Your About Me Resume Section: 10 Examples to Make a Strong Impression

Kayte Grady

3 key takeaways

  • What an About Me resume section is
  • Best practices for writing your About Me section
  • How to write an About Me summary with the Teal AI Resume Builder

How do you convey everything you've accomplished and have to offer in a way that draws attention and leaves potential employers wanting more information?

With an About Me resume section.

A well-written section at the top of your resume that summarizes your most impressive achievements (sometimes called a professional summary, personal statement, short professional bio, resume objective, or an about me) is your opportunity to make a solid first impression.

So, where do you start? And how do you make sure your About Me section captures your unique value proposition in a way that separates you from other applicants?

Struggling to write a good About Me? Try Teal's Resume Builder with AI generation .

What is an About Me resume section? 

Your About Me resume section, or short professional bio , is a paragraph (typically just a few sentences long) near the top of your resume that introduces recruiters or hiring managers to who you are as a professional. 

As a concise summary of your professional journey, this section offers a high-level overview of your entire resume and includes skills, experience, and achievements—driving potential employers to dig in deeper because they have a glimpse of who you are and the incredible things you're capable of.

Why do you need an About Me resume section?

Your About Me resume section grabs the attention of hiring managers and recruiters. And it's necessary because it … 

Differentiates you from other applicants

In today's crowded job market, you have just a few opportunities to stand out from other job seekers before you land an interview. Crafting a short paragraph about yourself at the top of your resume allows you to highlight the most impressive achievements, impact, key skills, and milestones of your career—making you a unique and valuable candidate.

Offers a concise summary of your professional experience

How many years of experience do you have? Where have you had the most influence? How does what you know how to do translate into what potential employers are looking for?

A concise and well-crafted About Me summary on a resume allows recruiters and hiring managers to quickly pull your top qualifications and understand your experience—making it easier for them to assess your fit for the role. 

Don't know what skills to highlight? You can quickly and easily pull this information from your exhaustive Career History within the Teal platform and craft a strong summary with the help of AI technology and ChatGPT.

what to put in a resume about me

Considers that a hiring manager has limited time

With modern hiring processes and tools like job boards, LinkedIn Easy Apply, and website submissions, recruiters and hiring managers are often inundated with hundreds of applications. Unfortunately, they don't always have much time to dedicate to reviewing every detail of each resume—at least in the beginning.

A highlight reel of your professional experience allows them to swiftly identify you as a qualified candidate whose skills align with the job requirements and move you to the next stage of the hiring process. 

Offers additional context

Maybe you're just starting out and creating a resume with no work experience . Or perhaps you have extensive experience in one field, but you're changing careers entirely. Whatever the case may be, a summary of your transferable skills and any other relevant experience is crucial for offering context and elaborating on how what you can do will help you succeed in a new role.

Want to write your About Me resume section now? Try Teal's Resume Summary Generator to get started!

How to write an About Me for a resume with Teal

If you're looking for a fast way to craft your About Me section, Teal can help.

With the Teal AI Resume Builder , you have two fantastic options for creating your About Me. You can draft your summary or just click the "Generate with AI" button. 

Pro Tip: After selecting the summary that showcases you as the best candidate, save it. Then, finish any remaining sections, choose from the best resume templates , and customize what you want (color, margins, font, etc.) That's it! 

5 things to include in your About Me section 

Now that you know what an About Me section is and why you need one, let's explore what to put in the About Me section of a resume to highlight your best professional accomplishments and make you a standout candidate.

1. Professional title

Your professional title, also known as your resume title , offers a glimpse into your areas of expertise and your level of responsibility. Whether you're an "HR Manager," "Graphic Designer," or "Project Manager," clearly mention your job title to give a snapshot of your core competencies .

2. Years of experience

A straightforward "years of experience" is often a job requirement. How long you've been in a role or job position can be essential in establishing your level of expertise while offering hiring managers a sense of career growth and demonstrating your familiarity with the industry or field. (And whether you're a C-suite leader or an entry-level candidate, specifying your years of previous experience helps set the right expectations from the first interaction.)

3. Relevant skills

By showcasing relevant skills on your resume that align with the job requirements, you capture attention and effectively convey your ability to do the job you're applying for.

Your specific skills are a powerful indicator of whether or not you're right for the position. They also set you apart from other candidates and increase your chances of being considered for an interview. So, what hard and soft skills might your future employer be looking for?

Soft skill examples

  • Project management skills
  • Time management skills
  • Cross-functional collaboration
  • Customer engagement
  • Team leadership
  • Detail oriented

Hard skill examples

  • Digital marketing
  • Google Analytics
  • AI model deployment
  • Competitive analysis market research
  • SEO copywriting

Pro Tip: Showcase your skills in a standalone section. With the free AI Resume Builder you can build a customized Skills section with as many tools, soft skills, and technical skills as needed. Create skill categories to organize specific skill sets in ways that are most relevant to the position you're applying for.

Teal resume builder skills section example

4. Your most impressive, quantifiable metrics

Numbers are powerful.

Include one or two quantifiable metrics in your About Me summary that showcase your achievements and contributions whenever possible.

For example, instead of saying that you increased sales, mention that you boosted sales by 25% within six months. These metrics provide concrete evidence of your abilities and make your resume accomplishment examples more impressive.

If you aren't sure how to craft metrics-based statements, try the Achievement Assistant with the Teal AI Resume Builder . Choose from the drop-down options and use them as a guide to craft impactful statements that grab attention.

what to put in a resume about me

5. Outstanding awards and achievements

Your About Me is ideal for showcasing achievements and awards on a resume . These distinctions are powerful indicators of exceptional performance.

Whether you've received prestigious honors, peer recognition awards, industry certifications, or commendations, including them further validates your expertise—demonstrating your commitment to your job and providing tangible evidence of your ability to deliver outstanding results.

If you have more than one, a dedicated Awards section with all of your relevant awards and scholarships is also an excellent way to showcase these achievements.

what to put in a resume about me

4 things to avoid in your About Me section

While there are a few elements you should always include in a professional summary or an About Me section, there are also some pitfalls to avoid. So, what are a few things to steer clear of?

1. Detailed personal information

While your About Me section is a personal statement around who you are as a professional , avoid giving too much personal detail that may distract from the primary objective.

Remember, this isn't your autobiography. (Although your entire story might be great, this just isn't the place for it!) Avoid including personal details like marital status, hobbies, or political affiliations. Stick to relevant professional information that showcases your qualifications.

2. All of your future career goals

Do your best to focus on current or past experiences, skills, and accomplishments rather than your future career goals. Save details like an overall career objective for interview discussions, where you can align them with questions specific to the role and company you're applying to.

3. Repeating everything from your resume

A short summary of your professional background and qualifications shouldn't duplicate all the information in your resume.

The top of your resume has limited space. Instead, choose the most impactful and relevant details to grab the attention of a hiring manager or recruiter. Remember, the goal is to entice them to read the rest of your resume, not reiterate its contents.

4. That you want the job

Stating you want the job or to work for the company may seem obvious. Of course, you're excited and want the role; you applied! But bringing it to the attention of a hiring manager or recruiter adds no real value to your About Me or professional summary.

Instead, express your enthusiasm about the position during the interview process by illustrating your thorough research and understanding of the company, culture, and role.

@teal_hq Where do you stand on the professional summary debate? Some recruiters find those brief career highlights helpful—and others say skip it and save the space on your resume. While professional summaries aren’t a make-or-break, they can be an opportunity to speak about your career in aggregate. Here’s how to use ChatGPT to write a professional summary for your resume in under 60 seconds. Just be sure to edit and adjust as needed before submitting. #chatgpt #chatgpt3 #resume #resumetips #careertok #jobsearch ♬ Say So (Instrumental Version) [Originally Performed by Doja Cat] - Elliot Van Coup

Best practices for writing an About Me section

Ready to optimize your About Me resume section? Let's explore some resume tips and best practices for crafting a compelling summary that grabs attention and showcases you in the best light—quickly.

Keep it brief 

When creating an About Me resume section that's easily scannable, brevity is crucial. 

Keep your paragraph concise and to the point. In just a few sentences, focus on the most relevant information recruiters and hiring managers need to know. Aim for around three to five sentences that effectively capture your years of experience and notable achievements while highlighting key qualifications that align with the job description of the role you're applying for.

Write in the first-person voice 

Rather than writing in the second person (using "you" and "your" language) or third person (an objective narrator), the first-person voice adds a personal touch. It allows you to connect with the hiring manager on a more one-to-one level—creating a sense of authenticity and transparency.

Include keywords from the job description

Want to express that you genuinely understand the role you're applying for? Include keywords for resume from the job description. Language from the description often resonates more with potential employers because they're the ones who wrote the job ad in the first place.

So how can you do that?

Take the time to carefully read the job description and identify the skills and qualifications the employer is looking for. For example, do they need someone who has five years of experience? Do they mention research skills? How about strong interpersonal skills? Are they looking for experience in social media marketing?

Once you've found the right skills, incorporate a few of those as keywords or phrases into your About Me section. (But as a note, don't just cram them into one section in your resume. You can incorporate keywords as achievements or resume bullet points and in your skills section.) 

If you're not sure where to start, Teal has you covered.

Compare your resume to a specific job description

Use Teal's Resume Matching to compare your current resume to the specific details of the job that you want to apply for. You'll get a Match Score that breaks down which hard skills, soft skills, and keywords are important for you to incorporate into your resume.

Then, you can use these insights to help you tailor your About Me section to the role.

A screenshot of resume matching for your About Me resume section

Additionally, you can also use Teal's free Job Application Tracker to highlight which skills and language are emphasized in each of the job positions you save. This can help enhance your process as you start preparing your resume for different positions.

Use strong action verbs 

Using strong resume action verbs throughout your document adds strength and a feeling of movement to any section in your resume.

Begin sentences with verbs that convey you're proactive and results-driven. For example, instead of saying, "I was responsible for managing a team," try, "Led and motivated a team of 10 professionals, resulting in a 20% increase in productivity."

10 Resume About Me section examples

If you feel like crafting an engaging and effective About Me section for your resume is overwhelming, below are a few examples of how to start a resume to get you on the right track!

Resume examples for no work experience

High school student.

As an ambitious and motivated high school senior, I'm eager to kickstart my marketing career as the Gourmet Goddess Social Media Intern. I demonstrate exceptional creativity, communication, and organizational skills that I've developed through active participation in team sports and student government. In 2023 I was awarded "Outstanding Academic Achievement" for maintaining a consistent 4.0 GPA, showcasing a commitment to academic excellence and extracurricular pursuits. I'm also passionate about leveraging social media platforms to promote events and connect with diverse audiences.

College student

As a highly motivated college student with a strong passion for computer science, I have a background in combining technical knowledge with exceptional interpersonal skills. I'm adept at troubleshooting hardware and software issues to deliver optimal solutions. I'm also actively involved in Greek life as the Social Chair for my fraternity, organizing successful events and fostering a sense of community. I demonstrate dedication to making a positive impact through my volunteer work at the Humane Society, contributing time and skills to support local animals. In addition, I'm majoring in Computer Science, with coursework emphasizing programming languages, algorithms, and data structures.

Entry-level About Me resume examples

Junior data analyst.

As a highly driven Data Analyst with a track record of improving data quality and accessibility, I've developed and implemented a data cleaning and preprocessing framework that improved data analytics quality for Metadata by 30%. In addition, I spearheaded the design and implementation of a data lake infrastructure resulting in a 40% reduction in data storage costs and a 25% increase in data accessibility. I also built and maintained a data security program that ensured compliance with industry regulations and protected sensitive information for 1000+ clients.

Entry-Level Content Writer

As an organized and passionate entry-level Content Writer with excellent communication skills and a proven ability to manage software development projects, I'm seeking to use my Agile experience to help drive successful content delivery at Teal HQ while continuing to build upon an already strong understanding of software product writing and successful business relationships.

Mid-level About Me resume examples

Account executive.

As a highly accomplished Account Executive with 6 years of experience driving revenue growth, increasing customer satisfaction, and developing successful sales strategies, I have a proven track record in negotiating contracts, managing key accounts, and implementing CRM systems. My work has resulted in $1.2 million in revenue in one year and a 40% increase in client satisfaction. I'm skilled in analyzing customer data, transparent and honest communication, identifying trends, and preventing customer churn.

Digital Marketing Manager

With 4 years of experience in digital marketing, I have a proven record of leading successful campaigns and implementing effective marketing strategies. I've led the end-to-end execution of paid advertising campaigns, resulting in a 20% increase in new sign-ups and a 15% increase in sign-up conversion rates. I've also led the implementation of a new marketing automation system, resulting in a 15% reduction in marketing costs and a 20% increase in ROI at Finsta. I'm experienced in collaborating with cross-functional teams to deliver on-time and on-budget projects and marketing initiatives.

Senior-level About Me resume examples

Senior it manager.

As a highly skilled Senior IT Manager with 7 years of experience, I successfully lead teams in strategizing, deploying, and maintaining complex IT initiatives. At Asana, I spearheaded the successful implementation of a new network architecture that increased system performance by 36%, cutting energy consumption costs by 22%. I also managed finances for the IT Department, yielding 10% savings on the overall expenditure, and introduced an online collaboration platform that improved employee productivity by 10x.

Senior AWS DevOps Engineer

As a highly skilled AWS DevOps Engineer with 8 years of experience designing and implementing automated solutions for managing and deploying applications on AWS, I have a proven track record in reducing deployment time by up to 75%. As a Senior AWS DevOps Engineer, I increased system reliability by 40% and improved team productivity by 3x. I have exceptional skills in technical leadership, strategic planning, and fostering a collaborative work environment, with a strong commitment to delivering innovative solutions and driving business growth.

