A List of 185 Interesting Cultural Topics to Write About

Culture is a set of knowledge, behaviors, and beliefs shared by a group of people. You would probably agree that it’s an integral part of humanity. It’s no wonder that students are often assigned to write about it.

That’s why we came up with a list of interesting and creative culture essay topics. Whether you are writing a research paper, an essay, or a speech, our list of culture topics is for you. You can find various topics from popular culture and funny aspects of culture to cultural diversity. They will be useful for middle school, high school, and college students.

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  • 🔝 Top 10 Topics
  • 🏺 Western Culture Topics
  • 📚✍️ Cultural Criticism
  • 🎥 Cultural Phenomena
  • 🧔👓 Subculture Topics
  • 🧑🤝🧑 Socio-Cultural Topics
  • ⛩️🕌 Cultural Diversity
  • 👥 Cultural Anthropology

🔝 Top 10 Cultural Topics

  • What causes culture shock?
  • Cultural appropriation in fashion
  • The Cold War’s impact on culture
  • Women’s role in Italian culture
  • Global impact of American culture
  • How to preserve cultural diversity
  • Pros and cons of cultural globalization
  • Cultural differences in East Asian countries
  • How do people assimilate into a foreign culture?
  • Cultural background’s effect on one’s personality

🏺 Western Culture Topics to Write About

Much of today’s culture takes roots in the Western world. With this subject, the possibilities are endless! You can write about ancient civilizations or modern European culture. Sounds interesting? Then have a look at these topics:

  • Write about a Greek myth of your choice.
  • Research the history of the ancient Roman theater.
  • Pick a Greek philosopher and describe their legacy.
  • The heritage of the Roman Empire in the modern world.
  • Discover the history of the Olympic Games .
  • How did Christianity spread throughout Europe?
  • The architecture of ancient Britain.

Mahatma Gandhi quote.

  • How did the Great Plague influence western culture?
  • Write about the key Renaissance artists.
  • How did humanism emerge in British culture?
  • Pick a European country and analyze how its traditions developed.
  • The impact of the Renaissance on Europe’s worldview.
  • Research the latest archeological discoveries of western civilization.
  • How did the Protestant Reformation influence German culture?
  • The legacy of the Renaissance artworks. 
  • What was the effect of the 1848 revolution on art?
  • The role of scientific discoveries in Europe’s socio-cultural formation.
  • Analyze the influence of colonization of African culture.
  • Describe the highlights of the Enlightenment period.
  • How did Brexit affect the British lifestyle?
  • Did the American Revolution bring change in culture?
  • What attitude does Poland have about their World War II heritage?
  • How did the technological revolution impact everyday life in Europe?
  • The influence of World War I on French culture.
  • Write about European fashion during a specific period.

📚✍️ Cultural Criticism Essay Topics

Cultural criticism looks at texts, music, and artworks through the lens of culture. This type of analysis suggests that culture gives an artwork a specific meaning. The following topics will guide you towards an excellent critical essay:

  • Analyze the cultural aspects of your favorite novel.
  • Ethnicity in Between the World and Me by Ta-Nehisi Coates.
  • What’s the meaning of financial stability in The Great Gatsby ?
  • Discover social changes in Margaret Mitchell’s Gone with the Wind .
  • The effect of industrialization in John Steinbeck’s The Grapes of Wrath .
  • The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn and its context.
  • Representation of race in Invisible Man by Ralph Ellison.
  • Note the cultural features of The Hundred-Foot Journey by Richard C. Morais.
  • Write about the main character’s mindset in The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini . 
  • What are the main character’s values in A Bronx Tale ?
  • Hispanic customs in The Tortilla Curtain by T. C. Boyle.
  • Discover cultural clashes in Fury by Salman Rushdie.
  • Pick a movie and analyze the cultural impact on your perception of the plot.
  • Discuss the beliefs of white women in The Help .
  • Does the movie My Big Fat Greek Wedding portray Greek-American culture correctly?
  • How did the background story in Slumdog Millionaire change your perception of the main character?
  • What’s the meaning of gender in Bend It Like Beckham ?
  • Far and Away : integration into a new society.
  • Pick a painting and analyze its cultural background.

Culture can be divided into two equally categories.

  • Compare depictions of Christ from different continents.
  • Discover the context of Delacroix’s Liberty Leading the People .
  • What’s the context of Punjabi Ladies Near a Village Well ?
  • Discuss the symbolism of Girl with a Pearl Earring .
  • Write about social roles based on Homer among the Greeks by Gustav Jäger.
  • Select a song and analyze how culture is reflected in the lyrics.

🎥 Cultural Phenomena Topics for an Essay

Cultural phenomena refer to developing certain beliefs or preferences among many people. It is also called the bandwagon effect . Keep in mind that the fact of something becoming popular is not a phenomenon. This notion is more concerned with the process of gaining fame than with fame itself. Take a look at these helpful topic ideas for your paper:

  • Describe any cultural phenomenon in your area.
  • Reasons why TikTok gained popularity in the U.S.
  • How did the Pokemon Go! fad spread across the world?
  • Analyze the percentage of people worldwide who like McDonald’s .
  • What factors made “the dab” popular?
  • Can the bandwagon effect explain bullying
  • Discover cross-cultural fashion trends.
  • Does social media facilitate cultural phenomena?
  • Pick a celebrity and analyze their fanbase.
  • How can you explain the high demand for Apple products?
  • What made sitcoms popular?
  • Write about Thanksgiving celebrations outside the U.S.
  • Reasons why famous authors from the past remain influential.
  • Does effective marketing cause the bandwagon effect?
  • Discuss the tendency to follow trends for social acceptance.
  • Choose a classic movie and analyze its popularity.
  • Examine similar TV talent shows across nations.
  • Discover why some dishes are considered “America’s favorite.”
  • Explore the psychological side of cultural phenomena.
  • List criteria needed for becoming a famous musician.
  • Analyze the bandwagon effect in history.
  • Why was holocaust normalized in some nations?
  • Explain why Nike products are popular all over the world.
  • Did the bandwagon effect play a part in the Renaissance?
  • Can the spread of religious beliefs be called a cultural phenomenon?

🧔👓 Subculture Topics for an Essay

The term “subculture” means “a culture within a culture.” In other words, it’s a smaller group, inside a larger one, with its own beliefs and interests. You can write about a specific subculture or discover why such groups form. Feel free to use these essay topics:

  • Write about the athletic community.
  • Are marketing strategies aimed at subcultures effective?
  • Why is the deviation from social norms considered dangerous?
  • What makes the Amish stand out?
  • Can a subculture serve as a basis for a culture?
  • Does the U.S. benefit from cybersport?

Some of the most prominent subcultures.

  • Tell about a social group that you’re a part of.
  • Clothes as an identifier of a subculture.
  • Pick a religious organization and describe it.
  • Why did the anime community grow worldwide?
  • Explain why some subcultures are considered dangerous.
  • How do social groups emerge?
  • Should parents encourage children to join an interest group?
  • Describe the way people develop mutual beliefs cross-culturally.
  • How does social media influence one’s lifestyle?
  • Which interest group does your family belong to?
  • Do subcultures benefit society?
  • Analyze the Social Disorganization Theory concerning subcultures.
  • How did hipsters influence global fashion trends?
  • What are the requirements for becoming a skater?
  • Discover the history and lifestyle of Goths.
  • What is the basis of scumbro culture?
  • Belonging to an interest group as a healthy social practice.
  • What are the most popular subcultures amongst generation Z ?
  • Discuss the importance of the hairstyle for subcultures.

🧑🤝🧑 Socio-Cultural Essay Topics

Let’s break the word “socio-cultural” in two parts. Social aspects include people, their roles, and available resources. Cultural factors refer to language, laws, religion, and values. Therefore, socio-cultural issues revolve around the unique design of a specific culture. Here are some topic ideas on this subject that you might find helpful.

  • Describe the social stigma attached to single mothers .
  • What pushes the elderly to the edge of poverty?
  • Do marketing strategies vary from country to country?
  • Is receiving psychological assistance culturally accepted in developing countries?
  • Can art be misunderstood because of the socio-cultural context?
  • Compare the average wage in the U.S. and the country of your choice.
  • Does the increased use of technology in schools affect society?
  • What factors push Americans to abuse drugs?
  • Which socio-cultural aspects make drunkenness acceptable?
  • Describe the social environment in a country that legalizes slavery.
  • Why do Christians get persecuted in some countries?
  • How does information overload impact modern teenagers?
  • Is child abuse justified outside the U.S.?
  • Does technology affect the emotional maturity of children?
  • Free education in Europe: pros and cons.
  • Prove that the U.S. healthcare system should help the homeless.
  • How often does cyberbullying occur worldwide?
  • What does successful life mean for a third world country citizen?
  • Does globalization put the national identity in danger?
  • The importance of developing cultural sensitivity.
  • Write about various religions in America.

Religions practiced by Americans.

  • Discuss the correlation between the economic level and crime rates .
  • Manifestations of ethical egoism in modern society.
  • Cross-cultural missionary work: pros and cons.
  • Does social stigma towards HIV contribute to its spread?

⛩️🕌 Cultural Diversity Topics for an Essay

America is one of the most diverse nations in the world. Each culture has its language, customs, and other factors that enrich a country like the U.S. The life of a culturally diverse community has its advantages and challenges. In your paper, unpack one of the aspects of such an environment. Take a look at these essay topics:

  • Discuss ethnic groups within the U.S. which have the highest suicide rate.
  • Is it essential for American psychologists to develop cultural competence?
  • Describe the basic principles of cultural respect.
  • Prove that racism should not be tolerated.
  • Does the American education system embrace ethnic minorities?
  • Analyze the benefit of ethnic inclusiveness for the U.S. food industry.
  • How can managers encourage a multiethnic environment in the workplace?
  • White about the challenges of second-generation Americans.
  • Should the term “immigrant” be banned?
  • Discuss the advantages of the U.S. as a multicultural nation.
  • Prove that the English language proficiency test shouldn’t be required for U.S. citizenship.
  • What is the effect of prejudice against ethnic minorities?
  • How does diversity find a place in American traditions?
  • Describe the culture shock experience of an international student.
  • Is transracial adoption becoming more common in the U.S.?
  • What is cultural narcissism, and how can you avoid it?
  • Effective strategies for conflict resolution in a diverse environment.
  • What multiculturalism policies currently exist in the U.S.?
  • Analyze the heritage of a specific nation.
  • Should learning a second language be mandatory in America?
  • What are the stereotypes associated with different ethnicities?
  • Describe the benefits of ethnic diversity.
  • Write about the widespread interracial marriages in the U.S.
  • How can one avoid cultural ignorance?
  • Are the Americans guilty of ethnocentrism?

👥 Cultural Anthropology Topics for a Paper

Cultural anthropology is a study of beliefs, practices, and social organization of a group. The shaping of ideas and the physical environment are in the focus of this study. In other words, anthropology discovers why people live the way they do. This list will help narrow down your attention on this subject.

Cesar Chavez quote.

