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Top Resume Writer Certifications

12 Top Certifications for Professional Resume Writers

Looking to hire (or become) a certified professional resume writer? Learn the details of the top resume certifications here.

Mike Podesto

Are you looking for a professional resume writer to help you craft the perfect resume?

Or maybe you are a resume writer hoping to obtain a resume writing certificate.

Either way, this article will provide the necessary information.

Does resume writer certification really make a difference?

A certified resume writer undergoes a testing process to ensure they have the skills to craft successful resumes.

There are several associations where a professional resume writer can seek certification.

In this article, you’ll find 12 resume writer certifications available from 5 different associations.

Top Resume Writer Certifications

If the professional resume service you choose is connected with one of these associations, that can make all the difference in getting a job!

Find out more about the requirements for each certificate below.

Professional Association of Resume Writers & Career Coaches (PARWCC)

1. certified professional resume writer (cprw).

The  Certified Professional Resume Writer (CPRW) credential is offered by the Professional Association of Resume Writers & Career Coaches (PARWCC). This is one of the most recognized and prestigious certifications in the resume writing industry. The association also offers certifications for career coaches and interview professionals.

Year Founded: 1990

Resume writers will need to be active members of PARWCC to take the exam and use the certification.

Upon registration for the exam, writers will receive a study guide to prepare for the test. The test must be scheduled within a year of application.

Prospective resume writers will receive the test document by email on a scheduled date and they’ll have three days to complete the test and mail the documents back.

Tests are evaluated anonymously by the members of the Certification Committee, and results are available within 6-8 weeks.


As a resume writer with PARWCC, you will get a personalized CPRW certification to display in your office.

You will also be able to:

  • Use the CPRW logo on your website and other marketing material
  • Use the CPRW credential after your name
  • $150 for membership
  • $250 for certification enrollment

National Resume Writers’ Association (NRWA)

2. nationally certified resume writer (ncrw).

The  Nationally Certified Resume Writer (NCRW) certification is issued by The National Resume Writers’ Association (NRWA). They have one of the most challenging certification processes. Certificate holders also need to offer proof of their continuing education efforts to maintain certification. The NRWA also offers another certification for online profile writers.

Year Founded: 1997


The candidate needs to become a member of the NRWA to apply for the resume writer certification.

They also have to earn 10 Continuing Education Units (CEU) from the association. CEUs can be earned by participating in conferences and workshops, and also by writing book reviews.

The certification process consists of three steps:

  • Earning CEUs
  • Passing a quiz and sample submission based on the NCRW Study Guide
  • Passing the NCRW examination

People can search for NRWA certified professional resume writers from the NRWA website.

The certificate holder will be able to use the NCRW designation after their name. They will also be able to display NCRW logos on their website and other marketing materials.

  • $175 for NRWA membership
  • $75 for writing sample review
  • $250 for exam registration

Resume Writing Academy (RWA)

The Resume Writing Academy (RWA) is one of the most resourceful professional development organizations for professional resume writers and other career professionals.

The RWA offers three certifications for resume writers:

  • Academy Certified Resume Writer (ACRW)
  • Academy Certified Federal Resume Writer (ACRW-Federal)
  • Academy Certified Career Storyteller (ACCS)

Year Founded: 2009

Unlike the Professional Association of Resume Writers and National Resume Writers’ Association, RWA certifications are achieved after undergoing training programs associated with each certification from the academy.

You will find a detailed description for each of the certifications below.

The RWA certification programs offer a great opportunity to learn plenty about professional resume writing, including info on the latest industry trends and other vital insights, along with getting the certificate.

You will also get a digital badge to display across your online portfolio.

All the resume writing certificates come with lifetime validity. As an added bonus, the writer will also get to attend an RWA E-Summit for free after completion of ACRW and ACRW-federal programs.

3. Academy Certified Resume Writer (ACRW)

Academy Certified Resume Writer (ACRW) credential is achieved after undergoing a 3-month resume training program from the academy. There’s also a self-paced version of the program available.

The training program consists of: 

  • 5 web classes on grammar, formatting, writing, and homework assignments
  • 3 independent industry-specific resume and cover letter writing projects
  • Hands-on feedback on all assignments

Cost: $1895 or 3 payments of $650

4. Academy Certified Federal Resume Writer (ACRW-Federal)

Academy Certified Federal Resume Writer (ACRW – Federal) program is specifically designed to train and certify resume writers on the intricacies of resume writing and the job application process for federal jobs.

  • Eight hours of instructor-led training
  • Writing sample resumes and example applications
  • Analyzing federal job postings and gathering content
  • Quizzes to confirm understanding
  • Projects to refine writing
  • Receiving personalized feedback on quizzes and writing assignments

Cost: $2195 or 3 payments of $735

5. Academy Certified Career Storyteller (ACCS)

The Academy Certified Career Storyteller (ACCS) training and certification program helps career professionals master the art of career storytelling through resumes, cover letters, bios, and online profiles. This is an advanced-level certification from RWA. It requires writers to already have an industry-recognized certificate or complete a separate grammar assignment and evaluation of a sample resume.

The program consists of 4 sessions and homework assignments and a final project:

  • Write a bio
  • Write LinkedIn “About” and employment sections
  • Write a “tell me about yourself” script and a letter
  • Write a resume
  • Write a portfolio of documents

Cost: $669 for members and $869 for non-members

Career Directors International (CDI)

Career Directors International (CDI) provides numerous professional development opportunities for career professionals, including resume writer certifications and courses.

The six CDI certificates focus on specific resume writing niches, including:

  • Certified Advanced Resume Writer (CARW)
  • Certified Master Resume Writer (CMRW)
  • Certified Executive Resume Master (CERM)
  • Certified Resume Specialist (CRS+X)
  • Certified Graphic Resume Architect
  • Certified Career Storyteller (CCST)

Year Founded: 2000

CDI adopts a tiered approach to resume writing certifications, based on the experience level of the candidates.

As there are a variety of resume writing certifications offered by CDI, you will find a description of each of them below.

Along with getting the CDI seal, the resume writers will get all the free tools and resources as a CDI member.

CDI also organizes the yearly Toast of the Resume Industry Awards (TORI) competition.

So, getting aligned with their best practices can give writers a headstart in achieving the TORI award.

Below is a brief overview of all the resume writing certifications offered by CDI.

6. Certified Advanced Resume Writer (CARW)

The Certified Advanced Resume Writer (CARW) certification program is for entry-level resume writers looking to get their first industry certification. It is also the most affordable resume certification offered by CDI.

The CARW certification process consists of four parts: 

  • Resume sample submission
  • Resume and cover letter writing
  • Short-essay questions on client information gathering
  • Final exam on spelling, grammar, resume writing, design, and related skills

Cost: $200 plus the $97 membership fee

7. Certified Master Resume Writer (CMRW)

Certified Master Resume Writer (CMRW) is a higher-level certification program offered by CDI to experienced resume writers. The candidate must already possess the CARW certification or any other recognized industry certification (such as the CPRW or ACRW).

The certification process involves submitting the following materials: 

  • A 1000-word essay or article to demonstrate philosophy, skills, and expertise
  • A portfolio of seven professional resumes
  • One ATS-friendly resume
  • Two cover letter samples

Cost: $297 plus the $97 membership fee

8. Certified Executive Resume Master (CERM)

The Certified Executive Resume Writer (CERM) certification is exclusively designed for executive resume writers. Consider it a high-level certification program for experienced professional resume writers. As of the date of this article’s publication, there are fewer than 25 CERMs worldwide.

The writer will need to: 

  • Have or obtain any other recognized resume writing certificate
  • Submit four examples of real-life executive resumes
  • Take part in a 10-question Competency Review test

Cost: $297 for members and $564 for non-members

9. Certified Resume Specialist (CRS+X)

The Certified Resume Specialist (CRS+X) allows resume writers to get certification in their specific field of specialization or niche. For example, if you are a resume writer specializing in IT professions, you can get certified as a Certified IT Resume Specialist (CRS+IT). CDI offers this certification in 20 areas of specialization. The candidate must hold any other recognized industry certification for which testing was required.

Candidates will need to submit: 

  • A portfolio of four industry-specific resume samples
  • A one-page essay about their specialization

Cost: $197 for each specialization plus the $97 membership fee

10. Certified Graphic Resume Architect

As the name suggests, the Certified Graphic Resume Architect credential is for professional resume writers who also want to get recognized as graphic resume designers. Graphic resumes predominantly use visual elements, which contrasts the style of traditional “plain” resumes. Just like other advanced level certifications from CDI, this one requires that the candidates already possess any of the recognized certifications.

The writer will have to submit: 

  • Five resume samples with visual elements
  • An explanation of the project details for a selected resume

11. Certified Career Storyteller (CCST)

The Certified Career Storyteller (CCST) is a certification that accompanies a training program…similar to the ACRW certification from the RWA above. This course from CDI aims to train resume writers in the practices of how storytelling elements can be infused into resume writing and personal brand development. The course consists of 17 modules within a 6-part program. It’s a self-paced learning model requiring from 18 to 40 hours of total work.

The process includes:

  • Each of the 6 parts involves lesson completion and a review process
  • After all lessons are approved, the candidate will submit their final story-based portfolio
  • The final portfolio is reviewed within 3-4 weeks

Cost: $2997 plus the $97 membership fee

Career Thought Leaders Consortium (CTL)

12. master resume writer (mrw).

The Master Resume Writer (MRW) credential is offered by Career Thought Leaders Consortium (CTL). CTL is owned by Marie Zimenoff, also the CEO of the Resume Writers Association above. CTL also provides certifications to career coaches, job search specialists, and digital branding specialists. Career professionals get many other tools and resources, like free guides, training, and webinars from CTL.

The candidate must have at least five years of experience to apply for the MRW credential. They also have to pass an English Language & Grammar Examination administered by CTL.

After that, the professional resume writer will need to submit five resume samples if they already have an industry-recognized certificate or 10 resume samples if they are not certified.

The certification has to be renewed every two years.

MRW is an advanced level certification that will project you as an expert in your field. There are only 27 MRWs out there.

You don’t have to become a member of CTL to get this certification. However, becoming an associate will get you a discount.

Key Takeaways

As a job seeker, you have every right to seek as many assurances as you can about your resume writer.

Getting your resume written by a certified resume writer is one of those assurances that should translate into a high-performing resume.

If the writer that you choose happens to be certified, that’s a great bonus. But more important than a writer’s certifications are the writer’s skills.

If you are looking for certified professional resume writers with a proven track record, Find My Profession is an excellent option.

We have some of the best certified professional resume writers on our team and they cover 85+ industries.

Check out our top-rated  resume writing services . We are confident that you will be satisfied with our work, and if you have any inquiries, please do not hesitate to contact us.

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To become a Nationally Certified Resume Writer, a candidate must first prove their experience in and commitment to the resume-writing industry by completing the two-part sample review process. Candidates must first submit a sample writing package (resume and cover letter) for review by an NCRW Commission grader. This submission will be evaluated based on grammar, strategy, and adherence to the NCRW Study Guide. Writers who fall short of the NCRW standards are required to seek one or more avenues for professional development before they resubmit a new sample.

NCRW candidates must also prove their experience and commitment with evidence of recent training and development with the NRWA in the form of continuing education units (CEUs) earned through various webinars and trainings. CEUs can be earned prior to completing the sample submission or prior to taking the exam.

While not a prerequisite, in our experience those with the greatest chance of NCRW exam success have , whether as a new or experienced business owner or as a staff member of a college career, workforce investment, or military transition center.

When a candidate receives a “ready” on the sample submission, and has earned at least 10 CEUs, candidates take part in a rigorous exam administered by the NRWA. Our exam, like our pre-qualifying process, is the most challenging in the industry. The only way a writer can earn the NCRW certification is by demonstrating a high level of expertise in resume strategy, business writing, grammar and punctuation, proofreading, and electronic resume preparation.

Upon receiving their credential, NCRWs have proven themselves over and over again to be the best in their field—a consummate professional dedicated to upholding the highest standards in the business. Subsequently, NCRWs are required to acquire CEUs annually to maintain their certification, which keeps them on the cutting edge of this ever-changing industry.


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Summary of Qualifications for a Resume (With Examples)

11 min read · Updated on March 27, 2024

Ken Chase

Learn how a summary of qualifications can boost your job search

To capture an employer's attention and compete for a fantastic job, you need a truly compelling resume that conveys your qualifications in the best way possible. But how can you maximize your chances of ensuring that employers spend more than five or six seconds skimming your resume? The answer is simple: you need a great resume profile that can capture your reader's attention! And when you need a profile that really stands out, a summary of qualifications can be a great option.

In this post, we'll explain this type of resume profile and examine how it differs from a resume summary or objective statement . We'll also provide the tips you need to learn how to write a summary of qualifications for your resume and some useful examples that you can refer to for inspiration and guidance.

What is a summary of qualifications for a resume?

If you're familiar with objective statements and resume summaries, then you should readily understand the purpose of a summary of qualifications in a resume. Like those other types of resume profiles, a summary of qualifications - also sometimes referred to as a statement of qualifications - serves as an introduction to your resume. It is also exactly what the name suggests: a summary of the qualifications highlighted in your resume.

An effective summary of qualifications will provide key details about your skills , experiences , and accomplishments . Done properly, this brief summarization of those qualifications should spark enough interest in the reader's mind to entice them to read the rest of the document.

Resume summary, objective statement, and summary of qualifications: how they differ

It's also important to understand the differences between a summary of qualifications for a resume and the other two main resume profile options - the objective statement and resume summary. Each of these profile types is designed to introduce you to an employer. However, they each do that in a unique way:

The objective statement

The resume objective statement has been around for many decades. These statements tend to focus on the job seeker's career goals and how the desired job aligns with those objectives. Though the objective statement remains popular with many recent graduates, it is increasingly viewed as obsolete by job seekers who want to focus their profiles on how they can meet the employer's needs.

The resume summary

The resume summary fulfills that goal by emphasizing the job seeker's relevant skills and experiences. In addition, an effective summary also highlights how the job seeker used those skills to achieve measurable results for past employers. In short, it focuses on the type of value that you can provide to a prospective employer by citing specific examples of your notable achievements, using real numbers.

Summary of qualifications

As great as a resume summary paragraph can be, there may be times when you need a profile that can pack an even greater punch. That's where the summary of qualifications can be your best option. Like the resume summary, this profile option focuses on the skills, experiences, and achievements that make you a great candidate for the job. However, it does it in a different way.

You see, it doesn't use the same formatting that you see in standard objective statements or resume summaries. Those two profile types are written as three to five-sentence paragraphs. The summary of qualifications uses a different format altogether. Instead of being written in paragraph form, with complete sentences, it presents your qualifications in bullet point form, using achievement statements like those you would include in your professional experience section.

Related post : Resume Profile Explained (with Examples)

How do you write a summary of qualifications for your resume?

To create your own summary of qualifications for a resume, it's helpful to have a step-by-step guide for creating those bullet point details. The following tips and strategies should provide you with all the information you need to know to draft your own summary.

Select the details you want to include

Before you can create your bullet point summary, you need to decide which information you want to highlight. It's usually best to stick to your most compelling resume details and rewrite them for this summary. You should always start with a bullet point listing your professional title and length of experience in that role, and then include several bullet point examples of notable achievements.

Align your achievements with the role's qualification requirements

When you pick those accomplishments, make sure that they relate to the job you're seeking. Each achievement needs to demonstrate that you have what it takes to not only perform the job's duties, but to do so in a way that adds real value to the organization.

Use numbers to quantify results

To show value, you should ensure that your achievements show measurable results. Some possible examples of quantifiable achievements can include:

Revenue that you brought in for the company

The value of client accounts that you worked with

The number of customers you served

The size of any budget or project that you managed

Numbers related to increased profits, productivity, efficiency, and so on

Use your active voice for these bullet points

Each achievement should be described using an active voice to ensure that your resume summary of qualifications is as compelling as possible. To do that, you should use action verbs and make sure that the reader can understand that your actions produced the results. Consider the differences between these two achievements:

Passive : Inefficiencies were reduced by 12% over three years

Active : Implemented new workflow process that reduced inefficiencies by 12% over three years

The passive example is unclear about how those inefficiencies were reduced. The active example not only ensures that the reader knows you reduced those inefficiencies but also explains how you did it. While both examples do a great job of including real numbers to highlight measurable results, the active example is a far more compelling way to convey that information.

Note also that neither example uses first-person words like “my'' or “I” to describe the job seeker's actions. When it comes to resume writing , you should never begin your bullet points with that first-person emphasis. Instead, start each example with an action verb.

Related post : 100 + Keywords, Verbs and Action Words for Your Resume

Use keywords from the job posting

Your resume profile can be the perfect place to use the keywords your resume needs to get past any applicant tracking systems that the company may be using to screen applicants. You'll need a reasonable concentration of those keywords in your resume if you want your resume to be found in searches. 

To identify likely keywords, review the job posting to find any words or phrases related to specific qualifications - like needed skills, educational credentials, and experience. You can insert those keywords into your achievement bullet points to ensure that the ATS can find the words and phrases it's looking for.

Make sure that your achievements highlight your unique value

Finally, you should always strive to ensure that the summary of qualifications in your resume accurately reflects your personal skills, experience, and value as a potential hire. Don't be afraid to boast about your accomplishments here, as long as you're not stretching the truth. Remember, it's up to you to sing your own praises - none of your rivals are going to do it for you. Focus on the actions you took and the results you achieved.

At the same time, you want to be relatively brief. This is, after all, a summary of qualifications, not a comprehensive essay. Try to limit your bullet points to no more than five or six important statements. That should be enough to capture the hiring manager's attention and make them want to read on to learn more about you.

Summary of qualifications for a resume: examples

We'll end this by looking at some summary of qualifications examples to see how these tips can be used to craft your own summary. We've included examples for several distinct job roles. You can use or customize them to fit your employment needs.

1.     Salesperson summary of qualifications example

  • Sales Account Representative with eight years of experience in product sales and client management

Led sales team campaign, doubling sales revenue each year for four consecutive years

Expanded seven major accounts, boosting combined revenue by $2.3 million

Developed and implemented training program, reducing team onboarding time by 43%

Recognized as Salesperson of the Year for 2019 - 2023

2.     Marketing Manager summary of qualifications example

  • Dynamic marketing manager with six years of experience in brand enhancement

Led effort to rebrand ABC Corp, increasing market share by 12% and boosting profits by 12%

Designed and implemented digital marketing campaigns for client accounts valued at $15 million

Reorganized DeltaOne's marketing department, reducing costs by 19%

Launched more than two dozen social media advertising campaigns, increasing client customer engagement by an average of 75% per client

Bachelor of Science in Marketing, Anytown College, Anytown (2017)

3.     Software Engineer summary of qualifications example

  • Creative Software Engineer with seven years of experience in game and app design

Led seven-person team that designed three of the most popular idle hero games for mobile

Designed characters and locations for definitive version of Big Dog console game

As Mega Media Head Designer, created concept art for company's online and television advertisement campaign, expanding market reach by 16%

Master of Arts, Graphic Design, Pretty Pixels University (2015)

4.     CPA summary of qualifications example

  • Data-driven CPA with ten years of experience in payroll management, tax filing, and accounts auditing

Implemented new payroll system that reduced administrative costs by $10,000 annually

Streamlined tax filing process, while identifying more than $30,000 in unused deductions

Executed audit that identified $8,000 in monthly waste and redundancies

Bachelor of Science in Accounting, Money University (2011)

5.     Summary of qualifications example for entry level workers

You may be wondering whether newcomers to the workforce can use this type of resume profile to summarize their qualifications. After all, what achievements can they point to if they've just graduated from school and lack any meaningful work experience? Well, we've put together a summary of qualifications example for students that shows how recent graduates may be able to use this option too.

  • BS in Marketing, Marketing Experts University (2024)

Creative marketing specialist, specializing in digital marketing and eCommerce

Partnered with ABC Corp for lab project, revamping their branding and contributing to 23% increase in customer outreach and sales

Internship with ABC Corp, serving as understudy to firm's Marketing Director

Three summers active in Search Engine Marketing bootcamp

You can also employ a similar technique if you're a career changer - even if you lack any direct experience in the industry you're trying to join. All you need to do is focus on transferable skills - skills that you've used in your previous career that can also prove valuable in your desired job - and identify achievements that used those skills. You can think of them as transferable accomplishments, or simply achievements that demonstrate your capability to do the job you're trying to land.

When choosing transferable accomplishments, focus on past achievements that demonstrate vital transferable skills. Those skills can include things like collaboration, leadership, conflict management, communication, and other broad interpersonal skills that are invaluable across a wide array of industries and job roles.

