Writing Beginner

How to Describe a Train in Writing (30+ Words & Examples)

Riding the rails has captured the imagination of writers for over a century. Trains have been featured in all genres of fiction from romance to sci-fi.

Here’s how to describe a train in writing :

Describe the sight, sound, and motion of trains by focusing on key details like the locomotive style, speed, interior details, and smoking steam from the stack. Use vivid sensory language to transport readers aboard the rail journey.

In this guide, you’ll learn how to describe all aspects of trains from their traits and purposes to stations and ideas for train scenes.

10 Key Train Traits to Describe

A blog image of a train - How to Describe a Train in Writing

Table of Contents

There are 10 traits you need to know to master writing train descriptions:

  • Locomotive style


Locomotive style.

The locomotive style refers to the design and visual appearance of the engine powering the train.

Pay attention to key features that distinguish one style from another, like the shape of the front grille on a diesel or the large boiler on a steam engine.

Mention details like the number of wheels, decorative embellishments, and the general silhouette or profile of the locomotive.

Color Scheme

The colors used to paint the train exterior play a key role in description.

Note the dominant hues used on the engine, cars and any striping or lettering.

Black, gray, maroon, forest green and navy blue are common. Is it a vibrant, glossy color or more muted and weathered?


The general size and length of the train determines how many cars it contains.

An intercity passenger train may be quite long with many attached cars while a subway is much shorter.

Use terms like massive, hulking, and colossal for large trains vs. tiny or small for shorter ones.

Mention any multi-level cars as well.

Identify the train’s primary function to transport passengers or freight/cargo.

Commuter trains take riders on daily trips while freight trains haul predominantly goods and materials across long distances.

Knowing the purpose provides context.

The age and era of a train help establish the time period.

An antique steam locomotive from the 19th century invokes vintage images while a bullet train feels ultramodern.

Use descriptors that indicate the general age — old, historic, futuristic, modern, etc.

The speed a train is moving is crucial to convey, as it feels far different watching a slow coal train vs. a high speed express.

Use words like crawling, moderate, fast, swift, speeding or racing to indicate speed.

Mention how quickly the scenery whips past.

Trains make distinctive sounds from the engine, horn, wheels on tracks and other mechanisms.

Describe the volume – quiet, soft, loud, deafening – and quality of the sounds like screeching brakes or clickety-clack wheels.

Steam locomotives emit copious smoke from the stack which creates a dramatic visual.

Note the volume – billowing, puffing, wafting – color and scent. Smoke evokes key sensory details.


The number, styles and purposes of the attached railcars provide helpful context.

Short commuter trains may have just a few while cross-country ones have many passenger, dining, sleeper and freight cars.

Identify any that stand out.

Knowing where a train is headed, even if just the general direction, adds intrigue and purpose.

Is it chugging toward a big city or traveling through open countryside?

This ties into the overall context.

Types of Trains

There are many types of trains that operate for different purposes.

Here are some of the most common:

  • Passenger trains  – Used to transport people between stations. These include high-speed bullet trains, intercity trains, commuter trains and subways.
  • Freight trains  – Haul cargo in closed cars or open tops. Examples are unit trains, mixed freight and intermodal trains.
  • Light rail  – Urban passenger trains operating on mainline railroad tracks. They are smaller and lighter than heavy rail.
  • High-speed rail  – Intercity passenger trains that operate at speeds over 200 km/h (120 mph).
  • Steam locomotives  – Antique trains powered by steam engines burning coal, wood or oil. They have mostly been replaced by diesel and electric trains.

How to Describe a Train for Kids

When depicting trains for children, focus on key details that will spark their imagination:

  • Bright, vibrant colors on the engine and cars
  • Interesting shapes like steam billowing from the stack
  • Happy faces or names given to the trains
  • The sounds – whistles blowing, wheels clacking
  • Child-friendly destinations like the zoo, circus or beach
  • Riders waving from the windows
  • Special cars like an observation deck or caboose
  • Animal characters as conductors or engineers
  • Trains that can talk and show personality

Use kid-friendly, sensory language around sights, sounds, smells and motion.

Describe colors, shapes, noises and actions in an upbeat way. Bring the train to life as a friendly character for a delightful ride.

Here is a video to help you learn how to describe trains:

30 Words to Describe Trains

All these tips are good, but what about the actual language of trains?

Don’t worry – here is a list of words you can use when describing trains:

30 Phrases to Describe Trains

Here are some phrases you can use to talk about trains:

  • Locomotive giant
  • Carriages clattered along
  • Whistle splitting the air
  • Smoke billowing
  • Engine roaring
  • Cars rumbling along
  • Train slithered along
  • Serpentine machine
  • Thunder down the tracks
  • Caterpillar of cars
  • Black iron beast
  • Shriek of metal
  • Blur of machinery
  • Steel wheels grinding
  • Slate gray cars
  • Snake of steel
  • Echoing horn blast
  • Ghostly owl lights
  • Pistons pumping mightily
  • Wheels clacking rhythmically
  • Coach lights flickering
  • Steam whistling from vents
  • Gears churning noisily
  • Engine car belching smoke
  • Railcars clacking together
  • Steel rails humming
  • Whistle piercing the air
  • Passengers murmuring inside
  • Conductor yelling, “All aboard!”

How to Describe a Train Station in Writing

Train stations serve as bustling hubs for arrivals, departures and daily commutes.

When describing a station, consider these key elements:

  • Architecture  – The style and materials such as Victorian, Art Deco, brick, marble, etc.
  • Size  – The general scale from a small rural stop to a massive hub station.
  • Platforms  – The number, length and features like benches, overhangs or digital signs.
  • Tracks  – How many railroad tracks run through the station? Are they elevated or at ground level?
  • Transportation modes  – Are trains, buses, taxis and other transit integrated here?
  • Interior details  – What does the inside look like? Highlight ticketing areas, waiting rooms, shops.
  • Lighting  – Overhead lighting, natural light from windows, ambient glow of trains.
  • Crowds  – The volume of people, queues, announcements and overall energy.
  • Sounds  – The echoes of footsteps, murmuring voices, train arrivals/departures.
  • Smells  – Odors from food stalls, coffee shops, engine exhaust or crowds.
  • Purpose  – Is it a commuter, passenger or mixed-use station?

Example Train Descriptions

Here are three sample train descriptions in different fiction genres:

The antique steam train clicked and puffed as it pulled out of the station, tendrils of white smoke coiling from its black stack.

The setting sun gleamed on its scarlet boiler as the mammoth iron horse powered down the tracks with the faint scent of coal trailing behind. Emily pressed her nose to the window, admiring the faded golden carriages rolling past quaint countryside toward their destination.

The silent silver bullet train glided swiftly into the station, its metallic sides shimmering under the harsh white lights.

With a barely audible hiss, the glossy doors slid open and passengers disembarked, the train’s electric engine humming. Jane strode quickly through the grim crowd, heading toward the hulking machine that would transport her 200 mph to the next dreary mega-city.

The ancient train rumbled through the misty high mountain pass, its gears grinding and smokestack belching acrid plumes. The black iron wheels screeched against the tracks as the beastly locomotive pulled its rattling cargo cars.

Inside, the air was musty and eerily quiet, the wooden seats weathered from ages of use.

Alana peered out the grimy window at the spectral pine forest sliding past, wondering what magical secrets this transport might hold.

20 Unique Ideas for Using Trains in Your Story

Here are 20 interesting ideas for incorporating trains into short stories or novels:

  • An antique steam train time travels to the Wild West
  • A magical train picks up lost kids and takes them on adventures
  • Clues about a mystery are found on a cross-country train trip
  • Ghosts haunt the cars of an old train graveyard
  • A futuristic bullet train on Mars helps colonists escape danger
  • An enchanted train can fly as well as ride the rails
  • A runaway train hurtles out of control toward doom
  • An eccentric group of characters meet on an overnight train
  • A talking train engine guides riders through fantastical lands
  • A young stowaway finds dangers and wonders while riding the rails
  • A scientist transforms into animals after a freak lab accident on a train
  • A portal in a train station opens to a magical kingdom
  • A quarantined train holds a deadly outbreak threatening humanity
  • Famous historical figures interact on an express train through time
  • A post-apocalyptic survivor finds the last working locomotive
  • A train heist happens as villains attempt a daring robbery
  • An animal circus troupe rides the rails from show to show
  • A miniature train in a model exhibit comes to life at night
  • A mechanical train-robot helps fight off an alien attack
  • A child befriends the ghost of an old train conductor

Final Thoughts: How to Describe a Train in Writing

Describing trains requires focusing on key details – from the locomotive style and sound, to the speed, purpose and era – that bring these powerful machines to life on the page.

All aboard for more tips on creative writing and blogging as we travel together on this railroad of words!

Be sure to check out the other helpful articles on my website to further polish your storytelling skills.

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  • How to Write Traveling Scenes Readers Love (21 Best Tips)
  • How to Describe Flying in Writing (21 Best Tips + Examples)
  • How to Describe a Rich Person (21 Best Tips + Examples)
  • How to Describe Love in Writing (21 Best Tips + Examples)
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Writing Tips Oasis

Writing Tips Oasis - A website dedicated to helping writers to write and publish books.

