wisconsin Gov. Tommy Thompson said he wants to see Trump hold a rally in Milwaukee or Madison this year — or his hometown of Elroy, he joked. 

One of the four principles he tells candidates is that they should campaign in Madison and Milwaukee. "Republicans don't do that," Thompson said. 

U.S. Sen. Ron Johnson told the Journal Sentinel earlier Thursday afternoon he'd like to see Trump hold a rally in Milwaukee. 

Thompson said he's "never seen the party this united" in his 60 years of being a Republican, and he's never seen Democrats "so unorganized and disjointed as they are today."

"Democrats cannot win the presidency, and I think we're going to carry Wisconsin," he said.

(5:15 p.m.)

Host Committee Chairman Reince Priebus on businesses

For months, the MKE 2024 Host Committee hyped how the convention was going to be good for the city and local businesses. But when the convention arrived, some businesses were hoping for more of an impact.

“In some places, the impact was enormous,” said Reince Priebus, Host Committee chairman. “In other places, depending on the situation, where the businesses are located, where the delegates are located, that all plays a role in it.”

Priebus added he wants “nothing more than everyone to make as much money as possible.”

Priebus said the Host Committee held several events and parties in restaurants in the leadup to the convention.

“The real thing here I think that is important for everyone to understand is that there are some businesses that made a lot of money,” Priebus said. “Some wish they made more.”

Priebus said this convention is like an audition for future events to come to Milwaukee.

“The future potential conventions here, whether it be WrestleMania or All-Star games, or whatever it is, is that this is a good destination city to come to and have your event,” Priebus said. “The real money isn’t just this event. The real money is all the future events that are going to come here. And they’re not going to have all the security to deal with either.”

Priebus said he’s received universal praise for the convention.

“I’ve gotten zero negative comments about either the organization, the city or the events,” Priebus said.

After the convention business in Fiserv Forum is over, the Host Committee is having a party at Potawatomi Casino Hotel featuring a Jason Aldean concert.

“That’s our baby tonight,” Priebus said.

(5:13 p,m.)

— Ricardo Torres

Rally for Samuel Sharpe and D'Vontaye Mitchell begins in Red Arrow Park

Over 100 people, including dozens of journalists, have gathered at Red Arrow Park in Milwaukee to remember Samuel “Jah” Sharpe, Jr., who was shot and killed in Milwaukee Tuesday by police officers who were in town from Ohio for the RNC. 

They're also remembering D’Vontaye Mitchell, who died June 30 after being held down by four security guards outside the Hyatt Regency hotel in downtown Milwaukee. 

The Milwaukee Alliance Against Racist & Political Repression, which was involved in organizing the Coalition to March on the RNC and held a vigil for Sharpe Tuesday, called for the rally at Red Arrow Thursday. 

More than 30 police officers were at the park as the rally began. The Milwaukee Police Department had a softer presence at the Coalition’s march Monday. 

Many residents have decried local officials for allowing Republicans to hold their national convention in Milwaukee and welcoming a heavy police presence.

(4:58 p.m.)

— Rory Linnane, Genevieve Redsten

Did gay dating app Grindr crash during the RNC?

Are hookups on the rise during the RNC this week?

According to Google search trends, that's been one of the hot topics on people's minds in Milwaukee, particularly regarding gay dating app Grindr , which has seen a flood of unconfirmed reports that it's continually crashing during the convention.

But what's really happening on Grindr this week?

(4:55 p.m.)

— Rachel Bernhard

Is Elon Musk speaking at the RNC tonight?

Elon Musk, CEO of Tesla and X, has made some big moves supporting Trump in the past week.

On Saturday, less than an hour after the attempted assassination of Trump, Musk posted on X that he "fully" endorses Trump's presidential campaign. A few days later, Musk reportedly committed to donating $45 million a month to a political action committee backing Trump's reelection, according to the Wall Street Journal .

The billionaire's public support of the Trump campaign has ramped up public speculation of whether he might speak at the final night of the RNC, when Trump will formally accept the GOP nomination.

Will Musk speak at the convention Thursday night?

(4:48 p.m.)

— Maia Pandey

U.S. Sen. Ron Johnson wants to see Trump hold a rally in Milwaukee

Could Trump be back in Milwaukee sometime soon? 

Asked where Trump should hold his next rallies in Wisconsin, U.S. Sen. Ron Johnson says he's told Trump and his campaign that they "ought to come in and do a rally right here in Milwaukee."

"Milwaukee is a melting pot," Johnson told the Journal Sentinel on Wisconsin Media Row Thursday afternoon. "Come here because President Trump wants to be, and was, the president for every American. He lifted everybody up."

Trump has so far held rallies in Green Bay, Waukesha and Racine this year. 

Johnson also praised the bipartisan effort to bring the RNC to Wisconsin. 

"From Mayor Johnson to Gov. Evers to myself, we all wanted the exact same thing: a great event, so that everybody leaving here has got a really great impression of Milwaukee and Wisconsin," he said. 

Like Vos, Johnson agreed that if Biden were to exit the presidential race, it wouldn't change Republicans' strategy much.

Ahead of Trump's acceptance speech tonight, Johnson said Trump's "life was spared for a reason. I'm sure he wants to put it to very good use."

"Trump said he had a humdinger speech. I'm sure he would have loved to deliver it, we probably would have loved to hear it," Johnson said. "But he set that aside, he wants to have a speech talking about unity."

(4:40 p.m.)

Popular YouTuber Alex Stein's antics got him thrown out of the RNC. Find out what he did.

Right-wing comedic YouTuber Alex Stein was thrown out of the RNC Tuesday.

RNC organizers decided to remove Stein, who runs the YouTube channel "Prime Time with Alex Stein," after he interrupted a video interview between Piers Morgan and Cenk Uygur, host of "The Young Turks."

In the video, Stein stuck his head around Uygur’s camera yelling: “Cenk is transgender, Cenk is transgender.”

Uygur immediately called Stein one of the “lunatic Republicans” while still on with Morgan.

Videos of the incident went on to get millions of views on X, formerly known as Twitter, as well as other social platforms.

It was totally worth getting kicked out of the RNC just to crash @piersmorgan and piss off @cenkuygur — Alex Stein #99 (@alexstein99) July 17, 2024

(4:29 p.m.)

— Erik S. Hanley

Vos hasn't talked to Trump this week, said he's 'always open' to it

Wisconsin Assembly Speaker Robin Vos said he hasn't yet spoken with Trump this week, but said he's "always open to it." 

"We had talked about trying to get together. But obviously, with everything that happened on Saturday, security's been tighter, his schedule has been more crazy, so he's got better things to do," Vos told reporters at Wisconsin Media Row Thursday afternoon. 

Vos endorsed Trump earlier this year , but the state's top Republican didn't always want to see Trump as the nominee . Vos has sometimes become a target of the former president, including facing a Trump-backed primary challenger. 

Asked how confident he was that Republicans will win Wisconsin in November, Vos said he's been "in Wisconsin long enough to not be overconfident. Every election is decided by a razor-thin margin."

Vos expressed support for JD Vance and said his personal story will resonate with voters. He said if Democrats replace President Joe Biden as their nominee, it wouldn't affect Republicans' efforts to compare the four years under Biden to Trump's time in office. 

"I think no matter who the Democrats put (in), they're not going to change the policies," Vos said. 

Vos said he's probably talked to people from half of the country this week and "the only thing they have said is positives."

"We all know living here that 'Wisconsin nice' is real, but we are now proving it to the rest of the world that the people who live here love our country, and they are also super-hospitable, no matter what their political beliefs are, " Vos said.

(4:20 p.m.)

WWE takes over the RNC with Kid Rock, Linda McMahon, Hulk Hogan and Kane all in Milwaukee

Donald Trump has a long history with the WWE. In fact, he's in the company's Hall of Fame .

So it's probably not surprising that the 2024 Republican National Convention in Milwaukee where Trump was officially named the GOP nominee for president again earlier in the week has turned into a WWE reunion.

Three members of the WWE family — Kid Rock, Linda McMahon and Hulk Hogan — will be featured on the final night of the RNC Thursday at Fiserv Forum and another one — Glenn Jacobs (known to wrestling fans as Kane who is now the mayor of Knox County in Tennessee) — has been involved in the convention events.

Great to have ran into my friend and strong conservative freedom fighter @Linda_McMahon today! — Glenn Jacobs (@GlennJacobsTN) July 17, 2024

Protesters clash with Trump supporters

Anti-Trump filmmakers and protesters on Thursday afternoon got into an extended altercation with Trump supporters outside the Hyatt Regency hotel, 333 W. Kilbourn Ave., next to an RNC security checkpoint.

