• How to write a teacher training personal statement

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Tips for your teacher training application

Tips for your teaching training application.

If you're looking for programmes in  England , use the DfE's  'Apply for teacher training' service . If you're looking for programmes in  Wales or Scotland,  use  UCAS' search tool .

You can only complete one personal statement You can’t change it or create different ones for university or school-based choices. The providers you’re applying to understand this, so they won’t be expecting you to say specific things about them or their programmes. However, if you’re applying for programmes in a particular subject or age group, it would be helpful to explain why you have chosen them, and the skills and attributes you have that make them appropriate for you.

I read hundreds of UCAS applications for teacher training every year, and I cannot stress how important the personal statement is. Claire Harnden, Director of Initial Teacher Training at Surrey South Farnham SCITT

What to include

You do need to think carefully about the things that all your chosen providers will want to know about you. You’ll probably want to include things like:

  • your reason(s) for wanting to teach
  • evidence that you understand the rewards and challenges of teaching
  • details of your previous education and how you have benefitted from it
  • any other work with young people, such as helping with a youth club, working at a summer camp or running a sports team
  • the range of relevant abilities and skills you can bring to teaching, for example, practical experience, managing people, working with or leading a team, and communication skills
  • any reasons why there may be restrictions on your geographical mobility
  • why you want to study in the UK, if you don’t currently live here
  • whether you have any previous classroom experience, either independently or had a taste of school life via the  Get School Experience service .

These are the things all training providers want to know – whether they’re School Direct, a university or a SCITT – so there’s no need to worry that you can’t write different personal statements. Read what SCITT director, Claire Harnden, looks for in a  teacher training personal statement .

In addition to the details you give in the school and work experience section, you can also expand on your experience of teaching, such as visits to schools, classroom observations or working as a teaching assistant. To help, read  Chris Chivers' tips for completing your teacher training application .

Whatever the route, the process will have similar elements, which are worth considering, so that the appliation has the greatest chance of making an impression. Chris Chivers, experienced ITT tutor and mentor

How to write it

You can use up to 47 lines of text (4,000 characters) in your personal statement. Some word processing packages calculate line counts differently from the UCAS Teacher Training system, so you might need to redraft your statement if there’s a discrepancy between the counts.

  • Write in English (or Welsh if you’re applying to Welsh providers) and avoid italics, bold or underlining.
  • Get the grammar and punctuation right and redraft your statement until you’re happy with it.
  • It’s a good idea to write your personal statement in a word processor first, then copy and paste it into your application.

Don’t copy!

Don’t copy anyone else’s personal statement or from statements posted on the internet.  Make sure your personal statement is all your own work.

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How to write your teacher training personal statement

Your teacher training personal statement should express why you'd make a great teacher and spell out your experiences, qualities and skills. We've got the inside track from Admissions Tutors on how to go about writing a good teacher training personal statement, what to do and what not to overlook...

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Let's start with a look at when to apply for teacher training. Places on teacher training courses are filled on a first come first serve basis. This is due to two factors. Firstly, the Department for Education set the maximum number of trainees on some courses. But the thing that really limits the number of places available is ensuring that there are enough school placements for all trainees. Training providers can only recruit up to a number that is manageable in terms of providing the trainees with the placement experiences they need.

Student types her personal statement using a laptop

Places for the most popular subjects tend to go early, for example, Physical Education (PE), Primary and Psychology. Shortage subjects such as Chemistry, Computing, Maths and Physics don’t fill up so fast.

The route you are taking into teaching may also influence when you apply. School Direct is run by the schools themselves and they can only take as many trainees as they can train within their schools. They may only have the one place available for your chosen subject and once those placements are gone, they’re gone. Universities tend to have larger and wider networks of partner schools which provide school placements. This gives them more options for finding school placements so they may have places available for longer. Unlike School Direct you don’t get to choose exactly which school you go to, though they’ll try to match your school placements to your preferences as much as possible. If you apply late you run the risk that all the placements are gone.

So, you want to apply as soon as you can, with a brilliant personal statement that reflects who you are and why you want to become a teacher. So, what does that look like?

Your teacher training personal statement broadly needs to convey four things:

  • Your passion for wanting to become a teacher and commitment to the profession.
  • Your reasons for wanting to teach your chosen subject.
  • The skills and experience that you’ll bring to the role of teacher.
  • Your awareness of the realities of what lies ahead - it’s a challenging but rewarding role so you need to be realistic about this and be aware of some of the hot topics facing the sector.

Kate Brimacombe, Associate Professor of Education and Associate Director of the Teacher Education Partnership at Plymouth Marjon University, explains what she is looking for in a teacher training personal statement:

“It's really lovely to get something that's individual and firstly I want to see that passion for wanting to work with children. You absolutely can get that across - it comes off the page.