Related post : Make the Perfect Resume for a Career Change

Use a summary of qualifications to capture employers' attention!

To break out of a crowded field of rival candidates, you need to make sure that your resume quickly earns the attention it deserves. Using a summary of qualifications for your resume can be a fantastic way to ensure that employers see your best qualifications laid out right at the beginning of your resume, capturing their interest and increasing the chances of an interview and eventual job offer.

Need more tips on using a summary of qualifications for your resume? Get your free resume review from our team of experts today and find out how we can help you create the resume you need for job search success.

Recommended reading:

9 Soft Skills Employers Want in 2024

Make the Perfect First Impression with Your Resume

Create a Personal Brand That Sets You Apart

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Dive Into Expert Guides to Enhance your Resume

How to write a qualifications summary on a resume

The achievements that make you stand out

RC Team

As an introduction to your resume, the  qualifications summary is a an excellent option to make sure your application stands out  and grabs the attention of a potential employer.

Hiring managers or human resource staff spend hours looking through resumes when they have a vacancy, this can become very tedious when all of the applications they receive have similar work experience or skill sets. That is why learning  how to write a winning qualifications summary for your resume  could be the key to earning you a chance at an interview for your dream job.

Having an attractive,  optimized resume introduction  like a  qualification summary , also known as a  professional profile  or  summary of qualifications , which showcases your strengths in a short, clear section right at the beginning of your resume is a surefire way to capture the reader’s interest.

Read on for a  simple guide on what to include in a qualifications summary on your resume , tips on how to write it and practical qualification summary examples to help you create one of your own.

The qualifications summary tends to be used more often in  functional or combined resume structures  as opposed to the classic  chronological format  but this is not always the case and can be a great addition to any resume.

What is the Qualifications Summary?

Knowing  how to write a qualifications summary for a resume  can mean the difference between an average application and one that stands out from other candidates.

A  qualifications summary is one of three options for a resume introduction  that begins by  showcasing the most relevant and influential aspects of the candidate’s experience,  such as their major achievements, skills and qualifications.

Contrary to the  resume objective  or  summary statement , a qualifications summary is written in  bullet point format , highlighting the most impressive elements of your professional profile ensuring to  focus on the position  being applied to.

There are  different ways to start a resume  and the qualifications summary is an optional section which can be added or replaced depending on each candidate’s needs. The  resume format  you choose to employ and your level of experience, whether you are writing a student, entry-level or  professional resume , will influence your decision to use the qualifications summary or another of the possible resume introductions.

The  qualifications summary on a resume  is a useful tool for candidates whose resumes will likely be reviewed by Applicant Tracking Systems. The reason for this is that ATS software is designed to read through resumes in order to discard any that do not include the keywords that have been programmed for that particular position. This is a subtle reminder for jobseekers to ensure they  use keywords taken from the job description  etc. to detail their abilities and knowledge.

To  write a qualifications summary  which presents the most inviting information about your professional profile, you must ensure that this section  concentrates on the benefits that you can bring to the company or position  in question. That means that it will include your most outstanding achievements and skills which are  relevant to the sector  and role to which you are applying.

A qualification summary on a resume often attracts attention from potential employers  because it makes their life easier. Hiring managers save time and energy usually spent reading through the entire resume by reading the  highlighted qualifications in the summary  and are able to get a basic understanding of what that candidate can offer the business.

Key qualifications to include on your resume

Whether you use a resume template or not, it is worthwhile to have an idea of some of the  key qualifications to include in your resume  to use as a guide.

The following is a  step-by-step guide to help you get a better understanding of how to write a qualification summary for your resume  using these 6 different points:

1. Start with your expertise : Begin by introducing your  years of experience  in the field or in similar positions for  professional resumes . You can indicate a general overview of your responsibilities in these jobs. Mention here any  special courses or training  you have undertaken. For  students or entry-level candidates , you will  include your highest degree  and can emphasize majoring or minoring in a subject, any projects, or your final thesis, as long as it is relevant to the vacancy.

2. Show off your creative side : Explain an instance in which you have  introduced, implemented or created a program or practice  or found a new solution which has been beneficial to the company or association in some way.

3. Prove your efficiency : Include an  example of when you have increased productivity or revenue for the company  by any means such as using resources well, personal effort, saving time or energy, updating, renewing or improving practices.

4. Acknowledgements : Mention any  awards or honors  you have received for your work or collaboration. If you have been commended in any  publications  or been praised for your actions in any way  related to the position or industry  you are applying to, state the source and the reasons for the recognition.

5. Management : Describe any  positions of leadership  you have held, including the number of people under your supervision, any specific management styles you pertain to, or ways in which you have  managed a project or assignment  and seen it through to the end.

6. Interpersonal skills in practice : Finally, also  include an explanation of your interpersonal skills  and communication. This can allude to relationships with coworkers, junior or senior staff, customers, clients or suppliers. Or you could demonstrate your skills in terms of public speaking or giving presentations.

As well as these 6 points which should be addressed as fully and clearly as possible, you can also introduce any other aspects that are  relevant to the position  and you feel would  benefit your application  or would be advantageous to offer the company.

Although it is highly recommended to  focus your attention on quantifiable examples  and the basic information from these points, you can also  include other soft or hard skills or certificates which may be unique to your application , whilst still tailoring your information the position in order to stand out in the process. Learn more about how to include  professional certificates on your resume .

Following these rules and remembering to  tailor your qualification summary to the position  on offer will help you to create a resume that will get noticed for the right reasons.

Remember, if you need a little extra guidance, you can also use an  online resume builder  to help you  construct an effective resume for your ideal job  with an outstanding qualification summary to boot.

Tips for writing a good qualifications summary

Whether you’re just learning  how to write a qualifications summary for your resume  or you just need to give it a new spin, these top tips will help you make the most of this all-important resume tool.

The  qualifications summary on a resume is a very effective tool  for candidates who have an extensive work history either as a professional in that sector or as a  career changer who has transferable skills .

Examples of Qualifications Summaries

To be able to  create an effective qualification summary introduction , check out some of these examples to grasp the structure and style of qualification summaries.

Key Account Manager Qualifications Summary Example

  • Sociable – Organized – Goal-oriented
  • 5 years experience in customer and client relationship building.
  • Exceeded sales targets by more than 60% two years running.
  • Landed and managed several individual client accounts worth $100,000+.
  • Effectively trained and led team of 8 Sales Executives.
  • Received Top Sales Award from company 3 consecutive years.
  • Spearheaded new marketing plans with research and media strategies which have improved profits by $2.6 million gross per annum.

Executive Chef Qualifications Summary Example

  • Creative – Team player – Excellent time management
  • 12 years experience in Michelin star restaurants in NYC and Paris.
  • Expertise in French haute cuisine.
  • Prepared between 700-1000 covers daily.
  • Reinvented menu to improve attendance by 110% and profits.
  • Specialist knowledge of FDA requirements.
  • Catered for a wide range of 3 and 5-course fine dining galas, fundraising events and festivals.

Entry-Level IT Associate Qualifications Summary Example

  • Analytical – Resourceful – Flexible
  • Two years experience in Library Helpdesk Technical Assistance.
  • Graduate of BSc in Computer and Information Technology with 3.50 GPA.
  • Proficient in several programming languages, software applications, operating systems and database management.
  • Exceptional troubleshooting skills resulting in an improvement of 30% in issue-resolution.
  • Accustomed to fast turn-around times for maintenance and technical tasks.

The qualifications summary on a resume differs from the summary statement simply by the manner of formatting the information included. As seen in these  qualification summary examples , the general layout is what makes the  difference between the summary statement and the qualification summary  as opposed to the content or focus.

If you prefer to offer a paragraph format for your summary or to get extra  resume help with your summary statement,  you can take a look at our guide to writing one to ensure you create the best possible introduction to your resume for your job search.

If you need help putting together your qualifications summary,  ResumeCoach  also offers an  online resume maker  which gives you professional advice and clear, practical examples to follow, to ensure you get the most out of your resume.

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Struggling with Resume Writing?

Ease the process with our templates

How to Write a Statement of Qualifications (Examples Included)

Mike Simpson 0 Comments

resume writer qualifications

By Mike Simpson

When you’re looking for a new job, you need a resume that genuinely packs a punch. Overall, around 60 percent of hiring managers spend 11 seconds or less deciding whether a resume should remain in contention. Want more time than that? With a stellar statement of qualifications, you can get it.

Is an exceptional summary of qualifications genuinely that powerful? Yes, it really is.

So, do you want to make sure that yours is on-point? Great! Here’s what you need to know.

What Is a Statement of Qualifications?

Alright, before we dig into how to write a statement of qualifications or a summary of qualifications example, let’s talk about what one is in the first place.

One thing you may have already noticed is that the terms “statement of qualifications” and “summary of qualifications” look pretty interchangeable. In reality, they are. Both options are phrases that describe the same resume section.

There are also a few other terms that you may see pop up. “Qualifications summary” is an alternative, for example. In some cases, “job qualifications” is too, though it depends on how it’s used.

Okay, now that is out of the way, let’s dig into the definition a bit. A statement of qualifications is a resume section that highlights your strongest, most relevant capabilities relating to the job you want to land. In most cases, it’s a short, bulleted list featuring three to five critical points that you think the hiring manager really needs to see.

When it comes to where your summary of qualifications goes, it’s usually right at the top. The only thing that should sit above it is your contact details sections, as those always need to be front and center.

Pretty simple right? We think so. But how does it make a difference?

Well, with a standout statement of qualifications, you can show the hiring manager that you have what it takes to succeed in the role right away. You can showcase relevant skills and experience in a way that draws the eye, increasing the odds that they’ll see you’re a great candidate.

If you hoped straight into your work history instead, there’s a chance that the hiring manager would miss some of those key points. But with a qualifications summary, you reduce the odds of that happening, all with just a few bullets. How awesome is that?

What Makes a Great Statement of Qualifications?

At this point, you should have a good idea of why you need a statement of qualifications. But how do you write a great one? Well, we’re going to tell you.

First, you need to tailor the content to the job. Surprisingly, 54 percent of job seekers don’t target their resumes to the role. That means they are missing out on a crazy important opportunity.

By tailoring the statement of qualifications, you make your resume more enticing to the hiring manager. Plus, you’re more likely to have critical keywords that help you get past automated screening. That’s a win-win.

Not sure what to target in your summary of qualifications? Don’t panic. Just check out the Tailoring Method to see how you can focus the content on the exact right points.

Beyond that, you need to craft each bullet the right way. Brevity is your friend when you write a statement of qualifications. Every point needs to be straightforward to ensure the hiring manager can get critical information quickly.

Additionally, you want to make this resume section keyword-heavy. It’s all about showcasing those must-have skills and experience fast, allowing you to stand out as a right-fit candidate from the get-go.

In many cases, leading with a bullet that features your total numbers of relevant experience and either your field or job title is wise. It’s a quick snapshot that lets the hiring manager know you have enough time in the industry or specialty to do the job well.

For the rest, be achievement-oriented. By discussing accomplishments, you show the hiring manager how you put your skills to work instead of just telling them that what you can do.

Quantifying the details is also a smart move. Numbers stand out from letters on the page, drawing the eye. Plus, it’s a simple way to add context, helping the hiring manager see the value you can provide.

Common Statement of Qualifications Mistakes

Is it possible to make mistakes with your statement of qualifications? Yes, it’s completely possible. Luckily, most are pretty easy to avoid once you know what they are.

One common mistake is not using action verbs . With action verbs, each statement is more impactful by design. Not only do they help you convey important information, but they also make your resume a more interesting read.

Using “I” statements is another biggie. Why? Because “I” statements typically require more words to express the same thought. As a result, your bullets aren’t as focused.

When you write any part of your resume, incomplete sentences are okay. So, skip the “I” and get straight to the point.

Another issue is copying something you say in another part of your resume. While you can certainly showcase the same skills and even reference the same achievement, you don’t want to have the exact same statement in your resume twice. That makes the overall content less intriguing.

In a worst-case scenario, the hiring manager may even interpret the copy-paste approach as laziness. So, if you want to share the same detail twice, rephrase it significantly to avoid that potential problem.

How to Write a Statement of Qualifications

Alright, now is one of the moments you’ve been waiting for: the step-by-step guide on how to write a statement of qualification. Follow the process below to make sure you head in the right direction.

1. Identify Critical Keywords

While you might assume that the first step you need to take involves your resume, that isn’t the case. Before you do any writing, you need to tackle some research.

Head to the job description for the position you’re applying for and identify any crucial keywords. They may be within paragraphs or in the list of must-have skills and experience.

In either case, review the entire job post carefully, identifying every keyword that aligns with your capabilities. Additionally, make a note of the ones that appear near the top of lists or that are repeated, as those are usually the hiring manager’s top priorities.

2. Reflect on Your Achievements

Now that you know what keywords matter to the hiring manager, it’s time for a bit of reflection. Think about your career and determine which achievements put the keyword-related skills and experience on display.

If you come up with several accomplishments that address the same point, then look beyond that keyword. When an achievement can highlight several relevant capabilities that aren’t covered elsewhere, it may be the better addition, ensuring you can fit more keywords into the small area.

3. Embrace Brevity

As you pick accomplishments to feature, start thinking about how you can highlight them in a single sentence. Each bullet in your qualifications summary is just one sentence long, so you need to embrace brevity as you design every point.

Now, you can use run-on sentences in a resume. However, if a single bullet expands too much, shifting away from the main topic of that point, you’ve likely gone too far.

One easy way to keep an eye is to limit each point to no more than two lines on the page. Anything beyond that usually means you’re trying to fit more into a single bullet than you should.

4. Get the Numbers

As we mentioned above, adding numbers to your summary of qualifications is a great idea. If you don’t know the numbers that relate to your achievements off of the top of your head, spend time looking them up, if possible. That way, you can quantify the heck out of the details, making your statement more impactful.

For recent achievements, you may be able to find that information in work records. For older ones, reviewing your past resumes may be an excellent move. After all, if you’ve quantified your details in your older resumes, you may find what you need there.

Now, if you can’t find a number for every point, that might be okay. As long as the majority are quantified, you may be able to get by with one that isn’t. However, you might also want to consider replacing that bullet with one you can quantify, especially if you have other number-free points to share.

5. Choose the Right Order

After you’ve written a few bullet points, take a moment to choose the order you’ll put them in. Usually, you want to lead off with one that showcases your overall experience, especially if a minimum amount of experience is listed in the job ad. That way, the hiring manager knows immediately that you fit the bill in that regard.

Once you’ve done that, it’s time to think about priorities. Use the information from the job description as a reference, allowing you to see which skills are deemed critical in the eye of the hiring manager. Then, order the rest of the statements based on how high of a priority they are in the hiring manager’s eyes, ensuring they can find those essential details fast when they review your resume.

6. Double Check It for Errors

While you should always review your resume to make sure there aren’t any errors, it’s even more critical here. Since your summary of qualifications is the first thing the hiring manager usually reads, it has to be error-free. Otherwise, they may assume you aren’t detail-oriented in a matter of seconds, causing you to miss out on the opportunity.

Double (and even triple) check it for spelling or grammar mistakes. Then, ask a trusted family member, friend, or colleague to take a look, too. That way, your chances of catching errors are ridiculously high, ensuring you make the best possible first impression when you do submit your resume.

3 Statement of Qualifications Examples

When you’re learning a new skill – and resume writing certainly is a skill – having a step-by-step guide like the one above is helpful. However, it is also beneficial to see the tips in action. That way, you have a quick way to see what the final result should look like.

But we didn’t want to give you just one summary of qualifications example. Instead, we are giving you three.

Each statement of qualifications example below focuses on a different kind of position. That way, you get a better glimpse into what you need to do.

1. Accounting Position with Manufacturing Company

  • Senior accountant with 7+ years of experience supporting companies in the manufacturing and production sector
  • Managed annual budget of $1.2 million
  • Secured 28 % in cost reductions through strategic contract renegotiations
  • Supervised and trained team of 8 junior account professionals, boosting cumulative performance by 15 %
  • Certified Public Account (CPA)

2. Software Development Role

  • 3+ years of experience with JavaScript, Java, Python, and C#
  • Designed and launched internal Android App for employee hours tracking, reducing payroll processing timeline by 10 %
  • Led legacy code refactoring project, reducing technical debt and enhancing documentation quality
  • Graduated with honors with a Bachelor’s of Science in Software Development

3. Management Position in a Retail Location

  • 12 years of retail management experience with 8 years focused on big-box retail
  • Redesigned company onboarding process, reducing turnover by 150 %
  • Implemented strategic marketing initiatives, boosting sales by 58 %
  • Managed a store staff of 150+
  • Earned Certified Retail Management Expert (CRME) Certification

Putting It All Together

At this point, you should know exactly what you need to do to write an outstanding statement of qualifications. Along with excellent tips, at least one of the summary of qualifications examples above should inspire you, making it easier to create your own attention-grabbing list.

Just make sure that you focus on the job qualifications you see in a specific job ad. Tailoring is always a must if you want to catch the hiring manager’s eye, so make it a priority. If you do, you’ll be one step closer to job search success.

resume writer qualifications

Co-Founder and CEO of Mike is a job interview and career expert and the head writer at

His advice and insights have been shared and featured by publications such as Forbes , Entrepreneur , CNBC and more as well as educational institutions such as the University of Michigan , Penn State , Northeastern and others.

Learn more about The Interview Guys on our About Us page .

About The Author

Mike simpson.

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Co-Founder and CEO of Mike is a job interview and career expert and the head writer at His advice and insights have been shared and featured by publications such as Forbes , Entrepreneur , CNBC and more as well as educational institutions such as the University of Michigan , Penn State , Northeastern and others. Learn more about The Interview Guys on our About Us page .

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resume writer qualifications

How to Make a Resume in 2024 | Beginner's Guide

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For most job-seekers, a good resume is what stands between a dream job and Choice D. Get your resume right, and you’ll be getting replies from every other company you apply to.

If your resume game is weak, though, you’ll end up sitting around for weeks, maybe even months, before you even get a single response.

So you’re probably wondering how you can write a resume that gets you an interview straight up.

Well, you’ve come to the right place!

In this guide, we’re going to teach you everything you need to know about how to make a resume, including:

  • The 8 Essential Steps to Writing a Resume
  • 11+ Exclusive Resume Tips to Up Your Resume Game
  • 27+ Real-Life Resume Examples for Different Professions

….and more!

So, let’s dive right in.

How to Make a Resume (The Right Way!)

Before we go into detail about how you should make a resume, here’s a summary of the most important steps and tips to keep in mind:

how to write a resume

  • Choose a resume format carefully. In 99% of cases, we recommend the reverse-chronological format .
  • Add the right contact details. Leave your headshot out and make sure to include your job title , a professional email address, and any relevant links. (E.g.: your LinkedIn profile , online portfolio, personal website, etc.).
  • Write an impactful resume summary. Unless you’re an entry-level professional, always go for a resume summary. If you do it right, it’s your chance to get the hiring manager to go through the rest of your resume in detail.
  • Pay attention to your work experience section. Take your work experience section from OK-ish to exceptional by tailoring it to the job ad, making your achievements quantifiable, and using action verbs and power words.
  • Add the right skills for the job. Keep this section relevant by only including the hard and soft skills that are required for the position.
  • Keep your education short and to the point. Your most recent and highest degree is more than enough for a strong education section. You only need to add more details here if you’re a recent graduate with barely any work experience.
  • Leverage optional resume sections. Optional sections like languages, hobbies, certifications, independent projects, and others can set you apart from other candidates with similar skills and experience.
  • Include a cover letter. That’s right, cover letters matter in 2024, and the best way to supplement your resume is by adding an equally well-crafted cover letter to your job application. To make the most of it, check out our detailed guide on how to write a cover letter .

To get the most out of our tips, you can head over to the resume builder and start building your resume on the go as you read this guide.

New to resume-making? Give our ‘7 Resume Tips’ video a watch before diving into the article!

#1. Pick the Right Resume Format

Before you start filling in the contents of your resume, you have to make sure it’s going to look good. 

After all, the first thing hiring managers notice is what your resume looks like, and then they start reading it. So, this is your best chance to make a great first impression.

Start by choosing the right resume format.

There are three types of resume formats out there:

  • Reverse-chronological. This is by far the most popular resume format worldwide and, as such, it’s the best format for most job-seekers.
  • Functional. This resume format focuses more on skills than work experience. It’s a good choice if you’re just getting started with your career and have little to no experience in the field.
  • Combination. The combination resume format is a great choice for experienced job-seekers with a very diverse skill set. It’s useful if you’re applying for a role that requires expertise in several different fields and you want to show all that in your resume.

So, which one should you go for?

