anu thesis binding

PhD & MPhil Thesis printing

Binding and printing can be done by  University Printing Service .

If you have a scholarship that covers binding and publication costs please email the CBE HDR student administration at  [email protected] . Otherwise please contact your Research School Office Manager who can advise regarding any school support available. If  APA scholarship , details are noted in the  APA Scholarship Thesis Allowance Policy .

If you are close to  submitting your thesis , and haven’t already done so, please notify of your intent to submit.  Please see the  Guidelines for Research Theses Submission and Examination .

All Australian National University theses are in digital form. You can search for them online through the  theses collection in ANU Open Research , and are also searchable via the  Library Catalogue .

The majority of ANU theses are openly accessible but a small number are restricted due to cultural sensitivities, copyright controls or other restrictions.

Digital theses

Digital theses can be searched online through the  theses collection in ANU Open Research .

The Australian National University Library’s theses collection holds the research output of the University’s academic community over the last 60 years. The first ANU thesis was awarded in 1953.

By digitising its print theses collection, ANU Library delivers the University’s unique and original research in a freely available, open access online collection. Digital delivery expands engagement with the Library’s collections, provides visibility to the university’s scholarship, and supports the careers of its academic community.


The majority of theses are openly accessible; however, some may not be available under open access conditions due to author or copyright restrictions.

If an author wishes to restrict access to their thesis (or part of it), they can elect to do so as part of the online submission process. If after 12 months an extension to that restriction is required, a new application must be completed.

In the case of a Higher Degree by Research thesis, approval is required from the Dean, Higher Degree Research and can be sought by filling out an  Extension of Thesis Restriction of Access Request Form  or emailing  [email protected] . If approved, the Open Research team will be notified and restrict access to the online version of your thesis in line with the decision made.

Read our  Restriction Infosheet  for more information about applying for restrictions on theses.

Hard copy theses

Hard copy theses can be requested  for reading within the Library, but cannot be borrowed.

The majority of theses are available for research or study, however some may not be available due to author or copyright restrictions.

To check whether access restrictions apply to a particular thesis, ask at the  Menzies Library  Information Desk or email the  ANU Library .

Non-ANU readers are advised to check in advance whether they will be granted access to a particular thesis.

Location of hard copy theses

  • ANU Doctoral and Masters’ theses (1953-2018) –  Menzies Library
  • Master of Law and International Law theses (pre-October 1987) –  Law Library
  • ANU Honours theses – held by the  ANU Colleges
  • ANU Law Honours theses (selected) – Law Library or online through  ANU Open Research
  • Non-ANU theses (without access restrictions) are on the open shelves.
  • Hard copy theses requests

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Theses Reimbursement

Students may be entitled to an allowance for reimbursement of thesis production costs.

Payments are made as reimbursement of the amount specified on original tax invoice(s)/receipt(s), into the student's bank account.


Students are eligible where  a thesis allowance entitlement is expressly stated in the conditions of award.

The entitlement will be lost in the event of withdrawal or termination of the scholarship following the student's inability to continue to meet the eligibility requirements of the scholarship.

The allowance must be claimed within 12 months of submission of the thesis and no more than two (2) years after termination of the scholarship , unless exceptional circumstances can be demonstrated.

A case outlining the exceptional circumstances must be made to the Pro Vice-Chancellor (Graduate Research), before approval for reimbursement can be considered.

Process to make a case: Please email the Graduate Research Office HDR Examinations team via [email protected], with a case addressed to the Pro Vice-Chancellor (Graduate Research) and you may attach any relevant supporting documentation. 

The allowance cannot be claimed prior to submission of the thesis for examination.

Amount of allowance (in the form of reimbursement)

The amount of the thesis allowance is specified in the conditions of award.

Scope of expenses that can be claimed

Direct thesis production costs that can be claimed include:

  • Paper or digital media for submitted thesis;
  • Professional copying or printing of the thesis; and
  • Binding of the thesis.

Costs that will not be considered for reimbursement include:

  • Proof-reading/editing costs that do not meet the above requirements; or
  • Computer hardware, software or accessories.

Proof-reading/editing costs may be claimed against the scholarship thesis reimbursement allowance if:

  • It has been foreshadowed to the HDR Examinations Team, Graduate Research Office ([email protected]) not later than at the time of notification of intention to submit a thesis;
  • It is accompanied by a statement on the nature and extent of the proof-reading/editing which is to be carried out;
  • It is accompanied by a supporting statement from the supervisor which outlines why the proof-reading editing is necessary and that it has supervisory support;
  • Details are provided about the credentials of the proposed proof-reader/editor and that the person's appropriateness (in context of the subject matter of the thesis) to undertake the work; and
  • Proof reader provides official tax invoice/receipt stating their Australian Business Number (ABN), hours involved and hourly rate charged.