  • Why are social networks commonly used in the U.S.?
  • Explain the popularity of online shopping worldwide.
  • Will e-books replace paper books in developed countries?
  • Artificial intelligence technologies in Japan.
  • Pick two American states and compare their laws.
  • Why is cycling so prevalent in the Netherlands?
  • How architecture reflects a nation’s history.
  • Why is it easier to receive citizenship in some countries than in others?
  • Explain why Americans have a strong sense of national pride.
  • Analyze the perception of time in tropical countries.
  • Are most Swiss households wealthy?
  • Discover how language reflects a cultural worldview.
  • Does the country’s economy affect the self-esteem of its citizens?
  • Reasons for the political division in the U.S.
  • Analyze the difference in lifestyles between the Northern and the Southern states.
  • Why is it common in some countries to be bilingual?
  • Analyze the cultural values of a communistic nation.
  • How can liberalism affect the education system?
  • What’s the social meaning of disease in third world countries?
  • Examine how the two-child policy affects the Chinese lifestyle.
  • Free health care: pros and cons.
  • Write about the way the former Soviet Union countries transitioned from communism.
  • Do Christian traditions vary from culture to culture?
  • Analyze the impact of refugee presence in European countries.
  • Does traditional food reflect the history of a nation?

We hope you were able to pick a culture topic for your paper after reading this article.

Good luck with your assignment on culture!

Further reading:

  • 497 Interesting History Topics to Research
  • 137 Social Studies Topics for Your Research Project
  • 512 Research Topics on HumSS (Humanities & Social Sciences)
  • How to Write an Art Critique: Examples and Simple Techniques
  • 430 Philosophy Topics & Questions for Your Essay
  • 267 Hottest Fashion Topics to Write About in 2024

🔍 References

  • So You’re an American?: State.gov
  • A Brief History of Western Culture: Khan Academy
  • What Exactly is “Western Culture”?: University of California, Santa Barbara
  • What is Cultural Criticism?: University of Saskatchewan
  • What is a Subculture?: Grinnell College
  • Socio-Cultural Factors and International Competitiveness: ResearchGate
  • Cultural Diversity: Definition & Meaning: Purdue Global
  • What Is Cultural Anthropology?: US National Park Service
  • Cultural Anthropology: Encyclopedia Britannica
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50 Culture Essay Topics — Best Ideas for College Students

From time to time, students have to observe various aspects of spiritual and material worlds and values. This process is frequent for History, Anthropology, Philosophy, Sociology classes. Talking about culture in the USA and other countries and conducting culture research helps to develop various skills and ways of thinking. Writing about it boost your creativity and help to formulate interesting thoughts while supporting them with reasonable evidence.

In college, young people are faced with a wide range of writings, and the culture is one of the most interesting essay topics to be assigned. It's always interesting to compare and analyze the development and importance of different customs around the world and find ways to understand contemporary popular art. But to express your opinion appropriately, it's important to decide on a subject matter first. And, if you don't have culture essay topics at hand, we are glad to help.

In this article, we offer you 50 topics for an essay in which you can explore customs, traditions, lifestyles, and art from different perspectives.

Choosing Your Topics

It is not that easy to select essay topics on this issue— there are too many of them! We can only pick the most relevant ones and give a hint on how to choose the best topic ideas.

  • If your professor does not assign a topic, specify whether you can choose one on your own.
  • Check your social media accounts for trends.
  • Brainstorm with your college friends.
  • Write down all possible topics that culture conveys well.
  • Search for the sources in your college library or online (e.g., Google Scholar).
  • Pick only credible references and fresh ideas to cover in your paper.
  • Decide which of the topics can be supported by most of the sources.
  • Think about the culture you're more-or-less familiar with.
  • Stay original — don't be afraid to come up with new topics!
  • Think of the reasons your theme to be rejected. If you doubt, it's better to consult your professor before writing.

Now, if you need some inspiration, you may use the ideas offered below.

The American Culture Essay Topics

Here, it's obvious that you should cover issues related to the history of the United States. Here are some of them:

  • The customs of American tribes that still exist in today's lifestyles.
  • The difference between the North and South American cultures.
  • "Uncle Tom's Cabin" and its culture influence in the history of the US.
  • Best pop culture products with their ideas on the Civil War.
  • The impact of the most known works in American literature on the rest of the world.
  • The role of the so-called Beat Generation in the development of American art heritage.
  • The origins of rock'n'roll and dance music.
  • Why do some works of art fall under certain genres?
  • The evolution of cinematography in the United States.
  • Massive amounts of immigration and its influence on native American society.

Note: While writing on American art and customs, make sure you have enough reliable evidence from history.

Canadian Culture Topics

As you may know, Canadian traditions and ways of living look significantly different from one people have in the United States. The essay example topics below can help you analyze different culture aspects of these countries and come up with a good paper:

  • The way Canada is showed in South Park.
  • Avril Lavigne and other famous Canadian rockers in the US.
  • How did Canadian hockey change sports development?
  • Why is Canada frequently associated with cold and ice?
  • Living in a chilly region with warm hearts.
  • Ukrainian and Russian diaspora in Canada.
  • Ethnicity groups that shaped the Canadian way of living.
  • Canada — before and after the exploration.
  • Famous Canadian actors and actresses.
  • Wild animals living in Canada that have an impact on their art and customs.

Note: If you're writing an essay about a foreign country, the simplest strategy would be to compare its lifestyle with the one you have in your homeland.

Pop Culture Topics

In the context of culture influence, the issue of pop art is exciting. If you think about soap operas and Britney," you're in the essence of that concept. Here are some interesting ideas for you:

  • The impact of popular art on marketing.
  • The connection between modern pop art stars and social networks.
  • Several ways to become popular today.
  • Sexism and feminism in the United States.
  • The top preferred reality shows.
  • Iron Man as the reflection of all heroes.
  • Heroes 3: Of Might and Magic.
  • Pop culture influence of Japanese anime on the life of students.
  • What makes Pokemon so popular?
  • Comparing different trends in culture.

Note: Remember that phenomena that have mass accessibility aren't always perfect. That is a good thought for an argument or persuasive essay.

World -Related Topics

These culture essay topics cover all regions, so you have a great variety of options to choose from. It is always a good decision to select the area (country, state) that interests you or that you've been to:

  • Generational trends in everyday life.
  • The way customs and art are different and similar in Japan and China.
  • Russian and Slovenian heritage and customs.
  • Customs and traditions of the Middle East.
  • The Chinese culture: leisure activities as a form of art.
  • The impact of Eurovision on world music trends.
  • Famous rock and metal bands from the United Kingdom.
  • A geisha in the Japanese culture.
  • Carnivals and other holidays in Brazil.
  • Things that make the Australian lifestyle so exciting.

Note: When comparing different lifestyles and customs, remember that there are historical reasons for everything. Even to discuss any heritage issue or custom of another country, you have to provide enough evidence.

Cultural Analysis Topics

If you need to write a paper on one of the analysis essay topics, we recommend using credible, up-to-date external sources and conduct in-depth research to analyze the specific issue from all possible aspects. Grab one of these ideas if you like:

  • Promotion of social changes nowadays.
  • "Strength lies in differences, not in similarities." Do you agree with this statement?
  • Things that make a motion picture popular.
  • Reasons why some music albums fail.
  • Modern pieces of art and their difference from retro.
  • A specific TV show that you like.
  • Revealing human worst traits on the example of a chosen antagonist.
  • Traveling and learning art and customs.
  • How does learning a foreign language help to get closer to the culture of people who speak it?
  • The origins of siesta and its role in the countries where they follow this tradition.

Note: Whatever topic you choose, analyze the concepts and phenomena objectively. Any analysis assignment requires a diligent approach and thoughtful background research.

Now, you have a full list of wonderful topics for culture essay. If you need more help or a custom essay written from scratch for you, contact professional writing service online!

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Popular request:

100 popular culture essay topics.

December 3, 2020

Popular Culture Essay Topics

The need to develop a good pop culture topic for any level course is difficult for most students. They often face a large number of responsibilities and distractions from all over, and many wait until the last minute to start brainstorming viable popular culture essay topics that meet their assignments’ requirements.

We’ve gathered 100 interesting and original pop culture topics to fit just about every occasion. We’ve got culture and other social issue essay topics for different grade levels and assignments covering a wide range of areas related to the beliefs, objects, and practices that dominate and are prevalent in a society at any given point in time. Here are our ideas for your consideration:

Controversial Pop Culture Topics

  • How has social media affected the way we view romantic relationships?
  • Has the increased use of social media increased the number of teenage pregnancies?
  • Is social media making people more depressed?
  • Do sporting events help unify international relations?
  • Is it reasonable to think that teenage pregnancy is on the rise because of social media?

American Popular Culture Topics

  • Why has online education become a popular alternative to in-class learning?
  • Why did the Harry Potter series of books resonate so much with Americans?
  • How do sporting events bring people together for a common cause?
  • Does the sexuality of celebrities negatively impact the way teenagers view body images?
  • Does American culture impact the way we view

Pop Culture Argumentative Essay Topics

  • What technological advancements have had the greatest impact on pop culture?
  • What role do the Andy Warhol art pieces have on modern artists?
  • In what ways has social media affected the way we communicate?
  • What impact has celebrities that share photos of themselves wearing masks had on society?
  • Are celebrities that give public service announcements more influential?

Pop Culture Research Topics for High School

  • What is the most effective form of punishment for online bullying?
  • How does social media impact the spread of pop culture news?
  • Can popular culture affect a society’s level of intelligence?
  • What kind of influence has Madonna had on today’s female musicians?
  • What impact did Marilyn Monroe have on Hollywood fashion?

American Culture Topics for High School

  • Do technological devices, like the smartphone, lead to greater distractions?
  • What role have the musicians of the 1960s played in musical progress?
  • Is online learning the new preferred normal for students?
  • Should social media sites be censored?
  • What impact do celebrities have on influencing sexual behavior in teenagers?

American Pop Culture Topics for College

  • Who are the least trustworthy news anchors in the U.S.?
  • How do musicians stand out in today’s world?
  • How has streaming services changed the way we watch T.V.?
  • Does the Jurassic Park film accurately convey the threat of science?
  • How have our thoughts on evolution changed in the last 100 years?

Interesting Pop Culture Research Paper Topics

  • Is popular culture making today’s youth less intelligent?
  • How does our sense of morality change because of pop culture?
  • In what ways has popular culture changed our views about homosexuality?
  • How does popular culture influence our attitudes about ethnicity?
  • In what ways are empathy and apathy affected by popular culture?

Weird Popular Culture Research Topics

  • How do cartoons influence America’s youth?
  • In what ways do television personalities influence politics?
  • How have generational dances impacted our sense of pop culture?
  • Can boy bands ever fall out of the public’s favor?
  • Why do people root for villains in super-hero films?

Pop Culture Topics for Research Papers

  • How have violent video games changed our views of feminism?
  • What role does marketing play in popular culture?
  • Why are reality television shows so popular in our society?
  • How did we become addicted to watching the lives of others on television?
  • Why are young people so attached to the lives of the Kardashians?

Five Popular Culture Topics for Essays

  • In what ways has reality television changed our viewing habits?
  • Are television ads effective in changing our perception of products?
  • Why are men less likely to go on healthy diets?
  • Is there such a thing as marketing overload in today’s world?
  • How did botox injections become so popular?

Good Pop Culture Topics for a Short Paper

  • What are the main differences between middle school and high school?
  • How do celebrities influence our spending habits?
  • Why are soap operas so popular among stay-at-home adults?
  • What psychological effects do violent video games have on young adults?
  • Do young adults pay too much attention to popular culture?

List of Popular Culture Topics on Music

  • How does modern music affect how young adults view society?
  • Why are Hip Hop and Rap music so popular across cultures?
  • In what ways did the grunge movement of the 1990s influence modern culture?
  • Why is the music from the 1960s still popular among young adults?
  • In what ways can music impact the way people view modern society?

Culture Speech Topics for a Presentation

  • How has the stereotypical superhero/superheroine changed over the decades?
  • What kind of effects do violent films have on young adults?
  • How does text-messaging impact in-person communication in adults?
  • How has the internet affected the way parents raise their children?
  • Is popular culture today a form of mythology?

