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What It Takes to Give a Great Presentation

  • Carmine Gallo

powerpoint presentation communication techniques

Five tips to set yourself apart.

Never underestimate the power of great communication. It can help you land the job of your dreams, attract investors to back your idea, or elevate your stature within your organization. But while there are plenty of good speakers in the world, you can set yourself apart out by being the person who can deliver something great over and over. Here are a few tips for business professionals who want to move from being good speakers to great ones: be concise (the fewer words, the better); never use bullet points (photos and images paired together are more memorable); don’t underestimate the power of your voice (raise and lower it for emphasis); give your audience something extra (unexpected moments will grab their attention); rehearse (the best speakers are the best because they practice — a lot).

I was sitting across the table from a Silicon Valley CEO who had pioneered a technology that touches many of our lives — the flash memory that stores data on smartphones, digital cameras, and computers. He was a frequent guest on CNBC and had been delivering business presentations for at least 20 years before we met. And yet, the CEO wanted to sharpen his public speaking skills.

powerpoint presentation communication techniques

  • Carmine Gallo is a Harvard University instructor, keynote speaker, and author of 10 books translated into 40 languages. Gallo is the author of The Bezos Blueprint: Communication Secrets of the World’s Greatest Salesman  (St. Martin’s Press).

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Presentation Techniques, Public Speaking & Communication Skills

The good news is, good public speaking and communication skills can be acquired. Even so-called ‘natural born’ public speakers or communicators have to learn and practise important presentation techniques over time to perfect it. Some of these presentation techniques, public speaking and communication skills are highlighted below.

These presentation techniques are derived from many expert presenters on how to elevate their presentations from “good” to “outstanding”. Whether you are an experienced presenter or novice, these presentation techniques will help you improve on your delivery while minimising any potential pitfalls.

There are three parts to this guide:

  • Planning the presentation
  • Preparing the presentation
  • Delivering the presentation

Planning Your Presentation

“The only sure way to create a successful presentation is to begin with the goal in mind.”

Jerry Weissman, leading corporate presentations coach.

Firstly, determine the purpose of the presentation. For example, is it to publicise a new product, make a sales pitch or to share information about your company or institution. Having a clear purpose will ensure your audience receive the right information.

It is also important to know the profile of your audience such as their age groups, educational background, professions and income levels. Such information will help you to tailor your presentation according to their level of understanding. For instance, if you are presenting to a group of mostly technocrats, more technical terms can be used. If presenting to a general audience, more layman terms will be more appropriate to aid their understanding.

Before the presentation, it is also important to gather information about the presentation venue. These include:

  • Capacity of presentation room and expected audience size.
  • Layout of room – is it squarish, elongated or pillarless?
  • Equipment – are there sufficient projection screens and loudspeakers in the room, what is the projection screen size and what type of projector is in use (standard or widescreen?)
  • Room lighting – is there a dimmer?

Such information is important as it can affect the effectiveness of your presentation. If the room is elongated and has many pillars, your audience may find it difficult to see your projection screen. Hence, more than one projection screen may be required. Also, check whether your audience at the back of the room can hear you clearly.

It is also advisable to arrive at your presentation venue early to check and ensure the room setup is optimised and the equipment are working fine. Even if you have mastered all the presentation techniques and meticulously prepared for your public speaking assignment, equipment failure could compromise everything that you have worked so hard for.

Preparing the Presentation

Decide the outline of your presentation and how your information will flow. Then create a story around your presentation. Story-telling is one of the most effective presentation techniques as it helps to engage and connects your audience emotionally and hence, enables them to digest information more easily. Every presentation should consist of these three parts for it to flow seamlessly:

At the opening, provide your audience with an outline of your presentation and what they are expected to learn or hear from you. A vital presentation technique is to start strongly in order to grab your audience’s attention and hold it. If not, most will switch off. There are three objectives in public speaking – to inform, convince and persuade. If you fail to engage your audience, you would lose these objectives. This is especially so in the middle of your presentation as this is the time when message recall is at its lowest ebb.

Use the 10-20-30 Rule for Slideshows – This is a presentation technique used by Guy Kawasaki, who suggested that slideshows should:

  • Contain no more than 10 slides.
  • Last no more than 20 minutes; and.
  • Use a font size of no less than 30 point.

The last point is particularly important – it ensures your font size is big enough for the audience to see clearly, especially those sitting at the back of the room. It also prevents you from putting too much information on any one slide and eliminate the dreaded ‘Death by PowerPoint’.

If your audience requires more information about your presentation, you can provide them handouts after the session. Don’t give them before the presentation as many may end up reading your notes instead of listening to you. If this happens, your ability to engage them and listen to you will be lost.

Tell Stories – All presentations are a type of theatre and stories can help your audience relate to you, which reinforces what they learn. It also helps to make the presentation more effective and memorable.

“Story persuades by creating a sense of involvement.”

Josh Gordon, author of Presentations that Change Mind.

However, give the audience only what they need to know, and craft your story around it.

“A clear and concise story can give a presenter the clarity of mind to present with poise.” 