In 99% of cases, you want to stick to the reverse-chronological resume format . It’s the most popular format and what hiring managers expect to see. So, in the rest of this guide, we’re going to focus on teaching you how to make a reverse-chronological resume.

reverse chronological resume

Fix Your Resume’s Layout

With formatting out of the way, let’s talk about your resume’s layout , which determines the overall look of your resume. 

Does it look organized or cluttered? Is it too short or too long? Is it boring and easy to ignore, or is it reader-friendly and attention-grabbing?

Here are some of the best practices you should apply:

  • Stick to one page. You should only go for a two-page resume if you have decades of experience and you’re sure the extra space will add significant value. Hiring managers in big companies get hundreds of applications per job opening. They’re not going to spend their valuable time reading your life story!
  • Add clear section headings. Pick a heading and use it for all the section headers so the hiring manager can easily navigate through your resume.
  • Adjust the margins. Without the right amount of white space, your resume will end up looking overcrowded with information. Set your margins to one inch on all sides so your text fits just right on the page.
  • Choose a professional font. We’d recommend sticking to a font that’s professional but not overused. For example, Ubuntu, Roboto, or Overpass. Avoid Times New Roman, and never use Comic Sans.
  • Set the correct font size. As a rule of thumb, go for 11-12 pt for normal text and 14-16 pt for section titles.
  • Use a PDF file. Always save your resume as a PDF file, unless the employer specifically requests otherwise. Word files are popular, but there’s a good chance they’ll mess up your resume’s formatting.

Another thing you need to consider in terms of your resume’s layout is whether you’re going for a traditional-looking resume template or something a bit more modern :

traditional vs modern resume

If you’re pursuing a career in a more traditional industry, like law , banking , or finance , you might want to stick to the first.

But if you’re applying to a tech company where imagination and innovation are valued, you can pick a more creative resume template .

Want to Save Time? Use a (Free) Resume Template

Anyone who’s ever tried creating a resume from scratch knows how boring the formatting can be.

Before you can even start filling in the contents, you need to tweak the margins, adjust font sizes, and make sure everything fits into one page while still looking good.

What if you could skip past all that and still create a compelling resume?

Try one of our free resume templates . They’re pre-formatted, so all you have to do is fill in the contents.

They’re also created in collaboration with recruiters from around the globe, ensuring that the templates are visually appealing and ATS-friendly!

See for yourself how one of our templates compares to a resume created in a standard text editor:

novoresume vs text editor

#2. Add Your Contact Information

Now that we’ve got all the formatting out of the way, let’s get into what your resume is all about— the information you put on it .

The first thing you want to do when filling out the contents of your resume is to add your contact information .

This section is pretty straightforward but crucial. Your contact details belong at the top of your resume in a designated resume header , so the hiring manager can easily find them.

Even if everything else about your resume is perfect, that all flops if you misspell your email address or have a typo in your phone number. If the hiring manager can’t contact you, it’s a missed opportunity.

So, double-check, and even triple-check your contact information section and make sure everything is factually correct and up-to-date.

Must-Have Information

  • Full name. Your first and last name should stand out at the top of your resume.
  • Email address. Stick to an address that’s professional and easy to spell, like a combination of your first and last name. (E.g.: [email protected])
  • Phone number. Add a reliable number where the hiring manager can easily reach you.
  • Location. Add your city and state/country. If you plan to relocate for the job or want a remote position, specify it on your resume.

Optional Information

  • Job title. Add your professional title underneath. Write it down word for word, whether it’s “Digital Marketing Specialist” or “Junior Data Scientist.” Just don’t make up job titles like “Marketing Wizzard” or “Data Manipulator.” They’re not quirky; they’re just unprofessional. 
  • LinkedIn profile . We recommend that you include a link to your updated LinkedIn profile since over 77% of hiring managers use the platform when evaluating a candidate. 
  • Relevant links. Include links to personal websites or any social media profiles that are relevant to your field. For example, a developer could include a Github profile, while a graphic designer could link their Behance or Driblle account, and so on.
  • Date of birth. Unless this is specifically required in the job ad, the hiring manager doesn’t need to know how old you are. It’s not important for their decision-making, and at worst, it might lead to age-based discrimination.
  • Unprofessional email address. Your quirky, old high school email address doesn’t belong on your resume. Instead of [email protected] , go for a [email protected] type of address.
  • Headshot. (USA, UK or Ireland) Depending on the country where you’re applying, it might even be illegal to include a picture of yourself on your resume . While it’s the norm to include a picture in most of Europe and Asia, always check the regulations for each specific country or industry you’re applying to.

All clear? Good! Now, let’s look at what a great example of a resume's contact information section looks like:

professional resume contact section

#3. Write a Resume Headline (Summary or Objective)

It's no secret that recruiters spend an average of less than seven seconds on a resume .

When you receive hundreds, if not thousands, of applications daily, it's physically impossible to spend too much time on each.

So, what the hiring managers do to go through resumes more effectively is to skim through each resume and read it in depth only if it piques their interest.

This is where the resume headline comes in.

Placed right next to (or underneath) your contact information, this brief paragraph is the first thing the hiring manager is going to read on your resume.

Now, depending on how far along in your career you are, your resume headline can be either a resume summary or a resume objective.

resume summary professional

So, how do you choose between a resume summary and a resume objective? Here’s all you need to know:

Resume Summary

A resume summary, as the name suggests, is a two to three-sentence summary of your career so far. If done right, it shows that you’re a qualified candidate at a glance and gets the hiring manager to give you a chance.

Here’s what your resume summary should include:

  • Your job title and years of experience.
  • A couple of your greatest professional achievements or core responsibilities.
  • Your most relevant skills for the job.

Here’s an example of a well-written resume summary: 

Experienced Java Developer with 5 years of experience in building scalable and efficient applications. Contributed to a major project that enhanced application performance by 25%. Strong background in Spring Framework and microservices. Aiming to apply robust coding skills to develop innovative software solutions at XYZ Tech Solutions.

Unless you’re a recent graduate or amid a career change, we recommend you stick to a resume summary. Otherwise, a resume objective might be a better option for you.

Resume Objective

A resume objective is supposed to express your professional goals and aspirations, academic background, and any relevant skills you may have for the job.

It communicates your motivation for getting into a new field, so it’s the go-to headline for recent graduates and those going through a career change. As with a resume summary, a resume objective should be brief—around two to four sentences long.

So, here’s what it would look like if you’re a student:

Hard-working recent graduate with a B.A. in Graphic Design from New York State University seeking new opportunities. 3+ years of practical experience working with Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop, creating illustrations and UX/UI design projects. Looking to grow as a designer and perfect my art at XYZ Design Studio.

Or, on the other hand, if you’re going through a career change, it might look more like this:

IT project manager with 5+ years of experience in software development. Managed a team of developers to create products for several industries, such as FinTech and HR tech. Looking to leverage my experience in managing outsourced products as a Product Owner at Company XYZ.

#4. Prioritize Your Work Experience

The most important part of your resume is your work experience.

This is where you get to sell yourself and show off your previous accomplishments and responsibilities.

If you manage to master this section, you’ll know most of what’s there to know about how to make a resume.

There are plenty of good practices for writing your work experience . But before we dive into all the nits and grits, let's start with the basics.

The standard format for each work experience entry is as follows:

  • Job title/position. Your job title goes on top of each work experience entry. When the hiring manager looks at your resume, you want them to know, at a glance, that you have relevant work experience for the job.
  • Company name/location/description. Mention the name of the employer and the general location, such as the city and state/country where you worked. In some cases, you may also want to briefly describe the company, like when the organization isn’t particularly well-known.
  • Dates employed. Add the approximate timeframe of your employment at each company. You don’t need to give exact dates since the standard format for this is mm/yyyy.
  • Achievements and responsibilities. This is the core of each work experience entry. Depending on your field, you want to list either your achievements or responsibilities. List them in bullet points instead of paragraphs, so they’ll be easier to read.

Here’s a real-life example:

how to list work experience on a resume

Your work experience entries should always be listed in reverse chronological order , starting with your most recent job and working your way back into the past.

Now that you know how to list your experience, we’re going to show you how to write about it in a way that makes you stand out from the competition, starting with: 

Are you a student with no work experience? We’ve got you covered. Check out our guide to writing a resume with no experience here.

Focus on Achievements Whenever Possible

One of the most common resume mistakes is only listing responsibilities in your work experience section.

Here’s the thing—in most cases, the hiring manager knows exactly what your job responsibilities are.

For example, if you’re a sales manager, your responsibilities would be:

  • Reach out to potential clients over the phone or email.
  • Maintain relationships with existing company clients and upsell relevant products.
  • Tracking and reporting on leads in CRM.

Coincidentally, this is also the same list of responsibilities for every sales manager out there. So, 90% of all other resumes probably mention the same thing.

To stand out from the competition, you want to focus on writing achievements in your resume instead. These can be how you helped your previous company grow, reach quarterly quotas, and so on.

Let’s compare how responsibilities hold up next to achievements for the same job:

  • Exceeded sales team KPIs by 30%+ for 3 months straight.
  • Generated over $24,000 in sales in 1 month.
  • Generated leads through cold-calling
  • Managed existing company clients

Keep in mind, though, that in some fields, there just aren’t that many achievements you can mention. Let’s say you’re a warehouse worker .

Your day-to-day responsibilities probably include:

  • Loading, unloading, and setting up equipment daily.
  • Packaging finished products and getting them ready for shipping.
  • Assisting in opening and closing the warehouse.

In fields like this, it’s pretty hard to distinguish yourself through achievements, so it’s okay to stick to responsibilities instead. You can still make them shine by following the rest of our advice about listing your work experience.

Keep in mind, though, that in some fields, there aren’t that many achievements you can mention. Let’s say you work in a warehouse. Your day-to-day responsibilities probably involve:

  • Loading, unloading and setting up equipment on a daily basis.
  • Package finished product and get it ready for shipping.
  • Assist in opening and closing the warehouse.

In such fields, it’s pretty hard to distinguish yourself, so it’s totally OK to stick to responsibilities instead.

Tailor Your Resume to the Job

Tailoring is what sets an amazing resume apart from an okay one.

Hiring managers don’t need to know about every single job you’ve ever worked at or every single skill that you have.

They only want to know about your jobs, experiences, or skills that are relevant to the role you’re applying for.

For example, if you’re applying for a job doing Google Ads, you don’t need to talk about your SEO internship from eight years ago.

By focusing your resume on whatever is important for the specific role, you’re a lot more likely to stand out and catch the hiring manager’s attention.

Let’s take a look at an example of a job ad:

how to tailor your resume to the job ad

As you can see, we’ve highlighted the most important requirements.

To tailor your resume accordingly, you just need to mention how you meet each of these requirements in your resume.

You can highlight your relevant achievements and qualifications in different parts of your resume, such as:

  • In your resume summary, where you should recap your years of experience.
  • Throughout your work experience section, where you should list achievements and responsibilities that reflect your social media marketing experience.
  • In your education section, where you can let the hiring manager know you have the degree that they’re looking for.

Include the Right Amount of Work Experience

If you’ve got over a decade’s worth of work experience, you’re probably wondering whether all of it belongs on your resume. In most cases, you’d end up writing a novel if you listed everything you’ve ever done, and that’s not how long a resume should be .

If you’re new to the job market, on the other hand, you probably don’t have any experience, and you’re wondering what you could even add to this section.

So, here’s how much information your resume should include, depending on your level of experience:

  • No experience. If you’re looking for your first job , you won’t have any work experience to fill this section with. So, you can either keep it empty and focus on all the other sections or fill it up with any experience gained in student organizations, extracurricular activities, volunteering, and other projects.
  • Entry-level. List all your work experience so far. While some of it won’t be relevant, it can still show the hiring manager that you do have some actual work experience.
  • Mid-level. Only mention relevant work experience to the position you’re applying for. There’s no need to waste space on jobs that aren’t related to what you’re after.
  • Senior-level. List up to 15 years of relevant work experience, tops. If your most recent experience is as a marketing executive , the hiring manager doesn’t care how you started your career as a junior marketing specialist 23 years ago.

Consider Applicant Tracking System (ATS) Software

Did you know that over 70% of resumes don’t even make it to the hiring manager ?

Most companies these days use ATS to evaluate hundreds of resumes instantaneously and automatically filter out the ones that don’t meet their criteria.

For example, if a resume doesn’t mention a specific skill or isn’t formatted correctly, the ATS will automatically reject it.

ats system statistic

Fortunately, there are some easy ways to make an ATS-friendly resume .

Here are a couple of tips to help you get past those pesky robots:

  • Stick to one page. Sometimes employers set a limit on how long a resume should be. This means that if your resume is longer than one page, it might get automatically disqualified.
  • Incorporate keywords. Tailoring your resume to the job helps a ton with beating the ATS. Just carefully read the job description to find hints for what the ATS will be looking for. Then, whenever you find keywords related to your responsibilities and achievements, make sure to include them in your work experience section.
  • Use an active voice. Passive voice is too vague and unclear, so make sure to use active voice as much as possible when describing your previous jobs. (E.g.: “Managed a team of ten people,” instead of “ A team of ten people was managed by me.” )
  • Leverage powerful action words. Instead of starting each of your sentences with “was responsible for," make your work experience impactful by using words that can grab attention. Saying that you “spearheaded” or “facilitated” something sounds a lot more impressive than “helped.”

Want to make sure your resume formatting passes the ATS test? Choose one of our tried and tested ATS-friendly resume templates , and you’ll be good to go! 

#5. List Your Education

The next section on your resume is dedicated to your academic qualifications. Let’s start with the basics!

Here’s how you should format the education section on your resume :

  • Program Name. Your major and degree type should be listed. (E.g.: “B.A. in Business Administration” )
  • University Name. Add the name of the institution. (E.g.: “New York State University” )
  • Dates Attended. Use a mm/yyyy format for the dates you attended. (E.g.: “08/2008 - 06/2012” )
  • Location. If your university is less well-known, you can also add the location. (E.g.: “Stockholm, Sweden” )
  • GPA. Use the appropriate grading system for the country you’re applying to work in. (E.g.: In the USA, it would be “3.9 GPA” )
  • Honors. Add any honors and distinctions you’ve been given. (E.g.: Cum Laude, Magna Cum Laude, Summa Cum Laude )
  • Achievements. You can mention interesting papers you’ve written, projects you’ve done, or relevant coursework you’ve excelled in.
  • Minor. “Minor in Psychology”

Pretty simple, right? Now let’s see what an education section looks like in practice:

education on resume

This example includes all the necessary information, plus an eye-catching award and relevant classes this candidate has taken.

Resume Education Tips

Now that you know how to list your education on your resume, let’s take this section to the next level.

Just follow these expert tips:

  • If you’re making a resume as a student and don’t have any work experience yet, you can list your education section at the beginning of the page instead of work experience.
  • You can add your expected graduation date if you’re still pursuing your degree.
  • If you already have relevant work experience, just keep this section short and sweet. Recent graduates can expand on their education more and add optional information like projects, classes, academic achievements, etc.
  • Always list your degrees in reverse chronological order, starting with your highest degree on top. Your highest and most recent degree is usually enough, so if you have a Master’s degree that’s relevant to the job, there’s no need to mention your earlier degrees.
  • Don’t add your high school degree to your resume if you already have a university degree. It doesn’t have as much weight, and you can use the space for something else.
  • Only mention your GPA if you had an impressive academic career. Anything below a 3.5 GPA doesn’t need to be on your resume.

Are you in the process of applying for college? Check out our guide to writing a college application resume to wow that admissions officer!

#6. Emphasize Your Know-How in the Skills Section

After your work experience, your skills are the first thing the hiring manager is going to look for. In fact, together, work experience and skills make up 90% of the hiring decision .

So, this is the place where you want to mention all the know-how that makes you the perfect candidate for the job.

There are two types of skills you can include when writing your resume:

  • Hard Skills. These are measurable abilities. What you can list here can be anything from coding in Python to knowing how to cook Thai cuisine.
  • Soft Skills. Also known as personal skills, these are a mix of communication skills , personal traits, career attributes, and more. They can include leadership, critical thinking, and time management , just to name a few.

Your resume should always cover both hard skills and soft skills . Here’s an example in action:

How to List Skills in Your Resume

Now, let’s discuss how you should list your most important skills on your resume.

There are a few essential steps you need to follow:

Always List Hard and Soft Skills Separately

Your resume should be easy and neat to navigate. The hiring manager shouldn’t have to waste time looking for a specific skill because you didn’t separate it into the appropriate subsection.

So, just create separate categories for your hard and soft skills.

Depending on your field, you could customize the name of your “hard skills” subsection to something like “technical skills," “marketing skills," or something else related to your field.

Let’s look at an example of what skills look like on a project manager’s resume :

Methodologies & Tools

  • Agile Methodology
  • SCRUM Framework
  • Waterfall Project Management
  • Microsoft Project
  • Critical Path Method (CPM)
  • Earned Value Management (EVM)
  • Risk Management

Soft Skills

  • Team Management
  • Conflict Resolution
  • Negotiation

Tailor Your Skills to the Job

You might have some awesome skills, but the hiring manager only needs to know about the ones that are relevant to the job.

For example, if you’re applying for a job as an accountant, your gourmet chef skills shouldn’t be on your resume.

Look at the job ad and list at least two to three essential skills you have that are required for the role. Remember—there’s no need to list every skill you have here; just keep it relevant.


  • Bachelor’s degree or higher in Graphic Design or a related field.
  • Tech-savvy, with some background in CMS systems such as WordPress.
  • Thrives in a stressful environment and juggles multiple tasks and deadlines.
  • Strong organizational and time management skills.
  • Excellent communication skills.
  • Self-reliant, with the ability to manage their own work.
  • A can-do attitude and an outside-the-box thinker.
  • Proficient in Adobe Photoshop, InDesign, Illustrator, Keynote, and Pages.
  • Basic understanding of Office software such as Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and Outlook.

So, the must-have hard skills here are Photoshop, InDesign, Illustrator, Keynote, and Pages. Other good computer skills to have are WordPress or similar CMS systems.

While you can also mention Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and Outlook, it’s pretty much assumed that you know how to use them since they’re required for most office jobs.

List Hard Skills with Experience Levels

For each hard skill you list on your resume, you should also mention your proficiency level. This tells employers what they can expect from you and how much training you might need.

  • Beginner. You have some experience with the skill, whether it’s from some entry-level practice or classroom education.
  • Intermediate. You’ve used the skill in a work environment with good understanding.
  • Advanced. You’re the go-to person for this skill in your office. You can coach other employees, and you understand the skill at a high level.
  • Expert. You’ve applied this skill to more than a handful of different projects and organizations. You’re the go-to person for advice about the skill, not just in your office but even amongst some of the best professionals in your field.

Just make sure to never lie about your actual skill level. Even if you get the job, once you need those skills you exaggerated, it will be pretty awkward for both you and your employer.

Include Transferable Skills

These are the types of skills that are useful for almost any job out there.

Transferable skills can be both soft skills (e.g.: teamwork, creativity, problem-solving skills, and others) and hard skills (MS Office Suite, HTML, writing, etc.)

Whatever job you’re applying to, chances are you have transferable skills from your experience that can come in handy one way or another. So, feel free to include them, even if they’re not specifically required for the position.

Not sure which skills to mention on your resume for your specific field? Check out our list of 101+ essential skills for inspiration!

#7. Leverage Optional Resume Sections

The sections we’ve covered so far are must-haves for any resume. They’re the bread-and-butter for any job application, and if you get them right, you’ll land any job you apply to.

But if you have some leftover space, there are a few optional sections you can choose from to give your resume a boost!

other important resume sections

Are you bi-lingual? Or even better  – multi-lingual? You should always mention that on your resume!

Even if the position doesn’t require you to know a specific language, it can still come in handy at some point. At the end of the day, it’s always better to know more languages than less.

To list languages in your resume , just write them down and assign them the appropriate level:

  • Intermediate

You can also use the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFRL) or the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL) proficiency scales.

As a given, you should never lie about your language skills. You never know—your interviewer might turn out to be fluent in the language or even be a native speaker!

Hobbies and Interests

If you want to spice up your resume, hobbies and interests could be just what you need.

While this section isn’t a game-changer, it can help the hiring manager see who you are as an individual.

For example, if you listed “teamwork” as one of your skills, hobbies like team sports can back up your claim.

And who knows? Maybe you and your interviewer have some hobbies or interests in common!

Volunteering Experience

If you’re the type of person who devotes their free time to helping others while expecting nothing in return, chances are that you’re the type of employee who’s in it for more than just the money. 

Seeing volunteer experience on your resume tells hiring managers that you’re a loyal employee who’s after something meaningful.

Several studies show that listing your volunteer experience can boost your chances of getting hired, especially if you have little to no work experience.