Pop Culture Paper Topics on Television

  • How do television shows like the Simpsons and Family Guy present female characters?
  • How have political candidates changed the way we perceive them because of television?
  • Do characters in television sitcoms positively or negatively influence today’s youth?
  • What impact do professional athletes have when they speak out on television?
  • How has streaming impacted the way we watch traditional television?

Five Great Pop Culture Debate Topics

  • Do comic books and graphic novels portray female bodies in positive or negative ways?
  • Should we consider censoring social media applications for offensive content?
  • Should the internet be censored or should people have the right to read what they want?
  • Do Disney characters have a positive or negative impact on children?
  • Are technological devices causing more distractions among adults?

Interesting Topics About Culture Today

  • Why does the public obsess over celebrity diets and health routines?
  • Does the paparazzi influence the rise of celebrity culture?
  • Has the internet impacted how parents raise children?
  • Are teenagers inclined to follow new age religions?
  • How do video games change our views on gender?

European Culture Essay Topics

  • How is European culture different from American culture?
  • How has the Brexit movement changed the culture in Europe?
  • What impact does the European Union have on the continent?
  • What influence does French cuisine have on other European countries?
  • How has the Covid-19 pandemic affected cultural views in Europe?

Culture Research Topics about the U.S.

  • Are romantic films negatively impacting our view of relationships?
  • Why are countercultures so popular amongst American youth?
  • Is music piracy an important part of American culture?
  • Why is there so much racism and sexism in Trump’s America?
  • How does the term “high-quality” fit into today’s culture?

Popular Culture Research Paper Topics

  • Are news channels like Fox News and CNN considered to be a part of popular culture?
  • How does pop culture promote social change in the U.S.?
  • Why hasn’t the global sport of soccer been embraced in the U.S.?
  • How did the sport of basketball become so popular around the world?
  • What impact do American celebrities have around the world?

Funny Popular Culture Essay Topics

  • Why are people obsessed with getting plastic surgery?
  • What are today’s expectations of beauty?
  • How have superhero films become the preferred film category for youth?
  • How is celebrity worship different today compared to 20 years ago?
  • Do ultra-thin models present a negative view of feminism?

If you need more pop culture topics to write about you can always contact our professional writer service via chat, email, or phone. We can put you in communication with one of our top academic experts to give you a custom list of pop culture essay topics written specifically to fit any length and type of assignment. Don’t fret over having to come up with a great pop culture topic by yourself. Just give us the details and we’ll do the rest for you.

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Essays About Culture and Society: Top 5 Examples

Culture and society are complicated topics that can’t exist without each other. See our essays about culture and society examples and prompts for your writing.

Writing essays about culture and society is common among those taking social and cultural studies. As its name suggests, this field explores past and present customs and beliefs within society. This area offers career opportunities in education, medicine, human resources, and others. Creating an essay about this subject requires cultural and social knowledge gained through reliable sources and personal experience.


5 Essay Examples

1. the concept of culture and society by alex adkins, 2. native american culture and society by anonymous on gradesfixer.com, 3. society, culture, and civilization essay by anonymous on ivypanda.com, 4. cultural norms and society by lucille horton, 5. the impact of culture & society on the children’s development by anonymous on gradesfixer.com, 1. defining culture and society, 2. the importance of culture and society, 3. culture and society: the medieval era, 4. the american culture and society today, 5. the influence of korean culture on today’s society, 6. how media influences culture and society, 7. culture and society: lgbtqia+.

“Culture, as often defined in most sociology textbooks, is the way of life of a society. It is the sum of the ideas, beliefs, behaviors, norms, traditions, and activities shared by a particular group of people. According to Giddens (1989), any society cannot exist without a culture.”

Adkin’s essay contains several passages explaining the concept, role, and importance of culture and society. He describes culture as a vital aspect of society, referring to it as the one that binds its citizens. To further discuss the role of culture in society, Adkin mentions Japanese and Chinese cultures to prove that culture sets the difference between societies.

As for society, Adkin says that culture builds and facilitates social institutions to interact with each other. These include family, religion, government, etc., which are responsible for the development of an individual and the type of society. He explains that society changes because of culture. As a person grows up, they are exposed to different situations and realizations that give them new perspectives affecting their cultural heritage.

Looking for more? Check out these essays about culture shock .

“Native Americans are the native people of the North, Central, and South America. There are many types of Native Americans such as Arikara, Iroquois, Pawnee, Sioux, Apache, Eskimo, Cree, Choctaw, Comanche, etc. Cherokee people have a diverse society and culture.”

While the author lists various types of Native American societies, they focus on one prominent tribe from the Iroquoian lineage, the Cherokee. The author shares fascinating facts about the tribe.

The author describes why the Cherokee refer to themselves as cavemen, and Cherokee women are powerful but still equal to men, explaining their matrilineal society. As one of the civilized tribes in America, the Cherokees are a diverse society that accepts other tribes, but they cannot marry someone from the same clan. Cherokee culture includes the Booger mask dance and the Iroquoian language.

“Society can comprise people groups that have not developed civilization yet, as it concerns any relationship of the individuals. Culture is prior to civilization since it shapes the communities, making them highly adaptive to the specific conditions in which they live. Civilization is dependent on both concepts because it absolutizes societal norms and traditions and elevates material culture and virtues to the most complicated stage.”

To understand the concept of man, the author describes society as a group of families conforming to a particular set of customs and practices known as culture. On the other hand, civilization results from prolonged and continuous changes in culture and society. The writer believes that although they are different from each other, these three constructs are interrelated and essential to complete the whole sequence of the modern human experience.

Looking for more? Check out these essays about globalization .

“Different countries have different cultures. This is because different countries are composed of multitudes of different norms. Norms are commonly established when a majority of the society’s population practice a particular or common habit of living.”

In this essay, the writer defines society as an association, culture as a collection of characteristics, and norms as standard practices. Since society is defined by culture, historical events, and norms that define culture, and culture is the most potent aspect of civilization, Horton views cultural norms as the primary support of society. 

The essay also includes examples that explain the topic, such as comparing East and West cultures. Horton believes that while everyone has a different culture, understanding a person’s culture before making a comment or judgment is essential.

“Culture plays an essential job in affecting this improvement, and what is viewed as ‘typical’ advancement change incredibly starting with one culture then onto the next. The general public and culture in which one grows up impact everything from formative developments and child rearing styles to what sorts of hardship one will probably confront.”

In this essay, the author uses their personal experiences to show the real impact of cultural traditions and values ​​on the thought process and worldview as a child grows. As a Muslim, the writer was introduced to various rites and rituals at a young age, such as fasting. They believe this ritual teaches them to control their desires and care for the poor. Ultimately, society significantly impacts youth, but learning about social and cultural differences helps people, especially parents, to guide their child’s developmental process. 

7 Prompts for Essays About Culture and Society

The Oxford Dictionary defines culture as a group’s customs, beliefs, and way of life, while society is people living in a community. Use this prompt and be creative in explaining the meaning of culture and society. Explore and use various dictionaries and add quotations from studies and books such as ” Culture and Society, 1780-1950 .” Then, define culture and society by picking the common ideas gathered through this compiled knowledge. 

Essays About Culture and Society: The importance of culture and society

Culture is vital to society because one cannot function without the other. For this prompt, delve into the specifics of this connection. Depending on your approach, you can divide the body of your paper into three sections to separate and discuss their importance: culture, society, and culture and society. In the third section, explain the possible impact if one of them does not work correctly. Conclude your essay by summarizing and answering the question, “what is the importance of culture and society?”.

Culture and society constantly change for various reasons, including new technological inventions. For this prompt, identify and discuss the main features and significant influences of the medieval era. Explain the reasons for its changes and why society evolved to new societal norms and cultural changes. Consider whether there’s a chance to bring the positive parts of old cultures and societies to the modern day.

Today, culture in the US is a diverse mix of practices, beliefs, and traditions. This is due to the large number of people immigrating to the US from different countries worldwide. As a culturally diverse country, use this prompt to discuss America’s social and cultural characteristics, such as language, cuisine, music, religious beliefs, and more. Then, explain how Americans keep up with these changes in their normal culture.

Are you interested in writing about diversity? Check out our guide on  how to write an essay about diversity .

Essays About Culture and Society: The influence of Korean culture on today's society

If you love music, you’ve probably heard of KPOP or BTS . Korean pop music is just one part of South Korean culture that has traveled globally. In this prompt, discuss the aspects of Korean culture that are prevalent today worldwide. Research when and where these cultural trends began and why they became popular in other parts of the world. To create an engaging essay, conduct interviews with your classmates to ask if they know anything about Korean culture.

Do you want to write about music instead? Check out our  essays about music topic guide !

Any form of media, such as print media, music, and the internet, dramatically influences culture and society. For example, streaming platforms like Netflix and Disney+ are hugely influential in today’s society, particularly among young people. In this essay, discuss today’s most popular forms of media and look at how they can influence culture and society. This could be as simple as influencing slang language, fashion, or popular careers such as becoming an influencer.

Recent studies show that the US has shifted its attitude toward the LGBTQIA+ community. With a rise in Americans who embrace new perspectives and now recognize same-sex marriage and parenthood. To effectively discuss the topic, including current issues within the LGBTQIA+ community, such as violence and bullying, and research the steps taken by government organizations to combat it.


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105 Cultural Competence Essay Topic Ideas & Examples

Inside This Article

Cultural competence is an essential skill that individuals must possess in today's diverse and interconnected world. It refers to the ability to understand, appreciate, and interact effectively with people from different cultures, backgrounds, and lifestyles. As society becomes more globalized, cultural competence becomes increasingly important in various fields, including education, healthcare, business, and social work. To help you explore this important topic, we have compiled a list of 105 cultural competence essay topic ideas and examples.

  • The role of cultural competence in promoting inclusive education.
  • How can teachers foster cultural competence in the classroom?
  • Addressing cultural biases in the curriculum: challenges and solutions.
  • The impact of culturally responsive teaching on student achievement.
  • Exploring the benefits of multicultural education in a diverse society.
  • Promoting cultural competence through intercultural exchange programs.
  • The influence of cultural stereotypes on student performance and self-esteem.
  • The importance of culturally sensitive classroom management strategies.
  • Enhancing teacher training programs to develop cultural competence.
  • The role of cultural competence in reducing achievement gaps among students.


  • The significance of cultural competence in patient care.
  • Understanding the impact of cultural beliefs on health-seeking behaviors.
  • The challenges of providing culturally competent healthcare in rural areas.
  • Addressing cultural barriers to healthcare access for minority populations.
  • The role of cultural competence in reducing healthcare disparities.
  • Cultural competence in mental health: challenges and best practices.
  • The influence of cultural factors on patient-doctor communication.
  • Exploring the impact of cultural beliefs on end-of-life care decisions.
  • The importance of cultural competence in delivering culturally specific treatments.
  • Developing cultural competence among healthcare professionals: strategies and training programs.
  • The role of cultural competence in international business negotiations.
  • Cross-cultural communication challenges in a globalized business environment.
  • The impact of cultural differences on leadership styles and practices.
  • Building multicultural teams: benefits, challenges, and strategies.
  • The importance of cultural competence in marketing and advertising.
  • Exploring the influence of culture on consumer behavior.
  • The role of cultural competence in promoting diversity and inclusion in the workplace.
  • Addressing cultural biases in recruitment and selection processes.
  • Cultural competence as a competitive advantage in the global marketplace.
  • Developing cultural competence among business professionals: training and development programs.