How to Describe a Train in a Story

By Isobel Coughlan

how to describe a train in a story

Do characters in your novel take a train journey? If you want to illustrate this scene as vividly as possible, we’re here to help. In this post, we cover the topic of how to describe a train in a story.

Something that moves very quickly .

“The rapid train thundered down the tracks, leaving every passerby in shock. This was a sight no one would forget.”

“He needed a rapid train to make it to the interview on time, but the last express service had already departed.”

How it Adds Description

“Rapid” describes a train that moves very quickly or faster than others. If your characters describe the train as “rapid,” it could signal that they’re impressed by the speed. It can also hint that they need to get somewhere fast, especially if they’re looking for a “rapid” train. “Rapid” can also signal that your fictional world has modern technology that allows speedy journeys.

Something that’s old and has lots of value due to its rarity or beauty.

“The antique train rolled into the station, and the cameras started flashing. Such a beautiful locomotive hadn’t been on the tracks in decades.”

“She searched each train warehouse, but she couldn’t find the exact antique train needed for her project.”

If you want to include an old or vintage train in your story, “antique” can signal the age and condition of it. “Antique” implies the train is old and very valuable, which might make characters very interested in it. An “antique” train can also be used to show your reader a glimpse of your fictional world’s past.

Something not exciting or interesting.

“She boarded the dull train with a sigh. It was going to be a long and boring journey.”

“The train was dull at best. It has no personality, style, or features.”

The word “dull” signifies the train is not as exciting as other trains, which lets your reader know the characters aren’t interested in it. This could further show your characters aren’t particularly interested in trains or traveling in general.

4. Sluggish

Something that works or moves slower than others.

“The sluggish train took so long to arrive, many of the passengers had fallen asleep at the station.”

“I’m not getting on that sluggish train! Flying is much quicker.”

If you want to emphasize how slow your train travels, “sluggish” can give your reader a clear image. Also, if a character deems the train “sluggish,” it might hint that they don’t want to go on the long journey. “Sluggish” could also imply something’s wrong with the train, hence it’s not traveling at its usual fast speed.

Something that looks new and expensive .

“The sleek train was equipped with high-tech screens, a full-service bar, and a sauna.”

“She was drawn to the sleek train, and her secret wish was to travel across the country on it.”

“Sleek” implies that your fictional train is top-of-the-line, sophisticated, and expensive. Characters may aspire to travel on the “sleek” train to experience its luxury or to raise their social status. This could lead to some characters being obsessed with the “sleek” train, as they desperately want to experience it.

6. Gigantic

Something that’s extremely large in physical size.

“She gasped at the gigantic train. It was obvious she’d never seen a double-decker locomotive before.”

“The gigantic train could barely fit into the station.”

“Gigantic” shows the impressive size and scale of your fictional train. If a character thinks a train is “gigantic,” it can show they’re not used to traveling on large-scale public transport. “Gigantic” could also imply that the train is one of the largest in use, especially if many characters are shocked by its size.

7. Futuristic

Something that looks very unusual and modern .

“He curiously boarded the futuristic train. It felt like something out of a sci-fi film.”

“The futuristic train was groundbreaking. But it cost over $1000 for a single journey.”

The word “futuristic” shows that the train looks very modern or contains the latest technology. “Futuristic” trains might confuse your characters, as their design and features may be different from standard trains. “Futuristic” could also foreshadow technological innovations or tech-based plot points to come in your novel.

Something that’s not expensive or large.

“The modest train looked small in comparison to others, but it worked just as well.”

“He could only afford to travel on the modest train. However, this didn’t bother him one bit.”

The word “modest” hints that the train in question is more affordable and smaller than others. If your characters call a train “modest,” they might be unimpressed or unbothered about it. “Modest” could also signal that the train is older and there are newer and more expensive models.

9. Revolutionary

Something that changes the way something is made or done.

“Thousands gathered for the revolutionary train unveiling. The release was set to change locomotive history.”

“He took his seat on the revolutionary train and waited for the journey to begin. He could hardly contain his excitement.”

If you want to show your fictional train is new and groundbreaking, “revolutionary” is the adjective to use. This word signals that the train is a game changer. Characters attracted to a “revolutionary” train might be interested in progress and the future.

10. Stylish

Something fashionable and elegant in design.

“The stylish train was a fabulous affair. It had a multi-colored design, premium leather seats, and the latest decor inside.”

“He wished he was riding in the stylish train. But he could only afford to travel in the drab shipping container carriage.”

“Stylish” shows that your fictional train is very fashionable and thus might sport the latest designs and bright colors. If your characters are fans of the “stylish” train, they might also be very fashion-conscious and concerned with surface aesthetics. “Stylish” could also hint your fictional society is very advanced, as their transport is not basic or boring.


A Journey by Train Paragraph: 100, 150, And 200 Words

A journey by train paragraph: Embarking on a train journey unfolds an adventure unlike any other. With every chug and whistle, anticipation builds. Vast landscapes pass by, revealing nature’s artistry and human ingenuity. This voyage offers more than mere transit; it’s a canvas of experiences, inviting explorers to immerse in the rhythm of rails.

In this article, we have provided 100, 150, and 200-word paragraphs on a journey by train topic.

A Journey by Train Paragraph 100 Words

Imagine boarding a train, where each compartment tells a story. As the journey begins, the train slides out of the station, embarking on a path woven through the heart of landscapes. Fields, mountains, and rivers become a moving tapestry outside your window. Along the way, you encounter fellow travelers, each with unique tales and destinations. The rhythmic clatter of wheels on tracks accompanies your thoughts, offering a meditative backdrop to your adventure. This mode of travel not only connects distant places but also bridges human experiences, making the world seem smaller. Train journeys, with their gentle pace, allow us to appreciate the journey itself, not just the destination. They remind us to slow down and observe the world unfolding around us.

Step onto a train and step into a world of wonder. The initial whistle signals the start of an expedition through time and space. As the landscape changes, from bustling cities to serene countryside, you’re presented with a live gallery of the world’s beauty. Each station along the route has its character, from the grandeur of historic terminals to the simplicity of rural stops. The train serves as a classroom on wheels, where each view out the window offers a lesson in geography, history, and culture. The shared experience of travel fosters a unique camaraderie among passengers, creating a temporary community of adventurers. In this journey, the train becomes more than a vehicle; it’s a vessel of discovery, inviting curiosity and offering insights at every turn.

Embark on a train journey and embark on an exploration of sensory delights. From the start, the hustle and bustle of the station fade into a peaceful hum as the train glides forward. With every mile, the scenery shifts, presenting an ever-changing collage of nature and humanity. The scent of rain on fields, the sight of sunsets over mountains, and the sound of laughter from nearby seats enrich the experience. Train travel offers a unique perspective, one that is both introspective and outward-looking. It encourages us to find joy in the details, to engage with our surroundings, and to appreciate the diverse tapestry of life that unfolds along the tracks. Through this journey, we not only reach new destinations but also discover new dimensions of ourselves.

Short Paragraph on a Journey by Train 150 Words

Imagine the rhythmic chug of a train as it slices through the countryside. This mode of travel, steeped in romance and history, offers more than mere transportation; it provides a window to the world’s soul. Onboard, every glance out the window paints a new picture: emerald fields stretching to the horizon, quaint villages waking to the day, and cities buzzing with life. The train itself is a microcosm of society, where stories and friendships are woven between the clacks of the wheels. Each station along the journey is a chapter in a grand adventure, inviting explorers to step off and discover the unknown. The anticipation of reaching the destination intertwines with the joy of the journey itself. This experience, accessible and affordable, enriches the mind and spirit, proving that sometimes the old ways, like train travel, hold timeless value.

Have you ever pondered the allure of train journeys? Unlike the impersonal rush of flying, trains offer an intimate glimpse into the heart of landscapes. As the train meanders through tunnels, over bridges, and along rivers, each turn reveals a scene more breathtaking than the last. The leisurely pace allows travelers to savor each moment, whether it’s the sun setting over a field of gold or the sudden appearance of a majestic mountain range. Inside, the gentle hum of conversation mixes with the clattering tracks, creating a comforting soundtrack to the journey. Train travel encourages a slower, more reflective way of moving through the world, where the goal is not just to arrive, but to experience. It is a lesson in patience and appreciation, teaching us to value the journey as much as the destination.

Embarking on a train journey is akin to stepping into a storybook. Each carriage whispers tales of past adventures, beckoning new travelers to add their own. The train, a ribbon of continuity linking cities and countryside, offers a unique perspective on the world’s ever-changing landscape. From the bustling energy of urban centers to the serene beauty of rural settings, passengers witness the tapestry of life unfolding before their eyes. The rhythm of the train, with its steady heartbeat, becomes a meditative backdrop to the journey, allowing for moments of introspection and wonder. Conversations with fellow passengers, each with their own stories and destinations, enrich the experience further, making the journey a shared narrative. Train travel, with its rich heritage and promise of discovery, invites adventurers of all ages to embark on a journey not just through space, but through time and human connection.