The confrontation lasted about 45 minutes and involved several heated exchanges and some slurs between both groups. There was no observed fighting and no apparent injuries.

One person involved in the incident, dressed as Uncle Sam, stole a flag from anti-Trump protesters, which provoked frustration from the protesters and led to some taunting and heated exchanges.

At least 50 police officers observed the altercation, but didn't intervene.

People in vests with the words "Community Relations Services" on them eventually dispersed the groups. 

(3:45 p.m.)

— Kathryn Muchnick and Jolan Kruse

State Rep. Scott Allen proud of RNC as he watches avidly from Waukesha home

Like millions of Americans across the country, state Rep. Scott Allen has closely watched the events and highlights of the RNC from his Waukesha home.

From this position roughly 20 miles away from the hub of activity, there are no security zones to wade through, no traffic jams, no parking challenges and, in light of last weekend's assassination attempt against Trump, no potential threats to witness.

But Allen, the 97th Assembly District's representative since 2014, feels involved nonetheless, and, more than that, comfortable as the week unfolded. The five-term Republican is also proud of the Milwaukee connection and the focus it brings.

"I have been paying attention to conventions and involved in the party for decades," Allen said. "The big difference that I see in this convention ... and it might be because it's here in Wisconsin, but it also might be related to the incident that occurred this weekend, is that everybody is interested in it. Even the last convention (in 2016), it wasn't like that. I'd say, maybe one out of 10 people I talked to were paying attention.

"Part of it is because it's right in our hometown, and we're kind of proud of that."

The convention has also given him a chance to learn more about JD Vance, who Trump announced Monday as his vice presidential running mate. "I think he's a grand representation" of the party's future, Allen said.

(2:45 p.m.)

— Jim Riccioli

Milwaukee County Executive David Crowley doubles down on support for Biden

Milwaukee County Executive David Crowley stopped by Media Row on Thursday to talk about finding unity within the Democratic Party around the selection of President Joe Biden as the nominee. He said disagreement in the party “speaks to the level of democracy that we have” and called it a “family feud,” but pushed for Democrats to continue “staying the course.”

“As long as we keep talking about President Biden, if he's fit, I think that's a distraction from us as Democrats really bringing home the issues at hand,” Crowley said, reiterating the support he offered for Biden at Demcorats’ counter-programming this morning.

He said those calling for Biden to step down should realize “we really don’t have too many choices at the end of the day” and that the most important job is “to defeat Trump.”

“We have to look at this as a machine. It’s not just voting for President Biden, we're also voting for Vice President Kamala Harris, we're also voting for many of the appointees who have been doing great work on behalf of this administration,” Crowley said.

Even before the fallout over the debate, polling showed Biden has an enthusiasm problem in Wisconsin: Those very enthusiastic to vote overwhelmingly support Trump, 61% to 39%, according to the most recent Marquette Poll. 

Crowley said Democrats “have to focus on turnout” to win the election and credited their win in 2020 to their ground game and “robust get-out-the-vote effort.”

“As long as we continue to focus on that, and the issues that people are talking about at the kitchen table, we're going to see another win this upcoming year,” Crowley said.

(2:35 p.m.)

Hispanic voters are 'the new Republican Party,' Florida congressman says

In the lower level of the Iron Horse Hotel, 500 W. Florida St. in Walker's Point, the Hispanic Leadership Coalition of the American First Policy Institute hosted dozens of Hispanic leaders from all over the country. 

U.S. Rep. Carlos Gimenez, R-Florida, said Republicans and Hispanics share "the same values," referring specifically to a strong sense of family and faith.

"More and more of us are becoming Republican, and more of us also, even though they maybe independent, are voting Republican," Gimenez said. 

At the event, there was finger food, drinks and maracas with the phrase "vota por tu futuro!" — which translates to "vote for your future!"

Gimenez said, in 2016, his district was won by Democrat Hillary Clinton and eventually swung Republican when he was elected in 2022.

"I think Donald Trump has a really good chance of winning Miami Dade County," Gimenez said, adding that it has historically been a Democratic county. "That shows you what's happening not only in in Miami Dade County but what's happening in the Hispanic community ... around this country."

Gimenez, who was born in Cuba, said the coalition of conservatives and Hispanic conservatives will help win elections for Republicans. 

"The Republican Party needs to do more outreach to Hispanics," Gimenez said. "That will be the new Republican Party." 

(2:30 p.m.)

Kid Rock arrives in Milwaukee, warming up at Fiserv

Singer and rapper Robert James Ritchie — better known as Kid Rock — posted a video on X Thursday afternoon, saying he’d just arrived in Milwaukee, writing, “RNC 2024!! Tonight!!” 

Although the official schedule for the last day of the convention doesn’t yet list a musical performance, a TMJ4 reporter posted a video of him rehearsing at Fiserv Forum, complete with patriotic lights, backup musicians and a visible “Trump Vance” sign. NBC News in Chicago reported him as performing at 9:03 p.m. Thursday. 

Michigan-born Kid Rock made his name in the music industry with the release of his album “Devil Without a Cause” in 1998, since making music that mixes hip hop, rap and country genres. His most listened-to song on Spotify is “All Summer Long,” which he released in 2008. 

He’s leaned into conservative politics in recent years, aligning himself with former Trump’s causes . Recently, he donated $50,000 to an online fundraiser for “supporters and families wounded or killed” in the Saturday shooting at Trump’s rally in Pennsylvania. 

In his video on X, he said he’s in Milwaukee “to support our tried and true, red, white and blue, 100% American badass president.” 

(1:40 p.m.)

— Madeline Heim

Milwaukee Public Market business picking up

Activity at Milwaukee Public Market appears noticeably busier during Thursday’s lunch hour compared to the same period Tuesday.

Executive Director Paul Schwartz said both Wednesday and Thursday are better days compared to earlier this week. Some of that is tied to more business from first responders, he said.

Operators of two Milwaukee Street restaurants — Cubanitas and Brunch It Up — made similar comments.

(1:05 p.m.)

— Tom Daykin

Former Wisconsin GOP congressman Scott Klug impressed with Vance's speech

Former Wisconsin Republican congressman Scott Klug stopped by Wisconsin Media Row Thursday afternoon to talk about JD Vance’s Wednesday night speech.

“I think he really came across more so than I expected as a full-throated Midwesterner,” Klug said, adding he was “impressed” by the speech.

Vance formally accepted his nomination as the GOP vice-presidential candidate Wednesday. During his speech, he said the moment was about “all of us,” including the “auto worker in Michigan, wondering why out-of-touch politicians are destroying their jobs” and “the factory worker in Wisconsin who makes things with their hands and is proud of American craftsmanship.”

acceptance speech for head girl

Trump is hoping the Ohio senator and “Hillbilly Elegy: A Memoir of a Family and Culture in Crisis” author can appeal to voters in rust-belt states.

“It just seems to me like a real moment and, if he plays like that on the campaign trail, he’ll be an asset throughout the sort of Upper Midwest, from Pennsylvania to Ohio, Michigan and Wisconsin,” Klug said. “I think that's why they picked him.”

(12:55 p.m.)

Melania, Ivanka Trump will be at RNC Thursday night, reports say

Ever since the start of the convention, political observers from both parties have wondered: Where is former President Donald Trump's wife, Melania? And where's his daughter and former adviser, Ivanka?  

Now, it looks like Milwaukee can expect to see both Melania and Ivanka on its final day.  

USA TODAY, citing unnamed officials, reported Thursday that Melania Trump will be in attendance when her husband formally accepts the GOP’s nomination tonight and is expected to be seated in the family box at the RNC. Officials didn't provide additional details of her arrival, or say whether she would speak to the delegates. 

Meanwhile, Eric Trump, son of the former president, told Tony Dokoupil of "CBS Mornings" that both Melania and Ivanka Trump will be at the RNC in Milwaukee Thursday. 

“They’re coming in full force and effect, so they’ll certainly be here,” Eric Trump said.

(12:30 p.m.)

— Jane Park  

Who's speaking at the RNC Thursday? Who are the RNC speakers tonight?

The final official session of the convention, in which Trump will accept his nomination as the Republican candidate for president, begins at 5:30 p.m. and ends at 10:30 p.m. 

Here's the list of speakers for the final night of the convention:

5:30 to 6 p.m.

  • Sen. Steve Daines (Montana)
  • Rep. Richard Hudson (North Carolina), chair of the National Republican Congressional Committee

6 to 6:30 p.m.

  • Diane Hendricks, co-founder of the Beloit-based ABC supply
  • Linda McMahon, former administrator, Small Business Administration
  • Mike Pompeo, former Secretary of State

6:30 to 7 p.m.

  • Pastor Lorenzo Sewell of 180 Church in Detroit
  • Steve Witkoff, real estate investor, landlord and longtime friend of Trump , and Zach Witkoff

7 to 7:30 p.m.