Social Work:

  • The significance of cultural competence in social work practice.
  • Addressing cultural biases in child welfare systems.
  • The impact of cultural factors on assessing and meeting the needs of vulnerable populations.
  • The role of cultural competence in promoting social justice and equity.
  • Understanding the influence of culture on family dynamics and parenting styles.
  • Exploring the challenges of cultural competence in cross-cultural adoption.
  • Cultural competence in working with refugees and immigrants: best practices.
  • The importance of cultural sensitivity in addressing domestic violence issues.
  • Enhancing cultural competence among social work practitioners: training and supervision.
  • Promoting culturally competent policies in social welfare systems.

Society and Identity:

  • Exploring the concept of cultural identity and its significance.
  • The role of cultural competence in fostering social cohesion and harmony.
  • The impact of cultural stereotypes on individual and group identities.
  • Addressing cultural appropriation: understanding the boundaries of cultural exchange.
  • The influence of cultural factors on gender roles and expectations.
  • The role of cultural competence in promoting LGBTQ+ rights and inclusivity.
  • The importance of cultural competence in addressing racial and ethnic discrimination.
  • Understanding the impact of globalization on cultural diversity.
  • Exploring the challenges of maintaining cultural traditions in a rapidly changing world.
  • The significance of cultural competence in promoting intercultural understanding and peace.

Arts and Media:

  • The representation of diverse cultures in the arts and media: progress and challenges.
  • The influence of cultural factors on artistic expression and creativity.
  • Addressing cultural stereotypes in film, television, and literature.
  • Exploring the impact of cultural appropriation in the fashion industry.
  • The role of cultural competence in promoting diverse voices in the arts and media.
  • The representation of cultural diversity in children's literature: progress and gaps.
  • Cultural competence in the music industry: challenges and opportunities.
  • The influence of cultural factors on the perception of beauty standards.
  • Understanding the impact of cultural factors on advertising campaigns.
  • Exploring the role of cultural competence in promoting cultural heritage preservation.

Technology and Communication:

  • The impact of technology on cultural competence in a digital era.
  • Addressing cultural biases in artificial intelligence algorithms.
  • The role of cultural competence in promoting digital literacy for diverse populations.
  • Exploring the challenges of cross-cultural communication in online platforms.
  • The influence of culture on social media usage and behaviors.
  • The impact of cultural factors on online privacy and data protection.
  • Cultural competence in virtual reality experiences: opportunities and limitations.
  • The role of cultural competence in addressing cyberbullying and online harassment.
  • Understanding the influence of culture on technology adoption and usage.
  • Promoting cultural competence in the design and development of technology products.

Law and Justice:

  • The importance of cultural competence in the criminal justice system.
  • Addressing cultural biases in law enforcement practices.
  • The impact of cultural factors on jury decision-making.
  • Exploring the challenges of cultural competence in legal interpretation and translation.
  • Cultural competence in restorative justice practices: benefits and limitations.
  • The influence of cultural factors on perceptions of justice and fairness.
  • The role of cultural competence in promoting equitable access to legal services.
  • Understanding the impact of cultural factors on criminal behavior and rehabilitation.
  • Promoting cultural competence in the training of legal professionals.
  • Cultural competence in international human rights law: challenges and opportunities.

Environment and Sustainability:

  • The influence of culture on attitudes and behaviors towards environmental conservation.
  • Addressing cultural biases in environmental policies and practices.
  • Exploring the impact of cultural factors on sustainable consumption patterns.
  • The role of cultural competence in promoting indigenous knowledge and practices for environmental sustainability.
  • Cultural competence in environmental activism: challenges and strategies.
  • The importance of cultural sensitivity in addressing climate change impacts on vulnerable communities.
  • Understanding the influence of culture on attitudes towards animal rights and welfare.
  • Promoting cultural competence in environmental education and awareness campaigns.
  • The impact of cultural factors on perceptions of land and resource ownership.
  • Exploring the role of cultural competence in promoting sustainable tourism.

Sports and Recreation:

  • The influence of culture on sports participation and preferences.
  • Addressing cultural biases in sports media coverage and commentary.
  • The impact of cultural factors on gender disparities in sports.
  • Exploring the challenges of cultural competence in sports coaching and training.
  • Cultural competence in promoting inclusive sports programs for diverse populations.
  • The role of cultural competence in addressing racial and ethnic discrimination in sports.
  • Understanding the influence of culture on sports fan behavior and loyalty.
  • Promoting cultural competence in sports governance and administration.
  • The importance of cultural sensitivity in organizing culturally specific sports events.
  • Exploring the role of cultural competence in promoting sports diplomacy and international cooperation.

These 105 cultural competence essay topic ideas and examples cover a wide range of areas and disciplines. Whether you are a student, researcher, or professional, these topics can serve as a starting point for exploring the importance of cultural competence in various contexts. By understanding and appreciating different cultures, we can build more inclusive, equitable, and harmonious societies.

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good titles for essays about culture

How to Title an Essay: Tips and Examples

(Last updated: 5 April 2024)

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Crafting an essay title is like designing the cover of a book – it's the first thing your professors see, setting the stage for what's inside. As such, the title is crucial because it's the reader's first impression. In this guide, we'll explore why a good essay title matters, offer tips to help you learn how to title an essay and provide examples to illustrate which titles work and which don't.

The Importance of a Good Essay Title

The significance of a good essay title cannot be overstated. Beyond its role as a mere label, a compelling title serves as a powerful tool for drawing your professor’s attention. A good title not only encapsulates the essence of the essay but also reflects the author's voice and perspective. It sets the tone for the entire piece, guiding readers in their interpretation and understanding of the content. Moreover, a well-crafted title can enhance the credibility and authority of the essay, signalling that the author has invested thought and care into their work.

How to Write a Good Title for Your Essay

Crafting a good title requires a blend of creativity, precision, and strategic thinking. To create an effective title, consider the following tips:

  • Brainstorm Ideas : Begin by brainstorming keywords, phrases, and concepts related to your essay topic. Explore different angles and perspectives that encapsulate the essence of your argument or analysis.
  • Consider the Audience : Reflect on your target audience and their interests, preferences, and expectations. Tailor your title to resonate with your intended readership, striking a balance between familiarity and intrigue.
  • Capture the Essence : Reports often incorporate tables, charts, graphs, and other visual aids to enhance the presentation of data and facilitate understanding.
  • Evoke Emotion or Intrigue : Tap into the emotional or intellectual curiosity of your readers by crafting a title that evokes emotion, prompts reflection, or poses a compelling question. Consider using provocative language, vivid imagery, or rhetorical devices to capture readers' attention.
  • Revise and Refine: : Once you've generated potential titles, take time to revise and refine them. Experiment with different word choices, phrasings, and structures until you find a title that resonates and feels cohesive with the content of your essay.

Characteristics of a Good Title

A good title shares several key characteristics:

Descriptive : Clearly communicates the topic or main idea of the essay. Engaging : Captures the reader's attention and sparks curiosity. Concise : Succinctly summarises the content without being overly long or verbose. Relevant : Directly relates to the content and theme of the essay. Original : Avoids clichés and generic phrases. Try to strive for originality and creativity.

Essay Title Examples (Good vs. Bad)

Let's examine additional examples of good and bad essay titles to illustrate these principles:

Good Title : "Exploring Identity: The Intersection of Culture and Self-Perception" Bad Title : "Essay on Identity"

The good title invites readers to explore complex questions surrounding identity and self-perception, fostering curiosity and engagement. In contrast, the bad title lacks specificity and fails to capture the richness and depth of the essay's subject matter.

Good Title : "Breaking Barriers: The Evolution of Women's Rights in the 21st Century" Bad Title : "Essay on Women's Rights"

The good title is engaging and suggests a narrative, while the bad title is a little bland and lacks imagination.

Writing a Catchy Title for Your Essay

To craft a catchy title, consider employing the following strategies:

Wordplay and Alliteration : Incorporate puns, alliteration, or clever wordplay to make your title memorable and attention-grabbing.

Question or Provocation : Pose a thought-provoking question or statement that challenges readers' assumptions or prompts them to reconsider their perspectives.

Use of Imagery and Metaphor : Invoke vivid imagery or metaphorical language that evokes emotion, stimulates the senses, or conveys abstract concepts in concrete terms.

Surprise Element : Introduce an unexpected twist or element of surprise that captures readers' attention and leaves them eager to learn more.

Elevate Your Essay with An Engaging Title

Writing a good title for your essay requires time, skill, and a keen understanding of your subject matter. Crafting an essay title is more than just a formality—it's an art that can set the stage for the narrative that follows. With practice and attention to detail, you'll master the art of essay titling and unleash the full potential of your written creations.

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What Is Culture Essay Writing – Expert’s Guide

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Mike Sparkle

Culture is an important component of human life, which helps to find like-minded people. We should not forget that culture can be expressed in different situations, such as food, music, outlook on life, and even clothing. It is important to understand that despite differences in different cultures, you should always respect and be friendly to others.

Culture Essay Explained

To begin with, let’s figure out what a culture essay is. Simply put, this is a kind of description of a culture, starting from your thoughts and opinions. In society, culture helps to understand what norms exist for people. You can write culture essays on completely different topics related to culture because it manifests itself in all components of our lives. These are dances, art, technology, and even music.

Culture determines what is acceptable and what is unacceptable in any society. Based on this, it can be understood that a culture essay is a popular writing style because it can describe your personal opinion about culture and express your thoughts and views.

What Is the Importance of Culture in Human Life?

Culture plays a very important role in our life. It helps people to ensure social well-being in society and find like-minded people. Culture in society is one of the main life factors that help people express their education and development. You can understand a cultured person or not by the way he communicates with people in society.

For many people, culture is as important a factor as their personal lives and family values. Watching people, you might notice that people who adhere to the same culture immediately have an inextricable connection and many common interests because such people are connected not only by common views on the world but also by tastes in food, traditions, and much more.

How to Write a Culture Essay Outline

To write a successful culture essay, it is important to understand where to start and stick to a clear plan. A writing plan should be in each piece so the reader can understand and navigate the article’s essence.

This is especially true for a research paper and an argumentative essay because, in such reports, you must specifically describe the subject of research and argue your conclusions. But writing structure is just as important for culture essays, so here are the important steps in writing a plan:

First, you need to consider the introduction because it is regarded as one of the most important parts of the essay. Here you should present the most important information discussed in the main part so that the reader is interested and wants to read the text further.

Create a short thesis with which you will convey the essence of the essay to the audience and briefly express your opinion on this topic.

Work on the basic information you will be using. It is very important to write about those things that are interesting to you and that you understand. Suppose this is a new topic for you. In that case, it is best to check the integrity of the information on several sources several times so as not to misinform the reader and arouse the desired interest in your article.

Write your findings. In many essay examples, the author writes his conclusion based on personal experience and thoughts. Never try to write similarly. For a successful culture essay conclusion, noting how you feel and conveying your emotions from personal experience and knowledge is important.

Writing an Introduction to a Culture Essay

The introduction is one of the most important parts of any essay. When starting to write an introduction, you should already understand what you will talk to the reader about in the future. It is important to remember that the information you use in this section should be discussed in the main part and be argued with facts and supported by your real-life examples.

Writing an introduction is often difficult and energy-consuming for a writer because this paragraph should contain only the most important information from your text that will be able to interest the reader.

To make it easier, you can write the introduction after you’ve completed the main text, but it’s important to decide on the topic and abstract first. For example, at the beginning of the culture essay, you need to tell the audience about the issue you will be discussing and then familiarize the readers with the thesis.

Next, talk with the reader about your opinion on this topic and tell a little about yourself so that people can imagine the person who writes about the issue of interest to them.