Hiring managers love candidates who invest in themselves, and that’s exactly what they see when you list certifications on your resume .

If you value continuous learning and strive to expand your skill set, that’s always a plus.

Certifications can also show employers how much expertise you have.

For example, if you’re a Microsoft Cloud Engineer and you specialize in Microsoft Technologies, you should definitely include all essential certifications on your resume, such as the Azure Solutions Architect Expert one.

Awards and Recognitions

There’s no harm in showing off a little on your resume. After all, you want to be a candidate that shines above the rest.

So, if you’ve received any awards or recognitions that make you stand out in your field, make sure to add them.

For example, if you’ve been recognized for your contributions to data science or received a hard-to-come-by scholarship , mention it in your resume. Just keep your entries here relevant to the field you’re applying to.


Whether you’re a freelance writer or a distinguished academic, publications are always impressive.

If you have any published works (online or in an academic journal), you can add them to your resume. Just make sure to include a link so the hiring manager knows where to check your work!

Are you looking for a career in academia? Check out our guide to writing the perfect academic CV to get started!

Working on side projects can show off your passion for your field. Whether they’re university class projects or part-time entrepreneurial endeavors, they’re relevant.

For example, if you worked on a mock software product as part of a university competition, it shows you went through every step of product creation, from ideation to creating a marketing strategy.

This project also shows off your organizational skills , and if you mention it in your resume, you stand a better chance of landing the job you had your sights set on.

But projects can also be personal, not academic. For example, you might manage an Etsy store where you sell hand-made arts and crafts to customers online. This is a great opportunity to highlight your creativity, management, and customer service skills .

Overall, hiring managers love employees who do cool work in their free time, so projects are always a great section to add to your resume.

Looking to kickstart your career? Check out our guide on how to get an internship for useful tips and real-life examples!

Extracurricular Activities

Every college freshman knows that extracurricular experience can make a difference in their application.

Especially if you don’t have a lot of experience outside of school, extracurricular activities are a great way to show potential employers your skills and give them insight into you as a person. Different clubs and after-school projects can help you gain real-life skills and considerably increase your chances of landing your first job after college.

For example, joining a student government organization can hone your leadership skills and teach you how to work as part of a team.

For example, if you’re part of a student government or public speaking club, these activities can help you hone your leadership and presentation skills.

11+ Expert Resume Tips

You’ve got the gist of how to make a resume. Now, it’s time to make it really stand out from the crowd!

Follow these exclusive resume tips to take your resume game to the next level:

  • Match the professional title underneath your name to the job title of the position you’re applying for. Hiring managers often hire for several roles at once, so giving them this cue about what role you’re after helps things go smoother.
  • Mention any promotions from your previous jobs. Use the work experience entries for them to focus on the achievements that helped you earn them.
  • Describe your achievements using Laszlo Bock’s formula : accomplished X as measured by Y by doing Z . This way, your work experience can go the extra mile and show the hiring manager what you can bring to the table.
  • Always list your achievements and responsibilities in concise bullet points. This makes your resume more reader-friendly, and it’s more likely that the hiring manager will see your impressive achievements at a glance.
  • Don’t use personal pronouns like “I” or “me,” and don’t refer to yourself by name. Stick to a slightly altered third person, like “managed data integrity at XYZ Inc.” instead of “he managed data integrity at XYZ Inc.”
  • Name your resume sections correctly, or it might get rejected by the ATS. Swapping out quirky names like “career history” or “expertise” for “work experience” and "skills" makes it easier for the hiring manager to find what they’re looking for, too.
  • Prioritize important keywords instead of adding all of them. Make sure the relevant skills, qualifications, and experiences you add all make sense in context, too. Your goal is to get past the ATS and impress the hiring manager.
  • Focus on transferable skills if you don’t have a lot of relevant work experience. Any extracurricular activities or personal projects can help you stand out here.
  • Add a strategic pop of color to headings, bullet points, or key elements you want to highlight. It can help your resume stand out, but don’t overdo it—you want the information to be more impressive than the color palette.
  • Don’t include the line “references available upon request.” Hiring managers already know they can request a list of references from you, so there’s no need to waste valuable space on it.
  • Make sure your resume is optimized for mobile viewing. Most hiring managers use their mobile phones as often as desktop computers, so save your resume to a PDF file and make sure your formatting stays intact across any device.
  • Rename the resume file you plan to send so it includes your name and the name of the position you’re applying for. It’s a small detail that can turn into a crucial mistake if you forget it.
  • Read your resume out loud when you’re done. This is a great way to catch awkward phrases or spelling mistakes you might have missed otherwise.
  • Use a tool like DocSend to track your resume. You’ll get a notification any time someone opens your resume, and you can see how long they spend reading it.

FREE Resume Checklist

Are you already done with your resume? Let’s see how it holds up!

Go through our checklist for perfecting your resume and see where you stand!

professional resume writing checklist

If you missed some points, just go through your resume one more time and perfect it.

And if you ☑’d everything—congrats! You’ve learned all there is to know about writing a resume, and you’re good to go with your job search.

Need to write a CV instead of a resume? Check out our step-by-step guide on how to write a CV with dozens of examples!

9 Resume Templates for Different Industries

Looking to create an effective resume without dealing with the formatting hassle? Just choose one of the templates below.

#1. Traditional Resume Template

Traditional Resume Template

Good for traditional industries like finance, banking, law, and manufacturing.

#2. Modern Resume Template

Modern Resume Template

Good for both contemporary and forward-looking industries, including entrepreneurship, medical technology, and engineering.

#3. Creative Resume Template

Creative Resume Template

Good for creative industries, including entertainment, design, and architecture. 

#4. Minimalistic Resume Template

Minimalistic Resume Template

Good for experienced professionals in basically any industry who want to let their achievements do the talking. 

#5. IT Resume Template

IT Resume Template

Good for any IT-related profession like software development, cyber security, and DevOps engineering.

#6. Tech Resume Template

Tech Resume Template

Good for the tech industry and everything it encompasses.

#7. College Resume Template

College Resume Template

Good for college students and recent graduates alike.

#8. General Resume Template

General Resume Template

Good for multiple industries, including HR, education, and customer service.

#9. Executive Resume Template

Executive Resume Template

Good for senior professionals across different industries, including hospitality, marketing, and logistics.

17+ Resumes for Different Jobs

Knowing how to write a resume is one thing, but making a resume that stands out is something entirely different. Without inspiration, even top career experts might stumble on a roadblock or two.

Check out the following effective resume examples for specific jobs to get a better sense of what a good resume looks like:

#1. Nurse Practitioner Resume Example

Nurse Practitioner Resume Example

Check out our full guide to writing a nurse resume here.

#2. Data Scientist Resume Example

Data Scientist Resume Example

Check out our full guide to writing a data scientist resume here.

#3. Business Analyst Resume Example

Business Analyst Resume Example

Check out our full guide to writing a business analyst resume here.

#4. Digital Marketing Resume Example

Digital Marketing Resume Example

Check out our full guide to writing a digital marketing resume here.

#5. Software Engineer Resume Example

Software Engineer Resume Example

Check out our full guide to writing a software engineer resume here.

#6. Construction Project Manager Resume Example

Construction Project Manager Resume Example

Check out our full guide to writing a construction project manager resume here.

#7. Customer Service Resume Example

Customer Service Resume Example

Check out our full guide to writing a customer service resume here.

#8. High School Resume Example

High School Resume Example

Check out our full guide to writing a high school resume here.

#9. Student Resume Example

Student Resume Example

Check out our full guide to writing a student resume here.

#10. Server Resume Example

Server Resume Example

Check out our full guide to writing a server resume here.

#11. Actor Resume Example

Actor Resume Example

Check out our full guide to writing an actor resume here.

#12. Web Developer Resume Example

Web Developer Resume Example

Check out our full guide to writing a web developer resume here.

#13. Engineering Resume Example

Engineering Resume Example

Check out our full guide to writing an engineering resume here.

#14. Computer Science Resume Example

Computer Science Resume Example

Check out our full guide to writing a computer science resume here.

#15. Architect Resume Example 

Architect Resume Example

Check out our full guide to writing a data analyst resume here.

#17. Remote Job Resume Example

Remote Job Resume Example

Check out our full guide to writing a remote job resume here.

#18. Sales Associate Resume Example

Sales Associate Resume Example

Check out our full guide to writing a sales associate resume here.

#19. Receptionist Resume Example

Receptionist Resume Example

Check out our full guide to writing a receptionist resume here.

Want to see more examples? Check out our compilation of 80+ resume examples for different fields .

  • Administrative Assistant Resume
  • Bartender Resume
  • DevOps Engineer Resume
  • Executive Assistant Resume
  • Flight Attendant Resume
  • Graphic Designer Resume
  • Paralegal Resume
  • Pharmacist Resume
  • Recruiter Resume
  • Supervisor Resume

Next Steps After Your Resume

Now that we’ve covered everything you need to know about how to make a resume, it’s time to talk about the rest of your job application.

After all, your resume is only the first step in your job search. To land the job you deserve, you also need to write a captivating cover letter and ace that upcoming interview. Here’s how:

#1. How to Write a Convincing Cover Letter

The companion piece to every resume is the cover letter.

Most job-seekers flinch when they hear that they have to write a cover letter. What do you even mention in a cover letter, anyway? If you were good at writing cover letters, you’d be applying for a job as a writer !

In reality, though, writing a cover letter is very simple once you know its purpose.

Think of your cover letter as a direct message to the hiring manager. It’s your chance to briefly explain why you’re such an awesome fit for the position. And with a few cover letter tips to point you in the right direction, you’ll write the perfect cover letter for your job application.

Just follow this structure:

cover letter structure for resume

  • Add the contact details. Include the same contact information as on your resume, plus additional contact details for the hiring manager, including their name, job title, the company’s name, and location.
  • Introduce yourself. Start your cover letter by mentioning who you are, what your work experience is, and why you’re interested in the position. Mention a standout achievement or two, relevant skills, and what you’d like to do for the company you’re applying for.
  • Explain why you’d excel at the job. Find the requirements in the job ad that you meet, and elaborate on how you fulfill the most important ones. Research the company so you know what you like about it, and mention it in your cover letter. Make sure to convey your enthusiasm for the job and confidence that you’ll be a great fit for their team.
  • Wrap it up politely. Conclude your cover letter by recapping your key selling points and thanking the hiring manager for their time. Then add a call to action, such as “Please don’t hesitate to reach out to me at the provided phone number so that we can discuss my application in greater detail.” Then, add a closing line and follow it with your full name.

Sounds easy, right? Here’s a real-life example to drive the point home:

cover letter example for resume

Do you need more help perfecting your cover letter? Learn what the most common cover letter mistakes are and check out cover letter examples for all professions here.

#2. How to Ace Your Next Interview

Once you’ve perfected both your resume and cover letter, there’s only one thing left.

It’s time for the final step—the dreaded job interview.

Whether you’re an extrovert or an introvert, you probably hate the interviewing process. No matter how experienced you are, it can be nerve-wracking. Sitting there while someone’s prodding into your past experiences and judging you isn’t fun.

But did you know that most interviewers ask the same questions?

That’s right—all you have to do is learn how to answer some of the most common interview questions, and you’ll be an interview away from landing your dream job!

Just check out our complete guide to the 35+ Job Interview Questions and Answers and learn how to ace your next interview.

FAQs on How to Make a Resume

Do you still have some questions about making a resume? Check out the answers to the most frequently asked questions below!

#1. What does a good resume look like in 2024?

For your resume to look good in 2024, make sure it’s organized and clean and isn’t longer than one page.

Be sure to include information that adds value to your application—leave out the focus on your relevant work experience and skills that you can back up, and list as many achievements as possible. 

If you’re using a resume template, choose one based on your industry. Conservative industries like law, banking, and business require more traditional resume templates. But if you’re going for an industry like design, architecture, or marketing, you can go for a creative resume template . 

Remote work is also big in 2024, so if that’s what you’re after, tailor your resume to match the job you want.

#2. How do you make a resume in Word?

The best way to create a resume in Word is to use a pre-designed Microsoft Word template. To access them, you should: 

  • Open MS Word
  • Click “file” from the menu bar 
  • Select “new”
  • Type “resume templates” in the search bar 

That said, Word resume templates are generic, hard to personalize, and overall not very stylish.

Want a resume that looks good and is extremely easy to make? Check out resume templates to get started!

#3. How do I write a resume for my first job?

If you’re writing your first-ever resume for an entry-level position, the hiring manager won’t expect you to have any work experience.

However, you can make up for your lack of experience with your skills and academic achievements.

For example, you can take advantage of extracurricular activities, internships, volunteering experiences, and other non-professional experiences. You can use them to highlight the skills you’ve gained and what you’ve achieved so far.

So, your first job resume should have a resume objective, emphasize your education, and replace your work experience with any internships, volunteering, independent projects, or other experiences.

#4. How to make a resume on Google Docs?

You can make a resume on Google Docs by choosing one of their templates and filling it in on the go.

All you have to do is go to your Google Drive’s template gallery, choose your preferred template, fill in your information, and your Google Docs resume is ready to go! 

That said, Google Docs templates aren’t the most user-friendly choice. You don’t have much flexibility with the layout and formatting isn’t that easy. For example, you tweak a section to the slightest, and the whole resume becomes a mess.

If you want an easier option, check out our resume builder !

#5. What kind of resume do employers prefer?

Typically, employers prefer one-page-long resumes that follow the reverse chronological format. 

Hiring managers receive hundreds of resumes every day, so they don't have the time to read three-page resumes. Try one of our one-page resume templates so you don’t go over the recommended resume length.

Meanwhile, the reverse-chronological format is the most popular because it draws attention to your most recent jobs and professional achievements, which is the #1 most important thing hiring managers look at when evaluating a resume.

#6. How many jobs should you put on your resume? 

You should only include relevant job positions on your resume.

This means that your work experience section should be tailored to the job you are applying for. If you’ve worked five different jobs and they can all add value to your current application, then you should include all five. 

If, on the other hand, you’re applying for, say, a customer service position and some of your past jobs don’t have anything to do with customer service, you should skip them.

#7. Should I put my address on my resume? 

You can put your location (city, state, or country) on your resume, but you don’t need to put your entire physical address.

Putting a physical address on a resume was the norm back when companies would contact you via mail. In today’s world, everyone communicates via email, which is why adding a correct and professional email address to your contact information section is far more important than putting your physical address. 

So, just include your location or-–if you’re a remote worker—specify you prefer to work remotely by writing “working remotely from [location].”

#8. What information should I leave out of my resume?

As a general rule, you shouldn’t include your birthday or your headshot on your resume. This norm varies from country to country but it applies to the USA, Canada, and UK.

If you have plenty of achievements to list under your work experience, then you can leave your basic work responsibilities out of your resume. 

In your education section, you should only include your highest and most recent degree. So, if you hold a Ph.D., you can list that and your Master’s degree and leave your Bachelor’s degree and high school diploma out.

Finally, leave out any skills that aren’t relevant to the job you’re applying for.

#9. Is a resume a CV?

Depending on where you are, a CV (Curriculum Vitae) and a resume might be completely different things.

In most of the world, though, including Europe and Asia, they are used interchangeably for the same document. Both CVs and resumes are one to two pages long, and list skills and experiences relevant to the position you’re applying for.

Sometimes more detailed resumes that go over one page are referred to as CVs. These are typically only used by senior professionals, executives, CEOs, etc.

In the USA, however, a CV is a completely different document. Typically, CVs are detailed and comprehensive documents that highlight your entire academic and professional history. They’re often used for academic, scientific, or research positions, which is why this type of CV can also be referred to as an academic CV.

You can create your CV using one of our CV templates !

#10. Should I write my own resume?

Yes, you should always write your own resume.

Your resume is your opportunity to show the hiring manager your communication, writing, and presentation skills . Employers also evaluate you based on how effectively you can convey information about yourself, and there’s no one that can represent you better than yourself.

Writing your own resume lets you introduce yourself authentically. You have the best understanding of your skills and experiences, and you can personalize them to make your resume stand out.

And, as a bonus, the experience of writing your resume yourself can be reflective and insightful, so it might help you understand your professional journey and career goals better.

#11. Can a resume be two pages?

Generally, we strongly recommend that your resume stick to one page.

Hiring managers go through hundreds of resumes every day, and keeping your resume to one page increases the odds that they’ll see your qualifications faster.

In some cases, like when you have a lot of relevant experience, your resume can go over two pages. But this exception is reserved for senior professionals with over a decade of relevant experience and tons of skills and achievements that simply can’t fit on one page.

#12. Is a simple resume okay?

Absolutely, a simple resume is often more than okay—it's preferable.

Before your resume even gets to the hiring manager, a complicated layout could get it rejected by the applicant tracking system (ATS). A simple resume template can help get your application straight to the hiring manager.

A clean layout can also make sure that your resume is easily readable and looks professional. This can focus the hiring manager's attention on your work experience and skills without excessive clutter or flashy colors to distract them.

Key Takeaways

And that’s a wrap!

If you’ve followed all of our advice until now, congrats! You’re probably an expert on how to make a resume.

To recap, let’s go through some of the most important lessons we’ve learned so far...

  • Use the right resume builder to make the process as smooth as possible. You don’t want to mess around with formatting for hours before even starting to work on your resume!
  • Focus on your achievements over responsibilities. This can help you stand out from all the other applicants, especially if you back your claims up with data.
  • Include all the must-have sections, like the resume summary, work experience, education, and skills. Then leverage optional sections if you have leftover space.
  • Tailor your resume for the job you’re applying for. Everything listed on your resume should be relevant to the specific job you’re applying for, and you should write a new resume for every new job application.
  • Take the time to perfect your cover letter. It’s just as important as your resume, so make sure you pay as much attention to it!

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Career Sidekick

24 Resume Summary Examples That Get Interviews

By Biron Clark

Published: November 8, 2023

Biron Clark

Biron Clark

Writer & Career Coach

A resume summary statement usually comes right after a job seeker’s contact info and before other resume sections such as skills and work experience. It provides employers with a brief overview of a candidate’s career accomplishments and qualifications before they read further. Because of how early it appears on the document, your resume summary statement (or your CV “profile” in the UK) is one of the first places recruiters and employers look. And without the right information, they’ll doubt that you’re qualified and may move to another resume.

So I got in touch with a select group of professional resume writers, coaches and career experts to get their best resume summary examples you can use and adapt to write a resume summary that stands out and gets interviews.

As a former recruiter myself, I’ll also share my best tips to write your resume summary effectively.

Why the Resume/CV Summary is Important

You may have heard that recruiters only spend 8-10 seconds looking at your resume. The truth is: they spend that long deciding whether to read more. They do glance that quickly at first and may move on if your background doesn’t look like a fit. However, if you grab their attention, they’ll read far more. Recruiters aren’t deciding to interview you in 8-10 seconds, but they are ruling people out in 8-10 seconds. And this is why your resume summary is so crucial. It appears high up on your resume (usually right after your header/contact info) and is one of the first sections employers see. So it’s part of what they’ll see in the first 8-10 seconds.

Your resume summary statement is one of your first (and one of very few) chances to get the employer to stop skimming through their pile of resumes and focus on YOU.

Watch: Resume Summary Examples That Get Interviews

10 resume summary examples:.

These career summary examples will help you at any experience level – whether you’re writing a professional summary after a long executive career, or writing your first resume summary without any experience! After you finish this article you’re NEVER going to have to send out a limp, weak resume summary statement again (and you’ll get far more interviews  because of it).

1. Healthcare Sales Executive Resume Summary Example:

Turnaround & Ground Up Leadership – Concept-to-execution strategies for untapped products, markets + solutions that yield 110% revenue growth – Negotiates partnerships with leading distributors + hospitals—Medline to Centara + Novant Health to Mayo Clinic –  Revitalizes underperforming sales organizations via scalable, sustainable infrastructures emulated as best practice –  C-Level networks of clinical + supply chain leadership acquired during tenures with XXX, XXX and XXX

Why this resume summary is good:

This resumes summary example’s strength lies in the detailed, unique information that has been included. By including revenue stats, names of past employers and partners, the reader right away sees that this person will bring to the role a strong networking ability with key players in his industry, and more importantly can build, grow and revitalize a sales organization, market or product.

By:  Virginia Franco, Founder of Virginia Franco Resumes  and Forbes contributor.

2. 15+ Year Business Owner Resume Summary Statement:

Dynamic and motivated marketing professional with a proven record of generating and building relationships, managing projects from concept to completion, designing educational strategies, and coaching individuals to success. Skilled in building cross-functional teams, demonstrating exceptional communication skills, and making critical decisions during challenges. Adaptable and transformational leader with an ability to work independently, creating effective presentations, and developing opportunities that further establish organizational goals.