Jerry Weissman, renowned corporate presentations coach

To learn more about story-telling techniques, please refer to the article “ 15 Storytelling Tips and How to Apply them Today ”.

Closing the Presentation – After spending a lot of time preparing your presentation and sharing it, make sure that you reinforce the key information by summarising them. By repeating the key points, it will refresh your audience’s memory.

There are many presentation techniques for this, but one of the most frequently used is the ‘Rule of Three’, which suggests that people generally tend to remember concepts or ideas better, when presented in threes. Some examples are ‘Reduce, Reuse, Recycle’, ‘Mind, Body and Spirit’ and the ‘Good, Bad and the Ugly’.

Work out what the three messages that you want your audience to take away before structuring your conclusion. This could be three words, phrases or sentences.

Delivering the Presentation

“Persuasion is the art in which all business presenters must be prepared.”

  Jerry Weissman, leading corporate presentations coach.

Build trust – Communicate to your audience the facts or quality about you, your company, the products you sell or an idea you are advocating. If you are able to gain their trust, what you say will carry more weight and sounds believable.

Be passionate to help connects with your audience – To connect with your audience, project your passion into your presentation. Be honest and enthusiastic with the audience about what you say, and your audience will respond likewise. As mentioned earlier, the objectives of public speaking are to inform, convince and persuade. You will not be able to deliver these objectives if you fail to connect with them.

Focus on you audience’s need – Always remember the main reason your audience is attending your presentation. Always bear in mind their needs and what they want to know, not what you like to tell them. Focus on your audience, make it easy for them to understand and respond to you.

Keep it Simple and Concentrate on your Key Message – Always remember what are the key messages you want your audience to take away. Tell them what benefits they will gain. To do so, communicate to them clearly while reminding them briefly throughout your presentation. You can use the ‘Rule of Three’ to emphasise your key points and make it easy for them to remember.

Smile and Make Eye Contact with your Audience – Surprisingly, even seasoned presenters have failed in this aspect. By smiling and making eye contact, you will build rapport with your audience. This helps them to connect with you and the subject you are talking about. Making eye contact can also help alleviate some of your nervousness because it gives you a feeling that you are talking to individuals instead of a mass of strangers.

Project Your Voice Effectively – Public speaking using monotone is a sure-fire way to put your audience to sleep. To present effectively, vary the speed you talk. Also, use different pitch and tone to emphasise certain points. This will make your presentation more interesting and help capture your audience’s attention.

Body Movement – Body movements can reveal much about you – whether you are confident, nervous, authoritative or weak. Some body language to avoid includes crossed arms, keeping your hands behind your back or in your pockets, looking down instead of making eye contact, and pacing back and forth. To project confidence, make your gestures open and move naturally around the stage, or even among your audience. If you want to emphasise a point on your screen, turn your body towards it while using your hand to gesture in the same direction. Your audience will naturally follow your cue.

Relax, Regulate Your Breathing and Enjoy – If you are nervous, your audience can easily sense it. One way to relax is to regulate your breathing and take deep breaths. Also, have occasional short pauses during your presentation to calm yourself down and collect your thoughts. Do not rush through your presentation and ‘get it out of the way’. You will be doing a great disservice to yourself and your audience.

Practice Makes Perfect – As mentioned earlier, public speaking and communication skills can be learned. To communicate effectively, rehearse your presentation as many times as required. One way is to video yourself presenting and you will notice all sorts of mistakes you are making. This includes the way you speak, your vocal tone, facial expression, body movements and hand gestures. You may even find yourself unconsciously making some involuntary movements. I have witnessed this before during a public speaking course when a participant kept rubbing his hand against his arm. He only realised it when the public speaking coach brought it to his attention.

Presentation Techniques And PowerPoint Design

Although mastering all the important presentation techniques is important, a good PowerPoint design is equally crucial for delivering a successful presentation. In a PowerPoint presentation, the following is a summary about what annoys audiences:

As can been seen, beside acquiring effective presentation techniques, public speaking and communication skills, we must also learn how to design good PowerPoint presentations. Meanwhile, the following resources will help you eliminate the so-called ‘Death by PowerPoint’:

Effective Presentation Design

  • Education PowerPoint Design

Eight Common PowerPoint Presentation Mistakes

However, should you require creative PowerPoint design services or if you encounter any difficulties in crafting a professional-looking PowerPoint presentation, please contact us  for an obligation-free consultation. We offer very competitive and personalised  PowerPoint presentation services . We also provide three design options that will cater to the different needs and budgets. Here are some examples of our design ideas .

In addition, we also offer the following design services for your business presentation, advertising and marketing campaigns:

  • Infographic Design
  • Cinemagraph Design
  • PowerPoint Video Design

Useful Presentation Resources

The following are some other useful presentation resources to help with your PowerPoint design.

  • What PowerPoint Slide Size to Use?
  • How to Change PowerPoint Aspect Ratio?
  • Free PowerPoint Diagrams

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Top 7 Effective Communication Techniques Powerpoint Templates With Examples And Samples

Top 7 Effective Communication Techniques Powerpoint Templates With Examples And Samples

Kavya Agrawal


We have all heard that ‘communication is the key,’ But what difference does it make? Well, in clear words, it can make or break your case. You should be familiar with top-notch communication tactics to stay ahead and win the best deals. It is often said that you must be good at pitching and sales to conquer the business game. 