Writing a Body of a Culture Essay

The body of your culture essay should introduce the reader to the culture you are researching. Therefore, it is important to convey all the emotions when writing so that people have a clear picture and understanding of the culture. A culture essay is a combination of a descriptive essay and an argumentative essay where you also describe and argue your opinion on a given topic.

The body of your essay may include several paragraphs and headings. In each paragraph, you will describe different aspects of this culture and your arguments for them. This section should explain to the reader why you have chosen this particular topic for writing so that people clearly understand your interest in the topic of culture.

Using personal examples and arguments from your life best draws the reader. It is important to write in a language understandable to the reader. Try to use simple, uncomplicated phrases with which you will arouse confidence and pleasant emotions in your audience. Imagine that you are talking to a reader. Writing an essay is a simple and accessible language that will help connect the reader and keep them interested.

Writing a Conclusion for a Culture Essay

After you have written the main part of your essay, you should summarize all of the above. To do this, you must analyze all the information and briefly state it to the reader. It is important not to deviate from your opinion and only try to back it up with appropriate phrases. In conclusion, you can once again repeat your statement about this culture or emphasize its main nuances.

In many essay examples, the authors write a huge paragraph with conclusions, touching on other topics there that have nothing to do with this, so you shouldn’t do it because, in conclusion, the main thing is to write it short and clear so that the reader can immediately understand the whole essence of what you wrote on this section.

Try to choose the right words and not pour water just like that. The main thing in this paragraph is the logical compilation of the results of all of the above.

The Most Interesting Cultural Topics

Culture essays are one of the best ways to do personal research about culture. In this kind of descriptive essay, you can analyze a huge number of topics and traditions of a particular culture and learn about the cultural origins of different types of people.

When choosing a topic for writing a culture essay, you need to be very serious and try to select the case that you will be interested in discussing, and you can describe all aspects of culture in such colors so that the reader can share your point of view and get carried away reading the article. So here are some interesting topics to talk about in your culture essay:

  • Similarities between different cultures
  • The influence of religion on culture
  • The difference between the cultures of other continents
  • Gender characteristics and the impact of cultures on them
  • The role of culture in the personal growth of a person
  • Popular cultures
  • How is the Internet changing culture?

Tips for Writing a Successful Culture Essay

It’s no secret that before you start writing an essay, you need to create a so-called draft, in which you indicate for yourself all the most important points of the article and determine the sequence in which information is presented.

In a culture essay, it is important to adhere to the structure for the reader to understand what you are writing about. Here are some tips on how to make your essay successful and interesting:

Be Responsible in Your Topic Selection Process

The cultural topic is very relevant and extensive, so you should have no problem choosing. However, suppose you cannot decide which topic you would like to consider. In that case, you have the opportunity to look at a list of interesting and relevant issues on the Internet and then write an essay with a personal opinion on this matter. You can read other essay examples, but the main thing is not to use another author’s opinion in your article; this essay should be written based on personal experience and your own opinion.

Choosing a topic can seem quite complicated because you have to decide what you will have to communicate with your readers about, having previously studied all the nuances and made certain personal conclusions about it.

Make Sure to Express Your Unique Views

Culture essay aims to express personal views and thoughts on the topic you are discussing. Therefore, try to describe your opinion and understanding of this topic as clearly and reasonably as possible.

Despite this, you can use knowledge and information from other sources, but if you use it in your text, it is important to indicate exactly where you got this information from so that no plagiarism is detected during the critical writing report assessment, which is very important for an essay of this kind.

Avoid Repetition

For example, if you use the same phrase several times in the text, the best option would be to rephrase it so that it does not change its meaning but sounds different at the same time.

Use Only Proven Information

Imagine that you are writing a research paper and carefully studying the chosen topic. In no case do not use fictitious facts in the text. Instead, only reliable information should be supported by your arguments.

Utilize Linear Writing Style

Use the linear writing style of the culture essay. This will help the reader to read your article in a logical and structured way continuously.

Write a Clear Thesis and Stick To Your Position Throughout the Essay

Write in plain language that is easy for the reader to understand. Do not use complicated terms and phrases. The reader should feel as if you are talking to him.

Example of a Culture Essay and Essay Writing Services

We will look at the culture essay, which reveals the meaning of culture and how it changes and develops in the modern world. This one of the decent essay examples discusses how culture affects our lives and explains how different cultures exist worldwide.


1.1 Definition of the term “Culture”

1.2 A story about the origin of culture and its development

1.3 Thesis: Culture is one of the main factors in our life and the lives of every person. Although culture changes over time, it remains in each of us

  • What does culture mean?

2.1 Culture reflects the inner qualities of a person

2.2 Culture develops according to the development in our life

  • Differences between different cultures

3.1 What are the differences, and why do you need to understand cultural differences

  • What is the purpose of culture in human life?

Culture is a kind of collection of all parts of society. This is a huge complex of different beliefs and thoughts of people that were created over time. Culture can change depending on the other factors that influence it, as it keeps up with the times, and we all know that concepts and views can change over time. Each country has its own culture and traditions, and people in different countries express themselves in this way.

Having studied the culture of another country, you can understand the way of thinking of the people who live there and understand their values. To understand a person of another nation, it is enough to study his culture in detail.

Since culture is an indicator of human fulfillment, it can change at different times and places and remain individual for each nation.

What Does Culture Mean?

Culture describes the concepts and attitudes of people in different groups. People themselves create their own culture, this does not happen immediately, but after a long time, despite this, it exists. Other groups of people can be of the same culture, but they will still have completely different views on life and concepts. In the process of life, a person’s opinions and thoughts may change, but faith in one’s culture remains unchanged.

Differences Between Different Cultures

The differences between different cultures can depend on many factors, personal moral principles, political views, and even differences in musical tastes or food tastes. For example, in many countries, people do not eat pork meat, while in others, it is the norm. Therefore, when communicating in or coming into a society where there are people of other cultural concepts, it is important to consider other people’s interests so that respect appears in the group.

Understanding cultural differences of this kind will help to find mutual understanding among people and make them a single whole. Each person must respect the culture and views of other people, and only then will understanding and love reign in our world.

What Is the Purpose of Culture in Human Life?

Culture is important in all moments of human life, especially when you are in society. For example, when you come to a new job, you find yourself in a team where everyone has different thoughts and views. Therefore, it is important to respect the opinions of other people and in no case try to prove your point of view to others. Culture is also very important because, to some extent, it helps to find like-minded people and create a warm and friendly atmosphere in society.

If you have any difficulties writing a culture essay, you can always turn to essay writing service , where you will meet real professionals who will answer all your questions and do the hard work for you at an excellent price and in a short time. Moreover, you can be sure that each author has a degree in the field of culture, and your essay will be written with high quality and success.

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Table of contents

What Is Culture and What Are Some Popular Culture Essay Topics?

Patricia Stones

Culture determines what is acceptable and unacceptable in any society. Social norms are borne out of culture. It is manifested through our art, music, dance, architecture, technologies, and writings. Holidays such as Halloween and Christmas are part of a larger culture. And within that culture, there are smaller cultures which have their own behaviors and norms. America is a melting point of cultures, making it one of the most vibrant places to live in the world.

Based on that description, it is easy to see why culture is a very common topic for essays. There is so much to write about regarding culture, and at the same time, essays on culture are very informative and enlightening. Essay topics on culture can be broad, or they can be very specific. Let’s look at some popular topics.

  • Personal Culture Essay

This is a great option, particularly for those with rich and unique cultures. Writing about your culture is not only informative to the reader, but it also gives you a chance to explore and celebrate your heritage. In writing about your culture, you can discuss it as a whole or focus on a particular element you find more fascinating. You can also explore the history of your culture and all the influences that make it what it is today. If you’re feeling bold, you can even address the more controversial elements of your culture through an argumentative essay that is sure to impress readers.

  • History of Culture

How exactly did culture come to be? Did we start with one universal culture that slowly evolved into thousands of other cultures? This is a great topic to write about in a culture essay. You can focus on the anthropological origins of culture and its evolution over time.

  • How Culture Changes

Culture is dynamic, ever-changing to fit the times. There are many ways in which cultural change comes about, including innovation, revolution, and modernization. An essay exploring how culture changes and the challenges that come with this change would be fascinating and can even be developed into a research paper.

  • Hierarchy of Cultures

Are some cultures better than others? Unfortunately, many people would believe so. Cultural superiority has been a controversial issue for a long time and a sore spot for humanity. Many conflicts in society can be traced back to the idea of cultural superiority. An essay on this topic can take a close look at what makes people think their cultures are better than others, and the distinction between high culture, low culture, popular culture, and folk culture.

Table of Contents

What Is Culture Essay and How Do You Write One?

Now that we have looked at some interesting topics on culture let us discuss exactly how culture essays are written. Whether it is a long or short essay on culture, it must be able to provide a well-defined theme or thesis along with supporting evidence. Just like any other essay, a paper on culture can take on different styles depending on the purpose of your essay.

  • A narrative essay tells a story from the author’s perspective. Narrative essays are about story-telling with the main theme here being culture. Such an essay can be about the author’s personal experience with another culture. If you wanted to write about your experience in Greece, for example, a narrative essay would be perfect.
  • A descriptive essay is all about the details. It is intended to paint a picture using words. This is a great opportunity to write about a culture you find fascinating. You could, for example, write about life in ancient Rome; taking readers into that culture while appealing to their emotions.
  • Expository essays are about the facts. Here you would present an informative and factual essay about culture based on research. Expository essays are not about the author’s feelings or opinions but merely about what can be proven. A how does language affect culture essay would be perfect for the expository style.
  • Lastly, there are persuasive essays. These are all about persuading the reader to accept your point of view. They use a mixture of facts and personal feelings to bring across a clear argument. For example, if you wanted to write about abolishing the harmful cultural practice of child marriage in India, a persuasive essay would be ideal.

A Culture Shock Essay Is a Great Place to Start

When it comes to writing about culture, the options are unlimited as we have seen. While it is quite enlightening to write about your own culture, readers are often fascinated by stories of other cultures, particularly those that differ greatly from their own. Culture shock is defined as the feeling of being disoriented when encountering an unfamiliar culture. Individuals who travel often or who live in culturally heterogeneous societies experience different forms of a culture shock when they come into contact with a way of life or a set of values that is unlike their own. Culture shock is actually constructive as it challenges individuals to expand their world-view and enhance their adaptability.

A culture shock essay can explore different themes regarding cultural disparities. It can be something as simple as language barriers or different modes of dressing. While simple, these elements of culture can present challenges for people, who are not from that culture. For example, most cultures across the Middle East value extremely modest dressing, particularly for women. Western societies, on the other hand, do not impose strict dress codes, instead of allowing people to freely express themselves through their clothes.

This would present great culture shock for a European visiting say Yemen. Other aspects of culture shock that can be explored through an essay include customs, norms, values, and food. The essay can focus on your personal culture shock experience, the benefits and challenges of culture shock, and even ways to deal with culture shock. The options are numerous. Let’s look at other culture essay example ideas.

Culture Essay Example and Writing Services

Our expert team of writers has completed hundreds of culture essays, and they are available to help you complete yours too. Here are some examples of high-quality essays written by our writers.

  • An expository essay on the impact of African slaves on American culture

This essay looks at how slaves brought to the United States in the 16 th century changed the culture of the time and how these changes have persisted centuries later. Africans came with their own culture and had a major impact on American religion, art, literature, music, language, dressing, and behavior.

  • Characteristics of Culture

This essay explores the elements of culture that make it what it is. Culture is learned, shared, and social process. It is also continuous and ever-changing. Each of these characteristics of culture in addition to others is discussed exhaustively in the essay.