Why this is a good summary section:

This is a resume summary statement that was for  a candidate returning to work after having her own business for 15+ years. Because of this, we needed to emphasize her soft skills and what she can bring to this potential position. In addition, we highlighted the skills she has honed as a business owner so that she can utilize these qualifications as a sales professional, account manager , and someone knowledgeable about nutrition, medicine, and the overall sales process.

By: Dr. Heather Rothbauer-Wanish. MBA, Ph.D., CPRW, and Founder of Feather Communications

3. Human Resources Generalist Resume Summary Example:

Human Resources Generalist with progressive experience managing employee benefits & compliance, employee hiring & onboarding, performance management processes, licensure tracking and HR records. Dependable and organized team player with the ability to communicate effectively and efficiently. Skilled at building relationships with employees across all levels of an organization. Proficient with HRIS, applicant tracking and benefits management.

Why this is a good resume summary:

The applicant highlights their experience across a wide range of HR functions from the very first sentence, and continues this pattern throughout the rest of the summary. They then use easily digestible langue to showcase their hard skills (in the first & fourth sentences) and soft skills (in the second & third sentences). They also integrate a variety of keywords to get past automated job application systems , without sounding spammy or without overdoing it.

By: Kyle Elliott, MPA/CHES,  Career Coach and Consultant

4. Social Media Marketing CV Profile Example (UK):

Social media expert with successes in the creation and management of social media strategies and campaigns for global retail organisations. Extensive experience in the commercial utilisation of multiple social media channels including Facebook, Twitter and YouTube; I build successful social strategies that increase brand awareness, promote customer engagement and ultimately drive web traffic and conversions.

Why this summary is good:

This summary is well-written, short, sharp, and gives recruiters a high-level explanation of the candidate’s core offerings in a persuasive and punchy style. A quick scan of this profile tells you the exact type of social media platforms the candidate is an expert in, as well as the campaigns they have experience running and types of organizations they have worked for. Most importantly, the summary is rounded off by showing the results that this person achieves for their employers, such as increased web traffic and conversions.

Editor’s note: This CV profile summary was written for the UK market… this is a great one to use/copy, but make sure you put it through a spell-checker if you’re applying for jobs in the US (utilisation vs. utilization, etc.)

By: Andrew Fennell, Director at StandOut CV , contributor for The Guardian and Business Insider

5. Marketing Manager Professional Summary Example:

Marketing Manager with over eight years of experience. Proven success in running email marketing campaigns and implementing marketing strategies that have pulled in a 20% increase in qualified leads. Proficient in content, social media and inbound marketing strategies. Skilled, creative and innovative.

This resume summary stands out because it gets straight to the point. By immediately introducing the number of years of experience the candidate has, the HR manager doesn’t need to spend time adding up years. The candidate also jumps right into his or her strongest skill, provides a statistic , then gives additional skills.

By: Sarah Landrum, career expert and contributor at and Forbes

6. Warehouse Supervisor Resume Summary Example:

Warehouse Supervisor with Management, Customer Service, & Forklift Experience –  Dependable manager with 15+ years of experience in warehouse management and employee supervision. –  Skilled at managing inventory control, shipping & receiving, customer relations and safety & compliance. –  Certified Power Equipment Trainer, Forklift Operator and Reach Operator skilled at coaching other staff. –  Promoted to positions of increased responsibility given strong people and project management skills.

The applicant was applying for a warehouse supervisor position that required them to have demonstrated management, customer service and forklift experience. As such, the applicant showcased their experience in these areas with a few keywords in the title, followed by additional details in the accompanying bullet points. Their final bullet shows a record of promotions, while reinforcing the applicant’s customer service and project management skills.

7. IT Project Manager Resume Summary Example:

Experienced Project Manager with vast IT experience. Skills include computer networking, analytical thinking and creative problem solving. Able to apply customer service concepts to IT to improve user experience for clients, employees and administration.

Because this candidate is switching career paths, it’s important he or she take skills used for previous positions and apply those skills to the new job listing. This is a great example because the candidate makes it clear that his or her experience is not in the new field, but that they are still able to bring relevant experience to the table. When writing your resume summary, keep these tips in mind: Use writing that is straight to the point, clear and concise, you’ll have a higher chance of getting noticed by the hiring manager.

8. Career-Changer Resume Summary Example:

Earn trust, uncover key business drivers and find common ground as chief negotiator and identifier of revenue opportunities in sales, leadership and account management roles spanning e-Commerce, air travel and high-tech retail. Navigate cultural challenges while jumping time zones, lead international airline crews and manage corporate accounts to deliver an exceptional customer experience. A self-taught techie sought after as a go-to for complex billing systems and SaaS platforms alike—bridging the divide between technology and plain-speak. – Tenacious Quest for Success + Learning . Earned MBA and BS in just 3 years while working full-time – gaining hands-on experience in research- and data-driven product roadmap development, pricing and positioning. – Results-Driven Leadership. Whether leading Baby Boomers, Gen X or Millennials—figures out what makes teams tick, trains and transforms individuals into top-performers. – Challenger of Conventional Wisdom. Always ask the WHY. Improve the user experience through smart, strategic thinking that anticipates outcomes. Present cases that influence, and lead change that drives efficiency and profitability.

This client was eager for a career change and had moved from role to role and industry to industry. After completing her Master’s degree, she was eager to tie her skills together to land a role – which she did – as a Senior Technology Account Strategist for a global travel company. Although a bit longer than a traditional summary, its strength lies in the details. Without ever getting to the experience section, the reader gets a clear idea of the scope of responsibility, and hard and soft skills the candidate brings to the table.

By: Virginia Franco, Founder of Virginia Franco Resumes  and Forbes contributor.

9. Project Management Executive Professional Summary Example:

15+ years of initiating and delivering sustained results and effective change for Fortune 500 firms across a wide range of industries including enterprise software, digital marketing, advertising technology, e-commerce and government. Major experience lies in strategizing and leading cross-functional teams to bring about fundamental change and improvement in strategy, process, and profitability – both as a leader and expert consultant.

Why this resume summary is good:

“Project Manager” is one of those job titles that’s REALLY broad. You can find project managers earning $50K, and others earning $250K. The client I wrote this for was at the Director level, and had worked for some of the biggest and best tech companies in her city. So this resume profile section shows her level and experience, and the wide array of areas she has responsibility for in her current work. You can borrow or use some of the phrasing here to show that you’ve been responsible for many important areas in your past work.

By: Biron Clark, Founder of

10. Startup And Finance Management Consultant Career Summary Example:

Experienced strategist, entrepreneur and startup enthusiast with a passion for building businesses and challenging the status quo. 8+ year track record of defining new business strategies, launching new ventures, and delivering operational impact, both as a co-founder and management consultant. 

Why this resume summary example is good:

This summary was for a highly-talented management consultant looking to break out of finance, and into trendier tech companies like Uber . His track record and educational background were great, so the goal of this summary section was to stand out and show he’s more than just the typical consultant with a finance background. So we emphasized his passion for startups, and his ability to think outside the box and challenge the status quo. That’s something that companies like Uber and other “disruptive” tech companies look for.

14 Resume Summary Examples for Various Industries

Compassionate and effective 5th-grade teacher with experience overseeing the classroom and preparing lessons. Extensive experience encouraging students through positive reinforcement and motivational techniques. Collaborate well with school administration and other members of the teaching team. Ensure all students meet learning requirements, including literacy, social, and arithmetic skills.

2. Teacher’s Assistant

Goal-oriented teacher’s assistant with ten years of experience working with elementary school children. Aid teachers with lesson planning, classroom settings, and group instruction. Model positive behavior and maintain order in the classroom. Willingness to take on additional responsibilities to meet learning objectives.

Tech Industry

3. computer programmer.

Innovative computer programmer with a proven track record of writing high-quality code and supporting team needs with subject matter expertise. Adept in multiple programming languages, including Python, JavaScript, and C++. Ability to troubleshoot complex programming issues with inventive solutions. 

4. Cybersecurity Analyst

Dedicated cybersecurity analyst with ten years of experience in online security research, execution, planning, and maintenance. Proven track record of identifying business risks and proactively resolving them. Experience designing and instituting layered network security for large-scale organizations. Train users and other staff members on IT safety procedures and preventive techniques.
Skilled healthcare professional with ten years of experience in patient care, diagnosis, and providing appropriate treatments and medical services. Manage medical staff and resolve complex medical cases with maximum efficiency. Communicate the patient’s condition and treatment plan in easily understood terminology. Remain current with the latest advancements in medicine and research to ensure patients receive proper care.

6. Registered Nurse

Seasoned registered nurse offering comprehensive patient care in emergency room settings. Experience handling diverse patient populations and caring for various conditions. Proven leadership managing nursing teams and other staff. Focus on enhancing patient care and satisfaction through empathetic communication and excellent customer service. 

7. Digital Marketing Manager

Forward-thinking digital marketing manager experienced in all facets of digital marketing, including social media management, PPC advertising, SEO, and email marketing. Proven experience creating comprehensive marketing plans that improve lead prospecting and enhance brand awareness. Up to date with the newest tools available for digital marketing campaigns.

8. Marketing Analyst

Industrious marketing analyst well-versed in analyzing marketing campaign analytics and making recommendations to improve performance. Collaborate with account managers and use KPI metrics to explain the results of marketing initiatives. Meticulous with a strong work ethic and robust communication skills.

Food and Service Industry

Experienced wait staff member capable of managing orders, processing payments, and upselling menu items. Ensure restaurant guests feel welcome with attentive service catered to their needs. Remain current on updates to the menu and assist guests with selecting orders to meet their dietary requirements. Maintain a positive attitude and focus during busy restaurant periods.

10. Hotel Receptionist

Friendly hotel receptionist with extensive experience handling guest check-ins, check-out, and payments. Facilitate a positive guest experience with polished customer service skills and a readiness to address common inquiries and complaints. Collaborate well with other hotel team members, including executive administration and on-site restaurant staff.

Business/Office Jobs

11. financial analyst.

Highly motivated financial analyst with a proven track record of recommending appropriate financial plans based on financial monitoring, data collection, and business strategizing. Experienced in qualitative and quantitative analysis, forecasting, and financial modeling. Excellent communication skills for building and fostering long-term business relationships across the organization.

12. Tax Accountant

Experienced tax accountant with ten years of experience preparing federal and state tax returns for corporations and partnerships. Monitor changes in laws to ensure the organization properly complies with reporting requirements. Assist with tax audits, ensuring the team receives proper supporting evidence for tax positions. Analyze and resolve complex tax issues. Look for available tax savings opportunities for corporations with an aggregate savings of $500K last year. Excellent analytical skills and attention to detail.

Sales and Customer Service

13. sales representative.

Enthusiastic sales representative with expertise in identifying prospects and converting qualified leads to paying customers. Provide quality customer service and contribute to team sales success. Offer exceptional communication skills and seek to understand client needs before making the appropriate product recommendations. Continually meet and exceed sales goals. Leverage extensive knowledge of available products to provide appropriate client solutions and enhance customer loyalty and retention.

14. Customer Service Associate

Knowledgeable customer service professional with extensive experience in the insurance industry. Known as a team player with a friendly demeanor and proven ability to develop positive rapport with clients. Maintain ongoing customer satisfaction that contributes to overall company success. Highly articulate, with a results-oriented approach that addresses client inquiries and issues while maintaining strong partnerships. Collaborate well with the customer service team while also engaging independent decision-making skills.

Now you have 24 professional resume summary statements and some explanations of why they’re effective. Next, I’ll share tips for how to write your own in case you’re still unsure how to begin based on these examples above.

How to Write a Resume Summary: Steps and Hints

We’ve looked at 10 great resume summary examples above. As you begin writing a resume summary for yourself, here are some helpful tips to keep in mind:

  • Read the employer’s job description. Your career summary shouldn’t be a long list of everything you’ve done; it should be a refined list of skills and experiences that demonstrate you’re a fit for their job.
  • Mention your current job title if relevant. One common way to begin your resume summary is to state your current job title.
  • Explain how you can help employers achieve their goals or solve their problems.
  • Consider using bold text to emphasize one or two key phrases.
  • Include any relevant metrics and data like dollar amounts, years of experience, size of teams led, etc. This helps your resume stand out.
  • Focus on making the employer want to read more. The goal of your resume summary isn’t to show everything you can do, but to grab their attention and show enough that they continue reading.

Creating a Customized Resume Summary

While general summaries are appropriate when applying for jobs requiring similar skills and experience, a customized resume summary can enhance your chances of moving on to the next step in the hiring process. 

That’s because most companies use automated tracking systems (ATS) to review submitted resumes for content directly related to the job posting. If you use keywords and natural language phrases in your summary that interlink to the job description, you’ll have a much higher chance of passing the ATS review.

Let’s look at an example of a resume summary that is customized for the specific job description below:

Social Media Specialist Job posting

“Highly motivated social media specialist with strong project management skills. Creative marketer skilled in crafting innovative social media campaigns that resonate with a target audience. Regularly develop compelling copy and social media content to enhance lead generation and brand awareness. Detail-oriented with extensive project management skills that ensure proper prioritization of tasks and projects. Work with various social media management and analytics tools to examine results and make adjustments as necessary.”

This summary directly addresses the key points in the job description but rewrites them so the customization is natural and flows well. It’s personalized for the open role and uses similar terms with a few strategically placed keywords, such as “social media content” and “project management.”  

How Long Should a Resume Summary Be?

As you read the resume summaries above, you probably noticed there are some short single-paragraph resume summary examples and much longer career summaries that are two to three paragraphs plus bullet points. So how long should YOUR professional summary be? If you have relevant work experience, keep your summary to one or two paragraphs. The piece you really want the hiring manager to read is your most recent work experience (and you should make sure you tailored that info to fit the job description). The resume summary is just a “bridge” to get the hiring manager into your experience.

If I were writing my own career summary right now, I’d likely use one single paragraph packed with skills, accomplishments, and exactly why I’m ready to step into the job I’ve applied for and be successful!

Even for a manager resume summary, I recommend a very short length. However, if you’re changing careers, or you’re looking for jobs without any work experience , the summary section needs to stand on its own, and should be longer. That’s why some examples above are a bit longer.

Formatting Your Resume/CV Career Summary

You may have noticed a variety of different formats in the career summary examples above. There isn’t one “right” way to format this section on your resume or CV. However, I recommend either using one or two brief paragraphs, or combining a short sentence or paragraph with bullets. Avoid writing three or four long paragraphs with no special formatting like bullet points. That’s simply too much text for your summary section and will cause recruiters and hiring managers to skip over it in some cases.

Should You Include a Resume Objective?

You do not need to include an objective on your resume, and doing so can make your resume appear outdated. Use a resume summary instead of an objective. Follow the resume summary examples above and focus on discussing your skills, qualifications, and achievements, rather than stating your objective. Employers know that your objective is to obtain the position you’ve applied for, and the resume objective has no place on a modern resume/CV in today’s job market.

Examples of Bad Resume Summaries

Now that we’ve seen a few exemplary resume summaries, let’s look at some that you should avoid at all cost.

1. Typos and Grammatical Errors

“Experienced cashier who knows how to run the register cash. Responsible with the money and can talk with the customer. Knows when to stoc up the invenory and checks it all the time. Can count change and run credit card tranactions. Get the customer happy by good service. I am always cheerful and organized.”

Why this resume summary is bad:

If you read the summary carefully, you’ll notice several spelling errors. The words “stock,” “inventory,” and “transactions” are all spelled wrong. Grammatical errors make the summary choppy and difficult to follow (“Get the customer happy by good service”).  A summary like this probably won’t fly with a company looking for a detail-oriented cashier responsible for managing in-person sales.

2. Lacks Relevant Keywords

“Talented worker with experience managing a team of staff. Creative and responsible with knowledge of organizational processes. Can keep up with the busiest of environments. Stays focused when at work, ensuring prompt task completion. Dependable and willing to collaborate with a team to get things done.”  

In this example, the chef doesn’t use keywords relevant to cooking, restaurants, or kitchens. The summary is very generic and can apply to nearly any job. A manager who receives the application isn’t likely to understand what value the candidate can bring to the restaurant.  To fix the summary, the applicant must rewrite it to include relevant keywords and phrases. 

3. No Numbers to Quantify Achievements

“An experienced and hardworking manager ready to align procedures for maximum revenue and profits. Proven track record of streamlining and strengthening processes, resulting in higher sales and better customer satisfaction. Collaborate well with sales team members, ensuring they have the resources and knowledge to support customer purchases and inquiries. Develop strong rapport with clients and maintain ongoing relationships.”

This isn’t a terrible summary for a sales manager, but it has room for improvement. For one, the first two sentences essentially duplicate each other, mentioning an aptitude for improving processes with the objective of higher sales. The other issue is a lack of quantifying achievements. 

The applicant mentions they have a proven record of increasing sales, but they could strengthen the summary by quantifying their results. For example, they might say, “Proven track record of streamlining and strengthening processes, resulting in a 25% increase in sales over the past year.” The quantifier provides additional credibility. 

4. Not Targeting the Specific Job

“Looking for work in a role that requires great customer service, project management, and communication skills. Able to collaborate with people from diverse and varying backgrounds. Highly organized and reliable worker with a strong work ethic. Responsible and reliable worker you can count on.”

While the candidate lists various skills they have, including customer service and project management, there’s no indication of prior roles held or what position they’re applying for. The summary could apply to numerous positions in a variety of industries. To improve the resume summary, the applicant must specify the job they’re applying for and indicate their prior experience in a similar role, if they have any.

After You Start Getting Interviews, Make Sure to Take Advantage…

If you follow the advice above, you’ll have a great professional resume summary to make your qualifications stand out to employers. But landing the interview is only half the battle… So make sure you go into every interview ready to convince employers that they should hire you, too! If you write a great resume summary example that gets employers excited to interview you, they’re going to ask you questions like, “tell me about yourself” early in the interview to learn more about your background. So make sure you’re prepared with an answer.

I also recommend you review the top 20 interview questions and answers here.

Your resume caught their interest, so naturally, they’re going to follow up with a variety of questions to learn more about your professional background.

The bottom line is: A strong professional resume summary, followed up by other well-written resume sections will get you the interview, but your interview performance is what determines whether you get the job offer!

Biron Clark

About the Author

Read more articles by Biron Clark

More Resume Tips & Guides

Crafting the perfect resume for teens (template & expert advice), are resume writers worth it, don’t say you’re a quick learner on your resume, what do recruiters look for in a resume, chronological resume: the best format (and how to write it), the 3 best colors for a resume, career change resume: examples and tips from experts, what makes a good resume 9 ways to know, how long should a resume be, walk me through your resume: answer examples, 41 thoughts on “24 resume summary examples that get interviews”.

I would recommend to customise the skills section of your resume, and ensure that it matches the job posting. The higher the number of phrases within the resume matching the job requirements the more are the chances that the recruiter will pick you for the job.

I just wanted to say, “thank you!”. This was very helpful. Instead of jumping from one website to the next there’s so much useful, relevant information right here.

Hi, I have been having trouble creating a resume as My old one is so long, I’ve worked for a government agency for the past 14 years and held multiple positions doing many different duties for each and now I have to relocate to another area where they do not have an agency like mine in my new area within a 3 hour drive, how can I squeeze all my experience and duties on one page and where do I even start, I’m so nervous, it’s been so long since I’ve attempted the job hunt. So I’m wondering, I do not want to cut anything out that may hurt my chances and I can’t afford to have my resume rewritten by a professional. Can you guide me as to where you think would be a good place to start, I’ve been staring at this laptop for weeks trying to decide on a resume template, there are so many. I thank you for your time and any input will help.

Hi, I am a new graduate and do not have any experience in my field which is Nursing. I want to apply for the jobs but I have no idea about what to mention in my resume.

Hi, this article should help with the resume summary, at least:

Other than that, you need to put your academic experience. And internships/part-time jobs if you’ve had any.

Dear Biron,, Thanks for sharing the 10 examples of professional summaries in your article, and especially the reasons why they were considered to be good. However, as a HR professional, I would most likely skip over most of them and would not read much past the first or second sentence. The summaries were mostly too wordy and boring, and did not demonstrate ‘oomph’ at first cursory reading. Simply indicating certain skills or behaviors does not give an idea of the level of expertise, and could simply be wishful thinking on the part of the resume writer.

Just goes to show that there are many ways to see what makes a good summary.

I am a chemical engineer and project management professional with 15+years experience. My experience is between process engineering and project management . How can I marry the two in my profile summary?

It’s not about showing everything you’ve done. It’s about showing employers evidence you’ll succeed in their job. You can show a bit of both but focus heavily on what’s most relevant for the jobs you’re applying for right now. 80/20.

