Career Sidekick

Should You Always Include a Cover Letter?

By Biron Clark

Published: November 10, 2023

Cover Letters

Biron Clark

Biron Clark

Writer & Career Coach

The little-known truth about cover letters is: You do NOT always need to include a cover letter when applying for jobs, and you may be wasting hours sending cover letters that employers won’t read.

So if you’re wondering whether you should always submit a cover letter with your job application and resume, then keep reading.

After working for years as a recruiter , I’m going to share the exact situations where you should provide a cover letter and the situations where it’s not needed.

Should You Always Submit a Cover Letter?

Many people on LinkedIn and other sites will tell you that you should include a cover letter every time because it “can’t hurt,” but that’s not true…

Here’s how it CAN hurt you…

Writing a great cover letter takes a LOT of time and mental energy. So if it’s not making a difference, or not even getting read, then it  is hurting you in terms of wasted time and energy (I’d argue that writing a cover letter is the toughest and most time-consuming part of the process for many job seekers).

How important is a cover letter

Writing a resume is tough, sure. But once you get it, you’re done. You spend 5-15 minutes tailoring it for each specific job you apply for, but that’s it.

Cover letters take a lot of time EVERY time (at least when done right).

That’s why it’s important to look at how important a cover letter is, and which situations it’s necessary and truly beneficial in.

3 Situations Where You Need to Send a Cover Letter:

There are a couple of specific scenarios where cover letters are necessary, and you should send one. This article by Harvard Business Review says it best:

three situations where cover letters are important and necessary

In those cases, according to Harvard Business Review, you can boost your chances of getting the interview by writing a short letter to point out similarities between your resume and the job requirements (e.g. why you’d do well in their job )… rather than leaving the analysis entirely up to the hiring manager.

But this is only worth doing if you meet one or more of the criteria above, or a few other situations I’ll explain below…

Two more cases where you may want to include a cover letter:

First, you should send a cover letter if an employer specifically says it’s required on their website or job application form (however, having an optional field to include it is not the same as asking for it or saying it’s required).

And second, you should send a letter if you have a large gap in employment or something unusual in your background that you feel the need to explain, and you don’t feel your resume explains it well enough on its own.

(Although I do like addressing gaps in employment directly on your resume employment history section when possible. For example, if you took a year off to raise a kid, you could say: “2018-2019: One-year break from work to raise first child.” So do try to explain this type of thing on your resume if you can!)

When You Don’t Need a Cover Letter:

If you don’t fall into any of the situations we looked at above, then a cover letter is not needed.

For example, if you’re just applying for jobs online via job boards , via LinkedIn, on company websites via their “careers” page, etc., then I’d skip it! Send your resume and let it speak for itself. (And if you don’t have a great resume yet, you can get help  here. )

In my opinion, the extra time and effort just isn’t worth it when you’re applying online with no prior relationship, no referral, and no special knowledge of the hiring manager or job requirements that you can use to make your case for why they should interview you.

This is one reason I love LinkedIn EasyApply as a part of an online job search – because a cover letter is not required or even expected.

Of course, the final judgment call is yours!

If you’re applying to your dream employer and you don’t mind spending an hour writing up a great cover letter, then go ahead! It can’t hurt in a one-off scenario like this.

But the main point I’m trying to make here is:

You should be selective about when to send a cover letter, rather than feeling obligated to send it by default.

Recap: How Important is a Cover Letter?

The answer to how important a cover letter is depends on the hiring process and situation. If you read the information above, you now know when a cover letter is necessary/recommended, and when you probably shouldn’t bother.

And you’ve seen that cover letters do matter in some cases, but that doesn’t mean that you always need to send a cover letter.

And as mentioned earlier, the main benefit of this approach is time savings…

When you look at how much time and effort goes into writing each of these letters, it can add up to hours or days of wasted time if you’re sending cover letters without analyzing whether it’s necessary for the situation.

Tips for Writing a Good Cover Letter:

Now that we’ve answered whether a cover letter is necessary, and when it’s important, here are some tips and resources to help you in situations where you decide a cover letter is needed:

First, I’d always recommend keeping it brief, easy to read (no huge paragraphs or blocks of text without spacing), and personal.

It should feel like you’re talking directly to them! That means start with “Dear Bethany”, (for example), not with, “Dear Hiring Manager” or “Dear Recruiter”.

(Recruiters almost never care about a cover letter anyway. It should be for the hiring manager).

Also, make sure you’re saying the word “you” at least as often as you say the word “I”. Talk about their needs and their company, not just about yourself .

The purpose of your cover letter is to point out similarities between your background and the employer’s job requirements. You want to demonstrate why you’re likely to succeed in their specific role, to sell them on interviewing you! And you cannot do this without researching their job and understanding/discussing their job. So this letter isn’t just about you , it’s about them just as much.

To help you further, we’ve published two articles here on Career Sidekick with great cover letter info:

  • 3 steps to writing a cover letter that stands out
  • How to write a cover letter with no experience

If you follow the steps above, you’ll save time in your job search and maximize the number of interviews you get for the effort you put into your job applications!

Biron Clark

About the Author

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Good stuff Biron! This is why Career Sidekick is my go-to career blog, I really admire how you take a contrarian approach to conventional job search/career wisdom!

Seems like almost every other career blog advises you to always submit a cover letter. Too bad these folks don’t consider the most important asset we all have: time!

Would being graduated out of college for 1.5 years and haven’t “launched” your career yet – getting a job in the field you got a degree in – count as something “unusual on your background” that you would need a cover letter for?

Thanks for the kind words. I don’t think you’d need a cover letter for this. Just make sure to “tailor” your resume to show the most relevant pieces of the work you have done, and to show your relevant educational background/degree. But if you’re not getting results with your resume, then it’s worth testing/trying a cover letter. My guess is that it’s not needed, and perfecting your resume will get more interviews.

Thanks for the advice Biron!

If I understand you correctly, is this an instance where you would recommend NOT using a chronological work history on a resume then?

And instead break up work experience history into a “relevant” and “other work experience” sections, since we’re trying to show specific relevant pieces of experience and educational background/degree?

I’d still keep it chronological. Just show the most relevant pieces of each past role, for the job you want now.

How about in my situation? I am looking for a job in marketing, but it has been five years and a few jobs since marketing has been the primary function of my job. My last few jobs have had a very little marketing focus and have been training, technical or sales in focus. Should I always write a cover letter to explain this when I am applying for marketing jobs?

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Do I Need a Cover Letter in 2024? Are Cover Letters Mandatory?

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During the job-hunting process, you might find yourself asking “do I really need a cover letter?”

And honestly, that’s a very good question.

