supervisor translation | English-Spanish dictionary

thesis supervisor in spanish

supervisory , superior , supervision , supervise

de seguridad
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thesis supervisor in spanish

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Call or write the supervisor or program director with your complaint. Llame o escriba al supervisor o director del programa con su queja.
You get a personal supervisor for the duration of your internship. Se le asignará un supervisor personal durante la duración de sus prácticas.
You don't like my job performance, call my supervisor. Si no le gusta mi desempeño profesional, llame a mi supervisora.
Last time I checked you weren't my supervisor anymore. La última vez que me fijé, ya no eras mi supervisora.
Two months later, he went to the division supervisor. Dos meses más tarde, fue a ver al director del área.
No, I only came back to see my PhD supervisor. No, solo he vuelto para ver a mi director de tesis.

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▾ Dictionary (English)

Supervisor noun ( plural: supervisors ) —, director m ( plural: directores m ), encargado m, site supervisor n —, shift supervisor n —, direct supervisor n —, field supervisor n —, project supervisor n —, safety supervisor n —, maintenance supervisor n —, security supervisor n —, system supervisor n —, supervisor on duty n —, banking supervisor n —, ▸ dictionary (english), supervisor adjective, masculine —, supervisory adj, supervising adj, supervisor noun, masculine ( plural: supervisores m ) —, superintendent n, overseer n ( plural: overseers ), supervisor de turno m —, ingeniero supervisor m —, supervisor de mantenimiento m —, supervisor directo m —, organismo supervisor de las contrataciones del estado prop.n m —, supervisor bancario m —, personal supervisor m —, supervisor del sistema m —, cuerpo supervisor m —, supervisor de relaciones m —, maestro supervisor m —, supervisor del lugar m —, organismo supervisor m —, supervisor de seguridad m —, órgano supervisor m —, ▸ wikipedia, ▸ external sources (spanish), ▾ external sources (english).

[...] candidate, a teache official, [...] [...] [...] un prof ionario, [...] [...]
coming los hombres de l os dijo
[...] on the duties of the community ser . [...] obligaci i .
[...] and the trai ollege tutor. [...] el inst sor de [...]
signatures [...] estudiante / nombr mas
l transmit the decision [...] cisión [...]
you have a new medication [...] ando un [...]
[...] when the l sed to do so. [...] cuando el geren acerlo.
on continuous [...] re en [...] l motor desciende bajo carga.
consult the Committee of European Ban ts own initiative. lidado podrá consultar al Comi rios Europeos por iniciativa propia.
ny actual or potential conflict of interest situation and obtain a written ruling as to their individual case.
n tells rude and [...] a chistes [...]
[...] ask to speak wi . [...] pedir ha .
[...] the medical director or nur . [...] director a.
[...] equipment is has to be [...] [...] el equi e ser [...]
wanting to put [...] ue debía [...]
[...] disclosed to anager. [...] ser in .
t more lighting [...] para conseguir [...]
[...] interest since has the objective [...] [...] [...] interese e el objetivo [...] [...]
anager is legally [...] stán obligados [...]
teachers figured [...] s idearon [...]
[...] discussed with the applicants. [...] [...] discutid licitantes.
[...] [...] the indivi also on the [...] [...] [...] [...] jerárquic bién de [...] [...]
ded to deal with the situation immediately and met the family to know in detail about her background.
[...] and development tools and does not foster dialogue between the staff member. [...] instrumentos de formación y desarrollo y no fomenta el diálogo e ncionario.
[...] social worker or t . [...] trabajad .
s aboard [...] ra a bordo [...]
[...] home cou rs equivalent [...] [...] de control de ofrece una [...]
firm that [...] ción de datos [...]
he country of the branch are on-site, have direct access to audit trail and record-keeping of the branch and are better positioned to check the handling of the direct relationship between the branch and it clients.
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Duties of a thesis supervisor and the supervision plan

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Specialist training programmes

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Supervision work is closely linked to the intended learning outcomes of the degree and thesis as well as the related grading criteria. In accordance with the Regulations on Degrees and the Protection of Students’ Rights at the University of Helsinki, the student must receive instruction both during their studies and while writing their thesis.  See here for instructions on ensuring that your supervision is aligned with the learning outcomes.