  • Princeton Culture Essay

Princeton University application essays feature different prompts that are meant to explore applicants’ views and knowledge on a number of issues. Each year, one of the prompts is designed to examine applicants’ views on culture. The 2019-2020 supplemental essay prompt on culture, for example, features a quote by Philosophy Professor Gideon Rosen. Our writers have helped applicants interpret this quote, and other culture prompts through very insightful essays.

We hope these essay examples have been helpful to you and have shown you what our writers are capable of. If you’re still trying to rack your brain around what is culture essay and how to write one, you don’t need to worry anymore. We are here to help you! Our writers deliver top-notch essays, and they are available 24/7 for you. You can pick one of the popular culture essay topics provided, or you can let our writers come up with a creative and fresh topic for you. Either way, we guarantee to deliver amazing work that you will be proud to submit.

Our work is 100% original, meets the standards of academic writing, and will help improve your performance. We also guarantee that you will receive your essay before your deadline. So, don’t wait any longer. Order today and get your essay completed hassle-free!

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good titles for essays about culture

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Creative titles for essays: examples & advice.

A title is indeed the “Why” of your essay. It is a phrase that determines whether a reader will pass by or get interested in the story. These words set a tone of your piece and establish borders for the narrative.

creative essay title

Our writing agency Shinyessays.com specializes in all types of texts for high schools and colleges. We have seen thousands of essays, reports, case studies, etc. They all had headlines: catchy or boring, bold or standard, awesome or so-so. Thus, our authors know firsthand what a good title for an academic article or any other paper is.

We are willing to share our experience on this blog post. And we would be even more glad to come up with a title for your text. Send it to our support agents and get the best name for your opus.

Creativity is what you need most when it deals with headlines. One needs to compose a unique expression reflecting the overriding message of the whole project. Our professionals have enough experience and talent to make it captivating and informative.

A title tells a lot about the author, revealing his/her imagination, analytical abilities, a level of intelligence, etc. We want you to show the best version of your skills to professors, so our services are at your disposal.

How to come up with a good title? Ultimate guide

A title for the essay is the first phrase that is noticed by a reader. Yet, it is not the first wording that an author comes up with.

Experienced authors of Shinyessays.com often create a headline after they have finished the whole paper. Why so? It is mainly because they need to tie this heading to the text of the essay. Meantime, one of the following goals must be achieved.

Types of titles according to purposes:

  • intriguing and promising,
  • eye-catching,
  • informative.

Your headline can contain one or even more aspects. However, the key thing is to make people read the text below the title. It is obviously worth your time and attention.

Things that work good for your titles:

  • relevance to the topic of the argumentative essay,
  • symbols: figures and abbreviations.

Do essays always have titles?

We suppose that every essay should have a unique headline. It is like a name for a book. People need this phrase to associate your piece with it.

Cool titles for essays are the first step to your successful essay.

Obviously, a headline must be composed correctly. You might have found numerous methods to do it, yet beware of the dubious ones.

Misconceptions concerning interesting titles for essays

  • It is enough to copy the title from a given assignment

In doing so, you simply show a lack of creativeness. If you want to demonstrate a writing talent, you’d better come up with your variant.

  • One is free to rewrite a title from another essay

Do not forget about the plagiarism check. In addition, your professors have already read hundreds of catchy title names for essays, and they definitely do not expect to stumble upon a duplicate.

  • Why not use a creative paper title generator ?

Seriously, have you ever tried to do it? It is our understanding that such online tools can be used for inspiration only.

Professional help is the most reliable way to get a brilliant title for the text. Still, we have prepared guideline in case you want to try your hand at this stuff.

Practical tips

  • Learn the requirements of your educational institution. There might be rigorous standards on its length and content.
  • Study the titles of similar essays. You can look through academic papers on your subject. Thus, you will feel the style and the manner of composing headers. Trust your feelings. Try to evaluate what title is catchy and which one is boring. The best title is the one that grabs attention and “invites” to read the whole text.
  • Do not write a title until the whole text is ready. It could double your efforts. Yes, you could have particular thoughts before writing a report. It is not the reason to rush to invent a heading. The thing is that a written text can be different from your intentions and images.

Short cheatsheet

  • Finish your essay and revise it with fresh eyes.
  • Determine the core message of your opus.
  • Think about people who made you write this piece. It is not always a muse who inspires authors to create essays. Many literary works are born under the impression of some real personalities. You might devote the text to someone or address an important message to a particular audience.
  • Try to compose several titles. A good heading is a matter of degree.
  • Put yourself in the shoes of the readers. Would you read this text if you were a teacher?

Hints for those who are bold enough to go against rules

If your professors do not mind, use the following elements:

  • provocative questions,
  • brave suggestions, etc.

A secret of an intriguing title

Add a moment of surprise to your headline. Use words and phrases that highlight it:

  • “unexpected,”
  • “you didn’t know,”
  • “dispelled myths,” etc.

example of a title for essay

The title of your essay: what should it be?

A well-considered title is half the battle. It is not only about a beautiful phrase. The thing is your headline reveals the essence of the whole research paper. It can be called “an idea” of your project, while other parts of the text are “implementation”.

Honestly, we could barely find any lessons or articles on how to write good titles for gender inequality essays. They don’t teach this stuff in detail at colleges and universities. That is why our authors have gathered materials on the Internet and from personal notes. We hope this post will be informative and helpful for you.

There exist different views on titles for essays. We consider, above all, a title as a hook for attention.

How to title an essay? 4 ways from our experts

Here is a classification based on the experience and individual feelings of our writers. It is a helpful instrument to come up with a headline fast.

1) Direct (traditional) title

We would rather call it “boring.” However, such headlines can be justified in terms of educational or academic standards.

There is nothing special in this phrase. It is concise and informative enough. That’s it. If you have strict requirements concerning academic writing, do not overdo with creativeness. No questions, games of words, citations, etc. A clear, direct title is precisely what you need in this situation. This neutral approach highlights seriousness and allegiance to rules.

Good examples:

  • Documents (Charles D’Ambrosio)
  • Death of the Moth (Virginia Woolf)
  • Thoughts for the Times on War and Death (Sigmund Freud)
  • How To Do What You Love (Paul Graham)
  • Self-Reliance (Ralph Waldo Emerson)

Do not be afraid to seem banal using such wordings. Brevity is evidence for good analytical skills.

2) Titles with exaggerations

An exaggeration makes your title bright. The only thing is to stay honest while using it. One can add words: “secrets,” “dire predictions,” “terrifying mystery,” “unbelievable,” etc. Such titles will definitely make your essay stand out among others.

3) Bold titles presenting fresh views

It is a good idea to show your original insight right in the title.

  • Is Pedantry the Mother of the Essay? (Ken Chen)
  • The Hottest Water in Chicago: On Family, Race, Time and American Culture (Gayle Pemberton)
  • Time Is the Thing a Body Moves Through (T. Fleischmann)

4) Manipulations with common phrases, a game of words and  paradoxes

Take a famous expression and change some words in it.

  • The Mother Of All Questions (Rebecca Solnit,2016)

You could use something like:

  • Knowledge and nothing else matters...
  • Intellectual progress must go on...
  • Keep calm and develop the mind...

Apparently, an academic sphere has strict rules and requirements on composing clever argumentative persuasive essay titles. Yet, if you are lucky to have some freedom, use creativeness. In case of a writer’s block, go to our live chat and order professional services from our authors .

So, a perfect title for an essay...

What is a secret formula for it? Actually, we cannot give you one right universal answer. The thing is that one should consider various factors.

  • sphere (essay for blogs, for education, for science magazine),
  • style of writing,
  • a discipline,
  • a level of seriousness,
  • a target audience (reader).

We cannot judge whether a title is good or bad until we know the text below and its purpose. The rules are relative. What is good for an academic essay may be dull for a college essay on a free topic. Thus, do not forget to attach detailed instructions when ordering our writing services https://shinyessays.com/blog/online-essay-writing-at-shinyessayscom .

Creative ideas for essay titles

It happens that you have enough knowledge on how to compose a headline. You have read our tips, learned the rules that a professor gave you, and still feel a writer’s block. Indeed, it is not easy to say everything you want in one phrase.

Here are some hints to develop your imagination.

Read headlines from blogs

Some of them can inspire you to create an essay for a college paper. Check out our captivating articles , for instance.

Take this one, for example.

essay title example

This title is intriguing since it tells about an outlook on students in the nearest future. Sounds curious, does it? In addition, it is rather compelling due to mentioning “experts.”

Social advertisement

As a rule, such projects are aimed to cause feelings. They are awesome sources of inspiration if  you need an emotional title. Striving to convey the main idea fully, its creators come up with “spot-on” slogans.

  • This one is from the anti-anorexia advertisement:

title from social ad

( Source is here )

  • For the homeless, every day is a struggle

(Source: https://www.treedom.net/en/blog/post/the-campaign-of-clemenger-bbdo-every-day-is-a-struggle-for-the-homeless-339 )

What do professional essayists write?

Famous authors are definitely good at titles for their literary works. Here are some popular essays:

  • Why I Write (George Orwell,1946)
  • A Modest Proposal (Jonathan Swift, 1729)
  • Courage (JM Barrie,1922)
  • Advice To Youth (Mark Twain, 1882)
  • Eichmann and the Private Conscience (Martha Gellhorn, 1962)

Modern writers also often choose an essay as a preferred manner of writing. Interestingly, you can read most of their pieces online. For instance, The New Yorker has a column for essays. It can spark a thought too.

Here are the latest titles for essays from this portal:

  • Love and Anger (Keith Gessen, December 23, 2019)
  • Darryl Pinckney’s Intimate Study of Black History (Zadie Smith, November 26, 2019)
  • Fred Moten’s Radical Critique of the Present (By David Wallace, April 30, 2018)
  • What Makes an Essay American (Vinson Cunningham, May 13, 2016)
  • Vivian Gornick Is Rereading Everyone, Including Herself (Alexandra Schwartz, February 3, 2020)

Helpful tip: You know, it is not even compulsory to read all these stories. You can simply review their titles and come up with a new idea.

Titles from celebrities

Do you have an idol or a hero among stars? Maybe, he/she is a good essayist too.

  • The Meanings of the Selfie (James Franco)
  • Matt Damon’s Marathon (Matt Damon)
  • Confessions of a Juggler (Tina Fey)
  • The Death of My Father (Steve Martin)
  • My Medical Choice (Angelina Jolie)

​ Statuses from social media

Social media is often criticized for low-quality content and too much advertisement. This statement is quite dubious. We strongly believe that it is a matter of an individual choice. For example, their headlines and statuses can inspire you to formulate a title for a college essay.

  • #Not all classrooms have 4 walls
  • #Retain female talent in science

Essay title generator online or human talents?

This age of fantastic technological opportunities offers numerous online tools. A free creative scholarship essay titles generator is among them. What does it actually do? As a rule, its algorithm chooses words and phrases relevant to the topic. Probably, it has a database of catchy phrases and, thus, it combines them with your keyword.

We, on our part, believe that a manual way is still better than the automatic one. The thing is that artificial intelligence still cannot fully understand the sense of your essay, feel the mood, and reflect the tone in one phrase. Therefore, do not rely on such programs too much.

Read at your leisure:

  • Best Ideas for Research Paper Topics in 2019: 100+ variants
  • College Essay Writing Workshop
  • Professional Essay Writing

Striving to find the best headline

The most suitable title for an essay implies one main phrase. It must focus attention on the sense of your paper, as well as engage people to keep reading the further text. In fact, it will be found somewhere at the intersection of college standards and your imagination. Enthusiastic writers of Shinyessays.com are willing to pick the best words for your headline. We can provide several options so that you could choose the finest one. Send us your draft, and we will find a superb title, or order writing services and get a ready-made paper. Give it a go today.