You might’ve heard a lot of recruiters say that cover letters aren’t nearly as important as the resume. Some recruiters even openly admit that they don’t read cover letters at all.

So, no wonder that you’re confused about whether or not you really need a cover letter.

In this article, we’re going to deep dive into the topic and teach you when you really need a cover letter (and when you don’t).

  • Whether you need to include a cover letter in your application (and why)
  • When to not include a cover letter with your resume 
  • When to really put effort into your cover letter   

Do I Need a Cover Letter For My Resume

Short answer: yes , you should submit a cover letter alongside your resume.

Here’s why:

  • Most job openings require you to submit a cover letter. Recruiters might not have the time to read ALL the cover letters they receive, but they will definitely read cover letters if they’re on the fence for a candidate. Besides, even if they never get to your cover letter, failing to submit one when it’s required will be a red flag.
  • A cover letter shows that you’ve put in the extra effort. So, even if the recruiters don’t read them, they will know that you really want the job and that you are committed to taking all necessary steps to show you’re worth it.
  • A cover letter can set you apart from other candidates. Imagine this scenario: a recruiter is looking at two candidates with the same exact professional background and resume. The difference? One submitted an A++ cover letter that showed exactly why they’re the perfect fit for the job, while the other just copied and pasted an internet template. Which one would you pick? Our point exactly!

The above being said, there do exist a few cases where a cover letter isn’t necessary and a few others where you shouldn't just submit a cover letter, but you should really put in the extra effort to make it memorable!

Ready to go through them?

When Not to Include a Cover Letter

The 3 cases where you don’t need to include a cover letter with your application are:

#1. The job opening doesn’t require one. 

Yeap, in some cases, the job description will specifically instruct you not to submit a cover letter when you’re applying for the position. Needless to say, submitting one regardless of the instructions will not make you a poster child for dedication; it will just show you can’t follow instructions. 

#2. You don’t have the time to customize your cover letters. 

If there’s one thing that’s worse than not submitting a cover letter, is submitting a bad cover letter. What do we mean by bad? An uncustomized cover letter, or a cover letter based on a one-fits-all kind of template that you plan on mass-sending to all the jobs you’re applying for.  

So, if you’re applying to many jobs and you just don’t have the time (or creativity) to write a separate cover letter tailored to each job, then just don’t write one instead of making that cover letter mistake. 

#3. There is no place to upload one on the application platform.

When you’re filling out an online job application, you might notice there is no place to upload a cover letter.

Consider that a clear sign that a cover letter is not required for that particular role.  

When Should You Put Extra Effort to Submit a Cover Letter

Now, as we said, the best practice is to submit a cover letter with your resume for any job, internship, or even internal position that you apply for (unless they explicitly ask you not to). 

That being said, there are a few cases in which you should REALLY submit a cover letter—and put in extra effort to make it significant: 

  • You have important information to add. It might be a career gap, the need for a relocation, or a career change - anything, basically, that you can’t go into detail about in your resume. Your cover letter is your chance to explain it (especially if it adds significant value to your application).
  • There’s a personal connection/referral. If someone has personally referred you to the company, make sure to acknowledge that in your cover letter. A personal referral means bonus points for your application, so don’t miss out on a chance to mention it.
  • You have a link to the company. Did you complete an internship at the company? Or maybe you know the hiring manager or someone higher up the ranks outside of work. No matter the case, be upfront about any link you may have to the company in your cover letter. It will probably do your application good or at least show those reading it that you’re transparent.
  • It’s your dream job. Without making it a love letter to the company, use your cover letter to express what this job means to you professionally and how it’ll help you thrive. Passion goes a long way!

6 Tips For a Perfect Cover Letter 

The bottom line? 

Overwhelmingly, a cover letter is an essential part of your job application and you should include one with your resume.

So, as you can imagine, your cover letter should be on par with your resume. Before you start writing your cover letter, here are a few tips to make the process easier for you:

  • Keep it short. One page is more than enough when it comes to cover letters. Actually, the optimal length for a cover letter is between 250-400 words long.
  • Follow submission instructions. In the job description, look out for specifics on the cover letter format (Word or PDF), fonts and margins, and content (such as which sections or information to include).
  • Proofread your cover letter. Once you’re done writing, make sure your cover letter doesn’t have any grammar or spelling mistakes. Use spell check software such as Grammarly to be on the safe side.
  • Avoid cliches. Saying you’re a “great team player” or “effective communicator” will get you nowhere. Instead, aim to show it by backing it up with your experience. Think, “I’m a great communicator” versus “I’m a great communicator, having closed 50+ sales per month at my last job.”
  • Enhance your personal brand. Opt to use the same fonts, margins, colors, and style in both your resume and cover letter. In this way, you can highlight your personal brand and make more of an impression on the hiring manager.
  • Use action verbs . To make your achievements stand out, use action verbs. So, instead of repeating “I was responsible for” or “I was in charge of,” you can use action verbs such as “managed” or “coordinated.”

job search masterclass novoresume

Do you still have some unanswered questions? Here are the most frequently asked questions on whether cover letters are mandatory.

Do I need a cover letter for a part-time job?

You should follow the same practice with your part-time job application as you would with a full-time one. That means you should definitely submit a strong cover letter with your resume (unless otherwise indicated in the job description).

Do I need a cover letter for an internal position? 

When you apply for an internal position within the company, you should create a cover letter to highlight your experience and professional interest in the position. 

Do I need a cover letter for an internship?

Yes, you should include a cover letter with your resume when you’re applying for an internship. The cover letter should focus on your skills and strengths, your education, and your dedication to the internship program. 

Not sure how to write a cover letter for an internship from scratch? This article will tell you all you need to know!

Do I need a cover letter for an entry-level job?

Yes, an entry-level cover letter is a must.

You might not have many professional or relevant experiences to list on your resume (e.g. you’re a recent college graduate or you’re changing career paths), so the cover letter is where you can convey your enthusiasm and commitment. Plus, you can also (in words) explain how your skills from your university or past career translate into the job you’re applying for. 

Do employers read the cover letter or resume first?

Generally, employers will first read your resume to see if you have the relevant experience or skills for the position. From there, they decide whether your cover letter is worth reading or not.  If you send your cover letter in the body of the email where you have attached your resume, though, the recruiter will probably skim through it before opening your resume.

Keep in mind that in such a case your cover letter should be perfect, especially in terms of spelling and business etiquette. If the recruiter spots a “u r” instead of “you are,” or a smiley face, they might not even get to your resume.    

Want your cover letter to match your resume? We are confident that the hiring manager will appreciate the effort. Do it effortlessly by using Novorésumé's matching cover letter and resume templates !  