Responsible areas for claim types

Students who are submitting a claim should forward the required documentation to the relevant area.

  • NHMRC, NICTA and APA(I) claims: school finance area.
  • ANU Research Scholarships (inclusive of Australian Government Research Training Program Stipend Scholarship) claims: HDR Examinations Team, Graduate Research Office 

Advisory information

  • Research scholarship information
  • HDR Current Student Scholarship Consideration Form - GRO 2023 (PDF, 704.39 KB)


  • Research Awards Rule 2021 (Latest version)  
  • HDR Examinations, Graduate Research Office

The Australian National University

Current Students ANU College of Health & Medicine ANU College of Science

Application to submit phd thesis by compilation, degree level.

CHM/COS Requirements for a Thesis by Compilation

A 'Thesis by Compilation' allows a candidate to submit his / her thesis for examination by published work. The number of publications is not prescriptive due to disciplinary variability, however should include at least three publications of which the majority are first author.

All candidates are automatically set up to submit their thesis as a standard thesis. If you wish to submit your thesis as a 'Thesis by Compilation' you must submit an MMD-HDR "Change Working Thesis Details" eForm at least 12 months, and no later than 6 months before completing the 'Notification of Intent to Submit' (NOI) milestone eForm. This process requires approval from your Primary Supervisor and Delegated Authority. It is important to speak with your Primary Supervisor, Delegated Authority or HDR Administrator before requesting a change to your thesis format.

Please see: " Change Working Thesis Details " webpage for more information on format types and procedure. 

The University procedure ( ANU HDR - Thesis by Compilation and Thesis by Creative Works procedure ) also requires a detailed ‘statement of contribution’ to be included and bound into the thesis at the time of submission.

This statement must detail the contribution to each paper, and include an agreement to the contribution statement and the inclusion of the paper by co-authors, using the ' Thesis by Compilation_Statement of Contribution ' template attached.

To ensure this requirement is followed, the statement must be endorsed by the supervisor and the Delegated Authority before submission of the thesis.

At least two months prior to submission, and after consulting with your supervisory panel, a candidate should commence the 'Notification of Intent to Submit (NoI)' milestone eForm (available via ISIS) indicating the thesis title, abstract, intended date of submission and thesis format.

NB: You CANNOT change these details following submission so please ensure they are correct prior to submission of thesis for examination. 

[SEE: Thesis by Compilation Application & Thesis by Compilation_Statement of Contribution forms]

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How NOT to hand in your PhD

Carina Wyborn recently completed her PhD at the ANU and is now based at College of Forestry and Conservation at the University of Montana. Carina wrote the story of handing in her PhD for her blog “The pacific exchange” and sent it to me. I loved it and asked if I could cross post here. A cautionary tale indeed! Congratulations on finishing Carina 🙂

So… It finally happened, I submitted my PhD last week . Feels surreal, amazing, and totally normal all at the same time. But I thought I’d just share the hilarity of the day for posterities sake. I really wish somebody had been following me around that day with a camera, because it would have made for some awesome time-laps photography.


I wake on Friday morning at about 5.30am after dreaming about blocked printers and binding failures, stressed about the final formatting.  I get to campus and can’t seem to print from my friend’s computer (having left in December I no longer have my own desk at the ANU). After being not so politely told by the IT guy in my department that he doesn’t have time to help me I frantically run to the library to see if I can print there. Things don’t go super smoothly and a few tears and some very friendly library staff later the first copy comes out of the printer… covered in black marks and looking decidedly shabby. I abort the library mission and decide to head to office works.

Sprinting across campus I get half way to my car before realising that I probably left my USB at the library. I pause – conveniently next to a bunch of construction workers who probably enjoyed the site of a frantic looking woman in a short skirt emptying the contents of her bag on to the footpath. The USB isn’t there but in a moment of clarity I see my laptop and realise it doesn’t matter. The sprint continues. I get back to my car to find an $83 parking ticket (which I probably deserve, I’ve been parking there illegally on and off for the last four years…), but today? Of all days!

Onto office works and I tell my sob story to the kind man who says he can print my thesis but to get the colour pages into it he will have to do the whole thing in colour at a cost of $300 per copy (I need four). He takes pity on me and presses print, promising to only charge me for black and white. I sit twiddling my thumbs for 30mins only to discover that he has printed it single sided … The margins are set for double sided so the printing begins again, only this time it ends up black and white. Another 30mins passes.

Half way out the door marvelling at the phone-book sized manuscripts in my arm I notice that the page order of one is all messed up. I go back to the kind man and we figure out and rectify the problem. Another 20mins passes.