Career-change resume examples

Transitioning out of education.

As a highly motivated Special Education Teacher and Administrator with over 15 years of experience developing, implementing, and managing programs and services for students with diverse learning needs, I'm seeking to transition into a career as a Customer Success Manager in EdTech. I bring skills in collaboration, data analysis, and legal compliance. I'm experienced in cross-functional collaboration and have strong knowledge of effective administrative strategies. In 2023, I was the sole recipient of the Principal's Leadership and Coaching Excellence Award. I'm also well known for coaching and feedback that drives positive results and builds relationships.

Transitioning out of human resources

As an experienced HR Manager with over 5 years in the industry, I have a proven track record of implementing and ensuring adherence to policies, procedures, and regulatory requirements. I'm seeking a transition into a role as a Compliance Manager, leveraging my comprehensive understanding of compliance frameworks and demonstrating my ability to promote a culture of compliance within organizations. I have exceptional interpersonal skills and a proven ability to collaborate with teams across organizations to achieve business goals. In 2022, Nectar recognized me for implementing streamlined HR processes resulting in a 20% reduction in employee churn. I was also awarded the "Human Resources Excellence Award" for outstanding commitment to ethical practices.

Want to view more job-specific resume examples with an impactful professional summary? Check out our comprehensive selection of resume examples across a variety of jobs by seniority level, industry, specialty, and more.

Create an About Me resume section today

The top of your resume is your chance to make a great first impression and introduce yourself to the team . It's your opportunity to grab attention and showcase all of the incredible professional qualities and skills you bring to the table.

Teal is a seamless way to create a summary that aligns with the rest of your resume. With Teal's expert guidance and AI integration, you can confidently create a standout resume that resonates with hiring managers.

Start using the Teal AI Resume Builder today and craft a captivating About Me section that captures your unique value and sets you apart from the competition—paving the way for career success.

Frequently Asked Questions

What can i write in about me in resume.

In the About Me of your resume, summarize your professional background, highlight key skills, and mention your most significant accomplishments. This concise paragraph should provide a snapshot of who you are as a professional and why you are a strong candidate for the position.

If you're having trouble writing your About Me, try Teal's Resume Summary Generator .

What is an example of an About Me section on a resume?

An example of an "About Me" section on a resume might be: "Dedicated Marketing Manager with over 5 years of experience in digital marketing and campaign management. Proven track record of increasing organic traffic by 30% through innovative SEO strategies. Adept at team leadership and cross-functional collaboration."

What is an About Me resume statement?

An About Me resume statement is a brief paragraph at the top of your resume that introduces you to potential employers. It provides a high-level overview of your professional background, key skills, and significant accomplishments, aiming to quickly capture the attention of hiring managers and differentiate you from other candidates.

How long should the About Me section be on a resume?

The About Me section should be concise and impactful, typically ranging from 50 to 150 words. It's important to keep it brief while highlighting your most relevant experiences and qualities that align with the job you're applying for.

Should my About Me section on a resume be written in first or third person?

It's generally recommended to write your About Me section in the first person but without using pronouns. For example, instead of saying, "I am a digital marketing specialist," you could start with "Digital marketing specialist with 5+ years of experience." This approach keeps the section professional and focused on your qualifications.

what to put in a resume about me

Kayte Grady

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How to Write About Me Section in Resume – Tips & 10+ Best Examples

  • Resume Format
  • March 11, 2024
  • Resume Tips

About Me Section in a Resume: Crafting an impactful “About Me” section in your resume can be the key to grabbing a recruiter’s attention. In just a few lines, you have the opportunity to showcase your personality, highlight your strengths, and leave a lasting impression. However, striking the right balance between professionalism and personality can be challenging.

In this post, we’ll explore essential tips and strategies to help you write a compelling “About Me” section that resonates with hiring managers. From tailoring your message to the job you’re applying for to choosing the right tone and language, we’ll cover everything you need to know to make your resume stand out from the crowd.

Crafting Resume Introduction (About Me)

Crafting a compelling resume introduction is essential for making a strong first impression on potential employers. Your resume introduction serves as a snapshot of your professional identity, highlighting key skills, experiences, and career goals. In just a few sentences, you have the opportunity to capture the recruiter’s attention and convince them of your suitability for the role.

How to Write About Me Section in Resume - Tips & 10+ Examples

This section should be tailored to the specific job you’re applying for, showcasing your unique value proposition and setting the tone for the rest of your resume. With the right approach, your resume introduction can elevate your candidacy and increase your chances of landing interviews.

About Me & Resume Bio – Is there Any Difference?

The terms “About Me” and “Resume Bio” are often used interchangeably and refer to the same section in a resume. Both sections provide a brief summary of the candidate’s professional background, skills, and qualifications. They aim to give employers insight into who the candidate is as a professional and why they are well-suited for the role.

However, some individuals may prefer to use one term over the other based on personal preference or industry norms. In essence, whether you refer to it as an “About Me” or a “Resume Bio,” the purpose and content of the section remain the same. It serves as a concise introduction to your qualifications and sets the tone for the rest of your resume.

How to Write About Me Section in a Resume

Writing an effective “About Me” section in a resume requires thoughtful consideration and strategic planning. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you craft a compelling introduction:

  • Know Your Audience: Understand the industry, company culture, and job requirements to tailor your message appropriately.
  • Start with a Strong Opening: Begin with a brief sentence that captures attention and highlights your unique selling points.
  • Highlight Relevant Skills and Experience: Showcase your key skills, accomplishments, and experiences that are directly relevant to the job you’re applying for.
  • Share Your Professional Story: Provide a concise overview of your career journey, highlighting significant milestones, roles, and achievements.
  • Showcase Your Personality: Incorporate elements of your personality and values to give employers a sense of who you are beyond your qualifications.
  • Keep It Concise: Aim for a paragraph or two, keeping your “About Me” section concise and focused on the most impactful information.
  • Proofread and Edit: Review your introduction for clarity, grammar, and spelling errors to ensure it’s polished and professional.
  • Customize for Each Application: Tailor your “About Me” section for each job application, aligning it with the specific requirements and preferences of the employer.

By following these steps, you can create an “About Me” section that effectively showcases your qualifications, personality, and fit for the role, helping you stand out to potential employers.

Tips for Writing About Me in Resume

Here are some tips to help you craft a compelling About Me section (introduction):

  • Be Concise: Keep your “About Me” section brief and to the point. Aim for a paragraph or two that succinctly summarizes your professional background, skills, and goals.
  • Highlight Your Strengths: Focus on your key strengths, accomplishments, and areas of expertise that are most relevant to the job you’re applying for. Highlight your unique selling points that set you apart from other candidates.
  • Tailor to the Job: Customize your “About Me” section for each job application. Research the company and the specific role to understand what qualities and skills they’re looking for, and tailor your introduction accordingly.
  • Showcase Your Personality: While maintaining professionalism, let your personality shine through in your “About Me” section. Share a bit about your passions, interests, and values to give employers a sense of who you are as a person.
  • Use Action Words: Use strong, action-oriented language to convey confidence and competence. Begin sentences with powerful verbs that demonstrate your accomplishments and contributions.
  • Be Honest and Authentic: Be truthful and authentic in your “About Me” section. Avoid exaggerating or embellishing your qualifications, as this can backfire during the hiring process.
  • Proofread Carefully: Before finalizing your resume, thoroughly proofread your “About Me” section for any errors in grammar, spelling, or punctuation. A polished introduction demonstrates attention to detail and professionalism.
  • Seek Feedback: Consider asking a trusted friend, mentor, or professional contact to review your “About Me” section and provide feedback. Fresh perspectives can help you refine your message and ensure it resonates with employers.

About Me Section Examples

Here are 10 examples of “About Me” sections for a resume:

Experienced Marketing Professional: “Creative and results-driven marketing specialist with over 5 years of experience in digital marketing . Passionate about developing innovative strategies to drive brand awareness and increase customer engagement. Proven track record of executing successful campaigns and delivering measurable results.”

Recent Graduate with Strong Leadership Skills: “Recent graduate with a degree in Business Administration and a focus on leadership development. Eager to apply my strong communication and problem-solving skills in a dynamic team environment. Known for my ability to lead by example and motivate others to achieve common goals.”

Customer-Focused Sales Representative: “Dedicated sales professional with a passion for delivering exceptional customer service. Proven ability to build rapport with clients and exceed sales targets through strategic relationship-building and effective negotiation. Committed to providing personalized solutions to meet customer needs.”

Detail-Oriented Administrative Assistant: “Detail-oriented administrative professional with a keen eye for organization and efficiency. Proficient in managing administrative tasks, scheduling appointments, and coordinating office operations. Known for my strong multitasking abilities and proactive approach to problem-solving.”

Passionate Educator with a Focus on Student Success: “Passionate educator committed to fostering a positive learning environment and supporting student success. Skilled in developing engaging lesson plans and adapting teaching methods to meet diverse learning needs. Known for my ability to inspire curiosity and instill a love of learning in students.”

Creative Graphic Designer with a Flair for Visual Storytelling: “Creative and innovative graphic designer with a passion for visual storytelling. Proficient in Adobe Creative Suite and experienced in developing captivating designs for both print and digital media. Known for my ability to translate complex ideas into compelling visuals that resonate with audiences.”

Results-Driven Project Manager: “Results-driven project manager with a proven track record of successfully leading cross-functional teams to deliver projects on time and within budget. Skilled in project planning, resource allocation, and risk management. Known for my strong leadership abilities and ability to drive project success.”

Tech-Savvy IT Professional with a Focus on Problem-Solving: “Tech-savvy IT professional with a passion for solving complex technical challenges. Experienced in network administration, system troubleshooting, and software development. Known for my analytical mindset, attention to detail, and ability to find innovative solutions to IT issues.”

Compassionate Healthcare Provider Dedicated to Patient Care: “Compassionate healthcare provider with a commitment to delivering high-quality patient care. Skilled in conducting patient assessments, administering treatments, and providing patient education. Known for my empathetic approach, excellent bedside manner, and ability to build trust with patients.”

Dynamic Team Player with Strong Communication Skills: “Dynamic and adaptable team player with excellent communication and interpersonal skills. Experienced in collaborating with cross-functional teams to achieve common goals and drive business success. Known for my positive attitude, strong work ethic, and ability to thrive in fast-paced environments.”

These examples demonstrate different approaches to crafting an effective “About Me” section that highlights the candidate’s skills, experiences, and professional attributes.

FAQs – About Me Section in Resume

What is the purpose of the “about me” section in a resume.

The purpose of the “About Me” section is to provide a brief summary of who you are as a professional. It offers employers insight into your background, skills, and career goals, helping them understand why you’re a good fit for the role.

How long should the “About Me” section be?

The “About Me” section should be concise and to the point, typically consisting of 2-3 sentences or a short paragraph. Aim to highlight your most relevant qualifications and key selling points.

What information should I include in the “About Me” section?

In the “About Me” section, you should include a brief overview of your professional background, key skills or areas of expertise, and any unique qualities or achievements that make you stand out.

Should I include personal information in the About Me section?

While the About Me section is primarily focused on your professional attributes, you can include brief personal details that are relevant to the job or showcase your personality. However, avoid sharing overly personal information.

How should I tailor the About Me section for different job applications?

It’s important to customize your About Me section for each job application to align with the specific requirements and preferences of the employer. Tailor your message to emphasize skills and experiences that are most relevant to the job.

Can I use the same About Me for different resumes?

While you can use a similar structure for your “About Me” across different resumes, it’s essential to customize the content to match the job requirements and company culture of each organization you’re applying to.

Should I include a career objective in the About Me section?

A career objective can be included in the “About Me” if it’s relevant to the job and adds value to your resume. However, if your career goals are already evident from your professional summary or experiences, it may not be necessary.

How can I make my [About Me] section stand out to employers?

To make your About Me section stand out, focus on showcasing your unique strengths, experiences, and accomplishments. Use strong, action-oriented language and tailor your message to demonstrate your fit for the specific job you’re applying for.

Crafting an effective “About Me” section is a critical step in creating a job winning resume. By following the tips outlined in this guide and drawing inspiration from the examples provided, you can craft a succinct and impactful introduction that captures the attention of potential employers. Remember to tailor your message to each job application, highlighting your most relevant skills and experiences.

Additionally, strive to strike the right balance between professionalism and personality, allowing your unique qualities to shine through. With a well-crafted “About Me” section, you can make a strong first impression and set yourself apart from other candidates, increasing your chances of landing interviews and ultimately securing your desired position.

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what to put in a resume about me

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How to Write an “About Me” Section on Your Resume (With Examples)

Recruiter-backed tips and tricks you need to know about writing an “About Me” section, with bonus templates and examples.

7 months ago   •   7 min read

Work experience, education, skills: Check! You’ve got all the essential parts of your resume down … but what’s going to show off your quintessential you- ness?

This is where an “About Me” section can come in handy. An "About Me" section in a resume is a concise personal statement that serves as your professional introduction, highlighting your unique skills and background.

In this guide, we’re going to walk you through the nuts and bolts of crafting a compelling “About Me” section. We'll cover its purpose, help you decide if you really need one, and dive into what to include if you do, with real-life examples and templates.

Key advice when writing an About Me section in your resume, also known as an Opening Statement

What is an “About Me” section? And why might you need one?

An “About Me” section on a resume is a brief personal statement, usually at the top of your resume, that provides a snapshot of who you are, what your professional background is, and what you bring to the table.