Travel by Train Summary 200 Words

Imagine the rhythmic chug of a train, a sound that promises adventure and exploration. A journey by train is not merely a mode of transportation but a unique experience that offers a window to the world’s ever-changing landscape. From the bustling cities with their towering skyscrapers to the serene countryside, dotted with farms and meandering rivers, the train traverses through it all. It is an opportunity to witness the diversity of life and landscape that our planet offers. The comfort of the seats, the gentle sway of the carriages, and the scenic views passing by the window create a tranquil environment, allowing travelers to relax and reflect. Furthermore, train journeys foster a sense of community among passengers, as they share spaces, stories, and sometimes meals. It is an eco-friendly way to travel, reducing the carbon footprint compared to other modes of transport. With each stop, new faces come aboard, adding to the mosaic of experiences. A train journey, with its blend of comfort, scenery, and sustainability, is not just a trip from one place to another but a voyage of discovery.

Embark on a journey by train, and you step into a narrative woven with historical significance and modern marvels. The very act of traveling by train connects us to a bygone era when trains were the epitome of innovation and progress. As the landscape shifts outside the windows, passengers are treated to a live gallery of nature’s artwork and human ingenuity. Mountains, tunnels, bridges, and stations pass by, each with its own story and charm. The interior of the train itself is a testament to thoughtful design, offering comfort and convenience to its passengers. Onboard, one can find dining cars serving a variety of cuisines, reflecting the cultural diversity of the regions the train passes through. The steady rhythm of the train’s movement is a soothing backdrop, encouraging passengers to unwind, read, or engage in thoughtful conversation. Train travel also highlights the importance of connectivity, bringing remote areas into the fold of greater accessibility. It teaches the value of slowing down and appreciating the journey itself, not just the destination. This mode of travel is a gentle reminder of the beauty of taking the scenic route, making every journey an unforgettable chapter in the traveler’s story.

A journey by train is akin to a moving tableau, presenting scenes of life and nature in their most candid forms. As the train snakes through varied terrains, passengers are privy to a live showcase of changing landscapes, from dense forests that seem to whisper secrets to vast open plains that stretch into the horizon. The experience is akin to being in a moving classroom, where each window offers lessons in geography, history, and sociology. The diversity of passengers on a train, each with their own destination and stories, mirrors the diverse world outside. Train travel encourages a minimalist approach to life, as one learns to appreciate the simplicity of movement and the luxury of time. It’s a lesson in patience and adaptability, watching as the world unfolds at its own pace. The anticipation of reaching a new destination, coupled with the nostalgia of leaving another behind, adds a bittersweet quality to the journey. Train journeys redefine travel, emphasizing the beauty of the journey over the rush to reach the destination. It is a mode of travel that appeals not just to the sense of sight but to the soul, offering a meditative retreat on wheels.

Also Check:

  • 10 lines A Journey by Train
  • A Journey by Train Essay

A train journey encapsulates the essence of travel, blending the old-world charm with modern conveniences. It is an experience that offers a unique perspective on the landscapes and cultures it traverses, inviting passengers into a moving tableau of life’s diversity. The rhythmic clatter of wheels on tracks becomes a meditative backdrop to the unfolding vistas, each viewing a fleeting masterpiece captured through the window’s frame. Reflecting on this voyage, one appreciates the subtle joys of travel – the shared moments with fellow travelers, the anticipation of new destinations, and the tranquility found in motion. A journey by train is not merely a means to an end but a voyage of discovery, where the path traveled holds as much wonder as the destination itself. It is a reminder of the beauty in the journey, encouraging us to slow down and savor the world around us.

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Journey by a train: The Ultimate Travel Experience

Journey by a Train – is a symbol of movement and energy , adventure , and freedom. The joy of travel is often experienced by those who travel by train. The journey by a train is not only relaxing but it also allows for uninterrupted view and nature. Let’s read paragraph on Journey by a Train

Journey by a Train

Last year, I went to Delhi by train. I went to the station and bought a ticket. I went to the platform. Soon the train arrived. I got into it. There was a great rush. But I was lucky. I got a seat near the window. The train started. I saw many things on the way. The fanners were ploughing the fields. Children were playing. A ticket checker came. He checked our tickets. A young man was without ticket. He was fined. The train stopped at many stations. I bought a newspaper. I read it. The team reached Delhi at 5 P.m. It was a happy journey.

Download the above Paragraph in PDF (Printable)

My Experience of Journey by Train- 100 Words

I recently travelled by train from London to Edinburgh and it was an amazing experience. The train journey is a great way to see the countryside and I really enjoyed the scenic views. It was also great to be able to relax and read my book without having to worry about getting on or off the train at each stop. The train was very clean and well-maintained, and the staff were very polite and friendly. It was also great that there were several restaurants available on board, as I was able to have lunch at each one of them. Overall, I had a wonderful experience travelling by train and would definitely recommend it to others.

Journey by a train Essay- 150 Words

Journey by a train Essay- 150 Words edumantra

Traveling by train is a nostalgic experience. Journey by a train allows you to see the country side in a different way. Trains offer a more relaxed and comfortable way to travel, as they are typically slower than planes and cars. Plus, they provide a unique perspective of the country; you can view the landscape from the train window or read while travelling. Trains can be booked online, through travel agents, or at train stations. You can also choose to take advantage of special offers and deals that are often available. It’s important to note that not all trains are created equal; some offer better views than others. There are many different routes throughout Europe that you can explore by train. Some popular routes include the French Riviera, Venice, Bavaria, Hungary, Transylvania and Prague. If you’re looking for a more extensive route, consider travelling via the Orient Express or Russian Imperial Railways. This is different for different countries but I am sure that Journey by a train is always an enjoyable experience.

10 Lines About Train Journey

10 Lines About Train Journey

  • Journey by train has a number of benefits, including unique experience, low cost travel and sightseeing.
  • There are a variety of different trains to choose from
  • Trains can take you to beautiful, remote destinations,
  • Trains can take you to some of the most beautiful and historic sights in the country.
  • The best part about trains is that they’re available almost everywhere.
  • Trains give you a feel for the local culture and lifestyle by observing the people.  
  • You can take a good amount of luggage by train.
  • On most of the platforms a coolie service is available for your help.
  • Train journey is always comfortable and enjoyable.
  • I recommend people to travel by train and enjoy your time.

Paragraph on Journey by a Train- 200 Words

Paragraph on Journey by a Train- 200 Words

Train travel is one of the most popular and comfortable ways to get around. Trains connect cities and towns, allowing people to see different parts of the country without having to drive. Many people choose train travel because it’s environmentally friendly. Trains use less fuel than cars, and they emit no pollution. In addition, train travel is often faster than driving, which can be important if you want to see a lot of different places in a short period of time. If you’re interested in exploring the country by train, there are plenty of options available. You can take a long trip across the country or hop on a shorter trip that visits several interesting destinations. There are several different types of trains that you can take advantage of when traveling by train. The most common type is the railcar, which is a small, private car that sits inside a train carriage that are typically made up of several railway cars. Railcars are great for short trips that don’t require a lot of space, and they’re also good for visitors who want to see as much of the country as possible in a short amount of time. Another type of train is the locomotive-hauled train. These trains use railroad tracks to move along instead of moving on wheels, and they’re typically used for longer trips where more space is needed. locomotive-hauled trains are more expensive than railcar

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My Experience Of A Train Journey

creative writing a journey by train

A child’s experience of a long, tiring 29 hours train journey, which helped him see the scenic beauty of rural India.

It was 28th April, 2014 and I was very excited because I was going to my native place, Kolkata with my mother and this time by train!

Our train was scheduled to depart by 11:15 a.m. but was delayed by 1 hour. As soon as the train came into the platform, the passengers rushed to get into the train. There was a little commotion as passengers searched for their seats. With a lot of difficulty we could find our seats and placed our luggage.


I was flabbergasted to see the scenic beauty of rural India. (Pic: Karunakar Rayker , Wikimedia, Creative Commons Attribution 2.0)

By the time the train started for Kolkata we had settled down comfortably and I was busy observing the children who were near about my age.

After we settled down, we started chit-chatting with co-passengers. I discovered most of them were going to their home town to spend summer vacations. Some of them were going to hill station, Darjeeling for their holiday trip.

Since the train was passing through the country side of different states like Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh and Orissa, I was flabbergasted to see the scenic beauty of rural India.

In Karnataka, we saw many paddy fields where farmers were harvesting crops. Cows were grazing at the field. The huts were made up of bamboo stems and mud.

Andhra landscape was dotted with hills. In Orissa, we passed over rivers and streams. I was happy to see the longest platform of the Asia, Kharagpur.

The train was about to reach Howrah station and I was very eager to meet my grandparents. My grandfather was waiting at the platform to receive us. Though it was a long, tiring 29 hours train journey, but it was really a memorable experience for me.

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5 thoughts on “ My Experience Of A Train Journey ”

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creative writing a journey by train

It was very nice it was nicely written by yourself that what your mind though it very very good and you write all the line so so nicely keep it up you will become a huge person

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Thanks It helped a lot Kal mera speech hein

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Thank you Maria,

Glad to know this lovely essay by Rounak helped you!