Key Takeaways

Well, that was all on whether cover letters are mandatory in 2023. We hope that we answered all your questions on the topic. 

Here’s a quick review of the main things we covered:

  • In 98% of cases, you should include a cover letter in your job application. Although recruiters might not always read it, they expect candidates to submit one. A cover letter will considerably boost your chances and set you apart from other candidates with similar backgrounds and resumes.
  • Don’t include a cover letter if the job opening specifies it’s not necessary, if you don’t have time to customize it to the position, or if there is no place to upload one in the application platform.
  • Put extra effort in your cover letter if you have extra information to add to your resume if you have been personally referred for the job, if you have a link to the company, or if you’re applying to your dream job.

Related Readings: 

  • How to Start a Cover Letter
  • How to End a Cover Letter
  • How to Address a Cover Letter

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Do we really need to write cover letters in 2023.

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Composing a cover letter on the laptop

The earliest record of the cover letter for employment dates back to the 1950s according to The Atlantic, and has been used ever since as an addition to resumes, for candidates to prove to potential employers their desire and eligibility for posted roles. In recent years, however, especially since the post-pandemic unemployment upheaval, the choice of whether or not to include cover letters as part of the job application process has been a topic of contentious debate, and has left most candidates confused as to whether or not to include them, especially if the employer has not specifically requested them.

In a recent LinkedIn poll I conducted, more than 70% of respondents (a mix of recruiters, hiring managers, and candidates) voted that cover letters are no longer necessary as part of the shortlisting process. However, across the Internet, there were others who advocated its use, provided the right conditions were met.

The question remains, Should we write cover letters for jobs, even if they're not mandated in the application process?

When cover letters are needed

Emily Meekins , CEO and Founder of talent consultancy Workstrat, points out that she rarely reviews cover letters. "85% of the time, I can learn enough from your resume and LinkedIn profile. The application/interview process is time-consuming enough without a cover letter. I'd prefer candidates save their time and reapply it to other areas of their search." However, Meekins adds that she would look at a cover letter if she is on the fence and needs more information to help make an informed decision, or to check for quality of writing and communication skills.

I spoke with Yulia Saf , Founder and CEO of, who has hired and led a team of up to 12 employees remotely, and asked her to share her experiences and insights on this topic. Saf revealed that cover letters have significantly impacted her decision to hire candidates on several occasions, noting that "candidates who include a persuasive cover letter often stand out during the shortlisting phase, as it provides insight into their passion and determination for the role."

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Writing with laptop

Maurizio Petrone , founder of the remote-first digital media start-up, has been hiring talent for over 15 years, and highlights that from his experience, "cover letters have played an essential element in hiring decisions, even when we didn't specifically request them. Out of the hundreds of candidates we shortlisted over the past five years, about 70% included cover letters in their applications. These letters helped shed light on their motivations and gave a better insight into their soft skills - things often not immediately evident in resumes."

Cover letters are a fantastic way to explore beyond the confines of one's resume and tell a compelling narrative about your career journey, motivations and aspirations for the job, and even transferable skills, especially for those facing perceived barriers in the workplace. This makes it an excellent choice for those making a career pivot or transition.

As Thomas Codevilla , business attorney, Co-Founder and hiring manager at SK&S Law Group points out, "A well-written cover letter allows candidates to tell a compelling narrative about their experiences and how they can uniquely contribute to our organization. On the hiring side, I know that ATS often play a role in screening applications. What many candidates might not realize is that incorporating relevant keywords from the job posting into their cover letters can significantly improve their chances of getting past this initial screening stage.

"As a recruiter, I appreciate it when candidates address their cover letters to a specific individual or mention a mutual connection within the company. It not only shows that they've done their research but also increases the likelihood that their application will catch my attention.

"A cover letter gives candidates the opportunity to address any potential red flags in their resume, such as employment gaps or career changes. When a candidate proactively explains these issues, it shows their transparency and willingness to provide context, which can positively influence my perception of their application."

Best practice when crafting your cover letter

While cover letters are a great way to demonstrate your value to a potential employer, you should always ensure that it actually delivers real value and is not a mere repetition of your resume, HR generalist Mary Pizana of personal injury law firm Herrman and Herrman cautions.

Man applying for a job on the internet

Kirsty Barden , Head of Business Development at MDS, a talent acquisition company with 37 years in the business, highlights some best practices to remember when writing up a cover letter:

Customise each cover letter

"Tailor your cover letter for each specific application and company. Address the hiring manager or recruiter by name if possible and demonstrate your knowledge of the company and the role you're applying for."

Highlight relevant experiences and skills

"Emphasise the experiences and skills from your CV that directly relate to the job description and requirements. Use specific examples to demonstrate your capabilities."

Showcase your passion

"Express genuine enthusiasm for the company and the opportunity. Explain why you are interested in the role and how it aligns with your career goals."

Keep it concise and focused

"A cover letter should be concise, typically one page. Avoid unnecessary details and maintain a clear focus on the key points you want to convey."

Be professional and error-free

"Pay close attention to grammar, spelling, and formatting. A well-written and error-free cover letter demonstrates attention to detail and professionalism."

Demonstrate cultural fit

"Highlight your alignment with the company's values and culture. Show that you are a team player and can thrive within the organization's environment."

End with a call to action

"Conclude the cover letter by expressing your interest in further discussing your qualifications and expressing gratitude for the opportunity to apply."


Executive Cleaning Services Vice President Thomas Giarraputo recommends candidates use Venn diagrams when beginning to craft their cover letter. "Telling stories from your career is an excellent way to demonstrate your skills and give hiring managers a glimpse of your demeanor and work style.

"Always refer to the position's requirements in the job description when searching for appropriate anecdotes to share. It is also beneficial to conduct additional online investigation on the company to gain a sense of its culture. Before writing your cover letter, compare your talents to the position's requirements.

"Utilizing Venn diagrams can be useful for generating ideas and determining which competencies and experiences to highlight. After creating this diagram and identifying what belongs in both circles, overlapping topics will guide and inspire the content of your cover letter."

When cover letters should not be used

On the flip side, Sam Greinetz , Recruiting Partner at Signed Talent, points out that the recruitment industry has witnessed a significant shift over the past decade, with hundreds of candidates applying for one position where there were only 10-15 a few years ago, and certain industries which rely more on hard skills, such as the tech industry, do not have the capacity for hiring managers and recruiters to read every cover letter sent through.

Recruiter screening interview

Greinetz recommends trying a different approach to sending in your cover letter. "Rather than a cover letter, if someone is especially interested in a role, they are better off reaching out to the recruiter or hiring manager directly either via email or on Linkedin to reiterate their excitement. That message can be similar to what a cover letter would include and will allow them to stick out in a crowded applicant pool. Show that you've done some homework, personalize it, talk about the team, product, etc. and don't be afraid to follow-up after a few days if you haven't heard anything."