Think of it as your resume’s handshake – it’s the first impression that sets the tone. In a sea of standard resumes, an effective “About Me” section can be the sparkle that catches the recruiter’s eye. It’s like saying, “Hey, not only do I have the skills and experience, but here’s my unique flavor that I bring to the table.”

Sounds a lot like a resume summary ? It’s more or less the same thing, so you can think of it in whatever way makes the most sense to you. Just remember that an “About Me” section needs to follow the same rules as a professional summary — in other words, keep it brief, optimize it with keywords, include quantifiable metrics, and skip the hobbies!

This little snippet is more than just a chance to toot your own horn. It’s your elevator pitch, your personal brand, your “why you should hire me” in a nutshell.

If you're wondering whether an “About Me”  section fits on your resume, upload it to the tool below . It scans your resume, offering personalized insights not only on the inclusion of an “About Me”  section but also on other sections within your resume.

Do you need an “About Me” section?

Whether you should include an “About Me” section (or any other optional section) on your resume depends on a few different factors.

You should include an “About Me” section if:

  • You have extensive work experience or a particularly long (2+ page) resume. If you find it tough to distill a long career into a few brief sentences, imagine how a recruiter feels skimming your resume!
  • You’re changing careers , moving to a similar role in a new industry, or shifting job titles. In cases like this, an “About Me” section can provide helpful context about how your experience fits the role you’re applying for.
  • The job posting asked for a specific background or qualifications and you want to highlight these upfront.

On the other hand, it’s best to skip the “About Me” section if:

  • You’re a student, recent graduate, or otherwise at the beginning of your career.
  • Your resume is already packed and including an extra section would push it onto a second page
  • You find yourself just repeating things that are obvious from your resume itself.

Now that you know whether you need an “About Me” section, let’s discuss what needs to be in it.

What should an “About Me” section include?

Your “About Me” section should always mention your:

  • Achievements
  • Relevant skills
  • Career highlights

Here’s how to (briefly) cover each one.

This should be the title of the job you’re applying for, even if it’s not the same as your current job title. For example, even if your current job title is “Social Media Staffer” in your Experience section, you should start with something like “Experienced Marketing Manager” if that’s the job you’re applying for now.


Try to pick one or two standout accomplishments to mention here. For example, “I have over 5 years of experience in digital marketing, having successfully managed campaigns that increased ROI by 30%.”

Just because it’s called an “About Me,” section, that doesn’t mean it should be light and fluffy. Drive your accomplishments home by including specific performance metrics for key soft skills. Instead of saying, “I excel at customer service,” try something like, “Improved customer satisfaction ratings by 20% through effective client management.”

Instead of rehashing your entire Skills section , pick 2-3 hard skills that are particularly important for the job you’re applying for. For example, “Proficient in data analysis, project management, and web development.”

Think of your “About Me” section as a kind of career highlights reel. Try coming up with a sentence that briefly summarizes your core experience so recruiters know exactly who you are at a glance. For example, “Over a decade of experience in marketing, consistently exceeding sales targets and leading successful campaigns.”

Do’s and don’ts for writing an “About Me” section

Before you dive in, here are a few guidelines you should keep in mind when writing your “About Me” section

DO: Keep it brief. No more than 2-3 sentences or 100-150 words is idea.

DO: Focus on the company’s needs instead of your own. The days of a resume objective where you explained the kind of role you’re seeking are long past. When writing your “About Me” section, consider details mentioned in the job posting and find a way to incorporate these — for example, if the company website repeatedly mentions innovation, try including something like, “Dedicated to delivering innovative solutions to drive company growth.”

DON’T: Get too personal. Hobbies and interests rarely belong on a resume, and definitely not in your “About Me” section — despite the name. Likewise, don’t write it as if you’re writing to a friend; stick to an upbeat, professional tone.

DO: Strike a balance between personal and professional. Not including hobbies doesn’t mean your “About Me” section can’t have a little personality to it. Try adding a small personal touch like, “I blend my passion for technology with a strong background in project management.”

DON’T: Resort to cliches. Instead of a sentence like, “I'm a team player with excellent communication skills” — which means nothing and is likely to make the hiring manager’s eyes glaze over — be specific about what you’ve accomplished.

DO: Tailor your “About Me” section when applying for different roles or companies. Since it’s such a small but prominent section, customizing it for each application can make a big difference without being too time-consuming.

DON’T: Forget about keywords. Including keywords like the job title and specific hard skills from the job posting can make the difference between getting past ATS (Applicant Tracking Systems) and being relegated to the trash pile.

DO: Run your resume through a resume checker. Resume Worded’s free tools like Score My Resume and Targeted Resume can provide tailored feedback to help you optimize your “About Me” section for keywords and readability.

“About Me” templates by career level

Ready to get started? Here are some templates you can customize to write your own “About Me” resume section, no matter what stage of your career you’re at.

Entry level

Recent graduate with a [Your Degree] from [Your University]. Eager to kickstart my career and apply my strong [Key Skill] and [Another Key Skill] skills in a professional setting. Excited to contribute to a dynamic team and learn from experienced professionals.
[Job Title] with over [X years] of experience in [Your Field], I have consistently delivered exceptional results. My expertise in [Your Industry] and [Key Skill] has led to [mention a significant achievement]. I am now seeking a new opportunity to further leverage my skills and drive [specific goals] in a [target industry/role].

Experienced professional

[Executive] with a track record of [mention relevant accomplishments], I bring over [X years] of experience in [Your Industry]. My expertise in [Key Skill], combined with a history of leading [mention team/project], uniquely positions me to make an impact in [target industry/role]. I am dedicated to [mention your professional goal or vision].

An example of an About Me section in an executive resume

Career changer

Transitioning from [Your Previous Career] to [Your Target Career], I offer a unique blend of skills and experiences. With a background in [mention key transferable skills], I am excited to apply my talents to [target industry/role]. My commitment to [mention your commitment to the new career] drives my passion for [what you aim to achieve].

“About Me” examples by job

Want to see what an “About Me” section looks like in action? Here are some examples for different roles and industries, including changing careers. Feel free to take on (or more) of these and tweak it to make it your own!

Marketing manager

Marketing Manager with over 5 years of experience in creating and executing data-driven marketing strategies. My strong analytical skills and in-depth knowledge of SEO and SEM have consistently driven traffic and revenue growth by over 20%.

IT specialist

With a background in IT spanning 8 years, I have honed my skills in network administration, system troubleshooting, and cybersecurity. My experience includes successfully implementing robust security protocols that reduced data breaches by 40%. I thrive in fast-paced, challenging environments and am committed to maintaining the highest level of IT security.

Product manager

As a seasoned project manager, I have overseen complex initiatives from conception to completion, ensuring on-time delivery and cost efficiency. My proven ability to lead cross-functional teams and streamline processes has consistently resulted in projects being completed 15% under budget.

Data analyst (career change)

Transitioning from a background in finance to a data analyst role, I bring strong quantitative and data analysis skills. My proficiency in financial modeling and my attention to detail are valuable assets in making data-driven decisions. I am excited to apply my analytical mindset to provide insights and drive success in the field of data analysis.
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what to put in a resume about me

3 Examples: How To Write an “About Me” Section in a Resume

By Editorial Team on September 22, 2023 — 10 minutes to read

Step 1: Prepare Key Information

  • First, focus on your most relevant professional experiences. What roles or projects best highlight your skills and expertise? Make a list of these experiences, and for each one, note down your accomplishments and contributions. This will help you emphasize the most important aspects of your professional journey. Related: How to Describe Yourself (Best Examples for Job Interviews)
  • Next, identify your core strengths and skills. Are you an excellent communicator or exceptional at problem-solving? Consider what sets you apart from others in your field. You may want to think about any skills or qualities that have been repeatedly praised by employers or coworkers. Helpful resources: Top Transferable Skills Every Company Wants 35 Smart Answers to “What Are Your Strengths?” 195 Positive Words to Describe Yourself [with Examples]
  • After determining your strengths, consider any significant achievements that highlight your abilities. It could be an award, a successful project, or something else that demonstrates your potential. List these accomplishments and the skills they showcase, to give employers a clear understanding of what you bring to the table. Related: Best Resume Summary Examples Best LinkedIn Summary Examples: Top Picks
  • Lastly, think about your personal interests and hobbies. While your “About Me” section should primarily focus on your professional experiences, it’s also an opportunity to show off your unique personality. You can mention any personal passions or activities that have a connection to your professional life or demonstrate your commitment to personal growth and development. Related: Best Answers to “What Are You Passionate About?” Core Values List: 150+ Awesome Examples of Personal Values Best Examples of “Fun Facts About Me” What Are Your Values? How to Discover Your Values

Once you have brainstormed your key information, it’s time to start writing your “About Me” section. Keep it concise, clear, and engaging, focusing on the most relevant and impressive details of your professional life.

Step 2: Your Professional Background

Educational credentials.

When writing an “About Me” section in your resume, start by highlighting your educational credentials. Include the highest level of education you have attained, such as a degree or certification. Mention the name of the institution, your major or field of study, and the year of completion. For example:

Bachelor of Science in Computer Science ABC University, 2020

If you have multiple degrees or certifications, list them in descending order, starting with the most recent one. You might also want to add relevant coursework or academic honors if they showcase your expertise in the field you are applying for.

Related: How To List Certifications on a Resume (Examples)

Career Milestones

Following your educational credentials, focus on demonstrating your career milestones. Emphasize any relevant work experiences, internships, or other accomplishments that showcase your skills in your chosen industry. For each milestone, include your job title, company name, and the duration of your employment or project. Briefly describe the key responsibilities, achievements, or skills gained while in the role. Here’s an example:

Software Developer, ABC Company (2018-2020) Collaborated with cross-functional teams to design and develop software solutions Improved system efficiency by 20% through optimization of algorithms Received “Employee of the Year” award in 2019

Quantify your achievements wherever possible, using numbers, percentages, or other metrics that showcase your success. This gives potential employers a clearer understanding of the value you could bring to their organization. Focus on achievements and responsibilities that align with the position you are applying for.

How to Emphasize Skills and Accomplishments

Relevant soft and hard skills.

Highlight your relevant soft and hard skills that can illustrate your value to the company. Soft skills are often personal traits and can include qualities like communication, teamwork, and problem-solving abilities. List a few soft skills that can demonstrate your ability to succeed in your desired position.

For instance:

  • Strong interpersonal and communication abilities
  • Ability to work effectively in diverse teams
  • Adaptable and eager to learn new techniques

More examples: What Are Soft Skills? (and How to Showcase Them)

Hard skills, on the other hand, refer to technical abilities and job-specific knowledge. Mention a few relevant hard skills that can attest to your expertise in your field.

For example:

  • Proficient in Microsoft Office Suite
  • Knowledge of SEO best practices
  • Certified in Project Management Professional (PMP)

Related: Technical Skills Examples for Resume

Measurable Achievements

Another essential aspect to emphasize in your “About Me” section is your measurable achievements . By showcasing quantifiable accomplishments, you can provide concrete evidence of your contributions and abilities.

Consider using the following strategies to highlight your achievements:

  • Be specific: Describe the scope of the projects or tasks you were involved in.
  • Use numbers: Quantify your accomplishments with data like percentages, dollar amounts, or timelines.
  • Highlight outcomes: Focus on the positive impact your previous work has had on the company or team.
  • Managed a team of 10, reducing project completion time by 15%
  • Generated a 25% increase in sales through implementation of a new marketing strategy
  • Successfully completed 5 major software releases within a year, increasing customer satisfaction by 20%

How to Personalize Your ‘About Me’ Section

Integrating personal values.

To create a unique and memorable “About Me” section, integrate your personal values. Start by brainstorming keywords that describe your core beliefs and strengths. For example, if you value teamwork and collaboration, mention your ability to work well in diverse teams. Use specific examples, such as:

  • Successfully collaborated with cross-functional teams to achieve project milestones.
  • Volunteered as a team leader for a community service project, resulting in improved teamwork and camaraderie among members.

Be sure to connect these values to the needs of the specific job you’re applying for. This demonstrates your character and helps employers see how you will contribute to their company culture.

Related: Core Values List: 150+ Awesome Examples of Personal Values

What Are Your Values? How to Discover Your Values

Stating Career Goals

Incorporating your career goals into your “About Me” section makes it clear to potential employers what you’re looking for in your next role. Discuss your short-term goals, such as mastering a new skill or obtaining a relevant certification, and your long-term aspirations like moving into a leadership position.

  • Eager to sharpen my web development skills to contribute to innovative projects.
  • Aspiring to grow into a team lead role within the next five years.

How to Format the ‘About Me’ Section

Creating a structure.

When drafting the ‘About Me’ section of your resume, it’s essential to create a clear and concise structure to make it easy for employers to grasp the main points. Make sure to:

  • Begin with a compelling opening sentence, which should grab the reader’s attention and summarize your key strengths.
  • Break down your main selling points into brief, digestible points or bullets, focusing on the most relevant and impressive aspects of your experience, skills, and personal traits.
  • Keep your sentences short and on point.

Marketing Specialist with 5 years of experience driving successful campaigns and utilizing data-driven strategies. Notable achievements include a 20% increase in sales for XYZ Company and a strong background in project management.

Using Persuasive Language

The language you use in the ‘About Me’ section should be persuasive and show confidence, while still maintaining a neutral and professional tone. To achieve this, follow these guidelines:

  • Use action verbs (e.g., “managed,” “achieved,” “improved”) to show your accomplishments.
  • Quantify your claims with specific facts and figures. For instance, mention the percentage increase in sales or the number of successful campaigns you have managed.
  • Avoid using exaggerated or false claims, as these might damage your credibility with potential employers.