This was absolutely helpful and amazing! Thank you very much!

Hello, I am an active job seeker. I hold a law degree from a foreign country and currently in college for an associate degree. My question is, how do I blend both my foreign job experience with that of the United States in my resume. Thank you.

I’d put your work history in chronological order, starting with the most recent up top. That’s what I’d recommend for 95% of people actually. Then it doesn’t matter where you held each job.

And then in your Education section, I’d include your foreign degree and the current degree you’re pursuing in the US, too (for the US degree, you can say “in progress” or “graduating May 2019” for example).

I am 40 years old & B.A degree holder I have experience in many fields.I would like to join any one fields

I am a fresh graduate, who has five years teaching experience and some months customer service representative experience. Pls kindly assist me to put the resume summary together

I’m an active duty service member and finding in a little difficult creating a good transitional summary from 20 year profession in tactical communications to a drug and alcohol counselor. Do you have any recommendations how I should approach this? Any assistance would be helpful. Thanks

Great piece

How to write the CAREER ABSTRACT in resume for ware super visor retail business?

Just wanted to say thank you.Your advise and information was clear and easy to understand , sometimes there is nothing pertaining to what im looking fot in particular, buy you have sermed to cover everything I n a short quick easy to understand method.It will help tremendously.

Thanks! Glad to hear it helped :)

Very informational

What if you have work experience, but the job your going for(teachingeducation) has nothing to do with warehouse work? How should I build my resume?

In the summary, describe yourself and then say, “…looking to transition into ___” (the type of work you want to be doing now).

This is a bit like a resume “Objective”. I normally don’t recommend an Objective section (and I recommend a Summary section instead), however the one time an Objective does make sense is when you’re trying to change industries or make a big change in the type of role you have.

So that’s why my advice here might seem like I’m telling you to combine an Objective with your resume Summary.

Then “tailor” your previous work to be as relevant as possible. Even if you worked in a different industry you can still show things like leadership, accountability, progress/improvement, hard work, achieving goals, strong teamwork skills, etc. You can do all of that in your resume bullets and work history.

Don’t u have Resume Summary of legal secretary/legal assistant?

No, sorry about that. There are hundreds of different professions/job titles, and we aren’t able to include an example for every scenario out there. These resume summary examples are designed to give you a general idea of how to write yours.

The summaries listed are excellent example and have helped me develop a stand out summary for a new position.

Hello, I been trying to land the job of my dreams. I need help with my resume if i want the recruiters in airlines to notice me. I’ve applied before but haven’t had complete success to making it to a face-to Face Interview. It is a career change – yet i feel i am a great candidate bc i have had many customer service and I even attended an academy for that specific position. Can you please tell me what I am doing wrong on my resume ?

what if i never had a job experience?

Great question. If you don’t have any work experience, take one of the formats/examples above and put your accomplishments and qualifications from your academic studies.

Your headline could say: “Motivated Bio-Sciences Graduate With Expertise in ____”.

And then you might talk about accomplishments in school, group projects you worked on or led, etc.

Basically, when you have no work experience, your school/studies BECOMES your recent work. You should talk about that like it’s a job, because that’s the experience you do have.

really amazing article and too useful , thanks

Hi Mr. Clark, I have been out of the work force for about 18+years and I have been a small business owner for the same number of years. However, I want to go back to the work force. But my problem is that, I don’t know how to prepare my resume or resume summary statement. I had a degree in Communication,Arts and Sciences and a postgraduate degree in Public Administration. I’m a bit confused as to how to incorporate all these experiences into my resume. Please can you help?

Hi Dorothy, I can recommend a professional resume writer if you want. But they’re typically not cheap, so it’s something you’d have to be willing to invest in. If not, there’s a lot of free info online about how to “tailor” your resume for specific jobs. I can’t help one-on-one unfortunately, but I’d recommend thinking about which type of jobs you want, and think of what experience you have that is most relevant. that’s what to put on your resume. Your resume isn’t only about you, it’s about them – what do they want/need? (if you want to get a ton of interviews, that’s how to do it :) ).

Can I have a professional resume writer?

I use a similar format when writing my opening statement for my coverletter. How do you recommend differentiating the two? Or is it ok to use largely the same language?

I think it’s okay to use something similar. I might be more brief in the cover letter… it needs to be about them just as much as it’s about you. Whereas the resume is all about you, at least in the summary section. (The later sections should still be tailored to THEIR needs..)

Struggling to write a Summary Statement for a Secretary/Administrative Assistant position. I have 15 years government experience but have been away from the government since 9/1993 and have spent 15 years as a Substitute Teacher after taking off for 10 years to raise my children.

Hiya! I am a mother of three attempting to return to the workforce. I have been a stay at mom for about 13 years, so I have a (large) gap in my employment history; which doesn’t look great. I have a college education and have obtained a few certifications whilst not employed, plus many volunteer hours. I know that I should probably use a functional resume format. Would love some advice on what I should include in my summary statement.

Hi Juniper,

I rarely like functional resumes, but it might be worth trying. I’d “split-test” it (a marketing term). Create two resume styles, send out 50% one way, 50% the other way, and track results for a week.

I’d treat the resume summary statement just like any other resume. Highlight your skills and past wins/accomplishments.

how do i explain long term gaps in employment? leave them out?

Hi Paulette,

Don’t mention them on a resume summary. But do mention the gaps on a cover letter or lower down on the resume. Here’s an article on how to explain gaps in employment:

I am student in civil engineering field. Have 1.5 yrs of work ex. How should i structure my resume. Thanks.

Hello My name is Shataka and I’m a current job seeker trying to land my dream job as a Counselor. I have Master degree in Counseling Psychology and a Bachelor’s degree in Social Work. My experience lies in many different fields. I’m currently a Substance Abuse Counselor, with a teaching background and over 5 years of social service experience. I guess my question is how would I sum up all my experience to help me find a job as a Counselor.

Comments are closed.

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Breaking news, 10 expert-recommended online resume writing services to use in 2024.

A resume

In the mix of college assignments and perhaps your 9-to-5, piecing together an attractive resume for employers can be a difficult feat.

Not only is this one-pager the bread and butter of what will lead to a first-round interview (fingers crossed!), but it’s an excellent portrayal of your skillset, employment history and unique skills that help a company’s HR department gauge if you’re the right fit.

Let’s cut to the chase — more specifically, let’s answer the question, “ How can I make my application stand out? ” One of the most influential steps is, without a doubt, rendering your resume to tip-top shape. And fortunately, there are some of the best online resume services like TopResume and Resumble out there to help.

Best Overall: TopResume

Best budget: resume companion, best optimization for applicant tracking systems: resumeble.

  • Best Customizable : Brand Resumes
  • Best with Career Consulting: Top Stack Resumes
  • Best for Quick Hiring : ZipJob
  • Best One-on-One Collaboration : Upwork
  • Best for Cover Letters : ResumeSpice
  • Best Budget : Craft Resumes

Whether you’re a senior in college applying for your first full-time job or you’ve been in the biz for years and are looking to segue into a different role, we rounded up the top online resume writing services you can use to help get your application in tip-top shape. Plus, we’ve enlisted Shannon Conklin, director of career and leadership development at The College of New Jersey to help!

Hop to her picks below or check out our FAQ for more details on things to look for when picking the right resume builder for you.


  • Packages with unlimited resume revisions
  • Free resume review
  • 60-day interview guarantee
  • Several customers who wrote reviews on Trustpilot mention having poor communication with their resume writers

TopResume is a beloved favorite — and for a good reason. It has four different packages depending on your career goals, some of which include unlimited revisions, a LinkedIn makeover, a cover letter and two interview prep sessions.

“TopResume continues to be a solid option,” Conklin shared. “It has strong descriptions, where the website and interface are easy to navigate to understand its process, its three packages, as well as testimonials.”

She also loves TopResume’s FAQ section, coupled with the various packages, that make its process clear and timeline. “There is also plenty of mention about AI and ATS technology,” she added. “If you need a resume quickly, one that accounts for technology, and a budget of only about $150, it looks like this service would be one to strongly consider.”

With TopResume, you’ll also get a 60-day interview guarantee. If you don’t get twice as many interviews, the platform will rewrite your resume for free. It’s pretty top tier, to say the least, and is a minimal investment for those hoping to find free resume-writing services.

Resume Companion

  • Self-directed service
  • Template-based
  • Must renew a subscription to edit resume in the future

“Resume Companion is a clean website with a clear message — build a resume quickly!” Conklin highlighted. “It offers templates, examples and advice on how to craft a resume, as well as a cover letter, as a self-directed service within about 15-minutes.”

What’s more, the service also makes it clear it offers a variety of templates based on industries and functions. “This can really help if you are trying to transition to a new field or your resume needs to be updated to reflect the latest in your industry,” she added.

With Resume Companion, you’ll be able to build your resume step by step, from selecting a professional template to answering a few simple questions to have your experience and skills added directly to your digital file. Namely, if you’re not much of a writer, you’ll appreciate its pre-written work experience bullet points to craft your resume in minutes and then apply away.

Not to mention, it’s only $8 a month, so if you want a one-and-done service, this one’s your best bet. Keep in mind that you will have to renew your subscription to edit in the future, but it’s a great budget-friendly option to pursue if you don’t want to be completely in the dark.


  • 4-day turnover on resume drafts
  • Three free revisions with standard resume package
  • Only the premium resume package includes a job guarantee

Resumeble is not only has a fun name, but it includes a resume and cover letter in its baseline package. If you’d like to upgrade, you can receive a LinkedIn write-up, a second resume version, thank you and follow-up notes and cold emails to recruiters.

“Have you applied to dozens of jobs, only to never get through?” Conklin questioned. “If this resonates because your resume is not optimized for ATS platforms, Resumeble might be the choice for you. Mention of ‘ATS,’ as well as their outcomes and ROI, are weaved throughout its site.”

Conklin told The Post that she’s seen many clients apply to dozens and dozens of companies, only to be vetted out due to ATS. “When that happens, I often advise networking to complement a revised, ATS-optimized resume.” she tipped off. “This brings me to one other noteworthy element to their various packages, they support your full professional profile; resume to LinkedIn to recruiter communication support.”

For those who want to spend less than $200 for online resume writing services, this all-in-one option is fairly priced, making it one of the best affordable resume writing services. If you’re only looking to refresh your LinkedIn, you’ll just pay a one-time $99 fee. For just your resume, it’s a one-time purchase of $129 for the service.

Best Customizable: BrandResumes


  • Has a self pace job search course
  • Helpful step by step resume building guide
  • Some customers who reviewed the service on Trustpilot report time delays in receiving their resume

BrandResumes made the cut as one of our top choices for online resume services for a few reasons: it’s one of the platforms best for ATS keyword optimization and formatting for interviews, LinkedIn branding and a customizable interface. If you buy the deluxe package, you’ll have your resume distributed across the 60 top job boards (including industry-specific ones), so you’ll spend less time applying.

“Learning the fundamentals of resume writing is a skill that will carry you throughout your career, and BrandResumes offers courses and resources to accomplish just that,” Conklin highlighted. “Once you understand how to format a strong bullet point, or the style you find reflects your story and values, you can start crafting various resumes to appeal to different audiences and fields.”

BrandResumes also offers resources to launch your own resume writing business — a tool that can be valuable for career experts seeking professional resume writing services. “If you’re seeking to dig into how to revamp your resume, or you find yourself (like many in HR or career services) consistently asked to help a friend or family member with their materials, this service will align with your goals,” she added.

Best with Career Consulting: TopStack Resume

TopStack Resume

  • Pay only after you’re satisfied with the resume
  • According to TopStack Resume’s site, resume complete takes up to 2 weeks

TopStack Resume is a force to be reckoned with in the career development sphere. Notably, it’s one of the only services that provides career consulting. So, in addition to resume and cover letter formatting, you have the option to partake in one-on-one sessions with a career advisor.

“Five steps is all you need to follow for your resume review by TopStack,” Conklin put it simply. “The simplicity of this service and the range of offerings (from a resume for $139 to career consulting for its Premium Package ) can be valuable for any job seeker or career explorer.”

Moreover, if you find yourself in need of more career support, maybe you’re changing fields or returning to work after time off, this is a strong contender. “Be mindful of your budget and timeline, so you take full advantage of a career consultant; a solid service should focus on the process, as much as a strong career outcome,” she added.

Plus, TopStack Resume is unique in that it has a team of well-qualified writers to ensure your one-pager is the best it can be. At a fair price point, you can always upgrade to add on more benefits in the future.

Best for Quick Hiring: ZipJob


  • Fairly priced for the quality and swiftness of deliverables
  • Optimizes for ATS so you’ll have better odds of visibility before your resume lands in human hands
  • May be more difficult to ask for revisions if need be, due to the service’s robust turnaround time and automation

While no resume writing service can guarantee you landing your dream job, ZipJob has a unique offering in one of its packages that makes it a standout from the rest.

Ideal for candidates who are rapidly seeking their next role in a flash, ZipJob combines expert resume writers with the exact same tech employers to optimize your one-pager. The kicker? Its most popular plan, Fast Track, includes a professionally written resume, ATS optimization and direct writer messaging — but that’s not all.

Impressively, the Fast Track package for $189 also includes a cover letter and a 60-day interview guarantee. That’s how confident ZipJob is that you’ll get hired, and get hired quickly.

For $299, its Premium package includes a LinkedIn profile update to help maximize your chances and expedited delivery for super speed. If you want swiftness but don’t wish to compromise the quality of your application, you won’t have to worry with ZipJob.

Best One-on-One Collaboration: Upwork


  • Several projects to choose from with unique writing strengths you may desire
  • Typically budget-friendly
  • Some options will have your resume written in only one business day
  • Price points vary and quality of work varies depending on which project provider you select, so take caution and read reviews before working with a given person

Individual-driven platforms like Upwork allow you to shop around for a resume writing service that matches your specific needs and budget. Similar to platforms like Skillshare where talented, qualified creators host a course offering or a service, Upwork allows you to select from a variety of different projects where you’ll have one-on-one attention. Consider it akin to being matched with an online counselor.

Generally budget-friendly, most of Upwork’s providers only take one business day to deliver. The majority of providers also have thousands of positive, near-five-star reviews, so it’s surely a service to consider.

The one downside to Upwork is that quality of work may differ slightly, though that’s a given with its platform structure. This differs from some other services like TopResume where the company at large has its own writing structure, so it’s just something to take note of. However, for its affordability and speed, it’s a great dip into the pool of resume writing and related services, without spending more on a professional-grade platform.

Best for Cover Letters: ResumeSpice


  • The baseline package offers a lot more than competitors, including phone consult, optimized draft and two edits
  • Cover and thank-you letters are added to packages at an additional charge

ResumeSpice is ready to add that much-needed spice to your resume. It doesn’t just provide three different package options, but it specifically tells you which one would work best for you. For example, if you have no more than two years in the workforce, you should select its baseline package ($449). This package includes a phone consultation, an eye-catching resume format, keyword optimization, a personalized draft, two rounds of revisions based on your feedback and finalized versions in both Microsoft Word and PDF formats.

“Solid service is evident across ResumeSpice, and its focus on Executive Resume stands out from others,” Conklin pinpointed. “If you find yourself wanting to get to that next level in your career, you really do need to consider an executive coach with an eye towards that goal for your materials.”

You might, for example, realize you have decades of experience and are unsure where to start to consolidate — Conklin offered. “This is one of the most frequent concerns when making this transition, and a third party like ResumeSpice can be an invaluable resource and sounding board,” she added. “Finally, its site is clear in terms of turnaround, which shows they value your time and manage expectations — a positive sign on what you can expect service-wise.”

ResumeSpice offers other à la carte services, too, including cover letter help, LinkedIn profile revamping, interview preparation and career coaching.

Best Budget: Craft Resumes

Craft Resumes

  • Unlimited revisions
  • 5 day delivery
  • Some reviewers mention time delays

Craft Resumes has an engaging, user-friendly interface that makes resume-building a fun, less stressful process. With ATS keyword optimization and a dedicated writer on your resume, rest assured that it will be in a healthy state to pass along to recruiters and job posters.

“Craft Resumes cleary focus on the ‘craft’ and design of writing resumes, where a distinguishing factor that caught my eye is their unlimited evaluation ‘at any reason’ for four days,” Conklin said, recommending the service. “This is valuable for job or graduate school seekers and career explorers, as you’ll likely have questions once you find an opportunity of interest.”

Similar to other services here, there is a one-on-one aspect that can be quite valuable, especially if you have the time. “There are also a variety of services and prices, not just resume writing,” she noted. “This is helpful for you budget, and evolving needs. Often times once you get a resume underway you start to realize that you’ll want other materials to be updated and aligned with your personal brand.”

For its most popular package, The Basic, you’ll have access to a single writer and unlimited revisions (which is a score compared to some other services on this list), strong and optimized words, unique formatting and a cover letter to increase your chances of landing an interview. However, Craft Resumes has other great packages worth exploring.

Best Resume Writing: Let’s Eat, Grandma Resume Service

Let's Eat, Grandma Resume Service

  • Consultation included with every package
  • Executive Concierge Service that includes 10 days of unlimited revisions
  • Quality writers and customer service, based off reviews
  • No academic CVs or federal resumes

Humorous name aside, resume service Let’s Eat, Grandma has a laser focus on punctuation (as you can tell because nobody intends to write that they’d like to eat their grandmother on a professional document) — as well as resume formatting. What’s great about this platform, specifically, is its vast packages, ranging from drafting your resume to offering cover letters and networking services to help boost your career trajectory.

“Let’s Eat, Grandma hones in immediately on its ‘custom-tailored’ approach,” Conklin said. “While every resume review should be tailored to account for your story (as mentioned above), it’s clear this is a value of this service. Client outcomes are also front and center, where a mix of employers and schools are listed; this is notable if continuing education is a goal of yours.”

With four packages available, and FAQs on the homepage highlighting its range (i.e. academic, federal government and more), Conklin appreciates how it’s clear that this service is distinguishing itself from others, especially given the range of specialty materials they can help you create. 

What’s more, you’ll be assisted by a team of highly skilled writers who create targeted documents to help boost your chances of getting an interview. They’ll also speak to your unique strengths — and, therefore, amplify them on your resume — to tie your entire professional portfolio of experience together. They also have a package tailored for executives, making the platform a solid option for those needing executive resume writing services.

Which resume service is best?

The golden question, right? This depends mostly on your career goals. A range of services are available, and many are now even offered through LinkedIn. 

“When considering a resume service, it is important to consider the extent of guidance you are seeking,” Conklin, who has 15 years of experience in higher education — told The Post.

“Are you overhauling your resume? Are you transitioning industries and need to consider a different format or approach? What are your financial resources to pay for one, or should you explore services offered from your alma mater or current institution if you are a current or graduate of higher education?,” she questioned.

You’ll also want to consider the resume services’ reputation, Conklin suggested: Are there reviews or endorsements of a service, especially if you are paying for one? What is the background, and is the resume service aligned with your industry of interest? 

Is it worth paying for a resume service?

“It depends on the service and one’s circumstances as to whether it is ‘worth’ paying for the service,” Conklin said. “There are very reputable services out there, especially for more experienced career seekers. If you’re transitioning to a new field, or you are seeking to move to a senior or executive level, it could definitely be worth the cost.”

As a preliminary step, Conklin advised to really make sure you are an informed consumer when considering a resume service, and if you should pay or if you have a network or connections you can leverage for advice first. 

How much does it cost to have someone write your resume?

“When an individual pays for a resume service, there may be a flat rate, or it is calculated on an hourly rate and requires at least two sessions,” Conklin explained. “For example, it could cost $150 for a single session.”

However, there are resume services that can significantly exceed that rate and are part of a package that might include a quick return and other support, from LinkedIn to interview coaching, that is over $600, she highlights.

What to include on your resume, according to an expert

“Your story is the focus of your resume, and it is critical to be honest and reflect on how you want to tell that, ultimately,” Conklin noted. “The order also depends on the stage of your career (early, mid, senior, executive) and the industry you are seeking.”

In academia, for example, you’ll see a curriculum vitae (CV) that is pages long to reflect one’s research, publications, and roles held. In financial services, you would have a one-page resume until you have significant work experience. Or, in the creative fields, you may have a one-page resume and then an online portfolio or website that exhibits your work to complement your resume, she explains.

“No matter the field you are pursuing, you always want to make sure you list your experiences in reverse chronological order, you include your education/training, think of the keywords and skills (and make sure those are prominently displayed and included), and also think of what is most relevant,” she listed. “The most relevant should be at the top.”