Anthony Allen , VP of Recruiting at Supply Chain Talent Advisors, states that while he agrees that most recruiters don't have the time to read cover letters, if one is to be written, "the candidate must personalize and tailor the cover letter. A generic, one-size-fits-all cover letter is easy to spot and often disregarded. To stand out, research the company and the role, and tailor your cover letter accordingly. Mention how your skills and experiences align with the job requirements and the company's goals. By doing this, you show the hiring manager that you understand their needs and can bring specific value to the position. This level of personalization is what can make a cover letter impactful, even in situations where its importance might be diminishing."

So what does all of this mean for job seekers?

In a nutshell:

  • When applying for a job directly to an employer, use a cover letter that is well-personalized, tells impactful career stories, conveys your motivations for the role, and speaks to why you want to work for that particular employer. Demonstrate that you understand their pain-points, clients, and values, and that their mission and values align with yours.
  • Think creatively of other ways to include a cover letter approach, such as sending an email or LinkedIn InMail to the hiring manager directly.
  • Ensure your cover letter is not a repetition of your resume.
  • Cover letters are best used when facing barriers such as career gaps, career transitions, lack of experience, or to increase competitive edge, especially for senior level roles.
  • If applying for technical roles or applying directly through recruitment agencies, consider leaving the cover letter out altogether so as not to waste your time. Also take time to research if the industry you are entering or applying for roles in, typically reviews cover letters. After all, you don't want to waste your time or that of the recruiter/hiring manager.

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Is a Cover Letter Necessary to Apply for a Job?

When You Need to Submit a Cover Letter With a Resume

does every job need a cover letter

(Almost) Always Send a Cover Letter

When not to send a cover letter, cover letter writing tips, how to format the letter, proofread and test before you submit.

Do you really need a cover letter when you apply for jobs? You might wonder whether you can get by with just a resume — particularly if the company doesn't specifically  request or require a cover letter .

It's only natural to wonder if a cover letter is necessary. After all, writing cover letters can be a time-consuming and challenging task. If there's an option to skip the labor involved in writing one, it's tempting.

But in most cases, and particularly when the overall job market or your specific industry is competitive, a cover letter will help your candidacy. Done right, your letter will highlight your most relevant  skills and qualifications  for the job, making you stand out in a sea of applicants.

Your cover letter is a good way to show an employer what you want them to know about you, without the hiring manager having to figure it out themselves from your resume.

Many career experts agree that sending a cover letter is almost always the best decision. 

Use Your Letter to Make a Match

For instance, Susan Heathfield , a human resources expert, says, "Your cover letter is particularly important. It's the job searcher's opportunity to help the potential employer see that the applicant's skills and experience match what the employer seeks. A well-written cover letter distinguishes your application."

Show Why You're a Strong Candidate

A cover letter can make a good impression on a prospective employer and is an excellent way to show that employer why you are a strong candidate for the job.  Resumes are helpful for giving an overview of your career , but a cover letter can tell a story about specific, relevant experience. They're also a chance to  show off your personality .

Explain Potential Issues

Cover letters also provide a useful way to explain away any potential concerns the employer might have about your candidacy, such as  gaps in your employment  or the fact that you will need to relocate for the job.

Make the Case for Your Candidacy

A cover letter allows you to write a compelling case for your candidacy. Why would you want to skip this opportunity? Even if a job application does not require a cover letter, you can send one anyway.

Often, employers expect a cover letter even if they do not directly ask for one. Sending one, particularly when it is not required, demonstrates that you are a motivated candidate.

Cover letters allow you—in narrative form—to tell the employer exactly why hiring you, instead of the numerous other candidates, is a good decision.

If you're applying online for a job and there is no way to upload or post a cover letter, don't worry about it. You don't need one.

When the employer specifically states what they want in a job application (resume, references, etc.), you don't have to write a cover letter if it is not included on the employer's list.

However, you may want to include an abbreviated  email cover letter  if there’s space to do so. Don’t miss out on the opportunity to make your pitch and impress the hiring manager.

Make sure your cover letter is a good one.  While a well-written cover letter may increase your chances of getting an interview, the opposite is also true. A poorly written cover letter will likely cause an employer to reject your application. Therefore, only send one if you have the time to write a clear, concise, and professional letter that makes a strong sales pitch for getting an interview.

Write a  targeted cover letter  that specifically relates your experience to the job posting.  Keep it short and sweet — aim for three to five paragraphs — with each paragraph focusing on an aspect of your candidacy. Read the job description carefully, so you can make sure your  cover letter really speaks to the requested qualifications . Bottom line, you want to make it clear why you'd be beneficial to the company in the position.

Review cover letter samples.  Before you start, look at some  cover letter examples  to get ideas for your own letters. While you don’t want to copy samples, reading them helps reveal what kind of tone is appropriate. Plus, you might discover a better way to emphasize your experience.

Format your cover letter correctly.  Familiarize yourself with  cover lettering formatting guidelines  and make sure that your materials meet these standards. Hiring managers will notice if you don’t follow these rules.

You want your experience to stand out, not your formatting or style choices. Keep it simple and let your skills shine through.

Be sure to edit your cover letter thoroughly. Typos and grammatical errors will demonstrate a sloppy work ethic to the employer. Review proofreading tips to remind yourself of what to watch out for. A few examples of common cover letter typos and mistakes: misspelled names of companies or interviewers, incorrect addresses, and inconsistent verb tenses and/or punctuation.

When you’re finished reviewing your final document, have a friend take a look as well. A fresh set of eyes may catch mistakes that you’re no longer able to see. Even the smallest error can work against you during the job application process, so take the time to get it right. 

Do I Need a Cover Letter? Our Survey Results May Surprise You

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Job hunting is difficult enough without seeing that dreaded sentence in a job description : applications without cover letters will not be considered . But when a cover letter isn’t mentioned at all, you have to ask yourself, “Do I need a cover letter?”

The first job listing requesting a cover letter alongside a resume appeared in the New York Times classified section on September 23, 1956. It was for a job opening at Dutch Boy Paints as an industrial paint chemist. 

For better or worse, the cover letter craze caught on and while job applications changed from in-person drop-offs, and mail-in resumes, to fax machines and the internet, cover letters are still here.

We asked newly hired job seekers about their cover letter habits and talked to recruiting and career experts to hear the industry’s stance on cover letters. Their answers may surprise you.

Should you include a cover letter?

Whether cover letters are relevant is up for debate, both for job seekers and career experts. However, the general consensus is that if an organization requests it in the job description, you should include one.