Wish you all the best for your speech. Do well 🙂

Best wishes, Antara Editor, Learning and Creativity

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It is nice 😊

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Train Journey – 10 Lines, Short & Long Essay For Children


Key Points To Note: Essay on Train Journey For Lower Primary Classes

10 lines on train journey for kids.

  • A Paragraph On A Journey By Train For Children

Short Essay On Train Journey For Kids

Long essay on a train journey for children, what will your child learn from the train journey essay.

Essay writing is an important skill for students because it allows them to think clearly and helps add expression to their thoughts. Writing a journey-by-train essay in English needs knowledge and experience on the subject, and topics such as these allow them to put their feelings on paper. Essay writing provides for better communication while also being creative. Train journeys are fun and add numerous experiences to one’s life, especially for kids who always have the best time with the family. We’ve all taken a train ride at some point in our lives, making it an excellent topic for an essay.

  • Begin with an introductory paragraph to your train journey experience essay discussing train travel in general.
  • You can begin writing about your journey, how you felt before the journey, what you experienced during the trip, etc.
  • Write a conclusion to your essay in which you discuss your thoughts and whether you would travel by train again.

Train journeys are loved by both kids and adults equally. It becomes easier for kids to pen down their happy experiences. The points below can help you write an essay for classes 1 and 2 kids.

  • Train rides are always enjoyable and exciting.
  •  It is one of the most affordable modes of transportation, making it accessible to all.
  •  I recently travelled by train to Dhiga.
  •  We met many new people and got a chance to interact with them!
  •  Fortunately, I got the window seat, the icing on the cake!
  •  As the train approached the outskirts, I noticed green fields all around.
  •  We could see people working in the fields and children walking to school because it was a morning train.
  •  After a while, hawkers began to enter the compartment, selling a variety of goods.
  •  Even though it was a short journey, I thoroughly enjoyed it.
  • I will always look forward to my next train journey.

 A Paragraph On A Journey By Train For Children

Essays on train journeys are an interesting topic that can be composed by students of all classes. But, students of smaller classes need guidance in smaller sentence concentration. Here is a small paragraph on a journey by train for children:

Different modes of transportation provide unique experiences, but nothing beats the thrill of a train ride. Most people prefer train travel because it is a less expensive mode of transportation. Train rides are my favourite mode of transportation because they are so comfortable. Some people enjoy night train rides because they allow them to arrive at their destination overnight. I enjoy day-train rides because I enjoy looking out the window at the scenery. It’s a completely different experience to read a book or listen to music while sitting near the window. Train rides are always enjoyable for me.

Train journey essays are one of the most common topics given to students as holiday homework. Below is a journey by train paragraph that can give you ideas as to how to write a train journey essay for your school assignments:

Train rides, no matter how short or long they are, are something that we all look forward to. Last week, I had the opportunity to travel by train from Howrah to Bandel to meet one of my friends. I had planned to take the 10:30 a.m. train, but when I woke up on the day of the trip was pouring heavily. I had given up hope, but the rain god showed mercy on us, and it stopped raining.

One of my other friends and I managed to board the 11:00 a.m. train. It was not rush hour, so the train was not crowded. I quickly got myself a window seat to enjoy the greenery of Kolkata’s outskirts. The rain had made the weather pleasant, which was a bonus and made our journey more enjoyable. We arrived at our destination after nearly an hour, though I was sad to see it end soon.

Experiencing new things and being able to write those experiences in words is a very important skill that everyone should learn. Below is a train journey essay for class 3, which gives you a brief idea about the topic:

We’ve all travelled by train at some point in our lives. Since India is a developing country with a large middle-class population, train travel is the most convenient and safest option for them. Almost all routes have trains, making it easier for people to get to their destination in one trip.

Pros and Cons Of Train Journey

Train journeys have certain advantages as well as disadvantages such as:

Pros of Train Journey

  • Relaxing journeys : Trains are known for their spaciousness and comfort. We don’t have to sit in an uncomfortable position for the longer duration of the journey, as we would on a bus. We can book an entire berth to ourselves to comfortably sit or even lie down.
  • Beautiful scenery : Train rides on hilly routes have enchanting beauty. Whether a regular train or a toy train, the view of hills all around is sure to captivate everyone.
  • Unlimited luggage : There is a limit to the amount of luggage that can be carried on a plane. Train travel, on the other hand, is not the same.
  • Long journeys : Train journeys are usually preferred over car and bus journeys because they are more comfortable. Furthermore, train travel is ideal for people suffering from motion sickness, as driving or taking a bus is inconvenient.

Cons Of Train Journey

  • Ticketing : Even though bookings open four months before the date of travel, popular destinations’ tickets are always on a waiting list, causing inconvenience. Furthermore, because the majority of the process is now done online, it becomes difficult for people who do not have access to a system.
  • Excess time : If you have an emergency and need to get somewhere quickly, taking the train is not the best option. Train journeys can take up to two days to reach some destinations, making them unsuitable for working professionals.
  • Inadequate sanitisation : Train washrooms appear perfect when the train leaves the boarding station, but as the journey progresses, the condition of the restrooms and basins are quite questionable!

These train journey essays will assist your child in making their content flow. They will be more aware of what to write and how to structure their thoughts in such essays. They will be more aware of their surroundings and interested in everything around them the next time they go on a journey like this.

1. Why are train journeys the best?

Rail travel is both comfortable and exciting for children. If you are travelling to a hill station, they can get a better look at the mountains and hills, making it a memorable experience. Train journeys come under an inexpensive mode of transport also.

2. What makes train journeys so comfortable?

Train rides are very comfortable because we can sit or even lie down comfortably on our berth. Furthermore, it does not feel like being stuck in a chair with no freedom of movement, as in a plane or bus.

3. What precautions should you take while travelling on a train?

Some people have been seen standing near the train’s gate, which is extremely dangerous and should be avoided. One should not smoke inside the train compartment. Now, taking COVID precautions is mandatory in every kind of journey. Check your luggage before boarding and deboarding a train.

Train journeys are amazing in many ways, and kids enjoy them thoroughly. Making kids write an essay on a train journey is a good way to stir them creatively. It will make them well-versed with the nuances of sentence construction also.

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Essay on Train Journey for Students and Children

500+ words essay on train journey.

First of all, a journey refers to traveling from one place to another. When it comes to journeys, train journeys take the top spot. A train journey certainly is a wonderfully joyous occasion. Furthermore, train journeys fill individuals with a feeling of intense excitement. This mode of the journey is best when the travel distance is long. A train journey creates an aura that cannot be experienced with other types of journeys.

Essay on Train Journey

My Experience of Journey by Train

I have always been an avid supporter of train journeys. My involvement with train journeys began in childhood . I live in Lucknow and from here I have undertaken many train journeys. Furthermore, since childhood, I have paid several visits to the hill station of Almora to meet my relatives. Almora is a hill station located in the state of Uttarakhand. Most noteworthy, Almora is situated in the Himalayan mountain region. Due to this, trains cannot travel directly to Almora. Consequently, Kathgodam is the last town station accessible by trains before the mountain range begins.

The trip from Lucknow to kathgodam is quite a lively experience. I have always ensured the reservation of my seats beforehand. So, my train journey begins from Lucknow railway station. As the train undergoes motion and leaves the Lucknow railway station, my excitement begins to rise. Moreover, as the train gathers speed, a thrilling feeling overtakes me.

My train journey from Lucknow to Kathgodam is probably 8-10 hours duration. However, I enjoy every minute of it in spite of the journey being so long. Furthermore, all along the journey, one can purchase items of food and drinks. I almost always purchase meals and refreshments at least twice in the journey.

When slumber overtakes me, I make use of the sleeping berth. I personally find sleeping on the train berth very comfortable. When I wake after a deep sleep, mountains are visible from a distance. Moreover, as the train approaches Kathgodam with menacing speed, the view of mountains gets bigger and bigger. Also, my amusement greatly rises as I see the Himalayas draw closer. Finally, as the train stops at Kathgodam, my delightful train journey comes to an end.

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Why Do I Like to Travel by Train?

Comfort is one of the biggest advantages of a train journey. Most noteworthy, one can move freely in a train cabin. Furthermore, in trains, there is a possibility of an ample foot room. Moreover, trains offer comfortable sleeping berths. All of this makes the train journey a relaxing experience.

Beautiful sightseeing is another noteworthy benefit of train journeys. As the train travels, one can enjoy the views of the countryside, farms, forests , factories, etc. This makes train journeys more comprehensive than journeys by air or road.

Train journeys offer a variety of opportunities to pass time. Furthermore, the train offers a sociable environment. In train journeys, conversations between passengers almost always take place. One can make new friends with traveling passengers on the train easily. Also, one can spend time in a handsome manner on a train journey. In a train journey, one can spend time reading something, listening to music, watching videos, sleeping/resting comfortably, etc.

To sum it up, train journeys are truly one of a kind. The train journey offers uniqueness like no other journey. Most noteworthy, the charm of such a journey is unmatchable. The train journey certainly offers an unforgettable rich experience.

Q1 Why does the writer sleeps so deeply in trains?

A1 The writer sleeps deeply in trains because he finds sleeping on the train berth very comfortable.