  • Alina Habba, Trump's attorney
  • Tucker Carlson, former host of "Tucker Carlson Tonight" on Fox News

7:30 to 8 p.m.

  • Hulk Hogan, professional entertainer and wrestler

8 to 9 p.m.

  • Franklin Graham, president and CEO of the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association
  • Eric Trump, Trump's son
  • Dana White, CEO of Ultimate Fighting Championship

9 to 10:30 p.m.

  • Former President Donald Trump

The north protest zone has been mostly quiet

Haymarket Square was empty of protesters Thursday morning. Staff with Milwaukee's Office of Community Wellness and Safety and local firefighters milled about the park, which is available for demonstrations from 11 a.m. to 7 p.m.

"It's better to have and not need than need and not have," said Community Wellness and Safety Director Ashanti Hamilton of the space, which is one of two designated protest zones.

He said Haymarket had been consistently slow after the first day of the convention, adding that protestors had largely found other ways to make their voices heard, including through demonstrations at Red Arrow Park and near checkpoints inside the RNC security zone, which Hamilton said have more built-in audiences.

Two protests are scheduled at Haymarket Thursday afternoon.

(12:20 p.m.)

— La Risa Lynch and Steve Martinez

Beloit billionaire Diane Hendricks called 'everyday American' before her Thursday night speech

Billionaire Diane Hendricks , one of the richest people in Wisconsin, will apparently be speaking as an "everyday American" when she takes the stage Thursday at the RNC.

Hendricks is the co-founder of ABC Supply, the largest wholesale distributor of roofing supplies and a major distributor of siding and windows in North America. She has an estimated net worth of $20.9 billion, and the 77-year-old topped the 2024  Forbes' list of richest self-made women  in America — the  seventh year in a row  she's led the list.

But according to the list of RNC speakers, provided by a source familiar with the lineup, Hendricks will be speaking as an "everyday American" on Thursday, the final night of the convention.

(12:10 p.m.)

— Mary Spicuzza and Maia Pandey

Milwaukee Mayor Cavalier Johnson claps back after U.S. Rep. Derrick Van Orden says he’s done a ‘horrible’ job

Milwaukee Mayor Cavalier Johnson has been stressing unity during the RNC this week.

But Johnson couldn’t resist clapping back at Wisconsin Republican U.S. Rep. Derrick Van Orden when Van Orden told Urban Milwaukee that the Democratic mayor is doing a “horrible job” leading Wisconsin’s largest city.

"This place has the potential to be a world class, awesome city that it should be, but unfortunately Cavalier Johnson has done a horrible job running this place,” Van Orden told Urban Milwaukee.

Johnson responded on X, “I hope that Mr. Van Orden’s visit to Milwaukee was more memorable than his visit to the United States Capitol on January 6th.”

I hope that Mr. Van Orden’s visit to Milwaukee was more memorable than his visit to the United States Capitol on January 6th. — Cavalier Johnson (@CavalierJohnson) July 18, 2024

Van Orden has acknowledged attending the Trump rally that preceded the Jan. 6 insurrection but said he left when the riot began. 

(11:15 a.m.)

— Mary Spicuzza and Lawrence Andrea

Journal Sentinel's Kristin Brey, JR Radcliffe preview Thursday at RNC; Rachel Bernhard talks about RNC's impact on downtown businesses

acceptance speech for head girl

Late-night TV talked a lot about the RNC Wednesday. But not a lot about its host city.

The late-night television talk shows had much to say Wednesday night about the second and third days of the RNC in Milwaukee. But they didn't have a lot to say about Milwaukee.

The late-night hosts poked fun at JD Vance’s beard, the RNC hip-hop anthem “Trump Trump Baby” and the appearance of Babydog, West Virginia Gov. Jim Justice’s charming, 60-pound bulldog. 

But Milwaukee? You'd hardly know the RNC was in the city.

The only notable mention of Milwaukee was on "The Daily Show," which briefly mentioned the city in a recurring bit where correspondents reported “live” from Milwaukee. The punchline? None of "The Daily Show" crew was actually in Milwaukee.  

More than halfway through the segment, host Ronny Chieng introduced correspondent Michael Kosta, who appeared to speak in front of a digital backdrop of Fiserv Forum, and asked him how things were going in Milwaukee. 

“I know we canceled all our shows here this week, but I’m glad that I got to stay here in Milwaukee, which is where I am ,” said Kosta. 

On Sunday, following the assassination attempt targeting Trump in Pennsylvania, "The Daily Show" canceled plans to record its shows live in Milwaukee during the RNC, citing "logistical issues and the evolving situation in Milwaukee."

Tuesday night on "The Daily Show," host Jon Stewart said the show's plans had changed because the place they planned to stage the show, the Marcus Performing Arts Center, had been shifted into the hard security perimeter.

(A Journal Sentinel fact check found that he claim was wrong: The boundaries of the security perimeter had not changed after the shooting, and the Marcus Center was still in the soft security zone.) 

(10:50 a.m.)

— Jane Park

Melania Trump expected to be in family box Thursday night

There's a mystery guest for Trump's acceptance speech:  Former first lady Melania Trump .

The low-profile spouse is expected to be in the family box for  her husband's remarks , officials said, but they wouldn't otherwise comment on her activities. She has no public schedule.

Melania Trump has rarely be seen in public during her husband's 2024 campaign; she did issue  a lengthy written statement  after Saturday's assassination attempt.

“A monster who recognized my husband as an inhuman political machine attempted to ring out Donald's passion — his laughter, ingenuity, love of music, and inspiration,” she wrote.

Read more about Melania Trump

(10:40 a.m.)

—  David Jackson , USA TODAY

Democrats reinforce their support for Biden

Democrats Thursday morning doubled down on their support for Biden, who tested positive for COVID Wednesday afternoon. 

In a press conference in Milwaukee, Quentin Fulks, the principal deputy campaign manager for the Biden-Harris campaign, said Biden is planning to stay in the race, despite calls for him to step down. 

"Our campaign is not working through any scenarios where President Biden is not the top of the ticket," Fulks said. "He is and will be the Democratic nominee."

U.S. Sen. Alex Padilla of California said Biden is committed to continuing his campaign. 

"He's committed to winning in November, because we want to continue the progress we've made on his leadership," he said. "And because we know the dangers of Donald Trump."

Milwaukee County Executive David Crowley said Biden's road to victory this fall runs through Wisconsin, and he will continue his support for the president as well. 

"My fellow Wisconsinites and myself know that we're going to vote and we're going to vote to keep (Biden) there in November," Crowley said. "Because we know exactly what is on the mind. We know that we have to protect our democracy because there is no other option."

The speakers also highlighted Project 2025, the platform of issues that is being tied to Trump. Democrats have repeatedly criticized the plan, attempting to draw the eyes of voters to what they say are concerning plans Trump would implement in office. 

"This is what this election is about. It is not about Joe Biden's age. It's not about Donald Trump's age to be honest with you. It is about their vision for this country for a second term," Fulks said. "Project 2025 is a blueprint that Donald Trump himself has aligned and instructed people to put together for what his agenda would be and we think that American voters deserve to know that ahead of November."

(10:15 a.m.)

National bus tour promoting abortion access to stop in Milwaukee Thursday

The “Ride to Decide” bus tour, put on by the group Free & Just, which advocates for reproductive freedom, will stop in Milwaukee at 3 p.m. Thursday. 

Tour speakers will highlight the consequences of abortion bans across the country and “will set the record straight as conservatives at the Republican National Convention attempt to distance themselves from their long and shameful record of attacking access to abortion and reproductive health care,” according to a press release from the group. 

Speakers include a medical student at the Medical College of Wisconsin, a former Planned Parenthood chaplain and nurses and doctors from the Milwaukee area. The group has been handing out contraceptives as the bus travels the country. 

The word "abortion" has rarely been uttered at the convention. Republicans released a party platform last week that deflected on the issue of abortion rights, leaving anti-abortion groups who wanted to implement a more aggressive stance frustrated. The weaker position may reflect concerns that the issue of abortion is a political loser for Republicans and could hurt Trump and other Republican candidates in November.

Democrats, meanwhile, say abortion rights are still under attack. 

In Wisconsin, the fall of Roe v. Wade in 2022 reverted the state to an 1849 law banning almost all abortions . Planned Parenthood of Wisconsin resumed abortion services in September 2023 , citing a comment from a Dane County judge who said the 1849 law appeared to apply to feticide, not consensual abortion.

Both an appeal of that ruling , and a petition from Planned Parenthood to find a right to abortion in the state constitution, are pending before the state Supreme Court. 