I leave office works wondering if it really matters that there are no colour pages. By this stage I’ve lost all capacity to make rational decisions and stupidly think that with 2 hours to go I can get the colour pages in. An unnamed hero prints them at work, I pick them up, take them to office works and get the necessary holes punched in the side. I frantically call a friend to met her in her office to do the page switch.

We now have about 30mins before submission time. I explain what needs to be done and get on to sorting out the pages. At some point I look up, horrified to see my friend in a tangle, undoing the coils of the spiral… “shit! not like that!”. Miscommunication on my part, and turns out that she actually saved the day – we definitely didn’t have enough time to unbind and then rebind four copies of my thesis. We resort to scissors and glue. I’m so exhausted by this stage I figure it doesn’t actually matter.

The examiners wont care. Will they???

Crisis averted 10mins before submission time, we head over to the little office and I sign my life away and collect my congratulatory mug (thanks ANU – is that all my magnum opus is worth?). Over celebratory drinks my supervisor tells me that submission day crises are part of the right of passage . While I agree to a certain extent, I’d say that the major lesson from this day is:

DON’T PRINT, BIND and SUBMIT your PhD on the same day.

Glad to hear it all worked out Carina! Have anyone else had a similar experience? What are your suggestions for getting through the printing / binding / submitting process?

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Thesis binding and printing options

Picture of DiscoverPhDs

  • By DiscoverPhDs
  • November 29, 2020


If you have recently completed your dissertation congratulations are in order! But the work is not finished – you now have to get your dissertation in front of examiners in a professional format. There are a number of factors to consider when producing a physical copy of your thesis :

  • Type of binding (for example: helical or softback)
  • Paper size (are some pages better suited for A3?)
  • Print options (single or double-sided?)
  • Paper quality (a range of gsm options are available)

What is Thesis/Dissertation Binding?

Thesis binding involves fastening the physical pages of your dissertation together to produce a single presentable document. As simple as it sounds, there is a lot to get right, and dissertation binding is important in giving a good impression of your work.

What are the different types of dissertation binding?

Spiral/helical/wired binding.

Spiral binding (also known as helical binding) and wired binding are very common for bachelors and masters dissertations. These options give a professional look and allow pages to be rotated 360 degrees, making for easy reading. Spiral binding uses a plastic coil, whilst wire binding uses a metal wire.


Fastback/softback binding

Fastback binding (also referred to as softback binding) uses glue to keep your dissertation pages together. This is not a very common choice for dissertation binding as it is rather formal for bachelors and masters, and perhaps not formal enough for PhD theses. Fastback binding also comes with a risk of glue losing fixity over time leading to pages falling out.


Thermal binding

Thermal binding is not very common but can be used for bachelors or masters dissertations. This type of binding is permanent (so pages cannot be easily added/removed) but is generally inexpensive. Another disadvantage of thermal bindings is that pages cannot be opened 360 degrees (as with fastback binding).


Plastic comb binding

Comb binding involves punching holes down the side of the page and binding with a plastic comb strip. This binding option is also suitable for bachelors and masters dissertations. It is a cheap option but can sometimes become difficult to navigate as pages become stuck on the plastic combing. One advantage of plastic comb binding is that it is easy to add and remove pages.


Paperback binding

Paperback binding will give your manuscript the appearance of a book and comes with personalisation options i.e. a titled cover page, spine and back. This gives a very professional appearance, too formal for a bachelors or masters dissertation, but ideal for a PhD thesis.


Hardback binding

Hardback binding again gives a book like appearance, but is expensive and typically reserved only for PhD theses. In addition to custom titling, spine and back, there is a range of material and colour options for hardback binding e.g. the gold lettering you may have seen on academic books.


What Paper Size Should I use?

Most universities will provide very clear instruction on paper sizes, most often A4. However, some pages such as technical drawings or maps may be best shown on A3. In these cases ‘fold out’ pages are an option but must be approved by your university guidelines.

Print Options:

Check your university guidelines when deciding whether to print single or double sided. If printing double sided, be careful as some pages should not be printed back to back. For example, new chapters should start on the right hand page (of a double spread) so blank pages may be required.

What Paper Quality is Suitable?

Paper thickness is measured in grams per square metre (gsm). Although there is no ideal paper thickness, too thin and you risk your dissertation feeling low quality. Too high and you risk your dissertation pages feeling like cardboard, and again pointing to low quality.

Popular UK Services:

Ryman is an affordable thesis binding service, with a range of options for dissertations and theses. Ryman often have stored on University campuses or nearby, so you can check the services provided by your local store (as an alternative to ordering online).

Doxdirect is an online service which offers a large amount of customisation when choosing a thesis binding option. The door to door service also offers a wide range of delivery and production options so you get your bound thesis in your hand as quick as possible.