A good example of persuasive language:

As a Graphic Designer with 8 years of experience, I’ve successfully managed over 50 branding projects and led creative teams in producing high-impact visuals. With technical expertise in Adobe Creative Suite and a keen eye for design, I’ve increased customer engagement by an average of 25% across all platforms.

Revising and Polishing ‘About Me’ Section


Start by reading your ‘About Me’ section aloud to ensure it flows smoothly and makes sense. Look for any awkward wording, unnecessary information, or discrepancies in your tone. Focus on highlighting your best qualities, achievements, and career goals concisely. If needed, revise your section multiple times until you’re satisfied with the outcome.

Gathering Feedback

Don’t hesitate to seek feedback from others, such as friends, colleagues, or mentors. Their fresh perspective can provide invaluable insights and might catch errors you may have missed. Be open to constructive criticism and apply the suggested changes accordingly.

Examples of ‘About Me’ Sections

Example 1: Marketing Specialist

“Adept at developing creative marketing campaigns that drive customer engagement and sales, I excel in both online and offline marketing channels. With 5 years of experience in various roles, I have honed my skills in data-driven marketing, content creation, and social media management. Dedicated to staying current on market trends, I consistently come up with innovative ideas to spur growth.”

Example 2: Software Developer

“As a passionate software developer with over 7 years of experience, I’ve had the opportunity to work on diverse projects, from developing web applications to mobile apps. Proficient in Python, JavaScript, and Java, I have a solid understanding of full-stack development and continuous integration practices. I take pride in my ability to write clean code and collaborate effectively with team members to deliver high-quality solutions.”

Example 3: Graphic Designer

“With a strong background in visual communication and a keen eye for design, I’ve spent the past 6 years creating visually striking content for a range of clients. From crafting compelling branding materials to designing eye-catching social media posts, my expertise lies in telling stories through images. Proficient in Adobe Creative Suite, I’m committed to delivering work that meets both aesthetic and functional objectives.”

As you draft your ‘About Me’ section, consider the following tips:

  • Begin with a clear statement of your expertise and years of experience.
  • Mention your top skills and the areas in which you excel.
  • Include any significant accomplishments or certifications if applicable.
  • Keep it concise – aim for three to five sentences.
  • Use strong, action-oriented language to communicate your strengths effectively.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the key elements to include in an about me section.

In the About Me section, be sure to include your professional title, relevant experience, main skills, and a brief personal touch. This will help paint a clear picture of who you are, your qualifications, and make a strong first impression.

How can I showcase my skills and experience effectively in the About Me section?

To effectively showcase your skills and experience, focus on the most relevant ones for the targeted role. Provide specific examples of your accomplishments, and quantify them when possible (e.g., increased sales by 25%). Use strong action verbs and avoid generic or cliche phrases.

What are some tips for writing a concise yet engaging About Me section?

Keep your About Me section to 3-4 sentences, and prioritize the most impactful information to create a succinct, engaging statement. Emphasize your unique qualities and use concise, powerful language. Be genuine and maintain a confident, knowledgeable, and neutral tone.

How can I personalize my About Me section to stand out from other candidates?

Personalize your About Me section by showcasing your unique value proposition and linking it to the job or industry. Use distinctive achievements or experiences that demonstrate your skills and passion. Ensure it reflects your authentic voice, and avoid using generic or overly formal phrases.

How should I tailor my About Me section for a specific job or industry?

Read the job description carefully and identify the most important skills, qualifications, and traits required. Emphasize your proficiency in these areas and provide relevant examples. If you have specific industry experience, highlight how it has helped you develop valuable insights and expertise.

What common mistakes should I avoid when writing my About Me section?

Avoid common mistakes such as using cliches, being vague, focusing on your needs instead of the employer’s, and providing irrelevant information. Double-check for grammatical errors, and ensure your writing is clear and concise. Always tailor your About Me section to the specific job or industry to demonstrate your genuine interest in the position.

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What to write for your 'About Me' in a resumé (with examples)

An ‘About Me’ section on a resumé can make a lasting first impression on a potential employer. Similar to a resumé summary , it’s a section that tells a hiring manager who you are: your qualifications, key skills and professional experience. 

Learning how to write an ‘About Me’ summary on a resumé can be a great way to make your application stand out, and let a hiring manager know why you’re a good candidate for the role. So, how do you introduce yourself on a resumé? In this article, we explain why an ‘About Me’ section is so important, what to include in it, and examples that you can use as a guideline. 

Why an ‘About Me’ section matters

The ‘About Me’ section on a resumé is a short professional bio, typically a few sentences long. It tells people who you are, highlighting your most relevant skills and experience. Your ‘About Me’ section should grab the attention of the hiring manager by portraying you as the best fit for the advertised position.

Some other reasons why it’s important are:

  • It can set you apart from other applicants. A short introductory paragraph can highlight your most relevant skills and achievements, potentially showing that you’re the most suitable person for the job.  
  • It provides a concise summary.  Your ‘About Me’ section makes it easy for the reader to see at a glance if you’d be a good fit for the role, without having to read your whole resumé. 
  • It offers context. An ‘About Me’  summary of your experience and skills gives the reader some background into who you are as a professional. 

What to put in ‘About Me’ in a resumé

With the above in mind, you might be wondering: what can I write in the ‘About Me’ section? You don’t need to put much in your ‘About Me’, it’s just a quick snapshot of where you are in your career and the most relevant information for the advertised role. Here are some of the main components to include in your ‘About Me’ section. 

A strong opening sentence highlighting core strengths

Your ‘About Me’ section should start with an opening sentence that catches the hiring manager’s attention by answering the core needs of the advertised role. For example, if the position is for a receptionist, you should lead with a statement that shows you can fill that role. Be specific about your experience and skills.

Instead of writing:  I am a highly experienced receptionist…

Write: I am a diploma-qualified  receptionist with 5 years of experience in a finance setting, with strong office-administration and client-service skills.

Relevant skills and achievements tailored to the position

When writing your ‘About Me’ section in your resumé, match your skills and qualifications to the job ad. If the job ad lists a certain skill as an essential criteria or a degree as desirable, be sure to include these details. This will make it easy for the hiring manager to see you have the basics pof what they’re asking for. For example, if the job ad asks for experience in Adobe Photoshop, you should include it in your summary:

I am a graphic designer with 3 years’ agency experience and advanced knowledge of Adobe Creative Cloud software, including Photoshop.

Specific results to demonstrate skills

Rather than listing off skills, if you can, include a tangible result that demonstrates how you have used your knowledge and abilities in the workplace. This could be figures you achieved, projects you have completed, or a noteworthy achievement in your industry. 

For example:

I am an SEO specialist with 12 years’ experience and a track record of successful content optimisation for more than 50 clients across APAC.

Career goals

Your career goals show the hiring manager that you’re aligned with their organisation’s overall objective and vision. By including a career aspiration in your ‘About Me’ section, you show that you’d be a good cultural fit as well. For example, if a job ad mentions opportunities for progression, your ‘About Me’ could include that your goal is to have a leadership position in your industry. If the company you’re applying at is a small business, you would avoid mentioning any career goals to do with working overseas or leading a large team. 

I am a data analyst with 4 years’ experience in the travel-tech sector. I have advanced skills in Tableau and MySQL and am looking to apply my knowledge within a large, global organisation. 

Dos and don’ts of writing your ‘About Me’ section

When deciding what to write in ‘About Me’ in your resumé, there are some pitfalls you should avoid. Here’s a quick overview of things to do (and not do) to help you write an ‘About Me’ section that strikes the right notes. 

  • Use strong action verbs.  Strong action verbs like leading, achieving, strategising, creating are more impactful than verbs like assisting, supporting, making, etc.
  • Focus on achievements, not duties.  Say ... leading successful national campaigns instead of  managing projects . Quantify your results with numbers or specific examples, if applicable.
  • Tailor your language to the industry.  Use terminology relevant to the job and company, if you’re familiar with it. Avoid overusing jargon, however.
  • Highlight transferable skills . Focus on soft skills applicable to the role, like strong interpersonal and time-management skills . 
  • Proofread.  Make sure there are no typos or grammatical errors. Ask a friend or family member to review your ‘About Me’ for clarity and to check for mistakes.
  • Don’t use clichés.  Phrases like team player , go-getter , and think outside the box  don’t tell the employer anything unique about you.
  • Don’t include irrelevant personal information.  There’s not much space in an ‘About Me’, so there’s no need to include hobbies ( unless it’s your first job ), personal qualities that aren’t related to the job, or any interests/passions outside of work. 
  • Don’t go overboard with keywords. Keyword stuffing means putting too many of the ad’s words and phrases into your ‘About Me’, which looks unnatural. 
  • Don’t sound generic.  Avoid vague statements like  I am a quick learner  or I work well under pressure , as these can go in your cover letter. Instead, focus on unique, specific qualities and skills. 
  • Don’t lie or exaggerate.  Be honest about your skills and experience. 

‘Tell me about yourself’ examples you can adapt for your resumé

Before writing your ‘About Me’, it can help to first see a few examples, to give you ideas on the types of skills you should include. You can use these ‘About Me’ job application examples as a template for your own, just substitute in your own experience, relevant to the advertised role.

An industry-specific example of an ‘About Me’

Accomplished professional with X experience in [industry], specialising in [skill/experience]. Expertise in [specific task/responsibility] and proven ability to [achievement/outcome]. Looking to [career move you want to make].

An ‘About Me’ example for students

Motivated [area of study] student studying eager to begin an internship/traineeship position in [industry/type of company]. Strong foundational [specific skills] skills and knowledge of [knowledge area].

Entry-level example: Recent graduate seeking marketing role

Fine Arts graduate with specialist knowledge in [study focus area]. Proficient in [relevant skill 1], [relevant skill 2] and [relevant skill 3]. Eager to apply my [specialisation] knowledge and leverage my qualifications into a marketing role at a leading [city] agency.

Mid-career: Experienced project manager transitioning to a new field

Project manager with 8 years of experience looking to pivot to [new field]. Proven track record leading teams of [number-of-team-members]+, leading national projects and heading global accounts.

 Executive: C-level leader with a proven track record

Senior executive with more than a decade of experience leading ASX companies in various c-suite roles. Track record of driving multimillion-dollar revenue growth for a diverse range of organisations and industries. Leader of high-performing management teams and seasoned public speaker looking for my next challenge. 

Tips for personalising your ‘About Me’ section

After you’ve chosen an ‘About Me’ in a resumé sample as a starting point, you need to make it unique to you and relevant to the role. Some ways to personalise your ‘About Me’ section include:

  • Researching the company and tailoring your ‘About Me’ to align with their goals and values
  • Using specific skills, experience and keywords from the job ad 
  • Highlighting why you’re passionate about the industry and the role

It’s also important to proofread your ‘About Me’ (and the rest of your resumé ) to ensure it’s free from errors and is easy to understand.

To provide the best overview of who you are and what you offer potential employers, your ‘About Me’ section should neatly summarise your relevant work experience, skills, qualifications and achievements. A well-written ‘About Me’ section in your resumé is a great way to get a hiring manager’s attention and show why you’re the ideal person for the job.

What should I write in the ‘About Me’ section in a resumé?

Wondering what should I write about me in a resumé?  This section is a short summary of your professional background, with details like your qualifications, experience and achievements, wrapped up in two or three sentences. 

How important is the ‘About Me’ section in a resumé? 

Your ‘About Me’ section is an important part of your resumé because it gives hiring managers a quick overview of your professional background, without them having to read your resumé in detail. It provides context about who you are and what you can offer their organisation.

What is a good example of an ‘About Me’ section in a resumé?

A good example of an ‘About Me’ section should include your professional identity (customer service officer, designer, engineer, teacher, etc.), your years of experience, any special skills or accomplishments, and your career goal (if it aligns with the role you’re applying for). This could look something like:

Diploma-qualified  graphic designer with six years of experience and specialisation in UX-UI design. Highly skilled in app design and functionality for e-commerce platforms. Eager to take the next step in my career, ideally leading design and branding projects within an international agency. 

What to exclude in the ‘About Me’ section in a resumé?

Some things you should exclude in a resumé ‘About Me’ section may be:

  • Religious or political alignment
  • Hobbies or interests unrelated to the job
  • Irrelevant details – choose what’s most important and leave the rest for your cover letter and remaining resumé sections

Always prioritise the skills and experience that match the job ad. Try to address what the employer is looking for and only mention abilities and qualifications that are relevant to that role.

What do I write in the ‘summary of me’ in a resumé?

When writing a ‘summary of me’ in a resumé (also known as your ‘About Me’ section), you should include information like:

  • your job title/profession 
  • years of experience, 
  • most relevant skills
  • qualifications, 
  • any relevant awards, and 
  • results you’ve achieved. 

The resumé summary acts as a professional bio; your most relevant job experience, skills and achievements at a glance.

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What Should I Put In The About Me Section On My Resume

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In This Guide:

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In the ‘About Me’ section of your resume, you should provide a brief summary of your professional profile, highlighting your skills, experience, and career goals. You can include information such as your job title, years of experience, industry expertise, key achievements, and personal traits that make you a good fit for the job. It's important to keep this section concise and focused on your professional qualifications rather than personal information.

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what to put in a resume about me

How to Craft A Captivating About Me Section in A Resume?

A professional statement at the start of a resume is the “about me” section. It outlines the candidate's accomplishments, skills, and experience that are important.A strong "about me" section engages the reader of your resume and persuades them that you are the ideal candidate for your dream job.

All resume examples in this guide

what to put in a resume about me

You can reduce the writing time and effort by being familiar with the procedures for creating this element.

In this article, you will discover how to write a strong about me section. You will acquire the knowledge and abilities necessary to produce an engaging about me part that appeals to hiring managers thanks to this in-depth guide.

about me resume

What is the “About Me” Resume Section?