We understand how difficult it gets to say what you mean effectively. To help you with this, we have developed the Top 7 Effective Communication Techniques and PowerPoint Templates , each with examples and samples, to help you win the communication game. 

We have everything for you: effective communication techniques for your workplace, future career planning, business strategy, communication for proper team management, infographic reports, and stakeholder presentations for your organization.   

To dive in further, you can also access our Top 10 Slides on Effective Corporate Communication Strategy .

Some Readymade Effective Communication Techniques Powerpoint Templates To Try

Do you want to sound like a know-it-all at your next presentation? Do you want to present your information engagingly so that no one loses track in between? Are you looking for a ready-made PPT template to put your information in at the last minute? 

We have got you all covered!

Download and access our pre-made slides with graphical and presentational advantages to support you as a guideline for anything in between. You can also use these templates when you start planning. 

Dive straight in and learn about our Top 7 Effective Communication Techniques PowerPoint Templates to try in detail.

Template 1: Effective Workplace Communication Techniques for Career Planning

Effective workplace communication techniques for career planning

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This PPT Template highlights strategies to build a preceding career planning. It exhibits information on the five stages of the process. It also includes sections suggesting steps for all career development stages, such as developing supervisory rapport, developing presentation skills, gathering co-workers' trust, enhancing employee retention, promoting mentoring opportunities, etc. 

Each process works as a goal, and each bigger goal can be divided into sub-goals. Use it to help you with your career planning, serving as guidelines. 

Template 2: Participative Techniques for Effective Business Communication Techniques

Participative techniques for effective business communication

Click Here To Download!  

Use this PowerPoint Presentation to exhibit a participative approach to communication. The template lets you present information in three stages to boost employee engagement rate and productivity. It comes with numbered techniques and a flowchart for the same. The slide includes methods such as suggestion boxes, union-management committees, and quality circles with impact. Each box in this flowchart is editable, and you can customize the information to your needs. You can also change the color schemes to match your branding in this template. 

Template 3: Effective Communication Techniques One Page Presentation Report 

Effective Communication Techniques One Page

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This PPT Layout displays the details of effective communication techniques in a crisp, clear, and digestible format. It provides a comprehensive view to your audience with minimal effort.

The template features an infographic with seven main steps. It has options associated with clarity, correctness, completeness, courtesy, concrete, consideration, and conciseness. These seven C’s will help you deliver an attention-grabbing presentation to your audience. You can replace any icons in the section or add more as needed.

Template 4: Effective Communication Techniques One Page Summary Presentation 

Effective communication techniques one page summary presentation report infographic ppt pdf document

Get Access to this Template here!

This PPT Framework summarizes effective communication techniques. It covers aspects starting from proficiency description, knowledge, and abilities and includes an extra section for adding your personalized parameters as categories. The document has measurable pointers to administer on its right, and each has a space beneath to store more information.

Use this download to address the interaction issues that people face in the workplace. The communication guidelines presented in this template will help you work efficiently in your organization. 

Template 5: One Page Effective Communication Techniques Report 

One page effective communication techniques presentation report infographic ppt pdf document

Download Now!  

Next in the document is the communication techniques slide. This is divided into eight actionable parameters, each with its symbols. The parameters include identifying and managing resilience, recognizing coaching vs. feedback, tailoring messages to the audience, frequency being key to effective communication, communication being able to be read on a smartphone, limiting requests for communication methods, using multiple ways to deliver the message, and speaking in headlines bravely. 

Template 6: Stakeholders Effective Communication Techniques One Page 

Stakeholders effective communication techniques one page presentation report infographic ppt pdf document

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This is a one-pager on communication techniques that can be used at work to deliver and understand information quickly. The slide has three main bars and columns. In the stakeholder information strategy bar, you can store public information, information from the company to stakeholders, favorable actions, etc. 

In the stakeholder response strategy bar, you can input feedback, challenges, and similar information. Finally, in the stakeholder investment strategy, you can put in relevant information and planning that fits your business or organization’s needs. In the end, there are empty columns in each of these sections for you to design and store your own strategy.

You can also check out the Top 10 Communication Process Examples with Templates and Samples .

Template 7: Workplace Effective Communication Techniques One Page 

Workplace effective communication techniques one page presentation report infographic ppt pdf document

Download This Template Today!

Use this PPT Design to acquaint people with the various techniques for communicating with coworkers. Effective workplace communication is a prerequisite for successful organizational operations. 

This slide can help you discuss techniques, including eye contact and the significance of maintaining eye contact while speaking. Guide the viewers to use the name of the person to whom they are addressing while speaking. You can also remind group members to talk to one person at a time and that there should be no interference or disturbance during the conversation. Also, they should be aware that their body language matters greatly. At last, it even suggests being mindful of what you contribute to the group.