Thesis Online has been around for a long time (established in 1920), and have a very good reputation. They offer an online thesis binding service and have a hand online calculator which allows you to modify your binding, printing, and deliver options and see the impact on cost in real-time.

Things to Note:

Whichever service you use to bind your thesis or dissertation, there are a few important things to remember:

When using an online service check the turnaround time. Most services take around a week to print, bind, and deliver, though faster services are available at a cost. Some universities have an onsite printing service that students can use. These services likely offer binding options which satisfy your department’s dissertation submission requirements.

An electronic copy and physical copy of your dissertation will be read differently. Whilst consecutive pages are easy to compare on a computer screen, a physical copy may have pages printed on opposite sides of a single page (if double page printed) which makes side by side comparisons difficult. This is something to consider if your text frequently refers to images or tables overleaf.

Most thesis printing services only accept PDF file formats. Ensure that when you convert your dissertation to PDF that you review the document to ensure no errors occur during conversion.

Check your university dissertation guidance on margin requirements. It is also important to factor in margins when considering binding options. Typically a minimum margin of 2.5cm is required on the side of the page to be bound.

Although it comes with an additional cost, it may be useful to purchase personal copies of your bound thesis. You can then bring your bound copy to your Viva , and ensure that what you and your examiners are looking at are identical.

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  • Dissertation Binding and Printing | Options, Tips, & Comparison

Dissertation Binding and Printing | Options, Tips, & Comparison

Published on September 9, 2022 by Raimo Streefkerk . Revised on July 18, 2023.

Congratulations, you’ve finally finished your dissertation . It’s been professionally proofread and checked by a solid plagiarism checker .

The final step is printing your dissertation, which means choosing between:

  • Types of binding
  • Color vs. black & white

Single vs. double-sided

  • Paper thickness

There are a few printing and binding services to choose from as well. This article presents a few options that can help you make the right decisions.

Printing service options

Table of contents

Types of dissertation binding, dissertation printing options, production and delivery times, last checks before printing, overview of printing and binding services, other interesting articles.

Binding keeps the pages of your dissertation together, and comes in a variety of price points. Spiral binding is cheaper, a hardcover book binding is much pricier.

The type of binding you choose can depend on:

  • Guidelines from your university or department
  • The version (draft vs. final)
  • The type of work you’re submitting ( PhD vs. master’s thesis vs. undergraduate thesis )
Drafts Bachelor’s thesis Master’s thesis PhD Dissertation

Spiral binding (± $7)

Spiral bound

  • Professional appearance
  • Opens flat, so browsing through the pages is easy
  • Fairly inexpensive

Comb binding (± $5)

Comb bound

  • Pages are easy to browse
  • Binding can be opened and closed
  • Can be cheap-looking

Fastback binding (± $8)

fastback bound

  • Professional, book-like appearance
  • Available in different colors
  • Individual sheets can come loose with time

Paperback binding ($10–20)

paperback bound

This type of binding makes your dissertation more durable and professional. In most cases, it’s possible to add front and spine lettering.

  • Durable and professional
  • Book-like appearance
  • Opening and browsing is less smooth than with spiral or comb binding

Hardback binding ($20–50)

hardback bound

  • Customizable cover
  • Quality comes at a price

Color vs. Black & White

Check your university’s guidelines to see if there is guidance about whether to print your dissertation in color or black & white. Note that printing in color is on average two to four times more expensive.

In general, a color-printed dissertation looks more professional, but it is often not required.

Printing double-sided is often cheaper than printing single-sided, due to the paper savings — it makes your dissertation half as thick. However, some universities require you to print your dissertation single-sided. Be sure to check the guidelines.

When printing your dissertation double-sided, pay attention to the following points:

  • New chapters should start on the front side of the paper. You will need to take this into account and insert “blank pages” when preparing to print.
  • Add a blank page after the title page so that the acknowledgments and abstract are not printed on the back of your title page.
  • The page numbering is often placed in the bottom right on the right side of the page and bottom left on the left side. You can easily set this in Word by choosing “outside alignment”.
  • Check your style guide to make sure there aren’t any rules for printing.

Paper weight

The thickness of the paper (measured in gsm or grams) is something most students don’t think about, but it does have a significant impact on the look and feel of your printed thesis or dissertation.

Standard printing paper has a weight of 75–90 gsm. For a bachelor’s or master’s dissertation, this is likely fine. If you want the paper to look and feel more professional and durable, a paper weight of 100–130 gsm is better. This is often used for PhD dissertations.

Number of copies

It is common to print three to five copies of your dissertation. Depending on your university’s guidelines, you might need to submit one to three copies to your supervisor and department. In addition, you might want to have a copy for yourself or your family.

