12 effective impromptu speech tips you should use

12 effective impromptu speech tips you should use

  • Filed under: Featured articles , Public speaking articles , Public speaking tips and tricks , Speaking tips , Speech delivery , Speech preparation

An impromptu speech is something most people are afraid of even more than public speaking . There’s hardly any time to prepare, and, sometimes, this speech must be longer than just a few minutes.

So, what is an impromptu speech? An impromptu speech is a speech which is given without any thorough preparation. It is five- to eight-minute speech with a characteristically short preparation time of a couple of minutes.

This can be frightening, but it’s not the hardest of things. Today, I’ll give you 12 good tips you can use in the future. That said if you want even more information about impromptu speech and public speaking then definitely check out this list of the best public speaking books I have compiled for you.

Table of Contents

12 impromptu speech tips (short version)

F = Feeling.
A = Anecdote or a related story
T = Tie back.
One way to practice an impromptu speech is an impromptu speech game I describe below
The more stage experience you gain, the better you will be able to handle different situations. This experience will be handy while making an impromptu speech.
Remember, that if you don’t believe in yourself, why should I as a listener? Also, 99,9% of the time the listeners are your allies and not your enemies.
Do it in a brief and professional manner and avoid futile apologies.
Using humor you create a connection with your audience and they’re paying attention to you
Make a point, tell a story. Even better if the story is funny.
Most people won’t even realize there’s something going on
If the subject is something you don’t know much about, you will adjust it a little and change the focus, talking about it from a perspective you feel more confident about.
It’s essentially the same as the FAT structure but explained from another angle.
This way, you’ll get hints from the listeners about what you talk about, and you can smoothly go over to your speech.
Don’t blab all the time and remember: no one has ever complained about a speech being too short!

Video: 12 effective impromptu speech tips you should use

Why give an impromptu speech? Here are the reasons:

  • The actual speaker is running late or you have to give a speech totally last moment instead of the actual speaker.
  • At a meeting , you are unexpectedly asked to give a longer overview of what’s happening.
  • You are forced (or decide for yourself) to take part in a discussion (e.g., parents’ meeting).
  • A cheering speech at a birthday party or other similar event (e.g., colleague’s birthday).
  • An unexpected (or even agreed beforehand) interview .
  • You must unexpectedly introduce yourself at an event or talk about your area of activity .
  • Unexpected questions during a Q&A session following your presentation.

Remember that the better public speaker you are, the more people will be pointing in your direction, because no-one wants to go out there. So, get ready to be teased, „James, we all know you can do it so well…“

12 impromptu speech tips that will make you shine

1. a good speech has a structure.

There are several speech structures, but I use the one called the FAT system.

  • F = Feeling . Express how you feel about the subject of your speech
  • A = Anecdote . Tell a story related to it. If it’s funny, even better.
  • T = Tie back . Link the story to the subject.

F = Feeling

Share your feelings about the subject. If it makes you sad, show it. If it makes you happy, express it with all your nature.

A = Anecdote

The anecdote doesn’t necessarily mean making a joke. Indeed, if your story is funny and related to the subject, that’s just great. Keep in mind that the make-a-point-tell-a-story approach usually works well.

T = Tieback

When you’re done with your story, keep in mind that now is the time to link it to the subject. For example: if your topic is „Your Favourite Car Brand“ and you told a good story about which bad (or good) cars you’ve come across, now is the time, to sum up, the topic pointing out why you chose a particular car brand.

2. Practice giving a speech

Mark Twain once said, „It usually takes more than three weeks to prepare a good impromptu speech“. In other words, it can be practiced. The more you practice and the more topics you go through, the easier it will be .

You can practice alone or with your friends. One of the ways to do it with your friends is to play a game. Scroll down for instructions!

As a side note, I wrote an article (with 10 effective tips) about how to practice a speech. You can read it here.

3. Go on stage and give speeches whenever you get an opportunity

The more experience you gain, the better you will be able to handle unexpected situations. You’ll also learn how to deal with tricky questions and smarty pants.

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By the way, I did my MA thesis on the fear of public speaking, in which I also studied the way in which the level of the fear of public speaking and the frequency of its occurrence is related. It revealed that the people who do public speaking more often suffer from the fear of public speaking significantly less than those who do it rarely.

Have a look at the figure below:

Stage fright levels

4. Believe you can do it

If you only focus on the idea of potentially failing, you focus on the wrong thing . You’re not the most important person at the moment of giving a presentation. Your listeners are. Anyway, if you don’t believe in yourself, why should I as a listener? Oftentimes, the audience is your allie , and you should keep that in mind at all times.

Why is the audience your Allie ? Because the better you do, the more they will benefit from your presentation.

5. You could mention it’s an impromptu speech

An impromptu speech is just like any other speech, that is, it’s not a good idea to start your speech with an excuse. If the listeners are aware of the situation anyway, it might be worth mentioning. Do it in a brief and professional manner and avoid futile apologies.

Briefly explain why the speech is improvisation and get to the subject. If you use the above-mentioned FAT structure, it’ll be much easier for you to give a good speech.

6. Don’t forget about humor

For example: if you mention that it’s an impromptu speech, make a joke about the situation . Already today, it would be a good idea to think of a funny story or two about yourself for such occasions.

At the same time, keep in mind that if you’re not particularly good at making jokes , don’t try to overdo it . Equally important, never say „I’m going to tell you a funny story“ because you set the expectations high. Just say that you’re going to tell a story, and if the audience finds it funny, great success!

7. Think of universal introductions or stories to use in the future

Getting started with a story is always a good idea, especially, if it’s a personal one. For example, you can start with a story of how you had to give a speech once and what went wrong.

Sometimes, it may happen that you have to give a speech so unexpectedly that there’s no time whatsoever to think of a story introducing the subject. In this case, after making an introduction, you can make a transition in the form of a joke about yourself.

For example, you could say, „Some of you will wonder how this story is related to my presentation. It’s not, really… I just had to give a speech so unexpectedly that this story was the first thing that sprang to mind. Speaking of the subject… (and you go on with the actual subject)“.

But there’s a lot more to it so I wrote a complete guide on how to make a speech introduction that grabs the attention which you can read here.

8. If you get stuck, pretend it’s a meaningful pause

Remember that one speaker from Ancient Greece once summed up the fundamental truths about public speaking tips:

  • Speak clearly to be heard.
  • Stand straight to be seen.
  • Be quiet to be enjoyable.

Take your time and try to avoid unnecessary voiced sounds during the pause – most people won’t even realize there’s something going on.

9. Customize the topic and make it your statement

Sometimes, it’s the only solution. For example: if I’m unexpectedly asked to talk about maths for 15 minutes, I have to admit this is a subject I don’t know anything about.

So I have a couple of stories about how I wasn’t very good at maths at school and that there’s one thing I’m very good at when it comes to maths. Calculating percentages by cross-multiplying. Then, I’ll be talking about how it really helped me in practice and how the audience could use it.

To sum it up, if the subject is something you don’t know much about, you will adjust it a little and change the focus , talking about it from a perspective you feel more confident about.

10. In relation to your speech, find answers to the following five questions:

  • What (or about what)?

For example: if you have to talk about the fact that you’re afraid to speak publicly, your speech could answer the following questions:

  • Who are you?
  • What have you done to cope with it and what could others learn from it?
  • When did you succeed (or fail) in relation to the subject (add a short story here)?
  • Where could your tips be used?
  • Why is it important at all?

It’s essentially the same as the FAT structure but explained from another angle.

11. Turn your presentation into a Q&A session

If you have no idea what to say in the beginning, go for a Q&A session. For example, your topic is „How to Give a Speech“, but you don’t have any good idea. So you start with something like „Dear all, today, we’ll be talking about how to give a speech. How many of you have given an impromptu speech or done public performances unexpectedly? Yes, Paul, what were the circumstances?“

This way, you’ll get hints from the listeners about what you could talk about, and you can smoothly go over to your speech.

But if you say „Today, we’ll be talking about how to give a speech. First of all, you’ll be able to ask a few questions about what you find most important when it comes to our topic“, the questions asked by the listeners will give you an idea of what you should talk about.

Keep in mind that you have to encourage your listeners as they may be too shy to ask questions. If no-one asks a question, go back to one of the tips above.

12. Don’t blab all the time

To be brief is always a good thing . The longer you talk, the greater the likelihood that your speech becomes somewhat boring , and, as a result, the listeners lose interest.

An impromptu speech developing game you can play with your friends

It’s quite common to play different games in larger or smaller groups. The game I recommend is suitable for groups of all shapes and sizes.

  • Beginner : On a piece of paper, each participant puts down a topic they are able to talk about for a minute or two, without preparation.
  • Advanced : On a piece of paper, each participant puts down a completely random topic.
  • Put all the topics together. Now, in turns, you pick one topic and start talking about it for about a minute or two, without preparation. If you pick the topic written by you, you put it back and pick a new one.

When one participant is finished, the next participant picks a new topic and starts with their speech.

  • Other listeners shouldn’t interrupt the speaker during their speech.
  • It is advisable to give feedback, especially by the person who has come up with the topic.

How does this game improve giving an impromptu speech?

First, you get used to talking about topics you don’t know anything about at a first glance.

Second, you get a wealth of experience in terms of how to customize a topic. For example: if you pick a topic entitled „My Trip to Spain“, but you’ve never been to Spain, you’ll be talking about „What I Could Do on my Next Trip to Spain“.

Third, you get feedback from other people about how you did. Pretty soon, you’ll discover that you’re actually much better than you think.

Finally, the more you play this game, the more comfortable you will feel in different situations . You will learn from experience, right?

An impromptu speech can be frightening, but it’s not the hardest of things. It’s all in your head, and you can start fixing it now.

Have a look at my 12 impromptu speech tips and think of the situations where you can use one or the other. And then… go on stage. First thing. The more you practice public speaking , the better you get.

Related questions

What is a persuasive speech? The main objective of a persuasive speech is to make your listeners do what you want them to do. For example, „buy my product“, „vote for me“, „believe what I’m talking about“, and so on. ( full article here)

What is the elevator pitch? An elevator pitch is a well-thought, meaningful, and repeatedly practiced brief (about 30-60 seconds long) overview of who you are, what you offer, and how your partner can benefit from it ( full article here ).

What is audience analysis? Audience analysis gives you the opportunity to get as much information about the background of your listeners as possible. Using this information, you can prepare your message so that it builds on the interests, needs, and expectations of your listeners. ( full article here )

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Who is janek tuttar.

My name is Janek Tuttar , and I am the founder and author of Speak and Conquer website.

I have been teaching public speaking at Estonian Entrepreneurship University of Applied Sciences

Here, I am sharing the wisdom of how to cope in different public speaking situations.

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how to do a impromptu speech

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Janek Tuttar

Hi! My name is Janek Tuttar, and I am the founder and author of SpeakAndConquer.com.

I have been teaching and blogging about public speaking since spring 2007. Here, I am sharing the wisdom of how to cope in different public speaking situations.

Send me an e-mail: [email protected]


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how to do a impromptu speech

60 Impromptu Speech Topics to Choose From For Your Next Speech

So, you’ve found yourself in a situation where you need to find impromptu speech topics and give a presentation on the spot. Don’t panic! 

Welcome to the world of impromptu speaking, where quick thinking, adaptability, and creativity take center stage.

So pause, take a deep breath, and remember that with the right impromptu speech topic, speaking to an audience will be a breeze (and over before you know it!).

Whether it’s a last-minute presentation at school, a spontaneous debate with friends, or a class competition, the ability to speak confidently at a moment’s notice is a valuable skill in today’s fast-paced world. 

In this article, we’ll explore a variety of impromptu speech topics, so you can find the best topic for you to deliver. From informative to persuasive, entertaining to motivational, these impromptu speech topic ideas can help you jumpstart your creativity and deliver an impromptu speech that feels effortless. 

  • What’s an impromptu speech?

Benefits of impromptu speaking

Must-have elements of an effective impromptu speech.

  • Tips for choosing an impromptu speech topic
  • Informative
  • Entertaining

What’s an impromptu speech? 

But first, what exactly is impromptu speaking, you ask? Well, it’s the art of speaking off-the-cuff, without any prior preparation. 

Imagine this: You’re given a topic or question, and you have to respond on the spot, with virtually little to no time to prepare your speech. Sounds daunting, right? But don’t have fear at having to speak . Remember, impromptu speaking is a skill that can be honed and mastered over time. And it can get easier the more you do it!

One of the key characteristics of impromptu speaking is spontaneity. You don’t have the luxury of planning out every word or rehearsing your delivery. Instead, you have to trust in your ability to think on your feet and respond in real time.

Adaptability is another crucial aspect of impromptu speaking. You might be asked to speak on a wide range of impromptu speech topics, from current events to personal experiences. Being able to adapt your message to fit the context and audience is essential for effective impromptu speaking.

Now, let’s talk about the benefits of mastering impromptu speaking skills. First, it boosts your confidence. When you can confidently tackle any speaking situation that comes your way, you’ll feel more self-assured in your abilities.

Improving your impromptu speaking skills also enhances your overall communication abilities . You’ll become more adept at articulating your thoughts clearly and concisely, even under pressure. Plus, you’ll learn to think quickly and respond thoughtfully in any situation – a valuable skill in both professional and personal settings.

Lastly, mastering impromptu speaking can sharpen your problem-solving skills. You’ll become better at analyzing situations, synthesizing information, and coming up with creative solutions quickly.

Impromptu speaking may seem intimidating at first, but with practice, it can become a valuable asset in your communication toolkit. 

Although you won’t have much time to prepare for an impromptu speech, you should be aware of the main factors to include in your speech, even if it’s as short as one minute. 

Here are some elements that make an impromptu speech effective:

  • Speech Topic: The foundation of your speech will center on the topic you’re discussing. That’s why it’s critical for you to choose an effective impromptu speech topic (read on for a list of ideas!). 
  • Clear Purpose: An effective speech begins with a clear understanding of the purpose or objective. Whether it’s to inform, persuade, entertain, or inspire, knowing your purpose guides the content and structure of your speech.
  • Engaging Opening: Grabbing the audience’s attention from the start is crucial. An engaging opening can include a compelling story, a thought-provoking question, a startling fact , or a relevant quote that piques curiosity and sets the tone for the rest of the speech.
  • Strong Structure: A well-structured speech follows a logical progression, with a clear introduction, body, and conclusion. Each section flows seamlessly into the next, making it easy for the audience to follow along and understand the main points.
  • Effective Delivery: Delivery encompasses various aspects, including vocal delivery, body language, and stage presence. Speak clearly and confidently, vary your tone and pace to maintain interest, and use gestures and facial expressions to enhance your message. Maintain good posture and eye contact to connect with the audience.
  • Memorable Conclusion: The conclusion of the speech should leave a lasting impression on the audience. Summarize the main points, reiterate the key message, and leave the audience with a call to action, a memorable quote, or a thought-provoking takeaway that resonates with them.
  • Authenticity: Authenticity improves your credibility and connection with the audience. Be genuine, sincere, and true to yourself in your speech, and let your enthusiasm for the topic shine through.

By incorporating these elements into your impromptu speech, you can create a compelling and memorable presentation – no matter the topic or length!

Now, let’s explore some effective impromptu speech topics so you can get started!

Tips for choosing a speech topic

Choosing the right impromptu speech topic can make or break your presentation. But with the right approach, you can choose a topic that you’re comfortable with and can speak confidently about.

Here are some tips to help you choose an impromptu speech topic:

  • Draw from Personal Experience: Consider topics that you’re knowledgeable about or have personal experience with, so you have ready-to-go experience or prior knowledge to pull into your speech material. This will make it easier to generate ideas and speak fluently on the topic without needing additional preparation or research.
  • Consider Your Interests: Think about your hobbies, passions, and interests. Choosing a topic that you’re passionate about can make the speech more engaging and enjoyable for both you and your audience.
  • Stay Current: Keep up with current events, trends, and topics of interest. Being aware of what’s happening in the world can provide you with a pool of relevant and timely impromptu speech topics to choose from.
  • Consider the format: Think of how to effectively organize your speech content. Choose a topic that lends itself well to having an introduction, 2-3 key body points, and a closing statement. 
  • Keep It Simple: Opt for topics that are straightforward and easy to understand. Avoid overly complex topics that may be difficult to explain or engage the audience with in a short impromptu speech.
  • Consider the Audience: Take into account the interests, preferences, and demographics of your audience when selecting a topic. Choose a topic that’s relevant and meaningful to your audience to ensure their engagement and interest.
  • Be Flexible: Be prepared to adapt your topic based on the specific requirements or constraints of the situation. Stay open to new ideas and be willing to adjust your topic as needed to fit the context and audience.

By following these tips, you can select an impromptu speech topic that you feel confident and comfortable speaking about, allowing you to deliver a spontaneous and engaging speech with ease.

List of Impromptu Speech Topics

When faced with the challenge of delivering an impromptu speech, you may find yourself searching for the perfect topic that will captivate your audience.

Imagine having a list of diverse and engaging topics at your disposal, ready to spark thoughtful conversations and showcase your speaking skills.

From exploring the power of gratitude to discussing sustainable living practices, each topic offers a unique opportunity to share your insights and leave a lasting impact on your listeners.

Check out the list of impromptu speech topics below, which are organized based on the type: informative, persuasive, entertaining, or motivating. 