Template 8: Effective Communication Techniques for Workplace

Effective Communication Techniques For Essential Guide To Stakeholder Management PM SS

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This PPT Slide showcases workplace practices leading to improved communication. It focuses on the free exchange of information between people requiring it and creating a collaborative work environment. It includes information related to empathy, remaining calm, free exchange of information between people requiring it, and creating a collaborative work environment. Grab it now to reap its full benefits.

Mastering effective communication techniques is essential for achieving success in any professional world. The comprehensive collection of outlined PowerPoint templates provides valuable resources to enhance communication skills everywhere. The template has detailed infographics and one-page summaries. It also features participative techniques and career development strategies,

Download and explore the templates to enhance your communication skills now!

PS Check out our Top 5 Communications Project Management Templates with Examples and Samples to know more.

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PowerPoint Presentation and Communication Techniques

Regardless of field, presentation has become essential these days and for making effective presentations PowerPoint is being a most employed tool as it makes presentation easy to follow.

Communication skills

To make your presentation effective there are few things that required to be kept in mind like, use clear and concise language in PowerPoint slides , use decent animation and design should be simple and sober. You must remember that PowerPoint software is just an outlining tool for your presentation.

For its utmost use you must have appropriate techniques like effective communication, relevant and interesting informative content. Here you have been facilitated by allowing you the room for inserting visual and audio aids but it depends upon you how you use these features.

Thus, having communication and presentation techniques are utterly required if you want to give killing presentation. Here we are discussing few of the important and necessary skills one must possess if he/she wants to be a good presenter.

Presentation Techniques

  • Today, communication skills have great importance. No matter to which sect you belong, in which language you interact or to which field you relate. The thing that matters is, do you have communication skills? Do you have capability to persuade anyone? More importantly, do people listen when you speak? If you think only great personalities can have this quality, your assumption is totally wrong. In fact, one who possesses this quality can become a great personality.
  • Secondly, your body language, it also contributes a lot in making your presentation livelier, energetic and enthusiastic, if kept positive. Conversely can cast negative impact also.
  • While giving presentation use effective body language and positive gestures. Use your hands while illustrating any point. Create variation in your voice pitch like your voice pitch to emphasize any point, and remember your voice should be audible in the entire room clearly.
  • Eye Contact is another important factor that can make you presentation friendly and relax. So, make a healthy eye contact with your audience.

Related: Learn more about presenting to large audiences and public speaking .

Communication Techniques

  • If you are giving presentation on workplace , diversity in workforce is a very common thing thus you have to consider this very thing while preparing presentation and prepare in a certain way that everyone could easily get your point.
  • You may speak in either way i.e. formally and informally.
  • Your presentation must have a chunk of personal interaction. Means, your presentation should look like interaction instead of speech. Thus, it is advisable to use few informal words like ‘Friends’ or else like this.
  • Use verbal and non-verbal types of languages in your presentation, to make it effective and interesting.

If you were looking for useful and helpful presentation and communication techniques then this reading may help you in giving successful presentation.

If you enjoyed this article, we recommend you to check the PowerPoint Check List article explaining how to design checklists in PowerPoint.

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Effective Communication Workshop

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Communication is the nexus we have with other people, it’s what helps us build healthy and stable relationships and has a lot of impact in our lives. How can we improve it? We must take into account the rule of the seven C’s: clearness, concretion, coherence, commitment, consistency, completeness and courteousness. If you plan on giving a workshop on effective communication, this template is the perfect fit. The modern design appeals to both young and old generations and the resources included will help you speak about statistics and data in a botch clear and entertaining way. Download it now and start preparing your workshop!

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how to create a Business Communication Power Point

how to create a Business Communication Power Point

We're here to help you, what is communication in terms of marketing.

Marketing communication is a technique that companies and business people can use to convey promotional messages about their services and products. It includes advertising, sales promotion, social marketing, and more.

What are Communication PowerPoint templates?

These templates will help you share communication with your target audiences powerfully and effectively. It is a simple and easy way to grab your viewer's attention and deliver your message.

Where can we use these Communication Slides?

We use communication every day in every environment. When you want to communicate something in business, marketing, or online marketing to promote sales and offers, you can use these slides without keeping any second thoughts in mind. It will provide all the support that you need to share the communication. Regardless of your audience, you can use these templates because of their effectiveness and appropriateness.

How can I make Communication PPT Slides in a presentation?

You can make creative slides using images, clipart, and graphics available online. You can also get ready-made slides for this purpose. If you are trying to design from scratch, explore our tips and tricks pages or videos to get a clear idea.

Who can use Communication PPT Templates?

These templates can be used by marketers, sales representatives, business people, or anyone who needs the best communication presentation.

Why do we need Communication PowerPoint Slides?

These slides can help you communicate your products and services, sales and offers, and your message more effectively.

Where can I find Communication PPT Templates for free?

Explore Slide Egg, one of the best PowerPoint service providers, to get 120+ creative pre-designed PPT templates.