On this page

Supervision principles.

The Rector decides on the principles of supervision, including the rights and obligations of the student and the supervisor. The degree programme’s curriculum must contain instructions on how to prepare a personal study plan, along with the practices for approving and updating the plan. Please review the curriculum of your faculty and the thesis grading criteria in order to ensure that your supervision is aligned with the learning outcomes.

In the Rector’s decision, supervision refers to the support provided for the student’s or doctoral candidate’s learning process as they change, gain experience and grow as an expert. As a whole, supervision consists of communication, advice, instruction and special guidance. Supervision and counselling can be organised in a group led by the supervisor, at a seminar, in a peer group of students or doctoral candidates organised by the supervisor or in a personal meeting separately agreed between the supervisor and the student/doctoral candidate. Supervision and counselling can also be provided electronically through, for example, Moodle or other teaching tools available. 

Members of the teaching and research staff provide counselling that is related to teaching and research and requires knowledge of the content of different studies and disciplines. This counselling may concern, for example, personal study plans or thesis supervision. 

Guidance and counselling are provided in the Finnish and Swedish-language and multilingual degree programmes in Finnish or Swedish depending on the student’s native language or in English or another language as agreed with the student. If the student’s native language is a language other than Finnish or Swedish, guidance and counselling are provided in English or, if agreed with the student, in another language. In English-language master’s programmes and doctoral programmes, guidance can also be provided solely in English.

The degree programme steering group is responsible for ensuring that each student is appointed with a primary supervisor who is responsible for the supervision of their thesis. Additional supervisors may also be appointed. Your supervision plan can be used to agree on the responsibilities related to the supervision.

Supervision as interaction and the supervision plan

Supervision is about interaction with responsibilities that are divided between the different parties of the supervision relationship. Ambiguities related to supervision are often due to the parties’ different expectations regarding the content and responsibilities of the supervision and the fact that the parties are often unaware of the others’ expectations. Below, you can find a table that serves as a great tool for considering the different rights and obligations related to supervision


Teacher has a right to

Teacher's obligations

The policies and practices of supervision should be discussed in the early stages of the thesis process. The supervisor and the student may also prepare a written supervision plan that clarifies the schedule for the supervision and the thesis work as well as the content of the supervision. The plan can also be utilised if any problems arise or you fall behind schedule.

Topics the supervisor should incorporate in the supervision

When supervising a student’s thesis work, remember to pay attention to the following topics:

  • the responsible conduct of research and avoiding cheating
  • guiding the student in matters related to data protection  
  • matters related to open access publications and the public availability of theses  
  • inform the student of the general process of thesis examination and approval and the related schedule 

Different faculties may have their own decisions and instructions on thesis supervision. Please read the instructions provided by your faculty.

See also the Instructions for Students

You will find related content for students in the Studies Service.

Bachelor’s theses and maturity tests

Thesis and maturity test in master's and licentiate's programmes.

  • Instructions for students
  • Notifications for students

Escola de Doctorat

Thesis supervisors

Thesis supervisors are doctoral degree holders that the University assigns to doctoral candidates to supervise their progress on the doctoral thesis and facilitate their relations with the academic committee. At the UPC, we strive to ensure that there is a good match between doctoral candidates and supervisors and that relations between them are satisfactory and lead to the acquisition of research skills and the successful development of the thesis.

At the UPC, we give great importance to the relationship that is established between our doctoral candidates and thesis supervisors; we therefore provide specific training for supervisors and doctoral candidates that is designed to help them get the most out of the relationship.

  The functions of the thesis supervisor

The thesis supervisor ensures that the doctoral candidate's training is coherent and suitable and that the topic of the doctoral thesis will have an impact and make a novel contribution to knowledge in the field. The thesis supervisor also guides the doctoral candidate in planning and, if necessary, tailoring the thesis to any other projects or activities undertaken. 

  Who can supervise a thesis?

Any doctoral degree holder with accredited research experience, regardless of the university or institution and country in which they work, can supervise a thesis. 

Article 27 of the Internal Regulations of the Doctoral School  defines the role of thesis supervisors at the UPC and their rights and obligations.

In the section on teaching staff and research lines in the file on each programme, you can consult the list of teaching and research staff linked to each doctoral programme and who therefore supervise and can supervise doctoral theses.