Sen. Ron Johnson predicts Trump speech to unify after life-changing experience

Thursday morning, during the Faith and Freedom Coalition’s God and Country Breakfast at the Pfister Hotel in Milwaukee, Wisconsin Sen. Ron Johnson shared what he hoped to hear from Trump’s speech Thursday night.

Johnson explained how the assassination attempt Saturday in Pennsylvania might shape the speech.

“That would change your life," Johnson said. "I think we're getting indications from President Trump that his life has been changed. I mean, I think we all here think this is probably something whispered in his ear.

“He turned his head. He looked at the chart. His life was spared. And now he has a new lease on life and he can put it to good use.” 

acceptance speech for head girl

Johnson said he's praying that Trump will deliver a message of unity.

“Our nation needs to be healed and unified, and we have to lead the way. That's got to be our mission. It is our solemn duty to preserve this marvelous land.”

(9:50 a.m.)

— Mike De Sisti

Hulk Hogan's going to speak at RNC Thursday night, brother

Retired American wrestling star Hulk Hogan will speak Thursday night at the Republican National Convention, ahead of a highly anticipated speech from former president Donald Trump.

MSNBC first reported Thursday morning  that Hogan, who has occasionally tossed around political aspirations after  retiring from wrestling in 2012 , would join the lineup of convention speakers in Milwaukee. Trump is expected to accept his nomination tonight as the GOP presidential candidate facing President Joe Biden in November.

More: Hulk Hogan will speak at the RNC Thursday night. Here's what to know about him.

Mayor says Republicans will offer ‘false narrative of gloom’ on final day of RNC, reiterates support for Biden

Milwaukee Mayor Cavalier Johnson said ahead of Trump’s acceptance speech Thursday night that those listening should be prepared for a “false narrative of gloom, a false narrative of blame, a message from Republicans that just simply is not true.”

Trump, who has appeared at the four-day convention but has not spoken, will address those gathered at Fiserv Forum Thursday night.

Johnson, a Democrat and ardent Biden supporter, said he's looking forward to taking part in the Democratic National Convention next month in Chicago and re-nominating Biden to run for a second term in the White House.

acceptance speech for head girl

“The upcoming November election is extremely, extremely important for the future of America,” he said.

Johnson has continued to stick by Biden even as other Democrats have called for or privately urged the president to step aside following a disastrous debate performance last month.

On Wednesday, U.S. Rep. Adam Schiff, D-Calif., became the most prominent Democratic lawmaker to call on Biden to drop out of the 2024 election over concerns he can't beat Trump in November.

(7:45 a.m.)

— Alison Dirr  

City-designated demonstration spaces outside RNC busier Wednesday

City of Milwaukee-designated demonstration areas were busier Wednesday than they had been on the previous two days of the convention, Johnson said Thursday.

And, he said, for the first time, additional people came and asked to speak at the podiums. They were accommodated, he said.

(7:30 a.m.)

— Alison Dirr

Arrests overnight ahead of fourth and final day of RNC, mayor says

Two incidents near the convention led to seven arrests overnight Thursday, Johnson said.

The arrests took place on the east side of the Milwaukee River, just outside of the security perimeter.

Johnson said in the first case, two people were arrested for fights, while in the second case, five people were arrested for “disorderly behavior outside a bar.”

He also said there was a convention-related arrest of a person accused of stealing tickets and trying to sell them.

(7:20 a.m.)

What's the RNC Day 4 convention schedule?

The final official session of the convention, in which Trump will accept his nomination as the Republican candidate for president, begins at 5:45 p.m. and ends at 10:30 p.m. 

Earlier in the day, there are a number of events for convention-goers. The  convention is closed to all  but delegates, politicians, media members and volunteers.

Among the events:

  • The Hispanic Leadership Coalition Reception is from noon to 2 p.m. at the Iron Horse Hotel.
  • There are several book signings at Convention Fest: Donald Trump Jr., from 2 to 4 p.m.; Peter Navarro, from 2 to 4 p.m.; and Kari Lake, from 3 to 4 p.m.
  • The Republican Jewish Coalition is hosting a Salute to Pro-Israel Elected Officials from 4 to 6 p.m.

The official convention watch party takes place each day at the Drink Wisconsinbly Pub, 320 W. Highland Ave., across from Fiserv Forum. It's set to start at 5:45 p.m.

Here's the master  schedule of events for the Republican National Convention .

(5:30 a.m.)

What time does Donald Trump speak Thursday night?

The time of Trump's nomination acceptance speech hasn't been announced, but it's likely to be at the end of the session, sometime between 9 and 10 p.m.

The schedule of speakers for Thursday night likely will be released late morning to midafternoon Thursday.

What's the RNC theme Thursday?

Thursday's theme is Make America Great Once Again .

Here are the daily themes from earlier in the week:

  • Monday: Make America Wealthy Once Again  
  • Tuesday: Make America Safe Once Again
  • Wednesday: Make America Strong Once Again 

No speakers have been announced yet, though it's certain that Trump will speak.

There also are reports that UFC CEO Dana White will speak before Trump .

Based on the RNC's list of speakers for the convention released in advance, here are some of the people who haven't spoken yet, including Beloit's Diane Hendricks, owner of ABC Supply :

  • Sen. Steve Daines (Montana), NRSC Chairman
  • Rep. Richard Hudson (North Carolina), NRCC Chairman
  • Mike Pompeo, former U.S. Secretary of State
  • Linda McMahon, former U.S. Administrator of SBA
  • Tucker Carlson, TV host
  • Franklin Graham, faith leader
  • Diane Hendricks, owner of ABC Supply

When does the RNC end? How many days is the RNC?

The Republican National Convention ends Thursday, the last of its four days.

When is the Democratic National Convention, or DNC, in 2024?

The  Democratic National Convention  will be held in Chicago — less than 100 miles south of the RNC — from Aug. 19 to Aug. 22.

We fact-checked some of the rumors spreading online about the Trump assassination attempt

  • Medium Text

Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump holds a campaign rally in Butler


Altered images, false claims shooting was staged, predictive programming conspiracy theories.

Reporting by Seana Davis; additional reporting Esther Chan; editing by Stephanie Burnett and Christina Agnagnostopoulos

Our Standards: The Thomson Reuters Trust Principles. , opens new tab

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Fact Check: No firearm recovered in Milwaukee officer-involved shooting near RNC

There is no evidence a July 16 officer-involved shooting in Milwaukee, Wisconsin was linked to the Republican National Convention (RNC) nearly a mile away, or to the July 13 assassination attempt targeting Donald Trump in Pennsylvania, as suggested in social media posts saying the incident involved a “potential shooter.”

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Trump kisses fire suit of fallen rally goer Corey Comperatore on RNC stage

acceptance speech for head girl

Corey Comperatore, the firefighter who was killed in the assassination attempt on former President Donald Trump, had his fire suit appear during Trump's nomination acceptance speech at the Republican National Convention in Milwaukee Thursday night.

Trump noted the death of Comperatore during the speech, saying that he called the Comperatore family and kissing a firefighter's helmet. The last name on the jacket displayed on stage was misspelled as, "Compertore," as it was in Comperatore's firehouse photos shared after his death.

Trump also held up what he told the audience was a million-dollar check for the families of Comperatore and the families of the two people critically injured in the shooting.

The official GoFundMe campaign for the victims of the shooting raised over $5.3 million dollars as of Thursday night.

Trump accepted the Republican party's nomination after telling the crowd his perspective on how the assassination attempt occurred.

Who was Corey Comparatore?

Comperatore, a firefighter from Sarver, Pennsylvania, who served in the Buffalo Township Volunteer Fire Department had two daughters and was an avid Trump supporter.

"Yesterday time stopped," Allyson Comperatore, his daughter, said on Facebook. "And when it started again my family and I started living a real-life nightmare.

"Corey was a girl dad. Corey was a firefighter," Shapiro told reporters Sunday. "Corey went to church every Sunday. Corey loved his community and, most especially, Corey loved his family."

Breaking News

Four false and misleading claims made by Donald Trump at his Republican acceptance speech

Surrounded by family and  J.D. Vance,  Trump smiles at GOP convention.

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As former President Trump accepted the Republican presidential nomination he laid out his vision for running the country. He painted a dire picture of the state of the U.S. and outlined a range of actions he planned to take.

But his comments Thursday night were marked with myriad false and misleading information that distorted the facts aboutimmigration, the U.S. economy and his previous accomplishments.

Here are the facts:


TRUMP: “The greatest invasion in history is taking place right here in our country — they are coming in from every corner of the Earth, not just from South America, but from Africa, Asia and the Middle East — they’re coming from everywhere, and this administration does nothing to stop them. They are coming from prisons and jails, from mental institutions and insane asylums, and terrorists at levels never seen before.”