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Do your presentations garner glazed stares from apathetic audiences? Do you get fed up fiddling with flashy animations and transitions? That's okay! You didn't go to grad school to learn to make neat slideshows. Nonetheless, whether you are sharing research findings, clinical insights, or personal stories, you have so much to offer the world—and a strong presentation can help make that happen.

In this presentation, Kyler Shumway shares his strategies for making snazzy (but professional) slideshow presentations. Learn how to use the latest technology to augment visual communication while avoiding some of the classic presentation blunders.

Other topics include:

  • animation basics
  • simple data visualization
  • gathering and using quality images
  • technical tips for sharing

Kyler Shumway, PsyD

Kyler Shumway, PsyD

President and chief clinical officer of Deep Eddy Psychotherapy , one of the leading outpatient mental health practices in Texas. He is also a bestselling author with his fourth book, Neurodiversity and the Myth of Normal , being released soon as an Amazon Audible Original. He has been featured by Forbes , The New York Times , CNN, and more for his work in combatting the loneliness epidemic. As a licensed psychologist, thought leader, and TEDx speaker who has spoken to audiences across the nation (as well as internationally), his mission is to help people learn to love themselves and others, build satisfying and meaningful relationships, and find their place to belong.

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How To Make A Gantt Chart In PowerPoint Using Shapes & Charts [+Templates]

Gantt charts are powerful visual project management tools used in presentations to showcase project timelines, tasks, and overall progress. Gantt charts are used by professionals across industries to organize and monitor projects effectively. However, creating one from scratch can be difficult if you don’t know the steps. This blog post will teach you how to make a Gantt chart in PowerPoint from scratch using shapes and charts! So, what is the wait? Let’s dive right in.

How To Make A Gantt Chart Using Tables

One of the best ways to create a Gantt chart in PowerPoint is through the use of tables! The table function allows you to show data and information through columns and cells, and enables you to effortlessly list and modify tasks, alongside start and end dates.. Follow these steps to make a Gantt chart in PPT using tables:

Adding And Editing A Table To Your Presentation

Step 1: On a blank presentation, click the “Insert” menu in the navigation bar and select ” Table.”

Step 2: Create the table by choosing “Insert Table” and add the number of rows (tasks that your project has) and columns (how long will the task take in weeks), and click on “Create” once done. 

Step 3: Highlight the first column, click on the “Layout” tab, and adjust the width, as it will house the name of your projects.  

Step 4: Highlight the entire table, click on the “Table Design,” click the “Borders” menu and select “All Borders.” Adjust the size of the table according to your needs.A

Adding Labels To The Table Columns And Merging Cells

Step 6: To add labels to your columns, in the second column and second row, type in “Week 1”. Repeat the same process for each adjacent cell.

Step 7: Once you have done that, select the rows above Week 1 to Week 4 and merge them using the “Merge Cells” option.

Step 8: In the merged cell, you can add “Month 1” and repeat the steps for the next four cells, naming them “Month 2”, “Month 3”, and so on. Once done, you can center align and bold them to make them stand out.

Coloring Coding Each Month And Adding Projects

Step 9: To color code each month separately, highlight each cell, click on the “Table Design” tab, and select the “Shading” menu to choose a color. Repeat the steps for all the months.

Step 10: In the third cell in the first column, start listing your projects in each cell. Once you have added all the projects, you can highlight the column and change its color using the “Shading” menu to differentiate it from the rest of the Gantt chart in PowerPoint.

Adding Task Bars Using Shapes And Editing Them

Step 11: Click on the “Insert” tab and select the second cell in the second row. Then click on the “Shapes” option to open a dropdown menu to choose a shape you like.

Step 12: The shape indicates the start and end week of the project, and it is adjusted accordingly to match the timeline. (For example, Project 1 starts in Week 1 and ends in Week 2, so the shape extends from Week 1 to Week 2). Repeat the process for each project.

Step 12: Change the color of each shape to match your needs by selecting each shape and in the “Shape Format” tab using the “Shape Fill” option. Click “Shape Outline” and choose no outline to make it look polished.

Adding Dates And Milestones To The Task Bars

Step 13: Double-click on any task bar to open a text box where you can add the start and end date of the project. Repeat the process for each task bar.

Step 14: Click on the “Insert” tab and choose the “Icons” button. 

Step 15: Insert your icon of choice, adjust its size, and move it on the Gantt chart to signify a milestone.

There you go! You now know how to make a Gantt chart in PowerPoint using shapes and tables in just a few steps! Remember that you can choose any shape of your liking and play around with various thickness options for the table and shapes to match your requirements. While creating a Gantt chart, take a look at how to make an Org chart in PowerPoint !

How To Make A Gantt Chart In PowerPoint

To create a PowerPoint Gantt chart, you can even use charts like the stacked bar chart (which we will use). Creating a Gantt chart in PowerPoint using the stacked bar chart is a lot more fun than creating one using a table, and it is also more professional. Here is how to create a Gantt chart in PowerPoint using charts!

Adding The Stacked Bar Chart And Entering Data

Step 1: In a blank slide in your presentation, select the “Insert” tab and choose “Chart” from the “Illustrations” section.