When choosing a topic or category, always remember to keep your audience in mind!

Informative Speech Topics

An informative speech is a type of presentation that aims to educate the audience about a specific topic, idea, concept, or process .

The primary purpose of an informative speech is to provide the audience with new information, facts, or insights about the chosen subject matter.

Unlike persuasive speeches, which try to influence the audience’s beliefs or behaviors, informative speeches focus solely on presenting objective information in a clear, organized, and engaging manner.

Here are some informative impromptu speech topics to choose from:

  • The life and legacy of a historical figure you admire.
  • The process of climate change and its effects on the environment.
  • The benefits of regular exercise for physical and mental health.
  • The origins and cultural significance of a traditional holiday.
  • The basics of personal finance and budgeting for young adults.
  • The impact of social media on interpersonal relationships.
  • The history and evolution of your favorite hobby or pastime.
  • The science behind renewable energy sources like solar power.
  • The importance of proper nutrition and healthy eating habits.
  • The role of technology in shaping the future of education.
  • The benefits and drawbacks of remote work and telecommuting.
  • The process of starting a small business and entrepreneurship.
  • The impact of technology on various industries.
  • The history and significance of a famous landmark or monument.
  • The basics of a process you’re familiar with, such as providing first aid and/or being prepared for an emergency.

Persuasive Speech Topics

A persuasive speech is one in which the speaker attempts to convince the audience to adopt or support a particular viewpoint, belief, or course of action.

The primary purpose of a persuasive speech is to influence the audience’s attitudes, beliefs, or behaviors by presenting arguments, evidence, and appeals to logic, emotion, or ethics. 

Unlike informative speeches, which focus on presenting objective information, persuasive speeches aim to sway the audience’s opinions or inspire them to take action based on the speaker’s persuasive arguments.

Here are some persuasive impromptu speech topics to choose from:

  • Should we implement stricter gun control laws?
  • Should recycling be made mandatory in every household?
  • Is adopting a plant-based diet beneficial for personal health and the environment?
  • Should schools include comprehensive sex education in their curriculum?
  • Should there be stricter penalties for texting while driving?
  • Is voting in local elections as important as voting in national elections?
  • Should countries make energy-saving a priority?
  • Should everyone consider becoming an organ donor?
  • Is raising awareness about mental health and reducing stigma important?
  • Is access to affordable healthcare a fundamental human right?
  • Should there be stricter regulations on fast food advertising aimed at children?
  • Should the minimum wage be raised to a living wage?
  • Should students be allowed to use advanced technology like AI in school?
  • Should schools have healthier lunch options?
  • Should standardized testing be abolished in schools?

Entertaining Speech Topics

An entertaining speech is a type of presentation that aims to captivate, engage, and amuse the audience through humor, storytelling, anecdotes, or engaging content.

The primary purpose of an entertaining speech is to entertain and uplift the audience, providing them with moments of laughter, enjoyment, or inspiration.

Unlike informative or persuasive speeches, which focus on presenting information or persuading the audience to take action, entertaining speeches prioritize entertainment value and emotional engagement.

Here are some entertaining impromptu speech topics to choose from:

  • The art of telling hilarious jokes and making people laugh.
  • The adventures of your favorite fictional character.
  • The joys and challenges of being a pet owner.
  • The funniest moments from your childhood.
  • The quirks and idiosyncrasies of your hometown.
  • The most embarrassing moments you’ve experienced.
  • The evolution of fashion throughout history.
  • The secrets to mastering a magic trick.
  • The best pranks to pull on a friend.
  • The weirdest and wackiest sport.
  • The dos and don’ts of surviving a family holiday gathering.
  • The biggest lesson you’ve learned so far.
  • The most interesting fashion trend right now.
  • The funniest viral videos on the internet right now.
  • The best comedy movies of all time and why they’re worth watching.

Motivating Speech Topics

A motivating speech is a type of presentation that aims to inspire, uplift, and empower the audience to take action, overcome obstacles, or achieve their goals.

The primary purpose of a motivating speech is to motivate and energize the audience, instilling them with a sense of purpose, determination, and enthusiasm.

Here are some motivating impromptu speech topics to choose from:

  • The power of setting and achieving goals in life.
  • Overcoming adversity and finding strength in difficult times.
  • The importance of embracing failure as a stepping stone to success.
  • Finding your passion and pursuing it with determination.
  • The benefits of a positive mindset and resilience in facing challenges.
  • The impact of small acts of kindness on others and the world.
  • Embracing change and seizing growth opportunities.
  • The importance of self-care and prioritizing mental health.
  • Cultivating gratitude and appreciating the blessings in your life.
  • The value of perseverance and never giving up on your dreams.
  • The role of mentors and role models in inspiring personal growth.
  • The power of forgiveness and letting go of resentment.
  • Overcoming self-doubt and building self-confidence.
  • Finding purpose and meaning in your life’s journey.
  • The ripple effect of positivity and spreading joy to others.

With these topics in mind, you’ll be able to confidently speak on a variety of subjects and engage your audience with thought-provoking discussions.

So the next time you find yourself in need of an impromptu speech topic, review these ideas and jumpstart your brainstorming.

Whether you’re discussing gratitude, overcoming adversity, or the future of work, there’s always something important to talk about!

And by keeping these topics handy, you’ll be ready to tackle your next impromptu speech.

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how to do a impromptu speech

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how to do a impromptu speech

Master the Art of Impromptu Speaking

A simple guide to engaging speeches and toasts.

how to do a impromptu speech

Imagine this: You're at a meeting, a family gathering, or even a social event when suddenly, you're asked to share your thoughts, present an idea or project, or perhaps deliver a toast on the spot. With all eyes on you, waiting for words of wisdom to flow effortlessly from your lips, that moment can be daunting for many. 

But fear not, for even the most seasoned speakers find themselves at a loss for words in such impromptu scenarios. Here, we will dive into simple techniques and strategies to provide impromptu speeches.

The Golden Rule: KISS (Keep It Simple, Speaker)

The foundational rule is to keep it simple and short. Stick to structures and delivery techniques you know and master.

Improvising a speech requires a lot of cognitive resources, and you want to ensure having as much bandwidth available as possible.

Crafting Your Impromptu Speech: A Macro-Plan

Before diving into your speech, take a brief moment to pause and think. This is not about drafting an elaborate script but about quickly structuring your thoughts to make your delivery smooth and impactful.

Start by Pausing and Thinking

Before starting, take a few seconds (5 to 10) to 

Find Your Key Message: This will anchor your speech, helping you keep the "north star" while improvising your structure.

Opt for a simple structure to organize your thoughts. Here are two effective formats:

**Structure 1:** Hook > Situation > Tension > Resolution

**Structure 2:** Hook > Story > Lessons Learned

Then take a deep breath and start!

The Hook: Capturing Attention

Start with a compelling hook to grab your audience's attention. It could be a short story, a surprising fact, a question to ponder, or a metaphor.

This will also give you a few extra seconds to gather your thoughts.

The Power of Pause

Remember to breathe. A deep breath not only calms your nerves but also gives you a moment to gather your thoughts. Embrace pauses throughout your speech to create anticipation and give weight to your words.

Use Few But Strategic Gestures and Effects

Utilize open gestures to enhance your message, but use them sparingly at strategic places.

Using "stage effects," such as changing your position on stage, standing up or sitting down, making a long pause, or drastically changing your speaking pace, are very effective ways to emphasize your key message.

Landing the Takeaway: Make It Stick

Keep your speech brief and to the point. As you conclude, briefly summarize your main message and end with a clear and explicit statement of your takeaway. This reinforcement helps ensure your audience leaves with your intended message firmly in mind.

In an impromptu speech, it is more important to effectively communicate one's message and ensure a powerful delivery than to demonstrate technical dexterity.

Inviting Engagement: Questions and Discussion

Conclude your speech by opening the floor to questions or discussion. This signals the end of your formal speech and encourages interaction, making your impromptu speech a memorable and dynamic exchange.

Impromptu speaking doesn't have to be a source of anxiety. With these simple techniques, you can turn any spontaneous speaking opportunity into a chance to shine and leave a lasting impression. Remember, the key to success lies in preparation, simplicity, and the courage to share your insights and stories with confidence.

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5 Steps to Deliver an Impromptu Speech (Even If You Hate Public Speaking)

How to Improve Impromptu Speaking Skills

If you are new to public speaking, an impromptu speech is one where you have to speak on short notice. So you won’t have a lot of preparation time. Even seasoned speakers can panic when asked to deliver one of these “spur of the moment” presentations. It makes sense. When we train new speakers, we tell them to organize their thoughts and practice the speech a few times. When someone puts you on the spot and askes you to speak, you can’t do any of these things. There are no note cards. So, impromptu speaking is a solid speaking skill. The better you get at this, the better a speaker your audience will see you as.

In the session, we are going to cover two parts of speaking off the cuff. First, we are going to talk about how to reduce nervousness when someone puts you under pressure. Then the second part is a simple structure you can use to design a compelling speech focused on a single main point. This structure will work in almost every impromptu speaking situation. (We will also give you a couple of concrete examples of how to use the structure.)

How to Reduce Public Speaking Fear When Delivering Impromptu Speeches.

Let’s start with the more difficult part, though. When someone puts us on the spot, panic can sit in. When we get nervous, we will not think as clearly. So, these tips can help you clear your head. A great speaker will not allow his or her audience to see them sweat.

Step 1, Realize that Many Impromptu Speeches Aren’t Impromptu at All.

“ But I never was happy, never could make a good impromptu speech without several hours to prepare it .” — Mark Twain

Often, just being more proactive versus reactive can help reduce nervousness in impromptu situations. Before you go into a meeting, anticipate what questions might be asked of you. Organize your thoughts around how you might respond if the question is asked. Here are a couple of examples.

Before you go to a staff meeting, try to figure out what the discussion will be about in the meeting. What is going on in the company right now? What are the most important things that will be covered? How can you participate in the discussion and add value? By answering these questions, you will be a step ahead of most others in the meeting. (They likely wouldn’t have taken the time to even think about them.)

A few years ago, I was coaching a team that was delivering a high-level sales presentation. The buyers gave the team 45 minutes for their presentation. Then, they added a 15-minute question-and-answer session at the end. The buyers were, in essence, a panel of judges that could ask any question.

The team and I spent the better part of two hours brainstorming possible questions that would be asked. We put all of these questions down on a piece of paper. Then, one by one, we used the structure below to answer each in a compelling way. We ended up with over 30 questions along with a great answer for each.

The team leader made a series of index cards — one for each question. Then, she gave each index card to the person who would answer each of the questions based on their expertise. Each team member ended up with five or six questions. The technique worked beautifully. After practicing each answer a few times, they no longer needed the notecards. The impromptu speaking was not impromptu at all.

Step 2: Take a Deep Breath.

Many of the symptoms of public speaking fear can be reduced (at least a little) by taking a deep breath. When put under pressure, a public speaker can sometimes panic. Your heart can start beating very quickly. This is what causes the sweating and fuzzy thoughts. When you start to feel these things, just pause. Take a deep breath. Immediately, your heart rate will start to slow down to a more normal speed.

When you do this, the symptoms will start to diminish a little. Often, that is all you will need to begin to establish effective clear thoughts.

Step 3: You Don’t Have to Respond Quickly. Pause and Clarify Your Answer.

Too often, a speaker may blurt something out in haste that he or she will later request. Keep in mind that you don’t have to respond right away. In fact, I will sometimes pause and say, “Hhmmm, let me think about that,” before I answer. I would prefer to deliver a well-thought-out answer than a fast answer.

Sometimes, that little pause will allow you to come up with a very compelling response. It also gives you a chance to do the next tip…

Step 4: Think of a Story or Example that You Can Use in Your Impromptu Response.

Stories from your own personal experience are magical in presentations. They help you build trust and rapport with your audience. However, the main reason to use a story in an impromptu situation is that stories reduce nervousness dramatically.

Basically, when you recall an incident — a moment in time — related to the topic, you will begin to play a video in your head of the memory. All you really have to do is describe to the audience what you are seeing in the mental movie.

To recall a story based on a topic, just ask yourself, “Why do I believe what I believe about this topic? Where did this belief come from?” Asking questions like this will often elicit a memory of the topic. Once you have an incident in mind, just relay the details to your audience.

One of the “magic” things that stories and examples from your personal experience do is take away arguments. If I give you my opinion, it is easy for you to counter with an opinion of your own. However, if I give you an example from my experience, you can’t really argue with me. I mean I was there and you weren’t. So when you add these examples into your responses, not only do you reduce nervousness, but you also often look around the room and see people nodding in agreement.

Step 5: Practice Your Impromptu Speaking Skills.

Once you understand the concepts that we cover in this session, look for ways to practice your skill. Public speaking is a skill, just like any other. The more you do it, the more comfortable you get doing it. An easy way to practice this skill is in business meetings. For instance, good impromptu speakers practice the skill in group discussions. The next time you participate in a staff meeting or class, look for an opportunity to participate in the discussion.

I promise you that the first time you do this will be terrifying. However, immediately after you finish, you will feel elated. The main thing to remember is that your nervousness will peak just before you open your mouth. If you begin to respond effectively (especially if you start with a concrete example,) your nervousness will begin to go down immediately.

By the way, Toastmasters International is another way to practice impromptu speaking. Each Toastmasters Club begins with a session called “Table Topics.” A topic master will throw out a random topic (mostly about current events) and then call on participants to stand and speak. The method is a little contrived. However, if you go for eight straight weeks, you will have delivered eight straight impromptu speeches. That is a solid amount of practice time to help you get started.

If you really want to eliminate public speaking fear , try the 2-day Fearless Presentations ® class . (It works 100% of the time!)

The Most Effective Way to Deliver an Impromptu Speech

So what happens if an audience member throws an unexpected question to you? The important thing to remember is to not panic. Another important thing to remember is how powerful a story or example can be. Try this simple step-by-step process to quickly design a short impromptu speech.

Start Your Off-the-Cuff Remark with an Example or Story.

Design and Deliver an Impromptu Speech in 3-Easy Steps

To come up with your example, try this trick. Think to yourself, “That reminds me of the time…” The human brain is a fantastic hard drive that stores every experience from your life. This phrase works like a search engine to find a good example.

I’ll give you a few examples to show you how this technique works.

  • Every muscle in my body hurt. (Read the phrase and just think, “That reminds me of the time.”)

There is a good chance that as you thought the magic phrase, an image of a memory formed in your head. If the memory didn’t come right away, try the phrase, “When was the last time every muscle in my body hurt?” Keep asking yourself until the image pops in your head.

Let’s try another…

  • Make sure to proofread your work.” (Read the phrase and just think, “That reminds me of the time.”)

Hopefully, this one came a little quicker. The more that you experiment with this important skill, the easier the answers will come to you.

Let’s try one that you might get from a Toastmasters Table Topic.

  • An unrealistic and illogical response to the Coronavirus pandemic.” (Read the phrase and just think, “That reminds me of the time.”)

Because this one is based on a current event (at the time we wrote this,) it may be a little harder to get to the memory. Just like before, though, keep asking questions until the image appears in your head.

Tell Your Audience the Moral of the Impromptu Speaking Story.

Although the story has a magical component, if you just tell the story, your audience will think, “Uh, what is your point.” Instead, finish your story by telling them your point. The following phrases work really well.

  • The moral of the story is…
  • My point is…
  • So, the reason I’m sharing that story with you is…

Then make your point.

This part of the impromptu speaking technique is really important. Most presenters will field a hostile question from the audience and just answer the question. That is a trap. If you answer the question really well, the person asking the question will likely just follow up with a more hostile follow-up question.

However, if you start with an example, the hostile person will take a short mental trip into your experience. He or she may actually start nodding in agreement. The example is very compelling. So now when you finish with your opinion, the questioner is less likely to argue with you.

Finish with a Way that the Audience with Benefit from Your Advice.

So in the previous step, we told the audience what we want them to believe or do. Keep in mind that human beings are pretty self-centered. The common response will be, “Why?” They want to know “What’s in this for me?” So finish your impromptu speech by telling them how they will benefit.

For instance, going into the previous example about proofreading, a good response might be the following:

( Start with a Story : Proofreading? That reminds me of the time…) A few weeks ago, a client asked me to create a synopsis of a custom workshop we were creating for them. It was late in the day, so I quickly jotted down a couple of paragraphs for her. I read through it once to make sure that the content was accurate and sent it over to her. A month later, she sent me a copy of the invitation that was sent to her group. The last sentence had a typo. I was just about to let her know when I decided to double-check the email I had sent to her. Of course, the same typo was there. She had just copied my content over to her invitation. It was an embarrassing moment that I could have avoided by spending just a couple of minutes of extra time. ( What is the Point? ) So, based on my experience, I’d suggest you proofread every email you send to outside customers. ( What is the benefit? ) If you do that, you will avoid some of those embarrassing typos.

You may also be interested in Communicating and Leading Under Pressure .

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10 top tips for delivering an impromptu speech

No time to prepare take heart – and take note..

For many of us it’s the worst-case scenario – suddenly having to deliver an impromptu presentation. Being asked to speak in public is a major challenge for many leaders. Being asked to speak spontaneously as well as publicly can catapult the task straight into the very-difficult, to-be-avoided-at-all-times-I’d-rather-die category. The negative possibilities appear grave – your brain freezes, you mumble incoherently, or you appear to lose all gravitas.