Q2 What makes train journeys so journeys so comfortable?

A2 Trains journeys certainly are very comfortable. First of all, one can move freely in a train cabin. Furthermore, there is ample foot room possibility and comfortable sleeping berths on the train.

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English Aspirants

A Journey by Train Essay | Short & Long Essays for Students

A Journey by Train Essay in English: In this article, you are going to learn how to write an essay on a journey by train in English. We’ve provided both long and short essays here. So, let’s begin.

A Journey by Train Essay/Paragraph

During last summer vacation, I went on a family trip to Puri with my family. This was my first long journey by train. We reached the Howrah railway station with all our luggage quite early. The train departed from Howrah at around 9 o’clock in the morning. When I looked outside everything was running behind, I loved that scene. The train was moving quite fast. The whole train was crowded.

After boarding, we had our breakfast. I always prefer a window seat, because I can enjoy beautiful nature from there. I was impressed by the beauty of the landscape. Watching the beautiful natural scenes outside gave me extreme happiness. The train finally reached the Puri station at 6 o’clock in the evening. It was an exciting train journey.

Essay on A Journey by Train

Also Read: A Memorable Day in My Life

Short Essay on A Journey by Train

Train journeys are always very exciting. We get to meet a lot of new people. Two weeks back had a train journey. The name of the train was Howrah-Dhanbad Black Diamond Express. My destination was Asansol. The train departed from Howrah around 6.40 in the morning. The weather was pleasant and I took a window seat.

Most of the passengers inside the train compartment were either reading a newspaper or sleeping. I started reading one of my favourite novels. The constant yelling of the hawkers forced me to close the book and look out of the window. Around 8.30 in the morning I bought a cup of coffee and a packet of biscuits from a hawker. Having small sips in the coffee concentrated on the visuals and images that changed rapidly outside the train compartment.

I noticed that concrete jungle have paved its way to lush green fields and ponds with trees surrounding them. Farmers were tilling children were going to school through the mud track. The ambiance outside was serene and in complete contrast with the atmosphere inside the train.

A Journey by Train Essay

Also Read: Essay on Visit to a Hill Station


Once I read a poem. I still remember some of  its lines as follows:

“All of the sights of the hill and the plain Fly as thick as driving rain; And ever again, in the wink of an eye Painted stations whistle by.” (From A Railway Carriage-RL Stevenson)

A journey by a speeding train is an exciting experience. The modern age seems to be obsessed with speed. So people prefer to travel by the railways than by road.

Description of the Journey:

One day, my father announced that we were going to visit Shantiniketan during the winter holidays. I was simply thrilled. On the scheduled day, we reached Howrah station in the morning. The Shantiniketan Express stood majestically at the platform. The station was humming with the din and bustle. There were rings of people before the ticket counters. We entered a compartment and settled down for the journey. I managed a seat beside a window. Soon the signal was green at the far end of the platform. Within a minute, the train began to move. We glided out of the station. Then it picked up speed.

As the train thundered on, I surrendered my ears to the rattle of the train wheels. They were making rickety-rackety sounds when they rolled over the tracks. I looked outside through the window to get a view of the Nature outside. The train was passing by harvested fields, meadows, brooklets, and small ponds. Through the window, the world outside looked like a motion picture. Everything looked very bright and pleasant in the morning sunshine.

I looked about my compartment. Father was flipping through a magazine. Mother was chatting with an elderly couple. The hawkers and vendors were selling various foodstuffs. A beggar was singing a song while begging. In the meantime, the train reached at Guskara station. After half an hour it reached Bolpur.

My Feelings:

I got spellbound to see the fantastic wild beauty of nature through the window. The greatness of God manifested in nature’s creations. I remembered some lines of a poem-

“The true pleasing spirits sight’s That may breed true love’s delights” (Nicholas Breton)

The breeze was gentle, fresh, glorious, and a pleasure to breathe. It was pouring into our compartment from outside. I sometimes lost my sense of individuality and seemed to expand through the window. Thus, I wanted to establish a magical link with nature.


Thus ended my first train journey. This journey was so pleasant that l experienced an intense high.

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Creative Writing – “Train Ride”


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By Stephanie Alpizar | Writer

May 8, 2015

She was fixated on the rolling hills and mountainside outside the window. Lush trees covered the landscape with a flourish of warm colors. Daisy yellow, sunset orange, and apple red swirled together as the wind ruffled the leaves. She could barely hear the soft squeal of the machinery propelling her across the Earth. She sighed with content at the sun’s placement, it was perfect lighting to continue reading. Her trousers caught her eye as she spotted a piece of lint on her mid-thigh. With a swift flick of her hand she did away with it. The girl found it as good a time as any to take into account the rest of her ensemble. Her shoes were clean and shining, her hands and fingernails clean and steady, her pants ironed to perfection. As she started to open her book with satisfaction, she noticed a stain on her white blouse. She let out a displeased “humph” as she pulled on it to examine it better. It appeared to have been from the tomato basil soup she’d eaten earlier that day for lunch.

As she was contemplating solutions for her problem a quick flash of the door stole her attention away. A small and thin figure had slipped in and was now sitting across from her. The girl could only be described as grimy. Her hair was half up, showing blonde highlights that contrasted the rest of her honey brown hair, making her emerald eyes pop with a vibrancy closely related to spring grass after a long winter. There was a goofy grin plastered across her face. Her clothes were simple, efficient, and seemed durable. However, the knees were worn and dirt powdered her whole body. Jane noticed that the strange girl’s breathing was ragged and quick. She wiped her nose swiftly, out of habit. This action gave Jane the opportunity to see the girl’s hands were rough with calluses and overwhelmed by dirt. She was so entranced by the appearance of this creature that when she spoke, Jane could hardly comprehend her.

“Hi ‘ya!” the ruffian-looking girl said confidently. When Jane gave no response, the girl cocked her head to the right, squinted her eyes, and scrunched up her mouth as if investigating Jane. “You a mute or something?” the girl questioned.

Jane flushed with embarrassment as well as contempt, she was almost never at a loss for words and didn’t take kindly to others implying that they thought her unintelligent. “I certainly am not.” Jane’s words were sharp and quick.

“Thought not.” The girl said with a shrug. Jane let out an exasperated sigh; she anticipated a larger response from the girl. While Jane contemplated how she might be able to demonstrate her intellectual prowess, the girl was abruptly getting up, and heading towards the door.

Surprised to see her leaving so soon Jane lost control of her emotions and practically yelled at the girl, “Where do you think you’re going?” The girl had one hand on the doorknob, her body tense. When she looked back at Jane she had a scowl on her face.

“I’d appreciate it if you didn’t yell like that. I simply needed this room briefly to avoid some other passengers, but I believe that I am no longer in danger. Therefore I will be taking my leave now, and I don’t need you to help them find me. So go back to your book and stay quiet.” Her last words were said with a finality that suggested that any sort of reply from Jane would be unwelcome.

Jane felt herself pouting, but caught herself. What was it about this girl that made her want to prove herself? She was obviously not of high stature, not well educated, or well mannered. She had no regard for her appearance and emitted a flippant teenager. So why did she want the girl to stay? Why did she want to know everything about her when she was so obviously a polar opposite to herself? Despite these thoughts, she asked the girl, “Why are you avoiding others?”

“What makes you think that’s you’re business?” Jane was taken aback by this remark. It wasn’t that it was said rudely, but it held a truth that Jane had never thought of before. What made her think that she could demand information from someone? Just because she had money, nice clothing, and a high societal placement didn’t mean that she had any authority over others.

Jane, feeling defeated sat back in her seat with a resounding “plop,” her eyes down and hooded by her eyelashes. She heard the young girl sigh and walk back to the seat opposite of Jane. “Look, I’m not someone you want to associate with. I don’t want to pull you into this, so just stay put and if you know what’s good for you you’ll tell anyone who asks that you’ve never seen me.”

Jane’s next words spilled out of her before she could stop them. “What if I don’t want to be safe? What if I want to live?”

The girl’s eyes narrowed, and she bit her lip. She looked out the window with a pensive countenance. This gave Jane a moment to think about what shed said. What made her think that she wasn’t already living? She had a nice home and wealthy parents, an older brother who was doing well in life and a younger sister who doted on her at every moment. She was always invited to proper functions and spent her time learning music and sewing and reading books. She looked down at the leather-bound novel in her lap. She hadn’t noticed until now that she was clutching it with strength she didn’t know she had. Her knuckles were white and started to ache. The gold ink of the title glared at her with a mysterious glint. It read, Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea . Like many of the other books she read, it was filled with adventure and danger at every turn. But above all it made her realize that she was trying to live a different life. She didn’t know who she was in the confines of her nineteenth century society. She tried so hard to be the person that was demanded of her, but the appearance of the wild girl allowed her think that there was another option.

Before the girl could say anything Jane spoke with a determination and authority that she had never used before. “I’m coming with you.” The girl turned to her tersely with her emerald eyes wide, mouth slightly agape. But slowly the girl’s face changed to resemble Jane’s, and soon they were both smiling with bright eyes and wonder at the countless possibilities of the events to come.