It is also key to consider Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS), automated review systems that scan resumes as part of an organization’s vetting process. “The format could align or cause issues with an ATS system,” Conklin added. “This is why it’s important to do your research, leverage any connections you have to gain insights into a field and their preferred format and get advice on keywords, skills and experiences to include.”

“If you do your homework, you should find clues to answer the questions above and guide your resume writing approach,” Conklin shared.

How we chose resume services

At Post Wanted, here’s what we keep in mind when researching and hand-selecting resume services:

  • Customization : The best online resume services offer tailored resumes with personalized resume writing, in contrast to generic templates you can find for free.
  • Consultation : Some services offer a one-on-one consultation with your writer so they can scope out your specific attributes, career highlights and other aspects to your curriculum vitae you want to spotlight.
  • Comprehensive Packages : In addition to resumes, some services offer cover letters, LinkedIn profile optimization and career coaching. To some, this is worth the investment, though it may come with a higher price tag.
  • ATS Optimization : A great benefit to online resume services is the focus on Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS), as human recruiters typically use this software use these screening systems before it lands in their hands.
  • Turnaround Time : For some, there’s no time to be wasted when it comes to hunting for a new job. Looking at flexibility and speed is important; some services offer rush options for individuals who need a complete and optimized resume quickly.

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  • How to Make a Resume

Creating a standout resume might seem daunting, but it’s your key to landing that dream job. Your resume is more than just a list of jobs; it’s your personal marketing tool that highlights your skills, experiences, and achievements in a way that attracts potential employers. Nowadays it’s everyone’s concern how to make a resume that is ATS friendly and reflects your skills and knowledge.

In this article, we’ll walk you through the essential steps to build a resume that gets noticed by hiring managers and recruiters. We’ll cover resume templates , effective resume formats , and tips for writing powerful resume bullet points. Building your resume is crucial for different job applications, how to highlight your professional experience and the best ways to list your education and certifications.


Table of Content

What is a Resume

Why a resume is important.

Before, moving on to how to write a resume even if you’re a fresher and have no experience, let us understand what is resume and why it is important.

A resume is a concise document that summarizes your skills , experiences , and achievements to showcase your qualifications for a job. Understanding resume writing how to is essential for creating a compelling resume that stands out. When learning how a resume is written, it’s important to focus on formatting, clarity, and relevance. Effective resume writing involves choosing the right structure, highlighting your most significant accomplishments , and tailoring the content to the job you’re applying for. By mastering how to write a resume, you can create a powerful tool that captures the attention of potential employers and helps you advance in your career.

If you want paychecks, you’ve to sell yourself first and a resume is that one tool or document that lists out your features and USPs that will help you to sell yourself in the job market. Within one or two pages, a resume convinces recruiters if they want to call you for a job interview or not. (That much power your resume holds)

So, if you want to bag your first interview or want to interview at your dream company or for a dream job role , it’s very important for you to write a strong and power-packed resume with correct keywords and relevant skills that will persuade recruiters to hit “I want to interview you” button. 

How to Make a Resume (Full Guide)

Choose your desired resume format.

  • Reverse chronological resume format
  • Functional or Skilled Focused resume format
  • Hybrid Format
  • Dos and Don’ts of Resume Layout 
  • What resume format is best for ATS

Most people have two options when it comes to getting an interview call – A++ top-tier level resume or an “I know someone here” referral. No matter which group you belong to, it’s important to up your resume game and understands the strategies that are used to land an interview from your dream company within a week, if not days. Before you dive into the resume-building process, you have to decide on the right resume format that will take you up the ladder. If you’ve already decided to write your resume on a text editor like MS Word, it’s highly recommended you should keep your HANDS OFF from them. 

Formatting your resume on a basic text editor will not waste your time but also your effort. We recommend that you should use a resume builder tool like GeeksforGeeks Online Resume Builde r – Free. Our resume builder is fast, simple, and free to use. Moving onto resume formats that you can use to format your resume. 

There are three types of resume formats: reverse chronological, functional or skills-based, and hybrid. You should choose the format that suits the type of job you are applying for and your level of experience.

Types of Resume Formats

1) Reverse chronological Resume Format – This highlights your career advancement and emphasizes the relevant job experience. It’s an absolute fan favorite of recruiters. However, it doesn’t show your skills much so if you’re someone with highly relevant job experience, you can opt for this resume format.


Reverse chronological Resume Format

2) Functional/skills-based Resume Format – Are you a fresher with no job experience? Opt for a functional or skill-based resume format if you have skills to brag about but no relevant work experience. 


Functional/skills-based Resume Format

3) Hybrid Resume Format – Now, this resume format is preferred by most recruiters and loved by job seekers with diverse skillsets and job experience. It combines the best elements of both reverse chronological and functional resume format and provides space for the right keyword. 

If you’re wondering which resume format is best for ATS, go for the reverse chronological resume format. When it comes to resume layout, you need to mind these tips while formatting your resumes:

  • Page Count: Keep your resume to one page. Max 2 if you’ve 7+ of experience and it’s relevant to your job role. Recruiters get 1000+ resumes every day and it gets tough to go through resumes with more than 2 pages. 
  • Heading Tag: If you’re choosing an H1 tag or an H2 tag to write your headlines in your resume, then ensure that all headlines have the same tag.
  • White space: Keep enough white space in your resume. Negative space is needed to make your resume look professional.
  • PDF or Word: Download your resume as a PDF document as it can be read by most ATS. If the job description mentions that you need to send the doc file as a .doc, then send your resume like that as old ATS can’t read PDF files.

 Add your contact information

The most important and overlooked section of your resume is the contact information section which is right under your name. Even if you write everything correctly but haven’t provided your contact details, HRs can’t reach out to you even if they want to contact you. Ensure that everything on your contact information is up to date and triple-check the details if needed. 

Things that you should include are: 

  • First Name / Last Name – Mention the name that is provided on your social security card or if you’re in India, it should match the name that’s provided on your PAN card or Aadhaar card.
  • Phone Number – Only provide the phone number that is reachable.
  • Email Address – Don’t provide an unprotected email address. Your email address should be like this: “[email protected]”. Avoid providing email addresses like [email protected], [email protected]
  • Location – Your residential address should be the same as the one where you stay or relocated.
  • Social Media URLs – If you’re a software developer, mention your Github profile. If you’re a designer, then Behance profile and if you’re a writer, provide your personal blog that showcases your abilities. Don’t forget to include your LinkedIn account as most recruiters go through LinkedIn to see your online presence. 

Write a Resume Headline that Can Stand You Out From the Crowd

A resume headline is a short, one-line statement that conveys who you are as a candidate. It is important to write a headline that grabs the recruiter’s attention and encourages them to read your qualifications in more depth. Your resume headline is often the first thing recruiters read so impress them within seconds by writing a short and concise headline. Keep it relevant to your job skills and make sure that you put the right keywords that are relevant to the job posting .

Some resume headlines examples for you to check out:

  • Goal-Oriented Senior Accountant with 6+ Years of Accounting Experience in XYZ Company.
  • Successful Manager of Dozens of Online Marketing Campaigns
  • Award-Winning Video Editor Skilled in Web Design and Video Editing
  • Detail-Oriented History Student with Curatorial Experience

Include a professional summary

The first impression is your last impression. This phrase stands true to date. An effective resume introduction can make or break you no matter what type of job you’re applying for. Your summary or objective can give the opportunity to impress the recruiter so carefully write your resume summary/objective. Don’t know where to write a resume summary or objective? We got you covered.

A resume summary is a 2-3 sentence summary of your working experience. Unless you’re a recent college grad or changing careers, you should use a resume summary in almost any scenario.

On the other hand, a resume objective implies the goal of your resume. It conveys why you want to work in that particular field and the motivation behind it. When writing a resume summary, include an objective of 2-3 lines. If you’re changing your career or have no significant work experience, make sure to write a resume objective.

Add your work experience

  • If you’re a fresher, keep the education section at the top, and if you’re an experienced person or did work in FAANG companies or big coming, then put work experience at the top.
  • If you’re a backend intern, make sure you’re writing the designation as a software engineering intern. 
  • Make sure you’re covering up your tasks in 2-3 points.

Now we’re down to the most important part of the resume – work experience . If an add sells a product with just a few words, your resume does the same with you by selling you on the basis of your past work experience and achievements. Learning to write this section is a bit tough but once you master writing the perfect work experience section, 80% work is done here and after this you will know how to write and resume. So, let’s see how to list your work experience: Your work experience should be written in reverse chronological order as ATS can scan reverse chronological resume format easily.

It should be something like this:

Job title | Company Name | Date of employment 

Accomplishments & Achievements

  • Job title: Keep it on top of your resume so that recruiters can easily see what position you’re applying for.
  • Company name: Mention the company you are working in or working for.
  • Date of employment: Mention the timeframe of your employment in all the companies you worked for. Ensure that format is like this – dd/mm/yyyy. It is important to mention as ATS parses it only then.
  • Accomplishments and achievements: This is where you mention your core achievements that will in turn bag you – your dream job. List your achievements or responsibilities according to your job role.
  • If you’re a fresher, keep the education section at the top and if you’re an intern or worked in FAANG companies or big companies, then make sure to put the work experience section at the top.
  • If you’re a backend intern, instead of writing your job title as “Backend Intern”, write it as a “Software Engineering Intern”. You should always write the job title mentioned in the job description.
  • Don’t write 10-15 points covering your job responsibilities. Recruiters don’t have the time to go through all of the responsibilities. Keep it to 2-3 points max.
  • Mention achievements in terms of how exactly you helped the company grow, reach quarterly quotas, and so on. Numbers play a big role when it comes to convincing your future employers what exactly you achieved.

Mention your Soft and Hard Skills

Now that you mastered writing your work experience section, it’s time to dive into your skills section. There’re 2 types of skills:

  • Soft Skills: These are your personal skills like social skills, communication skills, personal traits, career attributes, leadership, critical thinking, and management.
  • Hard/Technical Skills: Hard Skills are measurable skills that you can measure like how proficient you’re in that particular skill. The use of technical skills frequently requires specialized tools and the technologies needed to use them.

A good resume should cover both. However, it’s highly advisable that you should mention those skills in which you’re fluent and not just at a beginner level. To know more about how to list your key technical skills, read our article 7 Key Technical Skills to List on Your Resume in 2022 .

Once you list your hard skills with your experience level, double-check your skills section and remove any skill you feel you’re not confident in and don’t LIE even if your life depends on it. Lying about skills can get you in serious trouble later on and can get you blacklisted too.

Include your education

The next section is all about your educational background, achievements, and projects. We’ll keep it short and concise for you. List your educational background in this way:

  • Program Name. E.g.: “MBA in Marketing”
  • University Name. E.g.: “Mumbai University”
  • Years Attended. E.g.: “06/2019-05/2021”
  • (Optional) CGPA. E.g.: “CGPA: 8”
  • (Optional) Academic achievements. If you have written any interesting papers or excelled in any courses, do describe them.

Let’s move on to some tips that will help you perfect your educational background, achievement, and project section:

  • Only keep the last 2 educational qualifications or examinations you’ve given.
  • Only add those projects which are relevant to your job opening – projects which have more number of features.
  • Projects to list- API-based projects, Portfolio-based projects, and Full-stack projects.
  • Add as many numbers as you can while listing achievements – add your highest ranking in CP or the highest number of problems you solved on GeeksforGeeks or XYZ. 
  • Don’t add intra-college achievements as it put forth a negative impression on recruiters.
  • Don’t add “President of the xxx club” if you’re applying for tech roles. 

Mention Other Sections (Optional)

All the sections we’ve covered are must-haves but there are a few more sections that are optional and don’t hold much significance. These are like booster sections that can give you an extra wow effect.

The following sections can be added to your resume:

  • Languages – If you’re multilingual and can be handy with different languages, do mention that in your resume. However, avoid mentioning language that you’re not proficient in as it can get you in trouble later on if you’re not able to help your colleagues when they require your help with the said language.
  • Hobbies and Interests – Have extra space in your resume? Add up your hobbies and interests. It shows how you’re as an individual.
  • Volunteering Experiences – Some studies show that volunteering has a greater impact on hiring. It shows that you’re an empathetic person by nature and can be loyal to the company. 
  • Courses, Certifications, and Awards – Do you have any certifications or awards that can show you off and is relevant to the job position you applied for? Note them down in the resume as it shows your expertise in the said field.

Customize Your Resume According to the Job Posting

We’re almost at the end of the article. It’s time to format your resume in such a way that ATS can scan your resume smoothly. To understand the term ATS better , you should know ATS stands for Applicant Tracking System . It is software used to manage the entire application process for employers. This system compiles, scans, and ranks all of the applications.

According to a survey done, 98% of Fortune companies are using ATS to scan their resumes. ATS segments resume into various sections: Work Experience , Education, Skills , etc. Next, it looks for precise keywords and qualifications to see if you fit the job description. So it’s important to tailor your resume as per the job description and for how to resume writing. Resumes that don’t comply with the basic requirements are automatically discarded. A job candidate’s resume is ranked based on its relevance (the best resume appears at the top of the recruiter’s pipeline).

Proofread Your Resume With Correct Formatting

Now that you’re done with your resume writing task, it’s time to do the most important task – Proofread your resume. Here’s the checklist we’ve for you:

  • Resume fonts – Stick to Ubuntu, Roboto, Overpass, or traditional fonts like Helvetica, Garamond, or Georgia. Your font should be 10-11 and don’t ever go with Comic Sans (only if you want to look like a joker)
  • Check tenses – Describe the current work you are doing in the present tense, and use the past tense to describe jobs from the past.
  • Resume action words – Use resume action words like “Chaired”, “Controlled”, “Executed”
Also Read: Free Online Resume Builder By GeeksforGeeks – Create Your Resume Now! 10 steps to write an Effective Resume Resume Building – Resources and Tips

In conclusion, learning how to write a resume resume is a crucial step in advancing your career and landing your desired job. Start by selecting a clean and professional format , then focus on highlighting your key skills, experiences, and accomplishments. Tailor each section to the job you’re applying for, ensuring that your qualifications align with the employer’s needs. Building your resume is very beneficial for you so remember to use clear and concise language, and proofread your resume to eliminate any errors. By following these steps, you can create a resume that effectively showcases your strengths and sets you apart from other candidates, increasing your chances of success in the job market.

How to Build a Resume – FAQs

How can i write resume.

You can write your resume by following the methods given above or you can also use any resume templates that will help you a lot.

How to Resume Writing?

Resume writing can be done by some of the points given below: Choose the Right Format Start with a Strong Header Craft a Compelling Summary or Objective Detail Your Work Experience

How can I write a simple resume?

To write a simple resume, use a clean format with clear headings. Include your contact information, a brief summary, your work experience, education, and relevant skills. Keep it concise and focused on your most important qualifications.

How to write a resume for a job?

To write a resume for a job, tailor it to the specific position by highlighting relevant experience and skills. Start with your contact details, followed by a strong summary, detailed work history, education, and a skills section. Use action verbs and quantify your achievements where possible.

What are the 7 basic steps to writing a resume?

Here are the basic steps: Choose the Right Format Start with a Strong Header Write a Compelling Summary Detail Your Work Experience Highlight Your Skills Include Your Education Proofread and Edit

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How to Write an Effective “About Me” Page (Examples Included!) 

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An “About Me” page is one of the most crucial elements of any personal website, portfolio , or blog. It’s where visitors get to know who you are, what you do, and why they should care. Whether you're a freelancer , entrepreneur , or creative professional , this page can make or break a visitor’s first impression of you.

Let’s dive into the essentials of creating a standout one pager about yourself, provide actionable tips, and share examples to inspire you.

Add an “About Me” to your resume or portfolio and then put it to the test! Apply to these open jobs on The Muse »

What is an “About Me” page?

An “About Me” page is a dedicated section on your website where you introduce yourself to your visitors. This page goes beyond a simple biography and a list of your credentials; it's an opportunity to convey your personality, share your story, and connect with your audience on a deeper level. 

It often includes key elements such as a brief professional summary , personal anecdotes, and highlights of your skills and experiences. By providing a narrative of your journey, accomplishments, and aspirations, you create a relatable and authentic presence that can engage and build trust with your visitors.

An “About Me” page serves multiple purposes:

  • It outlines your mission and vision, helping visitors understand what motivates you and what sets you apart.
  • It can serve as a platform to showcase testimonials, notable projects, and any media coverage or recognition you have received.
  • Your story helps humanize your brand. People connect with people, not faceless entities. 
  • It lets visitors know what they can expect from your site and how you can help them.
  • A well-crafted “About Me” page can improve your website’s SEO for Google by incorporating relevant keywords and phrases.

Where can you usually find “About Me” pages? 

An “About Me” can be a valuable addition to various platforms and contexts. Here are some common uses:

  • Personal website: Whether it’s a blog or a personal brand site, an “About Me” page helps visitors understand who you are and why they should follow you.
  • Portfolio: For creatives like designers, writers , and photographers, an “About Me” page showcases your background and expertise, helping potential clients or employers get to know you better.
  • Resume: Adding an “About Me” section to your online resume provides a personal touch and highlights your unique strengths and career journey.
  • Business website: Entrepreneurs and small business owners can use an “About Me” page to share their story, mission, and the values behind their business.
  • Freelance profiles: On freelance platforms, an “About Me” page can differentiate you from other freelancers by highlighting your experience and skills.
  • Social media profiles: Sites like LinkedIn benefit from a detailed “About Me” section, helping you network and connect with potential employers or collaborators.
  • Author pages: For writers and authors, an “About Me” page helps readers connect with you on a personal level and understand the inspiration behind your work.
  • E-commerce sites: Store owners can add an “About Me” page to build trust with customers by sharing their journey and the story behind their products.
  • Professional associations: Members of professional organizations can use an “About Me” page to share their professional background, expertise, and contributions to their field.

Checklist for “About Me” pages 

What to include in an “About Me” page? Effective content should include the following elements:

  • Your name and profession : Clearly state who you are and what you do.
  • A photo : Adding a photo humanizes your profile and makes it more relatable.
  • Your story : Share your background, journey, and what inspired you to pursue your path.
  • Your values and mission : Explain what drives you and what you aim to achieve.
  • Your skills and expertise : Highlight your key skills, qualifications, and achievements.
  • Testimonials : If applicable, include testimonials from clients or colleagues to build credibility.
  • Contact information : Provide a way for visitors to get in touch with you.

How to write an “About Me” in 5 steps

Writing an “About Me” page involves balancing personal storytelling with professional insights. Here are five tips to help structure yours.

1. Start with a strong—and catchy—opening

Begin with a compelling hook that grabs the reader’s attention. This could be an interesting fact, a personal anecdote, or a bold statement about your mission.

2. Who are you?

Provide a brief introduction that includes your name, profession, and a high-level overview of what you do. Make sure to keep it concise and engaging.

3. Tell your story

Narrate your journey—how you got started, the challenges you’ve overcome, and the milestones you’ve achieved. This is where you can infuse your personality and make your story relatable.

4. Highlight your expertise

Explain what you do and how you can help your audience. Call out your skills , qualifications, and any notable accomplishments.

5. Include a call to action (CTA)

A call to action is a prompt that tells your visitors what to do next, like contacting you, following you on social media, or checking out your portfolio. Make sure your CTA is clear and compelling so they know exactly what action to take.

Bonus tips on writing an “About Me” page

To write an “about me” paragraph that not only introduces you effectively but also engages your audience and enhances your online presence, follow these recommendations:

  • Know your audience: Understand who you are writing for. Tailor your tone and content to resonate with your target audience.
  • Be authentic : Authenticity is key. Be genuine in your storytelling and avoid overly formal language.
  • Keep it concise: While it’s important to provide enough detail, avoid overwhelming your readers with too much information. Aim for clarity and brevity.
  • Use visuals: Incorporate photos, videos, or infographics to make your page visually appealing and engaging.
  • Optimize for SEO: Incorporate relevant keywords naturally throughout your “About Me” page to improve search engine visibility.
  • Update regularly: Your “About Me” page should evolve as you grow. Regularly update it to reflect new experiences, skills, and achievements.

“About Me” template text

How to write an “About Me”? Here’s a simple and general template to get you started:

[Your name]

[Your profession/title]


Hi, I’m [Your name], a [Your profession] with [number] years of experience in [your field]. I’m passionate about [your passion] and have dedicated my career to [your mission].

Your story:

My journey began [describe how you started]. Over the years, I’ve [mention key milestones and achievements]. My work has been featured in [mention notable publications or collaborations].

Your expertise:

I specialize in [mention your key skills and areas of expertise]. My clients have included [mention notable clients or projects].

Call to action:

If you’d like to [mention what you want your readers to do next – contact you, follow you, etc.], feel free to [provide contact details or a CTA].