THE FACTS: Trump spent much of his address discussing immigration and the mass influx of migrants into the U.S., repeating several false and misleading claims, including that it has caused a crime surge. He cited recent high-profile and heinous crimes allegedly committed by people in the country illegally as proof.

But the suggestion there has been a spike in violent crime nationally as a result of the influx is not supported by facts .

MILWAUKEE, WI JULY 16, 2024 -- Sen. Ted Cruz speaks during the Republican National Convention on Tuesday, July 16, 2024. (Robert Gauthier / Los Angeles Times)

Republicans say Biden’s America is awash in immigrant-driven crime. What do the data say?

Republicans on Tuesday night described an America awash in crime, including from immigrants without legal status. What do the data say?

July 16, 2024

FBI statistics do not separate out crimes by the immigration status of the assailant, nor is there any evidence of a rise in crime perpetrated by migrants, either along the U.S.-Mexico border or in cities seeing the greatest influx of migrants, like New York. In fact, national statistics show violent crime is on the way down.

Studies have found that people living in the country illegally are less likely than native-born Americans to have been arrested for violent, drug and property crimes. A 2020 study published by the National Academy of Sciences found “considerably lower felony arrest rates” among people in the United States illegally than legal immigrants or native-born citizens.

There is also no evidence to support that other countries are sending their murderers, drug dealers and other criminals to the U.S.

TRUMP: “We had the greatest economy in the history of the world.”

THE FACTS: That’s far from accurate. The COVID-19 pandemic triggered a massive recession during his presidency. The government borrowed $3.1 trillion in 2020 to stabilize the economy, and Trump left the White House with fewer jobs than when he entered.

But even if you take out issues caused by the pandemic, economic growth averaged 2.67% during Trump’s first three years, which is pretty solid. But it’s nowhere near the 4% averaged during Bill Clinton’s two terms from 1993 to 2001, according to the Bureau of Economic Analysis. In fact, growth has been stronger so far under President Biden than under Trump.

Trump did have the unemployment rate get as low as 3.5% before the pandemic, but the labor force participation rate for people 25 to 54 — the core of the U.S. working population — was higher under Clinton. The participation rate has also been higher under Biden than Trump.


TRUMP, on the withdrawal of U.S. troops from Afghanistan: “We also left behind $85 billion worth of military equipment.”

THE FACTS: Those numbers are significantly inflated , according to reports from the Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction, or SIGAR, which oversees American taxpayer money spent on the conflict.

The $85-billion figure resembles a number from a July 30 quarterly report from SIGAR, which outlined that the U.S. has invested about $83 billion to build, train and equip Afghan security forces since 2001.

Yet that funding included troop pay, training, operations and infrastructure along with equipment and transportation over two decades, according to SIGAR reports and Dan Grazier, a defense policy analyst at the Project on Government Oversight.

“We did spend well over $80 billion in assistance to the Afghan security forces,” Grazier told the AP in August 2021. “But that’s not all equipment costs.”

In fact, only about $18 billion of that sum went toward equipping Afghan forces between 2002 and 2018, a June 2019 SIGAR report showed.

Another estimate from a 2017 Government Accountability Office report found that about 29% of dollars spent on Afghan security forces between 2005 and 2016 funded equipment and transportation. The transportation funding included gear as well as contracted pilots and airplanes for transporting officials to meetings.

If that percentage held for the entire two-decade period, it would mean the U.S. has spent about $24 billion on equipment and transportation for Afghan forces since 2001.

MILWAUKEE, WI JULY 18, 2024 -- Republican presidential candidate former President Donald Trump speaks during the Republican National Convention on Thursday, July 18, 2024. (Jason Almond / Los Angeles Times)

Column: Trump’s speech was a dud. What does that mean for his campaign?

More a Trump tribute than political convening, the Republican National Convention closed out Thursday with an hourlong speech from The Don full of lies, ramblings and ego.

July 19, 2024

But even if that were true, much of the military equipment would be obsolete after years of use, according to Grazier. Plus, American troops have previously scrapped unwanted gear and, prior to the withdrawal, disabled dozens of Humvees and aircraft so they couldn’t be used again, according to Marine Gen. Frank McKenzie, head of U.S. Central Command.

Though no one knows the exact value of the U.S.-supplied Afghan equipment the Taliban has secured, Pentagon officials have confirmed it is significant.

Hostages held by Hamas

MIKE POMPEO, secretary of State under Trump, on Americans held hostage in the Gaza Strip by Hamas: “President Biden won’t even talk about the fact that Americans are still being held there by the Iranian regime.”

THE FACTS: Biden has spoken multiple times about the Americans who were among the 240 people taken hostage by Hamas on Oct. 7. Eight Americans are reportedly still in captivity , including three who were killed.

For example, three days after the attack that started the Israel-Hamas war , Biden said, “We now know that American citizens are among those being held by Hamas.”

Soon after, on Oct. 20, he said, “As I told the families of Americans being held captive by Hamas, we’re pursuing every avenue to bring their loved ones home.”

Biden released a statement on Jan. 14 that described the day as “a devastating and tragic milestone — 100 days of captivity for the more than 100 innocent people, including as many as 6 Americans, who are still held being hostage by Hamas in Gaza.”

More recently, on April 27 , he wrote in a post on his official Facebook page: “I will not rest until every hostage, like Abigail, ripped from their families and held by Hamas is back in the arms of their loved ones. They have my word. Their families have my word.”

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MILWAUKEE, WI JULY 16, 2024 -- Republican presidential candidate former President Donald Trump points to Republican vice presidential candidate Sen. J.D. Vance during the 2024 Republican National Convention at Milwaukee, WI on Tuesday, July 16, 2024. (Jason Armond / Los Angeles Times)

Column: We were promised a ‘softer’ Donald Trump. What we got was a fully Trumpified Republican Party

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Fact-Checking Trump’s Speech and More: Day 4 of the Republican National Convention

A team of New York Times reporters followed the developments and fact-checked the speakers, providing context and explanation.

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acceptance speech for head girl

Former President Donald J. Trump accepted his party’s nomination during the final night of the Republican National Convention on Thursday, delivering a freewheeling, factually challenged and often ad-libbed speech.

Mr. Trump began by describing in detail the assassination attempt that left him with a bandaged ear. Then, he essentially staged a campaign rally, repeating familiar boasts and delving into a cascade of false and misleading claims about his own record and the state of the border, the economy and the world.

Here’s a fact-check of his remarks.

Linda Qiu

“We’ve got Right to Try. They were trying to get that for 52 years.”

— Former President Donald J. Trump

This needs context.

The “right to try” law of 2018 allows terminally ill patients to seek access to experimental medicine that is not yet fully approved by the Food and Drug Administration, but a similar program has been in place since the 1970s.

Jeanna Smialek

Jeanna Smialek

An inflation crisis “is just simply crushing our people, like never before — they’ve never seen anything like it.”

This is false..

Inflation peaked at 9.1 percent in the summer of 2022, but that is considerably lower than its peak of nearly 15 percent in the early 1980s.

Republicans will sometimes point out that the inflation methodology has changed since then — meaning that we are measuring price increases differently — but even accounting for those tweaks, economists have said that inflation was lower in 2022 than it was four decades earlier. Inflation is not, based on the data, crushing people like never before.


John Ismay

“Our planet is teetering on the edge of World War III, and this will be a war like no other.”

This lacks evidence..

While there is an active war between Russia and Ukraine, and between Hamas and Israel, and fighting in Sudan, Myanmar and other countries, there is no evidence that a third world war is imminent.

In terms of previous world wars, according to the Encyclopaedia Britannica, an estimated 8.5 million soldiers were killed in World War I and an estimated 35 million to 60 million people died during World War II.

The concept of World War III has traditionally referred to a potential war between the United States and Russia, which is not imminent. President Biden has often said he is actively trying to avoid such a conflict even as he arms Kyiv in its war with Moscow.

Brad Plumer

Brad Plumer

“We will drill, baby, drill, and by doing that we will lead to a large-scale decline in prices.”

More drilling doesn’t always cause gasoline prices to plunge. Case in point: The United States is actually producing significantly more crude oil today under the Biden administration than it did under the Trump administration, yet gasoline prices are still higher than they were four years ago.

That’s because gasoline costs are also influenced by broader market forces that can cause the global price of crude oil to rise or fall. For instance, a big reason prices increased in 2022 was Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, which disrupted the flow of crude across the globe. All else equal, an increase in U.S. oil drilling should put downward pressure on prices, but those other global factors also play a considerable role.

Angelo Fichera

Angelo Fichera

“If you look at the arrow at the bottom, that’s the lowest level — the one on the bottom, heavy red arrow — that’s the lowest level of illegal immigrants ever to come into our country in recorded history right there, right there. And that was my last week in office.”