Whether you need a cover letter with your resume can depend on a few things:

  • Your industry
  • If the job description mentions it

Let’s break down the conflicting information about cover letters once and for all.

Cover letter trends for job seekers

When Jobscan asked 200 newly hired job seekers if they leveraged cover letters in their job search, we got the results illustrated below.

35.4% of newly hired job seekers consistently submitted cover letters during their job search. The majority of respondents were less consistent. 42.5% included cover letters with some jobs, 16% rarely submitted cover letters, and 6.1% of job seekers opted out entirely.

graphic of survey results asking "did you always include a cover letter with your resume?"

A recent poll of LinkedIn users showed that 44% of respondents think the cover letter is dead. But about 43% believe it’s alive and well.

So, does submitting (or not submitting) a cover letter impact potential job offers?

We asked job seekers if they included one for the jobs they were offered. When it comes to securing a job offer, the relevance of cover letters is even more shaky.

While 35.8% of people included a cover letter for every application for which they were offered the role, 21.2% received job offers even though they never submitted one with their resume.

graphic of survey results asking "for job roles you were offered, did you submit cover letters when applying?"

What do industry professionals have to say about cover letters?

Career experts agree that there’s no real consensus about the importance of cover letters. Tracy Saunders , a recruiter, author, and job search advisor, did an informal survey of 10,000 recruiters. 61% of respondents said cover letters don’t matter, 31% said they do matter, and the remaining 8% expressed indifference.

Monique Montanino , Tech Exec Career Coach, suggests that the cover letter’s value changes depending on the stage of the hiring process. She explains that “as a former group hiring manager at a Fortune 200 company, the HR team would present me with the top 10 qualified candidates. I would always read all the information presented by the candidate.”

It’s not one-size-fits-all, which for job seekers, can be a frustrating response.

So we asked career experts to share their experiences with cover letters. Does anyone read them, and does not including one hinder you from getting a job?

Do you need a cover letter: It depends on the industry

Hiring managers and recruiters in certain industries won’t place as much emphasis on the cover letter as others. Kate Lander , a Career Expert and Workforce Development specialist and face of Lander Consulting UK, sees differences across industry sectors.

“I’ve found that within lower-level roles in STEM, there’s less emphasis on the cover letter as hires are typically driven by technical competence and qualifications.”

Tracy admits she didn’t read cover letters for every tech role she was filling. “It’s not that I didn’t want to learn about the candidate, it’s just that their GitHub code or LinkedIn profile told me all I needed to know.”

Other industries highlight the importance of cover letters, says Kate. “Certainly in the visitor economy and creative industries, demonstrating your ability to communicate effectively, and pitch yourself in a powerful way, gives a recruiter confidence that you’ll be able to do this ‘on the job’.”

Tracy agrees and expands on which industries prefer a well-written cover letter. “For recruiters hiring for HR, operations or finance, they want to see how a person communicates in writing, and cover letters help with that.”

“If done right, a well-crafted cover letter will answer a lot of questions before starting a conversation. I would rather get a lot of the basics out of the way so we can focus on the important details.” – Professional Recruiter

Do you need a cover letter: Is it in the job posting?

Many job postings will tell you if you need a cover letter. Kelli Hrivnak , Founder of Knak Digital, a boutique recruitment firm, urges applicants to “read the fine print in the job description and application to learn if a cover letter is required to be considered for the opportunity.”

Failing to include a requested cover letter can be a failure of the hiring manager’s first mini-test: measuring your attention to detail. In her experience, “employers may eliminate applicants that didn’t follow the instructions in the job ad.”

Don’t give hiring managers a reason to disregard your resume before they even see it.

Consider regional preferences regarding cover letters. According to Kate Lander, Career Expert and Workforce Development specialist, “recruiters in the UK really appreciate a cover letter, even if they haven’t specified that they’d like one. Having the context or justification of an application enables a recruiter to visualise the motives behind the CV or resume .”

Why you should include a cover letter according to experts

Many job seekers struggle to write cover letters because they’re time-consuming. If you’re a weak writer applying to non-writing-related roles, cover letters can feel like a form of torture.

However, according to the experts, it can be worth it.

Susan E. Schwartz , personal brand strategist and career coach cautions that “if your cover letter is just going to reiterate what your resume says, don’t bother. But, if you can write a letter that lets them know you understand their needs—and you state clearly how you can help—that’s a letter worth writing.”

According to Tracy Saunders, recruiter, author, and job search advisor, 63% of recruiters aren’t finding suitable candidates to fill job openings. A concise cover letter can give you an edge.

We analyzed nearly 1 million job applications and it shows that including a cover letter with your resume makes you 1.9 times more likely to be invited for an interview compared to those who left out a cover letter.

1. Cover letters can leave a good impression

Showing a little extra effort helps you stand out. It’s especially so when it’s voluntary. It can leave a positive impression before you even meet the hiring manager.

This is one highlight of cover letters, according to Monique Montanino. “Researching a company, its leadership, mission, and accomplishments provides the opportunity to state why you want to be employed there and add value. How would you feel if someone showed up knowing your business accomplishments and challenges and offered thoughts on innovation for a positive impact?”

“The cover letter allows you to deliver that message.”

For maximum impact, see if you can find the Hiring Manager or Recruiter for the role, and send your letter to them. Addressing your letter to a specific person will significantly increase the likelihood of someone reading it.

2. Cover letters can add more depth to your resume

Get ahead of any questions the hiring manager may have when reading your resume. Jazlyn Unbedacht , a professional resume writer, believes a cover letter is a great place to start “if you have an employment gap, an interesting job experience history, or have anything you want to clarify on your resume.”

Your resume can’t address everything, so Kate Lander tells job seekers to reframe their job search collateral.

“Where a resume or CV could be viewed as a marketing flyer, a page (or two) of impact-led tasks and outcomes; a cover letter contextualizes these to the needs of the specific business and role they are applying for—it’s the sales pitch!”

3. Cover letters help you stand out with a unique voice

Of course, you tailored your resume for your application. But, it’s not the best place to dive into your unique story. To Monique, cover letters are the perfect place to tell a short, but gripping story.

“Contrary to a resume, cover letters show your responsibilities and accomplishments customized in your voice to the open job requisition. You are unique. Here is your opportunity to report your vision, leadership style, and successes with a personal perspective that will resonate with the hiring CEO or recruiter.”

Madelyn Mackie , a Career Activator who helps job seekers get unstuck, says your cover letter is “an opportunity to let your personality shine through.”

Just because cover letters are becoming unpopular—among job seekers and hiring teams—Madelyn recommends writing one. “Even hiring managers and recruiters who say they never read cover letters may find themselves drawn in by a particularly compelling letter.”