Step 2: Choose the “Bar” category from “All Charts” and select the “Stacked Bar” type.

Step 3: Once you select the chart, it will be added to your slide, and an Excel window will open up with a table and placeholder data that you can edit.

Step 4: In the Excel table, list down your projects in Column A, which will be reflected on the chart in the slide. As you change each placeholder text, you will see it change on the chart!

Step 5: Rename the columns titled Series 1 to “Start Date,” Series 2 to “End Date,” and the last column to “Duration” (this will be in days)  

Step 6: Format the cells under Start Date and End Date by selecting both columns, right-click on them, and choose “Format Cells” from the menu.

Step 7: This will open a dialogue box. Select “Date” from the “Category” list on the left, and choose the date format according to your needs from the “Type” menu.

Step 8: After formatting the columns, add each project’s start and end dates. (If your chart starts looking broken, don’t worry it will happen, we will fix this)

Step 9: To calculate your projects’ duration, type the formula =$C2-$B2 in the cell next to the “End Date” in the “Duration” column. Select the cell and drag it down using the small green square to apply the formula to the remaining cells. This will then fill the “Duration” column with the correct number of days.

Step 10: Now, you can remove the “End Date” from the chart in your slide to make space for “Duration” to be visible. Select the chart, click “Chart Filters” in the Series group, and uncheck the box next to “End Date.”

Formatting And Customizing The Graphic To Look Like A Gantt Chart

Step 11: Click on any of the blue bars; doing this will select all of them automatically. Right-click to open the mini toolbar.

Step 12: Select the “Fill” icon in the mini toolbar and select “No Fill.”

Step 13: Now your graphic will look a lot like a Gantt chart, and to change the color of all tasks simultaneously, click any one to select all tasks and right-click to open the mini toolbar.

Step 14: Head to the “Fill” section in the toolbar and choose a color of your preference. If you want to color each task differently, click twice on the task and use the “Fill” in the mini toolbar. You can even

Step 15: To change the title of the chart, double-click on the textbox to select it, and type the title of your choice.

Step 16 (Optional) : To apply styles and effects to the chart, you can select “ Chart Tools Format ,” where you will be able to play with various effects such as “Shadows,” “Format Axis,” and a lot more!  

That is how you make a Gantt chart in PowerPoint using charts. While you can add effects and style, we recommend keeping effects to a bare minimum to maintain balance and engagement.

PowerPoint Gantt Chart Examples & Templates

To help you gain inspiration on creating the perfect Gantt chart, we have provided a few of our templates as examples! If you like them, you can download our Gantt chart PowerPoint templates and make them into your personal slides, as our PowerPoint templates are 100% customizable!

Simple Gantt Chart Example

Simple gantt chart example

Work Status Gantt Chart Example

Work Status Gantt chart example

IT Gantt Chart Example

Gantt chart example

Now that you know how to create a Gantt chart in PPT, it is time for you to get out there and create stunning Gantt charts and blow everyone’s minds out of the water! If you need help creating a good-looking slide, then you can contact us here, give us all the things you want on the slide, and watch us create your masterpiece!

Does PowerPoint provide pre-built templates for Gantt charts?

Yes, there are numerous Gantt chart templates readily available in PPT that you can utilize or craft your own using shapes or charts.

Can you create a Gantt chart in PPT using shapes?

Absolutely, you can create Gantt charts using shapes in PPT; follow these steps: 1. Create a basic table with rows for tasks and columns for periods. 2. Adjust column widths and grid line thickness. 3. Remove shading from cells. 4. Merge cells for month headers, center align, and bold. 5. Apply different colors to each month’s cells. 6. List project names in the first column. 7. Use shapes to represent task durations. 8. Adjust shape, size, and position to match the timeline. 9. Change the shape color and remove the outline. 10. Double-click task bars to add dates. 11. Insert icons to mark milestones.

Table Of Content

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introduction to communication skills

Introduction to Communication Skills

Apr 03, 2019

5.15k likes | 10.98k Views

Introduction to Communication Skills. Introduction. What is communication? In simple words we can say that ““ just to convey the message ” If we go in more detail we can say that “ communication is the process of transmitting (A B) &amp; Receiving (B A) Messages.

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  • critical success factor
  • feedback sender receiver distortion
  • important information
  • emotions accent listener perceptions
  • basic reasons


Presentation Transcript

Introduction • What is communication? In simple words we can say that ““just to convey the message” If we go in more detail we can say that “ communication is the process of transmitting (A B) & Receiving (B A) Messages.

Communication Communication is the process of sending and receiving information among people… Feedback SENDER RECEIVER sender receiver

Messages not delivered due to “distortion” Feedback Sender Receiver Distortion

Why Communications Skills Are So Important ? • The purpose of communication is to get your message across to others. This is a process that involves both the sender of the message and the receiver. This process leaves room for error, with messages often misinterpreted (يساء تفسيرها)by one or more of the parties involved. This causes unnecessary confusion. • In fact, a message is successful only when both the sender and the receiver perceive it in the same way.