Mr. Trump presented an immigration graphic that he credited with saving his life during an assassination attempt at a rally in Pennsylvania days earlier.

Moments before a gunman opened fire at the rally, Mr. Trump turned to gesture at the chart, a move that he said prevented him from being shot in the head . The shooting left his ear bloodied, killed one spectator and seriously injured two others.

In his acceptance speech on Thursday, he referred to a thick red arrow on the chart, titled “Illegal Immigration Into the U.S.,” that points to a significant drop in migrant crossings at the southern border during his presidency.

But despite text on the chart and Mr. Trump’s description at the convention, the arrow is actually pointing to a dip in early 2020 — when migration slowed globally during the coronavirus pandemic and the restrictions that followed — not during his last week in office. And that low did not last.

In March 2020, there were about 30,000 encounters at the southern border recorded by Border Patrol, according to Customs and Border Protection statistics . That dropped in April 2020 by almost half, to about 16,000.

In the months that followed, however, the number of migrants encountered at the border then climbed back up. During Mr. Trump’s last month in office, there were about 75,000 encounters by Border Patrol.

And contrary to Mr. Trump’s claim, even the low in 2020 was not the lowest “in recorded history.” Earlier in Mr. Trump’s presidency, the number of apprehensions at the border had dipped to about 11,000 in April 2017 , before the flow increased again.

Also, since 1925, total annual apprehensions nationwide by Border Patrol have often been lower than they were under Mr. Trump’s presidency, noted Michelle Mittelstadt, a spokeswoman for the nonpartisan Migration Policy Institute.

There is no arguing that the situation at the southern border grew worse during the Biden administration: In December, there were around 250,000 encounters .

In an effort to reverse course, President Biden recently announced severe restrictions on asylum, and illegal crossings have since significantly dropped . Border Patrol reported about 83,500 encounters in June.

“We gave you the largest tax cuts.”

The $1.5 trillion tax cut, enacted in December 2017, ranks below at least half a dozen other tax cuts by several metrics. The 1981 Reagan tax cut was the largest as a percentage of the economy and by its reduction to federal revenue. The 2012 Obama tax cut amounted to the largest reduction in inflation-adjusted dollars: $321 billion a year.

“We built most of the wall.”

During Mr. Trump’s 2016 campaign, he promised to build a wall spanning at least 1,000 miles along the southern border and have Mexico pay for it. That did not happen. Overall, the Trump administration constructed 458 miles of border barriers — most of which upgraded or replaced existing structures. Officials put up new primary barriers where none previously existed along only 47 miles.

“I will end every single international crisis that the current administration has created — including the horrible war with Russia and Ukraine, which would have never happened if I was president, and the war caused by the attack on Israel, which never would have happened if I were president.”

There is no evidence that President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia would not have invaded Ukraine if Donald J. Trump had been president of the United States in February 2022, when Russian forces began a full-scale war on Ukraine.

In fact, Mr. Trump supported one of Mr. Putin’s greatest desires — weakening the North Atlantic Treaty Organization. Senior administration officials told The New York Times that several times over the course of 2018 Mr. Trump privately said he wanted to withdraw from NATO . And Mr. Trump was impeached for withholding Javelin missiles from Ukraine in 2019. Those missiles proved effective in blunting Russian armor advances into Ukraine in 2022.

“And then we had that horrible, horrible result that we’ll never let happen again. The election result. We’re never going to let that happen again. They used Covid to cheat.”

Mr. Trump has continued to falsely claim that the 2020 election was stolen from him. His assertions about widespread cheating are unsubstantiated. Since the election, the former president has used claims mischaracterizing the voting and counting process, cited baseless examples of fraud and peddled conspiracy theories.

“Just a few short years ago under my presidency, we had the most secure border and the best economy in the history of the world.”

This is exaggerated..

Apprehensions of unauthorized crossings along the southwest border in the 2017 fiscal year, which includes several months of the Obama administration, fell to the lowest point since the 1970s.

But they increased in subsequent years. In the 2019 fiscal year, apprehensions topped 800,000 and were the highest in a decade. And in the 2020 fiscal year, even as the coronavirus pandemic ground global movement to a halt, apprehensions were higher than in 2011, 2012 and 2015.

And when Mr. Trump left office, the coronavirus pandemic had decimated the economy with an unemployment rate of 6.4 percent in January 2021 and gross domestic product had not yet rebounded to pre-Covid levels. But even before all of that, annual average growth was lower under Mr. Trump than under Presidents Bill Clinton and Ronald Reagan.

“We had no inflation.”

The rate of inflation was indeed low under Mr. Trump, but it was not completely nonexistent.

Under Mr. Trump, the rate of inflation measured by the overall Consumer Price Index largely gravitated around 2 percent — with the rate slightly lower and higher some months — according to data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics . That dropped at the onset of the coronavirus pandemic, and inflation reached a low of 0.1 percent in May 2020 before trending upward.

“By the way, you know who’s taking the jobs? The jobs that are created? 107 percent of those jobs are taken by illegal aliens”

Official estimates of employment do not support Mr. Trump’s statement, which makes little sense. And estimates from various groups show that the population of unauthorized immigrants has grown in recent years, but not nearly enough to take all the jobs created during Mr. Biden’s presidency.

The economy has added more than 15 million jobs since January 2021. Two groups that advocate for lower levels of migration and stricter border security have estimated that there are 2.3 million to 2.5 million more unauthorized immigrants in 2023 than in 2020.

Overall, the Bureau of Labor Statistics estimated that 29.9 million foreign-born workers — both authorized and unauthorized — and 131.1 million native-born workers were employed in 2023. That is an increase of 5.1 million in employed foreign-born workers and 8.1 million native-born workers since 2020 .

“Our current administration, groceries are up 57 percent, gasoline is up 60 and 70 percent.”

Grocery prices are up substantially since Joseph R. Biden Jr. took office in early 2021, but not by 57 percent: The Consumer Price Index’s food-at-home index is up about 21 percent . Gas prices are up about 35 percent , depending upon the measure used.

Lisa Friedman

Lisa Friedman

“Under the Trump administration, just three and a half years ago, we were energy independent. But soon we will actually be better than that. We will be energy dominant and supply not only ourselves, but we supply the rest of the world, with numbers that nobody has ever seen.”

This is misleading..

Under the Trump administration, the United States for the first time began to export more oil than it imported. Energy experts say that is not because of Trump’s policies, but because of the fracking boom that began during the George W. Bush administration and soared under President Barack Obama. It’s still happening.

In fact, under President Biden, the United States has become the biggest oil producer in the world and is producing more natural gas than ever before. The phrases “energy independence” and “energy dominance” also fail to take into account wind, solar and other renewable energy, which is growing at a rapid pace.

Alan Rappeport

Alan Rappeport

“We will reduce our debt, $36 trillion, and we will reduce your taxes still further.”

Mr. Trump suggested that the national debt would be paid down by jump-starting economic growth. He made this promise during his first term, promising that $2 trillion of tax cuts would pay for themselves, and ended up approving more than $8 trillion of borrowing. The Republican platform this year makes no mention of debt or deficits but does call for cutting wasteful spending.

Also, the national debt currently stands at $34.9 trillion, not $36 trillion.

“They want to raise your taxes four times.”

Many elements of the 2017 tax cut Mr. Trump signed into law will expire in 2025, and Mr. Biden has proposed some tax increases on high-income earners and corporations. But this does not amount to a quadrupling of taxes.

The 2017 tax cuts are expected to reduce the average tax rate by 1.4 percent in 2025, according to the Urban-Brookings Tax Policy Center, a left-leaning Washington think tank. Most in the top 5 percent of income would see the greatest change, by 2.4 percent. Mr. Biden has also consistently said he does not support raising taxes on people making under $400,000 a year and, in his latest budget, proposed extending tax cuts for those making under that threshold.

Mr. Biden’s proposals would increase the average tax rate by about 1.9 percent, according to a Tax Policy Center analysis . The top 0.1 percent would see the biggest increase of about 13.9 percent, while the low income filers would see a reduction in taxes. That is no nowhere near the 300 percent increase Mr. Trump warned of.

“I will end the electric vehicle mandate on Day 1, thereby saving the U.S. auto industry from complete obliteration, which is happening right now, and saving U.S. customers thousands and thousands per car.”

There is no electric vehicle mandate. The Biden administration has imposed rules requiring carmakers to meet new average emissions limits across their entire product line. It is up to auto manufacturers how to comply. The Environmental Protection Agency has estimated that the rule would mean that by 2032, about 56 percent of new passenger vehicles sold would be electric and another 16 percent would be hybrids. Autoworkers do fear job losses because electric vehicles could require less than half the number of workers to assemble than cars with internal combustion engines do.