Read more : Cover Letter Examples for Job Seekers in Any Field

The ATS scans cover letters for keywords and skills

When you apply for a job, your resume goes into the ATS, or applicant tracking system . It works as a database to store your resume and acts as a search engine where the hiring manager inputs skills or keywords from the job description.

But most ATS will also store and scan your document for keywords. This can give you an edge if used correctly. Suzanne Berger , a Career Consultant, advises job seekers to “include a short cover letter showing your match to 3 to 5 job requirements” to take advantage of keyword matches.

Make writing easier with Jobscan’s cover letter generator

Sometimes you have to include a cover letter for consideration. But if you’re in STEM, finance, or a non-creative field, the writing requirement can make your job search miserable.

“A bad cover letter does not negate a strong resume.” – Professional Recruiter

Start with Jobscan’s cover letter generator . It uses AI to create an ATS-friendly, optimized cover letter . It integrates with our premium Power Edit , so while you’re optimizing your resume for the job description, you can easily generate your document on the same screen.

How to Write a Cover Letter

Create your cover letter with AI to customize it for the job description. Optimize your cover letter and resume with Jobscan to get more interviews.

Once you generate your cover letter, you can adjust the document to add the hiring manager’s name, incorporate any critical details, or save it as-is.

Many job seekers hate cover letters. But, they can still help your job search. They let you personalize yourself to a hiring manager. This matters in a world where everything happens through the screen.

A good cover letter can make an impact on a hiring manager, urge them to dive deeper into your resume, and tip the scales in your favor for getting an interview.

an infographic of a cover letter checklist

FAQs about cover letters

While it’s not necessarily unprofessional to not include a cover letter with your job application , writing one can benefit you. A cover letter allows you to introduce yourself, highlight key skills relevant to the position, and explain what interests you about the role and the company. It gives you an opportunity to make a strong first impression and stand out from other applicants. A good cover letter also shows that you tailored your application for that job. It shows you took the time and can reveal your real interest. In tough job markets, a cover letter can help you show your qualifications. It can also make a strong case for why you are the best candidate.

Some companies may not require them. But, a good cover letter can help you stand out from others and give more context to your resume. Unless the employer says not to, it’s good to include a cover letter with your resume when applying for a job.

It’s not required to write a cover letter when applying for a job. But, skipping it could hurt your chances of capturing the hiring manager’s attention. Some employers ask for a cover letter as part of the application process. So, not submitting one could result in your application being overlooked. Writing a tailored cover letter can increase your chances of making a positive impression and standing out among other applicants.

While it is not always mandatory to write a cover letter, experts highly recommended including one when applying for a job. It gives you an opportunity to personalize your application and make a strong first impression. In many cases, employers do appreciate getting a cover letter with your resume. It shows your interest in the position and can set you apart from other applicants.

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Kelsey is a Content Writer with a background in content creation, bouncing between industries to educate readers everywhere.

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How to Write an Application Letter (Sample Included!)

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Whether you’re applying for a job , internship , scholarship, or volunteer position, a well-crafted application letter can help you stand out. It's your chance to introduce yourself and make a strong first impression that sets you apart from the competition.

But how do you write an application letter that’s effective? Below, we’ll explain when to use this method of introduction and give you practical tips on writing one that gets results. Plus, we've included a sample application letter and a template to help you create the perfect document for any opportunity.

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What is an application letter?

An application letter is a document sent with your resume to provide additional information on your skills and experience. It's a crucial part of an application for work as it introduces you to potential employers and highlights your qualifications.

While some companies request it at the beginning of the application process, others might ask for it later, or not at all—but it's always a valuable addition.

Unlike a resume, which outlines your work history, a written application allows you to elaborate on your achievements and how they relate to the job you are applying for. It is a much more specific way to introduce yourself and explain why you would be a good fit for the job.

How is an application letter different from a cover letter?

Some people use the terms “application letter” and “cover letter” interchangeably, but there are subtle differences between the two.

An application letter serves as your formal introduction to a potential employer. It highlights your interest in the role, your qualifications, and why you're a good fit for the position. It's a standalone document that provides a comprehensive overview of your skills and experiences.

On the other hand, a cover letter is usually more concise than an application letter and serves as a complementary document to your resume, providing additional context to your job application. It elaborates on specific points from your resume and explains how your background aligns with the job requirements.

Also, job application letters follow a more formal structure, often resembling a traditional business letter. They include your contact information, the date, and the employer’s contact information at the top. An application letter is usually addressed to a specific individual, such as the hiring manager or recruiter. While cover letters also have a professional tone, they can be less formal in structure.

Finally, the application letter is used primarily for job applications, internship applications, scholarship applications, and volunteer positions. In contrast, the cover letter is specifically used to accompany a resume during job applications.

When do you need to send an application letter?

Application letters are typically required when applying for jobs. However, there are other scenarios where you might need one:

  • Scholarship applications: When applying for scholarships, this kind of letter can help you stand out by showcasing your academic achievements and career goals .
  • Volunteer positions: Some volunteer organizations require an application letter to understand your motivations and skills relevant to the position.
  • Internship applications: Internships often require this document to understand your interest in the role and what you hope to gain from the experience.
  • Networking purposes: Sending one when reaching out to potential mentors or industry professionals can help you establish a connection and explain your career aspirations.

7 tips on how to write a job application letter

Writing an effective application letter involves more than just summarizing your resume. Here are seven tips to write yours:

1. Research the company—at least do a quick Google search!

Before you start writing, research the company to understand its culture, values, and needs. Tailor your letter to align with the company’s mission and the job description. There is nothing better for an HR professional than feeling that you don’t just want any job; you want to work with them for specific reasons, such as X and Y.

“Address the letter to the hiring manager by name if possible,” says Mike Chappell, CEO of FormsPal , who has more than a decade of experience reviewing application letters. “This shows that you’ve done your research and are genuinely interested in the company.”

2. Use a professional format and design

Your application letter should follow a formal letter of application format. Use a standard font like Times New Roman or Arial, and keep the font size between 10 and 12 points. Include your contact information, the date, and the employer’s contact information at the top of the letter.

There are many layouts online that you can use. Find one that represents your style and complements your resume.

3. Make it engaging from the start with a strong opening

Your opening paragraph should grab the reader’s attention. Mention the position you're applying for and where you found the job listing. If you were referred by someone, include their name. Briefly introduce yourself and explain why you’re interested in the role.

4. Highlight your qualifications—what you can’t fully convey in your resume

In the body of your applicant letter, highlight your relevant skills, experiences, and achievements. “Use specific examples to showcase your accomplishments and how they relate to the job you’re applying for,” Chappell says. “ Quantifiable results can make a strong impact.”