“It can’t feel half-hearted, it needs to feel committed. If independence, motivation, and self-reliance don’t sing off the page, then that's an error in a sense. You need to get your personality into the written word, I’m looking for that fire that says ‘this is absolutely what I want to do’. One common mistake is being too short so that it doesn’t get that passion across. The lack of content and desire are the main reasons I don't shortlist candidates.”

You must convey why you want to teach your subject. What is your expertise? Why do you love it? What are the challenges facing teachers of your subject? Why do you want to teach this? Think about the age group you’ll be teaching and discuss why you want to teach them. What relevant experience do you have? How does your experience to date influence your thinking?

Ultimately, you’ve got to inspire others to love your subject, so be clear about how your own relationship to it is going to enable this.

The ingredients of a convincing teacher training personal statement are:

  • Passion for teaching. Express your drive and fire on the page.
  • Be individual. Stand out in a positive light; one tip here is not to waste characters on quotes, they don’t say anything about you.
  • Convey your desire to work with children. Explain where this comes from.
  • Prove it. Include the things you have actively done, what you’ve learnt from real life experiences in schools and/or working with children, and what you got out of it.
  • Demonstrate the qualities of a teacher. Point out your commitment, empathy, independence, innovation, motivation, patience, self-reliance, and tip-top organisation skills.
  • Depth. Don’t cut it too short, you’re allowed up to 4000 characters which is around 600-700 words, so write until you’re thereabouts, and then edit it so that it reads even better.

In addition, for a strong personal statement you’ll want to demonstrate some awareness of the national curriculum for your subject and then highlight how your subject knowledge maps to it.

Back to Kate for another crucial tip: “The other big thing is that we’re checking the accuracy of your spelling and grammar, it must be correct if you’re going to be a teacher. To be fair, we don't get a lot of mistakes because I think people understand that expectations around written and verbal communication are high in teaching.”

Some aspiring teachers know they want to teach but are uncertain on the age group or subject. For example, maybe you love sport and are keen to be a secondary PE teacher, but you also enjoy working with younger children at sports clubs so you’re feeling split. In this scenario, try to settle this before you apply but if you can’t then write honestly about the situation and take extra care to ensure that neither option comes across being the fallback one that you’re not really committed to.

The magic ingredient: Examples from your own experience

There's no one way to structure your teacher training personal statement but be sure to back up every point you make with evidence. A great way to do this is give real life examples of what you actually did, and what you learned from it. It’s not enough to just list your work experience, you need to explain what you learned and how this experience will help you as a teacher.

You don’t need school experience to apply for a teaching course, though it helps. But if you don’t have school experience then you at least need some transferable skills, so any other experience of working with children is valid here, things like helping with sports teams and youth clubs are valid too. Use your examples to demonstrate the skills you’d bring to the role of teacher.

You could also refer to a teacher who made a difference to you at school, or who influenced your love of working with children and helping them to learn.

By discussing examples, you can also demonstrate that you are realistic about the role, in that is challenging as well as rewarding. For example, you might discuss a session you observed or taught, reflecting on what went well, how you adapted to the situation and how you would improve on it.

This is how to make effective use of real life examples, according to Julie Stevens, course leader for PGCE Secondary Education at Plymouth Marjon University: “I want to read about how you’ve helped a pupil to make progress. What did you change? How did you recognise they weren’t learning? What did you adapt to help them understand? Maybe you modelled it or talked it through? How did the child respond? You might talk for example about why a child was messing around or why a seating chart was put together in a certain way. It’s really encouraging when a candidate offers insights into teaching and that sense of self-reflection”.

You can talk about that examples that demonstrate transferable skills. For example, maybe you had to be resilient to get your Duke of Edinburgh award, maybe you’re a leader on the sports field or maybe you’re a dedicated musician with the music exams to prove it?

In addition, the way you talk about children is really important, the training provider needs to know that you see them as individuals and that you want to help them become independent thinkers. Back to Julie again for more about this: “I want to see candidates who talk about children as individuals and how you can help them make the best progress they can. Helping young people to make decisions for themselves and become independent learners, so that they take responsibility for their own success is essential for adulthood.

"It’s great when someone can talk about innovative things, like how to use social media for good outcomes. Anything like that is powerful because it means they understand our role as educators – we aren’t just filling them with knowledge, we're trying to get children and young people to understand how to develop themselves.”

Get your referee geared up

References really do matter. Julie and Kate report that in practice most of barriers to shortlisting a candidate come not from the personal statement, but from references that are too short. They’ve seen references as short as three lines and that doesn’t tell them enough about you and your suitability for a career in teaching. You could be an impressive candidate, but you can’t be offered a place until your reference checks out.