The starting point area of your resume is called an "about me" section. It briefly describes your educational background, career objective or career goals, and achievements. This part usually consists of three to four lines and is similar to a resume summary but is written less formally.

The "about me" section includes the following parts:

  • Professional Title
  • Skills and Education that are applicable
  • Career Objectives

The "about me" part on a resume can be used by any candidate, however, some individuals might benefit more from inclusion than others like freshers or recent graduates, those who are changing careers, and professionals with varied backgrounds.

“About Me” Resume Examples (for Different Professions)

Here are some of the "About Me" Resume Examples of different positions for job seekers to have a better idea of what to must include in this section.

About Me in Resumes for Fresh Graduates or Freshers

“Driven and ambitious recent graduate with a business administration bachelor's degree. I'm eager to put my academic understanding to use and pick up real-world experience in a dynamic workplace. Adept in communication and problem-solving abilities. I am confident in my ability to contribute to a company's success.”

About Me in Resumes for Teachers

“Highly organized teacher with a track record of success in the classroom owing to academic honors, teacher certification, and on-the-job experience as a teacher's assistant at a private school. Capable of providing a loving environment, addressing issues effectively, and operating as a team. Skilled in explaining difficult concepts in a straightforward yet enjoyable way. I'm seeking a chance to offer my skills and expertise in a school promoting professional advancement.”

About Me in a Resume for Customer Service Job

“Highly Motivated customer service representative with a pleasant personality and welcoming attitude. With the help of my innovative problem-solving skills, multitasking abilities, and solid interpersonal skills, I have acquired training for customer satisfaction and have extensive knowledge of customer interaction, customer transactions, and catering to client inquiries. Additionally, earned several peer recognition awards and favorable customer evaluations for managing client complaints during my five-year career in superior customer service. Applying for the position of customer care team supervisor to further my management career progression.”

About Me in Resumes for Content Writer

“Content writer with more than six years of experience generating content in various niches like food and lifestyle, travel, healthcare, and education. Adept in research skills to incorporate competitive advantage for blog posts. Able to provide significant and innovative work for clients and media channels while being results-driven. Eager to provide interesting blog entries and website content for Left and Write advertising company to boost organic traffic and draw in new clients.”

About Me in Resumes for Experienced Graphic Designer

“A senior graphic designer in charge of a medium-sized company's daily graphic design content. Excellent Management skills and proven ability to manage big teams. Frequently worked on the production, layout, and graphic materials. A 2014 Magento Design Award winner. Improved customer transactions by a quarter by creating 300+ graphic design projects including but not limited to logos, brochures, ads, and infographics. “

About Me in Resumes for Sales and Marketing

“Sales and marketing assistant with vast expertise in building promotional programs, doing in-depth market research, finding new company growth prospects, and managing several social media accounts. Creative, detail-oriented, and result-driven with a Business Administration degree from a prestigious university. Possess excellent communication skills and proven collaborative skills.”

“About Me” for College Student

“Recently graduated with a degree in computer science engineering. Abreast in coding languages like Java, Python, and C++. Advanced expertise in developing and constructing computer networks and systems. Developed skills to manage projects under pressure during college. A driven and committed person looking for a job to utilize and further develop these skills.”

Resume Tips To Write A Perfect “About Me” Section On a Resume?

It can be tricky to describe oneself in an "about me" section of a resume. It serves as your elevator pitch for convincing the hiring manager that you are the best applicant.

The "Why are you a good fit for this position?" question is answered under the "about me" section, perfectly. However, writing an effective “about me” can prove tricky if you don't know where to begin.

Use the following tips to write a perfect “about me” section.

Align the Personal Statement With The Job Description

One of the most important pieces of advice to write a personal statement is to include relevant keywords that are particular to the job posting and the current job title itself. The words in the job description were carefully chosen by the hiring manager. Observe the tone, the skills that are emphasized, and any clues that would indicate the ideal candidate.

Your about me section should emphasize as many connections with the job description as possible while remaining true to who you are and your experiences. The initial few phrases of your resume must give the hiring manager the impression that you are the specific candidate they were looking for when they wrote the job description.

Choose Powerful Adjectives

The words you choose to define yourself might be difficult to pick out. It would help if you first represented yourself throughout your entire resume before you can show your professional or academic skills.

There's no question that you'd want to perfect the words to describe yourself given how significant all of it is. You can achieve that by choosing powerful adjectives and providing proof to support that.

Moreover, to back up your usage of strong adjectives, give figures and specific facts. Quantify your impact whenever possible.

Write A Professional Title

Start by introducing yourself to the hiring manager by giving your title. For example, "Digital Marketer", "Barista", “Software Engineer”, or "Graphic Designer".

If you are freshly graduated or are changing careers and do not yet have a professional title, you can use the term "aspiring" before your desired work title. If not, you can write “college student" or "entry-level professional" in its place.

Showcase Your Professional Experience (Notable Awards and Achievements)

about me resume

Any notable awards or achievements can be mentioned in the job experience and summary sections of your resume. Make sure to highlight accomplishments along with their timing, scope, and outcomes. Find a balance between listing your accomplishments and giving a brief overview of your professional experience.

Focus on the importance of each of your achievements. Only list honors that are related to your present professional objectives and the job you are applying for.

If you don't have much employment experience, you may also highlight your accomplishments in this section on your schooling, volunteer activities, or projects.

Summarize Your Career Goals

Emphasize your keenness to learn new things and take on new roles and responsibilities. To show that you are compatible and committed over the period, match your professional aspirations with the company's goals. Mention in brief how your professional aspirations may help the business succeed.

Highlight Relevant Qualifications

It's important to simply describe your essential skills, accomplishments, and experiences that are relevant to the position you're seeking when emphasizing them in the "About Me" section of your resume.

Determine the important skills and qualifications the company is looking for by carefully reading the job description. Review your qualifications and experiences, and give preference to those that most closely match the job's needs.

Quantify your qualifications by quantifying the impact it had on a company with the help of relevant examples.

Highlight Relevant Skills

You must emphasize only the specific skills relevant to the job position. To grab the employer's attention, start the list with the most important and in-demand skills. Include a combination of transferable skills and hard skills relevant to your industry as well as soft skills that highlight your ability to work together well with others and positively impact the environment at work.

  • Communication
  • Problem-Solving
  • Knowledge of Programming Language
  • Knowledge of Office Tools
  • Customer Service
  • Foreign Languages
  • Project Management
  • Organizational Skills
  • Flexibility
  • Researching & Data Analyzing
  • Digital Marketing
  • Web Development
  • Machine Learning
  • Graphic Designing
  • Microsoft Office or Office Suite
  • Technical skills like CAD, Workflow development, STEM skills, Troubleshooting
  • Email Writing,
  • Funnel management
  • Data visualization
  • Google Analytics and Google Search Console
  • Time management
  • Adaptability
  • Problem-solving
  • Interpersonal skills
  • Attention to detail

Position the Personal Statement Personal Statement Last

A personal statement gives hiring managers and recruiters a quick summary of your professional background or long-term goals. Because it makes it easier for them to quickly look through the resumes that the tracking system has passed, recruiters prefer to see a candidate's personal up in the front. The most suitable spot for your statement is before your job history section and after your contact information.

Internship Experience (If Fresher)

about me resume

As a fresher, you can emphasize relevant skills and demonstrate a passion for the field they are applying to by including their internship experience in the "About Me" section of their resume.

You may show that you have actual expertise in your industry and have actively used your knowledge in a professional setting by providing your internship experience in the "About Me" section. This way you can show your dedication to work and demonstrates that you are driven and willing to advance in the field.

Customize the template to fit your unique qualifications. Utilize the best resume templates and examples from our resume builder .

Common Mistakes To Avoid In Personal Statements

  • Prevent adding unrelated details and digressing excessively. Instead, concentrate on emphasizing your relevant experience, abilities, and objectives.
  • Don’t generalize information. Avoid utilizing cliches that don't help you stand out from the crowd.
  • Don’t brag about yourself. It might be hard to prove when confronted by the interviewer.
  • Make sure that your personal statement is correctly structured and organized.
  • Grammatical mistakes, typos, and inconsistencies could happen if you don't proofread your personal statement.
  • Don't overuse jargon or other technical terminology that others will not understand.
  • In your personal statement, be honest and sincere. Be careful not to exaggerate or fake experiences or qualities.

What do employers expect from your resume opening statement?

Employers want a clear and concise introduction that summarizes your professional experience and emphasizes your most relevant qualifications. The unique characteristics, successes, or skills that set you apart from the competition and show how you may benefit the company's success should also be highlighted in your opening statement.

In your opening statement, emphasize accomplishments, extensive experience, or skills that are relevant to the post and demonstrate a better understanding of its requirements. Employers want a well-written statement that displays your communication skills in a professional tone.

Finally, it should demonstrate your sincere interest in the job and your will to succeed at it. Your word choice and the tone of your statement as a whole can convey this.

Create your resume with the best templates

what to put in a resume about me

What’s a Rich Text element?

The rich text element allows you to create and format headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, images, and video all in one place instead of having to add and format them individually. Just double-click and easily create content.

Static and dynamic content editing

A rich text element can be used with static or dynamic content. For static content, just drop it into any page and begin editing. For dynamic content, add a rich text field to any collection and then connect a rich text element to that field in the settings panel. Voila!

How to customize formatting for each rich text

Headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, figures, images, and figure captions can all be styled after a class is added to the rich text element using the "When inside of" nested selector system.

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what to put in a resume about me

Sample letters to download

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Advice for getting a job, instructions.

About Me in Resume Sample for Freshers

About Me in Resume for Fresher (31 Strong Examples)

Writing a strong About Me in Resume for Fresher is a make or break section for powerful first impression on the interviewers and them getting an interview call ! Get a headstart for yourself with these 31 carefully crafted examples.

Have you ever been to a party or networking event and been asked, “So what do you do?” You launch into your elevator pitch, but you can see that the person you’re talking to is not even paying attention. They’re looking around the room, thinking of something else they need to be doing. Don’t worry – you’re not alone. 

Many people find it difficult to talk about themselves in an interesting and relevant way. But your resume needs to do just that – show potential employers what makes you unique and why they should hire you . 

So how can you make sure your resume stands out from the rest ? One way is to add a smartly crafted “About Me” section. This will allow potential employers to learn more about who you are, beyond your job titles and work experience. 

Plus, it can help make up for any lack of experience you may have. In this post, we will give you tips on how to write an effective one and provide 30+ samples of About Me for freshers. Let’s get started!

How to Write About Me in Resume for Fresher?

As a fresher, your “about me” section in your resume should briefly summarize your skills and qualifications while quickly differentiating yourself from other applicants. It should be crisp and no more than 2 sentences long.

3 Factors to consider when writing About Me in Resume for Fresher

1. crisp introduction.

When writing about yourself in a resume, it is important to strike the right balance between conveying your professional achievements and sounding arrogant.

One way to do this is to start by mentioning your professional title and then providing a brief overview of your background information.

Start with a strong statement that highlights your best qualifications. For example, “An experienced software engineer with over 10 years of experience working in the technology industry.”

By doing this, you will give employers a sense of your professional experience without coming across as boastful. Additionally, be sure to avoid using first-person pronouns such as “I” or “me” throughout the rest of your resume. Instead, focus on using language that highlights your skills and accomplishments. 

2. List your Relevant key Skills and Accomplishments

Including a “Skills and Achievements” section in your “About me” is a great way to show off your most relevant skills that employers will like . Ensure that you highlight your major accomplishments too. You can find 80+ examples of the kind of achievements the people often showcase in their resumes here .

When listing your skills, be sure to include both hard and soft skills and any relevant certification or training you have. Briefly mention one or two of your most relevant accomplishments for each skill. You can also check out 22 transferable skills that often compound your career growth !

For example, if you are a certified accountant, you might mention your experience preparing tax returns or auditing financial statements in your internship. If you are a fresher software developer, you might mention your contributions to an open source project or a website development in your free time. By highlighting your key skills and accomplishments, you can give potential employers a better sense of your capabilities and expertise.

For example, “Certified software engineer with experience developing Java and Python web applications. Track record of delivering innovative solutions that meet the needs of my clients.”

3. Mention Your Long Term Goals

Start by mentioning your long-term career goals . Use concrete examples to illustrate your successes, and highlight any awards or recognition you’ve received. Tell hiring managers how your desired job is part of your present and long-term career strategy in this section. Talk about your goals and why you’re enthusiastic about interviewing for the position. 

[ For a deep dive on this, Read – About Me in Resume – How to write it Smartly ]

31 strong examples of about me in resume for fresher.

We have crafted these 31 examples considering various career paths that freshers choose.

You may not be interested in reading “About Me” in resume examples for any profession apart from the one you have chosen. But it will boost your imagination if you take time to go over all the examples below.

1. About Me in Resume for Fresher Customer Service Executive

Customer service executive with experience working in a fast-paced environment. Holds a proven track record of providing excellent customer service and resolving customer issues. A motivated self-starter who is able to work independently and as part of a team and proficient in using computer software programs, such as Microsoft Office and Salesforce. 

2. About Me in Resume for Fresher Accountant

Aspiring Accountant who graduated from the University of XYZ. Worked as an intern in a CA firm for 6 months. My key skills are accounting, auditing, taxation, and financial analysis. Eager to contribute my skills to a reputed organization. 

3. About Me in Resume for Fresher or College student

A Recent college graduate seeking an entry-level position in the field of accounting. Possesses a strong academic record, having graduated with honors, eager to put my skills to work in a professional setting. Gained valuable experience through internships and volunteer work.