Avoid repeating information from your resume; instead, expand on your most relevant experiences.

5. Show enthusiasm and genuine interest

Employers want to hire candidates who are enthusiastic about the role and the company. Show your excitement for the opportunity. Explain why you are specifically interested in this job and how it aligns with your career goals.

6. Keep it concise

While it’s important to provide enough detail, your application letter should be concise. Aim for one page, with three to four paragraphs. Be clear and to the point, avoiding unnecessary fluff.

7. Proofread carefully

Typos and grammatical errors can leave a negative impression on employers. Carefully proofread your letter before sending it. Consider asking another person to review it as well.

Letter of application sample

Here's a super complete example of application letter to help you get started:

August 1, 2024

Ms. Jane Doe

Hiring Manager

Innovative Solutions Inc.

456 Maple Avenue

Springfield, IL 62705

Dear Ms. Doe,

I am writing to express my interest in the Marketing Manager position at Innovative Solutions Inc., as advertised on your company’s careers page. With more than five years of experience in marketing and a proven track record of successful campaigns, I am excited about the opportunity to contribute to your team and drive impactful marketing strategies.

In my previous role as a Senior Marketing Specialist at Creative Solutions LLC, I led a team in developing and executing a comprehensive marketing strategy that resulted in a 30% increase in brand awareness and a 25% boost in lead generation. My responsibilities included overseeing digital marketing campaigns, analyzing market trends, and coordinating with cross-functional teams to ensure alignment with overall business goals. This experience has honed my skills in strategic planning, data analysis, and team leadership.

I am particularly impressed by Innovative Solutions Inc.’s commitment to leveraging cutting-edge technology to deliver innovative marketing solutions. Your recent campaign, which utilized artificial intelligence to optimize ad targeting, is a testament to your forward-thinking approach. I am eager to bring my expertise in digital marketing and campaign management to your team and contribute to similar groundbreaking projects.

My strong analytical skills, combined with my ability to lead and inspire a team, make me a great fit for this role. I am confident that my background and enthusiasm for innovative marketing strategies align well with the needs of Innovative Solutions Inc.

Thank you for considering my application. I look forward to the opportunity to discuss how my skills and experiences can contribute to the continued success of Innovative Solutions Inc.

123 Elm Street

Springfield, IL 62704

[email protected]

(555) 123-4567

Template for an application letter

You can also use the following application format to structure your application letter for a job:

[Recipient’s name]

[Company’s name]

[Company’s address]

[City, State, ZIP Code]

Dear [Recipient’s name],

I am writing to express my interest in the [Job title] position at [Company name] as advertised on [Where you found the job listing]. With my background in [Field or industry] and a passion for [Specific aspect of the job or industry], I am excited about the opportunity to contribute to your team.

In my previous role at [Previous company], I developed [Specific skills or achievements]. I successfully [Describe a project or responsibility], which resulted in [Quantifiable result or achievement]. This experience has equipped me with [Relevant skills] that I am eager to bring to [Company name].

I am particularly impressed by [Company name]’s commitment to [Specific company initiative or value], and I am enthusiastic about the prospect of working with a team that values [Related value or skill]. I am confident that my skills and experiences align well with the requirements of the [Job title] position.

Thank you for considering my application. I look forward to the opportunity to discuss how my background, skills, and enthusiasm can contribute to the success of [Company Name].

[Your Name]

[Your address]

[Your email address]

[Your phone number]

Common mistakes to avoid

When writing a letter of application for employment, be aware of these common mistakes:

  • Being too generic: Focus your letter on the specific job and company, and mention detailed information about them. Don’t default to a one-size-fits-all approach or AI-written document. “It is generally best to avoid using generative AI to write your application letters for you,” says Edward Tian, CEO of AI detector GPTZero . “Only you can write about those specific aspects of your identity and experiences in such a personal way.”
  • Focusing too much on yourself: While it’s important to highlight your qualifications, make sure to explain how you can benefit the company. “You can talk about your career goals, college classes that piqued your interest in the type of job you're applying to—just make sure that they tie into why they make you uniquely qualified or well-positioned for the job,” Tian says.
  • Including irrelevant information: Avoid discussing unrelated jobs or hobbies, for example.
  • Using a casual tone: Maintain a professional tone throughout your letter. Avoid slang or overly casual language.

Need a bit more guidance in your job search? Read this next: How to Apply for a Job Online: 10 Tips to Stand Out and Land an Interview

does every job need a cover letter

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What to Know About the Updated COVID Vaccine for Fall, Winter 2024–25

The updated COVID vaccine provides safe, effective protection against current variants for everyone 6 months and older.

Aliza Rosen

Amid an unexpectedly large surge of summer COVID infections in the U.S., and with the fall/winter virus season around the corner, updated COVID vaccines have arrived.

COVID vaccines are one of the best and safest ways to protect against severe illness and hospitalization. Updated COVID vaccines are chosen to target the variants currently circulating and are recommended for everyone 6 months of age and older.

In this Q&A, Andy Pekosz , PhD, a professor in Molecular Microbiology and Immunology , discusses who the updated vaccine is recommended for, when to get yours, whether it’s safe to get it alongside other seasonal vaccines.

What’s new about this year’s updated COVID vaccines?

The updated mRNA COVID vaccines from Moderna and Pfizer are based on the KP.2 strain, one of the FLiRT variants that have been spreading since early spring. These variants and their sub-variants have caused the majority of infections during this summer’s COVID wave.

Who should be getting an updated COVID vaccine?

Everyone 6 months and older should get vaccinated against COVID, according to the CDC’s recommendations .

For children ages 6 months to 4 years: Vaccination is recommended, but the number of vaccinations is based on which vaccine they receive, their age, and whether they’ve received a previous COVID vaccine. Parents and guardians should refer to CDC guidance and check with their pediatrician to see what’s recommended for their child.

For people ages 5 years and up: One dose of the updated COVID vaccine is recommended, regardless of whether they’ve been vaccinated previously. If someone has received a COVID vaccine recently, they should wait at least two months before getting the updated one for this season.

According to updated CDC guidelines, individuals who are immunocompromised may receive additional doses with their health care provider’s guidance.

When is the best time to get vaccinated?

This summer’s surge has been larger and lasted longer than many experts anticipated, making it a little trickier than years past to determine the best time to get vaccinated.

People who have not had COVID in the past few months have a couple options:

  • Get the updated COVID vaccine as soon as it’s available  (late August, early September) to protect yourself as the wave of summer infections continues.
  • Get the updated COVID vaccine around mid-October to build protection in time for the rise of cases that typically occur around November through January.