The production time for printing and binding takes on average two days, and delivery takes at least another day. For an additional charge (ranging from +20 to +80%), the production and delivery time can be shortened.

Have a looming deadline? Your local print shop is likely able to print and bind your dissertation faster, and it eliminates delivery time. However, keep in mind that this is often a little more expensive.

Before sending your dissertation to a print shop, there are three things you should do:

  • Save your file as a PDF By saving your file as a PDF, the formatting will be consistent on every computer. This way you prevent any unpleasant surprises, such as offset pages, when receiving your printed product.
  • Check for language mistakes There’s nothing worse than finding a language mistake in your printed version. Make sure to proofread your dissertation or make use of a professional proofreading service .
  • Update the contents page Before saving your dissertation as a PDF, don’t forget to update the table of contents and cross-check the page numbers listed there with the actual page numbers.

The table below provides an overview of two popular dissertation printing and binding shops, including information on delivery costs and review score.

Delivery cost Review score Discount code
$7.05 $43.80 $11.57
$5.31 $32.26 $20.64 10% with

*Prices are based on a spiral-bound dissertation of 40 pages , printed single-sided , in black , on 80-90gsm  paper, including a clear outer front and back cover .

**Prices are based on a hardback-bound dissertation of 200 pages , printed single-sided , in black , on 90-100gsm  paper.

If you want to know more about AI for academic writing, AI tools, or research bias, make sure to check out some of our other articles with explanations and examples or go directly to our tools!

Research bias

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  • Supervised vs. unsupervised learning

 (AI) Tools

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Streefkerk, R. (2023, July 18). Dissertation Binding and Printing | Options, Tips, & Comparison. Scribbr. Retrieved July 30, 2024, from

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PHD Bookbinding

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Thesis and Dissertation Binding

Click the image of your binding choice for quote or to order, fabric hard cover.

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Fabric Hard Cover Binding with Gold Embossed Lettering and Gold Seal

Printed Hard Cover

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Printed Hard Cover Binding with full color design on wrap-around Hard Cover

Soft Cover, Perfect Binding

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Softcover Perfect Binding with full color design on wrap-around Soft Cover

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Gold Embossed School Seals

In addition to gold embossed lettering on the spine and cover of your book, you can add your College / University’s Seal or Emblem. Click here for a list of seals and emblems, or to request your school’s seal.

anu thesis binding

Quality Paper Selection

We offer archival-quality paper in 25% Cotton or 100% Cotton, as well as standard 20 lb & 60lb Bond paper. You will only pay color printing rates for your specified color pages. Lots of photos? Consider our 80lb Gloss paper. Your entire book will be printed in stunning full color at a low color printing rate. Click here to view a detailed list of available paper options.

anu thesis binding

Headbands & Archival Endsheets

Our Hard Cover books include top & bottom Headbands – chequered fabric that decorate and protect the edges of the spine of your book. Hard Cover books also use archival-quality Endsheets – the pages which attach your book’s body to its Hard Cover case, as well as heavy blank/fly pages on the front & back cover.

anu thesis binding

Mail-In your paper document for Binding Only

We can print your document from a PDF file (see sidebar), or you can mail your already printed document for Hard Cover Binding. Simply click your Hard Cover binding style above and follow the instructions. You will be prompted to print your order form. You’ll then pack it with your documents and ship us the package.

anu thesis binding

Check your Order Status

Shipping date is available on the day that you order. Tracking Number is available only if your order has shipped. For Printed Hardcover binding, shipping date will change based on the time you approve cover proof.

to Order or get a Quote:

That will take you to a page with the description of the binding style. For Fabric Hardcover binding, you can click on any swatch-rectangle to see a full-size book made with the fabric.

You can stop when you’re done, if a Quote is all you want

You now know the Exact Cost of your order with Shipping. You can stop here if Total Cost is all you want

If you’re Mailing a Paper Document, you will instead be prompted to print a form. Follow the instructions on the printed form for Shipping and Payment instructions

Yes, you will upload your file AFTER payment is made.

That’s it. Your order is now complete!

I’ve highly recommended you guys to the administrators, I’ll recommend you to all my MA and PhD colleagues.

– Bob

I received my theses last week and they look great! Cheers.

– Nic

Our first doctoral graduate has received her bound dissertation copies – our first with your company. They are excellent! Thank you for your quality product.

– Harold

Just got back three bound thesis volumes. Beautiful work. Thank you.

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Your company gained my trust very quickly. You did such a fast, efficient job.

– Natalia

I just received the two books I ordered — they are wonderful. I am very happy!

– Gianni

The thesis binding and the efforts of your company were excellent in all respects. I truly appreciate the promptness. Thank you for making my experience with your company and my finished project remarkable.