  How and when is a thesis supervisor assigned to a doctoral candidate?

The academic committee of the doctoral programme assigns a thesis supervisor to each doctoral candidate when they are admitted or enrol for the first time, taking account of the thesis supervision commitment referred to in the admission decision.

Once the doctoral candidate has been assigned a thesis supervisor, and before the research plan can be submitted, a commitment agreement is signed by the director of the Doctoral School, the doctoral candidate, the chair of the academic committee of the programme, the thesis supervisor, the thesis co-supervisor and the tutor (if there is one). The agreement includes a conflict resolution procedure and covers aspects of intellectual and industrial property rights and confidentiality.

Translation of "supervisor" into Spanish

supervisor, director, controlador are the top translations of "supervisor" into Spanish. Sample translated sentence: Can you describe the ideal supervisor-subordinate relationship? ↔ ¿Puedes describir la relación supervisor - subordinado ideal?

(management) A person with the official task of overseeing the work of a person or group. [..]

English-Spanish dictionary

a person with the official task of overseeing the work of a person or group etc. [..]

Can you describe the ideal supervisor -subordinate relationship?

¿Puedes describir la relación supervisor - subordinado ideal?

You must act under the leadership of your supervisor .

Tienes que actuar según te indique el director .


How are things with your monitor and your supervisor ?

¿Cómo están las cosas con la controladora y la supervisora?

Less frequent translations

  • directora de tesis
  • el director
  • el supervisor
  • el supervisor, la supervisora
  • interventor
  • la directora
  • la supervisora
  • supervisora
  • superintendente
  • contramaestre
  • director de tesis
  • programa de control
  • programa de instrucciones
  • programa ejecutivo
  • rutina de control
  • rutina ejecutiva
  • rutina supervisora

Show algorithmically generated translations

Automatic translations of " supervisor " into Spanish

Images with "supervisor", phrases similar to "supervisor" with translations into spanish.

  • input/output supervisor programa para control de dispositivos de entrada/salida
  • work-level supervisor supervisor inmediato
  • International Banking Supervisors' Committee Comité Internacional de Supervisores Bancarios
  • first-level supervisor supervisor inmediato
  • immediate supervisor supervisor inmediato
  • probation supervisor agente de libertad a prueba · agente de libertad vigilada · oficial probatorio
  • post-production supervisor supervisor de post-producción
  • team supervisor jefe de equipo · jefe de sección · supervisor

Translations of "supervisor" into Spanish in sentences, translation memory

  • English to Spanish
  • Spanish to English
  • Conjugation
  • Pronunciation




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  4. (PDF) Ph.D. Thesis (in Spanish)

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  5. (PDF) Supervision in Spanish: Reflections From Supervisor-Trainee Dyads

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  6. Masters Thesis Ideas Spanish Language And Culture

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  1. thesis supervisor

    Many translated example sentences containing "thesis supervisor" - Spanish-English dictionary and search engine for Spanish translations.

  2. Thesis supervisor

    Translate Thesis supervisor. See Spanish-English translations with audio pronunciations, examples, and word-by-word explanations.

  3. Translation of "thesis supervisor" in Spanish

    PhD students work in close collaboration with world-class faculty as thesis supervisor, but also a mentor and coach to support you in this intellectual journey. Los estudiantes de doctorado trabajan en estrecha colaboración con profesores de clase mundial como supervisor de tesis , pero también como mentores y entrenadores para apoyarte en ...

  4. a supervisor of a thesis

    Many translated example sentences containing "a supervisor of a thesis" - Spanish-English dictionary and search engine for Spanish translations.

  5. student's thesis supervisor

    Translations in context of "student's thesis supervisor" in English-Spanish from Reverso Context: From the second year of studies onwards, the selection of courses requires the approval of the student's thesis supervisor or tutor.

  6. Escuela de Doctorado

    During the admission procedure, the Academic Comitee of the PhD Program will name a Thesis supervisor for the PhD candidate. The Supervisor can be any PhD holder, Spanish or not, with enough proven research experience, regardless of the university or institution they work on. Thesis Supervisors can also be Personal Supervisors (Tutors). There ...