Critical success factor for life The majority of your perceived ability comes from how you communicate 30% What you know 70% How you communicate it

Most common ways to communicate Visual Images Speaking Writing Body Language

Communication Goals

Effective Communication • If some one can achieve the desired level of objective through communication , we can say that it is “effective communication”. e.g. If your communication get the proper response from the receiver it means that you effectively conveyed the message.

How to achieve effective Communication Encourage creative and Critical Thinking • Consider audience’s information needs • Consider Audience's Technical Background • Consider Audience's Cultural Background and Gender • Consider Audience's Knowledge of the Subject

BARRIERS TO EFFECTIVE COMMUNICATION • Physical barriers • Cultural barriers • Religious barriers • Time pressures • Distractions/interruptions • Failure to wait for feedback/response

BARRIERS TO EFFECTIVE COMMUNICATION • Hearing only part of the message • Failure to listen • Listening with a particular mind-set/prejudice (حكم مسبق) • Reacting emotionally • Making assumptions • Accents

BARRIERS TO EFFECTIVE COMMUNICATION • Lack of sensitivity to emotions • Poor volume, tone, emphasis • Not acknowledging person’s experience, emotions, feelings, desires • Jumping from topic to topic • Acting phony(تصنع)

Speaker Language Wordiness (redundancy) Semantics (meaning) Emotions Accent Listener Perceptions (understanding) Preconceived notions/expectations Physical hearing problem Speed of thought Personal interests Emotions Attention span No active listening! What causes distortion?

FEEDBACK: Feedback can be: • Verbal Reactions and Non-Verbal Reactions. • Positive feedback and Negative feedback.

Feedback Skills • Positive vs. Negative Feedback • Positive feedback is more readily and accurately perceived than negative feedback • Positive feedback fits what most people wish to hear and already believe about themselves • Negative feedback is most likely to be accepted when it comes from a credible source if it is objective. • Subjective impressions carry weight only when they come from a person with high status and credibility

Types of Communication Verbal– Communication through language Nonverbal– Communication other than through spoken language. More powerful messages are usually conveyed through nonverbal cues than through words themselves. Paraverbal– Communicating not by what you say, but how you say it.

Types of Communication (continued) Examples of nonverbal communication include: • Body language (e.g., folded arms) • Eye contact • Muscle tension • Posture (وضعية الوقوف) • Proxemics (how close we stand when talking. In the US, people stand between 18 inches to 2 ft. from each other; they get uncomfortable if that boundary is violated. Proxemics vary from culture to culture.

Types of Communication (Continued) Examples of paraverbal communication include: • Voice qualities/voice tone • Rate of speech (how fast or slow one talks) • Rhythm of voice (الإيقاع) • Volume

Strengths and Weaknesses • Verbal Communication: Strength - Role of Body Language. Weakness -Not possible to give a long list of directions • Written Communication: Strength - A proof of a communication Weakness - Written words does not show a person’s actual feelings.

Listening Skills

Listening is needed everywhere… • Listening skills form the basis of: • Continued learning • Teamwork skills • Management skills • Negotiation skills

… But not practiced effectively • 70% of all communication is • Misunderstood • Misinterpreted • Rejected • Distorted • Not heard

5 Basic reasons we Do Not Listen • Listening is Hard Work • Competition • The Rush for Action (الإندفاع) • Speed differences (120 wpm v/s 360 wpm) • Lack of Training

DEFINITION OF ACTIVE LISTENING Active listening is a way of listening that focuses entirely on what the other person is saying and confirms understanding of both the content of the message and the emotions and feelings underlying the message to ensure that understanding is accurate.

Rules for good listening • Deciding in advance that what a person is saying is not important means probably you'll tune out - and you could miss an opportunity to learn something and to strengthen a relationship. • It's difficult to listen if you're too tired, or preoccupied with something else - in those situations, it's best to set aside another time agreeable to both, when you are able to give your full attention.

Rules for good listening • Preconceived ideas about what someone is saying will block communication. When you keep an open mind, you are ready to learn something new. • Eye contact reassures (يطمئن) the person speaking that you are listening, and builds trust in a relationship. • Don't judge a book by its cover - important information can come from anyone, regardless of the package. • Matching your body language with your words through eye contact, a pleasant tone of voice and a warm smile conveys interest and respect. This reassures the person speaking that you feel he/she is important.

Rules for good listening • Asking questions will help the person clarify what he/she is telling you. You can show you understand by paraphrasing - repeating in your own words what the person has said.

How to be an active listener • Set the stage • Choose an appropriate physical environment • Remove distractions • Be open and accessible • Maintain relaxed, open posture that shows concentration • Ensure mutual understanding • Reflect feelings • Offer acknowledgements (say “uh-huh”) • Paraphrase main ideas • Interrupt to clarify

How to be an active listener • Understand body language • Observe position and posturing • Make eye contact • Consider expression and gestures • Suspend judgment • Concentrate • Keep an open mind • Hear the person out

How to be an active listener Give Feedback • Repeat back or summarize to ensure that you understand. • Restate what you think you heard and ask, "Have I understood you correctly?"