If you’re applying for undergraduate teacher training through UCAS then one reference is required. If you’re applying for postgraduate teacher training then you’ll need two references. If you’re at university, or have been within the past five years, then one reference must be from someone at your university. The other reference can be from someone who knows you from work, and if you’re applying for School Direct then one of your references must come from your current employer.

A good reference says good things about you and backs up some of qualities and skills you’ve outlined in your personal statement. Your referee needs to talk about your character and why they think you could be a great teacher. The training provider is looking for insight; a different perspective on you, and hopefully one that that verifies the impressions they’re taking from your statement.

You can do a lot to make sure your reference is on point. First ask your referees if they are willing to be your referee and if they think you’ve got the potential to be a good teacher. Next you need to arm them with all the arguments as to why you’ll be a good teacher, they probably don’t know everything you do. Ideally they would read your personal statement so that they can write a reference that complements it.

If applicable, ask your referee to comment on your academic abilities, including your predicted grades. If possible, go through the reference with your referee as you might see something they’ve missed. If so, ask if they are willing to add it, it’s up to them but you can suggest things.

A good teacher training personal statement shows passion and love for teaching, as well as that you’ve done some research and that you’re dedicated to teaching career. Show your personality; show them the teacher you could be. @marjonuni

Back to Kate for closing advice: “Speak with honesty and speak from the heart. I’m looking for passion. I'm looking for somebody I think the has the potential. Then when you come to interview, I already know that you have that passion and so you just need to add the shine to that and tell us more about it in-person, one to one. In that way your teacher training personal statement is the stepping stone into the interview, if it does its job then we’ll be excited to find out more about you”.

You’ve got this. Follow the advice above and you’ll have a brilliant teacher training personal statement in the bag. The next step will be your teacher training interview, so why not check out our articles on how to ace your teacher training interview and teacher training interview questions .

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Your teacher training personal statement

Your personal statement is your chance to make yourself memorable with teacher training providers and show them why you’ll make a great teacher.

You do not have to write it all at once – you can start it and come back to it. Successful candidates often take a few weeks to write their personal statements.

How long should my teacher training personal statement be?

Your personal statement can be up to 1000 words. 90% of successful candidates write 500 words or more.

You could include:

  • skills you have that are relevant to teaching
  • any experience of working with young people
  • your understanding of why teaching is important
  • your reasons for wanting to train to be a teacher
  • any activities you’ve done that could be relevant to teaching (such as first aid courses, sports coaching or volunteering)

Teacher training providers want to see your passion and that you understand the bigger picture of teaching.

How to write your personal statement

When writing your personal statement you should make sure you check your spelling and grammar in your application. You want to make the best possible impression.

You can use ChatGPT or other artificial intelligence (AI) tools to help you write your personal statement. You should not rely on it to write your entire statement because:

AI tools use bland language and will not be able to give details about you as a person. Using them may result in your application being unsuccessful

your account to apply for teacher training may be blocked if you consistently submit personal statements that look like they have been written with AI tools

Do I use the same personal statement for each application?

You can use the same personal statement for every course you apply to.

However, there may be some instances where you’d like to tailor it to different courses.

For example, if you want to apply to train to teach maths and also to train to teach physics. In this case, you might want to change your personal statement to talk more specifically about the subject you’re applying to train to teach.

Should my personal statement be different if I’m training to teach primary or secondary?

You should use your personal statement to explain why you feel passionate about teaching a specific age range or subject.

If you’re applying for a primary course with a subject specialism, or you’re particularly interested in certain primary subjects, you can talk about that, too.

If you’re not sure if you want to teach primary or secondary, you can find out more about teaching different age groups .

Do I need school experience?

You do not need school experience to apply for teacher training, but it can help strengthen your personal statement.

Teacher training providers like to see that you have a good understanding of teaching, how the school system works and what your transferable skills are. You need more than just good subject knowledge and school experience can be a great way to get this.

Getting some school experience can also be a good way to make sure teaching is right for you before you apply for a course.

Find out how you could get school experience .

Get help with your personal statement

You can get help with your personal statement from our teacher training advisers . They have years of teaching experience and can give you free, one-to-one support by phone, text, or email.

Advisers can also help you understand more about what teaching is really like, which can help improve your application.

Having a teacher training adviser was really beneficial when editing my personal statement and preparing for interviews. My top tips for the application process would be to get an adviser, and to think about what transferrable skills you have when writing your personal statement and answering interview questions. Felix, former teacher trainee

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Tips for writing your teacher training personal statement

When applying for teacher training, you’ll have to submit a personal statement. follow our advice on how to show your full potential..

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Include genuine and realistic reasons for wanting to teach

You’ll need to outline the reasons you want to teach. These reasons should be compelling. Applicants regularly reel out clichés, for example: 'I want to give back to society' or 'I want to help children'. Although true, what is it exactly you want to give back, and how does teaching help children?