There is also no evidence that the rule or other policies aimed at encouraging electric vehicles are leading the automobile industry toward “obliteration.” Many automakers have, in fact, embraced electric vehicle production. General Motors, for example, has been talking about preparing for an “all-electric future” since 2017. The Biden administration has argued that its policies are aimed at moving electric vehicle jobs from China to the United States.

“We’re going to bring back car manufacturing.”

The American auto industry lost jobs under the Trump administration, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. General Motors, Ford and Fiat Chrysler all closed factories during Mr. Trump’s presidency.

“Probably the best trade deal was the deal I made with China, where they buy $50 billion worth of our product.”

The trade agreement that Mr. Trump signed with China in 2020 was quickly derailed by the coronavirus pandemic, and China never fulfilled its obligations to purchase American goods. And Mr. Trump gave an incorrect total for how much American product China was supposed to buy. A 2022 analysis by the Peterson Institute for International Economics found that China had bought none of the extra $200 billion of U.S. exports in the trade pact.

“Democrats are going to destroy Social Security and Medicare.”

President Biden has pledged not to make any cuts to America’s social safety net programs. Mr. Trump suggested this year that he was open to scaling back the programs when he said there was “a lot you can do in terms of entitlements in terms of cutting.” He later walked back those comments and pledged to protect the programs. But if changes to the programs are not made, the programs’ benefits will automatically be reduced eventually. Government reports released earlier this year projected that the Social Security and disability insurance programs, if combined, would not have enough money to pay all of their obligations in 2035. Medicare will be unable to pay all its hospital bills starting in 2036.

Hamed Aleaziz

Hamed Aleaziz

The Biden administration “demolished Title 42.”

The Biden administration kept in place the Trump-era policy, known as Title 42, which allowed border agents to quickly turn back migrants and cut off access to asylum protections for more than a year.

The Biden administration did not move to get rid of Title 42 until spring 2022. The move was later blocked by a federal judge, which forced the administration to keep the policy in place.

During that time, the Biden administration expanded the use of the policy and began expelling Venezuelans to Mexico. It was later rolled back in 2023 by the Biden administration.

“In Venezuela, crime is down 72 percent.”

Mr. Trump claimed that crime had fallen drastically in Venezuela because the country had sent “their murderers” and prisoners to the United States. Annual reports from the Venezuelan Violence Observatory, a research organization based in Caracas, shows a 25 percent decline in the country’s homicide rate from 2022 to 2023 , and a 41 percent decline since 2020 . In comparison, the homicide rate declined even more precipitously while Mr. Trump was president, by almost 50 percent from 2016 .

The Venezuelan Prison Observatory told Univision in 2022, when Mr. Trump first made the claim, that the prisons in the country had not been emptied and rather were at 170 percent capacity. According to the group’s latest annual report, Venezuela’s prison population stood at 33,558 in 2022, about level with its 2021 population of 33,710. Immigration experts have said they could not corroborate Mr. Trump’s claims that other countries were “dumping” their criminal and prison populations into the United States.

“I was the first president in modern times to start no new wars.”

Depending on the definition of “modern times,” President Jimmy Carter started no new wars during his time in office between 1977 and 1981.

“The whole world was at peace. And now the whole world is blowing up around us. Under President Bush, Russia invaded Georgia. Under President Obama, Russia took Crimea. Under the current administration, Russia is after all of Ukraine. Under President Trump, Russia took nothing.”

Under Mr. Trump’s presidency, there was not global peace. While Mr. Trump was in the Oval Office, there was an active war in eastern Ukraine between the Russian and Ukrainian armies, he authorized airstrikes and ground combat operations against fighters of the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria, and he ordered the assassination of an Iranian military leader in Iraq.

“We defeated 100 percent of ISIS in Syria, something that was going to take five years — ‘It’ll take five years, sir’ — and I did it in two months.”

The American-led coalition campaign against the Islamic State began in 2014 . The research firm IHS Markit estimated that the Islamic State lost about a third of its territory from January 2015 to January 2017. Mr. Trump has largely stuck with, and taken advantage of, a strategy that Mr. Obama began , and the Islamic State lost its final territories in March 2019 , two years after Mr. Trump took office, not two months.

“I stopped the missile launches from North Korea.”

North Korea continued to test missiles during Mr. Trump’s time in the White House, a fact that the former president continually dismissed at the time .

“Our opponents inherited a planet at peace and turned it into a planet at war.”

While Russia had not invaded Ukraine and the war between Israel and Hamas had not broken out, it is a stretch to claim that the world was entirely peaceful under the Trump administration.

Average peacefulness declined in 2018 and 2020 , according to the Global Peace Index, an annual measure of violence around the world compiled by the Institute for Economics & Peace. During the Trump administration, the United States was also engaged in military conflicts in Iraq, Syria and Afghanistan and more than 60 American soldiers died in hostile action . When Mr. Trump left office, there were 2,500 troops remaining in Afghanistan.

“We also left $85 billion worth of military equipment” in Afghanistan.

Mr. Trump was once again referring to the total amount that the United States spent on security in Afghanistan over the course of 20 years — not the value of equipment left behind in the 2021 withdrawal.

The United States provided $88.6 billion for security in Afghanistan from October 2001 to July 2021, and disbursed about $75 billion, according to Pentagon figures .

That figure includes the amount spent on training, antidrug trafficking efforts and infrastructure, as well as $18 billion for equipment. CNN previously reported that about $7 billion worth of military equipment that the United States transferred to the Afghan government was left behind during the withdrawal.

“We will replenish our military and build an Iron Dome missile defense system to ensure that no enemy can strike our homeland. And this great Iron Dome will be built entirely in the U.S.A. and Wisconsin.”

The U.S. military’s budget continues to grow year by year, and the Iron Dome missile defense system is effective only against relatively short-range rockets and missiles. Installing an Iron Dome across the country would in no way ensure that an enemy could not strike the United States.

“They spent $9 billion on eight chargers.”

— Former President Donald J. Trump.

This is false .

This is an inflated claim of another false statement Mr. Trump has made on the campaign trail about electric vehicle charging stations. (He recently said that the Biden administration had “opened seven chargers for $8 billion.”)

The Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, which President Biden signed in 2021, allocated $7.5 billion for electric vehicle charging stations, with the goal of installing 500,000 across the country.

So far, only seven chargers have been installed — not a great pace. But the suggestion that the entire amount was used on seven chargers is not accurate. The Biden administration has argued that the pace is the result of wanting to get a complex new national program done right.

“He decided to leave behind the comforts of an unbelievable business empire. To leave behind everything he had ever built. To answer the call to serve our nation. Unlike his predecessor, it was not a decision born out of necessity. Unlike the current president, it was not a decision that would enrich his family.”

— Eric Trump, a son of Donald J. Trump

Former President Donald J. Trump did not divest from his businesses when he assumed the presidency, and his critics argue that his companies did benefit from his being in public office. Mr. Trump’s businesses received nearly $8 million from 20 foreign governments during his time in office, according to documents released by House Democrats this year. Much of that was from China. The nonprofit OpenSecrets has also tracked millions of dollars flowing to Trump properties from political entities and groups in recent years, suggesting that those seeking favor with Mr. Trump may do so through his properties.

“He slashed regulations.”

This needs context ..

As president, Donald J. Trump indeed slashed regulations, rolling back more than 100 environmental protections alone. The bulk of those were aimed at keeping the air and water clean, and cutting planet-warming greenhouse gas emissions from automobiles and power plants.

However, the Trump administration’s attempt to deregulate was also often thwarted by the courts. All told, the Trump administration lost 57 percent of cases challenging its environmental policies, a much higher rate of loss than previous administrations, according to a database maintained by New York University’s Institute for Policy Integrity .

“The U.S. dollar has been diminished.”

The value of the U.S. dollar is stronger than it has been in decades . This year, the dollar index, which measures the strength of the currency against the currencies of six major trading partners, has been hovering at levels last seen in the early 2000s.

Eric Trump’s suggestion that the dollar has been diminished is actually at odds with his father’s recent suggestion that the dollar is too strong, making American exports too expensive abroad.

Former President Donald J. Trump and Senator J.D. Vance, his running mate, have both argued that a weaker dollar would be better for the U.S. economy and have suggested that steps should be taken to depreciate the currency.

“In 2019, I was with him at the United Nations when the first president of history of this country stood there to advocate for religious liberty worldwide.”