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Good Titles for Essays: Effective Strategies You Can Try

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You have never been good at making good titles for essays. You have always thought that essays’ titles actually do not really matter. What difference does the title of an essay make? Teachers give grades based on the content of your paper.

Although it is so, you should try your best when making titles for essays. Let us explain you several important things about essay titles and share some effective strategies on how to create them.

Why are essay titles important?

Actually, titles in essays have several important functions:

  • They grab the reader’s attention;
  • They introduce a topic;
  • They convey the overall spirit of an essay.

What are some effective strategies for creating good titles for essays?

Before sharing some secrets of making essay titles, we recommend you do the following. Take several favorite books of yours. Their titles will serve as sample essay titles for you. Just think why this or that book was called so. Does this title help to get the gist of the story?

Now, this is what you can try to do when creating titles for essays.

  • Think about a metaphor, irony, contradiction that can be used in your title;
  • Think about a popular expression, e.g. Punk’s Not Dead;
  • Use a hidden meaning that you will explain further in your essay;
  • Use names of people or places, e.g. Jurassic Park;
  • Use a line from your favorite movie or book.

One more secret of making good essay titles

Always start your paper with a working title. Just write any title related to the topic of your work. After the whole work is finished and you know its main idea, start thinking about the final version of your title.

Our writers can also explain how to make essays on general topics and a two page essay.

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102 Intercultural Communication Essay Topic Ideas & Examples

🏆 best intercultural communication topic ideas & essay examples, 👍 good essay topics on intercultural communication, 📌 most interesting intercultural communication topics to write about, ❓ questions about intercultural communication.

  • 6 Barriers of Intercultural Communication Essay Cross cultural or intercultural communication is a part of the interaction of different people from different backgrounds and heritages. In this way, prejudice is inevitable blockage of cross-cultural communication as it is a source to […]
  • Diverse Contexts and Intercultural Communication at Work As the world moves to the global environment, the modern workplace becomes more and more diverse. When individuals are educated about intercultural differences are more likely to alter their communication styles to suit the needs […]
  • Intercultural Communication Essay: Differences in Cultural, Religious, and Ethnic Backgrounds Identity management theories are also a form of intercultural communication theory developed to explain the cross-cultural aspect of communication where intercultural communication under this theory is seen to originate from the intercultural and intracultural types […]
  • The Role of Ethnocentrism in Intercultural Communication The only way to control ethnocentrism is to avoid biases as we find better ways to understand other people’s point of view.
  • The Effect of Global Technology on Intercultural Communication Global technology allows for open access to a wealth of information, resources, and influence that can encourage change in cultures and societies.
  • Effects of the Language Barrier on Intercultural Communication This paper will argue for some of the major problems of language barriers in the context of intercultural communication, highlighting the severity of the issue and its effect on the practice.
  • Ways to Improve Intercultural Communication There may be lack of understanding between the two parties because information may be misunderstood because of the preconceived beliefs about members of one’s cultural background which may not apply to the individual involved in […]
  • Intercultural Communication and Success at Work Such people have limited abilities to consider alternative behaviours in processes of interpersonal communications that involve different cultures. Such forms of cross-cultural communications are difficult and may lead to interpersonal conflicts in communications.
  • The Importance of Intercultural Communication Engaging in dual perspectives is among the concepts I would apply to improve communication of my ideas and needs to the Chinese friend.
  • Intercultural Communication Led by UNESCO The organization aspires to achieve universal respect for justice, the rule of law, human rights, and freedom for all the communities in the world.
  • Understanding Intercultural Communication by Ting-Toomey and Leeva Christianity in the North American and European tradition has a hard-hitting history of Christian colonialism, when the faith was imposed on the inhabitants of the territories of the occupied countries, with the belittling of the […]
  • Intercultural Communication: Self-Awareness’ Importance However, to understand it, a person must be able to connect to the lives of others and to observe these processes in other people.
  • Franco-Italian Intercultural Communication As a result, collective approaches to the problems created by their uprooting and by the necessity of adjusting to the new society tend to be organized along village lines, or at best on the basis […]
  • Intercultural Communication Patterns in the U.S. and UK Additionally, the concept of equality is notable in the American culture. Contrastingly, in the American culture, people are more casual and less formal compared to Britons.
  • Limitations in Intercultural Communication The main barriers that reduce the effectiveness of interactions are the differences in cognitive schemes used by representatives of different cultures 1.
  • Personal Worldview and Intercultural Communications God sacrificed Jesus to wash the sins of people and get rid of the iniquities and curses on the earth. From a Christian worldview, I could easily identify topics and teachings of the Christian religion […]
  • Intercultural Communication in “Gran Torino” Movie However, it is also quite peculiar that the scene in question allows viewing the issue of the culture clash on so many different levels; specifically, the fact that the conflict occurs not only between an […]
  • Fundamentals of Intercultural Communication This education is one that derived from the cultural point of view of the society and hence the early childhood education strove to inculcate this sense in the young minds.
  • Face Concept in Chinese Culture: A Complication to Intercultural Communication One of the concepts of face in Chinese culture is that of losing face. This paper set out to argue that the concept of face in Chinese culture complicates intercultural communication.
  • Kinesics and Proxemics in Intercultural Negotiations There are a myriad of kinesics and it will be hard for the US Company to learn all of the applicable kinesics when relating to the Japanese people.
  • Martin and Nakayama: Intercultural Communication in Contexts In their book, the authors reveal to the readers that there are two types of nonverbal communication. To this end, they state that motivation, knowledge, attitude and behavior are the major components for facilitating intercultural […]
  • Intercultural Communication Principles In other words, if good interpersonal and international relationships are not managed through intercultural communication, there is no possibility of gaining benefits from all other areas.
  • Australian Education and Intercultural Communication Australian education is among the best globally, offering quality education that has led to the growth and development of the nation socially, culturally, and economically.
  • Religion in Intercultural Communication The main political message in the scripture explains God’s role as the creator and master of everything in the universe. The excerpt is generally acknowledged as one of the most important verses in the sacred […]
  • Intercultural Communication in Business For an organization to be successful in the global market, leaders must conduct extensive research and fully understand the cultural and social values of the foreign country.
  • The Engagement of Christian Intercultural Communication Therefore, the text generally provides the comparison between the Christian Intercultural Communication in the missionaries and theologians concerning the intercultural Communication and its impact on the fulfillment of the great commission.
  • Intercultural Communication in Chinese Business Despite the accelerating processes of globalization, the diversity of cultures still obliges people to be familiar with values and customs in advance to create the best and most delicate communication channel.
  • Local Community and Intercultural Communication: Helping Immigrants I will organize community events and invite both local members of the church and the immigrants in order to create a safe environment for them to meet.
  • Intercultural Communication and Healthcare Delivery: Cranford Population The racial composition of the Cranford population shows that it comprises of different races, which implies that cultural communication is essential in the delivery of healthcare services.
  • Relationship Between Ethnocentrism and Intercultural Communication The scaling for the questions administered ranged from 1 to 5; a score with a mean of 1 showed a low level of ethnocentrism, while a score with a mean of 5 showed a higher […]
  • Intercultural Communication Campaign: Asian Students’ Reticence Issues The given communication campaign will primarily focus on the issues of reticence among Asian international students through the socio-centric and non-argumentative approaches.
  • Intercultural and Cross-Cultural Communication It examines Agar’s specific approach to the notion of culture, the preconditions for intercultural breakdowns, and the appropriate solution to prevent them.
  • Effective Intercultural Communication Culture is collective programming, a system of meanings and notions, which are shared between the members of one culture group and are used to construe the world around them.
  • Intercultural Communication Attitudes It’s important to take into account cultural differences to make intercultural teams effective. It’s also necessary to pay attention to gender, age, and socioeconomic status.
  • Intercultural Communication: Aspects In order to fulfill my interests, I always ensure that I make good use of every opportunity I get by interacting a lot with the people I meet.
  • Intercultural Communication in the Workplace For this to happen, both men and women do not have to be in a relationship as it happens in many cases. In business matters, it is very significant to appreciate the morals and customs […]
  • Intercultural Communication in the Global Workplace This intercultural communication can be defined as the process which involves a combination of various skills, knowledge plus the combination of theoretical insights in trying to exchange meaningful and unambiguous information across the cultural boundaries […]
  • Personal Worldview and Intercultural Communication Since I believe that living according to the word is the only right thing to do, I tend to disregard other people’s cultures because, in my view, my culture is right and other people’s cultures […]
  • Intercultural Communication in Contexts: Chapters Review As it is clear in this chapter, one of the ways by which the two differ from each other is that; nonverbal communication which includes the use of facial expressions, gestures, and proxemics among other […]
  • Reducing Intercultural Communication Barriers To reduce the above challenges, I must be aware of the barriers, be empathetic, pay careful attention to communication cues, and always verify with the receiver that I have understood his or her response. Academically, […]
  • Intercultural Communication as Practiced in the US There are certain patterns of nonverbal behavior disclosing a particular communicative idea, but there are cases when it is impossible to display those patterns successfully. Therefore, it is much harder to conceal nonverbal signals that […]
  • Intercultural Communication in the Arabian Gulf Region The concept of intercultural communication is particularly important to the countries in the Arabian Gulf where the rate of cultural diversity is at an all time high.
  • Intercultural Communication Sensitivity Against Ethnocentrism While examining the ethnocentric limitations of the humanistic theory, it is necessary to consider the theoretical concept of ethnocentrism in detail.
  • Intercultural Communication in the Series “Tyrant” Caught up in the middle of a revolt against the ruling family, he loses his father, who died during the coup, and is forced to help his brother and the new president to overcome the […]
  • Intercultural Business Communication Approaches This section assesses Hofstede’s research and arguments in support of the validity and reliability of his research. Hofstede’s research on culture is the most extensive and widely referenced.
  • Business and Intercultural Communication The ability to communicate in a business environment might be hindered by the following factors that are not typical for less formal communication: workforce diversity, the pervasiveness of technology, the complexity of the organizational structures, […]
  • Culture Shock and Intercultural Communication The challenges of mistreatment of women and religious orientations can be addressed by conducting workshops and trainings aimed at assisting expatriate employees to develop adequate cultural competence on how to deal with culturally diverse others […]
  • Intercultural Communication in Contexts: Fifth Edition Review Another aspect of language to consider is the evolvement of technology in the digital age and the emergence of online communication.
  • Intercultural Communication: Identity and Relationships The other position is the relativist, which provides that the language, which a person speaks, determines the perception of that particular person on different issues in life.
  • Intercultural Communication in the Business World In the context of the case study, one of the mistakes Clyde made was the failure to take time to learn about the culture of Senseyans before interacting with them.
  • Intercultural Communication Barriers There is absolutely no way through which one is able to learn all the norms of every culture and their sub-culture all in a bid to understand the various barriers to intercultural communication.
  • Intercultural Communication: Different Aspects Discussing the main aspects of the inter-cultural communication, Carol Myers-Scotton focuses on the role of globalisation in the process, on differences between collectivistic and individualistic cultures which influence the particular features of the representatives’ communication, […]
  • Intercultural Communication: Workers From Diverse Backgrounds Verderber and Verderber allege that communication is quite intricate in multinational organizations due to a diverse body of workers with distinct educational, cultural, and social backgrounds.
  • Computer Mediated Interpersonal and Intercultural Communication Despite the fact that social media clearly poses a tangible threat to the culture of live communication and, therefore, will contribute to the shriveling of people’s social skills, computer mediated interpersonal and intercultural communication will […]
  • Intercultural Communication: Stereotypes and Perspectives Finally, it is possible to say that being a rather complicated issue; communication also has a great number of different prejudices connected with the culture of people and their behavior.
  • International and Intercultural Communication On the masculinity and femininity dimension, the scores of the two countries are 62 for the United States and 40 for Tanzania.
  • Intercultural Interaction and Communication Plan: Merced, CA The documents help to inform the school and students about the changes in education and ensure communities and parents participate in the process of learning.
  • Intercultural Communication Perspectives These include the definition of intercultural communication and an overview of the contents involved in teaching it; it also provides a brief overview of personal experience as a teacher in an intercultural learning institution.
  • Interpersonal and Intercultural Communication at the Workplace The interview was explained to the reasons of the interview and the need for the specific information being searched for. The key concept to retain in communication, is that no one component of communication – […]
  • Intercultural Communication in Society Unlike other people in New Jersey, Alexander Mathew has a friendly attitude towards tourists, as he likes sharing his cultural beliefs and traditions with different people.
  • Intercultural Communication Experiences: Interview With an Immigrant Sheik Omar is an immigrant to the United States and lives in the Atlantic City, New Jersey. The writer thought that Sheik Omar has adopted American culture since he has lived in the United States […]
  • Intercultural and International Differences in Professional Communication On the other hand, the Americans communication culture is comprised of verbal communication. In this case, the Taiwanese culture is the high context culture while Americans is the low context culture.
  • Language and Culture: Language Acquisition The process of the first language acquisition is considered to be a psycholinguistic process, while the second language acquisition is the area for study for linguists.
  • Interpersonal and Intercultural Communication in the UAE Since the business and cultural links established between the UAE and other states are crucial for the process of the states’ development, it is highly required that the root causes of intercultural and intracultural conflicts […]
  • Intercultural Communication in Various Contexts Code switching practices have led countries to declare the official languages in a country in order to promote the assimilation of the people in the country.
  • Fundamentals of Intercultural Communication Unlike other minority groups in Europe, the Jews face more segregation owing to the stereotype created about them in reference to the past association with the communities there, particularly, Germany and Austria, countries that were […]
  • “Intercultural Communication in Business Ventures” Article Study Upon determining the market potential in the international market, it is critical for firms’ management teams to evaluate the various factors that would be necessary in the exploitation of the market opportunities.
  • Islamic Living: Effective Cross-Cultural Communication It is not possible to separate Islam as a religion and the way one who professes the faith lives because it has been said to be a way of life.
  • Intercultural Business and Legal Communication Additionally, the scholarly critique shall attempt to identify the goals of the article and the key theories and concepts used and whether are not these theories and concepts achieved the goals of the article. The […]
  • Cross Cultural Communications in the Globalized World Among the cultures that have always been in conflict are the Islamic culture and the American culture. Assimilation in the American and Islamic cultures is desirable if effective communication is to occur between adherents of […]
  • Inter-Cultural Communication Skills in Career Goal at the Contemporary Workplace It will be necessary for me to use emotional intelligence, for example in a scenario where the customer was mean or rude to one of my graphic designers’ due to dissatisfaction, it will be imperative […]
  • Challenges of Effective Intercultural Communication Inter-cultural communications professionals work with global firms to play down the aforementioned results of poor inter-cultural understanding. Lingual acquaintance serves to bridge the cultural bridges and evening lines of communication.
  • Efficient Intercultural Interaction and Communication This way, they will be able to learn the different languages and this is important for communication and good co-existence in the societies. The kind or number of affiliations that a person may have with […]
  • What Are Some Examples of Intercultural Communication?
  • How Can Barriers to Intercultural Communication Be Overcome?
  • What Are the Types of Intercultural Communication?
  • How Does Poor Intercultural Communication Affect International Commerce and Foreign Policy?
  • How Do We Deal With Intercultural Communication?
  • What Are Some Intercultural Communication Problems?
  • What Are Intercultural Communication Skills?
  • What Is Intercultural Communication and Examples?
  • What Makes Intercultural Communication Essential in the Process of Globalization?
  • What Is Intercultural Communication, and Why Is It Important?
  • Why Is It Important to Think Beyond Ourselves as Individuals in Intercultural Interaction?
  • How Does Poor Intercultural Communication Affects International?
  • What Are the Four Forms of Intercultural Communication?
  • What Is the Other Name for Intercultural Communication?
  • What Is the Role of Intercultural Communication in Work-Life?
  • What Are the Three Challenges of Intercultural Communication?
  • Why Do We Need to Understand Intercultural Communication?
  • How Important Is Intercultural Communication to Our Society?
  • What Makes for Good Intercultural Communication?
  • What Are the Four Elements of Intercultural Communication?
  • What Role Does Intercultural Communication Play in Achieving Effective Communication?
  • What Is the Difference Between Cultural and Intercultural?
  • What Are the Six Dichotomies of Intercultural Communication?
  • What Are the Challenges of Intercultural Communication?
  • What Is the Meaning of Intercultural?
  • Bilingual Education Essay Ideas
  • Immigration Titles
  • Cross-Cultural Management Research Topics
  • Globalization Essay Topics
  • Corporate Communication Questions
  • International Studies Ideas
  • Ethnocentrism Topics
  • Information Management Paper Topics
  • Chicago (A-D)
  • Chicago (N-B)