Your reasons need to be developed and realistic. Teaching kids algebra isn’t going to solve the world’s problems. It might make a difference to individual lives, but how so? Don’t forget teaching has a lot to offer you too. Show your awareness of that.

Demonstrate your understanding of the challenges and rewards involved

Teaching can be a challenging profession – make sure you show your recognition of this. But, it can also be an extremely rewarding experience, so don’t forget to include the positives.

Show how your experience in schools helped you to understand the role of a teacher

You’re unlikely to be admitted to a teacher training programme without relevant experience. Make sure to include these details in your personal statement.

Don’t simply recall your experience as a teaching assistant. Relay what the experience meant to you and how it helped you understand what teachers actually do.

If you have experience of working with children in other capacities, include the details

Maybe you were a mentor in a summer camp for children, or you ran a local youth sports team. It’s all relevant. Mention how the experience will help your career in teaching. If nothing else, working with children will have developed your ability to build a rapport with them.

  • University interviews
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Draw on other professional experiences and say how they’re relevant

Teaching calls for a variety of skills. You might have experience in managing people, working within a team or communicating across departments. These are all applicable, so include them and make sure to say how these skills will help you succeed as a teacher.

Don’t forget about your subject

Tailor your application according to the subject you hope to teach. This is especially important if you’re applying for secondary school training posts. What makes you an expert in the field? What are the challenges facing teachers of your subject? Why do you want to teach it?

If applying from outside the UK, explain why you want to train here

This could simply be a personal reason or otherwise. Admissions tutors want to know you’re serious about training in the UK.

Don’t waffle

Space is limited to around 4,000 characters across 47 lines – make sure every sentence counts.

Give yourself plenty of time

Don’t leave the personal statement until the day before the deadline. You’ll need time to proof and edit it to make it strong and complete.

  • See university deadlines

Don’t keep it to yourself

Try to get feedback on your personal statement from a teacher you know, as well as a university tutor – they’re likely to have a unique insight.

Bear in mind who you’re writing it for

Are you applying for school-based or university-based training? This should have some impact on your personal statement, as a university may be looking for something different to what a school wants. Perhaps this will influence whose feedback you’ll listen to more closely.

Get the basics right

Consult DfE’s guide to make sure you’ve done everything correctly. Triple-check everything and take breaks between writing and editing. It’s hard to spot errors when you’re staring at your work for long periods of time.

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Personal statement for PGCE secondary

If you want to teach children aged 11 and over you'll need to apply through the Department for Education's (DfE) Apply for teacher training service

This example should be used for guidance only. Copying any of this text could significantly harm your chances of securing a place on a course.

Example personal statement for PGCE secondary

I became interested in teaching after realising how much I had benefited from excellent and passionate teachers. They exuded a real sense of enthusiasm for learning, which inspires me to pass on that passion.

My love for computing developed during my A-levels after discovering an aptitude for programming and networking. This drove me to study more, going on to gain a 2:1 in BSc Computer Systems and Network Engineering from the University of England. Studying at university developed my passion for computer sciences and taught me a range of transferable skills that I believe are fundamentally important to teach young people. This is demonstrated in my dissertation, which was awarded a first, investigating The Internet of Things (IoT) and how it can help shape educational establishments of the future.

While at university I decided to volunteer as a teaching assistant in a mainstream school. By my final year I was able to take responsibility for running activities in the classroom, balancing the needs of each child and managing behaviour issues. In addition, I regularly helped run the lunchtime computer club. In working with more vulnerable students such as SEN learners I saw the role played by support staff in maintaining control of the classroom, particularly with those who can be disruptive when under stimulated. I learned the importance of differentiating lesson plans to educate and engage students with special needs and the power of strategies such as a well thought out seating plan and friendly competitiveness in learners. I saw students develop within the classroom as a result of my determined support and these good working relationships are beginning to result in higher grades. I have liaised well across several departments to communicate information about students in an organised and diplomatic way.

One highlight was when I supported a young person with ADHD who attended computer club. They had been struggling to remain focussed and on task in class but were able to focus well when completing tasks on a computer. As a result, they suffered from poor behaviour, disengagement and low self-esteem. I negotiated with some class teachers to allow this pupil to use a tablet during their lessons. The pupil could then access any PowerPoint presentations being delivered to enable them to go back and reread specific slides. They could also access links to visual resources to enhance their understanding of the subject being taught. Homework was posted online for them to complete and submit electronically. This was such a success that the school invested in more tablets to be used by a range of students across the school. This further inspired me to want to become a teacher to enable me to support others who may be facing barriers to learning that could be tackled through the introduction of technology.