– Kimberly

I am completely satisfied with your service and speed. I would definitely recommend you to the grad students in my department. Thank you again for the wonderful job.

– Abdul

Thanks for taking such good care of my work. I will enjoy presenting them to my dissertation chair and the president of my organization next week.

– Barbara

I just received my dissertations in the mail. They’re perfect! They arrived quickly and in mint condition.

– Joe

I am thrilled with my thesis. You did an excellent job. Thank you. I have recommended you to some of my classmates.

– Tau

You put the finishing touches on a 30-month effort and exceeded my expectations…In terms of quality, speed, and overall "wow" factor. Thank you very much.

– David

I had my thesis bound with your company a few years ago and I have been recommending you to fellow grad students ever since. Thanks again!

– Alison

Everything has exceeded my expectation. Thank you so much for making my thesis so memorable.

– Subhendu

I would like for you to know that I was very pleased with the binding of my dissertation.

– Cora

I love it. Thank you so much for doing such an incredible job!

– Pam

I cannot thank you enough for the excellent work you have done to print my Thesis

– Jay

I can’t say enough about the experience of working with your company. I look forward to doing business again in the future.

– Doreen

You’re the best in the businesss! Keep up the great work.

– Leeanne

Just a quick note to thank everyone who worked on putting my book together. It looks beautiful, I could not be happier.

– Elissa

Can definitely recommend the service! Good quality binding, 2-sided, color and at a very acceptable price.

– Scott

anu thesis binding

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Thesis Boot Camp

What is thesis boot camp.

The Australian National University (ANU) runs a Thesis Boot Camp (#ANUTBC) program based on a concept created and developed by Dr Liam Connell and Peta Freestone at The University of Melbourne. 

Research candidates can often encounter difficulties with writing towards the end of their degree. Thesis Boot Camp helps you do a large amount of work on your thesis and develop productive writing habits in a single weekend. The concept of Thesis Boot Camp is disarmingly simple. Put a group of people experiencing similar issues in the same room for a weekend, feed them regularly and provide a reward for each 5,000 words written. An experienced writing teacher is available to help you work through challenges, and regular breaks for physical activity are encouraged. This is a 20,000 word challenge Boot camp funded by the Dean, Higher Degree Research  and is free for ANU candidates to attend.

How can I apply?

The #ANUTBC program is extremely popular and spaces are limited. Places are offered on a needs basis, as with everything that the Researcher Development team offers, our camps are an inclusive and safe space for all students to work. These camps are targeted for students writing towards the end of their degree. Your application will go through an application process assessing your thesis progress, goals for the camp and personal circumstances.

#ANUTBC is advertised in the monthly  HDR Update , which is mailed to all research students at the start of every month. Thesis boot camp is delivered face to face on Kambri, Acton campus and online options are not available.

2024 dates:

23,24 and 25 Feb 

20,21 and 22 Nov

Please submit your Expression of Interest for Feb  here  and  check out our other online offers here.


We will select based on the following criteria: how close you are to completion (with those who will not have another chance given preference), then we will consider your reported difficulties and any interruptions to candidature. We will attempt to balance this with ensuring a spread across colleges and gender parity. In order to participate in this opportunity, you are required to complete a thesis map.  If you have any questions about this, please email [email protected]

We also encourage Veterans' to continue making appointments with Academic Skills for one on one support, and attend relevant workshops.

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Page Owner: Researcher Development

Helix Binders

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Dissertation / Thesis binding and Printing

A quick, easy and cost-effective way to have your thesis or dissertation professionally printed and bound., the 1 day option is only available monday to thursday, any 1 day orders placed on a friday will not be dispatched until monday, orders for the one day option must be placed by 10am for next day delivery..

Helix Binders are a major provider of dissertation / thesis print & bind for students throughout the UK.

With the ability to match all UK university specifications you can trust Helix Binders to produce your work in the highest quality.

Customer choice - one hard bound & one soft cloth bound (

Add impact to your Thesis or Dissertation with professional binding

First impressions count.

Everyone knows this little phrase and it applies completely to submitting your thesis too. You’ve poured man-hours into researching, writing and proofing your Thesis – the last thing you want is to make a poor impression by submitting a substandard printed document.

A well printed and bound document will reflect all the hard work that has gone into creating the content within it.

Experienced binders

We’ve been binding dissertations and thesis for many years and know a thing or two about it. From the feedback we’re received, a beautifully bound dissertation has much more impact. Your publication is in good hands.

You’ll want the overall finish to be perfect. Neatly trimmed, durable, and free of blemishes. We inspect each document before we ship it out, giving you peace of mind that it has been printed with care and attention to detail.