Yet these scenarios happen all the time – introducing yourself at networking events, giving a toast at a company party, unexpectedly being pulled into a meeting to give an update, having a colleague directly turn to you in the middle of a presentation for input or being asked an unexpected question on a panel.

While you may wish for thorough preparation, giving an  extemporaneous  speech can mark you out as an excellent communicator. It’s how you handle yourself when you are least prepared that often demonstrates your leadership and influencing abilities.

Here are 10 top tips for performing – and presenting – under unexpected pressure.

  • Be confident – look up, breathe deeply, say to yourself something positive – ‘I’m going to be fine’.
  • Focus on the audience – Every presentation, including impromptu ones, need to be audience centric. The audience will be on your side – focus on what will be useful to them.
  • Less is more – Avoid the tendency to ramble. An audience is far more likely to listen if you stay on target and are succinct. In fact, they’ll love you for it. Keep it short and to the point. Remember the Power of 3 – stick to three key points.
  • Have a structure – Tell them what you are going to tell them; tell them; tell them what you told them. In the main section use a simple structure. For example:
  • Past / Present/ future
  • Cause / Effect / Remedy
  • Before / The Event / The Result
  • Primacy and recency – The audience will remember the first and last things you say. Make sure these are therefore powerful and linked to your key message.
  • Talk conversationally – imagine you are speaking to your best friend and let yourself be authentic and natural.
  • Personalise your speech & have a relevant story . Share from personal experience. No need to research, no need to investigate, and no need to memorise anything. When in doubt about what to say, just tell a story from your past related to the situation. Stories are memorable.
  • Demonstrate powerful body language – Stand tall on both feet, resist the urge to slump or fiddle, use big gestures, smile and get eye contact with your audience.
  • Use a credible voice tone – Go slowly! Hurrying will increase any feelings of unease you have. Take your time. Breathe deeply. Deliver your words slowly and use pauses.
  • Turn your impromptu session into a Q&A session – For lengthier impromptu speeches re-frame the session as a Q&A session, which are probably easier for you to answer individually and breaks a session up into a series of very small impromptu interventions. Also, the content comes directly from the audience, so you are guaranteed to deliver what they are seeking.

Whilst we can still enjoy the famous tongue-in-cheek Mark Twain quote ‘it usually takes more than three weeks to prepare a good impromptu speech’, you now know what to do when confronted by the dreaded impromptu business presentation. Now all you have to do is practise on the edge of discomfort.

Appeared in Management Today – April 2018

Previous post authenticity: how to be genuine when you present, next post how to engage an audience in 3 minutes flat, contact jeremy:.

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Impromptu speaking techniques

  • By Matt Button
  • Feb 23, 2019
  • public-speaking , toastmasters , impromptu-speaking

Impromptu speaking in front of an audience is challenging for most of us. Even the famous author and public speaker, Mark Twain, has been quoted as saying “I never could make a good impromptu speech without several hours to prepare it.”

If you struggle with scattered thoughts, or mind blank when impromptu speaking, then this blog post will help you.

In this blog post, you’ll learn some techniques to structure your speech when you’re on the spot, and some ways to quickly generate ideas when your mind goes blank.

At my local Toastmasters club, we regularly perform an activity called Table Topics, where members of the audience are individually invited up to perform a two minute impromptu speech.

How to structure an impromptu speech

One of the risks of an impromptu speech is to ramble.

If at all possible, in order to avoid rambling in an impromptu speech, quickly prepare a draft outline of your speech before it’s your turn to speak. This will help your mind relax, so you can work on the delivery, rather than trying to think about what to say, or structure your speech on the fly.

When delivering an impromptu speech, consider speaking to a formula.

Speaking to a formula means that you have a set speech structure in mind (such as the three T’s example below), which will help organise your thoughts into a structure that you’re mind is already familiar with, to make it much easier for you to deliver a coherent speech, which is easy for the audience to follow.

Here are some formulas that you can use when structuring your speech:

The three T’s

  • T ell them what you’re going to tell them
  • T ell them what you’ve told them

PREP (Point, Reason, Example, Point)

The PREP structure has four key parts:

  • P oint - Start off by making a clear point about the subject you’re speaking about
  • R eason - Describe your reason for that particular point
  • E xample - Give a few examples to illustrate
  • P oint - Finish with some concluding remarks to wrap up your story

Pros, Cons, Recommendation

This method is also called “The positives and negatives method”

  • Pros - Start off your speech by describing the pros first
  • Cons - Describe the cons
  • Recommendation - Wrap up with your recommendation

STAR (Situation, Task, Action, Result)

This method is sometimes called the “CAR” method (Challenge, Action, Result)

This is a good communication strategy during an interview.

  • S ituation - Describe the situation that you were in
  • T ask - Describe the task that you completed
  • A ction - Describe the specific actions that you took to complete the task
  • R esult - Conclude by describing the result that was achieved by taking the actions

Structuring a longer impromptu speech

When delivering a longer impromptu speech, feel free to use several of the formulas above to extend your speaking time.

For example, you could use the three T’s of:

During the second step, where you tell them, you may string together several stories, following any one of the public speaking formulas above.

Finally, you may sum up your speech during the third phase with a quick recap of the stories that you’ve told the audience about.

In an event of a personal nature, such as a wedding or engagement party, your impromptu speech structure may look more like the following:

  • Share some personal stories using any of the public speaking formulas above.
  • Engage the audience with a Q&A to extend the speaking time further
  • Close off the speech with some concluding remarks

How to practice impromptu speaking

Like all skills, the best way to improve at impromptu speaking is by practicing effectively.

Record your practice speeches

When practicing at home, record the delivery of your impromptu speeches from beginning to end. An audio recording will be sufficient, but a video recording is even better. Many times, you won’t realise the public speaking faux pas that you’re making such as:

  • Saying “like”, “um”, and “ah”
  • The way you move (or don’t move) your body, such as clasping your hands, standing rigidly, or fidgeting nervously
  • Not breathing enough, sounding like you’re holding our breath, or breathing too much, sounding like you’re hyperventilating

After recording your speech, watch, or listen to it from beginning to end, and take notes on how you could make it better.

When reviewing your speech, ask yourself:

  • How do I think I did?
  • Are there some areas that I could have improved?
  • Does my body seem stiff?
  • Do I make odd facial expressions, or movements?
  • Do I use filler words such as “um”, “ah”, “so”, etc?
  • How was my speaking rhythm?

Join your local Toastmasters club

Joining a Toastmasters club is a great way to meet others that are interested in improving their impromptu speaking skills.

Toastmasters International has a Toastmasters Club Finder website which you can use to search for a club in your area.

Thanks for reading!

I hope you found this post useful. Do you have any questions? Are there any follow-up blog posts you’d like me to write relating to this? Feel free to leave any feedback in the comments below.

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how to do a impromptu speech

Matt Button writes this blog, and works as a software developer at a financial technology company in Wellington, New Zealand. Learn more about him here , and connect with him on Twitter , Instagram , and Linkedin.

how to do a impromptu speech


What’s more challenging than giving a prepared speech?

Giving an unprepared one!

Somewhere along the line, we have had our share of the highs and lows of that infamous experience called, Impromptu Speaking.

There’s that strange ineffable fear settling in the pit of your stomach, like the fear when looking down a high-dive…. Your heart rate picks up. You are not hot yet sweating. Yes, you have been called on. After one clammy handshake to your presenter, you are expected to formulate a speech that’s at least a minute long. Time takes on an elastic quality. Even a minute seems like an hour. Meanwhile, internally you are frantically endeavoring to come up with something engaging, and meaningful; spontaneous and entertaining! Plus, there is the added anxiety of wanting approval from the audience. You don’t want to make a fool of yourself once you get up there, right?  If this sounds familiar to you… you have entered the Impromptu Speaking Zone!

With that said, the bottom line is, we need the practice.  We all do. Everyday living situations require us to think on our feet, accurately and with assurance. When we are called upon to use impromptu language skills, we can see this as practice for “real life.” When we re-frame our position in this fashion, we have a whole new ball game going.

The work arena involves countless opportunities for impromptu speaking. Job interviews are notorious for featuring questions to leave the most glib-tongued tongue-tied. Then, once hired at the job, (since you did so well on the interview) speaking skills are necessary to become familiar with the job, getting along with others, making new friends and acquaintances. Finding out where the best coffee houses are. Important information!

Outside of the office there are plenty of opportunities for speaking off-the-cuff: Exchanging Xmas gifts at Macy’s; encountering a room full of strangers at an open house or the wedding reception; meeting for coffee on a blind date. Each of us could add to the list ad infinitum. 

We cannot anticipate when these situations will arise – nor how we will answer them. However, with a few simple tools, we can be prepared and confident to speak to those challenges of Impromptu Speaking.

The difference between hearing and listening is: Hearing is a physiological experience. Listening is an art. We are  taught  how to listen.  Many people come to Toastmasters to learn how to speak. The flip side of the same coin is they learn how to actively listen. Most folks do not know how to listen.  They weren’t taught. They’re so busy formulating answers that they never hear the question and thus miss out on a fine opportunity to have answers that are more compassionate, effective and to the point if they had but slowed down and listened. Effective communication hinges on effective listening. “Listen exquisitely.”

The most time-honored saints and sages have promoted the advantages of pausing. Taking a few moments to pause before speaking will allow you time to refresh your thoughts and formulate an answer.

One of my favorite mentors is Lee Glickstein. From his Speaking Circles you learn to take in your audience once on stage. Make friends with your audience. Smile! What we often forget is the audience truly wants us to do well. Take that in and discover how a contemplative pause allows you time to organize your thoughts and get centered within yourself. Breathe.

A pause is preferable to verbal placeholders such as “uh,” “you know,” and “um.” Even as we were told to “look before you leap,” the wise have also known to “pause before you speak.”  Or to paraphrase Twain’s old adage, “God gave us two ears that we might be better listeners and one mouth that we might get into half the trouble.”


Just as pausing will give you extra time to organize your thoughts, confirming the question will give you time to prepare your response.  Repeating the question aloud gives you the opportunity to absorb the concept. Once you have a clearer idea of how to respond, go ahead and

Now you have everyone’s attention, DAZZLE them with your reply! As you express your thoughts and opinions – stay focused. At this point your challenge is to tell only the essentials. Not more than one or two points. You can always SOUND as though you knew a lot more than you were telling.  Many speakers find themselves so revved up at this point, they are ready to discuss their topic from A to Z. That’s why it is so important to go to this fifth and final step, which is….

Stop talking! Has someone who would not quit talking ever held you hostage? 

Once you have said what you have to say – do not belabor the point. Bring your comments to a close. Emphasize your main point. Smile while making your final eye contact. Then sit down. We know when a musician has finished by the simple act of laying down his instrument or pushing himself away from the keyboard. You can do the same.

The simplest way to end is to step away from the lectern, smile at your audience and welcome your emcee back to the stage. Never leave the area untenanted. Always wait for the applause. You earned it! Always wait for the handshake that punctuates the conclusion of your impromptu speech.


Be familiar with several speaking strategies to carry you through the “tell” portion of your talk.

While we may not have prepared material ready, we can approach the topics as follows:

1)    Express an opinion

This is the simplest strategy because it comes from you and is your opinion. You have a definite feeling one way or another so go ahead and clearly state your opinion. Give a reason or two to support your opinion. Give us your experience on the matter. Clearly state your opinion again. Then sit down.

2)    Address cause and effect

What happened and what it’s like now. State the situation – how if the situation continues, this will be the result. Clearly state the results. Examples are: 1) There’s a high rate of lung cancer caused by first and second-hand smoke. The eventual consequences of this behavior are long-term hospitalization or death.  2) If we go on mismanaging our water, we will eventually run dry when the next drought occurs.

3)    Break the topic into components

You can break the topic into components and discuss them individually. An example here is: Three areas of concern for me when I graduated college were: finding a job, making money and locating a new place to live.

4)    Create a timeline

If your topic involves assessing a situation over a span of time such as your experience with your mother, you can use a timeline to organize your past, present and future experience with this individual. “When I was a little girl, I thought my mom was a goddess incarnate; as a teenager I thought she was a royal pain in the neck; as an adult, I see her as a total woman and I love her unconditionally.”

5)    Ask a question

Ask a question, out loud, that pertains to what you want to talk about. Here's an example:

Let's say the topic is chess. You know quite a lot about chess. But how can you break down what you know to a few minutes? 

Ask aloud your topic in the form of a question: "What could I tell you about chess that would be informative and compelling?"

Answer your question: “The last gift my father ever gave me before he died was a chess set. Let me tell you this story.” 

You started answering the question. You are speaking effectively because asking the question focuses your mind. You are focused and poised because you know what you are talking about. Asking the question out loud starts the speaking process. Now you have momentum and will find it easier to continue speaking.

Here is another example.

Your topic is "Repairing a car" and you know nothing about repairing your car or even a bicycle for that matter. You ask aloud, "What could I tell you about repairing a car when I don't know anything about it?" Instantly an answer comes to you. "Get three estimates." You start talking about how best to get  others  to repair a car, and how to get it done cheaply. The answer came to you only after you asked the question.

Now that you know have the “do’s” of Impromptu Speaking, let me briefly touch on the three “don’ts.”

1)   Never apologize. Apologies are annoying and defeating. 

2)   Don’t ramble. Be sincere. Not inventive. When you are forced to speak on your feet, it is easy to ramble. You repeat old statements; you backtrack; and on and on and on – holding the audience hostage.

One of the most logical ways to wrap up your speech is to briefly restate your original points and then conclude. You usually know when you’re rambling because your voice will take on a monotone. 

Don’t get the hook. Leave with dignity. 

3)   Never thank the audience. We thank  you  for taking the time, the courage and the enthusiasm to come forward to the front of the room and deliver your speech. Bravo!

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The Art of Impromptu Speaking: How to Maximize Your Seven-Minute Speech (Part 1)

Coach Mike

In seven minutes, you can: · Listen to the “Peanut, Butter, Jelly” song four times. · Run a mile. · Say the word “pancake” 910 times. · Fall asleep. · Wait to get a spot on the Prince Charming Regal Carrousel ride at Disney World. These options might seem tempting, but today we will focus on a seven minutes activity which can be even more delightful and inspiring, for you and for your audience. In this article, you’ll learn about the art of impromptu speaking. Impromptu speaking is a public speaking format in which you have seven minutes to prepare and perform a speech that will touch the hearts and minds of your audience, by introducing to them your unique perspective on a given topic. The topics for impromptu speaking range from nursery rhymes, lines from songs or books, famous quotes, proverbs, and more. Unlike other public speaking or debate formats, in impromptu speaking, you have seven minutes for... well, for everything! In seven minutes, you need to select a topic, brainstorm ideas, draft an outline for your speech, and perform it. Note that even though you can write some notes as you prepare, your speech should be performed without relying on them. Impromptu speeches can be lighthearted or serious, and they are evaluated on three criteria: · Organization, which is whether the speech has a clear structure · Analysis, which is whether you address the prompt and justify your ideas well and · Delivery, which is your use of vocal variation, body language, and confidence So how does an impromptu round run? It’s actually quite exciting! Speakers wait outside of their room and walk-in one by one in seven-minute intervals. When you walk into the room, you’ll receive an envelope, like at the Oscars or the Golden Globes award ceremonies. But unlike in the Oscars or the Golden Globes, in your envelope, you’ll have more than one possibility. You’ll find three prompts, in other words, topics, within the envelope, usually with a connecting theme, and you’ll choose one to use for your speech. What are prompts? Well, they can be just about anything. Here are some examples: Should states shut their borders during a national pandemic? · Real learning happens outside the classroom. · It is not our differences that divide us, it is our inability to accept and celebrate those differences. · “Life is like a box of chocolates.” · The word “hopefully” · Discipline is not a dirty word. · “To err is human, to forgive is divine.” · If I could spend 10 minutes with the president I would… Once you have selected the prompt, you will have seven minutes to prepare a speech and perform it. Usually, you can allocate this time as you see fit, but at higher-level competitions, the time is usually divided as two minutes for prep and five minutes for speaking. You’ve probably noticed that the prompts are quite varied, and you might be wondering, “How do I choose?” Excellent question! When selecting a prompt, you want to go for the one that you are most familiar with. Maybe it’s a topic you read a lot about, maybe it’s a quote that resonates, or maybe there are anecdotes or examples in your mind. It can even be a prompt that you have a personal experience with. There are also a few tips for ways to gain experience with a variety of prompts. You can read famous novels, poems, and fairy tales. Additionally, you can read articles or listen to podcasts that cover interesting facts on different topics ranging from history, pop culture, sociology to sports, and philosophy. Being able to immediately come up with multiple examples will save you valuable time when choosing a prompt and preparing for your speech. The best impromptu speakers create story “banks” in their minds which they can easily refer to in an impromptu speech. Now that you’ve learned the format of an impromptu speaking round, seen some examples of prompts and then how to choose one, in part two of this article, you’ll learn about some examples you could have in your story bank.

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leaders deliver meaningful impromptu speeches

70 Tough Questions for Impromptu Speech (Plus Speech Patterns)

Looking for tips on handling the tough questions for impromptu speech? Most people dread public speaking because they don’t feel they have what it takes to stand in front of a crowd and wow people. Our most common experience with impromptu speaking is the graded recitation when we were in school.