4 Comments on Creative Writing – “Train Ride”

OMG!!! engaging sotry…

That is really amazing i can’t write that much


Love the story, great writing Do you help other writers I would love to pay you to help me with a chapter in my book. Email me if you are interested Thank you Joy

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Essay On My First Journey By Train in 500 Words for School Students in English

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  • Updated on  
  • Apr 12, 2024

Essay On My First Journey By Train

Essay on my first journey by train: An interesting and enjoyable experience could be taking a train ride. Not only they are interesting, but travelling long distances by train is pocket-friendly and comfortable. I have enjoyed taking train trips to several locations in and outside India, and these experiences have left me with some of the best memories. These have been the most thrilling and tranquil moments that life can provide.

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Table of Contents

  • 1.1 My First Journey by Train
  • 1.2 Advantages of Journey by Train
  • 1.3 Disadvantages of Journey by Train
  • 1.4 Conclusion
  • 2 Paragraph on my first journey by train

Essay on My First Journey by Train in 500 Words

Travelling by train is so much fun, cosy, and interesting. Indian railways have made intercity and interstate journeys so interesting and smooth. My first journey by train was a once-in-a-lifetime experience that I will never forget.

My First Journey by Train

My first journey by train was from Delhi to Dehradun. This was a 6-hour 20-minute journey with my family, where we all laughed, ate lunch, and watched the beauty of the Ganga Plains. 

When I saw the New Delhi Railway Station, I had a mixed feeling of excitement and anxiety, nervousness and exhilaration. Everyone at the station was in a hurry, the platform was filled with passengers waiting for their train, and the classic Indian Railway announcement was over the speakers. 

As I stepped off the train in Dehradun, a sense of achievement swept through me. I was amazed not only by the destination but also by the amazing journey. My wanderlust was sparked by this first train trip, which was a treasure trove of experiences that left me with lifelong memories.

Advantages of Journey by Train

  • Trains let you stretch out and sleep on long journeys, unlike buses or cars.
  • There isn’t a luggage limitation. Unlike flying, where there is a weight limit, travelling by rail allows one to bring as much luggage as they desire.
  • Long trips are made more comfortable by the restrooms on trains.
  • On a train, one can work or study in comfort using a laptop. As a result, the time spent travelling can be used effectively.
  • Trains are much more cost-effective than taxis and aeroplanes. It is possible to travel large distances at a low price.

Disadvantages of Journey by Train

  • The requirement to arrange the trip and purchase tickets several days in advance is one of the main drawbacks of taking the train. This is not like travelling by bus or vehicle, where one can make plans and start the journey the next day.
  • Purchasing a ticket might be rather demanding. When purchasing tickets at the train station, customers must wait in queue for hours. Purchasing train tickets online also takes a lot of time because the railway booking website might occasionally become quite slow owing to high usage.
  • Although there are restrooms and washrooms on the trains, they are not as sanitary and clean as they ought to be.
  • There are several reasons why trains are frequently delayed. This can be very tiresome and irritating.
  • Train travel takes far longer than aeroplane travel. For people who have an urgent need to get somewhere, it is not a good alternative.

Travelling by train has its benefits and drawbacks. While making advance plans, purchasing tickets, and adhering to rigorous train schedules might be annoying, they also have certain benefits, such as comfortable travel and efficient use of time. I truly enjoy taking train trips, having taken several of them.

Quick Read: Essay Topics for in English

Paragraph on my first journey by train

Travelling the train is always fun. They’ve always thrilled me. I have travelled by rail ever since I was a small child. My mother’s folks lived in Bihar, while we stayed in Delhi. We always travelled to Bihar by night train. We made the twice-yearly trip to see them, and I always looked forward to it since I liked the train ride just as much as I loved spending time with my grandparents. My sister and I had a terrific day together, and she was equally as happy about it.

Ans: Writing a journey-by-train essay requires you to organise your story. Set the setting, introduce any characters, and then give an overview of the events or characters. Explain the trip, mentioning the sights and sensations, and consider their importance or influence. Summarise your feelings and thoughts to close.

Ans: Travelling by train is affordable, cosy, and interesting. That alone is a whole experience. Rather than hurrying to reach where I’m going, I prefer to take my time when travelling by train. I’ve met a lot of new individuals and made a lot of friends on my rail journeys.

Ans: Grammar-wise, both travel by train and by train are acceptable. Depending on your preference, you may use either phrase. You could say, for instance, that you enjoy travelling by train or that you prefer to travel by rail.

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Essay on My First Train Journey

Students are often asked to write an essay on My First Train Journey in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on My First Train Journey

Excitement of the journey.

My first train journey was an exciting experience. I was about seven years old and the journey was to my grandmother’s place.

The Train Ride

The train’s rhythmic chug-chug and the changing scenery fascinated me. I loved watching the fields, villages, and cities passing by.

The Destination

Finally, we reached our destination. I was thrilled to see my grandmother waiting for us. This journey left a deep impression on me.

250 Words Essay on My First Train Journey

The anticipation.

My first train journey was a blend of excitement, anticipation, and a hint of anxiety. As a child, I had always been fascinated by the rhythmic chugging of trains, so the prospect of experiencing it firsthand was thrilling. The bustling train station, with its myriad sights and sounds, was a sensory overload that both bewildered and intrigued me.

Boarding the Train

The journey.

The journey itself was a tapestry of experiences. The changing landscapes outside the window, from urban cityscapes to serene countryside, were like a slideshow of diverse geographical features. The rhythmic movement of the train, coupled with the occasional jolts, added a unique physical dimension to the journey.

Interactions and Insights

Interacting with fellow passengers was another highlight of the journey. Each person had a story to tell, and listening to them provided insights into different cultures, lifestyles, and perspectives. This social aspect of the journey was an unexpected but pleasant surprise.

My first train journey was an enriching experience that broadened my horizons and deepened my understanding of the world. It was not just a physical journey from one place to another, but also a journey of personal growth and discovery. The memories of this journey remain etched in my mind, serving as a reminder of the adventure that lies in exploring the unknown.

500 Words Essay on My First Train Journey

The genesis of the journey.

My first train journey was an experience that is etched in my memory forever. The excitement that was bubbling within me was akin to a child being handed a candy. It was my first ever experience moving away from the comfort of my home and embarking on a journey to a new city.

Preparation and Anticipation

The days leading up to the journey were filled with a mixed bag of emotions. I was eager, excited, but also a bit anxious. The thought of traveling alone was daunting, yet it was an adventure I was looking forward to. I spent days meticulously planning my journey, packing my bags and double-checking my tickets.

Embarking on the Journey

The journey unfolds.

As the train started moving, I felt a rush of adrenaline. The landscape outside began to change gradually, from the familiar cityscape to the unknown countryside. The train chugged along, cutting through the vast fields, crossing rivers, and piercing through mountains. The rhythmic sound of the train wheels against the tracks was almost hypnotic.

Experiencing Diversity

One of the most captivating aspects of my journey was the diversity I witnessed. The train was like a microcosm of our society, with people from different walks of life sharing the same space. I had the opportunity to interact with various people, each with their unique stories and perspectives. It was a humbling experience that broadened my horizon and enriched my understanding of the world.

Reflections and Learnings

In conclusion, my first train journey was an unforgettable experience that left an indelible mark on me. It was a journey that transcended the physical boundaries and ventured into the realm of personal growth and understanding. It was a testament to the fact that journeys are not just about reaching a destination; they are about the experiences we gather and the lessons we learn along the way.

That’s it! I hope the essay helped you.

Happy studying!

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Journey by Train - Prose by Jules Verne - Term 3 Unit 1 - 7th English - Writing and Creative Writing | 7th English : Term 3 Unit 1 : Prose : Journey by Train

Chapter: 7th english : term 3 unit 1 : prose : journey by train, writing and creative writing.

An itinerary

An itinerary is a detailed plan of a journey. It includes dates, time, stops, activity and mode of transport.

K. Your friend is coming to your city / town to spend a week with you. He / she wants to visit some tourist places, and enjoy the special food items of the place. Prepare a two day itinerary for the visit.

creative writing a journey by train


L. You are waiting to board a train in a railway station. The train is delayed by an hour. Write a paragraph about the crowded scene in the railway station based on your observation.

creative writing a journey by train

I was waiting to board a train at a railway station. The train was delayed by an hour. A lot of families were waiting eagerly for the announcement of the arrival of the train. Some of the porters were carrying the luggage of the passengers. Piles of luggage were seen all over. There were fruit vendors, tea vendors and other shops selling water, milk and snacks. By the ticket counter, there was a queue, waiting to buy tickets. The scroll board was displaying the necessary information for the passengers. The porters were also using trolleys to carry the luggage.

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A Journey by Train Essay

The shrill whistle of the train is all that needs to straighten one up, and for many, travelling by train brings many strong memories. Any journey is sure to brighten up our day, but a train journey will indeed fill us with excitement and adventure. Whether short or long, train journeys have a special place in our hearts, and they will never leave you bored but instead make you crave more.

To get you started on a journey by train essay in English, we have compiled a beautiful one for your reference. It would be easier for you to write an essay on a journey by train with this sample essay.