Up to spec thesis binding

Many universities have their own thesis binding specifications for submitted documents and we can bind to those requirements. This ensures that you not only comply but also make the best possible impression.

Using the latest digital printing technology, you can be sure that the print quality will be excellent and we don’t skimp on the paper either. Our standard weight is 100gsm, making sure the print is legible and the document is a pleasure to handle too.

Our thesis / dissertation binding service offers you a choice of covers and finishes, meaning it is customised to you.

We also offer a variety of extra options allowing you to add even more uniqueness to your document and make it stand out.

You have a variety of delivery options too, including Next-day delivery with a 1 hour window. You won’t have to hang around all day waiting for that important thesis to arrive. We know that there is no point in getting a thesis printed and bound to a professional standard, only to find that it has been damaged in the post. We take care in packing and delivering your thesis so that it arrives in the pristine condition you’d expect.

Cost Effective

Having choice means you have a say in the final cost. Our printing and binding processes are streamlined to ensure low waste and a fast turn-around – keeping costs to a minimum and giving you the best possible finish at a great price. We have a quick cost calculator to help you get an idea of the choice and the pricing before you even place an order.

Having survived the stress of compiling your thesis , you’ll want the submission process to be smooth and easy.

We have a wide range of applications and will process your files in most common formats. If you are unsure of what format to submit your document, please do not hesitate to contact us [email protected] .

What areas do we cover?

We have produced thesis binding to students from all over the country, here’s a quick look at just how much of the UK we cover:

University locations map

It doesn’t matter which university you attend, or where you are in the UK – we can print it, bind it and ship it for you.

Graphic from

Comments: 5 (Add)

Hi. Ordered my wife's PhD Thesis to be bound, all 336 pages, last week. It's arrived! We are so pleased with the quality and service. Thank you. Stephen, Lynn and Mabel the dog. One happy house.

Thank you very much for the binding. I have received the thesis and it is very well done.

Kind regards, Kevin

I binded my dissertation in 2021, and I am totally satisfied with the result! It is beautifully binded and very proud of the book!

What fantastic service, and what a great finished product. Iain was brilliant in ironing out a few glitches (caused by me tbh). I can't praise him or the service provided highly enough. If you want your thesis bound professionally you've found the right place.

Just received my bound dissertation from Helix. I had to write this brief message to say thank you so much, it is absolutely stunning. The service, quality, and simplicity of the process is amazing. I cannot recommend your company enough, I will definitely be using you for future binding projects. Many thanks, Dave.

In this section

Find out more.

For information about any of our services, please feel free to call 01324 629025 or email us .

More ways to get in touch »

© Helix Binders Ltd | Registered in Scotland, SC325493 Block 2 Unit F | Westmains Industrial Estate | Grangemouth | FK3 8YE 01324 629025 | [email protected] Terms and conditions | Privacy policy

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  1. (PDF) ANU PhD Thesis

    anu thesis binding

  2. Thesis Printing And Binding

    anu thesis binding

  3. Thesis Printing & Binding

    anu thesis binding

  4. Thesis Binding Services

    anu thesis binding

  5. Printing & binding a thesis: The ultimate how-to guide

    anu thesis binding

  6. Thesis Binding FAQs

    anu thesis binding


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  2. САНСА ПОНЕСЛО ► The Binding of UNDERTALE: Afterbirth |135| Golden D4

  3. Thesis Binding (Hard Bound) Black Golden Taj Binding Vadodara

  4. Thesis / Project / Hard Binding

  5. THESIS BINDING #bookbinding #thesis

  6. thesis binding &printing available


  1. PhD & MPhil Thesis printing

    PhD & MPhil Thesis printing. Binding and printing can be done by University Printing Service. If you have a scholarship that covers binding and publication costs please email the CBE HDR student administration at [email protected]. Otherwise please contact your Research School Office Manager who can advise regarding any school support available.

  2. The thesis

    The thesis. In Australia the thesis is an extended written piece which reports on the results of a three to four year programme of research (in other countries the writing component is called a 'dissertation'). The thesis should incorporate a summary of the research undertaken during the program. At ANU we do not usually require an oral defence ...

  3. Theses

    The first ANU thesis was awarded in 1953.By digitising its print theses collection, ANU Library delivers the University's unique and original research in a freely available, open access online collection. Digital delivery expands engagement with the Library's collections, provides visibility to the university's scholarship, and supports ...

  4. Submitting a thesis

    Submitting a thesis. The ultimate milestone for any higher degree research (HDR) student is submitting the final thesis. The thesis is a significant piece of research and is the culmination of years of work, collaboration, and discovery. However, finalising your HDR program involves more than submitting your thesis.