Many of us were afraid because our answers might define our grades and how people will see us. And we bring this fear into the professional world.

Hi, my name is Jef Menguin, a keynote speaker and passionate public speaking trainer. I believe impromptu speech questions don’t have to catch you off guard.

The ability to deliver an impromptu speech is an advantage. This is why I design a two-day boot camp that helps professionals become excellent impromptu speakers. I want to share with you some ideas that participants will learn in the boot camp.

Prepared Impromptu Speaker

You see, we’re never completely unprepared. Our life experiences and expertise equip us with the insight we need. In the workplace, people ask us questions because they want us to add value to the discussion. It is very rare to ask you so they can measure your intelligence.

But how do we turn quick responses into valuable ones? You can master answering impromptu speeches through consistent and correct practice.

In this guide, I’ll show you how to become a captivating public speaker.

You can learn techniques that make delivering impromptu speeches easy. We’ll explore easy-to-learn speech patterns which you can use anytime. These will transform the way you tackle impromptu speaking.

Ready to level up your public speaking skills?

What makes impromptu speech questions tough?

Impromptu speech questions are prompts or topics given on the spot that requires an immediate response in the form of a speech.

These questions are often used in public speaking events, debates, interviews, or public speaking classes.

Your ability to answer questions demonstrates your quick thinking, creativity, clarity of thought, and ability to articulate your ideas persuasively and coherently without prior preparation.

In other words, when faced with an impromptu speech question, you have little to no time to prepare your response. Instead, you must draw upon their existing knowledge, personal experiences, and speaking skills to construct and deliver a speech on the spot.

This style of speech can be challenging but is an excellent way to improve communication skills and build confidence.

And I will teach you a few of the effective ways to become an excellent impromptu speaker.

Impromptu speech questions can cover a wide range of topics, from personal experiences (“Describe a time when you overcame a significant challenge”) to broader societal issues (“What role does technology play in education?”). The goal is to provide a structured, engaging response that effectively addresses the question.

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Public Speaking Resources

Can impromptu speaking be practiced?

There’s a lot of articles teaching you how to practice public speaking. However, when it comes to impromptu speaking, the question is: Can it really be practiced?

Nailing an impromptu speech can do wonders for your confidence. Knowing that you are ready to speak at any given moment makes sure that you bid goodbye to that stage fright. These speaking practices will also boost you for your regular public speaking practices.

Once you know, you can speak on-demand, your public speeches should be a piece of cake. While that is true, impromptu speeches by nature are quite tough to practice.

After all, how do you prepare for an unknown topic? This is why we have put together not just effective impromptu speaking practices but also improvised speaking ideas. 

With our handy tips and enough practice, you will be setting the stage alive in no time!

Table of Contents

Examples of Impromptu Speaking Scenarios

Fear of criticism, language barrier, lack of practice, stage fright, honesty is the best policy., have personal experiences handy, no more stranger danger, p is for persistence, by yourself, in front of people, wrapping up,.

You might be wondering, what are some occasions where you can expect to speak unexpectedly.

While there are plenty of platforms like Toastmasters for impromptu speaking sessions, we have below a few everyday scenarios. Knowing these settings can help you prepare better mentally, as well. 

  • Introducing yourself at any networking events
  • Giving a toast at a party
  • Non-technical job interview questions
  • Interviews by reporters or journalists
  • Being called in to speak in a meeting
  • Filling in for another late or absent speaker
  • You get asked a question you did not prepare for a while on a panel
  • Defending your points in a debate
  • Any college presentations
  • Say a goodbye speech to a departing employee

What makes impromptu speaking so tricky?

By the nature of it, impromptu speaking is sudden and unprepared. As such, you are bound to feel nervous.

Even the best impromptu speakers have gone through this phase of self-doubt and reluctance.

You can thus take solace in the fact that anybody can master this art. It is not about talent but about the practice and the will to make it happen.

To conquer this fear, we must first understand it. Here are the most common reasons why impromptu speaking is so difficult.

We are our own worst critics. When we’re put on the spot all of a sudden, we are bound to question ourselves and worry about all the eyes being on us.

Every hesitation and pause becomes magnified. We want to be remembered for our best behavior, so naturally, we get nervous.

It is completely normal to stumble and hesitate. After all, you’ve been called upon unexpectedly!

Most people get on the stage reasonably confident, but one stumble can throw us off guard. Relax!

After all, we’re all only humans. Once we learn to shake away the fear of criticism, we will be able to own our imperfections as well.

Understanding this fear can help you accept yourself. Allow yourself to make mistakes. Know that this is how you will learn and master the art of impromptu speaking.

We all get nervous, and this nervousness will keep you trying and turn you into a great speaker.

Your mistakes will make you aware of your strengths and turn you into a better impromptu speaker.

Many speakers did not have English as their native language. And even some who are native speakers but doubt their spoken English.

This can get in the way of your impromptu speech, as you might not feel as naturally comfortable to spontaneously speak up.

It is a common fear which does not make it any less valid. Good impromptu speaking comes with self-confidence.

However, the good thing is that there is a solution. Practice. As is showcased by many successful, non-native speakers, with enough practice, nothing is impossible.

Once you realize that you can master your command over this language as well as sprinkle in a personal touch to it, this language barrier can stop you no more.

Let’s face it. Most people don’t like being in unpredictable situations. Even though impromptu speeches are supposed to be unprepared by the name itself, any speaker will perform better with practice.

This does not have to mean you know the exact topic you will be speaking on, but some stage experience does help.

You need to familiarize yourself with the stage enough times that you are comfortable to speak.

Even if you fumble, you need to learn that it is part of the process. Therefore, there is no amount of speaking tips that can substitute a healthy amount of practice.

Another element of impromptu speaking is a large audience. We are facing a sea of faces, most of which we are probably unfamiliar with. It is natural to worry about first impressions.

It is much easier to talk in front of co-workers or friends as they are more likely to forgive your small stumbles.

However, we usually do not get a say in who our audience will consist of. This is why it is good to get ample practice in front of crowds we are comfortable with before jumping right into a bigger stage. There is no shame in taking things step by step.

How to Practice Impromptu Speaking?

Now that we’ve understood the fears that stunt most speakers, we can move on to solutions.

We all know that practice is the key to success, but how you practice is also an essential facet of this process.

Rather than simply repeat the same ineffective methods, we will tell you how to get the most out of your practice.

Speaking the truth is the easiest way to get your audience to connect with you. Audiences can detect a fake story and can quickly lose interest. 

When speaking unexpectedly, it’s better to stick to the truth. Delivering a heartfelt story will take a win over an exaggerated tale any day.

This does not mean you start recounting an honest account from a mundane day, either. The audience craves authentic emotion, but it has to come from an exciting event as well.

When you stick to the truth, you won’t have to scramble on the stage for ideas. You will simply be narrating and emoting, which makes your job much easier.

This tip falls in line with the previous tip about honesty. When you speak about personal experiences, there is no need to memorize things. Add to that. There is a personal touch to it that makes audiences more open to your story. 

Sharing from personal experiences makes you more at ease on the stage. It also adds a uniqueness to your story. People will feel as if they are tuning into a part of your life itself.

Instead of rambling about your opinions on nature and the environment, you can talk about a trip you took.

Perhaps share how much pollution you noticed and your reaction to it. Your genuine reaction will give this story the emotion it needs.

Sometimes the best way to face fears is head-on. You won’t know if you can speak on command unless you do.

This means that whenever you see an opportunity to speak up, don’t miss out on it! Whether it is a chance to introduce yourself in front of the class or give an impromptu report, jump in, and see how it does.

They say the first step is the hardest. All your nerves are about the beginning; once you jump in, the rest will follow.

This will also help you get comfortable with the idea of impromptu speaking itself.

Don’t stall too much trying to think of the perfect beginning. No one is expecting perfection. Simply go in head first and get rid of that fear.

Talking to strangers can be intimidating. Especially considering how we spend a large part of our young lives being told to avoid it.

But you must remember that a large part of the fear in impromptu speaking comes from being in front of an unfamiliar audience. You can master this fear by getting practice.

Whenever possible, reach out, introduce yourself to new people, mingle in conversations, and volunteer in any speaking situations.

It will be scary at first, and you might find yourself fumbling. Remember, it is natural to stumble right now, and the goal is not to stumble on stage later.

This doesn’t exactly fall under impromptu speaking. However, it works on your fears subconsciously.

Without being too aware of it, you’ll develop ease for talking to strange faces. This will also do wonders for your eye contact practice. You will learn how to keep a conversation going and build your own flow.

The format of a conversation can teach you a lot about impromptu speaking. You’ll use a more straightforward language and, most likely, shorter sentences.

You will also learn to read your audience. Does the person seem bored or interested? You can pick up on these cues. 

Do you know how people compare things to cycling or driving? Because it seemingly happens so automatically that it requires no thought.

But most people don’t remember how difficult the initial stages were. The reason it comes so easy to you now is that you did not give up. You practiced, you stayed persistent.

Impromptu speaking is no different. Of course, the topics and the setting will differ over time, but they definitely get better with practice.

This is just another skill that you need to master. To do so, make sure you take every opportunity to practice.

Try to speak on random subjects about the things around you, take some news headlines, and describe them. Set a timer and make sure you don’t let yourself get distracted too much. 

Stay vigilant and jog up some personal experiences that you might want to share. You might find that it is easier to remember these details on stage later when you need it.

The fun thing is that you don’t need to carve out an entire day to practice this. You can do it during breaks or with your morning coffee. The few minutes every day will add up to develop you as a successful impromptu speaker.

How can you practice impromptu speaking?

There are really only two ways to go about practicing impromptu speaking. It comes down to how social you are.

You can choose to practice by yourself on your drive to work or before bed. This way is best if you’re just starting out and not confident enough to go in front of people yet.

There is no one to judge, and you can unapologetically be yourself. Speak out loud so that you can hear and assess yourself.

Once you get in the hang of doing this every day, you’re going to feel more confident in certain areas as well.

You can practice by yourself initially, but there is no improvement without constructive criticism. You can choose to practice in front of your family or friends for starters.

Otherwise, there are many public speaking groups or classes that will be happy to provide you with feedback.

Speaking in front of others will open you up to areas you may not have paid much attention to and offer more room for overall growth.

Impromptu speaking is a difficult skill, but once you master it, you can leave audiences awestruck with your effortless style.

There are many ways to practice it, but to make the most of your practice, follow the steps we’ve outlined above.

The thing to remember is that there is no substitute for practice. So go out there and persevere! All the best!

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10 top tips for delivering an impromptu speech

No time to prepare take heart - and take note..

how to do a impromptu speech

For many of us it’s the worst case scenario – suddenly having to deliver an impromptu presentation. Being asked to speak in public is a major challenge for many leaders. Being asked to speak spontaneously as well as publicly can catapult the task straight into the very-difficult, to-be-avoided-at-all-times-I'd-rather-die category . The negative possibilities appear grave – your brain freezes, you mumble incoherently or you appear to lose all gravitas.

Yet these scenarios happen all the time – introducing yourself at networking events, giving a toast at a company party, unexpectedly being pulled into a meeting to give an update, having a colleague directly turn to you in the middle of a presentation for input or being asked an unexpected question on a panel. 

While you may wish for thorough preparation, giving an  extemporaneous  speech can mark you out as an excellent communicator. It’s how you handle yourself when you are least prepared that often demonstrates your leadership and influencing abilities.

Here are 10 top tips for performing – and presenting – under unexpected pressure.

1. Be confident - Look up, breathe deeply, say to yourself something positive – ‘I’m going to be fine’.

2. Focus on the audience  - Every presentation, including impromptu ones, need to be audience centric. The audience will be on your side – focus on what will be useful to them.

3. Less is more  - Avoid the tendency to ramble. An audience is far more likely to listen if you stay on target and are succinct. In fact they'll love you for it. Keep it short and to the point. Remember the Power of 3 – stick to three key points.

4. Have a structure  - Tell them what you are going to tell them; tell them; tell them what you told them. In the main section use a simple structure. For example:

-          Past / Present/ future

-          Cause / Effect / Remedy

-          Before / The Event / The Result

5. Primacy and recency - The audience will remember the first and last things you say. Make sure these are therefore powerful and linked to your key message.

6. Talk conversationally - Imagine you are speaking to your best friend and let yourself be authentic and natural.

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7. Personalise your speech & have a relevant story - Share from personal experience. No need to research, no need to investigate, and no need to memorise anything. When in doubt about what to say, just tell a story from your past related to the situation. Stories are memorable.

8. Demonstrate powerful body language  - Stand tall on both feet, resist the urge to slump or fiddle, use big gestures, smile and get eye contact with your audience.

9. Use a credible voice tone - Go slowly! Hurrying will increase any feelings of unease you have. Take your time. Breathe deeply. Deliver your words slowly and use pauses.

10. Turn your impromptu session into a Q&A session - For lengthier impromptu speeches reframe the session as a Q&A session, which breaks a session up into a series of very small impromptu interventions which will be easier for you to answer individually. Also, the content comes directly from the audience, so you are guaranteed to deliver what they are seeking.  

Whilst we can still enjoy the famous tongue-in-cheek Mark Twain quote ‘it usually takes more than three weeks to prepare a good impromptu speech’, you now know what to do when confronted by the dreaded impromptu business presentation. Now all you have to do is practise on the edge of discomfort.

Jeremy Cassell and Tom Bird are co-authors of The Leader’s Guide to Presenting (Pearson, UK Business Book of the year 2018).

Image credit:  Matej Kastelic /Shutterstock

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Head of Business Development and Marketing

Working from home with the occasional visit to London

£45k to £50k

Aesop is delighted to be recruiting for a Head of Business Development and Marketing professional.

Head of HR, Performance and Communications

West Surrey

Up to £80,500 per annum

Surrey Heath Borough Council

Head of HR, Performance and Communications Salary: Up to £80,500 per annum Grade: SH31 Contract: Permanent Hours: 37 per week Location: West Surrey...

Interim HR Director - Professional services

£800.00 - £900.00 per day

Interim HR Director job - London - Hybrid - 1 day per week in office £800-900 per day inside scope via umbrella company Immediate start

ACCOUNT DIRECTOR / ASSOCIATE | Energy, Renewables, Corporate

London (Central), London (Greater)

up to £70k+++

Carter Ferris

Great, global agency and multi award-winning team, looking for strong Senior Account Director and Associate Director with experience of the energy ...

Interim Indirect Procurement Specialist

EUR600 - EUR700 per day +

This rapidly growing online commerce business is looking for short-term support until the end of the year to help during a peak period of contract negotiations.

Senior Resourcing and Talent Specialist

Swindon, England

£500.00 - £750.00 per day + WFH mainly

Senior Resourcing and Talent Specialist, to £750 per day out of scope, 6 mth interim, mainly WFH. Full/part time. Swindon public sector organisation - supports equality, diversity and inclusion and provides a supportive workplace.

Head of Evaluation and Research

£50520 - £51468 Per Annum £50,520 per year, rising to £51,468 per year after 1 year and successful p

Head of Evaluation and Research We have a rewarding opportunity for a Head of Evaluation and Research to drive change to improve the lives of service users in the exciting new role. Offering flexible working, this is a really great opportunity to

HRBP - North of England and Scotland

Perth, Scotland

£55000 - £65000 per annum + car allow, bonus, bens and 30 days holiday

Reporting to an engaging and developmental People Director, the purpose of the role is to create a sense of belonging, teamwork, vision, community and purpose around the people agenda.

Edinburgh, Scotland

Leeds, England

Executive Director

£65,000 to £80,000

International health charity seeking an Executive Director with inspirational leadership, to build partnerships and deliver our strategic plan.

Head of Commissioned Partnerships

London (hybrid working)

£55000 - £60000 per annum

Mental Health Innovations

Head of Commissioned Partnerships London (hybrid working) About Us We are Mental Health Innovations (MHI), a digital mental health charity that dev...

IT Procurement Manager - Global Law Firm

GBP70000 - GBP75000 per annum +

Role: Senior IT Procurement Manager Type: 9 Month FTC Location: Leeds - x2 days a week Firm: Global Law Firm Day Rate: £70,000 - £75,000 Contact

HR Data and Systems Manager

£47000.00 - £52000.00 per annum + full range of benefits

HR Data and Systems Manager, up to £52k pa + benefits, permanent, great organisation, hybrid, Bristol office. Large leading Bristol organisation which offers knows their people are their strength.

Procurement Category Manager - Technology

Highly regarded Technology organisation seeks an experience technology procurement candidate to join a newly created role in their expanding procurement function.

National Lead of Operational Learning & Development

SCP 65-69 (£73,137 - £79,402)

Oasis Community Learning

We are offering a unique and exciting opportunity to become an influential leader within one of the largest trusts in the UK.

Director of Human Resources


University of Sussex

Having challenged convention since its foundation in 1961, the University of Sussex was created to be life-changing for its students, to deliver pr...

Head of Human Resources

London (Greater)

£85000 - 95000 per year +

UK Debt Management Office

About the organisation The UK Debt Management Office (“DMO”) is an Executive Agency of Her Majesty's Treasury (“HMT”) responsible for financing the...