People at higher risk of severe illness should consider getting an updated COVID vaccine as soon as possible. Everyone who is eligible should get an updated COVID vaccine by mid-October in order to build immunity ahead of holiday travel and gatherings. Remember, it takes about two weeks to build up immunity following a vaccine, so schedule your vaccination accordingly.

How long does protection last after I'm vaccinated?

Broadly speaking, the COVID vaccine provides strong protection against infection for up to three months and protection against severe disease out to six months. That said, there are a lot of variables that can affect duration and strength of protection, including any new variants that may emerge and how different they are from the vaccine formulation.

If I had COVID recently, when should I get the updated vaccine?

If you’ve had COVID this summer, you’ll have strong infection-based immunity and can wait a few months after your infection before getting the vaccine. According to the CDC, you can wait three months since your symptoms began or, for asymptomatic cases, since you first tested positive.

There’s some evidence to support waiting as long as six months after a COVID infection to receive an updated vaccine. Waiting longer than the CDC’s guidance of three months is not recommended for high-risk groups, but it’s something people can discuss with their doctor.

How should I choose which COVID vaccine to get?

Between the two mRNA vaccines from Moderna and Pfizer, there is no reason to get one over the other. They target the same KP.2 variant, are similarly effective, and elicit similar side effects.

Is the COVID vaccine free?

The COVID vaccine is free under most health insurance plans and Medicare.

If you don’t have insurance to cover the cost of the COVID vaccine, look for vaccination clinics run by your local or state health department. Children under 18 may also be eligible to get a free COVID vaccine through the CDC’s Vaccines for Children Program .

You can find local pharmacies offering COVID vaccines at or by contacting your health care provider or local health department.

Are there any side effects to the updated COVID vaccine?

The common side effects are the same as with previous COVID vaccines. Symptoms like soreness at the injection site, achiness or joint pain, fatigue, slight fever, chills, or nausea are normal and not cause for concern. These side effects are a sign that your body is mounting an immune response—exactly what it’s supposed to do following a vaccine. Side effects generally subside within a day or two.

If I haven’t gotten any COVID vaccines yet, can I start with this one?

If you’ve never been vaccinated against COVID, now is a great time to start. People 5 years of age and older are considered up to date on COVID vaccination once they receive one dose of an updated mRNA COVID vaccine.

How well does the vaccine protect against the variants currently circulating?

The vaccine is a close match to variants currently circulating and provides good protection against severe disease, hospitalization, and death. While KP.2 is not causing a significant number of infections, the most prevalent variants circulating right now are very closely related to them. The vaccine will never be a perfect match to the circulating variants because it takes 2-4 months to make the vaccine, and during that time the virus continues to change as it infects people.

Is vaccine-induced immunity better than immunity from infection?

Vaccine-induced immunity is better because it’s safer. When you get infected with COVID, symptoms from the infection wreak havoc on your body. Whether or not you’ve been infected or vaccinated previously, the updated COVID vaccine is going to strengthen your immune responses to high levels and do so in a safe way.

Can I still get COVID if I’m vaccinated?

People who are vaccinated can still get COVID, but it is much more likely they will experience mild symptoms. Vaccinated people are much less likely to experience severe illness or get so sick that they need to be hospitalized. Data continue to show that those who are hospitalized with COVID are largely people who have not received a COVID vaccine within the past 12 months.

Particularly for people at higher risk of severe COVID, vaccination is an essential tool for reducing COVID complications, hospitalization, and death.

Can you get the flu shot and the COVID vaccine at the same time?

Yes! In fact, studies have shown that people who decide to spread out their vaccines into separate appointments often don’t follow through with getting both. We’ve also seen that the immune response generated by each vaccine does not change based on whether they are administered at the same time or separately.

It’s important to remember that many of the same populations at high risk of experiencing severe illness from COVID are also at high risk of severe influenza. Especially for these vulnerable populations, it’s a good idea to time your vaccines together.

When might we see a combined COVID and flu vaccine?

Some vaccine manufacturers have been working on developing a combined vaccine for COVID and flu, but we’re not there yet. We certainly won’t see a combined vaccine this year. It’s possible one will be ready in time for fall 2025, but we won’t know for sure until more clinical trial results are available.  

Aliza Rosen is a digital content strategist in the Office of External Affairs at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health.

Related Articles:

  • Understanding the CDC’s Updated COVID Isolation Guidance
  • What to Know About COVID FLiRT Variants
  • The Long History of mRNA Vaccines

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Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Suspends Presidential Campaign

Robert f. kennedy jr. announced he was suspending his troubled independent campaign for the presidency, and endorsed donald j. trump..

In my heart, I no longer believe that I have a realistic path to electoral victory. So I cannot in good conscience ask my staff and volunteers to keep working their long hours, or ask my donors to keep giving when I cannot honestly tell them that I have a real path to the White House. I want everyone to know that I am not terminating my campaign. I am simply suspending it and not ending it. My name will remain on the ballot in most states. My joining the Trump campaign will be a difficult sacrifice for my wife and children, but worthwhile if there’s even a small chance of saving these kids. Most unifying theme for all Americans is that we all love our children. If we all unite around that issue now, we can finally give them the protection, the health and the future that they deserve.

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By Rebecca Davis O’Brien Simon J. Levien and Jonathan Swan

  • Aug. 23, 2024

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. threw his support behind former President Donald J. Trump on Friday after suspending his troubled independent campaign for president, saying he was withdrawing his name from the ballot in battleground states and that Mr. Trump had “asked to enlist me” in his second administration.

He announced his plans in a speech in Phoenix that also castigated the mainstream media and accused the Democratic Party of “abandoning democracy” and engaging in “legal warfare” against him and Mr. Trump.

Campaigning in Las Vegas, Mr. Trump expressed delight with Mr. Kennedy’s decision. “That’s big,” he said. “He’s a great guy, respected by everybody.” On Friday evening, Mr. Kennedy spoke at a rally for Mr. Trump in Arizona.

Mr. Kennedy’s decision to back Mr. Trump, in the final months before a closely fought general election, was a remarkable twist for the scion of a Democratic political dynasty. A longtime Democrat, Mr. Kennedy renounced his party, whose leaders in turn accused him of running as a stalking horse for Mr. Trump.

In his remarks, Mr. Kennedy, 70, said he had pledged to leave the race if he “became a spoiler” — a candidate with no path to victory who could nonetheless alter the outcome of the election. “In my heart, I no longer believe I have a realistic path to electoral victory, in the face of this relentless, systematic censorship and media control,” he said.

“Our polling consistently showed that by staying on the ballot in battleground states, I would most likely hand the election to the Democrats, with whom I disagree on most existential issues,” he said.

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