4. About Me in Resume for Fresher Data Analyst

A diligent Data Analyst certified with a Diploma in Data Analytics from ABC University. Seeking an opportunity to establish a career as a Data Analyst exhibiting a strong willingness to become proficient in Analytical tools, Statistics, and Computing Methodologies in the professional environment. Eager to contribute meaningfully to the success of the team. 

[ Learn to make your resume attractive with – 40+ Strengths in Resume for Freshers ]

5. about me in resume for fresher marketing executive.

A highly skilled, competent, and diligent Marketing executive seeking an opportunity to establish a career. Have experience in Marketing and have the ability to develop and execute marketing plans that will generate results. A strategic thinker with a track record of success in developing and implementing marketing initiatives that have increased brand awareness and generated leads. 

6. About Me in Resume for Freshers in Social Media Marketing

A motivated Social Media enthusiast graduating from the Management program at XYZ university seeking a position in Social Media Management. Gained experience in content creation, strategy development, and community engagement through coursework and previous internships. 

7. About Me in Resume for Fresher Teacher

A recent graduate of the Teacher Education program at XYZ University passionate about education. Patient and adaptable with a proven ability to establish rapport with students from diverse backgrounds. Experience working with children of all ages, from young learners to high school students. 

8. About Me in Resume for Fresher Content Writer

A dedicated and reliable individual seeking an entry-level position as a Content Writer. Gained valuable experience writing compelling copy for a variety of clients through freelance. With strong research and editing skills, eager to put my skills to use in a new setting and contribute to the success of the organization. 

[ Craft Impactful Resume Summary with – Resume Summaries – 101 Smart Examples of Professional Summary in a Resume ]

9. about me in resume for fresher in sales.

A recent graduate seeking an opportunity to be a Sales Executive. Highly passionate about helping businesses strengthen Customer Relationships by identifying prospects and having the skill to present a product or service to clients professionally. Open to working with B2B as well as B2C businesses. 

10. About Me in Resume for Entry-Level Market Research Analyst

Entry-Level Market Research Analyst with proven problem-solving and analytical skills with an Honors Degree in Economics seeking a Market Research Analyst position. A quick learner with the skills and training needed to be a successful Entry-Level Market Research Analyst and able to work independently.

11. About Me in Resume for Fresher Software Engineer 

A talented Software Engineer aspiring to gain a full-time position in a reputed company. Gained extensive experience in software development, testing, and deployment through internships. A highly motivated and hardworking individual skilled in Java, SQL, and Python. Seeking a position to utilize the gained skills and experience to positively contribute to the company.

12. About Me in Resume for Freshers in Architecture

A creative individual passionate about architecture and excited to begin my career in design. Possess a strong interest in sustainable design and am committed to creating both environmentally friendly and aesthetically pleasing buildings. Responsible for helping to design and oversee the construction of a new office building as an intern. Eager to utilize the skills and knowledge gained through experience to help create beautiful and functional buildings that will stand the test of time.

13. About Me in Resume for Fresher Journalist

An aspiring journalist looking for an opportunity to learn and grow in the field. A keen eye for detail and a passion for news can be an asset to any newsroom. A hard worker with a go-getter attitude eager to put the skills to use in a real-world setting. Looking forward tirelessly to producing quality journalism that informs and engages the public.

[ Show your clarity and relevance with – Resume Objective for Fresher – How to Write it Impactfully ]

 14. about me in resume for fresher cashier.

Aspiring cashier with 9 months of customer service experience. Proactive, have an excellent memory and work well under pressure with full computer literacy. Have always strived to provide the best possible shopping experience for customers and have been commended for the ability to upsell. Would welcome the opportunity to put the skills gained to use in a new setting. 

15. About Me in Resume for Fresher Lawyer

A highly motivated law graduate who is innovative and always keen to develop creative case strategies with a strong interest in writing effective briefs, Confident in the ability to excel in this role and contribute to the organization’s success. Eager to put the skills to use in a role that offers challenges and opportunities for personal development. 

16. About Me in Resume for Freshers in Digital Marketing

As an aspiring digital marketing executive looking to gain experience in the industry and contribute to the success of the organization. Recently completed a course in digital marketing and am eager to put the knowledge learned into practice. A quick learner with a keen eye for detail is also very organized. Confidence in the ability to become an asset to any organization and contribute to the company’s online success. 

17. About Me in Resume for Freshers Mechanical Engineering  

A recent graduate of ABC University aspiring to be a Mechanical engineer. Have experience working in the automotive industry as an intern and looking for an entry-level position in a company to continue to develop my skills. A hard worker with strong attention to detail, having experience working with computer-aided design (CAD) software and industry-standard engineering practices.

18. About Me in Resume for Fresher Graphic Designer

Aspiring Graphic Designer with an Associate’s degree in Graphic Design and 1+ year of freelance experience. Proven ability to develop creative solutions to complex design problems. Strong understanding of design principles, typography, color theory, and print production. Proficient in Adobe Creative Suite and Microsoft Office. Recognized for excellent time management skills and the ability to work effectively under tight deadlines.

19. About Me in Resume for Fresher Web Designer

A highly creative Web Designer with an Associate’s degree in Graphic Design and one year of experience working as a Junior Designer. Proven skills in HTML, CSS, and Adobe Creative Suite. Ability to work independently and collaborate effectively with a team. Excellent written and verbal communication skills. seeking an entry-level position in web design.

20 . About Me in Resume for Fresher Advertising Copywriter

Highly motivated Advertising Copywriter looking for a challenging role in a fast-paced environment. Proven track record of developing creative and effective advertising campaigns. Strong writing, editing, and communication skills. Able to work independently and as part of a team. Experienced in handling multiple projects simultaneously and meeting tight deadlines. Seeking an opportunity to use my skills and knowledge to contribute to the company’s success.

21. About Me in Resume for Fresher in Project management

A problem-solving Management graduate with a strong interest in process improvement and change management. An effective communicator who can build good working relationships with colleagues and clients. Proven ability to work effectively as part of a team and independently. Looking forward to contributing to the company’s success as a Project Manager.

22. About Me in Resume for Fresher Registered Nurse

Passionate Registered Nurse recently graduated from the nursing degree program at XYZ University. Committed to providing high-quality patient care and promoting excellence in nursing. Demonstrated leadership abilities and a strong commitment to professional development. Passionate about working with diverse populations and committed to making a difference in the lives of others. 

23. About Me in Resume for Fresher Personal Chef

Freshly graduated with an Associate’s degree in Culinary Arts and a year of personal chef experience. Looking for an entry-level position at a restaurant. A hard worker passionate about food and cooking, eager to learn new skills in the culinary world. Experienced in menu planning and budgeting with excellent customer service skills.

24. About Me in Resume for Fresher Interior Designer 

Aspiring Interior designer with a keen eye for detail and a passion for creating beautiful, functional spaces. Currently completing my studies at the XYZ Design School and am eager to put my skills and knowledge to work in a professional setting. Have a strong interest in learning about different cultures and styles of design. 

25. About Me in Resume for Fresher in Banking

A highly motivated finance enthusiast looking for an entry-level position in a progressive financial organization with the opportunity to develop my skills in a challenging and fast-paced environment. A diligent individual who can work well under pressure and meet deadlines. Have excellent interpersonal and communication skills, which would be beneficial in a role within a bank.

26. About Me in Resume for Fresher Account Manager

John Doe is an experienced account manager who has worked for ABC Corporation for the past 6 months as an intern. In his current role, he manages a portfolio of accounts and ensures that clients are satisfied with the company’s products and services. He has a proven track record of success in this field and is always looking for new opportunities to grow his career. Doe is a motivated self-starter who can take the initiative and work independently. 

27. About Me in Resume for Fresher Artist

Aspiring artist with a unique talent for creating one-of-a-kind paintings and sketches. Seeking to use her abilities to help others express themselves and communicate their ideas. Her artwork has been featured in several group exhibitions and has won numerous awards for her work. Passionate about art and its ability to bring people together. 

28. About Me in Resume for Fresher Financial Advisor

Aspiring Financial adviser pursuing a bachelor’s degree in finance to become a financial advisor with a keen interest in researching various financial products and services. Skilled in analyzing data and information to identify trends and recommend solutions. Collaborative team player who can work independently when needed. Completed internships with major banks in New York City. 

29. About Me in Resume for Fresher Photographer

A passionate photographer with a year of freelance experience. Experience in portrait, product, event, and landscape photography. Strong editing skills with Adobe Photoshop and Lightroom. Ability to manage social media accounts for a photography business. Able to take direction well and work independently. 

30. About Me in Resume for Fresher Receptionist

Aspiring Receptionist and a recent graduate with excellent organization, customer service, and communication skills. Possesses a strong ability to multitask and stay calm under pressure. Proven track record of providing exceptional administrative support in a fast-paced environment. Eager to leverage abilities to contribute to the success of XYZ company.

31. About Me in Resume for Fresher Dentist

Aspiring Dentist and a recent graduate with a bachelor’s degree in Dental Science from XYZ University. Have experience working with patients of all ages, providing preventative care, diagnosis, and treating oral diseases through clinical experience. Passionate about oral health and enjoy working with patients to help them achieve and maintain healthy teeth and gums. 

32. About Me in Resume for Fresher VFX Artist

A fresh VFX artist with a degree in Computer Graphics and Animation. I specialize in realistic visual effects using software like Maya, Nuke, and After Effects. My personal projects have honed my skills in 3D modeling, texturing, and compositing. I led the entire VFX pipeline for a short film, creating complex particle simulations and compositing. I’m passionate about VFX and eager to work on feature films and TV shows, creating captivating visual effects. Driven by challenges and the learning in them!

[ Power up your resume with : How to Smartly write Achievements in Resume ]

The bottom line.

A resume is a marketing document that sells you as the best candidate for the job. It is your opportunity to show off your skills, experience, and accomplishments clearly and concisely. 

The “about me” section of your resume should be tailored to the specific role you are applying for and highlight the qualities that make you the perfect fit. Take some time to reflect on your experiences and think about what makes you unique. 

When writing your resume, be sure to focus on your strengths and put your best foot forward. Are you ready to create an amazing resume? Check out other blogs to polish your resume!

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Writing Beginner

60 About Me Examples (Writing Guide + Free Templates)

Are you struggling to write an About Me section for your website or portfolio? Look no further!

We’ve compiled a list of 60 About Me Examples + Templates to help you craft the perfect introduction that showcases your skills, experience, and personality.

No matter your profession, we’ve got you covered with these customizable templates that will make your About Me section stand out.

What Is An About Me Statement?

Chinese business man - About Me Examples

Table of Contents

An about me statement is a short description of one’s background, achievements, and personal interests.

It’s typically used for job applications or as part of a professional portfolio.

An effective about me statement should be concise yet informative, showcasing the individual’s most impressive qualifications, skills, and experiences.

Writing an about me statement can feel intimidating at first but with the right approach, it can give you the opportunity to tell your story in a genuine and meaningful way that resonates with employers and colleagues.

60 About Me Examples

Here is a massive list of 60 about me examples, about me resume examples, and about me examples for portfolios.

1) Accountant

I am a highly organized and detail-oriented professional with a passion for numbers. My expertise lies in financial analysis and accounting, and I am committed to helping my clients make informed financial decisions.

2) Actor/Actress

I am an experienced actor with 10 years in the industry. I have a diverse portfolio of work ranging from musical theater to film. My passion for performing and commitment to excellence has earned me roles in several successful productions.

3) Aerospace Engineer

As an aerospace engineer, I am a creative problem-solver with a passion for aerodynamics and space exploration. My track record includes designing and testing successful aircraft and spacecraft, demonstrating my strong understanding of engineering principles.

4) Agricultural and Food Scientists

I am a dedicated researcher with a passion for sustainable agriculture and food production as an agricultural and food scientist. My extensive knowledge of plant and animal biology and my understanding of the environmental, economic, and social factors that impact food systems enable me to make significant contributions to the field.

5) Agricultural Worker

With years of experience in farming, I am an agricultural worker who takes pride in producing high-quality food for local communities. My strong work ethic and commitment to sustainable agriculture practices demonstrate my deep love for the land and all things agricultural.

6) Air Traffic Controller

As an air traffic controller, I am a highly skilled and responsible professional with a passion for ensuring safe and efficient air travel. My extensive training in air traffic control procedures and my ability to remain calm and focused in high-pressure situations are critical to my success.

7) Aircraft Pilot

With extensive experience flying various types of aircraft, I am a seasoned aviator who is passionate about flight. Safety and professionalism are of the utmost importance to me, and I am committed to maintaining the highest standards while in the air.

8) Aircraft Mechanic

As an aircraft mechanic, I am a skilled and knowledgeable aviation professional with a passion for keeping aircraft in top condition. My strong understanding of aircraft systems, coupled with my commitment to ensuring each plane I work on is safe and ready to fly, is critical to the success of any aviation team.

9) Aircraft Structure, Surfaces, Rigging, and Systems Assembler

I am an extraordinarily skilled and experienced professional with a passion for assembling aircraft structures, surfaces, rigging, and systems. My strong understanding of aircraft structures and systems, coupled with my precision and attention to detail, ensures that each plane I work on is assembled to the highest standards.

10) Architect

I am a creative and innovative architect with a passion for designing buildings and spaces. My strong understanding of building design and construction, coupled with my commitment to creating functional and aesthetically pleasing structures that meet the needs of my clients, makes me a valuable asset to any design team.

11) Architectural and Engineering Manager

As an architectural and engineering manager, I am an experienced leader with a passion for overseeing large-scale construction projects. My strong background in architecture and engineering, coupled with my commitment to ensuring that each project I manage is completed on time, on budget, and to the highest standards of quality, make me an invaluable asset to any team.