Head of Value Propositions and Innovation


Michael Page (Client Branded)

This is an exciting newly created role Coach and lead a team of 12 people About Our Client For over 140 years City & Guilds have worked with peo...

Head of Brand Strategy (corporate)

up to £100k

Corporate Communications Recruitment

An award winning global integrated agency with a strong corporate branding offer are looking to hire a head of brand strategy. Great opportunity!


Heaton Moor, Stockport

£62,000 per annum


The Chief Executive role for the Charity is to work on behalf of the Board of Trustees to develop and deliver the business plan and business strate...

Head of Governance and Executive Office

Office-based in London, N4 with flexibility to work remotely, minimum 2 days in the office per month

£67,678 - £72,753 FTE (Actual: £40,606.80 - £43,651.80 per annum) plus excellent benefits

Our Head of Governance and Executive Office leads on ensuring that we maintain the highest standards of governance, demonstrating practice across...

Development Director

Cambridge, Cambridgeshire, CB2

£75,000 - £85,000 with flexibility for an outstanding candidate

Our client is looking for an exceptional individual to be their next Development Director following the retirement of the current post-holder.

Senior Procurement Manager / Technology / Global Law-Firm

GBP550 - GBP625 per day +

9 MONTH INTERIM OPPORTUNITY £550-625p/day - Senior Procurement Manager - Technology - Global Law Firm - Leeds & Hybrid working This globally recognise

Opportunity to train with a leading global fundraising consultancy

£51,000 plus performance related bonus of £2,500 in 2024

THINK Consulting Solutions

Motivated by a continual stream of new challenges? Love to problem solve? Committed to helping teams and individuals deliver top quality fundraising?

Chief Executive

St Wilfrid’s Hospice, Eastbourne

£90,000 - £95,000 + pension + benefits

St Wilfrid's Hospice

Chief Executive St Wilfrid’s Hospice, Eastbourne Full-time £90,000 - £95,000 + pension + benefits St Wilfrid’s Hospice is the local hospice for the...

Procurement Consulting Opportunities / Leading Boutique

GBP65000 - GBP80000 per annum +

Procurement Consulting opportunities - Market Leading Procurement Boutique Consultancy - Private Equity Backed - London + Travel - £65-80k + Package

Strategic Procurement Manager - Packaging - Global FMCG

GBP50000 - GBP60000 per annum + + Package + Flexi Working

Strategic Procurement Manager - Packaging - Global and Iconic FMCG brand Location: London/Remote Salary: £50-60k + package

GBP550 - GBP600 per day +

9-Month FTC - Senior Procurement Manager - Technology - Global Law Firm - Leeds & Hybrid working - £550-625p/dayThis globally recognised law firm, ren

Senior Procurement Manager / Indirects / Global Law-Firm

Procurement Manager- Global Leading Law Firm - FTC - 6 Months- Leeds Based- **£500-600/Day Inside IR35**

Senior IT Procurement Manager 9 month FTC

GBP600 - GBP625 per day +

Senior IT Procurement Manager- Global Leading Law Firm - FTC - 9 Months- Leeds Based- **£625/Day Inside IR35**

Assistant Director, HR Business Partnering

£75000 - 100000 per year +

City of London

We are the City of whatever we make it… A career with the City of London Corporation is a career like no other. We are based at the heart of one th...

Assistant Director, Organizational Development & Talent

Client services director.

Remote (UK)

Up to £90k DOE plus benefits


Are you the senior client services pro this really warm and friendly creative agency need?

Assistant Director, HR Operations

Senior hr business partner.

HR Business Partner London - Hyrbid £70kpa

Brighton, England

£300.00 - £400.00 per day

A 6 month temporary HR BP based in Brighton (hybrid), £300-£400 per day

Marketing Lead

£65000 - £75000 per annum

Major Players

Marketing Lead/Head of Marketing - Tech Marketing Lead/Head of Marketing - The Company My client is an extremely successful start-up within Tech (SaaS

HR Systems and Information Lead

Hybrid working

Imperial College London

We are urgently seeking an experienced HR System and Information Lead that can provide strong leadership to our HR Systems team, during a project p...

Associate Director (Summer School and Executive Education)


London School of Economics

Play a leading role in delivering a key part of LSE's 2030 vision and strategy Be part of a highly successful and commercially driven team About...

Art Director / Creative - client side / in-house role

£70k - £75k + benefits / flexible working

MODA Consult

This beautiful brand is looking for an Art Director / Creative to work within their in-house team. Outstanding interior design / furniture brand.

Partnership Director

£70k Basic + £30k OTE plus benefits

This is such an exciting role, a Partnership Director working with tech platforms, at a leading digital / commerce agency. Something really different!

HR Manager 14mth FTC

£50000.00 - £55000.00 per annum

HR Manager London - Hybrid 14mth FTC Immediate Start

IT Procurement Manager - Sustainable Technology Firm Location: Remote with option to go into office in Central London Salary: £80-85,000 plus package

Business Director - 2 roles at varying levels

London - Hybrid working, 3 days in the office 2 days at home

£75k - £85k dependent on experience and great benefits

2 fantastic opportunities at this top creative agency at Business Director level. We need someone with strong CRM / customer engagement experience.

Business Director x 2 roles

£85k - £100k dependent on experience and great benefits

2 fantastic opportunities at this top creative agency at Business Director level. Opportunity to work with some of the best in the business.

HR Manager / Senior HR Business Partner

Birmingham, England

£60000.00 - £65000.00 per annum + Excellent Benefits

This is an interesting opportunity to join a smaller but highly successful UK business working as a strategically minded HR Business Partner.

Early Talent Programs Senior Associate

City of London, England

£50000.00 - £60000.00 per annum

A Global Rating Agency in the hub of the Financial Market for Early Talent Programme Lead

International Pensions Senior Manager

£80000.00 - £100000.00 per annum + Bonus, cash allowance, hybrid, flex

The International Pensions tax team advises employers, employees, and trustees of pension plans on tax treatment for distributions from and contributions to International Pension Plans.

Senior Reward Manager - Tax

The role would suit an existing Manager with demonstrated experience in employment tax advisory and compliance work. Employee share plan and global mobility experience would, whilst not essential, be an advantage.

Project Management Lead (Mobilisation)

Blended between office and home (England and Wales)

Salary: £56,214 plus London Allowance of £3,520 if applicable

Citizens Advice

We are looking for an experienced project/programme manager with a demonstrable track record in successfully delivering major change initiatives.

Senior Benefits Manager

£55000.00 - £70000.00 per annum + Bonus, hybrid, negotiable

The purpose of this role is to manage the Global Benefits Operations across all locations.

Benefits & Wellbeing Manager

£50000.00 - £65000.00 per annum + Bonus, hybrid & flexi, negotiable

The firm takes very seriously the physical and mental health of its employees and partners.

HR Director

Slough, England

£105000.00 - £115000.00 per annum + 20% bonus, car allowance

Excellent HR Director opportunity. Up to £115k + bonus + car allowance. Hybrid working.

Senior Procurement Consultant / Best-In-Class

GBP60000 - GBP75000 per annum + Bonus

Senior Indirect Procurement Consultant / FTSE 250 Consultancy Organisation / Rapid Career Progression / Home Based Contract / £60,000 - £75,000 + Benefits inc. Bonus

CAPEX Category Manager - Global Utilities Company

Saudi Arabia

GBP60000 - GBP70000 per annum +

Procurement Category Buyer - CAPEX (Engineering & Construction) - Global Consultancy - Global Waste Management Project - 20-35,000 SAR - Riyadh Saudi

Major Waste Management/Utilities project - Category Manager

Leading Saudi Arabian Utilities company - Major construction project Role: Buyer Salary: 25-35,000 SAR Location: Saudi Arabia This Leading Procuremen

Procurement Senior Manager - Global Blue-Chip

World renowned professional services firmRole: Senior Consultant - Indirect GeneralistLocation: London - WFH / Occasional travelSalary: £60-70k + Pack

Safeguarding Trustee

Flexible location

Save the Children

Are you motivated by our vision of creating a world where every child doesn't just survive, but thrives, and can go on to change the world?

Grade 10 - £63,673 to £69,561 (appointment is normally made at lowest point on scale)

The Alliance for Sustainability Leadership in Education - EAUC - has a unique opportunity to be our CEO. Are you that person?

Deputy Young Transport Workers Officer (London)

Starting at £54,879 – £64,730 (plus a bonus of 1/12th of annual salary)

International Transport Workers Federation (ITF)

The Deputy Young Transport Workers Officer, based in our London office will develop strategies for organising young transport workers, ensuring tha...

Innovative Procurement Manager - Media Production

GBP55000 - GBP65000 per annum + + Package

HRIS Specialist

£50000.00 - £65000.00 per annum + Bonus, negotiable, work abroad

This is a fully autonomous role, where you will have full ownership to design, implement, and bring to life an established but underutilised HRIS system.

Head of Human Resources - Part Time

SW3 6JJ, London (Greater)

£60,000 - £70,000 FTE + Benefits

Job description Job Purpose The Royal Marsden Cancer Charity (RMCC) raises money solely to support The Royal Marsden, a world-leading cancer centre...

Head of People

Wallington, London (Greater)

Cognus Band 6 £39,872.04 (0.6 FTE of £66,454.84)

Cognus Limited

We are looking for a highly motivated and experienced Head of People to lead our HR department, develop our teams and provide strategic direction.

Construction Category Manager

£570 per day (inside IR35)

Langley Search & Interim

The Opportunity:-   Our client is currently recruiting for an interim Construction Category Manager to deliver commercial strategy and tendering / ...

Senior Indirect Procurement Consultant / FTSE 250

Hr business partner - hybrid working.

Salisbury, England

£47000 - £53000 per hour

Are you an experienced HR Business Partner with Public Sector experience who can commute to Salisbury 2-3 days a week? Are you available to start a new interim role at relative short notice? If so please apply today.

Global Mobility Senior Manager

£70000.00 - £95000.00 per annum + Bonus, cash allowance, negotiable

We are looking for a Senior Manager to join our Financial Services Global Mobility Services (GMS) Technology team in London. Our Global Mobility Service (GMS) practice is a diverse and fast-growing area of our Tax business.

Junior Business Partner

Your new company This company is one of the world's leading technology communication companies. They have a large international presence, leveraging 12,000 employees in the UK alone.

Head of External Affairs: Fair By Design

£47,013-£56,415 pa + up to 10% contributory pension

Barrow Cadbury Trust

Seeking a talented individual with an outstanding track record of successfully delivering impactful communications and public affairs strategies.

Associate Director – B2B technology PR

£65000 - £80000 per annum

Are you an Associate Director ready to change agencies? Looking to work with industry defining clients? Are you an individual with the ambition to become...

Tewkesbury, England

£45000.00 - £55000.00 per annum + full range of benefits

HR Manager, to £55k pa + bens, hybrid working, Tewkesbury based organisation, HR generalist post, perm. Proud to be the exclusive recruitment partner for a superb leading,well established and growing retail organisation.

GBP50000 - GBP65000 per annum +

Direct Procurement Specialist- Leading Automotive Firm- £40-50K+ Package- London Based Procurement Consultant Role- Leading Top 100- Forbes Procurement and Supply Chain Consultancy Specialist- £65K+ Exciting Benefits Prestigious Central Lo

MD for an ambitious PR agency

£120,000 - £150,000

f1 Recruitment

An incredible opportunity for an MD to join this award winning integrated agency. Reporting into the CEO, this is an exciting opportunity to lead t...

HR & OD Business Partner

£54223 - £60316 per annum

Are you an experienced HR Business Partner looking for a new challenge? With a refreshed HR & OD Strategy and senior leadership team this is a great time to join.

Head of Development

Clerkenwell, London

£45-50k per annum

Art Angel Trust

The role has a strong understanding of the funding landscape in the UK and has successfully fundraised from trusts and foundations and private patrons

Oxfordshire, England

£50000 - £60000 per annum

A newly created Head of HR role within a post-transformation setting.

Procurement Manager - Travel and Events

USD120000 - USD130000 per annum +

Procurement Manager - Travel and Events Procurement - $120,000 - $130,000 - Global Leader in Food and Beverage - RemoteIf you want to hear more about

HRIS Project Manager (iTrent)

£400 - £500 per day

1 My London based healthcare client is looking for an experience HRIS Project Manager (iTrent) to join the team on an interim basis. (Hybrid working)

Director of Communications

Avon & Somerset Police

We support the lives of millions of people across our diverse communities, and have a workforce of over 6,000 inspiring and dedicated staff,

Head of Digital

City of London, London / London

£100000 - £120000 per annum

Head of Digital (B2B Marketing)**NEW ROLE** The CompanyAn international law firm with an exceptionally strong brand platform and a reputation for exce

Interim Head of HR

£70000 - £75000 per annum

We are looking for a Head of HR to join a unique organisation in central London for 12 months.

FM / Construction Procurement Manager - Global FTSE 250

Dublin City Centre

EUR75000 - EUR85000 per annum + bonus + flexi working

FM & Construction Procurement Manager - Global FTSE 250 FMCG - 85,000 EURO + package Location: Berkshire (flexible working available)

Procurement Manager - Production and Special Projects

GBP55000 - GBP60000 per annum + + Package

Procurement Officer - Global Mega City

GBP50000 - GBP60000 per annum +

Procurement Officer - Flagship Mega Project in Saudi Arabia - Raw Materials and Direct Procurement - Riyadh - 15-20,000 SAR per month + benefits - ARA

FM Procurement Manager - Global FTSE 250 FMCG

GBP75000 - GBP80000 per annum + bonus + flexi working

FM Procurement Manager - Global FTSE 250 FMCG - £80,000 + package Location: Berkshire (flexible working available)

Recruitment Partner - Technology / Digital

£45000 - £55000 per annum + bonus, benefits package & hybrid working

We are looking for you to be a great team-player who enjoys working with others to achieve exceptional team results.

Procurement & Supply Chain - Management Consultants

GBP70000 - GBP90000 per annum + bonus + excellent package

Procurement & Supply Chain - Management Consultants - Multiple Opportunities Rapidly Growing Management Consultancy London + Flexibility + Some Travel £70,000 - 90,000 (depending on experience)

Director of Finance and Operations

£77,500 - £85,000

We are looking for a strategic inspiring leader with substantial experience in delivering financial and operational leadership.

Global Hard FM Procurement Manager

GBP70000 - GBP80000 per annum + bonus + excellent package

Global Hard FM Procurement Manager - Global FMCG - London - £70,000 - £80,000 + Package

Senior Facilities (FM) Procurement Manager

GBP75000 - GBP85000 per annum + Package, Rapid Progression

Senior Facilities (FM) Procurement Manager - Global Property Giant - London - £75,000 - £85,000 + Package

Generating over $600 million in annual revenue, this dynamic food and beverage organization are undergoing progressive internal transformation - buil

Head of Innovation and Partnerships (Health)

£50520 - £51468 Per Annum

Head of Innovation and Partnerships (Health) We have an exciting opportunity for a Head of Innovation and Partnerships to drive innovation to support the work in integrated health and care delivery, and progress opportunities to build new partners

Taxation Accountant

Sandy, Bedfordshire (Hybrid)

£42,768.00 - £52,124.00 per annum

This role will become the charity's internal tax expert, providing advice on all taxes that affect the organisation and its entities.

Head of Business Development

£49584 - £50520 Per Annum

We have an exciting opportunity for a Head of Business Development to deliver the charity’s ambitious business development goals.

Finance Manager (maternity cover, 15 months)

E2 9DA, London (Greater)

£50 - £60k depending on experience

ISEAL Alliance

ISEAL is looking for an experienced and motivated 15-month maternity cover for the position of Finance Manager. The role encompasses all responsibi...

Director of Talent & Learning

Essex (Hybrid)

C£90,000 basic salary plus Excellent Benefits

Essex (Hybrid: 2/3 days per week Essex with travel/WFH) Our client is a multi-site, fast paced service organisation with strong values. The busines...

Global Indirect Procurement Specialist

GBP50000 - GBP60000 per annum + Excellent Bonus, Rapid Progression

Global Indirect Procurement Specialist - World-Leading Professional Services Organisation - London + Flex. - £50,000 - £60,000 + Excellent Package

Head of People and Organisational Development

Location: Bridgwater College Academy

Salary: £65,000 - £75,000 per annum

Bridgwater & Taunton College

Bridgwater and Taunton College Trust is seeking to recruit an outstanding colleague to the position of Head of People and Organisational Development.

Head Of Procurement

St Helena Island, South Atlantic

£75k pa (Salary of £60k pa, plus International Supplement)

St Helena Government

Enjoying unique lifestyle opportunities, St Helena Island is a self-governing overseas territory of the United Kingdom.

Contract Manager

£60k pa (Salary of £45k pa, plus International Supplement)

ASSOCIATE DIRECTOR | Corporate Reputation, Brands

£75,000 - £80,000

This global communications agency is seeking a proven corporate and business media strategist, with solid editorial relationships and deep expertis...

Associate Director / Senior Associate Director – Energy & Sustainability

London (Central)

Depending on experience

Premier Resourcing UK

Associate Director / Senior Associate Director – Energy & Sustainability GV5409 Exciting London agency looking to recruit someone with publ...

Director (Financial PR - Tech, Natural Resources, Financial Services )

Up to £150'000 + benefits

Brook Street

Director (Financial PR - Tech, Natural Resources, Financial Services ). Leading Corporate & Financial PR Agency. Competitive Salary.