To support my professional development further I undertook short work placements in two other schools. Volunteering in Key Stages 1 and 2 confirmed my desire to teach Key Stages 3 and 4. I became aware of the many demands placed upon teachers and their time and I believe that the project management, communication and problem-solving skills gained during my degree will be invaluable assets within the classroom and beyond. I was exposed to a range of pedagogical models and teaching methods, which is something I look forward to learning more about on a PGCE.

One of my hobbies is to make short films about how to use different forms of technology and software packages. I post these on YouTube as instructional videos. These have proved to be very popular and I am considering how I can use this type of activity to benefit the students I teach. One option is to support students to create their own videos to help deepen their understanding of a subject, which they can then choose to upload to the school's virtual learning environment to aid their peers if they wish.

During school placements I witnessed the challenges and rewards present in a school environment. Teachers need to be resilient particularly when working with students who find school difficult, do not want to engage and do not want to accept support. However, I look forward to working in the education system and believe I could help and inspire students to develop their future aspirations.

While researching for my dissertation I spoke with secondary school teachers about the challenges their students faced and one that came up often was digital poverty. In many inner-city schools, pupils do not always have access to up to date and reliable computer technology to allow them to keep up with the advances in technology that they’ll face when seeking employment. One of my aims would be to investigate how the use of integrated technologies, as well as fostering links with local companies and the community, could result in a cost-effective solution allowing all students equal access to computer technology.

Technology has become its own form of literacy due to its prevalence in everyday life. Numerous careers use at least one aspect of Microsoft Office or Google Drive daily; balancing budgets on spreadsheets, creating slides to be presented, or attaching documents to emails to communicate important information. Allowing students to learn and refine these skills prepares them for life beyond the classroom.

With technology being present in many classrooms, and not just to teach computing skills, the introduction of the IoT could enhance learning activities even more. It could provide improved connectivity, introduce artificial intelligence and virtual reality to the learning environment as well as cloud computing platforms. I am excited about the future of education and how I can be an active part of it.

When writing your personal statement, you need to include:

  • What inspired you to choose teaching.
  • Why you wish to teach at secondary level.
  • Your knowledge of the pressures and rewards of teaching.
  • The personal qualities and skills that will make you a good teacher.
  • How you might contribute to the wider school environment such as running extra-curricular activities and clubs.
  • Any experience of working with children and what you learnt through doing this.
  • Evidence of your knowledge related to the subject you hope to teach.
  • Any relevant work or unpaid experience.
  • Your degree, degree modules and dissertation topic where relevant.
  • Any relevant skills, hobbies and achievements.

Find out more

  • Read all about applying for teacher training .
  • Get prepared with our teaching interview questions .
  • See more examples of teaching personal statements .

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How to write the perfect teaching personal statement

Application and interview, tes editorial.

Teacher Personal Statement

When applying for a new job, you may be competing with tens or hundreds of other applicants in a race for the role.

The HR manager or headteacher recruiting for the job will be scrutinising every detail of your application to make sure they are bringing in the right people for interview.

The application form is the first hurdle you have to get over and sets the first impression of you as a person in the recruiter’s mind.

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The personal statement: why does it matter? 

The personal statement presents the perfect opportunity to show you are an exceptional candidate, understand teaching and know the school you are applying to.

It is not an easy task and is a tricky thing to get right. It requires being concise and clear – it shouldn’t be too long or read like a list.

You should talk about yourself and your professional achievements, while at the same time apply those experiences to the school itself.

We spoke to Malcolm Trobe, deputy general secretary of the Association of School and College Leaders , about what goes into the perfect personal statement. Here's what he said:

What does a great teaching personal statement look like?

"In general, I would say no longer than two sides of A4 – typescript. It needs to be well structured and linked to the specific school. It will need to include a number of key areas, including behavioural management, educational philosophy, subject expertise, pedagogy, personal organisation and skills and enrichment activities that the candidate can bring."

What should it contain?

"I would recommend that candidates include three elements in each of the key areas:

  • What their beliefs/philosophy/approach is – i.e., the theory
  • Their experience in that area
  • How they would use that experience in the school they are applying to and specific to the job they are applying for

The statement should also include something personal in terms of their outside interests to indicate that they live an interesting and well-balanced life."

What are school leaders looking to read in a good personal statement?

"They will want to see something of the person’s character come through. It must not be just a list of achievements or repeat of the CV. It needs to be well-written, error-free and mention the school they are applying for – but not too many times. It should read as if it has been specifically written for the school and job they are applying for. I would be looking for something similar to the approach I have indicated above, covering all of the key areas and indicating that they have a vocation for working with young people. Somehow I would like to see a ‘generosity of spirit’ come through in the statement."

How can a candidate stand out in a personal statement?