12) Archivist

I am a knowledgeable and organized professional with a passion for preserving history. As an archivist, my strong understanding of archival techniques, coupled with my commitment to ensuring that important historical documents and artifacts are properly stored, cataloged, and made accessible to the public, enables me to play a critical role in preserving our cultural heritage.

13) Biomedical Engineer

As a biomedical engineer, I am a highly skilled and innovative professional with a passion for using technology to improve human health. My strong background in engineering, biology, and medicine, coupled with my commitment to developing cutting-edge medical devices and treatments that will enhance patient outcomes, makes me a valuable asset to any healthcare team.

14) Biostatistician

As a biostatistician, I am a data-driven professional with a passion for using statistics to improve health outcomes. My extensive training in statistical analysis, coupled with my deep understanding of the biological and medical applications of statistical methods, makes me a valuable asset to any healthcare or research team seeking to make data-driven decisions.

15) Building Inspector

As a building inspector, I am a highly trained and experienced professional with a passion for ensuring the safety and quality of buildings. My strong understanding of building codes and construction practices, coupled with my commitment to conducting thorough and accurate inspections of residential, commercial, and industrial properties, enables me to ensure the safety of those who live and work in these buildings.

16) Business Professional

Having experience leading teams within a wide range of industries such as finance, IT & healthcare – my unique combination of analytical thinking & problem-solving skills offers added value no matter the context or situation.

17) Carpenter

As a skilled and experienced carpenter, I am passionate about working with wood and creating high-quality, functional structures and furnishings. My strong understanding of carpentry techniques, coupled with my commitment to using the best materials and tools available, enables me to create beautiful and durable pieces that stand the test of time.

Passionate about transforming ingredients into delightful dishes, I’ve had the pleasure of cooking in some of the best restaurants across the country. With over 9 years of experience working with different cuisines and techniques, I constantly strive to refine my skills and challenge myself.

19) Chemical Engineer

As a chemical engineer, I am a knowledgeable and innovative professional with a passion for using chemistry to solve real-world problems. My strong background in chemical engineering, coupled with my commitment to developing new and improved chemical processes and products, makes me a valuable asset to any company seeking to improve its products or processes.

20) Chemist

As a chemist, I am a curious and dedicated scientist with a passion for understanding the chemical properties of matter. My strong background in chemistry, coupled with my commitment to conducting cutting-edge research and developing new and improved chemical products and processes, enables me to make significant contributions to the field of chemistry.

21) Civil Engineer

As a civil engineer, I am a skilled and knowledgeable professional with a passion for designing and building infrastructure. My strong background in civil engineering, coupled with my commitment to ensuring that each project I work on is functional, safe, and sustainable, makes me a valuable asset to any infrastructure project.

22) Commercial Diver

As a highly trained and experienced commercial diver, I am passionate about working underwater and ensuring the safety and success of each dive I make. My extensive training in diving techniques, coupled with my commitment to using the best equipment and following strict safety protocols, makes me a valuable asset to any diving or underwater construction team.

23) Computer and Information Systems Manager

As a computer and information systems manager, I am a highly skilled and experienced professional with a passion for using technology to solve business problems. My strong background in computer science, coupled with my commitment to ensuring that each technology project I manage is completed on time, on budget, and to the highest standards of quality, makes me a valuable asset to any organization seeking to improve its technology infrastructure.

24) Computer Network Architect

As an exceptionally skilled and innovative computer network architect, I am passionate about designing and implementing computer networks. My strong understanding of network technologies, coupled with my commitment to ensuring that each network I design is scalable, reliable, and secure, makes me a valuable asset to any organization seeking to improve its network infrastructure.

25) Computer Programmer

As a highly skilled and experienced computer programmer, I am passionate about writing code and developing high-quality software that meets the needs of my clients. My strong background in computer science, coupled with my commitment to using the best programming practices and tools available, makes me a valuable asset to any software development team.

26) Construction Worker

As a hardworking and experienced construction worker, I am passionate about building and ensuring the success of each project I work on. My strong understanding of construction techniques, coupled with my commitment to ensuring the safety of myself and those around me, makes me a valuable asset to any construction team.

27) Cost Estimator

As a highly organized and detail-oriented cost estimator, I am passionate about calculating costs and ensuring that each cost estimate I produce is accurate, comprehensive, and realistic. My strong background in finance, coupled with my commitment to using the best data and tools available, makes me a valuable asset to any organization seeking to manage its costs effectively.

28) Crane and Tower Operator

As a skilled and experienced crane and tower operator, I am passionate about operating cranes and towers and ensuring the safety and success of each lift I make. My extensive training in crane and tower operation techniques, coupled with my commitment to following strict safety protocols and using the best equipment available, makes me a valuable asset to any construction or industrial team.

29) Dentist

As a dentist with 5+ years of experience, my mission is to provide quality dental care while fostering relationships of trust with each patient I serve. My passion for dentistry allows me to stay up-to-date on the latest trends and technologies in order to deliver optimal results.

30) Designer

Drawing from my knowledge of graphic design principles and trends, I create visually stunning designs that capture my audience’s attention. Whether it be web graphics, logos, or other types of digital assets, my work speaks for itself.

31) Entrepreneur

In pursuit of creating meaningful businesses with lasting impact – For over a decade now, I’ve dedicated myself to developing ventures that solve real problems & offer creative solutions. With more than 5 startups under my belt – each as successful as the last, it’s safe to say that this mission has become second nature by now.

32) Event Planner

With over 9 years’ worth of experience as an event planner, I specialize in creating memorable experiences for any type of event; from corporate functions and galas down to private parties and celebrations alike! Having worked on dozens upon dozens of successful events thus far – there’s nothing I won’t do when it comes to organizing your special occasion just the way you envisioned it.

33) Financial Advisor

As a financial advisor with more than 8 years’ worth of experience helping people make smart decisions with their money, I take pride in helping others reach their long-term financial goals. My background as an accountant offers clients peace of mind knowing they’re getting sound advice backed by reliable credentials.

34) Hair Stylist

As a creative hair stylist with over 10 years worth of experience, I find joy in helping others express their individual beauty through haircuts and colors. Whether it be an everyday kind look or for special occasions – no style is off limits.

35) Hospital Administrator

Worked with hospitals for over 8 years now, and my enthusiasm lies in helping these institutions run more efficiently through careful management of staff and resources. By approaching each day with an open mind and perceptive eye toward improvement, I hope to make a positive impact on healthcare as a whole.

36) Interior Designer

Tapping into my extensive knowledge base & understanding of the principles behind aesthetics . My aim is to craft visually appealing spaces that mirror the individual personality and style preferences of every client. All while keeping within budget restrictions. From offices, homes, restaurants, you name it – having crafted interiors across various contexts during the past decade; my work has been featured in numerous acclaimed galleries and magazines worldwide.

37) Landscaper

Crafting greener environments one job at a time has been my mission since day one; Deriving satisfaction from breathing life into untouched spaces – landscaping has allowed me to take artistic expression outdoors for nearly 7 years now while simultaneously enjoying being surrounded by nature.

Dedicated to providing legal services that are tailored to meet the needs of each individual client, I have amassed 10+ years of experience tackling complex cases both in and out of court. My commitment is to always uphold justice and ensure an ethical resolution for all matters I take on.

39) Makeup Artist

As a veteran makeup artist with 8+ years in the beauty industry, clients know they can trust me with all their beauty needs! From providing unique looks for special occasions like weddings or photoshoots – all the way down to perfecting everyday natural looks; there is no job too great nor small for me to handle.

40) Marketer

With over ten years of experience developing campaigns both online and offline, I am confident in my ability to drive results through strategic marketing initiatives. My skills extend from writing persuasive copy to leveraging social media channels for maximum visibility.

41) Massage Therapist

As an experienced massage therapist with several certifications, I have built my reputation on providing personalized treatments catered to each client’s needs. By taking into account physical ailments as well as emotional well-being, my goal is to leave clients feeling invigorated after every session.

42) Musician

My passion for music comes through in every performance, whether I’m playing solo or with a full band. With over 10 years of experience playing at various venues around the world, I bring expertise and energy to any event.

43) Novelist

When it comes to telling stories – I’m fiercely passionate about creating engaging tales that captivate readers from the first page all the way through the last. Throughout the past decade, I have written multiple novels under various genres; Bringing fiction to life has been an amazing journey so far.

As a skilled nurse with 10+ years of experience in healthcare, my aim is to provide compassionate care during tough times while also advocating for patient rights & well-being. Whether it be providing physical or emotional support – no matter where you are in your journey, you can rest assured that my focus remains entirely on your well-being first & foremost.

45) Paralegal

When it comes down to understanding the complex legal system – there’s nothing quite like having a paralegal. Having worked within this profession for nearly 7 years, I’m deeply passionate about helping those who are often stuck trying to figure things out when it comes to managing cases and paperwork within court systems.

46) Personal Trainer

With over eight years of personal training experience, I specialize in helping people reach their fitness goals through personalized workout plans designed specifically for them. No matter where your starting point is, together we can make progress toward achieving your health objectives safely and effectively.

47) Photographer

With an eye for composition and detail, I bring creativity and professionalism to every project I work on. For the past decade, my photography has been featured in galleries and magazines around the world.

48) PR Specialist

As a public relations specialist, I have worked with major brands to shape their public image while also protecting their reputation amongst key stakeholders such as customers and journalists. My history of success is backed by numerous awards and press features throughout my career.

49) Project Manager

Taking projects from start to finish requires a comprehensive, detail-oriented mindset – which is fortunately what I specialize in, alongside several certifications obtained during this time span. Be it organizing events, or budgeting resources — my passion and drive for successful completion have allowed me to manage projects both small-scale and large-scope within tight deadlines.

50) Quality Assurance Consultant

From developing requirements documents all the way down to testing software applications; I take great joy in finding every little detail that makes up a successful product launch. With 6+ years of expertise under my belt – I’m constantly pushing towards refining QA processes or protocols to their fullest potential.

51) Real Estate Agent

As a real estate agent with a knack for finding properties that fit perfectly with each customer’s needs, I have been helping families find their dream homes for over 8 years. My passion lies in guiding people through what can often be overwhelming processes and ensuring they make smart investments.

52) Social Worker

Over the past 10 years, I have been fortunate enough to be part of a community where reaching out to those most vulnerable is always a priority. My mission as a certified social worker lies in ensuring rights — promoting fairness — upholding equality — advocate justice regardless of any circumstance.

53) Software Developer

With a degree in Computer Science and an impressive track record as a developer at several Fortune 500 companies, my work speaks for itself. For over 8 years I have provided robust solutions that consistently exceeded expectations while meeting deadlines.

54) Teacher/Educator

Applying creativity & out-of-the-box thinking alongside traditional teaching methods – After having served within this profession for nearly a decade now, I believe wholeheartedly that education should be fun yet thought-provoking at the same time – My goal has remained unchanged since day one upon embarking into this field – To inspire children towards excellence through knowledge & self-discovery whilst remembering too that everyone learns differently.

55) Telemarketer

With an extensive background in customer service & sales spanning nearly 9 years, salesmanship has always come naturally to me. My aim is constantly honing in on key selling points while adapting to customers’ needs or preferences – ultimately launching campaigns that produce dramatic results.

56) Therapist

As an experienced therapist (& consultant) with certifications spanning many different fields (such as psychology & psychiatry), I strive to bring out my innermost potential during each session that allows individuals to solve personal issues on their terms.

57) Veterinarian

As an accomplished veterinarian with over 5 years working in animal medicine, there’s no creature no matter how large or small that doesn’t deserve quality care under my watchful eye. Educating pet parents about preventative health measures is also something I’m more than willing to do as part of maintaining a healthy relationship between owners & their beloved companions alike.

58) Web Designer

I blend creativity with logic seamlessly. For 8+ years, my contributions to web design resulted in quality workmanship driven towards user-centric experiences that integrate accessibility with efficiency together at once.

As a professional writer with ten years of experience across many genres, I consistently create engaging, insightful pieces while meeting tight deadlines. Publications like The New York Times and Harvard Business Review have featured my articles.

60) YouTuber

From creating humorous skits and satirical takes on societal norms, YouTube has allowed me to express myself creatively through video content during the past few years. Embracing honest moments of humor – My ultimate goal remains to bring out laughter and joy into people’s lives every day.

About Me Example Templates (Free to Copy or Download)

When I’m writing, I love to use templates to guide my own creativity.

Here are three About Me Example Templates you can copy:

I am a [Adjective] [Occupation] with [Number] years of experience in [Industry]. I am passionate about [Interest or Skill] and have worked on several projects that have [Achievement or Impact]. When I’m not [Occupation-related Activity], you can find me [Hobby or Interest]. I believe in [Personal or Professional Philosophy] and strive to [Goal or Mission Statement].

I am a [Adjective] [Occupation] who has been [Verb + Ing] for [Number] years. I enjoy [Interest or Skill] and have been fortunate enough to [Achievement or Impact]. In my free time, I love to [Hobby or Interest] and [Fun Fact or Quirky Detail]. My goal is to [Personal or Professional Goal] and I am always looking for ways to [Action or Skill] to achieve it.

I am [Name], a [Adjective] [Occupation] who has been working in [Industry] for [Number] years. I am passionate about [Interest or Skill] and have been able to [Achievement or Impact]. When I’m not [Occupation-related Activity], I enjoy [Hobby or Interest] and [Fun Fact or Quirky Detail]. My philosophy is to [Personal or Professional Philosophy] and I strive to [Goal or Mission Statement].