  5. Theses Reimbursement

    NHMRC, NICTA and APA (I) claims: school finance area. Students may be entitled to an allowance for reimbursement of thesis production costs.Payments are made as reimbursement of the amount specified on original tax invoice (s)/receipt (s), into the student's bank account.EligibilityStudents are eligible where a thesis allowance entitlement is ...

  6. ANU Theses

    The first ANU thesis was awarded in 1953. By digitising its print theses collection, ANU Library delivers the University's unique and original research in a freely available, open access online collection. Digital delivery expands engagement with the Library's collections, provides visibility to the university's scholarship, and supports ...

  7. Application to submit PhD Thesis by compilation

    If you wish to submit your thesis as a 'Thesis by Compilation' you must submit an MMD-HDR "Change Working Thesis Details" eForm at least 12 months, and no later than 6 months before completing the 'Notification of Intent to Submit' (NOI) milestone eForm. This process requires approval from your Primary Supervisor and Delegated Authority.


    • Not be granted the research award but be permitted to submit a revised thesis for re-examination following rewriting of the whole or specified sections of the thesis, as suggested by the Examiners • Be failed ANU policies and procedures on submission can be found on the . Submitting a thesis. webpage. Version 1 - October 2018 pg. 2

  9. The Thesis Whisperer

    Carina Wyborn recently completed her PhD at the ANU and is now based at College of Forestry and Conservation at the University of Montana. ... I wake on Friday morning at about 5.30am after dreaming about blocked printers and binding ... Onto office works and I tell my sob story to the kind man who says he can print my thesis but to get the ...

  10. Thesis binding and printing options

    Spiral/Helical/Wired binding. Spiral binding (also known as helical binding) and wired binding are very common for bachelors and masters dissertations. These options give a professional look and allow pages to be rotated 360 degrees, making for easy reading. Spiral binding uses a plastic coil, whilst wire binding uses a metal wire.

  11. Investigating the enzymology and function of 5-methylcytosine RNA

    5-methylcytosine (m5C) is a widespread RNA modification decorating diverse species of RNA. The re-discovery of m5C as an mRNA modification came to light by coupling bisulfite conversion of RNA with transcriptome-wide RNA sequencing (bsRNA-seq). Subsequent studies revealed prominence of deposition of m5C modification in regulating gene expression.

  12. Open Research :: Browsing ANU Theses by Type "Thesis (PhD)"

    The first ANU thesis was awarded in 1953. By digitising its print theses collection, ANU Library delivers the University's unique and original research in a freely available, open access online collection. Digital delivery expands engagement with the Library's collections, provides visibility to the university's scholarship, and supports ...

  13. Dissertation Binding and Printing

    Paperback binding ($10-20) Paperback binding is what is often used for real books. The pages are glued or sewn together, and your dissertation will be protected by a flexible cover. This type of binding makes your dissertation more durable and professional. In most cases, it's possible to add front and spine lettering.

  14. Thesis and Dissertation Binding

    Mail-In your paper document for Binding Only. We can print your document from a PDF file (see sidebar), or you can mail your already printed document for Hard Cover Binding. Simply click your Hard Cover binding style above and follow the instructions. You will be prompted to print your order form. You'll then pack it with your documents and ...

  15. PDF ANU

    Found. Redirecting to

  16. Thesis Boot Camp

    What is Thesis Boot Camp? The Australian National University (ANU) runs a Thesis Boot Camp (#ANUTBC) program based on a concept created and developed by Dr Liam Connell and Peta Freestone at The University of Melbourne. Research candidates can often encounter difficulties with writing towards the end of their degree. Thesis Boot Camp helps you do a large amount of work on your thesis and ...

  17. ANU Theses

    The first ANU thesis was awarded in 1953. By digitising its print theses collection, ANU Library delivers the University's unique and original research in a freely available, open access online collection. Digital delivery expands engagement with the Library's collections, provides visibility to the university's scholarship, and supports ...

  18. Dissertation / Thesis binding and Printing

    Our thesis / dissertation binding service offers you a choice of covers and finishes, meaning it is customised to you. We also offer a variety of extra options allowing you to add even more uniqueness to your document and make it stand out. You have a variety of delivery options too, including Next-day delivery with a 1 hour window.

  19. imperial college london thesis binding

    The CardBoard; Board Rules and Information; Board Rules, Guidelines and Tech Help; imperial college london thesis binding

  20. Open Research: Polytopic receptors for anion binding

    This thesis explores the use of polytopic receptors for the binding of anions through hydrogen, halogen and chalcogen bonding interactions. Chapter 1 gives an introduction to the field of supramolecular chemistry with an emphasis on the supramolecular chemistry of anions, synthesis via templation, and dynamic covalent chemistry.