Procurement Manager - Strategic TV Production

GBP60000 - GBP65000 per annum + + Package

Head of People, Organisational Development and the Workplace

Hybrid Working with Head Office at Euston, London NW1 1BS

Circa £80,000 pa plus excellent benefits

Origin Housing

Origin Housing are now seeking an exceptional individual to join them as their new Head of People, Organisational Development and the Workplace.

Senior Procurement Manager - Indirects - Global Law Firm - Leeds & Hybrid working - £70-75k + package This globally recognised law firm, renowned for

Strategic Sourcing Manager - International TV Production

Senior media relations manager.

Senior Media Relations Manager Seeking a new in-house challenge leading a team to create and deliver media relations strategies for a global profes

Interim Resourcing Advisor

Your new role You will be joining this multinational market leading brand as they prepare to launch an exciting new project across the UK.

Senior Manager - Pay & Reward

Hybrid flexible working with office locations nationally

£55000 - £65000 per annum + generous benefits

My highly respected national Charity client has an exciting opportunity for an experienced Pay and Reward specialist to join their organisation.

Senior HR Advisor

Bournemouth, England

£20.58 - £28.64 per hour

Seeking an experienced HR Advisor / Senior ER Advisor to join a large organisation managing a complex case load of ER 3-6 months +

Programme Manager

£55k per year

Implement key organisational change initiatives which are critical to the achievement of the Charity's strategic aims and objectives.

Director of People & Operations

Hybrid working. Largely home-based, some in-person expected. Some flexibility for hot-desk locations

Are you an ambitious, innovative, and values-led leader who could form a key part of this charity's Senior Leadership Team?

Account Director

£400 - £450 per day

Head of Finance

£52,404 - £62,573

We are looking for a Head of Finance to lead on the development and implementation of financial strategy, financial planning and budgeting

Head of P2P Outsourcing (BPO)

EUR100000.00 - EUR120000.00 per annum +

This international FinTech organization provides technology and consulting services to its clients around the world including the implementation of customized Procure-to-Pay (P2P) and Source-to-Contract (S2C) solutions that digitize and simplify purchasin

Indirect Marketing Procurement Manager / Best-in-Class

Indirect Marketing Procurement Manager / FMCG / Nationally Loved Brand / London / £60,000 - £70,000 + Benefits inc. Bonus

Resourcing and Data Analytics Manager

£65000.00 - £80000.00 per annum

Resourcing and Data Analytics Manager, Leading FTSE 250 Firm, London, Hybrid, Permanent, 65K - 80K

Head of HR/HR Director

Abingdon, England

£75000.00 - £100000.00 per annum

We are looking for a Head of HR/HRD with M&A experience to join our life science client in Oxfordshire.

Category Manager

Senior Procurement Category Manager- Global FMCG London Based- £60-70K + Package

Flagship project - Procurement Buyer - Tech

GBP60000 - GBP80000 per annum +

Procurement Buyer- (IT, Hardware, Software) (Multiple Roles) - Working with a leading Global Procurement Consultancy on a Flagship Project in Saudi

Leading Saudi Arabian Utilities company - Major construction project Role: Buyer Salary: 25-30,000 SAR Location: Riyadh This Leading Procurement & S

Interim Benefits Manager EMEA

£300.00 - £600.00 per day

Interim Benefits Manager EMEA - Financial services - London Hybrid Competitive day rate - inside scope of IR35 Interim Benefits job Interim Benefits Specialist Interim Benefits Consultant

Interim HR Talent Partner / HR Business Partner

Procurement category manager - indirects.

Global Procurement CPS Lead - £multibillion FMCG Major - LONDON / WFH - £70-77k + Car and other package details Global FMCG brand is seeking a bright

Global Procurement Category Manager - Professional Services

Title: Procurement Category Manager - Professional Services and Business IntelligenceCompany: Global FTSE 100 Financial Services FirmLocation: WFH - L

Interim HP BP - Technology

£427.00 - £518.00 per day

Interim HR BP to support a Tech population - 9-12 months + - London Hybrid up to £518 per day inside scope Interim HR Business Partner job Immediate start

Regional HR BP - 12 M FTC

£65000.00 - £70000.00 per annum

Interim Regional HR BP - 12 month FTC - Facilities Management - London - c£65,000 - £70,000 plus car allowance Interim HR BP - 12 month FTC - Facilities Management - London - c£65,000 - £70,000 plus car allowance Interim Human Resources Business Partn

Interim Reward Manager

£400.00 - £500.00 per day

Interim Reward Manager - Global Law Firm - London/Remote - up to £500 per day inside scope Interim Reward Manager - Global Law Firm - London/Remote - up to £500 per day inside scope

Procurement Consultant

GBP60000 - GBP65000 per annum +

Procurement Consultant - Forbes Top 100 Procurement and Supply Chain Consultancy Specialist-£65K+ Exciting Benefits- Prestigious Central London Office Location Procurement Consultant Forbes Top 100 Procurement and Supply Chain Consultancy Speciali

Talent Acquisition Partner - Technology

An international Investment Management Firm

Procurement - Managing Consultant

GBP40000 - GBP60000 per annum + package

Procurement - Managing Consultant - Global FTSE 100 Professional Services Firm - London - £40 - 60k + Excellent Benefits Package

Global Procurement Consultant (multiple roles)

GBP30000 - GBP60000 per annum + package

Global Procurement Consultant (multiple roles) - Management Consultancy - London - £30,000 - £60,000 + Excellent Package + Personalised Career Plan + State of the Art Offices

Global Junior Procurement Consultant

Global Junior Procurement Consultant - GNFR- International FMCG Firm - London - £40,000 - £60,000 - Excellent Package - Fast Track Career Progression

Strategic Sourcing Manager, IT & Technology

EUR60000 - EUR90000 per annum + bonus + benefits

Strategic Sourcing Manager, IT & Technology - Global FTSE 100 FMCG Player - Dublin- £50,000 - €90,000 + Bonus & Benefits

Procurement Category Manager, HR & Professional Services

Procurement Category Manager, HR & Professional Services - Iconic Brand - Dublin with Flexible Working - €90,000 + Benefits

IT Procurement Team Lead

EUR60000 - EUR80000 per annum + package

IT Procurement Team Lead - Global FTSE 100 Conglomerate - Amsterdam - €80,000 + Package

Software Technology Procurement Manager

EUR55000 - EUR90000 per annum + bonus + benefits

Software Technology Procurement Manager - Strategic Growth Initiative - £25bn+ Professional Services Giant - DUBLIN

Reward Manager - Analytics

Bonus, car cash allowance, hybrid

The Reward Manager (Analytics) role requires a professional with a broad and detailed working knowledge of compensation processes with the expertise to implement change using complex reward analytics.

Reward Analyst

Bonus, hybrid, negotiable

The scope of this role is to support the Reward Director in the delivery of group wide annual pay and performance review, share plans across the organisation, the provisions for pension arrangements and the employee benefits offering across the Group.

Procurement Consultant - Forbes Top 100 Procurement and Supply Chain Consultancy Specialist-£65K+ Exciting Benefits- Prestigious Central London Office Location Senior Procurement Consultant Forbes Top 100 Procurement and Supply Chain Consultancy S

Part home/part office (London) based

£90,000 per annum

The UK Committee for UNICEF

This is a great opportunity to join the UK Committee for UNICEF (UNICEF UK) as the Director of Communications.

Non-Executive Directors

£4,800 p.a.

Raven Housing Trust

We’re looking for two people to join our Board...

In House Media Relations Manager Role at Top Law Firm

Exceptional In House Media Relations Manager wanted for top tier global Law Firm!   Salary: £70k DOE - our client will flex for the right candidate

Head of Foundation Partnerships

£60,000 per annum

This is a great time to join the UK Committee for UNICEF (UNICEF UK) as we have ambitious plans over the next five years.

Bradford, West Yorkshire

Bradford Council

City of Bradford Metropolitan District Council – Head of Procurement Bradford is an extraordinary city. Vibrant and diverse, it’s a place of opport...

£50000.00 - £60000.00 per annum + full range of benefits

Trainer, to £60k pa, permanent, hybrid with Bristol/Birmingham/Bracknell or Guildford office. Finance sector, leading, long standing and award winning company.

HR Consultant - TMO Change Project

Cheltenham, England

£350.00 - £400.00 per day + WFH/remote working

HR Consultant - Target Operating Model change project, up to £400 per day, remote working, interim asap. FTSE 100 multi-national engineering organisation which has its headquarters in Cheltenham.

Principal Commercial Manager

Canary Wharf, London (Greater)

£51,810 - £59,405 pa

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how to do a impromptu speech

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Types of Speeches: The Impromptu Speech

An impromptu speech is given with little or no preparation. You might not be aware of it, but you are giving mini impromptu speeches every day! Every time someone asks you a question you weren’t expecting, your answer is an off-the-cuff speech.

Types of Speeches: The Impromptu Speech

If you decide to become a professional speaker or use speaking as an integral part of your marketing strategy, it’s a good idea to familiarize yourself with the various types of speeches you might be asked to give. In this series of posts, I’ll give you the basics of a variety of types of presentations you can prepare. At the end of this post, I’ve listed previous articles in this series.

Typical situations in which you’ll find yourself giving an impromptu speech include:

  • Job interviews
  • Q&A sessions
  • Meeting someone new
  • Networking opportunities
  • First dates

Can you really prepare for an impromptu speech?

To some degree, yes. More often than not, your impromptu speech is going to be about something you know about or have experience with. So, all you need to do is stay abreast of what you are considered an expert in, so that when called upon to talk about it, you’ll have something to say.

Also, you can give yourself practice opportunities. In Toastmasters, this is what the Table Topics section of the meetings is there to do. If you are not a member of Toastmasters, you can always have your friends help you out by asking you questions that you can practice answering.

Giving an impromptu speech

The first thing you need to do is stay calm and get grounded. Don’t just start talking because someone has asked you a question. Take a moment to give the answer some thought. During this time you can start to organize how you are going to present your answer.

Depending on how long you are expected to speak, you’ll want to give your mini-presentation a strong opening, effective body and powerful close.

One way to do this is to couch your answer in “me” or “I” language, such as “I believe …,” “My experience shows …,” or “In my opinion ….” This sets the premise for your impromptu speech.

Next, support your hypothesis with one to three supporting points, depending on your allotted time.

Then close with a brief summary of what you just said and cap it off with a strong statement.

Resources for developing your impromptu speaking skills

  • Impromtu Speech: In Fifteen Minutes By Grace Fleming, About.com Guide
  • Impromptu Speech: With Little or No Time to Prepare By Grace Fleming, About.com Guide

Did you miss these?

Here are the previous posts in this “Type of Speeches” series:

  • The Keynote Address
  • The Training Session
  • The Motivational Speech
  • The Entertaining Speech
  • The Demonstration
  • The Information Dump
  • The Inspirational Speech
  • The Q & A
  • The Persuasive Speech

The next post in this series is The Acceptance Speech .

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About the author

Carma Spence, is author of Public Speaking Super Powers. She is fiercely committed to guiding women to Owning their Superpowers and turning their knowledge and interests into a profitable business. She is masterful at helping her clients see what is possible for them and supporting them on the journey from where they are to where they want to be, releasing the Mind Goblins of self-doubt, self-sabotage and second-guessing that keep them stuck.

With 20+ years experience in marketing communications and public relations, natural intuitive skills and certification in using some of the most effective transformational coaching tools available, Carma’s mission and commitment is to unleash the inner power every woman entrepreneur possesses so they can boldly go out into the world, transforming the fabric of people’s lives in meaningful and positive ways.

You can find her on Facebook , Twitter , Google+ and LinkedIn . Her website is CarmaSpence.com .

How to Deliver An Impromptu Speech?

 To know everything about Impromptu speech, it is first important to know what exactly it is. Impromptu Speech is speech delivered with little or no preparation for it. In simple terms, it is when you speak in front of public about a random topic with some prior knowledge about it. This type of speech is also referred as “off the cuff” or “spur of the moment” or “extempore” at times.

For example – when a class teacher asks student to answer about a topic discussed before. Sometimes, business meeting also start by impromptu speeches, where people talk about their work experience. Another example is when a teacher asks students to introduce themselves.

It is usually difficult for beginners to give a impromptu speech. It makes the person nervous as he/she does not have the prior knowledge of their turn. This can also happen because they do not have any experience. It can come up as the hardest thing for beginners but with practice and tips, it can be excelled.

Tips and tricks to be followed to excel in an extempore.

Remember the structure.

It is important to always remember the structure of the speech irrespective of the mode of conveying i.e. whether it is written or oral. While spur of the moment is oral speaking, the structure of the general is to be followed. The correct structure of speech is to include introduction, main body and conclusion of the speech.

how to do a impromptu speech

Without this format, you might end up confusing the audience as they will not be able to comprehend your speech. So, following the proper format is crucial to keep your audience’s attention with you.

Follow the PAL in Impromptu Speech!

Everybody follows different rules for impromptu speech. Thus, PAL is the rule that will be easy for a beginner. Here is the rule,

P – Personal opinion. Give your personal opinion about the topic

A – Anecdote. Talk about an experience or a story related to it.

L – Linkage. Co- relate the story with the subject.

This is a helpful method to keep your audience’s attention intact. This will create an impact because of the story recital. Talking about your personal opinion is also crucial in impromptu speech. It is because a person is expected to put his own opinions more than the general information in such a speech.

This is a crucial point to remember. Always remember to apply the W technique. Now you might what is 5 Ws technique. The 5 Ws are :

What – analyze the event and environment where you are present.

Who – know your audience before delivering speech. Be aware of the audience’s interest.

Where – search about the place where event is organized.

When – examine the present and future trends of the subject you are speaking about.

Why – last but not the least, it is extremely important to know why you as a speaker are present at the event. It will enable you to know your role for the audience. Secondly, know why audience are present in the event. Know the purpose behind their presence.

Write Ideas – Impromptu Speech Done!

When a person is given a topic for impromptu speech, he/she experiences a rapid rush of thoughts. It is important to jot them down on a paper quickly to remember all the points. Missing on a small point might cut the interlinking technique. Including each and every point will help the audience to connect more with the speaker. It will enhance the experience of both audience and speaker.

how to do a impromptu speech

Writing down the pointers relating to the topic provides a better insight for the speaker. It will keep the speech crisp as the speaker will directly talk about the points instead of confusing the audience.

Decide the Tone

It is important to decide the tone in which the person wants to speak. The tone of the speech depends upon the occasion and environment of the event. For example – if the event is a wedding and you have to give a speech, then in that case, the tone of the speech is informal. As a public speaker, you have an advantage in informal meetings. You can be a bit relaxed with the way of speaking.

When in formal meetings, use formal tone of speaking. For example – if the event is a business meeting and clients are present, in that case it is important to use a professional and formal tone of speaking. Another example can be when a teacher asks student to answer something. In that case, the student needs to reply in a formal manner. Thus, deciding on the tone is crucial.

Universal quotes and Impromptu Speech!

Mentioning quotes by famous personalities always works! It is always a good idea to start your speech with a quote related to the subject. Whether in writing or verbally, quotes have a special place. The reader or the listener feels that the author has a great knowledge about the topic. For example – if the topic given to a person is books, then saying “books are ocean of knowledge” would create a greater impact on the audience.

Mold Your Topic

It is important to customize your topic according to you. If you have no idea about the topic given to you for the speech, then you can mold the topic according to you. For example – If the topic is importance of exercising and gym, then, you can talk about exercising more and about gym less. If u don’t know about importance of gym, in that case you can simply talk about personal experience or maybe stories related to the subject. It makes easy for the audience to understand.

Build Confidence!

Practice more and more speeches to build confidence about yourself. When talking about impromptu speech, the most important thing that comes into one’s mind is confidence. Even if you are not sure about the content, if you manage to speak confidently and convince your audience that the content is true, then bravo! You have excelled the art of giving impromptu speech. To know more about how to build confidence instantly,  click  here.

how to do a impromptu speech

Final Thoughts

To sum up, speech is an important part of life. Wherever you go, you will have to speak. It is not possible to always prepare and speak and thus impromptu speech is important. It builds your confidence levels and helps you speak better in unexpected situations. Thus having a habit of giving impromptu speech is necessary. Podium School offers wide range of activities for better  personality development . Check out  podium school  to know more about it.

Stay tuned for our next post! Till then, check out our website and other articles! We will be right back!

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Impromptu speech tips

What are some good tips for impromptu speeches for a public speaking class? My teacher said that on Monday she'll give us a random quote and we'll have 10 minutes in class to craft a 1-2 minute impromptu speech that we'll be reciting that same day around that quote and it must include a thesis, 3 main points and a conclusion tying everything in together.

Colleen Long, Associated Press Colleen Long, Associated Press

Will Weissert, Associated Press Will Weissert, Associated Press

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  • Copy URL https://www.pbs.org/newshour/politics/watch-live-biden-addresses-supreme-court-ruling-on-presidential-immunity-and-trump

WATCH: ‘No one is above the law,’ Biden says after Supreme Court ruling on presidential immunity and Trump

WASHINGTON (AP) — President Joe Biden is seeking to put the focus squarely onto Donald Trump following his uneven debate performance last week.