A Journey by Train Essay

Experience of a Journey by Train

As a young kid, I usually jumped with enthusiasm whenever my parents planned a trip, as I loved travelling, especially by train. My journeys by train were always comfortable and unforgettable. I always looked forward to my vacations because that was the time when I got to visit my father’s ancestral home located in a remote village. Due to my father’s job, we were stationed in a town, and it was during my 10-day vacation that I was able to journey by train to meet my grandparents.

Normally, we start early in the morning as our train will leave at 7.30 am from Hasanpura station. Inside the train station, many porters circled my parents, demanding to carry our luggage. But we used to get past them to reach our platform and wait for a few minutes before the train arrived. Nonetheless, the wait is not dull as I get to observe many people around and listen to their chitter-chatter.

We kept our bags ready as we heard the announcement of the train arriving. After boarding the train and sitting near the window, I heard the station master blow the whistle and wave the green flag. Slowly, the train started moving, and once it left the platform, it sped up. From here begins my joyous ride on the train. The most exciting part of my train journey was the number of vendors that passed our berths, where I could eat some delicious snacks and buy some colouring books. The seat was spacious, and yet I jumped to the top berth to enjoy colouring or get a good sleep.

After some time, I sat by the window and took in the beautiful sights of the village. With blooming trees and working people on the fields, it was truly an attractive sight outside. If I were to travel by car or bus, I wouldn’t have been able to see these wonderful places as I easily became travel sick. But a journey by train enables me to enjoy each moment and experience.

Moral of the Essay

Even though we like all sorts of travel, it is the journey by train that makes it special. We would be able to feel nature at its best and interact with people from different backgrounds while travelling on a train. A journey by train essay for kids would undoubtedly enable them to think about their unique train journey experiences and help them to identify which aspect of the journey interests them more.

Explore more essays and other kid-friendly resources on BYJU’S website to make kids’ learning fun.

Are train journeys more comfortable than other means of transport?

Yes. Train journeys offer you the maximum comfort where you have the provision for sitting, standing or lying down. You can also move around freely, and there are convenient sleeping berths to relax.

Is it possible to carry our food while travelling on a train?

Indeed, trains allow you to pack your food and have it on the way to your destination. Also, many hawkers sell candies and snacks on the train as well as deliver food parcels. It is completely safe to buy from them.

How can we book tickets for a train journey?

It is wise to book your tickets at least 3 months in advance of your planned journey. You can either check online for tickets or visit the ticket counter at your nearest station.

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Essay on A Journey by Train in English for Children

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Table of Contents

Essay on A Journey by Train: Train journeys are quite exciting and interesting experiences. A journey by train is not only fascinating but also comfortable and economical for long distances. I have had the pleasure of traveling to several places by train, and these journeys have given me some of the best memories of my life. They have been the most relaxing and thrilling experiences one can have.

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Watching villages, cultures, and houses pass by as you speed across the countryside has always piqued my curiosity for better. It’s truly fascinating how a train journey can enhance your knowledge about cultures, regions, languages, and cuisines. The journey is like reading a captivating book that has all the ingredients to keep you entertained until you reach your destination.

One significant advantage of a journey by train is that it provides an excellent opportunity to interact with people from completely different ethnicities and linguistic backgrounds. The diversity of passengers on a train is like a Railway Journey Narrative in itself, where you can learn from the stories and experiences of your fellow travelers.

Long and Short Essay on A Journey by Train in English

Below we have provided long and short essay on ‘A Journey by Train’ of varying lengths in English.

These ‘A Journey by Train’ essay will take you through the experiences of a train journey and their advantages.

They will also prove helpful to help you with the topic in your exam.

You can select any A Journey by Train Essay as per your interest like essay on a journey by train 100 words, essay on a journey by train 100 words essay on my first train journey in 200 words and present it in your class, essay writing or debate competitions.

Short Essay on a Journey by Train Essay 1 (100 words)

Train journeys are both exciting and memorable. My first train journey was when I was in the 2nd standard, traveling to my aunt’s wedding in Dehradun. It was a night journey, and we boarded the train with eager anticipation. With family and relatives, the journey was filled with laughter, games, and delicious train food.

As morning broke, I gazed out of the window, captivated by the picturesque scenery. The lush green fields, the rising sun, and the distant hills created a mesmerizing view. This train journey left an indelible mark on my memory, combining the joy of travel with the beauty of nature.

Short Essay on ‘A Journey by Train’ – Essay 2 (200 words)

Short essay on ‘a journey by train’ – essay 1 (200 words).

Train journeys are super fun, especially when traveling by train with a group of friends. One of my most memorable journeys by train was my journey from Delhi to Jaipur. It was a school trip, and we were all really excited about it. We had numerous plans for the trip and were especially looking forward to having a great time on our way.

We all reached the railway station by 6 in the morning, and the train ride started within a few minutes. I occupied the window seat to see the view outside. The view of the green fields, muddy roads, and huts on the way was delightful. My best friend sat beside me, and we chatted as we looked outside.

Soon, it was time for breakfast. I loved the cutlets and bread served on the train. We also had hot tomato soup after having a plate of bread and cutlets. After breakfast, we all decided to play antakshari . Playing antakshari in large groups is always fun. Our teachers also joined us, thereby adding to the fun. We played antakshari for the rest of the journey, and before we even knew it, we had reached our destination. It was a great experience. The company of my friends made this train journey all the more gleeful.

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Essay on ‘A Journey by Train to Shimla’ – Essay 3 (300 words)

Train journeys hold a unique charm, especially when they lead to enchanting destinations like Shimla. However, what makes the journey even more captivating is the special toy train that runs from Kalka to Shimla, winding through breathtaking landscapes. A trip to Shimla remains incomplete without experiencing this iconic train ride. Thus, we planned our Shimla trip well in advance and secured our tickets for this much-talked-about train journey.

Our Journey to Shimla by Toy Train

During last year’s autumn break, we embarked on a memorable journey to Shimla. We began our travel by bus to Kalka, the starting point of our adventure with the toy train. Initially, I expected it to be just another train journey, offering glimpses of mountains and valleys. However, it turned out to be an exhilarating and extraordinary experience. Throughout our journey, we found ourselves immersed in the lap of nature, not merely observing the mountains, valleys, and lush greenery, but feeling like an integral part of this natural wonder as the train gracefully traversed the mountains.

Spanning a duration of 5-6 hours, this journey was filled with thrills and excitement. The route featured a multitude of tunnels and bridges that added to the allure. There were more than 100 tunnels and approximately 800 bridges along the route. I remained glued to the window seat, relishing the splendid vistas outside. At one point, the train made a brief stop at a quaint station, affording us a brief ten-minute break to explore.

Throughout the journey, my parents and brother shared in my delight, finding it as enjoyable as I did. We chose the same train for our return journey, unwilling to miss out on a second opportunity to savor this captivating experience.

Undoubtedly, this train journey stands out as the most remarkable one in my life. My deep love for nature made this journey even more special. I sincerely hope for a chance to traverse this enchanting route once more, as it left an indelible mark on my heart.

Essay on ‘My First Train Journey’ – Essay4 (400 words)

My First Train Journey

My very first train journey was an unforgettable experience that I embarked on when I was in the 2nd standard. It was a special trip to attend my maternal aunt’s wedding in Dehradun. As soon as the news of the wedding spread, excitement and joy filled our home. My mother began planning her outfits, while my father organized our travel arrangements. We decided to travel by train, accompanied by a few relatives, marking my maiden voyage on a train.

Planning the Train Journey

Train journeys require meticulous planning for a smooth and enjoyable trip. My parents carefully studied the available trains on our route to select the most convenient option. We booked our tickets well in advance, packed our bags, and ensured that all necessary arrangements were in place for our journey.

The Journey Begins

Our train journey commenced as a night voyage. We arrived at the railway station on time, settled into our seats, and, within a few minutes, the train began its journey.

Fun on the Way

As we greeted our relatives and settled in for the long journey, there was an air of excitement. Many of us hadn’t seen each other in months, so there was plenty to catch up on. I sat with my cousins, and we eagerly planned to make the most of this train journey. They had brought along board games, and we engaged in an entertaining one.

After a few rounds of the game, it was time for dinner. The food served on the train was surprisingly delectable. Following dinner, I found a cozy spot by the window. Despite the darkness of the night, I enjoyed the rhythmic sounds of the moving train, a novel experience for me.

As everyone finished their meals, we decided to play antakshari . Our relatives enthusiastically joined in, and we sang songs and played antakshari for an hour before it was time to rest.

A Scenic Morning

The next morning, I awoke early and was greeted by a stunning view outside the window. The lush green fields, the rising sun, the distant hills, and the charming huts along the way — everything appeared exceptionally beautiful. This scenic morning view was the highlight of my train journey.

In hindsight, my first train journey was incredibly exciting and fascinating. I cherished every moment of it, and the delightful company of my cousins added an extra layer of enjoyment to the experience.

Long Essay on Journey by Train

Essay on ‘a memorable journey by train’ – essay 4 (500 words).