— Franklin Graham, the evangelical leader

President Donald J. Trump hosted a United Nations event on religious freedom in 2019 in New York. At the time, he characterized it as the first time a U.S. president had hosted such a meeting. But aside from specific meetings, Mr. Trump’s appearance was certainly not the first time that an American president had championed religious freedom before the United Nations. President Barack Obama did so in a 2012 address to the General Assembly . President George W. Bush pressed the importance of religious liberty in a 2008 interfaith event.

“We’ve lost more Americans from drugs in the past four years than we lost in World War II. Yeah. Our bloodiest war. More than we lost in World War II. Does anybody care? It is pathetic. It is pathetic. And do you hear a single word from Washington about doing anything about it?”

— Tucker Carlson, Trump ally and former Fox News host

Mr. Carlson can certainly argue that lawmakers have not done enough to address the opioid crisis in the United States, but his suggestion that they have done nothing is wrong. The Congressional Research Service listed several major legislative efforts in 2016, 2018, 2019 and 2021.

These laws, according to the research service, “addressed overprescribing and misuse of opioids, expanded substance use disorder prevention and treatment capacities, bolstered drug diversion capabilities, and enhanced international drug interdiction, counternarcotics cooperation and sanctions efforts.”

Annual funding for border security and the Drug Enforcement Administration has tried to directly address drug trafficking. The bipartisan border bill that failed this past spring would have also included increased funding for enforcement efforts and new technology to detect drug smuggling. Former President Donald J. Trump lobbied against its passage.


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  4. PDF Graduation Speech 2021 Head Girl Ana Radojicic

    Graduation Speech 2021 Head Girl Ana RadojicicGra. uation Speech 2021 - Head Girl Ana RadojicicSix years ago, a group o. chubby-faced kids walked through those gates. They were strangers to each-o. her, naïve, and excited for what was to come. Frumpy looking in oversized uniforms, we stood waiting to. find out what form we were in and where ...

  5. PDF Graduation Speech

    Graduation Speech - Head Girl - Jessica Egbulam - May 2019. Graduation Speech - Head Girl - Jessica Egbulam - May 2019. One day, all of us will get separated from each other. We will miss our conversations of everything and nothing, the dreams that we had. Days will pass by, months, years, until this contact becomes rare….

  6. Head Boy & Head Girl Speeches: A Student's Top 10 Tips

    Learn how to plan, write and deliver a successful speech for head boy or head girl roles. Find out how to consider your audience, tone, persuasive language, memorisation and more.

  7. Applying for Head Boy or Head Girl at School

    By the time you are applying for Head Boy or Girl, you will have probably studied speech writing in your English Language classes, but here are a few tips to keep in mind when writing a speech for Head Boy or Girl. Use paragraphs. This may seem obvious, but it is a technique that many students tend to forget when coming up with a speech.

  8. PDF Shona McGibbon Head Girl Speech

    Shona McGibbon Head Girl Speech. Shona McGibbon Head Girl SpeechHi, I'm Shona and I think I would be a good candidate for Head Girl as I'm responsible, outgoing and will use my personality to better my ability. n speeches and representing S6. My experience in public speaking and debate club will help me to speak the minds o. others in ...

  9. Head girl acceptance speech

    Acceptance/appreciation speech by the newly elected head girl of Titsall basic school.

  10. Head Girl's Message

    Head Girl's Message. Messages   >>   Head Girl's Message. 2024-2025. Being the Head girl is not just a title, but a responsibility that I take with utmost dedication. My vision for our school is simple - unity, growth and inclusivity. I believe that by working together, we can create an environment where every student feels valued and ...

  11. What should be my thanking speech as I am selected as a head girl in my

    For a speech to become a head boy or head girl, many students will aim to use a humorous tone to engage their audience, combined with a passionate tone to underpin their desire to achieve the role. Your choice of tone can also present your speech as well-mannered and respectful so is an important aspect to consider.

  12. Head Boy & Head Girl Speeches: A Student's Top 10 Tips

    Identify Your Audience. When giving a speech as head boy or head girl, it is critical to identify your audience. Knowing who you are speaking to will help you create an effective message that resonates with the crowd. Analyze the age group of those attending, their interests and passions, and any other relevant information related to the ...

  13. Head Girl Speech Example (300 Words)

    A sample speech for a head girl who wants to represent and inspire the student body with honesty and enthusiasm. The speech includes reasons, responsibilities, and examples of being a good leader and a role model.

  14. Head Girl's Speech for Prizegiving Ceremony, July...

    Head Girl's Speech for Prizegiving Ceremony, July 2016. By Eysia Garland. Mrs Woodhouse, Honourable guests, parents, teachers and fellow students, it is a privilege to be standing here in front of you all today (although, perhaps a little bit scary). It is my pleasure to extend a warm welcome to our guest speaker Ms Carey and to thank her on ...

  15. How to Write an Acceptance Speech: 12 Steps (with Pictures)

    3. Record yourself reading your speech. Use a camcorder, computer, or your phone. Make sure you're standing for the recording and set the camera far enough away that it captures your entire body. If you'll be giving your speech at a podium, find something to use as a podium for the video, like a table or a desk.

  16. Position Acceptance Speech for "Head Girl" at Student Council ...

    Swara's Acceptance Speech for "Head Girl" position on the occasion of Student Council Investiture Ceremony of Junior School 2023-24 at DPS - Modern Indian Sc...

  17. Head Girl's speech

    Head Girl's speech. Head Girl Of Nadi Sangam School of the Year 2013. Namaskaram to you all. It is indeed a great honour and privilege to be the head girl of a reputable school as Nadi Sangam. I would like to show my sincere. Our head girl namarata chand. gratitude to the head teacher Mr Jay ram, the member and staff for having faith in me ...

  18. Acceptance Speech

    Memorizing our own speech would also help us gain confidence in delivering the speech. 8. Always End with a Bang. If you want to make a great impact on your audience, always end your acceptance speech with a bang. You can summarize and condense the groups of people who helped you but this is not anymore necessary.

  19. St. Francis Convent School Shikandra Agra

    Head Girl's Message. I, Shreya Johari feel privileged to be selected as the junior Head Girl of this prestigious academic temple for the academic session 2022-2023. It's indeed a pleasure for me to carry out the assigned responsibilities in a sincere, systemic and dedicated manner. For me, being the head girl is not about position or the ...

  20. Head Boy's And Head Girl's Message

    HEAD BOY MESSAGE. "Coming together is the beginning, keeping together is progress, working together is success.". Respected MD Sir, Principal Ma'am, Ma'am Pallavi, Ma'am Samreen, Coordinators, Sir Mudit, Sir Manish, and respected teachers. School is not only an infrastructure, but it is a paradise to build future; the things taught in ...

  21. Where was Barron Trump last night? Why he missed the RNC

    During his 90-minute speech at the convention, he acknowledged Barron's absence jokingly. "I also want to thank my entire family — Don and Kimberly, Ivanka and Jared, Eric and Lara, Tiffany ...

  22. Read the Transcript of Donald J. Trump's Convention Speech

    Former President Donald J. Trump delivering his nomination acceptance speech Thursday night. ... A precious 12 year-old girl from Houston who last month was tied up, assaulted and strangled to ...

  23. RNC 2024 convention Day 4: In Milwaukee, Trump has longest speech

    Who was the little girl sitting on Trump's lap? ... Ahead of Trump's acceptance speech tonight, Johnson said Trump's "life was spared for a reason. ... Stein stuck his head around Uygur's camera ...

  24. We fact-checked some of the rumors spreading online about the Trump

    Republican presidential candidate and former U.S. President Donald Trump is assisted by U.S. Secret Service personnel after he was shot in the right ear during a campaign rally at the Butler Farm ...

  25. Donald Trump honors Corey Comperatore during RNC speech

    Donald Trump honored the memory of Corey Comperatore, the firefighter killed during the assassination attempt on him, at the RNC Thursday night.

  26. Photos: The 2024 Republican National Convention

    Former President Donald Trump spoke at the Republican National Convention on Thursday, five days after surviving an assassination attempt.

  27. Four false and misleading claims made by Donald Trump at his acceptance

    As former President Trump accepted the Republican presidential nomination he laid out his vision for running the country. He painted a dire picture of the state of the U.S. and outlined a range of ...

  28. Fact-Checking Trump's Speech and More on RNC Day 4

    Fact-Checking Trump's Speech and More: Day 4 of the Republican National Convention. A team of New York Times reporters followed the developments and fact-checked the speakers, providing context ...

  29. Trump is giving the longest televised acceptance speech ever

    The three longest presidential nomination acceptance speeches in history: Trump (2016), Trump (2020) and Trump (2024).

  30. RNC 2024 Day 2 updates: Trump rivals take center stage along with ...

    Jul 16, 11:38 PM Lara Trump addresses assassination attempt in final speech of the night. In the final speech of the night, RNC co-chair Lara Trump largely focused on the assassination attempt on ...