Watch Biden’s remarks in the player above.

Speaking Monday after the U.S. Supreme Court ruling granting broad immunity from prosecution to Trump and other presidents, Biden said the high court’s ruling had undermined the rule of law. The court’s conservative majority ruling makes it all but certain that the Republican will not face trial in Washington ahead of the November election over his actions during the violent riot on Jan. 6, 2021.

READ MORE: What does the Supreme Court immunity ruling mean for Trump? 6 questions answered

“No one is above the law, not even the president of the United States,” Biden said from the White House.

During his brief remarks he made no mention of last week’s debate or his performance, and did not take questions.

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Biden seemed relaxed and confident, striking a clear and crisp tone and looking tanned and rested — all of which was in stark contrast to his often halting performance during last week’s debate, when his face was notably pale. The president also had the benefit of a teleprompter for his remarks about the court, something he didn’t have while facing off with Trump.

“I know I will respect the limits of presidential power as I have for the three-and-a-half years, but any president, including Donald Trump, will now be free to ignore the law,” Biden said.

For all the public efforts to shift the focus away from his uneven performance that spooked donors and prompted Democratic anxiety, there have been private discussions on what more Biden could do to counteract what Americans saw during the debate, when he gave convoluted answers, trailed off at times, occasionally stared blankly and sounded raspy-voiced.

There has been talk about whether Biden should be seen more in public through town-hall-style events or interviews and press conferences, which he has generally avoided during his time in office.

But most in his orbit are waiting on more substantial polling to come back in order to assess how bad the damage was before altering course in any substantial way. That’s according to four Biden advisers who were not authorized to speak publicly about internal discussions and spoke to The Associated Press on condition of anonymity.

Biden’s team may not alter anything at all. Many think — or hope — the fraught moment will pass, particularly after Biden’s family encouraged him to stay in the race and keep fighting during a huddle at Camp David on Sunday.

Campaign officials said Monday they had nothing to announce on new events. They said Biden would be campaigning as he has been, hitting battleground states as he has already been doing for months.

An ad released Monday was called “I Know” using clips from Biden’s post-debate North Carolina rally, where he said, “When you get knocked down, you get back up.”

Quentin Fulks, Biden’s principal deputy campaign manager, put the focus on Trump in a call with reporters, saying, “When you do see President Biden out on the trail, he will be talking about the reasons why Americans should be scared of Donald Trump, as he has been for months.”

Even before the debate, the age of the 81-year-old Democratic president had been a liability with voters, and the prime-time faceoff put the issue front-and-center before perhaps the largest audience he will have in the four months until Election Day. CNN, which held the debate, said more than 51 million people watched.

“I think his age was baked in, to a large degree, and I know he can do better than he did on Thursday night. I expected to see better. I’m not sure other voters did,” said Jennifer Palmieri, a White House communications director during the Obama administration and a spokesperson for Hillary Clinton’s 2016 campaign.

She added that, tactically, the campaign has responded by promoting Biden’s strong speech in North Carolina on Friday and by continuing to post strong fundraising numbers. Palmieri also said Biden might also want to sit for more interviews to continue to show that the debate was an anomaly.

“Their focus needs to be on getting him in front of voters that matter the most, and more interviews should be part of that. Don’t be like Trump in your own little universe,” she said. “For now, we’re early, but what they’re doing is working.”

There’s a sense that voters may now be watching Biden more closely for signs that show one way or another whether his debate debacle was a blip — whether he is, as he says, capable of doing the job.

Alan Kessler, a lawyer and member of the Biden campaign’s national finance team, has spent days calming jittery donors, telling them what he says he has personally witnessed when he’s seen the president — that he’s “lucid, strong as he’s always been.”

“To the extent it’s necessary, I’m reassuring people,” Kessler said.

Rebecca Katz, a strategist who worked with Democratic Pennsylvania Sen. John Fetterman’s winning campaign in 2022, saw potential parallels in Fetterman’s comeback from a shaky debate performance after he had a stroke.

Fetterman’s team highlighted especially bombastic comments his opponent made about abortion during that debate, and also had the candidate travel extensively afterward. He did lots of local television interviews to ensure voters in key markets saw him outside of clips from the debate.

“It’s not a perfect comparison but there is a blueprint for the Biden campaign,” Katz said. “You can have a rough debate night and still win.”

Biden expressed interest in doing at least one interview. At a Saturday fundraiser in East Hampton, New York, Biden said he had spoken with the broadcaster Howard Stern, who had interviewed him in April, where he answered open-ended questions mostly about his early years.

The president told the crowd he was ready for another sit-down with Stern, saying: “I had a great time on his show. And I’m actually going to take a chance in going back.”

The Democratic National Committee and Biden’s campaign, meanwhile, kept up damage control, holding an evening finance call. Over the weekend, they held calls with donors and one with dozens of committee members across the country — some of the most influential members of the party. They offered a rosy assessment of the path forward and gave no opportunity for others on the call to ask questions.

Multiple committee members on the weekend call, most granted anonymity to talk about the private discussion, described feeling like they were being asked to ignore a serious predicament.

Campaign officials have said there was no discussion “whatsoever” of Biden exiting the race nor of any staff shakeups following the debate.

Democratic Sen. Bob Casey of Pennsylvania said he thought voters were more concerned with the issues at stake, anyway. “I’ve been at this a while, and I know his work,” Casey said.

The window of opportunity for that is shrinking anyway. The Democratic National Committee has announced that it will use a virtual roll call to formally make him the nominee before the convention begins in Chicago on Aug. 19. But when that will happen and what it will look like is still unclear.

Associated Press Writers Josh Boak, Michael Rubinkam in Scranton, Pa., and Thomas Beaumont in Des Moinse, Iowa contributed to this report.

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Politics Jun 28


The Saban 250, 11-15: Who had the Better Alabama Career, AJ McCarron or Mac Jones?

Christopher walsh | 2 hours ago.

Jan 11, 2021; Miami Gardens, Florida, USA; Alabama Crimson Tide quarterback Mac Jones (10) celebrates with the CFP National Championship trophy after beating the Ohio State Buckeyes in the 2021 College Football Playoff National Championship Game.

  • Alabama Crimson Tide

TUSCALOOSA, Ala. — They have five national championship rings between them, and came extremely close to scoring some more.

Think about that for a moment. AJ McCarron was on the 2009 Alabama team that won Nick Saban's first national title with the Crimson Tide, and nearly lost his redshirt because of a rib injury to starter Greg McElroy. He started during the back-to-back titles in 2011-12, and came one play short of having a shot at the threepeat in 2013.

Mac Jones was a redshirt on the 2017 team, but he was already part of a quarterback room that included Jalen Hurts and Tua Tagovailoa. Yet when he did get his chance, the quarterback arguably had the best passing season in Crimson Tide history.

So who gets the nod, the player with longevity on his side, or the one who had the undefeated season and was a first-round draft pick? It's a brutally tough call, but that's what The Saban 250, ranking the players of the Nick Saban era, is all about. Either could justifiably get the nod.

They both finished in the top three in Heisman Trophy voting. Both won a major national award in addition to the Johnny Unitas Golden Arm Award. Both were crowned the NCAA king for a season. The title is decided by passer efficiency rating. McCarron was the 2013 NCAA passing champion by posting a 175.3 rating before Nick Saban opted for more passing-friendly offense. While throwing to Heisman winner DeVonta Smith in 2020, Jones posted a 203.1 rating, which was briefly an NCAA record.

Both were team captains. Both set passing records. Both even wore No. 10. They were also more than a little fiery, one being a former tennis player and displaying some of the mannerism that go with that sport, the other famously involved in a shoving incident with his All-American center in the middle of a national championship game (and then hugged before celebrating with the trophy).

"I like that in my quarterback,” tight end Michael Williams said back in 2012 about McCarron’s competitiveness and swagger.

He had each in abundance. A good example was when he bragged to reporters: “Ask Coach Saban, we were killing the ’09 defense on scout team."

Just to be clear, the 2009 Crimson Tide defense had three All-Americans with Javier Arenas, Terrence Cody and Rolando McClain, along with future first-round draft picks Mark Barron, Marcell Dareus, Kareem Jackson, Dont’a Hightower and Courtney Upshaw. The quarterback claimed that as a freshman he more than gave them everything they could handle during practices. It turned out, he did.

“I do remember it that way,” Nick Saban confirmed, as did Kevin Norwood, who was one of his scout-team receivers: “We were just throwing all over them. We were giving them good looks.”

But that's not why McCarron is getting the nod.

He already had the most career touchdown passes of anyone to play for Alabama before his senior season began, and during his final stretch run he had been closing on John Parker Wilson’s marks for passing yards (7,924 from 2005-08), total offense (8,099), and completions (665), in addition to Greg McElroy’s record for completion percentage (66.3, 2007-10), and Jay Barker’s 35 wins as a starting quarterback (1991-94).

Additionally, he not only smashed Tim Tebow’s SEC record for interceptions per pass attempt at 62.2 (2006-09), at 68.4, but challenged the national high held by Fresno State’s Billy Volek (77.8, 1997-99) while playing in the toughest conference in the country.

To help put his numbers into perspective, consider that during his collegiate career in the 1960s, Joe Namath completed 203 of 374 passes (54.3 percent), for 2,713 yards, 24 touchdowns, 20 interceptions and had a passer rating of 125.7. Even in the 1990s, Barker was 402 of 706 (56.9 percent), for 5,689 yards with 26 touchdowns, 24 interceptions, and a 130.0 passer rating.

“I think it shows how great my teammates are and how much they mean to me and how much they’ve helped me over the years,” McCarron said about his records chase in 2013. “I think it will be cool when I’m retired and sitting at home with the grandkids and my kids and be able to tell them stories, but for right now I’m worried about us as a team and what we need to do to three-peat and bring another championship back here.”

Obviously, he didn't get it, but his final season still became a chase of history. Between his national titles, SEC crowns, and a pair of division championships, McCarron still had so many rings that any more would have required the use of some toes to wear them all simultaneously. 

However, no quarterback has ever won three straight titles as a starter. Tebow won two with Florida, but only one as a starter. Tommie Frazier enjoyed consecutive perfect seasons with Nebraska in 1994-95, yet was long gone when the Cornhuskers landed the split national title in 1997.

Really the only starting quarterback McCarron was still chasing in terms of championships since the poll era began in 1936 was Johnny Lujack. Although he played both ways, Lujack led Frank Leahy’s rise to legendary status, guiding Notre Dame to the 1943 and 1946 national championships, along with the controversial 1947 title. Lujack didn’t throw very often out of the T-formation, finishing his career having completed 144 of 280 passes (51.4 percentage), for 2,080 yards and 19 touchdowns, but won the 1947 Heisman Trophy and was named the Associated Press male athlete of the year.

Not a lot of people could handle the pressure of trying to match or beat that, or of trying to capture the first three-peat since Minnesota in the 1930s.

After nearly losing his redshirt in 2009 when McElroy sustained a late-season rib injury, McCarron remained the backup for another season. In 2011 he was the rookie starter, the guy whose primary job was to make sure the offense didn’t do anything to put the team in jeopardy. He responded by being the offensive MVP of the BCS Championships Game.

A year later, no one quite knew what to expect as the Crimson Tide had a new offensive coordinator, essentially no proven wide receivers and no backup quarterback with experience. Nevertheless, McCarron rewrote the Alabama record book with 2,933 passing yards and 30 touchdowns, with just three interceptions. His passer efficiency rating of 175.3 not only topped the SEC, but the nation, and he ked a fantastic late comeback at probably the toughest venue in college football, LSU.

Yet even after hoisting another crystal football some critics still tried to label him as just being a game manager, downplaying his role in the offense.

“To me, you can't be a good quarterback unless you're a good game manager, because you've got the ball in your hands every time and you're making some kind of choice and decision of what to do with it, whether you hand it off, what play you hand it off on, where you throw it in the passing game,” Saban said. “You've got to process a lot of information quickly and make quick decisions. I don't think it's fair to AJ that because I said he's a really good game manager for us that it's like that means he doesn't do anything. He does everything.”

Nevertheless, McCarron continually looked to improve. He hit the weight room and altered his technique to get his lower body more into his throws, providing a little more zip on the ball. Getting an even firmer grasp on the offense was also a priority, with coaches giving him more flexibility to read the defense and make adjustments before each snap – something that has to be really earned with Saban.

“He's really taken command,” Saban said.

Consequently, McCarron won his early-season rematch with Texas A&M’s Johnny Manziel and didn’t have a turnover in the 49-42 shootout at blistering-hot Kyle Field. Against Georgia State, he connected on his first 12 attempts, and by making 15 of 16 passes set a Crimson Tide record for best completion percentage in a single game. The following week, Kentucky never stopped the Alabama offense, which after a dropped pass on third down and two lost fumbles in Wildcats territory scored on its last seven possessions. He finished with a career-high 359 passing yards.

It was more of the same against Arkansas as Alabama was on the kind of offensive roll that few had ever seen before.

Regardless, McCarron said he wanted to be remembered as “Just as a guy who did the right thing,” which doesn’t seem solely possible for any Alabama quarterback. Yet he helped take the program on an incredible ride, going all the way back to those 2009 practices when the freshman leading the scout team couldn’t help but make his Crimson Tide teammates mad on a regular basis.

“Definitely,” McCarron said. “It was fun, though, out there competing with them.”

Alabama quarterback AJ McCarron on the cover of Sports Illustrated.

The Saban 250: 11-15

The Saban 250 ranks the players who made the biggest impact during his time with the Crimson Tide (2007-23).

11. AJ McCarron, QB, 2010-13

• Won 2013 Maxwell Award • Johnny Unitas Golden Arm Award • 2013 All-American • 2012-13 second-team All SEC • Fifth-round selection in 2014 NFL Draft • Finished runner-up in voting for the 2013 Heisman Trophy • Led the Crimson Tide to back-to-back BCS national championships in 2011 and 2012. Also was on 2009 team that won title • Completed 686 of 1,026 passes (66.9 percent) for 9,019 yards, 77 touchdowns and 15 interceptions in 53 career games and led Alabama to a 36-4 record as a three-year starter • Was the 2013 NCAA passing champion by posting a 175.3 rating • Team captain

12. C.J. Mosley, LB, 2010-13

• Won 2013 Butkus Award • 2013 SEC Defensive Player of the Year • 2012 consensus All-American; 2013 unanimous All-American • 2012-13 All-SEC • No. 17-overall pick in the 2014 NFL Draft • Was credited with 107 tackles in 2012, and 108 in 2013, both of which led the team • Had 317 career total tackles, including 23 for a loss and 6.5 sacks. Returned three of his five interceptions for touchdowns. • Team captain

13. Mac Jones, QB, 2018-20

• Won 2020 Davey O’Brien Award • Won 2020 Johnny Unitas Golden Arm Award • Won 2020 Manning Award • Finished third for 2020 Heisman Trophy • Consensus All-American 2020; second-team All-American • 2020 SEC Football Scholar-Athlete of the Year • 2020 All-SEC • Team captain • 15h-overall pick in 2021 NFL Draft • Alabama's all-time single-season passing yardage leader with 4,500 in 2020. The 346.2 average was third nationally • Set the NCAA single-season record for completion percentage (77.4). • Finished with an NCAA-leading 203.1 passer rating. Had a career rating of 197.6, second all-time to Tua Tagovailoa.

15. Amari Cooper, WR, 2012-14

• Won 2014 Fred Biletnikoff Award • 2014 SEC Offensive Player of the Year • 2014 unanimous All-American • 2014 All-SEC • Fourth-overall pick in the 2015 NFL Draft • Finished third for the 2014 Heisman Trophy • Broke Alabama’s single-game receiving yards record with 224 against Tennessee and matched it against Auburn • Set an SEC record with 124 receptions in 2014 • Set school single-season records with 1,727 yards and 16 touchdowns • Became Alabama's all-time leader in receptions (228), receiving yards (3,463), and receiving touchdowns (31) • Team captain

14. Patrick Surtain II, CB, 2018-220

• Unanimous All-American 2020 • 2020 SEC Defensive Player of the Year • 2020 All-SEC • Ninth-overall pick in 2021 NFL Draft • Made 38 consecutive starts over three years, and was credited with 116 tackles, including six for a loss. Also defended 24 passes with four interceptions (returning one for a touchdown), and four forced fumbles • During his final season started all 13 games and led the team with 12 pass breakups despite being targeted just 48 times all season. He yielded just 21 receptions for 273 combined yards, and fewer than 25 receiving yards or fewer in 10 of 13 games. Credited with 38 tackles, including 3.5 for a loss, and a pick-six against Mississippi State • In 2019, totaled 42 tackles to go with three forced fumbles, eight pass breakups, two interceptions, and a fumble recovery • Stepped in to start as a true freshman, and was named to SEC All-Freshman Team. Had 37 tackles, including 1.5 for loss, seven pass breakups, one interception and a forced fumble

Alabama Crimson Tide wide receiver Amari Cooper on the Sports Illustrated cover of the 2014 college football preview

The Glue of the Defense: Linebacker C.J. Mosley

The game was over and the 2013 Alabama football team was back in its locker room at Bryant-Denny Stadium, but things still weren’t sitting right with senior linebacker C.J. Mosley. The Crimson Tide had just won convincingly, 31-6, over Colorado State, coached by former Nick Saban offensive coordinator Jim McElwain, but it had hardly been impressive.