"A good personal statement needs to include something of the person themselves. It has to make the reader believe that the candidate has something special without bragging or appearing arrogant – but something a bit above what other candidates may offer. A really good introduction and ending are important, and it's worth spending a great deal of time crafting those sections of the statement. Hook the reader in at the beginning and finish on a high note so that they want to meet the person and explore what has been written."

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Example Personal Statement for Teaching

personal statement teacher training sample

by Talha Omer, MBA, M.Eng., Harvard & Cornell Grad

In personal statement samples by field.

Here is an example personal statement of an applicant who got admitted to Masters of Arts in Teaching. For personal statement, the university posed several questions to the applicant, which the admissions committee expects to be answered in an essay form. The program provides these personal statement prompts to encourage students to self-reflect and then to share their insights with the program.

The following essays are an example of a compelling story and reflect the original voice and personality of the applicant. Get inspiration from them and try to incorporate their strengths into your own personal statement.

In this Article

Personal Statement Prompt 1

Personal statement prompt 2, personal statement prompt 3, personal statement prompt 4, personal statement prompt 5, personal statement prompt 6.

Please tell us briefly about the school where you teach and the community it serves. Who are your students? What do they do when they finish school? What kind of work do their parents do?

Life in rural areas is lonely, and the poverty rate is extremely high compared to life in urban areas. I teach in a roadside rural school where all my students come from poor families and are villagers. My school serves a community where most parents are uneducated and unemployed. Most family members work on agricultural lands and some work in urban areas as janitors, security officers and labourers.

Being the only girl’s school in the area, students from adjoining hilly areas come to school on foot, walking 15-20 kilometres daily. There are a handful of schools for girls that impart primary education. Because of these schools, awareness of the benefits of education have increased in the local community. Consequently, people have now started to send their children to schools in bigger numbers. 

Poorly educated children are the source of adult functional illiteracy, which is the primary feeder of poorly educated children. However, girls who got educated in my area eventually became educated mothers and are raising healthier families. This has reduced the vicious intergenerational cycle of functional illiteracy.

Why do you want to enrol in the Masters of Arts in Teaching Program?

Mexico now has an overall literacy rate of only 29%, with rural literacy at a staggering low of 11%. Last year, over two million children dropped out before secondary school, nearly twice Washington, DC’s total population. Even worse, we do not have enough qualified teachers to fill the void in every village or district. This bankrupt education system is ripe for creative disruption, and I plan to do that. Universal quality education is an unattainable dream for rural children because they do not have access to quality teachers and resources. Worse, most of them cannot attend school regularly because they must support their family by working in agricultural fields or households. This work commitment at such a ripe age makes formal education impossible.

Though most girls are forced into early marriage in my area, I was lucky enough to continue my studies after high school. Later I travelled to a much bigger city to get higher education. Unfortunately, there was no college for girls in our village back then. In the city, however, females were educated and valued for their achievements.

At college, I met an English teacher who later became my inspiration. She opened the outside world to me, instilled confidence in me and taught me the things that interest me. She knew my background and told me to take teaching as a profession so that I could educate my community and bring some change. She gave me all the strength and motivation to carry on. In addition, she made me fall in love with the subject of English and Communication.

I didn’t get quality education at the school level since our teachers were either absent from the class or lacked expertise in English language abilities. These factors deeply affected my early learning of English, and since languages are harder to learn later in life, it became a massive barrier. But with the help of my newfound urban teacher, I was able to learn and affirm my ability in this field. My teacher shaped my destiny and encouraged me to enlighten my mind. The day I started to teach was when life started to make sense. It was indeed a golden chance for me to follow in the footsteps of my great English teacher and offer my best services to the people of my village. The condition of schools and teachers in my village is alarming; teachers lack quality education and are ill-equipped. Sometimes students waste all day at school without learning a word. Through my experiences, I’ve seen and learnt a lot about where the deficiency is and where to work for betterment.

I imagine a Mexico where better teachers in rural areas can evolve rural education. It’s already starting to happen in some areas – such as Teach for Mexico – and I want to become a part of something similar. It’s not just about resources. It’s about optimizing them to increase productivity and rethinking what’s possible. I want to dedicate my profession to my village’s people so they can get quality education. I have realized and understood that education is essential to succeed for the less fortunate. I’ve always strived to educate students and their parents, so they know the value of education.

Deep down inside, there’s a feeling in my heart and a voice in my head that I must do something now so that I leave a legacy amongst my village people when I die. Villagers have magical energy and zest for life, especially girls. I see more passion for doing.

I would say life is not meant for me to watch it and just pass by. I’m here to make a difference in the life of my students. I firmly believe that a teacher who successfully combines advanced teaching strategies with resilience is the catalyst for our educational development. I intend to be one of these teachers, and further education is vital to making this a reality.

Please list what activities you have pursued inside and outside the classroom to maintain your professional training as an educator. In addition, please list professional organizations that you are a member of and relevant work in your community outside of school.