IvyPanda. (2024, February 28). 102 Intercultural Communication Essay Topic Ideas & Examples. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/intercultural-communication-essay-topics/

"102 Intercultural Communication Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." IvyPanda , 28 Feb. 2024, ivypanda.com/essays/topic/intercultural-communication-essay-topics/.

IvyPanda . (2024) '102 Intercultural Communication Essay Topic Ideas & Examples'. 28 February.

IvyPanda . 2024. "102 Intercultural Communication Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." February 28, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/intercultural-communication-essay-topics/.

1. IvyPanda . "102 Intercultural Communication Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." February 28, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/intercultural-communication-essay-topics/.


IvyPanda . "102 Intercultural Communication Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." February 28, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/intercultural-communication-essay-topics/.

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An Escalating War in the Middle East

Tensions are on a knife edge after israel carried out a strike on the hezbollah leader allegedly behind an attack in the golan heights..

good titles for essays about culture

Hosted by Sabrina Tavernise

Featuring Ben Hubbard

Produced by Rachelle Bonja and Sydney Harper

With Shannon M. Lin and Will Reid

Edited by Lexie Diao and Patricia Willens

Original music by Dan Powell and Sophia Lanman

Engineered by Chris Wood

Listen and follow The Daily Apple Podcasts | Spotify | Amazon Music | YouTube

Warning: This episode contains audio of war.

Over the past few days, the simmering feud between Israel and the Lebanese militia Hezbollah, has reached a critical moment.

Ben Hubbard, the Istanbul bureau chief for The New York Times, explains why the latest tit-for-tat attacks are different and why getting them to stop could be so tough.

On today’s episode

good titles for essays about culture

Ben Hubbard , the Istanbul bureau chief for The New York Times.

A pile of rubble with a city skyline in the background. A man in white trousers and a black T-shirt is standing atop the pile.

Background reading

Israel says it killed a Hezbollah commander , Fuad Shukr, in an airstrike near Beirut.

The Israeli military blamed Mr. Shukr for an assault on Saturday that killed 12 children and teenagers in the Israeli-controlled Golan Heights.

There are a lot of ways to listen to The Daily. Here’s how.

We aim to make transcripts available the next workday after an episode’s publication. You can find them at the top of the page.

The Daily is made by Rachel Quester, Lynsea Garrison, Clare Toeniskoetter, Paige Cowett, Michael Simon Johnson, Brad Fisher, Chris Wood, Jessica Cheung, Stella Tan, Alexandra Leigh Young, Lisa Chow, Eric Krupke, Marc Georges, Luke Vander Ploeg, M.J. Davis Lin, Dan Powell, Sydney Harper, Michael Benoist, Liz O. Baylen, Asthaa Chaturvedi, Rachelle Bonja, Diana Nguyen, Marion Lozano, Corey Schreppel, Rob Szypko, Elisheba Ittoop, Mooj Zadie, Patricia Willens, Rowan Niemisto, Jody Becker, Rikki Novetsky, Nina Feldman, Will Reid, Carlos Prieto, Ben Calhoun, Susan Lee, Lexie Diao, Mary Wilson, Alex Stern, Sophia Lanman, Shannon Lin, Diane Wong, Devon Taylor, Alyssa Moxley, Olivia Natt, Daniel Ramirez and Brendan Klinkenberg.

Our theme music is by Jim Brunberg and Ben Landsverk of Wonderly. Special thanks to Sam Dolnick, Paula Szuchman, Lisa Tobin, Larissa Anderson, Julia Simon, Sofia Milan, Mahima Chablani, Elizabeth Davis-Moorer, Jeffrey Miranda, Maddy Masiello, Isabella Anderson, Nina Lassam and Nick Pitman.

Ben Hubbard is the Istanbul bureau chief, covering Turkey and the surrounding region. More about Ben Hubbard



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    Then have a look at these topics: Write about a Greek myth of your choice. Research the history of the ancient Roman theater. Pick a Greek philosopher and describe their legacy. The heritage of the Roman Empire in the modern world. Discover the history of the Olympic Games.

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    Popular Culture and Contemporary Life. The Matrix. The movie The Matrix represents a new reality or a new philosophy of the 21st century. The Matrix may be a new mode of transmedia storytelling, as Jenkins argues, but the value of the movie […] Evaluation Argument of a Pop-Culture Text and Its Representation.

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    The paper uses cultural capital theory and theory of social differentiation to discuss how cuisine has been used to establish hierarchy in Australia. Cultural influence on Australia Cuisine. Concept of culture is the social norms, custom, morals, belief and traits guiding people conduct within a society.

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    Cooking rice is more accessible than cultivating it - you can quickly cook rice by boiling it in water. This reflects people rich in culture and tradition but who lives simpler life. 8. Identity And Culture: My Identity, Culture, And Identity by April Casas. "Every single one has their own unique identity and culture.

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    Writing a Conclusion for a Culture Essay. After you have written the main part of your essay, you should summarize all of the above. To do this, you must analyze all the information and briefly state it to the reader. It is important not to deviate from your opinion and only try to back it up with appropriate phrases.

  16. Culture Essay: Essay Topics, Examples, and Top-Notch Writing Services

    Culture Essay Example and Writing Services. Our expert team of writers has completed hundreds of culture essays, and they are available to help you complete yours too. Here are some examples of high-quality essays written by our writers. An expository essay on the impact of African slaves on American culture.

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    The only thing is to stay honest while using it. One can add words: "secrets," "dire predictions," "terrifying mystery," "unbelievable," etc. Such titles will definitely make your essay stand out among others. 3) Bold titles presenting fresh views. It is a good idea to show your original insight right in the title.

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    Now, this is what you can try to do when creating titles for essays. Think about a metaphor, irony, contradiction that can be used in your title; Think about a popular expression, e.g. Punk's Not Dead; Use a hidden meaning that you will explain further in your essay; Use names of people or places, e.g. Jurassic Park; Use a line from your ...

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  22. 102 Intercultural Communication Essay Topic Ideas & Examples

    This paper will argue for some of the major problems of language barriers in the context of intercultural communication, highlighting the severity of the issue and its effect on the practice. Intercultural Communication Patterns in the U.S. and UK. Additionally, the concept of equality is notable in the American culture.

  23. An Escalating War in the Middle East

    Tensions are on a knife edge after Israel carried out a strike on the Hezbollah leader allegedly behind an attack in the Golan Heights.