Uninspiring and lackluster were words that would be used to describe the September victory, but Mosley wouldn’t wait for the outside world and media to say what he already knew. So after the head coach gave his postgame speech, Mosley spoke up, followed by senior quarterback AJ McCarron and junior safety Vinnie Sunseri: what they were doing as a team wasn’t good enough. 

“I started off because I was pretty upset, especially with the defense,” Mosley said. “The things we gave up were mental errors, just little things, just fundamental errors. I felt like we're about to play Ole Miss next week and about to start getting into SEC play, those little things will get us beat bad, get us embarrassed.

“So we've got to make sure everyone's doing their job.”

Mosley’s message, which McCarron and Sunseri also hammered home, was simple, that everyone had to “buy in” to the team philosophy and how they went about things or the Crimson Tide could forget about challenging for another national championship.

“I think some guys on the team just needed to hear it,” junior tight end Brian Vogler said. 

Needless to say, the overall reaction to the impromptu speeches was positive, but perhaps more important who led them. Mosley, the returning All-American, a finalist for the Butkus Award for the best linebacker in college football who passed up a chance to be a first-round draft pick, wasn’t known for being the most vocal person on the team.

So when he demanded everyone’s attention, it wasn't taken lightly.

“When he speaks, it’s felt,” junior linebacker Trey DePriest said. “He doesn’t really say too much. He’s a quiet guy. When he’s got something to say, that means it needs to be said.”

To stress how important Mosley thought it was to air things out, when a reporter subsequently asked what would happen if the younger players didn’t take heed of the situation, he responded, “They better. If not, they won't be on the field.”

It was arguably the first defining moment of the 2013 season, because even though No. 1 Alabama was 3-0 and had enjoyed a big Southeastern Conference win at College Station, the Crimson Tide had been anything but consistent. While the offense struggled against Virginia Tech and Colorado State, the defense yielded 42 points and a program record 628 total yards at No. 6 Texas A&M.

“All the guys have to do what they’re supposed to do, and do it when they’re supposed to do it,” junior right tackle Austin Shepherd said. “Just, we have to get it rolling.”

Mosley saw it too, even though his primary concern was the defense. He knew Alabama had more than enough talent, probably even more than the previous year’s national champions. It just had to start pulling it all together. Good wasn’t considered good enough, especially when compared to the 2009, 2011 and 2012 Crimson Tide teams that had staked their places in history. 

For months coaches had been saying that everyone needed to be more personally invested for this team to be successful, but hearing Mosley’s speech was probably exactly what Saban and been waiting and hoping for. Even though the 2012 Crimson Tide had just nine scholarship seniors, they were also the ones everyone looked to because they understood better than anyone how hard one has to work to win rings. They also knew the flip side, as nearly all of them had been on the three-loss 2010 team.

“Well, I don't think there's any question about it that that's what leadership is,” Saban said about the speeches. “Leadership, guys on the team, peer intervention, peer pressure, whatever you want to call it, is something that every good team has, because I don't think everyone is capable of doing the right thing the right way the right time all the time. There are some people that are, and there's some people that aren't. There's some people that need to be led. You know, sheep need to have a dog get’em home to the barn at night.

“Well, leadership I think is important to affecting a lot of those people.”

A week later, back in that same locker room, Mosley was smiling.

Further inspired by Ole Miss players claiming that they had been more physical than Alabama during the 2012 game, and would score against this defense, the Crimson Tide proved otherwise. 

It limited standout running back Jeff Scott to 28 rushing yards as the Rebels finished with just 46 total. Quarterback Bo Wallace had a frustrating night, competing just 17 of 31 passes for 159 yards. No. 21 Ole Miss converted just four third-down opportunities as Alabama roared to a 25-0 victory.

It was more of what Mosley had in mind.

“Definitely, pure domination, especially from the defense,” Mosley said. “We played a great game.”

Four times the Rebels had the ball well into Crimson Tide territory only to be stifled by a big play. Junior safety Ha Ha Clinton-Dix set the tone on the opening possession when he sent Laquon Treadwell spinning into the air, and freshman Eddie Jackson started making a home for himself at cornerback when he intercepted an option pass by the freshman wideout.

But the emotional stand of the game happened with Mosley, late in the third quarter, when he snuffed out the Rebels’ best drive in the red zone. Jackson had just been flagged for targeting, although his automatic ejection was overturned by replay officials, and on a subsequent play an Ole Miss player went out of his way to drive Mosley to the ground well after the whistle had blown.  He'd had enough.

“He started yelling,” Clinton-Dix said. “I saw it in his eyes, and I just got the chills just looking at him.”

“From what I saw, he turned into a different guy,” said DePriest, who had never seen Mosley like that before. “It got me excited, it got the whole team fired up. He was ready to play, out there screaming, letting everyone know what the play was. It was good.”

When Mosley knocked down the fourth-down pass attempt, the Rebels were essentially done. For added emphasis, he made the key hit on a fourth-quarter safety.

“The guy's a fantastic player, but beyond that he's a fantastic person,” Saban said about Mosley. “The guy's a hard worker. If you just watch the game, whether it's covering a punt, the kickoff return against Virginia Tech, where he was running all the way down the sidelines with the guy. His effort, his intensity, the way he prepares for a game. He's got a lot of athleticism.

“He's got a lot talent. But he's also got a lot of true grit in him in terms of the kind of competitor he is and how he plays. The guy just doesn't know how to take a play off. I don't care what your circumstance is or whether he's on special teams or any role that you have for him, he's about as fine a competitor as anybody that we've had an opportunity to coach through the years.”

For his efforts, Mosley was named the SEC’s Defensive Player of the Week, but that was nothing compared to what he got from his teammates. Mosley already had their respect, but from that point on it was truly his defense.

“He’s the glue,” Sunseri said.

See also:  16-20: 'When All Of Us Are Freaks, We’re All Good'

Next up: 6-10

Christopher Walsh


Christopher Walsh is the founder and publisher of BamaCentral, which first published in 2018. He's covered the Crimson Tide since 2004, and is the author of 26 books including Decade of Dominance, 100 Things Crimson Tide Fans Should Know and Do Before They Die, Nick Saban vs. College Football, and Bama Dynasty: The Crimson Tide's Road to College Football Immortality. He's an eight-time honoree of Football Writers Association of America awards and three-time winner of the Herby Kirby Memorial Award, the Alabama Sports Writers Association’s highest writing honor for story of the year. In 2022, he was named one of the 50 Legends of the ASWA. Previous beats include the Green Bay Packers, Arizona Cardinals and Tampa Bay Buccaneers, along with Major League Baseball’s Arizona Diamondbacks. Originally from Minnesota and a graduate of the University of New Hampshire, he currently resides in Tuscaloosa.

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South Dakota students succeed at national speech and debate tournament

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South Dakota debaters shined in a variety of events at this year’s national speech and debate tournament.

Over 6,000 students from across the country competed at the tournament in Phoenix, Arizona. This year, South Dakota students had an impressive showing.

Kira Waldhalm receiving their trophy for their fourth place finish.

Kira Waldhalm just graduated from Harrisburg High School and will be studying political science and environmental studies at Middlebury College in the fall. They placed fourth in Lincoln-Douglas debate at the tournament.

“You just debate by yourself and it’s more based on like philosophical or moral topics based on like what one should do instead of being more anchored on like public policy or things like that," Kira said.

For example, at the national tournament they debated on if there was a moral obligation for government employees to leak classified documents.

Kira said debate has been important throughout high school.

“I think it’s really just developed me as a person and made me so much more of a critical thinker than I ever was before debate, because I’m so much more informed about different issues within our society, and I think it’s shaped me into the person I am," they said.

how to do a impromptu speech

Another student, Jack Hinrichs just graduated from Washington High School. Next fall he will be studying economics and public policy at Arizona State University.

He placed fourth in impromptu speaking at the national tournament.

“I would never have been the person I am today if it wasn’t for the skills that speech and debate gave me. But also the community that speech and debate gave me it is truly a remarkable group of people that we have in South Dakota, going every weekend to speech and debate tournaments, and I am honored to have been one of them," Jack said.

He said the friends he has made are what he will remember the most from his time debating.

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Kerry Konda is Aberdeen Central High School’s head speech and debate coach.

His team saw success at the national tournament, with multiple students receiving awards in their events. Lily Williams placed second in big questions debate and Kayla Waltman placed ninth in informative speaking.

One student, Abiah George, was national student of the year runner-up. That's an award given to a graduating senior who has outstanding character and has used speech and debate to help their community.

Konda said schools need to keep funding speech and debate programs.

“They're kind of expensive to do because of the judging and the travel is necessary for it, but it provides such a huge platform for kids, and the intellectual development that they have from debate is outstanding. And it's one of those things that schools need to continue to make sure that they fund and find coaches for," he said.

Konda said debate is an important way for students to build their research and speaking skills.

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Democrats should have heeded concerns about Joe Biden’s decline long ago

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The BDN Opinion section operates independently and does not set news policies or contribute to reporting or editing articles elsewhere in the newspaper or on  bangordailynews.com

One week ago, I speculated  that the first presidential debate of 2024 would be — contrary to their typical unimportance — consequential.

My reasons were simple: both candidates had big questions circulating around their candidacy, and needed to show voters that those concerns were unfounded. President Joe Biden, in particular, needed to show that concerns over his age and mental state  were unfounded, in order to reassure voters of his competency.

He did not do that .

There was really no way to spin Biden’s performance on debate night, it was an unmitigated disaster. In the week since the debate, party insiders have grown increasingly alarmed  at what they saw last Thursday, the impact that it is having on the election, and now it appears that an open revolt is breaking out within the party.

The New York Times published an editorial the day after the debate, saying that Biden must, to serve his country, leave the race . There is now turmoil inside  the Biden White House itself, with staffers “freaking the [expletive] out,” as one official put it. House Democrats are holding impromptu anti-Biden vent sessions . Barack Obama, while publicly expressing support  for Biden, is privately sharing deep concerns  over his candidacy. Even Nancy Pelosi  is acknowledging that it is a “legitimate question” to ask whether Biden’s debate performance was just a one-off bad night, or a “condition.”

And here in Maine, U.S. Rep. Jared Golden just penned a stunning column  in the opinion pages of the Bangor Daily News, saying that Donald Trump “is going to win the election” and that contrary to the catastrophist screeching  about the end of the American Republic, “democracy will be just fine” when he wins.

Calls for Biden to bow out , and for the party to replace him  are growing, but that actually happening is extremely difficult and there are major complications .

Whatever happens, I have a more fundamental question to ask about all of this. How, exactly, did the Democratic Party allow itself to end up in this place?

Biden’s apparent decline  is not a secret to anyone. The president of the United States is one of the most public jobs on Earth, and we have frequently seen Biden for four years. Anyone who has been paying attention has noticed the signs of decline, including his dramatically slowing speech, faltering memory, mumbling speech and signs of physical frailty.

Are those observations anecdotal? Yes. Do they tell us that he is now or would be incapable of the job? Not necessarily, but in Biden’s case they certainly raised alarm bells because the decline appeared to be significant, and accelerating quickly.

The big problem for the Democrats was that it was the Republicans who were the loudest voices bringing up this concern. Republicans obviously do not like Biden and any criticism of him by them is opportunistic, tribal and partisan.

Because of this, Democrats retreated into a defensive crouch and dismissed the criticisms, no matter how apparent the problem was becoming. They talked themselves into believing that what they were seeing wasn’t actually what they were seeing, gobbling up articles claiming Biden was a “ superager ” and taking seriously any arguments claiming that “this version of Biden is the best Biden ever .”

So when the Democrats had a chance to do something about this, they didn’t. No potential candidate decided to step forward and challenge Biden in the primary, despite the fact that the reality of Biden’s condition was becoming readily apparent.

Let this be a lesson: Sometimes your opponents are right, even if they’re being opportunistic partisan hacks.

Observers of the president have been saying that he has shown “ signs of slipping ” for some time now, and this week The New York Times published an article  that claimed that Biden’s lapses are increasingly common and worrisome. This means that people, particularly those inside the party establishment, have known and worried about this for some time.

And now they may be stuck. Replacing Biden, even if he decides to step aside, is not going to be easy and would throw the entire election into chaos. Yet they may not have any choice, as post-debate polling  from Democratic firms is showing a potential wipeout for Biden, with states like Maine, New Hampshire, Virginia and New Mexico now all in play for Trump.

But more important than the political impact is the potential for a president who is physically and mentally incapable of running the government. If defeating Trump is so important, as Democrats believe it to be, they simply cannot offer America a potential president unable to do the job.

More articles from the BDN

Matthew gagnon, opinion columnist.

Matthew Gagnon of Yarmouth is the chief executive officer of the Maine Policy Institute, a free market policy think tank based in Portland. A Hampden native, he previously served as a senior strategist... More by Matthew Gagnon, Opinion columnist

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‘The Bear’ Season 3 Finale Recap: What Happens to Carmy and Sydney?

By Ethan Shanfeld

Ethan Shanfeld

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SPOILER WARNING: This story contains spoilers for Season 3 of “ The Bear ,” available to stream now on Hulu.

“The Bear” Season 3 begins and ends with a funeral. But in the finale, it’s a restaurant being mourned.

The episode begins with a peaceful flashback to Carmy’s (Jeremy Allen White) first day working at the French Laundry. He’s preparing whole chickens when Thomas Keller, the real-life head chef and owner of the decorated California restaurant, approaches and shows him an easy way to remove the wishbone.

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Back in the kitchen, Richie (Ebon Moss-Bachrach) reunites with the Ever staffers who trained him in the memorable Season 2 episode “Forks,” while Carmy and Sydney (Ayo Edebiri) share funny and embarrassing restaurant stories with other chefs. The consensus: restaurants are brutal, but cooking for others is beautiful, and none of these chefs would trade their careers for anything.

Then, suddenly, Chef Terry clinks her glass and gives a speech: “People often talk about restaurants as in: What’s the history of it? What’s the impact it’s making? Who has worked there previously? What awards have they won? What about their, quote, chef? I think what I’ve learned over the years, in all the places I’ve worked, is people don’t remember the food. Sorry! It’s the people they remember.” (This will be important later.)

As everyone enjoys the food, Carmy is still fixated on his ex-boss, eventually following him to the restroom to confront him. It’s an awkward encounter: Carmy tells him, “Fuck you,” and, “I think about you too much,” and, “You gave me ulcers and panic attacks and nightmares.” The chef isn’t fazed. Instead, he takes credit for transforming Carmy from an “OK chef” to an “excellent” one, which gave him confidence and leadership. He leaves Carmy still visibly shaken and in tears.

Elsewhere, Adam Shapiro, Ever’s chef de cuisine, pulls Sydney aside for a temperature check. Earlier in the season, he offered Sydney the chef de cuisine position at a new restaurant he plans to open. As Carmy has exerted more and more control over The Bear, Sydney has procrastinated signing her vesting agreement for the restaurant. She’s stuck — torn between the smarter career move and her chosen family. Sydney tells Adam she’s still thinking about it and plans to talk to Carmy soon, but it’s clear that he wants to move fast.

After dinner, Chef Terry finds Carmy outside getting fresh air. Carmy tells her how much he learned from her while working at Ever, and asks for advice on his new venture. “You have no idea what you’re doing, and therefore you’re invincible,” Terry says.

Back in the kitchen, Sydney, Richie, Luca and the Ever staff silently stare at Chef Terry’s “Every Second Counts” sign, a mantra that has transcended beyond the walls of her kitchen and which has helped define “The Bear.” Adam takes down the sign and gifts it to Terry, who says, “Let’s get the fuck out of here!”

So they do. Everyone except for Carmy goes back to an impromptu party at Sydney’s apartment to party, where they’re joined by the Bear crew. They’re singing, dancing, elevating frozen waffles with caviar. Taped to Sydney’s fridge is a newspaper review of The Beef, the Italian sandwich shop she helped Carmy transform into a fine dining establishment. In her mind, she scans through images of Marcus (Lionel Boyce), Tina (Liza Colón-Zayas), Natalie (Abby Elliott), Fak (Matty Matheson), Carmy and the rest of the Bear family. No doubt Chef Terry’s words are ringing in her ears: “It’s the people they remember.” Sydney steps outside and has a panic attack, hyperventilating over the decision she needs to make.

Carmy scans his phone frantically, focusing on words like “excellent,” “confusing,” “innovative,” “sloppy,” “brilliant,” “incredible,” “disappointing.” It’s mixed.

So, where does this leave our favorite restaurant staff? Not much is resolved at the end of Season 3. Sydney still has to choose whether she’ll stay at the Bear and fight for a Michelin star alongside Carmy, whose personal trauma has made him a toxic leader, or jump ship and lead a rival kitchen with Adam. Will Carmy be able to overcome what he’s gone through and become a true partner to Sydney, or will he continue to let the cycle of abuse infect him, pushing his confidante away?

Carmy went the entire season without reaching out to Claire (Molly Gordon) after he fractured their romantic relationship in the Season 2 finale. And Jimmy may decide to close his purse and sell or even close the Bear, as the restaurant is too expensive to justify and has faced considerable speed bumps. A mixed review will only exacerbate these issues. To echo Carmy in the final moment of the season, “Motherfucker!”

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