  7. Translation of "master's thesis supervisor" in Spanish

    Translations in context of "master's thesis supervisor" in English-Spanish from Reverso Context: Besides of being my first publication, it is very special for me. The co-authors are my current supervisor and my master's thesis supervisor.

  8. supervisor de tesis translation in English

    Es como cuando tuve un lio con mi supervisor de tesis en la universidad.: This is like when I had an affair with my thesis supervisor in college.: Los estudiantes de doctorado trabajan en estrecha colaboración con profesores de clase mundial como supervisor de tesis, pero también como mentores y entrenadores para apoyarte en este viaje intelectual.: PhD students work in close collaboration ...

  9. Supervisor in Spanish

    noun. 1. (overseer) a. el supervisor. (m) means that a noun is masculine. Spanish nouns have a gender, which is either feminine (like la mujer or la luna) or masculine (like el hombre or el sol). (M) , la supervisora. (f) means that a noun is feminine. Spanish nouns have a gender, which is either feminine (like la mujer or la luna) or masculine ...

  10. Thesis supervision: PhD in Education

    The designation of a thesis supervisor may fall on any Spanish or Foreign PhD with accredited research experience independently of the university, centre or institution in which they work. At the same time, each PhD programme may establish additional criteria as necessary for the PhD thesis supervisor.

  11. Uncovering patterns in the supervision of Spanish theses: a

    In Spain, the role of thesis supervisor started to change in 1983 with the Ley de Reforma Universitaria (a reform of the Spanish university system) (Ley Orgánica 11/1983, 1983). This act promoted research and committed professors to play a highly active role in the development of their doctoral students' dissertations.

  12. supervisor translation in Spanish

    supervisor. n. n. n. nf. Call or write the supervisor or program director with your complaint. Llame o escriba al supervisor o director del programa con su queja. You get a personal supervisor for the duration of your internship. Se le asignará un supervisor personal durante la duración de sus prácticas.

  13. thesis in Spanish

    Translation of "thesis" into Spanish. tesis, tesis doctoral, memoria are the top translations of "thesis" into Spanish. Sample translated sentence: I'll need at least three days to translate that thesis. ↔ Necesitaré al menos tres días para traducir esa tesis. thesis noun grammar. A statement supported by arguments.

  14. Translation of "thesis supervisor (tutor" in Spanish

    Translations in context of "thesis supervisor (tutor" in English-Spanish from Reverso Context: The objective of this article is to study the perception that graduate students have of the thesis supervisor (tutor) during his/her graduate studies. Translation Context Grammar Check Synonyms Conjugation.

  15. supervisor

    Many translated example sentences containing "supervisor" - Spanish-English dictionary and search engine for Spanish translations.

  16. Duties of a thesis supervisor and the supervision plan

    The policies and practices of supervision should be discussed in the early stages of the thesis process. The supervisor and the student may also prepare a written supervision plan that clarifies the schedule for the supervision and the thesis work as well as the content of the supervision. The plan can also be utilised if any problems arise or ...

  17. Supervisor

    Say It like a Local. Browse Spanish translations from Spain, Mexico, or any other Spanish-speaking country. Translate Supervisor. See authoritative translations of Supervisor in English with example sentences and audio pronunciations.

  18. Thesis supervisors

    The functions of the thesis supervisor. The thesis supervisor ensures that the doctoral candidate's training is coherent and suitable and that the topic of the doctoral thesis will have an impact and make a novel contribution to knowledge in the field. The thesis supervisor also guides the doctoral candidate in planning and, if necessary ...

  19. supervisor in Spanish

    agente de libertad a prueba · agente de libertad vigilada · oficial probatorio. post-production supervisor. supervisor de post-producción. team supervisor. jefe de equipo · jefe de sección · supervisor. more (+48) Add example. Translations of "supervisor" into Spanish in sentences, translation memory. Declension Stem.

  20. Supervise in Spanish

    puhr. -. vayz. ) transitive verb. 1. (to observe and direct) a. supervisar. Trainees will always be supervised by an experienced member of staff.Los empleados en período de aprendizaje siempre estarán supervisados por un miembro del personal con experiencia. b. dirigir.

  21. Spanish translation of 'supervisor'

    Spanish Translation of "SUPERVISOR" | The official Collins English-Spanish Dictionary online. Over 100,000 Spanish translations of English words and phrases.