To keep students engaged, I believe in creating a relaxed learning culture in the classroom. Moreover, to ensure that students don’t get bored, I develop interactive lessons that are relevant to students. It is important to note that in rural schools, many external factors are at play — poverty, neighbourhood violence, family discord etc. These inevitably contribute to student disengagement. I implement several interventions to reduce the effects of negative external influences. In my case, increasing parental involvement, extracurricular activities, and improving school safety have enhanced student engagement.

Moreover, I engage my students by immersing them in the actual situation. For example, in a class about history, I put students in the position of historical figures and asked them how they would feel and act. Finally, outside the classroom, I actively engage students in co-curricular activities that positively impact their academic, social, physical, and emotional growth.

Describe an occasion when you led by example in your school and community.

One of the most challenging situations I have ever faced as a leader was whether to replace Matthew, a top student in our undergraduate class and my close friend, with another suitable member. The decision arrived after our first two project phases went terribly because of his unprofessional attitude toward Matthew. I was under a lot of pressure from my other three team members to decide – we were a devoted team committed to our goal, but this vision did not fit Matthew.

Although highly talented, Matthew did only the minimum necessary and was unwilling to make any sacrifices and commit to our goal. I faced a tough decision. On the one hand, firing a talented and top student at a time when most other team members were not accomplished seemed unwise. On the other hand, not replacing him would mean establishing double standards for the rest of the team. His opposition to the change had already begun creating undesired effects, as a few of the team members resented him.

To solve the problem, I took drastic steps to make Matthew relate to the new goals and change his attitude. In addition, I also improved the team’s reward system based on his comments to reward the extra efforts. I started encouraging him to participate fully by inviting his input and suggestions on improving things. As a result, matters were significantly enhanced, and I succeeded in building the right team to lead the project forward. Matthew became motivated again, and with him, I had a team that could reach the ambitious goals we set, and indeed, in 4 months, we had posited the best final-year project of the year.

What skills and experience do you hope to gain from participating in the graduate program, and how will these benefit you and your school once you have completed the program? Describe at least two ways you will share these skills with your school and/or community.

The master’s program will help me explore new teaching methodologies and lesson planning, which are the prerequisites in teaching. I can improve my student’s learning skills only if I’m well-prepared. Participating in the graduate program would be an overwhelming experience, as it will enhance my teaching skills more profoundly. In addition, I would gain knowledge and understanding of US culture, which will help me build my confidence and communication skills through interaction with cosmopolitan people – a trait essential for any English teacher. Teachers like me who work in remote areas need to broaden their vision through master’s programs. I am confident that this program will enable me to re-evaluate my teaching abilities.

High-quality teachers are fundamental to good education. Through the graduate program in teaching, I will be able to develop my student’s basic communication skills better than I currently can. In addition, I want to produce students who can compete globally. Finally, I will share my knowledge and experience with students, colleagues, and other schoolteachers with whom I regularly interact through monthly inter-school meetings and community functions.

There is a massive discrepancy in the quality of teaching resources between urban and rural schools, but I’m very committed and not afraid to seek out new challenges. Hopefully, if I’m selected for this program, one of my biggest dreams of bringing change to the lives of my people will come true, and the space of deprivation will be filled up. I will return with a new perspective on culture, language, and teaching skills.

How do you plan/design your lessons? How did your students receive the lesson, and how did you assess your students’ learning?

Class: Grade 7th to 10th

Subject: English    

Time: 40-45 minutes   

Aims:  A lesson plan is the instructor’s road map of what students need to learn and how it will be done effectively during class. Before I plan my lesson, I first identify the learning objectives for the class meeting. This way, I can design appropriate learning activities and develop strategies to obtain feedback on student learning. I aim to make my lessons so easy that my students enjoy learning English without any difficulty. In addition, I want them to specialize in four skills of English: reading, listening, writing, and speaking.

For this, I prepare them with practical command over words and phrases, which they will then use to tell a story or describe an incident. Then they must write a letter, an invitation, and a leave application with reasonable speed and zero grammatical errors. For different classes, I use different lesson plans. For example, in seventh grade, I teach them the use of a dictionary along with reading skills. In class eight, I developed their taste in reading stories and books and writing composition. Finally, I give group tasks in ninth and tenth grades to work on all four basic skills.

Methodology : In class, I adopt the Student-Centered Approach to Learning, where the students and I play an equally active role in the learning process. My primary function is to coach and facilitate student learning and comprehension of the material. I follow up with formal and informal assessment forms, including group projects, student portfolios, and class participation. Next, I start my class by asking students questions about the last lesson to link the lesson with a new one. Then I follow through by reading the passages slowly with correct pronunciation and intonation and translating every word for them.