Paraphrasing, Summarizing and Questioning

Techniques to improve listening skills SUMMARIZE Pull together the main points of a speaker PARAPHRASE Restate what was said in your own words QUESTION Challenge speaker to think further, clarifying both your and their understanding

Paraphrasing is simply restating what another person has said in your own words. Use phrases such as: In other words… I gather that… If I understand what you are saying… What I hear you saying is… Pardon my interruption, but let me see if I understand you correctly… Practice Paraphrasing

Summarizing pulls important ideas, facts or data together. Useful for emphasizing key points and setting the stage for further discussion. The person summarizing must listen carefully in order to organize the information systematically. Try out these summarizing phrases: “If I understand you correctly, your main concerns are…” “These seem to be the key ideas you have expressed… ” Practice Summarizing

Two basic types of questions • Closed questions: • Get a one-word response and inhibit thought. • Questions begin with who, when and which • Open-ended questions: • Invite unique thought, reflection or an explanation. • Questions begin with how, what and how come.

Practice Questioning • Rephrase the following closed questions to make them open-ended: • Are you feeling tired? • Was the last activity useful? • Is there anything bothering you?

Active Listening (not!) • Behaviors that prevent effective listening • Act distracted (look at your watch!) • Tell your own story without acknowledging theirs • Give no response • Invalidate response, be negative • Interrupt • Criticize • Give advice/solutions quickly • Change the subject • Quickly agreeing with client before they finish speaking

Conversation Skills

How to improve my conversation skills? • Don’t be shy! خجول • Communication errors can be solved. • A conversation is an interactive activity involving listening and speaking from both parties. • It’s all about listening and asking questions. • Lulls (السكتات أو فترات الهدوء)are normal. • If a conversation is going wrong, it may not be your fault.

How to introduce myself? • Greet with smile • Maintain eye contact • Give a firm handshake • Tell your name • Ask for the other person’s name • Repeat the other person’s name • Never draw a negative picture of yourself

How to have a great conversation? • Relax and forget about yourself • Listen • Ask questions • Use a friendly tone • Choose your words and questions carefully • Neither interrupt a person in the middle of his thought, nor speak on top of it • Compliment (جامل ) the other person • Thank for a great conversation

How to handle a difficult question? • Personal question I’m sorry, but I’d prefer not to answer this question. • Question you don’t know the answer I have no idea. • Question you didn’t catch Can you repeat the question? • Question you don’t understand because of unfamiliar words or question structure I’m sorry, but I don’t understand your question. Would you mind telling it in different words?/What do you mean by…?/What does…mean?

How to improve speaking? • Listening and reading aloud • Writing • Networking and making friends • Greeting people on the street • Having small talks in public • Watching foreign movies with English subtitles • Joining one-on-one conversations, conversation and common interest groups

How to improve listening? • Speaking to English speakers • Watching TV and movies • Listening to radio • Reading audio books • Singing English songs • Practicing pronunciation • Joining conversation groups/one-on-one conversations

How to improve comprehension? • Reading picture books or comics • Reading newspapers and magazines • Asking questions during conversations • Watching TV and movies • Browsing English websites • Consulting dictionaries • Constantly learning new words • Clarifying meaning of slang and idioms • Knowing grammar

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    In this presentation, Kyler Shumway shares his strategies for making snazzy (but professional) slideshow presentations. Learn how to use the latest technology to augment visual communication while avoiding some of the classic presentation blunders. Other topics include: animation basics; simple data visualization; gathering and using quality images

  20. Work Smarter: Copilot Productivity Tips

    Tip 3: Add images to your presentations. Copilot in PowerPoint can make your presentations more visually compelling as well. Use it to suggest stock images for your presentation by using the Copilot prompt to "Add an image" related to your topic, and it will go through the stock images and select an image to add from that collection.

  21. How To Make A Gantt Chart In PowerPoint Using Shapes & Charts [+Templates]

    Step 1: On a blank presentation, click the "Insert" menu in the navigation bar and select " Table." Step 2: Create the table by choosing "Insert Table" and add the number of rows (tasks that your project has) and columns (how long will the task take in weeks), and click on "Create" once done. Step 3: Highlight the first column, click on the "Layout" tab, and adjust the ...

  22. PPT

    Introduction to Communication Skills. An Image/Link below is provided (as is) to download presentation Download Policy: Content on the Website is provided to you AS IS for your information and personal use and may not be sold / licensed / shared on other websites without getting consent from its author. Download presentation by click this link.

  23. Microsoft Teams in-depth: Learning content on demand

    Stay focused, work together, and achieve more with one platform for all your communication needs. That's what Microsoft Teams is all about. We're all about clarity and familiarity with the product, how it works, and how our team goes about continuously shaping it into THE smart place to work. ... Teams Rooms tips and tricks, extensibility ...

  24. Dynamic watermarking in Word, Excel, and PowerPoint

    Tips and tricks. You'll be able to work with your file like normal — viewing, editing, and collaborating — with the watermarks always visible on top of your file content. You won't be able to remove these watermarks unless you have IRM usage rights that allow you to change the file's label to one that doesn't have dynamic watermarking.