About Me Writing Guide

Now that you have read through the examples and templates, keep the following eight super tips in mind:

  • Know your audience. Consider the people who will be visiting your website or portfolio and tailor your statement to their interests and needs.
  • Keep it concise. Your about me statement should be brief and to the point. Avoid long paragraphs and stick to the most important information.
  • Use a professional tone. Your about me statement should be written in a professional tone that reflects your brand and image.
  • Highlight your skills and experience . Use your statement to showcase your skills and experience in your field. Be specific and highlight your achievements.
  • Be authentic. Write your about me statement in your own voice and be authentic. Avoid using jargon or buzzwords that don’t reflect who you are.
  • Use a storytelling approach. Use a storytelling approach to share your journey and experiences in your field. This will help you connect with your audience and make your statement more engaging.
  • Add a personal touch . Add a personal touch to your statement by including your interests, hobbies, or values. This will make your statement more relatable and help you stand out.
  • Update it regularly . Make sure to update your about me statement regularly to reflect your current skills, experience, and achievements. This will keep your statement fresh and relevant.

Although this video is about sharing your About Me information verbally, you can apply many of the tips to the about me section of your resume, website, or portfolio:

Final Thoughts: About Me Examples

If you want to take your About Me and bio-writing skills to the next level, here are some tools I strongly suggest:

Recommended ToolsWhy I Like It
Instantly generates high-quality About Me bios
Multi-Use AI tool with bio template
Powerful AI-generated content
Best-in-Class AI writer for bios

No matter what profession you choose, it is important to have a passion for what you do and a commitment to excellence.

Read This Next:

  • How To Write a Blog About Yourself? (22 Best Tips)
  • Do Companies Hire Writers? (Explained & Solved)
  • 57 Best AI Blog Writers (Ultimate Guide For 2023)

More From Forbes

20 interview tips to get yourself on the shortlist for a job.

Forbes Human Resources Council

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Close-up of a candidate giving his CV while applying for a job.

Your application made it past the applicant tracking software and you've landed an interview for your dream job. Now you just need to make a lasting impression and stand out as one of the top candidates for the role.

In today's crowded job market, this can be easier said than done. To help, 20 Forbes Human Resources Council members offer their best tips for nailing a job interview. From showcasing your unique potential impact to mastering the art of storytelling, these strategies will put you on the hiring manager's shortlist.

1. Understand What You Bring To The Table

Understanding who you are as a candidate and what you bring to the table is critical. Knowing your potential, particularly around skills and aspirations that might not be immediately obvious from your resume, is one way to capture the attention of recruiters and hiring managers. Come to the interview ready to present your whole self. - Caitlin MacGregor , Plum

2. Show Your Understanding Of Company's Long-Term Plans

Go beyond the company’s website and recent news. Review its long-term strategic plans, annual reports and industry forecasts to understand where the company aims to be in five to 10 years. Initiate discussions about its vision and how you can contribute. Ask insightful questions demonstrating your understanding of the company's strategic direction and express genuine interest in being part of its journey. - Katrina Jones

3. Use Specific Examples Of Relevant Skills And Experiences

To stand out in a crowded job market, candidates must thoroughly research the company and the role. By showcasing specific examples of their skills and experiences that align with the job requirements, candidates demonstrate their genuine interest and suitability for the position. This sets them apart and also increases their chances of being shortlisted. - Kshitij Jain , Joveo

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Best 5% interest savings accounts of 2024, 4. demonstrate your enthusiasm and passion.

Candidates looking to stand out should demonstrate their enthusiasm and passion for the role, industry and specific company. Seeing this energy and excitement can be the make-or-break factor for many hiring managers who seek employees they know will integrate well into the business and align with its values. Do your research and be prepared to answer questions about why you've applied. - Alex Gillespie , Gillespie Manners

5. Utilize The STAR Method To Talk About Your Accomplishments

One way to help stand out in the job interview process is to have a compelling story. A common framework for developing your stories is the STAR method (situation, task, action, result). Doing so both organizes and emphasizes your professional accomplishments in a meaningful way. Once you've compiled your stories, you can then share those that most align with the job for which you are interviewing - Dr. Timothy J. Giardino

Forbes Human Resources Council is an invitation-only organization for HR executives across all industries. Do I qualify?

6. Show Interest During The Process

For candidates to stand out in the interview process, they need to: 1. Show their interest throughout the process by engagement, enthusiasm and advanced preparation of the role and company; 2. Take the time to follow up with the TA or hiring manager to express their interest and excitement for the opportunity, and convey how they can use their experiences to contribute to the company and team's success. - Janet Vardeman , Avanade

7. Demonstrate How You Could Positively Impact The Organization

Being able to demonstrate how what you will do in this role can have a positive impact on the broader strategic aims of the organization will be a huge advantage. For example, how could you deliver this role effectively to have a positive impact on their wider sustainability aspirations? How could you embed their ethos of equity, diversity and inclusion into your outputs and results? - Charlotte Sweeney OBE , Charlotte Sweeney Associates (CSA)

8. Highlight Your Soft Skills

To stand out, showcase your soft skills. In addition to technical abilities, soft skills like communication, teamwork and adaptability are crucial. A LinkedIn report found that 92% of talent professionals and hiring managers agree that candidates with strong soft skills are increasingly important in today's job market. - CJ Eason ,

9. Research The Company Thoroughly, Then Articulate Your Value Proposition

Potential candidates can stand out by thoroughly researching the company and tailoring their responses to align with the organization's values, strategic plans, goals, challenges and so on. Candidates should articulate their unique value proposition by highlighting relevant skills, experiences and accomplishments that directly relate to the job description and company's mission. - Vinamre Gupta , Moody's Corporation

10. Tailor Both Your Resume And Cover Letter

Tailor both your resume and cover letter to the position. That means reading through the core skills listed on the job post and highlighting the experiences that support your ability to perform the role. A tailored resume can also make a highly positive impression on a recruiter by signaling your interest in the role. - Niki Jorgensen , Insperity

11. Relate Your Skills To The Job

Candidates need to read job postings to see how their skills and knowledge relate to the needs of the company. This way, it can be highlighted on their resumes and cover letters (if applicable) and can be readily discussed during interviews. Finding the right resume keywords is important due to AI and programs reviewing resumes as well. - Erin ImHof , CertiK

12. Prepare Thoughtful Questions

Standing out in an interview often means showcasing soft skills such as resilience, problem-solving, a growth mindset and communication through real-life examples of past achievements that align with the company's goals. Candidates can also make a strong impression by preparing thoughtful questions that demonstrate their knowledge about the company’s culture and recent developments. - Tia Smith , Cognizant

13. Ensure Your Social Media Profiles Are Up-To-Date

Ensure that your LinkedIn and other professional social media profiles are up-to-date and reflect your professional persona. Include endorsements, publications, projects and other professional achievements that can verify your capabilities and fit. - Britton Bloch , Navy Federal

14. Submit Personalized Applications And Display Initiatives Throughout

Candidates can stand out by demonstrating unique soft skills, relevant personal projects and a strong understanding of the company’s challenges and industry trends. Submitting personalized job applications tailored to each position and displaying initiative throughout the hiring process are key strategies to make the shortlist. - Laura Spawn , Virtual Vocations, Inc.

15. Remember To Be Yourself

Be yourself. Nobody can do that as well as you. And the more you are yourself, the more you will stand out. Many will do the research and ask thoughtful questions, but only you can be you, and that has to be your secret sauce for success! - Dr. Lisa Toppin , Input to Action

16. Leverage The Recruiter Connection For Insights

I say lean on recruiters to be the resources that they are. Ask good questions from the beginning to see what hiring managers are looking for and ways you can showcase your skills to be a more appealing candidate. Clarify any take-home assignments. Leverage that recruiter connection as a major insight into the hiring process. - Ursula Mead , InHerSight

17. Use Real Examples Over Hypotheticals

Create bespoke examples tailored to the role and the organization. Candidates can stand out by doing homework; however, that homework should translate into ensuring that answers and examples are as bespoke to the hiring organization as possible. It is far more engaging and helpful to have conversations about real examples instead of strictly operating in the diaspora of hypotheticals. - Jon Lowe , DailyPay

18. Showcase A Genuine Passion For The Company's Mission

Be the "why" candidate. Research the company and showcase a genuine passion for its mission. Practice common interview questions for the role. Be the "why" candidate. Research the company and showcase a genuine passion for its mission. Practice common interview questions for the role. Use the STAR method (situation, task, action, result) to highlight relevant skills and experiences. Ask insightful questions that demonstrate your interest. Follow up with a personalized thank you note reiterating your interest and key qualifications. - Subhash Chandar , Laminaar Aviation Infotech Group

19. Demonstrate Tangible Impacts You've Had In Previous Roles

In today's competitive job market, candidates can stand out by demonstrating tangible impacts they've had in previous roles, tailored specifically to the challenges and opportunities of the hiring company. Effective storytelling in interviews, showcasing problem-solving skills and aligning with the company's values resonates with hiring managers. - William Stonehouse , Crawford Thomas Recruiting

20. Position Yourself As An Asset And Use Company Buzzwords

Become an interview strategist. Speak their language; research the company and its competitors. Use their buzzwords to show you understand their goals. Quantify your impact; don't just list skills. Use numbers and examples to showcase results (e.g., increased sales by 20%). Be a strategic weapon; explain how your personal brand beats the competition. This positions you as an asset, not just a candidate. - Michael D. Brown , Global Recruiters of Buckhead

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    Here's a list of great words to use when considering how to describe yourself on a resume: 1. Motivated. Example: Motivated college graduate looking to apply extensive skills in project management at Acme Corp. 2.

  14. What Should I Put In The About Me Section On My Resume

    Apr 19, 2023 • 0 min read. In the 'About Me' section of your resume, you should provide a brief summary of your professional profile, highlighting your skills, experience, and career goals. You can include information such as your job title, years of experience, industry expertise, key achievements, and personal traits that make you a ...

  15. The Ultimate Guide to Write About Me Section on a Resume

    Here are the steps involved in writing an effective resume about me section: 1. Make an introduction. The first part of an about me section should go towards introducing yourself to the employer. Provide details of your current job or your recent education if you have no professional experience.

  16. How to Craft A Captivating About Me Section in A Resume?

    The starting point area of your resume is called an "about me" section. It briefly describes your educational background, career objective or career goals, and achievements. This part usually consists of three to four lines and is similar to a resume summary but is written less formally. The "about me" section includes the following parts:

  17. How to Include "About Me" in a Resume (With Examples)

    Here are some steps to help you create a compelling about me section: 1. Identify yourself professionally. Before writing the about me section, spend some time evaluating and understanding yourself. For people with experience, you may include your current job title in the about me section.

  18. What Is an 'About Me' Section of a Resume? (Plus Benefits)

    An 'about me' section of a resume is a portion of the resume that describes the candidate's skills, experience and education. You typically position this section near the top of a resume for easy viewing before introducing your qualifications or work history. The 'about me' section is typically one to three paragraphs long and includes ...

  19. About Me in Resume for Fresher (31 Strong Examples)

    About Me in Resume for Fresher Journalist. An aspiring journalist looking for an opportunity to learn and grow in the field. A keen eye for detail and a passion for news can be an asset to any newsroom. A hard worker with a go-getter attitude eager to put the skills to use in a real-world setting.

  20. How To Write "About Me" In A Resume In 4 Steps (With Tips)

    Use these steps to learn how to write an "about me" section for your resume: 1. Research and brainstorm. Think about your background, education, awards, skills and other attributes that you developed or earned throughout your career or education. Make a list of the things that make your work exceptional in any field.

  21. 60 About Me Examples (Writing Guide + Free Templates)

    Here is a massive list of 60 about me examples, about me resume examples, and about me examples for portfolios. 1) Accountant. I am a highly organized and detail-oriented professional with a passion for numbers. My expertise lies in financial analysis and accounting, and I am committed to helping my clients make informed financial decisions.

  22. How to Write an 'About Me' Section on Your CV

    While there are many potential approaches to writing an about me section, looking at it from a strategic perspective, setting a clear goal and showcasing your most relevant accomplishment can help you present your candidacy positively. Consider following these steps to craft this section of your CV: 1. Choose your goal.

  23. How To Write an "About Me" Page (With Example)

    Here's how to write an "About Me" page: 1. Consider your audience. As you begin to write your "About Me" page, consider who your target audience is. Understanding your target audience can help you use the appropriate language and provide information that's relevant to the reader. Consider that you might write this page for not only people ...

  24. 251 Resume Skills that Score Interviews

    To put the best skills on your resume, follow this easy four-step process: Step 1. Review the job post carefully! If you're serious about a job, this is 100% the most critical advice: Perform a very close read of the job post or ad to identify the skills and abilities mentioned.

  25. The 12 Best Skills to Put on Your Resume (Plus Examples)

    5. Critical Thinking. Critical thinking is your ability to find solutions beyond the obvious. Good critical thinkers can get to the "why" behind a problem, anticipate future problems and elevate ...

  26. 20 Interview Tips To Get Yourself On The Shortlist For A Job

    3. Use Specific Examples Of Relevant Skills And Experiences. To stand out in a crowded job market, candidates must thoroughly research the company and the role.

  27. June 28, 2024, reaction and analysis of Biden-Trump's ...

    First lady Jill Biden spoke personally about her reaction to President Joe Biden's debate performance Thursday night, telling a group of supporters at a fundraiser in New York that she reassured ...

  28. 5 takeaways from the first Trump-Biden 2024 debate

    Trump didn't have great responses, except to cite his claims that his cases have been brought by a weaponized justice system — something that, like Jan. 6 pardons, Americans aren't on board ...