“About Me” page examples for different scenarios

You might be looking for information on how to write your “About Me” page for your new blog, maybe your LinkedIn profile, or other context. These could have some differences, so find the “About Me” paragraph example that suits you best.

For a website: “About Me” blog example

Hi, I’m Sarah, a passionate travel blogger who has visited over 50 countries. I share my adventures, tips, and travel guides to help you plan your next trip. My journey began in 2010 when I left my corporate job to explore the world. Since then, I’ve been featured in numerous travel magazines and have collaborated with top travel brands. Follow along as I explore new destinations and share my insights.

Portfolio “About Me” example

Hello! I’m Mark, a freelance graphic designer with over 10 years of experience in creating stunning visuals for brands. My work includes logo design, branding, and digital marketing materials. I started my career working for a design agency, but my passion for creativity led me to freelance. My clients include Fortune 500 companies and startups alike. Take a look at my portfolio to see my work and let’s collaborate on your next project.

For your resume: What is an example of best “About Me”?

I’m Emily, a marketing professional with a decade of experience in digital marketing and brand strategy. I specialize in SEO, content marketing, and social media management. My career highlights include leading successful campaigns for high-profile clients and earning industry awards. I’m currently seeking new opportunities to leverage my skills and drive impactful marketing initiatives.

Other type of site: “About Me” example

As a bestselling author, I’ve always been passionate about storytelling. My journey began with a love for reading, which soon transformed into writing my own stories. Over the years, I’ve published five novels and numerous short stories. My work explores themes of love, loss, and resilience, drawing inspiration from my personal experiences. When I’m not writing, you can find me at book signings or conducting writing workshops.

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What Does a Technical Writer Do?

A person wearing a green top typing on a keyboard working as a technical writer.

Know before you read At SNHU, we want to make sure you have the information you need to make decisions about your education and your future—no matter where you choose to go to school. That's why our informational articles may reference careers for which we do not offer academic programs, along with salary data for those careers. Cited projections do not guarantee actual salary or job growth.

Many companies have technical writers, but you may not think too much about them. Yet, when you're using a product manual, reading a how-to or following step-by-step instructions, a technical writer made that possible. These writers are responsible for creating clear content to help people understand information in a user-friendly way.

From the user manual that comes with your car to the directions on the back of a child’s new toy, tech writers are behind a lot of the writing that makes both everyday and complicated tasks a little easier.

Tami Love, a communication instructor at SNHU.

“In a nutshell, a technical writer takes complex information and transforms it into consumable content based on the user’s needs,” said Tami Love , a communication instructor at Southern New Hampshire University (SNHU). "Very few products or services can be consumed without some information and/or instruction. The documentation is just as important as the product or service that it documents."

In addition to teaching at SNHU, Love is a senior technical writer with hands-on industry experience. She is also in her third year serving on the admin councilor for the Society of Technical Communication's Carolinas chapter, where she has been a member for over 15 years.

“My unconventional journey into technical writing started when I was an engineer and was presented with an opportunity for a job change ,” Love said. “I (became a tech writer) partly because I was located in the same city as the engineering team, which would facilitate better collaboration between them and a writer."

Tech writers can often be found in industries like technology, healthcare and manufacturing, where communication is crucial. For example, at a company that makes software, a technical writer might create the user guides that explain how to use it. Or in the manufacturing industry, a technical writer might write safety procedures or maintenance instructions for a piece of machinery.

What Are the Roles of a Technical Writer?

A technical writer wears many hats, and sometimes those responsibilities fall under job titles like technical communicator, information developer or documentation specialist.

Amanda Groves, an associate dean of liberal arts at SNHU.

To Amanda Groves , associate dean of liberal arts at SNHU, one of the key roles of a technical writer is to be a translator. "Oftentimes, product and process developers are highly skilled in production, but they need a detail-oriented communicator to help another audience understand the value of what they’re producing," Groves said. "Technical writers are essentially the translators that help different audiences understand any given topic."

While Groves has never had the words "technical writer" in her job title, her roles have always included technical writing in some way. As a tutor, instructor and now dean, Groves points to documents she has written like Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs), business cases, training materials, FAQs and academic catalogues that fall under a technical writing umbrella.

All of these documents strive to communicate complicated material in an easier way. But technical writing isn’t just about the writing. In fact, Love said that writing is only about 10% of the job.

In Love's experience, a technical writer has a range of responsibilities, including:

  • Education: A technical writer must have a strong understanding of the subject matter they are writing about.
  • Research: Before writing, a technical writer must conduct thorough research to ensure what they write is accurate.
  • Planning: Technical writers must carefully plan the structure and content of their documents to ensure they meet the needs of their audience.
  • Writing: And of course, a technical writer writes. A good tech writer turns technical information into accessible content that anyone can understand.

Is Technical Writing Hard?

A blue icon of a hand writing

If you're interested in technical writing, you may have questions about how “technical” it really is. While it is important to understand your industry’s jargon and nuances, much of this can be learned on the job.

According to Love, entry-level or junior writers are not expected to know processes, tools or content right away, and many technical writers will be mentored by senior writers who give them simple tasks while they learn technical knowledge for that specific industry. “As writers get process and technical experience,” Love said, “they become more comfortable with taking on more responsibility and initiative (at their own pace).”

Technical writers also often work closely with subject matter experts (SMEs) and other team members to gather information and feedback for their documents – so you don’t need to know everything. Sometimes, you just need to know how to find the right information or ask the right questions.

As much as being a technical writer is about knowing your stuff, it’s also about being able to adapt and learn quickly. “It’s incredible how much you can learn about all sorts of topics, products or processes when you’re tasked with explaining how they function,” said Groves.

Are Technical Writers in High Demand?

An icon of a white-outlined checklist with three items checked off

Technical writers are needed in many industries, and it is expected that they will be needed even more every year. In fact, between 2022 and 2032, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) projects a 7% increase in technical writer jobs.*

“Technical writers are needed not only in IT, but in the government, pharma/healthcare, finance and education sectors,” said Love. In these industries, especially, information can be complicated, and good info or instructions can greatly impact someone's life or health.

For example, in the healthcare industry, a doctor might send a patient home with a monitor for an at-home sleep test. That patient needs to have clear instructions to make sure they use the medical device correctly and get accurate readings — if they don't, their health could be at risk.

“When you’re seeking out technical writing opportunities,” Groves said, “remember to look for areas where a good communicator might be needed.”

What Qualifications Do You Need to Be a Technical Writer?

There are a couple of different paths you can take if you want to become a technical writer, but according to the BLS, the typical entry-level education requirement is a bachelor's degree .

According to Groves and the BLS , some majors you might consider if you want to go into technical writing include:

  • Bachelor's in communication
  • Bachelor's in English
  • Bachelor's in journalism (journalism degrees are not currently available at SNHU)

You might also consider pursuing a degree in a field related to the industry you want to write for, such as an engineering degree  or a computer science degree . “At SNHU, we offer COM 343: Technical Writing Communication, which teaches several types of technical writing for different audiences. This would be a great place to start for someone new to the field," said Groves.

Groves also suggests looking for opportunities in your current workplace. "If you consider what falls into the category of ‘technical writing,’ you might be surprised at what needs already exist in your current role," she said.

For example, your team might benefit from a process guide, or a new tool might be easier to use if you had a manual written. If you see that there are ways that writing could help the people around you more easily understand a topic, then your workplace might need someone with technical writing skills.

Find Your Program

Is tech writing for me.

Every day, good tech writing makes the world easier to navigate and understand. It can be a rewarding field that allows people to engage with accessible technical, medical and financial information – just to a name a few. With the right preparation and skills, you can make a difference for people just like you.

“If you’re analytical and inquisitive by nature, and you also enjoy explaining concepts, you might be surprised at how enjoyable technical writing can be,” said Groves. Taking tech writing course or looking for an internship  can be a great first step to help you learn and build your confidence.

“Don’t be intimidated by the details or the idea of explaining complex ideas,” said Groves. “Just remember that you can break down the items into as small increments as you need. In many cases, a product or process that can help others is just waiting for someone like you to make it accessible.”

A degree can change your life. Find the SNHU liberal arts program  that can best help you meet your goals.

*Cited job growth projections may not reflect local and/or short-term economic or job conditions and do not guarantee actual job growth. Actual salaries and/or earning potential may be the result of a combination of factors including, but not limited to: years of experience, industry of employment, geographic location and worker skill.

Meg Palmer ’18 is a writer and scholar by trade who loves reading, riding her bike and singing in a barbershop quartet. She earned her bachelor’s degree in English, language and literature at Southern New Hampshire University (SNHU) and her master’s degree in writing, rhetoric and discourse at DePaul University (’20). While attending SNHU, she served as the editor-in-chief of the campus student newspaper, The Penmen Press, where she deepened her passion for writing. Meg is an adjunct professor at Johnson and Wales University, where she teaches first year writing, honors composition, and public speaking. Connect with her on LinkedIn .

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SNHU is a nonprofit, accredited university with a mission to make high-quality education more accessible and affordable for everyone.

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Trump vs. Harris: How their resumes compare in the race to become the next president

A reality tv star, former president, and convicted felon is taking on a career prosecutor, former senator, and vice president, gustaf kilander writes, article bookmarked.

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Kamala Harris and Donald Trump have had vastly different careers

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Donald Trump ’s and Kamala Harris ’s resumes couldn’t be more different. Trump has a total of four years of experience in public office to Harris’s 34.

Unlike Harris, however, Trump has 52 years of business experience under his belt.

Taking on the renovation of the Commodore Hotel and the facade of the Grand Central Terminal in New York City as one of his first construction projects in 1976, Trump launched the Trump Organization and starred in the reality TV show The Apprentice .

He joined the political scene as a neophyte but caught the imagination of the Republican Party base and rode that wave all the way to the White House in the 2016 election.

After four years as president, Trump lost re-election in 2020 amid the Covid-19 pandemic.

Meanwhile, Harris has spent her entire career in the public sector, starting out at the district attorney’s office in Alameda County, California in 1990. She joined the San Franciso district attorney’s office eight years later.

In 2003, in a runoff election, she was elected San Francisco district attorney, a post she held until winning an election to become the attorney general of California in 2010. She was re-elected in 2014 before winning a senate seat in 2016.

After a failed presidential campaign in 2019, she was selected in 2020 to be President Joe Biden’s running mate, becoming vice president in January 2021.

Here’s a rundown of each of their careers so far:

Kamala Harris

Kamala Harris is the first woman and first Black and Asian person to serve as vice president

Harris’s career to date has been one of firsts – the first Black woman to be elected district attorney in California history, the first woman to be elected as the state’s attorney general, the first Indian American to serve in the US Senate, and the first Black woman and first Asian American to appear on a major party ticket and to serve as vice president.

After passing the bar in 1990, Harris went on to join the Alameda County prosecutor’s office in Oakland. There, as an assistant district attorney, she concentrated on sex crimes .

Four years later, she was appointed to the California Unemployment Insurance Appeals Board and the Medical Assistance Commission by the state assembly speaker Willie Brown, whom she was dating at the time . The relationship ended the following year after Brown was elected mayor of San Francisco.

Harris joined the San Francisco District Attorney’s office after being recruited by an old colleague from the Alameda office. In San Francisco, she focused on combatting teenage prostitution and changing the view of law enforcement to see sex workers as victims rather than criminals.

It was during this time that she made connections with influential friends among the city’s wealthy who would later provide her with financial support when she ran for district attorney in 2003.

She ran against her former boss and incumbent Terence Hallinan. One of her strategists told Politico that her message was “We’re progressive, like Terence Hallinan, but we’re competent like Terence Hallinan is not.” She won the runoff election with 56.5 per cent of the vote. The conviction rate in the city went from 52 to 67 per cent in her first three years.

San Francisco District Attorney Kamala Harris speaks to supporters before a No on K press conference October 29, 2008 in San Francisco, California

During her time as district attorney, she was scrutinized when about a thousand drug cases had to be thrown out after a technician stole cocaine from the DA’s lab and mishandled evidence and Harris didn’t inform the defense lawyers.

In 2010, she ran for California attorney general as an underdog against Republican Los Angeles DA Steve Cooley in a race so close that it took three weeks to declare Harris the winner.

She was accused of being inconsistent on the issue of the death penalty after not seeking capital punishment against the man who killed Isaac Espinoza, a San Francisco police officer, during her time as district attorney, but then subsequently declining to back two ballot initiatives banning the death penalty as state attorney general.

California Attorney General Kamala Harris speaks at a news conference on May 17, 2013 at the Los Angeles Civic Center in Los Angeles

In 2016, Harris ran for Senate to replace longtime senator Barbara Boxer, beating fellow Democrat Loretta Sanchez.

In the Senate, she quickly became a viral hit for her prosecutorial questioning of then-Attorney General Jeff Sessions and then-Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh. She advocated for gun control, cannabis legalization, and healthcare and tax reform.

U.S. Sen. Kamala Harris (D-CA) participates in a reenacted swearing-in with U.S. Vice President Joe Biden in the Old Senate Chamber at the U.S. Capitol January 3, 2017 in Washington, DC

She was picked as Biden’s 2020 running mate even after she ran against him in 2019 as a Democratic candidate and blasted him on the issue of bussing on the debate stage. Her her own campaign spiraled and ended before any votes had been cast.

As vice president, Harris frequently returned to the chamber that she had just left as she presided over a 50-50 senate, breaking tie votes on legislation such as the stimulus package known as the American Rescue Plan in 2021 and the Inflation Reduction Act.

She took on issues such as voting rights and the root causes of immigration from Central America, which Republicans have used to falsely brand her as the “border czar” in charge of the southern border.

Following Biden’s withdrawal from the race and his endorsement of her, Harris launched her own presidential campaign and the Democratic Party quickly coalesced around her. As of July 22, Harris had enough non-binding support from delegates to become the presumptive nominee of the party.

Donald Trump

Donald Trump is the only former president to be charged and convicted of a felony

Trump was only three years out of college when his father named him as the president of his real estate business in 1971. He initially joined the firm in 1968 following his graduation. The company, Trump Management, owned racially segregated rental housing in the outer boroughs of New York, according to The New York Times. 

Trump soon began using the Trump Organization as an umbrella term for his businesses. He changed the company’s focus to building and renovating hotels, casinos, golf courses, and skyscrapers.

He filed for bankruptcy for six of his businesses between 1991 and 2009 – the Trump Taj Mahal in 1991, Trump Castle, Trump Plaza and Casino, and the Plaza Hotel the following year, Trump Hotels and Casinos Resorts in 2004, and Trump Entertainment Resorts in 2009, according to PolitiFact .

Trump also had a number of more successful side businesses, such as licensing the Trump name.

Trump and his businesses have been the subjects of more than 4,000 lawsuits over the course of the last three decades.

But Trump’s big break came in 2004 when he emerged as the host of the NBC show The Apprentice.

Donald Trump arrives at the "Apprentice" casting call in Trump Towers July 30, 2004 in New York City

He remained as host of the show until 2015, the year he launched his first campaign for the presidency after having previously been considering running in earlier cycles.

Running a campaign described as isolationist and nationalist, Trump won the 2016 election against former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton as he lost the popular vote by almost three million ballots but won the electoral college.

US President-elect Donald Trump greets supporters after speaking at the New York Hilton Midtown in New York on November 8, 2016

He quickly took to what was then Twitter, now X, to make announcements and clash with other world leaders.

Trump created chaos by withdrawing from agreements on climate and trade, he banned travelers to the US from seven Muslim-majority countries and put in place harsh immigration restrictions. He also initiated a trade war with China, cut taxes for the wealthy, and made major changes to US Middle East policy.

Shortly after his inauguration, in May 2017, a special counsel investigation was initiated into allegations of collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia. As many as 34 people faced criminal charges in the probe for financial crimes and computer hacking. Trump himself didn’t face any charges and the investigation, which ended in March 2019, didn’t find any criminal collusion.

U.S. President Donald Trump speaks about immigration laws during a dinner with former and present governors in the Blue Room at the White House on May 21, 2017 in Washington, DC

Not long after that, Trump would become just the third US president to ever be impeached following allegations that he put pressure on Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky to find negative information on Biden. Impeached by the Democratic House, he was acquitted by the Republicans in charge of the Senate.

Taking on Biden in 2020, Trump’s re-election battle was taken over by the Covid-19 pandemic. His handling of the crisis was severely criticized, with US having some of the world’s highest numbers of deaths and infections. Trump also faced mockery and condemnation for suggesting that it be researched if the virus could be treated by injecting disinfectant.

In October, with just weeks left until the election, Trump was forced to step away from the campaign trail after he also came down with the virus.

U.S. President Donald Trump reaches to remove his mask upon return to the White House from Walter Reed National Military Medical Center on October 05, 2020 in Washington, DC

In the 2020 election, Trump received 74 million votes, more than any other sitting president. But it wasn’t enough compared to Biden’s 81 million votes.

But Trump rejected the results, falsely claiming widespread voter fraud, and his allies initiated more than 60 court cases challenging them – all of which were denied.

On January 6, 2021, Trump rallied his supporters at the Ellipse outside the White House not far from the Capitol. His supporters then stormed Congress in an attempt to stop the certification of Biden’s victory. They were unsuccessful.

The three Supreme Court justices appointed by Trump, creating a 6-3 conservative majority on the court, were instrumental in the overturning of Roe v Wade and the end of the constitutional right to an abortion after almost half a century.

Despite facing four indictments and 34 criminal convictions so far, Trump easily won the Republican nomination earlier this year.

Before the Republican convention, he survived an assassination attempt, prompting some supporters to claim divine intervention.

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Navigating USAJOBS & Introduction to Federal Resume Writing (15 AUG 2024)

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Army Civilian Careers invites you to participate in a virtual informational session on federal resume writing, navigating USAJOBS website, including paid internships and fellowships in the federal government. We are a values-based community of nearly 300,000 federal civilian employees, much like those in other U.S. Federal Agencies, e.g., State, NASA, Commerce, Justice, and Education. These are strictly civilian positions. Applying for employment on USAJOBS can be a challenging process, but we are here to help! In this session we will walk through the application process to include the questionnaire, discuss resume formats, preferences, required documents to include, and how to align your experience with the job qualifications. This class is designed specifically to help you develop your federal resume and address key areas in the job announcement to make you an eligible applicant. In this session we will cover:  The Army Student Intern Program  The Army Fellows Program  How to create a USAJOBs account Applying for federal jobs  How to navigate USAJOBS Application announcement information – what the words really mean.  Beginning steps to writing a federal resume Note: This session will be conducted via MS Teams, and you will need to download the application to view the session in its entirety. It is not recommended to utilize cellphone unless able to view the slide presentation. 

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  3. Certification

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    Share your essential contact information in the header section of your resume. Contact information you should include: Name: Include your first and last name. Phone number: The best option is your cellphone number so recruiters can reach you easily. Email: Make sure it's appropriate, simple and free of nicknames.

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    Choose a resume format carefully. In 99% of cases, we recommend the reverse-chronological format.; Add the right contact details. Leave your headshot out and make sure to include your job title, a professional email address, and any relevant links.(E.g.: your LinkedIn profile, online portfolio, personal website, etc.). Write an impactful resume summary.

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    Healthcare Sales Executive Resume Summary Example: Turnaround & Ground Up Leadership. - Concept-to-execution strategies for untapped products, markets + solutions that yield 110% revenue growth. - Negotiates partnerships with leading distributors + hospitals—Medline to Centara + Novant Health to Mayo Clinic.

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    A man holds a pencil and smiles next to a list with the title "How To Write a Summary of Qualifications" and these steps: 1. Use quantifiable information 2. Write your summary in the active voice 3. Avoid using "I" or "my" or pronouns 4. Let keywords guide your writing 5. Start with an action verb 6. Write in active voice 7. Personalize your summary

  19. How To Write a Summary of Qualifications

    A summary of qualifications is a brief section at the top of your resume that highlights your skills, accomplishments, and relevant work experience. You can use it to show hiring managers that you are the right fit for their role. When writing this section of your resume, you should try to tailor it to the position you're applying to.

  20. How to Write a Summary of Qualifications for Your Resume

    A summary of qualifications highlights the most notable achievements and experiences from your resume.. While it's similar to a resume summary, a qualification summary offers more specific figures and facts to support your key accomplishments and skills.. To craft an impressive summary of qualifications, list your KPIs and problems you've solved, as well as significant awards and publications.

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  30. Navigating USAJOBS & Introduction to Federal Resume Writing (15 AUG

    These are strictly civilian positions. Applying for employment on USAJOBS can be a challenging process, but we are here to help! In this session we will walk through the application process to include the questionnaire, discuss resume formats, preferences, required documents to include, and how to align your experience with the job qualifications.