Afterwards, I ask three to four students to read the passage one by one and ask the whole class to read after the students loudly. I correct their mistakes if they read wrong. I tell them the meanings of difficult words and give them new words to increase their vocabulary. In the grammar class, I teach tenses, Parts of speech, articles, types of sentences, narrations, and active and passive voice. I have made it mandatory for students to get their exams signed by their parents so that the parents are aware of their child’s progress. Finally, I assess my students by asking questions on the subject matter taught in the classroom.


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Teacher training personal statement example 3.

Teaching is my passion and I realized this during my studies. While I was doing my bachelor, luckily, I got a chance to work in a primary school as an assistant teacher and this work allowed me to get closer to the children and give them the best support in their lessons.

Undoubtedly, that was an enjoyable moment to see them solving problems with their small brains which sometimes came up with utterly flabbergasted ideas and made them appreciated among others. Lately, I strongly believed that the experience was awesome and really helpful for me to build up my career.

In my opinion, teachers play a vital role in not only building up a child’s prosperous future but also making them good humans in society. After pre-schooling, the primary level is a pathway for an individual that leads to the entire life as well as mentors like teachers play a role as a backbone. Perhaps, primary education is a foundation and a child learns how to behave with others, they fill their curiosity by doing small things, learn confidence, try to mingle with other kids, and pluck the courage to show their inner skills and capabilities which are usually appreciated by the teacher and then a child feel self-respect and knows his strength and make his weaknesses his power.

There are certain reasons why I choose this course. Firstly, I suppose the teacher has the power and ability to make a real difference in the lives of the children, in other words, it can be said that teacher has the biggest influence on a child ‘s life and the visible results gives a sense of pride to her.

Secondly, teaching is a job that thrives on variety and teacher gets the opportunity to learn different things every day which makes this job more attractive. Moreover, in teaching, I see a purposeful and versatile vocation in this field, what I love most is that it has a fusion of learning and playing together in an enjoyable way.

Although this is a huge responsibility, I believe that through the education of children it’s possible to deliver the opportunity for them to find the best future that they can enjoy along with learning. Though it would have some hardships while working with the younger generation but I think that the outcome would be more prosperous and flourish which is more than worth the effort and dedication.

In addition, I think that learning is a natural and necessary part of life. And I usually spend most of my time with my kids, they are 7 and 8 years old and they really learn lots of things which instills a resolute desire to work in this field. As teaching is my passion and I am equipped with some skills that will benefit my further education and work with young people.

Since English has been my favorite subject throughout my education. I love reading story books and can explain them easily to the kids by making them more interested through different creative ways. History has given me an understanding of modern education and the principles on which it is based. Mathematics nowadays has been the easiest subject to study through play and home-based objects. Though, there are new skills that have been adopted to make this subject more appealing

Creativity, initiative, and organization are skills that I believe are critical to be a successful teacher and I believe these are core skills to help children develop their confidence and ability, both academically and socially. Good interpersonal skill is my strength, which always helps me to get engaged with kids. Additionally, I am good at motivating people through my communication and I usually practice this skill at home with my own kids and get a positive result.

Planning and organizing is the biggest power of mine. More often, I plan things before time so as not to make them a mess, and can be done in a pleasant way. Optimistic behavior, resilience, and creativity are part of my personality which I usually show through my everyday routine.

When I am not filling my spare time and work doesn’t call me, I like going to the gym or doing some baking. Baking and cycling is my hobby. I strongly believe in doing exercise every day which also motivates my kids toward a healthy life. I like eating green and clean as it’s important for being strong and healthy and for this I usually google different websites to cook healthy and nutritious food for my family.

I feel that I would be able to make a valuable contribution during my degree, and perhaps even more importantly, as I have worked so hard to get to this point, I would remain committed to studying because it means so much to me.

After my degree, I would like to go on to do further study and perhaps undertake training to become the best teacher with all the necessary skills. I have always had a logical, organized, and practical way of thinking, as well as a competitive nature, and math has always appealed to these characteristics. Here are some reasons for my choice to get attain a degree from the UK. First, UK has renowned educational institutes in the world. Second, universities in UK give opportunities to everyone to achieve their goals. And third and lastly, it gives quality education with work placement that help to groom the whole personality.

I am excited to study in the UK to achieve my career goals. Undoubtedly, I will try my best to complete this program with full knowledge. Teacher training from UK will be a perfect opportunity for me to further my understanding of children in their early years and allow me to learn about new areas I haven’t come across yet. My goal is to gain practical experience working with young children while also gaining relevant qualifications to be the best primary teacher.

Studying teachers training at university will be a perfect opportunity for me to increase my understanding of children in their early years and allow me to learn about new areas I haven’t come across yet. My goal is to gain practical experience working with young children while also gaining relevant qualifications to be the best primary teacher I can be.

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