I have gone on many train journeys with my family as well as friends. Travelling by train is comfortable and enjoyable. I always prefer train journeys over road trips for the experience they offer. I have made great memories on these trips. While I have enjoyed all my train journeys, my train travel from Delhi to Goa is the closest to my heart.

Journey from Delhi to Goa

I went for a trip to Goa with my classmates when I was in seventh standard. The trip was planned by the school. After much persuasion, my parents agreed to send me on the trip. Most of my friends also got the consent from their parents. We planned to do a lot of fun things on the trip.

Besides, site-seeing and having fun with friends on the trip, I was also excited about the train journey. The train journey from Delhi to Goa was for around one and a half day. This was the longest journey I had ever gone on. I was really looking forward to it.

My parents dropped me to the station. They were a bit anxious as this was the first time I was travelling so far without them. My mother gave me last minute instructions and I nodded obediently as I eagerly awaited the train. We left from Delhi at around 5 in the evening. I sat by the window with one of my friends by my side.

Travelling with Friends

Travelling with friends is always fun. I had been to Jaipur, Nanital and Shimla with my friends. All these trips were planned by our school. We travelled by train on all these trips and had a lot of fun on the way but none of them involved so much travelling. Most of these were overnight journeys. But on our trip to Goa we spent one night and one and a half day in the train.

I kept sitting by the window for the first two-three hours of the journey. I loved the view outside. As it started getting dark, I joined my friends who were playing dumb charades. We kept playing this game until it was time for dinner. After having our dinner, we chatted until late night. We shared our experiences, narrated interesting stories and mimicked our teachers. It was all great fun. I slept comfortably at night and woke up late.

The breakfast was served almost immediately after I woke up. After having the breakfast, I went and stood by the train door which was half opened. The view outside was beautiful. I love nature and I can watch the trees, hills and the water bodies for hours. It soothes and pleases my senses and offers a delightful experience.

I kept standing there for a long time. One of my friends joined me there. We enjoyed the view and spoke about our love for travelling and nature. During the rest of the day, we played games, had food and chatted with each other. We reached Goa at around 11 at night.

This train journey was an awesome experience. I enjoyed it thoroughly and made several beautiful memories on the way.

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Long Essay on ‘A Journey by Train’ – Essay 5 (600 words)

Train journeys are economical, comfortable and fascinating. It is a complete experience in itself. While travelling by train, I am not eager to reach the destination, I rather enjoy each moment of the journey. I have made many friends during my train journeys and had several new experiences.

Advantages of Journey by Train

Train journeys offer numerous advantages. Some of these advantages are shared below:

  • One of the main advantages of train journey is the comfort and convenience it offers. Unlike cars, buses and aeroplanes, you have the option to lie down and sleep while travelling by train. Overnight journey by train is thus much more convenient compared to that by car or bus. One can sleep comfortably through the night and wake up fresh.
  • There is no restriction on the luggage. One can carry as much luggage as he wants while travelling via train unlike the aeroplanes where a limit is set for the same.
  • Trains have washrooms that make long journeys more convenient.
  • One can study or work comfortably on a laptop during train journey. Thus, the time spent in travelling can be put to productive use.
  • Trains are quite economical as compared to cabs and aeroplanes. One can travel long distance at a nominal cost.

Disadvantages of Journey by Train

While train journeys offer a number of advantages, there are certain disadvantages attached to them too. Here is a look at these disadvantages:

  • One of the biggest disadvantages of travelling by train is that one needs to plan the trip and get the tickets booked days before the journey. This is quite unlike travelling by car or bus wherein one can plan the trip and get going even the next day.
  • Booking the ticket can be quite taxing. People who go to the railway station to book the tickets need to stand in the queue for hours. Booking train tickets online is also quite time consuming as the railway booking site sometimes get quite slow due to increased traffic.
  • Though the trains have washrooms and restrooms, these are not as clean and hygienic as they should be.
  • Trains often get delayed due to different reasons. This can be quite annoying and exhausting.
  • Compared to aeroplanes, travel time taken by trains is much higher. It is not a good option for those who need to reach somewhere urgently.

My Train Journey Experience

I have been on many train journeys since my childhood. I have gone to Mount Abu, Udaipur, Varanasi, Shimla, Chandigarh, Lucknow, Bombay and many other places with family, friends and relatives. I have travelled to most of these places by train. What I love most about train journeys is the view outside. I love to sit by the window and watch the natural surroundings that come by during the journey. I often take a novel along as I love reading while travelling.

Train journeys become all the more fun when we are travelling in groups. There are so many fun things to do on the way. We crack jokes, sing songs, play games and chit chat for hours during the journey. We also get a chance to meet new people. It feels great when we meet like-minded people on our way. It makes the trip quite enjoyable. There is so much to talk about and share. I have made quite a few friends during my train journeys.

Train journeys have their set of advantages and disadvantages. While planning ahead, booking tickets and strict train schedules can be a put off; comfortable travel and good utilization of time are some of the advantages it offers. I have been on several train journeys and I really look forward to them.

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Frequently Asked Question on Essay on Journey by Train

How do you write a train journey.

To write about a train journey, vividly describe the sights, sounds, and emotions experienced during the trip. Begin with an engaging introduction, narrate the journey's details, and use descriptive language to engage your readers. Share personal anecdotes or reflections to make your account unique and relatable.

How do you write a journey by train essay?

Crafting a journey by train essay involves structuring your narrative. Start with an introduction, set the scene, and introduce any characters or events. Describe the journey, including scenery and experiences, and reflect on its significance or impact. Conclude by summarizing your thoughts and feelings.

What is a journey by train called?

A journey by train is commonly referred to as a train journey or simply traveling by train. It encompasses the experience of traveling on a train, often involving scenic views, interactions with fellow passengers, and the unique ambiance of train travel.

Is it travel by train or by train?

Both travel by train and by train are grammatically correct. You can use either phrase based on your preference. For example, you can say, I prefer to travel by train or I enjoy the experience of traveling by train.

Why should we travel by train?

Traveling by train offers several advantages. It's an eco-friendly mode of transportation, reducing carbon emissions. Trains are often cost-effective, comfortable, and allow passengers to appreciate scenic routes. Additionally, train travel can be less stressful than other modes, as it avoids issues like traffic congestion.

How was your first train journey?

My first train journey was a memorable experience filled with excitement. Traveling with my family, I marveled at the changing landscapes, relished train food, and enjoyed the camaraderie of fellow passengers. The rhythmic sounds of the train and the anticipation of the destination made it an unforgettable adventure.

Do we say travel by bus?

Yes, you can say travel by bus to describe a journey on a bus. It's a common and straightforward way to express the mode of transportation, indicating that you are using a bus as your means of travel.

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Creative writing 2018 competition - short stories

The Train Journey

by Anne-Marie Kearns

The station concourse is crowded with people. Commuters, students, tourists, collectively making the raucous noise echoing around the station. I feel a tug on my coat sleeve beckoning me to quicken my pace. My other hand grips tightly around the handle of my stick and I wince from the pain coming from my right side. I knew I should have taken stronger painkillers this morning, but I was so caught up in the excitement of it all. We both were. First time out of the neighbourhood since my op and you didn't want us to miss the train. We couldn't miss the train. Plus, the community nurse did tell me to try and get out of the house, to strengthen my muscles, to keep well.

Your face is fixed on the platform ahead as you help navigate me through the throngs of people. We board our train and I wait patiently as you scan the carriage ahead. You find us several empty seats near the rear. I gingerly take my place, with you sat next to the window of course. You look at your watch and excitedly tell me it won't be long. Exactly thirteen minutes. I smile back and feel glad about this trip. It's good to get out.

As the train pulls away, you immediately lean forward and turn to face the window. That’s the new office block, you say. Its eco-friendly – only the second to be built in Europe. It uses rapeseed oil to provide electricity and heat. I nod silently as I reach for the packet of pills in my knapsack.

As the train moves on, you point out more landmarks. Look! There's City's ground. I turn to catch a glimpse but the back of your head is blocking the view. That was built in 1952, you continue. But when they built the new tier in 1998 they had to use Utd's ground for 6 months. Bet they loved that, I say, laughing. But you're not listening. I let you carry on. Billy Graham scored 42 goals in the 1965-66 season. 14 of those were headers, 4 were penalties and 3 were overhead kicks. Really, I reply, staring at the headrest in front of me. The stadium soon disappears behind us.

I watch you frantically looking for other buildings you recognise. The old power station, you exclaim. They're knocking that down next week and replacing it with flats. Fourteen with three bedrooms, ten with two and eight with one. Nice, I reply. Perhaps, we could buy one together, you ask, turning around and looking me in the eye for the first time that day. Oh, we'll see, I say smiling back.

Our conversation is abruptly interrupted by the train inspector checking our tickets. You immediately turn to face the window again, whilst I fish around in my coat pocket for the evidence. The inspector glances at the stubs. Nice weather for a day out in Linton, he says. Oh, we won't be spending the day there, I reply. The inspector gives me a quizzical look. We'll be getting off, and turning around to come back the other way, I explain. I give a knowing wink in the direction of my son. Oh, right, replies the inspector smiling. Well, have a nice day, anyway. And he continues with his journey down the carriage, whistling as he passes us by.

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